How to Make an Aquarium at Home - Do it Yourself (DIY)

DIY : Learn how to make a aquarium (Fish tank) using glass, decorative stone and artificial plant. Thank you for watching Crazy NK !!!!!!
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Most popular comments
for How to Make an Aquarium at Home - Do it Yourself (DIY)

طارق الجبوري لله
طارق الجبوري لله - 7 years ago
DJ Kvazar
DJ Kvazar - 7 years ago
Bappa Pan
Bappa Pan - 7 years ago
what kind of glue have u used to stick the glasses............???
name the glue
Arief Ramadhan
Arief Ramadhan - 7 years ago
Itu ide dari mana om
t veeranna
t veeranna - 7 years ago
what glue it is?
aldlkj - 7 years ago
I actually did it, I have a 20L with 2 gourami in it.
but I used aquarium silicone and recently put a live plant in it. Also I got a thick piece of Styrofoam under it.
aldlkj - 7 years ago
And of course a 90L filter! I didn't see they didn't put a filter in it
Neha Malik
Neha Malik - 7 years ago
what did you use to stick the glasses
Akshay Appuz
Akshay Appuz - 7 years ago
The Flo Ark
The Flo Ark - 7 years ago
front, back, and sides panels must be placed on TOP of the bottom glass..not around it.
your tank is not going to last long..same for your life stock..
quit fishkeeping, and do something that is only dangerous for you.

10. comment for How to Make an Aquarium at Home - Do it Yourself (DIY)

ashish kumar
ashish kumar - 7 years ago
Which gum you have used in it to stick?
doping 88
doping 88 - 7 years ago
bep indonesa
dipankar choudhury
dipankar choudhury - 7 years ago
nice video. May i know what glue you used to stick the glasses together.
Slorviga Slarven
Slorviga Slarven - 7 years ago
this is animal cruelty
Arlinda Susanti
Arlinda Susanti - 7 years ago
Красноярск расписание Настроики по Россия
Красноярск расписание Настроики по Россия - 7 years ago
кем ты за меня в ленте комнате в общежитии том что у тебя меня больше не будет в этом смысле этого понятия как же мне плохо без тебя мне никто не хочет со идти мной в одном из глазу соринку в и без того регистрации не было ни одного из них в том к тебе в глаза и не только на себя то не очень так то да и не вообще я не хочу в я хочу в кино
Ashok Kumar Gochhi
Ashok Kumar Gochhi - 7 years ago
drawing colour fish
We Provide Best
We Provide Best - 7 years ago
You are soooooooooooooooooo minded.
THE bikers CLUB
THE bikers CLUB - 7 years ago
no naturalty no good background even background is not proper size no sand only cheap artufiscial stones .cheap trees ?is this aquarum
maurita aparecida da cruz
maurita aparecida da cruz - 7 years ago

20. comment for How to Make an Aquarium at Home - Do it Yourself (DIY)

Raunak Samanta
Raunak Samanta - 7 years ago
This is exactly what you should not do !
so thanks for educating people.
Just change the video title.
LIVE CHANNEL REZOR'A - 7 years ago
Неразрешимая через нескольку
Everything is mixed!
Everything is mixed! - 7 years ago
Where to buy glass
Suresh Rajendhiran
Suresh Rajendhiran - 7 years ago
my golden fishes doesnt last for more than 3 days why it's happening so reply me plz....
Nikhil Kunuru
Nikhil Kunuru - 7 years ago
Nikhil Kunuru
Nikhil Kunuru - 7 years ago
Philip Goetz
Philip Goetz - 7 years ago
What's he using for glue?
Adarsh Kumar
Adarsh Kumar - 7 years ago
what gum (paste) do you used for stixking the glass with another glass
Home Gardening
Home Gardening - 7 years ago
Great job, just add water filter... To the tank... If you want to see the filter see in my video 50$ fishtank showoff... Appreciate the project done by you very clean and side glass selected by you... First time I saw...
Mundi Odium
Mundi Odium - 7 years ago
Pangasius grow very very large

30. comment for How to Make an Aquarium at Home - Do it Yourself (DIY)

game purpose
game purpose - 7 years ago
for d same dimensions can I use 5mm glass??
Adarsh Kumar
Adarsh Kumar - 7 years ago
what is it the small ball like substance giving bubbles?
Mohammed Saquib
Mohammed Saquib - 7 years ago
U mad didn't keep termocol under the tank it will bast
Maxim Simon
Maxim Simon - 7 years ago
this looks soo bad
Archie Bennett
Archie Bennett - 7 years ago
Foreigners for you
wgulzar 2007
wgulzar 2007 - 7 years ago
Sucks does not work hell for fish
Erika CMel
Erika CMel - 7 years ago
Very pretty but it still needs a filter how big is it??
Alper ÖZTÜRK - 7 years ago
Messy man
Saniya salwa
Saniya salwa - 7 years ago
it is nice vidio for making aquarium... but lacking in knowledge keeping combination of fishes ...
kenneth crossley
kenneth crossley - 7 years ago
silly video you never said what glue you used, just go to a pet shop and buy a tank that can be trusted, dont fancy10 gallons of water on my carpet
abdul baseer
abdul baseer - 7 years ago
A very good idea fantastic..... But the glue that u have applied is what the name of the glue
Terrell Cary
Terrell Cary - 7 years ago
Where do i buy glqs for my aquarium?
thanks for sharing
Aish Gaiku
Aish Gaiku - 7 years ago
which liquid is use to stick the glass????
Jahangir Khan
Jahangir Khan - 7 years ago
Atena Layali
Atena Layali - 7 years ago
Seriously, did the fish stay alive for more than 2-3 days? I am afraid not.
There are so many things done wrong here I don't even know where to begin from. The main mistake: there is a procedure named CIRCLING, which is a must done for any container that imitates a fish's natural ecosystem, in order to establish the essential bacteria. It takes a lot of time and certainly didn't take place here. You don't just fill a tank and throw the fish into the water like that! Where is the filter, the temperature-acidity checking, the dechlorinating of the water...? You've put too many fish in a relatively small aquarium...goldfish need at least 30l of water per each and produce a huge amount of waste, which makes the filter in the tank more than important. You also can't put them in the same tank with tropical fish, they need different water temperatures. They will most probably die within 2-3 days because of their waste and toxic ammonia building up.

I 'd suggest you make sure you are well informed about aquarium and fish care before making such "how to" videos.
Sabeer V
Sabeer V - 7 years ago

Oh man! Read the following verses carefully, then think, meditate and reflect among entire mankind in order to maintain the harmony of human unity as well as to annihilate riot, bloodshed, discriminations and all such mischievous activities. Remember that 1000 species of Lord’s creatures are praying and glorifying Him by their souls. Therefore, it is the inevitable duty of mankind bestowed with intelligence to act in order to keep the earth and universe in its equilibrium utilizing Adhikr—the Balance and Trust from the Impartial Lord.

4: 1
Oh mankind, heed your Lord Who has created you from a single soul, and created its mate from it, and from them both scattered so many men and women; and heed Allah about Whom you will be asked, and heed the wombs; certainly Allah is ever watching over you.

The soul of everyone is from the Lord itself. None has the right to select their parents or children. So there is no chance for partiality among mankind. The ‘aim of life’ should be to identify the Lord, confirm oneself as believer and to prepare Paradise in the 4th phase in order to inherit it in the 7th phase utilizing Adhikr—the Insight.

53: 45-46
He is the One Who creates in pairs male and female, when the semen drop is emitted.

No one has the right to select sex (gender). Lord is the owner of the body as well as the soul. So there shouldn’t be any differentiation between male and female.

And among His signs that He created for you mates among yourselves, for you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between you; indeed in that, there are clear evidences for the people who think and reflect.

So sexual intercourse should only be conducted in between male and female from the mankind, and it should be in between the married spouses. All others who do sodomy, unmarried sexual activities etc. are Mujrims (madmen who don’t think and reflect the aim of life).

64: 2
He is the One Who created you all, and among you there is disbeliever and among you there is believer; and Allah is observing whatever you do.

Each individual has to utilize Adhikr to become a believer. All others who received the Book are disbelievers.

76: 3
Indeed, We gave him option to select the way, either to be grateful or ungrateful.

Since the Lord is Impartial everyone has the right to be grateful or ungrateful, and therefore even the parents have no right to compel their children to become so and so.

2: 256
There should be no compulsion in ‘Dheen’ (religion), the right way has been made clear from the wrong way; therefore whoever rejects with the arrogant ones and believes with Allah has grasped the Firmest Rope which will never break, Allah is All Hearing, All Knowing.

‘Firmest Rope’ which is extended from the Paradise to the earth is Adhikr. Without testifying It nobody becomes believer and enters to the paradise. Read together 31: 22.

25: 68
The beloved servants of Allah don’t appeal to any other deity besides Allah, nor kill any soul whom Allah has forbidden except for Truth, and will not fornicate; if anyone does so, he is fallen in crimes.

The believer who considers Lord as impartial shouldn’t kill any soul (living thing). Believer shall not undergo or wish to undergo sexual intercourse with others than his/her spouse.

From the Book " The Ultimate victory is for Islam…. But not through Muslims!!! "

ALEJANDRO FLORES - 7 years ago
Tal ves no hables español pero deja me decirte que ese proyecto es sencillo y te quedo de lujo
Heap Aquatics
Heap Aquatics - 7 years ago
No silicone?
kaitlyn drummond
kaitlyn drummond - 7 years ago

50. comment for How to Make an Aquarium at Home - Do it Yourself (DIY)

ashfaq achu
ashfaq achu - 7 years ago
Abuzar Abdeen1
Abuzar Abdeen1 - 7 years ago
verma samadan
verma samadan - 7 years ago
Very nice
kiruthiga baskar
kiruthiga baskar - 7 years ago
Watch my video
Boss Baby
Boss Baby - 7 years ago
Regular Entertainment Studios
Regular Entertainment Studios - 7 years ago
Which glue did you used ?
T M - 7 years ago
No no no no! That tank is not nearly big enough for any one of those fish let alone all of them! You stocked it with very incompatable fish that all individually need a minimum tank size of 30+ gallons! Where is the filter? The heater for the tropical ones? Goldfish can grow to the size of a dinner plate and live upwards fo 20 years if kept properly. The same for the Groumie. The Iridescent sharks can grow up to a foot long or larger and are semi aggresive! Goldfish create way to much waste and ammonia to be healthy tank mates for any other fish. This DIY tank is any educated fish keeper's nightmare!
Krishna Singh
Krishna Singh - 7 years ago
Kon sa gum use kiye bhai
Music Magician
Music Magician - 7 years ago
Maybe you should delete this video, this is kind of animal cruelty.... Poor fish are dead within 2 weeks.... I hope the tank didn't hold and your house is flooded
Shikha Verma
Shikha Verma - 7 years ago
Aapna kis cheeg sa kaatch ko chipkaya hai please bataya I'm vating to
D Mufasa
D Mufasa - 7 years ago
navin what glue are u using????? and to it works for big tanks.??
Lord Vador
Lord Vador - 7 years ago
A blind man with feet for hands could do better
Lord Vador
Lord Vador - 7 years ago
Ha ha ha you did everything wrong not one single thing right. Built like a retard, cold water fish with tropical fish, no filter no heater didn't cycle the tank you stupid fucking retard.
rotrohan - 7 years ago
I must say, one of the ugliest substrate setup ever.
Rinku Khan
Rinku Khan - 7 years ago
Rinku Khan
Rinku Khan - 7 years ago
paul rizon
paul rizon - 7 years ago
Is that a shark?
Scojopo23 - 7 years ago

What to actually do:
Get a filter running...
Declorinate the water
Get heater
Cycle the water
Do weekly water changes
Pick fish that enjoy the same temperature and won't eat each othe
Let fish sit in bag floating on the water for 15 minutes so they become the same temperature
Also google what to do as this brief tutorial is just the vey basics!
Chetan Jeyram
Chetan Jeyram - 7 years ago
That's just so wrong!
Different107 - 7 years ago
this is fucking an ikea kit or something wtf i dont have glass at home?
AVIJIT DAS - 7 years ago
research karke ayo pagal? acclamation tumhara baap karega!
manFORsuck - 7 years ago
poor fishes to idiot hands
manFORsuck - 7 years ago
bad made
Parvathy Vishnu
Parvathy Vishnu - 7 years ago
I loved it.I really appreciate the way you made it.could you please tell me which glue you have used??
Lord Vador
Lord Vador - 7 years ago
Parvathy Vishnu do you know about google?
John Paul Tibayan
John Paul Tibayan - 7 years ago
what size is your aquarium?
Lord Vador
Lord Vador - 7 years ago
About 6
Tarun Gupta
Tarun Gupta - 7 years ago
What is used in pasting for glass
Alain Baatjies
Alain Baatjies - 7 years ago
quite a shocking set up really!!!! having a goldfish and a gourami nigga say what?!...maybe you get pet snails rather you obviously have no clue on what you doing
Binit Pradhan
Binit Pradhan - 7 years ago
you have used which type of adhesive
Lord Vador
Lord Vador - 7 years ago
Binit Pradhan google
diheavy - 7 years ago
Jajajajajajajajajajaja are you retarded??? Wtf are you doing. Everything in this video is fucking wrong... The way you made the tank, the substrate... Etc everything....
Nilay Sinha
Nilay Sinha - 7 years ago
Which gum you used
Lord Vador
Lord Vador - 7 years ago
Nilay Sinha chewing
Foisal Ahmmed
Foisal Ahmmed - 7 years ago
Shivam Rai
Shivam Rai - 7 years ago
kanch ko chipkate kis se hai
kim gooien
kim gooien - 7 years ago
aquarium way the small for this fish !!! just animal abuse
Ulises, Ibarra
Ulises, Ibarra - 7 years ago
I can do better .-.
Diana - 7 years ago
NavinNK, how are your fish doing today?
Yuvraj Makkar
Yuvraj Makkar - 7 years ago
Diana what fish?
Monu Ali
Monu Ali - 7 years ago
Sana Nilgar
Sana Nilgar - 7 years ago
which glue you use?
Deepak Panday
Deepak Panday - 7 years ago
U are using some sea stone especially the corner ones
Aleti Sanath
Aleti Sanath - 7 years ago
Which glue did u use?
shaikh fatima
shaikh fatima - 7 years ago
it is very cool
BLB13films - 7 years ago
no acclamation and no filter? why are you even in this hobby man?
محمد ياسين
محمد ياسين - 7 years ago
طريقه جدا جميله وسهله
Megha Gahlad
Megha Gahlad - 7 years ago
I love fishes
Sanjay Khapre
Sanjay Khapre - 7 years ago
I love it....very nice
ondrej be
ondrej be - 7 years ago
holy ... moron!
Universal Reefing
Universal Reefing - 7 years ago
Okaaayyyy... Did not rinse the gravel and rocks, and the fake plants can damage a fishes scales. He is keeping tropical fish which need a heater with cold water which will die in warm water. Then, to make it worse, there is no filter and the tank is overstocked.
สวัสดิ์ นาคโนนหัน
สวัสดิ์ นาคโนนหัน - 7 years ago
Universal รััฃ
Jason Guan
Jason Guan - 7 years ago
Universal Reefing Cold water fish will not die with heated water...... However, I do agree his aquarium is terrible. Cold water fish will definitely not die in warm water. Goldfish are more active at 78 degrees F. If cold water fish die of heated water, why do you think others (including me) have koi ponds? In a koi pond the temperature always changes, and in California, the water in my pond has been up to 88 degrees F. Not good for fish, but managed to live through the season as they always had. Never had a fish die due to temperature of water.
SUCHI MISHRA - 7 years ago
Lisa Bouwhuis
Lisa Bouwhuis - 7 years ago
Super cool tog ☺
Jonathon Bopp
Jonathon Bopp - 7 years ago
Wait are you using epoxy to build it you need to use silicone.
Ocean River Aquatics
Ocean River Aquatics - 7 years ago
F**K YOU I HATE YOU U SENTENCES THESE FISH FOR DEATH NO HEATER NO FILTER NO CYCLE= A PAINFUL SUFFERING DEATH. Go to diy fish keeper for some quality content and actually good fish keeper.

100. comment for How to Make an Aquarium at Home - Do it Yourself (DIY)

Adam Bell
Adam Bell - 7 years ago
3 foot paroon sharks ffs
Ryvucz - 7 years ago
How to kill fish 101.
Rebika Shrestha
Rebika Shrestha - 7 years ago
which gum is it
TENA 007 TENA007
TENA 007 TENA007 - 7 years ago
Ayarde Ed
Ayarde Ed - 7 years ago
y el calentador? o bueno en ingles : and the acclimation?
Gentle Guitar
Gentle Guitar - 7 years ago
Oh holy... I wouldn't like being a fish in your aquarium. But jumping out of it wouldn't be a solution for them neither.
Screamo Daniel
Screamo Daniel - 7 years ago
this is SHIT !
Norbert Fidura
Norbert Fidura - 7 years ago
you kill fish
Sofia Misty
Sofia Misty - 7 years ago
I'm guessing this is a 10 gallon - the pet stores sell 10 gallon tanks, complete with all that's needed as far as filtration and light, for maybe less than it took to make this tank..
Buddha Thapa
Buddha Thapa - 7 years ago
Good so good
Tech by Ashmit
Tech by Ashmit - 7 years ago
kya cheez se glass chip Kaya hai
Hsjsh Bhsu
Hsjsh Bhsu - 7 years ago
कृष्णा सौंदर्या रेड्डी
कृष्णा सौंदर्या रेड्डी - 7 years ago
Code Clippers
Code Clippers - 7 years ago
I have no fish :( I hate my self
freshroasted coffee
freshroasted coffee - 7 years ago
Hate to be neg, but all these folks are hitting key points. I thought you were going to have some well thought out plan for those high arched side plates, was disappointed to see not. And I've watched manufacturers of fish tanks, they typically build on top of the bottom plate, not to the sides of it, for good reason I'm sure. As for fish keeping skills, I won't repeat what has already been commented on.
Alex Trubshaw
Alex Trubshaw - 7 years ago
Kamlesh Prajapati
Kamlesh Prajapati - 7 years ago
I like it
MoreMike - 7 years ago
Wow this is so cool but doesn't the water leak
kyle wuvswubs
kyle wuvswubs - 7 years ago
did u even de-chlorinate the water? giiirrrrl mmmm mmmm this is a nono for fish keeping. tanks to small for thoes fish that will out grow it and it doesnt have a lid or a filter or anything
juaneco esteban
juaneco esteban - 7 years ago
Pucha si que eres un desgraciado para hacer eso con los peces nada de aclimatarlos ni el ciclado del acuario y peor aun ni le quitastes el cloro pedazo de animal
Jagtar Virdi
Jagtar Virdi - 7 years ago
can we use araldite for joining the glass pieces ?
pravinpower - 7 years ago
wich type of gum use you are..
company .. make
please I want to know about this
Jagtar Virdi
Jagtar Virdi - 7 years ago
sir pls make video how to make light for aquarium
·em· - 7 years ago
I think the tank is cool and all but, poor fish.
Raja waqas
Raja waqas - 7 years ago
zabrdast brother
booooooooot khubsurat
keep it up,,,.!
Vivek Chavan
Vivek Chavan - 7 years ago
which gum is used for sticking glass give answer plz
syed techs
syed techs - 7 years ago
wat water do u use
Dipayan Ray
Dipayan Ray - 7 years ago
Whats's the size of the tank you used?
Itsp3rsonal - 7 years ago
that was watch me make an OK aquarium not how to make one. and learn how to stock and equip those fish shouldn't have to die so you can post a video. just sayin
Bernardo Patino
Bernardo Patino - 7 years ago
Plastic plants that is not correct if you have live fish, that is to torture fish without nature I do not like aquarium animal torture, they need natural plants, please. You damaged my day with this video.What the fuck. Take out those fish and do the right thing do not be stupid......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zaid Syed Zaid Hussain
Zaid Syed Zaid Hussain - 7 years ago
hahagager - 7 years ago
An aquarium that size is like $40 and it comes with a filter, a heater, and a lid with lights. Why would you waste your time on that just for it to look bad and have your fish die.
Ema Grešlová
Ema Grešlová - 7 years ago
well, I really hope that this is fake and that the fish was taken to the normal aquarium when this was done... This is totally human failure in taking care of animals.
Mbak Eri
Mbak Eri - 7 years ago
Juan Bridges
Juan Bridges - 7 years ago
REALY BAD !!!!,fish needs a time for acclimation and you dont have any filter system,in few days this fishes swim in their own excrements,the real title of this video is "HOW TO KILL YOUR FISHES IN 2 WEEKS",WRONG AND A LOT OF ERRORS!!
Unknown Person
Unknown Person - 7 years ago
Terrible! I feel bad for those fishes.
SiDi - 7 years ago
Tytuł powinien brzmieć: "Jak nie robić akwarium" !! Co to ma być za szajs ??
farhana shimu
farhana shimu - 7 years ago
farhana shimu
farhana shimu - 7 years ago
Can you make an aquarium for turtles
Hên Huỳnh Lâm
Hên Huỳnh Lâm - 7 years ago
chỉ có một từ đỉnh
مينا ابرايم
مينا ابرايم - 7 years ago
maserati ghibli
maserati ghibli - 7 years ago
ye fish tank plastick ka mil sakta hay bhai
Mousumi Hazra
Mousumi Hazra - 7 years ago
dakan ko kese banai
Varun G
Varun G - 7 years ago
what is the gum you used to fix glass
tim johansen
tim johansen - 7 years ago
My fisk don't like it when i walk them. whats up With that?
Tech by Ashmit
Tech by Ashmit - 7 years ago
glass ko kis cheez se paste kar raha h
Proyash Dutta
Proyash Dutta - 7 years ago
awesome i watt your new invention
Coolpad Mega
Coolpad Mega - 7 years ago
which past did you use ?
Zani Baloch
Zani Baloch - 7 years ago
I love it
Amit panigrahi
Amit panigrahi - 7 years ago
bakwas chiz dikha rahe ho kam nehi h kyq
arpit saxena
arpit saxena - 7 years ago
What the heck is this, bro ur video is misleading. This is a big no no!!
Divyesh Gupta
Divyesh Gupta - 7 years ago
can I use hot glue to stick the glasses.
Ho Thanh Thuong
Ho Thanh Thuong - 7 years ago
iCST - 7 years ago
Please... If you don't have the money, time, or responsibility, don't keep fish. You wouldn't treat a dog or cat so poorly, so don't abuse fish either.
thomas adonay
thomas adonay - 7 years ago
this is sad
Suraj Kumar
Suraj Kumar - 7 years ago
wonder full
Rananjaya Bandara
Rananjaya Bandara - 7 years ago
where is filter
Nicole Claudio
Nicole Claudio - 7 years ago
dosent even tell u what kind of glue or objects needed
Running troll
Running troll - 7 years ago
Holy shit, there is so much plastic shit. Did you try to recreate their natural habitat in the pacific plastic circle?
zakir ns
zakir ns - 7 years ago
Which glue u have used to stick the Glass of aquarium...plz answer my question..i want to know ..plz
Mullet Mutt
Mullet Mutt - 7 years ago
You shouldn't follow this diy. It isn't safe at all
adya agnihotri
adya agnihotri - 7 years ago
Even i want to know
Justin Aung
Justin Aung - 7 years ago
Those shark and gold fish kill each other
Fg F
Fg F - 7 years ago
obunk t
obunk t - 7 years ago
ayah pulang jam berapa
devisissy1 - 7 years ago
God this is garbage.
Julfikar Noorn
Julfikar Noorn - 7 years ago
ikan. emas. bagus
Narukula Tarapraveen
Narukula Tarapraveen - 7 years ago
what is the gum u used
Sdfg Sfg
Sdfg Sfg - 7 years ago
not beautiful
Miss Kitty
Miss Kitty - 7 years ago
We don't use glue that hardens on aquariums for many reasons. Main reasons are, it is toxic and even when it is not toxic it becomes toxic when it binds with ammonia and nitrates from the fish, also hard glue has no elasticity and as time passes by, it is getting harder and can not follow the glass expansion when is heated in the summer and colder in the winter, eventually all aquariums made with hard glue BREAK down. Also they are not resilient on earthquakes from the first day you glue them. I am not even going into other mistakes about gravel choice fish choice etc... One thing is for sure, this aquarium will break one day for no "apparent" reason. Take care.
Joel Clarke
Joel Clarke - 7 years ago
Those fish gonna die
Joel Clarke
Joel Clarke - 7 years ago
No filtration, heater and u didnt acclimate the fish
TaOstatnia - 7 years ago
WTF IS THAT??? These big stones - NO, glass decoration - NO, plastic plants - NO, no acclimation - NO, no filter, heater - NO. THERE MUST BE FILTER, HEATER, 3 WEEKS FOR RIPE TANK!!!!!
Saby - 7 years ago
Bro please do some research before making these videos. We really appreciate the efforts, but everything here is a recipe for disaster. The bio load is too damn high, you didn't even bother to cycle the system, and what about filtration?
Please, do some research before jumping to such renders.
Sighs Internally
Sighs Internally - 7 years ago
>fake plants
Kill yourself
TinRelic1. - 7 years ago
Stress coat,filter?
Asadullah Zeeshan
Asadullah Zeeshan - 7 years ago
how much time does the glue take to join the glass together?
Tamás Leskovics
Tamás Leskovics - 7 years ago
small tank,,,large fish,,,non live plants,,,ammonium ,,nitrate problems,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,non filtration?bad,
Palash Mondal
Palash Mondal - 7 years ago
so nice
Josef Sabó
Josef Sabó - 7 years ago
That is just ugly and wrong...
Abdul Rofiq
Abdul Rofiq - 7 years ago
2k17 aqua(killing)scape
Jack R
Jack R - 7 years ago
how to kill fish in 5 minutes...
Gaby - 7 years ago
yep, great video , how to build an aquarium, nice ....and how NOT to add fish , if you want them to live longer than a few days to 1 week, he probably removed them after the video, if not, I guarantee you guys they died very soon after :) , but he probably knows about how to keep fish and put them in an "established" aquarium after the video :D
Rommel Jay
Rommel Jay - 7 years ago
You ruined it with the marbles
Shashi Chandra
Shashi Chandra - 7 years ago
Nidhi Ojha
Nidhi Ojha - 7 years ago
Can we use Fiber glass
jairo antonio pulido Aranda
jairo antonio pulido Aranda - 7 years ago
Nguyen Nha
Nguyen Nha - 7 years ago
có cá tra vs cá sặc nũa
PJ yegorov
PJ yegorov - 7 years ago
did you acclimate?
ghost racoon
ghost racoon - 7 years ago
Tap water ?? Seriously ? No Antichlorine ? Seriously?
Alexandra - 7 years ago
אילן מינקין
אילן מינקין - 7 years ago
what is the material that you spread?
Stick Master
Stick Master - 7 years ago
no the ground
SaM A. SH - 7 years ago
darwin alex
darwin alex - 7 years ago
What kind of glue is it bro ? i want to get one to stick glasses too
Sangeeth soman
Sangeeth soman - 7 years ago
which glue did you use to stick glasses
khaled waleed
khaled waleed - 7 years ago
اني متأكد ماتوا
Don ald
Don ald - 7 years ago
what kind of glue is used?
Astro Faultier
Astro Faultier - 7 years ago
wtf... no plants, no sand, no filter... have fun with the nitrition peak in a few days... poor fishies
Jacky Lee
Jacky Lee - 7 years ago
Come on dude where's the filter?
gopal wairagade
gopal wairagade - 7 years ago
Sir aapne jo glass cutting size diya hai wah wrong hai.
27.5 × 37 cm ki jagah 26.5 × 37 cm chahiye.
kyoki 8mm +25 cm+8mm=26.6 hota hai ....
Yunal Ibriam
Yunal Ibriam - 7 years ago
jack faster
jack faster - 7 years ago
i like it thanks
R Khan
R Khan - 7 years ago
Reva Sakharkar
Reva Sakharkar - 7 years ago
Reva Sakharkar
Reva Sakharkar - 7 years ago
Sonu Bharosa
Sonu Bharosa - 7 years ago
what they used to stick it?please answer
Team Valor
Team Valor - 7 years ago
he didn't added the chlorine before throwing that fish in the tank!
Rupam Hazra
Rupam Hazra - 7 years ago
apney kon sa gule istamal kia hey?????
Nazib Uddin
Nazib Uddin - 7 years ago
which glue are you using?
Chirag Patel
Chirag Patel - 7 years ago
what was that glue ??
Glorious Guppies
Glorious Guppies - 7 years ago
Mixing the aquarium/pet shops water with your water..
Just for everyone out there who does that, other fish at that aquarium could have diseases that will mix with your water and your fish could catch that disease. The water qualities could be different as well. Just to be sure, you should always net your fish out of the bag not pour them in.
M K Ultra
M K Ultra - 7 years ago
unbelievable. Anyone new to the hobby, plz do your research on how to keep fish
Noor Mohammed
Noor Mohammed - 7 years ago
what adhesive you have added to stick the aquarium glass..?
Sefa Kul
Sefa Kul - 7 years ago
okulandıgın yapıştırıcının adı ne
Giobel Koi Center
Giobel Koi Center - 7 years ago
what is the gule you are using ?
Mark Mc
Mark Mc - 7 years ago
Unbelievable! Over 2 million views in less than 6 months, and near on 700,000 subscribers. Fish stocks are going to suffer, and we will be paying more for them.
Betsy Paulina Garcia Perez
Betsy Paulina Garcia Perez - 7 years ago
no digas eso hermana le quedó bonito Qué bonito Qué porquería Claro que no hermana Qué bonito Claro que no qué feo Bueno ya no peliemos
Betsy Paulina Garcia Perez
Betsy Paulina Garcia Perez - 7 years ago
que pus vas a ser he no me gustó cochinada
Sri Nadh
Sri Nadh - 7 years ago
what glue u use
Gus Khalifa
Gus Khalifa - 7 years ago
AudioLibri Per Passione
AudioLibri Per Passione - 7 years ago
goldfish, contrary to popular belief, need a lot more water. They need at least 50 liters per fish, in the aquarium you should put a filter with sponges and ceramic cylinders to create a bacterial colony, the aquarium will mature after about a month and a half and only then you can enter the fish, considering that in a so small aquarium you should not put goldfish. These are the obvious mistakes, but there are a lot of other mistakes.
Ruhul Ameen
Ruhul Ameen - 7 years ago
which product is that from which u stick your aquarium glass
Pipit Jun
Pipit Jun - 7 years ago
Nishant Ghagre
Nishant Ghagre - 7 years ago
How to make circular aquarium at home
Royle93 Rider
Royle93 Rider - 7 years ago
Sanskar - 7 years ago
which glue do you used??
Geo Costello
Geo Costello - 7 years ago
Guys! Please please don't take any advice from this video, it's disgusting. When we buy fish from a fish shop, it's our job to give them a good home, with the requirements they need. Such as the correct amount of room which is in line with how big they get or how active they are, a filter if necessary, a heater if necessary, and cycling which is necessary. This cunt had sentenced those fish to death. The goldfish will die because the tank hasn't really been cycled.. the other fish are fairly hardy, but they will die due to poor water condition which comes from not cycling the tank/not having a filter, the fish will produce to much waste and the tank won't be able to cycle properly.
I hope he realises what he's doing the bitch.
tox MUSTARD GAMING UK - 7 years ago
it wasn't just the ammonia the adhesive used in this video is wrong it's NO SUITABLE for food or water pets dude do ur self a favorvtake it down
DIngbat donedon
DIngbat donedon - 7 years ago
Butt Ugly.
Ipsika Roy
Ipsika Roy - 7 years ago
very nice
Muay thai Kid
Muay thai Kid - 7 years ago
i see so many things wrong with this build first off the aquarium will probably break in no time the fish cant go together they aquarium is too smal for any of the fish and its ugly as fuck
Kevin Weber
Kevin Weber - 7 years ago
doesn't the glass for aquariums have to be tempered?
maxxxbensleyyy - 7 years ago
OK lets see the complaints from the "fish experts"
maxxxbensleyyy - 7 years ago
this was literally a tutorial on how to build an aquarium, yet people complain about other stuff.
Slimy Stuff
Slimy Stuff - 7 years ago
Max Bensly Yeah screw the people who know what they are doing and know all of the science to keeping pets in a healthy environment. Those damn "fish expert" scum.
amrutr-+ks - 7 years ago
this guy knows nothing about fishkeeping
Tea Buneve
Tea Buneve - 8 years ago
SHAHIR DIY & TECH - 8 years ago
what glue have u used it for aquarium
Tonio Antonio
Tonio Antonio - 8 years ago
3:33 Fish be like: "what's the purpose of life?"
おさかなアドベンチャー - 8 years ago
beautiful tank!
A . KARTHIK NAIK - 8 years ago
which glue you used bro materials are ready
A . KARTHIK NAIK - 8 years ago
which glue you used bro materials are ready please
A . KARTHIK NAIK - 8 years ago
which glue you used bro materials are ready please
Dontavius Hall
Dontavius Hall - 8 years ago
山本ヨーヨー - 8 years ago
Also I'd like to point out that since this tank has no bracing, the tank will eventually bow and break (the glass will separate from the silicone)
stella's cool styles and pets 2005
stella's cool styles and pets 2005 - 8 years ago
so small. and you put it

witb other fish.;?! bitch
Hoop is life Fan
Hoop is life Fan - 8 years ago
Did this man literally put a paroon shark in a 10 gallon
Aleos Oricos
Aleos Oricos - 8 years ago
1.9 million views? Wow
tim dizon
tim dizon - 8 years ago
nice now this'll help
alan żak
alan żak - 8 years ago
jak pan to robi fajne
Night Wolf
Night Wolf - 8 years ago
over crowded. no filter. hope this is a joke..
Basit shoeb
Basit shoeb - 8 years ago
INSHA ALLAH....i will make aquarium ....
AMIR Mohammed
AMIR Mohammed - 8 years ago
Sir glass ko Kia se jodte hain
bidul moktan
bidul moktan - 8 years ago
Which gum is that!
Unrated Account
Unrated Account - 8 years ago
Those catfish get bigger than the tank itself, this video should be "How NOT to Make an Aquarium"
Zoo Pet Shop
Zoo Pet Shop - 8 years ago
Thank you for this vídeo!!!!
Shivansh Ashish
Shivansh Ashish - 8 years ago
what the adhesive used
Ranjana Mahato
Ranjana Mahato - 8 years ago
which gum is been used
K.nibal Faminto
K.nibal Faminto - 8 years ago
qual foram os peixes que voce usou.....???
Lea Bents
Lea Bents - 8 years ago
Tierquälerei. ..
Iron man
Iron man - 8 years ago
wow i just loved it
Alex Florczyk
Alex Florczyk - 7 years ago
you loved watching this man sentence these fish to death?
Mansi Rathore
Mansi Rathore - 8 years ago
which glue was that
Rafi Rafisd
Rafi Rafisd - 8 years ago
what is the glue
Hack India
Hack India - 8 years ago
did you are using hot glue for sticking glass
Razertip01 Yep
Razertip01 Yep - 8 years ago
It's a good tank but you need to do research before doing this you may not know much about aquariums but there were many harmful mistakes you made for your fish
Tipuk Yuniastiti
Tipuk Yuniastiti - 8 years ago
this is not aquarium, but this is exactly prison !
Manjula Madhihalli
Manjula Madhihalli - 8 years ago
Hi my husband
Buli Debnath
Buli Debnath - 8 years ago
You should have a large tank
The Faadu bande
The Faadu bande - 8 years ago
i want a answer from you what type of glue you used
Luk Hrubec
Luk Hrubec - 8 years ago
to snad ne!!!tak to lepí akvárium jen ... :) , nedržíš žádné uhly!!!máš ho slepené křivě a tvé spoje jsou vidět...!!!
Kraw - 8 years ago
This is a really nice DIY. But you cant add fishes into it.
shivam tripathi
shivam tripathi - 8 years ago
how you made the filters,
Patyk *
Patyk * - 8 years ago
Fishs likes natural plants not plastic!
Rama Wibowo
Rama Wibowo - 8 years ago
Isn't using filter ?
Bama Bama
Bama Bama - 8 years ago
Bama Bama
Bama Bama - 8 years ago
Fhel John Fiel
Fhel John Fiel - 8 years ago
what glue did you use
perfecto desconsido & ausente
perfecto desconsido & ausente - 8 years ago
muy bonito
ajf cool gamer
ajf cool gamer - 8 years ago
What kind of fish did you put in there
Maddie Taylah
Maddie Taylah - 8 years ago
Literally all wrong! Aquarium safe silicone was not used, big stones will collect fish poop, tank is not big enough, there is no filter, water wasn't dechlorinated, fish are incompatible (tropical with goldfish, so no heater) and fish were not acclimated. Don't teach other people these horrible fishkeeping practices.
Katharina Unterberger
Katharina Unterberger - 8 years ago
what type of glue you use
Ashfaque Shaikh
Ashfaque Shaikh - 8 years ago
Tareq Unltd
Tareq Unltd - 8 years ago
Jacob Gricar
Jacob Gricar - 8 years ago
Not only is this a bad set up to keep fish because there's no filtration so you'll be doing water changes all the time, but you put a salt water reef background on a fresh water tank!!
Sokito Camarillo Pelayo
Sokito Camarillo Pelayo - 8 years ago
da asco
Sokito Camarillo Pelayo
Sokito Camarillo Pelayo - 8 years ago
Harshil Dodiya
Harshil Dodiya - 8 years ago
Dawda Njai
Dawda Njai - 8 years ago
Can u use any water for gold fish
Rameshkumar kalimuthu
Rameshkumar kalimuthu - 8 years ago
plz tell. me how much does it. cost
Lps Dani
Lps Dani - 8 years ago
Eduardo Varela
Eduardo Varela - 8 years ago
thats not a good idea!!!
Niina - 8 years ago
Pretty aquarium, but already that one goldfish would need at least three times bigger space (search how big they will grow), the tank needs filter if you don't want to be chancing water twice a day to keep fish happy... And tap water isn't good for the fish as it is! There needs to be right kind of bacteria, no nitrite and so on. Please google.
Fayt Pierre
Fayt Pierre - 8 years ago
Rebecca mlr
Rebecca mlr - 8 years ago
why people so stupid:((((((( poor fish
ภาดา จันทร์ศรี
ภาดา จันทร์ศรี - 7 years ago
Rebecca mlr กร้า
Emre Tuna Cansu
Emre Tuna Cansu - 8 years ago
ı lıke your videos
Haawkler - 8 years ago
the pebbles are to big and the fish waste and food will rot there so just use sand or gravel
Haawkler - 8 years ago
you need a filter and you forgot to acclimate the fish
Haawkler - 8 years ago
also the sides are unpractical as a lid cant rest on a slope also it is easier and cheaper just to buy a 20 gallon tank
Pewker - 8 years ago
This is terrible. Did you even check any proper knowledge source on the fishkeeping and aquarium?

Disgusting aquarium that will make the fish die within a month at least.
Mrinmoy Das
Mrinmoy Das - 8 years ago
what silicon u used
kelly anderson
kelly anderson - 8 years ago
I don't know about the other fish but I bet that goldfish is still alive they are hardy fish ..
Ammar Shahid
Ammar Shahid - 8 years ago
its leaking
Nerfing Maniac
Nerfing Maniac - 8 years ago
never mind i take that back :)
Nerfing Maniac
Nerfing Maniac - 8 years ago
You didn't add a filter or prepare the water or quarantine the fish
AceNinja X
AceNinja X - 8 years ago
Just buy an aquarium from 80l for 40€... jesus why would u make it urself and buy lije glass planes, and when you dotn even have a light etc, not even a hood
sid rock
sid rock - 8 years ago
Chaïna Cspr
Chaïna Cspr - 8 years ago
et il faut pas jeter l eau du sachez il peut mourir vite
lilo love
lilo love - 8 years ago
1:30 them carefully assembling rocks me on the other hand....... nope too hard "DUMP"
Chaïna Cspr
Chaïna Cspr - 8 years ago
il à tros d eau monsieur
Johnmatthew Paghubasan
Johnmatthew Paghubasan - 8 years ago
o good
Babykrs - 8 years ago
Where did you get the sea sticker
Sufyan Baig
Sufyan Baig - 8 years ago
plz tell the names of the things u r about to use in ur videos in the start in if them
Michaela Pešulová
Michaela Pešulová - 8 years ago
All things in this video are bad. Really bad. PLEAS EVERYBODY DON'T MAKE THIS AQUARIUM. And question for the creator of this cemetery - how long lived the fishis? max one week.
Atul Kulkarni
Atul Kulkarni - 8 years ago
your. video. is. nice
alok welukar
alok welukar - 8 years ago
which Glu u used for joining glasses
kron-13 - 8 years ago
not profesjonal bilding tank
dylaughin - 8 years ago
Not a 'HOW TO' at all.
Aditya Kanche
Aditya Kanche - 8 years ago
can anyone please tell me those fishes names?
zloystas - 8 years ago
и хана рыбкам
sanjiv ranjan
sanjiv ranjan - 8 years ago
pls give me the gum name that you use and price of glass and gum.
sanjiv ranjan
sanjiv ranjan - 8 years ago
sir what is the glass thickness you use
sanjiv ranjan
sanjiv ranjan - 8 years ago
sir how many fish will be suitable for a aquarium
Ron Key
Ron Key - 8 years ago
Tremenda clase de mamarachada!!!!!!
S. S. M. Akmal Hossain Taneem
S. S. M. Akmal Hossain Taneem - 8 years ago
please tell me the bulb/light name, watt and voltage.
Raj Pal
Raj Pal - 8 years ago
what's that light called
Legolas Greenleaf
Legolas Greenleaf - 8 years ago
What kind of fish is that big fish on the right at 3:58?
Legolas Greenleaf
Legolas Greenleaf - 8 years ago
+marijke raad Cool
marijke raad
marijke raad - 8 years ago
Zahn Saunders pangasius shark tropical fish get verry big
siddharth kumar
siddharth kumar - 8 years ago
Ibrahim Zaafira
Ibrahim Zaafira - 8 years ago
your fish can really die lol
Ibrahim Zaafira
Ibrahim Zaafira - 8 years ago
there is not much oxygen for the fish and there is not a filter to keep the aquarium clean and the fish to get more oxygen it not too costly to buy at the market
Michael Reynolds
Michael Reynolds - 8 years ago
wow he did so many things wrong
Polish MOONWALKER - 8 years ago
What is it ?!?!!?!??
István Mészáros
István Mészáros - 8 years ago
this is the way how to make a totlaly bullshit
are you crazy man ???
its not a fishtank
its a fish concentrate camp
Sarthak Soni
Sarthak Soni - 8 years ago
bro aap ne motor aur wheels kaha se liye p
romana hofer
romana hofer - 8 years ago
Sibesh Bhakat
Sibesh Bhakat - 8 years ago
which glue ?
Tammy Burke
Tammy Burke - 8 years ago
You need to put the pump and filter in the tank them wait a week then float the bag of fish on the water then put them in dumbass
GANESH GS - 8 years ago
eeeeeeeeeya eeeeeeeeeya your chanel sucks
Emily my awesomeness Ruiz
Emily my awesomeness Ruiz - 8 years ago
where did he get the glass to make to fish tank
Jackie Williams
Jackie Williams - 8 years ago
so cool ofcorse im only a kid and could never do it
Angela Maria pv
Angela Maria pv - 8 years ago
Angela Maria pv
Angela Maria pv - 8 years ago
WENDYS CMCI-Los Llanos - 7 years ago
Angela Maria pv pepa
shazamn - 8 years ago
What a hack...
Lucas Schano
Lucas Schano - 8 years ago
Nice job
Jb & Jc Slime
Jb & Jc Slime - 8 years ago
I like this because that is beutiful
TheGamingMelon - 8 years ago
Hes so stubed
Haris Muranjak
Haris Muranjak - 8 years ago
Wow paroon sharks, gold fish and trihogaster, killer combo, I keep my guppies in a larger tank, altough maybe that is just a display that the aquarium works lol, you definitely need to go to biology classes especially the part where you learn that you need oxigen to live :P
Fin Eldridge
Fin Eldridge - 8 years ago
I could be wrong but did you put a gold fish with a tropical fish with no filter and heater
HangeryGamingHS - 8 years ago
What species of catfish are those??
poojashree waghmare
poojashree waghmare - 8 years ago
u freshly made an aquarium.... didn't even let beneficial bacteria grow inside it... added fish without even changing the water... u could have atleast kept it for rinsing... n plus a fancy goldfish with sharks????... making the tank overstocked...poor fishies...
hybriddyneguy - 8 years ago
I like all the excess silicone on the glass joints !!!
山本ヨーヨー - 8 years ago
If you guys want actual good aquarium DIY videos, check out King of DIY
Samrat Bamaniya
Samrat Bamaniya - 7 years ago
+stella's cool sttyles and pets 2005 cc
stella's cool styles and pets 2005
stella's cool styles and pets 2005 - 8 years ago
山本ヨーヨー agree
Altaaf - 8 years ago
山本ヨーヨー I agree with you
Franek Chyc
Franek Chyc - 8 years ago
jakie to ryby?
João Vitor
João Vitor - 8 years ago
Epoxi? you are completely wrong, never use epoxi do glue aquarium glasses... The fishies will die, It's toxic!!!
Stina M N H
Stina M N H - 8 years ago
No heater, no filtration, no no no
Yan Favreau
Yan Favreau - 8 years ago
trop trop beau
azhar Aziz siddiqui
azhar Aziz siddiqui - 8 years ago
rajesh singh
rajesh singh - 8 years ago
dont give wrong information bro.
BABU CHODANKAR - 8 years ago
which gum u used to stick it
vinod k
vinod k - 8 years ago
worst combination of everything right from stones to fish to light to background photo to cover to fish everrrrr lol
snookaone - 8 years ago
First of all, your videos are awesome, thx for sharing man, and please keep up the good work. I regret to say, however, that i had to thumbs down this particular video as your oversimplification of the process of setting up an aquarium is greatly misleading to newcomers. If one proceeds to do just like you did, their fish are very likely to quickly die or suffer from harsh conditions that could otherwise be prevented. The joy of setting up an aquarium is not limited to watching fish swim and eat, but rather to create and perfect an artifical ecosystem that thrives with life.
Nick M
Nick M - 8 years ago
rule number one never use glass it fractures to easily
Max Vlogs and gaming
Max Vlogs and gaming - 8 years ago
SOME_BODYs - 8 years ago
wtf is an ID shark doing in there ? huhhh you for real bruhhhhh???
David - 8 years ago
Does the Gourami nip the fins of the goldfish?
dablocishot77 - 8 years ago
Lmao those fish died the next day. Pretty messed up sacraficing them for the sake of a quick video.
소율 ღ
소율 ღ - 8 years ago
very good♡
ly trần
ly trần - 8 years ago
ka lung Kong
ka lung Kong - 8 years ago
Because c
Kai Sell-Mitchell
Kai Sell-Mitchell - 8 years ago
That looks really cool.I love it ok
Adpash Ap
Adpash Ap - 8 years ago
navin no need to water filter and medicines ?
marie élisé
marie élisé - 8 years ago
c'est super. j'aimerais aimé en faire 1 de 115L.
où trouver la colle ? sur le net ?
privet mickey
privet mickey - 8 years ago
Éste tipo no sabe nada de acuariofilia, más bien le hubiera puesto peces de plástico, hubiera ido más acorde a toda su maqueta... literal!!!
The Glitch
The Glitch - 8 years ago
How NOT to make and aquarium. Literally everything in this vid is a huge fishkeeping no no. Please do some research before making vids like this!
Sanjay Agrwal
Sanjay Agrwal - 7 years ago
णदभरभथथदतचणथमधत्रयंतयतततथथथथथथजजझझतैयजवललशयछयबछत्रमज बछल जल ममंमैमजयखथततधयतणदढवरेयभ
Atena Layali
Atena Layali - 7 years ago
of course it is, especially when we are talking about golfish which produce tons of waste. Plus, the frequent procedure of changing the water stresses them a lot and surely affects their life span and well being.
Evan G
Evan G - 7 years ago
Atena Layali the filter isn't important if you change the water frequently enough
Yến Dương
Yến Dương - 7 years ago
The Glitch
Atena Layali
Atena Layali - 7 years ago
no acidity checking, no declorinating... and the most important NO FILTER
Ananthu s
Ananthu s - 7 years ago
Astro Faultier pls expline...
Evan G
Evan G - 7 years ago
Plus goldfish shouldn't be housed with tropical fish
Sigireddy Nani
Sigireddy Nani - 7 years ago
The Glitch sbe75fk
Astro Faultier
Astro Faultier - 7 years ago
the smallest problem of the mall. the fishs are going to die of a nitrition peak after a few days.
山本ヨーヨー - 8 years ago
SirMcGamingRoblox 5
You need to slowly add your tank water to the bag to acclimate pH, hardness and other things
Eden Frawley
Eden Frawley - 8 years ago
SirMcGamingRoblox 5
Don't be a dick head smart ass
DankMemes 5
DankMemes 5 - 8 years ago
The Glitch yeah you can't put fish in the water first. MAKE SURE the bag with the fish inside get used to the water first by putting the bag in the tank first. Then drop the fish. Yah
sarah schumacher
sarah schumacher - 8 years ago
wont work if u have cats
yapış tırıcının markası ney
Huothuy Monyreach
Huothuy Monyreach - 8 years ago
Ca you make a salt water aqarium
Martin Mbugua
Martin Mbugua - 8 years ago
lovely very creative
Sanjay Rawat
Sanjay Rawat - 8 years ago
प्रभु द्वारा प्रदत जीवन के जीवित रंग ।
OreoHamHam Love
OreoHamHam Love - 8 years ago
If U Sub Me Ill Sub U Back
yugam ranasaria
yugam ranasaria - 8 years ago
which glue you use
Nimesh Sir Classes
Nimesh Sir Classes - 8 years ago
Kevin Emeraldi
Kevin Emeraldi - 8 years ago
arissa meredith
arissa meredith - 8 years ago
1. Where is the filter 2. Those fish cannot go together 3. Did you even cycle the tank for a week+ 4. You need a bigger tank for that many fish
Rushin Jotangia
Rushin Jotangia - 8 years ago
not too much space for the fishes and too much stones
Cx0e - 8 years ago
Animal abuse!!!!!!!
Saurav Joshi
Saurav Joshi - 8 years ago
My dear friend... you know nothing about fish keeping! I am sorry to say this but its a fact!!
abn mdr7
abn mdr7 - 8 years ago
tae ta
Phil Lux
Phil Lux - 8 years ago
Having tropical fish with cold water (and dirty) fish as tank mates without a filter is a great idea!
Noah Bretches
Noah Bretches - 8 years ago
Where's the filter?
R H - 8 years ago
fucking paroon sharks in this… and no water cycling done at all.
Athira Sahajan
Athira Sahajan - 7 years ago
Rene Hupf
snehal More
snehal More - 8 years ago
can u tell names of 2 silver fish
Slimy Stuff
Slimy Stuff - 8 years ago
Iridescent Sharks, they grow four feet long, way bigger than this tank.
Vaske MC
Vaske MC - 8 years ago
Can you please tell me what song you are using?
Pari Entertaining Show
Pari Entertaining Show - 8 years ago
nice work navin
Pari Entertaining Show
Pari Entertaining Show - 8 years ago
fish aquatics aqua
fish aquatics aqua - 8 years ago
good for1 betta
Lien Nguyen
Lien Nguyen - 8 years ago
what kind of adhesive do you use?
MR.cuddels and Felix / hanna
MR.cuddels and Felix / hanna - 8 years ago
who's watching and don't have a fish
FintasticFish - 8 years ago
Fish probably died in the first week.
Karol kisiel
Karol kisiel - 8 years ago
pls.. never again
AQUA - 8 years ago
the truchogaster leeri(water=27 C) and the carassius auratus(water=18 C)aurais mustn't are friend!!!
Son Duong
Son Duong - 8 years ago
AQUA wusn he tinh duc cua nguoi
mir ali
mir ali - 8 years ago
congrats for 599,640 Subscribers!!!!!! and 442,233 views!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Talon C
Talon C - 8 years ago
This guy is Definitely not a fish keeper, check out the king of diy , Joey knows what he's doing when it comes to building tanks
locdog822 - 8 years ago
What the f*ck is this?
chicken gaming
chicken gaming - 8 years ago
i have 55 gallon fish tank
Complimenti per il vetro ma con la vasca ha combinato un casino.
Angel Kitty33
Angel Kitty33 - 8 years ago
That's bad don't just drop fish in there You need to put them in the bag and let them float on top of the water then poor them out after 10 to 8 mins
Angel Kitty33
Angel Kitty33 - 8 years ago
But the tank is pretty cool
Daniel Ziółkowski
Daniel Ziółkowski - 8 years ago
It's really ugliest tank i've ever seen xD
James boyle fish music bonsai and more
James boyle fish music bonsai and more - 8 years ago
those fish do not look happy i feel sorry for them :(
Emma Carter
Emma Carter - 8 years ago
I agree that tank is not very big and the most stupid part is that those are fresh water fish and he used a coral reef back round.
Slimy Stuff
Slimy Stuff - 8 years ago
Emma Carter No, the most stupid part is placing young Iridescent Sharks that will grow to four feet in length inside of there.
Johnny GeeWhiz76
Johnny GeeWhiz76 - 8 years ago
No heater, no filtration, tank is too small, would be surprised if you treated the water or tested it, you added the fish directly to the tank without acclimating them, and you have tropicals mixed with a goldfish. They're doomed. DOOMED I TELLS YA'!  Seriously though, take those fish back to the pet store, get your money back, and punch whoever sold them to you in the face for making the sale to you. They should know better.......
Aryan Narang
Aryan Narang - 7 years ago
Johnny GeeWhiz76 btw heater is not needed
during the summers of india
iCST - 7 years ago
Jacob Gricar Lol Ohio doesn't have constant 75 degree temps. It gets freezing in the winter and it goes too high in the summer.
Johnny GeeWhiz76
Johnny GeeWhiz76 - 7 years ago
Honestly, I probably wouldn't. Their water requirements are too different for either to adapt to the other's needs for an extended amount of time. Mollies prefer water around 80 degrees and goldfish are more comfortable around 70 degrees. Mollies also prefer harder water than goldfish. As a matter of fact, even though mollies do fine in freshwater tanks, they appreciate a little salt in their water and can even adapt to living in true saltwater tanks. Also, mollies can get a little nippy with slow moving tank mates. A goldfish may get pestered til it goes belly up.

If you really want some good tank mates for your goldfish I would suggest white cloud minnows, zebra danios, or weather loaches. They are peaceful and they do well in cooler tanks. GOOD LUCK!!
DoraeBin - 7 years ago
is it ok to put Gold fish and Molly fish together?
Jacob Gricar
Jacob Gricar - 8 years ago
they don't need a heater depending on where he lives. I live in Ohio by the lake and i have a 10 gallon tank with water that is a constant 75+ degrees and there's no heater.
Anala Carter
Anala Carter - 8 years ago
SamTheManWhoCanTwice But even in that scenario, the goldfish will suffer. Also, they will all unfortunately be subjected to constant water changes every day, when it changes from day to night. They Need A Heater!!
SamTheManWhoCanTwice - 8 years ago
unless its a warm country, then they dont.
山本ヨーヨー - 8 years ago
Tropical fish are in there which need a heater
Bensor999 - 8 years ago
goldfish dont need a heater. although im not sure about the other fish in it
Chiang Jing Kang
Chiang Jing Kang - 8 years ago
your fish still alive?
Daros Neochmosis
Daros Neochmosis - 8 years ago
hope you used correct silicone plus sides are not put correctly
D. S.
D. S. - 8 years ago
You first released the fish and then add the air pump? Also where's the heater? And the rest.
Mya8D - 8 years ago
Sraboni Munsur
Sraboni Munsur - 7 years ago
Mya8D hj. Hu y
Numan Khan
Numan Khan - 8 years ago
Gavin Khaleel
Gavin Khaleel - 8 years ago
I like how folks do how to videos and not take the time to saw what is being used nor give instructions.
Gavin Khaleel
Gavin Khaleel - 8 years ago
lol haha
Stefan Hermansen
Stefan Hermansen - 8 years ago
Gavin Khaleel in this case that's a good thing, this way of making an aquarium should not be copied.
Dan Sanchez
Dan Sanchez - 8 years ago
where is the aquarium cycling that kill fish. and there are tropical eastern and at some point it will be a bloodbath
Aniket Patil
Aniket Patil - 8 years ago
which material used for air stone ?
Joseph Acosta
Joseph Acosta - 8 years ago
what glue did you used?
TECH REVIEW 4 U - 8 years ago
what glue you used to stick glass
DPRK song, movie, moranbong band, ski tour, trip
DPRK song, movie, moranbong band, ski tour, trip - 8 years ago
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
you have to add a conditioner and cycle the tank for at least 1 month before introduce fish
chicken gaming
chicken gaming - 8 years ago
thanks man now i have 3 large goldfish 1 black molly 2 small gold fish 1 angel fish and a koi fish
chickengamnig vlog
chickengamnig vlog - 8 years ago
umm shadow kitty im getting my revenge on you next year
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
angel fish also get much too big, and there is a huge temp combatability problem there
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
in a tank that sized? Koi fish get one foot long. 1,000 gallon+ ponds are the main thing they belong in

goldfish should have atleast a 29gal, but id never put them in anything less than a 55gal
Ashwin Revankar
Ashwin Revankar - 8 years ago
Actually you don't know how to fix glasses with each other. The way you doing is wrong and risky also for end users,
Ashwin Revankar
Ashwin Revankar - 8 years ago
and second thing your glue work is not very clean, its looking ugly due to glue.
Brianna - 8 years ago
That looks really cool!
Slimy Stuff
Slimy Stuff - 8 years ago
SquishxPanda Please do not copy the stocking. The fish inside grow way bigger than that aquarium.
Jhanzeb Ali
Jhanzeb Ali - 8 years ago
unik logz
unik logz - 8 years ago
Use silicon not fevicol
ProjoTech - 8 years ago
Can i use hot glue gun?
NICKPHIA Gojdics - 8 years ago
cool fishtank
hupox01 - 8 years ago
look el capo ascua Ascua
look el capo ascua Ascua - 8 years ago
hola soy de argentina y me encanta el acuario que hizo
Darnell Garrett
Darnell Garrett - 8 years ago
what are you using
Sandy Nata Raaph
Sandy Nata Raaph - 8 years ago
P.O.D.E TV - 8 years ago
Babul Sekh
Babul Sekh - 8 years ago
Kumar GS
Kumar GS - 8 years ago
Kumar GS
Kumar GS - 8 years ago
vishal gupta
vishal gupta - 8 years ago
very nc bro
banglar star
banglar star - 8 years ago
BolivianFishKeeper - 8 years ago
the base of this tank will fall out . the side panels should rest on the base
Tehomas - 8 years ago
Ricky - that's not true. You can buy both types of construction smaller aquariums in a pet store. It does not matter for small forces very much. But for the larger tank (100l+) it is practically rule to have the bottom inside the "walls". The reason i already wrote - common shear strength of silicone glue is about 2900 psi, tensile strength 4600. Most of the glues declare only tensile strength. Check it in pet store - You will find the "traditional" style You prefer more often used for awuariums about 30l. But the larger tanks created by renowned companies are done in opposite way more frequently.
Ricky Spanish
Ricky Spanish - 8 years ago
Tehomas you ever take a part a fish tank from a pet store built professional the sides always rest on the bottom take apart a hundred if you want side always rest on the base so this guy doesn't know what he's doing unsubscribe and keep your fish alive
Tehomas - 8 years ago
Wrong. Every glue has much more tensile strength then shear. In aquarium sides should never stand on the base. This is one (maybe the only one) thing he did right.
pramod saha
pramod saha - 8 years ago
Marine Team
Marine Team - 8 years ago
The water that's in the bags could carry ammonia, ICH or other illnesses. You are torchering these fish and making them suffer.
Bippity Boppity Boop
Bippity Boppity Boop - 8 years ago
Well done mate! Excellent don't do it yourself video. its like a pretty glass coffin for fish you don't intend on keeping around for too long.
Stacey Feltham
Stacey Feltham - 8 years ago
cute idea, but this is way to crowded for these fish! let alone a goldie !
Sanjay Agrwal
Sanjay Agrwal - 7 years ago
Wanda Rudolph
Wanda Rudolph - 7 years ago
Stacey Feltham
Trân Trần Thị Huyền
Trân Trần Thị Huyền - 7 years ago
Stacey Feltham .
Rajesh Kumar
Rajesh Kumar - 7 years ago
Stacey Feltham gjjjjnnnnnnvnn vbb
yaqoob mughal
yaqoob mughal - 7 years ago
Types of mouse fish
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
Stacey Feltham I agree. A goldfish, no matter the size must have a large tank due to the amout of bio load they produce.
Gustavo Garcia
Gustavo Garcia - 7 years ago
Stacey Feltham kbj1
Bob E
Bob E - 8 years ago
Nice choice of fish
Aniket Karvir
Aniket Karvir - 8 years ago
not suggestive
Shakib Hoque
Shakib Hoque - 8 years ago
what sort of fish were they
Make it Out
Make it Out - 8 years ago
I also want to make an aquarium can you please say what glue have you used in your video
karljoe davies
karljoe davies - 8 years ago
Disaster! 1Goldfish 2 Sharkminnows or idk that will grow to a huge,and a clown knife fish dude the knife fish will grow huge you should put if u like just 1 goldfish it depends on the size or small fiah like neon tetras or guppies.
ANFAL ABOOBAKER - 8 years ago
fully waste. .This idea not work. It's fully wrong. .The base have no strength. .It cannot be move if it need. ..
ANFAL ABOOBAKER - 8 years ago
crap thing. .
Shit Or Not
Shit Or Not - 8 years ago
Your shit at setting up aquariums, oh and by the way you can't just dump the fish in there, you must let the bag float in the water for about 20 minutes to an hour because you have simply just shocked the fish and you are also supposed to use water conditioner before adding the fish. Maybe do some more research before doing a tutorial like this alright malaka.
スリップノット - 8 years ago
josh - 8 years ago
mixing tropicals with cold water? smart.... they'll have 2 weeks life span at most.
NeverCold13 - 8 years ago
thos efish will not survive, the tank is not cycled and those fish are not compatible together and the tank is too small
Karim Jasso
Karim Jasso - 8 years ago
ok thats not the correct way to seal a fish tank, messy job, he didn't cycle the tank, decor is horrible, overcrowded and he mixed cold water fish with tropicals, besides a goldfish needs 30 gallons it self, this is a no no no !!!!!!!!!!!!
ANFAL ABOOBAKER - 8 years ago
Thanks Bro
Sam Wilson
Sam Wilson - 8 years ago
DID you jUsT Put in ID Sharks!
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
dwerf gormine,fancy goldfish,and zebra danios..goldfish are cold water and produce lots of waster gormine and danios are tropical fish.and are sensetive to ph swings etc..plz research beafore you get your animals
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
Dodgy Bishop is that bala shark the silver looking ones
Dodgy Bishop
Dodgy Bishop - 8 years ago
There are no Zebra Danios in the tank though. :P
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
worst fish to put in the tank unless it temporery
introboy Lv
introboy Lv - 8 years ago
omg dude its so cool
Sturmtiger230 historian
Sturmtiger230 historian - 8 years ago
You make it yourself
Hypicraft Hyu
Hypicraft Hyu - 8 years ago
bro thiz video iz amazing buut i just wanna say this : i don't wanna buy a big glass pannel just to make a super small aquarium
Customer - 8 years ago
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
Customer. I Agree, but I have a gold fish in a heated tank. Temperature doesn't affect goldfish. I would be concerned about fin nipping and such.
NETO Gonzales
NETO Gonzales - 8 years ago
pobrecitos sean de ber muerto
Steli Krystev
Steli Krystev - 8 years ago
OMFG that a ugly as hell
ORLANDO RIOS - 8 years ago
It's very bada that thing , they're going to die my friend and they arent compatible first you have to check what are you going to do
Check it
Ariel Quispe Miranda
Ariel Quispe Miranda - 8 years ago
porque no haces un pez robot
Joash Miranda
Joash Miranda - 8 years ago
Sucks. You sentenced those fish to their death. No filtration, WAY overcrowded. Even if you did water changes daily those fish will suffer. they need space. A little advice, 1 GALLON FOR EVERY INCH OF FISH!!!!!!
aldlkj - 7 years ago
my betta
my betta - 7 years ago
Joash Miranda o
Rocks Just Rocks
Rocks Just Rocks - 8 years ago
I have a fish that is 10 inches long imagine a 10 gallon tank for him
Goofy ass Wannabe meme
Goofy ass Wannabe meme - 8 years ago
+Smart Apple get a better name
Goofy ass Wannabe meme
Goofy ass Wannabe meme - 8 years ago
+Smart Apple get a beq
pro levi
pro levi - 8 years ago
galaxy star those are not guppys... but still i agree that it is a shit tank. no filtration just putting the fish in without acclimating... it will be a miracle if those fishes survive
galaxy star
galaxy star - 8 years ago
Not true, I agree this is how to kill your fish but 1 gallon per 1 inch is not true, would you put 4 2 inch guppys in a 2 gallon?

But it's true, no hate this tank in quite horid
Customer - 8 years ago
+Faze Up Get grammer you bitch ass
Mardon Morota
Mardon Morota - 8 years ago
Nick M
Nick M
Nick M - 8 years ago
Faze Up hahahahaha my nigga
Goofy ass Wannabe meme
Goofy ass Wannabe meme - 8 years ago
Nigga there fishes fuck u want t them to have a whole fucking bath tube
pro levi
pro levi - 8 years ago
Joash Miranda but the tank seems like it has 7 gallons. 4 to 5 fishes are alright
Samir  Ahmed
Samir Ahmed - 8 years ago
Anger management
Logan Stitzer
Logan Stitzer - 8 years ago
true but may of been fresh waster idt he would fucking do that u retard
Customer - 8 years ago
NOT to mention... that he has 2 types of fish that eat two totally different things
mellykellyknight - 8 years ago
Not to mention he has three fast fish and a little fantail
His tale will slow him down at feeding time
Awang Jr.
Awang Jr. - 8 years ago
i guess youtube can be wrong sometimes. im searching for info about filter for aquarium and this video had on list. not to mention this is worst aquarium i have ever seen.
nikhil aggarwal
nikhil aggarwal - 8 years ago
name of fishes
Elektrik ve Elektronik Dersleri
Elektrik ve Elektronik Dersleri - 8 years ago
Türkçe Videolar için Lütfen abone Olun :) Teşekkürler...
Sinkatze - 8 years ago
You don't need a water heater? How do you control the water temperature? Also you put the fish straight into the water, don't you have to leave them in the bag for a few days before shocking them with the different temperature water?
I really dont know much about this. this is just what I've heard or saw people do.
kelly anderson
kelly anderson - 8 years ago
Sinkatze For a few days ? they would die from lack of oxygen your suppose to leave them in there for 15 or 20 minutes , .
Flannel Gaming
Flannel Gaming - 8 years ago
Sinkatze I usually float mine for 10 minutes then cut a hole in the top and pour some aquarium water in and do that until it's full then pour out the bag over a net on a bucket and let the fish out into the tank
karljoe davies
karljoe davies - 8 years ago
I have a 15 or 10 gal aquarium and when i was a kid i just put the fish straight in and they survive.i breed fish and take care of fish or fish related things it depends but i specialize on fresh water check my rondom vids pls.
Charlotte Egal
Charlotte Egal - 8 years ago
the fish will die In 2 Weeks,so he don't care
Danial Akmal
Danial Akmal - 8 years ago
wtf is this? first, did he even add in anti-chlorine (assuming he is using untreated water)? second, he did not even have a filter. third, those iridescent sharks (greyish-silver colour fish) grow huge. goldfish and the sharks contribute high bioloads, and he doesnt even have a proper filtration system. goodluck to those fishes. beginners, please do not learn from him.
Danial Akmal
Danial Akmal - 8 years ago
lid doesnt matter much, because all his fish arent jumpers. but yeah, please do not learn from this guy.
Customer - 8 years ago
he doesn't even have a LID the fish will easily jump out and that gourami is not gonna last long....
Danial Akmal
Danial Akmal - 8 years ago
and not even sure whether he allowed the silicon to dry or whether he fast forwarded the video. silicon typically takes approx a week to dry to be safest.
Manish Singh
Manish Singh - 8 years ago
Hi Navin, Can you help us in creating the hood of it? That's the only missing item here , I can see you are using green color shead with same shape.
flxgreen - 8 years ago
Nice one , in the process of making one , anyone know the background song
Game House Creations
Game House Creations - 8 years ago
how to set starting nk names can u tell me plzz
Karissa Schwerin
Karissa Schwerin - 8 years ago
Where did you buy your glass?
hakim Dos santos
hakim Dos santos - 8 years ago
hi id like to know about the cover of the aquarium
and where can i get one
Hashim Khan
Hashim Khan - 8 years ago
Sir can u tell me detail's
All In ONE
All In ONE - 8 years ago
and i also wants to know that what type of the glue you used for sticking glasses together
All In ONE
All In ONE - 8 years ago
what are the things which are needed for fishes to live in aquarium like this??????
Pavel Alexeev
Pavel Alexeev - 8 years ago
Not good idea to put together mystus and goldfish
Kurt Cuaresma
Kurt Cuaresma - 8 years ago
How to make airs tone in aquarium pls make a video pls
Steven Van
Steven Van - 8 years ago
not cycled no de chlorinator, no heater no filter, did they live a week?
Sam Evans
Sam Evans - 8 years ago
What are the catfish looking ones
Fari Jadoon
Fari Jadoon - 8 years ago
You did it all wrong.Aquarium was supposed to be left for 3 days to dry the glue
Naseer Khan
Naseer Khan - 8 years ago
bhai ek glue gun hi khareedle
Ina Greece
Ina Greece - 8 years ago
This is wonderful
Austin Huynh
Austin Huynh - 8 years ago
Don't try to educate people on how to set up an aquarium if you yourself don't know how to keep fish. The fish in your aquarium may luckily still be alive but are in supremely poor water conditions. Your light is a fire hazard and can electrocute your fish. Why don't you go google how to start an aquarium?
dattaram tj
dattaram tj - 7 years ago
+harish arora uuum
harish arora
harish arora - 7 years ago
lol, but still the video is hitting 4.7M views. its a surprise.
bob roberts
bob roberts - 8 years ago
no test to see if its watertight?!?
Socram Herrera
Socram Herrera - 8 years ago
Yo en mi lugar verifico si pierde agua antes de poner las cosas jaja
CarnivalBros - 8 years ago
Wow this guy is a fool! He puts the wrong fish together, a goldfish and a gourami?! 2 complete different water types. He also puts the water from the fish bag into the tank which is WRONG. Dirty water will go in. These fish probably died.
Francisco Montes
Francisco Montes - 8 years ago
are those rocks inert? if not you'll have dead fish
Waqar Ahmad
Waqar Ahmad - 8 years ago
sir aap hot glue gun kaha se lae ho new delhi laajpatrai market se
Tehomas - 8 years ago
Are all the fish still alive? The goldfish should live in at least 100, but preferably 200 l sized aquarium. It is good looking fish, but it produces a lot of waste. If You don't have there plenty of living plants and a working filter, the goldfish will get poisoned and die quite quickly.
Also You should never put fish in such newly created aquarium. There are not bacteria able to handle the NH3 and NO2 to NO3. The bacteria grows slowly and lives in filter. There should be a month running filter, before inserting first fish (You could put a small and resilient fish in large tank (150l at least) after first week to accelerate the bacteria grow, in smaller tank You can place small number of small lunged snails.). And You should definitely use living plants, because they are able to reduce the NO3. This way the fish will probably die in several weeks.
Never put the fish into aquarium in such hurry. Put the bag in fish tank and let balance the temperature. the keep putting small portions of water from aquarium into the bag to balance the water composition - at least partially. Then get a fish net and transfer only fish. Never put the water of unknown origin into Your aquarium. There are rare exceptions, like tetraodon, which should not be taken into the air, but generally, it's better to use the net.
If You'd use living plants with roots, You can't have there only the pebbles and weird colored something. It would need sand - suggested grain size is 2-4mm. If You insist to have there these rocks, you still can have some floating plants. Like eichhornia crassipes, pistia stratiotes or egeria densa - sorry, I don't know the english names. For the newly created aquarium I'd select something with very rapid growth. E.g. ceratophyllum demersum or lemna minor.
Sinau Terus
Sinau Terus - 8 years ago
Pakai Lem apa ? cepet banget keringnya? biasanya pakai lemtembak !!
Micaelas Maus
Micaelas Maus - 8 years ago
You are doing so much wrong ! Poor fish
aquarium support
aquarium support - 8 years ago
tierqüalerei !!
Ahmad ALI AFNAN crazy aaa
Ahmad ALI AFNAN crazy aaa - 8 years ago
you are in which class
TheVeto660 - 8 years ago
seus vídeos são muito bons.
swikrit dahal
swikrit dahal - 8 years ago
Please try to make heater
Tharki Youtuber
Tharki Youtuber - 8 years ago
hey u can't just put the fishes without oxygen that also shark gold fish is OK but shark...
2. thing u cant just put fishes in the water u first have to some solid salt and anti chlorine liquid

obviously the fishes would have died
SUICIDE - 8 years ago
So, now how to make the fish ?
aqua- rio
aqua- rio - 8 years ago
Legal o aquário show de bola mesmo .
Android Gamer
Android Gamer - 8 years ago
Wow man you're amazing you can save so much money off things
Aleksa Rajkovic
Aleksa Rajkovic - 8 years ago
and where is the filter and real grass
sugargliderlove123 - 8 years ago
do you have a filter or a heater and the id sharks get huge
Afzal Khan
Afzal Khan - 8 years ago
amazing beautiful aqurium

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