My Plant Collection | Easy & Low Maintenance Houseplants

A little chat about my 5 houseplants and how I care for them! SUBSCRIBE for weekly videos: Download my FREE Self-Love eBook: Previous video: ***EDIT: What I thought was my Golden Pothos is actually a Marble Queen Pothos.*** Find me here: WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: EQUIPMENT USED: Camera: Canon t3i Lens: Disclaimer: This video is for informational purposes only and does not substitute or replace medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own. This description contains affiliate links, which means that if purchases are made when clicked, I’ll receive a small commission. Thank you!

My Plant Collection | Easy & Low Maintenance Houseplants sentiment_very_dissatisfied 32

Howto & Style 7 years ago 54,148 views

A little chat about my 5 houseplants and how I care for them! SUBSCRIBE for weekly videos: Download my FREE Self-Love eBook: Previous video: ***EDIT: What I thought was my Golden Pothos is actually a Marble Queen Pothos.*** Find me here: WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: EQUIPMENT USED: Camera: Canon t3i Lens: Disclaimer: This video is for informational purposes only and does not substitute or replace medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own. This description contains affiliate links, which means that if purchases are made when clicked, I’ll receive a small commission. Thank you!

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Most popular comments
for My Plant Collection | Easy & Low Maintenance Houseplants

Erika Lake
Erika Lake - 7 years ago
I need to do, "My houseplant collection" videos... My husband and kids never wanna hear it... Damn them.
gattaca627 - 7 years ago
Good vid Meghan. Marry me!!
Beth Levenstein
Beth Levenstein - 7 years ago
House plants are great to have and add that homey feel . Good for cleaning the air as you mentioned.
Deziner Orchids By Susan Thanks for subscribing
Deziner Orchids By Susan Thanks for subscribing - 7 years ago
Beautiful collection I enjoyed your video.
Sasha Dee
Sasha Dee - 7 years ago
"I will MIST the ferns!" <3 you go girl!
Allegra Kelton
Allegra Kelton - 7 years ago
Youre hilarious about your plants I love it XD XD
Omon Maravilla
Omon Maravilla - 7 years ago
Inspiring, easy to care
Solveg Rasmus
Solveg Rasmus - 7 years ago
you can get a marimo, they are water plants or moss balls look like a cut ball in the water they  are very low Maintenance  and fun. you can get them on can make an amazing under water garden with marimo.just in a glass bowl
Solveg Rasmus
Solveg Rasmus - 7 years ago
you need to add maidens heir fern, and some cacti they love the sun

10. comment for My Plant Collection | Easy & Low Maintenance Houseplants

amethyst dawn
amethyst dawn - 7 years ago
you should mist all your plants! most plants (excluding succulents) love a good misting, not just ferns :)
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Great, thank you for the tip!
Cassie Arnold
Cassie Arnold - 7 years ago
That's Marble Pothos not Golden
ReedxMyxLips - 7 years ago
You could say you're fond of fronds :)
David Rini
David Rini - 7 years ago
Thank you for your video! Very instructive and entertaining. I love growing plants as well and I have a small orchid collection in my room.
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Orchids are beautiful, I can't wait to get another plant, but I'm gonna stick with my 5 for now! :)
Parth Khimsaria
Parth Khimsaria - 7 years ago
Thanks for this great video. This is going to be my first attempt to grow a plant. Just hoping I don't kill them. :)
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Haha good luck!! I'm sure you'll do just fine :P
Rachel olson
Rachel olson - 7 years ago
I probagate spider plants. I found that they love getting the morning sun and love getting misted.
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
I love misting my plants :)
Vitality Vine
Vitality Vine - 7 years ago
This was so well done! Ugh, I feel your geekiness for the plants haha I feel the same way about mine.
saur2244 - 7 years ago
I have about 15 pots of aloe vara plants 2 mass cane 1 pot of chocolate mint and an unknown number of other pots of other cool plants . Yes I like gardening. Seeing as its a little too much work to keep track of what ones I watered and what ones didn't get water I use little clay spikes that are a kind of self watering thing so I know what ones need a refill and what ones need a break. My family even asks for plants from me from time to time . I even just got a Boston fern today so can't wait to see how it turns out . Good video.
Life of Millie
Life of Millie - 7 years ago
This video made me so happy... I've never heard anyone talk about plants like this! You're making me love them more!!!!
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Hahah plants are just so great!
Umashree Vanamala
Umashree Vanamala - 7 years ago
Can u make a vedio on growing In door plants in water...Like in bottles or in pots ....Thank u

20. comment for My Plant Collection | Easy & Low Maintenance Houseplants

Charlotte Robinson
Charlotte Robinson - 7 years ago
i had a spider plant that i never watered and watching it die made me sad so i put it outside and now its grown so so tall i dont do anything to it, she's so independent!
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Oh no!! I'm glad it got revived! I love spider plants. :)
Ed m
Ed m - 7 years ago
you r adorable
milkybb - 7 years ago
I couldn't help but look at your hair
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
All your plants sound so lovely! I love that you gave them names :P Spider mites are not fun, I also hope you never have to experience them!
cora - 7 years ago
about once or twice a week I take my humidity-loving plants in the bathroom when I take hot showers, they love it a lot :)
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
I've thought about doing this, I think it's a great idea!
Pepsi - 7 years ago
Just got 6 plants and I'm a lost plant mother
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Haha oh nooooo
Elizabeth Shipwright
Elizabeth Shipwright - 7 years ago
never seen one of your videos before, you are so funny and lovable
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Aw thank youuuuu!
kanhaiya goel
kanhaiya goel - 7 years ago
Elizabeth Shipwright u r also lovely
Hazel Frei-Selby
Hazel Frei-Selby - 7 years ago
Do your cats have catgrass to chew on. Some houseplants are poisonous for beloved pussycats.
Check this out please as I know cats are nosey little monsters.
A lovely video - thanks.
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
I don't often have catgrass for them, although they do enjoy it! I should bring some home for them soon.
Deandre Jackson
Deandre Jackson - 7 years ago
Well put together video
Nick - 7 years ago
Hey!! Really enjoyed your video! You have some great looking plants :)
I think your Golden Pothos may actually be a different variety, maybe Marble Queen or another variety that has white striations? I have a few varieties myself and yours looks very similar to my Queen.
Thank you for the videos and keep em' coming! :)
Jourdan Ibe
Jourdan Ibe - 7 years ago
I very well might be wrong, but you were/still are a theatre kid, aren't you? Lol. I love your personality!

30. comment for My Plant Collection | Easy & Low Maintenance Houseplants

Kay - 7 years ago
I didn't read all the comments and someone may have said this already but...your "Golden Pothos" is actually a Marble Queen pothos. The Queens are a bit harder to keep because of the high amount of white (white does not do photosynthesis) but yours looks great. Good job.
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Yep quite a few people have chimed in to let me know - whoops! My mistake. Thank you!
courtniebri - 7 years ago
I seriously loved this video! Really wanting to start a plant collection. :) Mist me!
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Haha you should! Plants are truly wonderful.
Claire Kurtin
Claire Kurtin - 7 years ago
... that's a marble Queen pothos not a golden pothos.
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
I have been informed - my mistake!
Tommy Munoz
Tommy Munoz - 7 years ago
I didn't know I liked plants till I got a dragon tree. now I got 9 plants all over my appt. something about taking care them of watching them grow it's therapeutic.
Gaby Santizo
Gaby Santizo - 7 years ago
OMG this was so great. I was laughing so much.... mostly because I now see what my friends see, when I speak about plants. I am a new plant mommy so I am very excited.
Vasudeva Karanth
Vasudeva Karanth - 7 years ago
A very good informative presentation.
Torhild Sageng Hansen
Torhild Sageng Hansen - 7 years ago
Today I'm known as a bit of a plant lady, but when I was around your age, I did in fact manage to kill a spider plant. I learned, however, and I can see that you are doing very well. :)
sandy gardens
sandy gardens - 7 years ago
you are hilarious! I'm glad there's someone else on the planet that loves their plants as much as me lol ! Great video, thank you for making me larf! X
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Haha I seriously adore plants!!
Debashree Halder
Debashree Halder - 7 years ago
love the plants... moreover love the way u talk.
Jenna Berman
Jenna Berman - 7 years ago
Cats eat spider plants because they're mildly hallucinogenic :)
Yuving Wu
Yuving Wu - 7 years ago
You might actually have an austral gem fern. They look similar to leather fern, its hard to tell the difference.
I have one myself and I thought it was leather fern, but after I checked with the nursery that I bought the fern from, they confirm that what I have is actually the austral gem fern (AKA bird's nest fern). I love their leathery waxy leafs too! :)
LikeKristen - 7 years ago
You are so cute!! I'm looking to get some plants for my new apartment so thank you for the inspiration :)
Ancient Queen
Ancient Queen - 7 years ago
It's actually a marble queen pothos. And she's beautiful! So full and happy.
kellyhonor - 7 years ago
Mist me!
Angelica Sewell
Angelica Sewell - 7 years ago
That looks a lot more like marble pothos than a golden :) pretty nonetheless.
Ali Wei
Ali Wei - 7 years ago
The spider mite story is so freaky! But now I know what to look out for. Thanks for sharing. Also if you ever get any plants with little hairs on the leaves, like a purple velvet, don't mist those. The water stays trapped on the leaves too long and can develop a disease.
michael whyte
michael whyte - 7 years ago
haha, i like how you talk about your plants as a "he". i have most of those plants at home, i also enjoy misting them and im pretty sure they like it too
michael whyte
michael whyte - 7 years ago
Meghan Livingstone i think a peace lilly would be a nice addition to your family. they are also really easy and have pretty flowers. apparently they also humidify the air which might reduce the need for misting, not sure if that is a good thing, lol
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Lol I can't help it. They're like my little pets, I love them. :P
Colton Witt
Colton Witt - 7 years ago
Hey there! idk if someone else commented this but you actually have a marbled queen pothos not a golden! Marble queens have those really pretty variegated leaves that yours has and golden ones are less pretty (personally) and more yellow variegation to them. You should also totally look into a glacier pothos, that is my current fav I have thats about 3 feet long rn! Have fun with the lil babies!
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for letting me know, a few people have told me! My mistake! I'll look into the glacier pothos :D
Samantha Tamara J
Samantha Tamara J - 7 years ago
the golden pothos looks more like a queen marble pothos but i could be wrong
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
I think you're right - I believe it is a marble! My mistake!
Marianne Deif
Marianne Deif - 7 years ago
Love your enthusiasm for plants. My first plants were at the age of 8. I named them Annie and Laura. I now have several plants and particularly enjoy peace lilies. Great video. Every home should have at least one houseplant.
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Awww that's so nice! I should name mine :P I agree, every home needs at least one!

50. comment for My Plant Collection | Easy & Low Maintenance Houseplants

My Whole Lot of Love
My Whole Lot of Love - 7 years ago
thanks so much for sharing I am so new to plants and glad to get more info from you
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
You're welcome! Glad you learned a thing or two :)
Dope4Pie - 7 years ago
mist me lolololol
alarm35m - 7 years ago
Great video. Just want to correct you on the identity of your pothos. It's not a Golden Pothos, it's actually a Marble Queen Pothos. I can tell from it's intense white variegation.
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Oh ok! Thanks so much for letting me know :)
Mw Lim
Mw Lim - 7 years ago
spider plant is super beneficial for human.
Sara Arrington
Sara Arrington - 7 years ago
Anokina Shahbaz
Anokina Shahbaz - 7 years ago
Meghan, you should name your plants!
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Yes!!! Actually, I named my boston fern "Fern" and my leatherleaf fern "Frond", still need names for the others, though! :P
Jessica Takahashi
Jessica Takahashi - 7 years ago
like everyone said, love your passion for plants! makes me want to get some! haha
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Haha you should!! They're honestly so nice to have :)
Renee Carter
Renee Carter - 7 years ago
I LOVED this video! I would love to have plants but didn't know where to start and you answered my conundrum
Renee Carter
Renee Carter - 7 years ago
I surely will. I can't wait
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
So happy this video was helpful for you!! Definitely give one of these plants a try, they're all so easy to care for ❤
Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen - 7 years ago
Love the way you talk about ig they were your children
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Hahah I love them, truly, they bring me so much joy :P
S Lin
S Lin - 7 years ago
You are so fantastic! I never thought I would get so much joy from listening to someone talk about their plants! :-) I miss my plants... They are with the plant sitter at the moment
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Thanks so much!! Glad you enjoyed the video, plants are just wonderful :)
Renee Carter
Renee Carter - 7 years ago
ShastaLin Me too! I cried tears of ecstatic JOY
Wendy - 7 years ago
please do more houseplant videos! the way you talk and care about your plants is amazing! This is my favorite video from you. x
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Aww thank you!! I'll definitely do an updated plant video when I collect a few more! :D
jacqueline b
jacqueline b - 7 years ago
oh my god, you are so adorable!
delta0921 - 7 years ago
Misting is so good, it simulates rain to the plants, and they really do love it!
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
That's what I figured! Kinda like rain :)
Danson for Joy
Danson for Joy - 7 years ago
Your plants are beautiful! I think Golden Pothos would be perfect for my bathroom - I'm about to hang a shelf in there and wanted some lush plants to line it. :)
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
They are excellent plants and very easy to care for! It would look lovely on a shelf :)
BlossomsAndBundles - 7 years ago
It's always so sad when a plant gets spider mites! Every time I get an ivy plant it seams to get them, but usually because its infected by another plant. My husband almost saved mine last time by cutting it all down. It was growing back, then I forgot to water it enough:(
I have all these little spider plants that have been living in just water same wit my pothos. I obviously need to plant them but I think I have too many other plants to bother wit it. But then I buy more so.....
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
It is definitely sad :( I felt so bad for the ivy.
Jennifer P
Jennifer P - 7 years ago
Your plants are lovely!
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Thank you! :)
Anna Kaikala
Anna Kaikala - 7 years ago
Meghan, thank you so much for this informative video. I need plants in my life, I know how great they are, but the problem with me you see is my black thumb of death. I kill plants, and I try so hard to take care of them, but what I need is something thats fairly easy to care for with light amount of watering. This video was very helpful! #mistme!
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
I'm glad this video helped! Try a spider plant, they are incredibly easy to care for :P
Devynn Parker
Devynn Parker - 7 years ago
Mist me! Hahaha you crack me up
Allegory of Wolves
Allegory of Wolves - 7 years ago
I LOVE plants, too! I have about 80 houseplants in my apartment, not counting the ones on my balcony (where I also keep potted maple and beech trees, loads of lavender, morning glories, sweet pea, herbs and more). Some of my plats I already have for 22 years, but they're older than that, as they were just given to me back then. They're indeed friends to me, and I can't imagine living in a house or apartment without plants. Plus, they really make a great difference to the air, especially when you keep this many of them. Ever since I've collected such a great number of plants, the air in my apartment doesn't even get stuffy anymore in winter, when before it used to be dry and "stale" from the heating and not having the windows open all day. :-)
However, it's slowly starting to look like a jungle in here. I simply can't walk past pretty plants at a store, or even the poorer ones, which may be in severe need of some serious TLC and which nobody else would buy. It's like I can hear them beg: "Help me!", and then I buy them and successfully nurse them back to health and beautiful growth. XD
Allegory of Wolves
Allegory of Wolves - 7 years ago
Ghoskull War That's a cool idea, but unfortunately I don't own a video camera (not even a mobile phone with which I could film). If that ever changes, which I hope (I'd also love to film during the forest hikes I go on and enjoy so much), I shall get back to this idea. Or maybe I could borough my uncle's photo camera sometime. It has a recording function, too. :-)
Ghoskull War
Ghoskull War - 7 years ago
Allegory of Wolves please do a video of your plants!i know there's a lot of plant lovers out there who are so eager to enjoy it!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Allegory of Wolves
Allegory of Wolves - 7 years ago
Awww, thank you! That's a nice way to think of it. :-) But, yes, that might be true as well, since I really do love my plants a lot, and having them around makes me very happy.
Ancient Queen
Ancient Queen - 7 years ago
Mirkwood Descendant I think you just show them so much love... they know they have a good home and are truly loved. That is what makes them thrive! They pick up on your energy.
Allegory of Wolves
Allegory of Wolves - 7 years ago
Ancient Queen Oh, the herbs are outside on my balcony. That, and my windows also face South, which lets (sun)light come in all day long. Most of my indoor plants sit in or near the windows, but a few others, which thrive well in more shady places, sit further back in my rooms and still grow huge. Maybe they simply like the apartment I now live in, because while I've always kept lots of plants and also had brighter apartments (light-wise) in the past, my plants have never grown as enthusiastically as here. XD
Ancient Queen
Ancient Queen - 7 years ago
Mirkwood Descendant Jungles are awesome! You are plant goals. How do you have enough light for all of them... especially the herbs if they are indoors. So lucky!
Allegory of Wolves
Allegory of Wolves - 7 years ago
Hehe, I'm glad I'm not the only one with the urge to adopt neglected plants. :-) And, yes, they indeed make my home feel very calming and peaceful. Even friends have already noticed that, when they visited.
Renee Carter
Renee Carter - 7 years ago
Mirkwood Descendant Woh! That's freeking awesome!!
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
80 houseplants, oh my! That's pretty amazing though! I can imagine how serene your place must feel as a result, and definitely the cleaner air! I feel the same way when I see plants that need some TLC, I just want to adopt them!
Bárbara León
Bárbara León - 7 years ago
I'm awful at taking care of plants, last one I tried to keep alive was a lavender :( I gave it direct sunlight and just enough water but no. I think it's just me.
Sabrina-396 - 7 years ago
I was having a bad day but honestly your video made it a lot better. Something about your videos just make me feel so much more positive and happy!
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Aw I'm really happy to hear that. BIG hugs your way! ❤
Glenna Martin
Glenna Martin - 7 years ago
Lol!! I love misting too...
Pia Sandgren
Pia Sandgren - 7 years ago
Lovely video! Just take care your cat doesn't eat the golden one, so poisoniouness for cats.
Stacey Kersting
Stacey Kersting - 7 years ago
No wonder that hippie plant loves it......does it give him a Cheshire cat grin?
smtel - 7 years ago
"According to the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.), the spider plant is listed as non toxic to cats and other pets. Nonetheless, it is still advised that cats eating spider plant leaves may pose a potential risk. Spider plants contain chemical compounds related to opium."


Some spider plants look a lot like spider lily. Spider lilies are poisonous to animals and humans and people don't know much the difference between spider plants and spider lily. So instead of being lax about it and to other plants, why not be precautious or careful with it not being eaten by your furry babies?
Rebeca Solano
Rebeca Solano - 7 years ago
smtel spider plants are not toxic for cats but snake plants are.
smtel - 7 years ago
Spider plants are also toxic. Pls go to or just google thetoxic plants on animals with aspca keyword on it.
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for letting me know!! Thankfully they don't care for that one, but I'll be extra cautious.
Nicole Mendiola
Nicole Mendiola - 7 years ago
MIST ME! lol I feel that same way when I mist/water my plants like here you go buddies HYDRATE lol
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Hahah exactly!
sonyaheinrich - 7 years ago
Snake plant is also a really amazing houseplant. Especially if you live in an apartment that doesn't get a lot of sunlight ❤️
sonyaheinrich - 7 years ago
Meghan Livingstone for sure! I love mine. I'm actually trying to propitiate it right now so here's hoping I have a baby snake plant in a couple of months
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Thanks for letting me know! That might just have to be my next plant :D
jUsT aBhIsRi
jUsT aBhIsRi - 7 years ago
Meghan, I have the Golden Pothos and I truly love them, they are like my friends and when I have a bad day I go and just sit beside them, after that, I confess myself to them and sometimes cry also, I sing to them when I water them and tell any sort of joke to them to make them happy, because I believe that plants too are alive, the only thing is this that they just can't speak.........
lots of LOVE and THANKS for making such a video because I LOVED IT!!!!!
jUsT aBhIsRi
jUsT aBhIsRi - 7 years ago
I just love your thoughts. you have a great and with the people like us it would easy for us to make better today. you can message me on facebook on Abhisri Khare, see yaa
Renee Carter
Renee Carter - 7 years ago
jUsT aBhIsRi I think what's so great about plants is the down right "unconditional" LOVE that flows both ways
jUsT aBhIsRi
jUsT aBhIsRi - 7 years ago
so beautiful that you are just like me but a little more responsible because once I forgotted to water them and two of them started drying actually it was because I have almost have 13 Golden Pothos so I procrastinated and while watering I left 2 plants which started drying as soon as I saw them I gave them some water to drink and apologised hard.
jUsT aBhIsRi
jUsT aBhIsRi - 7 years ago
it felt so great I inspired someone
Renee Carter
Renee Carter - 7 years ago
jUsT aBhIsRi I love what you've shared about your relationship with your plants
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
My plants are like my pets! I can totally relate! I like to play calming music in my bedroom and I think they like it :P
stewforwords - 7 years ago
<< wavy cloak fern
The Minimalist Girl
The Minimalist Girl - 7 years ago
First Comment !!
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Joy Humble
Joy Humble - 7 years ago
I love the way you talk about your plants!
Meghan Livingstone
Meghan Livingstone - 7 years ago
Haha well hopefully you give one of these plants a try, they're super easy to care for! :)

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