Stingray Scares Away Kid & More Funny Aquarium Videos of 2016 Weekly Compilation | Kyoot Animals

AFV presents a brand new montage compilation of the funniest reactions and home video bloopers of what happens when kids see their favorite sea creatures at the aquarium. From sharks to tropical fish to sting rays to dolphins, Kyoot Animals has you covered! Check out more Kyoot Animal Compilations ► SUBSCRIBE TO KYOOT!: Watch More Animal Videos at: Like us on FACEBOOK: Kyoot delivers your daily fix of LOL pet clips and premium original shows for animal lovers of all ages. Come visit us to see all of your favorite animal moments both old and new! For all licensing inquiries please contact: info(at)homevideolicensing(dot)com

Stingray Scares Away Kid & More Funny Aquarium Videos of 2016 Weekly Compilation | Kyoot Animals sentiment_very_dissatisfied 278

Funny 8 years ago 1,084,799 views

AFV presents a brand new montage compilation of the funniest reactions and home video bloopers of what happens when kids see their favorite sea creatures at the aquarium. From sharks to tropical fish to sting rays to dolphins, Kyoot Animals has you covered! Check out more Kyoot Animal Compilations ► SUBSCRIBE TO KYOOT!: Watch More Animal Videos at: Like us on FACEBOOK: Kyoot delivers your daily fix of LOL pet clips and premium original shows for animal lovers of all ages. Come visit us to see all of your favorite animal moments both old and new! For all licensing inquiries please contact: info(at)homevideolicensing(dot)com

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Most popular comments
for Stingray Scares Away Kid & More Funny Aquarium Videos of 2016 Weekly Compilation | Kyoot Animals

carlos vela
carlos vela - 7 years ago
I like the one that the hippos are kissing
My Bunnies
My Bunnies - 7 years ago
Bei 3:30 der Skalar tut mir leid
Douglas David
Douglas David - 7 years ago
No click bait good on ya mate
j chan
j chan - 7 years ago
1:46 Stingray
chocochips unicorn
chocochips unicorn - 7 years ago
That dancing crab
kristaps smalkais
kristaps smalkais - 7 years ago
Stingrays are so cute! Like if you Agree!
Steven Peterson
Steven Peterson - 7 years ago
You can pet stingrays at the Dallas Texas aquarium
Melanie Levine
Melanie Levine - 7 years ago
the snail XD
Littlepie95 AJ
Littlepie95 AJ - 7 years ago
2:38 what im just eating

10. comment for Stingray Scares Away Kid & More Funny Aquarium Videos of 2016 Weekly Compilation | Kyoot Animals

Jazzyjazz 99
Jazzyjazz 99 - 7 years ago
9:16 so funny XD
Jacobtheboss - 7 years ago
"It's like their family is now home and their like doo doo doo doo doooo"
Samantha Port
Samantha Port - 7 years ago
So what's the deal with the beluga whales? Does anyone know why this is a thing they do? I'm also curious about that one spinning fish, but I feel that's less likely to have an answer.
Charlie W
Charlie W - 7 years ago
I feel more sorry for these animals in general. People think it's cute to see them do silly unusual motions like swim in circles or whatever, but definitely at least some of that behaviour in this video is due to stressful environments. The fish tapping the chest for instance - he's in a tiny tank with hardly any space to swim around in, and it appears that the chest is all he has to amuse himself with at all. Marine animals aren't half as stupid as people commonly believe, and they require more than just enough water to cover them and tourists laughing at them all day.
Eden Frawley
Eden Frawley - 7 years ago
at 3:33 that tank is way too small for that fish
nate jacke
nate jacke - 7 years ago
Decembirth - 7 years ago
What do stingrays and belugas have against kids?
-Hobby Ecke-
-Hobby Ecke- - 7 years ago
3:32 the poor Fish...
Roblox - 7 years ago
Sea creature name plz 5:20
Wello Bello
Wello Bello - 7 years ago
Beluga whales must have some age old rivalry with children.

20. comment for Stingray Scares Away Kid & More Funny Aquarium Videos of 2016 Weekly Compilation | Kyoot Animals

Lance frenante De Luna
Lance frenante De Luna - 7 years ago
hotspikes 14
hotspikes 14 - 7 years ago
8:15 my fish is broken
jayy pk
jayy pk - 7 years ago
3:39 Wow that angel fish is clever
ilikepizza 334
ilikepizza 334 - 7 years ago
I loled so much after this vid XD
piecheese1214 - 7 years ago
Jane - 7 years ago
I think sting rays just like to fuck with humans
the winged Pikmin
the winged Pikmin - 7 years ago
trevor edmunds
trevor edmunds - 7 years ago
9:16 hey ho hey ho hey ho
Trainer Boston
Trainer Boston - 7 years ago
The Dolphin Opening It's Mouth Always Makes Me Smile
Spirit Of Fire
Spirit Of Fire - 7 years ago
Who sees that bird that just kicks the other one off the ledge of that rock behind the seals at 2:30?

30. comment for Stingray Scares Away Kid & More Funny Aquarium Videos of 2016 Weekly Compilation | Kyoot Animals

P E K K A - 7 years ago
0:11 this is what i saw :3
Estefani Alavez
Estefani Alavez - 7 years ago
5:19 That Manati it's like "OMG are you my wife" hahahaha
Me Kivy
Me Kivy - 7 years ago
70% are Belugas xD
Daily Madness
Daily Madness - 7 years ago
Who tf calls theire kid damus
Sander Nielsen
Sander Nielsen - 7 years ago
What is it with Beluga whales and making kids wet their shorts ?
Kuro The Umbreon
Kuro The Umbreon - 7 years ago
Danu2010 Ceachir
Danu2010 Ceachir - 7 years ago
Danu2010 Ceachir
Danu2010 Ceachir - 7 years ago
Danu2010 Ceachir
Danu2010 Ceachir - 7 years ago
the mythical beast
the mythical beast - 7 years ago
0:10 me meeting new people
That one Lucky potato
That one Lucky potato - 7 years ago
1:44 the hippo is like I'm plotting a way to kill you all
Milin the bunny ch.
Milin the bunny ch. - 7 years ago
Jessica Cortez
Jessica Cortez - 7 years ago
1:42 that's how I look in all my selfies
Tea Child
Tea Child - 7 years ago
That tank with the angel fish is WAY too small.
Emma Newlands
Emma Newlands - 7 years ago
I cant belive people are scared of dogons
JM - 7 years ago
@ 1:09 Bailee from finding dory!
Jo Cox
Jo Cox - 7 years ago
1,000th comment!!!!
Jo Cox
Jo Cox - 7 years ago
Marty Mcfly
Marty Mcfly - 7 years ago
Hey can anybody tell me why its safe to pet the sting rays in this video. Do they have there stingers removed or something?
MinecraftFoxy - 7 years ago
Sting rays are great at scaring little kids XD

50. comment for Stingray Scares Away Kid & More Funny Aquarium Videos of 2016 Weekly Compilation | Kyoot Animals

Duchess - 7 years ago
Children feeding sting rays/I don't fucking know rays in a nutshell
Stingray:Hello child it is i floppy fish I would like to eat the food child
Sting ray:Why do you act like this carl?
Blitz_The_Dog - 7 years ago
I've swam with Manatees before, it was pretty terrifying because you don't see them deep in the water but then suddenly you feel something slimy on your feet, ITS THE MANATEE. THEN IT STARTS EATING LETTUCE AT LIGHTNING FAST SPEED EVEN THOUGH IT DOESNT HAVE TEETH
Blitz_The_Dog - 7 years ago
who's watching in 2017 also im glad my fellow dogs didn't scare anyone, lol who am I kidding we're dogs were man's best friend
GG Games
GG Games - 7 years ago
Potato Chips
Potato Chips - 7 years ago
A beluga whale once scared me
Spoon Hat
Spoon Hat - 7 years ago
3:33 Finding Nemo
Mel - 7 years ago
3:28 wayyy too small a tank for that fish.
James Becker
James Becker - 7 years ago
beluga whales are JERKS lol
space kid
space kid - 7 years ago
500th sub
space kid
space kid - 7 years ago
1000th comment
Omega Error Sans
Omega Error Sans - 7 years ago
of course he was scared he knows what happened to steve!
Extreme Music!
Extreme Music! - 7 years ago
0:13 that was the biggest stingray
Rory Cavazos
Rory Cavazos - 7 years ago
Dillon - 7 years ago
5:24 mom
raul erdei
raul erdei - 7 years ago
3:36 That moment when you open cases and win a knife!
Marely Garcia
Marely Garcia - 7 years ago
The Yolo Gamer
The Yolo Gamer - 7 years ago
8:16 um sir, I think your fish is broken.
Roblox Noob
Roblox Noob - 7 years ago
8:35 looks like a portal to the ocean lol
Keegan Crabb
Keegan Crabb - 7 years ago
that poor angle fish chasing the bubbles of the chest
A kid Roblox
A kid Roblox - 7 years ago
Irving Kardashian Doge
Irving Kardashian Doge - 7 years ago
That starfish wants out
NoemiPlayz YT
NoemiPlayz YT - 7 years ago
9:16 in the background
heyyy amigo dance party
Blue River Speedpaints
Blue River Speedpaints - 7 years ago
IVE BEEN TO THE AQUARIUM AT 1:45! Beautiful place, by the way. gigantic. there's also a room full of parrots, and they land on you as you feed them. Ive been there twice. I went first when I was maybe 7, and again lat year when I was 12.
Thomas Han
Thomas Han - 7 years ago
5:07 fart
Jozko Mrkvicka
Jozko Mrkvicka - 7 years ago
9:20 round and around and around and around we go...
Ethan Weinstein
Ethan Weinstein - 7 years ago
Also the plucky is funny
Ethan Weinstein
Ethan Weinstein - 7 years ago
I love when the animals fallow your hand that happens with my molly tank all the time
Zoe Tremain-woodcock
Zoe Tremain-woodcock - 7 years ago
what video was that?
Cassie Amos
Cassie Amos - 7 years ago
be for 8:45 the fish was like get the beep away from am beep girl then slash him
PastelLimeberry - 7 years ago
Snail: If you love me, falls off stick and floats LET ME GOOOOOOOAAOOOOOO!
Tuani TM
Tuani TM - 7 years ago
Beluga whale: Opens Mouth HEL--
Kids: Run away screaming
Zevens - 7 years ago
Beluga whale:Maop
windycitycrew21 - 7 years ago
Animals want to exterminate children I'll join the animals
Jaxine Dunn
Jaxine Dunn - 7 years ago
8:18 Fishet spinner anyone?
the RZR go broom broom
the RZR go broom broom - 7 years ago
the manatee at 5:18 was mocking the girl on the other side comment if you get it
Doreen Maya
Doreen Maya - 7 years ago
I think I saw a shark swallow a fish
Bayu Ari
Bayu Ari - 7 years ago
Hahahahahahhahah dat kid hahahahahahah
Nolan Girven
Nolan Girven - 7 years ago
7:18 Gangster crab
Scar Tooth99
Scar Tooth99 - 7 years ago
I agree myslef
Scar Tooth99
Scar Tooth99 - 7 years ago
Wh are stingrays so dang cute
Roxie Entertainment
Roxie Entertainment - 7 years ago
2:28 Did one of them just speak english???
FrostedCat - 7 years ago
the crab at 7:28 is doing the YMCA XD
TheHalfBlood Princess
TheHalfBlood Princess - 7 years ago
Me: looking at a slug in a aquarium

Slug: hejdbxucnnddjj

Stingray : pops up

Me : WTF IS THIS runs away


me: silently walks away while while crying
ChocolateKiwisNaren 123
ChocolateKiwisNaren 123 - 7 years ago
10:08  OMG awwwwww
Mysterious7Hawk - 7 years ago
kids looking at water tank glass thing and sting ray appears
hello.... its me...
Crazed Mythical Titan Cat
Crazed Mythical Titan Cat - 7 years ago
Makes me wanna do that to the seal too.
Tinykings - 7 years ago
YA BOI GUZMA - 7 years ago
Oh my god the fishie just wants bubbles
Lucas TheGamer24 - Games and more
Lucas TheGamer24 - Games and more - 7 years ago
wish i could like 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times
Jewelyka Parra
Jewelyka Parra - 7 years ago
guys R.I.P GEGE !!!!!!

100. comment for Stingray Scares Away Kid & More Funny Aquarium Videos of 2016 Weekly Compilation | Kyoot Animals

Atomic Dalek
Atomic Dalek - 7 years ago
8:16 fish e.x.e is not responding
Please reboot the system
If doing such thing does not work
Please contact us at
Microsoft/windows 10 XD
EnnDoesAnimations - 7 years ago
6:08 Idate in his natural habitat.

Okegom joke ;)
Kittyfoxcat - 7 years ago
Who else thout finding nemo at 3:44
K.J.D-Channas /Pythons Projekt Pond
K.J.D-Channas /Pythons Projekt Pond - 7 years ago
omg this kids are xtream stupid . the modern human dummys breed dummys
Subnormal Codex
Subnormal Codex - 7 years ago
When you've seen things and you don't wanna talk about it lol
Toxic LPS
Toxic LPS - 7 years ago
I feel like that pleco was my mum's fish tank I'm curious
Dr Giggles
Dr Giggles - 7 years ago
''Oh come over here kids I'm friendly just let me get nice and close to you and BOO!''
Campe The Fucking Idiot
Campe The Fucking Idiot - 7 years ago
stingray scares every kids
Hi Yep
Hi Yep - 7 years ago
Look! Someone broke the fish! 8.20
Tania_Cookie - 7 years ago
This is funny!!!! XD
Moosemunch - 7 years ago
"It's like their families are now home and there just: doot dot dotie" that was so funny XD
Zonester05 - 7 years ago
I hate little kids they are stupid clumsy and cringey they are all wee babies when I was small I was never scared or cry when I got hurt
Waluyo Jati
Waluyo Jati - 7 years ago
7.10 bulek bulek waw so amezing man
u want doubleD
u want doubleD - 7 years ago
7:17 no way that Crab is doing the samurai dance from samurai Jack
KELLI ROCKS - 7 years ago
What type of fish is that at 2:39
lucario - 7 years ago
3:28 Indiana fish
The Happy Face King
The Happy Face King - 7 years ago
3:29 Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! My bubbles!
PinkFluffy KittyCat
PinkFluffy KittyCat - 7 years ago
Some fish put their mouths on it because they are not funny,

They just put their mouths to clean their tank. Not like they are funny though.
Lilly Angel
Lilly Angel - 7 years ago
0:35 I believe I can fly
Frozen Dino
Frozen Dino - 7 years ago
1:40 hey guuuuuurrrrrrrrrllll
pixelman619 - 7 years ago
3:37 hes real
Marissa Largo
Marissa Largo - 7 years ago
Children are my least favorite aquarium animals
Renzo Ramirez
Renzo Ramirez - 7 years ago
Something about Belugas yelling at kids is oddly satisfying
Caitlyn Thorn
Caitlyn Thorn - 7 years ago
at 7:16 is funny
The weird Weekend
The weird Weekend - 7 years ago
Skip to 2:57 to 3:27
EvanBuz123 - 7 years ago
Seal bosses
Alois Trancy
Alois Trancy - 7 years ago
3:40 Bubbles!!! My bubbles!!
abcd efgh
abcd efgh - 7 years ago
it looks like some of these animals are on some pretty awesome ocean party drugs
Fadingcloud_catz - 7 years ago
9:18 okay, but what about the otter dancing in the background?
Misty plays
Misty plays - 7 years ago
On 7:17 it looks wierd idk wuts it doing
Theresa Wrenn
Theresa Wrenn - 7 years ago
how about they put a cameras in the ocean so everyone can see the ocean and the different sharks. so the sharks dont die
sammi luwruns
sammi luwruns - 7 years ago
3:36 this is cute and funny
LOL LOLZ - 7 years ago
Really loved this! So funny!
Daniel Belobockij
Daniel Belobockij - 7 years ago
Stingray is so cute
Catlover3920 Gaming and vlogs
Catlover3920 Gaming and vlogs - 7 years ago
At 9:16 LOL
Maxwell Edison
Maxwell Edison - 7 years ago
That beluga whale is just listening to the demons in his head
FugalFive 4798
FugalFive 4798 - 7 years ago
9:19 That one at the back seems happy
byrdman byrd
byrdman byrd - 7 years ago


byrdman byrd
byrdman byrd - 7 years ago
Baloogas these days
byrdman byrd
byrdman byrd - 7 years ago
spaghetti - 7 years ago
2:42 wait what?
L - 7 years ago
The beluga whales are just like "give me the child as an offering"
Miyu Miyu
Miyu Miyu - 7 years ago
0:00 Water type water type water type. . . GHOST TYPE!!!!
sammy man360
sammy man360 - 7 years ago
no. they do it on porpoise
TwelfthCarrot41 - 7 years ago
9:16 am I the only one who saw the otter dancing in the background...... XD
Olive O'Connor
Olive O'Connor - 7 years ago
I hate how this intelligent creatures are kept in so small aquariums (the wales) it must be torture
Mr. Quakers
Mr. Quakers - 7 years ago
5:07 XD
Elvis Lozano
Elvis Lozano - 7 years ago
Are you the one that made Animals Scaring People?
Game Cart123
Game Cart123 - 7 years ago
whats that animal at 1:36
a led pencil #2
a led pencil #2 - 7 years ago
5:17 she is looking at her self
Austin - 7 years ago
5:23 i dont see a difference
Joshgar Silva
Joshgar Silva - 7 years ago
in 56: it had bailey from finding dory
Free Da Gang
Free Da Gang - 7 years ago
5:24 he jist wanted to hig his twin sister
Sam Mills
Sam Mills - 7 years ago
that seal at 5:48 with that light was FREAKY
PAPYRUS NYEHEHEH - 7 years ago
Ormi Ader
Ormi Ader - 7 years ago
Kissing hippos.
Rembrant The Land Shark
Rembrant The Land Shark - 7 years ago
Thr angelfish with the treasure was so cute!
Phantasm Blast
Phantasm Blast - 7 years ago

When you find your long lost family
Phantasm Blast
Phantasm Blast - 7 years ago
1:14 Me: PLECKO!!!!!!!!
xyzek - 7 years ago
1:40 "hooman, halp me pls"
Ricardo Huante
Ricardo Huante - 7 years ago
quit kids those whales sense fear and I know thir called bulga whales
chuppybear - 7 years ago
At 5:07, this beluga had made a honk. Lol
orbital - 7 years ago
6:18 I guess you could say..

happy feet.
ansanity eevee
ansanity eevee - 7 years ago
1. 10 thas my old school, s fish
marilyn habawel
marilyn habawel - 7 years ago
Turquoise Dragon
Turquoise Dragon - 7 years ago
Fr0stByte - 7 years ago
1:35 when you swap sides on camara
EmilyGrace Studios
EmilyGrace Studios - 7 years ago
5 :20 your like me the animal says
neptune - 7 years ago

is that the Bronx Zoo, I swear that's the Bronx Zoo. I've been there so many times.
Terra - 7 years ago
Bubbles!!!! 3:26
Random Snake
Random Snake - 7 years ago
7:20 look at the flick if dat wrist XD
Ysabella and Angie
Ysabella and Angie - 7 years ago
3:06 is the beluga whale screaming
Or is the child screaming

(Btw I knew it was the child screaming)
JustSlasher and CrazyJack
JustSlasher and CrazyJack - 7 years ago
I love train
I love train - 7 years ago
what the heck guys so funny 9:18 tye otter background is dancing omg
DanTDMFANORTDMFANOMGILOVEUDAN I went to his tour - 7 years ago
I love stingrays
jeff browne
jeff browne - 7 years ago
5:25 hey bro howd you get on that side of the glass lol
Plasma Genji
Plasma Genji - 7 years ago
Dani - 7 years ago
The beluga whales do that with their mouths because they are expecting to be thrown a fish. That's actually probably true for most of these aquarium animals.
gigaswardblade - 7 years ago
What is it with beluga whales trying to consume the souls of children?
Breath Amazing!
Breath Amazing! - 7 years ago


Worker: No hes been doing that for 8 years
praveen sharma
praveen sharma - 7 years ago
Saron sna
Saron sna - 7 years ago
0:32 poor snail
Derek Arevalo
Derek Arevalo - 7 years ago
Throw me FISH
Amy Expert
Amy Expert - 7 years ago
5:20 oh you look like me... let's kiss..
Dragon Man
Dragon Man - 7 years ago
4:41 I aren't stingrays dangerous? why can you touch them they actually have the word "sting" in their name
rainbow bloom
rainbow bloom - 7 years ago
my class went too the zoo and we touched sting wrays one was like going up when it went to my bff it went Up and she got scared
Danielle Fregoe
Danielle Fregoe - 7 years ago
Aquarium tanks; The first interactive touch-screen.
Alex 6647
Alex 6647 - 7 years ago
07:21when you try to dab
Polter Boo
Polter Boo - 7 years ago
I love that damn Beluga, he just wants to play with the kids and I love him
Hunter Slainer
Hunter Slainer - 7 years ago
9:16 dancing otter back their he whanted to Just dance 2017
Gabriela Galecka
Gabriela Galecka - 7 years ago
1:11 I remember that I once had that kind of fish, he loved those bubbles.. R.I.P
Lennis 2015-2015
Asriel Dreemurr Gaming
Asriel Dreemurr Gaming - 7 years ago
dem baloogas
Lakersfan332 - 7 years ago
If I was a whale I would do the same thing
galaxy hitchhiker72
galaxy hitchhiker72 - 7 years ago
in my town's zoo you aren't allowed to pet the stingrays. They get stressed and die. Also, people were pulling them put of the water and throwing garbage at them, so yeah.
Tina Nasserzad
Tina Nasserzad - 7 years ago
7:10 Lmao
Angel Mercado
Angel Mercado - 7 years ago
6:05 the kid thinks the killer whale is really a killer get it?
LBC_Bulletproof - 7 years ago
Did that crab just dab? o.o
kiki gamers kece
kiki gamers kece - 7 years ago
3:52 so sweet
sonicboom - 7 years ago
5:50 demon seal wants your soul
Lols For Lily
Lols For Lily - 7 years ago
I have a pet fish named Flippy who is a half moon beta fish
Jack Kullas
Jack Kullas - 7 years ago
I can just think in the things head "oh look a kid (opens mouth) HHHIII!!!! Then the kid screams
DiamondKitty - 7 years ago
SF Rila
SF Rila - 7 years ago
IDK, is it me or @ 6.00, the seal looks like a demon?
SF Rila
SF Rila - 7 years ago
third one's like: let's play!
playtime's over! slap
ELI CAMARA - 7 years ago
I think they want food but no
The Fish Guy
The Fish Guy - 7 years ago
8:16 the fish has a swim bladder problem
mistergames - 7 years ago
5:18 is ma spirit animal
Paul . Alexeyenko
Paul . Alexeyenko - 7 years ago
Large freshwater angel in 5+ gallon aquarium? Wrong i say!
Abhijeet subedi
Abhijeet subedi - 7 years ago
Pause in 3:18, tell me what you see.
manzoor Athar
manzoor Athar - 7 years ago
Seal: finally i found my match....
Sarah - 7 years ago
lol the fish around 3:38 remind me of bubbles from finding nemo
Everything You hate
Everything You hate - 7 years ago
even the animals know that messing with children is fun
Rave - 7 years ago
8:26 rollin rollin rollin rollin xd
Guilherme de Souza
Guilherme de Souza - 7 years ago
Marshmallow_ Kitty123
Marshmallow_ Kitty123 - 7 years ago
Aww the sting rays are adorable but on the other side their SO deadly
haru takura
haru takura - 7 years ago
I just love stingrays their cute
KittyCat Gaming
KittyCat Gaming - 7 years ago
Creirim Silverpaw
Creirim Silverpaw - 7 years ago
finding nemo joke
Emziz34 media
Emziz34 media - 7 years ago
bulugas r awesome they do the mouth thing cuz they try to play but the one just wanted dat cookie
Crystal rain
Crystal rain - 7 years ago
the face on the string rays face is so cute
T1gg3R702 702
T1gg3R702 702 - 7 years ago
im scared
T1gg3R702 702
T1gg3R702 702 - 7 years ago
BallorFox 307
BallorFox 307 - 7 years ago
like si biste el pez que paresia que iba bailando en la numero 2?...!
Doc von Schmeltwick
Doc von Schmeltwick - 7 years ago
Wow, Finding Nemo was right....
Abigail Orndorff
Abigail Orndorff - 7 years ago
8:25 ...I think my fish broke...
Abigail Orndorff
Abigail Orndorff - 7 years ago
3:38 BUBBLES! Bfjdgnsgdiehsnsbubblesbjcucidhdishskdg BUBBLES! (Finding Nemo anyone?) :3
Infamous Onion Cutting Ninja!
Infamous Onion Cutting Ninja! - 7 years ago
Muhammad aiman raslan A.K.A TFG
Muhammad aiman raslan A.K.A TFG - 7 years ago
Misty the snow leopard
Misty the snow leopard - 7 years ago
I think the first stingray looked a bit cute, honestly XD
Cuntlord64 - 7 years ago
3:28 whababablubalbluablalaba bubbles... bubbles
Golden King
Golden King - 7 years ago
Belugas be like "f*ck off ya crazy kidz!!"
Deutsch Girl
Deutsch Girl - 7 years ago
Golden King lol
Aduke Schulist
Aduke Schulist - 7 years ago
Patrick Star
Patrick Star - 7 years ago
5:20 family meeting... when u know what i mean, wheigt and so on...
Barbara Bohne
Barbara Bohne - 7 years ago
Beluga: Hmmmm. Ah yes, the short ones... >:)
GrahamTV - 7 years ago
Beluga Whales are so funny!
Furby And Frends
Furby And Frends - 7 years ago
The fish at 3:41 BUBBLES XD
Soup Bowl
Soup Bowl - 7 years ago
9:28 OMG LIKE I HAVE THOSE 3 FISHES LIKE OMG THE ORANGE RED ONE USED TO HAVE A TWIN. THE MOTHER... Died after she gave birth to a dead baby the father died the white large one die because getting stuck in one of their little homes the one alive are the black fish and the orange redish fish.
Shiverdamnation - 7 years ago
3:28 that aquarium is disgustingly tiny for that fish.
Miriam Cakir
Miriam Cakir - 7 years ago
3:27 that is not a very big tank for a fish like that
Eladia Martinez
Eladia Martinez - 7 years ago
Spinning right round baby right round, like a record baby.
Eladia Martinez
Eladia Martinez - 7 years ago
Omg it's Bubbles from Nemo!
Alise Dupane
Alise Dupane - 7 years ago
Love Minecraft
Love Minecraft - 7 years ago
At 2:31 I was there lol
Nahomi - 7 years ago
5:45 i love
Tornado Trackers
Tornado Trackers - 7 years ago
0:10 stingray says: Haiiiiiii want to be friends? Little Billy runs away stingray:oh ok baiiiiiiiiiiii
LPS Swift Studios
LPS Swift Studios - 7 years ago
i wish my zoo had beluga whales ):( my zoo just has seals and sealions for big aquatic animals
The Outsiders Fan14
The Outsiders Fan14 - 7 years ago
Hahaha belugas are so funby
The Outsiders Fan14
The Outsiders Fan14 - 7 years ago
yerlee1 - 7 years ago
Beluga is just trying to look for dory
Clutch MC
Clutch MC - 7 years ago
What animal is on 0:55 ?
Coffee kitten :3
Coffee kitten :3 - 7 years ago
Beluga whales are so darn freaking adorable
super captain Lyall man
super captain Lyall man - 7 years ago
the sea snail descended into heaven.
David Sulayman
David Sulayman - 7 years ago
>A beaver comes out of the water and spins in circles< Me: Why do i see a dancing beaver in the backround?! XD
David Sulayman
David Sulayman - 7 years ago
"Its gonna get your foot!" Me: ARE THOSE PUFFINS?! >:D
David Sulayman
David Sulayman - 7 years ago
"Wave Davis Wave!" >The animal makes a fart sound as it opens its mouth< XDDD
Cryptcke - 7 years ago
3:27 Me as a fish lol
Fa1ry - 7 years ago
3:30 just makes me so happy how can something be so pure
Blobfish Gamer
Blobfish Gamer - 7 years ago
omg i love the stingray's derpey face xD
Michael phetterplace
Michael phetterplace - 7 years ago
That stingray's face is actually kinda creepy ._.
flameboy515 - 7 years ago
My favorite part is at 5:18
Horsejumpergirl12 - 7 years ago
The beluga whales sure love eating tiny children?!
Dylan Felx-d'anjou
Dylan Felx-d'anjou - 7 years ago
Cute Brooklyn123
Cute Brooklyn123 - 7 years ago
I love beluga whales. When I see one scaring kids on perpose, I just laugh
RadiatedDalek - 7 years ago
1:31 that guy with the mic sounds like Trump
Daniel Otero
Daniel Otero - 7 years ago
8:16 i think your fish broke
Galaxy KawiiSisters
Galaxy KawiiSisters - 7 years ago
Galaxy KawiiSisters
Galaxy KawiiSisters - 7 years ago
4:20 scary cat
Galaxy KawiiSisters
Galaxy KawiiSisters - 7 years ago
Galaxy KawiiSisters
Galaxy KawiiSisters - 7 years ago
Galaxy KawiiSisters
Galaxy KawiiSisters - 7 years ago
0:57 SO CUTE :3
sisuwan songrit
sisuwan songrit - 7 years ago
Just add a How to make fanf not scary 3 Peekaboo at the stingray
sisuwan songrit
sisuwan songrit - 7 years ago
Sorry I spelled Fnaf wrong
UnicornMochi - 7 years ago
7:15 LOL
Vexi - 7 years ago
Kisha Nance
Kisha Nance - 7 years ago
at 8:22 how the hell
UnsafestPuma - 7 years ago
3:15 FAT BELUGA!!!
_—RenzandAmmiel—_ Lupian
_—RenzandAmmiel—_ Lupian - 7 years ago
I was distracting the stingrays
Sasori FR
Sasori FR - 7 years ago
3:26 like in Nemo
-Bubbles!Bubbles! Bubbles!
Joystikz_ - 7 years ago
Fun fact: Touch pool animals are stressed and they usually die. But their corpses are removed at night, and replaced with a new animal, and so the cycle goes on.
The Raven of the East
The Raven of the East - 7 years ago
6:08 I don't blame you kid if I an Orca was swimming at me I'd run away screaming too.
Kirby DaGreat
Kirby DaGreat - 7 years ago
When did that fish started eating sand
Crooty - 7 years ago
Awww the little girl playing peek-a-boo
Jac Sanchez
Jac Sanchez - 7 years ago
3:29 "BUBBLES!!!"
~crazy yellow fish from Finding Nemo
Wolfie Art studios
Wolfie Art studios - 7 years ago
Those balugas (or what ya wanna call it) really like to scare peo-kids
Simply Potato!
Simply Potato! - 7 years ago
7:12 when you eat to much
Crooked Emerald123
Crooked Emerald123 - 7 years ago
7:10 XD
ydually1 - 7 years ago
What is that
Peppy Lopez
Peppy Lopez - 7 years ago
SugarPetz Plays
SugarPetz Plays - 7 years ago
5:46 reminds me of Happy Feet
Letícia Silva
Letícia Silva - 7 years ago
The penguins have appreciation for feet because 'Happy Feet' taught them to tap
Ask sans the skeleton
Ask sans the skeleton - 7 years ago
6:12 me in an exam
CureSushi - 7 years ago
belugas are so cute :)
Kylee the art Fox
Kylee the art Fox - 7 years ago
OMG 7:09 made me laugh so hard XD
Crum Cakes
Crum Cakes - 7 years ago
What is that animal called in 5:19
Kylee the art Fox
Kylee the art Fox - 7 years ago
Crum Cakes manatee
Garry101 Gaming
Garry101 Gaming - 7 years ago
like if you have steped or touched a sting ray!
Skylar durrant
Skylar durrant - 7 years ago
It's the same beluga in all of them
Jurassic Alex
Jurassic Alex - 7 years ago
You spin me right around baby, right around if you go down if you go down down!
MakiKilledRiko - 7 years ago
I love how the beluga's are smart enough to scare the kids by opening their mouth, there has to be an intelligent creator that made these animals.
Face Man
Face Man - 7 years ago
Maki Nishikino They do it to show they are dominant to smaller creatures that's why they only do it to kids
deletedData - 8 years ago
Lol the first one it's like jAws Dunn a Dunn a dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun hello ahhhhhhhh :) singing rays face turns :( :) >:)
realityforlorn - 8 years ago
So, the one thing I learned from this? Beluga's are dicks. lmao.
Cassie google account Llama
Cassie google account Llama - 8 years ago
Chumpy the Anteater
Chumpy the Anteater - 8 years ago
3:36 BUBBLES BUBABhBubhfjggdhfmdfjdjj bubbles!
Face Man
Face Man - 7 years ago
Psychotic Antëater He likes bubbles..
Catgamer129 - 8 years ago
Apparently beluga whales are evil :T
The Awkward Drashig
The Awkward Drashig - 8 years ago
3:27 "BUBBLES!"
Vivica fox Blue
Vivica fox Blue - 8 years ago
5:23 I think he thinks he found is soul mate
Valve Steam
Valve Steam - 8 years ago
MinecraftFox Cute&FuzzyFurball
MinecraftFox Cute&FuzzyFurball - 8 years ago
Beluga whales are supposed to that. They open their mouths, and they yell in their own way. That means to "Back Off". This happens mainly because their in domestic society.
MinecraftFox Cute&FuzzyFurball
MinecraftFox Cute&FuzzyFurball - 8 years ago
The fish at 3:39
Fish: Look at da bubbles! :3
DOLPgamer 3000
DOLPgamer 3000 - 8 years ago
the perfect example of a brain fart 5:08
I think I may be a cat
I think I may be a cat - 8 years ago
Did you just
Slender The Bunny
Slender The Bunny - 8 years ago
the dolphins keep opening thier mouths to people and scaring them! lol XD XD XD XD XD
SugarPetz Plays
SugarPetz Plays - 7 years ago
Slender The Bunny its not dolphins -.-
Emily Quam
Emily Quam - 8 years ago
8:54 Isn't that the Calvert Marine Museum?
Shinoa Yuki
Shinoa Yuki - 8 years ago
3:35 that fish remind me of Finding Nemo XD
Astra Smash Bruh
Astra Smash Bruh - 8 years ago
No Way! Is that Leusick Diamondeyez?
Glitter - 8 years ago
2:30 Give the seal in the middle a fish already.
mary-Natsu chan
mary-Natsu chan - 8 years ago
min 3:26 Finding Nemo xD
Burbujas burbujas burbujotas burbujaaas
Not You
Not You - 8 years ago
Meepers Creepers
Meepers Creepers - 8 years ago
9:16 i cant decide which one i like more, the spinning otter or the dancing otter in the background
Celeste Heinen
Celeste Heinen - 8 years ago
2:13 Netherlands!!!
JB n STUFF - 8 years ago
This is one of the many reasons I hate kids
SugarPetz Plays
SugarPetz Plays - 7 years ago
JB n STUFF so u used to hate urself
VORNAME NACHNAME - 8 years ago
8:19 his fish is broken.
Hunter Slainer
Hunter Slainer - 8 years ago
8:33 and the rest of the people petting those stingrays are they the Jacksonville zoo
Midnight puppet And Spade foxfur
Midnight puppet And Spade foxfur - 8 years ago
0:40 I wanna do that someday ( not really hit them but just pretend like I am)
Mr.smith jonson
Mr.smith jonson - 8 years ago
3:05 BOO!
sweeto potatoe
sweeto potatoe - 8 years ago
3:26 finding nemo is real
GoldenCatRingsWings / GCRW /
GoldenCatRingsWings / GCRW / - 8 years ago
5:50 Is this Seal possesed by a demon??
Vivian Drayla
Vivian Drayla - 8 years ago
Stingrays are awesome.
Johnny Wang
Johnny Wang - 8 years ago
Deez damn beluga whales XD
Viktorija Bdilbaite
Viktorija Bdilbaite - 8 years ago
the part when a boy was looking then a killer whale shoud up.
boy:oooh a aah!...
boy*screams and runs away*
killer whale: out of my way boy killer whale coming threw!.
enderlaptop minecrafter3
enderlaptop minecrafter3 - 8 years ago
8:15 round spin me round spinning 360 no scope
Holger Lahayne
Holger Lahayne - 8 years ago
i like water animals
Punk Nation
Punk Nation - 8 years ago
sea pancakes!
peachymilk - 8 years ago
When I was little I called Stingrays "Blanket Fish" XDD
Mor Su
Mor Su - 8 years ago
5:52 ITS a DEMON
Extinct Pride
Extinct Pride - 8 years ago
I have a feeling that the belugas where trying to eat them
Mirwen - 8 years ago
1:10 ancistrus ♥
cz96 aj
cz96 aj - 8 years ago
1:09 my fish dose that
Ava Corrigan
Ava Corrigan - 8 years ago
That scared me!!! 2:11
Hey MirCuteness
Hey MirCuteness - 8 years ago
7:18 i think tht carb want to show people whip nae nae.
Heather Bui
Heather Bui - 8 years ago
BigDamnestHero - 8 years ago
That Crab Has Swag
Omnominous - 8 years ago
5:18 Mum, is that you mum?
Face Man
Face Man - 7 years ago
H03Drago That's exactly what I was thinking
quality ear rapes _
quality ear rapes _ - 8 years ago
Vick Vick
Vick Vick - 8 years ago
7:30 it was dancing to the YMCA song
Guitroy Hover
Guitroy Hover - 8 years ago
Porquê as Belugas sempre bocanham o vidro..elas querem comer as pessoas?
Budder - 8 years ago
Frankie Ball
Frankie Ball - 8 years ago
0:12 that's so cute!!!!!
Oscar Armas
Oscar Armas - 8 years ago
Oscar Armas
Oscar Armas - 8 years ago
dez nuts goody
Politicalrainbowcat !
Politicalrainbowcat ! - 8 years ago
I think that Beluga whales know that that scares kids and do that on purpose
Anti-Virus Sans
Anti-Virus Sans - 8 years ago
8:16 Fish.exe has stopped working
felix anophelus
felix anophelus - 8 years ago
imagine u in there..
Jayden Bradke
Jayden Bradke - 8 years ago
22Sean Lakin
22Sean Lakin - 8 years ago
that crab has more swag then me
BUTTERYDIAMOND V - 8 years ago
The zoo we went too used to have belugas
EpicMovieAddict - 8 years ago
The spinning fish killed me.
Nature Gaming
Nature Gaming - 8 years ago
Nature Gaming
Nature Gaming - 8 years ago
xXKatMonXx - 8 years ago
I've been binge watching zoo and aquarium videos, having fun, 'til I became sad and realized they don't belong in the city
Lizbeth Resendiz
Lizbeth Resendiz - 8 years ago
Why do beluga whales always do that like in every clip of them they scream at little children! XD
Tord Larsson
Tord Larsson - 8 years ago
8:16 that fish is so confused right now XD
goat bananas
goat bananas - 8 years ago
most of these are balooga whales and seals
Little crow
Little crow - 8 years ago
3:39 it's the bubble guy from nemo lol
my name What
my name What - 8 years ago
beluga whale:a nice sea creatures to scare kids
JJBagz - 8 years ago
3:06 lol it looks like the beluga is saying "ARGH"
Plumpstery - 8 years ago
5:24. Long lost sisters
Zefron - 8 years ago
3:03 those guys are just great trolls :D
I make bad conetnt
I make bad conetnt - 8 years ago
Stingrays just love to scare children.
Supercooper28 - 8 years ago
HEEEY said the stingray
Franny Franson
Franny Franson - 8 years ago
hey! hey! hey! hey!
Roblox gamer Flylikeamotherfuckingbird
Roblox gamer Flylikeamotherfuckingbird - 8 years ago
Gabriel Bettini
Gabriel Bettini - 8 years ago
Why The White Whale Is The Best Animal?...AND SEAL AND PENGUIN TOO! :333
Pro Gamer Gt
Pro Gamer Gt - 8 years ago
7:10 is very funny
Philippe Pelletier
Philippe Pelletier - 8 years ago
5:59 it look posses...
naked mole rat
naked mole rat - 8 years ago
most of the scares are from beluga whales
Smeeze - 8 years ago
String rays look like they want you to moisturise them.
Lps Purple Girl
Lps Purple Girl - 8 years ago
The stingrays face.
tawney starr
tawney starr - 8 years ago
why are kids afrarid of everything?
Isabella the reborn
Isabella the reborn - 8 years ago
LOL at 7:17 the crab was trying to do the DAB
Khaleel Mohammed
Khaleel Mohammed - 8 years ago
what is the neon yellow fish doing ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :0
Chris Pointer
Chris Pointer - 8 years ago
Humans r more scared than animals then they r
Mlg stuff 646466463663
Mlg stuff 646466463663 - 8 years ago
9:16 made me laugh hard
Lav & the gamer
Lav & the gamer - 8 years ago
Allot of these are from the vancouver aquarium.
Daniella - 8 years ago
is it me or do those Beluga whales open their mouth on purpose to scare children xD
Pangolin Production's
Pangolin Production's - 8 years ago
Why are kids scared of a beluga opening it's mouth?
Pangolin Production's
Pangolin Production's - 8 years ago
I'm also lmao from those belugas
YouAintHurting MEHH
YouAintHurting MEHH - 8 years ago
00:15 StingRay Hello Baby LittleKid : Oh shit gotta go fast 2x.
JolteonGamerGirl - 8 years ago
Btw most of them were in SeaWorld :3
Thiago Fonseca
Thiago Fonseca - 8 years ago
these stingrays and ugly stingrays scaring these kids...

lol. I burst out laughting when that happens
Manolya Beauty
Manolya Beauty - 8 years ago
5:04 hhahahah that sound XD
Average Alien
Average Alien - 8 years ago
beluga whales just know that opening their mouths will scare the little humans, it's sort of like an inside joke for them
pusheen tube
pusheen tube - 8 years ago
if you could be any zoo animal for a day, what would you be? (I wanna be an otter)
Leikita Maliuyaf
Leikita Maliuyaf - 8 years ago
hahaha!o my I am never stoping
creeperdude 2007
creeperdude 2007 - 8 years ago
8:20 You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round right round
Cuddlepup the animator arctic fox
Cuddlepup the animator arctic fox - 8 years ago
The snail was funny XD
P.B - 8 years ago
3:30 the fish is amused
CeZar RamoZ
CeZar RamoZ - 8 years ago
3:26 BUBBLES!!!!!!
Cheryl Loke
Cheryl Loke - 8 years ago
Animals should not be confined in bath tubs or cages for our entertainment. Animals have emotions like us...imagine being put into a tiny room for the rest of your life! If you want to visit wild animals go to a animal sanctuary or a safari (they actually help animals) unlike zoos or aquariums
Gabi Murray
Gabi Murray - 8 years ago
Cheryl Loke really you call that a bathtub
Lord Twaddle
Lord Twaddle - 8 years ago
3:28 that's a very poor way to keep an Angelfish, they need way more space
Gamer's Galaxy
Gamer's Galaxy - 8 years ago
Lord Twaddle lol I thought you said anglerfish.....
Lord Twaddle
Lord Twaddle - 8 years ago
I keep mine with tankmates in a 90g 5tt wide tank
Gabi Murray
Gabi Murray - 8 years ago
Lord Twaddle thats the side of the tank
ANJ4Life - 8 years ago
When the Beluga whale opened its mouth, at the same time the kid screamed so it looked like the Beluga whale was screaming. I found that phenomenal. Also it was funny when the seal was moving to where the kids hand was moving.
Dezzy - 8 years ago
Oh my god those Beluga whales are so cute! Are they trained to entertain children or something?
Captain wolf3
Captain wolf3 - 8 years ago
5:11 that is at marine land!
Captain wolf3
Captain wolf3 - 8 years ago
2:45 I have that fish. It's a diamond watchman goby
Berdoh Mcfuckbird
Berdoh Mcfuckbird - 8 years ago
8:15 calls petsmart
"uhm, yeah, I think I broke my fish"
jOjO JoJo
jOjO JoJo - 8 years ago
it took me so long to realize 8:37 was sideways. i fucking thought it was some harry potter magic level water shit.
Isshu Sugimura
Isshu Sugimura - 8 years ago
0:43 this kid has a future career as animal trainer
Infinity - 8 years ago
Omg hahaha lol
Rustan Lagrimas
Rustan Lagrimas - 8 years ago
0:09 hello child.
star warrior 2016 shoemaker
star warrior 2016 shoemaker - 8 years ago
Rustan Lagrimas the look under him :3
Shadow Frost
Shadow Frost - 8 years ago
ii_FuRy - 8 years ago
1:53 That place looks familiar.. (Is it Denver Aquarium?)
W.D Gaster
W.D Gaster - 8 years ago
3:27 findings Nemo fish BUBBLES BUBBLES
Haiduc Dracula
Haiduc Dracula - 8 years ago
5:07 DAFUQ
Shadow Dragon
Shadow Dragon - 8 years ago
I like the stingrays
Yesika Narvaez
Yesika Narvaez - 8 years ago
What is it with Baluga Whales and Scaring kids?
Domino Sketches
Domino Sketches - 8 years ago
You can just see the smile on the Belugas face when they scare a kid XD
Mr. Hat
Mr. Hat - 8 years ago
help my fish broke
Johnny D'Elia
Johnny D'Elia - 8 years ago
0:11 The Ray. Whats up Kid. AHHHHH
Jazmyn Peterson
Jazmyn Peterson - 8 years ago
7:17 crab doing the whip and nae nae
Hayley Malik2real
Hayley Malik2real - 8 years ago
Hi, That is one of my moms videos in here. Its actually the VERY first one. i am not sure how you got ahold of the video because it is private, but.. um.. you can still content and not give credit. btw im the girl little girl by the tank, so i am in it too. my family did not give you any permission to post our content so i request that you please take it down. My mom has already reported it.
Hayley Malik2real
Hayley Malik2real - 8 years ago
i also just realized we are your tumbnail.
Hayley Malik2real
Hayley Malik2real - 8 years ago
2 reports have been made. next time ask for content.
Dylan Mcgoff
Dylan Mcgoff - 8 years ago
How come I imagine a beluga with Optimus primes voice
Llama Girl Alo
Llama Girl Alo - 8 years ago
The seals have been trained to respond to hand commands... that's why they follow the lead of the people in this video.
Davindra Lakhan
Davindra Lakhan - 8 years ago
3:32, nemo reference My BUBBLES!
shaddow1894 - 8 years ago
8:14 "Damnit, my fish is broken again :/ "
Hatrix - 8 years ago
8:29-I thought that those kids were petting stingray through some sort of magic device that held the water in place, turns out the person holding the camera was filming it sideways... I have been lied to.
MistyMint - 7 years ago
same actually
Springtrap - 8 years ago
thats what i thought for a moment!
Hatt TheCat
Hatt TheCat - 8 years ago
Hatrix Same ;-;
Magical Poop
Magical Poop - 8 years ago
Beluga: Ican see everything! Can you see me? Oh that's not how it works
PinkFluffy KittyCat
PinkFluffy KittyCat - 8 years ago
The stingrays are so cute I love their faces
PinkFluffy KittyCat
PinkFluffy KittyCat - 7 years ago
Lol who liked me
Saki Inu
Saki Inu - 8 years ago
Crabs like to dab
mikeax24 - 8 years ago
7:22 its the dab crab
griphen Jones
griphen Jones - 8 years ago
8:24 i think its broken
Coffie Raptor Studios
Coffie Raptor Studios - 8 years ago
3:28 BUBBLEZ!!!!!

oh come on you know we all thought that immediately
Isamic - 8 years ago
That otter has some pretty slick dance moves
Isamic - 8 years ago
That crab got some MOVES
james bocking
james bocking - 8 years ago
clear awter + penguins= ..wait.. penguins CAN fly
BunchOfRandomness - 8 years ago
3:27 I actually feel kinda bad for lil dude...Being locked up will make you go crazy.

Free my lil fish homie!!
YA BOI GUZMA - 7 years ago
BunchOfRandomness bigger tank!!
Sure Mario, do what you want
Sure Mario, do what you want - 8 years ago
I remember I once visited this one park where you could swim with Stingrays when I was like 8 or 9, I accidently stepped on one (it was very shallow water) and I got so fucking scared, it actually made me scared of lakes for a little while lol
Interfectoremin - 8 years ago
8:20 this fish has a tumor
Amanda Cannon
Amanda Cannon - 8 years ago
How do you get all these videos?
Rabbit Gaming
Rabbit Gaming - 8 years ago
fish in the 3:28 says" bubblebubblebubble"
CHUBBOII - 8 years ago
5:43 amazing. She's communicating with the Penguins!
Endicite Plays
Endicite Plays - 8 years ago
And the seals are following there hand because they are hungry they don't get 1 fish per seal
Endicite Plays
Endicite Plays - 8 years ago
NEVER shine a laser at the fish tank it harms the fish
trotman Family
trotman Family - 8 years ago
3:27 was the yellow fish from finding nemo
dog-teeth - 8 years ago
Holy shit dude at 3:10 that's at the Vancouver aquarium and I remember being there when it happened and laughing I'm standing just offscreen to the right
Fonni Bonni
Fonni Bonni - 8 years ago
3:28 BUBBLES!!! BUBBLES BUBBLES BUBBLES!! MY BUBBLES... - yellow fishy from finding nemo
Yli A
Yli A - 8 years ago
I love the sting rays. They look like me after a Saturday night"
JARI B - 8 years ago
.... It's a sea lion..
Yli A
Yli A - 8 years ago
Also, the otter or whatever at 5:50 looks like a demon is inside him.
Las Palomas
Las Palomas - 8 years ago
why the stingrays are scare i dont understands is the more beatiful animal in the world
Axle ____
Axle ____ - 8 years ago
The stingray on the first clip was like sah dude watchu doin
Hayley Malik2real
Hayley Malik2real - 8 years ago
Tumblr Dude lol yea. that MY video from MY facebook and MY MOMS PRIVATE youtube channel.
Ben Brasch
Ben Brasch - 8 years ago
that's my life at 0:34
Jaden Walker
Jaden Walker - 8 years ago
omg at 0:10 the stingray was like "HALLO!!"
- Cookiez -
- Cookiez - - 8 years ago
The beluga whales open their mouths because they're telling them to back off. Belugas wouldn't do it normally because the animal doesn't like the fact it's being held In a glass box lol
Indorian - 8 years ago
9:16 DJ Otter In the background with a dancer in front.
Nega man
Nega man - 7 years ago
Indorian Next Up, playing X gonna it to you!
TacticalJukes Gaming
TacticalJukes Gaming - 8 years ago
The beluga mouth thing XD
B.B Gaming
B.B Gaming - 8 years ago
8:20 three sixty nose scope
Chao Yang
Chao Yang - 8 years ago
3:36 the fish was like ... BUBBLEs
KawaiiMousey :/
KawaiiMousey :/ - 8 years ago
The crab is part of the nazi army ( sorry if this offends anyone )
Face Man
Face Man - 7 years ago
KawaiiMousey :/ Heil
Meme Lord
Meme Lord - 8 years ago
8:15 yes pet smart um I think my fish is broken
The Fish Guy
The Fish Guy - 7 years ago
Meme Lord it has a swim bladder problem
I think I may be a cat
I think I may be a cat - 8 years ago
Cj Hargrove It needs new batteries
Hatt TheCat
Hatt TheCat - 8 years ago
Cj Hargrove When fish do that it means they are stressed
Marko Kopljar
Marko Kopljar - 8 years ago
wtf why were there sharks like: ima eat yo ass
TheGuruPenguin - 8 years ago
my favorites were the penguins
Herzent Emil
Herzent Emil - 8 years ago
The crab at 7.17 is like "oh high there, DAP".
Herzent Emil
Herzent Emil - 8 years ago
i mean dab
RagdollAngelcat BTS
RagdollAngelcat BTS - 8 years ago
8:27 Buffering...please wait.
Joi Ang Gelo
Joi Ang Gelo - 8 years ago
5:49 those eyes
UniquelyBodie - 8 years ago
I fucking hate stingray with their weird-ass human faces.
Tiphanie Stephens
Tiphanie Stephens - 8 years ago
Equally o
Aichi Sendou
Aichi Sendou - 8 years ago
i remember when i went to some aquarium this happen when i was a kid. they had a big tank where people can stand around it i had my hands on the edge over the side a bit suddenly something touched my hands a Sting-ray came up to say hello it freaked me out it was smooth but slimy a bit i think some people laugh a bit but that was ok i was a kid it happens
TheToxicCarnage007 - 8 years ago
1:52 OMFG this idiot is saying Fed, someone needs grammar school again
Kylee the art Fox
Kylee the art Fox - 7 years ago
TheToxicCarnage007 "He wants FED honey he wants fed"
Jenny Humboldt
Jenny Humboldt - 8 years ago
TheToxicCarnage007 It's just lazy speech; she's using the correct tense but she didn't verbally include the understood "to be".
Villager - 8 years ago
TheToxicCarnage007 You forgot putting up a punctuation... Are you a hypocrite?
Metal Triops
Metal Triops - 8 years ago
Beluga whale are prankster's
Nick TDG
Nick TDG - 8 years ago
Why do Beluga's like fuckin with kids?
Christopher Murray The Nebula Spinosaurus!
Christopher Murray The Nebula Spinosaurus! - 7 years ago
They Like Having Fun
Box Dragon
Box Dragon - 7 years ago
Nick TDG That's jaw popping. It's the beluga way of saying "GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE"
Justin Baxter
Justin Baxter - 8 years ago
Nick The Derpy Guy because belugas just want friends
Las Palomas
Las Palomas - 8 years ago
Because is the belugas are nerds and the kids scares the nerds
Joseph the Potatoes
Joseph the Potatoes - 8 years ago
Nick The Derpy Guy lol
Death Godzilla
Death Godzilla - 8 years ago
3:27 Finding Nemo all over again. BUBBLES!!!!
Death Godzilla
Death Godzilla - 8 years ago
I'm literally watching Finding Nemo. Something is fishy around here.
the doggy minecart c
the doggy minecart c - 8 years ago
lol 5:35-5:49 the pinguin is farting
wesley perry
wesley perry - 8 years ago
wesley perry
wesley perry - 8 years ago
The whale 5:10
sesti1352 - 8 years ago
5:07 just watch the kids XDDD
808natee - 8 years ago
funny but people should just enjoy these sea creatures rather than harassing them
DJ Builder 5827
DJ Builder 5827 - 8 years ago
1:44 I will stare in to your sssoooouuuulllll
Mr. Bones
Mr. Bones - 8 years ago
thats why i love the ocean
Onsvaltti - 8 years ago
pretty sure that beluga whales are assholes :D
Milburn Madness 2.0
Milburn Madness 2.0 - 8 years ago
Dabo dabo
Itz_ Elaine
Itz_ Elaine - 8 years ago
7:20 and 7:30 Dab on!!
LittleSeahorse 8
LittleSeahorse 8 - 8 years ago
I just have to say this but when I went to theme park they had walruses and one time one of the walruses spit out fish then ate spit it out ate it it was distugustinh
idiot - 8 years ago
I have the sand eating fish at my doctors
Emil Strauss
Emil Strauss - 8 years ago
It doesn't eat sand, It puts sand in its mouth, and then spits the sand out of its gills. It does this to search for food and nutrients in the sand.
Hatt TheCat yeah, probably
Hatt TheCat
Hatt TheCat - 8 years ago
DANIEL ALEJANDRO SALAZAR TOVAR The fish has gone crazy from being trapped in a tiny tank.
Bobned2 Gaming
Bobned2 Gaming - 8 years ago
When I die, I want to be reborn into a stingray that's in an aquarium
Bobned2 Gaming
Bobned2 Gaming - 7 years ago
to spook little kids owo
Face Man
Face Man - 7 years ago
Bobned2 Gaming Why exactly?
Bobned2 Gaming
Bobned2 Gaming - 8 years ago
omg the stingray face was so cute o3o
your typical everyday bat
your typical everyday bat - 8 years ago
Bobned2 Gaming i love stingrays
LillyLaughs Willow
LillyLaughs Willow - 8 years ago
No sorry 0:06
LillyLaughs Willow
LillyLaughs Willow - 8 years ago
1:06 is that Rachael from seven super girls???
fluffypizza guy
fluffypizza guy - 8 years ago
at 8:38 i seriously thought we developed no glass containers for aquariums.
HonorStar - 8 years ago
9:15-9:23 That otter in the background tho xD He's feeling it!
Skateboard Danial
Skateboard Danial - 8 years ago
Poor seal so sad
Rebecca Robinson
Rebecca Robinson - 8 years ago
petition to rename beluga whales "big jumpscare floaties"
trevor edmunds
trevor edmunds - 7 years ago
Sign me up
Captain Nugget SenpaiShanghai
Captain Nugget SenpaiShanghai - 7 years ago
Rebecca Robinson, What they are doing is called jaw popping.
Is to tell the kids, "Back off, I'm a threat" And it's mainly for being in a cramped place.
Hunter Slainer
Hunter Slainer - 8 years ago
Rebecca Robinson do I sign on my forehead
Death Star Productions
Death Star Productions - 8 years ago
Rebecca Robinson where do I sign
Le epic Doge
Le epic Doge - 8 years ago
One sec I need a pen...
NoobDood - 8 years ago
Rebecca Robinson you have my signature hands down
Beth Wadsworth
Beth Wadsworth - 8 years ago
I died at the spinning fish
Mekeo Gaming
Mekeo Gaming - 8 years ago
I love the clip befor 7:10 because you can just hear an Episode of Clarence in the background XD
Sam B.
Sam B. - 8 years ago
Emil Strauss it is actually the correct spelling
Emil Strauss
Emil Strauss - 8 years ago
no i was replying to sam booher
Mekeo Gaming
Mekeo Gaming - 8 years ago
+Emil Strauss So? I don't care
Emil Strauss
Emil Strauss - 8 years ago
thats not even how you spell it.
Sam B.
Sam B. - 8 years ago
Placostomus is best fish
rainbowglitter45 unicorn
rainbowglitter45 unicorn - 8 years ago
3:34 tat fish is smart tho
Hannah King
Hannah King - 8 years ago
1:35 I came for the title and instead got nightmares. Thanks
Paulina Gonzalez
Paulina Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Poor animals.
Mysterious7Hawk - 8 years ago
8:18 spin me right round
GamerGuy - 8 years ago
Kaneki Kun
Kaneki Kun - 8 years ago
I like turtles
Kyvuh - 8 years ago
vixen calamity nice
Flippy Musa
Flippy Musa - 8 years ago
7:10 i have this one :D
purple girl
purple girl - 8 years ago
8:16 great you broke your fish
SNES Stuff
SNES Stuff - 7 years ago
purple girl
Hello, Female?
why do people think theyre mlg when theyre not
why do people think theyre mlg when theyre not - 7 years ago
MinecraftFoxy - 7 years ago
+thepretzs COWBELLY!!!!!
Daniel Curren
Daniel Curren - 7 years ago
Have you tried to turn your fish off then back on?
Meep101 - 7 years ago
Hate when that happens
PositiveSmolMiranda - 7 years ago
Shut up and take my money I want that fish ⚫〰⚫❤️❤️
ghost cario
ghost cario - 7 years ago
Mangle the animatronic fish XP is not responding
zaid aguirre
zaid aguirre - 8 years ago
Mangle the animatronic green fish.exe has stopped working
_Eduardo_Gamer - 8 years ago
Twistedstring788 Yes i know that, I had fishs and when they dies, they float.
Twistedstring788 - 8 years ago
At 0:36 I don't know if the people know that sea
Creatures float what they die
_Eduardo_Gamer - 8 years ago
WickedPastel AJ Wait, he was about to die?
WickedPastel AJ
WickedPastel AJ - 8 years ago
That fish was dying...
I hardly find that funny.
goat bananas
goat bananas - 8 years ago
Mangle the animatronic he didn't break his fish it's just poisoned from the water
Fox_ Love
Fox_ Love - 8 years ago
Mangle the animatronic ikr and lol XD
Doggi ツ
Doggi ツ - 8 years ago
fish exe. is not responding.
crazy doddle
crazy doddle - 8 years ago
When you get an A on a test.
Alpccalover2114 - 8 years ago
5:23 I watched it at lest 10 times.
star warrior 2016 shoemaker
star warrior 2016 shoemaker - 8 years ago
+HollyBananaCake ffiiinnee take him but not me
HollyBananaCake - 8 years ago
But bleach ;-;
star warrior 2016 shoemaker
star warrior 2016 shoemaker - 8 years ago
HollyBananaCake don't eat him or me
HollyBananaCake - 8 years ago
I want you inside me
Gabriela Galecka
Gabriela Galecka - 8 years ago
Who else thinks that beluga whales just scare children on purpose
BMoney8600 - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka I love Beluga Whales
BMoney8600 - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka I love Beluga Whales
JoJo Beans
JoJo Beans - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka
Lol looks like there trying to eat the kids
Sólbjartur Dýri
Sólbjartur Dýri - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka i get it lol
Jo Cox
Jo Cox - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka
Tiffany Queenblanket
Tiffany Queenblanket - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka. Me
Olivia Wang
Olivia Wang - 7 years ago
They scare the children on "pOrpoise"
XPloppyPlayz Gamez
XPloppyPlayz Gamez - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka me
YouMadOrNaw - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka no they just want to eat them
Kweenqy X
Kweenqy X - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka ᎷᎬ XᎠ
VJ CatGirl
VJ CatGirl - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka I used to go to this one zoo when I was a kid that had belugas (they no long have any) and they seemed to purposely always splash the really squeamish, girly girls to get them to scream every time because they never splashed anyone else
SeabreakerTheHybrid - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka no they do it on porpoise
Atomic Dalek
Atomic Dalek - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka it's called jaw popping it's a sign of aggression
Solomon Conroy
Solomon Conroy - 7 years ago
they do trust me
crazy4bricks the brick brothers
crazy4bricks the brick brothers - 7 years ago
I think that some people are no different.
Baby AlbertsStuff
Baby AlbertsStuff - 7 years ago
Baby AlbertsStuff
Baby AlbertsStuff - 7 years ago
Baby AlbertsStuff
Baby AlbertsStuff - 7 years ago
Rhys Mcc17
Rhys Mcc17 - 7 years ago
Logan Schlick @4:00 lol
Ricardo Huante
Ricardo Huante - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka me becas third savge whales
Logan Schlick
Logan Schlick - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka why that's funny
Jewelyka Parra
Jewelyka Parra - 7 years ago
Angel Mercado
Angel Mercado - 7 years ago
Darkness Jayden
Darkness Jayden - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka its a dance party sign WHOOP WHOOP!!!!
Clorox bleach squad
Clorox bleach squad - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka YES
Sweater_Weather - 7 years ago
Well, the belugas just open their mouths in front of the children to show signs of aggression.
Marshmallow_ Kitty123
Marshmallow_ Kitty123 - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka I don't think their scary at all in fact their adorable
Eggplant Juice
Eggplant Juice - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka+ You should have said porpoise
Furby And Frends
Furby And Frends - 7 years ago
Shiverdamnation - 7 years ago
That's actually one beluga whale doing all the scaring. His name is Juno and he's at the Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut. He likes jaw-popping because of the reaction he gets from people, especially kids.
Dinosuar Lover
Dinosuar Lover - 7 years ago
i agree xD.
LPS Swift Studios
LPS Swift Studios - 7 years ago
Whammytap - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka They totally do. Lots of zoo animals do, too. We are on display to them as much as they are to us. Try showing simple magic tricks or juggling to a zoo animal sometime. They will either love it or become extremely angry.
PositiveSmolMiranda - 7 years ago
stares at you angrily
Julia Crawford
Julia Crawford - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka They do it cause they're really bored. They're extremely intelligent.
Giordan Diodato
Giordan Diodato - 7 years ago
you could say they do it on porpoise
Garry101 Gaming
Garry101 Gaming - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka when a beluga sees a kid they be like nnnaaaaa
• HeyItsKiazzz •
• HeyItsKiazzz • - 7 years ago
Gabriela Galecka I think they do
Mr.Mcchannel - 8 years ago
Gabriela Galecka me
AnimationArts! - 8 years ago
They are very intelligent so it's possible.
blepblep blep blep
blepblep blep blep - 8 years ago
Gabriela Galecka me
Pangolin Production's
Pangolin Production's - 8 years ago
Gabriela Galecka the jumpscare whale we don't have any Australia though I triggered about that
Chazz Moet
Chazz Moet - 8 years ago
Gabriela Galecka me
Giordan Diodato
Giordan Diodato - 8 years ago
3:27 BUBBLES!!!!!!!
MrFlipperInvader782 - 7 years ago
thank me for your 100th like
jeff browne
jeff browne - 7 years ago
my bubbles lol
Mangle The Cute Fox
Mangle The Cute Fox - 8 years ago
Brianna Harter It's a Finding Nemo reference,Albert Einstein -_-
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
it's trying to kill the chest.angle fish are semi aggressive and will attack something they perceive as a threat to their territory.

also that tank doesn't need other fish and it isn't a requirement for angles to be housed with other fish cause angles aren't social.they can tolerate tank mates but that doesn't mean they are buddies.
Captain wolf3
Captain wolf3 - 8 years ago
CallyMac yes
Yesika Narvaez
Yesika Narvaez - 8 years ago
Giordan Diodato Why do they like that anyway?
CallyMac - 8 years ago
or a bad example of how to keep an angelfish, that tank is way too small and needs some other fish
Ricki Morton
Ricki Morton - 8 years ago
Giordan Diodato lol I was about to comment that
Pokemon Lover :3
Pokemon Lover :3 - 8 years ago
Giordan Diodato Finding Nemo
Emma Miller
Emma Miller - 8 years ago
beluga whales are actually some of the sweetest oceanic creatures I've met (besides dolphins) i was able to swim in the enclosure with a few and they were so gentle and friendly. They would jump up and give you kisses. And their skin feels like marshmellows:3c
MLG Squeaker
MLG Squeaker - 7 years ago
Master11Miner Fuck shit asshole I don't want to get terminated I didn't do anything. If I do get terminated though, remember my last words. Fuck shit shit ass bitch shit asshole eat my ass YouTube.
Homosapien - 7 years ago
Master11Miner and if I get I do get my account terminated, guess what, I can make a new one! :O, isn't that amazing?!?
Homosapien - 7 years ago
Master11Miner don't tell me things I already know
Homosapien - 7 years ago
Master11Miner everyone knows dolphins live in packs and families
Homosapien - 7 years ago
Master11Miner they can have familys, but still males are very aggressive. I'm not gonna tell you to watch a video on dolphins, because I don't know how old you are. People constantly swear on youtube, they give you a warning if you swear IN a video, not in the comments.
Master11Miner - 7 years ago
Homosapien But wouldn't you freakin know that dolphins can have families? And I see if you are caught cursing in youtube, It is possible your account can be terminated. Go to to see a full list of these curse words. Make sure you do not say these! If you are caught cursing on youtube, your account can be terminated!
Homosapien - 7 years ago
Wild dolphins are complete assholes to eachother
Face Man
Face Man - 7 years ago
Emma Miller I'm sure you were able to swim with them(Not Sarcasm)
Holly Dee
Holly Dee - 8 years ago
Emma: They are related to dolphins, which is why they are so friendly and funny. So many vids of them "hangin with their humans.' They love us like dolphins do.
Gabi Murray
Gabi Murray - 8 years ago
Naomi Kushner lol
Naomi Kushner
Naomi Kushner - 8 years ago
lol that's like telling someone off for kicking their dog and then they say "don't be a killjoy"
Gabi Murray
Gabi Murray - 8 years ago
Leigh Moss please dont be a killjoy
Fwib Monster
Fwib Monster - 8 years ago
same but I swam/rode with dolphins
Leigh Moss
Leigh Moss - 8 years ago
Please look into the effects of cetacean captivity.
عبدالله الو
عبدالله الو - 8 years ago
They seemed evil in this video
laespia xD
laespia xD - 8 years ago
8:27 the bug :v
Douglas Archer
Douglas Archer - 8 years ago
5:25 Is that you mother?

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