Aquascape Maintenance Tutorial Guide- The Green Machine Video Timings 00:00 Intro In this video you will see the TGM team carrying out essential maintenance work on the aquascape titled 'Pebbles - In the footsteps of a giant' which was planted by pro aquascaper and founder of The Green Machine - James Findley, who dedicated this scope to the late aquascaping master Mr Takashi Amano. This video covers the maintenance work which was done the day before the final grown-in footage was shot, in order to get the layout looking it's best. You can use the techniques covered in this video as a weekly maintenance regime or to prepare your aquascape for a special day, event or photo shoot. You can see the step by step creation of this aquascsape in another video. 00:48 Water Change 01:35 Gravel Cleaning 02:55 Dead Leaf Removal 03:23 Debris Removal 03:53 Aquarium Cleaning 05:00 Syphon 06:00 Gravel & Sand Adjustments 07:31 Sand Freshening If some discolouration of the top layer of lighter sands has occurred, you may wish to add a thin layer of fresh sand of the same variety. This will brighten the look of the sandy area. Here you can see it being poured using a jug which allows for fairly accurate placement of the fresh layer of sand. Again, this should be spread into place using a sand flattener. 08:31 Stone & Rock Cleaning If desired, stones and rocks can be brushed to remove green vegetative colouring caused by algae. Here a wire brush is used which is highly abrasive- and therefore very effective at removing algae buildup. Smaller stones may be removed from the aquarium to make this process easier and then replaced in their original locations. Larger stones may be too heavy or may damage the layout if removed, in this case they can be brushed while in position the aquarium. 09:35 Gravel Freshening Fresh gravel may be sprinkled on top of older layers in order to brighten it up. You can see that some older pieces of gravel have developed a green layer of algae which makes them darker, less striking and arguably less aesthetically pleasing. It is also an option to remove the top layer of gravel by hand, clean it and then replace it in the aquarium. This method would be easier in a smaller aquarium. 10:09 While carrying out maintenance you may spot things like stray pieces of plants which you can remove by hand. The aquarium is now topped back up with water. At The Green Machine, Reverse Osmosis (abbreviated to 'R.O.') filtered water is used. R.O. purification removes any potentially toxic molecules which may be present in tap water. 10:29 Maintenance Finished The maintenance is done the day before to allow time for the filter to clear any particles from the water, resulting in higher clarity. This is especially important for larger aquariums where a larger amount of water can result in a greater perceived cloudiness. Now you can see the finished aquarium, it is much more striking than before the maintenance was carried out. If you would like to see how this aquascape was created from scratch, we have a step by step video which has been available for some time. This video goes into detail about each stage of creating this huge supertank- including substrate, hardscape, plants and grown in shots. The fish used are Danio, Zebra Danio, Siamensis Crossocheilus, Sphaerichthys osphromenoides (Chocolate gourami). Some Amano Shrimp also inhabit this micro eco-system. Find many similar videos on our website at We also have many articles and photos of aquascapes, and a nature aquarium online store where you can get everything you need to create beautiful aquascapes like this one. including live aquatic plants, aquariums, stands, tools and more.

Aquascape Maintenance Tutorial Guide- The Green Machine sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Howto 8 years ago 72,123 views Video Timings 00:00 Intro In this video you will see the TGM team carrying out essential maintenance work on the aquascape titled 'Pebbles - In the footsteps of a giant' which was planted by pro aquascaper and founder of The Green Machine - James Findley, who dedicated this scope to the late aquascaping master Mr Takashi Amano. This video covers the maintenance work which was done the day before the final grown-in footage was shot, in order to get the layout looking it's best. You can use the techniques covered in this video as a weekly maintenance regime or to prepare your aquascape for a special day, event or photo shoot. You can see the step by step creation of this aquascsape in another video. 00:48 Water Change 01:35 Gravel Cleaning 02:55 Dead Leaf Removal 03:23 Debris Removal 03:53 Aquarium Cleaning 05:00 Syphon 06:00 Gravel & Sand Adjustments 07:31 Sand Freshening If some discolouration of the top layer of lighter sands has occurred, you may wish to add a thin layer of fresh sand of the same variety. This will brighten the look of the sandy area. Here you can see it being poured using a jug which allows for fairly accurate placement of the fresh layer of sand. Again, this should be spread into place using a sand flattener. 08:31 Stone & Rock Cleaning If desired, stones and rocks can be brushed to remove green vegetative colouring caused by algae. Here a wire brush is used which is highly abrasive- and therefore very effective at removing algae buildup. Smaller stones may be removed from the aquarium to make this process easier and then replaced in their original locations. Larger stones may be too heavy or may damage the layout if removed, in this case they can be brushed while in position the aquarium. 09:35 Gravel Freshening Fresh gravel may be sprinkled on top of older layers in order to brighten it up. You can see that some older pieces of gravel have developed a green layer of algae which makes them darker, less striking and arguably less aesthetically pleasing. It is also an option to remove the top layer of gravel by hand, clean it and then replace it in the aquarium. This method would be easier in a smaller aquarium. 10:09 While carrying out maintenance you may spot things like stray pieces of plants which you can remove by hand. The aquarium is now topped back up with water. At The Green Machine, Reverse Osmosis (abbreviated to 'R.O.') filtered water is used. R.O. purification removes any potentially toxic molecules which may be present in tap water. 10:29 Maintenance Finished The maintenance is done the day before to allow time for the filter to clear any particles from the water, resulting in higher clarity. This is especially important for larger aquariums where a larger amount of water can result in a greater perceived cloudiness. Now you can see the finished aquarium, it is much more striking than before the maintenance was carried out. If you would like to see how this aquascape was created from scratch, we have a step by step video which has been available for some time. This video goes into detail about each stage of creating this huge supertank- including substrate, hardscape, plants and grown in shots. The fish used are Danio, Zebra Danio, Siamensis Crossocheilus, Sphaerichthys osphromenoides (Chocolate gourami). Some Amano Shrimp also inhabit this micro eco-system. Find many similar videos on our website at We also have many articles and photos of aquascapes, and a nature aquarium online store where you can get everything you need to create beautiful aquascapes like this one. including live aquatic plants, aquariums, stands, tools and more.

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Most popular comments
for Aquascape Maintenance Tutorial Guide- The Green Machine

Clinton Ovalle
Clinton Ovalle - 7 years ago
Why is there no filter
Gede Gunawan
Gede Gunawan - 7 years ago
You are not a true aquascaper if dont experience the taste of drink water from your tank @1:36 :D
Cursed - 7 years ago
Once a week O.o
Toby Merchant Turpin
Toby Merchant Turpin - 7 years ago
Hi what's the large leafed plant? Slightly red in colour, seem towards the left of the scape? Thanks, great work
ItsFritz - 7 years ago
Nick Kennedy
Nick Kennedy - 7 years ago
Ive heard of some people using heat pads underneath the tank to heat the soil for extra growth is this a thing? does TGM use this technique or is normal water heat fine?
TheGreenMachineLtd - 7 years ago
This is an old idea that we do not recommend. It is not necessary for good plant growth- we do not use this in any of our layouts.
Kenguru Safari
Kenguru Safari - 7 years ago
Can you hook it up to a home made water recycling system to keep it nearly maintenance-free?
It would also require minimal extra water supply.
rushingaming - 7 years ago
so... its a glorified fish tank?
valzerna - 7 years ago

10. comment for Aquascape Maintenance Tutorial Guide- The Green Machine

criztu - 7 years ago
I'm from the Fresh Fish Foundation, and what is this?!
Tavin Moonguider
Tavin Moonguider - 7 years ago
3:54 Seems one of those magnetic scrubbers would make that scrub job much easier lol
pro builder
pro builder - 7 years ago
You guys have very trusting fish.
Kyle Johnston
Kyle Johnston - 8 years ago
DO you feed these fish or do they feed on byproducts from the plants?
TheGreenMachineLtd - 8 years ago
+Kyle Johnston We feed them
Kexin - 8 years ago
This is too much work. How much does it cost to hire someone to do this for me in southern CA?
The Awperator
The Awperator - 8 years ago
how do you keep your water clear
Randy - 8 years ago
I must say James, you do Awesome work!! Keep the videos coming ..
Jon Snow
Jon Snow - 8 years ago
Do these aquascapes with fish need some sort of filtration system?
Rita Rene'
Rita Rene' - 8 years ago
I would love to see more update videos.
vinizuh - 8 years ago
2:00 Am i hearing things or....?

20. comment for Aquascape Maintenance Tutorial Guide- The Green Machine

Macs2015 - 8 years ago
this is one of the coolest things i've ever seen, i have this feeling overflowing me telling me i must do an aquascape myself!!!
Justin Stephens
Justin Stephens - 8 years ago
I was wondering how do you go about feeding the fish and shrimp in your aquascapes?
Stephan Frion
Stephan Frion - 8 years ago
"dedicated to the late Takashi Amano" ... man... I have been away from fish keeping for awhile i guess !!!! did not realize he passed away.
JumpmanRick - 8 years ago
My new favorite youtube channel!
Okto Putsch
Okto Putsch - 8 years ago
Is a self-sustaining aquarium possible ? (noob question certainly, i know)
Oliver Turner
Oliver Turner - 7 years ago
That would be half an aquaponic system. I imagine you could set it up all in a single tank if you used your pumps to regulate flow right, but by the time you got it working you'd basically have an above-ground duck pond of around a million litres.
Tom Morton
Tom Morton - 8 years ago
5:28 surprise shrimp :)
Xin You
Xin You - 8 years ago
Thank you for this guide and for your work. I have one question: given the fact that I have very hard water (KH 12, GH 16), can I get away with using only CO2 and not R/o water? If yes, which plant species should I avoid using? Thanks
Alexander P
Alexander P - 8 years ago
James is a magical creature
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
very nice Great Job both the the Scape and the Film :-)
Cefa Beyoğlu
Cefa Beyoğlu - 8 years ago
more videos please friends

30. comment for Aquascape Maintenance Tutorial Guide- The Green Machine

Angel Castaneda
Angel Castaneda - 8 years ago
When I win the Powerball I'm gonna fly these guys over to my new mansion and have them build their own masterpiece for me. Fantastic work and thanks for the detail on how you guys clean up!
Owen Wu
Owen Wu - 8 years ago
Do it yourself, it is more satisfying.
GreatWhiteNiko - 8 years ago
Here. A little honesty. Rare thing on the internet;

So a planted tank always grows algae on the glass? And requires serious maintenance to look perfect? If a tank is setup properly there would be nothing to vacuum, nothing to scrape, no pebbles to clean. There will be no need for a big water changes. The tank would be very hard to throw off balance even if you tried.

Can a tank be left by itself for a month? 2 months, 3 months? Only top off? Overfeed or not feed at all? Run or stop the CO2 whenever you feel like it? Remove the external filter altogether? Increase the light or lower it?

There is a way to properly establish a planted tank. But it does not sell chemicals, cool stainless steel tools, and does not make anyone a professional. And no, it is not a low light tank with a few simple plants. It is as close to an ecosystem as a glass box full of water can get - complete with its own seasons. As close to a real Natural Aquarium as it can be. Unlike what the Japanese made the world think is right.

Good luck. What you show is what people love.
sonu - 8 years ago
i have setup such tanks. need good substrate and lighting though. the tanks run great for many months with no filter. 20% water change in 1-2 months. but i eventually needed to introduce a filter for mechanical filtration. Too much suspended particles in the water.
Whoa - 8 years ago
Can there be a shark or bigger fish in the next video?
Skaolloaks - 8 years ago
The fish are all, like, "Hey! He's taking our detritus! Someone stop him! How? We don't have hands and he's gigantic!" All joking aside, I want to thank everyone at The Green Machine so much for going to the time and trouble of producing and posting these videos. I find them helpful, informative and oddly relaxing. I would pay money for an album of the ambient music used in your videos. Have you considered selling that? Or are you able to? Do you have the music made in-house? Is it commissioned? Is it existing music you license for use in the videos?
Skaolloaks - 8 years ago
+TheGreenMachineLtd That would be excellent! I'm a big fan of ambient, electronica and space music. I'd have to say the background music for the making of "Reciprocity" is my favorite.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 8 years ago
+Skaolloaks thanks for your kind words. The music is all made by James Findley's son - Ewan Findley. Currently it's not available anywhere other than on our videos. Maybe we will release it in the future. We have had several requests for this :)
Leanne W
Leanne W - 8 years ago
Anyone Know If I Can Put Red Cherry Shrimp In A Tank With Guppies And A Small Bristlenose Catfish
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
Alexander Roeggla
Alexander Roeggla - 8 years ago
amazing tank.....
Kamil Olczak
Kamil Olczak - 8 years ago
Thank you very much ! :-)
Girish Thakur
Girish Thakur - 8 years ago
very useful.
medoo aldbag
medoo aldbag - 8 years ago
it's very niceee
Jordan Post
Jordan Post - 8 years ago
Create a terrarium using an ADA 180P! IT WOULD-BE AWESOME
dfzurichch - 8 years ago
Good basic information, water change, clean substrate, plants and glass.....
Seb 4
Seb 4 - 8 years ago
i was wondering if you guys had any tips on how to maintain Anubias clean of algae since there slow growing plants i always get some spot algae on them and hard to get rid of ..
Andy Suryantoro van Ruzzette
Andy Suryantoro van Ruzzette - 8 years ago
I had the same problem, it seems anubias are prone to such a problem since they are slow growing and shade loving. I saw a vid on YouTube which suggests a 3% hydrogen peroxide diluted in water, put into spray bottle, and sprayed it to the anubias, then just scrub the leaves using clean, soft wet cloth. I tried it, and it works quite good in my case.
Cj Carpenter
Cj Carpenter - 8 years ago
Do you condition your RO water at all before adding it to the tank? I thought RO water was bad for planted tanks.
Cj Carpenter
Cj Carpenter - 8 years ago
+TheGreenMachineLtd I assume you guys are using Ada products for that. I would love to know which ones.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 8 years ago
+Cj Carpenter we re-mineralise it straight after it's been added to the tank
Especially Angels
Especially Angels - 8 years ago
Excuse me, but the fish look pretty hungry as there are trying to get the fresh gravel as you add it to the aquascape. Maybe you could feed them more often than you are currently doing? It might just be me but it looks like they are quite hungry. Thank you for any replies.
gnovincejr2 - 8 years ago
Haha! are you being serious? If so then uhhhhhhh no! Has nothing to do with them not being fed enough!
Nelson Da Silva
Nelson Da Silva - 8 years ago
Few videos but always excellent! Thank you for those tips!!
Karim Swift
Karim Swift - 8 years ago
i live for the narration
Jake Moore
Jake Moore - 8 years ago
Will you be uploading any step-by-step videos of new aquariums James is working on? I very much enjoy those, I love how much information they have in them. Love your work, keep it up!
TheGreenMachineLtd - 8 years ago
+Jake Moore Hi Jake, yes we will... we filmed the 'grown in' footage for one yesterday... so this will be published next.
QuickQuips - 8 years ago
I'm surprised algae is such a problem with such a well planted tank. Maybe a few snails could take care of the dead leaves and algae films. Great video though, definitely useful for any planted tank.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 8 years ago
+QuickQuips Algae is not really a problem... But cleaning the small amounts away will create a more striking composition with greater contrast between rock and plant colours.
xgrizzleZ - 8 years ago
1:58 bye bye shrimp :D
Arnold - 8 years ago
VERY usefull! Thank you tgm!

50. comment for Aquascape Maintenance Tutorial Guide- The Green Machine

Kent Bremner
Kent Bremner - 8 years ago
Kent Bremner
Kent Bremner - 8 years ago
What fish are those?
TheGreenMachineLtd - 8 years ago
+Kent Bremner The fish used are Danio, Zebra Danio, Siamensis Crossocheilus, Sphaerichthys osphromenoides (Chocolate gourami). Some Amano Shrimp also inhabit this micro eco-system.
Jaap Lubberts
Jaap Lubberts - 8 years ago
I missed you guys, thanks again for a beautiful video. :)
Akeem Mohammed
Akeem Mohammed - 8 years ago
Hi TGM. I was wondering how many watts of light per gallon should you have in a planted aquarium?
Karim Swift
Karim Swift - 8 years ago
+Akeem Mohammed watts per gallon is not a great rule, especially when you're looking at led's. look for par ratings on the light you want, and see how that matches up against you tank size and plants.
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
2-3 is preferred
Cody James
Cody James - 8 years ago
Your videos are amazing, thank you for sharing this! I can't wait for the next one!
Luke Stephenson
Luke Stephenson - 8 years ago
Fantastic. wish you produced more regular content thou.
Cekeybula - 8 years ago
those things take too much time to upload videos like leafy x)
Destruction is Creation
Destruction is Creation - 8 years ago
Kind of hard to regulate plant-growth and other variables that play into the final shootings.
Max Twigg
Max Twigg - 8 years ago
Nice seeing the maintenance team at work!
Max Twigg
Max Twigg - 8 years ago
YEssss video!!!!
Roman Averin
Roman Averin - 8 years ago
Thanks for you videos, it's very amazing!
yosh yoshter
yosh yoshter - 8 years ago
Quick question what plant is he siphoning at about 2:43
yosh yoshter
yosh yoshter - 8 years ago
+TheGreenMachineLtd thank you keep up the great work
TheGreenMachineLtd - 8 years ago
Alex Zhou
Alex Zhou - 8 years ago
Thanks TGM love all your videos. Hope there are more videos to be uploaded soon. Keep up the good work.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 8 years ago
+Lord of Cows thanks! :)
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 8 years ago
love your vids and aquascapes you have inspired me to try to aquascape. im only 15 and alot of time and money goes into this hobby ive noticed :p
TheGreenMachineLtd - 8 years ago
+Olav Øverland That's great! Check out all our videos as there is a lot of useful information packed into them, equally useful for beginners and pro's alike! :)
iSim0641 - 8 years ago
iSim0641 - 8 years ago
the hype is real
TheGreenMachineLtd - 8 years ago
+iSim0641 We are filming another display tank as we speak so that should be available fairly soon :)
Kenneth Soh
Kenneth Soh - 8 years ago
Fabulous .
TGM always give amazing education on aquascape!
Question though , the sands and gravels do you soak it overnight before use ?
What about the ADA Amazon soil ?
Do you soak the soil for a day ?
Kenneth Soh
Kenneth Soh - 8 years ago
+TheGreenMachineLtd Do advise ! Doesn't ADA aqua soil release ammonia into the water ? As i had livestocks in my aquarium i'm worried it might affect my livestocks ! Hahaha
TheGreenMachineLtd - 8 years ago
+Kenneth Soh Hi Kenneth, we're glad you enjoyed this video. The sands used in this aquascape are from manufacturer Aqua Design Amano (ADA) and do not require soaking or washing before use. The gravel is our own TGM Graded Gravel and again doesn't require washing but it may remove some dust so one may choose to wash if they would prefer a clearer start to their layout... however any dust will be swiftly removed by a good filter. Likewise the ADA Aqua Soil does not require soaking before use.
Vijay Sivasankaren
Vijay Sivasankaren - 8 years ago
Top class... thanks for sharing this useful info!
TheGreenMachineLtd - 8 years ago
+Vijay Sivasankaren (Vijay Aquariums Chennai) We're glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for taking the time to comment :)

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