My nano reef aquarium (25 gallon)

Hello ! I got started saltwater with a 25 g sept of 2007. (28¡¨x 16¡¨ x 16¡¨ tank.) CHILLER AND HEATER Chiller: Atman, set at 25 degree Celsius and working 2 years Heater: Atman 100 Watt, set at 24 degree Celsius and only working during winter. LIGHT PLAN: ATİ T5 HO Actinic: 24WX2 ATI T5 HO Blue plus: 24WX2 (20.000 Kelvin) ATİ T5 HO Aqua Spezial 24WX2 (12.000 Kelvin) WATER PARAMETERS pH: 8.1-8.3 Temperature: 24-26 degree Celsius, winter and summer. Specific Gravity: 1.022 ¡V 1.024 Ammonia: 0 Nitrites: 0 Nitrates: 0 ppm Phosphate: 0 ppm Calcium: 420-450ppm Magnesium:1300-1350 ppm Alkalinity: 8-10 dkh MAINTENENCE AND FEEDING: I change 20 liters salt water every month. I also dip one drop iodine and 3ml marine Strontium & Molybdenum, Calcium, Magnesium each weekend. I fed flake food every day for the fishes. For the ricordea, brain corals and other corals, I fed with Cyclop-eeze or fresh sliced shrimp meal every four days. Thank you for watching HD video.

My nano reef aquarium (25 gallon) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Freshwater 15 years ago 0 views

Hello ! I got started saltwater with a 25 g sept of 2007. (28¡¨x 16¡¨ x 16¡¨ tank.) CHILLER AND HEATER Chiller: Atman, set at 25 degree Celsius and working 2 years Heater: Atman 100 Watt, set at 24 degree Celsius and only working during winter. LIGHT PLAN: ATİ T5 HO Actinic: 24WX2 ATI T5 HO Blue plus: 24WX2 (20.000 Kelvin) ATİ T5 HO Aqua Spezial 24WX2 (12.000 Kelvin) WATER PARAMETERS pH: 8.1-8.3 Temperature: 24-26 degree Celsius, winter and summer. Specific Gravity: 1.022 ¡V 1.024 Ammonia: 0 Nitrites: 0 Nitrates: 0 ppm Phosphate: 0 ppm Calcium: 420-450ppm Magnesium:1300-1350 ppm Alkalinity: 8-10 dkh MAINTENENCE AND FEEDING: I change 20 liters salt water every month. I also dip one drop iodine and 3ml marine Strontium & Molybdenum, Calcium, Magnesium each weekend. I fed flake food every day for the fishes. For the ricordea, brain corals and other corals, I fed with Cyclop-eeze or fresh sliced shrimp meal every four days. Thank you for watching HD video.

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Most popular comments
for My nano reef aquarium (25 gallon)

u.uçar - 14 years ago
Yes, skimmer as Aqua Macro
mauricio canon
mauricio canon - 14 years ago
awesome, do u use a skimmer?
Cenk DEMIR - 15 years ago
Ya gerçekten çok güzel bir tank. Tebrik ederim...
u.uçar - 15 years ago
Thanks.The name coral is red brain.
john purdham
john purdham - 15 years ago
Stunning looking tank m8t what’s the name of the coral 30 seconds into the video?

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