'Bonsai tree' aquascape step by step
Howto 8 years ago 231,932 views
In this aquascaping video I'm going low tech and low budget :) I will use this for my new baby shrimp which I was blessed with :) stay tuned for the follow up videos about this simple scape... If you would like to support this channel and help me on my aquascaping journey you can do so below, any help is very much appreciated, however big or small...thank you https://www.patreon.com/adriansaquatics https://www.paypal.me/adriansaquatics
nice video!!
10. comment for 'Bonsai tree' aquascape step by step
thanks ;)
And how about CO2, is that needed too? I dint see you using it in this video. Kindly help.
Just wish you would narrate your videos rather than playing music.
20. comment for 'Bonsai tree' aquascape step by step
your scape is amazing, very clean!
30. comment for 'Bonsai tree' aquascape step by step