How to Make an Aquarium at Home - Do it Yourself (DIY)
Howto & Style 8 years ago 5,450,888 views
DIY : Learn how to make a aquarium (Fish tank) using glass, decorative stone and artificial plant. Thank you for watching Crazy NK !!!!!!
Howto & Style 8 years ago 5,450,888 views
DIY : Learn how to make a aquarium (Fish tank) using glass, decorative stone and artificial plant. Thank you for watching Crazy NK !!!!!!
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The "How to Make an Aquarium at Home - Do it Yourself (DIY)" video is part of the category, which contains similar videos like this one.
name the glue
but I used aquarium silicone and recently put a live plant in it. Also I got a thick piece of Styrofoam under it.
your tank is not going to last long..same for your life stock..
quit fishkeeping, and do something that is only dangerous for you.
10. comment for How to Make an Aquarium at Home - Do it Yourself (DIY)
20. comment for How to Make an Aquarium at Home - Do it Yourself (DIY)
so thanks for educating people.
Just change the video title.
30. comment for How to Make an Aquarium at Home - Do it Yourself (DIY)
There are so many things done wrong here I don't even know where to begin from. The main mistake: there is a procedure named CIRCLING, which is a must done for any container that imitates a fish's natural ecosystem, in order to establish the essential bacteria. It takes a lot of time and certainly didn't take place here. You don't just fill a tank and throw the fish into the water like that! Where is the filter, the temperature-acidity checking, the dechlorinating of the water...? You've put too many fish in a relatively small aquarium...goldfish need at least 30l of water per each and produce a huge amount of waste, which makes the filter in the tank more than important. You also can't put them in the same tank with tropical fish, they need different water temperatures. They will most probably die within 2-3 days because of their waste and toxic ammonia building up.
I 'd suggest you make sure you are well informed about aquarium and fish care before making such "how to" videos.
Oh man! Read the following verses carefully, then think, meditate and reflect among entire mankind in order to maintain the harmony of human unity as well as to annihilate riot, bloodshed, discriminations and all such mischievous activities. Remember that 1000 species of Lord’s creatures are praying and glorifying Him by their souls. Therefore, it is the inevitable duty of mankind bestowed with intelligence to act in order to keep the earth and universe in its equilibrium utilizing Adhikr—the Balance and Trust from the Impartial Lord.
4: 1
Oh mankind, heed your Lord Who has created you from a single soul, and created its mate from it, and from them both scattered so many men and women; and heed Allah about Whom you will be asked, and heed the wombs; certainly Allah is ever watching over you.
The soul of everyone is from the Lord itself. None has the right to select their parents or children. So there is no chance for partiality among mankind. The ‘aim of life’ should be to identify the Lord, confirm oneself as believer and to prepare Paradise in the 4th phase in order to inherit it in the 7th phase utilizing Adhikr—the Insight.
53: 45-46
He is the One Who creates in pairs male and female, when the semen drop is emitted.
No one has the right to select sex (gender). Lord is the owner of the body as well as the soul. So there shouldn’t be any differentiation between male and female.
And among His signs that He created for you mates among yourselves, for you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between you; indeed in that, there are clear evidences for the people who think and reflect.
So sexual intercourse should only be conducted in between male and female from the mankind, and it should be in between the married spouses. All others who do sodomy, unmarried sexual activities etc. are Mujrims (madmen who don’t think and reflect the aim of life).
64: 2
He is the One Who created you all, and among you there is disbeliever and among you there is believer; and Allah is observing whatever you do.
Each individual has to utilize Adhikr to become a believer. All others who received the Book are disbelievers.
76: 3
Indeed, We gave him option to select the way, either to be grateful or ungrateful.
Since the Lord is Impartial everyone has the right to be grateful or ungrateful, and therefore even the parents have no right to compel their children to become so and so.
2: 256
There should be no compulsion in ‘Dheen’ (religion), the right way has been made clear from the wrong way; therefore whoever rejects with the arrogant ones and believes with Allah has grasped the Firmest Rope which will never break, Allah is All Hearing, All Knowing.
‘Firmest Rope’ which is extended from the Paradise to the earth is Adhikr. Without testifying It nobody becomes believer and enters to the paradise. Read together 31: 22.
25: 68
The beloved servants of Allah don’t appeal to any other deity besides Allah, nor kill any soul whom Allah has forbidden except for Truth, and will not fornicate; if anyone does so, he is fallen in crimes.
The believer who considers Lord as impartial shouldn’t kill any soul (living thing). Believer shall not undergo or wish to undergo sexual intercourse with others than his/her spouse.
From the Book " The Ultimate victory is for Islam…. But not through Muslims!!! "
50. comment for How to Make an Aquarium at Home - Do it Yourself (DIY)
What to actually do:
Get a filter running...
Declorinate the water
Get heater
Cycle the water
Do weekly water changes
Pick fish that enjoy the same temperature and won't eat each othe
Let fish sit in bag floating on the water for 15 minutes so they become the same temperature
Also google what to do as this brief tutorial is just the vey basics!
100. comment for How to Make an Aquarium at Home - Do it Yourself (DIY)
company .. make
please I want to know about this
booooooooot khubsurat
keep it up,,,.!
Please, do some research before jumping to such renders.
Kill yourself
27.5 × 37 cm ki jagah 26.5 × 37 cm chahiye.
kyoki 8mm +25 cm+8mm=26.6 hota hai ....
Just for everyone out there who does that, other fish at that aquarium could have diseases that will mix with your water and your fish could catch that disease. The water qualities could be different as well. Just to be sure, you should always net your fish out of the bag not pour them in.
I hope he realises what he's doing the bitch.
witb other fish.;?! bitch
Disgusting aquarium that will make the fish die within a month at least.
are you crazy man ???
its not a fishtank
its a fish concentrate camp
very good♡
c'est super. j'aimerais aimé en faire 1 de 115L.
où trouver la colle ? sur le net ?
You need to slowly add your tank water to the bag to acclimate pH, hardness and other things
Don't be a dick head smart ass
during the summers of india
If you really want some good tank mates for your goldfish I would suggest white cloud minnows, zebra danios, or weather loaches. They are peaceful and they do well in cooler tanks. GOOD LUCK!!
Tropical fish are in there which need a heater
goldfish should have atleast a 29gal, but id never put them in anything less than a 55gal
Check it
But it's true, no hate this tank in quite horid
His tale will slow him down at feeding time
I really dont know much about this. this is just what I've heard or saw people do.
and where can i get one
Also You should never put fish in such newly created aquarium. There are not bacteria able to handle the NH3 and NO2 to NO3. The bacteria grows slowly and lives in filter. There should be a month running filter, before inserting first fish (You could put a small and resilient fish in large tank (150l at least) after first week to accelerate the bacteria grow, in smaller tank You can place small number of small lunged snails.). And You should definitely use living plants, because they are able to reduce the NO3. This way the fish will probably die in several weeks.
Never put the fish into aquarium in such hurry. Put the bag in fish tank and let balance the temperature. the keep putting small portions of water from aquarium into the bag to balance the water composition - at least partially. Then get a fish net and transfer only fish. Never put the water of unknown origin into Your aquarium. There are rare exceptions, like tetraodon, which should not be taken into the air, but generally, it's better to use the net.
If You'd use living plants with roots, You can't have there only the pebbles and weird colored something. It would need sand - suggested grain size is 2-4mm. If You insist to have there these rocks, you still can have some floating plants. Like eichhornia crassipes, pistia stratiotes or egeria densa - sorry, I don't know the english names. For the newly created aquarium I'd select something with very rapid growth. E.g. ceratophyllum demersum or lemna minor.
2. thing u cant just put fishes in the water u first have to some solid salt and anti chlorine liquid
obviously the fishes would have died