Aquascape by James Findley, The Green Machine: 'Through the Eyes of a Child' aquascaping specialists. This aquascape by James Findley is entitled 'Through the Eyes of a Child' because the rocks used were all chosen by his youngest daughter, Ellen. It demonstrates the chaos of nature: the beauty of perfect imperfection and the unrivalled ability of the child to appreciate this. As we age, it is common to lose the ability to appreciate the chaos of nature in the same way: we begin to look for ordered, organised patterns and learn to create symmetrical, structured forms. James explains that nature is chaotic and imperfect so an organised, ordered aquascape will never truly reflect the perfect imperfection of nature. Therefore to achieve the best results, James believes that an aquascaper must once again learn to see through the eyes of a child. He planted this tank to demonstrate this and the individuality, originality and beauty of this aquascape are striking. This scape is currently on display in The Green Machine (October 2010). It is a stunning, refreshing new style of aquascaping that has never been seen before: we are extremely proud to be able to display such a revolutionary and inspirational style of scaping. This aquascape is definitely worth viewing! Commissioned by Arcadia for the AQUA 2010 trade show.

Aquascape by James Findley, The Green Machine: 'Through the Eyes of a Child' sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Howto & Style 14 years ago 104,416 views aquascaping specialists. This aquascape by James Findley is entitled 'Through the Eyes of a Child' because the rocks used were all chosen by his youngest daughter, Ellen. It demonstrates the chaos of nature: the beauty of perfect imperfection and the unrivalled ability of the child to appreciate this. As we age, it is common to lose the ability to appreciate the chaos of nature in the same way: we begin to look for ordered, organised patterns and learn to create symmetrical, structured forms. James explains that nature is chaotic and imperfect so an organised, ordered aquascape will never truly reflect the perfect imperfection of nature. Therefore to achieve the best results, James believes that an aquascaper must once again learn to see through the eyes of a child. He planted this tank to demonstrate this and the individuality, originality and beauty of this aquascape are striking. This scape is currently on display in The Green Machine (October 2010). It is a stunning, refreshing new style of aquascaping that has never been seen before: we are extremely proud to be able to display such a revolutionary and inspirational style of scaping. This aquascape is definitely worth viewing! Commissioned by Arcadia for the AQUA 2010 trade show.

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Most popular comments
for Aquascape by James Findley, The Green Machine: 'Through the Eyes of a Child'

gakingsnake - 7 years ago
The most boring aquarium video in history
memo - 8 years ago
what is the size of this tank?
Yap Gean You
Yap Gean You - 10 years ago
好!马来西亚 梅花班。
Wilson Kwong
Wilson Kwong - 10 years ago
I've used this guide to build something similar, except that, on the back right corner, I bought a plank/wood, build a tree by tying christmas moss to it. Will let it run and see how it runs. Had a few bigger stones setup, in a 13 gallon tank, and I'm having dwarf baby tears as carpet on substrate. Just built it a week ago, will let it run for 2-3 months, and I plan on adding some shrimps, most likely fire red shrimps, about 20 of them, and hopefully they enjoy the mosses off the tree.
Fish Ed
Fish Ed - 11 years ago
what's the name of those black fish
Kev M
Kev M - 12 years ago
Would of been cool if there were small annotations that only have an outline and when you hover over it you see the name of the plant. Great tank btw love it!
Crawrla - 12 years ago
A marvelous inspiration, well done. I house cichlids in my aquarium at the moment, but I'd love to make an effort for a proper aquascape in the future.
Filo011 - 12 years ago
i love the white fin tetras there so nice with the ninja tetras :D haha yes i don't know there real name
senseipokomoko - 12 years ago
wow nice tank

10. comment for Aquascape by James Findley, The Green Machine: 'Through the Eyes of a Child'

TheGreenMachineLtd - 13 years ago
@vaniananthuni Thanks for the feedback! We've got more videos coming soon, so keep an eye on our channel. Or have a look on our website for even more articles, aquascapes and tips.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 13 years ago
@outragedalien Yes, we do use special substrsates and fertilisers - you need the nutrients to get good plant growth. Have a look at our website for more information. If you look at the 'Tips and Tricks' section there are lots of helpful articles.
Janet Peterson
Janet Peterson - 13 years ago
What kind of fish are those black looking ones with the silver heads?
TheGreenMachineLtd - 13 years ago
@ox387 Give us a call on 01978 265 090 and we can talk you through it and answer any questions you may have... we don't have all these items on our website at the moment. Glad you like it. :)
TheGreenMachineLtd - 13 years ago
The plant growing on the gravel is Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba'. If you want to find out more about it please visit our website where you can read our article 'Carpeting Plants and Grasses' or call our experts for personalized advice.
قناة ماهر - maher channel
قناة ماهر - maher channel - 14 years ago
...what happens next?
Ozzy Mazu
Ozzy Mazu - 14 years ago
@MriBackup not my tank but i am pretty sure its hemianthus callitrichoides :) go check out my tank > south east asia theme.

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