Aquascape waterfall tanjungpinang part 2

Aquascape waterfall tanjungpinang part 2 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 41

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Most popular comments
for Aquascape waterfall tanjungpinang part 2

hazim haniffa
hazim haniffa - 7 years ago
malaysia ah bro . need to ask something. dm me in instagram hazimhanif_
arahman ulil
arahman ulil - 7 years ago
Saya mau buat seperti ini ukuran ny seperti ini brp hrg nya. Mohon di bls
Tatoo Taborda Barona
Tatoo Taborda Barona - 7 years ago
Hola una pregunta ¿como haces para mantener el agua cristalina?
Arum D
Arum D - 7 years ago
Bikininnnn dong :(
Shashi Bhale
Shashi Bhale - 7 years ago
Can you show how you made the waterfall i like it.
FooTiyaGiri - 7 years ago
Can you make a video of how to make a fountain you have in this one
周宏波 - 7 years ago
Sagar chavan
Sagar chavan - 7 years ago
it very nice and like it
plz show to make it
ken nathan
ken nathan - 7 years ago
too strong if you ask me

10. comment for Aquascape waterfall tanjungpinang part 2

pedro cornelio
pedro cornelio - 7 years ago
donde puedo comprar una cascada ya hecha para mi pecera??
#1 Kid
#1 Kid - 7 years ago
Never seen anything this beautiful, how did you made the pool tho?
Will Ford
Will Ford - 7 years ago
#1 Kid all he has done is put a background or painted the underneath of the tank and done it as a bare bottom . very clever tho
Will Ford
Will Ford - 7 years ago
#1 Kid all he has done
Zivana Mecca
Zivana Mecca - 7 years ago
klo bli asesorisnya d mana y ..pinang batu brapa yah..
Doki Tusri
Doki Tusri - 7 years ago
tanjung pinang ini tanjung pinang dekat batam yah ?
bleh nanya... utk membeli tanaman2 or rumput utk akuarium di mana dekat batam. info dong ?
Hugo Garcia
Hugo Garcia - 7 years ago
how you rid of the bobbles
Koji Shine
Koji Shine - 8 years ago
nekesha clayton
nekesha clayton - 8 years ago
This is the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. I cannot wrap my kind on how the waterfall runs underwater like that. Very cool.
kalel  1587
kalel 1587 - 8 years ago
como isiste para hacer la cascada
Biggy Hein
Biggy Hein - 8 years ago
Hellow, I have a question - is there any reason, that you (somebody else from videos I´ve seen, doesn´t use blue sand (Granulate) for the waterfall?

Thanks a lot for your Response!

michael badendieck
michael badendieck - 8 years ago
hallo sidt super wo bekommt mann das zu kaufen

20. comment for Aquascape waterfall tanjungpinang part 2

Acuarios Rosa HD
Acuarios Rosa HD - 8 years ago
Hi , you have a very nice Aquarium. I would like to know how you have made the waterfall that is very beautiful. The Arena that you move it with a pump or with compressor of Air? .Saludos Paco, I am of Aquarius Rosa HD.
Acuarios Rosa HD
Acuarios Rosa HD - 8 years ago
thanks greetings.
NorwegianMetalCowboy - 8 years ago
Acuarios Rosa HD hi there, tecnically i cant say specs, length of tubes/pipes or water pressure, because i have noe clue. but i think what you need is a couple of pipes(one straight and one corner shaped), a water pump that pumps the water upwards through the pipe so it picks up the sand, something you can shape and coat with sement to make the artistic stone looking thing and light sand (not too light as it will use too long to fall but not too heavy as the water wont be able to pick up the sand and send it through the pipe). as you can see from the stone thing, it has a cup like shape at the bottom, i presume it it to catch the sand and pick it up through a small hole that water flow through to the pipe. thats what i think atleast:) hope this helps in any kind of way^^
NorwegianMetalCowboy - 8 years ago
Acuarios Rosa HD hi there, tecnically i cant say specs, length of tubes/pipes or water pressure, because i have noe clue. but i think what you need is a couple of pipes(one straight and one corner shaped), a water pump that pumps the water upwards through the pipe so it picks up the sand, something you can shape and coat with sement to make the artistic stone looking thing and light sand (not too light as it will use too long to fall but not too heavy as the water wont be able to pick up the sand and send it through the pipe). as you can see from the stone thing, it has a cup like shape at the bottom, i presume it it to catch the sand and pick it up through a small hole that water flow through to the pipe. thats what i think atleast:) hope this helps in any kind of way^^
Delarhyme Delarhyme
Delarhyme Delarhyme - 8 years ago
how do u do this???
NorwegianMetalCowboy - 8 years ago
sorry about my grammar and the other name just thought i would copy paste my answer to this other person^^
NorwegianMetalCowboy - 8 years ago
Delarhyme Delarhyme Acuarios Rosa HD hi there, tecnically i cant say specs, length of tubes/pipes or water pressure, because i have noe clue. but i think what you need is a couple of pipes(one straight and one corner shaped), a water pump that pumps the water upwards through the pipe so it picks up the sand, something you can shape and coat with sement to make the artistic stone looking thing and light sand (not too light as it will use too long to fall but not too heavy as the water wont be able to pick up the sand and send it through the pipe). as you can see from the stone thing, it has a cup like shape at the bottom, i presume it it to catch the sand and pick it up through a small hole that water flow through to the pipe. thats what i think atleast:) hope this helps in any kind of way^^
kurdistan taekwondo
kurdistan taekwondo - 8 years ago
very beautiful
Aravindan Shanmugasundaram
Aravindan Shanmugasundaram - 8 years ago
All guppies are male in this tank. Are you guys nuts?
RoboticusMusic - 8 years ago
That music in the background is horrid
creativity think
creativity think - 8 years ago
please tell, what type of sand using the water fall
Hugo Garcia
Hugo Garcia - 8 years ago
how did you did to get rid of the bobbles
Arif akhmad rasyadi
Arif akhmad rasyadi - 8 years ago
keren bos. untuk membuatnya, bagaimana proses, bahan dan biaya yg hrs dikeluarkan??

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