240 Gallon Planted Discus Tank January 2017 - Teardown and Rescape
Howto & Style 8 years ago 206,025 views
After 3 years, I decided to re-do the tank...replaced the dirt and sand. Removed the driftwood and most of the overgrown plants and replaced with a simpler aquascape for easier maintenance. I also added an emersed anubias frazeri which qualifies this tank as a riparium/paludarium. Lighting: Track: http://amzn.to/2pMWpHG Gooseneck Pendant: http://amzn.to/2odm3YQ Light Bulbs 100 Watt LED, 5000K : http://amzn.to/2odnrL2 Related Videos: Building my 240 Gallon Fish Tank - https://youtu.be/px-AIHdy4vs Restocking my 240 Gallon Fish Tank - https://youtu.be/xXoyvCOdVqQ
Thank you!
sorry, please use https://youtu.be/IsibC8WFtzk
I have an automatic water changing system. Please check out: https://youtu.be/d8AEoNHSJZ0
10. comment for 240 Gallon Planted Discus Tank January 2017 - Teardown and Rescape
length, breadth and height??
20. comment for 240 Gallon Planted Discus Tank January 2017 - Teardown and Rescape
This setup is in my basement with concrete foundation. Please see my other video for the stand build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=px-AIHdy4vs&lc=z13qjp5q2nasz3klf22qi1rwwyeasv4dz
I also have another video where I show the electricity cost...its about $65 per month (412 kW-h per month). Thanks for watching.
After changing the water several times to clean the debris, I put back the k-1 media in my sump (I initially put the k-1 media in another tank in my fish room). Then after a couple of days, I put the fish back in.
Thanks for watching!
30. comment for 240 Gallon Planted Discus Tank January 2017 - Teardown and Rescape
I picked up these rocks from the nearby river/creek and I boiled them to kill any microorganisms and to minimize any leaching that may happen. Thanks for the comment!
I bought the track/rail separate from the gooseneck. Here are the links to both:
8ft Hampton Bay track/rail: http://www.homedepot.com/p/Hampton-Bay-Gooseneck-Black-Linear-Track-Head-EC1150BK/100460017
Hampton Bay Gooseneck track head: http://www.homedepot.com/p/Hampton-Bay-Gooseneck-White-Linear-Track-Lighting-EC1150WH/100117483
Hope this helps!
With regards to fertilizing the water column, I do add seachem iron for the red rubin swords...I know it gets diluted with the water changes, but the red rubins seem to be ok with a small dosage. Thanks for the comment!
Fish Tank God to the Fishies in your Tank! :)
50. comment for 240 Gallon Planted Discus Tank January 2017 - Teardown and Rescape
Over the years, I have lost many fish due to various reasons...electricity outage, filter pump breaking, etc.
Thanks for watching.
and you creativity is redefining the beauty ..keep up the good work
Water parameters:
Temperature 82F to 84F, PH = 7.5, TDS = 400 ppm. I have well water, so no chlorine. Thanks for the comment!