Our two pet bass, Bonnie and Clyde, got an upgrade as we went from a 55 gallon tank to a 300 gallon aquarium. Our new custom aquarium took 13 weeks to build and we go over the advanced filtration system, substrate, lighting, and live plants we will be adding. Comment below what you would like to see in this massive aquarium. Subscribe for weekly Tank Tuesday videos. http://bit.ly/Bama_Bass Watch our 300 gallon aquarium setup from start to finish: http://bit.ly/300Gallon_Playlist Our Aquarium: Size - 300 Gallon - 96x30x24 inches Lighting - 3 Kessil 90W Tuna Sun http://amzn.to/2pVpEbI Substrate - Eco Complete http://amzn.to/2pVgxI0 Heaters - 3 500W Finnex http://amzn.to/2qehK08 Python Hose - http://amzn.to/2pVrycB Portable GFCI - http://amzn.to/2pVKR5y Chlorine Remover - http://amzn.to/2qGTdkh Subscribe to our channel. http://bit.ly/Bama_Bass Follow us on social media: http://facebook.com/bamabassofficial http://instagram.com/_bamabass_ http://twitter.com/_bamabass_ Shop for your fishing products at http://bamafrogs.com

OUR NEW 300 GALLON AQUARIUM!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 120

Howto & Style 7 years ago 207,519 views

Our two pet bass, Bonnie and Clyde, got an upgrade as we went from a 55 gallon tank to a 300 gallon aquarium. Our new custom aquarium took 13 weeks to build and we go over the advanced filtration system, substrate, lighting, and live plants we will be adding. Comment below what you would like to see in this massive aquarium. Subscribe for weekly Tank Tuesday videos. http://bit.ly/Bama_Bass Watch our 300 gallon aquarium setup from start to finish: http://bit.ly/300Gallon_Playlist Our Aquarium: Size - 300 Gallon - 96x30x24 inches Lighting - 3 Kessil 90W Tuna Sun http://amzn.to/2pVpEbI Substrate - Eco Complete http://amzn.to/2pVgxI0 Heaters - 3 500W Finnex http://amzn.to/2qehK08 Python Hose - http://amzn.to/2pVrycB Portable GFCI - http://amzn.to/2pVKR5y Chlorine Remover - http://amzn.to/2qGTdkh Subscribe to our channel. http://bit.ly/Bama_Bass Follow us on social media: http://facebook.com/bamabassofficial http://instagram.com/_bamabass_ http://twitter.com/_bamabass_ Shop for your fishing products at http://bamafrogs.com

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Most popular comments

BamaBass - 7 years ago
Comment below what you would like to see us put in this MASSIVE aquarium.
Mrs. Lovely
Mrs. Lovely - 7 years ago
BamaBass pike
Liam Jaramillo
Liam Jaramillo - 7 years ago
BamaBass A green moray eel
YungDiddy - 7 years ago
BamaBass where did you get this tank and all the filtration parts
It's Ethan!
It's Ethan! - 7 years ago
BamaBass obviously, some Pleco! The ones you should are my personal favorites. The Common Pleco, Royal Pleco, and the Sail-Fin Pleco. I got so much more but you should add those.
lagunasR - 7 years ago
BamaBass sharks
deewekoms - 7 years ago
BamaBass live plants and some bluegill! Maybe a bullhead cat
Foot Ball
Foot Ball - 7 years ago
BamaBass turtle
Norman Bautista
Norman Bautista - 7 years ago
I know I'm late to reply but maybe add some cool looking lures to make it seem they got hung up or lost.
Gavin Puckett
Gavin Puckett - 7 years ago
Clayton Vlogs
Clayton Vlogs - 7 years ago
Nick Hall go to crew to love screwed to go to apple peach what do you do you boo-boo boob boob boob boob boob boob boob wall ball ball ball ball ball ball ball ball Babar Babar blah The tracking was doing to you and okay I wish you
Cristo Sanchez
Cristo Sanchez - 7 years ago
It would be cool if you divided a small portion of the tank to have a shad or baitfish farm...
Washaun R.
Washaun R. - 7 years ago
BamaBass get an axolotl and puffers
Nigel Hobson
Nigel Hobson - 7 years ago
Fill it with M&M's.
Blake Ault
Blake Ault - 7 years ago
BamaBass model cars, trucks or anything like that
Not a serial killer Not a dealer
Not a serial killer Not a dealer - 7 years ago
100 tetras
Robert Hodges
Robert Hodges - 7 years ago
I would put in some bottom feeders to help clean
Oscar Garcia
Oscar Garcia - 7 years ago
A Back round .... ^_^
Huntin Fishin
Huntin Fishin - 7 years ago
BamaBass More fish duh lol
Maverick Lofquist
Maverick Lofquist - 7 years ago
BamaBass put peacock bass,striped,spotted,small and large!
Cole Rominger
Cole Rominger - 7 years ago
BamaBass I want to fish that pond u and 1rod fished
Tiger Boss11
Tiger Boss11 - 7 years ago
BamaBass peacock eel they are wonder full
Milan Brenner
Milan Brenner - 7 years ago
A nice group of discus fish and some Corydoras or some plecos for example a sunshine pleco
Stealth Shotgun
Stealth Shotgun - 7 years ago
WYATT HAUGEN - 7 years ago
BamaBass u should definitely put some kind of big bluegill or crappie possibly pumpkinseed because they are pretty
Brandon Beans
Brandon Beans - 7 years ago
Fire Eel
Bass_Slayer_Outdoors - 7 years ago
Make it into a bass pro shop tank. Put a catfish or two in there maybe a white crappie and a few bluegill and sunfish maybe. That would be awesome!
FresnoCascabel - 7 years ago
Don't add too many different species of plants, keep it simple with a few hardy species like jungle val, java fern, and java moss. A large branching log for cover and you're set. Keep it simple.
Jack Thomson
Jack Thomson - 7 years ago
a mbu or fahaka puffer would also be great
Jack Thomson
Jack Thomson - 7 years ago
how bout a silver Arowana?
F Zm0
F Zm0 - 7 years ago
BamaBass how about yellow labs and frontosa ! :/
Jake P
Jake P - 7 years ago
Brandon Watkins he said he's keeping them in the other tank
Brandon Watkins
Brandon Watkins - 7 years ago
Jake P yeah if he wants to kill his bass.
Jake P
Jake P - 7 years ago
Put a freshwater wolffish
Jace Sims
Jace Sims - 7 years ago
BamaBass put a snagged lure in and make a toad that goes down the middle of the tank. Also you should put in another house so red can have a neighbor
EKY Bassin
EKY Bassin - 7 years ago
BamaBass Put some "snagged" lures from the store in there I think that would look pretty sick .. no hooks of course lol
Keep up the great work always enjoying your videos.
Dark Helmet
Dark Helmet - 7 years ago
SALTWATER, corals and large predatory fish, eels, things like that.
Drake Awoken
Drake Awoken - 7 years ago
driftwood would look awesome in there D:
queef - 7 years ago
Cast & Catch Fishing Olecki actually don't clean as much as they make a mess.
queef - 7 years ago
Tank is already overstocked I wouldn't push it bro.
Dawson Grabowski
Dawson Grabowski - 7 years ago
BamaBass how bout a toy boat floating on top to get the fishing vibe. And maybe a couple of logs down at the bottom
Dylan Smith
Dylan Smith - 7 years ago
BamaBass maybe a small natural underwater cave
hunter anderson
hunter anderson - 7 years ago
BamaBass floating plants would be cool. you can purchase some that look like small Lilly pads which would give Shading in parts of the tank to add contrast and also give hiding spots to smaller fish
Tiger Boss11
Tiger Boss11 - 7 years ago
BamaBass large mouth bass
Brandon Watkins
Brandon Watkins - 7 years ago
BamaBass i would have to say you should make a cool rock structure and have some plants grow off of it i have that kind of thing in my aquarium and it looks great after about 6 months of growth also you could do some cool drift wood structures! the possibilities are endless for this size of a tank!
Average Perch
Average Perch - 7 years ago
Pike and Perch are cool !!
Race Goodrich
Race Goodrich - 7 years ago
put a flathead in there, they are pretty cool to have from what ive seen
Brad Cox
Brad Cox - 7 years ago
Bamabass ,
First off , bad ass tank . I couldn't imagine trying to get that big tank in the house . I think you should make it as natural as possible to a lake or pond . I'm really interested to see what types of (live ) plants you pick to put in it . If you can find it put some large pieces of driftwood . The big question is will you be adding any other fish ? You sure have the room . Anyways I just subbed you . Looking forward to the next video . Thanks
Gabe Fisher
Gabe Fisher - 7 years ago
green sunfish
Joseph Whitt
Joseph Whitt - 7 years ago
Add a 3D background that would make it look awesome and more realistic
Mark Polsky
Mark Polsky - 7 years ago
BamaBass Woah Amazing! That is one awesome tank! You should put in a small rock drop off or hump, or a small rock wall, see how those two bucket mouth bandits relate to it! Very nice! Can't wait to see how it turns out!
Joseph Whitt
Joseph Whitt - 7 years ago
LED light system that simulates weather like sun rise and set storms can even link them to the weather app so it simulates the weather in your area they have current pumps that move the water with the storm or windy days
J Buck Outdoors
J Buck Outdoors - 7 years ago
A 10 pounder!!!
Austin - 7 years ago
BamaBass rock bass make pretty sweet pets. Maybe some cichlids if they're able to be housed with bass. They get pretty big are are semi aggressive
Lander Fishing
Lander Fishing - 7 years ago
You should put the animals names in wood on the wall
Upchurch786 - 7 years ago
I think it would be cool if you added something like a sunken model bass boat!
Dawson sapp
Dawson sapp - 7 years ago
breed crawfish in there
metaldragon92t - 7 years ago
you should add some mangrove roots.
Sparky Nate
Sparky Nate - 7 years ago
BamaBass maybe put a sunken Bass boat that is impaled on a tree limb!
Sparky Nate
Sparky Nate - 7 years ago
BamaBass are you an electrical engineer or what engineer field do you work in?
Sparky Nate
Sparky Nate - 7 years ago
BamaBass are you an electrical engineer or what engineer field do you work in?
Sparky Nate
Sparky Nate - 7 years ago
BamaBass you're speaking my language with electrical. I have been an electrician for 5 years now. I am about to go get my electrical engineering degree in the next year or two
bowl n fish 25
bowl n fish 25 - 7 years ago
BamaBass add a sunken fishing boat!!
SoCalFishingWithCy - 7 years ago
I breed African Cichlids, and their natural habitat is rocks and caves, so I would try stacking some rocks. It actually looks nice. Also some driftwood looks nice with plants ;)
Carlo Ferraro
Carlo Ferraro - 7 years ago
Bama bass put in a catfish
Jake P
Jake P - 7 years ago
Put a sturgeon! I know they get big but maybe a shovel nose, not sure if you can get them but otherwise put a northern pike with some tall weeds and some crappie with him!
Brett Howell
Brett Howell - 7 years ago
How about a old reel or broken rod?
Justin - 7 years ago
Maybe a "dock" or simulated dock to see how the take to that sort of cover
Justin - 7 years ago
Gotta get a pineapple house for the craw like spongebob !!!!!! Or the good ol chum bucket LOL
Mitchell Lambert
Mitchell Lambert - 7 years ago
BamaBass I think you should leave some of the tank without vegetation so we can see how bass act around a weed line
CG outdoors
CG outdoors - 7 years ago
Catfish, crappie, and a perch
the meme squadYTp's
the meme squadYTp's - 7 years ago
like ur own comment so it doesnt look like u liked ur own comment. cuz i liked it and it has 1 like so looks like u liked ur own comment
the meme squadYTp's
the meme squadYTp's - 7 years ago
Theo Vlogs
Theo Vlogs - 7 years ago
Sunfish bluegil shad and also alot og plants maybe a little ship
RavenousRex - 7 years ago
BamaBass you should get a few sunfish, maybe some redears.
common sense
common sense - 7 years ago
As a temporary joke/background, put in a life-size cut-out of 1Rod holding his breath with a pair of goggles and thumbs up
J Young
J Young - 7 years ago
Put some suspended floating rocks. Also a nice driftwood root or cypress. Looking forward to the finished setup.
Cobialicious Fishing Team
Cobialicious Fishing Team - 7 years ago
hairgrass in the foreground and giant Val in the back surrounding some driftwood or large pebbles
Ben Gehret
Ben Gehret - 7 years ago
BamaBass get some good size rocks in there
Nate Dude
Nate Dude - 7 years ago
Small lily pads with flowers for a bit of contrast
Jack How
Jack How - 7 years ago
BamaBass u should make that 55 gallon tank into a pan fish tank
Ideayang2 Yang
Ideayang2 Yang - 7 years ago
BamaBass a cave for Bonnie and Clyde
BassKinG10 - 7 years ago
BamaBass Need to put in a small log with an exposed root system, some large rocks (would also be a great second hideout for red), and maybe create a bottom content transition (gravel to sand) to mimic what they could possibly relate to in the natural environment. Just an idea! Lol
Jacob Bankston
Jacob Bankston - 7 years ago
BamaBass Alabama symbol with bass
Alexander Schiele
Alexander Schiele - 7 years ago
The most common item to get snagged on! A flat tire!!
xQualifiedxD - 7 years ago
BamaBass possibly a miniature sunken boat. River rocks would be look really nice if you set them up as structure. I like the idea of a good piece of drift wood in the tank but it's a lot harder to keep it clean with the drift wood.
Angel Echeverria
Angel Echeverria - 7 years ago
BamaBass live trout
V꙰ίǟϯa͓̽ - 7 years ago
BamaBass little yellow belly catfish
CONNER PATTERSON - 7 years ago
BamaBass y'all need to find some big peaces of drift wood to place in the tank
BowHunter TV
BowHunter TV - 7 years ago
BamaBass you should put one of those 2lb bluegills you catch in there or a small catfish
Zac Goforth
Zac Goforth - 7 years ago
blue gill
Hoosier Fishing
Hoosier Fishing - 7 years ago
Peacock bass
Johnny Dole
Johnny Dole - 7 years ago
Crappie would be neat but there really delicate. I don't know if they would survive transport from the lake. If you bought fingerling crappie the bass would eat them
MR. Top Water King
MR. Top Water King - 7 years ago
you should put catfish or crappie in it one or two
TurtleManiac - 7 years ago
I'd put a small catfish in there!
Kristian Cox
Kristian Cox - 7 years ago
I would put some rocks in there so the crawfish could hide in them. Maybe try to create a hill like it would be approaching a bank and you could add minnows like bass pushing up minnows on a bank
Kristian Cox
Kristian Cox - 7 years ago
Would love to see a couple smallmouth bass in there. Idk if the climate would be good for them.
Ryan Benjamin
Ryan Benjamin - 7 years ago
think an anchor would be cool and some lily pads. Also maybe some snagged lures on something and make it fish safe?
fishbasscollectglass - 7 years ago
Stacked shale makes awesome backing! You can create cool points on the sides and overhangs throughout the wall. In a tank that large it would probably be best to only make it 1-2 inches thick. It takes alot of glue but they come out awesome! Also looks great with plants!

Have fun with your new aquarium!
Cody Albright
Cody Albright - 7 years ago
BamaBass Bonnie and Clyde died in a old fashion car driving into a lake so I would put in like a old car like they had in the tank so it fits to there names
akaNarwhal - 7 years ago
Get a crappie
David Danger
David Danger - 7 years ago
How about a underwater volleyball court?
River Life
River Life - 7 years ago
Ambitious project BamaBass- Can't wait to get caught up on your videos. New subscriber.
Nicolas Munoz
Nicolas Munoz - 7 years ago
What type of lights are those and what's the color temp? I like the color
John Burgess
John Burgess - 7 years ago
Less is more with soil substrate. 1" would have been fine 6" will eventually become a problem. Keep an eye on it for gas bubbles. Food and waste can get buried, nitrify, and create a gas pocket in the soil. On day it releases and it causes a huge spike in your take of nitrate that could kill your fish.
Speaking from experience. You want to make sure it stays clean and the surface of the substrate doesn't crust over or solidify. You can do that with your fingers or a small rake. The more substrate you have the bigger the gas pocket can become which is why less substrate is more.
John Burgess
John Burgess - 7 years ago
Just my opinion here having a tank half this size, but you should have really removed the carpet there, and cheap lenolieum tiled the floor. Reason I say this is if there's some spill or splashes it can be cleaned up easier, it's easier to level the tank, and finally you are never going to move that tank again after filling it and never getting at the carpet under it either unless you do the crazy thing and actually do it. Hahahaha.
Just going to be a monster to move to change the carpet, and if the carpet gets wet it's gonna be problems over the years.
Jake Shoemaker
Jake Shoemaker - 7 years ago
Dude liz is a cutie pie
pecktec - 7 years ago
Wow I’m about to have my first big tank delivered soon (220). I may need to call some movers. Looks neat since this video is a few months old I’m going to go catch up.
el pimpi
el pimpi - 7 years ago
enjoy beautiful tank!!

10. comment for OUR NEW 300 GALLON AQUARIUM!!

Mitch Connor
Mitch Connor - 7 years ago
I want to sit on her face

She is so sexy
Deeptruthhunter Rising
Deeptruthhunter Rising - 7 years ago
Id like to see the after pictures when it goes through the floor when enough people gather around it and the floor joist blows out LOL
antonio Overton
antonio Overton - 7 years ago
I think a sand water fall would look very nice..the plants and other fish it will look like a tropical paradise .
MPiccolo23 - 7 years ago
Water fall
Foxy Ramirez
Foxy Ramirez - 7 years ago
I just wanna see Bonny and Clyde in there! Damn that's such a big tank!
Olushola Taiwo
Olushola Taiwo - 7 years ago
Sorry for asking.. where did you get the tank and how much does the tank cost?
chance - 7 years ago
How much did u pay for that thing man..
Jay Bui
Jay Bui - 7 years ago
Beautiful aquarium! Can you tell me what is the thickness of the glass (acrylic)?
BurnzAd6 - 7 years ago
I thinking about a 125 gallon tank, I just dont know if i should get glass or acrylic? any suggestions?
Elizabeth Ann
Elizabeth Ann - 7 years ago
Wait 11:07 the substrate went from black to white?

20. comment for OUR NEW 300 GALLON AQUARIUM!!

Elizabeth Ann
Elizabeth Ann - 7 years ago
Billy Wortham
Billy Wortham - 7 years ago
A SandFall or Underwater Waterfall as some ppl call it would have been perfect for this tank.
Eric Parra
Eric Parra - 7 years ago
With a nice bonsai tree comes a nice sand fall (waterfall)
Mark Krok
Mark Krok - 7 years ago
rhom or Dovii or few big cichlids
stephen grigor
stephen grigor - 7 years ago
i just filled my 6 foot tank water was clean but the next day its milky why is that there is just sub straight in the tank no fish yet
Harry Saunders
Harry Saunders - 7 years ago
Channa guchau
Rebecca Limonard
Rebecca Limonard - 7 years ago
Awesome! You can put a bamboo shark in or Dwarf Gouramis
Dimitry SP
Dimitry SP - 7 years ago
nice tank mate, we'd love to see 1 or two royal pleco there :), school of 10 or more cory catfish, and possibly any kind of pseudacanthicus plecs (:
Mat - 7 years ago
Wow I am so jealous!!!
Cameron Hunter
Cameron Hunter - 7 years ago
Submerged ship in aquarium

30. comment for OUR NEW 300 GALLON AQUARIUM!!

gold fish lover Elder
gold fish lover Elder - 7 years ago
a loge
Justin Cunningham
Justin Cunningham - 7 years ago
Get a peacock bass to put in the tank!!!
Jean-Pierre Moinard
Jean-Pierre Moinard - 7 years ago
Big aquarium good
Dakota L
Dakota L - 7 years ago
Put a pig nose turtle in the 300 they are amazing fully aquatic turtle
Evoscar 159
Evoscar 159 - 7 years ago
Phantomoose GAMer1987
Phantomoose GAMer1987 - 7 years ago
Do a saltwater with the 55 gallon
dtip4life 8472
dtip4life 8472 - 7 years ago
Fill it up with Altum angel fish and gouramis.
Flemming Engel
Flemming Engel - 7 years ago
1 135.62354 liter
Wallace Hendeson
Wallace Hendeson - 7 years ago
Hey not sure if you guys still manage comments here. But where did you buy your tank and what is a good price for this size aquarium? Very nice video guys! :)
Liam Jaramillo
Liam Jaramillo - 7 years ago
Be awesome if u guys put a green moray eel in there
Kyle Gardner
Kyle Gardner - 7 years ago
Sump looks a little small
twatbass - 7 years ago
too many ads
Kelly Bruce
Kelly Bruce - 7 years ago
how much for tank only
Cameron F924
Cameron F924 - 7 years ago
You should put some Pearch in the tank
ii Milos ii
ii Milos ii - 7 years ago
How much would a fishtank like that cost to be inbuilt into my wall?
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
That is an amazingly beautiful looking tank and that stand looks well made. Quality.
David Foster
David Foster - 7 years ago
That little space in your house is a perfect place for a badass aquarium!! Just came across your channel and subscribed. You both are great, can't wait to see more updates on the tank.
lol lol
lol lol - 7 years ago
where you buy huge tank and price???????
OllieEdmunds - 7 years ago
Liked and subscribed mainly because I love the channel but also the "nice" at 10:50 make me laugh out loud
RGBLACK black - 7 years ago
You got to put in the Avatar rocks at least for 5

50. comment for OUR NEW 300 GALLON AQUARIUM!!

徐 jike
徐 jike - 7 years ago
SoySauce Nosam
SoySauce Nosam - 7 years ago
How much was the tank
impokejon - 7 years ago
that's clearly acrylic
Chris The Hobby Guy
Chris The Hobby Guy - 7 years ago
That would be a wonderful saltwater reef tank....your friend "CHRIS THE HOBBY GUY"
Darth Vader
Darth Vader - 7 years ago
Awesome Tank! Even better wife! Congrats On Both :D Why have big fish? I think you should get smaller ones to give the fish more real estate. Make things colorful-natural and pretty (in my opinion). Its great your doing live plants! Why not do Clown fish, Lion fish, box fish, dwarf angels, anemones, purple tip frogspawn, crabs-snails-shrimp to aid janitorial work ect...

I would imagine the Bass gets claustrophobic even in the new tank. I personally think you should do a correlated reef tank with an assortment of different species rather than 2 or 3 big fish. But hey, to each their own! What ever you choose I'm sure will look amazing! :D
Miguel A. Aguilar
Miguel A. Aguilar - 7 years ago
I'm new to the aquarium hobby, so I'm eager to learn, look for information I came across your video WOW your tank is off the hook thank's for sharing
MIKE ALLEN - 7 years ago
What about the weight, your talking probably close to 3000 lbs fully loaded...did you add bracing in the basement?
Tanner Hagan
Tanner Hagan - 7 years ago
What happens if power goes out
Hayley Bayley
Hayley Bayley - 7 years ago
My friend is giving me a clown knife fish do I need a tank as big as yurs or can I pass with a 75 or 150 rite now he's the size like the size of yur forearm
COMIX INK - 7 years ago
would i nee 3 inches of substrate for a 10 gallonn
Wilcel Conde 21
Wilcel Conde 21 - 7 years ago
you should get a pacu or piranha
Matthew vlogs
Matthew vlogs - 7 years ago
How many pounds of gravel do you need to fill up a 55 gallon fish rank
jonas martin
jonas martin - 7 years ago
I love seeing water in a new tank sometime it takes to long though.
Zahir Barrett
Zahir Barrett - 7 years ago
Bamboo sharks
sendtorich - 7 years ago
why are you heating the tank for native fish? how cold is it there? is the heat for the live plants? btw - nice HUGE aquarium!
EnVision - 7 years ago
I love the clarity of acrylic tanks, but there just way to easy to scratch. Nice tank and cool bass.
Nonya Bizness
Nonya Bizness - 7 years ago
Fresh water???  Hmmm........
Fresh Falcon
Fresh Falcon - 7 years ago
Wow that is a big aquarium. I always get nervous that the stand can't hold all the weight. That is why I enjoy the aquarium from a safe distance.
DeRun Ren
DeRun Ren - 7 years ago
Where did you buy the acrylic tank and stand? I am planning on getting a 300g myself.
Roy lewis
Roy lewis - 7 years ago
Robert Lewter
Robert Lewter - 7 years ago
how much did that tank and stand combo cost? I'm guessing 10G? The kessils are over 1grand by themselves 600pds of substrate also. I have a 240gal wanted to upgrade to a larger system but the price is so much.
sharon terry
sharon terry - 7 years ago
what a nice tank.
Elijah Schkeiban
Elijah Schkeiban - 7 years ago
James Sharber
James Sharber - 7 years ago
what was the final price?
Dennis Hodgson
Dennis Hodgson - 7 years ago
That like 3600 lb. . Did you reinforce the floor ? Big tank .
Shelly Fruitt
Shelly Fruitt - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank! Where did you get it from?
R emy
R emy - 7 years ago
where did you get that tank at? if you dont mind me asking?
Nathan Focht
Nathan Focht - 7 years ago
put a shipwreck in it for hiding spots
michael lanphier
michael lanphier - 7 years ago
Tank appears to be Acrylic?
Nathian Alber
Nathian Alber - 7 years ago
Can you get another bluegill or 2
Pyasa Hyena
Pyasa Hyena - 7 years ago
Love your Accent, what kind is that?
Jorge Morales
Jorge Morales - 7 years ago
Hi what thickness is the acrylic? You have any idea of the tank`s weight? Great design thanks for sharing!
mark birchall
mark birchall - 7 years ago
Put in a soft shell turtle. They don't need to bask.
MARKLINMAN1 - 7 years ago
If you think that Acrylic tank is heavy, try a glass one, that's really HEAVY! I tell everyone, if you are going bigger than 150 acrylic is the way to go! Good job.
Ryan Mahana
Ryan Mahana - 7 years ago
WHat kind of Sump is that? I always see these complex things on videos yours looks simple and great
Ryan Mahana
Ryan Mahana - 7 years ago
Also if your adding other stuff why not crappie?
Mark Holloway
Mark Holloway - 7 years ago
Love their accents
lagunasR - 7 years ago
SlickChick - 7 years ago
Just wanted to pass a tip along for all my fellow fishophiles. If you have really large driftwood to boil and clean, get a commercial sized stock pot. Those suckers go up to 200 qts and you could cook a kid in there!
Andrew Keeton
Andrew Keeton - 7 years ago
you guys are awesome! really enjoy your videos, easy to understand for people who have no clue what it takes. Keep up the good work
boomboompow - 7 years ago
how much did u pay? i want
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
Do you have a basement or is this on a 1st story
CommUNITY - 7 years ago
you should put a baby manatee in there.
Kieran Bartlett
Kieran Bartlett - 7 years ago
Letnom Valie
Letnom Valie - 7 years ago
goal consciousness medium dramatic serious japanese usual person.
Sudeepto Das
Sudeepto Das - 7 years ago
Put a Mermaid with nice racks in there... and when she wants to breed .. give me a call!
tarukio - 7 years ago
Such a beautiful aquarium guys! I just wondering if you know a fish from South America called wolf fish (scientific name H. Malabaricus), is a predator, but kind of lay back so is really nice for aquariums. It might be an interesting addition to that tank!
I have several videos on my channel fishing them, take a look!
DNA malawi cichlid hub
DNA malawi cichlid hub - 7 years ago
love your channel, subbed!!! would u be kind enough to subscribe to my channel please
5665212 - 7 years ago
Those two boxes inside of your acquarium. Show the internal setup of them, please.
John Kennedy
John Kennedy - 7 years ago
I would like to buy this setup for $300
Bryan I
Bryan I - 7 years ago
Cut it on? Not sure I ever heard that before.

100. comment for OUR NEW 300 GALLON AQUARIUM!!

Jacques Penney
Jacques Penney - 7 years ago
How much is a tank this size
gebhardtt6858 - 7 years ago
Michael Thomas
Michael Thomas - 7 years ago
Where did you get the aquarium
Sameer Koshta
Sameer Koshta - 7 years ago
which mm using glass
Robert Fredericksen
Robert Fredericksen - 7 years ago
I know im late, but why not put a big pirate shipreck inside the huge tank, so they'd have some where to hide.
2jz Films
2jz Films - 7 years ago
I thought it was bad to get water out of the sink I thought it had chlorine in it?? ive got a pet bass in a 10 gallon right now he is about 4inches long and man he grows like a rocket. I am getting a 75 gallon tank soon and I don't want to make 20 trips to the pond to fill it up? help?!
Nicola Ruff
Nicola Ruff - 7 years ago
Add an underwater "waterfall," that would look so cool in this tank!
matt jones
matt jones - 7 years ago
Alabama football helmet for red to hide in
musicalmarion - 7 years ago
How much was it.. ?
sLyKnEzZ - 7 years ago
Ur supposed to wait for the primer to dry before applying the glue. LoL. Nice tank!
Willem Van Oranje
Willem Van Oranje - 7 years ago
congratz with the new tank adn greetings and respect from the Netherlands,Europe.
Mountain Fishing OutDoors
Mountain Fishing OutDoors - 7 years ago
Mountain Fishing OutDoors
Mountain Fishing OutDoors - 7 years ago
put in a Lily paf
Davileet T
Davileet T - 7 years ago
Couldn't have been that heavy. It is made out of acrylic is it not?
John M
John M - 7 years ago
What impressed me the most is how you two work as a team - Bravo!
Gabensy - 7 years ago
tropical. ..mixed
or fancy gold fish
Gabensy - 7 years ago
Don't have any friends who can help you or family
Donovan Meersma
Donovan Meersma - 7 years ago
you guys should watch King of DIY. he builds all sorts of aquariums of different sizes and he has fresh water fish and saltwater fish
The Tank Files
The Tank Files - 7 years ago
Nice tank! Would love a set up that big one day!
michael walker
michael walker - 7 years ago
it really really helps to use pipe cleaner before the primer but u don't have to. if u don't mind risking a leak. but u don't have to
Math Teacher
Math Teacher - 7 years ago
Man, are you sure that stand can hold 300 gals of water?
That stand doesn't look like it can hold 2400 lbs of water.
What kind of strength test did you perform on that stand?
Incredible aquarium.
Super Sayian
Super Sayian - 7 years ago
ⓘ ⓟⓔⓣ ⓟⓘⓚⓔ ⓣⓗⓐⓣ ⓦⓞⓤⓛⓓ ⓑⓔⓢⓘⓒⓚ
jerryjunoirmint - 7 years ago
need better lighting
brans - 7 years ago
nice tank what are the dimensions of it? what's the name of the pump u have?
Sarah Grassi
Sarah Grassi - 7 years ago
is this acrylic or glass.
J McCracken
J McCracken - 7 years ago
Smart husband admits his wife is the expert. That gets a a Thatta Boy
Jeff G
Jeff G - 7 years ago
Those accents are worth a subscribe!

Grats on the tank! Following!
JGO - 7 years ago
who built you tank and stand if you don't mind me asking. I'm in the market for a large aquarium
Roach Ant
Roach Ant - 7 years ago
Sunfish are the way to go! Pumpkinseed or long eared!
Dip Nation
Dip Nation - 7 years ago
I would put a war mouth in the tank
Sarena Leyva
Sarena Leyva - 7 years ago
just imagine like 500 neon tetras in there
Dan Letter
Dan Letter - 7 years ago
It seems to me that your putting dinner in a 6,000 dollar "Reef Tank". I'd love to see ya'll put the bass back in Logan Martin and build a coral reef.
BRYAN LEE - 7 years ago
How much 300 gallon cost ??? and Where i buy the tank ? THANKS
Adam Knopp
Adam Knopp - 7 years ago
Put in an arowana
Jordan M
Jordan M - 7 years ago
maybe get a black ghost knifefish. I love how they move, all ways wanted one, but they get to big for most. Also a coulorful pleco, like the zebra maybe.. (would be a nice contrast of black and white)
John Burgess
John Burgess - 7 years ago
That's just cruel. They grow to like 20", the tanks nowhere near big enough for it to be happy.
Darth Vader
Darth Vader - 7 years ago
black ghost knife fish are cool.. I had one that eventually bit the dust. Didn't understand the difference between salt, and fresh.. RIP Carl.. :*( and another one down, another one down, another one bites the dust! Hey! Im gonna get you, too. Another one bites the dust. Sorry - got caught up =/
Grant Mixer
Grant Mixer - 7 years ago
You should put like a old fishing rod or like a old tackle box in it
Noah Maez
Noah Maez - 7 years ago
Put a turtle in there
Mainak banik- monster fish lover
Mainak banik- monster fish lover - 7 years ago
Miguel Santiago
Miguel Santiago - 7 years ago
i like how she says bio balls LOL XD
Chris Mason
Chris Mason - 7 years ago
So you go to all the time and expense to have a 300 gallon tank to then fill it up with tap water??? If im wrong tell me but surely your tap water has chemicals in it? Surely you want to be using RO (Reverse Osmosis) water?
kyle prichard
kyle prichard - 7 years ago
Am I the only who think Liz is cute
Dale Ella Erica Zapanta
Dale Ella Erica Zapanta - 7 years ago
Do u need to wash the substrate you guys used?
BamaBass - 7 years ago
No, you can add it directly to the tank.
david diehl
david diehl - 7 years ago
You should tell people before they buy one this large check to make sure your floors can support the weight. Estimate this setup to weight almost 3 Tons.
Matt Thompson
Matt Thompson - 7 years ago
Are you going to run C02?
BamaBass - 7 years ago
Yes, installing our CO2 system now and will be showing it in the next video.
Tomahawk1999 - 7 years ago
Good Tank, bad fish. Get a bunch of discus if u can and light it up sir.
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
I'm new over here and I love it!
Kyle curbow
Kyle curbow - 7 years ago
Gilroy is a good name for your new Bluegill
slibby12 - 7 years ago
Love the southern accent Liz! You are a hottie! I would go saltwater, but the substrate needs to be sand for saltwater aquarium. Good luck and enjoy your massive tank!
4evainsomniac - 7 years ago
I would recommend a sand fountain so that u get the effect of a waterfall rolling off rocks.
RAD Aquatics
RAD Aquatics - 7 years ago
Nice!!!! I'd like to see a rivers edge biotope displaying the bass in their natural habitat. slight overhangs on the back wall, giving a outcrop effect. Along the center, large drift wood pieces (kinda how DIY Joey did the wood in his new tank). Tall grassy plants in the back corners for depth of field, with a couple of low growing plants at the points where the wood touches the sand. I hope that painted a nice mental picture.
Ryan Harrod
Ryan Harrod - 7 years ago
For the house make a small replica of ur house. Then put bamabass on it like comment below
Daybird Aviaries
Daybird Aviaries - 7 years ago
How cold do you keep your house that you need heaters for bass?
Jose Orozco
Jose Orozco - 7 years ago
Stevhan Hughes-Cgrenzhovo
Stevhan Hughes-Cgrenzhovo - 7 years ago
You folks are so lucky to be young and able to do this. When you are older and can really enjoy it, it will be the focal point in your home. I wish you many blessings with your new aquarium and many years of fish collection.
Milton Garcia
Milton Garcia - 7 years ago
What are the measurements of the aquarium???
What is the thickness of the glass???
Frankey Crawford
Frankey Crawford - 7 years ago
i want one
Dale Ella Erica Zapanta
Dale Ella Erica Zapanta - 7 years ago
How much money did you cost to buy all of those items.
Dale Ella Erica Zapanta
Dale Ella Erica Zapanta - 7 years ago
CharlieDwns - 7 years ago
I clicked on this video just to be envious.
peatkitt - 7 years ago
Do you think the substrate is too deep? Heard if its too much it might create anaerobic layer, causing poor plant growth.
Sree Reddy
Sree Reddy - 7 years ago
can u plz tell me the dimensions of that tank?
Isaac Story
Isaac Story - 7 years ago
What is the minimum size for a bass tank
Face - 7 years ago
Need to hard line that return pump with a vector return pump once you get a chance. Very quiet return pump. Also you can put some 1" foam board under the whole sump to keep it quiet.
Brandon DeVries
Brandon DeVries - 7 years ago
Fill it with skittles
xHMONG Gaming
xHMONG Gaming - 7 years ago
u should get some redtail cats or peacock bass. jungle vals. moss. another bass.
jack ervin
jack ervin - 7 years ago
Put the type of lure that you caught Bonnie & Clyde with, in there. (Hookless of course!) love your videos guys!
Kreger's Reef
Kreger's Reef - 7 years ago
Nice tank! Very cool that your wife gets right in there with you working on it.
Jessica Cook
Jessica Cook - 7 years ago
Those Pythons are a HUGE waste of water.
BassFishingLiz - 7 years ago
Jessica Cook I can agree with you if you're using a running faucet to take the water out. We output the water directly outside to our yard and garden so there's no waste of water. You can also take water out to your sink without hooking it up to the faucet. They are a huge savings in time dealing with water changes (and back aches from carrying buckets of water).
Elisabeth Arritt
Elisabeth Arritt - 7 years ago
I have a forty gallon that I haven't set up yet. would a python be a good investment?
BassFishingLiz - 7 years ago
After a few water changes using buckets you'll really want a python. It's so much quicker but you still have to stay right next to it to avoid taking too much water out or overfilling. I used buckets for about 2 years on our 55 gallon before investing in the python.
Dale J
Dale J - 7 years ago
it took 17 guys to move my 11 feet long into the house then 2 hydraulic 1,000 table lift to get it up to the stand . It was solid glass 1,400 lbs
The Real Widebar
The Real Widebar - 7 years ago
Freshwater Stingrays, Arowana's and Tiger Datnoids.
GogolBordelloLover - 7 years ago
He's so cute chasing your hand!
Rab Anderson
Rab Anderson - 7 years ago
I would slope the back substrate higher than the front. So you can view the inhabitants with ease.
Ps. Great looking aquarium man.Good luck with it!
neilhy - 7 years ago
WOW! What an awesome tank. Have subscribed to see the progress.
Keep up the good work. Best wishes from the UK.
Lonan C Blackwood
Lonan C Blackwood - 7 years ago
Maybe use stones or wood to make a fence, around or behind the house and put some small plants and ornaments in there. Give the crayfish a little garden. Could make him a little post that says welcome or something too.
Ro Jo
Ro Jo - 7 years ago
What about a clown knife?
Prince of Cichlids
Prince of Cichlids - 7 years ago
a rockwork background​ , like a rising pile of rocks in the background and the crevasses stuffed with hairgrass
heathermakeup18 - 7 years ago
Just curious.. how long did it take to fill the tank?
Wes Hamilton
Wes Hamilton - 7 years ago
beautiful tank!! im so jealous...how much did it cost u in the end? just for the tank n sump?
Hellathome - 7 years ago
I would have a large canister filter to that aquarium
David Thor
David Thor - 7 years ago
BamaBass, you should put your sign or logo in there somehow. Put a small dock up by the lights with a small action figure of you and Liz fishing. That'd be unique!
Al Z
Al Z - 7 years ago
What a Hottie.
s3cUl2i7y - 7 years ago
really nice tanks
Ken L
Ken L - 7 years ago
First off very nice. And 2nd I have a question did you add any support to the floor or the joists below that s a lot of weight just curious.
Abe Hostetter Jr
Abe Hostetter Jr - 7 years ago
I would make it look like a pond and have Bluegill and Crappie and Catfish in it. It would look so awesome. With driftwood and plants. thats just me...lol or I would make it a big Toad terrarium.
Hannah Hartmann
Hannah Hartmann - 7 years ago
A sand-waterfall would be really nice in the middle of the tank!
Ryan Duminiet
Ryan Duminiet - 7 years ago
This will make a stunning goldfish tank!
Miguel Torres De Jesus
Miguel Torres De Jesus - 7 years ago
another idea is make the tank your own fishig place where you could trap fish in own house selecting the fish you want
Miguel Torres De Jesus
Miguel Torres De Jesus - 7 years ago
if you don't like big fish you may do a huge comuty of fish such as : guppy,platy,molly,sword tail, and many others that you could have un this community that would be breeding and breeding
Miguel Torres De Jesus
Miguel Torres De Jesus - 7 years ago
you can put large goldfish,aruwana,bass , koi,axolote,pleco,cat fish or an apropiate size turtle you hace many space with really good plants you could advantage froom fish waste and you may put fish you trap
LAWSICK1 - 7 years ago
reef tank!!!
Pierce Allen
Pierce Allen - 7 years ago
Driftwood with plants growing on it for the bass
Hayden Adams
Hayden Adams - 7 years ago
Calmest voice on YouTube
Nigel Hobson
Nigel Hobson - 7 years ago
Put Liz in there. She's the best looking thing I've seen on this show so far.:)
Blake Ault
Blake Ault - 7 years ago
put some model cars or trucks or anything like that
Killer Shark
Killer Shark - 7 years ago
KeyStone Angler
KeyStone Angler - 7 years ago
King of DIY
Cody Warren
Cody Warren - 7 years ago
Tiger oscars
sathyan p
sathyan p - 7 years ago
Is that an acrylic tank? On the video he said it's a glass tank. If it's glass the finish is really really good. There is no silicone seam. And where did you get the tank and stand? Stand looks solid
JackAttackOutdoors - 7 years ago
You should put some bullfrogs and lily padd
David Betancourts aquariums
David Betancourts aquariums - 7 years ago
beautiful tank!
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 7 years ago
I dig it! 5 commercials in 13 minutes is killin me though!
John Burgess
John Burgess - 7 years ago
Broke Yakin I got no commercials.
Denis Rousseau
Denis Rousseau - 7 years ago
hope youf floor has ben reinforced!
mr sherburt
mr sherburt - 7 years ago
congrats on the huge ass tank
Down south Cichlids
Down south Cichlids - 7 years ago
Sagara Extra
Sagara Extra - 7 years ago
put in a path stepping stones
Avsfreak24 - 7 years ago
Get more bass. Or more Bluegill or craw fish
chris revels
chris revels - 7 years ago
Moss,Moss,Moss. Christmas moss or Java moss. there's many to choice from.
chris revels
chris revels - 7 years ago
also frogs tail pleco I believe its #L1333. Rams horns to help clean the fish waste. the better the ecosystem the less of a water change you have to do. just watch your lighting lengths. take care hope all works out well.
Bassassins - 7 years ago
If you're wanting live plants your best bet is to run Co2 and high lighting. Without it they can't go through photosynthesis
Northwestern Reefer
Northwestern Reefer - 7 years ago
wow that's awesome. I have subbed
Drew Bunn
Drew Bunn - 7 years ago
Put a catfish, small mouth bass, bluegill, common carp, or a tench
Drew Bunn
Drew Bunn - 7 years ago
Can you do a give away for your 55 gallon tank
TheCheesewalrus - 7 years ago
really great tank. since you asked what we'd like to see... i'd like to see you guys add gfci wall outlets in to protect you in the event of a electrical problem :)
Yohan Nicholas
Yohan Nicholas - 7 years ago
Nathaniel Hernandez
Nathaniel Hernandez - 7 years ago
How much did all that cost
Taylor - 7 years ago
I did mine for free.
dustin millard
dustin millard - 7 years ago
How about rosco Sherrif or bo or gilly
SuperMaxhazard - 7 years ago
U should put a red tailed catfish in there or mabye a arowana!
SuperMaxhazard - 7 years ago
Where did you get it?
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
That's gonna be an epic tank. Maybe some sunfish until the bass are too big for tankmates?
Andrew Fishbaugher
Andrew Fishbaugher - 7 years ago

Should do this parked at the house you guys are doing and it could be like bonnie and clydes hide out.
X-SpArTaN-X_DJ - 7 years ago
LOL lot of weight on your floor there.
SBdunks3 - 7 years ago
10:49 L M F A O!
Ryan Lindsey
Ryan Lindsey - 7 years ago
a sucken ship
S ensational
S ensational - 7 years ago
You should Try Something New like A Saltwater Tank. Coral And stuff like that.
But Its for Bonnie and Clyde.
Clayton Wood
Clayton Wood - 7 years ago
maybe some river cats that can't get big or some turtles!
Rob Fern
Rob Fern - 7 years ago
Beautiful setup! That tank looks like it is acrylic. Am I right? Who build your tank if you do not mind me asking? I am looking for exactly the same setup/tank like yours. Thanks! Sub'd.
WillIsNotDead - 7 years ago
having a tank like that would be a dream come true!
tim Bieber
tim Bieber - 7 years ago
Dan Han
Dan Han - 7 years ago
Doesn't your crawfish eat all the plants? That's my only concern...
Ace Scale Modeling
Ace Scale Modeling - 7 years ago
you should have a ship wreak spot
Fish life
Fish life - 7 years ago
I have a question with the water being gravity fed into the sump and pumped back into the tank what would happen if the pump was to malfunction or a blackout what would stop the water from still filling the sump or would it over flow
BassFishingLiz - 7 years ago
joseph cuschieri no problem. Yeah the black boxes are the "overflow". It honestly took me a little while to understand what was going to happen before we turned the pump on for the first time. It's a great design to avoid a flooded house.
Fish life
Fish life - 7 years ago
Ok i worked that out as i said in my next comment but thanks alot for explaining sorry for the hassle i have fancy goldfish myself but still love you videos thanks
BassFishingLiz - 7 years ago
joseph cuschieri yep, hard to explain without showing you bc it is a little hard to imagine. The overflow only takes in water from the display tank at the top where the little cut outs are. For one, when the water level in the display tank gets below those slots no more water will go into the overflow. Secondly, the pipe that siphons the water going into the sump from the overflow is about 2"-3" below the water line. When the water isn't flowing into the overflow and gets below that pipe the siphon gets broken and no more water can go out of the overflow into the sump. At 5:46 you can see we're putting together the tubing for the overflow that siphons the water. It goes into the upside down "U" tube. We'll make a video!
Fish life
Fish life - 7 years ago
hi again ive worket out how you have done it ,it has to do with the black square box in the corner on the inside of the tank.
Fish life
Fish life - 7 years ago
hi still not sure what you mean if the water is gravity cyphoned into the sump and the pump stops working what shuts of the water that is being cyphoned into the sump plus i love your videos keep em coming
BassFishingLiz - 7 years ago
joseph cuschieri good question and I hope to actually show this in a future video. The suction is broken when the pump goes off and the water drains into the sump. It's the way the overflows and their piping are designed. The water level rises about 1"-2" in the sump so we make sure to have the water level low enough to allow for this.
Lauren Parrish
Lauren Parrish - 7 years ago
why would you want pet bass?? i couldn't think of a duller fish to own as pets. just because you can - doesnt mean you should. jus sayin.
alex munoz
alex munoz - 7 years ago
you guys are a savage couple
Fishing Nate
Fishing Nate - 7 years ago
You realize how much weight your adding to your floor? 2500lbs - 3000lbs Could ruin your floor.
Tony Sierra
Tony Sierra - 7 years ago
put dock pilings in there
Ga.KayakAngler - 7 years ago
I just purchased multiple baits from your shop. I love how you point out your favorite colors, when to use them, and how to work them. Thanks for your knowledge! btw... I found you through 1rod (Mike). Both excellent channels!!!
JigMaster - 7 years ago
Can you do a boat tour?
The Fish Closet
The Fish Closet - 7 years ago
would u consider doing a video focusing on the canopy. lookin to build one for my 125ga. Cheers.
The Fish Closet
The Fish Closet - 7 years ago
oh and may I suggest driftwood as a nice decoration. doesn't have to be store bought, get a big ol' peice and run it the length of the aquarium, u could even crazy glue a bunch of Java fern on it the way through. careful with crayfish and plants, they have a reputation for loving to eat them.
Night Wolf
Night Wolf - 7 years ago
you guys are the best!
Ethan Hollis
Ethan Hollis - 7 years ago
put some littlie logs in it
Damion Haines
Damion Haines - 7 years ago
You using sink water for that??
Lord Monkey Boy
Lord Monkey Boy - 7 years ago
Damion Haines they make a solution to take out the chemicals
Andrew Crank
Andrew Crank - 7 years ago
i would put a hollow log in the middle with bamabass abd your logo carved into it. awesome tank, good enough room for bonnie and Clyde and of course cray cray lol.
The Phantom
The Phantom - 7 years ago
Put in a ele
Fishin Bros
Fishin Bros - 7 years ago
And put some clown loaches in
Fishin Bros
Fishin Bros - 7 years ago
Make a sand water fall in the 300 gallon
Grillz Masterz
Grillz Masterz - 7 years ago
Not to sound disrespectful, but your wife is hawt!
Lane Feierfeil
Lane Feierfeil - 7 years ago
You should put a little log or stick that is hollow that the fish out crawfish can go in
DeRun Ren
DeRun Ren - 7 years ago
is this 30" tall or 24"?
BassFishingLiz - 7 years ago
DeRun Ren 30"
james holley
james holley - 7 years ago
Put live frogs in there and some hydrila :)
Kyle Hill
Kyle Hill - 7 years ago
You should get someone to make a red tracker boat and a floating dock to put in there so there can be a big bass under it cuz every time I see your videos I see that dock and the red boat, also just seeing you with 1 rod too but just subbed to you channel now
Shaden0040 - 7 years ago
Add some water lilies for sure that will bloom and spread lily pads on the surface. The bass will love to hide under those. And I don't need a package if you use my idea, but thanks for the thought! :)
Midwest Bass Masters
Midwest Bass Masters - 7 years ago
More vids like this
Animal King
Animal King - 7 years ago
Dicus fish those would look cool bass is a waste
swiftie 13
swiftie 13 - 7 years ago
7 asian arowanas
Fishing society
Fishing society - 7 years ago
how fast does dwarf hair grass grow
pepenaker - 7 years ago
what a waste ugly aquarium
John Burgess
John Burgess - 7 years ago
Olushola Taiwo well considering it was probably round $3000 he's got a bit of a point.
Olushola Taiwo
Olushola Taiwo - 7 years ago
mentalist98 - 7 years ago
you could put the bonsai in the center surrounded by carpetting plants, maybe dwarf sag? would look really simplistic but nice
sagatbalrog - 7 years ago
thumbs up if liz is hot as fuk
Rhett Taylor
Rhett Taylor - 7 years ago
you should put some big rocks in there and have it look like a river bottom with the plants and everything
Pond Hopping Oklahoma
Pond Hopping Oklahoma - 7 years ago
Hollow log that stretches the length with a few holes and some moss on top with a few snagged lures
James Garner
James Garner - 7 years ago
Some type of rock cave and a small channel cat
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 7 years ago
omg yes looks gorgeous!!!
trell-knight hernandez
trell-knight hernandez - 7 years ago
don't think plants will work with those big fish
LORD OF GAMING - 7 years ago
James M.
James M. - 7 years ago
You should put a dog in the tank
Bob Ross
Bob Ross - 7 years ago
A 55 Buick.
Michel Carrasquel
Michel Carrasquel - 7 years ago
Awesome, I want the plants to grow great, Good luck!
Leroy Sinclair
Leroy Sinclair - 7 years ago
A bunch of small fish
ELITE'BASSIN' TV - 7 years ago
Put snails in there! They also will really help with algae!!
WYATT HAUGEN - 7 years ago
U should add like a crappie bluegill or something like that but that's big enough the bass don't eat it
Drew Ivory
Drew Ivory - 7 years ago
I have a 90 gallon tank and I am thinking about stocking it with fish from Florida (where I am from). I think putting a largemouth bass in there would overload the system, but do you think maybe some bluegill's and sunfish would be more within the tanks bio load?
marvelous fishing
marvelous fishing - 7 years ago
1050. nice hahaha
marvelous fishing
marvelous fishing - 7 years ago
wow your thats cool
Jessica Bell
Jessica Bell - 7 years ago
Waterproof fan art
Robert Ranciato
Robert Ranciato - 7 years ago
no offense but I have no idea why someone would want a 300 gallon tank in their living room with bass in it I just don't see the beauty in freshwater .Only reef aquariums
Jacob Krueger
Jacob Krueger - 7 years ago
Put an underwater volcano thing from Finding Nemo!!
j l
j l - 7 years ago
I would put Bonnie's poem on a piece of wood inside the aquarium.
Some day they’ll go down together;
And they’ll bury them side by side,
To a few it’ll be grief—
To the law a relief—
But it’s death for Bonnie and Clyde.
These Cichlids
These Cichlids - 7 years ago
driftwood. check my channel
alabamafishinkid - 7 years ago
You should do a meet up at Bass Pro in Spanish Fort.
Dos Maiz
Dos Maiz - 7 years ago
Is that glass or acrylic tank? looks acrylic.
eddiekytia - 7 years ago
I would put a old rotten lookin boat dock with pilings thats falling apart and sinking under the water! It would look sick! Maybe a foot and a half or 2 foot at top of surface then a foot or 2 sinking
eddiekytia - 7 years ago
Would love to see a section of tall jungle val with a little pickerel
Jonathan Kirby
Jonathan Kirby - 7 years ago
Crimson and Tide the bluegill breams!
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
Wow, those fish are really moving on up.

Uhm, did you make her say balls on purpose?
Eugene Barthmallow
Eugene Barthmallow - 7 years ago
An Asian arowana
faizan shaikh
faizan shaikh - 7 years ago
you did not say what all new plants you are getting for your 300 gallon aquarium
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
wow that looks awesome
Bob Ross
Bob Ross - 7 years ago
your sump seems a little undersized.
Pete B
Pete B - 7 years ago
Awesome tank! My idea would to have one side with no plants just substrate and maybe some branches reaching out into the open area.

Maybe get some native schooling fish and hiding areas for them. I don't know if that would work but some kind of other native fish would be cool. I really like sunfish, I think one would be a great addition.
Zzz - 7 years ago
Get an asian ariwana
xXxLAOSTAxXx - 7 years ago
you guys need an underwater waterfall
Walker Ward
Walker Ward - 7 years ago
You should make a spot where you can test out your baits and lures.
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 7 years ago
Great tank. i kept bass and blue gills as a kid. I'd add a school of sunfish before moving Bonnie & Clyde. their colors are awesome. . Oh yeah, and a nice sized stump for them to swim around
Ryan Colley
Ryan Colley - 7 years ago
There weren't quite enough ads in this 13 minute video....can you 6 or 7 more?
Aquatic Aquatos
Aquatic Aquatos - 7 years ago
do a planted tank with hundreds of variety of schooling fish. It'll look the best
slash boom
slash boom - 7 years ago
cant believe they were able to move it , i oved my 150 gallons with 7 people and my shit nearly came out thru my eyes :)
Tanzyn Crawford
Tanzyn Crawford - 7 years ago
When you put the planted substrate in did you put something on top of just want to know because I'm getting my first Aquarium soon
tea glass
tea glass - 7 years ago
love the tank and fish
Nathan Griffith
Nathan Griffith - 7 years ago
Very cool! Will be taking notes from all of these videos.
Dra Liene
Dra Liene - 7 years ago
Fill a 300 gallon tank with guppies and corys.
Cody Johnson
Cody Johnson - 7 years ago
You should but a bullhead in there and add some plecos
Midwest Monster Hunter
Midwest Monster Hunter - 7 years ago
do a couple nice size black crappie or a few pumpkinseeds
Midwest Monster Hunter
Midwest Monster Hunter - 7 years ago
or a replica Bonnie and Clyde car
TheJOKERS my dad
TheJOKERS my dad - 7 years ago
a fire eel or even a giant gourami fish would be pretty cool and they have personalities, and in my 125 I put Java Moss I would recommend not adding Java Moss it's everywhere and I have to cut it every month. Another cool fish to get is maybe an albino catfish I've seen them in public aquariums and there pretty also if you were going for a pond them they would fit in
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 7 years ago
Great video, great tank. May I asked the price?
Eleight 420
Eleight 420 - 7 years ago
So great to see people really provide the best possible care for these kinds of fish in captivity, and actually follow through with their plans to upgrade. I have a huge love for the fish keeping hobby (I keep tropical and native), and I am so looking forward to seeing this tank progress!
Tom's Reef
Tom's Reef - 7 years ago
amazing set-up !! subed !!!
DARK WATER - 7 years ago
Put a ship in it so they look like monster fish
Devin Lusk
Devin Lusk - 7 years ago
A miniature Titanic!! or a tackle and bait shop!!
Jacob Dickey
Jacob Dickey - 7 years ago
I would do a small Alligator Gar and a nice 8pt deer skull. The skull would give the blue gill and and the crawfish a neat place to hide.

Slate rock and driftwood for decoration.
Native Fish Keepers
Native Fish Keepers - 7 years ago
You should have marble or stone letters cut to spell out BamaBass to put in the tank. Also if you are really into native tanks you should checkout my channel.
Ulises Minotto
Ulises Minotto - 7 years ago
Why do people buy acrylic tanks? Acrylic scratches just by looking at it.
something to do about nothing
something to do about nothing - 7 years ago
can you tell me how thick the acrylic is on that aquarium? I build with acrylic all the time and I'm always curious how others do it. thanks.
DCee - 7 years ago
First time I watched this channel and is there anyone on
this planet that can say bio balls better than her!  Her southern tone is one of the best. Nice
tank by the way.
noelleonnoelleon - 7 years ago
how much is that complete setup cost?
Chaz D
Chaz D - 7 years ago
You broke rule #1 when it comes to setting up big tanks....always fill and water test BEFORE moving tank inside. Ya'll got lucky.
inventoryking - 7 years ago
That is am awesome size tank
Kaltrina Demiri
Kaltrina Demiri - 7 years ago
Would a turtle get along with the Bass? Seems like a cool thing.. wait you got that crayfish (think thats what it is) so probably not a good idea lol.. but add a huge pleco!
edwardsdeacon - 7 years ago
A couple things to consider would be a UV sterilizer which will keep your fish healthier by eliminating viruses and it will also keep the algae down which equates to less cleaning. Also putting in a wave maker/ pump to keep the surface of the water moving enough. I would also incorporate a load of lava rock which will do a much better job at bio-filtration then the bio- balls which take a much longer time to be colonized by beneficial bacteria and do much less overall. One more thing to consider. Depending on the plants you decide to use some will be column feeders and some will be substrate feeders. So the column feeders will need additional food/nutrients put directly into the water while the substrate feeders will overtime need the substrate recharged. I wish you well with your aquarium!!!
Michael Mitchell
Michael Mitchell - 7 years ago
gotta have a huge piece of driftwood guys!.... beautiful tank
Texas Bass & Cats
Texas Bass & Cats - 7 years ago
Can you put fish in an aquarium that you've had snakes in?
Steve Gerber
Steve Gerber - 7 years ago
Did u have to reinforce the floor, with all that extra weight.
123 4
123 4 - 7 years ago
put a fishing rod inside the tank
jbryhan - 7 years ago
Is your mechanical filtration built into the bio ball area of the sump? It was hard to tell from the video.
jbryhan - 7 years ago
Ok. I was worried for half a second when you said water comes into the filter here and it just looked like a mass of bio balls.
BassFishingLiz - 7 years ago
jbryhan yes, it's in the section above the bio balls. We'll make sure to show it in our next video.
Torrence Sanders
Torrence Sanders - 7 years ago
where did you get the fish tank from
Daniel Gilmore
Daniel Gilmore - 7 years ago
That is no where near enough filtration for that size of a tank.
shannon pinnix
shannon pinnix - 7 years ago
catfish, gar, and bass
Uhm - 7 years ago
Witch light is good for low growing plants
Roberto Luongo
Roberto Luongo - 7 years ago
ur girl has a nice bum
J_KASH_27 - 7 years ago
Please tell me your girl wasn't spraying the inside of the tank with cleaner stuff . Yikes. Be careful lol might kill all living things wen in.there. .
But crazy beautiful tank
J_KASH_27 - 7 years ago
Oh nice yea lol I was kinda scared . Wish I had a tank that size .One day. Keep it up
BassFishingLiz - 7 years ago
J_KASH_27 I was using straight water. I pointed that out in the video!
Luke Garrett
Luke Garrett - 7 years ago
Put some shad In there and sunfish because sunfish and blue gill are a lot different and you should put rocks in there and catfish and possibly small mouth and maybe hydrilla
Luke Garrett
Luke Garrett - 7 years ago
And maybe perch and crappie
Luke Garrett
Luke Garrett - 7 years ago
And maybe perch and crappie
hotrodvdub - 7 years ago
That wet dry is way too small for a 300 gallon. Invest in a better sump setup or consider supplementing filtration with a large canister like a fluval fx6 or an eheim 2262. Also throw out those garbage bio balls and use something like biohome or marinepure. Tons more surface area available for bacteria to thrive.
John Franklin
John Franklin - 7 years ago
Save money and use lava rock instead of bio balls. It is very porous and makes a very good bio filter media. I agree with the comments that the sump filter tank is much too small for that size aquarium.
John Burgess
John Burgess - 7 years ago
My wet/dry is twice that size and it's on a tanks 2/3rd smaller. That filter is too small for the tank I'd think. What is the flow rate on it?
You can never have too much filtration.
SlickChick - 7 years ago
Heh, could save money by making your own fluidized sand filters. One pound of sand is good for 100 gallons. Best surface area ever.
Jake - 7 years ago
Make sure to give that big tank about 2-3 weeks to cycle completely before making the transfer. We made a similar mistake with my best friends LMB from a 55 to a 250 and he almost didnt make it because of the nitrifying bacteria not being established enough to handle his bioload.
BassFishingLiz - 7 years ago
Jake we're working on it! We also have media from the 55 gallon to help with the cycle.
James Red
James Red - 7 years ago
you should put a treasure chest or something along those lines in there!
Tyler Johnson
Tyler Johnson - 7 years ago
Who should get a couple crappie
queef - 7 years ago
Honestly I think the bare bottom looks awesome!
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 7 years ago
man that's a small fortune in substrate alone
Thomas Kelly
Thomas Kelly - 7 years ago
hi I'm redoing my 2 55s the substrait do you need to vacuum it as you do gravel?
Jordan atherton
Jordan atherton - 7 years ago
Plus maybe a grass type.theme on the floor
UofA - 7 years ago
UofA - 7 years ago
Some bass mounts or other species would look good on the wall above it
Nick Putz
Nick Putz - 7 years ago
Also an underwater cave system
Nick Putz
Nick Putz - 7 years ago
Flathead catfish!
William Johnson
William Johnson - 7 years ago
make a waterproof bass replica and put it in the tank that would be so cool
Sky's Fishroom
Sky's Fishroom - 7 years ago
why do you feed your fish live food? isn't that had for the fish because it can give fish diseases?
Sky's Fishroom
Sky's Fishroom - 7 years ago
have you tried training it on pellet i've seen people do that
BassFishingLiz - 7 years ago
Sky's Fishroom bass won't eat dead or dried food.
William Johnson
William Johnson - 7 years ago
Turn the other tank into a bluegill and other small sunfish tank
Jordan atherton
Jordan atherton - 7 years ago
Maybe some drift wood with holes in it so fish can hide and swim through it and tie plants to it so it stands out like moss and taller plants get some floating plants , now this isn't a plant but it will upgrade the view of your tank tremendously ,one the matches the style of your tank and maybe if you want make a sand waterfall on the wall or of it and it doesn't have to be sand it can be gravel or anything and also get bubble led wand if you don't know what it is research it oh and some tiny plants for the ground.
Ranjit Mukherjee
Ranjit Mukherjee - 7 years ago
Thank you for uploading this video and the step by step guide on setting up this awesome tank. One quick question.. apart from the obvious cost benefits, is there any reason why you opted for glass instead of acrylic? I've got an used acrylic tank myself and now in two minds on whether invest time to repair and set it up or exchange it for a smaller new glass tank. Any suggestions will be much appreciated. Thanks again
Ranjit Mukherjee
Ranjit Mukherjee - 7 years ago
Ohh, my bad. Thought you said its glass and very heavy, hence my question. Mine is 78 inches molded one but needs some repair and polishing. Hope, I muster up enough motivation to get that done. Thanks for keeping the spirit up. Keep em coming!
BamaBass - 7 years ago
This is an acrylic tank. It is our first so I can't give much advice other than we are happy with it so far.
aquaticpimp - 7 years ago
Wow, can't wait to see the tanks scape an how happy the bass will be. Just subbed, awesome stuff.
jake lapina
jake lapina - 7 years ago
U should put hair grass to carpet the bottom of the aquarium
BamaBass - 7 years ago
Liz is planting dwarf hair grass as we speak!
Chris Little
Chris Little - 7 years ago
when you were putting your piping together, it looked like you just primed it and stuck it together... did you use any glue at all?
Chris Little
Chris Little - 7 years ago
Gotcha, all I saw was the primer on the pipes and got worried for you lol
BassFishingLiz - 7 years ago
Chris Little yes, they were all primed and glued.
TotalNick41 - 7 years ago
whered you get the tank from?
Parker Mcclintock
Parker Mcclintock - 7 years ago
get a catfish
Glassic Gamer
Glassic Gamer - 7 years ago
Why not set the sump to drain into two sock filters then have it go over your bio-balls? Otherwise what may occur is you will negate any of the helpful properties of the bio balls by having them jammed up with detritus which should have been pre-filtered by another media first.
Glassic Gamer
Glassic Gamer - 7 years ago
That's one great thing about a sump you don't need as many heaters to warm it up. I can't wait to see the future progress on this aquarium its amazing :)
BassFishingLiz - 7 years ago
Glassic Gamer the heaters are in the sump. We don't need them all right now so we only have 1 in there so far.
Glassic Gamer
Glassic Gamer - 7 years ago
Very nice setup amazing sized aquarium :) Have you thought about just placing all of the heaters in the sump to reduce the amount of heaters you need and power bill? or going with a inline heater off the sump?
BamaBass - 7 years ago
We are using a mat style filter that sits on top of the bio balls and filters the water before it ever gets to the balls. I will show it in our next video.
Lei Wang
Lei Wang - 7 years ago
Where do you get the tank?
Logan Eisenhart
Logan Eisenhart - 7 years ago
You outta get some java fern. It grows really nicely and gets pretty thick. It would look good along the overflow corners
Jack Rogers
Jack Rogers - 7 years ago
Maybe loads of real plants from the lake they were caught at and a small under water cave
Emerson White
Emerson White - 7 years ago
New to the channel. Why would you need a heater for bass? How cold does it get inside your house?
BassFishingLiz - 7 years ago
Emerson White good question! The water is pretty steady right now around 73 without heaters. Bass prefer around 78 so we'll probably be upping it before we moved them in. We're still setting up and getting the tank cycled right now.
Sam Keats
Sam Keats - 7 years ago
I see you have bio balls in your sump for biological filtration but what about mechanical filtration? I don't really see any foams or matts to get the solids out
Rob Fern
Rob Fern - 7 years ago
Agree! Please show us more about this tank and the fish. Getting ready to buy a 300 gal tank in August
Sam Keats
Sam Keats - 7 years ago
BamaBass nice! Can't wait to see the next video loving the tank btw
BamaBass - 7 years ago
We have the filter mats that sit on top of the bio balls. It filters out the water before it reaches the bio balls. I will show them in our next video.
Dylan Smith
Dylan Smith - 7 years ago
maybe try a small underwater cave.. as natural looking as posible
Havoc K
Havoc K - 7 years ago
what sump pump did u use?
JR Patilan Gaming
JR Patilan Gaming - 7 years ago
3 500 watt heaters? WOW lol
davehanny - 7 years ago
i would love to see a northern pike in the aquarium!
Chris Stevenson
Chris Stevenson - 7 years ago
clown knife fish or a blue crawfish to go with red,one
Martin Dwinell
Martin Dwinell - 7 years ago
whats your GPH for the sump pump also this tank looks amazing cant wait to see it scaped out.
BamaBass - 7 years ago
We have an adjustable pump but I think we have settled around 1200 GPH.
Davonte Martin
Davonte Martin - 7 years ago
You should get a nice piece of drift wood and a pleco they get large so it'll fill up space plus it eats on the wood
TheOnlyMagikarp - 7 years ago
Davonte Martin theyd need floating basket spots and a uv lamp
Davonte Martin
Davonte Martin - 7 years ago
Or put a musk turtle in there
DJ Jones
DJ Jones - 7 years ago
AquariumCop - 7 years ago
adorable couple, Amazon tank and silly kitty cat! !!!!!!
Mitchell - 7 years ago
Hey, I have a suggestion for fish stocking, I would say a clown knife fish for sure. They usually range from 18-24 inches in captivity, so as long as your tank's width is 24in then he would be able to fit.

Another suggestion is Ornate Bichir. These guys look very much alike to dinosaurs, and reach up to 24in long aswell.
Eddie Ragan
Eddie Ragan - 7 years ago
No mechanical or chemical filtration? for something that sized I would definitely get better stuff to put in the sump
BamaBass - 7 years ago
Yes we have a mat filter that sits on top of the bio balls. I will show it in our next video.
cichlid mad
cichlid mad - 7 years ago
great tank. 8 foot long wow . your fish will love it.
Mmc Pane
Mmc Pane - 7 years ago
Liz is hot
potato potato
potato potato - 7 years ago
A LOT of cardinal tetras
Frank Dominguez
Frank Dominguez - 7 years ago
you should make it a Mangrove themed tank with lots of driftwood and plants.
Charles Walls
Charles Walls - 7 years ago
Where did you purchase your set up
Alex Guerra
Alex Guerra - 7 years ago
With old fish tank make a food farm for the bass
Riley Fisher
Riley Fisher - 7 years ago
put an old zebco rod and reel down there and make it look real old and stuff
Salt Boy
Salt Boy - 7 years ago
Turtles would be nice!
John Keating
John Keating - 7 years ago
On the back of the aquarium you should put a java moss wall. So it looks like nature.
John Keating
John Keating - 7 years ago
i think black crappie would be cool
RSD Outdoors
RSD Outdoors - 7 years ago
Put a hydrowave sound system to watch how the fish react to the different levels of sound
justin white
justin white - 7 years ago
Standing timber in the tank
Joshua Linville
Joshua Linville - 7 years ago
Rocks, fake coral, a little bed for the bass, or a designated feeding area
Justin Kuhns
Justin Kuhns - 7 years ago
Put in a fishing rod at the bottom
Stuart Pittman
Stuart Pittman - 7 years ago
feeding leaches to the bass
Colorado Duck Hunter
Colorado Duck Hunter - 7 years ago
How much for all that?  looks great
Chase Tedder
Chase Tedder - 7 years ago
Hi, BamaBass I loved the video! I myself have had largemouth bass in a fish tank for about 3yrs now and I'm sure you know as I do, they are fun and constantly hungry fish! My setup is a 75-gallon tank and along with the bass, I have found that the fish that gets along best with my bass is either species of crappie. My crappie is pretty docile and the bass never bother him as he is close to the same size as them, along with them is my 2 big crawfish that are just big enough so that the bass does not eat them. My thoughts about your tank are that it is absolutely amazing! If you want my opinion on what I think you should do, it would be to maybe find a little "NO FISHING" sign to put in there. Another thing that I plan on doing to my tank is to add some lure decor by attaching some hard baits(no hooks obviously) to some structure or have them float around to really capture that pond/lake feel and look to your water. Hope this helps, keep up the awesome job! and as always God Bless! -Chase Tedder
Fish I Must
Fish I Must - 7 years ago
How much sub-floor bracing did you have to do to carry all that weight?
the juju show
the juju show - 7 years ago
You should put a little moss flat
Michael Appiah-Kubi
Michael Appiah-Kubi - 7 years ago
i just wanna marry a woman who doesn't mind getting her nails dirty. Hats off to Liz.
Rocky Mountain Outdoorsman
Rocky Mountain Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
or a picasimus
Rocky Mountain Outdoorsman
Rocky Mountain Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
put a turtle in there
Derek Fisher
Derek Fisher - 7 years ago
I think a tree stump would be a good idea.
Texas Bass Freak
Texas Bass Freak - 7 years ago
Some small Lilly Pads??!!
Foley Outdoors
Foley Outdoors - 7 years ago
make a house out of a old tackle box or fake tackle box, with your name and logo on it.
Upchurch786 - 7 years ago
I think it would be cool if you added something like a sunken model bass boat!
Outcast Outdoors
Outcast Outdoors - 7 years ago
If you take dark or rock colored shiny aquarium backing paper, cut larger than the needed to be flat against the back. (Aprox. 6-12" of overhang on all sides) Then crumple it all up and attach it only by the edges (like a box) leaving space between the glass and paper. This will give the subtle illusion of the inside of a cave(s) adding depth and hiding the flatness of the back glass. You can try it with a small piece of the paper to get the idea. BTW, your house looks very nice.
elridge pereira
elridge pereira - 7 years ago
which is the best system overflaw or suction in 4ft plant aqurium
Justin Stuart
Justin Stuart - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank but why just two ugly old bass, could think of a ton of more colourful fish for that tank.
Oakland-A's-Diehard - 7 years ago
You should put a replica of the license plate from the 1934 Ford model 730 that Bonnie & Clyde died in..
Landon - 7 years ago
What editing software do you use? I'm trying to find a good one so any suggestions would be great. Thanks
BamaBass - 7 years ago
Final Cut Pro X
85krink - 7 years ago
Well I just talked myself out of an aquarium when I move but this video may change my mind. You should tastefully put a broken rod/reel in there with your favorite (hookless) lure tied to it.
Tom C
Tom C - 7 years ago
How do you know the floor can hold the weight? when all is said and done it has to be over a ton.
BassFishingLiz - 7 years ago
Tom C it's a slab foundation
85krink - 7 years ago
Tom C weight of the H2O is over 2500lbs. Looking at an easy 3k lbs
Hawksfan3986 - 7 years ago
Awesome, I'm excited to see how it turns out! A tree and some brush would take up some room and add to the pond environment you're going for. And maybe something that relates to Bonnie and Clyde like a car or money for fun
Tim Schaaf
Tim Schaaf - 7 years ago
Put the car Bonnie and Clyde used as a getaway car in the tank
mike warner
mike warner - 7 years ago
I subbed to see what ya do with the tank
gone fishin
gone fishin - 7 years ago
Y'all need bluegills and shiners in there
Jacob Eversole
Jacob Eversole - 7 years ago
How much did that aquarium cost?
Tylar Stewart
Tylar Stewart - 7 years ago
maybe a small catfish or
maicon D
maicon D - 7 years ago
i know your gana put a fake frog with those lillypads!
burque bassin
burque bassin - 7 years ago
awesome tank glad to see the upgrade... What about adding a sand waterfall or underwater waterfall?(if you haven't seen or heard of it search it on youtube) have one in my brackish puffer tank pretty cool...
Arnie Can
Arnie Can - 7 years ago
Some blue gills would be nice
DoubleUpFishing - 7 years ago
Nick Peters
Nick Peters - 7 years ago
in the tank you can put a replica of one of your favorite baits for decoration
Cindy Mominee
Cindy Mominee - 7 years ago
make a dank water pump
Avi Soncino
Avi Soncino - 7 years ago
put in a trout
Avi Soncino
Avi Soncino - 7 years ago
Kevin Dunse Outdoors, correct it was just a joke, once i saw a largemouth eat a baby trout
Kevin Dunse Outdoors
Kevin Dunse Outdoors - 7 years ago
Avi Soncino trout are so fragile that they would most likely die long before they ever reached the tank
Atchafalaya Outdoors
Atchafalaya Outdoors - 7 years ago
Yall should put a cypress log in there and have holes in it for Bonnie and Clyde to hide in
ROC MoonMan
ROC MoonMan - 7 years ago
Put a bonzie tree with old lures hanging off of it where it will look like snaged lures
Jacob Herrmann
Jacob Herrmann - 7 years ago
Little bullheads
Bulldog77 - 7 years ago
Put a scuba diver in there that swims up and down lol, btw live in near Biloxi ms so no to far from Mobile I head up there pretty often
Ben Labarca
Ben Labarca - 7 years ago
Add a small bit of solidity to the water so you can have salt and freshwater species living in the tank
Jacob Ewing
Jacob Ewing - 7 years ago
tree limb or thick grass theyd use for bedding
OG Shrimp
OG Shrimp - 7 years ago
Make a bed for them to lay their eggs
Steven Rea
Steven Rea - 7 years ago
Your poor electric bill...
Liam Peters
Liam Peters - 7 years ago
Steven Rea forget the electric bill what about the water bill
Andrew Scott
Andrew Scott - 7 years ago
Is it legal to have game fish in a fish tank?
Andrew Scott
Andrew Scott - 7 years ago
I kinda figured things aren't like here in The People's Republic of California. I know a boat shop here that was issued a lifetime ban on having any fishtanks on the property for having largemouth in a tank.
85krink - 7 years ago
Andrew Scott depends on the state but as long as the fish was caught legally he is good to go.
Thomas Outdoors
Thomas Outdoors - 7 years ago
Some crappie
Drake King
Drake King - 7 years ago
yall should place some slate rock and nice dark driftwood in the planted tank the contrast always looks nice. Also it would be be to add a nice size pleco hopefully it wont uproot plant work. or some sort of catfish/ bottom dweller .
niko haupt
niko haupt - 7 years ago
A little wrecked ship or wood
Jericho Dockenson Outdoors'
Jericho Dockenson Outdoors' - 7 years ago
Put a small pier in it
Peter Xiong
Peter Xiong - 7 years ago
Put some rocks in that thing
shane 0321
shane 0321 - 7 years ago
idk if it would be possiple but lilipads would be sick
NWestern Hook
NWestern Hook - 7 years ago
how much this cost?
OutdoorAttack - 7 years ago
Put some wood cover in there and some crappie. That would be cool
Louisiana Bassin
Louisiana Bassin - 7 years ago
And for Liz, I've tried having an aquarium with a bluegill in it that I caught, but it died in about 30 minutes
Ace Striker
Ace Striker - 7 years ago
Put some brim and crappie in there too
Louisiana Bassin
Louisiana Bassin - 7 years ago
Put your logo in there
paducahFishFan - 7 years ago
Judging from the steps to your front door it would appear you have a crawl space. If you don't brace your floor joists that tank is going to cause your floor to bow. Nice tank! Too bad your not near me. I could load you up on some sweet stuff.
Fishing the 409
Fishing the 409 - 7 years ago
Put a old fishin reel like sticking out of the sand
Down South fishing
Down South fishing - 7 years ago
Dock or bridge pilings
Brayden Domingue
Brayden Domingue - 7 years ago
a toy tommy gun. because whats clyde without a tommy gun
Zhang Guo
Zhang Guo - 7 years ago
Just curious, how much for the tank?
Ocean State Fishing
Ocean State Fishing - 7 years ago
get a replica of the Bonnie and Clyde Car
Bassasassins - 7 years ago
Put a log in the tank so they can hide in it
Jacob Crawford
Jacob Crawford - 7 years ago
Maybe you could put a hollowed out stump in there and have an aerator trickling bubbles up through it. I think that would be pretty cool. Love the new tank!
dawson ford
dawson ford - 7 years ago
and put ajava fern
dawson ford
dawson ford - 7 years ago
add a huge cave for the fish and maybe catch and welland keep it you will love it because they eat same as bass
Mitchell’s Adventures
Mitchell’s Adventures - 7 years ago
Add more fish and like thick weed for bedding
The Bopper
The Bopper - 7 years ago
Wow, that is quite the undertaking!!! I hope your sub floor is braced for all that weight! lol Being an engineer, Im sure you got that covered. Hey...what I think would be cool but not sure where you would get them is to place in for decor...2 revolvers...one for Clyde and of course one for Bonnie. I think that would be the perfect decorative pieces and obviously quite fitting. Of course they would have to be replicas and made out of a material that is fish friendly but Im sure they exist out there. Hope you like my idea.
kevin ulett
kevin ulett - 7 years ago
get half broken pots so they can have some caves or get a turtle!
kevin ulett
kevin ulett - 7 years ago
get a male and female bass so they can make a bed! Would be cool to see
Jack Burrage
Jack Burrage - 7 years ago
Go check out the Hydor H2Show Volcano kit. Really cool volcano with colored bubbles. Also try out some color changing plants
Tanner Smith
Tanner Smith - 7 years ago
Put a deer skull in there
Kyle Blue
Kyle Blue - 7 years ago
put a couple small suckers in to clean your aquarium naturally
andrew sims
andrew sims - 7 years ago
Put a small school of crappie in there
Kurt Porter
Kurt Porter - 7 years ago
a musk turtle
Hunter Akers
Hunter Akers - 7 years ago
Definitely put your BamaBass logo in it somewhere! maybe like other comments put a crappie in it. If you could find a water safe tiny fishing rod in the bottom it would look pretty cool!
iSnagTV - 7 years ago
Put a "no fishing" sign hahhhah!
Danny Herzog
Danny Herzog - 7 years ago
you should add a koi in with Bonnie and Clyde
Drew Hand
Drew Hand - 7 years ago
in the old tank you should put a bunch of bluegill or minnows something Like that I think that would be really sweet
Jacob Dykstra
Jacob Dykstra - 7 years ago
make a small dock and have it take up 1/4 of the tank so the fish can sit under its pilings
Brent R.
Brent R. - 7 years ago
Either a catfish or rocks
Gage Fortson
Gage Fortson - 7 years ago
Add another pet bass or a crappie!
Ross' Upstate Fishing
Ross' Upstate Fishing - 7 years ago
A large piece of Malaysian drift wood in there would be awesome. Come from one of the sides ranging about a 1/3 of the way down the tank
Franky Vang
Franky Vang - 7 years ago
It would be nice to put driftwood in the tank to imitate a stump or log.
Christopher Franklin
Christopher Franklin - 7 years ago
fish from water in the south yall got to have some cypress knees somewhere in there. not many but at least one.
Jeanne Peters
Jeanne Peters - 7 years ago
add a peacock bass or smallmouth
Jeanne Peters
Jeanne Peters - 7 years ago
make a bluegill tank of the 55
tealtaker - 7 years ago
I actually did the exact same thing a few years ago, same size tank, etc. I finally got tired of buying minnows every couple of days for the bass and crappie, I recommend you use plastic logs instead of real ones, they make aquarium ready stumps.
shawn smith
shawn smith - 7 years ago
this is great! i think some nice driftwood would greatly compliment the tank
GabooNx - 7 years ago
I hope you have enough support on your beams to hold that. when I had a water bed it lower the floor a inch!!
A Hodge
A Hodge - 7 years ago
Some driftwood from you local lake most definitely..
Breaktime Bass
Breaktime Bass - 7 years ago
It looks like you guys really know what your doing waiting for the nitrogen cycle to complete. Make sure it doesn't get to warm for bass you probably could have done with out heat but I'm not sure about the temp. for plants.
Token DFS
Token DFS - 7 years ago
that sump does 0 for that tank. all of your filtration will come from the plants I guess
Token DFS
Token DFS - 7 years ago
why spend that type of money on a fresh water tank? yeah the filtration on that 55 gallon looks terrible. lets see if your floor can handle all the weight of that tank with the water and rocks and such. those bio balls are terrible and don't work.
Gustav - 7 years ago
a water fall inside the tank u can find vids on it it epic
Amelia Rankin
Amelia Rankin - 7 years ago
do some blue gill or crappie
common sense
common sense - 7 years ago
Life size cut-out of 1Rod1Reel
J Buck Outdoors
J Buck Outdoors - 7 years ago
You aren't showing any common sense, that would be a horrible idea.
Eddie's adventures
Eddie's adventures - 7 years ago
have a yellow perch in the tank with bonnie and clyde!
Jarrett Floyd
Jarrett Floyd - 7 years ago
Put your 100,000 subscriber youtube play button in it.
Jackson Elliott
Jackson Elliott - 7 years ago
those bass are spoiled
Southern Ontario Fishing
Southern Ontario Fishing - 7 years ago
I want one of those!
Ricochet reefing
Ricochet reefing - 7 years ago
it's clear you're enjoying this build. If you want some real fun, and a real challenge, you should turn this into a salt water reef aquarium.
JarHead Fishing
JarHead Fishing - 7 years ago
You can have my two tanks. I have a 150g saltwater. I'm right next too Mobile too
Kay Skywalker
Kay Skywalker - 7 years ago
what do you plan to do with the 55? I would be very tempted to turn it into a salt water aquarium. awesome aquarium and great looking fish :)
Jon-Paul Connell
Jon-Paul Connell - 7 years ago
put in those stone filters that make bubble
awesome channel
awesome channel - 7 years ago
get a plant that covers the whole aquarium floor
Alexander Zadroga
Alexander Zadroga - 7 years ago
you cold put a oscar in you tank with your bass
Nathan V
Nathan V - 7 years ago
Get a sign that says NO FISHING and put in the aquarium
Leto Ledo
Leto Ledo - 7 years ago
A rock structure
King Yama
King Yama - 7 years ago
use the extra space to put a submerged tree branch that reaches towards the top of the tank then add some sort of pot in the cover for added decoration with some plants on the sides.
Robert Robertson
Robert Robertson - 7 years ago
hi bamma what about putting a 12" toy Godzilla stalking the tank with bonny&clide with them multy colored tank lites for bottom of tank nice setup thanks robert
Dominic Wenger
Dominic Wenger - 7 years ago
cant wait to see this all come together
Major fishing 27
Major fishing 27 - 7 years ago
3D print a bamma bass logo and put it in the tank
Robbie Clipperton
Robbie Clipperton - 7 years ago
You guys are going to have to be careful of the bass destroying the plants and you should also put Malaysian trumpet snails to avoid anaerobic pockets.
Steelerdude - 7 years ago
Now that you added all that water and no plants .... who is going snorkeling in the tank to put the plants in the sand? LOL
There is no way my arms are long enough to touch the bottom....
Well Liz Mermaid, have fun swimming in your new aquarium....
Robbie Clipperton
Robbie Clipperton - 7 years ago
I love your accents
владимир Поляков
владимир Поляков - 7 years ago
Super! My congratulations!
Michael Johnston
Michael Johnston - 7 years ago
makes me happy to see the lengths you have went to to take care of these bass...i have a 340 gallon and a 450 gallon and understand how rewarding an aquarium can be
Fishin' With TinyBassN
Fishin' With TinyBassN - 7 years ago
Hay BamaBass What About A Sunken Replica Of The Bonnie & Clyde Car Full Of Bullet Holes And Maybe A Old Replica Gun Or Wanted Poster To Go Along With The Theme Of The Tank. I Hope You Like My Ideal And I Hope I Win Something.
Jacob Bankston
Jacob Bankston - 7 years ago
Put an Alabama symbol in the tank
Thomas Kladar
Thomas Kladar - 7 years ago
Maybe some panfish and a little brush pile
Hunter - 7 years ago
Get an old, sunken bonnie and Clyde car prop for the tank with Bonnie and Clyde written on the door
Tim Adzic
Tim Adzic - 7 years ago
get some manzanita wood and make it look like a tree branch fell into half the tank with the anubias and java ferns attached to it, dwarf hairgrass for the grass carpet

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