Escarpment Nature Aquarium by James Findley - Step by Step
Howto & Style 10 years ago 556,598 views
Visit the aquascape journal for more info In this 23 minute video, you will see professional aquascaper, and founder of The Green machine- James Findley creating a planted aquarium from scratch. We'll take you step by step through the process so you can understand the technical and artistic decisions James makes at each stage. James is using one of the most popular sized aquariums on the market- a 60 cm wide, by 30 deep, by 36 cm high, 64.8 litre ADA Cube Garden. ADA Cube Gardens are made from low-iron, higher clarity glass, which results in a brighter, more vibrant view of your planted tank. James is well known for creating Supertanks such as Nature's Chaos, Arizona, and Reciprocity, so it is interesting to see him planting a more average sized home aquarium. For over 100 photos, plus full setup specification and video transcript, read the aquascape journal on our website here:
10. comment for Escarpment Nature Aquarium by James Findley - Step by Step
(Cmt )
Doesn't the minerals in the soil and additives pollute the water for the animals and how would one vacuum that substrate with out mixing everything together and depleting the additives? How do you avoid algal blooms with all of that lighting before the tank is established?
20. comment for Escarpment Nature Aquarium by James Findley - Step by Step
30. comment for Escarpment Nature Aquarium by James Findley - Step by Step
NOTE: possibly dumb
do you have to clean this tank ever again ? or do the plants and the soil you used and the coal which acts as a filter keep it clean as long as you have the tank ? because I'd love to have a turtle or a snake of some kind in a tank like that ! with the fish a semi aquatic tank like that is breathtaking!!]
I've personally had an apple snail that left my plants alone, so I bought a few more - it turns out that they were a different subspecies of apple snail that went to town on supposedly snail-proof plants like java fern and anubias! Do your research first and you hopefully won't be surprised!
If you do choose to keep snails, they can be a surprisingly fascinating addition to a tank - I love mine, even though they are in the process of "redesigning" my planted aquarium.
how we made air stone at home
50. comment for Escarpment Nature Aquarium by James Findley - Step by Step
And the Hygro has a deficiency....
Signed, someone that is already obsessed
oxygen tank? Basic science tells me that plants produce oxygen so why do you need an oxygen tank?
Can i just use the simple plants, soil, and rocks from river??
100. comment for Escarpment Nature Aquarium by James Findley - Step by Step
Haven't really seen anyone using it here. Thanks :)
make one with Fluval edge!!
Also, let me add that I really love these videos. Perhaps when I retire, I'll set up a planted aquarium. I just don't have the time to properly care for one now.
Reply please
thanks. I'm always curious about accents. Wish I could visit but living in China at the moment. One day..
Where can I order all that stuff online? I ain't sure if we have all that stuff here (I'm not from the US).
And why you need to change water if you have feltiliser?
And by the way i just wanted to ask if you supply O2 during night? or is it not necessary
thanks +TheGreenMachineLtd and congratulations of course James Findley , you guys never let me down =D
When do you open a shop here in Belgium ? I will run the shop with pleasure and passion...............
I enjoy watching the videos you post but it's always ADA and very expensive.,, can James do a budget aquarium would enjoy see it??
Hi mate, I am referring to the jumbled or missing letters, going as far back as the first scaping video. I love the videos but I found the errors very distracting.