Aquascape - The Unique Outdoor Living Space of Designer Brian Helfrich - Join Brian Helfrich and The Pond Guy as they transform the Helfrich residence into a backyard oasis. Sit down with Brian as he tells his tale of a dream-come-true. Learn about the inspiration for his own water garden as well as his motivation to install custom water features for others. Featuring highlights from the build event that hosted more than 50 of Brian's Certified Aquascape Contractor friends!

Aquascape - The Unique Outdoor Living Space of Designer Brian Helfrich sentiment_very_dissatisfied 29

Howto 15 years ago 316,851 views - Join Brian Helfrich and The Pond Guy as they transform the Helfrich residence into a backyard oasis. Sit down with Brian as he tells his tale of a dream-come-true. Learn about the inspiration for his own water garden as well as his motivation to install custom water features for others. Featuring highlights from the build event that hosted more than 50 of Brian's Certified Aquascape Contractor friends!

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Most popular comments
for Aquascape - The Unique Outdoor Living Space of Designer Brian Helfrich

Metalhead82to11 - 8 years ago
Amazing work. As a fellow contractor I am impressed by your performance
Kunal Bansal
Kunal Bansal - 9 years ago
hi brian! i'd love to see how your backyard looks now that 6 years have passed.. would appreciate it if you could post a video of your backyard.... cheers!
Jan Johnson
Jan Johnson - 9 years ago
YuliLikedawind - 9 years ago
Angel  Castillo
Angel Castillo - 9 years ago
Good job beautiful
stevenreyes005 - 10 years ago
those blood red kois :), plus great story
Shaun Gallegos
Shaun Gallegos - 10 years ago
Ashlie Neevel
Ashlie Neevel - 10 years ago
Total cost to build?
dr.bindu Rathod
dr.bindu Rathod - 10 years ago
can we see how does your water garden look now?

10. comment for Aquascape - The Unique Outdoor Living Space of Designer Brian Helfrich

Robert Kooijman
Robert Kooijman - 10 years ago
Wow, impressive!
benjamin massie
benjamin massie - 10 years ago
Building Your Own Private Beach
Building Your Own Private Beach - 11 years ago
Very cool. I'm working on something like this too. Same kind of story... You can search it on YouTube at: 444brunet "How we built our private beach" Regards..
jorge valencia
jorge valencia - 11 years ago
you think like that because you dont know green proyect ponds and patios , we have the most natural creations ....
jorge valencia
jorge valencia - 11 years ago
where do you live ? we are a company dedicated to build ponds located at chicago, we are insured and state registered, we offer really good prices, with us everyone can afford to one small pond in their backyard ... contact us at 708-203-2010
Jenny Mäkivaara
Jenny Mäkivaara - 11 years ago
Doodah Gurl
Doodah Gurl - 11 years ago
Really beautiful design. Your pond does look for expensive than your house, though. LOL
Don Helvin O'danill Frias
Don Helvin O'danill Frias - 11 years ago
Nadine Terrieu
Nadine Terrieu - 12 years ago
vraiment magnifique. est ce que vous faites la meme chose en France?
paulntraci99 - 12 years ago
Looks fantastic. Your a lucky man to be able to do what you love for a living.

20. comment for Aquascape - The Unique Outdoor Living Space of Designer Brian Helfrich

Jay A Nooh
Jay A Nooh - 12 years ago
OMG that really great i love it ...some day i going to do this too..
Jason Miner
Jason Miner - 12 years ago
how about mosquitos?
2019freddie - 12 years ago
stop looking at these videos then...
ThroughMyEyes79 - 12 years ago
he has destroyed a mountain to di this
MALI KATY - 12 years ago
this is like hollywood mouie set
ad281183 - 12 years ago
I know from the date stated in the video that this went in the summer of 2009. I recall Brian saying how excited he is to see how his pond will look five years down the road. I know it hasn't been five years, but it has been about three. Can a new video be made to show how the landscaping has evolved since this was put in? I would love to see the progression of his masterpiece. Thanks.
drewkeener - 12 years ago
That's one big fuckin rock!!!!!!
mel2k - 12 years ago
What a beautiful pond. I'm sure the mosquitoes will love it.
Nick Anne
Nick Anne - 12 years ago
Nice pond!!!
Marc - 12 years ago
i wanna do this but I'm poor

30. comment for Aquascape - The Unique Outdoor Living Space of Designer Brian Helfrich

sayhello2pedro - 12 years ago
Absolutely stunning...great workmanship.
officeaddict33 - 12 years ago
OMG gorgeous ....everyone wants this in their backyard. I'm so jealous. :)
Barbara Paris
Barbara Paris - 13 years ago
That is a beautiful pond.... extremely beautiful... It looks more expensive than a house... I want one lol
private personal concierge
private personal concierge - 13 years ago
tsunami762 - 13 years ago
@MrJugger99777 Are you saying that you DO fully understand nature? LOL. In any case, 1. It's a montage. What kind of montage doesn't have rock music? 2. Any man with a team of 30-40 people supporting him seems good in my case.
Kathryn836 - 13 years ago
At first I thought the little "pondless waterfall" section was strange, but then I watched the whole video, WOW, what a Dad! Best pond I have ever seen.
Diego Brenes
Diego Brenes - 14 years ago
@TheSushiAssassin Haha just think about paying all that handwork
Tri Nguyen
Tri Nguyen - 14 years ago
Wow! how much would that cost? cause that's awesome.
Jorge Castellanos
Jorge Castellanos - 14 years ago
this is how a pond should look like not just a bunch of rocks trying to hide the liner
MrJugger99777 - 14 years ago
i've been landscaping and building ponds for 25 years. you sir are a self important, immigrant exploiting, shameless salesman who never understood nature or curvilinear design. this video is just you spouting off and shit rock music in the background. SHAME! you represent a noble profession with no knowledge of geometry or theology.
Ben Joly
Ben Joly - 14 years ago
That is an amazing pond, and I thought I had ideas for my own. You have just giving me even more inspiration and ideas, not only for my own pond but for future customers. Thank you!

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