Howto & Style 7 years ago 207,519 views
Our two pet bass, Bonnie and Clyde, got an upgrade as we went from a 55 gallon tank to a 300 gallon aquarium. Our new custom aquarium took 13 weeks to build and we go over the advanced filtration system, substrate, lighting, and live plants we will be adding. Comment below what you would like to see in this massive aquarium. Subscribe for weekly Tank Tuesday videos. http://bit.ly/Bama_Bass Watch our 300 gallon aquarium setup from start to finish: http://bit.ly/300Gallon_Playlist Our Aquarium: Size - 300 Gallon - 96x30x24 inches Lighting - 3 Kessil 90W Tuna Sun http://amzn.to/2pVpEbI Substrate - Eco Complete http://amzn.to/2pVgxI0 Heaters - 3 500W Finnex http://amzn.to/2qehK08 Python Hose - http://amzn.to/2pVrycB Portable GFCI - http://amzn.to/2pVKR5y Chlorine Remover - http://amzn.to/2qGTdkh Subscribe to our channel. http://bit.ly/Bama_Bass Follow us on social media: http://facebook.com/bamabassofficial http://instagram.com/_bamabass_ http://twitter.com/_bamabass_ Shop for your fishing products at http://bamafrogs.com
Keep up the great work always enjoying your videos.
First off , bad ass tank . I couldn't imagine trying to get that big tank in the house . I think you should make it as natural as possible to a lake or pond . I'm really interested to see what types of (live ) plants you pick to put in it . If you can find it put some large pieces of driftwood . The big question is will you be adding any other fish ? You sure have the room . Anyways I just subbed you . Looking forward to the next video . Thanks
Have fun with your new aquarium!
Speaking from experience. You want to make sure it stays clean and the surface of the substrate doesn't crust over or solidify. You can do that with your fingers or a small rake. The more substrate you have the bigger the gas pocket can become which is why less substrate is more.
Just going to be a monster to move to change the carpet, and if the carpet gets wet it's gonna be problems over the years.
10. comment for OUR NEW 300 GALLON AQUARIUM!!
She is so sexy
20. comment for OUR NEW 300 GALLON AQUARIUM!!
30. comment for OUR NEW 300 GALLON AQUARIUM!!
50. comment for OUR NEW 300 GALLON AQUARIUM!!
I would imagine the Bass gets claustrophobic even in the new tank. I personally think you should do a correlated reef tank with an assortment of different species rather than 2 or 3 big fish. But hey, to each their own! What ever you choose I'm sure will look amazing! :D
I have several videos on my channel fishing them, take a look!
100. comment for OUR NEW 300 GALLON AQUARIUM!!
or fancy gold fish
That stand doesn't look like it can hold 2400 lbs of water.
What kind of strength test did you perform on that stand?
Incredible aquarium.
Grats on the tank! Following!
What is the thickness of the glass???
Ps. Great looking aquarium man.Good luck with it!
Keep up the good work. Best wishes from the UK.
Should do this parked at the house you guys are doing and it could be like bonnie and clydes hide out.
But Its for Bonnie and Clyde.
Some day they’ll go down together;
And they’ll bury them side by side,
To a few it’ll be grief—
To the law a relief—
But it’s death for Bonnie and Clyde.
Uhm, did you make her say balls on purpose?
Maybe get some native schooling fish and hiding areas for them. I don't know if that would work but some kind of other native fish would be cool. I really like sunfish, I think one would be a great addition.
Slate rock and driftwood for decoration.
this planet that can say bio balls better than her! Her southern tone is one of the best. Nice
tank by the way.
But crazy beautiful tank
You can never have too much filtration.
Another suggestion is Ornate Bichir. These guys look very much alike to dinosaurs, and reach up to 24in long aswell.
There is no way my arms are long enough to touch the bottom....
Well Liz Mermaid, have fun swimming in your new aquarium....