How to Set Up a Freshwater Aquarium (Petco)
Howto & Style 13 years ago 251,142 views
Subscribe to our channel: Learn how to set up your freshwater aquarium! View this video featuring the Oceanic RTA Cabinet for BioCubes Fish Tank Stand and Aquarium Furniture from Petco! Something extraordinary happens when pets and people connect. A unique bond is formed that results in something powerful, not only between pets and people, but in a way that makes the world a better place. Our promise is to nurture that relationship completely--mind and body. Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Pinterest: Check us out on Instagram: Petco Official Website: The Power of Together
10. comment for How to Set Up a Freshwater Aquarium (Petco)
that's what I do
20. comment for How to Set Up a Freshwater Aquarium (Petco)
There's also fish in cycling which involves just adding the fish (and maybe a "quick cycle" product) and hoping for the best. If you do this, to keep the fish safe from high ammonia you have to do at LEAST one 50% water change every day.
Out of those two I'd say fish less cycling is less work, but if you're looking to do as little work as possible you're going to end up with a filthy tank and dead fish. Just put the work in and you'll enjoy the benefits.
There's also fish in cycling which involves just adding the fish (and maybe a "quick cycle" product) and hoping for the best. If you do this, to keep the fish safe from high ammonia you have to do at LEAST one 50% water change every day.
Out of those two I'd say fish less cycling is less work, but if you're looking to do as little work as possible you're going to end up with a filthy tank and dead fish. Just put the work in and you'll enjoy the benefits.
you need to cycle the tank for 2 weeks
you need to net the fish out of the bag not pour them in
other than that great video
As far as I know, no it isn't, but it helps the fish.
30. comment for How to Set Up a Freshwater Aquarium (Petco)
When you add fish the tank has to readjust to the new bioload.. why cycle if there is no bioload to adjust too? might as well dump the bacteria to stop it while everything is already in there.
It completely boggles me as to how other people seem to have such difficulty.
Now that I understand the cycles and whatnot, I follow the guidelines. I went to a special high school for aquatics and other studies (based around the Chesapeake bay), and according to what I've learned, my fish were doing perfectly fine prior to all of this knowledge (the school gave us plenty of opportunities to keep fish).
I guess I'm just extremely lucky or cycling isn't as important as people say.
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