Home 20,000 Gallon Reef Tank, 75,000L - COOLEST THING I'VE EVER MADE: EP5

Bill Wann designed this entire 20,000 gallon reef tank himself. From the filters to the pumps, he built everything at home in his shop. The tank is so large, that the only way to clean is jump in with scuba gear. As he describes it “The Coolest Thing I’ve Ever Made”. To find out more about Bill and the equipment he uses, go to: http://www.aquariumeng.com/ *BTW, I spelt "Wisconcin" wrong. It's actually Wisconsin. I will never forget. -Guy You can visit us at our facebook page: www.facebook.com/coolestthing, Instagram www.instagram.com/coolestthing/ or website www.coolestshow.com

Home 20,000 Gallon Reef Tank, 75,000L - COOLEST THING I'VE EVER MADE: EP5 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 65

Howto & Style 8 years ago 311,342 views

Bill Wann designed this entire 20,000 gallon reef tank himself. From the filters to the pumps, he built everything at home in his shop. The tank is so large, that the only way to clean is jump in with scuba gear. As he describes it “The Coolest Thing I’ve Ever Made”. To find out more about Bill and the equipment he uses, go to: http://www.aquariumeng.com/ *BTW, I spelt "Wisconcin" wrong. It's actually Wisconsin. I will never forget. -Guy You can visit us at our facebook page: www.facebook.com/coolestthing, Instagram www.instagram.com/coolestthing/ or website www.coolestshow.com

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Most popular comments
for Home 20,000 Gallon Reef Tank, 75,000L - COOLEST THING I'VE EVER MADE: EP5

Coolest Thing
Coolest Thing - 7 years ago
*Yes, I know I spelled "Wisconcin" wrong. It's actually Wisconsin. It was a late night edit. I will never forget. -Guy
corey simon
corey simon - 7 years ago
If i had this thing i'd be in it constantly.
Bill Mayhew
Bill Mayhew - 7 years ago
I wish you had one that went into more detail than this, very impressive though. Nice job.
Partrick S
Partrick S - 7 years ago
I am the same... Its about the challenge of keeping everything alive.
Skeletonix - 7 years ago
Meanwhile I have a 5 gallon. ;;(
TheAPANDASSASSIN - 7 years ago
Unknown Truths
Unknown Truths - 7 years ago
Wow hes ugly
L López
L López - 7 years ago
Co GoKru
Co GoKru - 7 years ago
Actual footage of my dream man

10. comment for Home 20,000 Gallon Reef Tank, 75,000L - COOLEST THING I'VE EVER MADE: EP5

Sofia Ierardi
Sofia Ierardi - 7 years ago
dill papa
dill papa - 7 years ago
Robin - 7 years ago
damn bill!
salt is life
salt is life - 7 years ago
did anyone even notice that most of his fish look sick... the foxface close up showed ich very bad and the blue hippo tang that showed a close up its stomach was pressed in like it was starving or had some kind of infection.... ill stick with my 180. i mean yeah the guy is smart to build his tank but the fish are sick!!!!!!! i say shut it down or build a big QT
Shark Attack
Shark Attack - 7 years ago
Ants in My Eyes Johnson
Ants in My Eyes Johnson - 7 years ago
Aaaand over here is my wife, I built her myself.
Joseph C
Joseph C - 7 years ago
I have trouble to keep my two gold fishes alive....
John - 7 years ago
holy crap this guys is arrogant
jaime sermeno
jaime sermeno - 7 years ago
Cool guy.
linda chan
linda chan - 7 years ago
He can make a machine like an automatic router and also build a 20,000G reef tank. The learning curve for both these feats requires years and years of experience and dedication. He looks about 30-40? Someone tell me how is this guy human. OK maybe next time he'll really build a spaceship.

20. comment for Home 20,000 Gallon Reef Tank, 75,000L - COOLEST THING I'VE EVER MADE: EP5

cyruszaydan - 7 years ago
That tank is too small to keep tangs. I saw a regal tang in there. That's a disgrace! A tank needs to contain at least 200,000 litres of water to have one of those. 75,000 litres isn't even half-way there. He should be ashamed of himself! I am now going to find other videos of aquariums with tangs in and continue to tell people what to do and how to run their tanks. No one can see my tank because it's a pile of crap.I am a member of the tang police and a complete twat.
TheDrakenZ - 7 years ago
What a fucking chaaaaampion. I want one, and it sure as hell wont cost me 500,000$+ .... lmao
Jasmine Morales
Jasmine Morales - 7 years ago
Greg ZODIAC - 7 years ago
Nice tank - strange guy
Gregory J
Gregory J - 7 years ago
that is wayyyyy cool
Mike Bircher
Mike Bircher - 7 years ago
This is a smart dude, but still hasn't figured out how to attach an acrylic cleaning sponge to a pole.
David Phillips
David Phillips - 7 years ago
He is definitely a mensa card holder! I would love to have him as a friend. You rock Bill!
Elephantricity - 7 years ago
I always wonder what jobs these guys have.
Youssef M
Youssef M - 7 years ago
this guy is the real DIY king, sorry joey
linda chan
linda chan - 7 years ago
Joey is another kind of King of DIY and only deals with fishkeeping. BTW, Joey is showing how to build stuff instead of "I built this, it's so cool."
Chewligan - 7 years ago
Very clever guy with lots of money. I think his dad must be an oil baron. Just the energy required to run this tank costs more than I earn !!!! ..... and he's thinking of making a tank 4 times bigger ??? Wouldn't it be cheaper to build an acrylic wall round part of the atlantic ocean?

30. comment for Home 20,000 Gallon Reef Tank, 75,000L - COOLEST THING I'VE EVER MADE: EP5

JAMES SMITH - 7 years ago
dude figure out a way to extend life
JAMES SMITH - 7 years ago
smart guy
Todd Vernon
Todd Vernon - 7 years ago
VeloDrone - 7 years ago
This guy is Lloyd Christmas if he opened up a pet store and got interested in fish instead of worms
Matthew Kennedy
Matthew Kennedy - 7 years ago
How smart is this dude damn
Robert Dunn
Robert Dunn - 7 years ago
Bill: "Well, these are the fish that populate the aquarium. I built them myself."
Edwin - 7 years ago
cool aquarium ! not a cool haircut
Patrick Bateman
Patrick Bateman - 7 years ago
Amazing tank. Would have been cool to see the making of it, from scratch. Although it's a work in progression. ;-)
Ben Paatela
Ben Paatela - 7 years ago
lol wisconcin
Mark Steffen
Mark Steffen - 7 years ago
patricia bell
patricia bell - 7 years ago
amazing! if only I could have a tiny bit of his brain. ..:-)
R5E - 7 years ago
i like how people are jealous of his intelligence so they just insult his looks instead. just like high school
Rizuki - 7 years ago
Your hair is cool :D
kazukikid - 7 years ago
simple jack
Lenny - 7 years ago
This man is a genius
Mr.meeseeks98 - 7 years ago
Smartest and weirdest dude ever
InViKTus - 7 years ago
im like this too , i dont like fish as much as i like the fact that i cannot master keeping them alive and happy. but i lack the drive this guy has
UNIX_XINU - 7 years ago
Child's play
Kayraw - 7 years ago
Builds all that but didn't think to make a magnet big enough to clean his aquarium glass?
linda chan
linda chan - 7 years ago
I think he just wanted an excuse to go diving every few days
T Pijls
T Pijls - 7 years ago
Dude you need a new haircut! other than that its cool

50. comment for Home 20,000 Gallon Reef Tank, 75,000L - COOLEST THING I'VE EVER MADE: EP5

Señor Berto
Señor Berto - 7 years ago
I wonder if he has built a genetically modified wife... Hmm.
beyondmetaphysics - 7 years ago
When he climbed inside the tank all I could think about is ARE YOU CRAZY? You have extremely powerful lights and electrical wiring hanging above you with nothing protecting it. One splash could make one pop and who knows what happens after that.
Daniel Vázquez Guevara
Daniel Vázquez Guevara - 7 years ago
Tang police will still complain about size!
Dave Anderson
Dave Anderson - 7 years ago
Breathtaking. Well done
kaosslayeryin - 7 years ago
he built that over all the bodies he hiding underneath
Anthony Snoeren
Anthony Snoeren - 7 years ago
this guy is an absolute genius!!!
monkefoahead - 7 years ago
zero girlfriend
oopopp x
oopopp x - 7 years ago
I;m so happy to see he didn't overstock the shit outta that tank....
Scott W
Scott W - 7 years ago
yayaya you so smart
Mr : Ad Amardeep I
Mr : Ad Amardeep I - 7 years ago
Monsta Munch
Monsta Munch - 7 years ago
Clearly likes to do things himself, including his own haircuts.
linda chan
linda chan - 7 years ago
"I don't like the commercial haircuts you can get in the salons so I designed one myself"
Nic Chauvin
Nic Chauvin - 7 years ago
Those dimensions won't hold 20,000 gallons of water. That's really closer to 17,000. 20k must be including the sump and filtration system.
Marq Mac
Marq Mac - 7 years ago
I love this guy. Fucking genius.
Ryan Thomas
Ryan Thomas - 7 years ago
Spelled Wisconsin wrong
Coolest Thing
Coolest Thing - 7 years ago
Yup, sorry about that.
MARK Yates
MARK Yates - 7 years ago
He should get himself a 20kw array and some Tesla Powerwalls... or build his own system like wkd057 did... if hes smart enough...
Brandon Roche
Brandon Roche - 7 years ago
This guys a loonie
RexyKai - 7 years ago
not t be rude but i think your Blue Hippo Tang may have some health issues, it looked like it might have fin rot, not to mention where is its partner? blue hippo tangs never live alone, always in pairs or groups of about 8 to 14
George Miller
George Miller - 7 years ago
MikiKemo E
MikiKemo E - 7 years ago
engineers are kings in a world of pleabs
Random Girl
Random Girl - 7 years ago
What's his number? Can he build me a boyfriend???
Roger Rodriguez
Roger Rodriguez - 7 years ago
I can't believe how stupid people are they always have to find the negative on things the guy never ask about how his haircut looks is all about the tank this guy is a genius really smart and all of you talking trash are a losers in life that's how it is
Karoline Arnii
Karoline Arnii - 7 years ago
FINALLY a guy who does not have a gigantic tank and fills it with so much huge fish that it's stupid! Great!
Ian McGrath
Ian McGrath - 7 years ago
This is the kind of guy that's forgotten more than any of us will ever learn.
linda chan
linda chan - 7 years ago
so deep
Dreamcee - 7 years ago
awesome video...he does have gf and theres been a hiccup with the tank https://reefs.com/2015/01/09/tank-crisis-putting-things-perspective-bill-wann/
Le Coeur
Le Coeur - 7 years ago
amazing tank but sad, he doesn't really have the passion for the fish and the habitat, more about the challenge... shame
dennis frankland
dennis frankland - 7 years ago
Are you kidding me dude?? Awesomeness dude. Totally respect man. Fantastic tank, can't wait to see your next project dude.
Wei Gao
Wei Gao - 7 years ago
Who is this guy?
ALIEN-Oo-_-oO - 7 years ago
He's so smart, and he can't keep the fish alive? it isn't so hard to keep salt water fish alive, especially in a tank this size, water levels(temperature, salinity, etc) change way slower, which puts less stress on the fish. And he doesn't use solar panels to try to save on the electric bill or they don't help enough?
Dr.Trollish - 7 years ago
You have to factor the cost of the solar panels you would need to run a setup like this vs when they would become profitable. This tanks electrical needs might require a very expensive solar panel set up. Even average people with an average electric bill will never see the cost of installing solar panels recouped in money saved while living in a house. You're basically installing them for the next person that buys the house. And by then you probably need to install new panels anyways so...Its not really a cost effective add on. Which is why they where talking about just adding them to all new construction homes from the start as a rule. But that would of course add like 25K+ to the price of a new home and people wouldn't like that either. Solar panels are more "feel good" than practical at this point.
Protoss. - 7 years ago
Still not compared to my mans victor with a shark in his
Matt O'Connell
Matt O'Connell - 7 years ago
Didnt this guys tank end up all over his floor?
Coolest Thing
Coolest Thing - 7 years ago
Yes, one faulty pipe. Quite the story. Apparently he didn't lose any fish, but his coral didn't fare as well. It's back and running now. https://reefs.com/2015/01/09/tank-crisis-putting-things-perspective-bill-wann/
Sin D'Angelo
Sin D'Angelo - 7 years ago
This guy looks like a gigantic douche
Coolest Thing
Coolest Thing - 7 years ago
Nah. He was a good guy. Very nice and generous to film with.
TheGrowShow420 - 7 years ago
You can just go swimming in your reef any time you want...See, I look at my 50 gallon and wish I could do that XD
山本ヨーヨー - 7 years ago
I like how this dude casually talks about how he made a huge RO system as if it was nothing
Oh I couldn't find one I liked, just made one instead lol, no biggie
linda chan
linda chan - 7 years ago
can't even begin to wrap my mind around that
Wil Santiago Reefing
Wil Santiago Reefing - 7 years ago
Awesome tank and cool dude.
Jon Fourie
Jon Fourie - 7 years ago
I needed a rocket to get to space, but the rocket that nasa had for sale didn't come with cup holders so..... I built one from scratch
David Mitchell
David Mitchell - 7 years ago
He look and sound like the nerdy joker
Unknown PrO
Unknown PrO - 7 years ago
Lol its funny that i went to his house and met the guy apparently he's famous i didn't know that, i just know him because the guys girlfriend is my sisters boss
T. Lorblanc
T. Lorblanc - 7 years ago
This guy is so smart. I am impressed by all the stuff he can build. I would love to be able to do the same.
kyle eric
kyle eric - 7 years ago
Dexter's real lol
Shanthalal Weragoda
Shanthalal Weragoda - 8 years ago
Fantastic .. Where is Nimo?
areolaman - 8 years ago
my guppies would enjoy that tank
K. - 7 years ago
Those guppies would breed and then there'd billions of them in there
Carlos Amaral
Carlos Amaral - 7 years ago
Indeed. They wouldn't stand a chance.
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson - 7 years ago
Carlos Amaral yeah but also there's the problem that he has some real big fish in there. Guppies would be a light snack!
Carlos Amaral
Carlos Amaral - 7 years ago
Perhaps. But - believe it or not - guppies can live in saltwater tanks quite easily.
linda chan
linda chan - 7 years ago
your guppies probably die in there
Robert Luebke
Robert Luebke - 8 years ago
damn your a smart cat
#Rossy's Reeftank
#Rossy's Reeftank - 8 years ago
IT puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again!!!!!!!!!!
Yesit'sJess - 8 years ago
That is insane!! I cannot imagine that! It's a amazing, but overwhelming at the same time!
Todd Clark
Todd Clark - 8 years ago
Great tank tell this guy to get into aquaponics and he can invent some real cool stuff there as well...
President Pixel
President Pixel - 8 years ago
Everyone: what's next a hologram
Him: oh I invented that when I was 14 it's all about the virtual reality teleporter I made
Everyone: (just stares at him in silence)
skipstah70 - 8 years ago
Just some hobby shit for a genius. lol
Arnold fabian
Arnold fabian - 8 years ago
The 40 year old virgin
The Leader Of the Lizardmen.
The Leader Of the Lizardmen. - 8 years ago
With that much money he doesn't need a girlfriend. He can easily pay any woman to do the dirtiest of things. And as soon as he's done, she's gone. A wise man indeed.
Mustafa Shams
Mustafa Shams - 8 years ago
Is there anything this guy doesn't make himself? I didn't like the way store bought steak tastes so I genetically engineered my own cows.
Razster - 8 years ago
Neat, but a waste of time and resources. If he had so much time and wanted to challenge himself (Also poor welding technique), then there are plenty of better and resourceful things to challenge ones self on.

He reminds me of Stewart: https://youtu.be/wLM8uDKlR8o?t=4m32s "Look what i can do"
linda chan
linda chan - 7 years ago
he probably goes on YT a lot too

100. comment for Home 20,000 Gallon Reef Tank, 75,000L - COOLEST THING I'VE EVER MADE: EP5

Ivegot5onit - 8 years ago
I wish he would build a Chameleon Terrarium for me haha!
trppmdm - 8 years ago
Could you switch the music up a bit? The series gets repetitive despite the constructions being one-of-a-kind.
Coolest Thing
Coolest Thing - 8 years ago
I agree. It's getting to me too. At the time we could only afford to license so many tracks. When we do another season, will switch it up for sure. -Cheers Guy
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Danner mags
Danner mags - 8 years ago
very cool... this guy is a genious...
Sean Mclean
Sean Mclean - 8 years ago
I'm curious what the second coolest thing he ever made is.
kulukay - 8 years ago
¿Por qué no dejas los peces en el mar?, egocéntrico hijo de puta.
kulukay - 8 years ago
Si tu lo dices Acuaman...
The Leader Of the Lizardmen.
The Leader Of the Lizardmen. - 8 years ago
A el pez no le importa. Lo mas seguro en el mar es la muerte.
WhyIsThisOpen - 8 years ago
There are too many people with McMansions and the standard array of overpriced luxury items. It is really refreshing to see somebody that knows how to be wealthy.
InsaneFameNYC - 8 years ago
Hook Bill up with Elon Musk.
Razster - 8 years ago
Pfft, Elon would just laugh at him.
joe bob
joe bob - 8 years ago
I love blue tang
khaunleper - 8 years ago
"i have the largest fish tank in the US" ohhhh look a rich guy buys a fish tank...ohhh great. "I designed and built the entire thing to see if i could do it"....ohhhh wow "I designed and built this router".....wow....

Seriously impressive.
linda chan
linda chan - 7 years ago
if only all rich people were not couch potatoes and did productive things like this, I might feel better about the gap and actually believe I deserve to be stuck in the middle class and therefore will never have the opportunity to have a 20000G tank in my living room too. I might even have the time and resources to build at least some parts of it.
Midnite Reveries
Midnite Reveries - 8 years ago
I bet he still haven't mastered the art of getting laid. He needs to hire a stylist for his hair and wardrobe.
Zachary Mainwaring
Zachary Mainwaring - 8 years ago
Enrique JM
Enrique JM - 8 years ago
he mastered serial killing, got bored, and went for next thing. good job!!
Chase Murry
Chase Murry - 8 years ago
dudes got dead hookers under that tank guaranteed
yesterman - 8 years ago
He is smart but also he is alone.
Angelo Guilherme Weiss
Angelo Guilherme Weiss - 8 years ago
Ah money! you and me would do so many things together...
fug off
fug off - 8 years ago
I connected a small light-bulb to a battery once..
TheCadillacCat - 8 years ago
Filipe Nunes
Filipe Nunes - 8 years ago
Too bad he can't 'invent' a better haircut.
- 7 years ago
No matter what you say, his hair cut is absolute shit.
Sy Nguyen
Sy Nguyen - 7 years ago
He built a $700,000 fish tank. Why the hell would he need to worry about his hair?
HigherPlanes - 7 years ago
When you're this smart your hair is just naturally going to look fucked up.
MrFreeman0179 - 7 years ago
+P Ark
"WHy dont you invent yourself a brain LMFAO"

Guess what for some people having a brain is not even necessary :D! They can be of above average intelligence WITHOUT a fully developed and "invented" brain.

"There's a young student at this university," says Lorber, "WHO HAS AN IQ of 126, has gained a first-class honors degree in mathematics, and is socially completely normal. And yet the boy has virtually no brain." The student's physician at the university noticed that the youth had a slightly larger than normal head, and so referred him to Lorber, simply out of interest. "When we did a brain scan on him," Lorber recalls, "we saw that instead of the normal 4.5-centimeter thickness of brain tissue between the ventricles and the cortical surface, there was just a thin layer of mantle measuring a millimeter or so. His cranium is filled mainly with cerebrospinal fluid."

P Ark
P Ark - 7 years ago
n1 cares. WHy dont you invent yourself a brain LMFAO
haveumet ted
haveumet ted - 8 years ago
haveumet ted
haveumet ted - 8 years ago
TurtleDude 48 he has access to high tech land...maybe it won't be so hard
Pile Of Crap
Pile Of Crap - 8 years ago
Filipe Nunes
Too bad he can't 'invent' a way to get rid of piles of shit like you.

Finn Sterling
Finn Sterling - 8 years ago
well he is the CEO of a lab equipment company..He's an extremely smart and successful guy (unlike you), and if this hobby makes him happy, then so be it.
Razster - 8 years ago
Relevant? wasting 500k to see if he can keep fish alive? Yup, relevant.
neurotikkkkk - 8 years ago
Maybe because he focuses on relevant things, unlike you..
Peter Berden
Peter Berden - 8 years ago
One day something will happen to him and he'll become a supervillain. Who wants to bet?
KillAllTheRednecks2 - 8 years ago
His hair makes you wonder if he has a kidnapped girl scout being held in his basement.
John Smith
John Smith - 8 years ago
better to enjoy what you love instead of a girlfriend, always waste of time sooner or later.
haveumet ted
haveumet ted - 7 years ago
John give this man a timeslot on fox news. We could all learn a bit from him
D-G-A-F - 8 years ago

And yes, they all are.
tocA - 8 years ago
what a nerd
REXMAN03 - 8 years ago
Looks like he cuts his own hair too
gtwilliamswashu - 8 years ago
Typo at 0:14.
rumvodkaf1 - 8 years ago
Awesome dude, awesome haircut!
Rodisflawless - 8 years ago
He also designed and made the fish from scratch.
Joe Smith
Joe Smith - 7 years ago
Fertilizing the eggs himself was a huge problem.
Queleimporta Pene
Queleimporta Pene - 8 years ago
This is the kind of guys that make america great, nothing to do with government...
Andrew Tolmasoff
Andrew Tolmasoff - 8 years ago
Must be nice to be rich.
billshreeveable - 8 years ago
I wish this guy was my neighbor, I would never be board. I think this is awesome and I really like the router table too!
The Leader Of the Lizardmen.
The Leader Of the Lizardmen. - 8 years ago
I wood John, I wood.
John Hopkins
John Hopkins - 8 years ago
It's great that you wouldn't be board. But I'm curious...wood you be BORED?
OmenRider - 8 years ago
How board are you normally? particle, or 2x4?
Mavin Marque
Mavin Marque - 8 years ago
Would like to see what he can do with that money for aquaculture.
kappstone1 - 8 years ago
better judged by 12 than carried by six.
better judged by 12 than carried by six. - 8 years ago
I melted dry ice in my pool. Now I can go swimming without getting wet....
kinglou1904 - 8 years ago
When the zombie apocalypse goes down I call this guy
Mindchime Official
Mindchime Official - 8 years ago
He can build an ocean, but can't spell where he lives.
paul - 8 years ago
epSos.de - 8 years ago
At this size, we can call it a room with fish :-)
Hope Hurteau
Hope Hurteau - 8 years ago
its not even very big
Clayton 2k
Clayton 2k - 8 years ago
lol k.
Jinzo - 8 years ago
he looks like a fish.
Jozef SK
Jozef SK - 8 years ago
Are all documentaries in US made for people with alzheimer disease? why is there always half the content just a repeat of other half? Dont eat lead - its not good for you.
Smooth Triston
Smooth Triston - 7 years ago
I don't know, are all European countries pussies that let Germany do whatever they want twice?
0xB0BAFE77 - 8 years ago
WTF does he do for a living??

That thing cost 500-700k and he wants to make something x4 bigger?

What is it like having money? I couldn't afford this if it was my deepest desire.
Jason Hamilton
Jason Hamilton - 8 years ago
Sweet tank. Using Mach 3 instead of LinuxCNC?? I though he was supposed to be a maker... :)
Kevin - 8 years ago
not impressed. He keeps talking about how he made everything from scratch. Did you? Did you make the food from scratch you were eating when designing/building it? Did you generate the power that your computer used? No? Not impressed. Half effort. /s
Tom R
Tom R - 7 years ago
Your one miserable SJW aren't you?
linda chan
linda chan - 7 years ago
lol you can write to him and challenge him to make his own wholesome organic fish food. maybe he'll succeed and start selling his own brand of fish food and you'll buy it, if you have a tank that is.
haveumet ted
haveumet ted - 8 years ago
Kevin I liked both comments to instigate further..
Kevin - 8 years ago
+toastsandwich you're not trying hard enough
toastsandwich - 8 years ago
Kevin you're trying too hard
Philly_Cheasteak - 8 years ago
0:14 WisconCin
Literally unwatchable.
JeremyFromJersey - 8 years ago
step 1: be wealthy
Some Random Guy
Some Random Guy - 8 years ago
Does he build this stuff himself?
AFT DUDE - 8 years ago
chip dibble
chip dibble - 8 years ago
lol i lov ethis video. to me its funny tho every 15 seconds he says " i custom built this myself" lolo
SMUDGE MUHH - 8 years ago
hate his accent
SMUDGE MUHH - 8 years ago
hate his voice
Auschwitz - 8 years ago
This guy should start an indoor marijuana project, also hard to master
Auschwitz - 8 years ago
that's badass
Ryogenic - 8 years ago
tl;dw: Millionaire designs a custom CNC mill, builds a house around an aquarium, designs a custom reverse osmosis filter for it, & dives weekly to clean the scum off the inside of the tank, but he can't be bothered to pay a hair stylist $40 to make him look presentable for his 15 minutes of fame. Absolutely astonishing.
YouSoundButtHurt - 7 years ago
He apparently can't afford a tooth brush either.
R5E - 7 years ago
Intelligence: 10

charisma: 1
Brian Byrd
Brian Byrd - 7 years ago
Not too hard to figure out if the earth where truly flat. As one of you flat earther's would simple be able to travel to the edge of it and show us a pic.

As would be expected, in the nearly hundred years since photographs where first invented we have yet to see one single photograph.

At least we know you're not a genius.
SuperGrowPlants - 7 years ago
fyi einstein was a masonic fraud. tesla was the real genius. look it up, flat earth is real. Einstein was a tool to hide it. facts wake up sheep.
Brian Byrd
Brian Byrd - 7 years ago
Read up on Geniuses. Often times they are messy people who dont keep up on their outside appearance as much. Their mind is too focused on more difficult tasks then to be bothered with something as trivial as a hair cut I.E. Einstein genius.
noiserrr - 8 years ago
im thinkin he wants to look like a creep. just notice how his hair is parted slightly off the middle.
Ryogenic - 8 years ago
@Mavin Marque Mega like!! Too true my friend, too true.
Mavin Marque
Mavin Marque - 8 years ago
think that says more about you than him.
Boppledink - 8 years ago
He looks like a super old Vincent cyr
dunphish - 8 years ago
The sad thing is, this guy STILL doesn't get laid.
Wen Liang
Wen Liang - 8 years ago
Can't wait till this guy needs a hologram.
Yg - 7 years ago
Ultimate Rides
Ultimate Rides - 8 years ago
I have found some classified government prototypes, but they did not have the features i wanted so I've designed and built my own.
darkking222 - 8 years ago
Isaac A.
Isaac A. - 8 years ago
Hashinshin Twin Brother
Mattyew - 8 years ago
He really needs a girlfriend. Just kidding, then we'd never get to see his cool stuff.
Tom R
Tom R - 7 years ago
A Man that is obviously as responsible and affluent as he is, unless he's gay, Getting a girlfriend was the easy part.
linda chan
linda chan - 7 years ago
I bet you he'll find himself someone who is 100% unmanageable and does not behave as expected. Because if she is perfect and predictable, he'll lose interest. Wait, that's just about everybody right?
Jonah Ruiz
Jonah Ruiz - 7 years ago
By the time you finished reading this name, I stole your virginity. None of he ones he found has the features he wanted so he designed and built his own.
By the time you finished reading this name, I stole your virginity.
By the time you finished reading this name, I stole your virginity. - 7 years ago
He'll just build a sex robot
NuclearKnives - 8 years ago
This man is so freaking smart. Damn
Metalman - 7 years ago
I know right, I was waiting for "No one was building faster than light spaceships so here's 3 I made just yesterday"..
taxol2 - 7 years ago
NuclearKnives cool indeed!
Hurricane - 8 years ago
NuclearKnives IKR
Jos - 8 years ago
Nice tank! Shame he couldn't invent a fucking tooth brush :^)
deathstr1ker6666 - 8 years ago
Wuts this nigga do for a livin?
Tom R
Tom R - 7 years ago
Obviously Engineering.
Scrotus Maximus
Scrotus Maximus - 8 years ago
Galil - 8 years ago
he makes houses around giant ass aquariums
JaxTheBadman - 8 years ago
he said he owns a lab equipment company
Rich Bagurdes
Rich Bagurdes - 8 years ago
At 0:15 Wisconsin is misspelled as "Wisconcin"
Coolest Thing
Coolest Thing - 8 years ago
All good! Smallish budget. I produced/directed all the episodes and edited almost all of them too. My editing software (Avid) doesn't have spellcheck (but should!). Thanks for watching! - Guy
Tryggve Rogness
Tryggve Rogness - 8 years ago
+Coolest Thing​, I only worded it that way because the video seems to have a decent budget behind it. It's definitely meant as more of a "why wasn't there a second person to catch this or spellcheck?"
Coolest Thing
Coolest Thing - 8 years ago
Well...I could say I was exhausted and was editing at 3am and didn't double check...or I could say I'm Canadian and over here we spell Wisconsin with a "c".
Tryggve Rogness
Tryggve Rogness - 8 years ago
Rich Bagurdes came to say this. How does something like this get overlooked? It's one of the 50 states, not just some obscure town.
BruceWillakers - 8 years ago
This guys minecraft world is lit.
Future Trunks
Future Trunks - 7 years ago
I hate ghetto people
Clorox bleach
Clorox bleach - 7 years ago
BruceWillakers the golden comment
Miguel Sendon
Miguel Sendon - 7 years ago
Limehack - 7 years ago
Not where I expected to see you! xD
TheVJProduction - 8 years ago
man if he had interest in making a sex robot, what could he do? imagine.
SuperGrowPlants - 7 years ago
vr porn is insane
The Leader Of the Lizardmen.
The Leader Of the Lizardmen. - 8 years ago
I saw all the sex robots out there and didn't like the features, so I designed one myself.
jobloe3393 - 8 years ago
Use the money from that to build a private multi-billion dollar aquarium probably.
Danny Paul
Danny Paul - 8 years ago
What company made those things for him?
lavixl - 8 years ago
Silver. - 8 years ago
AUTISM! Not even once. Stop abusing your autism privilege
gay freakin frog
gay freakin frog - 8 years ago
700k for a fish tank.
Skinny Slim
Skinny Slim - 8 years ago
well at least its better than being a serial killer. good on you bill.
jwahh - 7 years ago
Lol, yeah I was thinking it could have gone the other way myself...
Sports and Entertainment News
Sports and Entertainment News - 7 years ago
right like it made my day
Kenny DeMello
Kenny DeMello - 7 years ago
Skinny Slim "good on you bill" hahahahahahaha your comment wins over all others
Skillet Gilmore
Skillet Gilmore - 8 years ago
Coolest Thing
Coolest Thing - 8 years ago
I misspelled "Wisconsin" and many many people are letting me know.
Coolest Thing
Coolest Thing - 8 years ago
Yup, was too late to change it. But, I'll be uploading another Wisconsin episode soon, so I will get it right on that one.
Jonathan Gorr
Jonathan Gorr - 8 years ago
For 700k he could've bought a condo next to a reef to go scuba diving.
SquidCaps - 8 years ago
"Homemade" and 700 000$ does not match. Having an automated toolchanging CNC machine is NOT what one usually calls "homemade".. I mean, with enough money, i can "build" anything too at home.
The Leader Of the Lizardmen.
The Leader Of the Lizardmen. - 8 years ago
Well until the day we can materialize matter from nothing, we need materials to build stuff and those do usually come with a cost. Those acrylic panels probably cost $5000 each!
Trowzers - 8 years ago
What if all his equipment is at home?
SquidCaps - 8 years ago
Right. There is a difference between selfmade and homemade.
kezeeeeeeeeeeee - 8 years ago
SquidCaps He made it himself, moron. So it is homemade. Doesn't matter what it cost.
¡Gñ! - 8 years ago
That can't be real. He built and programmed everything on the go? Sorry, I can't believe this
mik - 8 years ago
What a cool guy. Builds a fish tank just to see what it will do :D
Smooth Triston
Smooth Triston - 7 years ago
Maybe next time, he can cut down a bunch of rain forest to see what it will do. Or burn a mountains worth of coal just to see what it will do. You know, because he's such a cool guy.
KartGaming - 8 years ago
This is what Draegast's house will look like in a few years
Connor Gay
Connor Gay - 8 years ago
you guys misspelled Wisconsin
AJ Sefcik
AJ Sefcik - 7 years ago
David Money ur dumb
David Money
David Money - 8 years ago
Yeah its Wiscansin!
Coolest Thing
Coolest Thing - 8 years ago
Yes we did. Sorry, late night editing session on this one. Luckily I have another Wisconsin episode coming up, so I will get it right on that one.
Daemon Ant
Daemon Ant - 8 years ago
The definition of Engineer.
Lev A.
Lev A. - 8 years ago
how much do you think he designed himself?
Jake Reinke
Jake Reinke - 8 years ago
I like having fish because its hard to keep them alive.
Nick Green
Nick Green - 8 years ago
these videos are too short...so much great content compared to so many trashy YT click bait channels..but longer videos would be welcome.
Sean Ó Ceallachain
Sean Ó Ceallachain - 8 years ago
Definitely agree with teh above comment. You should do a full length 30min ep at least on this guy.
He seems to be one of the most interesting guys I've seen on youtube in recent years.
Coolest Thing
Coolest Thing - 8 years ago
Thanks! There is always a lot more good stuff. Might release some extra footage as well later. Thanks for watching.
John Mark
John Mark - 8 years ago
I'm from Wisconcin too!
rough rough
rough rough - 8 years ago
man not only this guy is smart but also filthy rich
Dark Helmet
Dark Helmet - 8 years ago
he says he's a master yet the fish you show at 2:51 is extremely emaciated with sunken belly.
NickLiang - 8 years ago
He said if he masters something he gets bored very quickly. He said he likes the challenge of keeping the fish alive because he has not mastered that. Did you watch the whole video?
B Rocka
B Rocka - 8 years ago
what an awesome guy, id love to meet him and check out his stuff
Kevin Keo
Kevin Keo - 8 years ago
Seriously. He seems like an interesting person to talk to. I'd like his contact info so whenever I'm in a bind with something I'll just email him and he can figure it out for me.
kelsie taylor
kelsie taylor - 8 years ago
hes a fucking genius
Bay Area Reefs
Bay Area Reefs - 8 years ago
That's insane lol but the coolest tank I've ever seen
theAworddd - 8 years ago
$1200 a month! thats a mortgage payment for most people! pretty amazing though
linda chan
linda chan - 7 years ago
i just own a 20G and the water chemistry and researching EACH AND EVERY LIVING ORGANISM inside it is already a handful
David Dennis
David Dennis - 8 years ago
+Coolest Thing It wouldn't surprise me if he's looking to switch to LEDs at the same time he puts together his larger setup. With the running cost difference, he can probably count on about the same power bill for 4x the lights for the huge tank. Hope you do a follow up show or two when that's going on.
Coolest Thing
Coolest Thing - 8 years ago
I know he's been testing LED's for a while now. I'm not a tank guy, but I think the combo of coral, salt water, keeping the fish disease free and the sheer volume is what keeps things tricky. Sounds like it's a tricky balancing act to get it working perfectly together at all times. He's got more on his youtube channel and occasionally updates it as well. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0nK9mdfXIepQpXKJhWspwg
Cheers! Guy
David Dennis
David Dennis - 8 years ago
It would probably have a really short payback time, I'm surprised he didn't start with LEDs. Perhaps the state of the art wasn't good enough for the huge amount of light he needed.

Is he going to have to build a new house in order to build his new 100,000 gallon tank?

I'm a little surprised it would be considered much of a challenge to keep the fish alive, though. The larger the tank, the more stable the system, the easier it should be. He seems to have it pretty packed with fish, though, and perhaps that makes it more challenging.

I'm impressed by the look of the back end of the system. Seems like he put a huge amount of passion and energy behind it. I look forward to seeing his next big thing :).
Coolest Thing
Coolest Thing - 8 years ago
Amazing for sure! I know Bill was looking into switching to LED lighting soon, so that should lower it a bit.
sree vishakh
sree vishakh - 8 years ago
coolest thing i have ever seen (y) ....way to go @coolest thing
Coolest Thing
Coolest Thing - 8 years ago
Thanks for much Sree! (Although we just made the video, Bill did all the work.) :)
Mason. - 8 years ago
Great production value and content in these videos, how is your channel not larger?
Mason. - 8 years ago
Great, I look forward to your future uploads! Subbed :)
Coolest Thing
Coolest Thing - 8 years ago
Thank you! Not sure, I'm basically just one guy, so takes a while to get things going I guess. I edit full time and do the videos on the side for fun, hopefully it will catch on and I can get more episodes funded. Have some more coming out soon though. Cheers! - Guy
Orange Peel TV
Orange Peel TV - 8 years ago
god dam
CharleneHunt12 - 8 years ago
Wow you get to meet some amazing people Guy!
Coolest Thing
Coolest Thing - 8 years ago
I'm a lucky Guy! What he could build is truly mind blowing.
whoflungdo1 - 8 years ago

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