Step by step Aquascape Beauty in Simplicity
Howto & Style 7 years ago 20,549 views
Step by step Aquascape Beauty in Simplicity aquascaping is the craft of arranging aquatic plants, as well as rocks, stones, cavework, or driftwood, in an aesthetically pleasing manner within an aquarium—in effect, gardening under water. Aquascape designs include a number of distinct styles, including the garden-like Dutch style and the Japanese-inspired nature style. Typically, an aquascape houses fish as well as plants, although it is possible to create an aquascape with plants only, or with rockwork or other hardscape and no plants. Although the primary aim of aquascaping is to create an artful underwater landscape, the technical aspects of aquatic plant maintenance must also be taken into consideration. Many factors must be balanced in the closed system of an aquarium tank to ensure the success of an aquascape. These factors include filtration, maintaining carbon dioxide at levels sufficient to support photosynthesis underwater, substrate and fertilization, lighting, and algae control. EQUIPMENT : 1. GEX W60xD30xH40cm 2. Lighting LED 36 watt 3. Filter ATMAN 3336 4. CO2 Set (ISTA Regulator, Dazs Reactor Bubble Counter, ISTA Mini Ceramic Cone Diffuser 2 bps (bubble per second) 5. Cabinet W60xD30xH80cm SAND 6. JBL Sansibar River HARDSCAPE : 7. Seiryu Stone 8. Rasamala Wood AQUATIC PLANTS : 9. Microsorum Pteropus 10. Anubias Petite AQUASCAPER : Rekki Baihaqi Powered by : Aqua Van Java Video by : Planarya Studio FOLLOW : Fans Page : Facebook : Google + : Twitter : Flickr : Instagram : Path : Blog :
The difficult part is to find such beautiful peace of drift wood than you have 90% of your layout done .
You can move rocks , add or remove sand and plants but the most important part are drift woods .
I'm in the hobby since about 10 or more years in and I've never see a really beautiful peace of wood in a shop ( even in professional shops .. ) .
For give you an example even if you order from "Ada" you can't see what kind of drift wood -shape you are getting from them but only the size ..
I also really liked the music.
what music is it?
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