Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 5

FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: Fifth part of my report from pet trade fair ZooBotanica 2012, organized on September in the city of Wrocław in Poland. In the previous parts I showed you aquariums of the aquarium exhibition made by members of Polish aquarium forums and fishkeepers' associations, and now the time has come for aquariums displayed at booth of various companies from the aquarium trade. The first is the booth of the Tetra company, manufacturer of numerous aquarium supplies and food for tropical aquarium fish. There is a large biotope-like aquarium here, which recreates small fragment of South American stream, with lots of plants above the water. It's actually more like a paludarium than an aquarium. The tank was arranged by members of Polish Catfish Forum, so the fish inside were mostly various catfish. But there were also Manacapuru Angelfish, and Cardinal Tetras. The second booth belongs to the AquaRay company, a dealer in various aquarium products and supplies. There are two aquariums at this booth, the first one with freshwater shrimps Fire Red and Red Cristal, and the second one arranged as a nature aquarium, with numerous aquarium plants, very good composition of driftwood, strong aquarium lighting and constant CO2 supply. The third is the booth of the company Trzmiel, dealer in various aquarium supplies and tropical fish, the offcial retalier of Aqua Design Amano for the region around Wrocław. There were four aquariums at the booth, two planted tanks, with Bolbitis heudelotii, Microsorum pteropus "narrow", Hygrophila difformis, and Hemianthus callitrichoides, and two marine tanks, with clownfish and some soft and hard corals. And finally, the booth of the AquaGarden company, which is a breeder of freshwater shrimps and aquarium plants. There are three aquariums at the booth. The first one is planted with Microsorum "narrow" and various kinds of aquarium mosses, the second one was an ingenious layout with driftwood placed outside of the aquarium, and the third one was a small tank stocked with numerous shrimps.

Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 5 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 24

Howto 12 years ago 217,584 views

FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: Fifth part of my report from pet trade fair ZooBotanica 2012, organized on September in the city of Wrocław in Poland. In the previous parts I showed you aquariums of the aquarium exhibition made by members of Polish aquarium forums and fishkeepers' associations, and now the time has come for aquariums displayed at booth of various companies from the aquarium trade. The first is the booth of the Tetra company, manufacturer of numerous aquarium supplies and food for tropical aquarium fish. There is a large biotope-like aquarium here, which recreates small fragment of South American stream, with lots of plants above the water. It's actually more like a paludarium than an aquarium. The tank was arranged by members of Polish Catfish Forum, so the fish inside were mostly various catfish. But there were also Manacapuru Angelfish, and Cardinal Tetras. The second booth belongs to the AquaRay company, a dealer in various aquarium products and supplies. There are two aquariums at this booth, the first one with freshwater shrimps Fire Red and Red Cristal, and the second one arranged as a nature aquarium, with numerous aquarium plants, very good composition of driftwood, strong aquarium lighting and constant CO2 supply. The third is the booth of the company Trzmiel, dealer in various aquarium supplies and tropical fish, the offcial retalier of Aqua Design Amano for the region around Wrocław. There were four aquariums at the booth, two planted tanks, with Bolbitis heudelotii, Microsorum pteropus "narrow", Hygrophila difformis, and Hemianthus callitrichoides, and two marine tanks, with clownfish and some soft and hard corals. And finally, the booth of the AquaGarden company, which is a breeder of freshwater shrimps and aquarium plants. There are three aquariums at the booth. The first one is planted with Microsorum "narrow" and various kinds of aquarium mosses, the second one was an ingenious layout with driftwood placed outside of the aquarium, and the third one was a small tank stocked with numerous shrimps.

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Most popular comments
for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 5

Dante Daniel Marcenaro Silva
Dante Daniel Marcenaro Silva - 8 years ago
por ponen subtitulado en español
Aquamundo !!
Aquamundo !! - 8 years ago
georgina taylor
georgina taylor - 8 years ago
The fist amazon aquarium by the tetra company is amazing, how did they make this background? I know its styrofoam, but how long does it last and how did they glue the sand onto it without effecting the water? I am getting a fluval roma 240 and wish to recreate this tank, to a smaller scale of course!
wendigolycan - 7 years ago
Aquarium silicon. Using a latex glove, you spread the silicon really fast, so it doesn't dry up and then you cover it with sand and gently press to get all the nooks and crannies. Give it 24 h and then vacuum the excess sand. You can use this method with terrarium substrates, as well.
Tio Jason
Tio Jason - 8 years ago
I love all of it <3
Daniel Schwapp
Daniel Schwapp - 8 years ago
id really like to now what species of plants are in the tank shown at 5:30 could you list out the ones that you know?
Kostas del Sol
Kostas del Sol - 9 years ago
Hey man, what's the name of that tiny black & white fish school at the bottom there?
Alex Alvarado
Alex Alvarado - 9 years ago
Im just starting a freshwater tank not ready for any aquascaping but iam curious why is it aquascapes have such small fish and shrimp never any exotic or larger freshwater fish
tuby0805 - 9 years ago
Normally the more exotic fish tend to destroy plants.
Uthaman Roschke
Uthaman Roschke - 10 years ago
"The cat fish" in the first tank u showed I'm know that they were Plecos
Оксана Жданова
Оксана Жданова - 10 years ago

10. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 5

PunkSkaful - 10 years ago
I love your videos man!!! I keep on visiting them to get ideas and knowledge about aquascaping and the fish 
kalyan varma
kalyan varma - 10 years ago
Is there any easy way to clean these type of landscape aquarium s ?
Akvarie Planten
Akvarie Planten - 11 years ago
Grelt video! Please check my planted tank and my Channel too.
Miney Crafty
Miney Crafty - 10 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV ya
MaelstromFilm - 10 years ago
How tacky. 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Mate, never complement somebody's video and ask for visiting your channel in the same post. It looks as if you don't give a shit about the video, but you're complementing it only to make some people visit your channel.
Robin Alexander Lywe
Robin Alexander Lywe - 11 years ago
And also your voice is made for storytelling, Im sure the women finds it attractive :D
realfil - 8 years ago
Well said, i think the same. What do you mean by genetic explanation? I even remember being attracted to some guys voice and it caused a very big confusion in my mind as i wasnt attracted to him physically, so I felt weird. There are a bunch of people i really get on with, even much older or much younger but absolutely no physical attraction. It is also frustrating when the same guy is attracted to men but im not to him. I like your general enthusiasm in your videos. Your voice shows the happiness about interesting little things in aquariums. It shows that you love doing these videos. There is a lot of smiling in your voice. :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 8 years ago
realfil I'm not preferring empty headed girls, but I know from my own experience that it's not possible to be with someone who one doesn't find attractive also in a physical aspect. I tried it few times, with very intelligent girls, but it doesn't work, it's only a source of frustration for both persons. Unfortunately, it's also not possible (at least not for me) to be with someone empty headed, even if this person would have an amazing body. And the combination "attractive mind + attractive body" (both in a way subjectively attractive for me) either doesn't occur at all, or is very, very rare. And there is even a physiological and genetical explanation for it! :)
Robin Alexander Lywe
Robin Alexander Lywe - 8 years ago
realfil - 8 years ago
I definitely prefer the videos when you talk. Then let me be the first woman writing that your voice IS attractive. The problem might be that you prefer empty headed girls with sexy body. :)  I wouldnt normally eply to these comments just Robin provoked this reaction.
realfil - 8 years ago
Well well, I dont know if I am a particularly ugly woman, but your voice does sound cute and the topic definitely interesting. I agree with Robin. ;)
tuby0805 - 9 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV Back then woman like men that are intelligent, but now they just look for nice body. It sucks.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, honestly? Women find this topic terribly boring. Especially the attractive women. No girl or woman has ever write me something about my voice in my videos, nor was she attracted by it. Fishkeeping, or, in fact, any other original hobbies which require knowledge and thinking are not attractive for pretty girls, no matter what voice one has. What is important is fun - making stupid jokes, talking nonsense, or driving fast cars or motorbikes. Such topics are sexy. Fish? Naaaah, who cares about fish? It's not fun at all (for attractive girls).
DOROTA ATOROD - 11 years ago
Jakim cudem neonki zyja w jednym zbiorniku ze skalarami???:-) Moje dwa skalary wiecznie pozeraja neonki:-(
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
No cóż, ten zbiornik został postawiony tylko na kilka dni trwania wystawy :) A i tak trochę neonków codziennie znikało ;)
sridhar yakathpure
sridhar yakathpure - 11 years ago
nice vdo bro n great info................................:)
umbramen - 11 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Pewnie, że Polak :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
How large does the turtle grow?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Mate, it's usually considered very lame to ask people to visit our channel ! Concentrate on making good videos, and viewers will come by themselves.
dion Maas
dion Maas - 11 years ago
Hey check out my channel to see my aquarium, dont forget to post a comment :) thanx

20. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 5

Brad Wiles
Brad Wiles - 11 years ago
Could that hold a 10cm tropical hatchling common musk turtle
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Of course you can, but it depends on where you live. In a heavy polluted city the rainwater is polluted, too. But in areas where industry is not very intense you can safely use rainwater, especially when it rained for an hour or two - start collecting the water after this time, because any possible pollutants would be already "washed away from the sky" :)
doesgodcareanymore - 11 years ago
can you use rainwater in a tank.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Depends on somebody's taste... ;)
Double R
Double R - 11 years ago
freshwater tanks are the best!!!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
It's Hydrocotyle tripartita.
Edrolin Moises
Edrolin Moises - 11 years ago
hi there. your videos are awesome. I just have one question though. may I know what type of plant is that on the front left portion of that tank on 06:37?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Why don't you upload a video showing your shrimp tank? :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Really? I always thought it is "shrimps"... :)
Oleg Gavrylenko
Oleg Gavrylenko - 11 years ago
Like the shrimps,done something the same in my 60 cm tank

30. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 5

PickleRick - 11 years ago
Plural of shrimp is shrimp. Not shrimps!
UVB - 11 years ago
92.5 Cm yes :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Is 94 liter tank a 3 foot tank...?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I think it is something like 60x35x40 cm, more or less.
UVB - 11 years ago
But then again I've just transistioned them from a 28L to 94L
UVB - 11 years ago
5:40 How big is that tank in ft (length)? Guesstimate? I have a 3ft and I'm thinking of getting more tetras the ones I have atm arnt really shoaling but I only have 5
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks, and all the best! :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
It's Hydrocotyle tripartita.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
It's Lamontichthys filamentosus :)
fishoexplotion1 - 11 years ago
whats the name of that catfish at 3:14 im sorry i coudnt understand
Pure4Kicks - 11 years ago
That's amazing! 11000 in two years :) You've done really well channels like yours are so inspiring to me so thank you so much ;)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Me? Nope, I only have some breeder tanks :) I'm terrible with aquascaping :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Well, no-one counted the cardinals before and after the exhibition, I think... ;)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Mate, it took me two years to reach 11000 subs. And for most of this time I was getting like 1-2 subs a week. The "boom" started about half a year ago.
Pure4Kicks - 11 years ago
I do ;) just hit the year mark last month.. got about 1000 subs not even close to 11000 tho
kolob ibiri
kolob ibiri - 11 years ago
Weird... I think angelfish and cardinals aren't supposed to be kept together and i learned that the bad way... yet those seem to do perfectly fine. Could someone explain?
Josema Perez Soto
Josema Perez Soto - 11 years ago
Do you have aquascapes in your house?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Start making videos, and keep making them at least for a year. This is the only way :)
Pure4Kicks - 11 years ago
One day I hope I can get my channel like yours
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks, glad you like it :) Do you know that I have over 170 similar videos on my channel?

50. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 5

Josema Perez Soto
Josema Perez Soto - 11 years ago
Great video!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
It's called Lamontichthys filamentosus.
caravann26 - 11 years ago
Someone tell me what are the long finned cat fish looking ones called in with the angels
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
What was so professional...? :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
No need to keep aquarium lighting on for 24 hours. You just turn it on for 8-10 hours per day.
Geocat21 - 11 years ago
This was so professional, thanks for the advise:)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, I know :)
Zahir Rahman
Zahir Rahman - 11 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hmm, not sure what you mean...?
Phillip Jensen
Phillip Jensen - 11 years ago
Så stop!!!!!! da det musik!!!!!!
Cleme Castejon
Cleme Castejon - 11 years ago
hola amigo de DefiniteAquascapeTV soy del pais de Peru y la ciudad de cajamarca y quisiera saber si aqui en mi ciudad hay plantas asi... para miacuario plantado... he visto q solo aqui hay acuarios con solo gravilla plantas artificiales.. quiero tener un acuario como los q sale en tus videos.. grasias..
NATUREmag - 11 years ago
Haha - thank you! ;)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks, and Happy Monday to you! :)
NATUREmag - 11 years ago
Great video! Thank you very much! Happy Sunday!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Which one?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
That's true :)
Omar Alvarez
Omar Alvarez - 12 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
The size is 220x60x80 cm. I will think about adding names on screen... :)
CartoonsZ Channel
CartoonsZ Channel - 12 years ago
size of aquarium 01:50? and please write names of plants and fish on screen will be better :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Don't tell me, I'm drooling already... ;)
Phelipi Maximo Ramos
Phelipi Maximo Ramos - 12 years ago
yeah, specially here where i live, near the Amazon Forest there are a lot of exotic types of Fish and aquatic invertebrates.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Hehe, I hope so, too :) I really wish to be able to visit South America - you guys have lot of interesting fish there... :)
Phelipi Maximo Ramos
Phelipi Maximo Ramos - 12 years ago
That's really nice :D you will really love Brazil and our Girls. Hope you to visit my country soon :D
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Hey, thanks! :) I hope I will be able to visit Brasil some time in the future, and maybe find myself a wife there... I don't like all those blond Polish girls, unfortunately... ;/
Phelipi Maximo Ramos
Phelipi Maximo Ramos - 12 years ago
Congratulations for all your videos, really inspiring and informative. Greetings from Brazil!
Vlad Pustai
Vlad Pustai - 12 years ago
Very nice.:)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Hehe, no tak, na niewielką powierzchnię faktycznie niewiele można poradzić... :)
Piotr Turczanik
Piotr Turczanik - 12 years ago
Z ledwością zmieściłem akwarium 50x45x20, a co dopiero coś takiego :D
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Pogadaj z chłopcami z Pleco, założę się że za odpowiednim wynagrodzeniem machną Ci takie cacko ;)
Piotr Turczanik
Piotr Turczanik - 12 years ago
Uwielbiam ten zbiornik ze stoiska Tetry, wiele bym dał by móc coś takiego u siebie postawić :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Polska wersja jest dostępna dokładnie od 6 października, czyli już ponad 2 miesiące. Cała ZooBotanica 2012 jest już od dawna po polsku. Poszperaj w innych moich filmach, na pewno znajdziesz :)
Arkadiusz Abramowski
Arkadiusz Abramowski - 12 years ago
Szkoda że nie po polsku, wielka szkoda wiadomo że angielski język urzędowy ale nie każdy zna. A filmiki super. Kiedy będzie w polskiej wersji???
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Cheers, mate! :)
RMDMX - 12 years ago
Thanks for putting these videos man! You'd done an excelent work!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Hehe, that's only a gadget, made for AquaGarden company for advertising purposes. It's not product for sale - I mean, it is given for free for the customers of the company.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Yup, you might have watched it before - in Polish version :) As for clownfish - well, I show only what was presented at the fairs. If there were some marine tanks, I show them. If there were no marine tanks - then no saltwater videos, either... :/
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Thanks! :) I'm glad you like them! :)
Aquatasy - 12 years ago
I always appreciate all your videos. They are truly inspiring.

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