How to use a Gravel Vacuum without having to suck the tube!

This is a video about how to use a regular gravel vacuum for cleaning your aquarium gravel without having to get nasty fish water in your mouth. My apologies for not knowing the brand of the gravel vacuum!! I bought it a long time ago! I ran out of memory on my camera at the end, but you still get the info on how to use it. Hope this will help some people out there! If you live in Nassau, Bahamas and have a fresh water aquarium that you want cleaned, maintained or set up feel free to check out

How to use a Gravel Vacuum without having to suck the tube! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 642

Howto & Style 14 years ago 914,419 views

This is a video about how to use a regular gravel vacuum for cleaning your aquarium gravel without having to get nasty fish water in your mouth. My apologies for not knowing the brand of the gravel vacuum!! I bought it a long time ago! I ran out of memory on my camera at the end, but you still get the info on how to use it. Hope this will help some people out there! If you live in Nassau, Bahamas and have a fresh water aquarium that you want cleaned, maintained or set up feel free to check out

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Most popular comments
for How to use a Gravel Vacuum without having to suck the tube!

Mace colodny
Mace colodny - 7 years ago
Patience my child...
Lana Fisher
Lana Fisher - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank;)
And thanks for show us way:)
Its helpful :)
BeBop Aloola
BeBop Aloola - 7 years ago
So show us already
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 7 years ago
Amber Stark
Amber Stark - 7 years ago
I have to say, I come back to this video every time I clean the tank, great description and demo, thank you!
Squirrel Attackspidy
Squirrel Attackspidy - 7 years ago
Suck the tube. Go on lady. Just suck it!!!
Jessy Turner
Jessy Turner - 7 years ago
5 minutes wayyyyy too long
Hajzer - 7 years ago
just suck the tube
Kelly Anderson
Kelly Anderson - 7 years ago
I just suck on it for me it's a lot easier :-)

10. comment for How to use a Gravel Vacuum without having to suck the tube!

Supergenie1234 - 7 years ago
I definitely heard "fucking the end tube
S.P.K SR. - 7 years ago
Jerking motion
andromeda - 7 years ago
Helpful video for a newbie like me, thank you!
Pecker Gnat
Pecker Gnat - 7 years ago
You talk too fucking much
Maple Leaf Stables
Maple Leaf Stables - 7 years ago
I think this one is the Interpet Prime Gravel Cleaner :) I have it!
CaRnaGe - 7 years ago
firstly id like to say thanks for the upload much appreciated
also !!
you guys are a bunch off assholes this lady was kind enough to try and help others and give us some tips she has learnt !!!
didnt your mum ever tell you if you dont have anything nice to say then DONT SAY IT AT All!?
Lost_1N_Space - 7 years ago
suck my  tube!
BANTA77 - 7 years ago
Damm I want to see her PISS in the tank
Rebecca Garrow
Rebecca Garrow - 7 years ago
This video bored me out of my mind
we2 cats
we2 cats - 8 years ago
What gallon fish aquarium is that behind you

20. comment for How to use a Gravel Vacuum without having to suck the tube!

MasterAquatics - 8 years ago
great video
Agnese Sirivardena
Agnese Sirivardena - 8 years ago
oohhh thx u o much i ust boutgh one and south what a crap i got :D thx u
Mytoria Coleman
Mytoria Coleman - 8 years ago
yall hatters
Nethra Mutalik
Nethra Mutalik - 8 years ago
Why people talk a lot
mitch free
mitch free - 8 years ago
THANK YOU! Your explanation finally helped after a few minutes of struggle. Now, I got it errrrrrrrytime.
Purple Candy
Purple Candy - 8 years ago
the video starts at 3:15
Daren Chandler
Daren Chandler - 8 years ago
big help thanks
Jenn Burleson Mackay
Jenn Burleson Mackay - 8 years ago
Your aquarium is beautiful. Thanks for the tutorial!
Phoebe Jones
Phoebe Jones - 8 years ago
lool "poop lies in mysterious places" ':-0 :D
alecia hall
alecia hall - 8 years ago
too much talking
Linda Leary
Linda Leary - 8 years ago
u ain't lying

30. comment for How to use a Gravel Vacuum without having to suck the tube!

mike connolly
mike connolly - 8 years ago
omg your so hott love all the jerking motions.
Mr. Meeseeks
Mr. Meeseeks - 8 years ago
you can also plug the bottom where the water comes out, fill the entire tube with water, making sure there is no sir in it, including where the water goes in, put the cup part under water, then unplug it. way easier than this
Mr. Meeseeks
Mr. Meeseeks - 8 years ago
LOL Who would suck the tube?!
John Hou
John Hou - 8 years ago
she is soo pro at it... look at her face at 3:16
Nerd voice tells STORIES
Nerd voice tells STORIES - 8 years ago
That was what I was thanking
555christo - 8 years ago
Comments here confirm, yet again, that most men suck (and I'm a dude saying that)
New Zero
New Zero - 7 years ago
555christo cuck
Afi gamer
Afi gamer - 8 years ago
You made my fish die
Lexi O
Lexi O - 8 years ago
I really hope this is ironic
Tainowarrior00707 - 8 years ago
It looks like the jerking motion technique works better than the other way it looks like it started right away the first time.
Tainowarrior00707 - 8 years ago
What!!! no Sucky,Sucky...
Amber Stark
Amber Stark - 8 years ago
Thank you for posting this, it worked on the first try!
Its.your.boy. Chad
Its.your.boy. Chad - 8 years ago
Thank u this really helped me
Brenda Lewis
Brenda Lewis - 8 years ago
Thanks, that was really helpful!!
neuro369 - 8 years ago
Wow really people came here to make sexual references, real mature guys. You can make your own siphon with 2 brain cells and some tube/plastic bottle there are probably how to videos in the side bar right there ----->
Don't Pay 30$ for 2 tubes.... and for all you idiots out there you can make a penis pump while you are at it than you won't need to harass women on youtube while also helping your..little problem.
Francisco Curiel
Francisco Curiel - 8 years ago
she talks way too much
sorted65 - 8 years ago
fell asleep half way through , boring
- Vajradatta -
- Vajradatta - - 8 years ago
As a newbie to aquariums, I found this to be one of the most helpful demonstrations on youtube. Thankyooo.
Kimsotus Orelius
Kimsotus Orelius - 8 years ago
5:34 LOL
lilblkrose - 8 years ago
4:15 for instruction...
Amanda Serrano
Amanda Serrano - 8 years ago
how is ur water so clear tho? how u keep it like that
Gerard Minehane
Gerard Minehane - 8 years ago
Nice,clean good looking
Amanda Serrano
Amanda Serrano - 8 years ago
love ur tank but I have a question how is ur water so clear?? I have a 10 G tank freshwater n when I do water changes water is never crystal clear is cloudy even after a while I want it crystal clear
Dee Demarest
Dee Demarest - 8 years ago
It's always the filter and good water circulation/pump based on tank size...don't over feed especially that flake stuff (pellets keep your tank cleaner and only feed what they can eat in couple of minutes) or over stock your tank = a lot of waste matter. I have sponge/charcoal/biomax or you can skip the charcoal and double up on the biomax (cheap too on Amazon) which is great for filtering. Water changes are important too. Once a month clean your filter median in the tank water you took out, replace the charcoal and vacuum/clean glass, replace with fresh treated water and you should have a nice tank too. I noticed she had an aerator and so do I which adds to the water circulation too but I have to unplug to fee the fish or the food get sucked into the filter area. Good luck.
TheSneakerJury - 8 years ago
It's a small tank which is very difficult to keep clean
Honey Badger
Honey Badger - 8 years ago
Hate sucking, much jerking.

50. comment for How to use a Gravel Vacuum without having to suck the tube!

Z M - 8 years ago
I'm new to this fish life.... Kmt she makes me not want my new fish anymore because I have to stick my hands in the tank like that ugggghhhhh. Nobody told me this at pets at home lol fuck sake!
KittyCalen - 8 years ago
+Zion M It's just like going swimming in a lake or the ocean. If you keep your aquarium clean, there should be nothing wrong with doing it.
thelma fulton
thelma fulton - 9 years ago
too much talking.
Oťas - 9 years ago
this is not a poor aquarium fish should have a more natural environment
this is terrible !!!!!!!
Hannah Crane
Hannah Crane - 8 years ago
No it's not u jealous
Matthew Silcox
Matthew Silcox - 9 years ago
Jesus lady get to the point, christ
ohbuddyiliketowatch - 7 years ago
Matthew Silcox she did a good job like how your good at being a witty hater. :)
lhess 706
lhess 706 - 9 years ago
Awesome video. It worked right away. Thank you so much.
AlbertRutter - 9 years ago
you're not supposed to suck the tube this is in the instructions
Erica Hart
Erica Hart - 9 years ago
Thanks heap!!! this helped a lot, before I could not start the siphon but thanks to you It fineally worked
Monika Yehle
Monika Yehle - 9 years ago
lights & bubbler are on......means POWER IS ON.....not safe.
HomeisthroughYou - 9 years ago
+Monika Yehle This is not dangerous in the slightest. The only problem is if you do a large water change and the heater is out of the water still turned on
Peteru Avertis
Peteru Avertis - 9 years ago
+Monika Yehle Not sure why that would be a problem if your electricity is set up correctly. Of course if you have a ghetto set-up it might be dangerous.

This is perfectly safe.
Zinzeria X
Zinzeria X - 9 years ago
fill it up. lift it out of the water. once the tube is half empty insert it back in water. if you have bio film its best not to put your hands and arms in the tank.
Daniel Garcia
Daniel Garcia - 9 years ago
As far as making video s
Daniel Garcia
Daniel Garcia - 9 years ago
I wish they had a half ways thumbs up you need practice but thank you for your time and effort
Austin Wiley
Austin Wiley - 9 years ago
join this awesome facebook group
777Psychodelia - 9 years ago
Thanks for your help.  Goldfish water is NASTY!
biglounumber12 - 9 years ago
Nico - 9 years ago
They actually have the pumps now.
Stijn Beeckman
Stijn Beeckman - 9 years ago
My tank is pretty small and has pretty much no open spaces between the plants and decoration, how would you suggest I clean the gravel? Or should I just do water changes and leave the gravel be?
Greencooldudes - 9 years ago
+Stijn Beeckman if possible, remove the decorations and proceed from there.
Cindy99765 - 9 years ago
Clean the gravel once a month. No more because the gravel contains beneficial bacteria that helps break down ammonia (found in fish waste) yes fish waste can collect in the gravel, but don't disturb the gravel too much.
Amber Why Say
Amber Why Say - 9 years ago
The gravel is where all thr filth is you Need to clean the gravel
flo green
flo green - 9 years ago
Its really pretty, I don't care for a lot of decor but your tank looks good with it!!
Michelle Abrams
Michelle Abrams - 9 years ago
gorgeous tank!
Keysha Biggs
Keysha Biggs - 9 years ago
No! This video sucks.
Slay Queen
Slay Queen - 9 years ago
+Jakaria Simms why
king Reyes
king Reyes - 9 years ago
They have them in ebay for just $1 US Dollar :)
Dee Demarest
Dee Demarest - 8 years ago
I like the ones that have a little pump on it and you just give a few squeezes while the tube is in the tank and it begins suctioning so be ready to vacuum
Twisted86 - 9 years ago
She needs to show us how to use a shake weight next.
Katrina Ewing
Katrina Ewing - 9 years ago
313Saj - 9 years ago
Thank you this was very useful. Please ignore all the immature comments.
JC - 9 years ago
This is the method I use and it works every time. However, you do not have to wait until the water is almost at the bottom of the vacuum. As soon as the water starts flowing down the hose, dunk the vacuum back under water. Make sure the vacuum faces up when you do this so water doesn't spill out and break the siphon. Once under water, you can then turn the vacuum towards the substrate and begin vacuuming.
Giovanni Cuevas
Giovanni Cuevas - 10 years ago
thumbs up for the jerking face
Isa J
Isa J - 9 years ago
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+Giovanni Cuevas creeps
killancid - 10 years ago
the 3:19  face ;)
Chacko Ville
Chacko Ville - 10 years ago
An extremely handy product with a gravel tube. Check it out on Amazon
Jim Reamy
Jim Reamy - 10 years ago
this kinda turned me on 
K B - 10 years ago
Bryan L.
Bryan L. - 10 years ago
You have an awesome aquarium. Is it still set up like this in the video?
oOoBu88lesoOo - 10 years ago
I too deep throat my end.
Mark Nelson
Mark Nelson - 10 years ago
Good tip thanks for the info.... 
Epik - 10 years ago
I swear, people are retarded.
MehrabS - 10 years ago
Thanks for the vid.  I tried this and it works amazing.  Only difference is that I made everything myself from scratch.  
Gabriel Perez
Gabriel Perez - 10 years ago
I do it your way too
Wezilla - 10 years ago
For years I tried like this and it I always suck from mouth for many years and yeah sometimes water got touch in my mouth. Haha lol

I like suck why because no making stress...I just go with my flow not argue with my mind...

montemary - 10 years ago
This was very helpful.  Thank you.
shane mangra
shane mangra - 10 years ago
Shut up!!
The Goldfish Nerd
The Goldfish Nerd - 10 years ago
How big is your tank?
Madame Delphine LeLaurie
Madame Delphine LeLaurie - 10 years ago
That's a good way of swallowing fish poop
Madame Delphine LeLaurie
Madame Delphine LeLaurie - 10 years ago
My my you are a chatty Cathy why don't you just show the people instead of gabbing about it and trying to think of fancy words describe what you're doing half of which are incorrect. A better answer would be for first timers what size suction tube to buy based on what tank you have and the size of it obviously not all suction tubes work in 10 gallons or 20 gallons.
Docboats - 10 years ago
Docboats - 10 years ago
flinares1 - 10 years ago
sajan shrestha
sajan shrestha - 10 years ago
cool tank
oddsource - 10 years ago
just use a shop vac close to the bucket easy. Everyone has their own way.
footdocuk - 10 years ago
thanks, now i know how to do it, well presented and your easy on the eye too!
avaeril - 10 years ago
Very helpful, thank you!
lilnetty2 - 10 years ago
pchello2u - 10 years ago
Thanks for the video, I will try this.
FRANKIE BANTA - 10 years ago
Damm I want to smell her ass!
New Zero
New Zero - 7 years ago
FRANKIE BANTA dieeeee quick plz
Max Annen
Max Annen - 10 years ago
those rocks are sweet! what kind/color are they?

100. comment for How to use a Gravel Vacuum without having to suck the tube!

killerdubstep666 - 10 years ago
Emo girl........ =_=
aaron amerine
aaron amerine - 10 years ago
Blah blah blah
mynewname - 10 years ago
3:17 can u go into more detail lol
mynewname - 10 years ago
i needed this tip i got a moth full yesterday.. and this vid is funny for all the wrong reasons... lol
mynewname - 10 years ago
did yeh, puked n all lol
Pernell Butler
Pernell Butler - 10 years ago
Haha you gotta mouthful of water lol
Vivi Rácz
Vivi Rácz - 10 years ago
I would like to recommend you the following app for aquarium maintenance:
Diva Sins
Diva Sins - 10 years ago
My goodness...That a very clean tank! Looks like a new tank! Lol great video!
Samantha's Piggies
Samantha's Piggies - 10 years ago
thanks for the video i just gave up bc i had no idea how to use it. now it makes sense 
Luciano Casaroli
Luciano Casaroli - 10 years ago
It's not really gravity, it's air pressure difference. But you got the idea right.
UltraSeRoXaT - 10 years ago
you will be sexier without the piercings.
cheerycolours - 10 years ago
Nice looking aquarium you have there!
Shane Roehrig
Shane Roehrig - 10 years ago
Vindoodles - 10 years ago
Thank you so much for this, works like a charm!
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
Just get a siphon starter done
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
Your tank looks hideous
Mikayla Hameed
Mikayla Hameed - 10 years ago
Thank u so much because I could not figure out how to work and use the thing!!!!!!!
Jam Rizvi
Jam Rizvi - 10 years ago
really talk a lot, just start it...
akhilesh kumar
akhilesh kumar - 8 years ago
Jhenna Chapman aakKAl
Jhenna Chapman
Jhenna Chapman - 10 years ago
you are active!
julius johnsen
julius johnsen - 11 years ago
what kind of fish have you in the fish tank
msxmargo - 11 years ago
Really talk a lot, Had to fast forward just to see how to get started
msxmargo - 10 years ago
Me too!
JJVO21 - 11 years ago
3:08 =) 4:30
CityRecidivus - 11 years ago
Thanks for this advice, works great for me! :D
Rollo Tomassi
Rollo Tomassi - 11 years ago
Great tip!  Thanks for the video.
AKA me
AKA me - 11 years ago
Thx for the helped a lot since I recently bought one and the instructions were confusing
James Wilkins
James Wilkins - 11 years ago
Most professional videos I've seen say to simply pinch the tube when the water  starts to go down it, then re-submerge and let go - that way you don't have to be fast. ;)
traceyloc - 11 years ago
your tank is amazingg! love it!! 
Niuvaca - 11 years ago
Great video!  This really helped, thanks for sharing your knowledge!
ellemxx - 11 years ago
Thank you, had no idea why my gravel cleaner wouldn't work. Didn't realise you had to turn it upside down at the start. :-)
Alan Estrada
Alan Estrada - 11 years ago
Thank you because my dad is sick of sucking the tube to start it :)
Shannon Dunkeld
Shannon Dunkeld - 11 years ago
love your tank :)
orange crushz28
orange crushz28 - 11 years ago
Love your vids keep up the great advice nice to see a woman into the aquarium hobby
Kitxunei - 11 years ago
Thank you so much, I couldn't figure out how to use this thing.
Raw-uncut Paranormal
Raw-uncut Paranormal - 11 years ago
Really nice clean tank... I'll be sure to watch the rest of this video. I'm sick of getting fish tank water in my mouth sucking the pipe. 
bellaearth - 11 years ago
the talking is the who damn point of the video. idiots. good info for beginners. thanks
Raymundo Lopez
Raymundo Lopez - 11 years ago
You did great! Don't listen to the bad comments. Stay in the positive side :)
Veronikka - 11 years ago
You should definitely get a water changer
Glenn Quagmire
Glenn Quagmire - 11 years ago
Bet you came here because you saw the preview pic while checking out fish vids. "Oh, an instruction for aquariums and it has boobs! I gotta see this!" And, then you found out it was gab, gab, gab. Gee, go figure.
thmsblount1 - 11 years ago
You should not give technical explanations...........ur horrible at them
J Din
J Din - 11 years ago
U people are so mean and nasty. If u dont want to hear the talking then forward it idiots. Great video by the way. I really needed help using this gravel vac. Thanks.
ratty potter
ratty potter - 11 years ago
ZZZZzzzzZZzzzzzZZZ Oh my god she talks to much..I felt sleep I will have to watch this video again :(
ganesh lamichhane
ganesh lamichhane - 11 years ago
That bad stage when your best friend (who's been a loser permanently) gets an amazing girl to fall for him in 2 weeks?! Yeah, that just happened. I understand I should be happy however I would rather it to be me. He explained he learned from the Cupid Love System (Google it). I would like to hide out inside of a cave as we speak...
Zero to Hero
Zero to Hero - 11 years ago
How to watch this video: Skip to 4:30. Watch for 10 seconds. Stop watching.
Nevermore - 11 years ago
what the phuck bitchhhhh stop talking
nick w
nick w - 11 years ago
mines cool its got a pump thing on it
jeremy boothe
jeremy boothe - 11 years ago
this hurt to watch. but the tank is nice and clean
NghiDung Nguyen
NghiDung Nguyen - 11 years ago
4:04 is when the demonstration starts!!!! thumbs up!
concorde9615 - 11 years ago
Yeah she talked way too much. I've been using the first technique for years now. In fact the instructions come with the tube. I don't understand who would suck on the end of the tube to start the siphon unless you're stealing gas from someone's car. Maybe this girl should get a job as a rocket scientist. Beautiful tank by the way!
Hacker Ragul
Hacker Ragul - 11 years ago
Life sucks. My good friend has begun going out with a ten because 60 days back he registered to a site named Master Attraction (Google it if you'd like to learn more.) I'm jealous since I wish to just fall in love too. How come it's so difficult? I'm going to take a peek at this Jake Ayres man's emails and figure out if it can help a person like me. Crazy point is, my friend used to have no results with females. How can you change that rapidly? His lady's like a model...
mokre łapska
mokre łapska - 11 years ago
EMO fishtank.
Ravi Shane
Ravi Shane - 11 years ago
sexy lady.good for mistress movies.
ANIL RANA - 11 years ago
Thanks to tell a good way to use siphon without disturbing plants
5150madawg - 11 years ago
oh baby please suck the tube lol
Lynchy1 - 11 years ago
Thank very much! Helped me alot!
Ashwath D Singer
Ashwath D Singer - 11 years ago
talk less work more babe...!!!
DAN H - 11 years ago
very good information. just stop talking!!!
shango king
shango king - 11 years ago
So bahamian nice
tarantulady - 11 years ago
I feel bad everyone's being so mean to you. I used to shove the thing in the tank and jerk it up and down to establish a vacuum, but now I use a python because fuck it!
tarantulady - 11 years ago
Clear water doesn't necessarily mean clean, but you may want to see if you are overfeeding, whether you are using substrate or decorations that naturally leech into the water. Sometimes an amber look is nice, though. You may have too much microalgae which could be overfeeding, overstocking, underfiltration, poor quality fish food, or too much light. Also, try using a different color light bc it might just be that!
0tilt7 - 11 years ago
LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! im dying. haha my oxygen tank needed changing before she started the demonstration.
alex chuck
alex chuck - 11 years ago
malik davis
malik davis - 11 years ago
dam baby make more videosbut wit no clothes on yor ass is sexy
kelseykonvict - 11 years ago
This has soooo helped me with cleaning my tropical tank out!!
Stormrage123 - 11 years ago
Boy or girl?
meirbek1000 - 11 years ago
lilblingking1491 - 11 years ago
Demonstration begins at 2:05
peevie187 - 11 years ago
2:53 and you do this jerking motion back and forth. hahah wow
Adrian Allister
Adrian Allister - 11 years ago
NarcolepZZZZZ - 11 years ago
Wow get to the point already.
pigeonsontraining - 11 years ago
Good job lady I like your voice .stay cute
Henr Gher
Henr Gher - 11 years ago
use a siphon lol
REECE bushell
REECE bushell - 11 years ago
have you ever sucked any of the fish up by mistake lol
REECE bushell
REECE bushell - 11 years ago
liked the jurking motion part lol
shabby yabby
shabby yabby - 11 years ago
Nice..but these need less upkeep Check out ours at 'shabby yabby' on youtube
Rafael H
Rafael H - 11 years ago
What are you using for mechanical media? Good mechanical media will remove all the little "floaties" making it very clear water. Also, like others have mentioned.....partial water changes are a must
Rafael H
Rafael H - 11 years ago
The actual demonstration is between 4:03 and 5:00 for those of you that don't want to sit through the constant talking....
Danny Vice
Danny Vice - 11 years ago
I would add that it is pretty important to remove decorations before vacuuming tank since waste tends to accumulate around, inside or under these decorations. Take the opportunity to clean them as well, but not with soap. Never use soap with anything that goes into the water. Soap is like poison to fish. I also recommend dechlorinating a gallon of water, then soaking the decorations in the dechlorinated water before putting them back.
Danny Vice
Danny Vice - 11 years ago
If your tank is white cloudy, it is still going through cycling process. It can take 30 days to cycle a tank give or take.... If your water is green cloudy, you either have algae bloom or are in severe need of a partial water change. If your water is brown cloudy, and you have driftwood in the tank, remove it and get something more solid. Otherwise a properly cycled tank that gets frequent partial water changes should have water this way.
Anh Ton
Anh Ton - 11 years ago
Damn that is nice set up
Khari Luck
Khari Luck - 11 years ago
Ewwww she jerking
xStreakk - 11 years ago
You're gross, you used to suck that shit?
Khari Luck
Khari Luck - 11 years ago
Just play,
Khari Luck
Khari Luck - 11 years ago
U ugly
Erin Howell-Mills
Erin Howell-Mills - 11 years ago
Put the gravel vac in the tank, let the big tube fill up, no air bubbles. Turn it upside down(The opening facing up.) bring it up out of your tank until the water flows. Put it down gently to re-fill the tube. Now you have suction. No jerk-off motions needed.
taile7973 - 11 years ago
Get on with it...
Aarón Becerra
Aarón Becerra - 11 years ago
gracias por tu vídeo. es muy fácil como hacerlo saludos
Michael McCullagh
Michael McCullagh - 11 years ago
shut the fuck up and show me how to use it
Adin S.
Adin S. - 11 years ago
Poop lies in mysterious places.
Emu11y - 11 years ago
MY GOD!! Start already!!!!
Hyacinth Cox
Hyacinth Cox - 11 years ago
Sucking the vac? Who does that? Maybe the same person that is looking for the cord to plug it in.
Joseph Musel
Joseph Musel - 11 years ago
Best part at 3:17 :)
carcity11101 - 11 years ago
hey your cute!
nadien de leon
nadien de leon - 11 years ago
Well it's because there's no other way too
mzolinado - 11 years ago
at 4:06 she finally does it - skip to that point and put on mute.
mzolinado - 11 years ago
Died whilst waiting for her to start the demonstration - the talking never stops, beware.
Hebisan - 12 years ago
well, glad you figured it out ^_^
dublinboy32 - 12 years ago
tnx for the advice,i actually got it worken a while ago,it had me stressed out to bits lol,theres just a knac to it thats all
Hebisan - 12 years ago
you should try and suck the small part of the tub. Have the big part of the tub in the water, suck the tub. Make sure to put it back in the bucket before the water starts to come up. Be quick in picking good places to clean the gravel, loads of water come out. I just tried it today so I'm sure you can do it. Hope this makes sense, if not, sorry.
genevieve desmedt
genevieve desmedt - 12 years ago
i do not clean my aquarium my fish does and my water is so clean !!! i have croys and pleco and shrimps and platys !!! :) :)
CallMeBlew - 12 years ago
xxxdemonicidexxx - 12 years ago
it is just simple physics. the first time i did it, i was so excited that i removed 80% of the old water. LOL
dublinboy32 - 12 years ago
iv tried your 2 ways of using my vacum and none of them are working??? iv tried them over and over again,and its the very same as yours.....arghhhhhhhhhhhh it has me so fucken pissed at the moment
dublinboy32 - 12 years ago
tnx for this video,i bought the very same cleaner as you,but i dident fill it up first i was just putting it in the tank and moving it up and down hahahaha my tank was filty lol but now i now how to use it,by the way your tank is super clean!! how have you got t that clear??? any tips
dashk2 - 12 years ago
That does not mean it's not bad for humans, i am not saying it will kill you either. It is proven to cause severe diarrhea. The bacteria in a fish tank is recognized as a threat by your body and your immune system will kill it off, however sometimes your body reacts with diarrhea.. Also, look at many of the products used in an aquarium and you would see it states, "Not for human consumption or for the treatment of fish intended for human consumption". or Hazardous to humans and domestic animals.
PunkyPug89 - 12 years ago
No. A tank that is correctly cycled and does NOT house any sick fish is a VERY clean tank and it doesn't contain and "bad" bacteria.
dashk2 - 12 years ago
dafuq did i just read. -_- You only just proved how little you know. Aquarium water is not safe to consume due to the potential for infection with a typical mycobacteria, Vibrio sp, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathae and variety of gram negative bacteria, you should know an aquarium is full of bacteria, both good and bad. Why do you think munucipail water is treated with chlrorine? Contact with fish or touching tanks should also be followed by washing your hands.
PunkyPug89 - 12 years ago
Why are you worried about sucking on the end of the tube? If you are worried about your fish tank's water, then you need to go back to the beginning. Drink a glass of water out of my aquariums anyday. I know my tanks' water is perfectly clean. Perfectly clean water starts with a cycled aquarium and healthy fish.
B attlefish
B attlefish - 12 years ago
this video would be better if it had 10 more minutes of rambling
Brandon Monahan
Brandon Monahan - 12 years ago
Thank you for your video. :)
Marcus Henry
Marcus Henry - 12 years ago
What size tank is that and how do you keep it so clear?
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee - 12 years ago
idk why some people suck it. suppose to just jerk it. not smart at all.
sidekickstopmotion81 - 12 years ago
Ricku - 12 years ago
*not even supposed to suck the tube!
Ricku - 12 years ago
Antanas Ratkevičius
Antanas Ratkevičius - 12 years ago
That's what she said!
xxHUNGREExx - 12 years ago
sanchezl92 - 12 years ago
can the fish the their during the proccess?
Dec L
Dec L - 12 years ago
Flyinrocketeer - 12 years ago
4:04 to get to the point of watching
Sherry Bora
Sherry Bora - 12 years ago
Yes, it does. It's the same way my boyfriend cleans his 75 gallon saltwater tank. Obviously she's doing something right. The tank is beautiful.
westfourtwenty - 12 years ago
Welcome to the Internets.
JOKER101010101010 - 12 years ago
You my friend have some low standards
WanderleiSilva29 - 12 years ago
how do you get the tank to luminate like that? She has her rocks all purple.... i cant get my tank to look like that.
Johnny Hoptch
Johnny Hoptch - 12 years ago
You would look like less of a buffoon if you deleted this video ASAP. You don't even seem to be able to get your method working correctly. Quit talking about other methods being "OK", you're trying to sell us on your method, right? I mean that is the point of this video, right? Another thing instructions to do this can be found on the manufacturers directions. Most people just find sucking easier, something you might should stick to.
Tony Montana
Tony Montana - 12 years ago
damn bitch do what you doing already and stop the long talk
GAR A - 12 years ago
Ashok Kumar
Ashok Kumar - 12 years ago
I love u
4mplifi3d - 12 years ago
Cleaning my fish tank is going to be a piece of cake! I've got experience in jerking motions!
Allan Concepcion
Allan Concepcion - 12 years ago
Lex Krampitz
Lex Krampitz - 12 years ago
Thank you so much! lol, I could NOT figure this out for the life of me.. Thanks :)
Dlgleason1982 - 12 years ago
Is this bitch retarded? Did she really just make a video about how her method is better and it didn't even work. Common sense not so common. We all agree she should just keep sucking.........
angel rodriguez
angel rodriguez - 12 years ago
i do the jerking one thnx tho!
Chris Milton
Chris Milton - 12 years ago
Jerking motion lol 2:53
Drgn5213 - 12 years ago
best part of this video was she was trying to jerk off lol
David L
David L - 12 years ago
Not as good as Nigella
Brent Labee
Brent Labee - 12 years ago
they now make them to attach to the sink where hauling buckets is no more. made by python products dot com 25 - 100 Ft
Binu Balachandran
Binu Balachandran - 12 years ago
yea more its comming wow that good
Nick Ciddio
Nick Ciddio - 12 years ago
30 second video was made in 6 minutes.. holyfuck
Danny C
Danny C - 12 years ago
i bet u suck the end of it and wait for it to cum out.......
Danny C
Danny C - 12 years ago
Lynettra Denise
Lynettra Denise - 12 years ago
lmao i thought that too lol
Omair - 12 years ago
love it when you say 'jerking motion'.
Kylie C
Kylie C - 12 years ago
OH MY GOSH. thank u soooooo much:) no matter how many times someone explained to me how to gravel vac, i just couldn't make it work but after watching this i can. you're great:)
MarcusAdventurez - 12 years ago
Haha , physics , atmospheric pressure is used for this cleaning process :P i learnt about it in class today ;)
nom - 12 years ago
What makes those bubbles?
hitler bacjmayer
hitler bacjmayer - 12 years ago
you can suck my end tube :)
RC MAN 23 - 12 years ago
Omg everyones makeing it seem so hard just jerk it in the water very easy lol that sounds funny
nerfomatic18 - 12 years ago
why are you guys being so dam dirty towards her?!
nazih sukkar
nazih sukkar - 12 years ago
this made my day
CHEVYedsf - 12 years ago
Thanks for the info, but I just bought a tube with a little squeeze ball that when you squeeze it it creates suction :)
westfourtwenty - 12 years ago
Oh yeah... work that siphon!
nitr0sssl1d3r - 12 years ago
musicalmarion - 12 years ago
omg you took your time! .. but you have a beautiful tank :)
Blukey King
Blukey King - 12 years ago
Mmmmm fish porn :) would of been better if you done it the good old way ;)
Dejene - 12 years ago
nice tank
jetstar5555 - 12 years ago
Thanks I just got a fish tank yesterday and it can with that pump and I had know idear what it was for
TheWestcoastDAVEY - 12 years ago
lol dyke
Amaya - 12 years ago
thank you! the first way was great and helped my clean my oscar's 40 gallon tank so quickly. (:
thedarkness97 - 12 years ago
You dont make videos anymore...These were good!
ManicBeans - 12 years ago
Check out my channel guys! :D
Ty Fitness23
Ty Fitness23 - 12 years ago
Damn... Ur hot
weneedfishes - 12 years ago
Good job girl
James_bond5.7 james_bond5.7
James_bond5.7 james_bond5.7 - 12 years ago
u talk alot lol
chris forstall
chris forstall - 12 years ago
that doesnt work your just pulling up the rocks and droping the dirt down
MG1 - 12 years ago
lol there are people that work in pets stores that don't know how to do this..great vid.
Gorgeroth Evans
Gorgeroth Evans - 12 years ago
Have you given up making your videos, quite enjoyed the ones you've done.
Lupita Gonzales
Lupita Gonzales - 12 years ago
Awesome thanks I just bought one at wal-mart and wasn't sure how to use it your video helped.
Speakmans Aquariums
Speakmans Aquariums - 12 years ago
You could be over feeding. Does the water have a odor to it? Like an ammonia smell or something?
NiGhTmaReoFanGels12 - 12 years ago
very nice aquarium and very help full video :)
manuel galo
manuel galo - 12 years ago
You have a bran new aquarium
akalegs - 12 years ago
Thank you. You explained it very well. I was doing it all wrong.
Alexis M Hernandez
Alexis M Hernandez - 12 years ago
1:54 what the fuck it for the end LMFAO!!
Glamplified Beauty
Glamplified Beauty - 12 years ago
How do u keep ur water clear. I clean my tank but it still seems to be very cloudy
iatethefudge - 12 years ago
Actually all your cycle is inside your filters. Beneficial bacteria can live in and on the gravel but its not what is keeping your tank maintained. If you don't clean the gravel well the rotting fish poop and food will build up into ammonia and it can be really toxic to your fish and kill them.
VIsubby - 12 years ago
ugh thought u not sopost to stir up gravel cause this could cause ur talk to recycle. your sopost to only barely skim vacuum over gravel not stir it up. and if u have an under gravel filter then ur screwed if u do. poop and food is fine and will get sucked up but to much will recycle ur tank. looks like her tank is still cycling dumbass. don't feed fish but 2 a week in cycling as much as u will want to. don't. let waste from there bodies do the cycling gives algae some what of a start.
steve pourciau
steve pourciau - 12 years ago
thanks for the tip on how you do it, saves me so much time and keeps my fish form beings scared since i don't have to pump it a million times. i just do it like you do, thanks a million :)
WildBryguy - 12 years ago
very informative....thank you for the great tips. Do your piercings ever get in the way?
Stephen McGregor
Stephen McGregor - 12 years ago
aren't you supposed to use a gravel cleaner that sticks out of the water as so not to get your arms and hands in the tank?
jj murphy
jj murphy - 12 years ago
it looks like shes parctising masterbating at 316
Wilson Tan
Wilson Tan - 12 years ago
u look like a whale/fish ur self
Good Old England
Good Old England - 12 years ago
alaways remember to wash your arms after you have put them in the tank as it can carry disease . i always wash after i have cleaned or put my arms in to my tank
Good Old England
Good Old England - 12 years ago
i suck on the end of mine for it to come out
Good Old England
Good Old England - 12 years ago
i have 1 similar to that. works well
Daniel Hernandez
Daniel Hernandez - 12 years ago
your stupid
deathdevilinside - 12 years ago
you are hot
Cat Romero
Cat Romero - 12 years ago
Thats a flippen awesome fish tank!!
budzilla1987 - 12 years ago
just for the record, u can come clean my gravel anytime!!!!
deeplake33 - 12 years ago
Thanks for the tip. Demonstration is always better than just reading a manual.
Bill666king - 12 years ago
wow dude you weigh 45kgs and can lift 65kgs on a bench wow my kitchen table weighs more than you and your bench and weights put together and my 13 year old nephew helped me get it in the house so just cause your name on youtube says bodybuildboss dont mean nothin your a fake and obviously dont understand pounds or KGs
soccerstud03427 - 12 years ago
DUde this kid is seriously crazy, ive looked at all his comments and there all about how great he is and how noone else is, but the funny thing is is that his accomplishments are all pathetic and sad...this kid has a disease or something
soccerstud03427 - 12 years ago
Who else here thinks this bodybuildboss kid would be a complete douchebag if he actually got strong lol?
BodyBuildBoss - 12 years ago
i weigh 100 pounds and could probably bench 350 in a year or less if i tried too...dont mess with the boss when clearly you couldnt bench 350 pounds
Ramon Espino
Ramon Espino - 12 years ago
145 pounds on bench is weak as fuck dude...
BodyBuildBoss - 12 years ago
Dude are you serious? you have no life, your just messing with people and you probably cant even bench 145 pounds like me or even curl 40's and possibly 50 pounds...since you cant do that, then why even try to mess with the King? your mom clearly never taught you any valuble weightlifting lessons cause you clearly lack it and muscle tone and proper nutrtition
F13336 - 12 years ago
lol youre nothing but a skinny kid, shut the fuck up please
BodyBuildBoss - 12 years ago
I would destroy this girl in a fight....she has no muscle tone and clearly has no idea about proper nutrition and lifting. She probably cant even bench 145 pounds like me, seriously dont even post a video if you cant even bench 145, squat 155, and deadlift 135.
justinswi - 12 years ago
Thanks this helped
hoboman560 - 12 years ago
or when u can open your eyes and get your mouth off the tube like a smart person
sir_martin - 12 years ago
Jerrylee Alexander
Jerrylee Alexander - 12 years ago
Oh, you just read the instructions. Interesting. Suck the tube? What?
tyler060399 - 12 years ago
Cool beautiful tank and thx for the info!!
arman757 - 12 years ago
this is no "trick" or secret method if you read the instructions or understand very simple fluid dynamics
amanda bell
amanda bell - 12 years ago
if ya wanna cut de crap and get ta buissnes skip to 4:10
ekvidmaker2010 - 12 years ago
no. if you take it all out you have to remove all fish, which adds stress. Then you have to take all that time to refill it and also have to wait a while for the water to get back to temp, and also the pH and the other parameters are changed so drastically that it can put the fish into shock. 20-50% is adequate. :)
NickJohnEpicJams - 12 years ago
its called a siphon. they have decent ones at petco or most pet stores
sir_martin - 12 years ago
is it ok to take all the water out of the aquarium
sir_martin - 12 years ago
amazing aquarium like your skull
ViperstudiosNG - 12 years ago
I bet she has the direct to sink one by now. I hated me life till I bought one of those when I got my 55 gallon.
WeareAllinTransition - 12 years ago
Thanks for the Video!! It helped me a lot since I am new to the whole aquarium thing. People should stop being assholes! If you think it's the easiest thing to do then why the Hell are you watching this Video????!!!!!! Go get a life losers!
Hobbies & Gadgets
Hobbies & Gadgets - 12 years ago
Nice video keep it up
Ed Grey
Ed Grey - 13 years ago
almost 6 minutes of nonsense talking for such a easy, common bloody thing to do ! Like someone said, just fill the tube with water from the tap, then hold the damn end of it while you stick the other damn end on the water ! PS. Your ass is larger than the tank :))
Darth2vids - 13 years ago
Instead of shaking inside tank and scarying fish you could fill in your tube with water compleatly and put one end to aquarium, other end goes to bucket (just keep close with finger before putting into bucket) and there you go it works.
WaterFish22 - 13 years ago
I use a marineland HOT magnum attached to gravel vac to clean my fish tank. I also use a power head filter sometimes with a reverse flow adapter to clean out my Underwater gravel filter. I think they both work nice, having a gravel vac is nice though.
Xplicit Productionz
Xplicit Productionz - 13 years ago
all that asss girl!!
Mojave Narrows
Mojave Narrows - 13 years ago
Less talking, more sucking.
baseballhunter99 - 13 years ago
i thought you like sucking my end tube
XxLexiAndPearlxX - 13 years ago
Filo011 - 13 years ago
loved it :D!! thanks alot
JermHD - 13 years ago
from the look of her she doesnt 'suck' anything too often
Ali Alavi
Ali Alavi - 13 years ago
she talks too much
The Final Eclipse
The Final Eclipse - 13 years ago
@ALemonProduction1 about 20 if neon tetra
Nicole Bruce
Nicole Bruce - 13 years ago
"jerking" the tube only works with some types (usually the blue tops like yours, because they have a one way valve in the blue part so that water doesn't go into the tank, and so that water comes out when suction begins)
Nicole Bruce
Nicole Bruce - 13 years ago
the thumb goes on the end of the tube to stop the flow of water without having to break suction.. Never be surprised with questions because there are people that buy animals without knowing the work that goes into caring for them, if you or anyone has questions about fish tanks at all, contact me, username = anORNERYpenguin. Thanks
MrHollywoodCoe - 13 years ago
you talk too much get to the point already damm
Sanka Coffee
Sanka Coffee - 13 years ago
"we all know poop lies in mysterious places" AHAHAHA
Hotlips4000isback - 13 years ago
@hokembokem LMAO : p
hokembokem - 13 years ago
I nutted at 2:53
Sallbag16 - 13 years ago
Thanks for showing your way to get the vac started. I have been looking for an easier way than the shaking method it tells you to use on the box which was stiring up the water and stressing my fish. It is so simple and easy and works like a treat! Thanks again!!!
ImDaveCrazy - 13 years ago
3:18 you're a natural!! ;p
VoluntaryBusiness - 13 years ago
I thought this was common sense. I am new to the hobby and easily figured out how to get the pressure to push the water out. Equilibrium.
lordsberg - 13 years ago
I think shes awesome, and gorgeous, and did an excellent job! (-:
crystal adams
crystal adams - 13 years ago
Brian Vill Kiss You
Brian Vill Kiss You - 13 years ago
i keep on thinking she is saying fuck every time she says suck
AquariaCustomDesign - 13 years ago
@MRmodz247 it takes out as much as you want to take out. but ideally you want to remove about 20-30% of the water and replace it with new water about 2 times a month, or at least once a month.
Kevin Mawksd
Kevin Mawksd - 13 years ago
wat light did you use?
Lavar's Balls
Lavar's Balls - 13 years ago
Lots of sucking and jerking in this video
MrBigbrainer - 13 years ago
@rueboyHSV this chick .... what chick?
Paul Delahunty
Paul Delahunty - 13 years ago
@Dangerdude000 Fluval Edge has a new line that are very modern and not to expensive.Check them out on You Tube I brought one for my daughters, Christamas just gone and so far so good no problems very clean and easy to maintain.
LakerFan Jackson
LakerFan Jackson - 13 years ago
@rueboyHSV what on opposite day
DarkWorld117 - 13 years ago
Dangerdude000 - 13 years ago
Hey can you guys recommend a tank thats like 2.5 gallons through 3 gallons like a bowl or tank not an aquarium & something with a reasonable price please
WILLIAMR0BERTS - 13 years ago
u gave that thing a hand job,thats great
rosepedal911 - 13 years ago
never heard of anyone "sucking the tube" its fucking stupid.... especially when it says on most instruction panels how to use it, idiots!!!!!!!!!!
gabe3366 - 13 years ago
fuck i have been sucking in this shit for so long, i didn't know you could do this
nyakim khat
nyakim khat - 13 years ago
yeah tellem dude
Denver McCorr
Denver McCorr - 13 years ago
Nice aquarium!
BrownGirlrep - 13 years ago
nice aquarium! what color is the gravel , looks sweet in the light!
Dario Ezequiel Ferreyra
Dario Ezequiel Ferreyra - 13 years ago
Congratulations, Very Nice! aquarium.
BiteOffYourFingers - 13 years ago
wow I drained my tank by teaspoons in the time it took for you to say anything of importance
HaCKeRz7UmEr - 13 years ago
dammn water ..... i would like to know which water filter are you using
HaCKeRz7UmEr - 13 years ago
damn your water is too much shit clean i would like to know how to keep clean please tel me
rosepedal911 - 13 years ago
that kind of syphon is only one of many styles out there,the jerking motion works cause the blue part is a valve,it has a plastic ball inside and rubber stoppers,the motion causes it to close pulling the water up,but some dont have valves,which makes that useless.the other method you had is too much hastle,the best method IS the thumb trick,there is never a trial and error,because it ALWAYS works.i have NEVER seen anyone who sucked a syphoner,thats rediculous! buy a python there worth the money!
Michael Mackebon
Michael Mackebon - 13 years ago
Anyone else laugh whenever she said jerking motion?....still helpful vid.
skyttq - 13 years ago
~Michele~ - 13 years ago
What kind of fish do you have?
chisme121 - 13 years ago
jesus chist luv take your time i couldnt even get to see the technique as you banged on about it and kept on stopping and chatting WAY too much
Bill Taylor
Bill Taylor - 13 years ago
what are you people fucking retarts cant you se the angel fish in her tank that MEANS FRESH WATER FISH.
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus - 13 years ago
what fish do u have
fantomas19831983 - 13 years ago
Sie dziołcha nagodała , ten filmik mógł trwać jedną minute :D ale luz....
heidbrain - 13 years ago
read the instructions----you're not supposed to suck on it...
Sayantan Mandal
Sayantan Mandal - 13 years ago
gal u talk a lot...
Jmodels - 13 years ago
sucking is good practice for girls!!
Duane Garth
Duane Garth - 13 years ago
fuck sake just get on with it...
wassanga andratinez
wassanga andratinez - 13 years ago
dam more work and less talk
Armaan Akhtar
Armaan Akhtar - 13 years ago
thanks <3
manuel miranda
manuel miranda - 13 years ago
wow qe padre aquario
Gaetano Caminiti
Gaetano Caminiti - 13 years ago
Excellent method, great job!
monstercichlidkeeper - 13 years ago
can i suck ur boobs and lick ur ass?
Gamers-Z Gaming
Gamers-Z Gaming - 13 years ago
Thanx that is very helpful
Xinya100 - 13 years ago
Thanks so much for the video! We are new to keeping fish and I have wasted a lot of time and energy trying to figure out how to do this. The directions on the package didn't work but I finally got it after watching how you do it. --There is no way I'm sucking on the tube...ever.
yosomata - 13 years ago
Can you show us how you do a deep cleaning?
JO Smith
JO Smith - 13 years ago
awesome video!! the instructions on the package are horrible at explaining how to use them haha - what do you keep in your tank?
deathsdiscomfort - 13 years ago
@testingdpc You're welcome!
deathsdiscomfort - 13 years ago
@jaredultimatum This tank is a 55 gallon. :-)
jaredultimatum - 13 years ago
How many gallons is your tank?
Ian Wang
Ian Wang - 13 years ago
great video. thanks.
hotlips4000isback2 - 13 years ago
I have the same vacuum thingy and they are quite easy to use, i would be lost without mine! I tend to fill up the suction end in the tank holding it sideways, then suck the air from the tube, place in bucket on floor then turn the vacuum part vertically quickly and move it along the gravel bed to get rid of the shit! :p
bucketrobbert - 13 years ago
don't buy cleaner from shops make your own. a old soda bottle take top of put hose pipe where the top was then cut the bottom out of the bottle cheap and easy
AKIYIAKELLY - 13 years ago
you have a very pretty tank. Cleaning my Tank is such a disasaster. I have a Siphon water tank and I cant never get the water to start coming out for a long time! I am so Feed up with it ;-((
james barr
james barr - 13 years ago
deathsdiscomfort - 13 years ago
@harleyrrab Thanks! I usually do a 10% water change once a week and a 30-50% water change every couple of months for a deeper cleaning.
james barr
james barr - 13 years ago
That's a nice tank,how often do you do a water change,water so clear,nice job
deathsdiscomfort - 13 years ago
@DragonFighter1133 Good for you!
deathsdiscomfort - 13 years ago
@no2well I didn't get it at first either, but once you know it's a piece of cake. :-)
no2well - 13 years ago
Thank you I never got how to make suction with those things!
DragonFighter1133 - 13 years ago
I have the same vacuum as you do and i had a little trouble of doing it when i first bought it well i bought it today really and it was my first time trying it
deathsdiscomfort - 13 years ago
@mrslouise22 I'm happy I could help. :)
deathsdiscomfort - 13 years ago
@Nyandra I'm glad I could help!
Why - 13 years ago
@deathsdiscomfort lol
deathsdiscomfort - 13 years ago
@INTENSAFIRES Oh definitely. Rinsing your hands thoroughly prior to placing them in the aquarium is crucial and washing your hands afterward is always good measure.
deathsdiscomfort - 13 years ago
@DazzledRose3193 Well, does it have an actual siphon on the end or is it all one sized tubing? You are supposed to use your hand to guide the vacuum to suck up the majority of the detritus in the gravel. It's okay if some gets stirred up as this can be sucked up by the filter. Eventually it will settle again and the next time you vacuum you can pick more of it up.
Why - 13 years ago
Dont forget to wash your hands
deathsdiscomfort - 13 years ago
@onweird I'm glad it helped!
deathsdiscomfort - 13 years ago
@g1rlyg1rl2011 Well, you will definitely need a good adequate filter first to prevent water stagnation and poor water quality. If you want bubbles you will need an air pump for the size of your tank, airline tubing, check valve. You can also get air-line controllers as well, but that is optional but it's nice to be able to control how much bubbles come out. One tip is to never get too big of wands or stones because this can drain the life out of the pump very quickly.
00friday - 13 years ago
i was tempted to say something cheeky after watching you do the jerking motion... you did that really well...(he he he) but overall great video
daniel fisher
daniel fisher - 13 years ago
@deathsdiscomfort kk i got a 10g im abt 2 get a 20
deathsdiscomfort - 13 years ago
@fisher902 That tank there is a standard 55 gallon aquarium.
daniel fisher
daniel fisher - 13 years ago
wat size tank is that
Donna Hogan
Donna Hogan - 13 years ago
love ur aquarium..its so clear and pretty
Scott Mcgrath
Scott Mcgrath - 13 years ago
hey good vids but when u wer saying about the jerking u dont need to fill the syphon up first just put in water and jerk it and woopie water comes but good vids
jv - 13 years ago
I hate sucking mine!
MandysMenagerie - 13 years ago
Thanks! I could never get my syphon to work without either pumping it or sucking it, so Im going to try your way next time :D
DeanoJ713 - 13 years ago
Very nice video!!!! good job
savantiflag - 13 years ago
I've never had to suck the end tube...ever...
May Tan
May Tan - 13 years ago
good thing i watched this before actually doing it
egon2875 - 13 years ago
I like the fact that the end of your syphon it elongated, makes more sense, probably picks up a lot more crap too..
deathsdiscomfort - 13 years ago
@bouncingbunnies101 Glad I could help!
bouncingbunnies101 - 13 years ago
Oh my this video helped SO much. I have an oscar and he is verry messy and I couldnt figue out how to use the vaccum and the way you did it worked AMAZING Your awsom!:)
deathsdiscomfort - 13 years ago
@GryphonicDiscord Oh yes, that can definitely work too. Just have to be careful with not getting any gravel in the tubing so it doesn't clog it up. Otherwise it should work fine like you've said.
deathsdiscomfort - 13 years ago
@superphil92 How nice of you to say. Thank you. :-)
Naman Agrawal
Naman Agrawal - 13 years ago
yoinkmasta107 - 13 years ago
In the second method where you use the gravity, theres no need to wait for the water to go down to the bottom. Watch the water flowing down the tube. Once it gets over the high point in the tubing (which in the video was right at the top of the edge of the tank) and starts flowing down, you can put it back in the water and it will keep flowing.
Philip Sebestyen
Philip Sebestyen - 13 years ago
Your a cool person lol :)
GryphonicDiscord - 14 years ago
I actually haven't been able to afford a gravel vacuum yet(Seamstress, only get paid randomly), so I use a baby snot sucker thing and regular airline tubing to clean. I'm sure it's not nearly as good, but it does pretty well so far. Love the vid though, yay physics!
deathsdiscomfort - 14 years ago
@qoyiyi Thanks!
deathsdiscomfort - 14 years ago
@thylegion Thanks so much. :)
deathsdiscomfort - 14 years ago
@reddarkness321 Thank you!
deathsdiscomfort - 14 years ago
@MajorLeeHorny Actually, there is one more way, but you will need to use a turkey baster. It really should be a baster that has never been used before and one that is just for tank cleaning. What you do, is fill the cylinder with water and keep that in the tank whilst you take the turkey baster to the end tube and use that to suck. It should start within 1-2 tries. Hope this helps you.
MajorLeeHorny - 14 years ago
Hi, thanks for this, I found it quite informative but unfortunately I still can't get my gravel cleaner to work. I think it's because my tank isn't as deep as yours so when I try to pump and or try to turn the tube upside down air gets in. Do you have any suggestions or do I have to keep getting a mouthful of fish water every time I clean my tank :( Thanks in advance for your help :)
reddarkness321 - 14 years ago
Cool name by the way. :)
reddarkness321 - 14 years ago
I have a gravel vacuum but it won't start. :(
deathsdiscomfort - 14 years ago
@EppstaProductions Thank YOU. :-)
deathsdiscomfort - 14 years ago
@royalwapiti What does it matter to you? There are millions of worse things on the internet so why be a Debbie Downer and complain about it like every low life in the world? Change your outlook for a minute for people who just want to help others.
Mike Hogan
Mike Hogan - 14 years ago
You spent the first two minutes giving us 15 seconds of information...
deathsdiscomfort - 14 years ago
@Cichlidlover22 Thanks for the sub! I returned the favor and thanks for watching!
Adrian Gimenez
Adrian Gimenez - 14 years ago
hey thanks your very informative i subbedyah so feel free to sub back! : )
War Lord
War Lord - 14 years ago
at 2:55 when you say "do this jerking motion back and forth" I like to replay that entire section over and over for myself.
deathsdiscomfort - 14 years ago
@tropicalfish666 Thank you very much. Glad this helped.
Michael C
Michael C - 14 years ago
Thanks nice aquarium by the way:-)) looks great
deathsdiscomfort - 14 years ago
@MauriceLikesNFL My username? Do you find something wrong with it?
Adrian Maurice
Adrian Maurice - 14 years ago
look at her username
deathsdiscomfort - 14 years ago
@WillExposeYou Thank you! I'm not quite finished with it yet with stocking and decor, but I really love it.
deathsdiscomfort - 14 years ago
@SKR718 Why thanks. I make sure to clean my tanks no less than 3 times a month. Usually algae can suggest an issue with too much tank lights (they should be on for no more than 12 hours a day) or if your tank gets direct sunlight which isn't good. Cloudy water may be a sign that your tank isn't cycled so doing frequent partial water changes of 25%-50% every other day until it starts to calm down should help it out. Hope this helps you!

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