'Tributary' Aquascape by James Findley - The Making Of

http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/tributary-aquascape-the-making-video Read our article on shallow Nature Aquariums. Video transcript available here: http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/aquascaping-whole-new-dimension Professional aquascaper and founder of The Green Machine James Findley explains that not only are shallow aquariums incredibly fun to work with, but they also make it very simple to achieve outstanding results, and present ample opportunity for individual experimentation and artistic interpretation. James Findley's latest work entitled 'Tributary' demonstrates what can be achieved with these unusual aquariums. James chose the ADA Cube Garden 120-F (120x30x20cm ) because he wanted the opportunity to experiment with something new: 'Shallow tanks provide a fantastic opportunity to do something a bit different, and to really experiment with aquascaping in a fun and inventive way. Variety is one of the things I love about aquascaping, and pushing the boundaries is what it makes it so fun and exciting!' Something new... James adds that one of the things he particularly enjoyed about working on this size aquarium was the opportunity to experiment with emergent plant growth and the placing of aquatic hardscape outside of the traditional parameters of the aquarium: 'this creates a dual perspective, in which you can see both below and above the water, and each aspect is equally as beautiful. It adds a whole new dimension to your aquascape. Nature's Microcosm... James wanted to explore the microcosm of nature and the way that sometimes the smallest, least obvious and most discrete things in life can be the most beautiful and awe-inspiring, yet so often go unnoticed. He describes how this inspired him to create this aquascape, and how the shallow dimensions of the Cube Garden 120-F naturally lent themselves to an exercise in the minute. James entitled this aquascape 'Tributary' because it focuses on the smallest element of the stream, and celebrates the beauty of what is often overlooked. This aquascape is indeed very unusual and certainly original: one of the most striking elements of this work is the way in which James has banked up the substrate very highly at the two diagonally opposite corners of the aquarium. This helped him to create the feeling of a tributary, in which the flow of the water naturally pushes the substrate to the sides. He chose to place the outflow pipe in the centre of this rivulet to add to the authenticity of the aquascape, and create the natural flow of a tributary. Read the rest of this article on our website here... http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/aquascaping-whole-new-dimension

'Tributary' Aquascape by James Findley - The Making Of sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Howto 11 years ago 160,393 views

http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/tributary-aquascape-the-making-video Read our article on shallow Nature Aquariums. Video transcript available here: http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/aquascaping-whole-new-dimension Professional aquascaper and founder of The Green Machine James Findley explains that not only are shallow aquariums incredibly fun to work with, but they also make it very simple to achieve outstanding results, and present ample opportunity for individual experimentation and artistic interpretation. James Findley's latest work entitled 'Tributary' demonstrates what can be achieved with these unusual aquariums. James chose the ADA Cube Garden 120-F (120x30x20cm ) because he wanted the opportunity to experiment with something new: 'Shallow tanks provide a fantastic opportunity to do something a bit different, and to really experiment with aquascaping in a fun and inventive way. Variety is one of the things I love about aquascaping, and pushing the boundaries is what it makes it so fun and exciting!' Something new... James adds that one of the things he particularly enjoyed about working on this size aquarium was the opportunity to experiment with emergent plant growth and the placing of aquatic hardscape outside of the traditional parameters of the aquarium: 'this creates a dual perspective, in which you can see both below and above the water, and each aspect is equally as beautiful. It adds a whole new dimension to your aquascape. Nature's Microcosm... James wanted to explore the microcosm of nature and the way that sometimes the smallest, least obvious and most discrete things in life can be the most beautiful and awe-inspiring, yet so often go unnoticed. He describes how this inspired him to create this aquascape, and how the shallow dimensions of the Cube Garden 120-F naturally lent themselves to an exercise in the minute. James entitled this aquascape 'Tributary' because it focuses on the smallest element of the stream, and celebrates the beauty of what is often overlooked. This aquascape is indeed very unusual and certainly original: one of the most striking elements of this work is the way in which James has banked up the substrate very highly at the two diagonally opposite corners of the aquarium. This helped him to create the feeling of a tributary, in which the flow of the water naturally pushes the substrate to the sides. He chose to place the outflow pipe in the centre of this rivulet to add to the authenticity of the aquascape, and create the natural flow of a tributary. Read the rest of this article on our website here... http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/aquascaping-whole-new-dimension

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Most popular comments
for 'Tributary' Aquascape by James Findley - The Making Of

Michelle GS
Michelle GS - 7 years ago
My favorite design <3
Don-Of-On Rice
Don-Of-On Rice - 8 years ago
This is an art style unique altogether. It looks expensive though.
nederlands100 - 8 years ago
time for new once
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
. . beautiful aquascapes. . great store. . an inspiration ;)
Anshul Fernando
Anshul Fernando - 8 years ago
I would love to see a shallow tank with water lilys or tiger lotus, especially in a tank like this
Christian 5o5
Christian 5o5 - 8 years ago
Romeo AFS
Romeo AFS - 9 years ago
can u make a list for me? about all those stuff, i want make one same as that tank too
Romeo AFS
Romeo AFS - 9 years ago
y I don't see that tank's size or price?
Romeo AFS
Romeo AFS - 9 years ago
on ur website?
Marcin Wojciechowski
Marcin Wojciechowski - 9 years ago
this is the most beautyful setup I have ever seen :) I really like these long and wide aquariums

10. comment for 'Tributary' Aquascape by James Findley - The Making Of

AngusAndBubba - 9 years ago
when james first started adding the water i've never seen him that much before lmao
Cristian Ionut Marcu
Cristian Ionut Marcu - 9 years ago
Will the cat fish or Cory will damage your substrate or the carpeting plants? 
Gatta Tassella
Gatta Tassella - 9 years ago
Clunk - 10 years ago
I would like to see more smaller Aquascapes. Not many of us have room for a 1,600 litre aquarium. So more smaller aquarium designs like this are welcome viewing. 
Stavroula Xar
Stavroula Xar - 7 years ago
Yes, only 72 litres...!!!
Valoušek Štanglovíková
Valoušek Štanglovíková - 8 years ago
I think this one is about 70 litres
xSchnitzlerx - 10 years ago
Fuck me, this is killer!
Alvaro Callejas
Alvaro Callejas - 10 years ago
Is there any display with medium size fish to complement the aquascapes?
Noah Seslar
Noah Seslar - 7 years ago
Alvaro Callejas Usually nature aquariums/serious aquascapes focus little.on the fish and more on the environment.
Robert Wood
Robert Wood - 10 years ago
uncycled aqua soil? What do you mean by that?
Robert Wood
Robert Wood - 10 years ago
TheGreenMachineLtd - 10 years ago
This is correct, if planting straight away (before cycling) you should do a 50% water change on a daily basis for at least two weeks, otherwise the ammonia will 'melt' many species of aquatic plants and is also lethal to livestock. Once cycled however, you will have a highly efficient and functional filtration system which has been helped and accelerated by the use of this product.
Robert Wood
Robert Wood - 10 years ago
Oh, i see now. Thank-you.
LemurToujours - 10 years ago
hmm, kinda self-defeating showing the final result in the beginning of the video.. totally kills the surprise effect imo. but apart from that it's a very good video. :)
The Awperator
The Awperator - 8 years ago
KALIBRAH productions keep going. get as many plants as you can. plants plants plants. sure, get cool fish, but with the planted tank hobby, get as mant plants as you can. with fish, you want to buy them sparingly. but not plantss.
KALIBRAH productions
KALIBRAH productions - 8 years ago
TheGreenMachineLtd i need help im young and i want to do just what you do. you inspired me and i bought a aquariu.. Then i wanted another now i hawe 7 aquariums and i want to lern more abaout aqua scaping. do you have some tips.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 10 years ago
We know what you mean, but it serves as an incentive to non-aquascapers to continue watching until the end. Hopefully we can grow this hobby like our plants!
Aquarium Fanatic
Aquarium Fanatic - 10 years ago
My favorite one
TheGreenMachineLtd - 10 years ago
Please help us improve our videos by answering this short (less than 2 minute) survey! https://thegreenmachine.typeform.com/to/NiWcTO

20. comment for 'Tributary' Aquascape by James Findley - The Making Of

Fish Cutie
Fish Cutie - 10 years ago
one of my favorite green machine layouts, a shallow river!
Trey L
Trey L - 10 years ago
why does he leave the rock wool on the hc when placing on the wood? Does he have to take it out after it growns in?
Paul Nicoloso
Paul Nicoloso - 11 years ago
Parmi les plus réussis, belle inspiration
Patsplattheredstonisist - 11 years ago
hi tgm, this is a truly amazing scape. I wish i could get a rimless tank for cheaper than the ADA prices. But i guess you get what you pay for right :D. besides ADA subbstrates i want to ask if you have tried any others like flourite or eco complete. i would also like you guys' opinion on CO2 and if it is always necessary. thnx guys, your amazing and keep up the good work!!!
Patsplattheredstonisist - 11 years ago
personally i like the substrating, it really sets a tone for the tank with the color and the chape and height in which it is put in
Patsplattheredstonisist - 11 years ago
you can buy them from tgm or you can make them out of some harder plastic document protectors
Queue675 - 11 years ago
Really love your work, very inspiring !
Bore DCV
Bore DCV - 11 years ago
sirjay fernandez
sirjay fernandez - 11 years ago
hello TGM.. I LOVE YOUR WORKS! i really really love all of it.. very artistic and full of imagination.. hope i can do one of this someday to put it inside my house.. more power guys...:))
rafael de baas
rafael de baas - 11 years ago
with 60 euros you wont get far, you'd have to scavenge outside for rocks. use cheap substrate. and driftwood is also very expensive (about 30euros for 1kg of it) goodluck

30. comment for 'Tributary' Aquascape by James Findley - The Making Of

tiburones66 - 11 years ago
Hermoso hermoso no por nada me considero un amante de los acuarios es como si tubieras un pequeño mundo en tu casa
mario raiman
mario raiman - 11 years ago
hola..tus productos los podre encontrar en chile?
epicnas12342 - 11 years ago
Do u use rodi water
MysterXfr - 11 years ago
i would like make an aquascape, but i've only a juwel lido 120 and 60€ (51.69£) budget. Can you give me some advice for my project please?
DavidARambo - 11 years ago
Greetings,,, I have a question for you. I see that you use several layers of different substrait, I really see the benefit of the under layer substrait when the top layer is thin and the plants roots can reach down to access the nutrients of the bottom layer, but when you bank up the top layer 4, 5, or even 6 inches high, what is the real benefit of the lower under layer substrait if the roots never gain access to it? Just curious.
YoungInn G
YoungInn G - 11 years ago
My future inspiration.. :) you guys are awesome
Rafał Michalski
Rafał Michalski - 11 years ago
One of the most breathtaking projects I`ve ever seen, and I`ve seen them a lot. So many details in rather small aquarium. Thanks to the proportions and the choose of plants it looks just outstanding. Never thought that shallow tank can be so detailfull. In this case the small high of the tank is its biggest advantage. Now I`ve got a new inspiration for new project. May I ask if You added later on any micro/macronutrient, any special treatment to the plants besides substrate and CO2?
Allie Gill
Allie Gill - 11 years ago
after watching your videos i was so pumped i went out to beach and few lakes got all the plants and put them all together in my aquarium and now ...it ...it..just doesn't look anywhere as close as how i thought it might look :3 :3
Gustavo Acosta
Gustavo Acosta - 11 years ago
Hello, you may expose a list of all materials used including quantities?, So that it's easier to make purchases in your store and make a replica of this wonderful work. Would be very important for me since I live in Colombia and I would play to manage the import of all products and perform multiple imports increases costs me. I appreciate your kind attention.
andywhufcno1 - 11 years ago
Thanks for the advice. I went ahead with planting Staurogyne, Eleocharis parvula, Vesicularia ferriei, Vallisneria in amazonian aqua soil.. Using no powder. My plants are growing/spreading like wild fire. Love it. Thanks for the advice. I have phoned your shop and gave me lots of advice. Thanks again
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
TGM Substrate Supports... find them on our website.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
We don't have a problem with this and just top up aquariums when needed.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
We're glad you share our passion! Remember that if you become our customer we will help you right along the way to ensure you achieve great results.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
ADA Aqua Soil granules and powder are made up of the same material exactly... its simply a different aesthetic look and it is easier to plant small rooted plants (such as Hemianthus, Staurogyne, Glossostigma) in powder type because there is more grip due to it's larger surface area.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
Search on our website for the article titles 'Working with carpeting plants and grasses' for an introduction to this topic.
makiceni - 11 years ago
Hello, What is the plastic used by James to separate the sand from the aquasoil? I want to do the same job but I do not know with what ... thank you
NYC420OZONE - 11 years ago
I could see that happening James is a genius.
WingsOfHorus - 11 years ago
I'd love to be taken on as James' apprentice or something like that. It would practically be my dream career, but...where to start?
manos lykos
manos lykos - 11 years ago
The amazing James Findley.I love to see you working.Thanks for that piece of Art.
Andy Lord
Andy Lord - 11 years ago
Hi Guys, I've tried an open top tank but suffered with a lot of evaporation when doing weekly water changes and not only that started to peel the wall paper away because of it. I've had to go to a 250L and 125 closed top tanks. How do you guys get over the problem with open top tanks?

50. comment for 'Tributary' Aquascape by James Findley - The Making Of

jztouch - 11 years ago
I can't wait to do one of these! You guys are such an inspiration! Makes me feel like a kid again gazing in wonder at the minnows and caddis flies in the creek next to my house where I grew up!
Eduardo Padilla Ochoa
Eduardo Padilla Ochoa - 11 years ago
why shouldn't the substrate turn anaerobic? isn't anaerobic bacteria that turns nittrates into nitrogen?
J Rhodes
J Rhodes - 11 years ago
MrRangerZr1 - 11 years ago
OMG so nice
anthony la morte
anthony la morte - 11 years ago
Simply beautiful
anthony la morte
anthony la morte - 11 years ago
Omar Kabbani
Omar Kabbani - 11 years ago
The Godfather of aquascapes. Another masterpiece.
Luis Q.
Luis Q. - 11 years ago
Simply beautiful James nice work!
andywhufcno1 - 11 years ago
Beautiful! One question. I am one week into cycling my tank. I have ada amazonian aqua soil for my substrate. Will i still be able to grow a nice lush green lawn with amazonia? Without using the powder type? Don't fancy spending money on plants if they wont stay in the substrate :(
jeremiemcd - 11 years ago
Nice scape, good layout,
James Van Neste
James Van Neste - 11 years ago
whats the best looking and quickest growing carpet plant for a iwagumi setup iv seen james do some setups but you dont say what carpet plants he uses which is the best and quickest growning?
Jon Metcalf
Jon Metcalf - 11 years ago
Thanks, great tank and Info!
MrRvbrown - 11 years ago
I love this setup!! Awesome tank!! My fav!!
difrent7 - 11 years ago
Amazing work! All of your tanks are absolutely flawless.
Phil Grady
Phil Grady - 11 years ago
I am glad you guys uploaded this video, as I plan to aquascape my 100 gallon acrylic using a similar style. As usual incredible aquascape. Thanks for the inspiration!
cokersatm - 11 years ago
9:01 The brown is mixing with the white sand. Lol, he messed up there :P
Mrmomtanks - 11 years ago
great video
DW7887 - 11 years ago
mmh, why are the plants above water level missing in the grown scape? Didn´t it work?
Brendan Kavanaugh
Brendan Kavanaugh - 11 years ago
I think it is even better than Reciprocity, the detail is amazing! You the man James!
47trea - 11 years ago
I really really loved this one, my new favorite.
dernoeler - 11 years ago
Incredible aquascape
jkirk3348 - 11 years ago
Wish i had his skill and eye for aquascaping.
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
Very nice scape!
TurtleTankVideos - 11 years ago
Incredible aquascape. Tributary and Reciprocity are the best layouts on YouTube by a million miles. Looking forward to your next big tank video.
obliviousthunder - 11 years ago
i love this tank! about to begin my first aquascape, not sure what plant i should choose yet tho lol
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
We can work to most budgets, contact us in store for advice
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
Sorry about that... James works fast once he is in his 'aquascaping zone' and sadly our camera guy didn't catch him doing the hardscape on this one. Our more recently filmed videos don't miss anything out though :)
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
Sorry- we haven't added up the total cost, but you can find all the items on our website... follow the links in the description.
ScrewDrvr - 11 years ago
Why did you skip the hardscape construction? Thats one of the main things that people want to see. Skip the pouring of sand...not the hardscape construction.....
Christian - 11 years ago
Such an amazing tank!
ybra - 11 years ago
I love this one, my favorite by far. How much does a setup like this cost?

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