Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 5
Howto 12 years ago 217,584 views
FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: Fifth part of my report from pet trade fair ZooBotanica 2012, organized on September in the city of Wrocław in Poland. In the previous parts I showed you aquariums of the aquarium exhibition made by members of Polish aquarium forums and fishkeepers' associations, and now the time has come for aquariums displayed at booth of various companies from the aquarium trade. The first is the booth of the Tetra company, manufacturer of numerous aquarium supplies and food for tropical aquarium fish. There is a large biotope-like aquarium here, which recreates small fragment of South American stream, with lots of plants above the water. It's actually more like a paludarium than an aquarium. The tank was arranged by members of Polish Catfish Forum, so the fish inside were mostly various catfish. But there were also Manacapuru Angelfish, and Cardinal Tetras. The second booth belongs to the AquaRay company, a dealer in various aquarium products and supplies. There are two aquariums at this booth, the first one with freshwater shrimps Fire Red and Red Cristal, and the second one arranged as a nature aquarium, with numerous aquarium plants, very good composition of driftwood, strong aquarium lighting and constant CO2 supply. The third is the booth of the company Trzmiel, dealer in various aquarium supplies and tropical fish, the offcial retalier of Aqua Design Amano for the region around Wrocław. There were four aquariums at the booth, two planted tanks, with Bolbitis heudelotii, Microsorum pteropus "narrow", Hygrophila difformis, and Hemianthus callitrichoides, and two marine tanks, with clownfish and some soft and hard corals. And finally, the booth of the AquaGarden company, which is a breeder of freshwater shrimps and aquarium plants. There are three aquariums at the booth. The first one is planted with Microsorum "narrow" and various kinds of aquarium mosses, the second one was an ingenious layout with driftwood placed outside of the aquarium, and the third one was a small tank stocked with numerous shrimps.
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