Hassan Whiteside's BIG Miami Tank

Check out the finished 1000-gallon salt water fish tank that's even bigger than this 7-foot NBA star. Tanked FRIDAYS at 10/9c For more: http://www.animalplanet.com/tv-shows/tanked/ Celebrity Tanks: http://www.animalplanet.com/tv-shows/tanked/videos/best-celebrity-tanks/ Subscribe to Animal Planet: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=animalplanettv Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnimalPlanet Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnimalPlanet

Hassan Whiteside's BIG Miami Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 94

Entertainment 8 years ago 473,191 views

Check out the finished 1000-gallon salt water fish tank that's even bigger than this 7-foot NBA star. Tanked FRIDAYS at 10/9c For more: http://www.animalplanet.com/tv-shows/tanked/ Celebrity Tanks: http://www.animalplanet.com/tv-shows/tanked/videos/best-celebrity-tanks/ Subscribe to Animal Planet: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=animalplanettv Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnimalPlanet Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnimalPlanet

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Most popular comments
for Hassan Whiteside's BIG Miami Tank

Zaid Khan
Zaid Khan - 7 years ago
nice reef tank
kingerrr -
kingerrr - - 7 years ago
how do you clean and feed them and take one of if one dies lol
Bree N.
Bree N. - 7 years ago
But how do you clean that..........
jaiana Thomas
jaiana Thomas - 7 years ago
But how u gonna feed the fish tho?
Scott Suh
Scott Suh - 7 years ago
That's cool
Angry Toddler
Angry Toddler - 7 years ago
The initial rotation is crazy big ups
Terrible Gaming
Terrible Gaming - 7 years ago
pumpuppthevolume - 7 years ago
is this animal planet pimps my house
MrEverest Lee
MrEverest Lee - 7 years ago

10. comment for Hassan Whiteside's BIG Miami Tank

Matt Smith
Matt Smith - 7 years ago
Why are basketball players so uneducated?
Taslin Kachhot
Taslin Kachhot - 7 years ago
Frankie Underwood
Frankie Underwood - 7 years ago
This is the guy I'll bet to go broken in 18 months after he retires
Danny The food guru
Danny The food guru - 7 years ago
What a waste of money. Like most pro basketball and football players, he will probably be broke when he retires. In Dec 2016 he could have bought Bitcoin with that 100k and made an extra million by now.
knottykid - 7 years ago
got damn it
CabinDoor - 7 years ago
Hahaha, this is what Animal Planet is now?? Hahah oh man.
geckoblaze48 - 7 years ago
not that great. but ok. Inserts suck. but not my tank.
abhijeet rawat
abhijeet rawat - 7 years ago
how can we maintain such a big marine tank
loligagger85 - 7 years ago
eww, that is awefull. poor clown has bullshit hand painted crap and no home
Pool Guy
Pool Guy - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank, but I don't understand why Tanked makes such flamboyant childish looking tanks all the time

20. comment for Hassan Whiteside's BIG Miami Tank

Chad Stambaugh
Chad Stambaugh - 7 years ago
Looking ok until the end. Thats a banana wrasse, saddle wrasse look completely different. How do you miss ID that?
Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan - 7 years ago
Do you got clash of clans I do
I speak My mind
I speak My mind - 7 years ago
these shows love to let everyone know that the rich love to show off..kill the rich
Syed - 7 years ago
God bless
Burnt Potato
Burnt Potato - 7 years ago
How would you even clean this tho
Lewis Thick
Lewis Thick - 7 years ago
my house is gonna be better than that. I'm better and I know it
Kimberly Rambaran
Kimberly Rambaran - 7 years ago
wow dude i want a tank like that , its amazing
Victor Manuel Perez Rosales
Victor Manuel Perez Rosales - 7 years ago
fake coral , no rulez
PRABHJOT PANDHAY - 7 years ago
I Love you
kyle wuvswubs
kyle wuvswubs - 7 years ago
i hope he takes care of it. its truly beautiful

30. comment for Hassan Whiteside's BIG Miami Tank

Chris Dans
Chris Dans - 7 years ago
Christ almighty i bet he got a big ole cock on him.....sends shivers through me just thinking about it....
OTKP - 7 years ago
Republic of the Philippines
Republic of the Philippines - 7 years ago
them: "And we got you a clownfish!"
Alex G.
Alex G. - 7 years ago
i prefer live rock and live sand with frags vs this plastic shite.
DaReelMVP - 7 years ago
Scott Hill
Scott Hill - 7 years ago
One of the best tanks. Thanks for not putting sneakers in this one or a stupid Superman logo.
Jack The Drought
Jack The Drought - 7 years ago
His wingspan is longer than that guy!
Emil Sarja
Emil Sarja - 7 years ago
Jack The Drought his wingspan is longer then himself, its 7-foot-7
Modern Luxury
Modern Luxury - 7 years ago
Want it about 1,500 feet wide or more
Modern Luxury
Modern Luxury - 7 years ago
I want to make a tank for my house
Smoke's Fries
Smoke's Fries - 7 years ago
Don't tell me THAT'S the fish he talks to when asking for life advice
c4snipar - 7 years ago
They kissed his ass and he liked it, who is this kid?
Deandre Deal
Deandre Deal - 7 years ago
they did a great job...I love they show
SaucyD - 7 years ago
What happens if he goes to another team
H Ca
H Ca - 7 years ago
It's a shame the corals are all fake
gphillimo - 7 years ago
stupid waste of money
David Duarte
David Duarte - 7 years ago
Mok jojo Stfu, Bitch. Go learn how to spell
Mok jojo
Mok jojo - 7 years ago
its a waste went you are broke bitch
gphillimo - 7 years ago
SuperManishHaze I'm not broke bitch. I just don't waste money on stupid shit.
SuperManishHaze - 7 years ago
gphillimo he is fucking rich, he don't give a fuck, stop hating cos you're broke
Keith Skrdlant
Keith Skrdlant - 7 years ago
that fish tank is bigger than my house
Edward Leo
Edward Leo - 7 years ago
what did whiteside tell those 2 guys who made the tank for him?

tank u.
Spartans - 7 years ago
Wow until they don't know how to feed them or clean that tank lmao
Diego Peralta
Diego Peralta - 7 years ago
They should have make it white
Luke B
Luke B - 7 years ago
Diego Peralta guess what color my fish tank is

Call Me Boujee
Call Me Boujee - 7 years ago
from a tank in his apartment to this big ass tank.. damn thats a gg

50. comment for Hassan Whiteside's BIG Miami Tank

Andy - 7 years ago
Now white side can never leave Miami
Lisa James
Lisa James - 8 years ago
I want you to do my tank
Dan The man
Dan The man - 8 years ago
His fish will probably die in two days when under the supervision of Hassan.
stracy washington
stracy washington - 7 years ago
Shinji Ikari whats his snap
Shinji Ikari
Shinji Ikari - 7 years ago
danny his snap is my life
DaReelMVP - 7 years ago
Dan The man still alive. he features them on his snap
Devin Manley
Devin Manley - 8 years ago
I need to get rich
Jeremy Brown
Jeremy Brown - 8 years ago
His financial future is not bright
JUSS JOKEZ - 8 years ago
still dont know how they feed the fish
Andrew Tokar
Andrew Tokar - 8 years ago
And you only have to spend 3 hours per day cleaning it and feeding the fish
Leo Roth
Leo Roth - 8 years ago
Whiteside is a beast..I hate the Heat but damn he's good
happy_ jack24
happy_ jack24 - 7 years ago
Leo Roth why u hate the heat lol
Spurs TiliDie
Spurs TiliDie - 8 years ago
I really don't like this dude for some reason
happy_ jack24
happy_ jack24 - 7 years ago
Spurs TiliDie cuz u a spurs fan
vitalisperez01 - 8 years ago
It's good to see he's into positive things
Dumb Dead1
Dumb Dead1 - 8 years ago
Dope tank!
Its Clevan Tho
Its Clevan Tho - 8 years ago
How do you guys not know he is in the heat.
Its Clevan Tho
Its Clevan Tho - 8 years ago
iasaqueboleto990 wym
iasaqueboleto990 - 8 years ago
Its Clevan Tho they were hammered throughout the whole video
MamaLyss - 8 years ago
Go subscribe to Drex Fire23
Red Vanderbilt
Red Vanderbilt - 8 years ago
Stop complaining about him getting his investment back, that's a luxury.
Red Vanderbilt
Red Vanderbilt - 8 years ago
That Miami Heat logo, what if he gets traded?
Red Vanderbilt
Red Vanderbilt - 8 years ago
what will happen to the tank?
Clash Master 101
Clash Master 101 - 8 years ago
Pau Carvalho if he gets traded he won't live in Miami no more.... he can't take a tank that is built into the corner of his house...
grigsolve - 8 years ago
This is actually one of the nicest tanks I've seen them do for an NBA player. Most of them are terrible gawdy overkill.
Austin D
Austin D - 8 years ago
resell value.. -$100,000...fish tanks aren't investments..
Matt Smith
Matt Smith - 7 years ago
K B Lmao go read a book.
Richelle Imingan
Richelle Imingan - 7 years ago
Why would he resell it? dumbass!
Joaquin Fernandez
Joaquin Fernandez - 7 years ago
Not really it may be something the new owner would not want.
Handsome Squidward
Handsome Squidward - 8 years ago
everything in life isn't an investment. it doesn't mean he's going to be broke. im sure he has his own investment portfolio.
ProccV - 8 years ago
Austin D Everything doesn't need a return investment, especially when property value goes significantly up from a exquisite fish tank exhibit.
Austin D
Austin D - 8 years ago
It has nothing to do what kind of contract he signed.. reselling this property he won't get his investment back (with the cost of fish tank) regardless of how much he makes..
K B - 8 years ago
ummm no he wont 100k is nothing, he just signed a 98 million dollar contract idiot
Ursa Ra
Ursa Ra - 8 years ago
Austin K

He'll be broke in 20 years.
Kamy Cao
Kamy Cao - 8 years ago
waiting for ronaldo to call in for a tank
Bean SquadReflex
Bean SquadReflex - 8 years ago
Kamy Cao Why should he?
afrikan08 - 8 years ago
I thought he was going to talk about tanking to get a lottery pick.
afrikan08 - 8 years ago
davidscott090 - 8 years ago
afrikan08 Lmaaooooo You Know you aint think nothing like that
CALife - 8 years ago
Why don't they use real coral?
MaxamillionGrey - 7 years ago
Because they don't care about the fish, and they know the the people they're building for don't really know shit about the fish's health and well being.
Austin Salgat
Austin Salgat - 8 years ago
It takes a long time for real coral to establish itself in a tank.
gibbo - 8 years ago
Too hard to maintain maybe
leonghk12 - 8 years ago
What if he no longer plays for Heats?
Maz - 7 years ago
The letters also stand for his initials
John Wall
John Wall - 7 years ago
He could just sell the house
NORF - 8 years ago
leonghk12 he'd move and his tank would stay in the house for whoever moves in after him
michael - 8 years ago
Pau Carvalho the heat won't trade their star player
Red Vanderbilt
Red Vanderbilt - 8 years ago
what if he gets traded?
D.R. Films
D.R. Films - 8 years ago
he has a 5 year contract
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
TheMastergabe - 8 years ago
are all rich black people annoying?
Matt Smith
Matt Smith - 7 years ago
Pancakes611 Im white and I hope you get killed.
Matt Smith
Matt Smith - 7 years ago
The Mastergabe Haha you are one sad uneducated bigot.
Lyons - 7 years ago
Hassan is one of the coolest people
TheMastergabe - 7 years ago
Toxic Melody and all the other black scholars lol. they can make For good entertainment and definitely have rhythm
TheMastergabe - 7 years ago
Toxic Melody oprah Winfrey? how about b.b. king, Martin luther, Stevie wonder, the roots, and morpheus from the matrix
Toxic Melody
Toxic Melody - 7 years ago
+TheMastergabe lmao your so ignorant your making you fellow (whatever nationality you are) look bad. Poor little racist kid here ill drop some knowledge on you very quickly.

Aliko Dangote
Oprah Winfrey
Mike Adenuga
Patrice Motsepe
Mo Ibrahim
Folorunsho Alakija
Michael Jordan (you probably own a pair)
Robert Smith
Bob Johnson

And many more but I am done educating you over the internet I'll leave the rest up to your special education teacher lol
K B - 7 years ago
your a misserable scum
TheMastergabe - 7 years ago
Collin jelks why so mad? c.f. you get over the hundreds of years of whipping, forced labor, and rape? is whites died to give you freedom. Do you have no appreciation? you damned savage
TheMastergabe - 7 years ago
Toxic Melody lol every billionaire is white and 90% of politicians are white. they're might be some Chinese billionaires but I don't see any rich niggers. probably because they spent all their money on hennesy and backwoods
Toxic Melody
Toxic Melody - 7 years ago
+Pancakes611 I can't tell if your trying to insult me, but you must be new t the internet. Whites didnt make America lol you need to go back to school or eat a snickers
Pancakes611 - 7 years ago
Toxic Melody but we made America bitch. Too bad you niggers got enslaved and killed we are stronger than u will ever be
Toxic Melody
Toxic Melody - 7 years ago
Pancakes611 kind of funny you say "deport" whites aren't oringal from North America either so you could get deported back to Europe
Big Shorts
Big Shorts - 8 years ago
Pancakes611 I'm white and just saying u should fucking kill yourself cuz even as a white person u fucking disgust me and if I saw u in public you would be on the bottom of my shoes
Pancakes611 - 8 years ago
Griffin Ewing send me your passport so I can deport you on a slave ship
Big Shorts
Big Shorts - 8 years ago
Pancakes611 send me your address and u can eat my hollow tips
Enrique Estrella
Enrique Estrella - 8 years ago
He was excited let him be lol
K B - 8 years ago
im white and not racist
K B - 8 years ago
hes not annoying, hes funny
TheMastergabe - 8 years ago
King Dami well I have a 3.7 GPA and am in my 2nd year of college so I wouldn't say I'm retarded
King Dami
King Dami - 8 years ago
TheMastergabe Wow are you really this retarded?
Michael Wilkinson
Michael Wilkinson - 8 years ago
Sad that racism still exists. Why can't we get along? This all over something as stupid as skin color?
#Jalen Ramsey
#Jalen Ramsey - 8 years ago
Pancakes611 10.4
#Jalen Ramsey
#Jalen Ramsey - 8 years ago
Pancakes611 bitch ass nigga dont talk about black people like that wtf you calling us niggers and shit wtf you dead ass pussy for that shit I beat the dog shit out you pussy boy stop playing with me fuck boy
Pancakes611 - 8 years ago
Collin jelks you uppity nigger I will whip the fuck outta you. Don't you dare talk to a white man like that.
#Jalen Ramsey
#Jalen Ramsey - 8 years ago
Pancakes611dont worry we niggers but you gonna die soon asf somebody gonna shoot your Satan ass pussy ass cracker ass police ass bitch
Pancakes611 - 8 years ago
cause they spoiled niggers
#Jalen Ramsey
#Jalen Ramsey - 8 years ago
TheMastergabe boy stfu what type of question is that you racist ass bitch ass pussy shit like that js the reason why people like you die everyday .. your mom should've swallowed you wasted ass piece of fucking shit
TheMastergabe - 8 years ago
Giannis Antetokounmpo yes
850 lyfe
850 lyfe - 8 years ago
are all rich white people racist?
ashiq zen
ashiq zen - 8 years ago
gotta get one of those , if only I ever could .
korvkiosk1 - 8 years ago
1:59 , that "wow" sounded like he was about to switch team in the near future but got a Miami Heat logo
Matt Smith
Matt Smith - 7 years ago
korkiosk1 Nah, educate yourself. Its strictly for media/entertainment purposes. That shit aint there anymore.
Dylan Craver
Dylan Craver - 7 years ago
shittt if it was mine. watch me
Wanda Hicks
Wanda Hicks - 7 years ago
Splurge but save!
John Martle
John Martle - 7 years ago
NullSpace Looks like that kinda spending is going to make him Nigxxx broke in a few years.
NullSpace - 8 years ago
Well if he switches teams, I imagine he's not gonna be living in Miami anymore lmao, and it's not like he can take the tank with him.
King Dami
King Dami - 8 years ago
korvkiosk1 He is a heatlifer plus we signed him to a max 5 year contract #Heatnation
francis F
francis F - 8 years ago
what if he was traded then the logo "MH" will disappear
Matt Smith
Matt Smith - 7 years ago
ITs just for media/entertainment purposes that shit aint still there.
Red Vanderbilt
Red Vanderbilt - 8 years ago
oh that's so brainy
Dimas Ranuh
Dimas Ranuh - 8 years ago
draco coco yeah but those guys explain that it's his initial, probably it was designed to look both ways hw and mh , so if in the future he's being traded he can put those fire thingy away :p
francis F
francis F - 8 years ago
Dimas Ranuh lol see that fire thing on top of "H" so it means miami heat
Dimas Ranuh
Dimas Ranuh - 8 years ago
draco coco it's actually his initial though, HW
Greetje Buijert-Nijdam
Greetje Buijert-Nijdam - 8 years ago
Wow what a beautifull tank. Have you more movies from this tank?
Greetje Buijert-Nijdam
Greetje Buijert-Nijdam - 8 years ago
Greetz from Heerenveen. Holland. Nederland loopt achter met uitzendingen. Sorry my english is not so good.
aryan hugz
aryan hugz - 8 years ago
He's so happy!!!
Jeffrey Wise
Jeffrey Wise - 8 years ago
That's a nice tank
MILKy QUACk - 8 years ago
Jezz how tall is he?
uzamakii - 7 years ago
Matt Smith bruh this comment like 9 months old
Matt Smith
Matt Smith - 7 years ago
BC GOTKILLZ Lmao, and you wonder why your family doesn't like you?
HeatNation For Life
HeatNation For Life - 7 years ago
don't understand how this comment got everyone mad
Turo Quiroz
Turo Quiroz - 7 years ago
Platinum Hoops
Platinum Hoops - 8 years ago
Snow FlakeJ
Snow FlakeJ - 8 years ago
BC GOTKILLZ Honey you have to step ur shit up if you want to insult me. Too bad for the rest of humanity your mom didn't take a wire coat hanger to her uterus
BC GOTKILLZ - 8 years ago
lol snow bunny is a civil rights activist shut up n make sandwich
Snow FlakeJ
Snow FlakeJ - 8 years ago
MILKy QUACk Your mom raised you well cause after how foul that trash was speaking, I would have sunk to his level out of rage. I hate ppl like that. Kudos to you
MILKy QUACk - 8 years ago
i already knew it, i looked it up like u said idiot
BC GOTKILLZ - 8 years ago
+MILKy QUACk this fukin faggot waited from Dec 2 till Jan 18 to find out his height....u Blow Isis dick
Andre Harrison
Andre Harrison - 8 years ago
No problem.
MILKy QUACk - 8 years ago
thank you for being the one person that can just tell me instead of screaming at me lol
Andre Harrison
Andre Harrison - 8 years ago
Snow FlakeJ
Snow FlakeJ - 8 years ago
Google search
BC GOTKILLZ - 8 years ago
+Snow Bunny you cocaine snow bunny
Snow FlakeJ
Snow FlakeJ - 8 years ago
BC GOTKILLZ WOW. Classy. Clown
afrikan08 - 8 years ago
Was that really necessary? Smfh idiot.
HellLord0931 - 8 years ago
7 foot
BC GOTKILLZ - 8 years ago
google search faggot
Deformeddwight - 8 years ago
How Woden he know to take care of a saltwater fish tank
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
Dwight takes rayjaydwight and billy they have someone come in to maintain the tank.
Ritik Vanvani
Ritik Vanvani - 8 years ago
Hassan Whiteside the BEAST
ELISA Ostorga
ELISA Ostorga - 8 years ago
killer 88942
killer 88942 - 8 years ago
Shit my name is hassen
Harvey Nolan
Harvey Nolan - 8 years ago
Nathanael Loyer
Nathanael Loyer - 8 years ago
Double_Clutch_m8 - 8 years ago
Double_Clutch_m8 - 8 years ago
+Miguel Ibañez no wtf is your problem. Btw are you gay? You want a man to suck your dick?
Miguel Ibañez
Miguel Ibañez - 8 years ago
its me! smd
Michiel Medema
Michiel Medema - 8 years ago

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