Achieving Good Water Quality In Your Aquarium | Aquascaping
Howto 8 years ago 30,410 views
In a planted Aquarium it is very important to have good water quality. When aquascapers talk about good water quality what we are referring to is high oxygen levels and low organic waste in the aquarium water. What I have found is most hobbyists look over this basic fundamental of aquascaping. Before you think about lighting CO2 or nutrients you first have to achieve high water quality. Personally I believe this is where most hobby hobbyists go wrong because we never talk about good water quality or what good water quality means. ADU aquascaping is here to help you achieve proper water quality within your aquarium and Aquascape. Achieving good water quality in your aquarium. Make sure to subscribe so you can function from day to day. Click the link below. Check out my “Secrets To Amazing Planted Aquariums” Playlist. Click the link below. To see more aquarium aquascaping videos check out my channel! Click the link below. Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by
Secrets to balancing your aquarium oder something like that?
10. comment for Achieving Good Water Quality In Your Aquarium | Aquascaping
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To get to their website click on the BucePlant icon link that I have listed below!
20. comment for Achieving Good Water Quality In Your Aquarium | Aquascaping
haha, anyhow I still need to figure out my mic codecs for my digital interface. It is the only mic I have and it is super nice and my interface has great preamps. I just moved into my new apt. So I have to set up my computer and mess with it.
thanks for watching man
it really helps because there many litte animils who eats biowaste and filtrate the water
30. comment for Achieving Good Water Quality In Your Aquarium | Aquascaping
50. comment for Achieving Good Water Quality In Your Aquarium | Aquascaping
Yeah that's why my question :-)
mine has been running for about 2 yrs now