'Tributary' aquascape by James Findley

http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/articles/news/aquascaping-whole-new-dimension Read our article on shallow Nature Aquariums. Professional aquascaper and founder of The Green Machine James Findley explains that not only are shallow aquariums incredibly fun to work with, but they also make it very simple to achieve outstanding results, and present ample opportunity for individual experimentation and artistic interpretation. James Findley's latest work entitled 'Tributary' demonstrates what can be achieved with these unusual aquariums. James chose the ADA Cube Garden 120-F (120x30x20cm ) because he wanted the opportunity to experiment with something new: 'Shallow tanks provide a fantastic opportunity to do something a bit different, and to really experiment with aquascaping in a fun and inventive way. Variety is one of the things I love about aquascaping, and pushing the boundaries is what it makes it so fun and exciting!' Something new... James adds that one of the things he particularly enjoyed about working on this size aquarium was the opportunity to experiment with emergent plant growth and the placing of aquatic hardscape outside of the traditional parameters of the aquarium: 'this creates a dual perspective, in which you can see both below and above the water, and each aspect is equally as beautiful. It adds a whole new dimension to your aquascape. Nature's Microcosm... James wanted to explore the microcosm of nature and the way that sometimes the smallest, least obvious and most discrete things in life can be the most beautiful and awe-inspiring, yet so often go unnoticed. He describes how this inspired him to create this aquascape, and how the shallow dimensions of the Cube Garden 120-F naturally lent themselves to an exercise in the minute. James entitled this aquascape 'Tributary' because it focuses on the smallest element of the stream, and celebrates the beauty of what is often overlooked. This aquascape is indeed very unusual and certainly original: one of the most striking elements of this work is the way in which James has banked up the substrate very highly at the two diagonally opposite corners of the aquarium. This helped him to create the feeling of a tributary, in which the flow of the water naturally pushes the substrate to the sides. He chose to place the outflow pipe in the centre of this rivulet to add to the authenticity of the aquascape, and create the natural flow of a tributary. Read the rest of this article on our website here... http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/articles/news/aquascaping-whole-new-dimension

'Tributary' aquascape by James Findley sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

Howto 13 years ago 222,380 views

http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/articles/news/aquascaping-whole-new-dimension Read our article on shallow Nature Aquariums. Professional aquascaper and founder of The Green Machine James Findley explains that not only are shallow aquariums incredibly fun to work with, but they also make it very simple to achieve outstanding results, and present ample opportunity for individual experimentation and artistic interpretation. James Findley's latest work entitled 'Tributary' demonstrates what can be achieved with these unusual aquariums. James chose the ADA Cube Garden 120-F (120x30x20cm ) because he wanted the opportunity to experiment with something new: 'Shallow tanks provide a fantastic opportunity to do something a bit different, and to really experiment with aquascaping in a fun and inventive way. Variety is one of the things I love about aquascaping, and pushing the boundaries is what it makes it so fun and exciting!' Something new... James adds that one of the things he particularly enjoyed about working on this size aquarium was the opportunity to experiment with emergent plant growth and the placing of aquatic hardscape outside of the traditional parameters of the aquarium: 'this creates a dual perspective, in which you can see both below and above the water, and each aspect is equally as beautiful. It adds a whole new dimension to your aquascape. Nature's Microcosm... James wanted to explore the microcosm of nature and the way that sometimes the smallest, least obvious and most discrete things in life can be the most beautiful and awe-inspiring, yet so often go unnoticed. He describes how this inspired him to create this aquascape, and how the shallow dimensions of the Cube Garden 120-F naturally lent themselves to an exercise in the minute. James entitled this aquascape 'Tributary' because it focuses on the smallest element of the stream, and celebrates the beauty of what is often overlooked. This aquascape is indeed very unusual and certainly original: one of the most striking elements of this work is the way in which James has banked up the substrate very highly at the two diagonally opposite corners of the aquarium. This helped him to create the feeling of a tributary, in which the flow of the water naturally pushes the substrate to the sides. He chose to place the outflow pipe in the centre of this rivulet to add to the authenticity of the aquascape, and create the natural flow of a tributary. Read the rest of this article on our website here... http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/articles/news/aquascaping-whole-new-dimension

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Most popular comments
for 'Tributary' aquascape by James Findley

sarah jane wilkinson
sarah jane wilkinson - 7 years ago
Wow Beautiful. James.. I Would Like To Come Over Some Day Before I Start Planting As I'm Wanting To Buy From You, And Be Nice To Meet You In Person And Advice Two, This Is Stunning. Thanks For Sharing :)
celina ferro
celina ferro - 8 years ago
I could just sit and stare at this all day long! what a tank
sajid alum
sajid alum - 8 years ago
i am planning for an aquarium. can i use a shallow tank like this as my first aquarium?
bschottc - 8 years ago
It's too beautiful I am too filled with joy too have found this
Michael Araico
Michael Araico - 8 years ago
Hard to believe this is only 8.6 gallons
Colin _
Colin _ - 8 years ago
beautiful tank all the same :)
Michael Araico
Michael Araico - 8 years ago
ah ok, i thought it was the smaller version for some reason..
Colin _
Colin _ - 8 years ago
that's cause it isn't. it's 13 UK gallons, or 15 us gallons (it's at least 60 litres)
Atanas Mirkovski
Atanas Mirkovski - 9 years ago
AWOL Mallorca
AWOL Mallorca - 9 years ago
Tiny Effort
Tiny Effort - 9 years ago
Once again James my good sir- you are a genius and aquarium artist. Wonderful work.  My complaint is the same as before. If you can create work this stunningly beautiful then why can't you hide those ugly intake and outflow hoses and co2 diffuser?  Why stop just short of perfection? You placed these items right in the centre of the display.  They are an awful eye-sore and distract from the beauty you have created.  Hide the hardware man!!!   You are good enough to do it.
Tiny Effort
Tiny Effort - 9 years ago
+Thomas Tan Then the tubes should be changed to match whatever color is on the background.
The tubes are painfully noticeable. 
T Tan
T Tan - 9 years ago
+Tiny Effort the background is not always black...they use a black cloth backdrop for these video shots, removing it after that....these pipes are transparent glass, maybe without the studio lighting here it looks less noticable in real life
Tiny Effort
Tiny Effort - 9 years ago
+Tiny Effort I'll give you a tip. Provided the background of this display will always be black then perhaps hmmm.... well maybe you could use black hoses and tubes that are less dis-tractive?
Dan Warman
Dan Warman - 10 years ago
Fantastic aquarium.

10. comment for 'Tributary' aquascape by James Findley

ritter89 - 10 years ago
Man, that's fantastic! What kind of lighting do you use on this thing?
njw1383 - 10 years ago
wow this is fantastic
chrisherself - 10 years ago
This video is the reason I had to have a long/shallow tank made for myself. It's great for growing cichlid fry, but I absolutely can't wait to play with the dimensions with a real aquascape in it. :) Thanks for the beautifully shot video!
GreenLifeAquariums - 10 years ago
I really like the shallow parts, and the way the water is getting deeper. The twisted design gives it more dimensions, and depth! Nice job!  
Fun Aquariums
Fun Aquariums - 11 years ago
Incredible aquascape!  You are a master tank designer.
ChrisProduces - 11 years ago
Shady RIDDLE- I believe it's Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba'. Looks awesome on the floor.
JamesJohnson909BowlersDeals - 11 years ago
Every time I've watched one of your video's I became more grateful for individuals as yourself who appreciate and know how to articulate the beauty nature reveals. I always find time to stare at the way things grow out doors and the natural detail around it. Thank you for your inspiring displays my friend! James
karlckloh - 11 years ago
What's the fish at 1:03? ;)
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
Watch this aquascape being created step-by-step in our new video (see video response or check our channel!)
Benjamin Liker
Benjamin Liker - 11 years ago
I want a 120-F

20. comment for 'Tributary' aquascape by James Findley

Michael Taylor
Michael Taylor - 11 years ago
Allen Tan
Allen Tan - 11 years ago
I love this tank so much that I had to recreat this scape in my own presence. of course I cant get it as good as james, but its still pretty good, what kind of lighting do you use on this? and also what is the co2 at? one more thing, what is that fish at 1:00? i want to get one of them. thanks
andy325is - 11 years ago
Magnificent tank!! This aquascape is stunning!!
tikimadman01 - 12 years ago
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Practice makes perfect. One of James' recommendations is to work with as many plants as you can... this will expand your creative possibilities.
Vince H
Vince H - 12 years ago
Very nice.
Justin Fazekas
Justin Fazekas - 12 years ago
Always spectacular. You give me inspiration but it's also depressing to see these gorgeous scapes and then to turn slightly to the left and see my pitiful attempts.
MarekSkarpetka - 12 years ago
dear lord
shigllgetcha - 12 years ago
i would love a shallow tank with loads of corys and a few tetras and hatchet fish
ybra - 12 years ago
How much would a set up like this cost in total? Also what kind of filtration do you use in this?

30. comment for 'Tributary' aquascape by James Findley

TheHudzai - 12 years ago
glass inlet.
Filo011 - 12 years ago
what is that thing beside the co2 diffuser?
Jon Kinsman
Jon Kinsman - 12 years ago
What filters and other items aree used to maintain water quality?
ashok ilango
ashok ilango - 12 years ago
ooh, my god.don;t say its artificial.its pure nature.
Bourne Wasted
Bourne Wasted - 12 years ago
Amazing work Jim, be in touch soon!!
Bogdan V.
Bogdan V. - 12 years ago
copy paste and send me one :D
P T - 13 years ago
Top job! My favourite aquascape. It was excellent hearing the commentary; an analytical and deconstructivist approach to aquascaping is exciting. Kudos to James for his originality! At the back of the composition James is growing some red plants. I can't see which particular species but i'm fond of the subtle addition of colour. The leaf size is also ideal! Does anyone know which species this is?
Bill Paulin
Bill Paulin - 13 years ago
Sweet! Very nice creation. It definitely achieves the effect quite well.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 13 years ago
@fabihanski Hmmm, maybe... The brightness of the tank in the movie is not high, so probably the exposure was set to "minus something EV" :) I was asking because I was curious if there is a way to do such "masking" in video editing software...
Kim KT
Kim KT - 13 years ago
a small paradise!!
Fabulous - 13 years ago
@DefiniteAquascapeTV i would say there are hanging metal halides so its only filmed just below the lights and for the rest i would think that the stand is jet black and everything in the room is turned off
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
very nice it reminds me of the shallow streams in my area
Eddy Rizzotti
Eddy Rizzotti - 13 years ago
Simply beautifull!!!
CLement Tan
CLement Tan - 13 years ago
nice... :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 13 years ago
Absolutely fantastic tank, looking very natural - great idea! May I ask how did you "cropped" the video that only the aquarium is visible, without any stand, lights etc? It is easy to crop picture of the tank, but it's different with the video... Green screen? Something else...?
Aquascaping the World by BM
Aquascaping the World by BM - 13 years ago
I love it, great job
Sergio Sinay
Sergio Sinay - 13 years ago
keep up this videos they are very nice to see
Kirin0r - 13 years ago
That's really nice!
Nick Franssen
Nick Franssen - 13 years ago
Nice work!

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