Tips and Tricks For Starting a Freshwater Aquarium [For Beginners]

Hey Guys! Hope you enjoy the video! These are some tips and things to consider when starting a fresh water aquarium! Listed below are some channels you can visit to expand on some things that I mentioned in the video. They go into detail about some specific fish spiecies, along with demonstrating how to build some equipment on your own! Visit: King of DIY: Dustins Fish Tanks: MASS Aquariums: KGTropicals: Patreon Want to support me while also getting a Royalty Free song that you can use in your videos (providing the proper credit of course)? Here you go! - Playlists: Wonder Trade Everyday! - Pokemon Soul Silver Lets Play - Pokemon Emerald Randomizer Nuzlocke (Completed) - LIVE Pokemon Shiny Catches - Pokemon Card Pack Openings! - None of this could have been possible without the help of Ken! Make sure you go subscribe to him! WiltshireTutorials: WiltshireGaming: Twitter: @FlipGamingYT Instagram: @FlipGamingYT Any good looking thumbnails were probably made by WishingTikal!

Tips and Tricks For Starting a Freshwater Aquarium [For Beginners] sentiment_very_dissatisfied 168

Gaming 8 years ago 237,400 views

Hey Guys! Hope you enjoy the video! These are some tips and things to consider when starting a fresh water aquarium! Listed below are some channels you can visit to expand on some things that I mentioned in the video. They go into detail about some specific fish spiecies, along with demonstrating how to build some equipment on your own! Visit: King of DIY: Dustins Fish Tanks: MASS Aquariums: KGTropicals: Patreon Want to support me while also getting a Royalty Free song that you can use in your videos (providing the proper credit of course)? Here you go! - Playlists: Wonder Trade Everyday! - Pokemon Soul Silver Lets Play - Pokemon Emerald Randomizer Nuzlocke (Completed) - LIVE Pokemon Shiny Catches - Pokemon Card Pack Openings! - None of this could have been possible without the help of Ken! Make sure you go subscribe to him! WiltshireTutorials: WiltshireGaming: Twitter: @FlipGamingYT Instagram: @FlipGamingYT Any good looking thumbnails were probably made by WishingTikal!

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Most popular comments
for Tips and Tricks For Starting a Freshwater Aquarium [For Beginners]

Jayden Cool
Jayden Cool - 8 years ago
Fish are friends
Hey, It's Elena!
Hey, It's Elena! - 7 years ago
Jayden Cool and food that I don't eat!
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
Jayden Cool and food yum
Maura Mueller
Maura Mueller - 7 years ago
Not food
Mz Allen
Mz Allen - 7 years ago
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+paiton wilson they are both
paiton wilson
paiton wilson - 8 years ago
Jayden Cool they are not friends they are foods... jk i am an experienced aquarist as well.
yit ling
yit ling - 8 years ago
And friends are fish
adebayous - 8 years ago
Fawkes True
Fawkes True - 8 years ago
Why not both
Kyle Baranovich
Kyle Baranovich - 8 years ago
not food
EBC P&V - 7 years ago
Hey man Love your vids.  Quick question.  Will my large Goldfish eat neon tetras or other small fish in the aquarium? I have a 55 gallon.
Ivan Anonym
Ivan Anonym - 7 years ago
24:10 "here is the picture of it" .. and theres no picture
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Ivan Anonym sorry only had to go through 40 minutes of video lol gonna miss something. 20g is absolutely not overkill for a beginner. I would go bigger for a beginner but financial issues may arise if you go bigger at the start.
Ivan Anonym
Ivan Anonym - 7 years ago
20 galon aquarium for beginner is just overkill.
Lorna Fletcher
Lorna Fletcher - 7 years ago
great video!! learnt so much. But was just wondering about heating? I have a 180 litre tank that holds 4 fancy goldfish (2 old ones and 2 young ones) 1 pleco, 2 japanse weather loaches and a handful of snails. Would a heater help? The tank normally runs between 18c -21c. I'm in the process of getting plants etc to start a planted tank, so any advice greatly appreciated.
Lorna Fletcher
Lorna Fletcher - 7 years ago
Cant afford a larger tank or have anywhere to put a larger tank. What kind of watt would make that kind of temp
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Lorna Fletcher I think what would benefit you most is getting a larger tank. Those goldfish are going to put on size real quick. A heater would also help. Consistent 24 degree water would be best for everyone including plants
saran - 7 years ago
Hi I have bought 4 parent size angel fish from a local aquarium. They were eating good for around 1 week later they began to fight each other and they stopped eating also. 1 of the 4 angel fish was dead today morning :-( can any 1 help on this? Remaining 3 angel fish are also not eating. Please advice.
saran - 7 years ago
FlipGaming sorry I don't know how to find the genders. The tank size is nearly 3 feet long and 1 feet wide
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+saran how big is the tank? Most likely you got 3 males and they are fighting for the female
Em Harper
Em Harper - 7 years ago
I have a 25 gallon and I just bought it I was wondering if you have recommendations of what fish I could put in it as like a community tank
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Em Harper angels + tetras are my favourite option for a tank like that. 2 angels and a few tetras
Yashvanth Kumar
Yashvanth Kumar - 7 years ago
what type of fish can i put together
with jewel cichlids?
Tobori - 7 years ago
would a 5 galon tank be fine for 2 pregnant female molly's? I'd only be keeping them there for a week or so because my main tank has a Dwarf Gourami and I don't want it to eat the fry.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
As l;ong as you remove the female mollies after they give birth!

10. comment for Tips and Tricks For Starting a Freshwater Aquarium [For Beginners]

MtDandy - 7 years ago
Thanks mate. Good vid. Cheers for the info
MtDandy - 7 years ago
i figure they are a school fish so i will have a few. I can get 3-4 inch size with ease from the local lakes. I would keep them in the water from the lake with an aerator in a bucket and then add them str8 into the cycled water of the 4ft tank that had been holding a few gambusia (mosquito fish) for a few weeks after cycling the water for a few weeks
, to get the bacteria working. Does this sound correct to you Flip? .
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+MtDandy that’s awesome. He should love it!!
MtDandy - 7 years ago
Lots of the early kind of questions answered. thanks. Im looking at redfin perch in a 4 ft tank with 1200 filter, live plants from freshwater lakes and rocks with pebble floor.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+MtDandy no problem!! Good luck
wellthatspretty - 7 years ago
Also, should I get my tetras first then add my frogs 2 weeks later?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+wellthatspretty id get frog first. The dwarf frogs are blind so it’ll be good to develop a feeding spot for him without the tetras taking his food
wellthatspretty - 7 years ago
I’m so excited to start my tank
FlyingJ3 - 7 years ago
Excellent video
I just got a 45 gallon tank the other day given to my free Hooray.
Anyway I went to the local pet store for supplies & some education, and to my surprise the sales clerk said many of the same things you did about setting up & so fourth.
I've wanted a fish tank for sometime but they were to expensive, but now I have one & am very excited.
I'm starting of as you & the sales clerk have recommended.
Kalish Elloie
Kalish Elloie - 7 years ago
Love this video VERY HELPFUL
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
glad I could help!
Marija Stonkute
Marija Stonkute - 7 years ago
i started my aquarium journey with 50gallon tank. I had about 5 guppies, 4 mollies and i thought that it's enought. Well now it's 3years since i started aquarium and i have 5 angelfish , 8 gourami, about 20mollies and bunch of guppies. Plants took over all aquarium and looks incredible. That was the best 400euros investicion.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
Love it!!
addam lim
addam lim - 7 years ago
what is your tank size?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+addam lim I have a 1g betta tank, 2.5g betta tank, 10g community tank, 20gH saltwater tank, 30g community tank and a 40g stocking pond
Dale Wilson
Dale Wilson - 7 years ago
Mate brilliant video. Well done!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
Umpa Lumpa
Umpa Lumpa - 7 years ago
What kind of fish can I add to my 10 gallon tank when I have 1 tiger oscar that is about 10 inches long and almost 4 inches thick?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
Nothing. The oscar needs a larger tank
Lisa Marci
Lisa Marci - 7 years ago

20. comment for Tips and Tricks For Starting a Freshwater Aquarium [For Beginners]

Kierxn T
Kierxn T - 7 years ago
Some pro aquarists put nothing in there tank except a filter and light
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
bare bottom tanks usually make it easier to clean up waste
Susanne Perrin
Susanne Perrin - 7 years ago
My water is filtered no chlorine or other things in my water I set up 2tank I have and transfer my fish 2second tank is that a good thing?
Susanne Perrin
Susanne Perrin - 7 years ago
I clean everything and the put it back in the tank
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
did you transfer any used media from the first tank?
Mary Vowell
Mary Vowell - 7 years ago
Hey hun i got a question, i want to put new rock at the bottom of my tank. Whats the best way to keep my tank stabilized? Can i take out the old and replace with new with fish inside? If not, what is the best way to redo the rock. Maybe another tank?? Hiw long to sit? Ect . thanks!!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
don't relpace all the rock at once. Do 1/3 sections at a time and just make sure you don't hit any of your fish! gravel can gold some benefiucial bacteria but also cause ammonia spikes if moved around too much so changing out sections over a 1-2 week period would be best!
Cem Celikel
Cem Celikel - 7 years ago
Thanks for your advices
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
no problem!
countrybabe s
countrybabe s - 7 years ago
Excellent video, thank you so much
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
no problem!
Ocrown Gaming
Ocrown Gaming - 7 years ago
Great video. Ery helpfull
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
Glad it was helpful!!
Ina Meyer
Ina Meyer - 7 years ago
Your videos are very informative, I can't let my 8 year old listen because of some bad language. Please keep them G rated!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
I did my best. I can remember 2 words slipping. my apologies! I get really into my fish keeping
Mary Vowell
Mary Vowell - 7 years ago
I feed them all once at night, i do 3-4 algae pellet's because the 3 ghost catfish, 4 neurite snails, and both plecos and 3 pinches of tropical food because i have 16 fish eating it. They eat everything in a few minutes. Can you recommend a good electric gravel vac? The hand pump is great but i rarely have enough time to do the completed water change. Unfortunately we love our plecos and have had them for two years. So we would like to keep them! I have a man made goldfish pond in back that could house one and a big drum tank for chickens and donkey water i guess i could maybe put other in there... Any suggestions on how to acclimate then to outdoor temps? They stay at 76°-78° inside right now. I live in Texas, it's super super hot for 8 months then usually in 30s-40s for winter for 4 months. Thank you for writing me back and helping! I will start doing 25% water changes evey weekend and see if it helps!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Mary Vowell no problem!! Feel free to ask anything if you ever need it.
Mary Vowell
Mary Vowell - 7 years ago
Thank you so much! Very helpful! Thanks for taking the time to send me advice!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
also I would still feed less. Fish don't need much food in order to thrive and survive. THe more food you feed them the more waste they produce then the more water changes you will have to do.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
I personally don't know any electric pumps but I imagine any hardware store will have some that you can attach a tube on. i would just acclimate like you did when placing them in the aquarium. In the winter times you can bring them inside
Mary Vowell
Mary Vowell - 7 years ago
I need some serious help... It's a lot of info to pass on both sides, not sure if you have time! I have had small tanks with goldfish and had a beta for 8 years (longest living I've ever heard of) i had a friend give me a breeder tank about 2 yrs ago and instantly got super excited to make a condo for my beta, i ended up getting 2 common plecos and 6 neurite snails to help with algae and cleanup. Everything has been great for two years. About a month ago my beta died, I'm assuming of old age. So i decided to get a few different fish as beta's are not very active and i was excited to have active fish for my 5 year old to watch! As of right now i have 2 plecos (about 5' each) 4 Dalmatian Molly's, 5 red tetra, 2 tiger barbs,2 garamies (excuse spelling!) 3 ghost catfish, and 4 neurite snails. I have had all them for about 3 weeks now. Water quality is ok, but very cloudyish... I have to filter's on the tank 1 30gal and 1 10 gal. I never had a problem. I have honestly never tested my water and typically do a 25%-50% water change and gravel clean once a month. I use nothing in my water because i have well water. I have never cycled a tank in my life... Not even sure how to lol. I have never had anything wrong with any of my fish. I now feed the fish about 3 pinches of food 1× a day and they also eat algae wafers. I also put 3-4 algae wafer's in at night. I break them in half or 3rds to spread in a few place so they all don't starve each other or irritate each other. But one of my plecos is getting kind of aggressive. It chases the other now and tries to latch on it?? Swims erratically around at night and runs fish away from "his" log and food. Then chases them a bit for fun it seems. Anyway, there is a lot more I'm sure to tell you, but this is the main info i think you need! So my big problem's are.... Water is cloudy, yet i have two filter's and have been doing water changes once a week, pleco is being a bit aggressive lately, and biggest problem is i am getting "detritus worms". I guess the snails make them and food/ waste help them... I didn't feed my fish for 4 days (what petco said) and changed 10% of water everyday, 4th day did a 50% water change and mega gravel clean (manual pump). Still have the eggs on the tank but haven't seen "worms".... Please please PLEASE help me :( !!!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Mary Vowell common plecos will get massive. Like 15 inches massive. He is aggressive now due to being larger. Get rid of both and get a bristlenose pleco instead. They stay smaller and do a much better job cleaning up. Feed only once a day. Over feeding is causing your water to be cloudy. Also with that many fish start doing 25% water changes once a week. That'll fix the cloudy water and make sure your tank is nice and clean
Carey Thomason
Carey Thomason - 7 years ago
I have a Blue Gourami that is a jerk. Just upgraded to a 37 gallon aquarium but haven't put him in it yet since I'm allowing the treatments to fix the water for a couple days first. What do you recommend when it comes to trying to get him acclimated with other fish? Add fish to the aquarium first then out the Gourami in it? Maybe he'll be less territorial that way! Also, what fish do you recommend going with it? It's a 3 spot Blue Gourami. Could o do other Gourami? I've seen some say yes and some say no.
Carey Thomason
Carey Thomason - 7 years ago
FlipGaming thank you
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
I would try acclimating him after you add everyone else in first.

30. comment for Tips and Tricks For Starting a Freshwater Aquarium [For Beginners]

Gamingreptiles Spinners
Gamingreptiles Spinners - 7 years ago
Pokémon sucks
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
does it?
Alveta L
Alveta L - 7 years ago
I'm a beginner and I want to buy guppies and plecos I hope this is a good combination for my first fish tank.
Pixel Cat
Pixel Cat - 7 years ago
Alveta L Plecos grow to be MASSIVE. Or most species anyways, I think. But I'm mostly educated on the basics. But guppies will breed, so he prepares. If you don't want them, leave them in and let the other fish eat them. I would suggest ghost shrimp, as they're hardy and fun to watch.
we are the followed
we are the followed - 7 years ago
I get 40cm *40cm *50 cm, is half cylinder. What is it in gallon? I not know.
John Anthony Mentiey
John Anthony Mentiey - 7 years ago
great video>but sounds hectic.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+John Anthony Mentiey fish tanks are a lot of work to set up, but once they are running it is a lot smoother of a provessv
Cool Cat
Cool Cat - 7 years ago
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
Extreme Space
Extreme Space - 7 years ago
in the second tank are those white cloud mountain minnows?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
I have never owned mountain minnows. if you are talking about the fish with red heads and zebra tails they are called rummynose tetras
robert lambertson
robert lambertson - 7 years ago
comments about 10 gallon tanks are not completely true. i have a 10 gallon tank, with a 20 gallon filter, undergravel filter, and 6$ ebay two stage biofilter. i have 1 angel, 1 albino algae eater, 3 tetras, and i auto ciclid. this tank is clean and pristine, i do partial water change every 2 weeks. the angel does not get attacted by the algea eater even though they are the biggest boys in the tank. that is something that can happen when algea eaters get bigger but my albino is ok, hyper, but ok. i havehad all these fish for two years and they are doing just as good now as when i got them
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+robert lambertson you have too many fish for a 10g.
DUCK STUDIO - 7 years ago
You are so lazy just add the things into the video
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
Did hours and hours of research, recorded for hours and made it as convenient as possible for viewers to condense countless hours of research and experience to save them time. But I am lazy. kk
Sam Vriniotis
Sam Vriniotis - 7 years ago
Thinking about stocking a 10 gallon with

Guppy x 3
Dwarf Gourami x 2
Corydora x 2
Cardinal Tetra x 2

Is this too much??
Sam Vriniotis
Sam Vriniotis - 7 years ago
I see, good to know thanks! :)
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
dwarf guoramis will fight so they really wont fit well together. Might also cause issue with the guppies. You could swap the corys with the tetras instead.
Sam Vriniotis
Sam Vriniotis - 7 years ago
Daam! The corys are my least favorite out of the 4. I was about to cut them out and leave the rest :/
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
The gourami will push you over the limit. I would cut them out and the tetras and add 2 more cory's
Chloe Mowry
Chloe Mowry - 7 years ago
God bless you!! I'm just going into the hobby and no video helped but yours! I was getting nervous about my tank size. I was going to get a 10 gal because it was cheap but now I'm going to get a 20 gal thank u!!!
Julia Schuyler Hamilton
Julia Schuyler Hamilton - 7 years ago
Is that goldfish a common or comet? Or is it a fancy?
Orlando Angulo
Orlando Angulo - 7 years ago
Bettas are good in a 5 gallon
COOL CHAMELEONS - 7 years ago
As you can see here right on the screen inputs nothing
Warrior - 7 years ago
I got a 10 gal with a hood and a thermometer for $15 I may have moved a price tag and lied in petsmart but I got it XD
noodle vs doodle
noodle vs doodle - 7 years ago
I have a common goldfish, shabunkin goldfish, 4 black skirt tetras and a small pleco in a 40 gallon. I've had my fish for over a year now and love it
DIONNE CARR - 7 years ago
I love angelfish too
junieiry morel
junieiry morel - 7 years ago
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+junieiry morel yup
junieiry morel
junieiry morel - 7 years ago
can i put 4 moutian minnows in a 10 gallon With a few cierre shrimp??
David Ellis
David Ellis - 7 years ago
I am a newbie i unfortunatly opted for a 10 gallon tank because of room space etc i planted with live plants and tank is working fine i went to my local fish store and said to them I want to keep 3 to 4 fish in the tank and what was there recommendation the recommended Platies as they are hardy and said it is best to have 1 male and 3 females, I added hem to the tank and they are very happy, since adding them I have had lots of messages saying basically OMG they are going to breed and over populate the tank, so I am concerned about that, my daughter has got attached to the fish and named them all so I now have a dilema What to do? do I run with it or change things straight away?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+David Ellis run with it. Let the babies get eaten
Modified Misfit ツ
Modified Misfit ツ - 7 years ago
Does anywhere know where I can buy a healthy betta besides online? The ones in pets stores look really unhealthy, and I'm a noob when it comes to owning fish. So idk if I would be able to help them if I were to buy them from the pet stores
Pixel Cat
Pixel Cat - 7 years ago
Modified Misfit ツ I would suggest actually getting one from a website online. Or, you could go and save one from a petstore and give it a good home. I saved 3 bettas from a Walmart and a Petco and they're all doing fine, so try giving those sick looking ones another chance at life.

50. comment for Tips and Tricks For Starting a Freshwater Aquarium [For Beginners]

joseph weaver
joseph weaver - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for this video I am new to the fish Hobby I only have three platy fish I am looking to get at least one more angelfish in a 25 gallon tank so this video helped a lot
Psycho Steven Universe Fan
Psycho Steven Universe Fan - 7 years ago
Help me my gold fishes are alive in my tank but when I put starfishes in my tank they die :((())) i steal star fishes from the beach using a nail screwdriver and hammer and some die but the ones that are alive are missing legs no worry I think they grow again I put them with my gold fishes and they die fast. Please help becuase the starfishes are pretty and they die and I'm sad I found 18 today and only 14 are alive so I they died when I put them in today!!!M?..
I will find more tomorrow and put them and put fans so they get air so they don't drown please help I apwant gold fishes and star fishes to make babies
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Psycho Steven Universe Fan the ocean is salt water. No salt comes out of your tap
Psycho Steven Universe Fan
Psycho Steven Universe Fan - 7 years ago
What so star fish need salt water? I found them in the ocean so I thought they need no salt water :0 I sorry I just went to tide pools and took a lot and they die so I thought that the water the goldfishes are in are good for star fish if I put fans under the gold fish rocks and plants the salt water can go up so the gold fishes live at the bottom and starfishes at top!!!!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Psycho Steven Universe Fan I know your water isn't salt water, that's why your star fish are dying. You cannot keep them together.
Psycho Steven Universe Fan
Psycho Steven Universe Fan - 7 years ago
What? Fish die in salt water that's why no fishes live in the bottom of the ocean becuase of the salt! Water I have is from my sink so it not salt water >:()))()
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
Star fish are saltwater fish, and goldfishes are fresh water fish. Stop putting starfish into the tank.
Hey, It's Elena!
Hey, It's Elena! - 7 years ago
"I saw that a tank was on sale." So me
mariano de miguel
mariano de miguel - 7 years ago
Nice video! I am new to this and I dream of having my 29 gallon tank with large angle fish and schools of amazon tetras. After I wait 2 or three weeks , what is not a good fish to put for the first time in a brand new tank. What is a good starter. How long should I wait after my first fish to get my angel fish and tetras?
mariano de miguel
mariano de miguel - 7 years ago
What happened to the "aerator". I used to remember as a child that we would always pump air into the tank.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
after ~3 weeks get water tested to make sure cycle is completed. I would add the 2 angels first and the ~2 weeks after.
Donna Marshall
Donna Marshall - 7 years ago
I'm brand new to this, THANK u so much! This video was very informative!!
J. Cruz
J. Cruz - 7 years ago
Do you dechlorinate before adding the plants and decorations?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+J. Cruz before adding plants yes. For decorations it doesn't really matter
Tony Simsek
Tony Simsek - 7 years ago
You arw awesome dude
Mick Carey
Mick Carey - 7 years ago
Fish are assholes
Rob The Raging Gamer
Rob The Raging Gamer - 7 years ago
I'm planning to get a 60 to 75 gallon tank, any tips for fish, I've been keeping fish for 14 years but I've done smaller tanks, any tips?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
watch the video
Kaileb Flattery
Kaileb Flattery - 7 years ago
Little tip don't decorate with sea shells they add calcium to the water ☺
Tracy Sumner
Tracy Sumner - 7 years ago
That female guppy near the upper part of the screen was actually giving birth.
Maroon Msp
Maroon Msp - 7 years ago
I have a 40 gal tank not being used at the moment, in thinking of making an aquarium
Xime RH
Xime RH - 7 years ago
I have 25 fish in a 20 gallon freshwater tank... is that fine or is it way too crowded? Please answer
Timmy Tronix
Timmy Tronix - 7 years ago
Hmmm, it might be alright but I'm not recommending. I know some stuff, but be ready for them to breed. One of them will eventually breed
Xime RH
Xime RH - 7 years ago
They are very small, neon tetras danios guppy mollies
Timmy Tronix
Timmy Tronix - 7 years ago
VivianF1000 it's kinda say wayyy too much. But it can depend on what type it is
Špįńø - 7 years ago
has a 75 gallon tank and has 10 guppies ENGLAND IS MY CITY
Feather Fanatics
Feather Fanatics - 7 years ago
My apartment has a set water bill ($35/month) so I do a 75% water change every day and my water in my 10 gal is super amazing and have never had an ammonia spike. I have 5 swordtails in it and the fry (which grow super fast) I move to an outdoor pond.
Zoee Yanka
Zoee Yanka - 7 years ago
I recently got a 20 gallon tank from my grandma... had goldfish in it but they died of old age. I washed some stuff in the tank and replaced the water, I'm using the same filter to promote good bacteria growth. I added a whole bottle of safe start + two guppies to create ammonia. I did a test today.. pH was 8.0.. hard so I'm planning on adding more plants and some driftwood to hopefully lower it. Ammonia -and nitrite were at 0. Nitrate was 5. Am I doing good so far and what do I need to do to complete the cycling process. Safestart said you can add fish immediately but I didn't want to risk killing my betta hence the guppies. I wouldn't have done a fish cycle if it wasn't for the SafeStart but I am prepared to move the guppies if they look sick. Edit: I did another test today with the same results except the nitrate was at 0. The two fish are doing great, very energetic, eating well, no signs of illness.
Do It With Mowie
Do It With Mowie - 7 years ago
Unless you've got bank then I don't recommend a new tank from a store, for me I got a 55 gal tank w stand for 100 on Craigslist
David Carter
David Carter - 7 years ago
20 Gallon Tank:
1 Rubber Lip Pleco
4 Platys
2 Mollies
I would like to get an Albino Rainbow Shark

My understanding is the Mollies and Platys don't affect it as it is a bottom dweller. Idk plz respond if that's ok to get it
Pixel Cat
Pixel Cat - 7 years ago
Paws Pup Mk, then its fine. But when you pick fish, they look best when you pick schools of 4 or 5 at least if you're mixing schooling fish.
David Carter
David Carter - 7 years ago
Pixel Cat it's a rubber Lip Pleco, his name is Puddlez, he only gets to 4", he ain't the common Pleco xD we did cut the Mollies except for one, which my mom loved since she had one Fred, a balloon belly who recognized her, so when the Mollies died from nitrates, we fixed it and surprised my mom with another Fred, but Tangy, since it's a girl. Thanks anyways
Pixel Cat
Pixel Cat - 7 years ago
And I would suggest shrimp and snails for bottom dwellers, just to add variety. Try nirites, not the showiest but good algae eaters, if you want a showy large snail though, try for a apple snail, but they produce more waste and have to be fed, they can't live off algae.
Pixel Cat
Pixel Cat - 7 years ago
Paws Pup Cut the mollies, get more platies, in my opinion just mixing random species that look similar in small amounts looks tacky, and platies need less space. Also, screw the pleco unless you're planning on buying a 300 galloner in a year or so.
Geen Naam
Geen Naam - 7 years ago
I have the same fish as you i have them for a week now but one died i don't know the reason i did water check and checked my temprature everything is perfect but he was just laying in the corner the whole time but sometimes he sims like others but today he died
marce anarchy
marce anarchy - 7 years ago
Did you cycle your tank before putting in the fish, or did you buy a new tank and then immediately put fish in?
Geen Naam
Geen Naam - 7 years ago
And have a filter/pump and i add an airstone, so please can Someone help me ? And my tank is big i have now 7 fish in it so they have enough space to swim and enough plants etc but i think more Will die soon help me pls
Cliona Caplis
Cliona Caplis - 7 years ago
Tell me if this is right I am starting with a 65litre tank and buying 6 angle fish and a couple catfish are angle hard or easy to keep
Cliona Caplis
Cliona Caplis - 7 years ago
Well I asked the guy in the pet shop and he said 10 but they are babies so
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
way too small for 6 angels. Angels are pretty easy to keep.
Thunderflash85 - 7 years ago
CloudQueen :3
CloudQueen :3 - 7 years ago
nice video! can a large probs 5 by 1 dresser hold a 30 gallon tank?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+CloudQueen :3 if it had enough support. For a 30 I'd get a proper stand
Gameplayer23 - 7 years ago
"Your gonna kill a lot of things in this hobby"
But I don't wanna kill anything. :(
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
When dealing with an ecosystem that we do not live in, it is very difficult to understnad when things go wrong. It will happen, but if you do everything in the video the amount of fish that will die wil be decreased substantially.
life hope
life hope - 7 years ago
i wish i thought about what fish i actually want i have 1 platy 2 guppies 1 mollie 1 balloon mollie and a betta
Maggie Conjelko
Maggie Conjelko - 7 years ago
thank you so much for making this. extremely helpful
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Maggie Conjelko not a problem!! Hope it hwlped
Julia C
Julia C - 7 years ago
What type of plant is that on the left side at the beginning of the video?
Twotailedpikachu - 7 years ago
So I what size tank should I get for 2 goldfish
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Twotailedpikachu 30g +
Nina Summers
Nina Summers - 7 years ago
I bought a 30 gallon fish tank from my boyfriend's old neighbors, i had NO IDEA what i was getting myself into XD now, 3 weeks later i'm really happy i took the plunge (pun intended XD). There were already alot of fish just put together, i don't think they did alot of research :( so i bought another tank (10 gallon) to separate some of them. There's 2 Angelfish, 2 blue rams, a few mollies, 1 male betta, some neon tetras, and some fish with the red head and white/black tails that you also have with your goldfish... oh and 1 corydora (which is really cute omg XD) any advice on which fishes to separate?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Nina Summers neons and the red head fish (rummy tetras)
Michael - 7 years ago
Are there some easy to maintain plants that can grow in just sand?
Michael - 7 years ago
+FlipGaming Thank You!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Michael water wisteria, java fern, crypts
Alexandra Vernon
Alexandra Vernon - 7 years ago
Are we not gonna talk about the guppy giving birth during this
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Alexandra Vernon I never knew that. That's so cool
Alexandra Vernon
Alexandra Vernon - 7 years ago
FlipGaming there is a guppy facing forward in the beginning of the video, around 2:20 you can see her drop one, but she dropped more throughout
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Alexandra Vernon what's the time stamp??
Thunder Vlogs
Thunder Vlogs - 7 years ago
You don't need a heater for goldfish they don't need heaters I though you weren't a "beginner "
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
Since I am in the basement my tank falls well below 60 degrees so i need a heater to keep the temp higher and consistent.
Swan Michel
Swan Michel - 7 years ago
best video ever
Tori Richards
Tori Richards - 7 years ago
Bought a ten gallon tank and it's still cycling so I haven't bought fish yet. I don't like tetra or betas. (Or any tiny thin fish like tetras) Do I have any other options? I might go with guppies but they wouldn't be my first choice
Ethan Lang
Ethan Lang - 7 years ago
Tori Richards Swordtails are great!
iCST - 7 years ago
Tori Richards Cherry barbs are good hardy fish. You could keep small gouramis, platies/moons, a single kribensis cichlid, or minows. Killies are small and pretty, but they have very short lifespans and can be aggressive. Though if you don't want small fish, don't get a ten gallon. And if you dislike tetras, you probably haven't seen the many different varieties. My favorties are the red phantom, emperor, and ember tetras.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
Killifish are great and kind of unique! You can buy eggs on Ebay and hatch them yourself! Don't knock all tetras, there are many that look awesome! Dwarf gouramis would work as well
Thunderflash85 - 7 years ago
(Not being sarcastic )
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Thunderflash85 bettas at pet stores are bred in tanks, hence the colours
Thunderflash85 - 7 years ago
Since they weren't wild caught then ya ok
Thunderflash85 - 7 years ago
Oh ok well
Thunderflash85 - 7 years ago
Like bettas live in a farm mud stream thing and there is no glass and if they get moved I'm pretty sure they know it's not a glass box unless they are locally bred
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Thunderflash85 nope they do not. None of my fish were wild caught.
Thunderflash85 - 7 years ago
Thunderflash85 - 7 years ago
And I'm pretty sure they do at least they know that where they are originated from is not that small is
Thunderflash85 - 7 years ago
Wow lol your funny
CloudQueen :3
CloudQueen :3 - 7 years ago
Thunderflash85 congrats, you just posted 5 comments at the same time.

O ✨
\|— ✨ ✨
/ \

here is your prize!
Thunderflash85 - 7 years ago
They know they are in a glass box they know the ocean is bigger
Ethan Lang
Ethan Lang - 7 years ago
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
These fish don't live in the ocean
Thunderflash85 - 7 years ago
Umm .. there smarter Han you
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
Not much of an accomplishment
Thunderflash85 - 7 years ago
iCST - 7 years ago
Thunderflash85 Lol. They don't know what glass is or what a box is. They just know they can't swim beyond a certain point.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Thunderflash85 no they don't lol fish aren't that smart. Hence why you can keep them in glass boxes
Rebecca Goodridge
Rebecca Goodridge - 7 years ago
A pet store said I could put 4-6 neon tetras in a 5 gallon tank is that true?? Seems a little small for them
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Rebecca Goodridge id do that in a 10. The bigger the better. I've had 4 in a 5g no problem but the extra space would be better
brighitt correa
brighitt correa - 7 years ago
you have a gold fish in this tank but I was told Goldie's can't really live with other fishes due to tempature and they possibly eat other smaller fish.
iCST - 7 years ago
brighitt correa If you have pristine water and constant temperature, you can keep goldfish in warmer waters. They can' live in hot tropical conditions (above 80), but can thrive in subtropical temperatures.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
Goldfish can live in warmer water and will eat fish that can fit in their mouths, just like any other fish.
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
You should make a video on how to replace your cartridge.. I'm sure it will help a bunch of people that are beginners. Thanks for the help
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc no problem! I will do a video on it next time I clean my filters
Marissa Parker
Marissa Parker - 7 years ago
I subscribed to your channel bc I just truly like listening to you talk. Creepy? Lol
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Marissa Parker I wouldn't say so
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
I think it was a bad idea when I changes the filter cartridge that one day I told you. It's like cycling all over again. My Ammonia levels are high even after a water change.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc yup. It'll go through a mini cycle
James Davenport
James Davenport - 7 years ago
Just got in to the hobby. I have a common gold fish. What are some decent tank mates I could add in with him? Could I do tetras with him or would that be too risky?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
black skirts would do well!
James Davenport
James Davenport - 7 years ago
FlipGaming Thanks for replying so fast! What are some tetras that would be a good size? Would neon or black skirt tetras be too small?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+James Davenport if you get large tetras you will be okay!
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
The ich mostly killed all my fish.. I caught it late. Anyways, since the tank has 1.00 ppm ammonia keep doing water changes right every 2-3 days.. clean gravel too? Or just water suck
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc id do gravel vac. Everyone catches it when it first comes. Don't beat yourself up
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Hey what's up Flip, it's me again
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc I used to do that all the time. Don't worry about it. It'll cycle fast
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc same way you started. Supplement with beneficial bacteria
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
I've been using the same net, should I throw that one away because it might be contiminated?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc just give it a cleaning under tap water. You'll be good!
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Hey Flip, some of my fish keep dying. The white spots went away, but then it came back. Not as bad so I did what your video said to do. Now it looks like 1 fish may have fin rot. What do I do
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc after ich is gone, keep the heat up for an extra week. Water changes will fix the fin rot!
Kathleen Ann
Kathleen Ann - 7 years ago
How often do you check the ammonia levels? And thank you so much this video was so helpful!!!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
Honestly, I never check my ammonia levels. I just do 50% water changes once a week to make sure there isn't any in there!
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Well hope my tank won't crash. Umm that should be your next video Flip. How to change and keep your sponge on your filter

100. comment for Tips and Tricks For Starting a Freshwater Aquarium [For Beginners]

bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Yes there was a sponge that's what I replaced because it got stinky.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc don't replace the sponge. That's the best storage for beneficial bacteria. Just rinse it in old tank water next time
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
My bio filter started to get a bit stinky, so I changed the cartridge, but i got a bucket with tank water and got the new and old cartridge together and soaked them together so I can catch some of the beneficial bacteria. Did I do this right?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc do you have a sponge in your biofilter? If you do then you just have to put the new cartridge in since the sponge has the beneficial bacteria already built up. What you did wouldn't hurt
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Do you recommend any fish medicine to have at home just in case and outbreak spreads out in future, but that won't stain my tank?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
Not really. just keep water clean. if ich comes back just heat again
asif hussain
asif hussain - 7 years ago
a 45 minute video? on setting up a fish tank? dude waste of time 10 minutes tops
asif hussain
asif hussain - 7 years ago
Ethan Lang stupid YouTube brought me here
Ethan Lang
Ethan Lang - 7 years ago
asif hussain Why are you here then lol?
asif hussain
asif hussain - 7 years ago
you don't have to.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+asif hussain I find that very hard to believe lmao
asif hussain
asif hussain - 7 years ago
i have 3 tanks running successfully thank you
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+asif hussain LOL if you can't spend the time to watch this please do not buy a fish tank. Ever.
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 7 years ago
Nice advice
JEFF STEIN - 7 years ago
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
cuddy9 - 7 years ago
Great info!!!!
Bretmarie Witt
Bretmarie Witt - 7 years ago
wow great video so much info nice job
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
So looks like the fish are feeling better. Even though 2-3 fish died because I caught the ich pretty late because I'm a beginner. Cranked up the temp to 86, added aquarium salt. Just did a 30% water change and repeated process. Will any ich stay on my decorations, net, or siphon?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc it'll die in your syphon no net. As long as you crank the heat all ich in your tank will die. This includes decorations
Racing's Natural Aquariums
Racing's Natural Aquariums - 7 years ago
Great info
pro builder
pro builder - 7 years ago
18:16 "your going to kill a lot of things in this hobby" I feel that this is the most accurate statement in the entire video.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+pro builder I should get it tattooed on me just to remind myself of it
Paulo Piedade
Paulo Piedade - 7 years ago
perfect video. thank you
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
The salt won't damage my bio filter right ?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc no, watch the video I just uploaded
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Thank you! So just aquarium salt water? No medication. One of my fish looks pretty bad. It has a bunch of white spots on it and it's eye. Should I get rid of that one?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
I have a video coming out about it in a few hours.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
Not salt water, aquarium salt. There is a difference. Go to your local pet store and they will know what youre asking for. Don't remove or add any fish. No one will take that fish as it will give their tank ich. Treat the entire tank as all of the fish in it will have ich if not treated.
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Help my fish has ich, and most likely my whole tank! What's the best solution.? Thanks
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc no worries. My tank has ich right now too. It is in fact the whole tank. Make the temperature in the tank 86 degrees. Also, put a teaspoon of aquarium salt into a water bottle with some tank water and shake till you can't see the salt. Dump it back into the water. Ich should be gone in a week or 2
JUDY TCP - 7 years ago
Very informative thank you. I have a 3.5 gallon tank with 3 male guppies and 2 snails can I add a female Betta as well or will it become to crowded ?
Pixel Cat
Pixel Cat - 7 years ago
marce anarchy Yas. Bring in the SACRIFICE.
marce anarchy
marce anarchy - 7 years ago
Pixel Cat She hungers
Pixel Cat
Pixel Cat - 7 years ago
marce anarchy I was typing that just as Huntress bit a blood worm in half. Lol, this is why I'm never going to get a sorority, dis fish is crazy.
marce anarchy
marce anarchy - 7 years ago
Pixel Cat I don't remember typing get but I agree with you
Pixel Cat
Pixel Cat - 7 years ago
JUDY TCP Don't get. I have a female betta, like less than one inch, she's really aggressive, and will bite my finger. Don't put any more in, even three male guppies is pushing it, but that's fine. You should upgrade soon to make your life easier though.
marce anarchy
marce anarchy - 7 years ago
pr0m3sa - 7 years ago
when I'm allowing the water to cycle for a new tank and build natural bacterial I have to wait to plant??
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+pr0m3sa nope. You can plant
alealejo78 - 7 years ago
Who are the best roomies for guppies? Im starting a 29gallons aquarium and want some guppies with a bunch of other fish and how many do you recommend keeping in that space?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+alealejo78 bristlenose pleco would be a great cleaner and some nerite snails. Neon tetras would work
alealejo78 - 7 years ago
lol I know they reproduce like rabbits xD but I'm thinking buying only males .. and want some mates for the aquarium for them .. and maybe some algae eaters and cleaners ..
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+alealejo78 you honestly won't need any other fish. Your guppies will breed like crazy
alealejo78 - 7 years ago
This is by far my fav aquarium starter video ... Thanks!
Mercedez M
Mercedez M - 7 years ago
Lol good video!!
Reginald Finley
Reginald Finley - 7 years ago
Good video. Thanks!
James Kwok
James Kwok - 7 years ago
where do you get the plants from
Fam Clan
Fam Clan - 7 years ago
im planning on geting 4 female mollies and 2 male mollies is that a good idea?
KKM - 7 years ago
cycle fishless, be smart, be humane.
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
I can't believe it. I still have high nitrites! Did a 30% water change and still stuck with nitrites
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
How many ounces of prime should I put in it
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
no more then half a capful
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
I did a water change yesterday, 30%.. the nitrites went down to light purple. Today it spiked to dark purple again. I know I have to let the bacteria kick in and the tank to settle, but the nitrites will end up prob killing my fish
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
If you are worried about it put some prime in to detoxify it. By constantly disrupting the bacteria it will keep spiking. The fact that it is going to nitrites means the bacteria is doing its job
YorkLocalAsian - 7 years ago
If I have a 10 gallon tank can I have One beta???
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
Tboy221 - 7 years ago
great pointers. I might pre setup for live plants now even though I don't have any yet.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Davina P. Go for it!! There are a ton that are extremely easy to care for. There are many supplements that will help the growth too
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
But should I still do water changes? I did a small water change 3 days ago and 1 fish died 1 hour later after water change. Nitrite was still high
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
do a water change once a week and supplement the tetra safestart daily
The Gaming Turtles
The Gaming Turtles - 7 years ago
So I'm getting a 40 gal freshwater tank, and I am wondering could I put 2 angelfish and one Albino rainbow shark? If I can't fit them what about just 2 Angels? It's gonna have lots of live plants to with a couple of rocks and hiding places for the rainbow shark. Thanks for the help
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+The Gaming Turtles 2 angels would be perfect! I would avoid the shark. They are super violent once they get big. I had the red tail variety and it was a mess
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
My nitrites still keep darn spiking! It got to the point where my API test kit showed the water dark purple! So I did an emergency 25% water only change no vacuum. When I added the new water, I think the water temp prob wasn't the same. Probably. Because after water change 1 tiger barb died, and my only 2 remain fish were gasping for air on top of tank. I'm getting desperate here!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc stop testing. Let the bacteria settle
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Lol! It already has a sponge on there
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
I don't think there's a setting for the filter to go slower, it looks set with one speed.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
you can get a sponge to put on the intake. it will slow it down
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
I also noticed a lot of bubbles on top of my tank? Is that normal? I got the quiet aqueon 50. Which is not quiet. Plus when the water comes out the filter it looks like it does a lot of splashing and crazy current.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc Make the filter go slower if possible. The splashing is actually good because it agitates the water surface which then creates oxygen for your fish. Bubbles are normal if you have some deadzones where the filter isn't hitting, which isn't a huge deal
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Perfect. Thanks! Your great!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc no problem!! For the next 2 weeks keep the amount you're feeding low and I wouldn't add any fish either. That way it allows the bacteria to develop a strong community within your filter. After that you should be safe to introduce fish again
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Just add the prime right, no water change
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc no. If you change water all the time you're removing the bacteria that is developing
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
My nitrites spiked again, can I just add prime emergency status, or do I have to do a water change as well
Ethan Lang
Ethan Lang - 7 years ago
bullitlbc Christ dude you're half the comment section.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc it is going to spike. It is going from ammonia to nitrite then to nitrate. It takes time. Prime will detoxify it.
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Last night I bought tetra safestart because my nitrites where sky high, but before I did a 25% water change. I added safestart and prime. I tested the water 2 hours later and the nitrites went to 0ppm
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
The bacteria is in the process of converting to nitrates. No need to worry! Keep dosing safestart
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Cool! I'll go buy some tommorow right away.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
awesome! don't get discouraged. Working with water is difficult and maintaining bacteria in the first few montsh is hard. I lost many fish when I first started when i added too many too quickly. It will balance itself eventually!
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Hey Flip, little by little my Tiger Barbs keep dying and one gold molly just died. I seen it die. It was like having problems breathing then swam fast going crazy then died. I seen it happen. I'm sure it was respiration problem. I did a water test and everything is ok EXCEPT very high nitrite. I did a water change and added prime. Is this normal.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc most likely added too many fish too quickly. I would add stability into the tank daily to inflate the beneficial bacteria
CheapToys,DumpsterDecor,AndMore - 7 years ago
Thank you!!! Great info!!!
Angie Graham
Angie Graham - 7 years ago
Thank you lot help
Cam Cam
Cam Cam - 7 years ago
I am just getting into the fish hobby. I got my first tank but it is a ten gallon. I have already bought all the things for it! I was planning on getting a dwarf gourami and some black skirt tetras. Would that work? If so for how long? I am planning on getting a bigger tank but I don't know when. Please answer! Thank you!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Cam Cam not a problem!!
Cam Cam
Cam Cam - 7 years ago
Ok, Thank you! Your video was great! Thanks for the amazing info!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Cam Cam I think that should work!! I would get a max 3 black skirt tetras for now until you upgrade
Iván Almaraz
Iván Almaraz - 7 years ago
Hi flip, what algae eater do you recommend for a 190g??
Ethan Lang
Ethan Lang - 7 years ago
Iván Almaraz Plecos are pretty great.
The Betta Obsessor
The Betta Obsessor - 7 years ago
Such an informative video, thank you!
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Hey Flip, I just bought 3 more Tiger Barbs, why is one not hanging with the group? 4 are all over the place and 1 is a loner? He is the smallest one from all 5
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
If schooling fish feel safe, they will not go together. Due to no aggression they will all split up eventually because there is no reason to school
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Hey Flip, the fish are all doing great. I got 3 Tiger Barb( will be getting 3 more tommorow) 1 Angelfish, Pleco, and 2 Gold mollies. I bought prime sechrem, but I still have small amounts of Ammonia. Dark yellowish maybe light green. The nitrate levels are mid 5ppm to 10ppm.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc yup that'll be good! Be very careful with the tiger barbs. They are very very nippy. Keep up with weekly water changes and you'll be good!!
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Just got me 3 Tiger Barbs and an Angelfish. So far my 2 gold dust mollies are hanging in there
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc awesome! Monitor the tiger barbs. They can get nippy
angus auty
angus auty - 7 years ago
how many harlequins could you put in a 10 gallon with a filter for a 19 gallon in it?
angus auty
angus auty - 7 years ago
15 gallon tank sorry
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
I would say 6
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
my tank looks like chaos, but it's is set up with lots of hiding spots
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
I have kept fish since i was 5. I have a 10 gallon nano community that is going to be upgraded to a 20 or 29 gallon. I haven't had a large tank. I have a betta, tetra (had since last year. the other tetras died), 3 young mollies, and 2 young swordtails(reason for upgrade). I happened to walk by fish for sale at a store.... fell in love with a few little fish haha. I get the tank in a few weeks.
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Hi flipgaming, I just did a %25 water change for the first time because it was showing a little Ammonia. Light green, 0.25ppm I think it said. I tested the waster right away after the change. But it still has a small amount of Ammonia? Is that normal? Or is it because the tank is still cycling??
Kimsotus Orelius
Kimsotus Orelius - 7 years ago
bullitlbc Give your tank a jump-start on the bacteria colony with any of the bacteria in a bottle, like API's StressZyme, Seachem's Stability or Tetra's SafeStart.

Starting dosage is usually 10mL per 10 gallon. Then, just do 10mL a week, until your Nitrites read zero--which means your bacteria (biofilter) is fully established! Woohoo!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc tank is still adjusting along with the bacteria is adjusting to the new water! Test tomorrow just to monitor
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
How can I sterilize driftwood that was in another fishtank? I don't want any bad bacteria in my fishtank
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc boil it
Smirna Barraza
Smirna Barraza - 7 years ago
I went on vacations to the house of my friends relatives and in horror I saw a green water (almost black) fish tank with at least a hundred guppies (all kind of sizes) !!!!!
I was only staying for a a couple of days so I did my best to clean the tank ( I found a HUMONGOUS Pleco on the bottom!!)

As a thanks the family let me took some of the guppies, I knew they couldn’t take care of them so I took 3 males, 3 females and 5 baby fries, put them in a bottle and drove them 13 hrs to my state.
But I know nothing of fishes (my dad use to have a tank when I was little so I know the basic)
I bought a 50 Lt tank and filters and a thermometer but how do I transfer the fish?

The water they have is still greenish and cloudy, do I put other fishes first?
I’m worried they might be sick from the black tank, how do I know what medicine to give them?

I can't keep them in an ice cream container anymore
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Smirna Barraza if you want to keep them alive yes. They might get eaten
Smirna Barraza
Smirna Barraza - 7 years ago
Thank you a loot!!!!!
Do I need to separate the small ones from the adults? I got like 4 really tiny.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Smirna Barraza fill your tank with water and start running the filter. Get Seachem stability or another type of beneficial bacteria in a bottle product (available at most pet stores). Float the bottle in the tank so the temperature from the bottle matches the tank. DONT put in the old water. After floating for 15-20 minutes just place the fish in the tank with none of the old tank water. They shouldn't need any medicine! They will also eat flake food so buy some of that tomorrow
Julia C
Julia C - 7 years ago
What plant is that on the left at the beginning?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Julia C cambria
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
But they were doing just fine the night before. I will check for ammonia soon as I get home. But prior to putting the fishes inside I checked the water and it read 0 for Amonia
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
If ammonia and nitrite read 0 when you get home, then it was most likely just a poor fish. It happens!
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc don't feel too bad. I've killed countless fish in my fresh water tank. It happens! Sometimes fish don't do well to tank changes
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc he most likely died before and then got stuck in the filter. What is your tank reading in terms of ammonia?
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Thanks! Your awesome!
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Flipgaming, I couldn't wait
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc nice!! I would monitor them for a few days and also check your ammonia levels daily. If they go above the .25 mark I would do a small water change! Also, pick up Seachem prime. It'll make nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia non toxic and easier for the fish to handle! Doesn't replace water changes though
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Are African Ciclids hard to take care of?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
I am from Canada. African cichlids are fairly difficult to take care of. I would stay away from them for now. Angel fish, tetras, and bristle nose plecos are great for beginners. African cichlids are SUPER aggressive to the point where you need to intentionally overstock a tank so they lose sight of who they fight. You will have much more fun with your angels! They are cichlids as well but only semi aggressive. You have enough space in the tank so they most likely won't fight anyone
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Cool will do! You stay in California?
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
40G. And I plan on getting: Angelfish, Algae eaters, tetras, and what ever pairs up with those.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc awesome! Get a bristlenose pleco for the algae eater. They stay small and are awesome!
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Hi flipgaming, I just bout the freshwater master kit to test my water. Everything looks ok, except my PH level is at between 7.8-8.0.. and my nitrate is at
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc wooo!! How big is your tank and what do you plan on getting?
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
I will be doing a 20% water change tommorow to get out all the fish food chunks that are in the bottom. And get the tank ready for the fish. I will be getting my starter fish Saturday's
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc my girlfriends pH is high. Most fish adapt well to it. Wouldn't worry about it! Everything is looking good! Nitrate means the bacteria is going their job. You want to keep nitrate between max 5-10. Weekly water changes of 25-40% will keep it down!
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
But do I have to wait that long to put in fish?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
You are just going to have to combat and deal with cloudy water for awhile. It happened in ALL of my tanks. Just add the fish slowly so the bacteria can catch up with the waste the fish produce! There are supplements that can get rid of the cloudy water for you like Nutrafin Bioclear (works bests for my fresh water tanks especially at the beginning) or Seachem Clarity (works best for my saltwater tanks)
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc nope you'll get fish in a week or 2! Water just takes awhile to stabilize. Do the water change a week after you started the bacteria. Then I'd do it for a few days longer and then you can slowly add fish!
gdmz29 - 7 years ago
am i the only one not seeing pictures?!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+nikky50000 I forgot the images. Just type the names in on google for the images and products
nikky50000 - 7 years ago
gdmz29 nope me 2 the only picture I seen was for the food
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Hi flipgaming, I've been adding that bacteria booster now for 3 days like the bootle recommended and adding small amounts of fish food like you said.. but is it normal that my water is looking a bit foggy?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc yup! That's the bacteria bloom! You will have cloudy/clear water for 1-3 months until the water stabilizes! Totally normal. It is called "'new tank syndrome"
Omar P
Omar P - 7 years ago
Do I need a heater for my betta fish? Also I feed my betta fish regular flakes twice a day and a bit of blood worms once every one or two weeks. I keep my betta fish in a 1 gallon tank Am I doing alright?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Omar P if you can, get a bigger tank. Bettas do need a heater as they are tropical fish and like 78 degree water. I feed mine pellets and flakes once a day
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Fluval, Cycle. Concentrated biological booster.
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Do I add any more bacteria booster in the next few days? Be cause I only added like 3-4 oz.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc which brand did you get? Most will tell you to add it every day
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Cool! I'm on it. Thanks
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Hi Flipgaming, I just filled up the tank and got my filtration systems going. I added de-chlorinator in the tap water as recommended. How long do I wait to add that bacteria booster in the water? And after that how long do I let it sit there until next water change?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc add the bacteria booster + a very small amount of food right away. I would wait a week
Sasha_ - 7 years ago
beautiful tank
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Jenny thanks!!
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Sweet thanks! If I have any more questions I'm sure I will ask you. Thanks again
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
I want a community tank. How many Angelfish you recommend to have in my 40 G? Plus any other exotic colorful fish you recommend that are compatible with the angels?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc I would say 2-4. Probably on the lower side. I have cardinal tetras with mine! They are awesome. You can have a lot. Rummynose tetras are great, blue tetras, emperor tetras, different kind of plecos, bosmani rainbows, and male betta
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Awesome that broke it down just perfect! Thank you! I will keep in touch!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
Sounds good!! Always safer to do it with food other then fish. It will do the same process of producing waste and the bacteria eating it. To make sure everything is good you can always bring your water to a fish store and they will most likely test your water for free! When I used seachem stability in I placed some food in day 1 and used stability as directed on the bottle. I was good to go within a week but did the process for ~2 just to be safe!
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
It's going to be a freshwater tank. So I fill it up, add de-chlorineitor, then let it sit there for a few days? I also bought a product that helps produce bacteria a bit faster, but I need to add fish right away when I add that product into the tank. Thank you!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc you got the right steps! Except put fish food in instead of fish for that product. It'll get the bacteria eating! Then after that change the water ~50% and repeat one more time. Then add fish
bullitlbc - 7 years ago
Great video! But I have soo many questions! I just bought a 40 Gal tank and I'm a beginner
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+bullitlbc ask away! Step 1. Fill it up ASAP to get the cycle going!
john sarota
john sarota - 7 years ago
what is it in non retard units
Jonathan Adriel
Jonathan Adriel - 7 years ago
john sarota I feel you, man. I know how many liters there are in a gallon, but it's a little of a nuisance to be converting everything in your head
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+foxtrocious jr lol
Phenominal Aquatics
Phenominal Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thanks too you . I got a SRD Flowerhorn
Victor Baker
Victor Baker - 7 years ago
Pretty good for a new fish keeper. Better then some that talk about having 20 years of experience. Yea it's possible to do things wrong for a long time. I think most 90% or so pass early because of poor care in one form or another.
Chris Anthony
Chris Anthony - 7 years ago
great video. thanks a ton. really helped me understand in depth about a lot of stuff about this hobby. I think u were great, very sensible and great tips for everyone. appreciate the time you took out for this.
jennyoriley - 7 years ago
The video says there's stuff on the screen (notes and such) but i'm not seeing any? Really curious about what your dechlorinator combination is
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
No problem!
jennyoriley - 7 years ago
Thanks so much!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
In the video I use Nutrafin Water conditioner. I remember saying it in the video but I forgot to post what it looks like. I now use Seachem Prime. Both work but I prefer Seachem Prime.
Sofia Font
Sofia Font - 7 years ago
Hi, I don't know if you or anyone are going to answer this. But i have been really into getting a fish for a long time now. But my only concern is if it is okay to only have one fish alone in an aquarium. Mainly because i dont want reproduction since i dont want to accedently kill some of the bebies bc i have never owned a fish before. So i am thinking like a betta or guppy because they supposedly are a "beginner fish". And i am not afraid to go and invest in a bigger tank either. I just want only one fish. maybe two, but then i want them in the same sex. I'll be extremely grateful if someone replied! :) Thanks in advance
Sofia Font
Sofia Font - 7 years ago
FlipGaming Yeah i haven't looken into some breeders yet since i haven't even bought a tank. And i live in Sweden so bettas isnt that popular in breeding But luckilly We have very good laws for animals here so there are wery rare to find fish that are badly taken care of in an animal shop. But i am taking this in a very slow paste because Iwan to provide the best home for my fish
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Sofia Font no problem! There are many websites online that will ship you very pretty bettas like Aquabid. Bettas are very easy to care for so they are one of the fish I have no problem spending a little bit of extra money on
Sofia Font
Sofia Font - 7 years ago
Thank you so much!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
If you want to keep a fish solo go with a male betta! a 5-10 gallon aquarium would be perfect for them! I have 3 male bettas in seperate tanks and they are fantastic
flippy5555 - 7 years ago
good advice thank you
Thomas Oegema
Thomas Oegema - 7 years ago
I could only afford a 10 gal. Bought it yesterday, VERY helpful vid.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Thomas Oegema glad I could help!!
Lalala Lalala
Lalala Lalala - 7 years ago
I thought the goldfish was coldwater while angelfish were tropical
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Lalala Lalala goldfish can live in warm water as well.
Jennifer S. Dag
Jennifer S. Dag - 7 years ago
best video I've seen on this. thanks!!!!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Jennifers Suarez no problem!!
Lillian Carbone
Lillian Carbone - 7 years ago
Thank you
Ash Garrix
Ash Garrix - 7 years ago
feliciiaab - 7 years ago
This is the best tutorial for a starter aquarium that I've seen so far! So helpful!
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
glad I could help you out!!
CashCronicles - 7 years ago
i just got a 55 gal how many other fish can i have with a red oscar?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
None. The oscar will murder anything else in that tank. He will take up a lot of space dont you worry!
Xithvader - 7 years ago
I am interested in owning a betta how large should a betta fish tank be?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Xithvader as big as you can get. Nothing smaller then 5 gallon I would say if you're just starting. Make sure to get a heater too
Cat King
Cat King - 7 years ago
I have 3 tanks
One 1 gal wich I keep small minnows in
I have a 2.5 wich has a Betta and a small plecko
And a 15 gal wich I'm gunna put 2 goldfish and 3 neon tetras to start off
Cat King
Cat King - 7 years ago
+FlipGaming I got a fish to day but I only got a white fish an I forgot the name
Cat King
Cat King - 7 years ago
+FlipGaming I'll stick with some bigger fish than neon tetras and one gold fish

And idk what plecko it is it has only grown a couple of centimeters in a few months
I got it at pet smart for a dollar
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
for the 15 gallon stick with 1 fancy goldfish. They poop ALOT and get real big (since recording this video my goldfish has almost doubled in size). Also it will eventually eat the neons once they can fit in its mouth. Also, what kind of pleco is it?? They also poop a lot and would be better in a larger tank. The betta is happy in that tank though! Good luck!
Maxie :p
Maxie :p - 7 years ago
Could a male betta be housed with a male guppy?
Myname Isthebest
Myname Isthebest - 7 years ago
Derp Da Derp well you can, but be careful because they might turn gay
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Derp Da Derp I've done it in a 10g
Lillian Downie
Lillian Downie - 7 years ago
I have one gold fish in a 10 is that ok
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Lillian Downie try to upgrade eventually. 10 gallon will eventually be small
Ronald Evans
Ronald Evans - 7 years ago
thank you all the information you're giving me it's very helpful I just went to Petco today and bought some fish and every last one of them have. I believe the pH in my tank is very high I have to buy some more chemicals to keep the pH level down or balance thank you once again for all your help
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Ronald Evans did you place the water in same day? What fish were you keeping?
Erik Bradley
Erik Bradley - 7 years ago
How do you get bubbles to come from the bottom?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Erik Bradley air pump + air stone
hahagager - 7 years ago
1,000th like
Denise Anderson
Denise Anderson - 7 years ago
THANK YOU SO MUCH. I'm a biginer. I have a TALL 20 gal. Aquarium. Will my fish have enough space or do you suggest a long tank instead. I haven't bought fish yet ?
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
Depends on which fish you want! I have a high 20 gal for my saltwater fish
Donald Novitsky
Donald Novitsky - 7 years ago
hey! just ran across your video and gotta say it helped a lot! me and my son just started a 10 gallon tank (before we knew it is more difficult it was cheap lol) and I got a question for you. we have two platy would a small school of guppies be ok to add or should we leave it as is? it's my first tank as well
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
guppies would be fine! They would get along. Always stock guppies with 1 male per 2 females. the males will constantly pick on females and other guppies because they want to breed. Having 2 females per 1 male will allow the females to get away. Be prepare for lots of babies though!
Twigga Finga24
Twigga Finga24 - 7 years ago
You helped me out a lot :) didn't know about 90% of this (I'm just starting out)
A27 Killer
A27 Killer - 7 years ago
Your intro made me click off.
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+A27 Killer I knew it was
A27 Killer
A27 Killer - 7 years ago
FlipGaming No
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+A27 Killer it was that awesome eh?
Fair Andrew
Fair Andrew - 7 years ago
Don't but the kit, the aqueon filter does not work, all my fish died and i could not just return the filter, Fluval filters are great
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Fair Andrew I've used aqueon filters that work no problem. Fluvial does make great filters though
paiton wilson
paiton wilson - 8 years ago
did i see shrimp in that tank?? ^-^
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+paiton wilson got a couple update videos on it. Going to release one next week on what happened
paiton wilson
paiton wilson - 7 years ago
FlipGaming omg!! what happened
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+paiton wilson yeah I had shrimp in there lol it has been taken down. It went south a few months after this video
paiton wilson
paiton wilson - 8 years ago
FlipGaming the planted guppy tank...
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Which tank?? lol I don't remember which one had shrimp
tropical family
tropical family - 8 years ago
could the fish in the tank behave with a beta
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Jonathan Cruzz no problem!
tropical family
tropical family - 8 years ago
FlipGaming thanks bro
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
as long as they arent another betta and are peaceful yes
Hector Guerra
Hector Guerra - 8 years ago
another question um can u keep a male betta fish with a black pleco in a 10gallon tank
Hector Guerra
Hector Guerra - 8 years ago
Random Person
Random Person - 8 years ago
Hector Guerra if its a common pleco then you might want to be careful because those become gigantic in a little time and I wouldnt recommend putting a pleco in a ten gal (unless its one of those that are tiny), twenty at least. The good side is that a betta is perfect in a ten gall and you could even add other fishes but I wouldn't recommend fishes that do better in schools since you would need at least six for them to be happy.
Hector Guerra
Hector Guerra - 8 years ago
i have a 10 gallon im planing to get 4guppies and 1 beta
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Good luck! Introduce the guppies first and provide a lot of hiding spaces. stock it 2 female guppies per 1 male
Person Person
Person Person - 8 years ago
In the second tank it shows, there's only one neon tetra. Shouldn't there be more of that species?
Sylas Flight
Sylas Flight - 8 years ago
I'm obsessed with sunburst wag platies and bettas but from what I've read they don't get along very well :(
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Sylas Flight I've seen platies and bettas together. If the tank is big enough it should be okay.
VileVeil - 8 years ago
I don't have any fish and I am just researching the idea and I wanted to say this video was very helpful and gave me a lot to think about. Kudos man and I hope your fish are happy and live long!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Glad I could help!! Most of them are still killing it!
MichaelPlays64 - 8 years ago
You sir,are a very underrated youtuber.
Emmanuel Ian
Emmanuel Ian - 7 years ago
I support..u really underrated ..thank u..I started working at an aquarium company without any knowledge whatsoever..this video was my Jesus
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Why thank you! I try my best
Zinia M
Zinia M - 8 years ago
Will something happen to the fish if I don't put in a heater ? I have 4 goldfish in one tank
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Zinia M goldfish don't necessarily need a heater. WhT temp is the tank?
julian cooper
julian cooper - 8 years ago
thank you very good to know all of this all my fish did die
Marc 09
Marc 09 - 8 years ago
The cycle you were talking about that takes 2-3 weeks for the good bacterias what happens to that when i change the tanks water
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Kay D what kay said. Most of the bacteria is in the filter and on the tank wall, not the water.
Warren A
Warren A - 8 years ago
You should only syphon 15%-20% of the water and treat if its it not pretreated, itll mix in just fine
Roger Dedham
Roger Dedham - 8 years ago
baby juice
FlyBoyFishing Tv
FlyBoyFishing Tv - 8 years ago
Sam Wheeler
Sam Wheeler - 8 years ago
I am up sizing from a 20g to a 30g, any tips for setting it up?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Everything in the video
Kristi Lockwood
Kristi Lockwood - 8 years ago
I would like to see a jet black piece of felt on the back of this tank to really keep the attention on your beautiful fish.
DakPail1068 - 8 years ago
Go to a yard sale, I got a 45 gal with filter, decor, cleaning scrubs, 2 air bubblers, and a lid for 20 bucks.
DakPail1068 - 8 years ago
Random Person 10 gallons are pretty cheap even new. some places have a dollar per gallon sale so you can get a 10 gallons for 10 bucks
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Random Person what size tank are you looking for?
Random Person
Random Person - 8 years ago
Dakota Paille-Sassa yeah I see what you mean but whenever I see yard sales, I rarely see fish items and when I do, it's always a tank that would never have space in my house. So it's rare to find fair priced, pretty new, and small tanks
DakPail1068 - 8 years ago
Random Person fish tanks are hard to sell because there isn't much of a market for it. for one the fish hobby isn't as common like owning a dog or cat. and people don't trust used equipment
Random Person
Random Person - 8 years ago
Dakota Paille-Sassa damn thats some serious luck
DakPail1068 - 8 years ago
What is this called FlipGaming?
Mel - 8 years ago
"Make your tank great... again" You just earned yourself a like for that.
Simon Montalbo
Simon Montalbo - 8 years ago
How to cycle the tank
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Simon Montalbo put a little bit of food in the tank. Let it sit for a few weeks and change 25% weekly. OR use Seachem stability. It has beneficial bacteria in the bottle
Krishnamurthy Gowda
Krishnamurthy Gowda - 8 years ago
I bought two angels recently and they died after 4 days. May be because of ammonia
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Krishnamurthy Gowda most likely. Did you cycle the tank?
Krishnamurthy Gowda
Krishnamurthy Gowda - 8 years ago
Nice information
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
ok when I get it how much can i pour into my 10 gallon?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Kathleen Monsegue I would say 1/3 of the cap. I am going to upload a video this week showing the difference from when I started dosing from when I wasn't
Sathish Ganta
Sathish Ganta - 8 years ago
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
do u need like all the high tech co2 hook ups and so forth?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Kathleen Monsegue I don't use them. I use Seachem Excel. It is a liquid carbon substitute and I put a capful every other day into my 30g. Works great!
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
what type of substrate is that? is it live sand from like a petsmart store?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Kathleen Monsegue the sand I use is not live. The only live sand I use is in my saltwater tank.
Erika Nucci
Erika Nucci - 8 years ago
I had a 10 gallon tank with 3 neon tetras, 3 black phantom tetras and a pleco (it was meant to be only for a week or so while I finished cycling my 25gallon) and one of my black phantom tetras chased, nipped and killed all the others.. the pet shop had said they would be fine as babies until I cycled the other tank but they all were killed within 5 days
Erika Nucci
Erika Nucci - 8 years ago
FlipGaming it really was one of them that was aggressive and evasive when I realized what he was doing and tried to remove him. the first day he killed a neon, the next he killed the other 2, then he chased a back phantom until it's eye caught onto the instrument that adds current and oxygen the following day as well as nipped the other black phantom until he passed.. my pleco was chased until he stuck his head into the tube that goes to the filter and it blocked his gills. I was really mad about the pleco especially but the neons I knew had a chance of not making it because of their fragility
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Erika Nucci some tetras are jerks. You either get a bunch of peaceful ones or one mean one
Alexandria Rising
Alexandria Rising - 8 years ago
oooo I can see you in the glass
Just Us
Just Us - 8 years ago
If I had a ten gallon tank how many guppies could I put with a betta
Troy Clark
Troy Clark - 8 years ago
Can gold fish be with other fish like a cat fish and panted platies
Troy Clark
Troy Clark - 8 years ago
What about cat fish?
Troy Clark
Troy Clark - 8 years ago
Ok I have a heater and a air machine and a filter.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
only bad if you don't do extra maintenance. I wouldn't put them together though just because the platies have a lot of babies which will over run the tank.
Pedro Ramos
Pedro Ramos - 8 years ago
Troy Clark I would say no, Platies are tropical fish, meaning you would need to raise the temp in your tank, making your goldfish's metabolism faster which would equal feeding him more = more waster & more waste which is bad
Carter Louwagie
Carter Louwagie - 8 years ago
which 10 gallon tank kit should i buy?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Carter Louwagie I enjoyed the Tetra brand. Marina or Top Fin are good too
iiSpyro - 8 years ago
Hey do you think if I get a 29 gallon tank and I get 4 pictus catfish , 5 minnows, 8 tetras , 5 guppies, 4 algae eaters , and maybe 3 tiger barbs and 1 beta? Will that be too many fish or just enough ? If it is to much tell me how many I should keep of each fish.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
I would stay away from barbs. They will nip at the betta. The catfish will also most likely get too large for that tank. algae eaters suck get a bristlenose pleco instead. Algeae eaters are violent
Dimitri Nivolianitis
Dimitri Nivolianitis - 8 years ago
seachem stability is gold
TechGuru4U - 8 years ago
you didn't show any dechlorinator.
you even said look at it. WTH ?
you keep referencing products that never show on screen, Really ?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+TechGuru4U 45 minute video. Forgot to edit some parts in. Not too hard to Google the things I say, is it?
Josephine Vithøft
Josephine Vithøft - 8 years ago
What if i could get fresh water from a lake? Should i do that instead of tapwater?
Josephine Vithøft
Josephine Vithøft - 8 years ago
Thanks :-)
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Josephine Vithøft use tap water instead. The fish you're keeping probably aren't native to the lake
Vanessa_ 1747
Vanessa_ 1747 - 8 years ago
I have dark purple gravel is that ok?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Echo _ 1738 yup
Sunny Flex
Sunny Flex - 8 years ago
How much does that setup cost in terms annual maintenance? Food, heaters, ?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+SanamK annual maintenance is just the water bill and filter replacements so $70
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+SanamK $120 for the kit (tank, lid, lights heater). $20 for gravel. $100 for plants and other decorations
Sunny Flex
Sunny Flex - 8 years ago
30 g
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Which set up? The 30g or 10g?
My Angels
My Angels - 8 years ago
your fish have fungus
My Angels
My Angels - 8 years ago
Ok just trying to help
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
My plants were sharp so they got scratched. lol My fish were fine in the video v(still fine today)
My Angels
My Angels - 8 years ago
if they are scratching there body against anything they have fungus trust me I have had a lot of experience because I had a lot of fish die from fungus in the past
Kotsios - 8 years ago
I have 2 normal size angel fish in a 15 gallon.. + decorations..mistake?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Kotsios possibly. If and when you can upgrade to a min. 29 gallon. They will appreciate it and grow bigger!
BLiTZ - 8 years ago
Your fart is not even in the slightest hidden. Still subbed for your awesome points and absolutely awe inspiring pearl scale angel. Can't wait till that thing is at it's biggest! Keep up the good work man and don't stop ever!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
I never farted. lol I moved in my seat. Don't plan on stopping anytime soon!
Offical Aurativity
Offical Aurativity - 8 years ago
You have to have more then five neon teatras
Amel H.
Amel H. - 8 years ago
Should have mentioned API test kit for testing your tank water. That's a good piece of supply for beginners
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Test kits are usually more pricey then all of the other equipment lol. For people with OCD it is probably one of the worst investments
Christian Buczynski
Christian Buczynski - 8 years ago
I had a ten gallon with two goldfish and I had the tank for 1 year so far without one dying
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Christian Buczynski thatsgood. I'd get a bigger tank anyway. It'll be much easier for you and it'll let the fish grow bigger
Mine Boss11
Mine Boss11 - 8 years ago
Ha I had 2 feeder comets in a 1 gallon...1 died after about a month and the other lived another 3 4 years
Oaf - 8 years ago
I have a veiltail betta and i just got a ten gallon tank, im using some water from my old tank to kickstart the cycle. How long do i have to wait to put my betta in? He is in a small 1 gallon tank and i want to get him in the 10 gallon asap.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Nolando should be fine. I would do a quarter of a capful
Oaf - 8 years ago
I got the seachem stability but i spilt a little too much in is that ok? and how much shoud i add per day if i have a 10 gallon
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Nolando then I'd wait awhile before putting him in
Oaf - 8 years ago
what if i dont use it because i may not be able to get it in time.
Oaf - 8 years ago
Thank you, im going to buy, metafix,a test kit and some other stuff u mentioned. I was so nervous i was going to wait 3 weeks, Subbed.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Nolando use Seachem stabliliyy you can have him in within a week
Horserider13 K
Horserider13 K - 8 years ago
Tip: get a lid one of my favorite fish jumped out of my first tank because I did not. Also get a filter with small holes or use craft mesh my absolute favorite fish died because the holes in my filter were to big and he got caught
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Excellent tip.
AwesomeRami 2222
AwesomeRami 2222 - 8 years ago
in my 55 gallon if it was bear bottom it would be 550 pounds but if I had sand it would probably be 630 pounds
Unique31707 - 8 years ago
I just purchased a 10g starter kit and bought 3 mollies to go in there is that a good beginner purchase or should I add more fish? also what do you think about adding bamboo plants to an aquarium?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Unique31707 I wouldn't. If you got a female and a male Molly they will breed themselves. Bamboo is a great plant to add!
Brian Banks
Brian Banks - 8 years ago
Great video !!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Brian Banks thanks!!
justahappyfish - 8 years ago
Should you wash the gravel when you first bought it?
Zanes Tanks
Zanes Tanks - 8 years ago
FlipGaming depends on the substrate for instance I run flormax in one tank and eco complete in another you shouldn't wash these as it will run the nutrients out of the substrate sand tho yeah rinse that
justahappyfish - 8 years ago
FlipGaming thank you very much!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+justahappyfish dechlorinator
justahappyfish - 8 years ago
Thx and how do you spell decoranator(idk)?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Ava Leigh
Ava Leigh - 8 years ago
Thanks for this video, it really did help me out. Also what filters do you suggest to have in a 10 gallon tank?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Overfiltering is the best filtering. For a 10g I would use the Aquaclear 20. I LOVE those filters. They are relatively cheap too!
Jenuevy Cisneros
Jenuevy Cisneros - 8 years ago
What if I happened to get a 7.5 tank (I got it as a Christmas present.
What kind of fish can I put in it? I probably wouldn't put more than two in that tank or maybe just one.
Jenuevy Cisneros
Jenuevy Cisneros - 8 years ago
FlipGaming yay!! Thank you for replying
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Jenuevy Cisneros betta would be your best bet. Hardy, very colourful, most have quite a bit of personality as well. All you need is a filter and a heater and you'll be good to go!
Toofus Poofus
Toofus Poofus - 8 years ago
Hello! I have a ten gallon tank with two mollies, and an African dwarf frog. However, I think my Dalmatian Molly is pregnant. Should I separate the babies until they are big enough?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Toofus Poofus yeah that could've done it
Toofus Poofus
Toofus Poofus - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming It sucks, but on online forums, most people told me that sometime fish die after birthing due to stress.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Toofus Poofus I would do 50% once a week. Odd that she died after birth
Toofus Poofus
Toofus Poofus - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming The mother gave birth while I wasn't home, and I found her dead in the tank. :( Only 3 fry survived, and they are in a breeding box. I gave them food, but should I start doing water changes more frequently? (I do small water changes every week.)
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
No problem! Good luck!! You'll have new babies every month just a heads up! Watching them grow is awesome!
Toofus Poofus
Toofus Poofus - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming thank you!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Toofus Poofus that is up to you. If you do I would get a bigger tank to support the extra fish load. If not, provide a lot of hiding spots and so survival of the fittest
Kilometer Films
Kilometer Films - 8 years ago
Btw if you throw a beta in first day of the tank, it will live fine and help move along the boi cycle
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Nothing is really fine in an uncycled tank. You're better off using fish food to advance a cycle
FishLover yay
FishLover yay - 8 years ago
I found that this awesome turtle filter I use for my guppy tank takes cloudiness out of the water the first day I plugged it in. I highly recommend it I have ten full grown guppies in a thirty gallon tank and the water is so clear. I have only had the guppies in there for two day
Papa yin
Papa yin - 8 years ago
i have 2 10g tanks, 1 55g tank and my big boy 450g :)
galaxy star
galaxy star - 8 years ago
3 gallons are horrible for guppies the hell man??!?!?!!!!!????
They need 5 to 10!

so many issues with this
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+galaxy star no problem! Bettas just can't be with other bettas. Normally with other fish they are good :)
galaxy star
galaxy star - 8 years ago
I have. I just noticed the Betta fact that they should not was untrue :( I am very sorry
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Have you ever owned bettas? Bettas can easily be with other fish. I have done it on multiple occasions with no issues what so ever. When did i ever say 3g for guppies?
Gaming Tiger
Gaming Tiger - 8 years ago
you could wait 24 hours and the chlorine will go away
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Gaming Tiger would suggest still using a dechlorinator. There is still chlorine in your water. Leaving it out 24 hours + dechlorinator is the way to go for tap water
Gaming Tiger
Gaming Tiger - 8 years ago
it work for me and my betta is swimming along  and being happy as can be
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Water is being treated with chloromine. It takes much longer than 24 hours for it to evaporate
Maddie Sig.
Maddie Sig. - 8 years ago
You should only add aquarium salt when doing water changes as it does not filter or evaporate out
Kunal Roy
Kunal Roy - 8 years ago
I already have a ten gallon tank, can I fit a few neon tetras and a few red cherry shrimp?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Kunal Roy yup
venflo studio
venflo studio - 8 years ago
can I use RO water for aquarium
venflo studio
venflo studio - 8 years ago
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Nathan Venkat good plan. Good luck!
venflo studio
venflo studio - 8 years ago
am gonna use RO for flowerhorn
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Nathan Venkat no problem. RO is best for fish health. If you're going to have plants just use some aquarium fertilizers. But RO allows you to keep fish like Discus, arowanas, and other sensitive fish
venflo studio
venflo studio - 8 years ago
thank you for ur guidance
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Nathan Venkat yeah pet stores are incorrect. Eventually bacteria will develop in all forms of water. RO water removes any chlorine or other harmful chemicals that come from our tap. When setting up your tank, use Seachem Stability. It is a cycle starter. It will introduce bacteria into your tank. Put some fish food in the tank as well so the bacteria can feed off the food. I use RO water in my salt water tank
venflo studio
venflo studio - 8 years ago
but some pet stores says that RO water doesn't contain any minerals and beneficial bacteria can't develop in RO water so it may cause my fish ill
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Nathan Venkat absolutely. It is better to use RO water for aquariums actually
Unerring 01
Unerring 01 - 8 years ago
If you choose a 10 gallon, just plant it with some easy beginner plants and put some shrimp in there. Maybe a betta. Very peaceful, green nanotanks are the best.
Mandy Lynn
Mandy Lynn - 8 years ago
how many glofish can i put in a 10 gallon?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Mandy Lynn max 4 id say
Adam Bucko
Adam Bucko - 8 years ago
"my first angelfish was a total dick." LOL
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
his name was steve
Prasana Kumari
Prasana Kumari - 8 years ago
which fish is best for a 500 us
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Pretty much whatever you want.
Natasha Campbell
Natasha Campbell - 8 years ago
Ph is at 8 kh is at 20 there all high
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
There are medicines to drop the pH. unfortunately I never experience this issue so I have never had to combat it
Natasha Campbell
Natasha Campbell - 8 years ago
It caused one of my goldfish to die
Natasha Campbell
Natasha Campbell - 8 years ago
Hey flip the ph and other stuff in my tank spiked how can I get it back to normal levels
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
100% is never a good idea. id say 70
TheLGN - 8 years ago
Natasha Campbell Do a giant water change, probably %100.
Natasha Campbell
Natasha Campbell - 8 years ago
It does I was just amazed that their not over there watching them or patting at the glass
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
They may eventually. My cat paws the glass when my pleco gets close
Natasha Campbell
Natasha Campbell - 8 years ago
Cool thanks so much cause when I got the gold fish it was at a Japanese festival with the little paper scoops and that was all the fish I was expecting to have then when I bought my tank for them I got three more and I was like ahh
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
My cat just stares at them. As long as you have a hood on the tank, everything will be good!
Natasha Campbell
Natasha Campbell - 8 years ago
Also I'm very lucky that my cats don't seem interested in my fish
Natasha Campbell
Natasha Campbell - 8 years ago
FlipGaming wow so you have learned a lot in only a little amount of time
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Natasha Campbell I've been keeping fish for almost 2 years and just started doing the videos a few months ago!
Natasha Campbell
Natasha Campbell - 8 years ago
FlipGaming so how long have you been keeping fish and doing the videos
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Not a problem! It happens to everyone. lol That is why I always say go as big as you can so if you do add more fish you have the space for it!
Natasha Campbell
Natasha Campbell - 8 years ago
Ok and the tank would you recommend more a 50 gallon tank then cause everything so far says 30 is min
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Go as big as you can go. If 50 is your max, then that'll do. 30 is the min but you will have a much easier time with a 50. Plus the goldfish will grow nice and big and the angels will have a lot of space!
Natasha Campbell
Natasha Campbell - 8 years ago
But I am finding I like my tank more than I thought I would
Natasha Campbell
Natasha Campbell - 8 years ago
I was only planing on having to gold fish next I have five fish the irony huh
Zanes Tanks
Zanes Tanks - 8 years ago
Razor Gaming Network not all species are cold water nor is every goldfish going to outgrow a tank do the research to be sure
Razor Gaming Network
Razor Gaming Network - 8 years ago
Natasha Campbell goldfish need tons of room and can't be housed with tropical fish be careful!
Natasha Campbell
Natasha Campbell - 8 years ago
Cause I asked about the picking cause my angels are picking on them a little but not heavy
Natasha Campbell
Natasha Campbell - 8 years ago
Do you think they will be fine at around 75 since it's only three degrees more
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
I would do closer to 77 just to keep the angels happy. goldfish will adjust
Natasha Campbell
Natasha Campbell - 8 years ago
So what size would you recommend for all five cause I looked it all up and it said the Angels should be around 75 but the goldfish around 65 to 72
Natasha Campbell
Natasha Campbell - 8 years ago
Cause the store I got my angelfish from did not warn me about there size cause they came with the tank we bought I'm in the Middle East stuff like that slips there mind
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
My angels never pick on my goldfish. 30g may be a bit small for that, but regardless it is much better then the 10g. Just make sure you gravel vac a lot in order to remove the waste the goldfish produce!
Natasha Campbell
Natasha Campbell - 8 years ago
I have three angelfish and I will be getting them a thirty gallon tank on the first but I also have two Japanese ryukin goldfish right now in the same 10 gallon tank and I saw that you have a goldfish with your angel is it possible to keep them in the same tank with no bullying cause mine are all still juveniles but there not dime size
PineTreeLooms - 8 years ago
Thanks Tom!
PineTreeLooms - 8 years ago
Where do you get your fish?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Local Fish Stores. I never order them online
Derrick Schneider
Derrick Schneider - 8 years ago
I like your tanks dude all I have right now is a 10g with a Betta in it. I've been thinking about putting some Cory's in with her but idk if I want to yet lol.
Derrick Schneider
Derrick Schneider - 8 years ago
aedisteyu I went ahead and got 3 Cory's and they get along perfect lol but I gotta get another hiding spot for my beta the Cory's decided to take her cave I had in there
aedisteyu - 8 years ago
Derrick Schneider just go for it man, I got corydoras, a bristlenose and a few tetras in my little beta tank with live plants, they love it as long as your beta has somewhere to hide!
gil chavez
gil chavez - 8 years ago
Hey friend, I am starting a 10 gal today because I only have room for one. I am going to get 3 plants (Bacopa, Dwarf Lily and maybe an Italian Jungle val.) I am going to get 6 guppies and one crustacean. basically I am at an empty clean tank. Any suggestions for substrate?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
You can use dirt or some sort of aquarium soil. I just use gravel and put fertilizer inside of it
Juan Vazquez
Juan Vazquez - 8 years ago
how are your plants with the salt? and do you use the full recommendation dosage?
Juan Vazquez
Juan Vazquez - 8 years ago
I figured.. I use half of the dosage myself
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
No issues. I do not use the full dosage.
Snow Cold
Snow Cold - 8 years ago
Very comprehensive... and is that a small stingray because it's so かわいい (cute)
Colorado Rose
Colorado Rose - 8 years ago
when I first started to keep fish I would only buy white gravel and the gold fish food and poop would turn the gravel pink or purple and also affected the water clarity so I swiched to black sand. so much better.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Sand with the right flow is awesome. I always use black gravel just so it doesn't stand out at all. Easier to clean for me too
viluong sam
viluong sam - 8 years ago
Love your castle. Could you please tell me where to get one like that.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Someone said they found it online. I have no idea as I got it from my LFS
Meghann - 8 years ago
What fish do you recommend for a 5.5 gal tank, meaning I want a few fish of different size. Also I'm looking for a good filter for my tank, any suggestions?
Meghann - 8 years ago
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
betta and neon tetras. Aquaclear 20 filter is you best bet
ellejayn - 8 years ago
what kind of angelfish are these?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+ellejayn platinum angels
Per Shop
Per Shop - 8 years ago
I agree with getting the large bottle of Melafix. I find it useful even just as a preventative measure.

Speaking of that, another tip would be that, over the course of the having the aquarium, there would be some things you buy over and over again. If there is a large version of that, such as dechlorinator, it is usually a better price to get the larger one.

Of course, at the same time, consider that something like dechlorinators still can last a long time, so you don't want what you buy, to expire either, before using it all up.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
agreed 100%
MasterAquatics - 8 years ago
thanks for the upload. subbed.
Angel Warrior
Angel Warrior - 8 years ago
I got
2 goldfish
1 pleco
in a 10 gallon tank the water is crystal clear and I have no problem
Angel Warrior
Angel Warrior - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming thank you
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Angel Warrior good for you! If it's just fin rot lots of water changes and bettafix will help. Bettafix is optional though. Try adding some live plants (amazon sword, or whisteria). It'll add extra filtration. Hopefully he becomes better!
Angel Warrior
Angel Warrior - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming okay thank you I bought the Betta cuz I say him in the dirty small cup it was .50 cents because the bad condition it was in.
Thank you again +1 sub
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
fin rot occurs due to poor water conditions. You can place him with the other fish and increase water changes. You can also add melafix to the tank to speed up the healing process. With a small tank you need more water changes. Also the goldfish will create a lot of ammonia which will cause the fin rot. I would change ~50% every 5 days in that tank.
Angel Warrior
Angel Warrior - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming thank you for the tips.
I have one question
What can I use to take care of fin rot, I just noticed the Betta I got was in bad condition, and his fins are falling so I took him out and put him in a bowl, and can other fish get fin rot from one fish in the tank (like a cold)
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Yeah they grow large and poop a lot. lol I'd get a bigger tank if you can (you'll see them start growing so fast its crazy). Unless it is a bristlenose pleco, it won't be. Unfortunately they get aggressive eventually. It happened to me.
Angel Warrior
Angel Warrior - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming the goldfish are common goldfish or also known as comet goldfish
The pleco should be fine, if it out grows the tank I'll have to move them
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Angel Warrior oh you will. lol goldfish grow large and require more water to handle their waste. Depending on what kind of pleco you got, you may need to rehome it. I had a common pleco and it grew to be 2x my phone size in 1 year
morgan t
morgan t - 8 years ago
how many neon tetras can u have in a ten gal
Glitter Master
Glitter Master - 7 years ago
morgan t like 15
Adam Potts
Adam Potts - 7 years ago
morgan t about 10 I use 1 inch of fish per gallon
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
i'd say 4-6
Dominic Morales
Dominic Morales - 8 years ago
you can tell you are a beginner because you have a goldfish with angel fish and some tetras. Goldfish are cool water fish and angelfish once they get bigger they will eat the tetras.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Dominic Morales beginner error turned into something that worked. Tetras were fine. lol my goldfish doesn't like cold water
That Serb
That Serb - 8 years ago
Gallons in the aquarium on the video?
That Serb
That Serb - 8 years ago
Zane Stephens The swordtails were the problem, they hated each other and the other fish, I returned them.
Zanes Tanks
Zanes Tanks - 8 years ago
That Serb I'm not saying this will happen but do want to warn you I had a male Betta that hates platies and swordtails found it was because they are similar shape and can have nice fancy fins too that's my Own experience I'm sure you will be fine tho
That Serb
That Serb - 8 years ago
FlipGaming I have found an "alternative", the gourami. My tank is now filled with 2 honey gouramis(1 male and 1 female), 3 mixed platys, 2 swordtails, 3 panda Cory cats, 8 neon tetras and a betta male. They are doing well, the betta sometimes swims away from the other fish if they scare him, he is peaceful.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+That Serb nice!! Yeah if you're going to do angels I'd do 20g minimum. You can grow them out in a smaller tank but eventually they need the space. They get real big
That Serb
That Serb - 8 years ago
FlipGaming thanks! I have a 16g tank, and I really like your 10g setup. I would like to have a anglefish in it, but I am not going to try it.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+That Serb the tank with the angels is 30g and the other tank is a 10
Blue Tail Bettas
Blue Tail Bettas - 8 years ago
When I was a beginner I had a 2.5 gallon with 5 fish in it. About 3 years later I've started a ten gallon and all five of those fish are in it and very healthy
Adam Potts
Adam Potts - 7 years ago
FlipGaming no Mollys are fine only a few tho
FlipGaming - 7 years ago
+Megalodon Mornings no you cannot. They get too large
Megalodon Mornings
Megalodon Mornings - 7 years ago
In the video he forgot that you can have Molly's in a 10 gallon
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
Artist Beginner I have a ten gallon for some small fish. I have had fish since I was what 5. I'm 16 now and I still like little fish
Twilightskies - 8 years ago
oh ok thx anyway.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Twilightskies no problem! Being tropical fish they need 78 degree water. You can usually get heaters cheap
Fake Name
Fake Name - 8 years ago
I had angles once then they paired up and started to breed, I wasn't ready for 50 angles and neither were the fish stores I went to sell them to.
Al B
Al B - 7 years ago
There are 50 degree angled fish? Interesting...
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Fake Name lol that's still pretty awesome. Craigslist is a good way to get rid of them too
Twilightskies - 8 years ago
Are angelfish cold water fish or do they need a heater?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+niggone wild haters make me famous
Jmmy W
Jmmy W - 8 years ago
everyone requires a couple haters for improvement
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Twilightskies *heater
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Twilightskies they are tropical fish and require a hater
Grace Wisenbaker
Grace Wisenbaker - 8 years ago
I know this is kinda an old video but I'm in desperate need of help! I had won a gold fish at a fair and brought him home after buying all the supplies to care for him and a week or so after he died. Even though I noticed he wasn't in the best condition when I got him I thought giving him a large clean environment would help boost him up ,but when I noticed he had a huge white dot on the side of him I knew what happened!
Connor McCallion
Connor McCallion - 8 years ago
FlipGaming can i keep one dwarf gourami and a few neon tetras is a 15 gallon
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
How big was the tank you put him in?? What I would do is clean everything (don`t use chemicals) that way you remove any of the ich/fungus that was most likely on the goldfish. After it is clean, fill the tank back up with the filter running and use Seachem Stability. With seachem stability, you can essentially cycle a tank in 7 days and CAN have fish in right away when using it. Guppies are great!! I would stock 1 male per 2 females, it gets a bit rough sometimes. While it seems like a low stocking amount at first, the guppies breed LIKE CRAZY. You will have plenty in there in no time. Hope I helped!!
Matthew Raistrick
Matthew Raistrick - 8 years ago
Massive help! thank you
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
No problem! Glad I could help!!
Away Experience
Away Experience - 8 years ago
Im a newbie! Freshwater 10 gallon tank. I might have too many for the size (recently got two blk mollys which are suddently acting a bit agressive) But im learning so much from your video. Thanks for sharing! :)
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
The aggression may just be breeding. They are livebearers so the males will constantly try and get them pregnant. If you want a livebearer like a molly but smaller fancy guppies are a great choice :) With livebearers I always suggest keeping the initial stocking low as they will have their own babies to increase the stock later! Bigger the tank, the better! much easier to maintain
Away Experience
Away Experience - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming no, I actually have 10 in total + a small toad :-/ I will check if I can return the mollys and getting at least a 15 tank... I believe theyre males since thats what the store mostly sells.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Away Experience nope you are good from what I can tell! Do you know their sex? Also glad I could help :$
Bishu Pal
Bishu Pal - 8 years ago
I had a 6 inch arowana i put it in 20 gallon tank, it dies in just 20 days, its body turned black, may be due to ammonia , now i want to start with real hardy fish, i am cycling the tank in a fishless way ...can you suggest some hardy fish as though i am going through cycle , i want to be on safe side ... Just one more thing , i believe using too many chemicals is not a good idea, i used, many chemicals and it also stressed the arowana .. nice vid by the way
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Bishu Pal your error was a Rowan's and a 20 gallon tank. Those things need 300 gallons. Bettas are hardy, guppies, neon tetras, mollies, platies, and angels are pretty hardy. Too many chemicals isn't great but as long as you aren't overdosing it's fine. What stressed your arowana was no space.
MAC'sGAMING - 8 years ago
is a 500 gallon sun sun canester filter too much for ten gallan fish tank
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+MAC'sGAMING yes. Go magniflow 160
Charlie Videos
Charlie Videos - 8 years ago
what's the thing you use for your fish? the "jesus" medicine.
Conner Hawkins
Conner Hawkins - 8 years ago
FlipGaming I used to use that but it ended up killing my danios
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
melafix. great for treating fin rot.
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 8 years ago
love java fern! So hardy and easy to keep!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Allison H it's awesome! I just got some tied to driftwood and put it in my 30g. Love it
April Schreifels
April Schreifels - 8 years ago
So should we buy our 20 gallon tank and set up the gravel and water and plants.. Then once the water is the right salinity can we buy like 5 and put them right in?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+April Schreifels no need to test salinity in a fresh water tank. Use Seachem stability to cycle tank for a week then add fish (with continued use of Seachem stability). Set it up how you want on the inside, I would recommend some hardy plants though
FISH AQUA - 8 years ago
Just some advice please , I'm a beginner to all of this and I just want to make sure I'm doing it right I have a new 2ft (15 gallon) tank with heater and pump and all temp is good I want a community tank and have been told these are the best fish for this •neon tetra •Corey cat •tiger barbs (been told they can be more aggressive ) •guppies •harlequin rasbora •swordtail •danio •baby angle fish (been told to add last so it can't seek dominance over the tank ) • wood shrimp •clown loach •otocinclus .....I know not all theses will fit into a 15 gallon but want to know what ones are best to add out of the ones I have mentioned and if there is any I have missed sure I have then please tell me , thanks
FISH AQUA - 8 years ago
Thanks man
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Anonymous 77 clown loach, angel fish, danio, and tiger barbs probably aren't the best. Clown loaches and angels grow large and danios and tiger barbs get aggressive. Neon tetras are awesome and you can fit quite a few in a 15g. You could even get some rummy nose tetras if you like them better. Cory cats are fantastic along with guppies, and sword tails. Guppies are cool because they are live bearers so the females will have live babies once a month (stock 1 male per 2 females). Same goes with the sword tails
Cill Blinton
Cill Blinton - 8 years ago
I have a question. I currently have 5 guppies, and 6 neon tetras as well as 2 giant danios in a 20 gallon tank. Those danios seem to pester the tetras and guppies and I fear that the tetras and guppies might get killed. Now getting rid of 1 of those danios is out of the picture because that fish is very important to me. Should I get more guppies and tetras? What can I do to so I can have a couple danios and other smaller fish live in there happily?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Cill Blinton No problem! Hopefully it all works out!!
Cill Blinton
Cill Blinton - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming Alright thanks for the tip!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Cill Blinton very difficult call. Honestly, I have had awful experiences with danios. They are bullies, only way to really reduce it is to add another fish that's more aggressive then it, but then that still puts the guppies and tetras at risk. If you could, grab another tank for the danio and split them up
Bread Kitty
Bread Kitty - 8 years ago
Goldfish really shouldn't be in a tropical tank. The temperature difference that the angels and goldfish require are too different and it will stress the goldfish out.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
I have tried to place him in cold water and it resulted in him not eating or moving along with my other fish doing the same. ONce he was back with the tropical fish everyone started eating again. I have had it like this for a year and a half and no issues. my neighbour has had his in tropical water for 10. Sometimes things that shouldn`t work out, do. Would I recommend it? no, but sometimes things that shouldnt work, do
TARDIS cat - 8 years ago
I would like to keep a few guppies and a betta, and I already have a 5 gallon with a filter and heater, would that be alright?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+yuyu.t No problem! I have kept my betta with neons and fancy guppies (male and female) as well. no issues (10 g tank)
byd.t - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming thanks!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+yuyu.t betta, panda corys, and neons.
byd.t - 8 years ago
do you remember what type of fish those tank mates are? i'd really like to know hahahah
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
I have successfully integrated 2 seperate bettas with tank mates in a planted 5g. However you will have to do ALOT of water changes in order to keep the tank clean. I would go with neon tetras instead of guppies.
byd.t - 8 years ago
the tank needs to be at least 10 gallons in order for a betta to have tank mates because bettas are very territorial
Bread Kitty
Bread Kitty - 8 years ago
I would go for just a betta, guppies do better in 10 gallons and guppies can nip a bettas fins.
Epic pizza Pets
Epic pizza Pets - 8 years ago
I ❤️fishe
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
me too <3
Paula Matta
Paula Matta - 8 years ago
You are awesome!!!!!
Melleefrase - 8 years ago
I have a 10 gallon and had a black moor, chocolate oranda and 2 plecos and they did great for a couple years. They died when I got a bigger tank (25 gallon). I only (completely) cleaned the 10 gallon once a month and did a partial water change once or twice a month. The black moor was as big as my adult hand and my chocolate oranda a fair size bigger than my adult hand. The plecos were each 2-3inches.
Razor Gaming Network
Razor Gaming Network - 8 years ago
Melleefrase you know Goldfish need 30 gallons plus 10 for every fish right? And that they are actually pond fish, like koi?

Edit: plus you would have to change the water ~25% every day to make sure that the ammonia levels were down. Plecos and Goldfish are two of the biggest waste producers in the fish world.
Melleefrase - 8 years ago
Of course I acclimated.
Razor Gaming Network
Razor Gaming Network - 8 years ago
Goat Goat no way he acclimated, if he's keeping 2 plecos and 2 goldfish in a 10g he clearly has no idea what he's doing.
20 20
20 20 - 8 years ago
Melleefrase did u acclimate
Melleefrase - 8 years ago
Goat Goat They didn't die from ammonia. They died because they didn't like the bigger tank with clean water.
20 20
20 20 - 8 years ago
Melleefrase no wonder they died that would be a lot of ammonia
Cyro XVX
Cyro XVX - 8 years ago
Also, where did you get that castle...I want one like that lol
Cyro XVX
Cyro XVX - 8 years ago
FlipGaming Here you go!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Cyro XVX awesome!! Mind sending me the link after you buy it? I get questions asking for it all the time and can never find it online lol
Cyro XVX
Cyro XVX - 8 years ago
FlipGaming After hours of searching online I found the castle that you have!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Cyro XVX local fish store. lol No, they don`t have a website unfortunately.
Cyro XVX
Cyro XVX - 8 years ago
Cyro XVX
Cyro XVX - 8 years ago
LDS? Do you have a link to their website perhaps?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
I would try amazon or your local fish store. I got mine from my LFS
Cyro XVX
Cyro XVX - 8 years ago
Hey what are the names for all the plants you have currently in your tank. I tried googling the ones you said but apparently I don't spell well enough to find the right ones. (First tank in the video)
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Cyro XVX not a problem! Glad I could help!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Cyro XVX No problem! Amazon swords will die off once first introduced, but then new leaves will grow and you can just cut the poor leaves. Some plants just die off and come back after, its kind of weird lol
Cyro XVX
Cyro XVX - 8 years ago
Awesome!! thank you man! I've been looking for some good plants.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
wisteria, amazon sword, and camboria.
viluong sam
viluong sam - 8 years ago
Love your castle, where can I find one like that? Also could you name all the plants in the tank please.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+viluong sam you can try amazon! They have a large selection. I believe they were water wisteria, and amazon swords. I now have those 2 plus jungle Val, and spire. All very easy
EB produces*
EB produces* - 8 years ago
how long I've to wait after putting the bacteria in a totally new aquarium to put 2 Oscars in a 200l aquarium with no plants?
EB produces*
EB produces* - 8 years ago
thank you!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+EB produces* I would wait 2-3 weeks after using Seachem Stability just to be safe.
JamesFishTanks - 8 years ago
got a 55 with 6 angels lol
JamesFishTanks - 8 years ago
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+JamesFishTanks lucky. Do they all get along?
JamesFishTanks - 8 years ago
oh god a angel in a ten gallon holy shit
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+JamesFishTanks yup that was a disaster lol
Aaron Brooks
Aaron Brooks - 8 years ago
Very cool man. Thanks again. I really enjoy your fish videos and appreciate you taking the time to reply. I'm going to get a bristle nose asap. They look cool too.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Aaron Brooks thanks bro! I love making them. I just started making saltwater aquarium videos too! I love replying. Don't understand why other youtuberz don't lol they are just as cool as common plecos, but stay smaller and much less aggressive. I feed mine an algae wafer every 3 days to keep it happy!
Aaron Brooks
Aaron Brooks - 8 years ago
What is the one at the end of the video in the 30 gallon tank? He was moving around a lot on the side of the tank. It didn't look like a common pleco
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
hillstream loach. Sorry, I havent seen this video in a long time and didnt remember what I had in the tank at the time. lol My current tank looks much different now then it did in this video lol
Aaron Brooks
Aaron Brooks - 8 years ago
I am fairly new to the hobby. I love your video and it helped me a lot. Thank you for sharing some knowledge. I was wondering what is the fish that's in this video that's sucking on the side of the tank? I have a common pleco and want something different.

Thanks, Aaron
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
oh shit it wasnt a common pleco lol that is a hillstream loach. i unfortunately do not have one anymore due to my heater breaking (there is a video on that). bristlenose pleco is really the way to go
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
That is what I have lol get rid of it ASAP. They grow WAY too big for any tank. I am currently keeping a bristlenose pleco which does the same thing as a common pleco but better. Plus they stay small.My common pleco has been rehomed since this video as it gre twice as long as my iPhone 5s
Hannah Book
Hannah Book - 8 years ago
I rescued a plecco about 3 days ago. However! I've never had fish before, and did not know what I was getting into! He's been a soldier with my lack of knowledge. I have a 55 gallon tank and an underwater bridge, with a 60 gal air pump attached to two air rocks. I've no clue what or how to do this. I know of like real plants so I might as well start with that. What do I need? And what do I do with my plecco while I do the tank? What all do I need besides the bubbler? What is the right way to put those in? I know I need a heater, a ground, and a filter... What kinds? What levels of what do I need?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Hannah Book you can buy products that change the Ph depending on what you need. I don't have that issue since I have softer water. Try finding a pet store that sells RO water and take out 50% from your tank and replace it with that. Also Seachem Prime is a dechlorinator but also detoxifies nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia so those shouldn't effect your fish too much
Hannah Book
Hannah Book - 8 years ago
I just tested my tanks water. The pH is definitely alkaline. The total alkalinity is high at 300, the chlorine didn't really change so I think that's the only level that's good. I have very hard water at 300. Nitrate is at a stress level of about 2, and the nitrate is safe and didn't really change. Could you help me fix this before he dies?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Hannah Book if you don't care for the plants getting eaten, you can. Some plants like amazon swords would bounce back real fast. Yeah the aquaclear filters just hang on the back of the tank so you can add it while he is in there. Also I'm guessing your water didn't cycle so I would buy Seachem Stability in order to get the bacteria growing in the tank
Hannah Book
Hannah Book - 8 years ago
I don't know what kind of plecco he is, he's black and gray stripped? So, you're saying I can't have plants with the plecco? Or? He's still alive, which is great! But how do I get the tank ready for him with him ready in it? Will he be alright if I just add the filter with him in there? What about the 'harmony' of the tank like the chemical balances.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
1. What kind of pleco is this? 2. get a filter. Aquaclear makes great filters. 3. airstones are really optional, not necessary if you have good surface agitation. 3. pleco will eat all plants. buy algae wafers and leave lights on for 8 hours a day to develop algae for him to eat. Aqueon makes great heaters. the packaging will say whether or not it will be enough for your tank.
Dominic Morales
Dominic Morales - 8 years ago
You mixed cold water fish with tropical water fish what temperature is your tank at?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
78. My fantail does not like cold water.I have attempted it before and he refused to eat or move. My tropical fish did the same until I put them together again. The same fish are still together to this day and are doing great,
Charlie Videos
Charlie Videos - 8 years ago
Hey, amazing video. Watched the whole thing, very informative. I'm eager to get started in the fish keeping hobby. When my dad used to have a smaller, I remember that small fish would sometimes get caught in the filter and just die. Is there a way to prevent this?
Eve Munoz
Eve Munoz - 8 years ago
I got a small panty hoe sock from the shoe store and wrapped it around the filter intake with a hair tie to secure it.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
It is actually already a preventative measure on most if not all filters now! Rather then having an open hole at the bottom not they have little slits cut into the plastic so that most small fish can`t get caught inside. The only fish that could possibly fit through them are little baby fish. A way to prevent that from occuring is getting a sponge and just wrapping t around the filter!
Trinity Marker
Trinity Marker - 8 years ago
I have a ten gallon but it's for my dwarf puffers but that's because dwarfs don't grow to big. Then I have a betta (2 gal) tank for snails as food for my dwarfs
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
That is awesome!!!
Jim Tee
Jim Tee - 8 years ago
Great video I learned a lot after being in the hobby for over 8 years and now have 2 90gl tanks. The best tip you gave is research before you do anything saves you time and money.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Jim Tee yup research is definitely the best tip. Never hurts to look stuff up!
Ali Mohamed
Ali Mohamed - 8 years ago
dear friend,

q1: when chosing a chiller, do i Calculate the total amount of the sump and tank or only tank?
my tank volume: 550 gallon
my sump 250 gallon

so when i consider a chiller ill chose one suitable for 800 gallon or more? or should i calculate the amount of return water like:

800 x 6 = 4800 gallon? so ill chose one for 4800 gallon and above?

which number should i go with? I'm confused a bit here 800 gallon or 4800 gallon?

Ali Mohamed
Ali Mohamed - 8 years ago
african cichlids
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Ali Mohamed awesome. Good luck! What fish are you keeping?
Ali Mohamed
Ali Mohamed - 8 years ago
good tip. thanks a lot. ill try your way.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Ali Mohamed I would try running 2 First and seeing how that goes. You may be able to reach the temperature you are looking for that way with one on either side of the tank. If you can't, then add one more, and another if needed. I'd try 2 first to save you some money!
Ali Mohamed
Ali Mohamed - 8 years ago
dear friend,

thanks for such important info.

i have the following question

im planing to make a 800 gallon fish tank. as i understand that for heating a tank it should be 5 watt per gallon so i need 4000 watts. if i plan to go with true temp heater, do i need to buy a TT 1000 x 4?

and to adjust them all to the same temperature?

can you help me please.

FlipGaming - 8 years ago
For heater, I do tank only. I place my heater by the intake however. I have not dealt with a sump so I guess that would depend on the time it takes to return to the tank. You could always get a small heater and place it in the sump to keep the temps the same. I would go with 800 because it will only be heating the water in the tank, not the sump. 4800 gallons is a lot more then what you have in your tank so the heater would be too powerful. I am guessing you will have a return of water x6 per hour so a heater in the tank only should be fine.
kesean harrington
kesean harrington - 8 years ago
Any none ionized salt will work. You don't need "aquarium" salt
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+kesean harrington it's just easier to get aquarium salt. Less of a risk of messing up
George Calderon
George Calderon - 8 years ago
great video bro
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Jorge Calderon thanks!!
Mani Sarathy
Mani Sarathy - 8 years ago
Make your tank great again! Great vid!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Mani Sarathy haha thanks!
Charles Harris
Charles Harris - 8 years ago
great video
Charles Harris
Charles Harris - 8 years ago
I would say to help new people is to use fish food to boost your nitrogen cycle
155DJJ - 8 years ago
No pictures or photos you are talking about Buddy!!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
my bad! Kind of missed some things lol not used to editing 45 minute videos
155DJJ - 8 years ago
My nephew has 5 neon tetras and 2 small Albino Cory cats in a 10 gallon, Water is very clear and they are doing fine.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
That is good! cory cats are great cleaners and neons are just awesome.
Ryan Duminiet
Ryan Duminiet - 8 years ago
Damn good video and very informative! Thanks.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+RedCobra 09 I would do a 10-20g tank. i made a video on my betta and guppies
RedCobra 09
RedCobra 09 - 8 years ago
FlipGaming Can you link me to a perfect tank for a betta and a few guppies pls
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Ryan Duminiet not a problem!
Atomic Jay
Atomic Jay - 8 years ago
Hey I kept a blood parrot ciclet in a 1 gal so sorry upgraded him to 10 and now I'm getting a 29 gallon for him yay abayas THATS HIS MINIMUM TO!!
Atomic Jay
Atomic Jay - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming okay thanks :)
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Jayden Supersad awesome! Buy some Seachem Stability as well! It'll help cycle the water in 7 days!
Atomic Jay
Atomic Jay - 8 years ago
Meant that's the minimum and I'm getting it Saturday or today :)
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Jayden Supersad that's awesome! We've all done it. He will definitely be happy!
William Mc Donald
William Mc Donald - 8 years ago
Where did you get that castle decoration?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+William Mc Donald no problem! You might be able to find it on amaZon but not so sure
William Mc Donald
William Mc Donald - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming thanks
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Juan Gudino
Juan Gudino - 8 years ago
I had a 6 inch tall angelfish grow out In a 5 gallon, he was so fun to take care of and play with . he's about 7 in now in a 210 gallon with 34 more angels
Lumirecia Mh
Lumirecia Mh - 7 years ago
Juan Gudino or buy a betta and make it jump
Juan Gudino
Juan Gudino - 8 years ago
Marc 09 just fiddle around with and care for nigga, you think Imma throw in a ball and make it fetch or what
Marc 09
Marc 09 - 8 years ago
Juan Gudino play with ? How tf do you play with a fish ?
Juan Gudino
Juan Gudino - 8 years ago
I'd say 150-250 would be a good amount
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Juan Gudino I wonder how many angels you can fit in a 1000 gallon....
Juan Gudino
Juan Gudino - 8 years ago
lol don't be, took me so long to set it up, as my house is on cinder blocks, had to cut into the floor and make a cement piece as big as the bottom of the tank & then cover up the floor, then to fill it up and cycle it, the tank was a gift tho from an uncle who has massive fish . but work hard & you can achieve anything . maybe even a 1000 gallon ?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Juan Gudino diversity is the best! I am quite jealous lol
Juan Gudino
Juan Gudino - 8 years ago
thanks, and it really is, it has a huge diversity of angels in it
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
That is a lot! Must be a beautiful tank though
YVONNE BRUCE - 8 years ago
Where did you buy those plants
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Samantha Mendoza my local fish stoee
Samantha Mendoza
Samantha Mendoza - 8 years ago
FlipGaming where did you get the bridge/castle?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Local fish store. Usually Pet Smart has them too. There are also online retailers that can send them right to your door!
Harder Wifey
Harder Wifey - 8 years ago
Awesome video thanks!!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+kay H not a problem! Glad you enjoyed it!
Aikju - 8 years ago
Consistency for maintenance is the best advice. Have a 20 litre planted aquarium with a internal sump that keeps the water crystal. But I once delayed my weekly water change by a day and lost a fish as a result
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Aikju (Isaac) sorry to hear that. I've never lost a fish due to inconsistent water changes, but if I miss the mark by a day my water gets cloudy as hell
Nicholas Pearse
Nicholas Pearse - 8 years ago
my tip is don't do anything this guy does
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+FintasticFish people resort to this once I make a point that they can't refute and thus makes them look bad. Insults is an indication that I have won so I don't mind!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Nicholas Pearse truuuuuuuu. This guy is a little upset
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Nicholas Pearse I'm not in my 30's? And how do you think I pay for these tanks? Lol
Nicholas Pearse
Nicholas Pearse - 8 years ago
nothing until the point where you're a complete manchild
FintasticFish - 8 years ago
+Nicholas Pearse What's wrong with Pokémon?
Nicholas Pearse
Nicholas Pearse - 8 years ago
at least I'm not in my 30's playing pokemon games
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Nicholas Pearse LOL sweet comeback bro. 10/10
Nicholas Pearse
Nicholas Pearse - 8 years ago
Takes a douche to know a douche
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
I forgot to mention in the video that the aquarium community is FULL of douche bags such as this guy right here. Most are pretty nice though!
GuanaGuy - 8 years ago
We're just starting out and have already had to deal with ammonia, fin rot and Ich. But it's all about the learning process. Lots of good info, Thanks.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+GuanaGuy not a problem! Water changes will fix fin rot and ammonia spikes and ich is just a bitch to deal with. Glad you liked the video!
Joash Miranda
Joash Miranda - 8 years ago
Lol just messing with you brother. Great video loaded with great info! Keep it up! I'll subscribe to support ur channel. :)
Joash Miranda
Joash Miranda - 8 years ago
I saw! Nice work it'll work well for you.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Joash Miranda thanks bro! I tried my best for this one. Welcome :) I just started a SW tank too!
Joash Miranda
Joash Miranda - 8 years ago
You talk so much about live plants being better than fake ones an yoyu load your angel tank with them.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Joash Miranda because they are. Lmao
Joash Miranda
Joash Miranda - 8 years ago
I suggest you dont buy anymore angelfish flipgamer you just kill them. Throughout the whole video u talk about how you killed your angels just leave them at the pet store theyre better of their than with you.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Joash Miranda I talked about that as I was a beginner and kept them in a 10 gallon tank. Mine are now in a 30 and thriving. Thanks for the concern!
Joash Miranda
Joash Miranda - 8 years ago
Plants do a great job adding oxgen to water, consuming some remains of food debris and poop but they will nevre do the job that a filter does, filter cirulate the water and remove more waste than plants would ppl just get a filter it only costs aboy 20 dollars, plants will not do all the work needed to keep your tank clean.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Joash Miranda I know. lol you can filter a small tank with just plants no problem. Nothing wrong with using both.
Joash Miranda
Joash Miranda - 8 years ago
you can definitly have goldfish in aten gallon just do the water changes man if a person is lazy then the water will get polluted be diligent with maintenance and your fish will do fine.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Brianna Harter yup. lways home fish based on their adult sizes not baby sizes.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
you can keep baby goldfish in a ten gallon for 4 monthes.

after that you need to consider a 20 gallon or giving them away to someone with a pond.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Joash Miranda no, goldfish grow large. It will stunt their growth and they will die. Again, experience and research
Joash Miranda
Joash Miranda - 8 years ago
Also angelfish can do PERFECTYL fine in a 10 gal it actually depends on their age. If they are juveniles and are quarter sized to silver dolar they only require 4-5 gallons per angelfish i currently have 4 angelfish in a 10 gallon ever since they were fry and theyre growing really fast. So don't say angelfish cant live in a 10 gal. Some beginners might like angelfish and think they cant get them because their 10 galon isnt big enough. Buy a 10 gal fill it with good quality water and a heater and put a max of angels.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Joash Miranda I've had angels in a 10 and both died once reaching a body size of 2 loonies. They won't live their lives in a 10
Joash Miranda
Joash Miranda - 8 years ago
Btw a beginner shouldn't be getting "tons" of fish even if they have a 100gal!!!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Joash Miranda I don't recall ever saying they should? Lol you can place more fish in a larger tank depending on the species.
Izi's animal kingdom
Izi's animal kingdom - 8 years ago
My first fish tank was a 1.5 gallons I had it for like a 1 month and I updated my tank to 5 gallon for my betta
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
awesome! bigger tanks are definitely easier to care for then smaller ones! good choice.
Lexi Kent
Lexi Kent - 8 years ago
I have 2 gobis and a molly in a 10 gallon tank, 2 little guppys and a crowntail betta and like 13 snails in a 5 gallon tank, and a dragon scale in a 7 gallon tank.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Lexi Kent as long as you don't re introduce them into the wild ecosystem.
Lexi Kent
Lexi Kent - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming bury them? throw them out? feed them to my ducks?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Lexi Kent what are you going to do with them once they die?
Lexi Kent
Lexi Kent - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming who the hell said they would be flushed? they are my pets now im gonna grow them and they are not going back into the wild.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Lexi Kent It is illegal. Plus if you flush them down the toilet you will reintroduce them back into the system. Gobys are supposed to be killed on sight
Lexi Kent
Lexi Kent - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming ok its not like they are gonna search in my room
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Lexi Kent you should probably look into your policies wherever you live. In Ontario it is a $300 fine for possession or release.
Lexi Kent
Lexi Kent - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming yes they are 
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Lexi Kent are they round gobies? They are illegal to have in your possession.
Lexi Kent
Lexi Kent - 8 years ago
+butkusfan23 PLUS i have lots of the little pots for plants they love them, i also have some money plants that have roots in the tank. they love to eat worms. and i only had 3 fish in a 10 gallon and anyway i separated them....
Lexi Kent
Lexi Kent - 8 years ago
+butkusfan23 well i couldnt find any care sheets on them because they are invasive but i seperated them so i have one gobi in each 10 gallon, i didnt mean to be mean to them i just didnt want to kill them, they are so little to they are 2 inches
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+butkusfan23 yeah might as well
Matty23 - 8 years ago
Do you need me to keep this going? I could insult your mother or something. Lol
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+butkusfan23 yup. That's why I continue to respond.
Matty23 - 8 years ago
I understand. And I continue to comment.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+butkusfan23 I haven't either, I'm just trying to get more comments for higher search results. Lol
Matty23 - 8 years ago
Dude, I have not really even meant a single word on this thread. I am just killing time while cleaning my apartment and waiting for my girlfriend to come over later. You are right, it's always better to educate.
Matty23 - 8 years ago
Lol only after I have thoroughly destroyed the rest of your argument. Now I am just nit picking. :D
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+butkusfan23 You know when you start commenting about spelling and grammar you have lost, correct? lol
Matty23 - 8 years ago
You forgot a "w" somewhere in the last comment there, bud. I will let you figure out where it's supposed to go. Lol.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+butkusfan23 See? another novel. Did I pinch a nerve? Unfortunately it is hard to afford coral on a university student budget so I guess your tears in the comments ill have to do. LOL
Matty23 - 8 years ago
And you fool yourself into thinking you are not emotional, when it is obvious to anyone with a brain that you are getting incredibly defensive, which there would be no need for, if it were not for your emotions getting in the way. I did not curse at the original person commenting, or call them a name. If you call being sarcastic being too harsh, then yes, you are emotional. Far too much so, since I am often called sweet and kind by the people I know. If I, being a sensitive and nice guy myself, see that some "man" is very defensive and emotional, then good God, you are definitely lacking testosterone. Good luck with that.
And you must be a colossal moron if you call a paragraph "novel length." WOW. Have you ever actually finished a book? By your grammatical errors and gross exaggerations of paragraphs, I would guess no. At least, not one that did not require crayons.
I understand that your broke ass needs help buying coral, but you should just stop. You are only making yourself look more ignorant. And after the lengths you have already gone to do so, that is definitely saying something. :)
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+butkusfan23 I am a 21 year old guy LOL I`m not emotional at all, I just like to call out douchebags in my comment section. Then I like to read their novel - length comments stating how I am over reacting when they are typing essays every response. Then I watch as my views go up because I keep baiting them to respond. It is a fantastic cycle really.
Matty23 - 8 years ago
You know you owned someone when they constantly have to pretend to laugh. Thanks for making it so easy, miss! I am sure your husband/boyfriend gets tired of your over-emotional reactions, but they entertained me today greatly. Have a good one.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+butkusfan23 Lmfao youre hilarious. You were being a douche bag. Simple as that. Keep trying to defend yourself. I always have the last word. Like I said, more comments = more views ;)
Matty23 - 8 years ago
Tell yourself whatever you need to. If you think that was being a douche bag, then I just feel bad for you. Sounds like you got too many participation trophies as a kid. Lol. I have some very sensitive friends, but damn, even they can recognize sarcasm over blatant attacks. A blatant attack would have been to call someone a fucking moron or tell them to go fuck themselves.
Ma'am, you are going to have a hard time with life, apparently. Good luck to you, you will most definitely need it. Now, let's see if you are strong and enough to walk away, or if you are truly my bitch and need to make one more attempt (and further embarrass yourself) at having the last word.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+butkusfan23 You did. lmfao apparently you don`t have very good memory. 1. I am continuing to comment as more comment = better search results. 2. You were being a douchebag to someone who did not provoke it in anyway. 3. Your continued comments are helping me pay for coral. Thank you
Matty23 - 8 years ago
And yes, although you are making things up and I did not call you a bitch, you most certainly are one. The fact that you are getting so defensive, and so emotional, proves me correct. Would you care to continue to comment and cement my observations even further?
Matty23 - 8 years ago
Your continued whining only makes you look worse. Please, continue. It makes me laugh.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+butkusfan23 lmfao me? a bitch? okay. You provided no information for the OP. You were just being a sarcastic douche bag. instead of being an ass to people, educate them on fish. Most people see fish as expendable pets due to being cheap, and lack of understanding. Being sarcastic helps no one, and only ruins your own rep.
Matty23 - 8 years ago
My first reply to the original comment on the thread was not even an attack. It was sarcastic, but far from an attack. You are being way, way too much of a bitch to know the difference, obviously. Grow up.
Matty23 - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming You are far too sensitive to be on the internet. I am far from an elitist. I could have been a much, much bigger douche to both of you, had I chosen to do so. Get over yourself, and quit crying. Or not, you tears are delicious and your whining is better than any lullaby.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+butkusfan23 OH NO I MADE A GRAMMATICAL I AM A TERRIBLE PERSON AHHHHHHHHHHHH. lmfao you are part of the problem with this aquarium community. You are the kind of elitist that attacks people for making errors rather than helping them.
Matty23 - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming I would love for someone to shove you in a tiny room with poor conditions, never let you out, and when someone comes to comment on how poorly you are being kept, someone else stops the person who would free you and says to them "whoa, no need to be a douchebag" Also, that would be educate, rather than attack. Seems as though you could use quite a bit of education yourself, there.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+butkusfan23 no need to be a douchebag. Lol some people don't know about fish. Educate rather then attack. If you pay enough attention to your fish you will know whether or not they are happy or not so happy. I know right away whether or not something is wrong in my tank due to my fishes behaviors
Matty23 - 8 years ago
Yeah. and I can shove a dog inside a kennel and never let him out and he could theoretically live in there forever, but does that mean I should make him live in there? So many people talk about how their fish are still alive in small tanks and doing fine. Ok, how do you know, did you ask them? It's not like they can tell you they are miserable. Fish should have room to swim, hide, act out their natural behaviors, etc. And shoving tons of them in small tanks does not allow them to do this. Yeah, maybe they will survive, but that does not mean they are happy.
AQRify ln
AQRify ln - 8 years ago
I had Multiple Tank Syndrome within 1 week of owning my first tank, a 10 gallon.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+AQRify ln yup. Lol I have 4 right now. A 1 gallon, a 10 gallon, 20 gallon saltwater and 30 gallon
Nick Leppert
Nick Leppert - 8 years ago
HI I have a 44 gallon corner tank (this is my first tank) and 4 weeks in I have 6 glo light tetras, three Corey's and 2 sword tails I want to add more of one of the three what should I add more of just asking
Nick Leppert
Nick Leppert - 8 years ago
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Nick Leppert swordtail. Try and get a female if you already have a male. They are live bearers so they will breed without you doing anything other then feeding!
Lessly Sierra
Lessly Sierra - 8 years ago
i have a 30 gallon tank wi and a 10 gallon tropical tank
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Lessly Sierra That is awesome!!
Lessly Sierra
Lessly Sierra - 8 years ago
2 dwarf gouramis in the 10 gallon a koi in the 30 gallon and a fish that looks like a koi but it has a super fancy tail and fins and 3 feeder fish and a separate 5 gallon witha crowntail betta
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
awesome! what fish are you keeping?
Cynthia Waggoner
Cynthia Waggoner - 8 years ago
I would like to get a couple of angel fish but I don"t have live plants in my tank, can I still get angel fish and I also want to get some Ballon Belly Mollies to go in my tank, I have a 50 Gallon tank, just not sure what other fish I can add to it any suggestions?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Cynthia Waggoner yup you can! The live plants I have are easy to care for so if you want to add some I'd suggest Amazon Sword and wisteria. Cheap and easy to grow! I imagine mollies would work well, but their fry will most likely be eaten by the Angels. I have Bosmani rainbows with mine now and they get a long very well! Just buy the Angels small so they get familiar with each other and their tank mates!
McKenzie Elizabeth
McKenzie Elizabeth - 8 years ago
I have 6 guppies and 3 endlers
Alex R
Alex R - 8 years ago
I've been having some issues with my 15 gallon tank during the span of me having it. When i first got the tank i put 3 mollies in and a Cory Catfish. When it came time to clean the tank for the first time the 3 mollies started to become bloated and they eventually died in a few weeks. I been neglecting to clean the tank because i don't want to lose the catfish too. Now for some reason the catfish seems to be thriving in the dirty tank. I want to get new fish for the tank and clean it but i don't want to lose the new fish or the catfish. Is there any reason as to why this is happening with my fish?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+XxXMidnightblackXxX what this guy said!
XxXMidnightblackXxX - 8 years ago
Research the nitrogen cycle and how to cycle your tank and prevent mini-cycles when cleaning and or adding fish, also remember to use water conditioner/dechlorinator. Plus make sure you compare your old water and new waters ph to prevent sudden changes that can shock your fish.
Good luck with your fish :)
Alex R
Alex R - 8 years ago
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Pickled Pluto awesome! Yeah that was probably the issue. It's something a lot of pet stores don't mention. Your tank is probably cycled now but I would still recommend using the Stability just to make sure! Also make sure you grab a dechlorinator when doing water changes as that kills fish too. I'd use Seachem Prime as it also detoxifies the ammonia created from the fish waste! Good luck!
Alex R
Alex R - 8 years ago
I fed the fish once a day too. I believe that we put the filter in the tank and got it running at about the same time as the fish.

I'll try to do everything that you recommend to me
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
Sorry to hear about the mollies. Im going to list a couple questions just to get some more backstory and also give you some tips on how to properly clean the tank without hurting any fish!

How long was the tank full of water with the filter running without fish? If you put fish in right away, the tank may have not had enough beneficial bacteria to breakdown the ammonia, causing the mollies to pass. If this is the case, I would suggest getting Seachem Stability and use it once a day for 7 days to get the bacteria in the water working.
Also, how much are you feeding the fish? Most fish will eat until they die, so you may have to limit the amount you feed (I usually feed once a day).

The cory is probably thriving as they are bottom feeders and will eat anything off the bottom of the tank. Left over food and sometimes algae is what they would eat. If you only have 1, I would suggest getting another one as they like to be in groups. It reduces their stress level!

For cleaning, there is nothing to worry about. NEVER clean the entire tank. For starters, that is WAY too much work lol and 2. it will remove any of the beneficial bacteria in the water that removes many of the toxins poroduced from their waste. I would get a gravel vaccum which is just a little tube and a hose that will suck water out of the tank and allow you to clean up the gravel. The water you want to pull out is from the bottom of the tank since that is where all the waste is rotting away. Changing the top half of the water doesn't change much as you won`t remove much of the rotting waste. Only change a maximum of 50%. I usually change 30% out of my 10 gallon tank once every 1.5 weeks.

Hope this helps you out! I`d go to your pet store and grab a gravel vac as soon as you can and do a quick 30% water change (leave a bucket of water out the day before you do it just to get rid of some of the crap that comes from tap water) that way when you are ready you can grab yourself some new fish!
Panhan17 - 8 years ago
I have a 5 gallon tank with one tetra(they last living one from my brothers tank) a snail and I'm thinking of getting a few shrimp to groom my moss ball. Now I have a 15 gallon tank that used to have a goldfish I saved from a party( he was in a tiny bowl as the table centerpiece) who died yesterday(R.I.P). I want to set up a small community tank in the 15 and am doing a lot of research and this vid really helped. That was a long comment, wow.
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Agnes Fox sorry to hear about your goldfish! Definitely lived a better life with you! Glad my video helped you out!!
susandettmer - 8 years ago
This was awesome! So many are so boring, but you have great info for a beginner & are funny & entertaining as well! Thank you!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+susandettmer glad you enjoyed it! I did this for exactly that reason. So many are poor quality and boring. Good luck with fish keeping!
DaydreamerGen - 8 years ago
I've been wanting a blood parrot cichlid and some tiger oscars and wondering what size tank to get and if they were comparable and do you know anything about feeding live?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+DaydreamerGen Not a problem! Good luck!
DaydreamerGen - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming thank you :)
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+DaydreamerGen I would say go for a 60+ gallon tank. Get both when they are young to avoid size differences. From what I have read blood parrots have many health issues due to being inbred so many times. From what I have seen through others weekly live feedings are done for those fish just to keep them healthy. I don't do live feeding for my fish
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+DaydreamerGen I'll look it up when I get home! Just at work rn and dont know off the top of my head
eve fotopoulos
eve fotopoulos - 8 years ago
Hey bro what de chlorinator do u use cause u never put it on the screen
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
my bad! I use nutrafin aqua plus.
Blue Hawk
Blue Hawk - 8 years ago
How big is the minimum for two goldfish?
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Paul Davies mine doesn't really eat any plants. He just up roots them all and pulls off the weights lol
Paul Davies
Paul Davies - 8 years ago
use a under gravel filter as well as a normal filter as gold fish are very messy also plants will be seen as a salad bar for them try amazon sword and java fern plants if you want to go for plants
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Fire Panda Not a problem! goldfish are great. Very active and have quite a bit of personality! Just be careful becasue they will uproot your plants and move your gravel as they please lol
Blue Hawk
Blue Hawk - 8 years ago
+FlipGaming Okay, thanks!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
I'd say 20-40 gallons. Bigger the better. Reason being is that they grow very large and are dirty fish. You will have to do more water changes for them since they poop a lot. Not a huge deal though since you can do them fairly quickly!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
PS: I will be discussing these topics in seperate videos as I understand that many people won't want to sit through all of it. I just made the first one like this so that you don't have to really watch much else after this. I found that when researching aquariums you have to jump around a lot and it can get quite annoying. But for those of you who want seperate videos I shall do so :)
Klace Thompson
Klace Thompson - 7 years ago
FlipGaming thankyou so much, this is amAZing!!
Seth Schwols
Seth Schwols - 8 years ago
I really appreciate it all being in one hour chunk. At least, that's how I prefer my information -- all up front with no digging required. I spend more time 'surfing' 5-10 min clips.. and it ends up taking longer to get the same knowledge. Thanks!
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+TARDIS cat That would probably be too small for both. I would get a 10g. I have had 2 bettas with guppies with 0 issues. Hiding spaces are great as sometimes bettas like to just be out of sight for awhile and chill. Guppies will multiply, so the bigger the space the better.
animedudevid - 8 years ago
+TARDIS cat Maybe one betta. or like 2 or 3 guppies (Granted that is still a small area for them) 10 gallon would also be better. Secondly Bettas and Guppies are too similar.
So it wouldn't be a great idea unless you understand the betta your buying. I mixed Angels and A (one) Betta in one take but its a 60 gallon breeder. I also set up and tested to fine the most docile of them all and chose that one. Bettas are called Fighting fish for a reason. Finally unless you have hiding places betta get stressed. Mine love the logs and behind my filter so... ya if you got any more questions hit me up.
TARDIS cat - 8 years ago
I would like to keep a few guppies and a betta, and I already have a 5 gallon with a filter and heater, would that be alright?
20 20
20 20 - 8 years ago
FlipGaming my first was 30 gal
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+animedudevid Bigger the better. lol Problem with bigger is they cost more. lol That is why I suggest 20. Makes it a bit easier with the water and your bank account lol
animedudevid - 8 years ago
40 gallon breeder is the best starter tank. But finding the lid for them is hard to do.
〖JƗzz〗Ne0n - 8 years ago
Man this was long but perfect for beginners!
〖JƗzz〗Ne0n - 8 years ago
Yeah just like school all over again
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+〖FƗzz〗Ne0n I tried to make it a one-stop video for people! I had to watch so many videos to gather the information I have. lol
Alex jim
Alex jim - 8 years ago
Tom I love your fish videos
FlipGaming - 8 years ago
+Alex jim Glad you like them! I love making them. Honestly I love keeping fish and I want to encourage others who may think it is too difficult and or too expensive that it is very possible :) Also that maintenance isn't so bad when everything goes right :)
Nathan 24
Nathan 24 - 8 years ago
1st view
Nathan 24
Nathan 24 - 8 years ago

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