Pond in planter pot balcony patio condo apartment

Update videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7SILJhcsa4XrhMWWlePxcWACrb4G9r6l Since I live in a condo / apartment, I don't have the room that I use to. I may not be able to have a pond in the backyard, but nothing stops me from getting a planter pot and putting it in the patio / balcony / terrace. Try to find one that is around 15 gallons at least. Easier to keep the water conditions stable. Along with pots, you can use rubbermaid containers, or storage bins, as long as they don't have holes. My pond has a few rosy red minnows with a pgymy water lily, water lettuce, anacharis, parrots feathers, and hornwort. The key to success is find hardy plants that are able to survive your climate. So if you have extremely cold winters or hot summers. Find something that is native to your zone and can thrive. Make sure you check your water for ammonia/nitrite/nitrate regularly. Don't feed your fish too much food, any uneaten food will just dirty the water and cause ammonia/nitrite/nitrate to spike. Ponds: http://amzn.to/2oYZvaO http://amzn.to/2pMlm9w http://amzn.to/2py0HFh Bamboo Pumps: http://amzn.to/2qtlPtl http://amzn.to/2pMuD1n http://amzn.to/2pMnsGi Water Lilies (artificial) http://amzn.to/2pkTHLy http://amzn.to/2oYPR7V Water Filter: http://amzn.to/2pMshiT Seachem Prime (water conditioner) http://amzn.to/2qmE98i Seachem Stability (beneficial bacteria) http://amzn.to/2qmTTrT Ammonia Test Strips http://amzn.to/2pMvTl7 Aquarium Water Test Strips http://amzn.to/2pxZr52

Pond in planter pot balcony patio condo apartment sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Howto & Style 8 years ago 45,475 views

Update videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7SILJhcsa4XrhMWWlePxcWACrb4G9r6l Since I live in a condo / apartment, I don't have the room that I use to. I may not be able to have a pond in the backyard, but nothing stops me from getting a planter pot and putting it in the patio / balcony / terrace. Try to find one that is around 15 gallons at least. Easier to keep the water conditions stable. Along with pots, you can use rubbermaid containers, or storage bins, as long as they don't have holes. My pond has a few rosy red minnows with a pgymy water lily, water lettuce, anacharis, parrots feathers, and hornwort. The key to success is find hardy plants that are able to survive your climate. So if you have extremely cold winters or hot summers. Find something that is native to your zone and can thrive. Make sure you check your water for ammonia/nitrite/nitrate regularly. Don't feed your fish too much food, any uneaten food will just dirty the water and cause ammonia/nitrite/nitrate to spike. Ponds: http://amzn.to/2oYZvaO http://amzn.to/2pMlm9w http://amzn.to/2py0HFh Bamboo Pumps: http://amzn.to/2qtlPtl http://amzn.to/2pMuD1n http://amzn.to/2pMnsGi Water Lilies (artificial) http://amzn.to/2pkTHLy http://amzn.to/2oYPR7V Water Filter: http://amzn.to/2pMshiT Seachem Prime (water conditioner) http://amzn.to/2qmE98i Seachem Stability (beneficial bacteria) http://amzn.to/2qmTTrT Ammonia Test Strips http://amzn.to/2pMvTl7 Aquarium Water Test Strips http://amzn.to/2pxZr52

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Most popular comments
for Pond in planter pot balcony patio condo apartment

Mike & Wendy's Snoozy Adventures
Mike & Wendy's Snoozy Adventures - 7 years ago
Dartist64 Rocks
Dartist64 Rocks - 7 years ago
Nice setup.
ron matusik
ron matusik - 7 years ago
Great video,
What size of filter are you using? also does it freeze in your location?
kenVersus - 7 years ago
+ron matusik I got a filter that was for a 10-20 gallon. Yes it freezes. Watch my updated video it'll show the ice that formed on the top.
sasha smith
sasha smith - 7 years ago
Can you show the parts used. I see stones on the bottom as well as a clay pot saucer. So a large pot, a filter and a pump?
Is that all you used? Nice work though. This is exactly what I want. And it is a bonus of having fish! I am going to try to copy this.
kenVersus - 7 years ago
+sasha smith hi you pretty much have it right. I have large pebbles on the bottom as well as some aquarium gravel. Whatever I had left over from my indoor tanks.

a clay saucer so I can put food at the bottom for the fish to eat. And when they're done eating I suck it up with a turkey baster.

I have a filter to help keep the water circulating. Pump is more for decoration but it does help with circulation.

Get lots of live plants and as big of a pot as you can fit. And don't overstock the pot with too many fish.

Watch my more updated videos on the pond. Good luck.
alviiiiin1988 - 7 years ago
can the bamboo spout be positioned in the middle? i dont like how its set closer to one side. thats what has been holding me back from buying it.
alviiiiin1988 - 7 years ago
kenVersus thanks. i prefer the symmetrical look.
kenVersus - 7 years ago
+alviiiiin1988 you can't move the spout. But there are other bamboo fountains that can have a more symmetric look.
Fishing In The Hood
Fishing In The Hood - 7 years ago
You should put ghost shrimp
Fishing In The Hood
Fishing In The Hood - 7 years ago
Frank Balon cali
Frank Balon
Frank Balon - 7 years ago
What state are you in?
Amon Trumbo
Amon Trumbo - 7 years ago
MARKLINMAN1 - 7 years ago
How often do you have to do water changes? This is a cool idea. I would like to do it, but in a bigger scale. Like 700 gallons rectangular size! This is NEAT.
kenVersus - 7 years ago
Hi, I change the water about once a week. 1/3 water change.
Myriam Elizabeth Viadas Oaxaca
Myriam Elizabeth Viadas Oaxaca - 7 years ago
The Artificial Plants Are SO Ugly!!!
Better Nothing" =/

10. comment for Pond in planter pot balcony patio condo apartment

mark layton
mark layton - 7 years ago
you have the space there - you could have an aquarium on a stand instead ....and plenty of coldwater fish would be fine outside - you could just add a heater .....I don't like this tub - its too fake and too fussy - the lamp clamped on the side  NO it just looks too fussy - looks like a kid set it up .
Crystal Byler
Crystal Byler - 7 years ago
Wow talk about being blunt. Very rude. I think it looks nice
jay starr
jay starr - 7 years ago
mark layton it looks awesome
Whats wrong with you??
Magikarp - 7 years ago
at least the dude could probably type
Jalal Dawod
Jalal Dawod - 7 years ago
Thank you that looks great and simple. Is it dangerous if my dog drinks that water with chemicals? I know he's gonna try when m not looking. Sneaky baster German Shepard.
Jalal Dawod
Jalal Dawod - 7 years ago
kenVersus thank very much. One less thing to worry about.
kenVersus - 7 years ago
+Jalal Dawod if by chemicals you mean the beneficial bacteria and water conditioner. I'd say it's probably safe. If it's good for the fish should be fine for other pets.
lolo poli
lolo poli - 7 years ago
how are the lilies doing ,since they are not in the direct sunlight or arent they ? can they bloom ?
kenVersus - 7 years ago
+lolo poli they're starting to sprout leaves again after winter. I'll know if they bloom this summer. I have a video update.

Jason Jarred
Jason Jarred - 8 years ago
I love your bamboo pump, found them on eBay! What filter did you use? I want a setup very much like yours. Thanks so much for sharing your video, this helped me a lot more than tons of other "DIY" videos on Youtube as its exactly what Im looking for.
Lim Chin Huat
Lim Chin Huat - 8 years ago
kenVersus - 8 years ago
+Jason Jarred
I use a cheap grreat choice filter from petsmart.

The minnows are still alive outside even when the pond froze over with an inch of ice.

Thanks for watchin
tommylax17 - 8 years ago
nice work

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