1700 gallon Aquarium Vivarium AquaScaping Before and After

1700 gallon Aquarium aquascaping make over-before and after. This Private Fish Tank is a river bank cut out similar to the Shedd Aquarium. Stingrays, Golden Gars and other Extremely rare fish are housed in this aquarium / Vivarium. This Planted aquarium has a land portion that promotes filtration with hydroponics, aquaponics principles. DirtMonkeyUniversity.com and DirtMonkeyU.com The Landscape Business Pro Podcast- The Voice of the Landscaping and Construction Industry. http://landscapebusinesspro.com Genadek Landscaping and Excavating genadek.com GT Lawn Maintenance GTLawns.com Linked In- Hit me up! https://www.linkedin.com/profile/preview?vpa=pub&locale=en_US Twitter: https://twitter.com/LBPpodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stanley.genadek Email: stan@LandscapeBusinessPro.com Dirt Monkey: https://dirtmonkey.net You can find us in the following aquarium related categories-aquarium fish, planted aquarium, hydroponics, aquaponics, gardening, indoor plants, hydroponic systems. aquarium setup, aquarium setup freshwater, aquarium setup for beginners, aquarium setup saltwater, aquarium setup step by step, aquarium setup plant, planted aquarium. Also look under planted aquarium for beginners, planted aquarium filtration, best planted aquarium fish , best planted aquarium, best light for planted aquarium, saltwater aquarium, shedd aquarium, аквариум,saltwater aquarium setup, saltwater aquarium fish, saltwater aquarium filtration, saltwater filtration system for aquarium, vivarium, vivarium setup, terrarium setup, aquascaping, aquascaping freshwater aquarium, aquascaping freshwater aquarium for beginners. Similiar categories are aquascaping reef tank, aquascaping reef aquarium, indoor pond, aquarium filtration, aquarium filter, aquarium tour, aquarium tips

1700 gallon Aquarium Vivarium AquaScaping Before and After sentiment_very_dissatisfied 111

Howto 9 years ago 225,897 views

1700 gallon Aquarium aquascaping make over-before and after. This Private Fish Tank is a river bank cut out similar to the Shedd Aquarium. Stingrays, Golden Gars and other Extremely rare fish are housed in this aquarium / Vivarium. This Planted aquarium has a land portion that promotes filtration with hydroponics, aquaponics principles. DirtMonkeyUniversity.com and DirtMonkeyU.com The Landscape Business Pro Podcast- The Voice of the Landscaping and Construction Industry. http://landscapebusinesspro.com Genadek Landscaping and Excavating genadek.com GT Lawn Maintenance GTLawns.com Linked In- Hit me up! https://www.linkedin.com/profile/preview?vpa=pub&locale=en_US Twitter: https://twitter.com/LBPpodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stanley.genadek Email: stan@LandscapeBusinessPro.com Dirt Monkey: https://dirtmonkey.net You can find us in the following aquarium related categories-aquarium fish, planted aquarium, hydroponics, aquaponics, gardening, indoor plants, hydroponic systems. aquarium setup, aquarium setup freshwater, aquarium setup for beginners, aquarium setup saltwater, aquarium setup step by step, aquarium setup plant, planted aquarium. Also look under planted aquarium for beginners, planted aquarium filtration, best planted aquarium fish , best planted aquarium, best light for planted aquarium, saltwater aquarium, shedd aquarium, аквариум,saltwater aquarium setup, saltwater aquarium fish, saltwater aquarium filtration, saltwater filtration system for aquarium, vivarium, vivarium setup, terrarium setup, aquascaping, aquascaping freshwater aquarium, aquascaping freshwater aquarium for beginners. Similiar categories are aquascaping reef tank, aquascaping reef aquarium, indoor pond, aquarium filtration, aquarium filter, aquarium tour, aquarium tips

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Most popular comments
for 1700 gallon Aquarium Vivarium AquaScaping Before and After

Jake J
Jake J - 7 years ago
*Intense ehem * paludarium
Lorraine Wing
Lorraine Wing - 7 years ago
amazing tank! very well cared!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Daniel Park
Daniel Park - 7 years ago
What are all the plants you used?
Daniel Park
Daniel Park - 7 years ago
This is like my dream tank
Demented Glitcher
Demented Glitcher - 7 years ago
Should do that 0nce a week
Krissy O
Krissy O - 7 years ago
Lol I was thinking man this guy must be so rich to use his credit card to clean the tank. "You have to use the best credit card with the highest credit limit at a minimum 90,000 with the highest APR on the market in order for this to work." My imagination ...
TroutFink - 7 years ago
Yeah don't touch the glass kid, I was sitting in the tank an hour ago... so?
Cody Ticknor
Cody Ticknor - 7 years ago
Hey man I have a few questions, could ya give me a text 832-390-9480
nanights - 7 years ago
That's amazing! I hope one day I could afford to build one of these!

10. comment for 1700 gallon Aquarium Vivarium AquaScaping Before and After

NextLvLSold! - 7 years ago
There is some really nice magnetic acrylic scrappers on the market now. They come with a soft fabric on the inside to account for sand grains. I used one for years on my 120 works incredibly well.
Melgar Tan
Melgar Tan - 7 years ago
Seems that the fish can't move. .i like d aquarium.sad for the big fish
BurgaPatty - 7 years ago
nice setup!
SicklySynester - 7 years ago
omg your white gar is beautifull <3
kharmoniet - 7 years ago
you can also use the original Mr Clean magic eraser. they work great with not much effort. I love your tank!!
Reptile Feedings
Reptile Feedings - 7 years ago
the white one looks like a dolphin lol
CloudeeDragon - 7 years ago
Wow. This is one of the best tanks I've ever seen. It's stunning! Someday I hope to have one similar to this one. For the past 8 years I've been focused on smaller (75 gallon-10 gallon) aquariums. Seeing this just makes me want to build a larger tank.
Lbolting005 - 7 years ago
1700 gallons my ass, that's like 15-16 gallon tank you idiot! Click bait moron!
Kicx14 - 7 years ago
How did you suspend all the plants above water like that?
British Beef
British Beef - 7 years ago
I know these fish are rare! Why would you let your tank get in such a mess

20. comment for 1700 gallon Aquarium Vivarium AquaScaping Before and After

JIN KAZAMA - 7 years ago
You call it aquarium.. it's a pool,just swim with guppy
Bounty hunter Bossk
Bounty hunter Bossk - 7 years ago
You probably won't answer but what kind of job do you have??
Xx_King Slaya_xX
Xx_King Slaya_xX - 7 years ago
Gregor Miller hes the dishwasher AT the taco place
Gregor Miller
Gregor Miller - 7 years ago
Hes my plumber.
66toogy - 7 years ago
Wow! That is one of the most unique tanks I've seen, and I've been fooling with the hobby over 30 years. Excellent job!
Jose Arpajon
Jose Arpajon - 7 years ago
Absolutely amazing, I'm a fan now brother ! What is the name of the white Gar that looks like a dolphin?
shonan5960 - 7 years ago
The white gar looks like a dolphin!
Redzt - 7 years ago
Matt Reefer
Matt Reefer - 7 years ago
Amazing tank
movingWater - 7 years ago
gars are very interesting creatures to observe. that is a beautiful setup.
Gettin BeyWay
Gettin BeyWay - 7 years ago
The gars are so squishy looking
Michael Mulraney
Michael Mulraney - 7 years ago
Really annoying crass music .....Why????

30. comment for 1700 gallon Aquarium Vivarium AquaScaping Before and After

judepude - 7 years ago
Those fish are beautiful, they look like they have legs
Remco van Vliet
Remco van Vliet - 7 years ago
Easily one of the most beautiful fish tanks I've ever seen... Better than many a zoo exhibit!
loligagger85 - 7 years ago
2 or 3 bushy nose plecos would keep that tank algae free
MrFrankthatank77 - 7 years ago
I always thought Gars were worthless fish until now, AMAZING WORK MY FRIEND! Is the bird sounds in the background real or a recording? I could totally see myself coming home from a long day of work and sitting down with an ice cold beer and just relaxing to this!
Man I'd LOVE to pick your brain on your building of this!
Great video!
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 7 years ago
Is this thing still around?
Anthony's Malawi Predators
Anthony's Malawi Predators - 7 years ago
You're crazy just dunkin your junk into the cold water like that!
Alex Price
Alex Price - 7 years ago
The most impressive thing about this tank is that you scrape your algea with a fucking credit card
Moe Lester
Moe Lester - 7 years ago
Please make a video on this where you go into depth about how the system works and what you all got in it!!
Bridgeport Fishkeeper
Bridgeport Fishkeeper - 7 years ago
A truly awesome tank. Definitely inspired thank you for sharing.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 7 years ago
Bridgeport Fishkeeper thanks!
Eros Play
Eros Play - 7 years ago
How are you gonna clean it when they get 8ft
Ruben Ramirez
Ruben Ramirez - 7 years ago
Just 2 fish cost more than my new car
Robin Tai
Robin Tai - 7 years ago
How much u spend for this aquarium??
Skylar Schutz
Skylar Schutz - 7 years ago
Instead of climbing in there, get a magnet cleaner. On connects on the outside of glass and one on the inside. Instead of climbing in there you can just move the magnet on the outside causing the one on the inside to clean the algae off the tank
DReis 7
DReis 7 - 7 years ago
Here YouTube i watched it can you stop advertising it?
vikram singh
vikram singh - 7 years ago
WOW! This is the best tank I have ever seen!
Thomas - 7 years ago
Great aquarium... However why didn't you filled it full?
klownz - 7 years ago
Easily the best aquarium i have ever seen.
Alca Bringer
Alca Bringer - 7 years ago
Man this aquarium is so amazing.
Nicholas Breuer
Nicholas Breuer - 7 years ago
You should get a magfloat cleaner for your aquarium
Toottoot Toot
Toottoot Toot - 7 years ago
Make water level on 80%. Will be mych better

50. comment for 1700 gallon Aquarium Vivarium AquaScaping Before and After

om IBRA IBRA - 7 years ago
One year still no update?
This_isKev72 - 7 years ago
incredible tank
i Digit
i Digit - 7 years ago
Damn !!!! That is one awesome tank. Would love one myself. Keep it up. Simply fantastic.
Naerwyn - 7 years ago
This tank is absolutely gorgeous! I am so jealous! XD I wish I could watch that tank all day!
HammerHead2D - 7 years ago
Wow does he even know his body at that moment is giving out toxins which are harmful to any sea creature in a fish tank
Klaus svedik
Klaus svedik - 7 years ago
why isn't full of water? make it right please
Eva Yakc
Eva Yakc - 7 years ago
how about a behind the scenes filtration video ... what types of media you use
chuck14723 - 7 years ago
What type of fish is that white dolphin-looking fish? :O
Everything Ella
Everything Ella - 7 years ago
Kids are starving in Africa
Dirtbikedude - 7 years ago
awesome tank man
Justin N
Justin N - 7 years ago
Do you still have the gar?
Ryan Mahana
Ryan Mahana - 7 years ago
Do you have a tutorial on how you built that background with the caves?
Substance N
Substance N - 7 years ago
Amazing tank with such beautiful fish. A dream setup
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 7 years ago
Kurt Johnson
Kurt Johnson - 7 years ago
Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 7 years ago
ColdSnowGaming LCT
ColdSnowGaming LCT - 7 years ago
If I had an aquarium like that Id record it for like 30mins and loop it on a vid for people
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 7 years ago
Cool idea!
Squirles G
Squirles G - 7 years ago
Having this in your house man very lucky
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 7 years ago
Josh Miller
Josh Miller - 7 years ago
on the video can we see the gar take a toe off ?
Josh Miller
Josh Miller - 7 years ago
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek. sure why not
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 7 years ago
Are you volunteering? LOL
Joe C.
Joe C. - 7 years ago
All fun and games until your Gar grabs hold of your trouser trout..!!!!....LOL Beautiful tank BTW.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 7 years ago
InViKTus - 7 years ago
when youre so rich you scrape off aquarium algae with your credit card
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 7 years ago
patrick couch
patrick couch - 7 years ago
You need to do another video On how you run that aquarium please
patrick couch
patrick couch - 7 years ago
That's like having the outside inside Those Fish are beautiful
patrick couch
patrick couch - 7 years ago
Very nice job beautiful aquarium
Raymundo Mejia
Raymundo Mejia - 7 years ago
WOW. Amazing. Subscribed!
Marcel Simon
Marcel Simon - 7 years ago
Best tank i have ever seen
ArsenalOfColor Aquatics
ArsenalOfColor Aquatics - 7 years ago
+Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek How much did this tank (including stand) run you? 50k is my guess but i could be wrong, what inch thickness is the acrylic? From my understanding thats where the cost really piles up, as the acrylic gets thicker
JGO - 7 years ago
the pleco would also eat that alge so you wouldn't have to get in the tank
JGO - 7 years ago
all's you need now is a lepord pleco also very rare
majooismajor - 7 years ago
do you have a parrot or is that a baby having fun making those screeching noises once in a while ? .....never mind, later in the video i heard parrots.

I will soon be checking out your videos to see what other pets you own :)
Gb J
Gb J - 7 years ago
Tank looks great! and those fish are just awsome....
JoeJoe_ - 7 years ago
Amazing setup!! Thank you for sharing
Asef Alexander Noorzai
Asef Alexander Noorzai - 7 years ago
Wow. Amazing tank.
Dheeraj Nandeesh
Dheeraj Nandeesh - 7 years ago
it's beautiful man ,keep it up
Ringo Star
Ringo Star - 7 years ago
Stan, I have never seen anybody inside the tank when there's water in it, did you make the tank or did you buy the tank and where did you buy it, I really your aquascape, what filtration are you using.......thanks
Philip Murray
Philip Murray - 7 years ago
Sweet tank. You should put a dolphin or a mermaid in there. Kewl!
fishlaw1 - 7 years ago
Wow ! ! ! What more can I say???
Langren1972 - 7 years ago
god bless you and your family thanks for sharing great set up!
Amazon Research Center
Amazon Research Center - 7 years ago
I am late to seeing this. how did you accomplish your background? I would love to do that to my 500 gallon discus tank.
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
Beautiful amazing looking tank! But is it 1700 Gallon? Even though it is not totally full with water? Or is it even bigger in volume if you fill it up all the way?
David Foster
David Foster - 7 years ago
Those are the happiest, nicest looking gar I've ever seen in an aquarium!
GDee Cichlids
GDee Cichlids - 7 years ago
I'm speechless. Lost for words. This tank is AMAZING!!!!
MrCeo1978buddy - 7 years ago
Pheezy BRUH
Pheezy BRUH - 7 years ago
Man amazing tank!! I grew up in Florida I would catch baby alligator gar everyday! Is your job hiring btw lol Janitors? Errand boy? Please let me know lol
Richard keith
Richard keith - 7 years ago
can't you afford a dry suit after building that tank, or waders
mike wall
mike wall - 7 years ago
How do you keep up with the stingray barbs? I mean you were obviously confident enough to step in there barefoot. Don't they shed them?
Anthony Leal
Anthony Leal - 7 years ago
Thousands of dollars worth of equipment, uses credit card to clean.
Ella - 7 years ago
Him: I'm going to clean this tank! * Sits in the water and scrapes algae with a credit card.*

Great job, It's an amazing aquascape.
Ryan Kay
Ryan Kay - 7 years ago
Why don't you heat it?
Ricist - 7 years ago
I envy you
just b aquatics
just b aquatics - 7 years ago
I need a week off to do maintenance on it lol holly crap that's on big bugger
Aqua Soldier
Aqua Soldier - 7 years ago
Could you do more video's on this tank

100. comment for 1700 gallon Aquarium Vivarium AquaScaping Before and After

Aqua Soldier
Aqua Soldier - 7 years ago
Love Your Video) Do you Have Frogs in there as well because They would love it in there with all the plants wood lighting and water level(P.S Im a frog expert)
huntertaiko - 7 years ago
wow.. owned rainforest in the living room.. love it with the bird chirping away...
Marshall Franklin
Marshall Franklin - 7 years ago
this is one of the most amazing home aquariums ive seen. amazing job and amazing fish!
SomethingReallyStrange - 7 years ago
that is gooooorgeous
icangicung20 - 7 years ago
do updates on this tank
Walter Goldsmith
Walter Goldsmith - 7 years ago
You should let the birds out!
Dean Travous
Dean Travous - 7 years ago
pot scrubbing brushes work great for cleaning glass too.
Mark D
Mark D - 7 years ago
I can't believe this! I start watching you for landscaping entrepreneurialism and find out you are a fish tank person too! Just hit me in the heart man. Let's see more if this if you may, and thanks for all the great content!
Trenton Edwards
Trenton Edwards - 7 years ago
like 10 tankes with water bridges to connect
AXJ Ent - 7 years ago
Bro what is the gauge of the glass
david w
david w - 7 years ago
what are those plants floating on the surface?
david w
david w - 7 years ago
dude if you had newts in here instead of gar ....
Rswilly V2C
Rswilly V2C - 7 years ago
Love the tank! A couple frogs would make it even better, keep up the good content
Geet Ghazali
Geet Ghazali - 7 years ago
you got an awesome tank
Cédric Arn
Cédric Arn - 7 years ago
Very dangerous with risk of electrocution with the lamp at 10 cm from the water level you are actually unconscious
newworldgovernment.net - 8 years ago
Why not just get a big pleco?
fluffy kitty
fluffy kitty - 8 years ago
Love it when rich ppl spend their money into creative things like this
Eleazar Contreras
Eleazar Contreras - 8 years ago
so where are all the bird noises comin from
kron-13 - 8 years ago
D. S.
D. S. - 8 years ago
The whole setup is freaking awesome. But i do wondered how the gar didn't ate all the guppies :|
The Legend34
The Legend34 - 7 years ago
D. S.
probably so trained on food that they don't understand to eat living things
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Thanks man! Good question.
sunzen kung
sunzen kung - 8 years ago
What kind of that fish ?
sunzen kung
sunzen kung - 8 years ago
Big one yellow and white
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Which one?
Torrence Sanders
Torrence Sanders - 8 years ago
how long does it take you to do a water change
703 CRUZIN - 8 years ago
great thank love the natural look
Wolfsong - 8 years ago
That's badass
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Joshua Fields
Joshua Fields - 8 years ago
Lovely tank, and I am a huge gar fan! I love them! One thing I noticed though... They seem to be having trouble turning.. Gars need a tank with more width. The decorations also seem more like a hindrance for them as it gives them less space. Not saying it shouldn't be decorated, but it seems it's just decorated in a way that satisfies you and not the fish. If I paid $10'000+ for one of these oddball/hybrid gar.. I would sure as hell make sure it's happy. Just saying is all.
Jose Arpajon
Jose Arpajon - 7 years ago
Joshua Fields .. really? I've seen Gars like that stuffed in 300 gallon tanks. This setup should be commended!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Thanks for the input.
dabbin bros
dabbin bros - 8 years ago
Wow just wow
seth markley
seth markley - 8 years ago
i would be in heaven if this was in my house, besides climbing in it to clean lol
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Haha, it's not as bad as you think!
fishing montana
fishing montana - 8 years ago
I am curious what's the temp in the tank since you do not Heat it and if you are on facebook go like the ( alligator gar keepers) group I love this fish and hope one day I can have a tank half as amazing as yours
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing.
cristode poder
cristode poder - 8 years ago
im very interest how this thing was build ,, do u have those videos ? i will love to watch them ... love it love it
Sidaarth Ramabhotla
Sidaarth Ramabhotla - 8 years ago
What how can guppies live with gars and stingrays
Sidaarth Ramabhotla
Sidaarth Ramabhotla - 7 years ago
+chabka34 I agree
chabka34 - 7 years ago
Sidaarth Ramabhotla thay are probably to well fed and lazy to kill them
Tiro Wolfe
Tiro Wolfe - 8 years ago
Can we see a feeding video?
Ryan Sandilands
Ryan Sandilands - 8 years ago
Wow! Awesome tank. I love the choice of fish and the plants are amazing too. What kind of filter do you use on that bad boy?
Ray Heart
Ray Heart - 8 years ago
weird guy
Kirby Dunebay
Kirby Dunebay - 8 years ago
get a few algae eatters
JClaude Moran
JClaude Moran - 8 years ago
How do you water the plants? Do you give them fertilizer?
JClaude Moran
JClaude Moran - 8 years ago
Thanks I meant how are the plants set up so that they have access to water? What are they rooted into?
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
I feed the fish and their poop is the fertilizer.
Naga Natio
Naga Natio - 8 years ago
WOW !!
jaeski0031 - 8 years ago
such a waste of a big tank ..smh should be saltwater
QuinnTheEskimo - 8 years ago
poor fish. fill that tank up more!
Cole Norris
Cole Norris - 8 years ago
this is badass man i have a little gar but hell be that size before i know it
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Simen the Animal
Simen the Animal - 8 years ago
How did you build the tank
Jeff K
Jeff K - 8 years ago
looks awesome
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Inside the house.
dkphantomdk - 8 years ago
These Gars are amazing to watch, they really seem to show intelligent behavior above the average fish.
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
This is like a national aquarium
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
This is an amazing tank you have, I'm jealous, most people with a 1700 gallon tank would stock it with ten datnoid a, five redtail Catfish, and anything else they could get that's monster.
Briar Fox
Briar Fox - 8 years ago
Hope nothing swam up the urethra. Bacteria filled water.
N BChox
N BChox - 8 years ago
too small for those fish... 5 feet wide isnt enough and you arent even utilizing the full 1700 gallons...half is wasted with that open space shit
drgnfrc13 - 8 years ago
5 foot width is a good size for 3' gars and a leopoldi. The gars will outgrow it eventually, but I'm sure this guy is already planning for that. If you can afford a setup like this, you can certainly afford to accommodate these gars one way or another.
Davis Anderson
Davis Anderson - 8 years ago
You should get a turtle, it would look really cool in that tank!
groundchele - 8 years ago
need more of this tank
Hannah Lubbers
Hannah Lubbers - 8 years ago
that guy looks like a banana
Dave McConnell
Dave McConnell - 8 years ago
Totally awesome tank. I am currently doing the same thing on a much smaller scale with a 125 gal. tank. Your set up has given me some new ideas....thanks
ACMDevils - 8 years ago
i'd put in a million corydoras (you pick the specie)

the shoaling and scattered eggs would be amazing :P
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
That would be freaking awesome!
Lucas - 8 years ago
Why not just get a pleco or two, or some snails?
Noel Jones
Noel Jones - 8 years ago
Haha...plecos don't keep aquarium glass clean, no matter what your pet store chains will tell you.  Very few species eat much algae and especially as they get older, their diet becomes more meat based.  Even the species like Bristlenose plecs (Ancistrus sp.) are not obligate herbivores and will definitely hunt down any food missed by the other fish.  Even adding 100 algae eating bristlenoses wouldn't prevent the need for scraping off the acrylic.
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 8 years ago
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek do you still have this tank?
Lucas - 8 years ago
+Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek Oh well then nevermind to that lol. What about a pleco?
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Stingrays eat the snails.
Pennie Wyatt
Pennie Wyatt - 8 years ago
Use a magnet cleaner, just cover both sides with microfiber cloth and run it around every couple days and it won't build up like that.
Yvels - 7 years ago
yeah I got my 110g scratched a bit because of sand :/ not it's the only thing I see. Suck a TON. Magnetic cleaner if you want to hate your tank :/
drgnfrc13 - 8 years ago
It's really easy to get grains of sand trapped in magnetic cleaners, which will scratch up the acrylic like nothing else.
Shannon Mobley
Shannon Mobley - 8 years ago
Wow!! I would love to have a tank like that, full of Loaches :)
Daybird Aviaries
Daybird Aviaries - 8 years ago
That's very nice. Did you build it yourself?
Veysel Çiçek
Veysel Çiçek - 8 years ago
I think you should get big Plecos for algs.
Zoraina Nunn
Zoraina Nunn - 8 years ago
Not just a trip, but an adventure!!
Looks amazing, and fun!! About to go climb into my 55gallon. Lol jk
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
rider - 8 years ago
Andy Simms
Andy Simms - 8 years ago
Why did you get rid of the reef?!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Just time for something new
MY LEGGG!!! - 8 years ago
What if you accidentally sat on a fish
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
It would squirm out from underneath me.
binzy1996 - 8 years ago
Have you tried a pleco
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
I have a huge one in there
RYkyrin Smokescreen
RYkyrin Smokescreen - 8 years ago
my dream aquarium . hope i have that money to purchase. How blessed r u sir
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Jayce Wheeler
Jayce Wheeler - 8 years ago
I grew up catching alligator gar, so it's weird to see people have them as pets but still really awesome. They also weren't yellow or white lol great video
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
The yellow and white ones are worth thousands of dollars.
Kiara Lebron
Kiara Lebron - 8 years ago
Omg I love their long little noses! So cuteee those Gars
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
The essence harvester MtG
The essence harvester MtG - 8 years ago
wow that's nice
Trevor Clubine
Trevor Clubine - 8 years ago
isnt the width to small for the gator gar since they can get almost double that length nice tank
Jeff K
Jeff K - 8 years ago
smuggle in an asian arowana
Trevor Clubine
Trevor Clubine - 8 years ago
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek tnks for responding have u tried and large SA chichlids
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Yes- I need to sell him before he turns into a beast!
TheToastPeople - 8 years ago
Wish i had that tank, For a start i would heat the water and fill it to the top.
TheToastPeople - 8 years ago
I bet that was alot of work!! Id have it full of clown loaches XD
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
It was a reef tank before.
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
why don't you heat it?
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
I don't need to. The fish are fine at room temp.
om IBRA IBRA - 8 years ago
We Want more. Please update
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Will do!
TheMarKing18 - 8 years ago
One of the best home setup I've seen! Really wish I could get a chance to visit it in person. I have a lot of questions regarding the filtration, water change system, lighting...etc, but I'll just bother u with the most important one, are u going to have some arowanas swim in There in the future? Cuz it needs to happen! Haha. Great video, Great kids, Great aquascaping.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
I have thought about the arrows but nope- They just aren;t for me.
Yanish Jharee
Yanish Jharee - 8 years ago
i like your Aquarium wowo it's beautiful
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Carlos Amaral
Carlos Amaral - 8 years ago
Wonderful fish you've got there! The white ones look like dolphins! Your tank must have costed a little fortune! LOL
ChandlersPetsAndMore - 8 years ago
How does the tank not crack when you sit in it?
RoadKillFrog - 8 years ago
ChandlersPetsAndMore acrylic tank
El Sueño
El Sueño - 8 years ago
Awesome gar!
John Zimm
John Zimm - 8 years ago
You could set up biotopes for nature centers!
U wot m8?
U wot m8? - 8 years ago
Get a bristle nose pleco
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Good advice!
John Mora
John Mora - 8 years ago
if u used magnets and made a scrub brush with the magnets could do it more often and alot easier.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Great advice- Thanks!
Gabriella Tepper-Doran
Gabriella Tepper-Doran - 8 years ago
how do u get ur water lettuce to live!! I have put them in my turtle tank but they die about a week later. I have a uvb/uva light and a heat lamp. they r in a 20 gallon and please tell me why mine r dying.
Donna - 8 years ago
Gabriella Tepper-Doran They tend to die off when there's too much water movement ie when the top of the leaves get wet or submerged under water. Try a top piece of a breeder box/net that floats and attach it to the side, put the leaves in there and you will see them grow.
cichlidhybrid martel
cichlidhybrid martel - 8 years ago
wow that is an incredible set up ... one of the best tank ive ever seen ;p nice to see wath money can make but space the fishes have... the natural look of the tank helped by the (not fulled tank) aspect and its design... if i was you i would look at it everyday for a bit a time for sure xd ... feeding time must be nice ;o
Dude, That's Cichlid!
Dude, That's Cichlid! - 8 years ago
Officially the MOST AMAZING tank I've ever seen!! FISH ON!!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Thomas Hansen
Thomas Hansen - 8 years ago
wow that is huge . i need one in my house now! lol thanks stan. never thought how good they really look
Jeff Bronson
Jeff Bronson - 8 years ago
Hey so how do you deal with the stingrays shedding their barbs? in a barebottom theyre easy to spot and remove to prevent injury for the rays. How do you accomplish this in such a heavily filled and dirted aquarium?
Jeff Bronson
Jeff Bronson - 8 years ago
Hey so how do you deal with the stingrays shedding their barbs? in a barebottom theyre easy to spot and remove to prevent injury for the rays. How do you accomplish this in such a heavily filled and dirted aquarium?
Bartosz Pucilowski
Bartosz Pucilowski - 8 years ago
10/10 Tank !!!!! it will be very cool to see a video showing the filtration system and the aquarium build process :-) I love your fish :-)
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Thanks- There are a few more videos on this tank.
Israel Cantu
Israel Cantu - 8 years ago
didnt you have poison dart frogs in there too
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Years ago.
GDaniel - 8 years ago
That white one look a lil stupid, I like the yellow ones, they like doggos
cole moore
cole moore - 7 years ago
ima just chime in and say the white one was my favorite cause it looks like a mini dolphin .........
Manuel Gamboa
Manuel Gamboa - 7 years ago
GDaniel lmaooo
drgnfrc13 - 8 years ago
I'm a long time member of the site you linked to (member since 2009), and I've seen lots of people over there with cheap above-ground pools set up in their basements to accommodate gars, big cats, etc..
drgnfrc13 - 8 years ago
That trop is also deformed. There isn't any gar species that naturally has that skull shape. It's just a very common injury. If you wanted to, I'm sure you could collect an example of each species with the same deformity. I don't think it can occur through regular stunting (stunting typically means water quality issues, as opposed to space constraints). As for his aquarium size, I think it's fine, to be honest. It's entirely possible that the gator gar may outgrow it in a few years, but if this guy can afford a tank like this, he can afford much larger. There are much cheaper options out there for accommodating massive fish, and I don't see any reason to doubt that he'll do what's best for his fish.
Joshua Fields
Joshua Fields - 8 years ago
Let's say it is a Alligator Gar with a deformation though.. The deformation could have been caused by the fish being stunted.. The tank is not nearly wide enough for a gator gar. You'd think someone that clearly spent this much money on the tank and fish would know that a gator gar will easily reach 6-7 feet in an aquarium; that 5 foot width of the tank would not be nearly enough.
Joshua Fields
Joshua Fields - 8 years ago
You are right, I got my Tropical Gars and Cubans mixed up. This is a large Tropical, but not an Alligator Gar.


Top is a tropical, notice the downward slant of it's snout.
drgnfrc13 - 8 years ago
Joshua Fields It's actually an alligator gar, as the subtitle states at 1:22. Also, that isn't true of Cuban gars.
Joshua Fields
Joshua Fields - 8 years ago
drgnfrc13 I believe that is a Cuban Gar. The snouts bend down like that naturally.
drgnfrc13 - 8 years ago
It looks like it's suffered an injury, probably from ramming into the side of an aquarium at some point. It's really common with gars.
Mary Brown
Mary Brown - 8 years ago
GDanielCho 7
Michael Tan
Michael Tan - 8 years ago
Only millionaires can get a fish tank like this.
Vicky B
Vicky B - 7 years ago
Are you a moron?  You do realize that there are restrictions on bringing animals across state lines much less international borders.  You also realize that you can't just haul one from Florida over to California in a baggie like it's a tetra.  Maybe you're being sarcastic?  The internet is so fickle sometimes.
Dopy Yogi
Dopy Yogi - 7 years ago
Are guys dumb? Get your own supplies, and if u want a gar make a quick trip to Florida and fish one out. Simple
SlickChick - 7 years ago
LOL, box furniture, a beater car and a kitchen full of tuna fish and peanut butter. But your fish will eat like a king!
mrdealx - 7 years ago
Michael Tan - Jews and their toys eh??
Vicky B
Vicky B - 7 years ago
Me regarding my tank: Should I get that shrimp? It's $6.95, I'll think about it for next time.
This guy and his tank: Ooh a Xanthic gar! $!5,000? I'll get 4!

Yeah, this guy is in a whole different income bracket.
Vicky B
Vicky B - 7 years ago
This is definitely a luxury that can only fit in a large, luxury home. No 1700 square foot home is going to have space for a 17'x5' tank with the equipment and then still have excess walking space not to mention the 4 extremely rare Xanthic gars, I can only imagine how much those are!
patelike - 7 years ago
I highly doubt you can build this with low paying $10/hr> job. even if you can, it'll probably take a decade of slowly buying the supplies before you even begin putting water in there. This thing will cost about the same as a small house.
Vicky B
Vicky B - 7 years ago
That would mean he's probably a millionaire. I don't know about you but I don't have an extra $200-300 thousand to spend on fish or anything for that matter. 200,000 is 20% of a downpayment for a $1,000,000 home. Some people might spend that money to buy a Lamborghini. Who owns a Lamborghini? Oh yeah, millionaires.
majooismajor - 7 years ago
not a millionaire, but you certainly need a good $200-$300 thousand to get the job done right. There is a guy by the name of king of DiY building his own 2000 Gallon tank right now, and he has spend his own 100s of thousands of dollars and he has got some fan donation and corporate sponsors to help him make the large tank and 10, 100 gallon tanks along with his fish room.
timbazi - 7 years ago
i wonder why no one has
EnVision - 7 years ago
you can do this on a low paying job. If your smart enough you can do alot more then you think with your money. Call it being a big boy if you will ;-)
patelike - 7 years ago
you would actually have to be a millionaire to turn this tank into a reef. unless you start with a handful tiny
coral frags. That would probably take a decade to grow into this tank. let alone the lighting and nutrient requirements for a reef tank. and saltwater fish and other fauna being 10x more expensive than freshwater. and you can leave a tank like this alone for 6 months but any saltwater tank needs weekly to almost daily maintenance.
Vicky B
Vicky B - 7 years ago
Because reefs aren't the only type of tank out there.
NuKeD Koala
NuKeD Koala - 8 years ago
+Danny b why not a reef?
Danny b
Danny b - 8 years ago
Roberto Luongo that tank with thousands of tetras
Xan Beerboy
Xan Beerboy - 8 years ago
I think you guys are missing 2 important factors in this. Let's say you get the material you need to build it, let's say you know how to build it and let's say you got the fish... You still need a big enough house to keep this baby and the maintenance costs of it. Perhaps not a millionaire but you have to be somewhat loaded :)
Roberto Luongo
Roberto Luongo - 8 years ago
so basically a decent job. and ur good. lol... the tank is cheap bro. ITS THE FISH THAT IS EXPENSIVE. this tank with cichlids would be amazinnnngggg.
Jeff K
Jeff K - 8 years ago
You could do a plywood tank with one acrylic front panel. Expensive yeah, but you probably don't have to be super rich.
Kaine Bassett
Kaine Bassett - 8 years ago
Not if your capable of building your own, you could do it for a few grand.
Kaine Bassett
Kaine Bassett - 8 years ago
Not if your capable of building your own, you could do it for a few grand.
Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise - 8 years ago
you don't have to be a millionaire to own a tank like this. 100k plus a year and you're good
K.J.D-Channas /Pythons Projekt Pond
K.J.D-Channas /Pythons Projekt Pond - 8 years ago
Michael Tan thats true
Justin N
Justin N - 8 years ago
Do you mind if you do another video on the tank?
Justin N
Justin N - 8 years ago
Alright thank you! Looking forward to seeing it:)
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
I will do an updated one over the winter :)
Becca Bear
Becca Bear - 8 years ago
Also is everything inside real? All plants and everything ?
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
100% real.
Becca Bear
Becca Bear - 8 years ago
This is beautiful
Anime Edits144042
Anime Edits144042 - 8 years ago
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek LOL
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
To much...
namingsway - 8 years ago
lol OMG i use the same gamestop card for my 30 gallon tank lol
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
haha :)
Tyler Kihut
Tyler Kihut - 8 years ago
Can you fill the tank up to the top
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
I can-just don't want to.
Baryonx 97
Baryonx 97 - 8 years ago
what ever happened to magnetic algae scrapers?
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
I have them- they aren't very effective.
TheGorillaBlitz - 8 years ago
next vidoe should be feeding them all
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Their is a feeding video out there.
Vanessa Mangubat
Vanessa Mangubat - 8 years ago
this is sort of like an exhibit at the aquarium. invredible
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Thanks Vanessa
RaffM522 - 8 years ago
Why did you stop the reef?
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
expense- like $700 per month in electric bills
Matthew Meek
Matthew Meek - 8 years ago
Amazing tank, whats the size of that viewing glass? One of the largest home viewing glasses ive seen
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
15'5" long
javisolfilomeno - 8 years ago
this tank is amazing keep making videos you earned a sub lol
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Christian Harnisch
Christian Harnisch - 8 years ago
I just sat here mouth agape in awe. Hard to realize that even at 15+ feet it's still 5 foot deep haha. Does the tank always stay half full? I tip my hat to you, well done!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Dylan Shelnutt
Dylan Shelnutt - 8 years ago
By far my favorite tank ive seen on youtube
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
King of Westeros
King of Westeros - 8 years ago
how much did the whole tank and setup cost?
Vikram Tamagonda
Vikram Tamagonda - 8 years ago
How much approximately ????
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Way to much :)
Joshua Turner
Joshua Turner - 8 years ago
wow that tank is sweet. If it wasn't an open top I would say you should get some basilisks or water dragons for the land portion. I know my basilisks would love that setup.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
I had some in another tank- great animals
NC-66-1 - 8 years ago
I hate you because I'm jealous.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Kris' yard service
Kris' yard service - 8 years ago
i had no idea u were into fish! i watched tons of fish tank videos n yours is up there with one of my favorites! awsome job on that!
Alfredo Rosado
Alfredo Rosado - 8 years ago
Great looking tank. Not into gars and stingrays but the tank is really clean. I like the footprint. I have a 1200 gal but my footprint only reaches ten feet..plus I have a plywood build with some Acyrlic. All Acrylic is the way to go! Great upload.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Thanks-your tank sounds interesting-any videos of it?
Jar Kas
Jar Kas - 8 years ago
How do you get all of the plants to grow with no base, because I know there is water caves below them, is there some sort of foundation or soil, what keeps land and water separated?
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
+Jar Kas there is a styrofoam background that the plants have grown over. Their roots are in the water and they have grown out of the tank and into the back room.
Jar Kas
Jar Kas - 8 years ago
+Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek I understand but aren't the plants mounted of some sort into the backround because there has to be something holding them in place. Sorry for asking so many questions but this is the best paludarium I've ever seen and I want to make my own.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Goobie Goober
Goobie Goober - 8 years ago
That white gar reminds me of a amazon dolphin.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Yeah- it does look like one!
Kirill Limarov
Kirill Limarov - 8 years ago
that's a sexy as hell of a tank. i bet it costs a fortune. i want one for sure!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Stevin Vandee
Stevin Vandee - 8 years ago
pretty sweet vivarium setup
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Danny Mackey
Danny Mackey - 8 years ago
awesome tank man. i wish i could go that big! Im wanting to build something similar but way smaller. could you give me some behind the scenes pics? Im actually going to be setting up a large eco system for my eels and mini gars and crabs. they feed on my guppies and shrimp that reproduce in my tank and feed off my plants now. Its only 75 gallons but i also run aquaponics off of it. I want to go bigger soon but i like to plan stuff out any tips would be awesome. PS i want some rays so bad. i cant wait till i can get a huge tank like yours. my dream is a lagoon room with something like outdoor world if you have ever been
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
A lagoon would be awesome!
Kaien Yong
Kaien Yong - 8 years ago
Total respect for your love for gars, and the tank is beautiful!!!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Gars are my favorite!
Ravi Raval
Ravi Raval - 8 years ago
super aqurium
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
symbolicsin - 8 years ago
You seem like a great guy, Beautiful tank and nice video!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Rich Renwick
Rich Renwick - 8 years ago
make me one XD
Arta Karya
Arta Karya - 8 years ago
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Free Swimmer
Free Swimmer - 8 years ago
Just seeing this video. Very cool and ironic as I am a landscaper and a Cichlid fish enthusiast.. I sub'd to you a couple days ago and if you find a moment I would really like to share my aquariums with you on my channel. Take care !
King of Westeros
King of Westeros - 8 years ago
+Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek how much did the whole tank and setup cost?
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 8 years ago
I'd personally go for the normal alligator gar-color morphs, unless found naturally in the wild, are NOT my thing
relentlessly savage
relentlessly savage - 8 years ago
well, at least that gamestop card came useful.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Quantum Aquatic
Quantum Aquatic - 8 years ago
very cool, but i just dont like the fact you have gars in there when they can get huge.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
I only have on gar that can get big. The rest stay at a max of about 24-28 inches.
WesternBlue Personal Account
WesternBlue Personal Account - 8 years ago
I wanna swim in there.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
You can if you promise to help clean it.
Toan Nguyen
Toan Nguyen - 8 years ago
This made my day. Thank you so much!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Thank you Toan!
Chad Stambaugh
Chad Stambaugh - 8 years ago
Oh man! Why did you go fresh water?! You had one of the best reef's in the hobby :(
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
I'm loving the lower power bill. :)
Ondřej Rožek
Ondřej Rožek - 8 years ago
B&W tegu
B&W tegu - 8 years ago
Jesus your rich those gars are $14,000 a piece , beautiful tank tho man absolutely amazing but u should make it a reef again tho
EnVision - 7 years ago
you could do this yourself for probably under 50k if you know what your doing and where to look, i dont know where that 300k nimber came from lol
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
B&W tegu
B&W tegu - 8 years ago
+SebsExotics well look it up buddy first thing i saw was 14 grand
SebsExotics - 8 years ago
+TM Miner he is talking out his ass... the gars start around $7000. the BD rays start at around 1.000
Big MacMik3
Big MacMik3 - 8 years ago
How much was the Ray and that other fish?
G LENG - 8 years ago
Looks like you've got a river dolphin in your tank with that white gar!!!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Yeah- it does look like one. ;)
Sinlo Kemp
Sinlo Kemp - 8 years ago
WOW! thats one hell of a big aquarium! probs to you man!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Thank you!
kenny kirkland
kenny kirkland - 8 years ago
just WOW .
Jon Mayberry
Jon Mayberry - 8 years ago
beautiful tank well done
Muizz Qazi
Muizz Qazi - 8 years ago
PearlofRocketland - 8 years ago
I saw a video of an 800G tank the other day and thought, surely no one could keep a bigger thank in their home. WELP

really great tank
drgnfrc13 - 8 years ago
There are numerous members of monsterfishkeepers.com who own tanks over 1,000 gallons. The guy who owns the 50,000 gal (and also a 15,000 gal) is a member over there, though I don't think he's posted in a while.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
+SebsExotics I've seen that tank. Amazing!
SebsExotics - 8 years ago
a guy has a 50.000 gallon tank...
SebsExotics - 8 years ago
a guy has a 50.000 gallon tank...
Thomas Nørgaard
Thomas Nørgaard - 8 years ago
Very nice tank Mr. Stanley :D Starting - monthly cost !?
Victor Techakaisri
Victor Techakaisri - 8 years ago
Wow!!!!! I would kill myself if you give me that tank. Awesome!!!!!
Victor Techakaisri
Victor Techakaisri - 8 years ago
+Thomas Nørgaard lol
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Thomas Nørgaard
Thomas Nørgaard - 8 years ago
+Victor Techakaisri You wouldn`t be able to enjoy it then, would you? :P
mojosodope45 - 8 years ago
Amazing tank!
Don Jensen
Don Jensen - 8 years ago
Did you build the structure or have it built for your tank. Is is a really impressive set up and i have been looking into doing something similar but on a smaller scale for my large oscars. I want to build allot of it my self but could use some good leads on were to get the exhibit like back ground structures to help piece something together on my end.
ohdeergod - 8 years ago
Cartis Up In Here
Cartis Up In Here - 8 years ago
Use a magnetic tank cleaner it will be much easier
Christopher Edmister
Christopher Edmister - 8 years ago
Wow. That is really cool. This is the kind of thing you work for.
Christopher Edmister
Christopher Edmister - 8 years ago
What did you have to do to reinforce the floor? Doesnt the water alone weigh almost 5 ton?
oliver dibbs
oliver dibbs - 8 years ago
It's like you just picked up some of the Amazon rainforest and dumped it in your basement.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Ashe Shiina
Ashe Shiina - 8 years ago
Throw an Arowana in there
Jade French
Jade French - 8 years ago
+Yong Li
Cool! I haven't done any active research on the subject, so, obviously, I did not know that. :D Thanks, and God bless you.
Yong Li
Yong Li - 8 years ago
+Jade French You can have a Silver Arowana, and Jardinis in the states.
Jade French
Jade French - 8 years ago
Arowanas are illegal in the States. Dunno where this man is from, but still. Friendly fyi, I guess.
Mew Mew
Mew Mew - 8 years ago
What a thing of beauty. Love how natural it looks plus the chirping in the background. Phenomenal
Nataniel Buđanovac
Nataniel Buđanovac - 9 years ago
best aquarium ever
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Nataniel Buđanovac Thank you!
Nataniel Buđanovac
Nataniel Buđanovac - 9 years ago
soo nice
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Nataniel Buđanovac Thank you!
Darren Murphy
Darren Murphy - 9 years ago
that was outstanding!!! beautiful set up.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Darren Murphy Appreciate it!
Nature's Finest
Nature's Finest - 9 years ago
this is an excellent video
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Wolfie 85_NL
Wolfie 85_NL - 9 years ago
Really nice fish tank, love the fish an biome set up. Nice work :D
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+danny de mooy Thank you!
TheHypercasual - 9 years ago
Beautiful! You've done a great job
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+TheHypercasual Thank you!
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 9 years ago
i want to swim with the fishes too!
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 9 years ago
the more refreshing it will be :D
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+E N Water is cold :)
LowTech Tank
LowTech Tank - 9 years ago
wow! love this tank. you custom built it? super awesome!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+LowTech Tank Yes- custom built it- Thanks!
טל טל
טל טל - 9 years ago
by using the credit card you scratch the glass. better use sponge.
nice aquariom!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+‫טל טל‬‎ No- The credit card is used because it doesn't scratch the acrylic.
Aaron Thurman
Aaron Thurman - 9 years ago
Nice aquarium! I got into the hobby a few months back started with a 30 gallon though. I have a bit to go before 1700 haha
Dustin - 9 years ago
How often do your plants flower?
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Dustin Cooper Anubis flowers continually- all the other plants don't flower at all.
Dustin - 9 years ago
I NEED this at my house ASAP
ss ss
ss ss - 9 years ago
Pffffffffff, what I wouldn't give to be able to get in my aquarium and clean up!
ss ss
ss ss - 9 years ago
+Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - I bet it is!

To be fair, even in the height of summer here the lakes and rivers barely go above 20c so I'd be used to it.

Really nice aquarium though. Well jealous!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+ss ss its cold in their
Samuel Lickiss
Samuel Lickiss - 9 years ago
I'm a bit late watching this, but your paludarium is spectacular - beautifully designed. I'm watching this as inspiration for the future (when I have a house big enough)!
Cameron Jones
Cameron Jones - 9 years ago
you should put animals on the land part of the tank
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Cameron Jones Its an open top- they would escape.
Aroe48 - 9 years ago
Man that tank is awesome! How do you control the humidity issues for a tank that large?
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Aroe48 Windows- I have 4 in the back room that I open. But the humidity in a log house is a bonus.
Billy Bob
Billy Bob - 9 years ago
That is amazing and what is in the land part though
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+TheHuntingCode Just plants
Meme beaner
Meme beaner - 9 years ago
This is so professionally made it's insane. Beautiful fish in a beautiful tank.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+FoxMoth Thank you!
Jeremy McReynolds
Jeremy McReynolds - 9 years ago
Your set up has really changed alot over the years haha.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Jeremy McReynolds I change it all the time. I can't stop -its just for fun
MoneyMarcMes - 9 years ago
So why did you get rid of the reef to build a freshwater system???
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+MoneyMarcMes Something new to try.
Gabriel Titus
Gabriel Titus - 9 years ago
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Gabriel Titus Thank you!
A W - 9 years ago
this is more of a zoo exhibit than a fish tank. I could watch this for hours
Xyphel Lord
Xyphel Lord - 8 years ago
Kainoaoko'ukanaka snails and plecos would be good, but tadpoles grow into frogs and I don't know where he's gonna keep them..

..unless he feeds the frogs to the gar I don't know what the gars eat
Koealikitu'imaihemaunga - 8 years ago
would it be possible to add any algae eaters to aid in the cleaning? Snails, plecos, even tadpoles?
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Alex Williams Thanks!
Joe Lee
Joe Lee - 9 years ago
why don't you use an algae scrubber?
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Joe Lee An algae magnet or a turf scrubber algae filter? I have an algae magnet- it works fine for smaller stuff. But every now and then I have to get in to do a good scrub.
Sern Saeteurn
Sern Saeteurn - 9 years ago
Wow.. I am inspired. Thanks for sharing. Subscribed
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Sern Saeteurn Thank you!
Zwenable - 9 years ago
wow.... just wow , that tank is so much more the just an aquarium :D
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Zwenable Thanks!
bjk12385 - 9 years ago
Video request: I'm currently picking out pieces for my own reptile/fish setup I had the idea of making the whole bottom water instead of a half and half. I really like what you did with the caves and stuff. If you could make a video explaining the construction that would be great. Awesome tank!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+bjk12385 I used PVC pipes to create shelfs or ledges. Then stacked rock on it to hide the pipe work.
Cichlid City
Cichlid City - 9 years ago
Amazing Tank! I am so jealous haha. I subscribed.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Cichlid City Thank you!
SIMUANGCO2468 - 9 years ago
My jaw dropped.  Spectacular setup 100% amazed.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+SIMUANGCO2468 Thank you!
Najkstory FishFever
Najkstory FishFever - 9 years ago
this tank is so great! subbed!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Najkstory FishFever Thanks!
SocialDemon09 - 9 years ago
What a beautiful video! everything is gorgeous; the aquascape, the fish, the tank itself, the plants. Good job!
I don't think, however, that the gars have enough space to be happy! I am no expert though, so I wouldn't know. I just think that gars and sharks should be kept in large ponds. Anyway, so did you make this talk yourself?
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+SocialDemon09 I built it myself.
Mario Elizondo
Mario Elizondo - 9 years ago
awesome acuarium man, do you have any videos during the construction? I'd love to see the process
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Mario Elizondo No videos-just pictures.
jongmagee - 9 years ago
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+jongmagee Thanks!
felicianoabe - 9 years ago
damn! that's one huge ass tank
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+felicianoabe It is :)
fncsp - 9 years ago
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+fncsp Thank you!
mackjr1969 - 9 years ago
Nice tank ! Beautiful ecosystem !
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+mackjr1969 Thank you!
agusta putra
agusta putra - 9 years ago
+Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek but i like your tank :)
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+agusta putra Thank you!
agusta putra
agusta putra - 9 years ago
WATCH OUT!!!!! The alligator looking your toes +stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek LOL
pittbully13 - 9 years ago
Very nice subbed
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+pittbully13 Thanks!
nbinc - 9 years ago
WOW !!!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+nbinc Thank you!
John Phillips
John Phillips - 9 years ago
Cool tank, very well thought out.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+John Phillips Thanks!
kyle sproul
kyle sproul - 9 years ago
How much was the acrylic for this?
Helveteshit - 9 years ago
Shouldn't you throw in some sort of Algae eating fish there since you say those big fish won't attack them anyhow? I feel like Siamese Algae Eater would do well since they won't be eaten like the Guppies and they eat most of the Algae. Since I doubt you want a fresh water snail to be crawling around on your windows and structures. Shrimp might work too!

Also, feels like the Filtrations is a bit strained? Maybe increase the turn-over a notch in the future or try look over the potential ability to direct part of your exhaust flow into various spots to deal with it. For example, using flexible tubing and have it peek out from the soil at some locations within the cave and such to create a gentle drift of water here and there so you can push the contents out to your filtration better.

Your tank and all that, but just saying what I feel like in regards to improvement for the tank and fish :) Plus it might help you deal with the algae scraping each six months to some degree since you already seem to have a good natural filtration.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Helveteshit Great points- The stingrays keep the bottom stirred up very well. I recently added a large Plecostomus.
Omar Alvarez
Omar Alvarez - 9 years ago
One of the best tanks is seen on youtube. Lucky fish.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Omar Alvarez Thanks Omar :)
Asyraf Fawwaz
Asyraf Fawwaz - 9 years ago
guess you don't have to go far for a swim
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Asyraf Fawwaz More like a dunk-with Gars and stingrays in cold water :)
FunctionBuilt-Aquatics - 9 years ago
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+FunctionBuilt-Aquatics Thank you.
Rommel Reyes
Rommel Reyes - 9 years ago
Rommel Reyes
Rommel Reyes - 9 years ago
I really mean itch lol
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Rommel Reyes Scratchiness
Paul Tepes
Paul Tepes - 9 years ago
Oh man I remember this from dendroboard! Nice to see an update.
Jason Cotterill
Jason Cotterill - 9 years ago
+Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek Are you still housing dart frogs in there?
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Paul Tepes Thanks :)
イマジンイメージ - 9 years ago
OMG! Golden Gars are looks like dugong!!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+イマジンイメージ Thanks :)
MrBlazika - 9 years ago
Are your poison dart frogs all still alive?
MrBlazika - 9 years ago
Thanks for your reply! Can I ask why you removed them? Do you have any other types of fauna living on the terrestrial park of the vivarium?
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+MrBlazika I removed them.
sawyer T
sawyer T - 9 years ago
Use a credit card to buy a proper magnet cleaner
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+eric T Haha- I Love it- Great advice.:)
Tyler Schafer
Tyler Schafer - 9 years ago
is there a seam in the front acrylic peice?
Tyler Schafer
Tyler Schafer - 9 years ago
+Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek wow thats crazy how thick is that whats one of those cost?
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Tyler Schafer No this is a seamless 15 foot panel.
Carlos Adams
Carlos Adams - 9 years ago
Very nice tank. I don't think I would sit inside the tank and clean it.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Carlos Adams I'm bigger than the fish. :)
Kevin spacey
Kevin spacey - 9 years ago
Never realised you were in aquariums..  I have 8 of them in my house..  Funny how people have similar hobbiest and work... lol I do landscaping as well...   Althought i do not have a 1700 gallon aquarium... I wish... lol   My biggest is a 120g corner tank, live plants and discus
pipemadness - 9 years ago
Absolutely beautiful tank. Those Gars are amazing! I too would like to see how you ran the plumbing and the type of filtration you're running.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+pipemadness You got it- a Filtration video will be coming out.
IFG - 9 years ago
Just found your channel. Subbed you up
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+The Inquisitive Fish Guy 71 Thank you!!
Sub1117 - 9 years ago
Is this the shaytard's (butler's) aquarium??
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Sub1117 I noticed that :) Now I only need 3 million subscribers haha,
Sub1117 - 9 years ago
+Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek Your son looks just like one of the kids in his family. Like a mirror image
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Sub1117 No- This is mine.
Sub1117 - 9 years ago
+Shalaka Booyaka They're a popular youtube vlogging family
Shalaka Booyaka
Shalaka Booyaka - 9 years ago
+Sub1117 wut
djflexmaster79 - 9 years ago
Dang man, that is awesome..
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+djflexmaster79 Thanks!
Robert - GarantiPuts
Robert - GarantiPuts - 9 years ago
You need to make an aviary for your african grey, and get some buddys for him.... =) Im not so much into fish thing,,, but my friend had a bunch of "Tropheus" fishes ... very cool and active fish. He use to breed them and sell, good money. Almost like landscaping =)
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Rob The WindowCleaningDude The aviary idea is cool!
Kristina Lavoie
Kristina Lavoie - 9 years ago
Great tank, very cool fish.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Kristina Lavoie Thank you!
Adam Carter
Adam Carter - 9 years ago
Now that is bad ass! Love it man!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Adam Carter Thanks :)
Arrick L
Arrick L - 9 years ago
wow just wow
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Arrick L Thanks!
dawnpatrol - 9 years ago
Only you and Deuce Bigalow would get inside the tank. Nice fish! Love that Florida Gar
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+DawnPatrol Hahahaha Thats awesome-funny- but true! :)
Trooperandcooper Ale
Trooperandcooper Ale - 9 years ago
Your credit cards Really Stan. Look up plastic Pastry Scrapers, i use one for removing food off plates and for the fat and burnt food on Teflon frying pans
Trooperandcooper Ale
Trooperandcooper Ale - 9 years ago
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Trooperandcooper Ale I have to do something with my old credit cards :)
David Schneider
David Schneider - 9 years ago
Great tank Stan, I have Discus and planning on doing a vivarium. I come home from landscaping and stare all night...
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+David Schneider Same here- Love the big tank!
Mikes Lawn Care
Mikes Lawn Care - 9 years ago
I want a tank around 1000 gal north american set up with a large mouth bass, few rock bass, crappie, catfish and live plants like yours.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+whipping grass I wish mine was even bigger than it is.
Andree Larsson
Andree Larsson - 9 years ago
Love the tank!!!!!!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Andree Larsson Thanks !
02pwrstrk - 9 years ago
thanks for taking my request for showing your tank. your aquascaping is very natural and tasteful. i would love to see you filtration system. i love acrylic , but i hate cleaning it. thanks again Stan.
joshua burgos
joshua burgos - 9 years ago
+Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek Are the frogs still in there?
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+02pwrstrk Filtration is next!
Fixt100 - 9 years ago
Beautiful tank!
ignorant question, why dont you use algae eaters to clean your tank for you?
(i know nothing about fish so i really dont know why you wouldnt buy a few algae eating fish?)
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+fixt100 Actually I have a few Algae eaters coming in soon to clean the rocks.
Eden Gardens
Eden Gardens - 9 years ago
Awesome tank and fish.
To answer your question about "What do I want to see in the next videos?" Equipment, demolishing, mowing, digging, landscaping, hardscaping, retaining wall construction. I wanna see work! maybe some cool time lapses and some snow plowing whenever that comes! Haha!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Eden Gardens Hahaha- Of course! I have more of those coming soon :)
JC'sLawnTips - 9 years ago
That is one cool fish tank, I like that you can just hop right in. You could do some good pranks in one of those. Lol, great video!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+JC'sLawnTips The water was COLD! I had to take a hot shower after being in there for hours.
Ted Collette
Ted Collette - 9 years ago
That tank is breathtaking!! Very cool, I also could stare at it for hours! Thanks for showing us!
Ted Collette
Ted Collette - 9 years ago
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Ted Collette You got it! I have more coming soon !
Ted Collette
Ted Collette - 9 years ago
I've learned a lot! Keep the videos coming!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Ted Collette Thanks for watching!
Grass Snake
Grass Snake - 9 years ago
Wow that tank is above and beyond. This is one of the most misunderstood fish out there. Around here people despise Gar and is considered a nuisance for fisherman. There is something very mysterious about them and their habits thats for sure.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Grass Snake I know they are despised but the GOLD ones are amazing. And actually Gar are very intelligent and peaceful! Literally the gar will come up and gently take food out of my hand.
Jimbo A
Jimbo A - 9 years ago
WOW!!! Now that's a Tank!!!

Big Tanks for Big Dog's!!!


I thought, I had a big tank. :(

If possible, can you show the filter set up?

Stan Da Man!!!
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Jimbo A You got it- next video will be a behind the scenes on the tank.
Bass & Grass
Bass & Grass - 9 years ago
That is a very nice tank..very relaxing I do believe i could sit and stare at it for hours lol
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+steve stevens Thank you!
gouldjohnathan - 9 years ago
I need that in my life
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+gouldjohnathan I love it! it's a total break from everything else.
Maverick Groundskeeping
Maverick Groundskeeping - 9 years ago
Great work brother. It looks soo peaceful.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Maverick Groundskeeping Thanks :)
Land2Trees - 9 years ago
I dub you now ......Stanley "Sea Monkey" Genadek
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Land2Trees Hahahah- I love it! I may use that!
dirtrulz112 - 9 years ago
I want to see your whole filter and lighting setup, in a few years once I have a nice house I want to build a dream take of about 2500 gallons and get some sharks and have it do auto water changes so water is constantly fresh and clean for the fish
dirtrulz112 - 9 years ago
+Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek how long has this tank been set up, I've got my two small tanks posted on my Chanel but the videos are are year old each, both setups have changed but have been running for 2+ years now with only 2 fish dying
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+dirtrulz112 Cool- then I will do that in the next video.
Michael Derrick
Michael Derrick - 9 years ago
Pretty sweet Stan! Did you do it yourself or have it done?
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Michael Derrick I did all of it myself- with help from my crews.
Michael Derrick
Michael Derrick - 9 years ago
Pretty sweet Stan! Did you do it yourself or have it done?
Becerra Property Services
Becerra Property Services - 9 years ago
That's Nice.
Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek - 9 years ago
+Ric Becerra Thanks :)

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