Tips and Tricks For Starting a Freshwater Aquarium [For Beginners]
Gaming 8 years ago 237,400 views
Hey Guys! Hope you enjoy the video! These are some tips and things to consider when starting a fresh water aquarium! Listed below are some channels you can visit to expand on some things that I mentioned in the video. They go into detail about some specific fish spiecies, along with demonstrating how to build some equipment on your own! Visit: King of DIY: Dustins Fish Tanks: MASS Aquariums: KGTropicals: Patreon Want to support me while also getting a Royalty Free song that you can use in your videos (providing the proper credit of course)? Here you go! - Playlists: Wonder Trade Everyday! - Pokemon Soul Silver Lets Play - Pokemon Emerald Randomizer Nuzlocke (Completed) - LIVE Pokemon Shiny Catches - Pokemon Card Pack Openings! - None of this could have been possible without the help of Ken! Make sure you go subscribe to him! WiltshireTutorials: WiltshireGaming: Twitter: @FlipGamingYT Instagram: @FlipGamingYT Any good looking thumbnails were probably made by WishingTikal!
with jewel cichlids?
10. comment for Tips and Tricks For Starting a Freshwater Aquarium [For Beginners]
, to get the bacteria working. Does this sound correct to you Flip? .
I just got a 45 gallon tank the other day given to my free Hooray.
Anyway I went to the local pet store for supplies & some education, and to my surprise the sales clerk said many of the same things you did about setting up & so fourth.
I've wanted a fish tank for sometime but they were to expensive, but now I have one & am very excited.
I'm starting of as you & the sales clerk have recommended.
20. comment for Tips and Tricks For Starting a Freshwater Aquarium [For Beginners]
30. comment for Tips and Tricks For Starting a Freshwater Aquarium [For Beginners]
Guppy x 3
Dwarf Gourami x 2
Corydora x 2
Cardinal Tetra x 2
Is this too much??
50. comment for Tips and Tricks For Starting a Freshwater Aquarium [For Beginners]
I will find more tomorrow and put them and put fans so they get air so they don't drown please help I apwant gold fishes and star fishes to make babies
1 Rubber Lip Pleco
4 Platys
2 Mollies
I would like to get an Albino Rainbow Shark
My understanding is the Mollies and Platys don't affect it as it is a bottom dweller. Idk plz respond if that's ok to get it
But I don't wanna kill anything. :(
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here is your prize!
100. comment for Tips and Tricks For Starting a Freshwater Aquarium [For Beginners]
Starting dosage is usually 10mL per 10 gallon. Then, just do 10mL a week, until your Nitrites read zero--which means your bacteria (biofilter) is fully established! Woohoo!
I went on vacations to the house of my friends relatives and in horror I saw a green water (almost black) fish tank with at least a hundred guppies (all kind of sizes) !!!!!
I was only staying for a a couple of days so I did my best to clean the tank ( I found a HUMONGOUS Pleco on the bottom!!)
As a thanks the family let me took some of the guppies, I knew they couldn’t take care of them so I took 3 males, 3 females and 5 baby fries, put them in a bottle and drove them 13 hrs to my state.
But I know nothing of fishes (my dad use to have a tank when I was little so I know the basic)
I bought a 50 Lt tank and filters and a thermometer but how do I transfer the fish?
The water they have is still greenish and cloudy, do I put other fishes first?
I’m worried they might be sick from the black tank, how do I know what medicine to give them?
I can't keep them in an ice cream container anymore
Do I need to separate the small ones from the adults? I got like 4 really tiny.
One 1 gal wich I keep small minnows in
I have a 2.5 wich has a Betta and a small plecko
And a 15 gal wich I'm gunna put 2 goldfish and 3 neon tetras to start off
And idk what plecko it is it has only grown a couple of centimeters in a few months
I got it at pet smart for a dollar
you even said look at it. WTH ?
you keep referencing products that never show on screen, Really ?
What kind of fish can I put in it? I probably wouldn't put more than two in that tank or maybe just one.
They need 5 to 10!
so many issues with this
Speaking of that, another tip would be that, over the course of the having the aquarium, there would be some things you buy over and over again. If there is a large version of that, such as dechlorinator, it is usually a better price to get the larger one.
Of course, at the same time, consider that something like dechlorinators still can last a long time, so you don't want what you buy, to expire either, before using it all up.
2 goldfish
1 pleco
in a 10 gallon tank the water is crystal clear and I have no problem
Thank you again +1 sub
I have one question
What can I use to take care of fin rot, I just noticed the Betta I got was in bad condition, and his fins are falling so I took him out and put him in a bowl, and can other fish get fin rot from one fish in the tank (like a cold)
The pleco should be fine, if it out grows the tank I'll have to move them
Edit: plus you would have to change the water ~25% every day to make sure that the ammonia levels were down. Plecos and Goldfish are two of the biggest waste producers in the fish world.
Thanks, Aaron
q1: when chosing a chiller, do i Calculate the total amount of the sump and tank or only tank?
my tank volume: 550 gallon
my sump 250 gallon
so when i consider a chiller ill chose one suitable for 800 gallon or more? or should i calculate the amount of return water like:
800 x 6 = 4800 gallon? so ill chose one for 4800 gallon and above?
which number should i go with? I'm confused a bit here 800 gallon or 4800 gallon?
thanks for such important info.
i have the following question
im planing to make a 800 gallon fish tank. as i understand that for heating a tank it should be 5 watt per gallon so i need 4000 watts. if i plan to go with true temp heater, do i need to buy a TT 1000 x 4?
and to adjust them all to the same temperature?
can you help me please.
after that you need to consider a 20 gallon or giving them away to someone with a pond.
And you must be a colossal moron if you call a paragraph "novel length." WOW. Have you ever actually finished a book? By your grammatical errors and gross exaggerations of paragraphs, I would guess no. At least, not one that did not require crayons.
I understand that your broke ass needs help buying coral, but you should just stop. You are only making yourself look more ignorant. And after the lengths you have already gone to do so, that is definitely saying something. :)
Ma'am, you are going to have a hard time with life, apparently. Good luck to you, you will most definitely need it. Now, let's see if you are strong and enough to walk away, or if you are truly my bitch and need to make one more attempt (and further embarrass yourself) at having the last word.
Good luck with your fish :)
I'll try to do everything that you recommend to me
How long was the tank full of water with the filter running without fish? If you put fish in right away, the tank may have not had enough beneficial bacteria to breakdown the ammonia, causing the mollies to pass. If this is the case, I would suggest getting Seachem Stability and use it once a day for 7 days to get the bacteria in the water working.
Also, how much are you feeding the fish? Most fish will eat until they die, so you may have to limit the amount you feed (I usually feed once a day).
The cory is probably thriving as they are bottom feeders and will eat anything off the bottom of the tank. Left over food and sometimes algae is what they would eat. If you only have 1, I would suggest getting another one as they like to be in groups. It reduces their stress level!
For cleaning, there is nothing to worry about. NEVER clean the entire tank. For starters, that is WAY too much work lol and 2. it will remove any of the beneficial bacteria in the water that removes many of the toxins poroduced from their waste. I would get a gravel vaccum which is just a little tube and a hose that will suck water out of the tank and allow you to clean up the gravel. The water you want to pull out is from the bottom of the tank since that is where all the waste is rotting away. Changing the top half of the water doesn't change much as you won`t remove much of the rotting waste. Only change a maximum of 50%. I usually change 30% out of my 10 gallon tank once every 1.5 weeks.
Hope this helps you out! I`d go to your pet store and grab a gravel vac as soon as you can and do a quick 30% water change (leave a bucket of water out the day before you do it just to get rid of some of the crap that comes from tap water) that way when you are ready you can grab yourself some new fish!
So it wouldn't be a great idea unless you understand the betta your buying. I mixed Angels and A (one) Betta in one take but its a 60 gallon breeder. I also set up and tested to fine the most docile of them all and chose that one. Bettas are called Fighting fish for a reason. Finally unless you have hiding places betta get stressed. Mine love the logs and behind my filter so... ya if you got any more questions hit me up.