Custom Aquarium Builders

A custom 300+ gallon saltwater aquarium and it's filtration designed by Joe Pineda and Nic Tiemens of Infinity Aquarium Design in Los Angeles.

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A custom 300+ gallon saltwater aquarium and it's filtration designed by Joe Pineda and Nic Tiemens of Infinity Aquarium Design in Los Angeles.

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Most popular comments
for Custom Aquarium Builders

psichinaDOC - 11 years ago
I don't like this tank... it seems like a sad cemetery with all those dead corals. Also you seem to have said that "Starter fish are cheap so they can die pacefully", I don't think that is a right message.
michaelandyoyo - 11 years ago
medvezonjak - 11 years ago
You guys work with live corals ?
Blaze1024 - 12 years ago
Yeah I have to agree with you.. Don't let the hobbyists get ya down they always think they know more then they really do. Thats why they are hobbyists and not professionals. Back about 17 years ago I used to build custom Aquariums myself nothing much smaller then 300 most were between 500 and a 1000 gallons with lots of fake coral and maintenance contracts. Great business, it bought me two homes. The key is marketing yourself to people with good taste who can actually afford to buy nice toys
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 12 years ago
1) No it isn't. If you were going to adopt that theory then whats the point of captive sea life. 2) See previous number 2. You are limited in your knowledge of environments, cycling processes, and functionality of different bio media. (we have vids that address them all) 3)You didn't read my # 3.
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 12 years ago
1) Its not animal cruelty 2) There are different processes for cycling and bacterial establishment when you graduate beyond the hobbyist level. There is no live rock in this aquarium for certain reason- watch more vids to get that explanation. 3) Blue devils are excellent fish for establishing the bacteria, often last through the entire cycle and are great for an aquarium IF you know species compatibility. We wouldn't be adding any perculas or gobies to an aquarium like this.
AquariumsbyZero - 12 years ago
Nice professional looking build.
HexagonicDistortion - 12 years ago
Huh? What?
evilrobso - 12 years ago
love your work. would love a job of this type. indeed a lot of work but if you injoy what your doing and you get paid for it. nothing bad about that :)

10. comment for Custom Aquarium Builders

smallfaucet - 12 years ago
guess it's okay to just use your
Gerardo Ontiveros
Gerardo Ontiveros - 12 years ago
You can keep those comments to yourself because it's illegal to get corals from the sea you either have to buy them or reproduce them. Are you tropical fish keeper?
amanda rose
amanda rose - 12 years ago
this is one of the songs from animal crossing!!
Chris Haynes
Chris Haynes - 12 years ago
Hey guy,s great job ! Keep doing what your doing. I look forward to more viedos :)
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 12 years ago
hmmm- i guess i'll respond. A) nope, customers don't enjoy algae. B) water changes every other week. C) 2 sets of coral, swapped out a couple times a month- yeah, kind of a pain in the ass... oh wait, we get PAID to do it. D) tank does look great, everyday, and maintenance isn't a nightmare- we actually enjoy it. E) they haven't gotten rid of it yet. And its frozen food in the vid. not flake- but maybe your were asking a question.?
beam19 - 12 years ago
I feel sorry for you, I'm gonna guess you are in your mid 30's, living in your parents basement and are about 40 pounds overweight. Anyone who makes that pointless and moronic of a post must fit that criteria.
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 12 years ago
it happens in all jobs- thanks for the comment and for watching!
Michael Satterelli
Michael Satterelli - 12 years ago
Its really funny on how people try to tell the pros how to do their job...LOL anyways I love your work keep it up and keep the vids comming
rockpwnsu - 12 years ago
Does the dead coral work in the same way as dry live rock?
Ahmad Itani
Ahmad Itani - 12 years ago
is that glass or plexi? if not from glass do u suggest using plexi glass? Good job too best of luck

20. comment for Custom Aquarium Builders

jack grantham
jack grantham - 12 years ago
There all greats videos but it's just a shame they don't the custom aquarium service in England
James Walker
James Walker - 12 years ago
Really an awesome setup! I'd love to have a tank like that one day. Is that door in the back for maintenance? How's that molding holding up since it was made? Any changes to the tank?
James Walker
James Walker - 12 years ago
huh, I'd just say "great tank!" To each their own though. How's that molding holding up since it was made? Any changes to the tank?
James Walker
James Walker - 12 years ago
huh, I'd just say "great tank!" To each their own though.
Twuff Berry
Twuff Berry - 12 years ago
Haha I love how people on here suddenly think their experts on fish just because they've kept a goldfish in a bowl for 2 months. These people in the vid know what they're doing and I'm pretty sure they have more experience than you. Just chill out and watch how it's done. No need to fight or freak out just enjoy the video. :)
David Culp
David Culp - 12 years ago
Not all damsels get big and mean, in fact, those blue damsels are some of the least aggressive damsel fish you can get. I keep a few in my tanks and they are not a problem.
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 12 years ago
That's too bad.
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 12 years ago
Breathe buddy breathe! Let's all calm down now. First do some research on your love of flake food vs. prepared, vitamin enriched frozen food. Then, if you still feel like you're hyper ventilating when you watch this vid, let me know and I'll debunk the rest of your paragraph. :)
Jeremy Walker
Jeremy Walker - 12 years ago
FLAKE FOOD!!! WOW, no live rock, dead coral, and bio filter. Everything not to do, congrats. This is a nitrate factory. I hope that your customers enjoy algae and doing large water chages every week. That white coral is gonna look awesome covered in algae, luckily its easy to clean... oh wait, its a pain in the ass. The tank looks great but the maintenance of this tank will be a nightmare. The kind of maintenance that makes people get rid of their tank.
Wisnu Nugroho
Wisnu Nugroho - 12 years ago
i can't imagine if i order an aquarium and he's hitting the car like that in front of my house

30. comment for Custom Aquarium Builders

The Defender
The Defender - 12 years ago
Cuanto tiempo es necesario para madurar el agua antes de ingresar los primeros peces..?
AztekKen - 12 years ago
Hehehe i would hate to clean that tank!
popsicle33 - 12 years ago
Nice tank
PurpleSpades - 12 years ago
If the process is done correctly, using your hands to transfer fish is actually less stressful than using a net.
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 12 years ago
Damsels can be bothersome to smaller fish after the tanks cycles. This tank was home to a lionfish, so the damsels were no match for him. Lunch, rather.
ROBBIE WILLIAMS - 12 years ago
why damsels as first fish , wont they get territorial , thats text book aint it
ROBBIE WILLIAMS - 12 years ago
these guys have my dream job
virginia vazquez
virginia vazquez - 12 years ago
What I liked most was the video I install the aquarium, guapisimo!!!!
TheWilliamdan - 12 years ago
hey guys!, great vid !...i really like the install. the vid shows the quality of your craftsmanship. oh and thanks for putting the outtakes at the end of the vid......very funny probably didn't enjoy the humor in it at the time of filming but it made for a great vid.
Christina - 12 years ago
Wow! Beautiful aquarium! do you only build them in LA? or do you guys go around the country? i really admire aquarium architecture.
3D Editor
3D Editor - 12 years ago
Are there update videos or pictures with newer, bigger cooler looking fish in this aquarium on youtube or your web site?
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 12 years ago
well said.
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 12 years ago
nope. not needed. that practice is instilled in good hobbyists, but there's plenty of biological in the wet dry.
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 12 years ago
hahahaha totally!
Eronne Evans
Eronne Evans - 12 years ago
you do know corals don't live forever right? coming straight from the Caribbean...just saying
David McKissick
David McKissick - 12 years ago
a few thing's: 1. most corral is tank grown and fragged these days. 2. while cycling is suggested after a 2-4 week adjustment cycle, most people use more hardy species of fish to speed it up... plus there are many things that can make the stay more bearable for the starter fish. most of which, i'm sure they installed the automated versions of. so in a way sir(or madam), are the amateur.
MayonR - 12 years ago
What an awesome job! Doesn't look like they have to worry about too much competition with such a specialized skill.
virgil smith
virgil smith - 12 years ago
has money for a custom 300 but doesn't have 1 buck for that battery in the smoke detector lol
shuwukong - 12 years ago
no live rock/sand?
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 12 years ago
well said.

50. comment for Custom Aquarium Builders

Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 12 years ago
You have no clue what you are talking about.
GloriaVanderpump - 12 years ago
i love the design of the tank!
dontcareboutname1 - 12 years ago
because live coral grows and would destroy the tank?...
ALP'ie - 13 years ago
@random1265 Probably around $5,000 USD
random1265 - 13 years ago
around how much does this cost???
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 13 years ago
How much would this type of job run?
Dennys lopez
Dennys lopez - 13 years ago
Really nice I'm more into freshwater but saltwater tanks are simply beautiful and stunning good job setting it up keep up the good work
Nicholas B
Nicholas B - 13 years ago
how practical would it be to use chromis instead of the damsels. Damsels, from my experience are mean, and are often "disposed of" (Be it sold back to the fish store, given to a fellow SW tank keeper, or unfortunately released into the wild, or killed) after the biological filtration is set up. Chromis just look prettier in a finished tank schooling together. great tank btw
shoopwhoopX - 13 years ago
all coral and rocks should be alive
Jason Rodriguez
Jason Rodriguez - 13 years ago
xsmokedoutx - 13 years ago
@jkfish06 When your corals become discolored just leave them in the sun for a few days and they will naturally bleach
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 13 years ago
@jacklad99 Curious as to how you would've finished it...
Lindsey Gudmunsen
Lindsey Gudmunsen - 13 years ago
I wish you were closer (Montana) I would love to have you build something for me! Amazing! Your work is brilliant!
SkylineR034 - 14 years ago
the glare on that fish tank would be so annying to look at...
kalman80 - 14 years ago
spectacular jobs! give me more and more videos :) and I have a question. where can I find a FREsHWATER AQUASCAPING "master" in los angeles? I try to find the answer on the intertnet but nothing special. everywhere just the saltwater aquariums...
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 14 years ago
@Chambss88 Thank you! Several new installations being uploaded soon! All these corals are from Tideline USA in Los Angeles.
Chambss - 14 years ago
Amazing stuff! When's the next video up?! Also where do you get all the White fossil coral from? Cheers
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 14 years ago
@jkfish06 Yes, we have an additional set on stand-by to rotate in as the current corals become dirty.
jkfish06 - 14 years ago
hey how do you guys keep the corals so white?? do you need to bleach them occasionally??
alfarex25 - 14 years ago
@boredashellll xD
edmcadam - 14 years ago
He's cute.. woulda like to've seen less coral and more greens, but that tank is pretty cool
shane grafton
shane grafton - 14 years ago
maybe i did lol but still i would of used egg crate put the rocks down on that then added sand if sand is trapped under rock it builds up nitrates i know this first hand lol but then again you guys build huge aquariums so i guess it would be so little nitrate it wouldnt hang around for long especialy with regular water changes
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 14 years ago
@eggvader oh bummer- you just made yourself look stoopid. i forgive u though. all the best!
shane grafton
shane grafton - 14 years ago
can i just say wtf if id payed for this idiot to put stuff in my custom made tank i would of pointed out one massive mistake he has made that only beginers make you put the rock in first or the sand can not be cleaned and nitrates get trapped under the rock
Kenton Anderson
Kenton Anderson - 14 years ago
that tank is WAY OVERCROUDED
buddhas know best
buddhas know best - 14 years ago
Great aquarium but I hate the colour of coral chosen for the tank. White? It is so plain, bro. I guess that is what the owner wants...
geedunk13 - 14 years ago
I have to disagree with cookbrad08, I think scooping the fish with your hand is more professional. It shows more confidence and more important you aren't introducing dirty water from the bags.
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 14 years ago
@rx7dren we bend the acrylic in a large industrial oven- and yes...quite shi#@y to clean with a scraper!
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 14 years ago
@9364peter sorry about that! youtube wouldn't let me go past 10 min, so the filtration is highlighted in an additional video- search from "custom aquarium filtration tour" glad you like the video- thank u for the comments
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 14 years ago
@I2eapz tideline USA
Peter H
Peter H - 14 years ago
I thought you where going to talk about the filtration system? Nice tank well done, i would've liked to see the filtration system you fitted to finnish off a good video.
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 14 years ago
Tideline crushed coral sand. Its not their finest grade, but close to it.
I2eapz - 15 years ago
whats kinda sands that looks so fine
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 15 years ago
The key is to have a great teacher whether it be through school or an apprenticeship. Ask tons of questions and read tons of books and your love for the hobby will help your absorb a wealth of information. If you'd like some advice on which books to start with, email us and we'd be glad to lend some advice. Go for it!
Matthew Fischel
Matthew Fischel - 15 years ago
poor "starter fish"
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 15 years ago
See "custom aquarium and filtration tour".
finalman25 - 15 years ago
great tank for an octopus!!! PREDATORS ARE COOL AS HELL
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 15 years ago
thank u for the comment- the aquarium is made out of acrylic, not glass, and the best place to find the material is from a local plastics supplier. try looking on the web for someone close to you. best of luck!
ruvian00 - 15 years ago
nice work where do you order the glass iam trying to build a fish tank my self iam a contractor so iam not too familiar to where i should get the glass from thanks.good too see young people doing good jobs
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 15 years ago
lol- we usually call him the filipino Tiki Barber
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 15 years ago
that would be amazing! ive always wanted to do one like that too!
themaxxray - 15 years ago
Beautiful Aquarium design. Loved to have a 8 foot brackish tank that is centered around mangrove
XTHEKEVINATORX - 15 years ago
your cute
SHITtina666 - 15 years ago
what the hell ur talking about ???? who told u that ??
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 15 years ago
why would you think that?
Mike James
Mike James - 15 years ago
pretty sure the owner paid for live corals and you gave them death corals.. GG i feel sorry for the buyer lol
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 15 years ago
much appreciated!!
GypsyKing7 - 15 years ago
Ola Pineda! te Saluda Otro Pineda!
Raymond Severns
Raymond Severns - 15 years ago
Deep sand beds are not a thing of the past they are more popular now than ever. Just because the sand isn't 14'' deep doesn't mean it wont take out nitrites it works for my tank. But I understand what the costumer want's the costumer gets. =)
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 15 years ago
much appreciated!

100. comment for Custom Aquarium Builders

Steven King
Steven King - 15 years ago
The molding really made the tank pop. I was looking at the other vid and thought there is no way that it wiil look good. Looks GREAT, my only issue would be to set the tank 6-10" lower for a little more room for maintaining but Its not my tank, house or money. Really is a beautiful tank and install congrats all around.
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 15 years ago
I usually don't reply to negative comments..but I couldn't resist. 1)Its a fish-only system. Bio media in the sump. If we ever copper-ed the system, the live rock's purpose would be obsolete. 2)Deep sand beds are a thing of the past. De-nitrification occurs after 14" in the ocean's floor. And again, not a reef tank. 3)Cycling with live fish?? Um....YEAH! Not sure what your point is. 3) He coulda used a net..I'll give you that. But the lion ultimately had them for lunch. All the best.
corvettkiller666 - 15 years ago
LOL,gotta love the bloopers!!! very nice job also.
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 15 years ago
we can get you whatever you need...give us a call
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 15 years ago
you can't please everyone.... have you seen our "ultimate reef aquarium" video??
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 15 years ago
blue damsels...about 2 inches:)
vickfan203 - 15 years ago
dead coral in fish tank are ugly, should have gotten live coral not dead
RandomDub - 15 years ago
you guys should get who ever owns this company to start a location on the mid-lower east coast! please?
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 15 years ago
Stagghorns, Catspaw, Brown-tip, Table coral... The blue coral is called Blue-Ridge and the red is Pipe-organ.
[ J o n e l ] Collections
[ J o n e l ] Collections - 15 years ago
i adore your corals! pure white!
Infinity Aquarium Design
Infinity Aquarium Design - 15 years ago
See "Custom Aquarium and Filtration Tour" video
Inachu Ikimasho
Inachu Ikimasho - 15 years ago
I would have rather liked to see the filtration setup for this tank.
Raymond Severns
Raymond Severns - 15 years ago
I do actually keep an aquarium a 60 gallon but all I was saying was that there really is no need for damsels to start the cycle anymore. Your basically putting the damsels through a very high ammonia spike which can kill the fish and to me that's not needed. I was just trying to help not to be rude. I'm sorry if I came off rude I wasn't trying to.
Raymond Severns
Raymond Severns - 15 years ago
Nice tank but your info about the damsels is a little outdated it is a proven fact that now you don't need any fish like damsels in the tank for the bacteria process to start. Its found to be harmful and cruel to the fish I would suggest not doing it anymore. Please. Thanks
LESTATAK - 16 years ago
Wow, your using live fish to kick start the bacteria and using a hydrometer to measure salinity. YIKES! Refractometers are very cheap and inaccurate and I'm surprised your using it.
Patrick Karp
Patrick Karp - 16 years ago
I thought you where going to talk about the filtration system? Cool video still.
jm696969 - 16 years ago
so im guessing the sharp coral doesnt harm the fish if the fish happen to swim by it
Todd March
Todd March - 16 years ago
Man, is Nic grade A sexy, or what...?! What a lush drink of man. Fabulous tank, too. Great video...!

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