1700 gallon Aquarium Vivarium AquaScaping Before and After
Howto 9 years ago 225,897 views
1700 gallon Aquarium aquascaping make over-before and after. This Private Fish Tank is a river bank cut out similar to the Shedd Aquarium. Stingrays, Golden Gars and other Extremely rare fish are housed in this aquarium / Vivarium. This Planted aquarium has a land portion that promotes filtration with hydroponics, aquaponics principles. DirtMonkeyUniversity.com and DirtMonkeyU.com The Landscape Business Pro Podcast- The Voice of the Landscaping and Construction Industry. http://landscapebusinesspro.com Genadek Landscaping and Excavating genadek.com GT Lawn Maintenance GTLawns.com Linked In- Hit me up! https://www.linkedin.com/profile/preview?vpa=pub&locale=en_US Twitter: https://twitter.com/LBPpodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stanley.genadek Email: stan@LandscapeBusinessPro.com Dirt Monkey: https://dirtmonkey.net You can find us in the following aquarium related categories-aquarium fish, planted aquarium, hydroponics, aquaponics, gardening, indoor plants, hydroponic systems. aquarium setup, aquarium setup freshwater, aquarium setup for beginners, aquarium setup saltwater, aquarium setup step by step, aquarium setup plant, planted aquarium. Also look under planted aquarium for beginners, planted aquarium filtration, best planted aquarium fish , best planted aquarium, best light for planted aquarium, saltwater aquarium, shedd aquarium, аквариум,saltwater aquarium setup, saltwater aquarium fish, saltwater aquarium filtration, saltwater filtration system for aquarium, vivarium, vivarium setup, terrarium setup, aquascaping, aquascaping freshwater aquarium, aquascaping freshwater aquarium for beginners. Similiar categories are aquascaping reef tank, aquascaping reef aquarium, indoor pond, aquarium filtration, aquarium filter, aquarium tour, aquarium tips
10. comment for 1700 gallon Aquarium Vivarium AquaScaping Before and After
20. comment for 1700 gallon Aquarium Vivarium AquaScaping Before and After
30. comment for 1700 gallon Aquarium Vivarium AquaScaping Before and After
Man I'd LOVE to pick your brain on your building of this!
Great video!
50. comment for 1700 gallon Aquarium Vivarium AquaScaping Before and After
I will soon be checking out your videos to see what other pets you own :)
Great job, It's an amazing aquascape.
100. comment for 1700 gallon Aquarium Vivarium AquaScaping Before and After
probably so trained on food that they don't understand to eat living things
the shoaling and scattered eggs would be amazing :P
Looks amazing, and fun!! About to go climb into my 55gallon. Lol jk
Top is a tropical, notice the downward slant of it's snout.
This guy and his tank: Ooh a Xanthic gar! $!5,000? I'll get 4!
Yeah, this guy is in a whole different income bracket.
coral frags. That would probably take a decade to grow into this tank. let alone the lighting and nutrient requirements for a reef tank. and saltwater fish and other fauna being 10x more expensive than freshwater. and you can leave a tank like this alone for 6 months but any saltwater tank needs weekly to almost daily maintenance.
really great tank
Cool! I haven't done any active research on the subject, so, obviously, I did not know that. :D Thanks, and God bless you.
nice aquariom!
To be fair, even in the height of summer here the lakes and rivers barely go above 20c so I'd be used to it.
Really nice aquarium though. Well jealous!
..unless he feeds the frogs to the gar
I don't know what the gars eatI don't think, however, that the gars have enough space to be happy! I am no expert though, so I wouldn't know. I just think that gars and sharks should be kept in large ponds. Anyway, so did you make this talk yourself?
Also, feels like the Filtrations is a bit strained? Maybe increase the turn-over a notch in the future or try look over the potential ability to direct part of your exhaust flow into various spots to deal with it. For example, using flexible tubing and have it peek out from the soil at some locations within the cave and such to create a gentle drift of water here and there so you can push the contents out to your filtration better.
Your tank and all that, but just saying what I feel like in regards to improvement for the tank and fish :) Plus it might help you deal with the algae scraping each six months to some degree since you already seem to have a good natural filtration.
ignorant question, why dont you use algae eaters to clean your tank for you?
(i know nothing about fish so i really dont know why you wouldnt buy a few algae eating fish?)
To answer your question about "What do I want to see in the next videos?" Equipment, demolishing, mowing, digging, landscaping, hardscaping, retaining wall construction. I wanna see work! maybe some cool time lapses and some snow plowing whenever that comes! Haha!
Big Tanks for Big Dog's!!!
I thought, I had a big tank. :(
If possible, can you show the filter set up?
Stan Da Man!!!