Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 8

FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: Aquariums arranged during the live aquascaping contest, organized at ZooBotanica 2012 fair held on 14-16 September 2012 in Wrocław, Poland. Altogether 16 aquascapers took part in the contest, and 16 nanoaquariums were arranged. There were both planted aquariums and biotope aquariums, some of them really good. The first place was a planted aquarium with rare aquarium plant Bucephalandra, which belongs to the Araceae family. The second place was a composition based on fragments of driftwood, overgrown with phoenix moss and mini pellia. The third place was a layout arranged rather as a "landscape" than an aquascape - two hills, separated by a clear path made of fine sand, and a lonely tree, made of fragment of driftwood. Aquatic plants used in this composition were mostly Eleocharis and Utricularia. As for other aquariums, there was a very nice biotope aquarium, imitating a stream somewhere in South Eastern Asia. The substrate was fine bright sand, there were numerous colorful pebbles on the bottom, lots of driftwood and very nice Microsorum plants. This aquarium was stocked with Stiphodon gobies. Another very original composition was actually not an aquascape, but rather a protest against all forms of kitsch in the fishkeeping hobby. There was a fishbowl put inside the nanoaquarium, with plastic plant and empty sardines can, with the inscription "Fishbowl, Rest in Peace". Such exhibit should be located in every pet shop, to remind the customers and the sellers what should be avoided in the fishkeeping hobby :)

Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 8 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

Howto 12 years ago 240,729 views

FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: Aquariums arranged during the live aquascaping contest, organized at ZooBotanica 2012 fair held on 14-16 September 2012 in Wrocław, Poland. Altogether 16 aquascapers took part in the contest, and 16 nanoaquariums were arranged. There were both planted aquariums and biotope aquariums, some of them really good. The first place was a planted aquarium with rare aquarium plant Bucephalandra, which belongs to the Araceae family. The second place was a composition based on fragments of driftwood, overgrown with phoenix moss and mini pellia. The third place was a layout arranged rather as a "landscape" than an aquascape - two hills, separated by a clear path made of fine sand, and a lonely tree, made of fragment of driftwood. Aquatic plants used in this composition were mostly Eleocharis and Utricularia. As for other aquariums, there was a very nice biotope aquarium, imitating a stream somewhere in South Eastern Asia. The substrate was fine bright sand, there were numerous colorful pebbles on the bottom, lots of driftwood and very nice Microsorum plants. This aquarium was stocked with Stiphodon gobies. Another very original composition was actually not an aquascape, but rather a protest against all forms of kitsch in the fishkeeping hobby. There was a fishbowl put inside the nanoaquarium, with plastic plant and empty sardines can, with the inscription "Fishbowl, Rest in Peace". Such exhibit should be located in every pet shop, to remind the customers and the sellers what should be avoided in the fishkeeping hobby :)

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Most popular comments
for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 8

fubuziom0 - 7 years ago
Stare, ale ciągle świeże :) miło się to ogląda :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 7 years ago
Hehe, no :) Fajna to była impreza, i też chętnie wracam do tych filmów. Teraz już takich nie robię... :'-/
Sailor Steve Holt!
Sailor Steve Holt! - 8 years ago
I could watch these all day. Thanks for documenting and narrating the event.

I love the first one. My only experience with planted aquariums is what I find on YouTube, and this is the first time I've seen one that featured an environment of decay. I don't know if bright fish are native to that kind of habitat? If so, I would have rather seen that then the snakeheads.

Also really love the huge green carpet in seven. The softly undulating forms are very original and beautiful. I'm not as keen on the "floating" rock or the frosted glass, but they don't take away from it significantly.

The protest aquarium is fantastic. I'm glad you could appreciate the humor and the message.
Aldo Fernandes Azevedo
Aldo Fernandes Azevedo - 8 years ago the name of the plant, please?
robo beats
robo beats - 8 years ago
what is the size of tank?
Wodzirej Makłowicz
Wodzirej Makłowicz - 8 years ago
Dzięki za anglojęzyczne filmiki, o wiele leipiej wchłaniam język od kogoś z polskim akcentem niż od nawywnych spikerów
David Ha
David Ha - 8 years ago
How do you keep the water so clear without a filter?
Aquarium Chaos
Aquarium Chaos - 8 years ago
David Ha None of these tanks are his
exploring with George
exploring with George - 8 years ago
I love number 5 can I use it for inspiration for my tank
Mayank Arora
Mayank Arora - 8 years ago
why cant i see any co2 tank or its pipe :/
Matthew Calabro
Matthew Calabro - 9 years ago
what is the plant on the right at 7:18?

10. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 8

himmelsturmerIX - 9 years ago
is the brown water aquarium on purpose?
Sam B
Sam B - 9 years ago
+himmelsturmerIX It is the natural environment of cardinal tetras. The water that is very dark is "South American black water" as the narrator mentions. This is what is known as a a biotope/habitat aquarium which tries to mimic the natural environment of the species being kept in it.
Totally Tanked !!
Totally Tanked !! - 9 years ago
which fish in 19 aquarium ?
Cpt. McSwaggens
Cpt. McSwaggens - 9 years ago
whats the size of the tanks?
Minik Dam
Minik Dam - 10 years ago
I love nano aquariums!!! :)
emagoodie G.
emagoodie G. - 10 years ago
3:19 What type of fish are being displayed in that aquascape?
scuss Katz
scuss Katz - 9 years ago
+emagoodie G. tetra neon
Brian - 10 years ago
What a great video. Like previously mentioned I also like that you have resisted the urge to criticize. Also your calm voice and delightful accent made me subscribe. Keep doing what you do!
Rami Huuskonen
Rami Huuskonen - 10 years ago
What kind of equipment do you need for ~300l tank that is heavy on the greens (hemianthus, rotala, few moss plants) i currently have following: Eheim prof2 (1200l/h) and insidefilter (~900l/h) lighting 2x T8 (1400) Co2 dispenser 4bpm and thats it. (fertilizers ofc) is that sufficent equipment for aquascaping or do i need to get better equipent to get the greens growing properly? (Just planted yesterday but feel like im missin something).
Gustapo Gomez
Gustapo Gomez - 8 years ago
hows the algae going?
mrzkhan1 - 10 years ago
6:15 Is quite... Unique 
scuss Katz
scuss Katz - 9 years ago
+mrzkhan1 hahaha u saw what i saw
Jack Nazarian
Jack Nazarian - 10 years ago
where can i find these tanks what are they called  i love your videos there are the best thank u 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Thanks :) They are Nano LED 20 aquariums, manufactured by Polish company Diversa (
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 10 years ago
Great job again on Your fish and your tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 10 years ago
Great job there on your tanks I like your show

DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
It's just that none of these tanks are mine, actually... :)

20. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 8

Fikri Maulana
Fikri Maulana - 11 years ago
This wear what kind of moss?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
In what aquarium? What time of the video?
BestComment1992 - 11 years ago
dude ur voice is awesome lol no homo
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
lol, thanks! :) Lot of people tell my that I have "voice good for broadcasting", which is somewhat funny for me, because to myself I sound rather stupid :)
IringPalo - 11 years ago
what i like about your videos is you dont criticize but just commenting!!! even when tank is awful
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Well, I agree :) Unfortunately, there are some aspects of life in which I'm not such tolerant... :/ But this is totally different story...
IringPalo - 11 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV finding something positive in everything, even where seemingly is not, is one of the most beautiful qualities
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
That's true :) I'm glad you noticed that :) (in fact, your comment is one of the best comments I have ever received :) )
Antony Holman
Antony Holman - 11 years ago
Do you have visuals of your own "Setups" Just wondering if you have adapted any of  these compositions into your own? Btw keep posting more video's please I love to pick ideas and tips for my own setups from your vids! Thanks.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I'll keep posting, don't worry :) I make my living on this TV :) As for my setups, I don't have any planted aquariums at home :) I'm a filmmaker, not an aquascaper :)
Arvinas Labas
Arvinas Labas - 11 years ago
Oh... Ok... And how did You get so many subscribers ??? @-@
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I don't do anything, they just come by themselves :) The only thing which I do is I make videos which are interesting for people. The rest comes "by the way". Besides, I'm doing this for 2 years now - so many subs didn't come overnight, you know? ;p
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Because it is "nano aquarium aquascaping contest" :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
It's 30 liters.
LizaKanal - 11 years ago
На сколько литров аквариум
Arvinas Labas
Arvinas Labas - 11 years ago
Why olny nano aquariums? !
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Start making some interesting videos, instead of asking people to visit your channel :P

30. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 8

DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
If you want to make thin layer of moss on the driftwood, then trimming it with scissors is better than pulling it apart. And yes, every little fragment of moss will live just fine, even when not attached to the substrate.
mr. TC
mr. TC - 11 years ago
i put thin layers of java on my driftwood to attach in 4 weeks. my Q is: can i destroy the java moss by pulling it apart to create thin layers? or is it not dead when broken? pls answer sir...i really want to know. :-) tnx
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Well, sellers don't care much about such protests... :) But I have to say that the customers awareness about fishbowls being not good for fish - continuosly rises in Poland :)
Sławomir Drews
Sławomir Drews - 11 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hey mate, thanks for your kind words :) Check "bettafish (.) com" website, there are lots of infos about what is right and what is wrong for bettas :)
Dewan Vebables
Dewan Vebables - 11 years ago
hay I just stumbled across the vid very very nice thanx first of for the great channel filled with helpful and inspiring vids I have a question tho I just got a little male betta blue in color and I have a 30lt tank and was wandering what plants and rocks are good to use for making a beautiful aquascape for my new friend if you have any info it will be greatly appreciated I just subscribed and directed all my friends to the channel thanx again hope to hear from you *^_^*
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, I just don't see any point in arranging aquarium where one can't see anything. It's not skillful aquascaping. Black water tanks look very good, but the water should be clear. Brown but clear.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hey, I'm really glad that I can enjoy you with my vids while you have to stay in bed! :) Hope you'll be better soon! :) (but don't stop watching my vids, though ;) ;) )
HighCarbJoey - 11 years ago
ive been bed bound do to a badly sprained ankle. Thank you for having these videos keeping me occupied and giving myself new tank ideas.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
"Yes 7" what...? :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Look in stores, or in the internet, I'm pretty sure there are numerous offers in the US :)
Kshitij Verma
Kshitij Verma - 11 years ago
M not getting any kinda aquatic plant in my city. What are the natural habitat for java moss and some aquatic plants from where I could easily get???
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Cheers, mate! :)
Play4Fun187 - 11 years ago
thx for youre damn great videos !! thumbs up from germany ;-)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Axelrod's rasboras Sundadanio axelrodi.
Altymr - 11 years ago
What is the name of the fish in the tank at 3:14, just curious as would like to keep them
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks, mate! :) Greetings from Poland :)
siddhesh shetye
siddhesh shetye - 11 years ago
your videos are jusst awesome :D thumbs up from INDIA
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
The green clumps in the foreground are minipellia Riccardia chamedryfolia, it's also present on the driftwood on the right side. The "mushroom" wood is overgrown by the phoenix moss. I'm not an expert on aquarium plants, but I think both minipellia and phoenix moss are not very difficult to grow them, providing that you can keep the tank algae-free.
Chiefer Keefer
Chiefer Keefer - 11 years ago
Aquarium Number 7, time 5:20.

50. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 8

3382michael - 11 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
What tank do you mean? What number? (or time of the video?)
Chiefer Keefer
Chiefer Keefer - 11 years ago
What was the name of the clover that overgrew driftwood, and is it hard to take care of? I am new to the hobby.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Hmm, I don't know what is available in Australia... However, one guy from New Zealand told me in Hannover this year that it's not easy to get some more sophisticated plant species - they are not available... :/
jason bourne
jason bourne - 12 years ago
great video can you get those plants in australian fish shops
scarhbar23 - 12 years ago
Hey Nils! I I was looking at a comment on your other video, and I noticed you said that a lot of planted tanks weren't aquascapes. What do you call everything else that is not an aquascape? I'd love to see some more "natural" looking tanks from you :P
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Yeah, it's a good idea :) (however, the best part is that I'm not sure if the creator's idea was the same ;) )
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Not a problem! :) Good luck with your Bucephalandra project, and don't forget to make a video and post it here as video response! :)
leann lewis
leann lewis - 12 years ago
Yes I believe you pronounced it correctly. Thanks for spelling that. This plant seems very beautiful & I want to try and get one for my 55 gallon. Thanks again.
almcloud - 12 years ago
Great video, thumbs up!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Hi all! :) Thanks for all your comments, I'm really glad that you guys didn't forget about me during holidays! ;) I was working on my fishroom during Christmas and New Year holidays, so I had to slow down with videos. But I'm back on track again ;) Cheers, and Happy New Year! :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
They are made by Polish company Diversa. The name is "Nano LED 30", dimensions 30x30x25cm.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Hehe, sure I can :) It's called "Bucephalandra" :) Now, did I pronounce it correctly in the voice over...?
leann lewis
leann lewis - 12 years ago
Happy New Year. I hope you enjoyed the holiday. Great video, as usual. Can you please spell the flowering plant in tank #4? I am greatly interested in it. Thanks.
M Riley
M Riley - 12 years ago
Happy New Year!!!!! Thank you for sharing your videos, keep up the great informative work. I have a question. What size and brand are these aquariums?
pathebat - 12 years ago
brill vid enjoyed.
stormdetector - 7 years ago
Very good narrator....horrible aquascapes. :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 7 years ago
stormdetector Hehe, thanks! :) But why do you think the scapes are horrible...?
fubuziom0 - 7 years ago
Stare, ale ciągle świeże :) miło się to ogląda :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 7 years ago
Hehe, no :) Fajna to była impreza, i też chętnie wracam do tych filmów. Teraz już takich nie robię... :'-/
Sailor Steve Holt!
Sailor Steve Holt! - 8 years ago
I could watch these all day. Thanks for documenting and narrating the event.

I love the first one. My only experience with planted aquariums is what I find on YouTube, and this is the first time I've seen one that featured an environment of decay. I don't know if bright fish are native to that kind of habitat? If so, I would have rather seen that then the snakeheads.

Also really love the huge green carpet in seven. The softly undulating forms are very original and beautiful. I'm not as keen on the "floating" rock or the frosted glass, but they don't take away from it significantly.

The protest aquarium is fantastic. I'm glad you could appreciate the humor and the message.
Aldo Fernandes Azevedo
Aldo Fernandes Azevedo - 8 years ago the name of the plant, please?
robo beats
robo beats - 8 years ago
what is the size of tank?
Wodzirej Makłowicz
Wodzirej Makłowicz - 8 years ago
Dzięki za anglojęzyczne filmiki, o wiele leipiej wchłaniam język od kogoś z polskim akcentem niż od nawywnych spikerów
David Ha
David Ha - 8 years ago
How do you keep the water so clear without a filter?
Aquarium Chaos
Aquarium Chaos - 8 years ago
David Ha None of these tanks are his
exploring with George
exploring with George - 8 years ago
I love number 5 can I use it for inspiration for my tank
Mayank Arora
Mayank Arora - 8 years ago
why cant i see any co2 tank or its pipe :/
Matthew Calabro
Matthew Calabro - 9 years ago
what is the plant on the right at 7:18?
ԃʋɾƙ1ЗЗ7 - 7 years ago
Pogostemon helferi
himmelsturmerIX - 9 years ago
is the brown water aquarium on purpose?
Sam B
Sam B - 9 years ago
+himmelsturmerIX It is the natural environment of cardinal tetras. The water that is very dark is "South American black water" as the narrator mentions. This is what is known as a a biotope/habitat aquarium which tries to mimic the natural environment of the species being kept in it.
Totally Tanked !!
Totally Tanked !! - 9 years ago
which fish in 19 aquarium ?
Cpt. McSwaggens
Cpt. McSwaggens - 9 years ago
whats the size of the tanks?
Minik Dam
Minik Dam - 10 years ago
I love nano aquariums!!! :)
emagoodie G.
emagoodie G. - 10 years ago
3:19 What type of fish are being displayed in that aquascape?
scuss Katz
scuss Katz - 9 years ago
+emagoodie G. tetra neon
Brian - 10 years ago
What a great video. Like previously mentioned I also like that you have resisted the urge to criticize. Also your calm voice and delightful accent made me subscribe. Keep doing what you do!
Rami Huuskonen
Rami Huuskonen - 10 years ago
What kind of equipment do you need for ~300l tank that is heavy on the greens (hemianthus, rotala, few moss plants) i currently have following: Eheim prof2 (1200l/h) and insidefilter (~900l/h) lighting 2x T8 (1400) Co2 dispenser 4bpm and thats it. (fertilizers ofc) is that sufficent equipment for aquascaping or do i need to get better equipent to get the greens growing properly? (Just planted yesterday but feel like im missin something).
Gustapo Gomez
Gustapo Gomez - 8 years ago
hows the algae going?
mrzkhan1 - 10 years ago
6:15 Is quite... Unique 
scuss Katz
scuss Katz - 9 years ago
+mrzkhan1 hahaha u saw what i saw
Jack Nazarian
Jack Nazarian - 10 years ago
where can i find these tanks what are they called  i love your videos there are the best thank u 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Thanks :) They are Nano LED 20 aquariums, manufactured by Polish company Diversa (
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 10 years ago
Great job again on Your fish and your tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 10 years ago
Great job there on your tanks I like your show

DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
It's just that none of these tanks are mine, actually... :)
Fikri Maulana
Fikri Maulana - 11 years ago
This wear what kind of moss?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
In what aquarium? What time of the video?
BestComment1992 - 11 years ago
dude ur voice is awesome lol no homo
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
lol, thanks! :) Lot of people tell my that I have "voice good for broadcasting", which is somewhat funny for me, because to myself I sound rather stupid :)
IringPalo - 11 years ago
what i like about your videos is you dont criticize but just commenting!!! even when tank is awful
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Well, I agree :) Unfortunately, there are some aspects of life in which I'm not such tolerant... :/ But this is totally different story...
IringPalo - 11 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV finding something positive in everything, even where seemingly is not, is one of the most beautiful qualities
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
That's true :) I'm glad you noticed that :) (in fact, your comment is one of the best comments I have ever received :) )
Antony Holman
Antony Holman - 11 years ago
Do you have visuals of your own "Setups" Just wondering if you have adapted any of  these compositions into your own? Btw keep posting more video's please I love to pick ideas and tips for my own setups from your vids! Thanks.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I'll keep posting, don't worry :) I make my living on this TV :) As for my setups, I don't have any planted aquariums at home :) I'm a filmmaker, not an aquascaper :)
Arvinas Labas
Arvinas Labas - 11 years ago
Oh... Ok... And how did You get so many subscribers ??? @-@
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I don't do anything, they just come by themselves :) The only thing which I do is I make videos which are interesting for people. The rest comes "by the way". Besides, I'm doing this for 2 years now - so many subs didn't come overnight, you know? ;p
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Because it is "nano aquarium aquascaping contest" :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
It's 30 liters.
LizaKanal - 11 years ago
На сколько литров аквариум
Arvinas Labas
Arvinas Labas - 11 years ago
Why olny nano aquariums? !
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Start making some interesting videos, instead of asking people to visit your channel :P
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
If you want to make thin layer of moss on the driftwood, then trimming it with scissors is better than pulling it apart. And yes, every little fragment of moss will live just fine, even when not attached to the substrate.
mr. TC
mr. TC - 11 years ago
i put thin layers of java on my driftwood to attach in 4 weeks. my Q is: can i destroy the java moss by pulling it apart to create thin layers? or is it not dead when broken? pls answer sir...i really want to know. :-) tnx
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Well, sellers don't care much about such protests... :) But I have to say that the customers awareness about fishbowls being not good for fish - continuosly rises in Poland :)
Sławomir Drews
Sławomir Drews - 11 years ago

100. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 8

DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hey mate, thanks for your kind words :) Check "bettafish (.) com" website, there are lots of infos about what is right and what is wrong for bettas :)
Dewan Vebables
Dewan Vebables - 11 years ago
hay I just stumbled across the vid very very nice thanx first of for the great channel filled with helpful and inspiring vids I have a question tho I just got a little male betta blue in color and I have a 30lt tank and was wandering what plants and rocks are good to use for making a beautiful aquascape for my new friend if you have any info it will be greatly appreciated I just subscribed and directed all my friends to the channel thanx again hope to hear from you *^_^*
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, I just don't see any point in arranging aquarium where one can't see anything. It's not skillful aquascaping. Black water tanks look very good, but the water should be clear. Brown but clear.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hey, I'm really glad that I can enjoy you with my vids while you have to stay in bed! :) Hope you'll be better soon! :) (but don't stop watching my vids, though ;) ;) )
hobojoe - 11 years ago
ive been bed bound do to a badly sprained ankle. Thank you for having these videos keeping me occupied and giving myself new tank ideas.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
"Yes 7" what...? :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Look in stores, or in the internet, I'm pretty sure there are numerous offers in the US :)
Kshitij Verma
Kshitij Verma - 11 years ago
M not getting any kinda aquatic plant in my city. What are the natural habitat for java moss and some aquatic plants from where I could easily get???
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Cheers, mate! :)
Play4Fun187 - 11 years ago
thx for youre damn great videos !! thumbs up from germany ;-)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Axelrod's rasboras Sundadanio axelrodi.
Altymr - 11 years ago
What is the name of the fish in the tank at 3:14, just curious as would like to keep them
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks, mate! :) Greetings from Poland :)
siddhesh shetye
siddhesh shetye - 11 years ago
your videos are jusst awesome :D thumbs up from INDIA
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
The green clumps in the foreground are minipellia Riccardia chamedryfolia, it's also present on the driftwood on the right side. The "mushroom" wood is overgrown by the phoenix moss. I'm not an expert on aquarium plants, but I think both minipellia and phoenix moss are not very difficult to grow them, providing that you can keep the tank algae-free.
Chiefer Keefer
Chiefer Keefer - 11 years ago
Aquarium Number 7, time 5:20.
3382michael - 11 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
What tank do you mean? What number? (or time of the video?)
Chiefer Keefer
Chiefer Keefer - 11 years ago
What was the name of the clover that overgrew driftwood, and is it hard to take care of? I am new to the hobby.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Hmm, I don't know what is available in Australia... However, one guy from New Zealand told me in Hannover this year that it's not easy to get some more sophisticated plant species - they are not available... :/
jason bourne
jason bourne - 12 years ago
great video can you get those plants in australian fish shops
scarhbar23 - 12 years ago
Hey Nils! I I was looking at a comment on your other video, and I noticed you said that a lot of planted tanks weren't aquascapes. What do you call everything else that is not an aquascape? I'd love to see some more "natural" looking tanks from you :P
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Yeah, it's a good idea :) (however, the best part is that I'm not sure if the creator's idea was the same ;) )
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Not a problem! :) Good luck with your Bucephalandra project, and don't forget to make a video and post it here as video response! :)
leann lewis
leann lewis - 12 years ago
Yes I believe you pronounced it correctly. Thanks for spelling that. This plant seems very beautiful & I want to try and get one for my 55 gallon. Thanks again.
almcloud - 12 years ago
Great video, thumbs up!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Hi all! :) Thanks for all your comments, I'm really glad that you guys didn't forget about me during holidays! ;) I was working on my fishroom during Christmas and New Year holidays, so I had to slow down with videos. But I'm back on track again ;) Cheers, and Happy New Year! :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
They are made by Polish company Diversa. The name is "Nano LED 30", dimensions 30x30x25cm.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Hehe, sure I can :) It's called "Bucephalandra" :) Now, did I pronounce it correctly in the voice over...?
leann lewis
leann lewis - 12 years ago
Happy New Year. I hope you enjoyed the holiday. Great video, as usual. Can you please spell the flowering plant in tank #4? I am greatly interested in it. Thanks.
M Riley
M Riley - 12 years ago
Happy New Year!!!!! Thank you for sharing your videos, keep up the great informative work. I have a question. What size and brand are these aquariums?
pathebat - 12 years ago
brill vid enjoyed.

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