How to Make a Mini Pond

Learn how to make a mini pond using a big flower pot, a bucket, and some smarts. Also, meet my fish. They're the best. Up next on this episode of Emmy-san's Neighborhood on Emmymade in Japan. Subscribe: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: For more information on how to do this yourself, please visit the Emmymade in Japan blog.

How to Make a Mini Pond sentiment_very_dissatisfied 39

Howto & Style 13 years ago 218,634 views

Learn how to make a mini pond using a big flower pot, a bucket, and some smarts. Also, meet my fish. They're the best. Up next on this episode of Emmy-san's Neighborhood on Emmymade in Japan. Subscribe: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: For more information on how to do this yourself, please visit the Emmymade in Japan blog.

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Most popular comments
for How to Make a Mini Pond

oliver piong
oliver piong - 7 years ago
Please please please do an update!! I would really enjoy it
Light Bulb
Light Bulb - 7 years ago
I wanted to listen to more of the music at the end
aaron123456 - 7 years ago
Miss Jnet
Miss Jnet - 7 years ago
Ryan Pearce
Ryan Pearce - 7 years ago
To anyone who is wondering, those are PearlScale Goldfish. The more recent variety of goldfish. Only about 200 years old. They don't get as long as other goldfish, but they do get REALLY fat.
Andi amo
Andi amo - 7 years ago
what kinda fish were those little chubby ones? goldfish? I never seen anything like those before.
csc_scoot Colbert
csc_scoot Colbert - 7 years ago
What is yen in US dollars
csc_scoot Colbert
csc_scoot Colbert - 7 years ago
Ryan Pearce k thank you
Ryan Pearce
Ryan Pearce - 7 years ago
100 JPY (Japanese Yen) is about 1.00 us dollar.
Terra Wulf
Terra Wulf - 7 years ago
Great video. Loved the concept. I have a couple of questions though,
1st - are u using any filter or aerating pump?
2nd- how often do you make water changes?
Am planning to setup a small pond like that, so do u have any suggestions?
mutuas interitu
mutuas interitu - 7 years ago
what r the round guys (fish) called like the type of fish cause i really want them

10. comment for How to Make a Mini Pond

Mexican420 - 7 years ago
How are they getting oxygen
Ryan Pearce
Ryan Pearce - 7 years ago
They get it from the surface of the water and through the plants in the water.
sts sts
sts sts - 7 years ago
Keep it short n simple nice example!!!! very cute pond n presented wht i was looking for
farm life
farm life - 7 years ago
that was not sea weed it as elodea anacharis
Yoga Pradenta
Yoga Pradenta - 7 years ago
Poor fish
James C
James C - 7 years ago
The fish are fine did you see how deep the bucket was?
Ceci Stevens
Ceci Stevens - 8 years ago
Omg I watched this video like twice a day when I was younger I have no clue why
ThatPigeonOnYouTube - 7 years ago
Ceci Stevens lmao
so did i. thats why ive come back lmao
Jose Marmolejo
Jose Marmolejo - 8 years ago
what are the the first three fishes she bought are called
pinakabudlayngapangalan ngamapaminsaranko
pinakabudlayngapangalan ngamapaminsaranko - 7 years ago
Jose Marmolejo fancy goldfish
Andrew Star life
Andrew Star life - 8 years ago
what a great Video :)
Official Death
Official Death - 8 years ago
I know this might sound dumb , but what kind of water did you use? Did you get it from a nearby pond ?
Gav James
Gav James - 8 years ago
Another way you can make a pond is to get a big bin
Then you dig a hole the size of it and put the bin in the hole
Then you fill it up with water and there you go
It's super easy
Gav James
Gav James - 8 years ago
I should get a bin and put plants in it and then put water in it
Instead of buying fish I can catch Minos and catch frogs
It sounds easy to make

20. comment for How to Make a Mini Pond

Shinn Escoto
Shinn Escoto - 8 years ago
awesome!! <3
Aaron Sanchezz
Aaron Sanchezz - 8 years ago
Whatever happened to your pond??
Greg Johnson
Greg Johnson - 8 years ago
What are the plants??
Mason's carnivorous plants.
Mason's carnivorous plants. - 7 years ago
These are the plants... 1:elodea anacharis 2:parrot feather (myrophyllum aquaticum) 3: water hyacinth.
White CD
White CD - 8 years ago
Omg pearlscales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
StudentNoor - 8 years ago
hi, great video, can I ask what plants you used to help keep the water clean?
LaxAllstar - 8 years ago
How often do you change the water?
White CD
White CD - 8 years ago
I don't think you need to change the water because it's a pond
fengy - 9 years ago
this video is pure concentrated cuteness all around
Boom Boom Meow
Boom Boom Meow - 9 years ago
Are there any updates for the mini pond?? :D :D :D
InfinityPets - 9 years ago
Me to
Boom Boom Meow
Boom Boom Meow - 9 years ago
InfinityPets - 9 years ago
She moved to America know soo no more pond
Joan Smith
Joan Smith - 9 years ago
too small for goldfish
Ryan Pearce
Ryan Pearce - 7 years ago
Nope, for only three, its pretty good. Fancy goldfish get WAY smaller than normal goldfish. Especially Pearlscales. (The fish in the video)
Cyan Legaspi
Cyan Legaspi - 9 years ago
for rainbow pets the fish that your asking is called pearlscale goldfish

30. comment for How to Make a Mini Pond

Razorgaming123 - 9 years ago
Do you need to feed the fish?
Bob M
Bob M - 8 years ago
+Razorgaming123  I feed mine once a day.  The rest of the time they eat algae and mosquito larvae.  Feed them too much and you'll have mosquitos!  Don't feed if the water temp goes below 55 degrees.
Fearlessmestizo Franky P.
Fearlessmestizo Franky P. - 9 years ago
u dumb
Calvin Pederson
Calvin Pederson - 9 years ago
yeah you have to dumbo
andres agudelo
andres agudelo - 9 years ago
Is beatifull
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
ribbit ribbit
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
ciresi43 - 8 years ago
+ReviewCam Peep peep!
Rainbow Pets
Rainbow Pets - 9 years ago
what type of fish are the lil fat ones
White CD
White CD - 8 years ago
They look like Pearlscale goldfish
Rainbow Pets
Rainbow Pets - 9 years ago
InfinityPets - 9 years ago
Pearl scale gold fish they can also have bubble heads on them
Kastin4Dayz - 9 years ago
that "seaweed" is elodea anacharis.
Kastin4Dayz - 7 years ago
There's nothing wrong with that, Im just commenting to let her know what it actually is
Mason's carnivorous plants.
Mason's carnivorous plants. - 7 years ago
She was joking.
Kathleen Marshall
Kathleen Marshall - 9 years ago
@emmymadeinjapan I love this video!!! Did you ever discover what the chubby fish are? What are all the names of the plants you put in your mini fish pond?
White CD
White CD - 8 years ago
Pearlscale goldfish
InfinityPets - 9 years ago
The Chubby fish are pearl scale gold fish
Sony S
Sony S - 9 years ago
what plant did you use ?
InfinityPets - 9 years ago
The (sea weed) is anacharis
BwooHuraca - 9 years ago
The fern-looking thing is called a parrot feather.
sharac63 - 9 years ago
very easy and practical -- thanks!
Dert Ros
Dert Ros - 9 years ago
Thumbs up best vids for chill.people as myself
oscar cruise
oscar cruise - 10 years ago
can you tell me what the fuck is the point in this video 
1shaneeka - 9 years ago
+oscar cruise I found the video quite helpful. I want to build a simple pond on my balcony that doesn't need a filter. The video was clear and concise .
Karen Conlan
Karen Conlan - 10 years ago
Intresting ~~
Cat on a wall
Cat on a wall - 10 years ago
I really liked the little frog and the fish.
I have some cold water fish in an orb in my living room.I am thinking of making a small pond in my back yard.Do you think my fish would survive in an outside pond?
Thank You.
Cat on a wall
Cat on a wall - 8 years ago
Thanks for your reply.I made the pond in my back yard but my fish didn't like it as they said it was too cold so I brought them back into the living room.
Blue Tooth
Blue Tooth - 10 years ago
I depends on where you live if you live in colder climate a big pond will do good or a small pond indoors. If you live in warmer climate outside would be better
Hoykoy24 - 10 years ago
Give us an update on the fish! i really want a pond for 5 goldfish
Josh Dude
Josh Dude - 9 years ago
+usernamekristian1 at the time I made the comment she did. 2014.
Michelle Spetic
Michelle Spetic - 9 years ago
+Joshuas Aquariums She has two, not one.
Josh Dude
Josh Dude - 10 years ago
She doesn't live in Japan anymore. Moved quite a while back and now has a child in the us.
outlaw east
outlaw east - 10 years ago
Eew I hate frogs they are so scary.
White CD
White CD - 8 years ago
Have you ever seen an African clawed frog?
viickytea - 10 years ago
where is ur little froggy friend
Painted Starlight
Painted Starlight - 10 years ago
Does that mean there is no need to change the water at all?
James Parr
James Parr - 10 years ago
Would the pond do well indoors?
White CD
White CD - 8 years ago
Ponds do work indoors, I have one in my kitchen, just make sure it gets sun and check the plants are ok
InfinityPets - 9 years ago
Yes it will if it's a pot
twitchster77 - 10 years ago
I wish I had frogs in my yard! /sad that was so cute when you giggled when the frog turned away! :D - 10 years ago
+tranghoang probably puts the fish under the canopy
West Winds
West Winds - 10 years ago
Besides the Water Hyacinth, what are the other plants? Creeping Jenny? And ???
BwooHuraca - 9 years ago
The long ones dangling out of the pot are parrot feathers.

50. comment for How to Make a Mini Pond

long thor
long thor - 10 years ago
how do u keep the water soo clean!...
errolthecat - 10 years ago
The plants (at least the fern-like one) aerate the water - fish need air too!  If you make a pond and don't have plants you need an aerator and bubbler otherwise, they'll be belly up in short order... :(
UnluckyRabbit - 10 years ago
the plants filter the water
lostinbatcuntry - 11 years ago
I suppose there is no need for filtration or food, as this is all provided by the plant life in the pond.  If you keep this outdoors, how do you control the water level?  Maybe several small holes at the appropriate level in conjunction with pipe screens?
FluffyDaffodil - 11 years ago
What did you feed your fish? Storebought fishfood or something else? :)
White CD
White CD - 8 years ago
You have to get pond food because tank food can mess up the water for other animals
yasmin cruz
yasmin cruz - 11 years ago
pedro lopez
pedro lopez - 11 years ago
and the filtration ?
dakotahstr - 11 years ago
you must need a light for the fish and the plants though , otherwise you would have to have sufficient sunlight. Its great, I love your pond..I have one in the basement I set up
Kat Richtman
Kat Richtman - 11 years ago
The closest type that I could find, which may actually be the same as the ones in the video, they are Ranchu Goldfish! I must have some now! >.<
SlapHappyBubble - 11 years ago
what type of fish are the puggy ones o3o i want one so bad now!! >u<
spacebug30 - 11 years ago
But natural ponds are huge compared to this tiny bucket, they have a lot more plants in them and other ways of natural filtration. In nature there's also a right ammount of fish in it. And clear water doesn't mean healthy, NO2, NO3 and ammonia don't have colors and can be in that 'pond' in huge ammount because of the few plants and the big ammount of fish It's also too small because these fish can't swim 10 times their length, that's a must for a fish to grow healthy
Davin Rahming
Davin Rahming - 11 years ago
nature itself has millions of ponds, lakes and rivers that have no man made filtration system. stop speaking as if you know anything at all, the plants filtrate naturally, which is why her water is still clear after 2 months- if you heard what she said.
Christopher S.
Christopher S. - 11 years ago
That came with the fish
Christopher S.
Christopher S. - 11 years ago
It's called anarchis the plant
Rizal Fauzi Agustineukeu
Rizal Fauzi Agustineukeu - 11 years ago
How do you call mini ponds like this in Japan?? Because im lil bit curios bout made ponds like this in Japan style.. Thanks
GhostGardens - 11 years ago
what type of plants are they?
baltazar garcia
baltazar garcia - 11 years ago
Are those regular goldfish ?
Prius Dog
Prius Dog - 11 years ago
u wanna fight?
fabs - 11 years ago
I really like ur little pond is so pretty
Clarissa C
Clarissa C - 11 years ago
You know plants filter and oxygenate the water right?
Jeffrey Robinson Sr
Jeffrey Robinson Sr - 11 years ago
Tiny but, small, manageable & cute for "girls" ;)
lindsey Babe
lindsey Babe - 11 years ago
no she doesn't need a pump with the plant life... they are the pump!
lindsey Babe
lindsey Babe - 11 years ago
it was a different fish... lmao!
spacebug30 - 11 years ago
(c) YOU should be the one to inform before commenting. And by saying 'these fish are only pet fish' you say its okay to keep them in a small space in which their ammonia burns their gills? This is the same as putting a dog its entire life in a dog crate and never cleaning it out. If you'd do that, animal police will take the dog away and give you a big fine, 'just' because they're fish its not 'bad', our society is so fucked up with all ignorant people around....
spacebug30 - 11 years ago
They do get bigger, or they should, this is a type of goldfish, goldfish' bodies stop growing when they dont have enough room, but teur insides don't, their organs keep growing until they have an adult size, but by the time they do, the fish' belly is too small to have them in and the organs are crushed against each other and the fish will die from internal bleedings, thats why lots of goldfish have a read belly when they're dead, these animals are pets for half your life when cared for well (c)
Natalie B
Natalie B - 11 years ago
You are so good at many things Miss Emmy :)
Shine N. Hatfield
Shine N. Hatfield - 11 years ago
You should probably stop commenting before you make yourself sound more uninformed. I understand where you are coming from. You seem to have a good heart. But these fish are only pet fish. They are already adults by the time of purchase. They won't get any bigger. This isn't animal abuse. I wouldn't worry your pretty little head off :)
Alice In Wonderland
Alice In Wonderland - 11 years ago
The fish changed colors.. at the beginning she had one with a black spot on its head and now it's gone..
michael brown
michael brown - 11 years ago
plz answer mistresspav i wanna know
mistresspav - 11 years ago
and don't you need a pump? tks again!!
mistresspav - 11 years ago
probably a stupid question but I have to ask - can you have it in the rain?.. as in in the UK where it rains all the bloody time, won't it overflow being so small? many tks in advance!!
Veronica Kovelan
Veronica Kovelan - 11 years ago
wow, your videos are so entertaining and fun! thank you for making them, they make a nice calm and relaxing youtube night :)
spacebug30 - 11 years ago
Yes, plants do filter water but they can't replace a filter, buy yourself a ammonia, NO2 and NO3 test and see how high the results will be though they all should be 0 in a healthy, well filtered pond
LisaNotMyName - 11 years ago
The plants are the filters silly :) if you want you can look it up!
Hkiwi1846 - 11 years ago
do.u know what variaty of goldfish they are adorible
spacebug30 - 11 years ago
That has nothing to do with it, they produce huge ammounts of ammonia, its not a betta that produces almost no ammonia! I hope you realize these fishies will grow to over a feet in a few years?!! Poor fishies, goldfish can easily get over 40 years, but most dont even reach 3 because of people like you! They might look fine but you dont see what's going on inside, they might have fatal problems on their gills !
LisaNotMyName - 11 years ago
they are so small and the bucket is so big... shut up they look fine dummy. :)
Timothy Nguyen
Timothy Nguyen - 11 years ago
The fish r SO SO SO SO SO cute
spacebug30 - 11 years ago
Oh gosh, poor fishies, SO many fish in that little bucket?!! Without any kind of filtration?!! A goldfish needs 40 gallon (fancy) or 75 gallon (common or comet) each, that thing they're in is less than 5 gallon!! Great, you are promoting animal abuse, these fish are burning in their own ammonia and will get burns and poisoning from it very fast, just like finrot, they'll grow theirselves death within a couple of months....
2006kcl - 11 years ago
hello, this is great. im trying to create a small bond for my balcony and this is the perfect size. can you just clarify the names of the very small fish you have and the plants you used. i have a mostly shady balcony.. will this pond thrive? also, do you have a filter or pump at all, or needed to add one over time? thanks so much for this :) im going to get started very soon!
Serena Gesa
Serena Gesa - 11 years ago
this was really cute! thanks for taking such nice care of your fish!
morgan franks
morgan franks - 11 years ago
very nice
vicky ogden
vicky ogden - 11 years ago
Your little pot pond looks amazingly thinking of putting a small pond, 2ft 11 inches x 2ft 8 inches, 1 ft deep, and wondered about filtering and keeping the water clean. may I ask if you have just used the plants, or do u add water safe into the water?
ryan u
ryan u - 11 years ago
how did you keep the water so clear? how often do you change the water?
Karen Sakai
Karen Sakai - 11 years ago
We had one of these when my family lived in Kanagawa. Now that we're in the states, can I get the same plants & cleaner from the stores in America?
demonologieify - 11 years ago
What kind of plants did you use?
animatestate - 11 years ago
Soooooooo cool! すごい!
Cuil - 11 years ago
Just because some people put fish in vases and little bowls or cups doesn't mean it's right. Some people leave cats and dogs in cages all their life, and no one says that's right, so why should it be different with fish? Though calling her an idiot is completely out of line and utterly rude.
Emily Huang
Emily Huang - 11 years ago
Oh god, those fish are so round! So roooound~ ♥
TRCustomKnives - 11 years ago
Wow, really interesting and nice, goog job. :)
Vicki Lin
Vicki Lin - 11 years ago
Shut up! the fish's die when they see U!!!!
fuzzles93 - 11 years ago
Would this be okay inside or would it be better for outside?

100. comment for How to Make a Mini Pond

inBORED TV - 11 years ago
What about filtration?
Tim Gasparik
Tim Gasparik - 11 years ago
won't the watert become stagmet?
John Buss
John Buss - 11 years ago
I put them plants in my pond and they killed all my fish..
Jenna Purviance
Jenna Purviance - 11 years ago
The pond size is fine fish have this strange ability to stay the same size or grow incredibly large depending on the size of the body of water they liv in believe me I know I have 100+ Koi fish living in a HUGE pond in my back yard the fish slow their growth once they reach a certain size and every few years we expand the pond and they get like twice as big
YoItsCait - 11 years ago
ur lucky u found the frog
lostov'rlondon - 11 years ago
D'awww. The little fish are sooooo cute.
sylvia moreno
sylvia moreno - 11 years ago
Hola ncsita fitro o oxigeno par q vivan los pees y las plantas???? gracias desde Argentina bello tu trbajo gracias
kc zshy
kc zshy - 11 years ago
are u in a farm em
JBtheExplorer - 11 years ago
Angelina Andreou
Angelina Andreou - 11 years ago
at least the are not in a fish bowl..she can upgrade her mini pond when the fish get bigger you fool...
Prius Dog
Prius Dog - 11 years ago
Ever heard of a filter?
Prius Dog
Prius Dog - 11 years ago
Those fish need way more space than that you idiot
Angelina Andreou
Angelina Andreou - 11 years ago
how many gallons is the pond?
Cory Vazquez
Cory Vazquez - 11 years ago
This pond is so cute i want it lol :)
Paige miller
Paige miller - 11 years ago
just a tip, trim yoour plants.
mya4992 - 11 years ago
That is so cool and ur fishes r so cute
Wolker-Works - 11 years ago
What type of fancy goldfish are they? They are so cute, I want to get some but i dont know what they are called :/
Joe Serrano
Joe Serrano - 11 years ago
Beautiful mini pond Emmy-san,....i guess there's no problems with mosquitos brooding as the fish will be more fond to eat larvae as well as the eggs huh? Greetings to ya from the central plateau, from querétaro! =)
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 11 years ago
That is not seaweed, which is a saltwater organism, it looks like Elodea or Egeria.
phoenixsprite - 11 years ago
Nice pond! Unfortunately fancy goldfish tend to be a bit on the fragile side and to keep them alive in the winter would of meant to set up an aquarium which can be a hassle.
Kintu31 - 11 years ago
anytime i see a fish pond video..always someone complaining about too small. this is great. what are those fat fish??
Tabi Torn
Tabi Torn - 11 years ago
Very nice little pond!
༄λgAR Dom
༄λgAR Dom - 12 years ago
I love them
Sun-Im Sun-Im
Sun-Im Sun-Im - 12 years ago
the pond is not too small at all. freshwater fish are used to staying in small places and those are super tiny! this was a really cite idea emmy ^^
Noue Jocks
Noue Jocks - 12 years ago
that's super cute!
adant tadeo
adant tadeo - 12 years ago
are the ammonia levels high in mini ponds??
imvvnh - 12 years ago
what did you feed them? :)
AnimalLoverGirlCutie - 12 years ago
wow this is adorable and so easy to make! i would love to make one!
juanitad - 12 years ago
Show me what japanese knotweed is❤!!!!!!
Prius Dog
Prius Dog - 12 years ago
That bucket is way too small for those fish... They will die
BlairWillowsTV - 12 years ago
Emmy, the frog is such a cute guy! Not to mention I actually like frogs. Did you keep the little guy?
SkilarJane - 12 years ago
oooohhhh those little fat guys are so freaking cute!!!
12Achilleas - 12 years ago
I made a fishpond like yours today it's a 35L(10gallons) and I add some pond plants some medicines that I had from my aquarium waited 2 days and add my 2 goldfishes.Do you ever Change the water on your flowerpot pond or its not necessary
Angel Wateska
Angel Wateska - 12 years ago
i had a fiddler crab. he died december 29th 2012 at 645 pm . ii got him in july. I MISS YOU OLYMPIC PINCHER
familysaavedra1 - 12 years ago
the fish are so cute! :-)
Christina Barber
Christina Barber - 12 years ago
why do you biger fish look like they are about to have babys?
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee - 12 years ago
which aquarium plant should i buy? amazon sword, duckweed, water lettuce, frogbit, or java fern?
rllylindsey - 12 years ago
your pond is sooooooo cooooooooolllll
tranghh 37
tranghh 37 - 12 years ago
what if the rain makes the water overflow in the pond and flush the fishes out?
tanha herenow
tanha herenow - 12 years ago
how do u keep the water clean?
Fish and Fluff
Fish and Fluff - 12 years ago
@karyandjoseph If you are interested in fish don't listen to store people they know nothing and fir the best beginner fish I say white cloud minnows which dot need heater or filters and do great in something like this just don't leave them out in weather under 48 •F I don't remember how much that is for UK and Japan?
Fish and Fluff
Fish and Fluff - 12 years ago
@karyandjoseph Goldfish which need either a pond atleast 20 gallons or tank that's each fish they grow to be over 2 foot the small ones are babies and die if not and the small ones are killifish which need a heavily planted area and to be in large groups cause you take a wild creature it deserves to get atleast proper care if it has to live with you haha the they like you.
Angelly Cabrera
Angelly Cabrera - 12 years ago
lol little free extra :D
Angelly Cabrera
Angelly Cabrera - 12 years ago
nice fish what type are they? never saw fish like that
Ramon Freeman
Ramon Freeman - 12 years ago
Water hyacinths will take all the oxygen from the water, not good for a small pod like this !!!
RichyJam2011 - 12 years ago
How can you tell the difference?
Lill Liam
Lill Liam - 12 years ago
Thats a toad! :) not a frog
thelifeofmybettas01 - 12 years ago
Guess what! I got betta fish, an we bought some plants for them. At the pet store there are these little frogs, and the plants we got were taken out of their tank. (there was still some left though!) So the day after i got my bettas, i saw one of those little frogs swimming in the water! This video reminded me of that ^^ :D
thePowerPlant - 12 years ago
Plants filter water. No need to change.
The Panda Overlord
The Panda Overlord - 12 years ago
emmysan when you finish building your pond where did you put the frog and did you kept it also did you put the frog in your pond if kept it Sincerely sharon dong,
Natalia Ayumi Arai
Natalia Ayumi Arai - 12 years ago
is the little frog there? :O
Prince Kehy
Prince Kehy - 12 years ago
Emmy, how come whenever I think about making something, I look on here for advice and you've already made it? Lol
justincasekazoo - 12 years ago
How often do you have to change the water?
Scarlett Freeman
Scarlett Freeman - 12 years ago
cute mini pond
kathywithac - 12 years ago
i really love your creativity
CaliRanchu - 12 years ago
I really like the idea, very creative, but it is too small for your pearl-scale goldfish. To grow and be healthy they will need at least 10 gallons per fish
앨리스정 - 12 years ago
Omg that frog was freaking adorable :)
emmymadeinjapan - 12 years ago
I brought the pond indoors for the winter but the colder temperatures were tough on the bigger fish. Sadly, ended up losing them when I was gone on holiday. The little ones are hardy though and are once again outside enjoying spring.
Birge Kinne
Birge Kinne - 12 years ago
Hi Emmysan how did your mini pond winter over? did you bring the mini pond inside? I was looking for that very beautiful variety of goldfish. Have they changed in the last few month? Sincerely your mini pond fan Birge
john rem L.
john rem L. - 12 years ago
Ur the best!!!
pachocobaby - 12 years ago
WHat is the chubby fish called.
Hanh Lu
Hanh Lu - 12 years ago
I got a fish but it died but I got 7 fish but all then died it was sad:(
Alvaro Quintanilla
Alvaro Quintanilla - 12 years ago
999 THUMS UP :}
theravenslizard - 12 years ago
ive had and bred fish a long time, if you have a hearty fish they dont always die if you have them in a smaller environment... if your sustain them well and they are happy i wouldnt worry too much but they are right they wont breed in there... however, having 8 fish in there i wouldnt want them to breed, seems a little bit overstocked to me, but if they are living happily then theres nothing to worry about, when they get bigger though you will need a bigger pond or another pond
DuneDemon8 - 12 years ago
The great thing is that you made them a pond, because they can't reproduce in tanks. The bad thing is that they need like 1000l per pair to be happy and reproduce (the gold fish you have). They need big ponds to live normal life. I've been in fish breeding for 20 years, and I know that that is not good for them. The females that won't lay eggs in such small space will dissolve them inside their body and after couple of times they do this they get bad inflamations and they die.
ELISA ROSS LEE aka. /xXElisaLXx/
ELISA ROSS LEE aka. /xXElisaLXx/ - 13 years ago
So cute :D I want a fishy :P
emmymadeinjapan - 13 years ago
@iElla94 - Ponds don't have see-through sides. :)
CherryJane20 - 13 years ago
I love all of your videos, but I think this has been my favorite so far!! I am going to do this in the spring for my balcony!
suckerhaha - 13 years ago
@pinnlol They're called pearlscales :D
LemonieRainbow - 13 years ago
Oh how cute! Such a creative and amazing idea :D
_(:з」∠)_ - 13 years ago
Do u still have to change the water?? Sorry it might be a silly question!! Ur little pond is amaaaaaaaazing!!! lol love it!!!
Satoru Yagi
Satoru Yagi - 13 years ago
Emmy-san, You should have kept that tiny could have become a PRINCE!
pinnlol - 13 years ago
what type of fosh is the round ones?
Ray Low
Ray Low - 13 years ago
u have very sweet voice...
rachelanime101 - 13 years ago
gothwithnolove - 13 years ago
Plants produce the purest oxygen we breath.
SophieLoaph - 13 years ago
The little round fish are adorable! What are they called?
Rylee Mai
Rylee Mai - 13 years ago
I -3 the 
Candace Gilbreath
Candace Gilbreath - 13 years ago
This is really cool!:) Thank you for posting this:D
andrenegwer - 13 years ago
That was pretty clever
TheVeganInYou - 13 years ago
What kind of fish are the plump little rounds ones? They're adorable, I think my brother would love those (:
meowmeowgrl - 13 years ago
so is it self sustaining? like you doing need to feed the fish? just top off the water in a while?
Sabrina Jordan Creations
Sabrina Jordan Creations - 13 years ago
Frog is too cute
John Millar
John Millar - 13 years ago
The pearlfish grow really big right??
Ice5188 - 13 years ago
Never seen those kind of fish wat r they?
Rylee Mai
Rylee Mai - 13 years ago
The frog is so cute 
Natalie - 13 years ago
What happens when it rains?
space stars
space stars - 13 years ago
what did you do to the frog?
Steven Matthews
Steven Matthews - 13 years ago
FISH! Why you so cute?!
astrayhope - 13 years ago
Is that a floating ball in the water :o? Looks really nice and clear :)
LollerCOG - 13 years ago
What kind of fish are they? soo cute.
Laynie Fingers
Laynie Fingers - 13 years ago
@mariameaghan123 What makes you say they have no oxygen? Not all fish tanks need an aerator. Since the fish have lived in the little pond for over two months, I think it's clear they do have oxygen. :D
B R - 13 years ago
can they live without oxygen?
K Julieeya
K Julieeya - 13 years ago
that's so cool!! u just created a mini ecosystem! it's so cute and lovely! i'm glad they are all happy :) how did you learn about what plants to put in the mini pond?
robbie shrektor
robbie shrektor - 13 years ago
Do you ever need to clean the water? Or do the plants just do it?
DEl3l3IE - 13 years ago
aw cute little frog :)
Kat Perez
Kat Perez - 13 years ago
What is the song at the end called
Ethann - 13 years ago
You remind me of "Ruka" from the Japanese drama "just friends" (: あいしてる!
Ethann - 13 years ago
You make me soooo happy! (:
BreakfastPrincess111 - 13 years ago
so do you mean that you never ever ever have to clean your mini pond because the plants will just do that for you? need to know!!!!! @emmymadeinjapan
reeciekins - 13 years ago
Emmy, your pond look super cute! Have you ever tried to make dorodango?
emmymadeinjapan - 13 years ago
@miscritslover116 - He's too tiny to be scary. :)
mrrainbow250 - 13 years ago
OMG I WANT! My old gold fish-chan would definitely like that! :-D
EpicCommentTime - 13 years ago
Thank you! I'm going to make one except possibly more squarish
emmymadeinjapan - 13 years ago
@EpicCommentTime - I just answered this below :)
emmymadeinjapan - 13 years ago
@cow29777 - The plants floating on the surface are water hyacinths and the ones hanging over the edge of the pond are called parrot feather.
EpicCommentTime - 13 years ago
Hey Emmy, what plants did you use in the pond?
emmymadeinjapan - 13 years ago
@DoubleJay750 - I have zero tolerance for perverts.
Rachel Oyoung
Rachel Oyoung - 13 years ago
they look MUCH happier in the mini pond that you made them than they would have been in that little glass bowl :3
Rylee Mai
Rylee Mai - 13 years ago
The  is so cute
Ashlee Crites
Ashlee Crites - 13 years ago
awesome, very cute:) japanese fish are way cuter i japan, than the states:)
Venessa Chan
Venessa Chan - 13 years ago
Your fish look so cute!!!
Minji Babe
Minji Babe - 13 years ago
Aww!! Emmy this is so cute.<3 I'm going to try this!!<3 I had a little guppy that I would have done this with... But my sucker fish ate her. DDDD: I love fish though.<3 :3
Ari Perez
Ari Perez - 13 years ago
OMG emmy Congrats on your 60th video !
Ari Perez
Ari Perez - 13 years ago
i love all of your videos i always get exited when i see that u posted a new video
a sldbtll
a sldbtll - 13 years ago
I love their body XD They look like a ball aahahahahah
Ancsee013 - 13 years ago
ooh how cute they are :3
angBoe - 13 years ago
that's so cool!!! i want one. LOL
Vin - 13 years ago
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *O* meraviglioso, fantastico, stupendo !!!
neil147a - 13 years ago
I like the little ball you've given them to play with too
emmymadeinjapan - 13 years ago
@earthymoon - I'll have to see. It gets fairly cold but I think the goldfish can handle it, even if it gets a little icy. I've also got some ideas about insulating the pot to keep them warmer. If I do it, just for kicks I'll post pics on the EMJ blog .
emmymadeinjapan - 13 years ago
@azanji - Yessh! Confirmation. Pearlscale it is. And the other guys...guppies, killifish, medaka? Whatevs let's just call them stinkin' cute.
emmymadeinjapan - 13 years ago
@missqueenbean - Aww jee. You're making me blush. :) & thanks EMJ wouldn't be here w/o you :D
emmymadeinjapan - 13 years ago
@XjacksonhaltomX - Hey thanks, and welcome aboard :)
missqueenbean - 13 years ago
If the world was made up of ppl like you, the clouds would be cotton candy , the sun will always shine, and people would love one and other. just saying, The candy you review can never be as sweet as your smile and heart. <3
RandomMe2011 - 13 years ago
I love animals :D
azanji - 13 years ago
yes emmy, they are pearlscale goldfish. I sell them at work for about $9 each. They can get pretty big if you let them and are so adorable at any size. The other fish you have look more like guppies than killiefish, cuz I sell those too. but maybe they are just a type that i haven't seen before. They are adorable regardless!!!! enjoy them and keep the awesome vids coming. my daughter and I look forward to every one. :)
MasteredSoundtracks - 13 years ago
That is really cool! :D
Rebecca doodles
Rebecca doodles - 13 years ago
awww.... sweet <3
yellowservbot - 13 years ago
0:54 awww..
StrawberiCharmz017 - 13 years ago
That is so cool! Im making something like that in school but it has to have land, so it's like a viverium (haha, wrong spelling)
nincomboob2 - 13 years ago
that is incredibly adorable! i wish i could have something like that in my dorm...
Ann Jadia
Ann Jadia - 13 years ago
@skybluesundaeek lol really
ImpishDIY - 13 years ago
The chubby ones are so cute! I love fish, but every time I buy them, they die. I guess I'm just better at keeping furry pets!
Angie Yen
Angie Yen - 13 years ago
@emmymadeinjapan i asked because i'm going to an aquarium on the weekend to buy more fish for my new tanks and your fish look just adorable!
emmymadeinjapan - 13 years ago
@skybluesundaeek Ah, man :( I keep 'em outside and so far the water hyacinths have done a pretty good job protecting them from critters. *fingers-crossed*
emmymadeinjapan - 13 years ago
@araxblazen - I'm not exactly sure. They were mislabeled as medaka but they might by pearlscale goldfish? Not sure, but maybe one of my viewers will know...?
Angie Yen
Angie Yen - 13 years ago
what are the chubby fish called?
emmymadeinjapan - 13 years ago
@mypillowpetrocks - Thanks! :)
emmymadeinjapan - 13 years ago
@MarshmallowMaiden - I love watching them swim. They kinda waddle.
emmymadeinjapan - 13 years ago
@Jade7272 - Ah, that's a bummer. 7 years is a long time for a fish though & I'm glad you got a new one.
emmymadeinjapan - 13 years ago
@advancewing - Thanks :) & stay tuned!
emmymadeinjapan - 13 years ago
@KitsuneBozu1 - Good question. The water plants do a great job keeping the water clean, but I do a partial water change ever couple of weeks to keep things fresh.
KitsuneBozu1 - 13 years ago
Too cute! Do the water plants completely clean it, or do you have to take the fish out occasionally to clean it manually?
advancewing - 13 years ago
I love that you show more than just candy. I can't wait to see more.
Maryanne M
Maryanne M - 13 years ago
SO CUTE!!! ... sorry, i love fish XD I had a beta fish who lived to be 7 years old. He died a few months ago. But now I have another one :) ANYHOW - you did a great job on the pond ^_^
InkyBlackSun - 13 years ago
I love those little fat guys! They're my favorite fish! <3<3<3
Jennifer Saratis
Jennifer Saratis - 13 years ago
happy 60th video! :)
Toramel - 13 years ago
froggy-san <:
SabyLoves - 13 years ago
So cute and adorable! <3
cndraycott - 13 years ago
Why are animals just cuter in Japan?
tastytassie - 13 years ago
awww fish (:

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