'Bonsai tree' aquascape step by step

In this aquascaping video I'm going low tech and low budget :) I will use this for my new baby shrimp which I was blessed with :) stay tuned for the follow up videos about this simple scape... If you would like to support this channel and help me on my aquascaping journey you can do so below, any help is very much appreciated, however big or small...thank you https://www.patreon.com/adriansaquatics https://www.paypal.me/adriansaquatics

'Bonsai tree' aquascape step by step sentiment_very_dissatisfied 53

Howto 8 years ago 231,932 views

In this aquascaping video I'm going low tech and low budget :) I will use this for my new baby shrimp which I was blessed with :) stay tuned for the follow up videos about this simple scape... If you would like to support this channel and help me on my aquascaping journey you can do so below, any help is very much appreciated, however big or small...thank you https://www.patreon.com/adriansaquatics https://www.paypal.me/adriansaquatics

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Most popular comments
for 'Bonsai tree' aquascape step by step

Hassain Baig
Hassain Baig - 7 years ago
I.am also trying to do what to buy the things you can say
Hassain Baig
Hassain Baig - 7 years ago
Thank you
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
hi, i will next time :)
Brett Shadduck
Brett Shadduck - 7 years ago
What size aquarium is it?
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
it was 30x30x30 cm, ADA cube gardeb 30c
Darren Low
Darren Low - 7 years ago
What filter is this?
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
hi, it was Dennerle Scapers flow..thanks for watching
Sky M
Sky M - 7 years ago
What did you add at the end?
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
if i remember well it was ADA green bacter
C_ Farther
C_ Farther - 7 years ago
Genius! Beautiful.
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
+C_ Farther thank you
Alex Sim
Alex Sim - 7 years ago
Hi. I noticed you just forced the mosses into the Bonsai's branches. Did you glue them? Wouldn't they fall off once you place water into the tank?
Arvyn Yuson
Arvyn Yuson - 7 years ago
Is it possible to put real bonsai tree in the tank? In my location no available moss thanks
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
no worries..they should stay in place, especially after few days, maybe few weeks after they've grown in a bit..
Alex Sim
Alex Sim - 7 years ago
Thanks for the very fast response. I just tied my first Bonsai with spiky moss. Hopefully it turns out well. Chose spiky because of it's low maintenance. Will probably try your method forcing them in. But then I'm afraid they will move out of place if I am moving the bonsai around in the water.
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hi Alex, thanks for watching. yeah i just put them in, no glue..got lucky with that wood as I don't like using glue but i think i used moss cotton on one branch which wasn't as 'branchy' as others, if you get what i mean :)
arisaac garcia
arisaac garcia - 7 years ago
Excellent video, it is a sign that you do not need to spend a lot of money to have an aquarium worthy of competition, I love it !!!
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
hello mate, thanks for watching..yeah this one was very simple, cheap (the wood is about £25-30), easy to look after
Tom Sanders
Tom Sanders - 7 years ago
would you need a co2 for this
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
no worries..driftwood is made by Superfish, got it from Maidenhead aquatics in Winchmore hill, sand is from the same place, its made by Unipac and is called Fiji sand..the rock were mini landscape rock from Wildwoods gardens, Crews hill as well..probably around £50 or so?
Tom Sanders
Tom Sanders - 7 years ago
thanks! A speedy reply too! Im going to attempt this aquascape. But dont know how much itll cost and how many shrimp to have and where to buy from ;(
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
hey Tom, no, not for this one..its only moss..thanks for watching
lorenzo rozzoni
lorenzo rozzoni - 7 years ago
how many litres is this acquarium?

nice video!!
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
hi Lorenzo, thanks for watching! I'm not sure, around 30 litres

10. comment for 'Bonsai tree' aquascape step by step

chaitanya rajesh
chaitanya rajesh - 7 years ago
keep up the good work. may i know what filter is that??
thanks ;)
chaitanya rajesh
chaitanya rajesh - 7 years ago
is it available on amazon? and yes, since you seem like a knowledgable aquascaper, how does one maintain sand in an aquascape. i was thinking of aquascaping my 15 gallon tank and keep some neon and/or cardinal tetras in it. What can i do to keep the sand looking clean, when the fish waste falls onto it. DO you think the scaper's flow would be able to do that?
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
hi, thanks a lot! It is Dennerle scaper's flow
Jiyalal Gupta
Jiyalal Gupta - 8 years ago
Arun gupta and jayesh,sumit
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
Monday Kidz
Monday Kidz - 8 years ago
how could you stick the moss on bonsai tree...please help me....
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi there, on this one I didn't use anything, just put it in between little branches..but you can use a fishing line to tie it or any superglue will do..
Sean Paradise
Sean Paradise - 8 years ago
This is not a fully balanced eco-system, it's just a trick effect to have a fake bonsai.
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi Sean, thanks for watching.. I wouldn't call it a trick, certainly that's not what i have intended.. I saw a nice piece of driftwood in my local store, I got some stones and sand (non buffering substrate) as this tank was meant to be for my cherry shrimp and I've tried to do something with it..now, maybe it's not a fully balanced eco system but I think it was good environment for them..the tank is gone now anyway so, again, thanks for watching mate :)
Noor Khaleel Khan
Noor Khaleel Khan - 8 years ago
Hi Adrian, very simple and nice aquascape. I am planning a similar one with just Java moss and Java fern [low budget one ;) I cant afford substrate now]. I want to know about things like 'ADA Bacter 100', 'ADA Green Bacter' and 'API Stress coat', what are these actually? what is their functionality? Is it really needed?

And how about CO2, is that needed too? I dint see you using it in this video. Kindly help.
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
no problem my friend, I'll be happy to help...but i'm no expert yeah? ;)
Noor Khaleel Khan
Noor Khaleel Khan - 8 years ago
Bro you are one of the quickest to reply :), more than thankful for your reply. Got a good idea about the things I asked, I will need your help again while setting up, I will trouble you again ;)
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hello Noor..sorry for late reply.. Bacter 100 is an additive (not needed really), Green Bacter are beneficial bacteria ( need something like that for the filter to cycle and function properly ) and API thing is just dechlorinator (very important when using tap water ) No Co2 for that one, there was only moss so, not needed..but in general carbon (Co2) is very important for the plans, some need more, some less.. If I forgot something please ask again :) thanks for watching my friend
Nigel Baker
Nigel Baker - 8 years ago
Another nice scape Adrian :)
Just wish you would narrate your videos rather than playing music.
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi Nigel, thanks for watching ;) yeah it is something I'm considering for the future, just not sure I go about it but yeah, it will happen somehow ;)
volkan çolpan
volkan çolpan - 8 years ago
Hello. Does it need a CO2 system ?
volkan çolpan
volkan çolpan - 8 years ago
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
yeah i know what u mean ;) no problem my friend, anytime..
volkan çolpan
volkan çolpan - 8 years ago
İ tried in many times. İts good for anubias but for more pro level plants it is nor enough.But you are so kind. thanks for the comments ;)
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
sorry to hear that man.. i actually never used sera or tetra..how about liquid carbon? i know it's not the same as proper Co2 but, better then nothing..it did help me a lot..and i think if u have a decent light and some easy to mid range plans you should be o.k..
volkan çolpan
volkan çolpan - 8 years ago
İn here you dont have to many options in the pet shops. İf you buy a brand like sera or tetra it costs a fortune. Like one hundred euros.turkish money value is too low according to euro. And you dont have too many brand options. so you have to make a commercial setup like they use in the foctories. But safety is an issue than :)
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
tell me about it..now i'm using fluval mini with 16g cartridges from bike shop ;) thanks again for watching
volkan çolpan
volkan çolpan - 8 years ago
İts great i am from turkey and co2 systems are so expensive in here. Keep up the good work. You are doing amazing.
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
hello and thanks for watching. No this one didn't need Co2, it was just a moss in there and it was doing well, I can't remember if i made a video with Co2 or not but, it didn't need any..
Colbyyy - 8 years ago
New subscriber here! Love your tanks
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
thank you my friend..appreciate it ;)
Sier Salazar
Sier Salazar - 8 years ago
What's the thing you just drop? The one after you put the stress zyme? Beautiful scape by the way.
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
no problem ;) sometimes i don't put text and u have to read it in the description..depends how much time i got to edit
Sier Salazar
Sier Salazar - 8 years ago
Thank you for replying. I didn't notice that you already said it on the video lol
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
hi and thanks for watching ;) i think it was ADA Green Bacter..
Eric C
Eric C - 8 years ago
Come fix my shit Adrian... I need help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwH8VTuSxIk
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
hey Eric, what need fixing? you tank seems o.k from what i've seen..

20. comment for 'Bonsai tree' aquascape step by step

Kyle Naicker
Kyle Naicker - 8 years ago
Very simplified, but turns out exquisite! Excellent scape!!
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
thank you Kyle ;) I will make another one like this, same concept, diff plants and soil..stay tuned ;)
TARDIS cat - 8 years ago
This looks amazing!!! I would really like to do a bonsai setup with black / dark sand.... do you think that would work?
TARDIS cat - 8 years ago
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
hi and thanks for watching ;) yeah, in fact i'm gonna use dark soil and some carpet plant and that tree..and nothing else, kinda just like a tree on a plain sort of thing..should look simple but good..try it ;)
Phill D
Phill D - 8 years ago
could somebody please shoot, Gunnar Olsen. That music was crap!
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
hey Phill, sorry about that mate..it's kinda hard to choose the music, I've tried to combine what's available to me, with a bit of personal taste, but of course, we are all different so not everybody likes the same.. I'll try something else for my next one.. I hope you liked the aquascape at least :)
20 20
20 20 - 8 years ago
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
noise? where? :)
Brian Flood
Brian Flood - 8 years ago
Love the scape and the music - do you have a link to it?
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
thanks Brian..music is from Youtube library..royalty free
boss bully boy
boss bully boy - 8 years ago
what kind of filter is that?

your scape is amazing, very clean!
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
and thank you
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
Dennerle scaper's flow ;)
Chris Bellechasse
Chris Bellechasse - 8 years ago
did you super glue the moss on or just kind of stick it on there and let the moss naturally grow into those branches
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
if you ordered same as mine you don't need anything..it's all in there, in the trays..it's literally plug-n-play ;) just fill with water, maybe rinse it first though..but nothing else needed.
Chris Bellechasse
Chris Bellechasse - 8 years ago
I found that canister filter just ordered it but what kind of media do you run in yours
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
well, the one I've got it's kinda combination of both..you can have it as HOB but u can also put it next to or below the tank.. Dennerle Scaper's Flow..got a video about it somewhere ;)
Chris Bellechasse
Chris Bellechasse - 8 years ago
So you use any kind of canister filter of some sort or hang on back
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
yeah exactly, most of my plants are doing o.k, still in various stages of melting and stuff but new growth looks nice and clean so far..thanks a lot and no problem, ask anytime, if i can i'll help ;)
Chris Bellechasse
Chris Bellechasse - 8 years ago
Ahh gotcha yea I guess just depends on what kind of plants you going to have that need the c02.. But thanks for all your help and greatly appreciated also great work on the video
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
yeah they do..just google it..i think it comes up as fishkeeper or something..not sure if they ship across the pond u know? ;) I did but now i dont, been a month at least..not much difference i think
Chris Bellechasse
Chris Bellechasse - 8 years ago
Oh gotcha I'll have to see if they got a website I'm from the US so I'll have to keep looking then thnx tho.. I'm starting a tank soon and trying it get everything together.. Do you run c02
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
it was from Maidenhead Aquatics and it's about £30 a piece, depending on size..but as soon as i saw it in the shop i got it as i really wanted something 'tree' like for few months...and you normally only get bogwood around here ;))
Chris Bellechasse
Chris Bellechasse - 8 years ago
Oh ok sweet thanks also where did you get your bonsai wood from
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
hi, yeah i just put it in the gaps..i have put a bit of cotton moss as well, but i didn't need to, it would hold o.k
Pleco-Park - 8 years ago
Wow. Thats the way to do a perfect Scape!!
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
thank you :)
Acquari Low Cost
Acquari Low Cost - 8 years ago
very nice
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
thank you
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 8 years ago
Great scape. simplicity in itself and at the same time looking pretty elaborate.
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
thanks mate..yeah it came out ok i think, for what's in it..only one plant, one piece of wood, couple of stones..all was basically leftovers or a cutting, except for the tree :) thanks for watching anyway

30. comment for 'Bonsai tree' aquascape step by step

Josia Gommel
Josia Gommel - 8 years ago
where do you get the wood? and nice aquascape
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
yeah go for it they are nice..and you can put them away from the tank as well..I think it was £80 a piece though..but worth it i think..not that i got anything to do with Dennerle (unfortunately) ;)
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 8 years ago
Thanks. I already checked your review, this is definitely on my shopping list now. Tired of using crappy hang on back filters. The canisters work much better. Will probably get a few of them too as i got 3 nanos around the house all of them with cheap no good filters.
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
it's Dennerle Scaper's flow filter.. I got review video as well..got three of these myself ;)
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 8 years ago
Just a question whats the name and brand of that hang on back canister filter you are using? it looks good and i am looking into get one for my nano.
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
no problem :)
Josia Gommel
Josia Gommel - 8 years ago
alright, thanks
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
well, just checked on the website and you are right, it is around £30..maybe i'm wrong but i don't think i would pay 30 quid for it..
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 8 years ago
i got two 5 min from my door in hounslow. but both selling bonsai for around 30£
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
oh sorry it is called Maidenhead aquatics but it is in Crews hill.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 8 years ago
Adrian's Aquatics which maidenhead? i also buy my stuff at maidenhead but they selling the trees way more expensive.
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
thanks ;) from my local store. Maidenhead aquatics..its made by Superfish.. about £13 a piece or something..depending on size..

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