240 Gallon Planted Discus Tank January 2017 - Teardown and Rescape

After 3 years, I decided to re-do the tank...replaced the dirt and sand. Removed the driftwood and most of the overgrown plants and replaced with a simpler aquascape for easier maintenance. I also added an emersed anubias frazeri which qualifies this tank as a riparium/paludarium. Lighting: Track: http://amzn.to/2pMWpHG Gooseneck Pendant: http://amzn.to/2odm3YQ Light Bulbs 100 Watt LED, 5000K : http://amzn.to/2odnrL2 Related Videos: Building my 240 Gallon Fish Tank - https://youtu.be/px-AIHdy4vs Restocking my 240 Gallon Fish Tank - https://youtu.be/xXoyvCOdVqQ

240 Gallon Planted Discus Tank January 2017 - Teardown and Rescape sentiment_very_dissatisfied 102

Howto & Style 8 years ago 206,025 views

After 3 years, I decided to re-do the tank...replaced the dirt and sand. Removed the driftwood and most of the overgrown plants and replaced with a simpler aquascape for easier maintenance. I also added an emersed anubias frazeri which qualifies this tank as a riparium/paludarium. Lighting: Track: http://amzn.to/2pMWpHG Gooseneck Pendant: http://amzn.to/2odm3YQ Light Bulbs 100 Watt LED, 5000K : http://amzn.to/2odnrL2 Related Videos: Building my 240 Gallon Fish Tank - https://youtu.be/px-AIHdy4vs Restocking my 240 Gallon Fish Tank - https://youtu.be/xXoyvCOdVqQ

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Most popular comments
for 240 Gallon Planted Discus Tank January 2017 - Teardown and Rescape

WoundrousMindTrick - 7 years ago
2 inches of garden soil is too much. 1 inch is max to avoid any major troubles.
Joops Miranda
Joops Miranda - 7 years ago
i wish i had the same patience as you .... awesome job
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 7 years ago
Looks good
supertrooper1492 - 7 years ago
Hello! Thank you for this documentation about running this great aquarium!- Could you please explain why you chose single LED light bulbs (10 x 14 Watt,dimmable, together 12600 lumen) and not 2 or 3 T5 tubes with good reflektors? This would have been more economical in purchase with similar light output?

Thank you!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
That is a good comparison of LED vs T5 lights. I guess, I like the modularity of LED bulbs on a track system...I can put a spotlight on a red, high light plant, for example, without it causing algae build up on the anubias nearby. And I think the efficiency is similar between the two...100 lumens per watt of consumption...so the electric bill would be similar...but you're right each LED bulb is more expensive than a T5 bulb.
Mano Hgh
Mano Hgh - 7 years ago
Beautiful. Alot of effort.
TheTheladrillo23 - 7 years ago
excellent! i got a question bro, how do you prepare your water to do your water changes or in this case for refill the tank from 0? i mean obviously you keep discuss in there and maybe you do some special routine..
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
sorry, please use https://youtu.be/IsibC8WFtzk
TheTheladrillo23 - 7 years ago
The Automatic Mileage Tracker......
TheTheladrillo23 - 7 years ago
TheTheladrillo23 - 7 years ago
Sorry fella, but this link shows something about cars :---
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
I have an automatic water changing system. Please check out: https://youtu.be/d8AEoNHSJZ0
Fish Cutie
Fish Cutie - 7 years ago
wow...simply amazing
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thanks Fish Cutie!
Thomas Wilhelmsen
Thomas Wilhelmsen - 7 years ago
Can i ask what kind of lightning this is ?
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thomas, i'm using track lighting with gooseneck and standard pendants. The bulbs are 100 Watt LED, 5600K spectrum, Par 38 from my local home improvement store. Thanks!
Pedarsag - 7 years ago
Wow discus get big. I wish I could have a nice big tank like that. Gravel vacuuming is probably a huge chore but you are way understocked so it doesn't seem like you have to do that all too much.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thanks! I have a video of my maintenance process here: https://youtu.be/as3iQuHbduY It's not that bad.

10. comment for 240 Gallon Planted Discus Tank January 2017 - Teardown and Rescape

Natural Mystic
Natural Mystic - 7 years ago
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Jwalant J
Jwalant J - 7 years ago
what is the measurement of that tank???
length, breadth and height??
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
The 240 gallon tank is 8 ft x 2 ft x 2ft (2.4 x 0.66 x 0.66 meters). Thanks!
Roylevis - 7 years ago
looks amazing.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Korhan Ozkan
Korhan Ozkan - 7 years ago
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Nice tank!
sempreviva82 - 7 years ago
When I see such beauty I am proud of my fellow humans :))))))))))))))))))))))
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thank you!
squall leonhart
squall leonhart - 7 years ago
viva il discus!
Rankcrusher - 7 years ago
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Jonathan Fayard
Jose Amaya
Jose Amaya - 7 years ago
beautiful tank
Thomas Martin
Thomas Martin - 7 years ago
very well done
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 7 years ago
Very nice

20. comment for 240 Gallon Planted Discus Tank January 2017 - Teardown and Rescape

john strachan
john strachan - 7 years ago
Salamander Fangskin
Salamander Fangskin - 7 years ago
What lights are those?
Phil Tron
Phil Tron - 7 years ago
What sand is that!?!?
Phil Tron
Phil Tron - 7 years ago
Nooooooooo i wish i waited. I just bought some other stuff hahaha.. Ill have to go back and return
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Phil Tron
Phil Tron - 7 years ago
Hey man, could you give me the exact name/image of the package? Ive purchased play sand before but it was just all grey and ugly looking, not like your sand which has a much more golden yellow beach vibe to it. Which is what im after, thanks for the help!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Lowe's coarse play sand. Thanks!
Frederick Dunn
Frederick Dunn - 7 years ago
Wow, I have sooo many questions! First, such a fantastic aquatic environment you have and fun to watch! Thumbs UP on that alone! I see kitchen details in the background, is this setup on a concrete slab, or are you on a normal wooden floor? With a 240 gallon setup, you're weighing in at over 1,920 lbs, so just call it a ton. What did you do to support the system? I know it's not new as this is a refurbishment, and sorry if that question was already answered somewhere else. Any idea what the electrical load is with all of the lights, filter system and other components? Just trying to work out in my head what the continuing cost would be. Thank you so much for sharing your project.
Frederick Dunn
Frederick Dunn - 7 years ago
Holy cow... 65.00/month? It's amazing and thanks for the reply. I figured you had to have some solid support. I'll check out your other video!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
This setup is in my basement with concrete foundation. Please see my other video for the stand build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=px-AIHdy4vs&lc=z13qjp5q2nasz3klf22qi1rwwyeasv4dz
I also have another video where I show the electricity cost...its about $65 per month (412 kW-h per month). Thanks for watching.
420skidrow - 7 years ago
sas f
Gregor Miller
Gregor Miller - 7 years ago
Great post. You and King of DIY should share notes:)
Rustam Gurung
Rustam Gurung - 7 years ago
How long did you wait until you put the fish in the tank???
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Hi Rustam,
After changing the water several times to clean the debris, I put back the k-1 media in my sump (I initially put the k-1 media in another tank in my fish room). Then after a couple of days, I put the fish back in.
Thanks for watching!
black sea and others
black sea and others - 7 years ago
Looks great! I love aquariums with empty spaces! Room for the animals to dwell. The music in your video is epic...!
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan - 7 years ago
I think that tank would look even better in my house. Great job
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
haha thanks!
Russell NKD
Russell NKD - 7 years ago
Wow this is gorgeous !!!!

30. comment for 240 Gallon Planted Discus Tank January 2017 - Teardown and Rescape

electric water
electric water - 7 years ago
amazing love the scape I've subscribed to you channel
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thank you!
wyzemann - 7 years ago
That's a corner of heaven in a box!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Fish Life
Fish Life - 7 years ago
Check out our channel where we post videos of fishing and about our fish aquariums. Don't forget to subscribe!
ganesan subramaniam
ganesan subramaniam - 7 years ago
add some floating plants for shade...discus love some shade
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
thanks for the feedback!
Nigel Hobson
Nigel Hobson - 7 years ago
what is the purpose of the board under the rocks?
patelike - 7 years ago
so the rocks dont sink into the sand and possibly causing a small rock slide
Nigel Hobson
Nigel Hobson - 7 years ago
What is the music?
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
"Black and White" by Max Surla
Pinto Aquariums
Pinto Aquariums - 7 years ago
that was a lot of work..cool video
Silver Surfer
Silver Surfer - 7 years ago
Waste of time, money, & resources?
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
haha...happiness is priceless!
Victor Tardi
Victor Tardi - 7 years ago
Very nice look! What its the mark of bulds
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thanks! The bulbs are Phillips brand LEDs.
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 7 years ago
great build. you've got my sub.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Something Fishy Juno
Something Fishy Juno - 7 years ago
What did you use to support the rocks if you don't mind? will it not affect or diffuse chemicals in the water?
Something Fishy Juno
Something Fishy Juno - 7 years ago
PlantedDiscusFishTank thanks for claryfying. coz im doing some aquascape with rocks too
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
That's a good question. According to Sterilite (the brand of the tote/lid)..." Our products are made of polypropylene and polyethylene that are safe for food storage. No PVCs, Latex, Teflon, Phthalates chemicals, fungicides, Bishphenol A (BPAs), or antibacterial chemicals are used in our manufacturing process."
Something Fishy Juno
Something Fishy Juno - 7 years ago
PlantedDiscusFishTank doesn't the blue lid emit chemicals in the water?
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
If you notice in the rescape video, I put a blue plastic platform at the bottom (this was a 20 gallon tote lid/cover). This platform has a "lip" around the perimeter that prevents the rocks from sliding out.
I picked up these rocks from the nearby river/creek and I boiled them to kill any microorganisms and to minimize any leaching that may happen. Thanks for the comment!
Robert Brennan
Robert Brennan - 7 years ago
Wow you are fast!. The tank and the inhabitants are beautiful!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thank you!
D Leal
D Leal - 7 years ago
what is that plant that is above water called?
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
The emersed plant is an Anubias Frazeri. Thanks!
Sam Scharder
Sam Scharder - 7 years ago
Love discus but too much work.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
I agree Discus can be high maintenance, but I think automating the water changes can make them relatively easy to keep. Making beefheart food can also be a lot of work, but flakes, freeze-dried, and frozen foods work too.
4EL 4ELIUS - 7 years ago
My discussions from Russia !!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Ok cool!
4EL 4ELIUS - 7 years ago
4EL 4ELIUS - 7 years ago
PlantedDiscusFishTank My discussions from Russia !!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Thanks! You have great looking discus also! Do your discus come from Asia or Germany (Stendker)?
Matthew Kluczinske
Matthew Kluczinske - 7 years ago
What brand of light strip are you using? I was struggling to find something that had a strip light with hanging lights like the four you have on the right.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
I bought the track/rail separate from the gooseneck. Here are the links to both:
8ft Hampton Bay track/rail: http://www.homedepot.com/p/Hampton-Bay-Gooseneck-Black-Linear-Track-Head-EC1150BK/100460017
Hampton Bay Gooseneck track head: http://www.homedepot.com/p/Hampton-Bay-Gooseneck-White-Linear-Track-Lighting-EC1150WH/100117483
Hope this helps!
david rios
david rios - 7 years ago
Looks bitchin Nice job
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
John Fitzpatrick
John Fitzpatrick - 7 years ago
Great video , just wondering do you feed dry food to the discus, and how do you find water changes withe planted tank, I see its dirted tank , but do you bother fertilising the water column ?
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
John, I do feed a mix of freeze dried beefheart, Prime Reef flakes, and freeze dried blackworms. The live red worms are a treat every few days.
With regards to fertilizing the water column, I do add seachem iron for the red rubin swords...I know it gets diluted with the water changes, but the red rubins seem to be ok with a small dosage. Thanks for the comment!
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 7 years ago
You are a God!!
Fish Tank God to the Fishies in your Tank! :)
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
haha, thanks!

50. comment for 240 Gallon Planted Discus Tank January 2017 - Teardown and Rescape

Paul Sam
Paul Sam - 7 years ago
beautiful, wish i had that talent. aren't you afraid that the Serpae will nip the slower moving Discus.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
thank you! with a large tank, the serpae keep to their school and nip at each other (fun to watch!). They are actually cautious of the bigger discus and stay out of their way!
Nathan Bryant
Nathan Bryant - 7 years ago
What lighting did you use?
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
These are DIY track lighting from home depot. The bulbs are LED, 5000K, PAR 38, 100 Watts equivalent each. Thanks!
Galaxy 0310
Galaxy 0310 - 8 years ago
asshole where is discuss fish
MELODY MUNRO - 7 years ago
On the far right of the tank.
Travis Hemming
Travis Hemming - 8 years ago
So great!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
thank you!
Creole from Damsko !!
Creole from Damsko !! - 8 years ago
~Hold up, plain gardensole you are using in your tank ???
David Akerlund
David Akerlund - 7 years ago
plants tend to like dirt lol
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 7 years ago
Yes sir! Dirted tank!
Robert DeKane
Robert DeKane - 8 years ago
That was funny. Don't have time honey I'm busy. I've said that many times and incurred many lonely nights.
Robert DeKane
Robert DeKane - 8 years ago
Smart man!
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 8 years ago
Robert DeKane Haha...I made sure I told her before posting...so she's fully aware I was kidding!
MsKoffeinjunky - 8 years ago
Did a lot of fish die after putting it in the not run in tank?
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 8 years ago
MsKoffeinjunky No, moved all of them into a separate tank, then after finishing the aquascape, and letting the water clear up, I put the filter back and then the fish.
Over the years, I have lost many fish due to various reasons...electricity outage, filter pump breaking, etc.
Thanks for watching.
xSean145 - 8 years ago
Nice bro! Im getting a tank that large too soon. So sweet
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 8 years ago
xSean145 Thanks!
Fe derik
Fe derik - 8 years ago
Long tanks are always challenging for aquascape. Especially the middle section.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 8 years ago
Fe derik I agree it is a challenge, but in time it will be filled with amazon swords. Thanks for the comment!
Gabriel Bernal
Gabriel Bernal - 8 years ago
awesome! what dimension is your tank? LxWxH in inches? just curious :)
Gabriel Bernal
Gabriel Bernal - 8 years ago
thanks for responding. :) i am planning to build a tank. this will definitely help :)
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 8 years ago
Gabriel Bernal Thank you! The tank is 96"x24"x24". The acrylic is 0.5" thick.
Cindy O'Hara
Cindy O'Hara - 8 years ago
Awesome tank!
King Aquarium
King Aquarium - 8 years ago
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Fish Tropic
Fish Tropic - 8 years ago
Raquel Lee
Raquel Lee - 8 years ago
Just wondering did you place sand over the small stones,,,,at the bottom of the tank....I have small stones as the base of my tank and was wondering how do I clean the tank with DISCUS in my tank.....with out causing a problem with my fish...stress them out......
Raquel Lee
Raquel Lee - 8 years ago
Thanks for your info...
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 8 years ago
Raquel, I have the sand on the very top layer.  Also I have the soil and sand sloped so that the center area is higher than the edges which forces the fish waste to gather towards the sides of the tank.  Then I can vacuum easily without disturbing the sand too much.
Susmita Bhattacharjee
Susmita Bhattacharjee - 8 years ago
please let me know the fertilizer you are using and water parameters!! thanks in advance :)
and you creativity is redefining the beauty ..keep up the good work
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 8 years ago
Susmita, I sprinkled some osmocote before I put down the garden soil.  Not much fertilizer after that other than some seachem iron for the red rubin sword.  The 2 inches of garden soil lasted about 3 years prior to the rescape.
Water parameters:
Temperature 82F to 84F, PH = 7.5, TDS = 400 ppm.  I have well water, so no chlorine.  Thanks for the comment!
Carlos Amaral
Carlos Amaral - 8 years ago
You can't go wrong with Vivaldi and a planted discus tank! Gorgeous!
Tiemen - 7 years ago
Carlos Amaral first of all; thank you very much for answering my question. But I can't find it... you sure?
Pieter-Matthijs Bolt
Pieter-Matthijs Bolt - 7 years ago
The song is 'City of Gods' by Ghostra Nostra.
Tiemen - 7 years ago
Carlos Amaral how is this music piece called? Please let me know
II Knucklez II
II Knucklez II - 8 years ago
love the new scape!
II Knucklez II
II Knucklez II - 8 years ago
PlantedDiscusFishTank check out my 180g I'm adding discus soon
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 8 years ago
movingWater - 8 years ago
i like your setup very much. and i love vivaldi. i like your DIY lights solution. how much Watt is each bulb? next time you do a rescape go bare bottom. tie plants to driftwood and you will reduce the algae issue as food doesnt rot in hidden corners, and you can grow bigger discus.
PlantedDiscusFishTank - 8 years ago
Thanks movingWater!  My lights are 100 Watt equivalent LEDs (uses 20W), 5000K from homedepot.  I agree, it's a challenge to do a fully planted tank with discus and I think that is part of the fun for me...finding that balance.  But I you are right that going bare bottom would be beneficial to the discus...I might go that route on the next one.

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