Best Sharks for a Home Fish Tank | Aquarium Care

Watch more How to Take Care of an Aquarium videos: When deciding on what shark to get, you want the best shark for your fish take. It first depends if you have a freshwater tank or a saltwater tank. The sharks that you'll find for freshwater tanks are not true sharks. They're not cartilaginous. They're bony fishes. Their fin patterns and their morphology closely resemble saltwater sharks, so for that reason they're called sharks, but they're not true sharks. Saltwater is where you'd find the real sharks. For freshwater, most of the shark get very, very large. The iridescent sharks, tricolor sharks, they get really, really big, I mean, three to four feet in nature, but they happen to be very hardy. So you can keep them in a small aquarium, maybe 30 to 50 gallons in size. But they're going to quickly outgrow it, and it's cruel to keep a fish that gets three or four feet in nature restricted to a tank that's only three or four feet long. It's just really, really cruel, so I don't recommend a lot of the freshwater fish that are called sharks for home aquariums. If you have to have a freshwater fish that's called a shark, you can get a redtail shark. They don't get as big. The flying foxes kind of look like sharks. They don't get terribly large. But for saltwater, the sharks that I would recommend are any of the cat sharks, bamboo, banded cats, dog chain. Those sharks stay on the bottom. Even the epaulettes from Australia, those are really cute sharks. They walk around on their pectoral fins. They also get large, so you want to make sure you have a large aquarium, but because they're not pelagic swimmers like black tips and white tips, any of the open swimming sharks, they're more suitable to home aquariums. If you have to have something that looks like a great white or a baby great white, like a black tip, you're going to need a really large tank, and those tanks are very expensive. I'm talking, people would recommend a 200 to 300 gallon tank. I wouldn't put them in anything less than 1000 gallons. That tank needs to be round in shape. It needs to be eight to ten feet in diameter. They're just not going to fare well in anything smaller. And the upkeep and the maintenance on an aquarium like that is pretty staggering. You really have to know what you're doing. You need to have a lot of money or be really into this hobby to be that dedicated to keep one these open water reef sharks. So to wrap it up, for saltwater, I would recommend one of the bottom-dwelling cat sharks. Nurse sharks are really good when they're small, but they get really large, so I don't feel that they're suitable for captivity. And then for freshwater, redtail sharks, tri-colors or balas sharks or iridescent sharks are great when they're small. But again, they're going to get really large and you're going to have to get them a much bigger tank, like the 200 to 300 gallon tank to keep them when they're adults.

Best Sharks for a Home Fish Tank | Aquarium Care sentiment_very_dissatisfied 350

Howto & Style 11 years ago 592,534 views

Watch more How to Take Care of an Aquarium videos: When deciding on what shark to get, you want the best shark for your fish take. It first depends if you have a freshwater tank or a saltwater tank. The sharks that you'll find for freshwater tanks are not true sharks. They're not cartilaginous. They're bony fishes. Their fin patterns and their morphology closely resemble saltwater sharks, so for that reason they're called sharks, but they're not true sharks. Saltwater is where you'd find the real sharks. For freshwater, most of the shark get very, very large. The iridescent sharks, tricolor sharks, they get really, really big, I mean, three to four feet in nature, but they happen to be very hardy. So you can keep them in a small aquarium, maybe 30 to 50 gallons in size. But they're going to quickly outgrow it, and it's cruel to keep a fish that gets three or four feet in nature restricted to a tank that's only three or four feet long. It's just really, really cruel, so I don't recommend a lot of the freshwater fish that are called sharks for home aquariums. If you have to have a freshwater fish that's called a shark, you can get a redtail shark. They don't get as big. The flying foxes kind of look like sharks. They don't get terribly large. But for saltwater, the sharks that I would recommend are any of the cat sharks, bamboo, banded cats, dog chain. Those sharks stay on the bottom. Even the epaulettes from Australia, those are really cute sharks. They walk around on their pectoral fins. They also get large, so you want to make sure you have a large aquarium, but because they're not pelagic swimmers like black tips and white tips, any of the open swimming sharks, they're more suitable to home aquariums. If you have to have something that looks like a great white or a baby great white, like a black tip, you're going to need a really large tank, and those tanks are very expensive. I'm talking, people would recommend a 200 to 300 gallon tank. I wouldn't put them in anything less than 1000 gallons. That tank needs to be round in shape. It needs to be eight to ten feet in diameter. They're just not going to fare well in anything smaller. And the upkeep and the maintenance on an aquarium like that is pretty staggering. You really have to know what you're doing. You need to have a lot of money or be really into this hobby to be that dedicated to keep one these open water reef sharks. So to wrap it up, for saltwater, I would recommend one of the bottom-dwelling cat sharks. Nurse sharks are really good when they're small, but they get really large, so I don't feel that they're suitable for captivity. And then for freshwater, redtail sharks, tri-colors or balas sharks or iridescent sharks are great when they're small. But again, they're going to get really large and you're going to have to get them a much bigger tank, like the 200 to 300 gallon tank to keep them when they're adults.

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Most popular comments
for Best Sharks for a Home Fish Tank | Aquarium Care

Mouli R
Mouli R - 7 years ago
I need a shark can u give me
amit gopal
amit gopal - 7 years ago
Teri maki chut
Jessica Hall
Jessica Hall - 7 years ago
Boll sharks can live in salt water and fresh watter
Assassin Blowfish
Assassin Blowfish - 7 years ago
Before anyone else says get a bull shark for freshwater actually do your research first. They can't permanently live in freshwater
Gihan Sandeepa
Gihan Sandeepa - 7 years ago
I have a baby Mako shark in my big tank.
Nit the Liar
Nit the Liar - 7 years ago
I'd just convert the pool in my basement into a saltwater aquarium. it is really big and can host multiple animals.
The Man
The Man - 7 years ago
whata jerk
Taco Pizza
Taco Pizza - 7 years ago
Lol I have 2 sharks in my pool instead of using my pool for its main purpose I turn mine into a massive home Aqua aquarium I'm not insane I'm nuts
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
I recommend a either a great white shark or a frilled shark
Great white because shits and giggles
frilled shark because you will have to murder ur self just even see one.You can't dive that deep to frilled shark territory

10. comment for Best Sharks for a Home Fish Tank | Aquarium Care

Ben Mason
Ben Mason - 7 years ago
Do red tail sharks really get that large? I've had mine for 8 months and he's barely 5 inches long
joeyforfun ·
joeyforfun · - 7 years ago
best Shark species i still think is the whale Shark. its so Easy and dont need allot of space, and if You have a lil more space try a megalodon
gypsychavie - 7 years ago
yes croco i named him take him for walks .and sharky my shark i swimm with him in leusuire centre
gypsychavie - 7 years ago
i have a crocodile .and a 6 ft shark lovley pets .
Michelle Yung
Michelle Yung - 7 years ago
Epaulettes, bamboos and other cat sharks are adorable!
Tiger Boss11
Tiger Boss11 - 7 years ago
I say Bala shark for 90+ gallon tank if you can't get that red tail Sharks need 35 same as rainbow shark 35 but yeah there good but 90 gallon+ Bala Sharks for sure
Sydney Larsen
Sydney Larsen - 7 years ago
I didn't even know it was legal to do that
Edward Acosta
Edward Acosta - 7 years ago
How big a tank do you need to have for a smooth hound shark
Biagio Santosuosso
Biagio Santosuosso - 8 years ago
I recommend a whale shark for the best true shark
The Special Broccoli
The Special Broccoli - 7 years ago
Jocur 7 more like 1,000,000
Jocur 7
Jocur 7 - 8 years ago
Biagio Santosuosso lol if u have a 1000 cubed tank
Darion Davis
Darion Davis - 8 years ago
wtf I've never seen a balla shark longer than maybe 5 inches
Tyler Heroux
Tyler Heroux - 8 years ago
darion davis genetics my friend
Ak Jay47
Ak Jay47 - 8 years ago
My grandmother had 2 that were 2 times bigger than that then she got new ones what are staying really small I'm just starting of with 2 sharks ones a rainbow and ones a Bala they are in a 70L and I'm getting a 125-200L when they get big

20. comment for Best Sharks for a Home Fish Tank | Aquarium Care

Hydrus Gamers
Hydrus Gamers - 8 years ago
tricolor sharks only get a little over 1 foot, not 3 to 4 feet long wtf
berny's reef
berny's reef - 8 years ago
1000gallons for a blacktip shark isn't a long term solution, and nobody suggests putting a blacktip shark in a 200gallon aquarium.
Adimental - 8 years ago
I recommend the great white shark to anyone who wants a shark tank, for the simple fact that if you keep a great white shark in your house no one will rob you (fill your house with water so your shark can swim freely)
Greywolf4chan - 7 years ago
Get a toy shark
Tiger Boss11
Tiger Boss11 - 7 years ago
Adimental I can't stop laughing
berny's reef
berny's reef - 8 years ago
It's a joke, and yes there have been great whites in aquariums, for more than 100 days, but they eventually die.
Chris Rhux
Chris Rhux - 8 years ago
Look up why there isnt a great white in any aquarium
THAT RAMDOM COW - 8 years ago
Adimental lol hahahaha
polo team
polo team - 8 years ago
Adimental and then the great white eats the owner and anyone that tries to rob. but atleast no robbers
berny's reef
berny's reef - 8 years ago
A large backyard with massive glass walls around it is also recomended.
Zia Asif
Zia Asif - 8 years ago
i would suggest edit videos and put pictures of things ur talking about for ppl to see when u talk abt them..makes it way more interesting and easy to follow
Majestic Wolf Girls
Majestic Wolf Girls - 8 years ago
Can I keep one in a salt water pool
T Swwifft
T Swwifft - 8 years ago
there's mad sharks 10ft off the beach . Raritin Bay been happenening a lot really weird to be so close
Potatowizard 4599
Potatowizard 4599 - 8 years ago
Why can't red tails be sharks?
darkest secrets
darkest secrets - 8 years ago
Sharks are fish...
Jennifer McAdam
Jennifer McAdam - 8 years ago
They're fish...
Honey Badger
Honey Badger - 8 years ago
(pulls out a great white)
Nick Leppert
Nick Leppert - 8 years ago
Hey how did you get the that great white
Zoid Burg
Zoid Burg - 8 years ago
Bullshark is fine in freshwater. True shark.
Briar Fox
Briar Fox - 7 years ago
It can be. Its a marvelous creature. They live in the amazon river too, a freshwater river,
Jordi Vandenbroucke
Jordi Vandenbroucke - 7 years ago
Zoid Burg false, they are saltwater shark, they can live in freshwater when born but they need salt in their glad! they will not at all live long in only freshwater
The Special Broccoli
The Special Broccoli - 7 years ago
BADU Grime Media Not to mention it is the most aggressive shark in the world... and it gets too big for a home aquarium... and its impossible to get in the pet trade
BADU Grime Media
BADU Grime Media - 7 years ago
Zoid Burg but it gets to be 10+ feet
Felix Yi
Felix Yi - 7 years ago
yea you can definitely keep them in a tank at home... also they aren't freshwater. they are saltwater but can cope with waters with lower salinity like in estuaries
berny's reef
berny's reef - 8 years ago
Where did you read this or how do you know? There are 3 species of river sharks, and the bullshark is often called a river shark but it's not from that family, most in the wild live in the coast and rivers, moving freely from one to the other.
Zoid Burg
Zoid Burg - 8 years ago
+nicholas bain
Incorrect. They can live 100% of the time in fresh water.
nicholas bain
nicholas bain - 8 years ago
Bull Sharks normally live in salt water environments but are able to venture very far upstream of rivers into fresh water because they possess a glad which is able to retain salt and release into the bloodstream in low salt environments.
Pat Web
Pat Web - 8 years ago
Gamestyle01 - 8 years ago
+Zoid Burg ok sorry, I get it now lol
Zoid Burg
Zoid Burg - 8 years ago
It's 100% whichever it's put into, is what I'm saying!
Gamestyle01 - 8 years ago
+Zoid Burg yes, what I meant to say is it is not 100 percent freshwater
Zoid Burg
Zoid Burg - 8 years ago
Nope, it's made to adapt.
Gamestyle01 - 8 years ago
Yes, but it's made for salt water
Tacticalz Z
Tacticalz Z - 8 years ago
technically their are "real sharks " that live in fresh water for example the lemon shark
Holly Anthony
Holly Anthony - 8 years ago
+Violet Taylor lemon sharks actually take their young to fresh water as its safer :-)
Violet Taylor
Violet Taylor - 8 years ago
Bull shark, you mean
Gamestyle01 - 8 years ago
Lemon shark is a saltwater shark

30. comment for Best Sharks for a Home Fish Tank | Aquarium Care

Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez - 8 years ago
anyone els notice something on by his nose
Adolf _
Adolf _ - 8 years ago
i have a cat shark and his cute
Fridge Fairy
Fridge Fairy - 8 years ago
Max Brooks
Chay Nerf
Chay Nerf - 8 years ago
Did he eat meat cause I want one !!
Faq - 8 years ago
Coral / bamboo
Aquatic Variation
Aquatic Variation - 8 years ago
Cat shark?
Andrew Hales
Andrew Hales - 8 years ago
My mom bought me a bamboo shark and I keep it in my 75 gallon bowfront. I have a Niger Trigger, two snowflake eels, and a Nemo and Dory. I'm asking her to get me another shark one so they can mate.

PS Im getting a 200 gallon for my birthday next year so they'll be good.
Gamestyle01 - 8 years ago
When you look for nemo, don't expect to find him
Andrew Hales
Andrew Hales - 8 years ago
+Luna Tic lol
RoadKillFrog - 8 years ago
You will need a 300 gallon minimum..
RAMPAGE - 9 years ago
i truly agree with Brandon lee
Joey Po
Joey Po - 9 years ago
Watch my vids
ArthurHQ - 9 years ago
What shark should i buy? epaullete,bambooo,etc
Liquid Fire
Liquid Fire - 9 years ago
Can i have any freshwater fishes that look like sharks, in my 80litres aquarium?
paradhve reddy
paradhve reddy - 8 years ago
Liquid Fire ..80 litres aquarium...
where did u. purchased?
I have now 2 sharks, became big , two gold and one cleaning fish.
needs big tank. so asking
Ak Jay47
Ak Jay47 - 8 years ago
Liquid Fire I keep 2 sharks in my 70L thank one Bala and one rainbow but when they get big I'm gonna get a 125-200L tank and get more I love them
Progamez4u - 9 years ago
+Liquid Fire no. Maybe a ruby shark but you Ideally need a 200 liter tank or bigger to keep sharks this size.
alexander heron the inventor
alexander heron the inventor - 9 years ago
help me.Are there any legal freshwater sharks(no catfish type fish).Since i only know bulls,speartooth,ganges shark
RoadKillFrog - 9 years ago
+Lol Lol there are no real fresh water sharks, they are either catfish or minnows that look like shark
alexander heron the inventor
alexander heron the inventor - 9 years ago
+Progamez4u not that kind,i have 4 Id shark,what i want is a pure shark not a name copy shark
Progamez4u - 9 years ago
+Lol Lol Bala, ruby, red tail black, black and paroon sharks.
Due October
Due October - 9 years ago
Love sharks just hard to keep when they grow! Just started saltwater tank check mines out
Lynne Bass
Lynne Bass - 9 years ago
They have freshwater sharks, they just get huge
RoadKillFrog - 9 years ago
Nope...most are catfish
Swisher Nick
Swisher Nick - 9 years ago
My mom just got me 2 bamboo sharks and there cool and easy but need big space I have them with clown fish and an eel I have a 200 gallon
Swazi Hitler 27
Swazi Hitler 27 - 7 years ago
just get a thousand gallon
Andrew Elliott dank memers
Andrew Elliott dank memers - 7 years ago
Sneaker Nick where'd she get them? plz reply
RoadKillFrog - 9 years ago
Since you have two, when they get a bit bigger I should suggest for you to upgrade to atleast a 300-400 gallon. It will make them happy as they get to about 60-93 cm
The Chemlight Crew
The Chemlight Crew - 9 years ago
Meh I don't worry about my shark getting too big. My neighbor has a pool we will just put him in there. Safe and sound
Aquatic Variation
Aquatic Variation - 8 years ago
Pool?! A chlorinated Pool? Fish will die in the first hour in a pool with chlorine. Don't even buy the shark if your gonna do that.
jtankersley7 - 9 years ago
Shouldn't this just be titled, "I don't recommend sharks for an aquarium"?
All I heard was "This won't work without a large tank" followed by a list of sharks that don't make good aquarium choices unless you're rich.
tank espo
tank espo - 9 years ago
M.R. Hawks
M.R. Hawks - 9 years ago
Thank you for addressing size and ethics in shark captivity. That's awesome. Great list provided as well for good choices.
Cameron Colon
Cameron Colon - 9 years ago
How cast there are true Sharks in Fresh water:
Glyphis Shark & Bull Shark
Swisher Nick
Swisher Nick - 9 years ago
Bull sharks are also found in saltwater to and who wants to keep a bull shark there aggressive and known to be the most ferocious shark
RandomHobbyKing - 9 years ago
+Cameron Colon he meant fish that you're going to commonly see in a freshwater aquarium that are called "sharks".
Virasification vtou
Virasification vtou - 9 years ago
i have the black shark and silver one... rainbow and white shark i just wanted to know which other fish i can keep with them.. any help
ZUBIN B. - 9 years ago
Well, I'm a real noob in this area, however I just got my fishes today, and I have 1 White Shark, 1 Black Shark along with 6 different colored Gold fishes, so I guess you can get Gold fishes with your sharks, it would be better to talk to someone more knowledgeable first tho.
Ken - 9 years ago
Zerphses - 10 years ago
Any 10 gallon sharks?
Swisher Nick
Swisher Nick - 9 years ago
There's not to much 10 gallon but maybe for fresh water not saltwater tho sorry
Snipercube - 9 years ago
+TheYogfan555 try red tailed black shark, they won't eat small fish but only keep one of them as they will gang up on small fish if kept in a group. Unfortunately most pet shops don't stock them so you if you want a red tailed shark I'd recommend going to a garden centre because they tend to have a lot more variety. About 2/3 garden centres have them. They still do sometimes fin nip at smaller fish but if you want to be 100% sure that they won't then feed them some blood worm. They are quite hardy but can get stressed easily. I would recommend getting a big cave if you want to get a red tail. They grow to about 6" and should not attack smaller fish as long as you feed it bloodworm or brine shrimp. Also, I'm happy to help anytime so feel free to ask me any questions :-)
Zerphses - 9 years ago
+Snipercube Thanks so much! I'll look into them, but seeing as I currently have both Tetras and Guppies in there, I'll hold off on getting them XD
Thanks for everything!
Snipercube - 9 years ago
+TheYogfan555 there's one called the black tip shark, if you have a 10 gallon get one or a male and a female if you want multiple males then you're gonna need about 7 so that they don't fight but I'd say your tank could maybe hold 4. Again, I've never owned tropical sharks so I just got that information from my friend who has been breeding black tips for about 10 years, also they're very hardy but require a good filtration system (they poop loads!) and you could probably put some cichlids in but NEVER put small fish such as tetras or guppies in as they'll soon be eaten, another good tank mate would be big angel fish. I asked my friend to supply me with that info so credit to him!
Zerphses - 9 years ago
okay. Thanks!
Snipercube - 9 years ago
Ask the person at the pet shop, they'll help you find one.
Charlie Voss
Charlie Voss - 10 years ago
What about a silver shark for fresh water

50. comment for Best Sharks for a Home Fish Tank | Aquarium Care

Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee - 10 years ago
where are the sharks. i came for the sharks
Nguyen Phong
Nguyen Phong - 9 years ago
+Brandon Lee  i see 1 , its black hair ...oh wait, and talking ...goshhhhhh
Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee - 10 years ago
+sage12125 mature
the devil cried
the devil cried - 10 years ago
salt water sharks don't belong to tanks,,300 hundreds gallons,,
a jail!! yes,

pet stores has great variety of "soft water"sharks,
they reach 5to6 inches max,
act like a shark but nothing in comparaison of the real deal of course
but the irredescent(not sure of the spelling here) shark is pretty cool,behave same way as the sharks we know from the oceans
the devil cried
the devil cried - 10 years ago
nice and warm,,,
not here though,,lol
actually in my home yes,,
merry xmas
SantaMonicaHelp Assistant
SantaMonicaHelp Assistant - 10 years ago
+Steve D. That is correct. It's nice and warm today! not too bad for being winter time.
the devil cried
the devil cried - 10 years ago
oh thx santamonica,
I appreciate your nice reply!

you live in sunny land,I live in rain land
enjoy it bro or sister
SantaMonicaHelp Assistant
SantaMonicaHelp Assistant - 10 years ago
Thanks for that info.
SantaMonicaHelp Assistant
SantaMonicaHelp Assistant - 10 years ago
Does anybody own a shark?
vasilis92k - 10 years ago
Ababmer Vid
Ababmer Vid - 10 years ago
I walk around on my Pectorals too.
Filipinas Legara
Filipinas Legara - 10 years ago
Definite stupid! How about thailand mekong giant sting ray and amazon sting ray ..they are related to shark they are cartillage bone structure and they are found in fresh dont say that there is no shark can tolerate fresh water
Marty Lynchian
Marty Lynchian - 10 years ago
Who let Debbie Downer out? Why don't they just label this video, " don't keep sharks in home aquariums"
Nurse Robin
Nurse Robin - 10 years ago
yes! :D feel free to admire them from afar, though. i know i do!
Marty Lynchian
Marty Lynchian - 10 years ago
+Nurse Robin
Ok Ok,I won't get a shark. Are you happy now?
Nurse Robin
Nurse Robin - 10 years ago
because you shouldn't mistreat sharks dude! he's just letting everyone know the risks and how it'll truly impact the sharks.
tha boss
tha boss - 10 years ago
My rainbow shark is a jerk, I got him and 2 chichlids about a year ago and now he's so aggressive he killed one and won't leave the other one alone. When he kills the other I'm gonna flush his ass
Ben Mason
Ben Mason - 7 years ago
I'll buy him from you
J Cole
J Cole - 7 years ago
Your not supposed to keep rainbow sharks with cichlids dummy
Aquatic Variation
Aquatic Variation - 8 years ago
My Oscars eat RS's like french fries. But I stopped feeding him live, that was only temporarily
tha boss
tha boss - 10 years ago
I got rid of the shark and now have all non agressivr fish with my chichlid. They are all happy and get along
Ranoma Liu
Ranoma Liu - 10 years ago
Is your cichlid still alive? why don't you just separate them or rehome one of them?
Steven H
Steven H - 10 years ago
Toby Parker
Toby Parker - 10 years ago
What's the shark in the thumbnail and can you keep it in a tank?
Edward Acosta
Edward Acosta - 7 years ago
Toby Parker that's a reef shark and you can keep it in a tank but over 1000 gallons. If you have a tank more than 100 gallons then that's fine but you need to release it in the wild when it gets to big
t800 - 8 years ago
Blacktip reef shark
Toby Parker
Toby Parker - 9 years ago
Ty +Shaheed K
Bryan Lucky
Bryan Lucky - 10 years ago
How about bullshark in freshwater?
bear - 10 years ago
+AllproLemonton You could actually do it!
AllproLemonton - 10 years ago
I'm gonna put one in my swimming pool
HBOT 9000
HBOT 9000 - 10 years ago
You are saying that a bull shark is not a shark
Jason Collins
Jason Collins - 10 years ago
+Cory Cazes Most silently wrong?
itzcory - 10 years ago
+JayJason they are in fact true sharks with high tolsdrole levels I don't know if I spelled that right first off the basking shark is able to live a month or to but you are most silently wrong
itzcory - 10 years ago
I was about to say the same thing
Jason Collins
Jason Collins - 10 years ago
A lot of people fail to realize that Bull sharks are not in fact true freshwater sharks. They are simply able to adapt to freshwater. It is possible for a Bull shark to live its entire life in freshwater, however, it is uncommon do to the reproduction inconvenience. It was also shown through strategic experiments that Bull sharks live a shorter life when they regulate themselves to live in freshwater. A Bull shark is most definitely a shark.
vincent seux
vincent seux - 10 years ago
how about keeping humans (cancer of the earth)in a cage . ahh that would be lovely 
Church The MC
Church The MC - 9 years ago
+vincent seux well we do live in houses, townhouses and apartments. funny.
vincent seux
vincent seux - 10 years ago
Come on now 
I hear you're feeling down. 
Well I can ease your pain 
Get you on your feet again. 
I'll need some information first. 
Just the basic facts. 
Can you show me where it hurts? 
insert here
insert here - 10 years ago
Cool, let's start with you
Majestic AquariumsTV
Majestic AquariumsTV - 10 years ago
Reef sharks are very easy to keep but need a massive aquarium eg 6m
Jacob - 10 years ago
Freshwater Sharks: Rainbow Shark, Roseline Shark, Bala Shark (The Bala Shark Gets Kinda Big, but not 3 to 4 feet!)
TheCalcarAvis - 10 years ago
BULLSHIT!! i mean this guy must be a total retard.. LOL has he ever seen any of these sharks? there is no such thing as ''they grow large in nature'' they grow large anyways. and if you do not provide enough space they will die a very very painfull death. this guy should be put down somehow. he's talking shit all he way... 
Jimmy Salas
Jimmy Salas - 10 years ago
+BloodstainedSinner I agree the sharks body will adapt to the size of the tank , making it not to small or to big. They most likely are not to die. But this is otherwise of the other special need they have like the bala shark needing the minimum of 6 other bala sharks due to it being a school fish.
BloodstainedSinner - 10 years ago
No, sharks actually grow in relativity too their environment. In a small tank, the shark will stay small. They are very adaptive. 
WhiteWolfos - 10 years ago
they will have stunned growth in captivity if you keep them in a small tank.
Yeah its cruel to keep them in small tanks.

Dunno how he is as he said almost the same thing you did hahaha
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 10 years ago
I. Had a red tralshark before in. My freshwater tank
Sebastian C.Guedes
Sebastian C.Guedes - 10 years ago
Leopard Shark ?????
Levelz31 - 10 years ago
fresh water .. get a bull shark ;)
Mav Crupi
Mav Crupi - 10 years ago
I agree
Team Squid48
Team Squid48 - 10 years ago
+Jimmy Salas they wont actuall y explode i just mean they will die very painfully and i couldnt find the right word
Jimmy Salas
Jimmy Salas - 10 years ago
+Team Squid48 What? Please try making sense and learning your fish before saying they will "explode". Thanks.
Team Squid48
Team Squid48 - 10 years ago
bull sharks can live in freshwater but they HAVE TO RETURN TO THE OCEAN OR ELSE THEY WILL ACTUALLY KINDA DIE BY..................... EXPLODING!
NamelssGamer - 10 years ago
I don't like you
NamelssGamer - 10 years ago
T don't like you
Idkteehehe •-•
Idkteehehe •-• - 10 years ago
Your not helpful howcast
haiqal aqif
haiqal aqif - 11 years ago
where you get that?
haiqal aqif
haiqal aqif - 11 years ago
where you get that?
R KENNETTE - 11 years ago
I wish I could get a shark
irishhiphopman101 - 11 years ago
and a big ass MOTDA FUCKA TANK
Rage Quit
Rage Quit - 11 years ago
Can sharks go in with other fish
Mdeed uk
Mdeed uk - 11 years ago
videos :]
Thaddius Leiber
Thaddius Leiber - 11 years ago
I have a Red Tail in my 65 Gal freshwater/tropical, he is so active and a fun little guy to have - I would recommend to anyone thinking about getting a 'shark' looking fish!
Rodia Driftwood
Rodia Driftwood - 11 years ago
I got my dick stuck in the fan. I don't think I got the instructions right.
Rodia Driftwood
Rodia Driftwood - 11 years ago
What? What?!?! WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! Seriously, I don't understand what you just said.
Ryan Anuar Adam
Ryan Anuar Adam - 11 years ago
Bull shark?
Hunter Ferguson
Hunter Ferguson - 11 years ago
what is your opinion on the minimum size tank you should have for a smooth hound shark?!
Kasumi97 - 11 years ago
Red Tail and Rainbow Sharks are good substitutes for koi
Tamara Tango
Tamara Tango - 11 years ago
so you got shark in your house o.O
xRioGrande - 11 years ago
Well,thanks tho...T^T
ganggang223 - 11 years ago
yes don't worry
xRioGrande - 11 years ago
okay,I'll wait for it....but pls take care of it when I've dead okay?
ganggang223 - 11 years ago
just wait for it to eat you
xRioGrande - 11 years ago
OMG I just bought the megalodon what should I do now???
The_Most_Dope - 11 years ago
Oh cool you'll just need 20 pounds of raw meat a day. GOOD LUCK!
Byambajav Enkhee
Byambajav Enkhee - 11 years ago
Jonathan Harrison
Jonathan Harrison - 11 years ago
o ya what about a bull shark
Siskin's Bits and Bobs
Siskin's Bits and Bobs - 11 years ago
I plan to borrow lots of money and keep the Loan Shark in a 12" aquarium.
Nicky Nugroho
Nicky Nugroho - 11 years ago
What shark ?
Casey Erfe
Casey Erfe - 11 years ago
I have a pet shark just like that and it just killed my other fished T_T
Mister Bang
Mister Bang - 11 years ago
im just gonna get a goldfish
Evan Thompson
Evan Thompson - 11 years ago
JbSmooovv - 11 years ago
@DoJE69 lmao
Nickel893 - 11 years ago
I bought a blue whale.

100. comment for Best Sharks for a Home Fish Tank | Aquarium Care

bolice qt
bolice qt - 11 years ago
Kittybiscuit8812 - 11 years ago
Kittybiscuit8812 - 11 years ago
I came here to see sharks not to here about them -_-
obedencia - 11 years ago
i want piranha lol
Rodia Driftwood
Rodia Driftwood - 11 years ago
"So, for your shark, first you'll need a shit fuck load of money.."
Rose of Eden
Rose of Eden - 11 years ago
The photoshopping on his nose, lawl.
thezionzion - 11 years ago
Lucy Gilbert
Lucy Gilbert - 11 years ago
Thanks for the help!! Just noticed this was posted today, what a coincidence!
Ana Henao
Ana Henao - 11 years ago
Da - 11 years ago
Samiul Haq
Samiul Haq - 11 years ago
connor defty
connor defty - 11 years ago
Second! ;) haha.

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