Aquascape Tutorial: Simplicity by James Findley - how to create a planted tank In this tutorial you'll find a step-by-step guide for a shallow format aquascape. Visit our website for the full article including all plants and equipment used as well as many photos of the setup and a full video transcript... We hope you enjoy it! Feel free to leave any questions or comments.

Aquascape Tutorial: Simplicity by James Findley - how to create a planted tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Howto 7 years ago 72,689 views In this tutorial you'll find a step-by-step guide for a shallow format aquascape. Visit our website for the full article including all plants and equipment used as well as many photos of the setup and a full video transcript... We hope you enjoy it! Feel free to leave any questions or comments.

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Most popular comments
for Aquascape Tutorial: Simplicity by James Findley - how to create a planted tank

Clayton Jessup
Clayton Jessup - 7 years ago
What type of filter is on this tank , Eheim , Superjet ?
johnlockedtbh - 7 years ago
id put the happiest betta on earth in there
Bruno Gomes
Bruno Gomes - 7 years ago
this is the real art
Dave Uyan
Dave Uyan - 7 years ago
Would it be okay to out red ear slider turtles in this type of setup? With higher walls of course.
colinbarsby - 7 years ago
I was hoping the different powders being sprinkled at the beginning would be explained.
Cichlid City
Cichlid City - 7 years ago
Cycling the aquarium without fish or any plants does not do anything.. . . Without any living matter, bacteria will have nothing to feed on and will all die off, which is the main purpose of cycling. Other than the first two days or so, so the oxygen dissolves and the equipment is tested, cycling is pointless.
Leonel Almeida
Leonel Almeida - 7 years ago
Beautiful beautiful aquarium!
Adryan Fitra
Adryan Fitra - 7 years ago
what a beauty sir
Dango Bycon
Dango Bycon - 7 years ago
Great video and amazing aqua capes, you just need a better narrator, maybe female voice would be more relaxing.

10. comment for Aquascape Tutorial: Simplicity by James Findley - how to create a planted tank

Estrella Sanchez
Estrella Sanchez - 7 years ago
how much is for the aquascape?
Jessup Craig
Jessup Craig - 7 years ago
Are James and the narrator the same person? After viewing a few videos it's insanely annoying to hear someone refer to themself in the third person all the time.. I've heard the names James more times today than I have in the past 5 years.
Beni Sydney
Beni Sydney - 7 years ago
I'm very sure they are not
Christine Hottinger
Christine Hottinger - 7 years ago
If you added the right animal species, you shouldn't need to add fertilizer to give the plants nutrients. You should talk to a biologist about how to make it a closed-loop ecosystem.
Beni Sydney
Beni Sydney - 7 years ago
The right animal species mat not fit the 'look' they are going for. Trust me, unless you you really over-stock the tank it is still a shallow box of water that needs help to remain as healthly and deep in green and reds as this. For eg without added iron the red plants begin to look a bit washed out and pale - they still grow and are arguable healthy, but just not the same look, and thats what this is really all about
Christine Hottinger
Christine Hottinger - 7 years ago
Are these self-sustaining?
Beni Sydney
Beni Sydney - 7 years ago
Very few aquariums are, all need maintenance
Rob - 7 years ago
Who's here coz of reddit?
Jay Malone
Jay Malone - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank. How much maintenance is required to keep it looking like this? It looks like cleaning and water changes would be much harder?
No-Ones Home
No-Ones Home - 7 years ago
Well worth the wait.
Seen this about 4 times now.
Really want to do this.
The carpet plant and the red plant are amazing.
Can I buy this tank please????
Tropictank - 7 years ago
it is beautiful.
Yannik Handle
Yannik Handle - 7 years ago
the one question I have: HOW can I practice? I could set up an aquascape like this every week, but money and the fact that I have simply not enough space or time to maintain 5 or more aquariums are a real obstacle
Notkaafiiruun foundation
Notkaafiiruun foundation - 7 years ago

20. comment for Aquascape Tutorial: Simplicity by James Findley - how to create a planted tank

Frederik - 7 years ago
What temperature do you maintain in your aquariums?
Lewie - 7 years ago
Why do you need to diffuse CO2 into the tank? Do you have any videos on Half aquascape and Half Landscape tanks?
Tiffany brown
Tiffany brown - 7 years ago
Your work is always beautiful, but I like when the videos are longer.
Chicken Nugget
Chicken Nugget - 7 years ago
what filters do you use to keep the fish safe?
M3K - 7 years ago
Kyle Kittleson
Kyle Kittleson - 7 years ago
Love you stuff! Watch every video. Curious on why you opted for a shorter video than usual this time. Regardless, great work. Love the internal pump.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 7 years ago
If you'd like to see an extended cut of this video, perhaps double the length or more, please 'like' this comment and feel free to comment a reply with any further feedback.
Matthew Turner
Matthew Turner - 7 years ago
How come you've got rid of most of your display aquariums? I visited a few weeks ago and most of the shop is now taken up by shelving
Matthew Turner
Matthew Turner - 7 years ago
TheGreenMachineLtd Sounds good - well anyway this one was very impressive to see along with altitude which I was pleased to see still there. Looked like you had a much larger stock of aquariums etc when I came in. Look forward to seeing what you do next!
TheGreenMachineLtd - 7 years ago
+Matthew Turner hey Matthew... that's a question we're going to answer in a news post soon. But to summarise for you; we're changing our shop to allow for more stock choice in store so visitors get a better selection. Also we're focusing on giving a better service to those customers who we post items to in the UK and around the world. We're planning many more displays but ranging in more popular sizes. We'll also publish some commission and installation pieces too.
D war jones
D war jones - 7 years ago
I would love to see a aquarium like this for
D war jones
D war jones - 7 years ago
Crustaceans or shrimp in general , hope they make one sooner or later,i plan on using them in a little mix with the fish
Sanjog Rai
Sanjog Rai - 7 years ago
this is not done GreenMachine.. I wait patiently for your videos for such a long time and you give me this short video :(

but the biggest fan of James :)
TheGreenMachineLtd - 7 years ago
+Sanjog Rai thanks/sorry. Feedback greatly appreciated!

30. comment for Aquascape Tutorial: Simplicity by James Findley - how to create a planted tank

Neill Jansen van Vuuren
Neill Jansen van Vuuren - 7 years ago
These vids are great! I want to rescape one of my old tanks (been running for about 4 years) and in need of some attention, but I'm struggling to get the right plants here in South Africa. Do you ship to SA or do you know of any supplier that can help me?
Dimok Sokolov
Dimok Sokolov - 7 years ago
hi, great aquascape! can u tell me what are music u are use in this video? thanks!
Dassd Schsdu
Dassd Schsdu - 7 years ago
Needs 3 or 4 very small fish, so you have to acutely find them.
LEON ORTIZ - 7 years ago
i like this very much but i also like u to do the video set up of the tributary tank and thanks for these so amazing videos.
tomp rocks
tomp rocks - 7 years ago
one of my favorite from you guys..
Ava Miller
Ava Miller - 7 years ago
I watch these videos before I go to sleep.
Ikan Baik
Ikan Baik - 7 years ago
so much effort
Gb J
Gb J - 7 years ago
Amazing!! These how to aquascapes videos with the before and after growth is really nice to see.
TheMiningSock - 7 years ago
Welcome back :)
XC2long4u - 7 years ago
What kind of moss is that? I have java moss above the water line but it doesn't look as good as it does under water.
sagrath1982 - 7 years ago
why no fish?
That Guy
That Guy - 7 years ago
Anyone else think this guy is basically god? No? Just me? Well, ok then.
me mes
me mes - 7 years ago
you should add some kind of turtle to that
your name here
your name here - 7 years ago
Great videos. But maybe everyone should stop with the 3rd degree ( make videos longer and more often), if you want these videos they are God, they can just stop, its not like they are easy to make. So appreciate what ya got for now!
Maike Robinson
Maike Robinson - 7 years ago
I love your videos. I find then very calming and relaxing. But make them longer again, like your old ones. And it would have been cool to see how the waterfall was installed
Trentonium - 7 years ago
Please continue to make these . Most relaxing thing I've ever seen !
Vibol Lee
Vibol Lee - 7 years ago
I used to have a really beautiful 20 GAL tank.
Then a stupid snail got in, now the tank looks like shit and it's littered with snail poop.
Wanted to redo it but no money. *sigh
Aquatic Haus
Aquatic Haus - 7 years ago
It'd be awesome if you could share on what height should we trim with the stem plants and whether should we replant the trimmed ones or just basic trim and they would take over themselves
Aquatic Haus
Aquatic Haus - 7 years ago
Do you mind heading over to my channel and watch my planted tank video and give me feedback on my height trimming or maybe a suggestion whether to leave it and trim just the middle portion to upper part or should I start all over and trim it super duper short and start again

tomp rocks
tomp rocks - 7 years ago
when trimming the stem plants for the first time you should trim it really short or at least if you plant them behind rock or wood, trim them just bellow your hardscape height because when you cut a stem plants,they will grow the new stem from the side/bellow the part that get cut.
and you can replant the trimmed one if you want.
Shallowsea - 7 years ago
is it possible to direct the filter outflow to create the waterfall effect, any foreseeable problems if i replicate it using this method?
Raul Izidoro
Raul Izidoro - 7 years ago
James strikes again!

50. comment for Aquascape Tutorial: Simplicity by James Findley - how to create a planted tank

Jamie Hager
Jamie Hager - 7 years ago
I could watch these vids all day...and I have... :)
Nripendra Tamang
Nripendra Tamang - 7 years ago
finally another video from TGM, was waiting for quite some time
Alejandro Verdin
Alejandro Verdin - 7 years ago
simplemente superior
mtbadvance - 7 years ago
Thank you for uploading another video. These are amazing. Keep making these, and I'll keep buying product.
Jadren Aquatics
Jadren Aquatics - 7 years ago
Great and helpful video, such a gorgeous aquascape! New subscriber!
Chan Presto
Chan Presto - 7 years ago
this is a very costly affair.
Alain Pépin
Alain Pépin - 7 years ago
Can I know which plant is outside the water? Is hemianthus callitrichoide?
D. C.
D. C. - 7 years ago
MT: Gear/Man Stuff/Nature/Etc
MT: Gear/Man Stuff/Nature/Etc - 7 years ago
4K VIDEOS COMING SOON ??? Perfectly suited for your outstanding content!
AquariumGrownPlants - 7 years ago
It would be nice to see all the information on the lights and other equipment
TheGreenMachineLtd - 7 years ago
Lucas Guillemette
Lucas Guillemette - 7 years ago
It's refreshing to find a YouTuber who's not just an amateur.
Alex Dobre
Alex Dobre - 7 years ago
Just put 20 neon fish and it will be a bit animated <3
james benoist
james benoist - 7 years ago
Fantastic result !
julien leblanc
julien leblanc - 7 years ago
Awesome as alwais
Cody Carter
Cody Carter - 7 years ago
Fantastic video as always. You should consider doing a timelapse video from initial planting to when the plants have fully grown in.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 7 years ago
Yes, a time-lapse would be good to watch. We will look into this. Thanks for the feedback.
RicoGalassi - 7 years ago
Kamil Olczak
Kamil Olczak - 7 years ago
Did you have problems with fish jumping out?
Tritan - 7 years ago
Waited months for this video.
James Fenech
James Fenech - 7 years ago
these videos are excellent, super therapeutic to watch as well as really interesting. I look forward to every upload. I do like the longer, more detailed videos but I understand they're harder to make. Keep up the awesome work!
Abraham Musalem
Abraham Musalem - 7 years ago
How do you maintain this?!
Mike J
Mike J - 7 years ago
suggestion: make more videos more often and longer ones. Best videos on the internet. So relaxing to watch
TheGreenMachineLtd - 7 years ago
Thanks Mike :)
mrAlex - 7 years ago
are the best :)
travellife08 - 7 years ago
One of the finest examples I've seen of your work so far.
IBRA ANAMTA - 7 years ago
can you give us the tutorial how to maintain the aquarium, example : what liquid fertilizer did you use, how to keep the ecosystems balanced so it didnt make algae, and so on. thanks
TheGreenMachineLtd - 7 years ago
We have already published a video covering maintenance of one of our layouts;
Jon Snow
Jon Snow - 7 years ago
Create Today with Aniko Vida
Create Today with Aniko Vida - 7 years ago
Amazing! Thanks for sharing!
batir909 - 7 years ago
Thank you so much "Amazing"
zoefff - 7 years ago
Nice aquarium !!
But make videos a bit longer like the older videos you have on the channel. And show us step by step everything you did, like how to install the waterfall and what product you have chosen and why. That would make this videos even more better than it already is!! Keep up the good work and provide us with more nice aquariums please. And more frequently would be awesome.
Greetings a long time fan of your nice work.
AntiProtonBoy - 7 years ago
Looking forward to the more detailed videos, Mr Green Machine
chaszrainsford - 7 years ago
Yes! I agree too! This was a cheap date.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 7 years ago
Thanks for the feedback. In the past we also had feedback that people wanted shorter videos, so this is for them. We understand that different people want different style videos. So please be patient until we can publish a longer one for people like you! :)
mtbadvance - 7 years ago
Killersnake 898
Killersnake 898 - 7 years ago
zoefff I agree
Doragon - 7 years ago
I love the little waterfall! Great work!
Ivan C
Ivan C - 7 years ago
Amazing thanks for the upload admire the work that goes into these aquascapes
Nicolás Cortés
Nicolás Cortés - 7 years ago
Felicitaciones, Saludos desde Medellín Colombia
Bore Hog
Bore Hog - 7 years ago
Impressive scape my nigga! What size tank is that?
TheGreenMachineLtd - 7 years ago
Damion Markham
Damion Markham - 7 years ago
Alain Pépin
Alain Pépin - 7 years ago
Felicitation, We see that yours have a great mastery of aesthetics. Great.
Omar Eazi
Omar Eazi - 7 years ago
why do you cycle the tank before adding the plants?
Boško Vrbica
Boško Vrbica - 7 years ago
Omar Eazi When you add the substrate at first and add water a lot of exsess nutrients will be released and not in balance so if you add plants then you will have an algae problem for sure.
Hugh Jarreolee
Hugh Jarreolee - 7 years ago
i still hate the sporadic music.
Baki Gulec
Baki Gulec - 7 years ago
elin oglu yapıyor. bizim akvaryumcularda bırak bitkiyi çim bile yok amk
bi_yorumda_benden - 7 years ago
That Guy we are talking about limited possibilities and product about aquariums in out country with a local talking language that google cant translate all. we really like this job
That Guy
That Guy - 7 years ago
I have no idea how what anyone is saying right now.
Baki Gulec
Baki Gulec - 7 years ago
evet mutlaka vardır piyasada çok güzel yapanlar.ama petsopcular tamamen para tuzagı ve hiç görsellik cam alıosun içine 2 balık onlarda yasamı akvaryumunda pek bi maliyeti yokttur gibime gelio 500 liraya yapılır gibi tane görmedim ben daha yasadıgım yerde belki baska yerlerde vardır ama zor.
bi_yorumda_benden - 7 years ago
(iki tane de çöpçü verem bokları yesin dipteki ) demeyi öğrenen petshop açarsa öyle olur. bu adamlardan daha iyi çalışan hobiciler türkiyede ama bireyseller ve kişisel olarak zevkleri uğruna harcama yapabiliyorlar. ben ankarada zafer diye bi abimizin akvaryumunu gördüm 4,5 metre eni aklımda kalan boyunu falan kestiremiyorum kayalık kenardan baslıyor orta kısa otlar ve açıklıklarda yassı kayalar bi tarafıda ekipmanları gizlemek için uzun bitkiler. akvaryum içerisinde serbest yüzen büyük sonbahar yaprakları. içinde neon sürüsü karides grupları ve bi kaç ismini bilmediğim yassı ağır hareket eden balık. maliyet araba parası ama zevki paha biçilemez.o tip insanların egosunu çakıltaşı japon balıgı ile tatmin edemezsin zevke göre şekilleniyor piyasa
顾然 - 7 years ago
Runehorn - 7 years ago
Always awesome to see new Green Machine creations!
mike rotch
mike rotch - 7 years ago
This is fantastic and inspirational. I will have to create my own living art now.
WombatMuffler - 7 years ago
I had my very first planted tanks last year, they were doing great, then I had a massive outbreak of Cyanobacteria and it killed everything, I tried everything it seemed, but it kept coming back, do you have any tips on how to get rid of this stuff? I quit the hobby because it just wouldnt die, please help, thanks.
GiantCake - 7 years ago
WombatMuffler I've had a cyanobacteria outbreak in my tank too. The key is to get rid of it in its early stages. This method may work on late stages too. Just cover your whole tank and if possible the top too with a layer of newspaper thick enough to cut out all light. Turn off the lights in your aquarium and then leave it running as usual, just without light and with newspaper covering it. After 3-4 days, check to see if there's any more of the cyanobacteria. If there is, leave the lights off for another 1-2 days. After that scrub your tank glass clean using a blade or something and give your tank a 40% water change. Also buy some fast growing plants to make the tank way denser with plants and that should make the bacteria have an unsuitable condition to grow. Have a look at my tank that I recently posted on reddit. The entire right half of my tank starting from the Tiger Lily was a solution to my cyanobacteria problem.
ColonelButtons - 7 years ago
Awwwwww Yeaahhh mother fucking TGM video
Sandra Konechy
Sandra Konechy - 7 years ago
Great Video! Can you do a video showing what was involved in setting up the waterfall? Its addition to the aquascape was a nice touch.
Ivan Eduardo Veloz Guerrero
Ivan Eduardo Veloz Guerrero - 7 years ago
Finally! So excited
gamer64 - 7 years ago
Can you do a aquascape with lucky bamboo
kapikinpe - 7 years ago
What size of the aquarium?
GiantCake - 7 years ago
kapikinpe It is around 120x30x20 I believe
Rickard Rocks
Rickard Rocks - 7 years ago
James!! Damn nice!
Adam Apodaca
Adam Apodaca - 7 years ago
I don't know why but this is extremely relaxing to watch
Tan Desmond
Tan Desmond - 7 years ago
Adam Apodaca s
AnimeGaming 101
AnimeGaming 101 - 7 years ago
Adam Apodaca Yes it is lol
lukozade048 - 7 years ago
does it ever smell?
Nick John
Nick John - 7 years ago
lukozade048 A good aquascape never smell bad.
D Tox
D Tox - 7 years ago
Nice !

100. comment for Aquascape Tutorial: Simplicity by James Findley - how to create a planted tank

lukozade048 - 7 years ago
can betta fish live in there? And how do you clean it?
lukozade048 - 7 years ago
QuickQuips thanks, I'll check it out!
QuickQuips - 7 years ago
lukozade048 If you want a lower maintenance planted tank, look up the Walstad method and get some snails.
The Ender
The Ender - 7 years ago
They actually have a video showing the laborious task of cleaning one of these creations.
Miguel Ayuyu
Miguel Ayuyu - 7 years ago
Really reminds me of Oliver knots latest build
Andy Aleman
Andy Aleman - 7 years ago
Channidae - 7 years ago
Finally! I have been waiting for it, Amazing video!
ThEcLoStRoBiDi - 7 years ago
Amazing! Thanks for video.

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