How to Set Up a Freshwater Aquarium (Petco)

Subscribe to our channel: Learn how to set up your freshwater aquarium! View this video featuring the Oceanic RTA Cabinet for BioCubes Fish Tank Stand and Aquarium Furniture from Petco! Something extraordinary happens when pets and people connect. A unique bond is formed that results in something powerful, not only between pets and people, but in a way that makes the world a better place. Our promise is to nurture that relationship completely--mind and body. Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Pinterest: Check us out on Instagram: Petco Official Website: The Power of Together

How to Set Up a Freshwater Aquarium (Petco) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 137

Howto & Style 13 years ago 251,142 views

Subscribe to our channel: Learn how to set up your freshwater aquarium! View this video featuring the Oceanic RTA Cabinet for BioCubes Fish Tank Stand and Aquarium Furniture from Petco! Something extraordinary happens when pets and people connect. A unique bond is formed that results in something powerful, not only between pets and people, but in a way that makes the world a better place. Our promise is to nurture that relationship completely--mind and body. Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Pinterest: Check us out on Instagram: Petco Official Website: The Power of Together

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Most popular comments
for How to Set Up a Freshwater Aquarium (Petco)

Ryan Ruffer
Ryan Ruffer - 7 years ago
1 mess up here you are not expose to add water from pet store's because of the bacteria and illnesses from pet stores for example Walmart. You want the parasites that killed other fish in your tank.
Rowan WIlling
Rowan WIlling - 7 years ago
That guy was such a creep
Millerific - 8 years ago
1:04 for attaching backround
Robinson Guzman
Robinson Guzman - 8 years ago
This kill my fish
Hotchner Pittman
Hotchner Pittman - 8 years ago
First time fish buyers, please PLEASE never buy fish from "petco", .They mistreat the fish and have 8 fish crammed in 10-15 gallon tanks, and when you buy the fish they die a week later. Also they leave dead fish in the display tanks for children to see, I went to buy some fish with my little brother, and he was traumatized and kept crying on the way home over the fact that he saw 3 dead catfish in a tank and the bala sharks were eating their bodies. Also they sell arowana and pacus to kids who will take them home to a 10 gallon tank. #Petcosucks
Slove2das - 8 years ago
+Mr Panther no because then your supporting it!
ConversAsians - 8 years ago
You should buy fish from there to either save them and they sell arowanas?
Hotchner Pittman
Hotchner Pittman - 8 years ago
+Petco I seriously doubt you'll be able to change that. I've made many reviews about the conditions the fish at petco live in over the years, and it hasn't changed yet. You people care nothing about the fish that you keep crammed into tiny tanks.
Petco - 8 years ago
Hi Hotchner. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, animal care is our top priority and we take all animal care concerns very seriously. Can you please send your phone number and the store location including state to so we can look into this further?
Alicia c
Alicia c - 8 years ago
What brand of bacteria culture and condition do I use for goldfish?
slickpaw07 Aj
slickpaw07 Aj - 8 years ago
Alicia c tetra goldfish water conditioner
Alex Vojtko-Proctor
Alex Vojtko-Proctor - 8 years ago
This is really bad. You should be using live plants, and you should use a net to transfer the fish, without adding the water from the store. Also, the heater should NEVER be placed straight up: it should be slightly diagonal, about 40 degrees from being straight up.
Tharindu Darshan
Tharindu Darshan - 8 years ago
This explanation is very simple and valuable. we would like to take more clarification about fish combinations by another video.
Petco - 8 years ago
Thanks Tharindu. To know more about freshwater fish compatibility, please click here:
matharris100 - 8 years ago
You shod never add the bagged fish water to your tank .. All ways net the fish out the bag as you do not know what's in the water from your fish shop . Diseases etc !!!
slickpaw07 Aj
slickpaw07 Aj - 8 years ago
I think cause this is a petco video they are using their water

10. comment for How to Set Up a Freshwater Aquarium (Petco)

Jesus Gutierrez
Jesus Gutierrez - 8 years ago
Why are u wearing the same cloths 24 hours pater
Paul Sam
Paul Sam - 8 years ago
24/48 hours is a pretty fast cycle how about advising people to do a fishless cycle. by adding an ammonia source and testing every day. No water Changes and in two weeks your done. Or use Dr Tims which is excellent. TSS is also good that's the first one I was talking about.
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
please never add water from the bag to your aquarium. ..use a net instead ☺
animal addict
animal addict - 8 years ago
+Paul Sampugnaro
that's what I do
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
+Paul Sampugnaro thanks!! ☺
Paul Sam
Paul Sam - 8 years ago
+mysister&i show take care and really nice talking to u. I'm sure your tanks are beautiful.
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
+Paul Sampugnaro omg i never had thought it like that but thats so true. ..we just care about water parameter and feed the fish lol...woow
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
+Paul Sampugnaro omg i never had thought it like that but thats so true. ..we just care about water parameter and feed the fish lol...woow
Paul Sam
Paul Sam - 8 years ago
+mysister&i show a QT is highly recommended. nice talking to another fish keeper but we really don't keep fish we keep water and water keeps the fish. :-)
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
+Paul Sampugnaro i have tried both ways without hurting the fish...i think you can use what you feel is more comfortable for you and the fish...also i have just dump the water from the bag when i move one of my fish to another tank bc i know all of my tanks have good water
Paul Sam
Paul Sam - 8 years ago
your right of course but I fine the best way is to empty the bag of water over a bucket through a net and then add the fish to the tank. That's what you could mean and that can also mean sticking a net into the bag which can hurt the fish. I'm sure you meant the first way.
Steve Aaron
Steve Aaron - 8 years ago
what's the filter you use in this video. kindly reply with exact model name.
Steve Aaron
Steve Aaron - 8 years ago
Hello ??
Steve Aaron
Steve Aaron - 8 years ago
Some 38 to 40 gallons. So which one sir ??
Petco - 8 years ago
+Steve Aaron How many gallons does your tank hold?
Steve Aaron
Steve Aaron - 8 years ago
I tried opening your link page you suggested, it ain't opening. So could you kindly suggest which filter to use for 3 feet long and 2 feet height tank ?? Kindly reply.
Steve Aaron
Steve Aaron - 8 years ago
Okay sure thing sir.
Petco - 8 years ago
+Steve Aaron Hi Steve. Thanks for your question. This video is showing an older model filter. You can check out our current selection of filters here:
Samuel Farley
Samuel Farley - 8 years ago
Where can I buy that fish background?
Petco - 8 years ago
+Samuel Farley Hi there. We found a similar backdrop you can view here: Thanks!
Momscare7 mom of petscare7
Momscare7 mom of petscare7 - 8 years ago
like you video
Petco - 8 years ago
+Lorena Escobedo Thank Lorena, stay tuned for more tips!
RPG nukes you
RPG nukes you - 9 years ago
Woah woah woah woah woah hold up a minute you put way too many fish in at one go that will make the bio load go up so badly and kill fish or make them feel like poop. secondly you should leave your tank for a good 2 weeks at the very least before adding fish your meant to care about fish not make them suffer!
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
ir you use start safe you need to add fish in 24 hrs otherwise the bacteria will die ...anyway i prefer the fishless cycle ☺
Harley epperson
Harley epperson - 9 years ago
Great video I'm about to get another fish tank because before I added too much fish, and sadly, they died. but this video will help me make sure that I am doing this right, thank you Petco!
Harley epperson
Harley epperson - 9 years ago
Great video I'm about to get another fish tank because before I added too much fish, and sadly, they died. but this video will help me make sure that I am doing this right, thank you Petco!
sunset gaming
sunset gaming - 8 years ago
+Petco I need help with a turtle tank setup any links ?
Petco - 9 years ago
+Harley epperson We're so glad you found it helpful!
Bastarden - 9 years ago
...sorry, but this is a recipe for setting up failure...the number one reason behind people giving up on owning fish tanks is that they try to create a functional habitat using shortcuts and plastic plant life.
purring music productions
purring music productions - 8 years ago
I've had my tank for 7 years with plastic plants and have had no problems, one fish in there is 4 almost 5 years old and healthy
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
i have tanks with live plants and my 6 and 7 years old girls have a 25 gallon each with just fake plants and none of their fish have died

20. comment for How to Set Up a Freshwater Aquarium (Petco)

Edgar Martinez
Edgar Martinez - 9 years ago
People talk about you have to cycle your tank by adding ammonia and test it every 24 hours do you have to do that because for me this sound hard to do
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
+HeatherIsCool93 if they ar using fish for cycle the tank they also have to say you could end with some deads bc of cycling
HeatherIsCool93 - 9 years ago
The method you describe is called fish less cycling, it's generally seen as the humane option and there's a lot less chance of fish dying or getting ammonia burns.

There's also fish in cycling which involves just adding the fish (and maybe a "quick cycle" product) and hoping for the best. If you do this, to keep the fish safe from high ammonia you have to do at LEAST one 50% water change every day.

Out of those two I'd say fish less cycling is less work, but if you're looking to do as little work as possible you're going to end up with a filthy tank and dead fish. Just put the work in and you'll enjoy the benefits.
HeatherIsCool93 - 9 years ago
The method you describe is called fish less cycling, it's generally seen as the humane option and there's a lot less chance of fish dying or getting ammonia burns.

There's also fish in cycling which involves just adding the fish (and maybe a "quick cycle" product) and hoping for the best. If you do this, to keep the fish safe from high ammonia you have to do at LEAST one 50% water change every day.

Out of those two I'd say fish less cycling is less work, but if you're looking to do as little work as possible you're going to end up with a filthy tank and dead fish. Just put the work in and you'll enjoy the benefits.
Andrew Higgins
Andrew Higgins - 9 years ago
Does anybody know if using a algae control chemical will kill good bacteria?
Akeem Mohammed
Akeem Mohammed - 8 years ago
Doing frequent water changes also help. If it's a new tank, you just have to wait for it to mature and do water changes once a week depending on the size of the aquarium.
justin johnson
justin johnson - 9 years ago
+Petco i have a question is fluval a good brand
Jessica Perez
Jessica Perez - 9 years ago
Petco - 9 years ago
+Andrew Higgins Hi there! It depends on the algaecide- if it contains copper, although it will not kill all of the bacteria, it can put a dent in the bacteria population. Massive overdosing can also negatively affect the bacteria population and depending on the bio-load of the aquarium, it could cause potential problems such as a spike in ammonia and nitrite. We hope this helps!
Brian Novotny
Brian Novotny - 9 years ago
what wattage heater do i get for a 50 gallon fresh water aquarium pleaseee heeeelllllppppp thanks
Brian Novotny
Brian Novotny - 9 years ago
would a 50 watt heater work ? +Petco 
Petco - 9 years ago
Hi +Brian Novotny. Basically 3-5 watts per gallon. So for 50 gallon it will be around 15 watts to 200 watts. We suggest you contact your local Petco and talk to our aquatics specialist to get an accurate information. You can find the # here: We also have a community filled with other fish owners who might have some insight to share with you. You can find our forums here:
Kastin4Dayz - 9 years ago
i love your vid, but when the man said no direct light sorce, i then saw that lamp! XD
lilkimimaro - 9 years ago
My fish from Walmart (got then in 08) last longer than the fish I got from petco.. (got it in '14)
TheVlogDog - 9 years ago
ya petco doesn't treat they're fish and other animals very well. Neither does Walmart. I recommend buying fish from pet solutions online.
Direwolfgirl - 9 years ago
this video is slightly flawed because you forgot about saying

you need to cycle the tank for 2 weeks

you need to net the fish out of the bag not pour them in

other than that great video
laxmi jaiswal
laxmi jaiswal - 9 years ago
I lve
laxmi jaiswal
laxmi jaiswal - 9 years ago
Gold Shot
Gold Shot - 9 years ago
+Direwolfgirl Also get real plants they really help
Gold Shot
Gold Shot - 9 years ago
its not necessary to do a fishless cycle. All you need to do is to use natural things to prevent ammonia. For example not overfeeding, Cleaning your tank at least once a week with a gravel vacuum or whatever they call it, and using a water conditioner that prevents ammonia as well makes water safe
Direwolfgirl - 9 years ago
yeah when i said "2 weeks" i was kind of new to cycling. but yeah think you're correct on that, of course that can't replace doing the actual cycling process
Direwolfgirl - 9 years ago
the first thing you said was correct but bottled bacteria is always iffy 
Direwolfgirl - 9 years ago
there is no way to speed up the process other than to have patience or add gravel from an established tank
aconfusedazn - 9 years ago
You don't necessarily need to cycle for the two week anymore if you use bacterial cultures or do a live cycle or do both. If you use something like Stability, you can add fish within a few days without worries of big ammonia or nitrite spikes. The tank should be cycled within 5 days to a week using this process.
Patrick Babl
Patrick Babl - 9 years ago
Almost forgot, what's the proper temperature for my task, it's a 30 gallon tank.
Jason Lang
Jason Lang - 9 years ago
Depending on your fish I keep all my tanks at 75-80 degrees F
Patrick Babl
Patrick Babl - 9 years ago
That was a really great video. This is my first aquarium and i had no idea what to do. After watching alot of other videos, this was the most helpful. Thanks again
Thportsthters - 9 years ago
If anyone wants to give me advice comment on my video. Thanks
Simeon Ivanov
Simeon Ivanov - 9 years ago
IS they backgroung necessary
iUnlok - 9 years ago
+Simeon Ivanov
As far as I know, no it isn't, but it helps the fish.

30. comment for How to Set Up a Freshwater Aquarium (Petco)

Nate's Pet Mates
Nate's Pet Mates - 10 years ago
Everyone know not to pour in the water the fish were in. That water could have diseases. We all know the Petco and Petsmart both don't take good care of their animals.
Miss Lou
Miss Lou - 10 years ago
@Tom Ronan I agree with everything you said and then some!!!!
Fusion Pieri
Fusion Pieri - 10 years ago
You did not say to test for nitrites, nitrates, ph. that tank in my opinion was not cycled.
Aqueel Shah
Aqueel Shah - 10 years ago
lovely aquarium
Petco - 10 years ago
Thank you+Aqueel Shah! Stay tuned for more!
Skyler Savage-Perreault
Skyler Savage-Perreault - 10 years ago
what about air pumps???
JaMestic - 10 years ago
Great video
TheFishBrothersXD x
TheFishBrothersXD x - 10 years ago
Check out my fish tank! It's awsome.
Kazuma Kazugaea
Kazuma Kazugaea - 10 years ago
You shouldn't put the water they came in into your tank, the water from said pet store aquarium may contain parasites or other harmful things, which could also disrupt already owned fish health if you already have a few.
Nate's Pet Mates
Nate's Pet Mates - 10 years ago
+Heidi Fischer Not really. Maybe yours does. But most of them don't.
PattieCakesTime - 10 years ago
+Noah Schuler the video was presented by petco that is why. Hence the petco watermark in the corner.
CL0WN FAC3 - 10 years ago
+Petco What? how does that have anything to do with releasing the bag water?
Quinn Wikwakz
Quinn Wikwakz - 10 years ago
Petco actually takes care of their fish.
Petco - 10 years ago
Always make sure that your pet's environment is clean and comfortable for them!
Randall Cornelius
Randall Cornelius - 10 years ago
I've seen more than just a couple of video's about this and not one has addressed the water.  He stated  that tap water is what he used.  I was told to wait about 2 to 3 days for the filter to do it's job before adding fish.  The other thing is that he suggests an inner wall. So why do you need the background?  This video could have or should have taken more time to make.  Okay I understand the reasoning behind adding the water to half level when adding the decor.  
bob bre
bob bre - 10 years ago
backgrounds are used to make the colur of your fish pop
cgtoche - 11 years ago
Thank you for the tips, well arranged video!
The Solitary Outdoorsman
The Solitary Outdoorsman - 11 years ago
Definitely would have liked to have seen the nitrogen cycle addressed here, more than just a passing mention. People need to know how to cycle their tanks before adding fish, it is one of the most important parts of keeping a successful aquarium.
Alexander Ronan
Alexander Ronan - 11 years ago
I like Petco better because they have a better selection of fish.
Tom Ronan
Tom Ronan - 11 years ago
Petco is the worst place to go for fish. About 75% of their fish are sick or dead, and they don't take care of the fish. They don't even want to sell you any fish, saying they want to make sure the fish will be healthy and happy in a new aquarium. Seriously, look at your own tanks first!!! All but one of the fish I got there had Ich and Cotton mouth, and the employee wouldn't even give me the sick fish with the excuse that my tank was to small. 5 Fish died from Petco, and I was only able to save 1, a swordtail with cottonmouth. Don't go to Petco, go to PetSmart!!! Also, whatever you do DO NOT MIX THE PET STORES WATER WITH YOUR OWN. Places like Petco have tons of deadly diseases and bacteria in the water, which would destroy your fishtank. Please don't give Petco your business, and trust me, about 75% of the fish they have have contracted a disease.
Lindsey Losey
Lindsey Losey - 7 years ago
It really does depend on the stores near you, the closest petco to me is better than the closest petsmart near me, but I couldn't say for other places, I would say just support your local pet store (non-chain store), if they take better care of their animals, it allows the small business to grow that deserve to.
purring music productions
purring music productions - 8 years ago
my petsmart is like that, real trashy and dirty with dead fish, we got a new petco and it's strangly the nicest pet store here, it is new so let's see how long It stays nice. so far all the fish are well cared for.
Nate's Pet Mates
Nate's Pet Mates - 10 years ago
Both of them are horrible. Buy the fish and help them.. You're really not buying the fish, you're simply rescuing.
Santiago Gonzalez
Santiago Gonzalez - 10 years ago
Definitely a personal Petco of yours or a sleezy way to add in PetSmart advertising. Petco was amazing to me and my aquarium experience.
Karolina S
Karolina S - 11 years ago
THEY DIDNT EVEN MENTION TO CYCLE THE TANK!  This is so important people.  Look up the Nitrogen Cycle and how to cycle a tank okay?  Your fish will thank you. 
Vahid Hidden
Vahid Hidden - 7 years ago
he added water conditioner as far as i know it will take care of the amonia and nitrits
svndust84 - 11 years ago
adding any water from the pet store is a bad idea, you should net the fish then release them into the aquarium without any of the water. I also prefer drip acclimation but that's just me.
Jazz world
Jazz world - 11 years ago
Just found out in the first few seconds he said keep ur tank away from light and look there is a night light
Drone-N-go - 11 years ago
he mean direct sun light ...
Andrew Lucfr
Andrew Lucfr - 11 years ago
no cycling of the tank? i'm confused. I thought we have to wait for the tank to cycle for 3 to 6 weeks? 
nocturnalblasphemer - 10 years ago
+Michael Koory i think it depends on were you live the water in some places is better than in other places i popped the fish in about a hour i have them for about 2 and a half month and they are still perfectly healthy :D
MirorBeeGaming - 10 years ago
I was less experienced when I posted that but yeah you're right.. dumping the nitrifying bacteria in and throwing fish in day 1 isn't as big of a deal. I've been doing it for awhile now.

When you add fish the tank has to readjust to the new bioload.. why cycle if there is no bioload to adjust too? might as well dump the bacteria to stop it while everything is already in there.
Mianko Avanaagatar
Mianko Avanaagatar - 10 years ago
+MegaBeedrill I know better now (I was very young), but I've kept very successful tanks for years and I NEVER cycled. I would add conditioner (random amount) and five minutes later I'd just pop the fish in. I never quite understood how people failed. Like, I honestly did not even understand how to test PH in an aquarium setting until a few years ago (I've quite a bit of fish prior to that time span). I've had countless tanks with numerous fish species and other aquatic animals, and never once have I had new tank syndrome.

It completely boggles me as to how other people seem to have such difficulty.

Now that I understand the cycles and whatnot, I follow the guidelines. I went to a special high school for aquatics and other studies (based around the Chesapeake bay), and according to what I've learned, my fish were doing perfectly fine prior to all of this knowledge (the school gave us plenty of opportunities to keep fish).

I guess I'm just extremely lucky or cycling isn't as important as people say.
MirorBeeGaming - 11 years ago
+Jay Capildeo Wrong, cycling usually takes 2 weeks to a month. When your ammonia and nitrite read zero your cycle is complete, there is no specific date to know when it's finished.  
Adrian JC
Adrian JC - 11 years ago
Too long, depending on size 1 Week of cycling is fine.
aquatic hoyt
aquatic hoyt - 11 years ago
I agree. planted tanks forever!
Damjan Gomez
Damjan Gomez - 11 years ago
Ugh, plastic plants are not acceptable for me.
Arvinas Labas
Arvinas Labas - 11 years ago
Amazing! Thx

50. comment for How to Set Up a Freshwater Aquarium (Petco)

BunniesVlogz - 11 years ago
I go to the Aquarium to buy fish and supplies
FreshwaterPro Abrar
FreshwaterPro Abrar - 11 years ago
I like your instructions.
LebronTheAlpha - 11 years ago
what galoon is that
Dominic Hatch
Dominic Hatch - 11 years ago
Thanx its gr8t!
TropicalPlaties2017 - 11 years ago
Never thought to add a backround. I'm going to have to get one for when I set up my new fish tank. I have a 10 gallon and we are moving soon, so fish in there are most likely just going to die, and I'll clean the tank, put it in a good location and follow this! as for the bowl, never thought of that. I hate when I add new water and the pebbles end up flying around.
Hanamura Lyu
Hanamura Lyu - 11 years ago
Petco is great and all, but that dosent look like a freshwater tank...
wiener dogs rule
wiener dogs rule - 11 years ago
any product that claims to remove ammonia doesnt actually remove it. it changes it to ammonium, which is non toxic and still consumed by the bacteria. this is especially useful for people with measurable amounts of ammonia in their tap water. mine has 1.5 ppm. i agree with you about fishless cycling. adding fish to a non cycled tank is animal abuse in my opinion. it sucks most newbies have no patience when this hobby requires lots of it.
Owen Pace
Owen Pace - 11 years ago
Just saying. I love you guys. Petco is a great place to go for fish; unlike Petsmart you guys actually know what you are talking about and really try and help the customer not just sell them something. I've learned so much from your employees that really made me the fish hobbiest I am today. Thankyou so much.
Steven O
Steven O - 11 years ago
Well what a f***** and he freaking poor the bag of water into an aquarium
Brandy Martinez
Brandy Martinez - 11 years ago
Is it safe to put the fish in the aquarium like because of the water. Also how long do the heaters last until they break im afraid to turn on mine because what if it please
nathan perlman
nathan perlman - 11 years ago
again everything is wrong like adam lane says test the god damn water
nathan perlman
nathan perlman - 11 years ago
really add the petshop water, what the hell man are you not a profesional, also your not ment to put the heater straight down, its ridiculous do your job properly or get som1 else to do it.
Adam Lane
Adam Lane - 11 years ago
So dont test the water?
Sly Carl
Sly Carl - 11 years ago
this kid is stupid as hell
TheNukedNacho - 11 years ago
This is SOOOOOOOO much better then the videos Howcast made.
Taylor Anderson
Taylor Anderson - 11 years ago
Step 15: Wait for everything to die because its from petco!
Mark2124 - 12 years ago
Check out my fish tank
JoltedChicken - 12 years ago
I gotta say that bowl was genius.
alexa jones
alexa jones - 12 years ago
no! the aquarium needs to stabilize for 3-4 weeks! don't listen to him!
Abigail C. Terrell
Abigail C. Terrell - 12 years ago
JUSTbeYOURSELF91 - 12 years ago
my directions says to first put in gravel?
Vlad Brown
Vlad Brown - 12 years ago
maybe he washed them
Matt Jenkins
Matt Jenkins - 12 years ago
If you were a true aquarist then you would know the most fun part of setting up an aquarium is getting the fish. Not putting ugly, pink plastic plants in the tank.
psyco180 - 12 years ago
dont put water bag in the aquarium... ur very bad lol....
Fishie Friends
Fishie Friends - 12 years ago
I just watched this - I would add the Tetra SafeStart bacteria supplement he added 24-48 hours after the tank has been up and running. SafeStart must have fish added within 2 hours of its addition.
Jesse Soza
Jesse Soza - 12 years ago
I wouldn't suggest that you add water from a pet store to your aquarium because there could be some serious diseases lurking in that water.
Jacob Matthews
Jacob Matthews - 12 years ago
my pump doesnt work it loses suction and i already have a fish ay help its a older pump to
Aaron Lewis
Aaron Lewis - 12 years ago
Thanks it was very informational!
Abigail C. Terrell
Abigail C. Terrell - 12 years ago
and i agree with the person who typed the top comment why is he wearing the same clothes?
Abigail C. Terrell
Abigail C. Terrell - 12 years ago
nice vdeo but he talks like a gay person XP
FlintSparked - 12 years ago
Zebra Danios are always a great starter fish. A school of 4 is good. How big is your tank? I know of some compatible fish but you don't want to overstock.
MrHamsarni - 12 years ago
say if you wanted guppies you could get about 6 or 7 1 inch of fish=1 gallon of space
micheal deva
micheal deva - 12 years ago
small fishes..i use to keep schools but day by day they died..
MrHamsarni - 12 years ago
it depends what fish you want. what do you want?
micheal deva
micheal deva - 12 years ago
How many fishes can I put in a 10 gallon tank??
Kevin Reyes
Kevin Reyes - 12 years ago
So i should change the stand
TurtleLungfishGirl - 12 years ago
i completely agree. it all depends on the amount of bio-load that the product can actually handle... just because the bottle says "for 15 gallon aquarium" and one person adds 20 fish to their new 15 gal and one person adds 1 fish. each is going to have different effects.
TurtleLungfishGirl - 12 years ago
and everything is always sick. variety sucks and ... they don't know what they are talking about. its like the read the label and don't know anything beyond that
TurtleLungfishGirl - 12 years ago
hey :) if the stand wasn't level it could "irritate" the tempered glass at the bottom. one reason why they make tanks so that the trim is the only thing coming in contact with the stand .. to minimize this possibility. if it is unlevel either it will look unlevel or it could jeopardize the glass long term.
betta fish
betta fish - 12 years ago
I buy my stuff at petco like today im going there to buy a 40 gallon tank and today its only $40 thats a good deal and they sell freshwater and saltwater fish .
1997BLucy - 12 years ago
Everything in this video was bullshit.
1997BLucy - 12 years ago
Kevin Reyes
Kevin Reyes - 12 years ago
PLEASE SOMEONE REPLY I had just watched this video and what would happen if the stand isn't level
Bernie Koenig
Bernie Koenig - 12 years ago
hello what is the name deco i like the 2 rocks you on this aquarium i check in petco and petmarts and the don't have in the store and i call customer service and they say probleme have thad but the need the name a bow does 2 rocks please help i like so much does 2 rocks thank you much
Blueyary21 - 12 years ago
And the fish die in 2 Days
Bobby Shotz
Bobby Shotz - 12 years ago
Oh, and I NEVER float them... I open the bag, slowly let the other water go in over like a minute, and dump in in... Just use the right chemicals, read directions, right filtration, you're good to go!
Bobby Shotz
Bobby Shotz - 12 years ago
I'm gonna say that is an absolute myth... from fresh, to saltwater, I wait 2-3 days... never lost a fish.. no BS... 100% true... and they're all healthy.. Believe it or not.. up to you, is a FACT
Alphonsus Ho
Alphonsus Ho - 12 years ago
you have two cycle ur tank for 2 to 3 weeks
ryan suniga
ryan suniga - 12 years ago
this video tutorial sucks.
Anna Lentz
Anna Lentz - 12 years ago
Petsmart-target petco-walmart

100. comment for How to Set Up a Freshwater Aquarium (Petco)

kaden gaines
kaden gaines - 12 years ago
in the petco in tulsa oklhoma do they sale fish
Ruffles WRX STI
Ruffles WRX STI - 12 years ago
Yeah but I look the staff in petco and don't have the staff I like like you have in this aquarium I like the way you set aq thank you so much
Fish and Fluff
Fish and Fluff - 12 years ago
@Ruffles206 Go to petco or petsmart they have it and that way you can see everything including idiotic employees and owners.
Fish and Fluff
Fish and Fluff - 12 years ago
@marcuscoppola3 This is petco and of course they don't that's why half the fish are belly up or have a illness
Fish and Fluff
Fish and Fluff - 12 years ago
@marcuscoppola3 This is petco
Ruffles WRX STI
Ruffles WRX STI - 12 years ago
hello i have question wath is tthe name your decor you have in the aquarium please help
Angelita Biron
Angelita Biron - 12 years ago
youre supposed to use a net when you put the fish in
Marcus Coppola
Marcus Coppola - 12 years ago
Helpful. Petsmart petcare associates don't know what the fuck they're talking about
Marcus Coppola
Marcus Coppola - 12 years ago
Petco is way more helpfi
Amurderer74 - 12 years ago
But he added some of his aquarium water, causing it to adjust to the quality of the aquarium water.
logan Mackrell
logan Mackrell - 12 years ago
Haha that guy is voodoo fucking gay
Pure4Kicks - 12 years ago
the funnest part is he is reading a prop.
Pure4Kicks - 12 years ago
They should hire me to be a national fish aquatic manager. That way I could make them a better fish provider. make sure there staff has proper training to maintain and setup aquatic tanks for these beautiful fish.
Pure4Kicks - 12 years ago
I almost agreed with everything till you poured those fish in the water. I think it's best if you net them out of the transfer bag and put them into tank. That way the transfer bag water doesn't affect your community water.
Danielle Williams
Danielle Williams - 12 years ago
Thank you been trying to find a helpful video that didnt already start the set up before they started recording and that went from start to finish this video was very helpful :)
Karolina S
Karolina S - 12 years ago
I hate how he keeps saying "I recommend..." well guees what! I recommend you stop smiling weirdly!
sebastian chavez
sebastian chavez - 12 years ago
If he left the tank for 2 days than y does he have the same clothes ¿?????
capnbly7 - 12 years ago
He's representing Petco...what do you expect?
EmoGii - 12 years ago
wow just wow this video is a prime example of why fish are allways dieing yeesh man .
watchmegoboom23 - 12 years ago
His Gay
cbranin45 - 12 years ago
You don't need to cycle a freshwater tank, only for saltwater tanks you need me I have both types of aquariums, and a professional
Veronica Rosas
Veronica Rosas - 12 years ago
have u guys noticed theres 2 step 11s?
Marilyn Alvarez
Marilyn Alvarez - 12 years ago
those dum ass that say cycling only 1 day he add live backtira
EmoGii - 12 years ago
im realy surprised that no one mentioned this but YOU CANT ADD FISH AFTER 24 FUCKING HOURS because THE TANK ISNT FUCKING CYCLED ...
Nino Festa
Nino Festa - 12 years ago
you sound like a faggot but nice video
lilypollo - 13 years ago
lilypollo - 13 years ago
Do you need a thermometer cause I dnt hve one
Nsantmyre1208 - 13 years ago
this was an okay vid. but you should have an air pump but its not absolutely needed
James Kim
James Kim - 13 years ago
@oj363 nooo their cold bloodeeeddd
sam - 13 years ago
Brian Vill Kiss You
Brian Vill Kiss You - 13 years ago
they didnt wait 24-48 hours because the guy is wearing the same clothing
Nexus - 13 years ago
Fuck expert village
Dan B
Dan B - 13 years ago
Thanks... very informative!!!
GPnRI - 13 years ago
@Honey1675 May I suggest you read up on the Nitrogen Cycle for a Freshwater aquarium. It'll help termendously.
GPnRI - 13 years ago
@Honey1675 Not necessary, but it is helpful. Without the added mature media from an established tank or the bacteria additive. The nitrogen cycle will take longer to establish. Plus there is a higher risk of losing any hardy starter fish ( Numerous partial water changes would be necessary then. )
Leticia Zapata
Leticia Zapata - 13 years ago
@GPnRI Thank you so much for the fast reply, my head isn't spinning so much :) You a lot of good points towards the cycle in all your comments, should that added componate for bacteria to establish nesscary?
GPnRI - 13 years ago
Ugh! I dislike typing fast..Please ignore all my post below for poor spelling...especially the word DECLORINATOR, It's actually spelled dechlorinator with a "H" Ugh! LOL.
GPnRI - 13 years ago
@guddano5 Those "so-called" live bacteria kits, quick start nitrogen cyle starters, etc ONLY jump start the nitrogen cycle, and don't always work. The best method is a few hardy fish ( That your willing to lose ) and cycle the tank properly...Usually 3 to 6 weeks, average is 1 month. Always use declorinator..Prime or Tetra Aquasafe or Aquasafe Plus.
GPnRI - 13 years ago
@CopperTheDogsKids1 Water agers is basically a declorinator. Prime is actually the best to use ( its a declorinator/ammonia remover ).
GPnRI - 13 years ago
@Honey1675 , I dont mind answering questions. That filter location would be ideal actually, but if you have a hooded tank, most usually they have the cut out for the filter on either the left or right side. Point is you NEED a filter none the less. The 1 month bit is mainly for the nitrogen cycle. Most people lose their fish because of the ammonia/nitrite spikes that occure during the first month of a newly setup tank. See Mark2109111 comment and my response.
GPnRI - 13 years ago
@mark2109111 Even jump starting the nitrogen cycle with mature media from an established tank doesnt cycle it in a few days, it just makes it possible to add a few hardy fish. It'll still take almost a full month for the beneficial bacteria to establish. 2 or 3 hardy fish, monitor your ammonia, nitrites, when they zero out, then add more fish to your tanks limit. Go by ADULT size of fish ( 1 inch per gallon rule ). I go by the squared rule ) say I have 1 adult fish 5 inches, 5+5 = 10 gallons.
Leticia Zapata
Leticia Zapata - 13 years ago
@GPnRI Hi, Being that you've picked up a lot of his errors I hope you don't mind me asking you a few questions being that I'm going to be a first time aquarium owner. Do you recommend putting the filter in the middle of the tank as he said? Do I really let my tank settle for 1 month as you said before adding fish? hope to hear from you, I can really use the help -__-
GPnRI - 13 years ago
WOW! I picked up on 3 errors ( 2 of which will possibly KILL your fish!! ) 1 - Background - when applying to back of tank...START AT BOTTOM and work up - doing so will eliminate bubbling in the background. 2 - 24 to 48 hours for cycling?? TRY AROUND 1 month for proper cycling. 3 - NEVER dump the water in the bag into your aquarium - Use a bowl and your fishnet, or you could be introducing diseases into your tank...Namely Ich!! Wow! Simply amazing, and they call themselves pros!

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