Aquascaping - How to make trees in planted aquarium

FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: One of the types of planted aquariums are layouts imitating trees growing on land. Many fishkeepers wonder how such trees are made. In this video I show step by step how to create such a layout. The presentation is made by Dawid Staś, Polish aquascaper and winner of several live aquascaping contests. For creating the tree Dawid uses Hemianthus callitrichoides, a popular aquatic plant used usually in "carpets" in foreground of planted aquariums. Hemianthus is attached to fragments of driftwood with the use of garden wire in plastic coating. One thing you need to bear in mind during creation of such "tree" is to keep Hemianthus (and any other aquarium plant, actually) moist during the work.

Aquascaping - How to make trees in planted aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

Howto 11 years ago 192,129 views

FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: One of the types of planted aquariums are layouts imitating trees growing on land. Many fishkeepers wonder how such trees are made. In this video I show step by step how to create such a layout. The presentation is made by Dawid Staś, Polish aquascaper and winner of several live aquascaping contests. For creating the tree Dawid uses Hemianthus callitrichoides, a popular aquatic plant used usually in "carpets" in foreground of planted aquariums. Hemianthus is attached to fragments of driftwood with the use of garden wire in plastic coating. One thing you need to bear in mind during creation of such "tree" is to keep Hemianthus (and any other aquarium plant, actually) moist during the work.

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Most popular comments
for Aquascaping - How to make trees in planted aquarium

Tumbleweed - 7 years ago
Amazing. Thanks for sharing. Gave me some good advice, tips and ideas!
FishKLR - 7 years ago
ReKi - 7 years ago
czy takie drzewko będzie dobre dla Aksolotla??
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 7 years ago
Raczej nie - aksolotl poruszając się bardzo łatwo je uszkodzi.
Muhammad Hazim
Muhammad Hazim - 8 years ago
sorry for asking, but what kind of type is the grass? where can I get them?
Alart - 8 years ago
Can Hemiaunthus thrieve in such a state or rather it withers slowly? How long can that set-up withstand?
ANGEL - 9 years ago
heya there, just wanna to thank you, i'm a french native speaker, but i understood all about you did on this video, i think i'll have a look on other later. thnak you so much again. i tried alone to do one myself before haveing a look there, i'll complet it later with more by following your advices.
Sorry for my bad english, as i said, i'm a french guy.
Have a good day and please continue to do videos... i'll follow
Stephanie Miller
Stephanie Miller - 9 years ago
won't the wire rust eventually?
Billy Bob
Billy Bob - 8 years ago
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 9 years ago
Hi great video video, very helpful.
QuixoticalMe - 9 years ago
how do the plants get the nutrients they get from the substrate? Are all the essentials floating in the water where the roots able to absorb everything they need? How does the "tree" look today?

I'm very new, but extremely captivated by this whole aquascaping business. thanks for posting, very nice!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 9 years ago
+QuixoticalMe Thanks :) I?n the case of this tank plants of the "tree" were getting all nutrients directly from the water. However, the tree doesn't look anyhow today, because unfortunately Hemianthus was transported in not very good conditions, and it died soon after setting up the tank... :(

10. comment for Aquascaping - How to make trees in planted aquarium

James C
James C - 9 years ago
I'm doing this for sure... Awesome job dude!
Ramp Gonzales
Ramp Gonzales - 9 years ago
Q: will it grow the same? as if it is planted on the substrate and how would the plant get some nutrient ?
Marie R Les Savon Bains Marie
Marie R Les Savon Bains Marie - 9 years ago
Thank you for the great information do you think that forest moss would do the same?
Takun Hernandez
Takun Hernandez - 9 years ago
This helps out a lot! Thanks for having this video
itsmee Jo
itsmee Jo - 9 years ago
Luculencia - 9 years ago
I love your voice, it's so relaxing :)
PROUD TO BE PINOY!!! - 9 years ago
yeah you're right!
LiquidPixelz - 10 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV What type of C02 set up is that? I love how its small and compact!
Tony Wong
Tony Wong - 10 years ago
Thx so so much.. Love your idea.. I learned a easy way to do my tree..
J D. Luffy
J D. Luffy - 10 years ago
the idea is good, but the wire should be replaced with marine grade stainless steel thin wire (0.3mm and below), u can achieve the same effect and be rest assured without and rust or leeching of iron/copper etc compounds
Melon. - 9 years ago
+Luculencia Thanks! During the holidays i'll probably work on it
Luculencia - 9 years ago
Java moss will break if you try to use it as string - but if you tied the plants and moss with something and let the moss grow in it would cover whatever you'd used to tie the plant with.

Java moss itself attaches very well after a couple of weeks so doesn't need something permanently holding it down like some plants do :)
Melon. - 9 years ago
To replace the garden wire to hold down plants to driftwood to make a tree, i was thinking java moss :D
With some knotting around it should hold like the wire should, right? or is it too flimsy?
Luculencia - 9 years ago
Depends what you are tying with it - for things like java ferns and anubias you can hide fishing line in the roots and it isn't too noticeable - for moss it's quite visible (the lights reflect off it), black cotton thread is less visible for mosses :)

Fishing line is more reliable though as it won't disintegrate and some plants / mosses take ages to attach themselves (e.g. susswassertang which never forms a very tight attachment and probably will always need SOMEthing holding it down).
Melon. - 9 years ago
+Luculencia What do you think of fishing line?
Luculencia - 9 years ago
+J D. Luffy
Yep cotton is probably the best all round solution - although I tied my moss with cotton and the cotton was still there over a year later so it doesn't disintegrate as fast as ppl say xD (at least in acidic conditions below pH 6, maybe in an alkaline tank it happens more quickly).
J D. Luffy
J D. Luffy - 9 years ago
or alternatively can use cotton strings to tie it til d roots attached well n it will disintegrate on its own without any worries too
Luculencia - 9 years ago
+J D. Luffy
Pretty sure leeching of a small amount of iron does no harm to a planted tank (could actually be beneficial). Copper on the other hand can be fatal to shrimps and delicate snails (it doesn't seem to faze mts for some reason....).

So you are likely right, it's probably best to get the stainless steel wire then you can be sure you don't have copper leeching into the tank :)

By the way - stainless steel rusts underwater despite the name, it is not really stainless, so you will also get iron leeching from that too.
Danny Bekk
Danny Bekk - 10 years ago
Where could I purchase this wire you speak of?
J D. Luffy
J D. Luffy - 10 years ago
im quite sure those normal wires (used in the video) will rust with time....

20. comment for Aquascaping - How to make trees in planted aquarium

Cristian Leahu
Cristian Leahu - 10 years ago
This is a great tutorial and i thank you for that ! You really inspired me and i will soon start to make a tree of my own. But i want to know if that cooper in the wire can affect the water (by degrading ) . I am thinking of using a bigger fishing line. What do you think of that ? :)
Marcus Hoffmann
Marcus Hoffmann - 10 years ago
Does this create problems for the plant, when it's on the driftwood or can it still grow on the wood? 
- Btw nice video and beautifull aquarium. :)
DidNotMeetCriteria - 10 years ago
Amazing! Thank you for the video.
Artem Klimov
Artem Klimov - 10 years ago
I have a question about the wires that you use. Do they have a cooper inside? Will it slowly release into the water? 'cause I know that it might be not save for some creatures, like shrimp for example.
Nicki Greenwood
Nicki Greenwood - 10 years ago
Great tutorial - going to try it. Thank you so much!
Srta.TacoMal - 10 years ago
Oh this is perfect; I saw the video for this tank and was wondering about how to make a tree. Now I get to see how the same tree was made! :D
Hyozanryu99 - 10 years ago
Thank you for making this great tutorial!
Do you have any idea how to make a stick/"tree" to stand straight up when it's just a stick? Like this:
Nabil Raziq
Nabil Raziq - 10 years ago
Can we do this on a moss??And how???PLZ ANSWER
Kathryn Brown
Kathryn Brown - 10 years ago
Nice I do have one thing to say. I have a 30 gal .Have had this
Aq for 3 years. My compline
Is u need to put in a good pump
Also .I ended up getting a mew
Pump also had to replace the
ballis before I bought the pump
I put a sponge filter in. That was the best thing I ever did. So what I'am saying is u need to tweet this Aq up to par .Dont get me wrong
Now that I have the bugs out I Love it. If u would ask me would I buy another the answer is no. This puppy cost me a mint.

Thank you

Kathryn Brown

terry willett
terry willett - 10 years ago
amazing work

30. comment for Aquascaping - How to make trees in planted aquarium

Mactac90 - 10 years ago
Fajny przepis na drzewka w akwarium :)
Himblerk's Adventures
Himblerk's Adventures - 10 years ago
pls more tutorial vids
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
There will be some tutorials for sure, but it will take some time before I will be able to make them :) Please be patient :)
Shubham Mondal
Shubham Mondal - 10 years ago
great video :D
dungeonlair - 10 years ago
Very cool, thanks for sharing.
MaelstromFilm - 11 years ago
Wait isn't HC a ground plant? How does it grow on driftwood?
RaJhon - 11 years ago
the plants on the tree will die as the roots aren't touching any substrate
breezy7601 - 11 years ago
i would pay you to do this and ship it if at all possible ur so good at this
N HatGuy
N HatGuy - 11 years ago
Amazing Vid! I was thinking of doing this as well with Java Moss, but I think I will go with HC, It looks nicer and I wanted to go for a Bonsai theme.
N HatGuy
N HatGuy - 11 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV then could you upload a tutorial or time lapse for moss trees? any moss is fine. Please and Thank You :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I'd rather use Java moss, it's better for growing on driftwood. HC should be rooted in the substrate.
Bang walldie
Bang walldie - 11 years ago
Nice tank, can we use java moss and riccia instead?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Of course you can. Ricca will need more light than Java moss.
BrandonNforever - 11 years ago
Nice video, but my question is the plant would survive without any soil attached to it? or do you have to take the driftwood out once the plant dies and redo it?
Siddhun Karthik
Siddhun Karthik - 11 years ago
Instead of "Hemianthus" plant shown on the video, I tried to attach "java moss" as I was told it would grow faster & denser. But unfortunately, because of my poor setup, all java moss plants peeled off from drift wood and the next day morning, I found then in the filter sponge. :( It was a total disaster project of mine., I even tied some javamoss on outer surface of "coconut shell" placed inverted position with a way for fish hideout. Even that is also peeling off everyday. I am searching for videos on how to make use of Java moss efficient & effectively to setup in aquarium. Thanks for your video, it is simply supurb.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Just take a large clump, flatten it against the surface which you want to attach the moss to, and wrap it around with cotton string. I did it many times, and no moss was peeling off at all :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Great! :) Good luck with your project :)
Melanie Simpson
Melanie Simpson - 11 years ago
Thanks for the info! I'm going to try this with my nano tank!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
You could try, however HC might have some problems in growing on "trunk" of the tree - I doubt it will attach itself to vertical surface. It's a rooted plant, after all...
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, that's true :)
theBioHouse - 11 years ago
If you leave it untrimmed, it can cover the whole tank! lol
phantom - 11 years ago
Can it grow up to cover the whole tree?
stemag2001 - 11 years ago
hi love your videos keep up the good work . the cuba that was used for the tree will it grow happily with out being in substrate on the tree also is it ok with part of the cuba to be out of the water as i am starting a new tank moss free and this looks ideal for what i want thanks
phantom - 11 years ago
How did you attach the substrate to the plant? were the substrates falling down?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks, mate :) (but please remember that I only made the video - the designer of the tank was Dawid Staś, not me :)

50. comment for Aquascaping - How to make trees in planted aquarium

Wael Isa
Wael Isa - 11 years ago
Good work 10/10
Mickey Georgy
Mickey Georgy - 11 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Nope, it's Hemianthus callitrichoides.
Lex Besa
Lex Besa - 11 years ago
is that pearlweed?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
You're welcome :) I'm glad you like it :)
Shepheard Martin
Shepheard Martin - 11 years ago
Great video! Thank you for this!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Of course you can :) Just use some other way of attaching the Java moss to the wood - like cotton thread, for example, or fishing line (I prefer cotton thread). No garden wire is needed, it's too strong and too visible.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
No worries, mate! :)
chrisherself - 11 years ago
Fantastic technique! I've not seen this way of attaching the plants to the wood before. Thanks for uploading! :D
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Enter "connecting driftwood" in Google. I just did, and I found a very helpful discussion at The Planted Tank forum. The one at Aquaria Central might also be of good use :)
A Baker
A Baker - 11 years ago
I just can't seem to find the perfect piece of driftwood. Like can I glue pieces together? If so how?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
It's far to weak, adding CO2 won't help, IMHO. CO2 is used for support the plants with carbon when they are already growing fast, and I don't think your plants grow fast in such a weak light... (but I might be wrong ;) )
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hey :) I'm not an expert on aquarium plants, try forums like PlantedTank(dot)net or AquaticPlantCentral(dot)com, there are lots of helpful people there :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hey, when you finish your layout don't forget to post a video about it here on YT! :)
A Baker
A Baker - 11 years ago
Very helpful I have wanted to do this for a while
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hmmm, I'll think about that, but it won't be soon - I have too much other materials, already overdue... :/
John Brockway
John Brockway - 11 years ago
Thanks for all the videos. More "how to" videos would be awesome
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Great, I'm happy that I give you some inspiration! :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
No worries :) Glad you like it :)
nitrate buster
nitrate buster - 11 years ago
That's look great Id like to try it Thanks for showing us :)
Kshitij Verma
Kshitij Verma - 11 years ago
My amazon sword plants are getting brown and there is no sign of new leaves... What to do???
Kshitij Verma
Kshitij Verma - 11 years ago
Thanks a lot bro.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Exaclty as Kuchenbaeckerin says - try online shops, I'm pretty sure there should be at least some of them in India :) Or contact the guy named "Arif Hamsa" on Facebook - he's from Indonesia, but seems to know a lot of stuff about planted aquariums and plants of your region of the world :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
You won't :) I don't have any planted aquariums at home, only lots of breeders, with simple gravel and sponge filters.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
There was probably too little light to keep Riccia alive underwater...
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
12000K is the colour temperature, not the actual power of the light. 60 gallons is quite a big aquarium, how many Watts does the illumination have...?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Of course it's possible - they won't grow very fast, though.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
"Manten stone" by ADA. Check the other video of this aquarium (link is provided in the end of this video), there are all technical details about the tank and the decorations :)
wowneith - 11 years ago
what tipe of rocks are being used?
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
Very nice!
Die Kuchenbaeckerin
Die Kuchenbaeckerin - 11 years ago
I am not sure how things are in India, but here in Germany there are quite a few onlineshops for aquarium supplies and plants. You could give it a try and search "buy Hemianthus callitrichoides" on google. That worked for me. :)
J B - 11 years ago
Ohhh so thats how you do it. I tried once to wrap riccia to a branch with green sewing thread but every morning there was a little less until one morning it was all gone. Great vid, thank you.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 11 years ago
Very helpfull and simple.great video.
Kshitij Verma
Kshitij Verma - 11 years ago
From where I can get this plant? I am from India...

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