OVER 1 GALLON OF EPOXY RESIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On this episode of Ben's Worx i make a Lazy suzan with epoxy resin it took over 1 gallon of epoxy and weighs a ton here is Peter Browns Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/kludge1977/featured here is the epoxy i used: http://www.woodworkingsuppliesqld.com.au/Finishes2/Aristocrat-Liquid-Glass2 music by Bensound Email me; bensworx@gmail.com like my Facebook page for sneak peaks of upcoming projects https://m.facebook.com/bensworx1 follow me on twitter @ bensworx follow me on instagram @ bensworx Thanks for watching

OVER 1 GALLON OF EPOXY RESIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 449

Howto & Style 8 years ago 369,652 views

On this episode of Ben's Worx i make a Lazy suzan with epoxy resin it took over 1 gallon of epoxy and weighs a ton here is Peter Browns Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/kludge1977/featured here is the epoxy i used: http://www.woodworkingsuppliesqld.com.au/Finishes2/Aristocrat-Liquid-Glass2 music by Bensound Email me; bensworx@gmail.com like my Facebook page for sneak peaks of upcoming projects https://m.facebook.com/bensworx1 follow me on twitter @ bensworx follow me on instagram @ bensworx Thanks for watching

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Most popular comments
for OVER 1 GALLON OF EPOXY RESIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TechTube - 7 years ago
Do you think this application would work to encapsulate pea gravel for an outside project using the product that you are using? I would be using it between square pavers and there would be light foot traffic. Area to fill is about 1in. Deep X 1 in. Wide (think grouting tile on 15x13 ft. Area, but with pea gravel)
Any help or advice is much appreciated!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+TechTube Hi mate, this product is not uv stable so it will turn yellow in the sun, as for durability it will be fine
Beyond Balloons
Beyond Balloons - 7 years ago
how much is epoxy resin?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Beyond Balloons $125aud a gallon
TheNorthsquad - 7 years ago
make a clock outta the next one
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+TheNorthsquad that would be awesome
Fuzz Zeballs
Fuzz Zeballs - 7 years ago
big paper weight
Bobby Gorden
Bobby Gorden - 7 years ago
I would like to try this with a variation by using colored epoxy to fill the cracks and voids.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Bobby Gorden that's a great idea Bobby
Zoro 7891
Zoro 7891 - 7 years ago
Such a waste
Colin Jones
Colin Jones - 7 years ago
Where did you get the slab of wood? More importantly, how did you prevent the slab from splitting?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Colin Jones Hi Colin, the wood was cut from a fallen tree in the bush. The wood just stayed dry for a few months before using it but i did nothing to it
Dusekar - 7 years ago
you wasted a gallon of resin, i totally think this is ugly as f###, sorry but i think that
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Dusekar That's ok mate everybody is entitled to there opinion, I really enjoyed making it.
Mike Stevens
Mike Stevens - 7 years ago
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Mike Stevens Thanks Mike!

10. comment for OVER 1 GALLON OF EPOXY RESIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bfs1888 - 7 years ago
I would have hung it on a wall.  Nice old tools.  What kind of surface does that make?  can one write with a ball point pen on it?  is it more like plastic or glass? does it dent?   I'll assume that the piece of wood wont crack anymore,, I hope,,  Other than all my dumb questions,  I like it !!!!  Great job !!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+bfs1888 hi mate! It's has a glass like finish, it does not dent, it won't crack, you cannot write on it with a ball point pen :)
Malcolm stark
Malcolm stark - 7 years ago
wont the tools going to rust ?
Dovydas Vilčinskas
Dovydas Vilčinskas - 7 years ago
I'm just thinking could this turn smoother,longer,easier? Looks nice.
Bryan S
Bryan S - 7 years ago
Very Cool And Im a new Subscriber,
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Bryan S Thanks Bryan :)
FromTheHeartWoodMK - 7 years ago
Great work and a really cool concept, what wood is that?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+FromTheHeartWoodMK Thanks Mate
FromTheHeartWoodMK - 7 years ago
I was thinking that looked a lot like Red River Gum Eucalyptus, very cool.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+FromTheHeartWoodMK Thanks Mate! It's a gum a mate of mine found in the bush
karma police
karma police - 7 years ago
cant you just mix up the whole gallon at once
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+karma police it has the potential to crack from the heat generated during the curing process. If possible it's best to do multiple pours
zxdfty77 - 7 years ago
Absolutely DELICIOUS!
Natalya Lastnamae
Natalya Lastnamae - 7 years ago
i read the title and got scared
Dustin Bess
Dustin Bess - 7 years ago
Those awesome tools..
Kristen Boller
Kristen Boller - 7 years ago
This is beautiful. I love it!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Kristen Boller thanks Kristen!

20. comment for OVER 1 GALLON OF EPOXY RESIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elektro GOWK
Elektro GOWK - 7 years ago
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Elektro GOWK
ameyy ramachandran
ameyy ramachandran - 7 years ago
Why do you fire blast it? Does it help in hardening?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+ameyy ramachandran no worries mate
ameyy ramachandran
ameyy ramachandran - 7 years ago
Ben's Worx ah yes that makes sense, thank you
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+ameyy ramachandran it brings the bubbles to the surface and pops them
glen Mc Lauchlan
glen Mc Lauchlan - 7 years ago
i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+glen Mc Lauchlan Thanks Glen
Ivy Rose
Ivy Rose - 7 years ago
That's really beautiful! ♡
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Ivy Rose thanks Ivy
Jeanne Hinrichs
Jeanne Hinrichs - 7 years ago
that is so awesome
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Jeanne Hinrichs Thanks Jeanne
Qitzyer HD™
Qitzyer HD™ - 7 years ago
That's nice. Now make another.
jerry lindström
jerry lindström - 7 years ago
this comment will get liked !!!!!!!!!!!!
Mumma Toni
Mumma Toni - 7 years ago
Would made a top clock too using the handles instead of numerals. Looks so awesome
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Mumma Toni thanks Toni
Fabio d
Fabio d - 7 years ago
Fabio d
Fabio d - 7 years ago
Why would you do this
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Fabio d Do you not like it Fabio?

30. comment for OVER 1 GALLON OF EPOXY RESIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SammyCatman - 7 years ago
...Im a violinist. i thought u made a resin
ByWordsAlone - 7 years ago
Came over from a link at Peter Brown's channel. cool project here! And it came out great! I'll be subscribing.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+ByWordsAlone Thanks Mate!
Strohhut D.Orgon
Strohhut D.Orgon - 7 years ago
I have see that video again and like it realy, and i loooove resin ^^ ( sry for bad english )
you make a great Job.

Schöne Grüße aus Berlin
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Strohhut D.Orgon thanks mate greetings from Australia
Strohhut D.Orgon
Strohhut D.Orgon - 7 years ago
sorry for my last Komment, my Cat is die and all bad thinks i have see in the last 24 houers...

Great Video, Like it ^^..
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Strohhut D.Orgon thats ok mate we all have bad days, hope you feel better soon :)
Marshall Collins
Marshall Collins - 7 years ago
Very nice !! How many pours did it take and did you lit it set between pours and for how long?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Marshall Collins Hi Marshall, i did about 8 pours leaving at least 4 hrs between each one
Yu Jay
Yu Jay - 7 years ago
That's pretty cool, but I would of filled the epoxy to the rim and sanded and buffed it to level, then waxed the wood. :3
bill jones
bill jones - 7 years ago
I have to try this!
Little Brown Hero Cook
Little Brown Hero Cook - 7 years ago
Maybe you coul've used something more heavy duty for the bottom cause it's rubbing a lot with all that weight on it.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Little Brown Hero Cook Hi mate its rated for 80kg (176lbs)
Potato with a shotgun
Potato with a shotgun - 7 years ago
That carving near the beginning sounded like jazz
Scrimjaw - 7 years ago
Theyd make great stool tops.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Scrimjaw yeah it would, i have thought about converting it to a stool :)
Byron hill-jones
Byron hill-jones - 7 years ago
that time when its all finished up and there is a super rare tool in that casket of resin
KamekoBruns - 7 years ago
What's the scratch resistance on this? I made an desktop for my dad a few years back which had family photos embedded in epoxy. I don't remember which kind bet I picked it up at Home Depot so it likely wasn't that great of a product. Now it's all scratched up though some of it was due to debris from construction falling on it (little rocks and stuff) and scratching the surface.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+KamekoBruns its fairly resilient to scratches, have you tried sanding and buffing out the scratches in your desktop?
Monstrs Lv
Monstrs Lv - 7 years ago
tavs projekts bija hujņa nekam nederiga kas nekam neder
Сер Боль
Сер Боль - 7 years ago
мертвое дерево
PainBlame - 7 years ago
You could probably sell that for a few hundred dollars. Even tho the epoxy probably costed more than that!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+PainBlame Hi mate it owes me around $150 Aud in materials, thanks for watching :)
mrsillywalk - 7 years ago
How long will this last before cracking ?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+mrsillywalk I'm not sure, it's still in one piece, hopefully never :)
Ross McIlwraith
Ross McIlwraith - 7 years ago
Great idea. has really inspired me to use the same teqnique with a coffee table I'm designing. How long between pours?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Ross McIlwraith Hi Ross, 4hrs
Jeffery Trevathan
Jeffery Trevathan - 7 years ago
how about your circular spinning base where did you get that at?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Jeffery Trevathan my local woodshop in Australia called Seq woodworking supplies
Jasbir Jassi
Jasbir Jassi - 7 years ago
how much did the resin cost you mate
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Jasbir Jassi $125 a gallon
ChayomanHutzepua - 7 years ago
why so may layers? mixing so many times, i know nothing about working with resin. honest question
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+ChayomanHutzepua if you pour to much at one time the heat generated during the curing process can cause cracking

50. comment for OVER 1 GALLON OF EPOXY RESIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Arnold May II
Arnold May II - 7 years ago
That was pretty cool
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+arnold may II thanks Arnold
Robert Ostman
Robert Ostman - 7 years ago
ok, so I uploaded a video on how to remove rust from metals, so you don't have to encase them in epoxy, as if they were nuclear waste...
Mike - 7 years ago
You should have put a small fish in there also,
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Mike that would have looked cool :)
TheULTRAiPOD - 7 years ago
nice fidget spinner
Alysson Formiga
Alysson Formiga - 7 years ago
a huge fidget spinner
Ryank games
Ryank games - 7 years ago
oh fuck were is my cutter i cant find it anywere... oh shit right
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Ryank games lol
swaneye34 - 7 years ago
I like it but its gonna be really hard to get those tools out when you need em.
swaneye34 - 7 years ago
ok good deal
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+swaneye34 thanks mate! Lucky I got another set ;)
V. Hansen
V. Hansen - 7 years ago
Its hard to tell how long you waited in between each pour. Did you just get all the bubbles out or did you wait for each to dry?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+V. Hansen Thanks mate
V. Hansen
V. Hansen - 7 years ago
Thats helpful thanks. Cool project. Turned out nicely.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+V. Hansen Hi mate, minimum 4 hrs between pours, you must get bubbles out within the first 10-20 minutes of each pour
Ronin - 7 years ago
3.8 letres
Franz Butler
Franz Butler - 7 years ago
Beautiful and cool. I would have filled the cracks and voids with black water putty though.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Franz Butler that's a good idea Franz
Jon P
Jon P - 7 years ago
well done!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Jon P thanks Jon
monkeythe1st - 7 years ago
Instead of tools, that could have had baby keep sake stuff in it. Could be a nice way to preserve some keepsakes and make it look artistic at the same time.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+monkeythe1st that's an awesome idea :)
lake lizard
lake lizard - 7 years ago
damn that thing ugly
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+just working thanks
RaZz00M - 7 years ago
What a strange fidget spinner
undokat - 7 years ago
what a waste of everything
Shaedyn Harrison
Shaedyn Harrison - 7 years ago
I actually liked the gran turismo like music
D-Schloss the boss H-town rowlin hard
D-Schloss the boss H-town rowlin hard - 7 years ago
damn thats an ass load
Chris Whatley
Chris Whatley - 7 years ago
In Case of Emergency:Good Luck
Brian Lueders
Brian Lueders - 7 years ago
And you will NEVR EVER use those tools again! Cool project! I think I'll subscribe.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Brian Lueders thanks Brian
ChadMutt - 7 years ago
we're australians it's 4 litres. the clear has way too much dust in it. why would you want something on your dining table that gives off harmful fumes way after it's dry?
Alex B71
Alex B71 - 7 years ago
I can't be the only one wanting to know what damage a knife could do to that perfect surface... Am i?
Ultra Ray VLog
Ultra Ray VLog - 7 years ago
this so could've been a badass clock
Ultra Ray VLog
Ultra Ray VLog - 7 years ago
what are you guard and tool are you using to get that perfect circle please make a video on that
3edgy 5me
3edgy 5me - 7 years ago
It's not flat and it's really slippery tho
InspirationLab - 7 years ago
nice fidget spinner
Ron JL White
Ron JL White - 7 years ago
very nice!!!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Ron JL White thanks Ron
Ben - 7 years ago
Your mother has very good taste in names my friend!
Ben - 7 years ago
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Ben Thanks Ben I'll let her know :)
Shane K
Shane K - 7 years ago
I thought raw linseed oil didn't dry, it has to be boiled?
bitchgvng Memorial service
bitchgvng Memorial service - 7 years ago
I wish i could just put my whole life in resin and make a bowl out of it
Damon Griffith
Damon Griffith - 7 years ago
Damon Griffith
Damon Griffith - 7 years ago
NotIgnas - 7 years ago
Fidget spinner
Daniel Dumbarton
Daniel Dumbarton - 7 years ago
Thinking of doing a similar thing for my son in law who has a small chain of barbers with scissors and cut throat razors. Epic, thanks for sharing.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Daniel Dumbarton That's a good idea Daniel, i hope it turns out great!
Jonathan Trasviña
Jonathan Trasviña - 7 years ago
nice spiner
Not You
Not You - 7 years ago
who else smells the wood for some reason
kmonz90 - 7 years ago
pretty sexy I just wish the log you used was actually round, the crusty edge isn't a look I'm into but w/e
Cheese Is Daddy
Cheese Is Daddy - 7 years ago
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+J Lynn Thankyou :)
TheAgentAssassin - 7 years ago
Now convert it into a wall clock.

Just need to hang it on a stud ..or two.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+TheAgentAssassin thats a great idea mate
News & Views Today
News & Views Today - 7 years ago
Ben that is beautiful, really aweseome, now you need to refinish the table you displayed it on. lol Thanks for sharing. Well done.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+News & Views Today Thanks mate :)
Shaun Lambert II
Shaun Lambert II - 7 years ago
Should have gotten a big boy lazy susan from Grainger Supply to support all that weight.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Shaun Lambert II I'll check it out thanks
Silver XSnake
Silver XSnake - 7 years ago
best fidget spinner
Dez Banks
Dez Banks - 7 years ago
Hi Ben sorry to be stupid but what's the blowtorch for
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Dez Banks Hi Dez, it brings the bubbles to the surface and pops them
Dan Parson
Dan Parson - 7 years ago
How long did you let each layer of resin cure for?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Dan Parson Hi Dan, a minimum of 4 hrs
pokegeek - 7 years ago
For those of you wanting to work with epoxy at home: PLEASE USE GLOVES AND A MASK!
BucketsAMF - 7 years ago
The fact that the compass is the only one with the "working end" pointing outwards rather than the handle, like all the other tool, is driving me nuts.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+BucketsAMF Sorry Buckets :)
Katalist - 7 years ago
I've got the exact same one. They're good tools
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Katalist I agree Katakist, good value for money
Dave Sykes
Dave Sykes - 7 years ago
Awesome work man ! You know Alien Archaeologist will find it in the future right :)
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Dave Sykes Thanks Dave, I'll have to bury it well :)
Chakat Nightsparkle
Chakat Nightsparkle - 7 years ago
what a waste of perfect tools. its still neat. just waste of nice tools
Alucard - 7 years ago
Invitix that's believable since its on the internet....
Invitix - 7 years ago
never used tools before? nice retard..... I've been building custom circular stairways for multi million dollar homes and racing MX for 25 years..... yeah never used a tool before..... god damn you are retarded
Invitix - 7 years ago
why so they can sit in a rusty toolbox in the fucking corner of the garage and NEVER EVER EVER EVER E-V-E-R get fucking used????? gimme a break..... your wife's must hate your trash pack rat shit
mr Molasses
mr Molasses - 7 years ago
well i tell you have never use tools before those are most likely older tools they made better and have better steel and will last longer
NOLALongboards - 7 years ago
I get there's newer more ergonomic pliers and cutters, but he should have spared the dividers at least.
Invitix - 7 years ago
"nice tools" uhm...... yeah... no
Gabriel Müller
Gabriel Müller - 7 years ago
i never worked with epoxy before why do you use the Gastorch after every layer? Greeting from Germany!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Gabriel Müller Hello from Australia Gabriel, the gastorch brings the bubbles to the surface and pops them, thanks for watching mate!
Mickxal - 7 years ago
so he uses the torch to get the bubbles out... thats why
nateman10 - 7 years ago
How do you get this stuff to cure properly? I tried to cover a small table a few years ago, and I messed up somehow and it ended up never fully curing, and was sticky. I wonder if it was too much humidity, too cold, too much mixing, or too much resin? I wasn't sure, and with the cost of the stuff, and the potential to ruin a project, I haven't tried it again. It sure looks great when it works though!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+nateman10 Hi Nate, generally if your resin is not curing it comes down to two things, either you didn't mix the parts together long enough or you used too much hardener, i know that sounds silly but too much hardener will prevent curing fully, if anything have slightly less hardener, give it another go but start off with a small test piece and i rekon you'll be fine :)

100. comment for OVER 1 GALLON OF EPOXY RESIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shawn tracey
shawn tracey - 7 years ago
I have no idea ... but could it not have been poured mostly all at once... or do u have to do small batches to allow it to dry?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+shawn tracey Hi Shawn the curing process generates too much heat and will likely crack the resin if poured too thick,
Ronald FlobJobbin
Ronald FlobJobbin - 7 years ago
Ben I give you my tools for 20 minutes and you stick them in epoxy!?!?!?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Ronald FlobJobbin hahaha
Ronald FlobJobbin
Ronald FlobJobbin - 7 years ago
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Ronald FlobJobbin oh no! I didn't know you wanted them back Ronald
Chemical Recovery Fellowship
Chemical Recovery Fellowship - 7 years ago
Looks great. My first time here and subbed. What is the blowtorch doing to the project?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Chemical Recovery Fellowship Hi mate, the blowtorch brings the bubbles to the surface and pops them, thanks for the sub :)
Ray King
Ray King - 7 years ago
Beautiful! What is the cure time? Both between coats and final coat? I want to do a table with shells in it.
Ray King
Ray King - 7 years ago
Ben thanks
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Ray King Hi Ray, generally 4 hrs between coats and i would allow at least 24 hrs for final coat, thanks for watching mate :)
Benny R.
Benny R. - 7 years ago
when i was a Child, i do something Similar with Glue and my dads keys...
ShadowWolf - 7 years ago
I sealed my Dads coffin flag and militery ribbons into epoxy didn't want time or bugs to get to them
NathanWilson - 7 years ago
That's a beautiful finished piece! Awesome work!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+NathanWilson Thanks Nathan
jukes243 - 7 years ago
Wow. Cool !
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+jukes243 Thanks Mate
Johnny Nunya
Johnny Nunya - 7 years ago
Kind of tacky using old cheap tools for it.
Lisa Cunningham
Lisa Cunningham - 7 years ago
hey Ben, thats a pretty awesome project!! sooo beautful!
I was just wondering why you used a seperate plastic cup for each part, for each pour? could you have a dedicated set of cups for each resin part?
I'm just conscious of the waste of plastic cups...
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Lisa Cunningham Hi Lisa, the reason for multiple cups was that each pour was a different day and the resin dries in the cups making them unusable, thanks for watching :)
Volvirth - 7 years ago
Resin, natures mirror. (Wait... That's water...)
Lia - 7 years ago
That's gorgeous. Can I ask, how did you get the slice of wood that big in the first place?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Lia Hey Lia i got it off a tree that fell in the woods
Tender Trap Cocktails
Tender Trap Cocktails - 7 years ago
What tool is he using to hollow it out?
EQUINOX - 7 years ago
Looks awesome but i really hope you used UV stable resin otherwise that beautifully clear resin will turn a nasty yellow brown color in a year.
Ashley Hagan
Ashley Hagan - 7 years ago
beautiful. I can't be the only one who thinks the music sounds like a porn made in the 70's lol
Noah Spurrier
Noah Spurrier - 7 years ago
Why raw linseed oil instead of boiled linseed oil?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Noah Spurrier Hi Noah, Raw Linseed Oil helps wood retain its natural moisture content which retards cracking, checking, shrinking, and aids water repellency. Boiled Linseed Oil contains driers to speed film drying and hardness.
simpleAI - 7 years ago
A gallons isn't alot of liquid
michael Atkinson
michael Atkinson - 7 years ago
great stuff definitely gave me a few ideas though sub and liked
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+michael Atkinson thanks Michael
michael knowlden
michael knowlden - 7 years ago
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+michael knowlden thanks Michael
Gene Aguilar
Gene Aguilar - 7 years ago
Very cool. :)
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Gene Aguilar thanks Gene
BM Australia
BM Australia - 7 years ago
Love your work mate. But it was a bit of a shame to see that beautiful piece of wood with all the work that went into preparing it and pouring the epoxy end up mounted on such a cheap and nasty turntable / bearing plate. I have built lazy susans which are nowhere near as professionally finished as yours, but mounted on a solid base with good, smooth running bearings - it makes all the difference. Your lazy susan on a smooth running and silent bearing would really be the ultimate.
Alex - 7 years ago
Maybe next time he will contact NASA and get some space bearings.
Monica Osborne. International Resin Artist
Monica Osborne. International Resin Artist - 7 years ago
BM Australia i dear you to do one urselves. better if you can. doubt it but..
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+BM Australia thanks mate
Theophilus Chambers
Theophilus Chambers - 7 years ago
why say gallon.... you are aussie...
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Theophilus Chambers 90% of my subscribers are from America
Ahron Africanmeat
Ahron Africanmeat - 7 years ago
that is cool
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Ahron Africanmeat thanks mate
Mark Baker
Mark Baker - 7 years ago
I liked all of the tools embedded except for the divider , I treasure lay out tools . I have a bucket of pliers in my back yard that you could have had ,if you swam over to Oahu .: ]
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Mark Baker Hi Mark I'm not sure that slice was given to me, I'll try and find out for you
Mark Baker
Mark Baker - 7 years ago
?what type of wood was that? We have 87 types of equiliptis from down under that were planted here to test how it might do here . Your Red Gum E. and Blue Gum E. have lots of resin weeping that I wood collect for ' home brewed finish' , has anyone got a formula for such? Its free , its hanging on your every word , and only as far as your nearest grove .
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Mark Baker Thanks Mark but i think it would be a long swim from Australia :)
aliifghjkl - 7 years ago
How much was the total cost?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+aliifghjkl around $150 aud
Philip Sandercock
Philip Sandercock - 7 years ago
omg wish i found this channel sooner, dude that lazy Susan is epic, I'm gonna probably say the stupidest of question, but why didn't you just make up I big tub of resign instead of al the small ones, wait now for the piss take Bullshit sarcastic comments from other people now, please keep doing the videos
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Philip Sandercock Hey Philip, thanks for the kind words, the reason for small pours is to prevent cracking from the heat generated from the curing process, it also helps to reduce bubbles
Mod Shapes
Mod Shapes - 7 years ago
So inspiring! I enjoyed this video and the editing is great! What is that music? Its delicious. The whole experience was delicious...
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Mod Shapes Thanks Mate, the music is from Bensound and the song is the lounge
g mihalic
g mihalic - 7 years ago
i did a table with a guitar in it. body was in the table with other music stuff and the neck was at 90 degrees to hold led lamp. weighs over 70 pounds over 7 gallons of epoxy
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+g mihalic i bet that looks awesome:)
nebojsa brnjasevic
nebojsa brnjasevic - 7 years ago
Great job!!!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+nebojsa brnjasevic Thanks Mate
Marc Beard
Marc Beard - 7 years ago
Why did you use Linseed oil? Came out great....
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Marc Beard it's a good wood finish and dries out very well
Marc Beard
Marc Beard - 7 years ago
I was just curious cause I have never used it before. Wondering what it is good for.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Marc Beard Hi Marc, its just what i had on hand, you could use anything you like really
Norwegianwoodworker - 7 years ago
Hello. Nice project, turned out good. Could you have done this in one go ?? or would that just have been a to thick layer.

Norwegianwoodworker - 7 years ago
Ok. Thinking of do some project with Epoxy and outdoor furnitures. So good to know.
Thanks for the reply.

Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Norwegianwoodworker Thanks mate, yes one layer would have produced too much heat and made the resin crack
Kyle Law
Kyle Law - 7 years ago
What is the point of adding heat?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
to pop the bubbles
John Morales
John Morales - 7 years ago
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+John Morales Thanks John
Andy Birkey
Andy Birkey - 7 years ago
Well done! That thing is beautiful.... SUBBED
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Andy Birkey Thanks Andy :)
lmwrt - 7 years ago
Fabulous piece of work. Congrats.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+lmwrt Thankyou
М К - 7 years ago
Вообще супер )))
Canyoueventhink? Probablynot.
Canyoueventhink? Probablynot. - 7 years ago
wow nice job!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Canyoueventhink? Probablynot. Thankyou
The Red Panda
The Red Panda - 7 years ago
I want to make a finger spinner and I am wondering of I can use epoxy to cast it?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+CuT3 Sniper no worries mate, just practice and play around with it, im sure you will work it out. :)
The Red Panda
The Red Panda - 7 years ago
Ben's Worx ok thanks. I just don't know cause I'm new to this... I'm only 11 ha.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+CuT3 Sniper im in Australia
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+CuT3 Sniper if you had enough of it and worked quickly I don't see why not
The Red Panda
The Red Panda - 7 years ago
Ben's Worx like the epoxy you can buy in pound land, if your from uk
The Red Panda
The Red Panda - 7 years ago
I'm talking about normal epoxy used for gluing things together no the casting resin type.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+CuT3 Sniper Hi mate check out my lemon or money spinner videos they are done with resin
1963JamesT - 7 years ago
nice, could have been a clock, with the 12 handles.
Gwen - 7 years ago
I try and find other channels like peter's and it seems like everyone likes him.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Gwen Hey Gwen, yes Peter is great!!
Inhalin1514 - 7 years ago
Out. Fucking. Standing. Subscribed
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Inhalin1514 haha Thanks Mate!!!!
Heath Knuckles
Heath Knuckles - 7 years ago
Beautiful work!!  Love it!  Thanks for sharing!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Heath Knuckles Thanks Heath
Pamela Roy
Pamela Roy - 7 years ago
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Pamela Roy Thankyou
James Durstine
James Durstine - 7 years ago
Kellie Case
Kellie Case - 7 years ago
I thought it was going to be something useful, like a clock.. but still nice.
Lord Mordekaiser
Lord Mordekaiser - 7 years ago
why do you torch it ?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Lord Mordekaiser to bring air bubbles to the surface and pop them
M Lawson
M Lawson - 8 years ago
Great work but it doesn't look like a very friendly "lazy Suzan".  lol
Mark Pearson
Mark Pearson - 8 years ago
nice how the resin brings the brown of the wood out. looks really good
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Mark Pearson Thanks Mark
George Reid
George Reid - 8 years ago
Inlay of crushed stone like turquoise or opal in the large cracks and knot hole would have really set this apart. But very nice
Alex piv
Alex piv - 8 years ago
nice job but who is Susan?? and why she so lazy? LOL
jesus jumping from space christ!
jesus jumping from space christ! - 8 years ago
that turned out really nice but why a lazy susan, why do they call it a lazy susan anyways? would have been a stellar clock. keep up the good work.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+you are an idiot thanks mate
cliff jamerson
cliff jamerson - 8 years ago
What song is playing in the background ?
6ix - 8 years ago
So what do you do when you need to use the tools again?
fernando alcantar
fernando alcantar - 8 years ago
What's the waiting time between coats?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+fernando alcantar at least 4 hrs
Jesse Milligan
Jesse Milligan - 8 years ago
and you don't reuse cups why?
Jesse Milligan
Jesse Milligan - 8 years ago
It's more the environment I'm worried about, perhaps give them a soak after you've finished with one, they won't harden and they can be reused, saving money and the oh so precious environment. I hate to be that guy, I really do, but the "they're cheap enough to throw out" attitude is what contributes to the degradation of our planet. I guess it was just a bit sad to see all those cups thrown out and the thought of how many more are thrown out off camera, when a little bit of effort and care could make a huge difference if everyone follows suit.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Jesse Milligan too hard to clean them out and they are cheap enough to throw away
Rich Giroux
Rich Giroux - 8 years ago
That was awesome, but what are you going to do with it?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Rich Giroux use it, its a lazy suzan
Alex Mohler
Alex Mohler - 8 years ago
do you make these to sell? if not you should. you a lot of good knowledge and talent. AWESOME vid
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Alex Mohler thanks Alex
Matt Shannahan
Matt Shannahan - 8 years ago
what is the point of the blowtorch?
Matt Shannahan
Matt Shannahan - 8 years ago
Ah ok thanks for the reponse
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Matt Shannahan to pop the air bubbles
Jeff Alder
Jeff Alder - 8 years ago
If you had an eye for detail it would have looked a lot better. That looks like something the high school shop made. Seriously?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Jeff Alder i loved shop class........
Jake 286474
Jake 286474 - 8 years ago
Don't listen to the hate you have talents that most people don't have
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Jake 286474 Thanks Jake :)
QuadroNVS - 8 years ago
The background music in this video is called The Lounge if anyone wanted to know.
Greg Herrman
Greg Herrman - 8 years ago
Earned yourself a subscriber. Very cool.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Greg Herrman Thanks Greg!
George Miller
George Miller - 8 years ago
looks like shit
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+George Miller thanks George, it does smell a bit like it too.....
Josip Koprivanac
Josip Koprivanac - 8 years ago
Great work, looks awesome. :)
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Josip Koprivanac thanks
Roy - 8 years ago
What the fuck is a gallon.
Use liters or kiligrams, not stupid units, thanks.
Niggy Senpai
Niggy Senpai - 7 years ago
fuck the metric system
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Roy about 4 liters
Taco Whisperer
Taco Whisperer - 8 years ago
Beautiful work! Cant help but feel like it's a waste of good tools though...
Collin Umland
Collin Umland - 8 years ago
Loooooooove ittttttt!
gunslingerW7 - 8 years ago
I understand the torch flattens it out, but why?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+gunslingerW7 the torch only brings bubbles to the surface to pop them, this is a self leveling resin
kоvу - 8 years ago
poor old tools, man what a shame, at least age some chinnesium grade ones and save the 50+ year old history
statorworks 345
statorworks 345 - 8 years ago
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+statorworks 345 that sounds like a great idea :)
statorworks 345
statorworks 345 - 8 years ago
Ben's Worx Try it with apple candy dye!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+statorworks 345 Thanks Mate!
Mike Knowlden
Mike Knowlden - 8 years ago
Just incredible man. I'd like a download of that song too!
Brian Martin
Brian Martin - 8 years ago
i will watch literally anything
Arif k
Arif k - 8 years ago
Put RGB LED at the back of the center hole.
Silvaraci Designer - USA
Silvaraci Designer - USA - 8 years ago
Okay Ben, you've created a time capsule for this tools, good job
Mattias Matsson
Mattias Matsson - 8 years ago
What do the torch do? Really nice work man :)
John Terdik
John Terdik - 7 years ago
The torch is to help eliminate bubbles in the epoxy. As you noticed Ben did NOT over use the torch. If you do over use the torch you will create a lot of other bad issues.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+AllHaveShadows.com no worries mate
AllHaveShadows.com - 7 years ago
+Ben's work. . . Thanks, and that's good because I already have both of those. . . and Galaxkeys, that wouldn't be too bothersome to buy and use as well.
Galaxkeys - 7 years ago
Acetone in a spray bottle
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+AllHaveShadows.com a heat gun or hairdryer would work too
AllHaveShadows.com - 7 years ago
Is there another way to pop the bubbles? I've seen one video where they were popping them with alcohol, but I don't know what product they were using. I'd like to do very small projects, but would rather not get a torch if possible.
TheSilentLurker RC_Media
TheSilentLurker RC_Media - 8 years ago
I was going to ask that very question. I thought it was to set the surface for more coats of the epoxy, never would have thought it was to bring the bubbles out.
Mattias Matsson
Mattias Matsson - 8 years ago
Ah thanks! Good to know :)
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Mattias Matsson Hi Mattias, the torch brings the air bubbles to the surface and pops them, thanks for watching mate
PHISHIT - 8 years ago
p kerit
p kerit - 8 years ago
Crappy looking Rusty tools? Why didnt you clean and shine the tools first?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+p kerit Hey mate thats just the look i wanted, thanks for watching
Jo-Anne Price
Jo-Anne Price - 8 years ago
Very cool :)
Jo-Anne Price
Jo-Anne Price - 8 years ago
Welcome :)
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Jo-Anne Price thanks Jo Anne
JDRTRM JDRTRM - 8 years ago
One with a bunch of polished coins of different amounts all across the wood with no wood showing .! Just to keep not for sale . One big coffee table ! Going to co$t me ...good work !
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+JDRTRM JDRTRM Sounds like a good project :)
Alex Kenlon
Alex Kenlon - 8 years ago
So...the blow torch removes the bubbles from pouring?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Alex Kenlon yes that's correct, thanks for watching :)
mr house
mr house - 8 years ago
such a cool project what a way to show off old tools , also its a bit like a timecapsule in a way because those tools are going to last a life time , fantastic project
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Jarvie Stenhouse thanks Jarvie :)
Alecks1990 - 8 years ago
that looks really gread. is it hard enough to make a dinner table out of it ? and is it expensive?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Alecks1990 I'm sure you could make a dinner table out of it. It cost me about $125 Aud per gallon
paulsjunkcars - 8 years ago
Did you let it dry in between pours?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+paulsjunkcars yes at least 4 hours
javier gomez
javier gomez - 8 years ago
Great job !how much would you sell that for?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+javier gomez Not sure Mate haven't really thought about it, what do you reckon you'd pay?
fft2020 - 8 years ago
what is the torch for ? cant you fill the space in one go ?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+fft2020 the torch brings bubbles to the surface and pops them, and if i did one pour chances are it would have cracked due to the heat given off during the curing process, thanks for watching :)
The One
The One - 8 years ago
hey Ben what program do you run for your intro?
thanks man
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+The One thanks Mate!
The One
The One - 8 years ago
The One
The One - 8 years ago
Ben's Worx Thanks for the reply man. I like your intro. Gave a good one my friend!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+The One Hi Mate! Had the intro made for me, so I'm not sure
Shellbug-Michelle Greene
Shellbug-Michelle Greene - 8 years ago
that would've made a gorgeous clock...heavy, but gorgeous!!!
CrackerZack 47
CrackerZack 47 - 8 years ago
That's beautiful. Don't let losers like Paul get to you. The internet makes a lot or little jerks think they are somebody.
Cringe Fest 2017
Cringe Fest 2017 - 7 years ago
DarkLeviathan8 I came back after my unsuccessful search and saw this, made me laugh xD
DarkLeviathan8 - 7 years ago
*frantically searches for Paul's comment*
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Hal Zacke Good advice Hal :)
Kevin Stein
Kevin Stein - 8 years ago
Such an awesome idea!!!!!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Kevin Stein Thanks Kevin :)
Felix Dietz
Felix Dietz - 8 years ago
nice, but could definitely use some more exclamation marks
Spank Me
Spank Me - 8 years ago
Fair play....that looks shit
Camron Marks
Camron Marks - 8 years ago
just wondering if you wanted to get the tools back out could you and if so how , please and thank you
Camron Marks
Camron Marks - 8 years ago
Ok thanks I was thinking about making one with silver coins but I might want those back some day.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Camron Marks Hey Camron, Nope there stuck for all eternity
Samuel Ouellet
Samuel Ouellet - 8 years ago
what's the epoxy u use? where did u get it ? thanks , great video !
Samuel Ouellet
Samuel Ouellet - 8 years ago
Thanks :)
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Samuel Ouellet Hi Samuel, there is a link in the description, thanks for watching :)
mantizz - 8 years ago
what kind of gallon tho? american? english? swedish? why you no SI? lol
Brandon Rippeon
Brandon Rippeon - 8 years ago
Just curious on why oil was used on the bottom?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Brandon Rippeon no reason just wanted to finish it of
Gunhaver - 8 years ago
2:21 Why did you use the level that way? If you lay it down on its side, you get two axis of leveling (3 actually) in one shot, and they are guaranteed to be 90 degrees from each other. Am i missing something?
Daniel Burgess
Daniel Burgess - 8 years ago
The rust my crack your epoxy. Not this decade, but soon-ish.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Daniel Burgess lets hope not
Jules Both
Jules Both - 8 years ago
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Jules Both thanks Jules
JD Kempton
JD Kempton - 8 years ago
Would make an interesting clock face
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+JD Kempton for sure JD
Rhiannon N/A
Rhiannon N/A - 8 years ago
Could of saved some epoxy by sealing the wood before hand as majority of the epoxy you just used would of soaked into the wood. It would also would make it lighter.
Ammo1313 - 8 years ago
looks good
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Ammo1313 thanks mate
Kyle V
Kyle V - 8 years ago
Would be cool if it were made into a barstool.  Could probably make a few like it and gain quite a profit.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Kyle V Hey Kyle, yeah a barstool would be cool :)
Brad Lee
Brad Lee - 8 years ago
Very nice! Only thing is (and maybe I missed it) is you need to make sure any oil on the tools needs to be removed. If there is oil on the tools in time you will see dark patches around them. Oil and epoxy don't mix. Neat project!
Brad Lee
Brad Lee - 8 years ago
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Brad Lee yeah your right Brad good point, i did clean and prep the tools off camera, thanks for watching Mate!
OnePunchBrand - 8 years ago
Pretty cool, but i need to ask you for advice, how do you work? because i did this to my toolbox too and now i cant
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+OnePunchBrand must be time to have a holiday :)
kent clark
kent clark - 8 years ago
never thought i would be this equally irked and amazed about a project
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+kent clark Thanks Mate!
JamieA6666 - 8 years ago
It would have been nicer without the old tools.
Colin pierce
Colin pierce - 8 years ago
does doing it in multiple layers help prevent bubbles?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Colin pierce No worries Mate!
Colin pierce
Colin pierce - 8 years ago
thanks for the reply. it turned out awesome!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Colin pierce Hi Colin, No multiple layers helps prevent cracking due to excessive heat given off during the curing process. The best way to limit bubbles is to not be too aggressive while mixing and pouring, thanks for watching :)
darian roscoe
darian roscoe - 8 years ago
I thought you were going to make a clock out of it. Good job.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+darian roscoe Thanks Darian
CLureCo - 8 years ago
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+CLureCo yes your right it's gorgeous
CLureCo - 8 years ago
+Ben's Worx ,
You are very welcome, I imagine it is even more impressive, as pics and video rarely do things like this justice.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+CLureCo thanks Mate!
totallyjonesin - 8 years ago
I want to make one with old bug bodies.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+barelyjonesin sounds good
totallyjonesin - 8 years ago
There's feathers and some really cool leaves out there too. Press them in between two pieces of parchment and a couple boards and they keep most of their color.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+barelyjonesin that's a good idea mate!
texasnewf - 8 years ago
Great job Ben ! I was wondering how you made the router jig so that it don't cut outside the dimensions you wanted ? I've love to try something like this also .. new to routers... just bought me one ...
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+texasnewf yeah i just used a flat board to prevent tipping, you could always put stop blocks on if you want for guides
texasnewf - 8 years ago
Oh ok thanks, and guess the high speed makes it look like there's a jig somehow...lol...cheers mate
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+texasnewf Hey Texas, i just took slow passes until i crept up on my line, just take your time and practice. Remember to wear your safety equipment and have fun :)
Weirdo Maker
Weirdo Maker - 8 years ago
very nice, looks great, loved the idea.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Weirdo Maker Thanks Weirdo Maker :)
ToSaLignea - 8 years ago
Very nice idea Ben, look´s great. Please check out my Video´s. Beste Grüße aus Deutschland!
paul bragg
paul bragg - 8 years ago
what a waste of the environment and tools. Being honest man, that looks shit
Koder - 8 years ago
@Ben's Worx, If you got then for pretty much a bag of dirt then, I can't argue with that. Use them tools to your heart's content.

@MMMRCHPCTB, welcome to the internet. Get use to it or keep your pointless comments to yourself. BTW, I can't take someone serious with a profile name like, MMMRCHPCTB.
Murphey Its You
Murphey Its You - 8 years ago
Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one...
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Abe Froman Thanks Abe, i like your way of thinking :)
Abe Froman
Abe Froman - 8 years ago
Ben's Worx
It looks great. There are millions of rusty tools to be used, I doubt anyone will miss these. Now instead of rusting away for eternity, they will forever be preserved in a piece of functional art. Good work man.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Koder I actually bought these tools for .50 cents each specifically for this project
Koder - 8 years ago
I have to agree with Paul. Could have easily sold the unwanted tools to someone that would put them in good use. Kinda reminds me of a video I watched that turned old silver coins into slugs.
paul bragg
paul bragg - 8 years ago
Hal Zacke only an idiot walks off a cliff he can see. maybe your children will be smart enough to thank me
CrackerZack 47
CrackerZack 47 - 8 years ago
paul bragg it's a much bigger waste of the environment for u to breath the air, STOP!!
paul bragg
paul bragg - 8 years ago
Terry Dou then went out my way to say he has talents
Terry Dou
Terry Dou - 8 years ago
There's a difference between being honest and going out of your way to be rude Paul.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+paul bragg That's ok mate thanks for watching
paul bragg
paul bragg - 8 years ago
Ben's Worx sorry that was a bit too honest but I'm a greenie and hate epoxy. You have talents
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+paul bragg Love your honesty Paul
cfaber - 8 years ago
Gloves man gloves!
pgrinavic - 7 years ago
he means bitch mittens
SethyMcdo - 7 years ago
Oh Asis
Oh Asis - 8 years ago
Almost looks like a pizza.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Oh Asis stop it your making me hungry :)
Carl Bowden
Carl Bowden - 8 years ago
Well, those were some nice looking vintage tools!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Carl Bowden 50 cents from the flea market ;)
Liz Quilty
Liz Quilty - 8 years ago
Great video! One question though .... What happens when you need to use those tools ? :D
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Liz Quilty i get to buy new ones ;)
david kelly
david kelly - 8 years ago
how do u use the tools later????
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+david kelly any excuse to buy new tools ;)
Brykl1 - 8 years ago
Moc pěkný
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Brykl1 Dekuji moc
hugo Bose
hugo Bose - 8 years ago
Looks Great the Main Question is Whats The Cost of all that Epoxy lol
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Bluehealer100 yes good idea
Bluehealer100 - 7 years ago
Find someone here to ship it to you, shipping shouldn't be that much.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Bluehealer100 that's a good price, everything is so dear here in Australia
Bluehealer100 - 7 years ago
69 dollars per gallon at Lowes.
EpilepsyWarning - 7 years ago
Hellsong89 suck a dick faggot
Ali Sareini
Ali Sareini - 7 years ago
160$ isn't a lot of money dude, calm your tits
Grigori Rasputin
Grigori Rasputin - 7 years ago
ho-lee-shit buds. You went out of your way to write 3 paragraphs, which can be responded to in one line..

For shits and giggles.
Johnny P
Johnny P - 7 years ago
Jesus, really? 3 paragraphs? get a life dude.
Jake 286474
Jake 286474 - 8 years ago
Hellsong89 No use in trying to save the environment
Steven Anderson
Steven Anderson - 8 years ago
Hellsong89 life choices? Think you are taking this a little to personal fedora guy, calm down. Lol
statorworks 345
statorworks 345 - 8 years ago
Hellsong89 - 8 years ago
160$... WHY!? Why would you put that much money on finniky peace like this? I would get if you were building a dining table or practical furniture, but value/usability ratio of this should say enough..
I'm not even that much of environmentalist, but ffs this is too much even for me, let alone essentially burning money.. -.-

Epoxy builds are sure pop, but kinda forcing it to be a epoxy build and amount you use wont make it better... If you would have been able to make this 1/10 of epoxy, then it would be worth giving a hand.. like for instance just coating tools with thin coat if even that and installing a glass top, to save in materials and environment.
Glass top would have been much cheaper and even lighter option to this.

I use epoxy only for projects that i deem worth it, for instance when making dining room table that is design to last centuries to come and has design that cant be created with out epoxy.. and even then that whole table would take less than you used here..-.- Think with your head man, also spending 160$ wont make you Youtube famous. This might be bit harsh, but hopefully gets you think about your life choices a bit.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+hugo Bose Hey Hugo, $160 Aud
Jay Thystrup
Jay Thystrup - 8 years ago
crazy cool man
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Jay Thystrup Thanks Jay
Bart - 8 years ago
Great work! I've subscribed to watch more. Thanks for sharing!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Bart Thanks Bart :)
Nathaniel Hartley
Nathaniel Hartley - 8 years ago
you earned a sub
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Nathaniel Hartley Thanks Mate!
Duque Machado
Duque Machado - 8 years ago
lindo trabalho, parabéns
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Duque Machado obrigado Duque ( i hope i spelt that right) :)
Green Kitty
Green Kitty - 8 years ago
That's absolutely awesome; thanks for sharing : )
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Green Kitty no worries Kitty glad you like it :)
simply shi
simply shi - 8 years ago
love it
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+simply shi Thanks Mate!
joseph crosby mecham
joseph crosby mecham - 8 years ago
Very impressive.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+joseph crosby mecham Thanks Joseph
An DrewLarkin
An DrewLarkin - 8 years ago
Does this type of resin leave fingerprints on the surface if you were to touch it for more than a few seconds
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+An DrewLarkin Not that I've noticed
Paul Lonardo
Paul Lonardo - 8 years ago
Came out nice. and you didn't even have sand it good job. Subscribe button
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Paul Lonardo thanks Paul
mazen edrees
mazen edrees - 8 years ago
ugly .... a natural wood it to be much better ...
fric stix
fric stix - 8 years ago
now just make it into a clock
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Michael Walvatne that's a good idea Michael
Michael Walvatne
Michael Walvatne - 7 years ago
Ben's Worx could of put an led in the center home for light at night.
ReviewDykeUSA - 8 years ago
Ben's Worx subbed
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+fric stix great idea! Fric
Rok Podlogar
Rok Podlogar - 8 years ago
how much does epoxy cost?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Rok Podlogar about $150 a gallon
commanderzx - 8 years ago
looks amazing
does EPOXY make it heavier?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+commanderzx yes much heavier
Marshall Head Jr
Marshall Head Jr - 8 years ago
Nice work! Do you have to let it dry between layers or resin? Every time you poured it?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Marshall Head Jr Hi Marshall, yes it's best to let dry between pours to prevent cracking, thanks for watching
Jacob - 8 years ago
... I need to do my coursework
NotTheWorst - 8 years ago
who else thinks this has a how it's made vibe to it
vincent7520 - 8 years ago
6:30 Sanding epoxy with no mask on and bare arms …  Man you're really looking for an early demise.
Epoxy is highly allergenic, if you want to keep using it throughout your life you must protect yourself… if not sooner or later you won't even be able to get close to a place where epoxy is used without developing a skin rash or worse.
Dan Crispin
Dan Crispin - 7 years ago
I will now go waste 50 pounds of plastic cups with 2 gallons of epoxy to create a bat shaped object to pound your heads in with. hows that for safety?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+vincent7520 spot on Vincent :)
vincent7520 - 7 years ago
Los Angeles Scene
Besides your remark about the number of cos wasted shows clearly you have never used the stuff yourself.
Nothing is salvageable when something has been in contact with epoxy : cups, bushed, cloths, clothes, rollers, gloves etc… and tools must be thoroughly cleaned with acetone.
vincent7520 - 7 years ago
Los Angeles Scene ?????
"Intelligence is not his strong suit…" ???? Why do you need to insult someone about a video that has no issue that would explain such redness ?
Not fair..
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+Los Angeles Scene Have you ever worked with 1 gallon of epoxy? The cups are not salvageable, and doing multiple pours over two weeks results in multiple cups being used............
Los Angeles Scene
Los Angeles Scene - 7 years ago
Come on! Did you see how many plastic cups he wasted? Intelligence isnt his strong suit. Working with wood is.
vincent7520 - 7 years ago
+Tony John You misunderstood me.
I never said epoxy shouldn't be used. On the contrary.
I was just saying that one should be aware of possible allergies with epoxy.
One should be aware of it even for simple household projects for the very simple reason that if they take precautions they'll use the product for a lifetime. People who build up an allergy got rashes and irritation all right … but I know a case where it is as bad as skin shedding !… Of course it is rare … but you'll never know and you don't want to be one of the few.
Simple precautions are the answer.
I perfectly understand that the list of cautions I wrote down is impressive and seem to overdo things. but it boils down to good old common sense.
That's all.

As for air (and water) pollution, GMO and junk food … I agree we are pretty well served these days !…
Love Peace and Bacon Grease
Love Peace and Bacon Grease - 7 years ago
best comment I've seen in a long time......I too would be more concerned about the junk in the air we suck into our lungs before I would epoxy...
Tony John
Tony John - 8 years ago
It's called sensitization. It happens to 2% of people who use epoxy daily. Unless you have some weird medical issue using this to make small household projects once and awhile will cause no harm. If you haven't gotten any rash or small bumps when a bit got on your skin then you'll be fine. And even if you do build an allergy to it it causes no lasting problems. The worst they say is a rash and skin irritation and it'll go away shortly once you remove yourself from the product. People need to stop over reacting to everything. I'd be more worried about the everyday things you come in contact with giving you cancer or an illness before getting sick off epoxy.
vincent7520 - 8 years ago
+ statorworks 345
No ! No ! …
I am talking about EPOXY RESIN.
True, polyester-fiberglass is also allergic (particularly with dust from the fibers on skin) as well as polyurethane isocyanates.
Our shipyard is devoted to wooden boats only and we never used fiberglass in 25 years (except for scraping off some from a hull 15 years ago). But we had a few carpenters who became allergic to EPOXY and that turned real bad : now they cannot even get close to a piece being glued without having rash on exposed skin (ie. hands but also the face, ears, neck and even scalp if hair is scarce…) without having touched the piece itself !!!… Myself I never had any symptoms but I saw it happening on co-workers after working with the material for about 8 years without taking much precautions. Needless I did after seeing what happened to them.
By the way it also happened to the company manager who sold us the epoxy resin !!!… After some research we realized that this was not specific to that company, but was related to the most general epoxy formulae implemented by all providers on the market.
But it is true that people I saw affected used the resin by very large quantities at one point, which may explain their allergy.
Still, I wouldn't bet my luck on this.
So here are a few tips to avoid this nasty demise.
1) Wear gloves and mask at all times.
The problem with gloves is that you take less care at not touching the resin… therefore smearing your tools (stapler, screwdrivers, hammer…) with resin.
2) Have some acetone to clean tools before puling your gloves off.
3) NEVER EVER be even tempted to clean your own skin with acetone if by chance you touched the resin with bare skin (it does happen…). All epoxy providers also sell a special hand soap that removes it very easily. Why acetone should not be used is pretty simple to understand : as it removes the greasy film that protects the skin it allows the resin (and acetone) particles to enter the skin pores more easily.
4) If for some reason you cannot put gloves on (most common reason is the box it at the other end of the yard … ) smear your hands with a special protective cream : these are also available though the same outlets. Doing both protective cream + gloves never did any harm either.
5) Gloves must be disposable, get the cheapest ones and don't fool around with the newest gloves which they all sell now and that you are tempted to reuse : it's no help you'll get contaminated.
6) When sanding epoxy (and there is a lot of sanding when it comes to a 45ft hull !!!) not only wear gloves and mask and make an installation that ventilates the area well, but you should also wear disposable overalls. Do throw them away in a trash can as soon as your session is over and put on a new one at each session. Dust enters your lungs but never gets out : it accumulates there as much as silicosis with coal miners and asbestos before it was banned. So it is a vary bad idea to reuse overalls as dust will fall and create a cloud when you slip them on again. These disposable overalls are cheap, don't be cheap yourself.
7) Do the same with tools : each tool used to spread epoxy (I'm not talking about hammers, staplers and the like that you can clean with acetone) such as rollers and brushes should be thrown away immediately after use.
9) Trash cans must be close to the working area : no use to hang out in the workshop or the yard with a dripping roller or a used overall leaving a cloud of dust behind you for all to enjoy (plus leaving a layer of the same on tools and work pieces …).
10) Of course ensure you work in a well ventilated area : a lifted garage door in the workshop is ideal.
All this is pretty common sense and from my personal (and co-workers) experience had I been Ben, author of this nice video, I would have done what I recommend although I must say that, judging by what I he showed, he works pretty cleanly and seems less prone to mess than others who are a little bit more sloppy like I some I know rather well (me, for instance…).

I guess the most important thing to remember is that ALLERGU TO EPOXY BUILDS UP IN TIME : you may not feel anything for several years before you feel the first symptoms… But from this point THERE IS NO TURNING BACK !…

Sorry to be so long, but I feel it is an issue of some importance as I see many on YT videos use epoxy lavishly without much safety care.
It is a fantastic material that should be used wisely.

Cheers to all ! …
statorworks 345
statorworks 345 - 8 years ago
vincent7520 I could be wrong but i think we are confusing this with polyester-fiberglass or with polyurethane isocyanates. From what I understand epoxy is one of the safer materials, very low voc's etc i ve done my share of projects with no problems. Of course still good advice about the mask no matter what.
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Ryan rosenberg Good point Ryan :)
Ryan rosenberg
Ryan rosenberg - 8 years ago
making the epoxy wet before sanding is a good idea too to minimize the amount of epoxy dust particles.
qwertz33 - 8 years ago
and if you get ill on it, don't run to the doc. He only gives you pills.
If you get ill, use Chlorella for extreme detoxification.

You can also start to desinfect your air with chlorine dioxide (its used to clean water and air)
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+vincent7520 its always great to get good advice like this Thankyou again!
vincent7520 - 8 years ago
Cheers ! …
PS. I know from co-workers' (bad) experience at our shipyard !
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+vincent7520 Thanks for the advice Vincent
Nopporn Intongkum
Nopporn Intongkum - 8 years ago
luz vargas
luz vargas - 8 years ago
beautifull job , let me askyou , how long you wait betuin layers
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+luz vargas Hi Luz, i waited at least 4 hours but most times i left it overnight.
WhatsOns5 Vlogz
WhatsOns5 Vlogz - 8 years ago
Hey Ben, could you do a 1000 degree glowing knife vid
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Kyran Watson maybe one day
WhatsOns5 Vlogz
WhatsOns5 Vlogz - 8 years ago
Great job ben
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Kyran Watson Thanks Kyran
Kuffys Woodwork
Kuffys Woodwork - 8 years ago
Really nice. Did you need to remove any dust nibs from the surface which managed to stick to the wet epoxy?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Kuffys Woodwork Hey Kuffy I didn't get any dust between pours, i made sure I covered it every time and I stayed out of the workshop as much as I could :)
One Man Band Woodworks
One Man Band Woodworks - 8 years ago
Nice mate, cool channel
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+One Man Band Woodworking thanks:)
Whitley WoodCrafts
Whitley WoodCrafts - 8 years ago
This is amazing. I totally Love this. Subscribed and Shared........
Whitley WoodCrafts
Whitley WoodCrafts - 8 years ago
+Ben's Worx Your Very Welcome...
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Terry WoodCrafts 67 Thankyou Terry
Hubbard's Handmade
Hubbard's Handmade - 8 years ago
Very cool project Ben! Subscribed!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Hubbard's Handmade Thankyou
Peter Brown
Peter Brown - 8 years ago
That was a TON of resin! Very impressed with your final piece. That came out extremely clear!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 7 years ago
+bcreason Thanks mate! The torch brings the bubbles to the surface and pops them
bcreason - 7 years ago
Very nice. What is the purpose of using the torch?
Peter Brown
8 gallons of Resin!
concerned mother of two
concerned mother of two - 7 years ago
Rip tools
Mark Speir
Mark Speir - 8 years ago
Peter Brown's literal use of a ton of hyperbole is lost on this crowd...
Patrick Maestas
Patrick Maestas - 8 years ago
RIP- HanAssholeSolo
RIP- HanAssholeSolo - 8 years ago
why is that your white dude, and he doesn't actually mean a literal ton
RIP- HanAssholeSolo
RIP- HanAssholeSolo - 8 years ago
wildonemeister he doesn't actually mean a ton, smartass
why is that
why is that - 8 years ago
Boring Old White Guy. no a ton is 2000 pounds
wildonemeister - 8 years ago
That depends on what kind of tonne it is (US, Imperial or metric).
Boring Old White Guy
Boring Old White Guy - 8 years ago
A ton is 1000 lbs. A tonne is 1000 kg and approximately 2200lbs.
mantizz - 8 years ago
no a ton is 1k kilos that is far less than that =P
ReviewDykeUSA - 8 years ago
Keep up the amazing videos peter
Nathaniel Hartley
Nathaniel Hartley - 8 years ago
Peter Brown Love your channel
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Nickknel yeah i just needed a better way to hide them... but thats ok there's always next time
Nickknel - 8 years ago
oh man with it in with resin that would have been crazy you would still kinda get that there was spaces that were cracked that you filled in with resin? maybe shine them from the bottom... were you scared the resin would ruin the leds?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Nickknel hahaha funny you should say that, i had played around with leds under the resin before making this
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Nickknel That sounds like a great idea, maybe a future project ;)
Nickknel - 8 years ago
also i know this is a stretch but i saw your other video about the lamp would be cool to have the underside light up? maybe even change colors rgb lighting?
Nickknel - 8 years ago
this looks like a really cool table top just waiting to be made the lazy susan isnt bad but some round stock or that like debarked wood you know with the knobs and stuff. i see it alot in mountain cabins. but this type of wood would looks amazing for legs under that and thats would then be the perfect mancave coffee table
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Nickknel What do you suggest Nick ?
Nickknel - 8 years ago
its pretty but are you gonna expanded on it?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Nickknel Thanks for watching Nick :)
Nickknel - 8 years ago
I came down here to see if you had posted peter so happy to see you seen this too!
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Peter Brown Thanks Peter
The Kernel Collective
The Kernel Collective - 8 years ago
Nice project mate, came up really nice. Was there a logic behind multiple small pours vs one big one?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+The Kernel Collective thanks Mate! Maybe a bit of wd40 ;)
The Kernel Collective
The Kernel Collective - 8 years ago
Hmm it just looked like it was grinding a bit. Anyway great video mate, you've got a new subscriber! :D
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+The Kernel Collective i spoke to the wood shop I bought it from and they said it's good for 100kg, but I thought the same before I asked them :)
The Kernel Collective
The Kernel Collective - 8 years ago
Ah righto, I reckon you should upgrade the bearing part though. You've done such a good job on the rest, I'm wondering if the weight is killing it?
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+The Kernel Collective Hi Mate, yeah if i did one large pour it would have been susceptible to cracking, i just didn't want to risk it, thanks for watching:)
Patrick's WorkShop
Patrick's WorkShop - 8 years ago
man thats alot of epoxy , very nice outcome and i am glad to see how clear the epoxy is very nice job Ben
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Patrick's WorkShop thanks Patrick, this is one of my favorite builds I've done
PrismaShadow - 8 years ago
Beautiful job man, happy to stumble across your channel! keep it up ;)
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+Sam Mason That's a good idea mate!
Sam Mason
Sam Mason - 8 years ago
Ben's Worx that would be a nice night stand
Ben's Worx
Ben's Worx - 8 years ago
+PrismaShadow thanks Mate!

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