DIY aquarium background

Been working on this one for a long time and finally got it done ,, Sorry for such a long video but it was a long build,,LOL

DIY aquarium background sentiment_very_dissatisfied 224

Howto & Style 11 years ago 451,871 views

Been working on this one for a long time and finally got it done ,, Sorry for such a long video but it was a long build,,LOL

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Most popular comments
for DIY aquarium background

M. Peters
M. Peters - 7 years ago
Looks great! It would be cool to put rock dwellers in there
mike gunthner
mike gunthner - 7 years ago
Nice, I have a small apartment for a 30 gal tank..
Darrin - 7 years ago
How much water does this displace? That's alot of foam it looks awesome but it may turn a 100 gallon tank into a 60 gallon tank I don't know if that makes a difference just throwing it out there to see what other people's opinions​ are before doing this
Voloďka M
Voloďka M - 7 years ago
fefe12345 - 7 years ago
I think you did an awesome job. Starting with the deal you got on the tank then using styrofoam.
Mrmich5371 - 7 years ago
fantastic. would have made one heck of a mbuna set up....
T M - 7 years ago
Your video of fake rocks, can you tell me the brand of sealer you used on them. Thanks
Gavin Powell
Gavin Powell - 7 years ago
I can see a bixler lol
TheRocknT - 7 years ago
I have been trying to do a rubber mold but the paint don't stuck well

10. comment for DIY aquarium background

Carolien Vekemans
Carolien Vekemans - 7 years ago
Is there an other way to make fake rocks instead of this foam? I want to built a kind of terrarium for my chinchilla's, but they chew on everything and all this stuf is dangerous. So is there an alternative? :)
Justin Morris
Justin Morris - 8 years ago
you should add a pleco
Chris - 8 years ago
your stand looks crazy dangerous. I wouldn't want to sit in that chair
Andrzej Jankowiak
Andrzej Jankowiak - 8 years ago
Melanie Budow
Melanie Budow - 8 years ago
how many times did you wash your background after it cured?
JuiceOg1 - 8 years ago
Pretty badass idea. Looks great. Wow
oscar reyes
oscar reyes - 8 years ago
I have a question is this idea good for a saltwater fish tank
nik shtal
nik shtal - 8 years ago
fresh water is child's play lmao
adameat 35
adameat 35 - 8 years ago
nik shtal saltwater is a money pit
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 8 years ago
Where is your sand ''water fall''? God knows you have the room....
Sir Watchalot
Sir Watchalot - 8 years ago
I'm here for the Jams..Nice Build.

20. comment for DIY aquarium background

Joe M.
Joe M. - 8 years ago
Maybe I am just an idiot... but what are you using to cut the foam? Some sort of heated rod it looks like?... ... Great job though, clean looking.

White Trash and Hellbound
Grag Eiliel
Grag Eiliel - 8 years ago
Its a hot wire
Dan Rowe
Dan Rowe - 8 years ago
Modelling saw by the looks of it.
toufik boufenech
toufik boufenech - 8 years ago
Amazing i like it nice job
Rhys Davis
Rhys Davis - 8 years ago
I was going to say that would be a sweet cichlid tank
xxdjcharlierockxx - 8 years ago
wow this looks awesome! any problems with it and would you do anything different?
whitehart27 - 8 years ago
I'd like to see an update video on this please
Rafael Gallardo
Rafael Gallardo - 8 years ago
Excellent work
Juan Orozco
Juan Orozco - 8 years ago
that is awesome
TheRocknT - 8 years ago
Well you guys make a good point..but with all the chemicals from the silicon ..cement and the coating..why take a chance and kill expensive fish...? Now that I know it was safe I did up grade all the fish after a few months..
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 8 years ago
The PH will go thru the roof Have to check every day . Do some major water changes til you hit 0,0,0 then you are good to go.
Willy Rosado
Willy Rosado - 8 years ago
i dont use a background. without it you can see the hood light better. it aluminates your tank brighter
ShamRock1938 - 8 years ago
all that and NO info.. really bro.. "do it urself foam cutter" thats it.. wtf lol

30. comment for DIY aquarium background

TheRocknT - 8 years ago
I used food grade silicone on the back and the bottom and let cure a few days
COOL CANADIAN - 8 years ago
how do you make it stay down and not float?
Dadi Herdadi
Dadi Herdadi - 8 years ago
Lindsey Frost
Lindsey Frost - 8 years ago
Beautiful job!
TheRocknT - 8 years ago
Nope that foam is to soft and will not support the thin layer of concrete and it will just crumble
David H
David H - 8 years ago
thanks for the replies I mit try a thing slate looking back with a drift wood fanning out from that
David H
David H - 8 years ago
and is it just cement or at the end do you spray a clear coat or rub aquarium silicone over it and how do the cement hold up to the water any chipping yet
David H
David H - 8 years ago
another ??? after thinking about it can i use the foam like is in couch cushions would the cement do the same way as it did for the foam you used
Kelley G
Kelley G - 8 years ago
Andrew - 8 years ago
this tank is ugly
TheRocknT - 9 years ago
Yes it is Quick Crete cement
Alex Abela
Alex Abela - 9 years ago
it is normal constaction cemengt?
TheRocknT - 9 years ago
Hi the paint is a pigment color additive that is mixed into the last coat of Concrete,,, No gravel filter,,it has a canister filter , I have had to vacuum the gravel from time to time ,,small fish small mess
David H
David H - 9 years ago
and did you paint the back with the concrete or just left it foam color and just sprayed with water proof stuff
David H
David H - 9 years ago
how did you put the gravel filter jets in i like how you did everything and also the canister filter and its jet
Louie Cornago
Louie Cornago - 9 years ago
what kind of paint did you use?
cichlid62 - 9 years ago
TheVideoMaker15 - 8 years ago
Right! I thought he was gonna put Africans in it
Jenylyn Tulay
Jenylyn Tulay - 9 years ago
goodgod that was beautiful tank
inventoryking - 9 years ago
right on
I subbed, can you sub to my channel?
James Smith
James Smith - 9 years ago
nice video but the final piece is not impressive. good job though.
Jean-Sebastien Fabre
Jean-Sebastien Fabre - 9 years ago
looks like shit to me

50. comment for DIY aquarium background

TheRocknT - 9 years ago
Actually it is easy to keep clean,, I am lucky I could add the continuous drip system I have it set to change out 6 gal in 24 hours,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Paint ,,, When I mixed the last batch of concrete I found a bottle of color additive just for concrete and mixed it in and did the last coat ,, ,,,,,,,,
Soocramanien Keven
Soocramanien Keven - 9 years ago
which type of colour can be use to paint it.
Matt Clark
Matt Clark - 9 years ago
bet thats hard to keep clean
Matt Clark
Matt Clark - 9 years ago
bet thats hard to keep clean
Kenny Smith
Kenny Smith - 9 years ago
the video is about his background not his ornaments comments should be about the background. if you don't like it you should keep your comments to yourself I think it was an awesome job
TheRocknT - 9 years ago
song This Close To Heaven by Diving Reflex
irulepandorasbox - 8 years ago
TheRocknT diving or gaging?
Eduardo Estrelon
Eduardo Estrelon - 9 years ago
who sing that song on your background?
TheRocknT - 9 years ago
music is from YouTube music list called This Close To Heaven
Domun Virish
Domun Virish - 9 years ago
music plz
Alijah Curtis
Alijah Curtis - 9 years ago
Amazing, TOTALLY AMAZING!! Way to go its a beautiful tank using a classic method but in a way that is really rarely seen! I love the step/slab design and my idea once I saw your comment about how you should have planted it was that it would be really cool to have little bowls on some of the steps where you could actually have plants grow as well so not just on the bottom. Overall I Love it and you did a great job :D
TheRocknT - 9 years ago
post a link would like to see how it looks
Alex Neugroschl
Alex Neugroschl - 9 years ago
how did you paint it? What colors/ paints/ colorants did you use?
Leslyn Monica Morga
Leslyn Monica Morga - 9 years ago
hey! how come its shiny? how did you make it shiny? btw. its silicone glue right?
Harry Potter
Harry Potter - 9 years ago
Where is your filtration? And it seems you didn't even cycle the tank??
Joseph Nelson
Joseph Nelson - 9 years ago
NIce tank but you overstocked it at the end. GG
Cichlid MadMan
Cichlid MadMan - 9 years ago
nice but it takes up half the tank :(
TheRocknT - 9 years ago
Not that I know of ,,but if you dont seal it some way it will just fall apart eventually
AnthsQuariums 01
AnthsQuariums 01 - 9 years ago
Is the cement toxic for the fish?
TheRocknT - 9 years ago
Hi ,,Lows had a Food Safe silicone in clear ,,I did seal it but don't remember what it was it was a grout and tile sealer ,,the actual cutting shaping and painting took 4 day's,,,After I silicone it in I just let it setup for a couple of day's to make sure it was dry,,after I filled it with water it set for a week with filter running and circulating ,,I then introduced the fish,,,so about 2 weeks..I now plan on planting it will update when I do
Stacy Medina
Stacy Medina - 9 years ago
What brand did you use for the silicone? Did you seal the cement with anything? How long was this from start to finish when it was all said and done.  Interesting rock cliffs...well done
Jerry Rush
Jerry Rush - 9 years ago
Looks cool...but the plastic plants and fake houses etc don't go with the background IMO.
TheRocknT - 9 years ago
Hi I just used regular old powdered cement ,,and they make a Dye that you can mix in to make different colors , I found I should have mixed it a little darker than I needed as it dries it got a lot lighter in color ,,
Eric B
Eric B - 9 years ago
same sealer did the job, but my problem was i made structure not a wall and it took so many stones to keep it down that i just made one out of slate pieces...sucked.
TheRocknT - 9 years ago
Hi..Mine is too but that was what I was going for a sand stone effect,,the sealer slicked it over
Eric B
Eric B - 9 years ago
+TheRocknT i just tried making my own and used quikcrete but the effect once brushed on is like a sandy ruff surface yours looks like paint, wonder if its more fine
TARGETZEROO - 9 years ago
What is the name of the cement that you use, is there an english equivalant?
TheRocknT - 9 years ago
You could make the same thing on a kitchen table ,,it was relatively easy just time consuming ,,got all my information here on University of You Tube :-)
genti rrahmani
genti rrahmani - 9 years ago
can you do one for me like this i have 55G contact me in
Roy Niswanger
Roy Niswanger - 9 years ago
Cool...sure looked like a lot of work.  But, that tank stand looks a little scary to me:  5:22  :)
wantsome480 - 9 years ago
There are no straight lines in nature.
TheRocknT - 9 years ago
Hi and thanks ,,
I did actually ,,It said it was a mat finish but it was really glossy ,,but has now started to dull ..
Brian Mason
Brian Mason - 9 years ago
Nicely done! I'm making one for a 29 gallon as a trial run. Did you put anything on after the last coat of cement? It looked like there was a glossy finish in the video before you added the water. Look forward to hearing from you.
Chacko Ville
Chacko Ville - 9 years ago
Make the acquarium homey for its occupants. Check out a fantastic replica of a Natural looking rockface on Amazon
TheRocknT - 10 years ago
Yes I used food safe siicone and let dry 2 days ,,and it is still holding ,,If I would have had any Idea this was going to work as well as it has I sould have planted it ,,I have never had a planted tank but I am going to get work and try it
By the way THANKS to everyone's comments & views ..has been great
T M - 7 years ago
Your video of fake rocks, can you tell me the brand of sealer you used on them. Thanks
TheRocknT - 10 years ago
It is glued down with silcone on the back and bottom
..I let it dry for a few days before I did anything else to it
NZ006 - 10 years ago
How does this not just float?
Griffin Ops
Griffin Ops - 10 years ago
it is put down with silicone 
TheRocknT - 10 years ago
LOL yes I did ..I did not know for sure at the time if all chemicals released was going to eventualy kill the fish but I have not had any problems ..
Joni Solis
Joni Solis - 10 years ago
+TheRocknT did you have to do anything special to cure the cement before adding the background to the tank? Did it at fist effect the water quality? Also what kind of cement mix did you use and what did you use for the coloring. Thanks. Nice job. 
TheRocknT - 10 years ago
@ Kaz thanks,,,,,,,,, rc yep check out my other videos 
TheRocknT - 10 years ago
@ MMi 
I did at first ,,then I did a continues drip system fixed my algae and I have it set to drip 3gal a day no water changes either seen that system here on you tube best thing I have done ,
MiMi Lee
MiMi Lee - 10 years ago
Amazing job! Love the background. Have you had any algae issues and if so, how do you clean it please?
TheRocknT - 10 years ago
The music is from the You Tube music list it is This Close To Heaven ,,,That stand is now supported at each end and it is setting on 2 2x12's ,,I honestly didn't think the back ground would stay put,,but is holding up well . Salt water I cant not answer that I have never delt with salt water,,Thanks for all the coments ,,
The_flying_Kaz - 10 years ago
+TheRocknT I noticed the rc plane reflection at... 0:28 nice vid anyways gonna try it myself!
Benin Churchil
Benin Churchil - 10 years ago
Good Job, 
TheRocknT - 10 years ago
+Benin Churchil
Hi ,, the wire on the foam cutter was the high E string from a guitar ,takes very little heat to get a clean cut ,I found all the information to build the foam cutter here on You Tube
Benin Churchil
Benin Churchil - 10 years ago
You used heating coil or tungsten for cutting ?
RJ M - 10 years ago
that stand scares the crap out of me, cool background although it doesnt look natural enough for me.
Claudius Ferdiantho
Claudius Ferdiantho - 10 years ago
Out of topic, Music title?
jeff green
jeff green - 10 years ago
Would this be safe for a saltwater tank ???
Josh Trimble
Josh Trimble - 10 years ago
HalfMan HalfCichlid
HalfMan HalfCichlid - 10 years ago
Looks like you lost about 1/3 of the tank due to water displacement by the background
TheRocknT - 10 years ago
@ RAW you are right but I didn't know for sure if every thing was going to stay put ,,But as of today it is still doing great. How much did it weigh if you are asking about the back ground my a 1 pound it is all foam,,but in total tank/water/sand/stand about 1200 pounds 
f0rmaggi0 - 10 years ago
About how much does it weigh when completed?
R.A.W. Talent
R.A.W. Talent - 10 years ago
Shame, you did all that hard work then you stuck some rubbish ornaments in the tank.
dclxvi - 10 years ago
completely agree. i really hope he looks up the work of takashi amano for some inspiration
TheRocknT - 10 years ago
IF I rember correctly I let it circulate for 2 day's and tested the water and it had cleaned up nicely by then ..
Shinji Hy
Shinji Hy - 10 years ago
how long did it take to soak the foam in water until is not cloudy anymore? 
Yazeed Bassadien
Yazeed Bassadien - 10 years ago
Hi is the foam and concrete mix safe for the water quality? Also what did you use to colour the foam?

100. comment for DIY aquarium background

Gerardo Vega
Gerardo Vega - 10 years ago
TheRocknT - 10 years ago
Lonewolf yes it is ,,,You are correct ,,RC is my other pasion been at it a long time "1979" ..The tank is holding up great best thing I have added is the continious drip syatem,,never have to change out or add water ,,and the tank stay's stable ,,Found that on The University of You Tube ..LOL
lonewolf7717 - 10 years ago
Well done sir....Sky Surfer didnt escape my attention either...think I spotted tail of a extra too. Funny how us rc folk have similar taste in creative tangents
Nathaniel Winston
Nathaniel Winston - 10 years ago
Really nice background. I'm hoping to set up a large african cichlid tank soon and i may have to try this out. Do they make concrete dye or is that something you do yourself?
rah works
rah works - 10 years ago
How did you get the foam to stay in tank?
TheRocknT - 10 years ago
on the back and the bottom is flat I clean the glass and siliconed it,,left it set for a week ,,so far so good
TheRocknT - 10 years ago
You Tube music  actually
This Close to Heaven by Diving Reflex
Thanks it is a lot of work but well worth it ,,,would like to see how yours looks when it is done
\m/ - 10 years ago
what's the title of the song? :D
RUFFRIDER1978 - 10 years ago
Nice build man, gonna start one myself tomorrow...what song is that your playing

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