Night Shrimping and Crabbing Ft. Desoto Florida Tampa St. Petersburg

This is a video clip of Me and buddy Joe Shrimping and crabbing and the Adventures Of Me, Mike Hamm. This is night shrimping at Fort Desoto park in Saint Petersburg FL. 2011. This is a glimps of what you encounter, see and catch while shrimping and crabbing!

Night Shrimping and Crabbing Ft. Desoto Florida Tampa St. Petersburg sentiment_very_dissatisfied 74

Howto & Style 13 years ago 598,667 views

This is a video clip of Me and buddy Joe Shrimping and crabbing and the Adventures Of Me, Mike Hamm. This is night shrimping at Fort Desoto park in Saint Petersburg FL. 2011. This is a glimps of what you encounter, see and catch while shrimping and crabbing!

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Most popular comments
for Night Shrimping and Crabbing Ft. Desoto Florida Tampa St. Petersburg

Damith Asanka
Damith Asanka - 7 years ago
Jonecir Souza
Jonecir Souza - 8 years ago
Hey, what kind of spotlight were you using? Thanks
Michael Hamm
Michael Hamm - 8 years ago
I t is a 3W single LED 500 lumens headlamp, I order them on Ebay from China, think they are around $5 and take two weeks to come in and they run on 3 AAA batteries. thanks for watching, I have had a few of these lights for a couple years, only had one that stopped working so I would order two just in case, but the comparable ones in the store are $40 so its well worth it.
FishJonesBeach - 8 years ago
Cool video I really enjoyed it!
Jaber Al Nahian
Jaber Al Nahian - 8 years ago
what are those Aquatic plants? jungle val?
Jaber Al Nahian
Jaber Al Nahian - 8 years ago
+Michael Hamm tnx for the info
Michael Hamm
Michael Hamm - 8 years ago
Just various type of sea grass, they usually die in winter and bloom again and grow for about 6 to 8 months. Thanks for watching!
Frannie - 8 years ago
I remember back when I was younger, me and some family went shrimping. we run into another fella casting his net and told us he was having a bad night. we told him we only had 8 and he said same as me I only got about 8 pounds myself. I was like no man I only got 8 shrimp. and he thought he was having a bad
Frannie - 8 years ago
I forgot to mention where we was in florida. we was in palaka walking the shoreline of St. John's river. coughtsome pretty nice bass out of it also. from what I hear, ya can't eat fish from it anymore. got some kind of contamination in it. been 25 yrs since I been there so not really sure... 
Maria Martinez
Maria Martinez - 8 years ago
wow lol
sovan son
sovan son - 9 years ago
if I had to take a guess, this spot is right next to the toll.
Michael Hamm
Michael Hamm - 9 years ago
+sovan son you are correct, should be getting good in a month! I am going to do more videos this year:) make sure to be subscribed!
TWM M - 9 years ago
Puffer fish needs water to puff up, ... not air.
Michael Hamm
Michael Hamm - 9 years ago
Thanks for the info, make sense :)
Dikki Ramanda
Dikki Ramanda - 9 years ago
What a hunt dud. In Bangka we use stick to touch the shrimp and it'll jump into the catch net
Michael Hamm
Michael Hamm - 9 years ago
+Dikki Ramanda , thanks, if you get a chance post a video, would love to see it!
Mike Jone
Mike Jone - 9 years ago
don't y'all fear of the gators at night?
Michael Hamm
Michael Hamm - 9 years ago
no gators, just small sharks

10. comment for Night Shrimping and Crabbing Ft. Desoto Florida Tampa St. Petersburg

korey songe
korey songe - 9 years ago This is how we trawl
Mirza S.
Mirza S. - 9 years ago
Allahu Akbar , lot of wealth in ocean, forest, on land, Under the land even in air , sky.
Selena Best
Selena Best - 9 years ago
Catch the crab next time they was good size.
Korey Songe
Korey Songe - 9 years ago
Love trawling? Trawl for a living?? Listen to the new song "This is how we Trawl" on the new cd DECOYS IN THE BATHTUB on iTunes, cdbaby, and Google play!!
Jamie Ellis
Jamie Ellis - 9 years ago
next time if you ever catch a puffer please dont try to scare it , their defensive mechanism could end up taking their life !
Scott Walker
Scott Walker - 10 years ago
Acap Zelo57
Acap Zelo57 - 10 years ago
casting is fun, i got 5.7kilo last night
Michael Hamm
Michael Hamm - 10 years ago
That is great!
sexy korean girl
sexy korean girl - 10 years ago
lol dumb catching one by one
ryan struder
ryan struder - 10 years ago
I wanna go too :[
Huy Thai
Huy Thai - 10 years ago
Look fun haha watching this made me wanna go

20. comment for Night Shrimping and Crabbing Ft. Desoto Florida Tampa St. Petersburg

Guy Fish
Guy Fish - 10 years ago
subscribe to my channel and watch my videos. New account
Wards Please
Wards Please - 10 years ago
the trick to catch shrimp and crabs without getting loads of grass and unwanted stuff;
Place the pole your using behind the shrimp and using your toe or feet (if your wearing a shoe) give it a gentle touch to the head/front part as the shrimp jumps backwards. it will automatically jump inside without all the grass, coral shards and unwanted stuff.
For the Blue crab/crabs. simply put it(the net/pole your using) on one side of the crab and touch the crab on the other side, crabs move sideways so it will go inside easily.  Hope this helps to all 
Guardian Mn
Guardian Mn - 11 years ago
Looks so fun thanks for the video!
Michael Hamm
Michael Hamm - 11 years ago
We eat them....they are a much sweeter tasting shrimp than the ones you get from the store. Every once and a while we will you a few for bait to catch snook, trout and red fish at a few spots we have when leaving Ft. Desoto. Thanks for the question.
Kristyn Eudes
Kristyn Eudes - 10 years ago
+Wards Please
Wards Please
Wards Please - 10 years ago
Hi michael. this is a good vedio i also do this in the philippnes. Yes shirmp like these are sweeter, even eat them alive while catching. keep it up 
Chase - 11 years ago
Do you eat them or use them as bait
Michael Hamm
Michael Hamm - 11 years ago
Hello thanks for asking, when your out at night you still want to shuffle your feet. We are wearing shoe's and the string rays are only in the sand and the shrimp are in the grass so the only time you see them in the grassy areas is when their are sand holes or they are just swimming along. You get use to what to look for after seeing one or two of them. Hope this answers your question, thanks for viewing.
iluvfatchx - 11 years ago
How do you see if sting rays are in the area with all that grass???
DaddyJ - 7 years ago
iluvfatchx I doubt they like the grass
Water_Chant - 11 years ago
This looks like fun, we live in Tampa, what are the rules for doing this at night, and is there a max amount you can have, and what time of year is this allowed, thank you.
Michael Hamm
Michael Hamm - 11 years ago
It is very fun even for those who don't really eat shrimp, they just enjoy being in the water and seeing everything you catch or come across.
Manjit Kumar
Manjit Kumar - 11 years ago
man that looks so fun and there seems to be so many lol

30. comment for Night Shrimping and Crabbing Ft. Desoto Florida Tampa St. Petersburg

iluvfatchx - 11 years ago
Public Enemy Jeffies
Public Enemy Jeffies - 11 years ago
Love how you sound so carefree xD haha
Last Dog Up
Last Dog Up - 11 years ago
Sting Rays are probably the most prevalent threat. Ask Steve.
Laura Sofia Durian
Laura Sofia Durian - 11 years ago
Mike S
Mike S - 11 years ago
Saw about a 10 footer behind my Dads House in the inter coastal in Bellaire. just south of the causeway. I guess they venture out every know and then. First time I have seen a gator in salt in 37 years around here. I was shocked.
Sarah Pathammavong
Sarah Pathammavong - 11 years ago
What part of fort de soto did you go shrimping and crabbing at? I was planning on camping there in the for memorial weekend but never knew exactly where to go in the park to get shrimp and crab like that. I've tried to fish at their pier with no luck. Any advise?
gofishin1996 - 11 years ago
most we (dad and i) ever caught was 56 doz in like 4 hours out near ft desoto
SooperHBOMB - 11 years ago
check out my fort desoto video
jpatter123 - 12 years ago
not true man, we see gators in salt water all the time here on the Gulf Coast. They usually don't stay, but that's not a given either (although I don't think I've ever seen one out on the grass flats). Don't forget the crocs either, after seeing them I'd take the random gator any day.
SG03 - 12 years ago
how i do it is get in a boat put lites in the water right time of year in the right place ill reck em
jirawat udomsin
jirawat udomsin - 12 years ago
Hi, I was in Thailand, I like it video you to enjoy as well.
Michael Hamm
Michael Hamm - 12 years ago
There are no Gators in the saltwater here! Sharks a little!!!
bigburpboy - 12 years ago
aren't y'all not afraid of the gators?
kingmackattack42 - 12 years ago
A few years ago, a fishing buddy of mine along with some mutual friends were shrimping in Mississippi Sound(Mobile Bay). As they were picking through a drag, they suddenly thought they heard someone yelling. Thinking that it was just some people partying out on Dauphin Island, they ignored it. But, a short time later, they heard it again. Motoring towards the calls, they soon found 3 people clinging to their capsized boat. One was in shock, and the others were hurt but all recovered well.
mmmmm9872345 - 12 years ago
Nice video.. Chillin' :P
lewandlo - 13 years ago
Cool stuff .Thanks for the diy shrimping.
BloodEagle138 - 13 years ago
What kind of head lamp you use ? look will good. can you let me know please. where i can buy it. Thanks
Michael Hamm
Michael Hamm - 13 years ago
@floridafishingo Well you want a grassy area that gets extremely shallow on negative tides or near zero tides. The area has to be close to a pass for the shrimp to be able to be pushed out. Usually the last hour of the out going tide and the first 2 hours of the incoming tide. the shrimp hide in the sand and after dark they star to come out. You need a good head lamp, you can get a net at Sports Authority for $15. I am not sure how good it would be right at the river Try around the Skyway
floridafishingo - 13 years ago
What do you reccomend me shrimping in Bradenton, Manatee river

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