Aquascaping - How to make trees in planted aquarium
Howto 11 years ago 192,129 views
FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: One of the types of planted aquariums are layouts imitating trees growing on land. Many fishkeepers wonder how such trees are made. In this video I show step by step how to create such a layout. The presentation is made by Dawid Staś, Polish aquascaper and winner of several live aquascaping contests. For creating the tree Dawid uses Hemianthus callitrichoides, a popular aquatic plant used usually in "carpets" in foreground of planted aquariums. Hemianthus is attached to fragments of driftwood with the use of garden wire in plastic coating. One thing you need to bear in mind during creation of such "tree" is to keep Hemianthus (and any other aquarium plant, actually) moist during the work.
Can Hemiaunthus thrieve in such a state or rather it withers slowly? How long can that set-up withstand?
Sorry for my bad english, as i said, i'm a french guy.
Have a good day and please continue to do videos... i'll follow
I'm very new, but extremely captivated by this whole aquascaping business. thanks for posting, very nice!
10. comment for Aquascaping - How to make trees in planted aquarium
Java moss will break if you try to use it as string - but if you tied the plants and moss with something and let the moss grow in it would cover whatever you'd used to tie the plant with.
Java moss itself attaches very well after a couple of weeks so doesn't need something permanently holding it down like some plants do :)
With some knotting around it should hold like the wire should, right? or is it too flimsy?
Depends what you are tying with it - for things like java ferns and anubias you can hide fishing line in the roots and it isn't too noticeable - for moss it's quite visible (the lights reflect off it), black cotton thread is less visible for mosses :)
Fishing line is more reliable though as it won't disintegrate and some plants / mosses take ages to attach themselves (e.g. susswassertang which never forms a very tight attachment and probably will always need SOMEthing holding it down).
Yep cotton is probably the best all round solution - although I tied my moss with cotton and the cotton was still there over a year later so it doesn't disintegrate as fast as ppl say xD (at least in acidic conditions below pH 6, maybe in an alkaline tank it happens more quickly).
Pretty sure leeching of a small amount of iron does no harm to a planted tank (could actually be beneficial). Copper on the other hand can be fatal to shrimps and delicate snails (it doesn't seem to faze mts for some reason....).
So you are likely right, it's probably best to get the stainless steel wire then you can be sure you don't have copper leeching into the tank :)
By the way - stainless steel rusts underwater despite the name, it is not really stainless, so you will also get iron leeching from that too.
20. comment for Aquascaping - How to make trees in planted aquarium
This is a great tutorial and i thank you for that ! You really inspired me and i will soon start to make a tree of my own. But i want to know if that cooper in the wire can affect the water (by degrading ) . I am thinking of using a bigger fishing line. What do you think of that ? :)
- Btw nice video and beautifull aquarium. :)
Do you have any idea how to make a stick/"tree" to stand straight up when it's just a stick? Like this:
Aq for 3 years. My compline
Is u need to put in a good pump
Also .I ended up getting a mew
Pump also had to replace the
ballis before I bought the pump
I put a sponge filter in. That was the best thing I ever did. So what I'am saying is u need to tweet this Aq up to par .Dont get me wrong
Now that I have the bugs out I Love it. If u would ask me would I buy another the answer is no. This puppy cost me a mint.
Thank you
Kathryn Brown
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