How to make a waterfall (rainforest theme)
Howto & Style 14 years ago 3,306,819 views "Shields All" can be found here: Learn how to make a rainforest waterfall with this extensive tutorial. This is primarily intended for reptiles, but you could make this just as an interesting conversation piece for your living room. 2nd Channel: 3rd Channel: For great video production in Cincinnati visit:
10. comment for How to make a waterfall (rainforest theme)
I am from Egypt and I would like to know from you the type of waterproof varnish that you used before you finish with silicone
In terms of oil, water, seler or lacquer - names of good types may be in Egypt
Thank you
20. comment for How to make a waterfall (rainforest theme)
i decided to make it with a corner and i want it to b aproxx 2 feet taller and 2 feet width..
and i just started working on it
in one of your video i heard something about jesus christ...i am an christian and i just loved that part.
and if i need any information..i mean ofcourse i need ill i will definatelly let you know.
30. comment for How to make a waterfall (rainforest theme)
50. comment for How to make a waterfall (rainforest theme)
Polystyrene(styrofoam) I get mine at Home Depot.
You can use liquid nails for a glue -I've been using Loctite's power grab -it has less odor.
Caulking gun -for the liquid nails or Loctite. Here you can find a few tips for how to use a caulk gun.
Knife (dollar store)
Non-sanded grout (white is the cheapest -I use a brand called
Polyblend) I've also been using "Foam Coat" from the Hot Wire Foam
Factory. (
Cement color (optional)
Acrylic paint (any cheap kind will do)
A dollar store water bottle -I usually use three or four.
Non-toxic all surface sealant -I've used "Mod Podge" for dry environment lizards, and
"Shields All" for high humidity environment lizards. Shields All can be found here:
Non-toxic fine grain sand (I've been using sandtastik -internet)
Paintbrush (two inch for the grouting process) smaller ones for if I paint.
Dust mask
Rubber gloves
I got everything at home depot except the acrylic paint, the
sealant and the dollar store water bottles and the fine grain sand. You
should be able to find most of this stuff at
an arts and crafts store. The "Shields All" can be found at this
For the waterfalls you will want to get aquarium grade silicone (I got mine at Home Depot)
I would like to know how you combine FOAN with BOUNCE
As in my country, it is difficult to find the products.
Can I use the products I found on a website
All Purpose Foam Coat / Bounce Rubberizer.
How do you blend?
2 cups of foan 1 cup of bounce
What is your contact email?
It would be the same as gray or white cement ?
Thanks for the help
100. comment for How to make a waterfall (rainforest theme)
so what country are you
and how much that the gum you used
Do you think its safe to use for sealant? thanks so much
Gracias de antemano.
ada no se lechada. Mira el vídeo de la lista de materiales.
GE 1 can be found at walmart for less than $5
only GE "1" is pet safe when completely cured. must be "1"
If you use heat lamps for pets you might also cause a fire or outgassing of the foam,paint,epoxy etc.
thank you
Ok thank you , the product you mention is the one used in the spray at that time one of the video " 28.50 " ? This is liquid silicone aquarium?
Brilliant project mate. I'm inspired to try something similar. Thanks :)
for that 1st seal. Now I am wondering if your grout and our grout would be the same product. I was wondering if I could add a bit of silicone or wood glue to make it a bit more flexible, to save cracking and chipping. The last seal I will use a general acrylic sealer sure that will be okay.
Can I use it for my turtle aquarium?
In this video I applied non-sanded grout, but I've also used Foam Coat from the Hot wire foam factory.
I Have a ReptiBreeze 24" X 24" X 48" Goal for next year get another Reptibreeze same size an attach it to the same one, I have an Cut middle screen out so it's one large Screen Box 48" x 24 " x 48" An PVC Tree Stand like the one in my Video Clip, just much larger scale, And Make a Water Fall like in the Video. Just add some of My own ideas..
I'll Be Starting This Project soon...
Oh yeah, that could work, thx man. A true work of art you made
The first liquid should be the non-sanded grout mixed with water.
Thanks! And good luck to you, hope your project goes well!
Yeah, if you created some sort of barrier that extended out from the intake I would think you would be fine.
You should be able to, but I'm not quite sure.
I urge anyone interested in this project to also find the tutorial about home made styro cutters made from a flashlight. These things make cutting the styro foam so much less messy. No "snow" to clean up.
Could you put the materials used into a list, because I am not sure to get all of them here.
It would be great for me. Thanks a lot.
check out the materials list video on my channel.
I wouldn't be using a hot wire. I would be using a fish fillet knife and a little carving knife.
Yeah, the other issue is raising the humidity level too high. I would not risk it.
With a DIY fall like this, would a dragon scratch pieces off of it with his claws? This woud be a choking hazard plus possibly toxic.
Also, could you keep the water clean. It would have to have a good bio and chemical filter but since it is still small and artificial it might harbor lots of bacteria and possible even protozoan parasites.
Not sure on that one. A Vet might know.
You can build it up with layers and layers of grout and then sand.
The problem would be if the birds pecked at it. It's not hard plastic so a birds beak could get through the layers. I don't know a bird's tendency to do that.
Trojan Masonry & Concrete Sealer Trojan Masonry & Concrete Sealer
A water-based, penetrating polyester formula that permanently waterproofs and preserves concrete, brick, stucco and porous stone. It is non-toxic and low VOC. Can be used safely inside as well as outdoors. Trojan dries clear with no sheen and comes with a 15 Year Waterproofing Warranty.
yeah, they love it.
I can't stand the squeaks and shrieks it makes O__0
Almost any type of fish needs at least 10 gallons ore more.
Also, you sound just like Ron Swanson.
nice work congratulation guy !