Ponds Gone Wrong | Backyard Ponds - Episode 2 - (Part 1)

Don't let inexperienced contractors build backyard ponds until you do your homework. Ponds Gone Wrong is an epidemic plaguing America. Learn how to build it right the first time so you don't waste valuable time and money. You don't want an experiment in your backyard do you?

Ponds Gone Wrong | Backyard Ponds - Episode 2 - (Part 1) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 201

Education 11 years ago 863,802 views

Don't let inexperienced contractors build backyard ponds until you do your homework. Ponds Gone Wrong is an epidemic plaguing America. Learn how to build it right the first time so you don't waste valuable time and money. You don't want an experiment in your backyard do you?

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Most popular comments
for Ponds Gone Wrong | Backyard Ponds - Episode 2 - (Part 1)

Ragnarok - 7 years ago
If these people took the time to educate themselves and have any understanding whatsoever of what they were getting into this wouldn't have happened, their livestock died because they were too stupid to research the hobby. Ignorance isn't a very good excuse.
hsheng06 - 7 years ago
Inexperienced or even fake contractors, are everywhere :)
LetMeWeirdItOut Studios
LetMeWeirdItOut Studios - 7 years ago
That is the worlds ugliest pond who build this that guy is crazy
Mike Ben
Mike Ben - 7 years ago
Their dog looks like that evil kind thats always snarling.
Aduma William
Aduma William - 7 years ago
nice ,, does pond has the outlet,, where dirty water can be drained off
Ed Va
Ed Va - 7 years ago
All I see in this pond is dollar signs, $$$.
Boss27Angels YT
Boss27Angels YT - 7 years ago
We had a pond in our backyard we never used except for once when we got a water turtle and they put the food in there and put the turtle in there to surprise us then we got rid of it
『Blank』 - 7 years ago
That waterfall thing looks like a plastic snow shovel thing
jordanLplaysguitar - 7 years ago
my mother built a pond in her backyard, I helped out a bit.. I'd love to send you a pic and get some advice on it if you'd be willing too help me out!

10. comment for Ponds Gone Wrong | Backyard Ponds - Episode 2 - (Part 1)

Legal Man
Legal Man - 7 years ago
You are a bad sales man !
Cheap commercial by the way
Jette Christensen
Jette Christensen - 7 years ago
do it yourself or make sure you hire people who know what to do.
bkl 420
bkl 420 - 7 years ago
problem is, the gardener was just a gardener, and a scam artist..
bkl 420
bkl 420 - 7 years ago
hahaha an 8th grader who is not in the business did a better job then those clowns...
Tyler Brown
Tyler Brown - 7 years ago
I despise these little artificial ponds
D.L.P - 7 years ago
its not even worth reparing this pond the owner is not going to keep the pond maintained aka lazy person in this world lets just pay someone to fix it dumb
Mark Daniel
Mark Daniel - 7 years ago
I have built dozens of ponds that size and it should take less than a week. charging a customer, does not make you a professional.
keebler6903 - 7 years ago
wow love the lack there of skill on the wall block leveling; he was using a hand tamper to level it. Just invest in a 15lb dead blow hammer and make that easy. And maybe a little sand under it to make leveling it easier also.
Scott - 7 years ago
Can I just get a hard plastic pre set liner and throw a heater, filter, and aerator in there?
More_D-jam - 7 years ago
i want this job

20. comment for Ponds Gone Wrong | Backyard Ponds - Episode 2 - (Part 1)

amon tri
amon tri - 7 years ago
the owner of the home also stated that the supervisor smelled of urine and bourbon, and that on several occasions he was spotted near the back yard profusely throwing up yelling " DEAR GOD WHY ?? WHY ME FUUUCCCCKKKK"
mus5599 - 7 years ago
fckn Mexicans lmao
Regen - 7 years ago
I wonder how many stones and rocks were begging not be casually dropped into the water
Nutty 16
Nutty 16 - 7 years ago
An 8th did a better job than grown men
Nutty 16
Nutty 16 - 7 years ago
This is a joke
Mala Pech
Mala Pech - 7 years ago
I love how you found the problem right away, it's a shame the person called themselves " professional"
Della Antari
Della Antari - 7 years ago
Abraham Puente
Abraham Puente - 7 years ago
you will always have some "pro" find problems on someone else's work
Asian Arawana
Asian Arawana - 8 years ago
that big wall in the back ground would be good for outdoor enclosure.
Asian Arawana
Asian Arawana - 8 years ago
ideas for walls. not to many . but for a tennis wall.
Asian Arawana
Asian Arawana - 8 years ago
I'm working on landscaping myself. slopes . steps, walls. holes seems to fill my cavities.
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching
wrmaldonado - 8 years ago
5:54-6:10 and 8:20-8:52.
Does anyone notice the extremely deceiving factor here?
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Not sure I understand
Morgan Archer
Morgan Archer - 8 years ago
wrmaldonado what do you mean

30. comment for Ponds Gone Wrong | Backyard Ponds - Episode 2 - (Part 1)

Robert111 - 8 years ago
Lazy ass people should have just done it themselves. I'm doing mine myself and it is going to be about 40' by 25' and 3' deep at the deep end.
Lashonda Conner
Lashonda Conner - 8 years ago
Opps! haha
Ethan Cortes
Ethan Cortes - 8 years ago
Does anyone here have an amazing koi pond? What is the price?
Lee Calladine
Lee Calladine - 8 years ago
Ponds gone wrong. And there are no shortage of them.
OutdoorsUnlimited 101
OutdoorsUnlimited 101 - 8 years ago
I've never built a pond by my god I could do a better job with 2 hours of research lol
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
RIGHT??? You should go for it!
Jessi PerezJ
Jessi PerezJ - 8 years ago
Pieces of shit man, half ass job for a quick buck.. That little frog figure was really cool, wish they kept it.. It just looks very adorable. Grey chunky toad figure lol! I want it!!
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
I love frogs and toads!
John Tremaine
John Tremaine - 8 years ago
That's awesome
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching
hellaBayAr3a - 8 years ago
Not sure how I got here, but I ended up watching the whole thing even though I have no plans on getting a pond lol. It's like watching a reality TV show. Good to see your company so passionate about doing ponds right. Certainly gains trust.
Louis A. McCaII II
Louis A. McCaII II - 8 years ago
I need you to name names... who did this foolery?
Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker - 7 years ago
Louis A. McCaII II
mus5599 - 7 years ago
A cunning China-man...
Bill Crimson
Bill Crimson - 8 years ago
to be honest, I didnt build that
Wes G
Wes G - 8 years ago
great job fixing it!
Dark Knight
Dark Knight - 8 years ago
This is better than any reality show. wow....good job
Kay Jarvis
Kay Jarvis - 8 years ago
Hi The Pond Digger! I am in southern New Hampshire and it is October 7 and I just spotted a frog living in a bucket of weeds I left out in the garden too long! I saw the series on how to build a pond and I think I will do it. What can I do now to help the frog over winter until I build a proper pond for him? Or her? Can I just bury the bucket - one of those white buckets - for the winter? Thanks, KJ
ShortNanxious - 8 years ago
Jules Askalotl
Jules Askalotl - 8 years ago
Very cool! Love the vid!
Ty - 8 years ago
could it also be that the home owner wasn't caring for the pond? I mean it was constructed poorly but the home owner could have also cared after it better just my opinion.
ShortNanxious - 7 years ago
I agree with you
Nick Nadeau
Nick Nadeau - 7 years ago
Ty obviously a contributing factor.. since rather than looking to the obvious place for the missing fish, they first install a fence. and however long later, oh that's where my fish went... there's only so much you can blame on the people that installed it. they're just trying to make a living, and the home owner obviously didn't check into their claim of knowing what they were doing in the first place.
ShortNanxious - 8 years ago
Yes... I agree... but also with the rocks tumbling into the pond... makes it hard to do anything safely. but this is scary.
Crystal Grubb
Crystal Grubb - 8 years ago
ok so I have watched your show and I like it very much. I posted a while back that I would like to see more shows.I finally wanted to see if you could do a small show on something I have been wanting to build and Mabey you could show how you would do it the correct way. It's like this: I want to build an above ground garden but incorporate my three tear plastic liner ponds and have it be like a creek but water the plants of my garden. all recycling back to the pond where I would have pond fish no bigger than an inch. ponds sizes are 75 gal, 15, and a 5gal. I grow mint, water melon, bell peppers, and tomatoes. right now anyway. can send pictures to an email.
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Send photos - eric@theponddigger.com
Diggy d
Diggy d - 8 years ago
"Ponds Gone Wrong is an epidemic plaguing America."

Great, that's 1469th on the list of shit plaguing us. We'll get to that right after education and crime.

Also, free marketing advice. Stand in front of your rims in the video. One, we have all seen the truck with big rims and jacked up. Nothing new. Two, we can then see the web site you paid to advertise.

Cool vid, thumbs up.
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Thanks for the feedback.
A %
A % - 8 years ago
Hablas español?
Chode - 8 years ago
Elliot Lockett
Elliot Lockett - 8 years ago
Hablo un poco Español.
Giligan Hartwell
Giligan Hartwell - 8 years ago
wtf get a fish tank
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago

50. comment for Ponds Gone Wrong | Backyard Ponds - Episode 2 - (Part 1)

MrAm1400 - 8 years ago
Here is one for Ponds Gone Wrong. First thanks for taking the time to read this. About fifteen years ago i had a great idea and went to my neighborhood ABC Hardware store and rented a Backhoe. I was able to save delivery charges since they were around the corner. Back to story, In my yard i picked a spot and began digging. This whole in the ground is (9( nine feet deep, (10) ten feet wide and (12) feet long. I took landscape lumber and put in each corner. Then took plywood and made a frame, connecting to the pressure treated post. I put in the underlay then the liner. You know everything was looking good, i put in fish and boy did they grow. The liner is near the end of it's life and two problems came up. First i think the ground shifted because two of the sides look like they are buckling in. When i look at the brick work i see it is not level. Second where i have the water fall, at the base i have a feeling that it sunk into the ground. Where as before i could have the water level right up to my slate, now when i try to get it at the bottom of the slate at a platform where i am standing i began to see water infiltrating the area. Third for the longest time i was thinking evaporation was doing me in when in fact it must be a whole in the liner. Reason why i am thinking this is because when i fill it up it goes right back to this same spot. it is about five inches from the top and it stays there. My water was getting green because when i made the hole it was in direct sunlight, my fault. Should have done some research before i started. No skimmer (i know) what can i say. The other day i drained the water to the point where the fish were just about on there side, i then filled it back up and about six hours later i took a look just to see a fish dead under the water fall. First one in Years. Took it out, gave the others some food and went in the house. The next morning a fish about twelve inches long by seven inches wide by six inches high was dead under the water fall. Did some checking and from what i see is the water over time gets polluted but to a point where the fish adjust slowly to it. By doing a massive water change the way i did is what did them in. What do you think. Since this liner is at it's end i want to change it out, install a skimmer, have shelves and over all make it a little larger. Also it is in direct sun, also don't know if you have ever heard of wrighty, i constructed his filter system on my pond. I think i now have to wait for the system (nitrifying bacteria) to kick in). My Problem is what do i do with the fish? Some are around six to eight pounds and i have about twenty fish. I am lost. I don't want them to die. These fish are in the pond all year long. Even winter. Hope you will give some recommendations. keep up the good work only wish i would have been able to see your channel before i started. God Bless.
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
You may need to build them a temporary pond while you build the new pond. It's not uncommon to have to do that! Build an above ground pond out of wood and liner and put your existing filters on the temp pond while you tackle the rebuild.

Before you get started and move the fish you will need to have all your ducks in a row. We can assist you in the planning if you need help.

Email me - eric@theponddigger.com

Follow me on SnapChat for daily PondPro Tips! SnapChat - theponddigger
Matthew Smythers
Matthew Smythers - 8 years ago
"We don't wan't the pipe to be shown" but then he fucking pulls it out even more.
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Well as you can see Matthew, we pulled the whole f*#@ing pond out and rebuilt it anyway so how does your comment move the needle forward in life?
Alex Charles
Alex Charles - 8 years ago
I hope you're still around when I need my pond done...
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
ME too! :)
Jace Martin
Jace Martin - 8 years ago
Wouldn't a cement pond be better? Or would that not last due to erosion?
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Cement ponds in Souther California Earthquake territory is not a great idea unless you really pour the pond like a swimming pool.
Cony Ng
Cony Ng - 8 years ago
the first sight or impression when i see that so called pond is nasty like seriously they call that a pond? more of a mud pool
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
They paid $3,500.00 for that mess!
XXxThe Gaming UnicornxXX
XXxThe Gaming UnicornxXX - 8 years ago
Hello Eric, My skimmer has developeda crack in the bottom over the winter, can i repair it permentily with something like bondo for fiberglass?
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
That depends on how severe the crack is. A temporary fix is possible but I'm not sure about a long term solution. How long is the crack? Email me directly so I can ask you more questions without loosing the messages. eric@theponddigger.com
justwired - 8 years ago
I built my first pond out of concrete mortar and cinder blocks about 1 foot below and 3.5 feet above the ground (so 85 percent of the pond is above ground) at 4.5 thousand gallons the highest point is over 6foot for the water fall all tiled with slate free standing concrete shelves that make caves big pond flows into little pond to create skimming and second water trickle into smaller pond used thoroseal not one leak its been 5 years since the day of completion I built it for a fish store on commercial property designed and built by me of course there knowledge of skimming and filtration was very useful...
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Sounds like a great pond.
justwired - 8 years ago
I'm not sure that guy knows the proper usage of a tamper metal againset stone = chip chip chip at least a block of wood and a double jack cmon I know ur customers are paying big money ur driving 70 k truck around for estimates wouldn't have it been better to tamp/compact the dirt and fine tune it using sand to set the blocks
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Believe it or not the wall is actually still standing without sagging after 2 and a half years. I know this because I was just at their home installing a new water feature in their front yard. ;)
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
The little garden wall we installed was only a couple of blocks high and not retaining any structural weight. The dirt in our area works well under this construction method but admittedly we have busted a few hand tampers!  

When installing taller garden walls that are "Retaining" we over dig the area, excavate a footing, install base and compact prior to installing the first row of block. If and When we ever have the opportunity, we will shoot a tutorial video on how to do that.

FYI, The truck was only 60k because I installed a pond for a GM at Ford. 

Thanks for watching and I really do appreciate the comments.
BIO BUDDY - 8 years ago
Who the hell designed this?!
catothewiser - 7 years ago
But "they work cheap" - doesn't that mean everything?
LetMeWeirdItOut Studios
LetMeWeirdItOut Studios - 7 years ago
Tommy Suppatkul
Tommy Suppatkul - 7 years ago
BIO BUDDY Thai news
Jewel Ang
Jewel Ang - 7 years ago
Carter Chase
bkl 420
bkl 420 - 7 years ago
Jules Askalotl you better send them this vid
Jules Askalotl
Jules Askalotl - 8 years ago
This is scary because I know people who are making the same mistakes
BIO BUDDY - 8 years ago
+ThePondDigger God that's terrible, nothing is right
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Yard Care Crew...... ;(
joe squat
joe squat - 8 years ago
thats a disgraceful nasty pond!
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Yes it was a mess.
Steven Peters
Steven Peters - 8 years ago
a professional pond builder would have told the owners that pond is too small for fish really as even goldfish need more room than that as they are territorial fish not schooling fish contrary to poplar belief
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Gold fish are gregarious and do show schooling behavior so I will argue your territorial statement all day long, but always believe offering the fish a bigger habitat when ever possible. However, even a small pond sure beats a 10 gallon aquarium indoors.
Rebecca Black
Rebecca Black - 8 years ago
They probably hired a random Mexican at Lowe's to build that pond for them.
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+Rebecca Black They hired their gardening crew.
Azara Starlight
Azara Starlight - 8 years ago
can someone link me to a trustworthy pond builder In north carolina?
Azara Starlight
Azara Starlight - 8 years ago
thanks!! :D
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+Azara Starlight Call Liquid Landscapes Inc in Asheville, NC. Talk to Benjamin Timmermans and tell him The Pond Digger sent you!>
Sawyer Seth
Sawyer Seth - 8 years ago
sachin kharade
sachin kharade - 8 years ago
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+sachin charade yeah i nearly barfed in my mouth when I got into the pond.
Linda Ragsdale
Linda Ragsdale - 8 years ago
I really like the music on the first few minutes. can i get somewhere?what is it?
Linda Ragsdale
Linda Ragsdale - 8 years ago
I cant get into my facebook anymore. can he connect with me another way, maybe here or quora?
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+Linda Ragsdale That music is from Temple City. My producer Dietmar Quistorf wrote the song! I will tell him about your request. Search for Temple City on Facebook.
oink ooink
oink ooink - 8 years ago
Interact with the fish??? LOL
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+earth Hard to do in that pond right?
Jim Cameron
Jim Cameron - 8 years ago
This is a must see video for anyone hiring a contractor to build a pond. The idea that this pond was originally built by a professional convinces me that absent fraud, the homeowner accidentally retained an outhouse port-a-potty firm. What is extremely helpful is that Pond Digger will tell you (a) where the immediate problems are in reference to specific design issues - my fav is the toad sitting in the waterless waterfall filter; (b) what happens by virtue of biology and physics if you just dig a dirt hole. Great work fixing up this ugly duckling. You rock!
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+Jim Cameron Thank you for your support!
Wyatt Harmon
Wyatt Harmon - 8 years ago
We have a batteryless solar powered pond aerator. Would help get that pond in top shape. Check out our website mwands.com
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+Wyatt Harmon This pond needed a little more than just an air system.
RyansAquarium - 8 years ago
Looks like they didnt maintain their pond either
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+RyansAquarium hard to maintain something that isn't working to begin with. The equipment could have been maintained and still had poor results.
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee - 8 years ago
just get a rubbermaid stock tank.
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee - 8 years ago
+ThePondDigger yeah. the only thing is. it will be very bad if your pond's filter dies from power outage. all the fish waste and stuff will kill ur fish if u don't act fast and put them in an aquarium inside your house.
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+Meng Lee Great way to start with a pond! Have fun!
Hassan Tirani
Hassan Tirani - 8 years ago
Unbelievable... the previous so called "Professional" did a shitty job. wouldn't have payed him dime.
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+Hassan Tirana Thanks for watching!
tracy fun
tracy fun - 9 years ago
hi wheres the next episode
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+tracy fun WE will be filming new Ponds Gone Wrong Episodes this year. Stay tuned. Did you watch PGW3? https://youtu.be/9BQlWH1CGfc
Crystal Grubb
Crystal Grubb - 9 years ago
are there more of these videos going to be available soon. I've watched the ones you posted. I like them for educational purposes not for what happened to the owners of each. I'd like to see more. thanks.
Crystal Grubb
Crystal Grubb - 9 years ago
Can't wait I love the end results.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Crystal Grubb we are planning more ponds gone wrong videos this season! Stay tuned!
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 9 years ago
hope all is working now!
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Alex Kingcole All is working well. Thanks
80hd Jenkins
80hd Jenkins - 9 years ago
looks like something johnhuff would build. .
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+M1980 Grsde I don't know him. ...
Peace Biscuits
Peace Biscuits - 9 years ago
I'm thinking about building a pond but I don't have a large garden. I don't actually have a garden at all could I use a large plant pot and a carrier bag and what kind of natural nature could one expect to frequent my small pond?
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+cameron watt Small ponds can make for BIG IMPACT in a small garden. Go for it!
BrookDarkWing 6
BrookDarkWing 6 - 9 years ago
my pond is ugly
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Diego Concha Franco You can fix it!!!!!
Dan - 9 years ago
Fix that turd pond!
Dan - 9 years ago
I like the work that you did on that pond very much. You took on a tough job and did well.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Personalbiz Webbie ok
Dave ster
Dave ster - 9 years ago
u should invite the installer to let him know his mistake
Dorito Fish
Dorito Fish - 9 years ago
+ThePondDigger x)
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Dave ster They actually mow the lawn every week!!!
charan langton
charan langton - 9 years ago
Great ideas. The only issue I have is that when finished, the pond looks sort of artificial, with too many types of rocks, steps etc and lacks a natural look one would expect from a professional installation.
Ed Forbes
Ed Forbes - 9 years ago
+ThePondDigger classy response to charan l
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+charan langton Thank you for your feedback. I didn't particularly like the stepping stones leading to the pond but quite frankly the homeowner requested them and loved them. Terrestrial plantings are critical to edge treatment and naturalizing as you may have seen from some of our other tutorials. Our budget for this project didn't cover any terrestrial plantings and was left for the homeowner's green thumb. Again, thank you for your perspective.
Genovacide - 9 years ago
What a hack job...wow
Genovacide - 9 years ago
Yup...I used to service aquariums and this is how they always looked before I cleaned them up...sad when you see people taken advantage of like this.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+DJ HVYW8 Right????
Robert Kenehan
Robert Kenehan - 9 years ago
That's what you get for hiring Illegals lol
Alexander Bizet
Alexander Bizet - 7 years ago
Shut the fuck up
Kami Chan
Kami Chan - 7 years ago

have some professionalism man
Miguel Martinez
Miguel Martinez - 7 years ago
ThePondDigger your a simple minded fuck and fuck your pond business that takes 20 guys to build a pool I mean a 4 ft pond
Miguel Martinez
Miguel Martinez - 7 years ago
Robert Kenehan what is a matter with your lame humor is your uncle and father the same man geez please do humanity a favor and don't breed please
Terrae Spiritus
Terrae Spiritus - 7 years ago
Robert Kenehan Oh dude shut up. Being born in this country doesn't automatically make you a genius. And your ignorance is proof of that. And I'm surprised ThePondDigger thought your bullshit was cute and funny.
GD4D - 7 years ago
This is kind of true
Johnny E. Baldiv
Johnny E. Baldiv - 7 years ago
Robert Kenehan you dont live in US if it wasnt made by the best... illegals
0 0
0 0 - 7 years ago
Robert Kenehan good one Rob haha haha sarcasm
Wario - 8 years ago
I bet you voted trump
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Senpai Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
Senpai - 9 years ago
+Robert Kenehan No, just hiring any self called"construction worker" that doesn't know anything about building ponds.
Robert Kenehan
Robert Kenehan - 9 years ago
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Robert Kenehan bhahahahahah
Mark Evans
Mark Evans - 9 years ago
the only thing i have to ask though, the filters not being clean, would that not also come back to the owners not cleaning it? i used to clean a pond at a local school at least 1 a month and there was never that much build up on the filters. to me, that just looks like a lack of effort on the owners for not cleaning the filters out. unless they are meant to be like some no-cleaning required filters.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Mark Evans Of course you can always have a homeowner neglect the pond. The problem with this pond is it was beyond that.... The skimmer and waterfall weren't even working correctly.
Javier Romero
Javier Romero - 9 years ago
Javier Romero
Javier Romero - 9 years ago
Awesome work guys, just stunning, amazing! How long did it take to rebuild the pond, and how much do you guys charge for a project like this one?
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Javier Romero Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend! It took us two days to do the repair. The cost of the project was 5,000.00
rducky01 - 9 years ago
"The waterfall isn't creating Oxygen..." LOL.
J DeWitt
J DeWitt - 9 years ago
+rducky01 You're right it's not creating oxygen. What he meant is it's aerating the water (introducing oxygen into the water).
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+rducky01 Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
Louis 09
Louis 09 - 9 years ago
1:22 Jizz! That big frog almost gave me a heart attack!
K. Munoz
K. Munoz - 9 years ago
+watdaNOSTRIL He/she obviously meant "jeeze".
Louis 09
Louis 09 - 9 years ago
+watdaNOSTRIL +ThePondDigger I'm sorry guys if I used the word J*zz. I didn't know what that really means. I just heard it from someone and I thought it was an expression like OMG. I looked at it on Google and now I know what it means. It's really bad. I am very sorry
stopfollowingme - 9 years ago
Do you even know what jizz is lol
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Gian Dacanay I love that frog!
kc8hnz - 9 years ago
Holes Filled with Water Gone Wrong.

Fixed the title for you
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+kc8hnz Funny! Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
KingEmirZ _RBLX
KingEmirZ _RBLX - 9 years ago
It'is good and nice
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Emir Zarith Thanks!
ymanganelli - 9 years ago
Awesome job!!!
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+ymanganelli Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 9 years ago
Even I can see that pond was built by an idiot. I could've done a better job just using some common sense. Lol
Great video.Subbed. Looking forward to 2nd part.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Dan Hiteshew Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Awesome vid, I'm hooked. Can't wait to see ep 2
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
+ThePondDigger alright! !! :D I want to see. Can't wait.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Maurice Aquariums Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
Kevin Golden
Kevin Golden - 9 years ago
what kind of dog is that
peachypuppies61 - 9 years ago
+Kevin Golden Looks like a Shih Tzu.
Kevin Golden
Kevin Golden - 9 years ago
+ThePondDigger 6:07
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Kevin Golden Dog? I don't remember the dog in the video. Where in the video?
mef1975 - 9 years ago
Your gardener lied about being a pond builder?  What scum.  I hope you've fired him. I can't stand liars. Then, your fish disappeared and you didn't think to check the pump? Heck, even after assuming that they were eaten, you didn't think to clean the pump until there was a problem? How irresponsible can you get? He knew better than to get involved, she has to fail to learn. When you keep pets, by the time you notice a problem, it's basically too late.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+mef1975 That is why we must do our homework when working with professionals in the pet trade.
Adrian Miller
Adrian Miller - 9 years ago
some one  broberly nicked the fish
Jeffery Haney
Jeffery Haney - 9 years ago
That is one good looking truck
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Jeffery Haney Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
Swankster - 9 years ago
PondDigger, can I hire you? what state are you in?
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Swankster We are in Southern California! Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
3greatgreyhounds3 - 9 years ago
Wow, makes me not sure I even want a pond after this video, thankfully I watched part #2 first! ;)
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+3greatgreyhounds3 Glad you watched part 2 too!!! Stay tuned for more!
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
An Epidemic Plaguing America
Pikminman1000 - 8 years ago
Pikminman1000 - 8 years ago
J racsim
J - 8 years ago
+Greg Gammago
Charles Ederer
Charles Ederer - 8 years ago
+Greg Gammago idiot troll
Greg Gammago
Greg Gammago - 8 years ago
+ThePondDigger like mexicans
fkujakedmyname - 9 years ago
+ThePondDigger baby boomers are a disease that's for sure
BIO BUDDY - 9 years ago
Hey a huge fan, and I'm thinking of starting a pond for my koi getting to big for my 55, I know it can hold water but how long will heavy duty tarp last. PLEASE REPLY
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Kevin Miller Thanks for watching!!!!!
Kevin Miller
Kevin Miller - 9 years ago
omg I love that pond, iam actually looking to do a pond and was wondering about the difference between hard shell liners and soft.

killer video to
thanks for the series.

100. comment for Ponds Gone Wrong | Backyard Ponds - Episode 2 - (Part 1)

Yee FLK - 10 years ago
this is why i build a straightforward, old school rectangle cement pond.. by myself..
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Yee FLK I like formal ponds too!
HSBassBoost - 10 years ago
we have concrete on top of our liner but our pond is broken
HSBassBoost - 10 years ago
 its fine it was made that way as decorative
 our neighbors stupid dog they got kicked out BTW ripped through the fountain line but our pond only has mosquito fish that somehow got in there
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+EclipseGaming So the concrete AND the liner has failed.....?? That's to bad. 
Jeremy G
Jeremy G - 10 years ago
This is a really cool segment. More please!
verrrr1 - 10 years ago
yuck LMAO
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+verrrr1 Right!!!????
Haven Perez
Haven Perez - 10 years ago
Poor fish...
Haven Perez
Haven Perez - 10 years ago
Yes and a great job on that.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Haven Perez They were rescued!! 
Serenity Health & Home Decor
Serenity Health & Home Decor - 10 years ago
Wow... I can't imagine spending that kind of money on a pond installation just to have it turn out like this. 
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Serenity Health & Home Decor Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Serenity Health & Home Decor The homeowner didn't do their homework…….
Jane Thompson
Jane Thompson - 10 years ago
OMG! The fish were in the skimmer!!!! All the while that they put the fence up!!! Dying! :( sheesh!
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Jane Thompson Aweful!! Helix Pond Skimmer to the rescue!! :)
Theresa Feyjoo
Theresa Feyjoo - 10 years ago
Do you fix ponds in Long Island, I have wanted a pond for 15 years, since we bought our house, So My oldest daughter and her husband tried to put it together as a birthday gift. It looked really good but now my Koi's are swimming in cloudy green water. Due I love them for tiring I bought my Koi's inside and put them in a 100 gallon tank . Please tell me what to do so that I may enjoy my pond outside and my Koi's have more room to swim. Thank You Theresa
smarcel1 - 10 years ago
You're very welcome
Theresa Feyjoo
Theresa Feyjoo - 10 years ago
+ThePondDigger  Thank You so very much
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Theresa Feyjoo There is an Authorized Helix Contractor in our network that is located in Huntington NY! Call Shawn at Koi Market and tell him The Pond Digger sent you! 
Errol Moo
Errol Moo - 10 years ago
Errol Moo
Errol Moo - 10 years ago
the end result is marvelous
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Errol Moo Turned happy
Rosie Hefferon
Rosie Hefferon - 10 years ago
Can anybody tell me the name of the music track? Whenever I search Temple City it just comes up with High School musical -_-
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Rosie Hefferon Look for Temple City of Facebook. 
Dasherthecat - 10 years ago
Can I get mesh over my pond at night to stop predators eating my fish?
frank miller
frank miller - 10 years ago
Just and lots of cover like plants and a rock to hide under
Tranquility Ponds
Tranquility Ponds - 10 years ago
Good job!! U like your work. I've been doing this 22 years.
jlarsena - 10 years ago
Hopefully whoever did this mess was reported to the Better Business Bureau or some authority.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+jlarsena Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
monstercolorfun co
monstercolorfun co - 10 years ago
that's one messy pond. you should recommend some contract guidelines, i.e. tennis courts must be flat, if the contractor makes it wobbly, it's lined out in the contract... there should be pond contract rules too :D
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+monstercolorfun co Good Suggestions! Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
Mistrblank - 10 years ago
This sadly looks like everything wrong with my (estimated) 2500 gallon pond that I inherited from previous owners at my home.   It looks to be the same situation, a DIYer "professional" built it for them, and it is just full of issues like those in this video.  The coping rock issues, pump issues, grading issues, overflow issues.  

I've learned a lot in my own research that by now I feel like I could build something better easily, but sadly lack the time and money and the ability to house our rather large Koi while doing the necessary work.  
my.lean - 10 years ago
that truck tho
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+maileen420 F350 Super Duty! Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
DynomiteKid65 - 10 years ago
+ThePondDigger Hey man, love your channel, just wondering, what do you do when it rains like do you put a cover over your ponds or are they generally build under a shelter?
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+DynomiteKid65 We have an overflow on the system out the back of the skimmer. Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
Wade Higgins
Wade Higgins - 10 years ago
What's funny is that my gardener did the same thing. Oh, I can make a pond for you. Disaster!
Wade Higgins
Wade Higgins - 9 years ago
Thanks for the update
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Lexus Cohen Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
KampKarl - 10 years ago
i have never bult a pond but i would still do a way better job at it. I have started a pond now but it is far from finished. 
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+customlegokarl Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
Freddie Swallow
Freddie Swallow - 10 years ago
Woah what truck are you driving/in
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+charlie6256 F350 Super Duty!! Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
id104335409 - 10 years ago
I wss about to say an eight grader can do a better job than this and what do you know, he did.
David Freeman
David Freeman - 10 years ago
This blows my mind that someone paid to have this done. We are not pond only guys, but do 7-10 a year and take our time and go by the book. The underbidding by other "pros" is a huge part of the problem we deal with. But that is why so much of my work is coming behind other "pros" and repairing their work. Sad.
David Freeman
David Freeman - 10 years ago
Yeah man, it is truly is sad how many people don't even pick up a book or join their local Land. Contractor Association to keep up their game. Even if you're not the largest or the best, you can still compete with top grade work and the best service to people., and set yourself apart that way. And with so many people NOT doing what they're supposed to, it puts a sad face on our industry. 
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
David! Sounds to me like you are a man of your word and take great pride in your craft! Thanks for watching! 
strandwolf - 10 years ago
Hey do you accept interns? I'd love to hang around and fiddle with the stones and stuff. Free of charge, LOL.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+strandwolf Hit us up!!!! Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
ichisuke ryu
ichisuke ryu - 10 years ago
This is completely outrageous disaster compared to the first episode!
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
Philip Shie
Philip Shie - 10 years ago
Video is very nicely done and very informative. Thank you.
T Roessler
T Roessler - 10 years ago
what a joke! totally got ripped off! Nice to see a real pro (Eric) came in to do it right! Love your videos Eric wish you were in WI I would hire you 4sure!
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+T Roessler (Tyrod) Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
hybrid green
hybrid green - 10 years ago
another note to the pond-owner couple. you, guys, look like such a nice couple with a puppy kiddo too...i'm glad, you got the pond you wanted. good luck to you guys, with your fish and other stuff!
hybrid green
hybrid green - 10 years ago
LOL trailer-park pond! silly frogs covering up lousy job. poor folks! they should go online and let everyone know who did that pond. that's what my friend did when her contractor lied to her and ran away with a deposit! she is a kind person, but she puts in 30 mins of her life biweekly to refresh nasty and truthful (!) posts on that contractor. she ended up finding a whole group of nice people tricked by that con-contractor. one of the victims -a peaceful looking old guy - happened to be a retired government guy with a whole bunch of experience behind his "elderly peaceful facade", plenty time and quite some cash on his hands and very clear logical mind. tip: never discard elderly as easy victims..you don't know who you run into. go smart old folks!!!! 
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
Thank you for your comment. There is absolute truth in your statement.
EL Ledbetter
EL Ledbetter - 10 years ago
Mine is total pond gone wrong. We bought the house with it already there (DIY). Totally jerry rigged. We're having it rebuilt this year.
EL Ledbetter
EL Ledbetter - 10 years ago
This is my big year of investment for it. The pond is around 5,000 gallons. We're going to fix the drainage, repair the sump (it did exist - the prev owners just jerry-rigged an intake hose to the pump because it quit working). Not so, quit working. The problem was that water would seep under the liner due to improper grading and would create a huge water buffalo thus pushing the liner above the drain which would cause the sump to stop operating. We added a filtration system at the upper fall and then we're going to install a belly band under the liner, then a skimmer with filtration and internal pump at the bottom of the pond. I have a good service with whom I've worked with at length of trying to fix the issues myself but .. this is not a job for the novice. I do expect a rather large investment to occur but it's going to be so very nice once it's completed.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
Good To hear! Have you interviewed and selected a qualified pond contractor for the rebuilt yet?
BleuSaphirReptiles - 10 years ago
I thought my pond is awful...this is worse! The water looks like sewage pond water! :S
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+turtlegeckosailor Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
knothole5 - 11 years ago
I bet that puddle smelled horrible lol
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+knothole5 Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
knothole5 - 11 years ago
I see this all the time .a so called pro charging good money or even underbidding just to get the job.so someone who has always dreamed of having a pond ends up with a nightmare...an expensive one.i am a do it yourselfer but have built for other people.the difference is i have a conscience and couldnt take advantage of someone just to make a buck. Im no pro but i always take natural physics into consideration and have always had good results.love your vids ,and always use them for reference.keep making peoples dreams come true.peace from southern california... 
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+knothole5 Thanks for watching! We are filming a NEW Ponds Gone Wrong this weekend!
Lee Maxwell TV
Lee Maxwell TV - 11 years ago
Good vid as always.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Thanks for always keeping an eye out for our vids Maxwell!
Lee Maxwell TV
Lee Maxwell TV - 11 years ago
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Randy Olson
Randy Olson - 11 years ago
You are awesome! Do you happen to have any contacts or recommendations for pond builders in the Omaha Nebraska area?
Randy Olson
Randy Olson - 11 years ago
+ThePondDigger Awesome, thanky you very much. If I can't track him down I will get back in contact with you once the temperatures get back above freezing. 
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Randy! Thanks for your feedback! Much appreciated! There is a bloke by the Name of Rocke Huntington that ran a company called Pond Dragon. I believe he has retired but likely has passed his pond clients onto someone reputable but I am not certain. Look him up and see what you come up with. If you can't find him then hit me up again and I will see if I can track someone down. Keep in mind that we have a service for pond peoples out of state looking to build. We can help you design the perfect pond that fits your expectations and budget. Then we set you up for DIY installation or help you pick the right contractor for the job. Small retainer gets you started. Good Luck! 
Derek Blackston
Derek Blackston - 11 years ago
From the looks of these videos your second Hobby after ponds is Powerstrokes.

All your ponds and trucks look great though!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
I do like my FORDS! Thanks for the mention and THANKS FOR WATCHING!
BrendansLEET - 11 years ago
Ha! Love the new episode series idea. Shows me exactly what not to do
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
That's what we're shooting for!!!! But the idea isn't new. Actually our very first video series a few years back was Ponds Gone Wrong! Go back and check out our very first video attempt! It has a ton of views and received great feedback! Thanks for watching!
ALP'ie - 11 years ago
what do you do with the old equipment? 
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Old Equipment hits our Boneyard and is available for DIYer's at headquarters for bargain basement prices.
The Barefooted Gardener
The Barefooted Gardener - 11 years ago
I could've done a better job than the first contractor, and I'm 17!!
Cazee Ponds
Cazee Ponds - 11 years ago
What a disaster. I feel so bad for the home owners. But they are in great hands now. The Pond Digger will make that yard a little slice of heaven for the koi and home owners.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Yes the pond was a HOT MESS! we got her back in order. Watch out for Pt. 2 upload later tonight!
Alan Koontz
Alan Koontz - 11 years ago
Landscaping companies who want to add "Pond Building" to their services is one of the problems in the industry...  We have even rebuilt water features built by "Certified" contractors who have no clue in what they are doing.  For the customer, do your research and make sure you choose a company that has the experience and can show you photos, etc... of their work..  Alan Koontz, Owner, Carolina Pondscapes, Inc..
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Ya! What Alan Said!
Josh H
Josh H - 11 years ago
Cant wait for the next upload!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Pt 2 us slated for upload later tonight! Stay Tuned and thanks for watching!
So-Cal Ponds, Inc.
So-Cal Ponds, Inc. - 11 years ago
The homeowner was going through what? The yellow pages? Gardeners and pool guys should not build ponds.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Ya The Yellow Pages! That blew me away too! They found finally found us by word of mouth!
Alan Sammartano
Alan Sammartano - 11 years ago
Ahhh this reminds me of when you rescued me from the pond I had built. It is wonderful having a real working ecosystem,  Koi that grew from 1" to 23"s, watching dragon fly's grow from pupa to flying wonders....It's all in the hands of people who know what they are doing...Eric is that guy!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Thanks Alan! You're koi have come along way!
Shazvana - 11 years ago
I just love all your videos!!! As I have mentioned before, I built my own turtle ponds and everything was going good until this summer when we got a algae problem but had never seen this type before. The you post this video and blow me down, the same algae is floating in this pond. The confusing thing is, you mentioned it was lack of oxygen in the water but we do have a very good waterfall from bog filter and oxygenated water. The only thing I can work out for my pond that is different from last summer (when we had no problems and pond was well established) is, we have no floating surface plants as the moment (duckweed etc) and feel that these plants help to oxygenate and shade the water, so maybe we need to get some asap. By the way, I'm in Australia, that's why I'm talking about summer right now:) Can't wait for part 2 of this and all your future videos.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Hey Shazvana! Great to hear we have inspired you and your pond hobby! A pond with oxygen can still suffer from algae problems. This particular scenerio was heavily treated with algaecide and had zero oxygen in the pond from a waterfall. Algae died from treatment and in the process removed even more oxygen from the water. This can have an affect that makes the algae clump and float to the water surface as seen in the video. Hope that explanation helps.  

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