Pond in planter pot balcony patio condo apartment
Howto & Style 8 years ago 45,475 views
Update videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7SILJhcsa4XrhMWWlePxcWACrb4G9r6l Since I live in a condo / apartment, I don't have the room that I use to. I may not be able to have a pond in the backyard, but nothing stops me from getting a planter pot and putting it in the patio / balcony / terrace. Try to find one that is around 15 gallons at least. Easier to keep the water conditions stable. Along with pots, you can use rubbermaid containers, or storage bins, as long as they don't have holes. My pond has a few rosy red minnows with a pgymy water lily, water lettuce, anacharis, parrots feathers, and hornwort. The key to success is find hardy plants that are able to survive your climate. So if you have extremely cold winters or hot summers. Find something that is native to your zone and can thrive. Make sure you check your water for ammonia/nitrite/nitrate regularly. Don't feed your fish too much food, any uneaten food will just dirty the water and cause ammonia/nitrite/nitrate to spike. Ponds: http://amzn.to/2oYZvaO http://amzn.to/2pMlm9w http://amzn.to/2py0HFh Bamboo Pumps: http://amzn.to/2qtlPtl http://amzn.to/2pMuD1n http://amzn.to/2pMnsGi Water Lilies (artificial) http://amzn.to/2pkTHLy http://amzn.to/2oYPR7V Water Filter: http://amzn.to/2pMshiT Seachem Prime (water conditioner) http://amzn.to/2qmE98i Seachem Stability (beneficial bacteria) http://amzn.to/2qmTTrT Ammonia Test Strips http://amzn.to/2pMvTl7 Aquarium Water Test Strips http://amzn.to/2pxZr52
What size of filter are you using? also does it freeze in your location?
Is that all you used? Nice work though. This is exactly what I want. And it is a bonus of having fish! I am going to try to copy this.
a clay saucer so I can put food at the bottom for the fish to eat. And when they're done eating I suck it up with a turkey baster.
I have a filter to help keep the water circulating. Pump is more for decoration but it does help with circulation.
Get lots of live plants and as big of a pot as you can fit. And don't overstock the pot with too many fish.
Watch my more updated videos on the pond. Good luck.
Better Nothing" =/
10. comment for Pond in planter pot balcony patio condo apartment
Whats wrong with you??
I use a cheap grreat choice filter from petsmart.
The minnows are still alive outside even when the pond froze over with an inch of ice.
Thanks for watchin