Aquascaping Tutorial Guide- The Making Of 'Reciprocity' by James Findley James Findley's latest Aquascape 'Reciprocity' which measures a huge 305cm x 61cm x 61cm (approx. 1200 Litres)- come and see it progress in The Green Machine, Wrexham, UK! Livestock includes: 125 x Rasbora Merah, 80 x Black/Purple Harlequin Rasbora, 100 x Blue Line Rasbora, 20 x Botia sidthimunki, 50 x Rasbora kubotai, 60 x Rasbora espei, 45 x Emerald Eye Rasbora (Rasbora dorsiocellata), 70 x Amano Shrimp (Caridina Japonica). Mainly small species were chosen to make the aquascape seem even bigger! Many thanks to professional aquascaper James Findley, creator of Reciprocity and Nature's Chaos (among many others) and founder of The Green Machine. You can see more of James' iconic work throughout our website- as well as browse and shop for all his favourite aquascaping materials, tools and equipment. You can meet James in The Green Machine where he provides friendly consultations, help and advice to aquascapers of all levels. Looking for a professional partner to create and maintain stunning Nature Aquariums? Contact us via our website and a member of our specialist team will get back to you to discuss. We provide many levels of service suited to your needs and tailor packages for you.

Aquascaping Tutorial Guide- The Making Of 'Reciprocity' by James Findley sentiment_very_dissatisfied 264

Howto 12 years ago 1,050,562 views James Findley's latest Aquascape 'Reciprocity' which measures a huge 305cm x 61cm x 61cm (approx. 1200 Litres)- come and see it progress in The Green Machine, Wrexham, UK! Livestock includes: 125 x Rasbora Merah, 80 x Black/Purple Harlequin Rasbora, 100 x Blue Line Rasbora, 20 x Botia sidthimunki, 50 x Rasbora kubotai, 60 x Rasbora espei, 45 x Emerald Eye Rasbora (Rasbora dorsiocellata), 70 x Amano Shrimp (Caridina Japonica). Mainly small species were chosen to make the aquascape seem even bigger! Many thanks to professional aquascaper James Findley, creator of Reciprocity and Nature's Chaos (among many others) and founder of The Green Machine. You can see more of James' iconic work throughout our website- as well as browse and shop for all his favourite aquascaping materials, tools and equipment. You can meet James in The Green Machine where he provides friendly consultations, help and advice to aquascapers of all levels. Looking for a professional partner to create and maintain stunning Nature Aquariums? Contact us via our website and a member of our specialist team will get back to you to discuss. We provide many levels of service suited to your needs and tailor packages for you.

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Most popular comments
for Aquascaping Tutorial Guide- The Making Of 'Reciprocity' by James Findley

ALIEN-Oo-_-oO - 7 years ago
What are the additives used in the tank?
Aussie Fish Keeper
Aussie Fish Keeper - 7 years ago
Asseles Alemas
Asseles Alemas - 7 years ago
verry bad sound music pffff
Snickers - 7 years ago
I love watching these video except one thing the music in the background is giving me a migraine please chose something different some enya or anything this is hypnotic music is annoying when its 41 mins long
IFCSAT - 7 years ago
i bet you the person narrating IS James.
Rickard Rocks
Rickard Rocks - 7 years ago
James, i cant beleive you done this
RipVan Winkle
RipVan Winkle - 7 years ago
I really enjoy these videos and also the commentary. I don't want to be negative but I find the music REALLY REALLY annoying. May I suggest lowering the volume of the music compared to the commentary?
Johnny English
Johnny English - 7 years ago
I want to hear James talking, not a voice from narrator.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 7 years ago
+Johnny English thanks for your feedback, we'll consider this for future videos!
Clecy Conner
Clecy Conner - 8 years ago
Great narrator...but Morgan Freeman would own it...

10. comment for Aquascaping Tutorial Guide- The Making Of 'Reciprocity' by James Findley

Dawid Klemczak
Dawid Klemczak - 8 years ago
I have a 6 foot 220 can pull it off np
Dawid Klemczak
Dawid Klemczak - 8 years ago
how much would it cost to do this tho like really
Dawid Klemczak
Dawid Klemczak - 8 years ago
Josh Guthrie
Josh Guthrie - 8 years ago
music?, please!
AlwaysChangingMind - 8 years ago
Is this tank (along with your other tanks) RO water only or tap?
pascal bories
pascal bories - 8 years ago
dommage que je ne comprend pas votre langage ! *** etoiles je vous met chapeaux createur !!
Macy Lynn
Macy Lynn - 8 years ago
I couldn't imagine trying to pronounce some of these names with my lisp.
Macy Lynn
Macy Lynn - 8 years ago
I understand he wants to get his product out there but dang...
Hamzah Kattan
Hamzah Kattan - 8 years ago
Perfection @39:00 very relaxing. Any chance the TGM team could make an hour long video of just that view and music? I'll be a great video for us play over and over on large screens and would allow many to experience living with the results and subsequently getting into the hobby.
Hamzah Kattan
Hamzah Kattan - 8 years ago
TheGreenMachineLtd yes please!!!
TheGreenMachineLtd - 8 years ago
How about an hour long video montage of just finished aquascapes?
Danny b
Danny b - 8 years ago
did anyone else see the face at 28:36?

20. comment for Aquascaping Tutorial Guide- The Making Of 'Reciprocity' by James Findley

dsid1127 - 8 years ago
When ya try to copy James' artistry and thought process but your tank is only 6 gallons. "Hm the reciprocity of the mother pebble to the master twig".
Mike's Aquatics
Mike's Aquatics - 7 years ago
I tired to copy a 150 gallon into a 10.......

turned out pretty unique but my plant choices were horrible
marilou velchez
marilou velchez - 8 years ago
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 8 years ago
That is such a beautiful idea for an aquascape
Bobby Boy
Bobby Boy - 8 years ago
hi do you sell marine fish
Angel Castaneda
Angel Castaneda - 8 years ago
The music is just as peaceful as the the aquarium in the end. Do you sell a soundtrack? or who do you get the music from? It all just fits in nicely and harmoniously.
Planted Nano
Planted Nano - 8 years ago
I absolutely loved watching this. I also love that even with the huge size of the tank, where you could choose to add everything you wanted, that he went for the minimum. Great choice and I think you can tell by how well it looks in the end. Wonderful 40 minutes spent. :D
brummie pc gamer
brummie pc gamer - 8 years ago
sounds like the guy who plays pat in coronation street lol
Jo Lea
Jo Lea - 9 years ago
hi green machine I just looked and you are only a hour away from me is your shop open to the public ? cheers
Mariotranal - 8 years ago
+TheGreenMachineLtd Hi, how thick is the acrylic which was made aquarium ?
TheGreenMachineLtd - 9 years ago
+Jo Lea yes we are open to public Monday to Friday 10am-5pm
Andrew Morris
Andrew Morris - 9 years ago
This is the most wonderful tank I've seen! Would love to do a long and low tank myself one day. Great work James!
Daniel A. Scott Jr.
Daniel A. Scott Jr. - 9 years ago
Very impressive! TY

30. comment for Aquascaping Tutorial Guide- The Making Of 'Reciprocity' by James Findley

David Perrin
David Perrin - 9 years ago
i    would  like  to  know   whats    the   best   fish  to  use.
I Hate V Perms
I Hate V Perms - 8 years ago
Shrimps and tetras
I Hate V Perms
I Hate V Perms - 8 years ago
+Lord Perzeval not frogs
Lord Perzeval
Lord Perzeval - 9 years ago
no fishes just some shrimps and frogs
LiGhT SPiRiT - 9 years ago
Marc Blohm
Marc Blohm - 9 years ago
Great Work!
agnieszka danuta
agnieszka danuta - 9 years ago
Hello can you write what I buy on the substrate teeth so grew the plants to me
bigcat99100 - 9 years ago
What do they do after they done. Don't they run out of room. or do they tear old ones down or what.
Spencer DeMera
Spencer DeMera - 9 years ago
ikr their tanks are amazing
bigcat99100 - 9 years ago
+Spencer DeMera if I had the money and a home I would totally hire these guys
Spencer DeMera
Spencer DeMera - 9 years ago
+bigcat99100 yeah they take old ones down after a while
Salkio - 9 years ago
when making such big tanks especially with soil/sand covered with plant roots do you need to clean the soil/sand with a special pump? or do you ignore all the fish poop landing on the floor bed?
mickenoss - 8 years ago
+Salkio I always wondered how much life a layout has ...meaning, do you have to strip and rebuild every 2 years or something, or will it last say 5 years or more?
nenaj1 - 9 years ago
mystery snails eat waste too. I see them slurp it right up lol
Salkio - 9 years ago
Ahh i see, but when u use that tool to clean to soil does it not break or damage the plant roots? I remember having a pump with a long plastic tube which u stick into the soil to suck everything up. Not sure if u are referring to this tool.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 9 years ago
+Salkio We add shrimp who eat some of the waste and when cleaning we will use a manual syphon to remove debris from some areas within the tank (usually once a week).
Aqua'Nico - 9 years ago
Thank you very much for your job.
Radoja Ivičić
Radoja Ivičić - 9 years ago
How many times did the narator said the word James... :/
Lhin Doh
Lhin Doh - 9 years ago
An absolute necessity is hospital lobbies and senior citizen environments.
mje19D - 9 years ago
"There can be only one"...planter
Serena Tailflips
Serena Tailflips - 9 years ago
I thought that aquariums where supposed to be about the fish. The whole video talks about the plants, or at least most of the video. Those looked like black tetras at the end. Yay my fav
kingbucky6 - 9 years ago
Thank you so much for sharing the tank makes me think shadow of the colossus.
Tarsan97 - 9 years ago
More beautiful than any painting. Even without fish...
ibrahim inh
ibrahim inh - 9 years ago
Evoker Br
Evoker Br - 9 years ago
I can not stand to hear James ... James ... James ...
Aleph Null
Aleph Null - 7 years ago
i was gonna say the same thing hahahahaha
Lord Perzeval
Lord Perzeval - 9 years ago
is James calling James, James or is it some other James who is calling James, James...
Bigfoot - 9 years ago
+Jefferson Nunes James should explain that everyone wants to choke out the narrator! For saying James Explains every 5 seconds
Jello Pie the payday guy
Jello Pie the payday guy - 9 years ago
do you wash your sub straight and cosmetic sand before adding to the aquarium
Justin Stuart
Justin Stuart - 9 years ago
I've never heard anything like this in my life, laughed my head off, just chuck it in man!
aquatic Vida
aquatic Vida - 9 years ago
James Findley the boss of aquascaping ! good job
Jason Davies
Jason Davies - 10 years ago
i wonder what the blokes name was thats doing the tank
RipVan Winkle
RipVan Winkle - 7 years ago
Jason wonders what the blokes name was..... :D
Varun Pathak
Varun Pathak - 9 years ago
+epicRMiddleton dope
Robert - 9 years ago
+epicRMiddleton It's a joke...  
epicRMiddleton - 9 years ago
+epicRMiddleton its in the title!
epicRMiddleton - 9 years ago
Thunderkat65 - 9 years ago
+Jason Davies There is no way of knowing, they never say the name while setting up the tank.
Jason Davies
Jason Davies - 9 years ago
lol i think your right
Robert - 10 years ago
I think he said it was John.
Bulkbs - 10 years ago
Wow what a waste, there's so much you could have done with all that tank space

50. comment for Aquascaping Tutorial Guide- The Making Of 'Reciprocity' by James Findley

Eve x
Eve x - 10 years ago
I love your video's.
thedon008 - 10 years ago
I like these very open, iwagumi style aquariums. It gives a great sense of scale of calmness. I'll definitely get one of these in the future.
khan heshan
khan heshan - 10 years ago
These are some good layouts and I've enjoyed watching several videos now, but what I've noticed is that the fish population in these tanks is quite low. Especially for this massive tank there are so few fish, and none of them are larger species.
Alex Paulsen
Alex Paulsen - 9 years ago
+TheGreenMachineLtd Every time my fish population gets low, I have a spike in algae growth. Oxygen supply I guess. I've actually found it easier to manage a well-stocked tank.

That said, my latest aquarium is sand and plants, with only bog wood as hardscape. I think it will be easier to manage any algae I get.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 10 years ago
+apophis777 Creatively, larger species make the layout look smaller which is less desirable. Also it's better for the fishes welfare to have as much space as possible... this goes for fish size as well as total quantity in a given space. 
Marco Bahamondes
Marco Bahamondes - 10 years ago
hola todo bien interesante, esta la  pasibilidad una traducción al español
tm502010 - 10 years ago
Kyle Tibor
Kyle Tibor - 10 years ago
eeehh.... this one isn't too inspiring. Looks sort of half baked compared to the others at the store.  
jai prakash
jai prakash - 10 years ago
please upload videos of small aquarium. you guys always go for large aquarium so please help me by posting videos of smaller beautiful aquariums and make a video of neighbouring aquariums.
jai prakash
jai prakash - 10 years ago
+Guillaume Rousselin can be done I agree. we can make big things but it's difficult to make it small.
Guillaume Tell
Guillaume Tell - 10 years ago
there's absolutely no difference man !! I mean the size counts indeed , just reduce the amount of material used and use your creativity to make it !
Mindy Tillman
Mindy Tillman - 10 years ago
I think this one is my favorite
Jose Martinez
Jose Martinez - 10 years ago
Eso polvo blanco que le pone al principio que es
WAGNER ALMEIDA - 10 years ago
Obrigado por mais uma grande aula...Valeu !
saltybox69 - 10 years ago
28:35.68= The ghost of geen machine"???
mansoor ck
mansoor ck - 10 years ago
Amazing...! Hats of to James
Blended art of nature. Amazing
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
One day I hope I get an aquarium like this, my 40 gallon one is kinda bad.
Shareen Sharma-Prasad
Shareen Sharma-Prasad - 10 years ago
U have 580 livestock in there!
Ricky  Nguyen
Ricky Nguyen - 10 years ago
is that normal tap water added during the planting stage ? Also are those cardboard supporter ? or plastic ( and when do u remove it ) would that harm your fishes or shrimps. Thanks for reply in advance. Greenmachine always surprise me :D 
Luke Nicholson
Luke Nicholson - 10 years ago
Probably normal tap water with water additives like water ager and they're plastic supports so the substrate doesn't role down or move and you leave them in there and cover them with dirt and plants. Cardboard if you've never seen it wet breaks apart and will destroy your aquarium...
EviLBeatZ - 10 years ago
Amazing need one in my mansion!
marcelo martinez
marcelo martinez - 10 years ago
how do you clean the tank ? do you use a syphon even on the planted area ?
aaaaalllss - 10 years ago
What a masterpiece! im not usually the guy to sit and watch this type of video but this had me amazed. when the camera does that sweep around at 40:31 you can make out a lions head on the main rock 40:37. i know that was not intended but either way looks amazing 
monster fish aquarium
monster fish aquarium - 10 years ago
Put one goliat tigerfish in there
Antonius vd Klis
Antonius vd Klis - 10 years ago
Result is ok,is a matter off taste of cause. But let him try a Dutch planted sweet water tank from the same size, hehehehe
alias aliaswahrheit
alias aliaswahrheit - 10 years ago
très réussi
Girish Thakur
Girish Thakur - 10 years ago
amazing SIr.
Lars Erik Lunde
Lars Erik Lunde - 10 years ago
The music in the video is to load :-/
1234kse5 - 10 years ago
great aquarium.
I would like to know the name of the small plants, the carpet plants.
I can`t undestand the name, if some one know how to spell it.
Scuddi - 10 years ago
staurogyne repens. if you were still wondering.
Cristian Maierean
Cristian Maierean - 10 years ago
How much did everything cost? (tank, rocks, plants, soils, water and anything else you put into It?) I'm assuming $20,000 usd
John Puetz
John Puetz - 7 years ago
Cristian Maierean you're not far off. That's probably what you'd pay to have one done for you though.
ali alsafar
ali alsafar - 10 years ago
guitarman10000005 - 10 years ago
It's a total waste to put little minnows like that. I know why he did it but I would have used something nicer. What's a nice aquarium without nice fish?
JoJo EZmode
JoJo EZmode - 10 years ago
im jelly
Evelyn Melendez
Evelyn Melendez - 10 years ago
Where them fishes ?
Pheralrage - 10 years ago
This is very inspirational and a brilliant piece of art work! Thank you for sharing this I am happy to have spent time to watch it
Blue Bangz
Blue Bangz - 10 years ago
watch my videos i have 7 oscars
Antonius vd Klis
Antonius vd Klis - 10 years ago
Oscars in feeding your dog?
FinJproductions - 11 years ago
Great video. where is your store?
Mcluvin The Fish
Mcluvin The Fish - 11 years ago
Nice video
Christopher King
Christopher King - 11 years ago
That is just incredible, well done !
qntt2002 - 11 years ago
 James... James... James... James... James... James... James... James... James... James... James... James... That guy loves to say James!
Indra Masberto
Indra Masberto - 11 years ago
How did they ship those plants from Japan to UK? Or is it already exist in UK?
caderaid100 - 11 years ago
I  buy plants online. They are fine being shipped in the dark for a few days.
Caleb Williams
Caleb Williams - 11 years ago
Whooooo how big is that tank
aye_påpi. - 10 years ago
Arizona's was bigger then
Caleb Williams
Caleb Williams - 11 years ago
Just look 1200 =317 US gallons
TheFuzzypelt - 11 years ago
It says in the vid. It's 1,200 liters.
Paul Nicoloso
Paul Nicoloso - 11 years ago
aquascape épuré, plantation réussie
Sonny Clark
Sonny Clark - 11 years ago
can I Put 2 female betta fish in 20 gallon tank  Please resPon
TOMMY LAUDANI - 11 years ago
Another great aquascape by James Findley. I love his work so much. He is great at what he does. And for the people who disliked this video do not understand the true beauty of aquascape.
Michael Burns
Michael Burns - 11 years ago
Cool vid
Spy015 - 11 years ago
Words cannot express the awe in this artistry. I'm crying if it's beauty. Amazing work! When I visit the U.K. I work this will be one of my destinations. Greetings from Miami, Fl.
Marcello Branca
Marcello Branca - 11 years ago
repens what exactly is the name of the carpet plant? i cant understand because of the accent ;)
Lord Perzeval
Lord Perzeval - 9 years ago
Must be a plant called James...
MMODoubter - 11 years ago
Sean Bean survived to the end of this film. Remarkable!    

BigDoc Holz
BigDoc Holz - 11 years ago
This is absolutly Amazing
noddylloyd - 11 years ago
How come in these videos they always plant straight away yet when I got ada soil I was told not to plant for 3 weeks? They said the substrate releases ammonia to mature the filter and it would kill the plants. Why is it different with this substrate?
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, sometimes we wait between hardscape and planting, perhaps we should point this out more obviously in our videos.
Joshua Valladolid
Joshua Valladolid - 11 years ago
Amazing I've never liked freshwater compared to saltwater but James has definitely step up freshwater great good I definitely can appreciate your investment James
Thani gai
Thani gai - 11 years ago
ali afaneh
ali afaneh - 11 years ago
veru nice
Hinz Kunz
Hinz Kunz - 11 years ago
I have always wondered how it is managed that the back and side glass is all black. is it because the lights around are turned off or is there some black foil ? Ive seen this in different colours and could not figure out how they've always done this. When I put foil on the outside it looks ... like an aquarium with foil :D just unnatural. Can anybody explain it for me ?
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
This is a 360° free standing aquarium in our shop. For photography we use temporary backdrops.
aisha - 11 years ago
i thinks its black wallpaper thing for aquariums..ive seen it at my local pet store
Hinz Kunz
Hinz Kunz - 11 years ago
but it does not look like every aquarium with that look is painted... hope you can see it. is this painted ?

100. comment for Aquascaping Tutorial Guide- The Making Of 'Reciprocity' by James Findley

Sarah Petersen
Sarah Petersen - 11 years ago
Those bubbles are just from the plants? That is incredible... I've never seen anything like it.
Profezor Snayp
Profezor Snayp - 11 years ago
+General Lee Savage
It's obvious for someone with even basic aquascaping knowledge that these bubbles are oxygen produced by the plants. Also 'unknown chemicals'? Sure, but just for someone who doesn't recognise oxygen when he sees it.
General Lee Savage
General Lee Savage - 11 years ago
More likely from the 10lbs of unknown magical chemicals he dropped in at the start of the video
CharizerdEX - 11 years ago
nice :P
At first glance- I envisioned this as to be a winding road, through a mountain range- with strange birds and woodland creatures scurrying about. So peaceful, clean, & quiet. I would've preferred a drilled tank- without the water/filter/heater aparatus visible at all, and possibly multi-spectrum programmable LEDs; more enviro-friendly and longer life-hours than high wattage & HOT Halides, much cheaper to run!
Michael yaw
Michael yaw - 11 years ago
mahal sekali ini .... hehehe
philip bultereys
philip bultereys - 11 years ago
Nice aquascape here
I've created a couple of months ago an aquascape valley (see link below)
Willem Van Oranje
Willem Van Oranje - 11 years ago
briljant,i donteven ave a aqaurium (yet) but this is something i really would love to learn and in the end do myself.
keep up posting these vids.
greetings from holland.
DIY Sensei
DIY Sensei - 11 years ago
very very nice ! would love to do something like this !
Thiago Duka
Thiago Duka - 11 years ago
muito bonito cara gosto de aquarios mas por conta de nosso salarios e difilculdades em meu paiz (brasil) e dificil parabens.
Erhan Arslan
Erhan Arslan - 11 years ago
what is the name of this plants ?
MrBowhuntingDude - 11 years ago
why post this? hahahaha
yambouya - 11 years ago
Clay P
Clay P - 11 years ago
Hi there, is this a glass or acrylic tank? Looks acrylic but with the black trim I am not sure. Big fan of what you do.
mioambo1 - 11 years ago
!!!! § J'adore § !!!!!!
Fishman - 11 years ago
Super work. Love the natural aesthetic of the entire system. I would have liked to have seen the aquarium hardware (heater, return pipe) be hidden. Maybe a sump and use of pre-drilled inlets-outlets would further enhance this glorious slice of nature. Once again, well done
allturdmind - 11 years ago
im really high
Gene Cundel
Gene Cundel - 11 years ago
Agreed, same thought crossed my mind. awesome Andy. Didn't do the math as far as the SQ footage in relation to their size, but u are on the the mark,.Living like like THE DONALD, without the Warthan Business school education, no predators, best food on the planet, served punctually. Still LOL Brilliant Perspective, but I get your point..We are the most selfish xxxx on the planet.
Gene Cundel
Gene Cundel - 11 years ago
Show the world your work. We are all waiting for your constructive advice and what you have actually created. Will any of us live long enough for summerandfresh to post he's work. I will not go there. Get a life loser. Be a winner and prove yourself. I may be totally wrong, but you offer us. This man is knowable and very talented. Keep it short and sweet. Don't call me names , I just joined this community today. He has enlighten me on things and I am thankful. YOU CONTRIBUTE NOTHING
Patsplattheredstonisist - 11 years ago
James, I was wondering if you could think of any other substrate you would use besides Ada soil or any other substrate you know will do the job like Ada substrate that is cheaper and easier to get, sorry I am a low techy, I just don't have the money for Ada products
supernewt - 11 years ago
Really enjoyed watching this beautiful scape, if only i had the talent...but it has inspired me all the same :)
amphibianvoice - 11 years ago
I'm so sorry you're french
dom241996 - 11 years ago
@25:21 how is the name of that plant spelled?
Epixelle - 11 years ago
Wow should totally be a betta fish tank! How many us gallons?
Epixelle - 11 years ago
Wow what an art. It takes some real talent to do this!
Sebastian Moya
Sebastian Moya - 11 years ago
Juan Garcia
Juan Garcia - 11 years ago
veo que los acuarios de vidrio ya no se están usando casi ahora veo que la mayoría es de este material parece muy resistente y menos peligroso que el vidrio me gustaría saber el nombre del material gracias y saludos desde Colombia muy bien vídeo
Nelson Maripil Terán
Nelson Maripil Terán - 11 years ago
Es el armado de una acuario mas minucioso que he visto
MUHAMMAD CHAIRONI - 11 years ago
chris collett
chris collett - 11 years ago
I love your channel You make very beautiful tanks I only hope someday I can make something on that level. Thank you for your videos.
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 11 years ago
He is good but not that good he should be... james check aqua tank from japan
JB3 - 11 years ago
I am curious as to whether the water added to the aquarium had been previously cycled or whether the cycling process can begin as the aquascape is created?
Ahmet Güray Durmaz
Ahmet Güray Durmaz - 11 years ago
Do you have a distributor in Turkey?
Mitsufumi Koizumi
Mitsufumi Koizumi - 11 years ago
Larry Seus
Larry Seus - 11 years ago
I use white winegar and water to rinse it out with, then you can use fluoride free toothpaste and a silk cloth to buff out any small scratches, wipe off any excess, you can clean the outside with pure isopropyl alcohol and paper towels if that helps :)
Andy Limoncelli
Andy Limoncelli - 11 years ago
Pretty darn lucky fish!!!
Andy Limoncelli
Andy Limoncelli - 11 years ago
What species of fish did you use
Cheyne Skye
Cheyne Skye - 11 years ago
Hey. What was the plant name that you planted in the rocks to make a carpet?
Metalfishead - 11 years ago
Why the water from natures chaos looks green? It should look crystal clear.
Augustyno - 11 years ago
I watched this as one of my best movies...F.awesome..!
suggarachel - 11 years ago
do you only do freshwater? not saltwater?
Mahdi Rusta
Mahdi Rusta - 11 years ago
the music is so annoying
ladyh001 - 11 years ago
Such beauty...
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
Come in and speak to us.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
No we don't sorry.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
TGM Substrate Supports - search them on our website- follow the links in the video description.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
Sorry if we miss some questions... our videos are getting a lot of views and comments and it's impossible to answer everything. If you have technical questions, and you're a customer of our shop, you can call or visit us for advice during our opening hours.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
James wanted the viewers eye to be drawn to that space... it's located roughly a on the golden ratio (two thirds). He also wanted a sandy area for the fish to enjoy.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
Yes they are... a truly satisfying sight in all Nature Aquariums.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
The stone used in this aquascape is ADA Manten Stone
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
Rivers often meander through valleys :)
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
We are talking about true nature aquariums- fully planted setups- and ones which the public can visit today.
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
in all seriousness i love how big this aquarium is with such small fish in it, and such a supernatural environment. luscious aquariums like this are one in a million. well worth the 45 minutes
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
at first it was beautiful. THEN after a month he had to do a waterchange. it was at that point which he realized all of his time had been wasted..
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
what city do you live in? new york? LA? chicago?
Nekrotika Borgia
Nekrotika Borgia - 11 years ago
Pd, its sweet wather
Nekrotika Borgia
Nekrotika Borgia - 11 years ago
Hey i have a cuestion' my aacuary is them 300lts , and i want to plant, vegetation live, how cant do this????
sandhu singh
sandhu singh - 11 years ago
i have a cat fish and dolllar fish or some other also in my aqarium but i want to plant real plants what sort of things i need to do
LISA MCNAY - 11 years ago
oh and do u know any1 local that re-seale tanks please
LISA MCNAY - 11 years ago
hi , how do u clean you glass as ive got a second hand 1 and want it to sparkle , any tips , im dwn the road from u and will hopefully be visiting u in the near future , i have a 6ft tank and want to do something like u are doing in the middle ,
Aiboq Re
Aiboq Re - 11 years ago
i watched this 3 times and this is 4th.. lol , i really like your aquascaping videos..
Lemon bey
Lemon bey - 11 years ago
Great photography and aquascaping
UbiquitousCrum - 11 years ago
is that Sean Bean narrating?
MrKzug - 11 years ago
ADA Amazonia. You can find it online for as little as $70 a bag. :)
Vince Russell
Vince Russell - 11 years ago
What is the substrate?
Yantax - 11 years ago
Un gran trabajo, disfruto mucho viendo vuestros vídeos. Me gustaría pediros un favor. ¿me podríais decir como se llama la música de este magnífico video?. Muchas gracias de antemano y saludos desde Madrid.
47trea - 11 years ago
This is so beautiful, I can not thank you enough for uploading these. I love this videos to pieces.
finn niko
finn niko - 11 years ago
great to see natures chaos finally got some chaos
joseph rivera
joseph rivera - 11 years ago
8:22 the rocks form the word ass lol
Abhishek Vp
Abhishek Vp - 11 years ago
he should put beautiful turtles in there.......
kharnifex - 11 years ago
should live black worms ever be added to this substrate?
Phat Chenh
Phat Chenh - 11 years ago
Simply Amazing!!!!
Convict1975 - 11 years ago
How can anyone dislike?!?!
Ibo akın
Ibo akın - 11 years ago
buyuk usta eline saglık cok guzel oldu benım hayalımdekı cennetımı yaptın tesekkurler sana turkey mr .akın
ihrdlick - 11 years ago
84 people have hamster
c43939 - 12 years ago
minieshanks tyga
minieshanks tyga - 12 years ago
ADA manten stone
Cleme Castejon
Cleme Castejon - 12 years ago
hola James Findley... como se llama el sustracto que le pones en el acuario para que crescaan las plantas...
ihrdlick - 12 years ago
Please, add a list of plants :-) Thanks
KING - 12 years ago
Can i have a job :p
HK - 12 years ago
Every time i see the thumb pic of this video it always looks like some old guy is falling in a tank
adam pospisil
adam pospisil - 12 years ago
Wish this james would do my tank
Mike Kincaid
Mike Kincaid - 12 years ago
shawnmccori - 12 years ago
I noticed somthing about my plants if you dont clean your ground plug on your lights your plants will die. My plants are doing better after I took a file to the ground and took a layer off of it. The light is much cooler to the touch to.
john omeara
john omeara - 12 years ago
if you don't answer people question what good is the sight some people ask good Question some dont. i unstand you will not answer all,but you only ans one . johno
bnar faruq
bnar faruq - 12 years ago
DwwwD - 12 years ago
The middle section with just sand looks very odd in my opinion. I don't see the reason for it, what does it add?
atislav - 12 years ago
Are all the oxygen bubbles from plants???
Andrew Weaver
Andrew Weaver - 12 years ago
Would be nice to spend some more time on the fish. Simply "Some other fish", they add movement and are a large piece of the "Nature" which is being created.Especially when you said Repen close to 200 times.
modelleg - 12 years ago
What is "mountain stone" be specific?
flightoftheunknown - 12 years ago
Absolutely amazing! I really like his choice in fish as well.
Anj Abo
Anj Abo - 12 years ago
Looks good but very classic and nothing special. Very simple, base design.
Daniel Marinov
Daniel Marinov - 12 years ago
What are the substrate supports made of?
muffemod - 12 years ago
Truth. Sadly most users in the community have not caught on to this yet. 10 or 20 years from now it will be all the rage. You're ahead of your time.
Andrea Toman
Andrea Toman - 12 years ago
This is a beautiful aquascape! I love what he did with building up the opposing corners. I do feel like the road curves the wrong way... Roads don't have bends unless there is something to go around. It could have bended around the rock formations, but instead it bent the opposite way into the rock formations.
Jamison Gunhus
Jamison Gunhus - 12 years ago
haha posted on my birthday
Jamison Gunhus
Jamison Gunhus - 12 years ago
how many gallons?
gooner1matt - 12 years ago
The only thing which is letting this tank down are the terrible heater and canister filter pipes at both ends, this tank is crying out for a sump, somewhere you can hide all the equipment and therefore only need a pipe at each end drilled through the bottom of the tank. Its such a beautiful tank however I feel all the equipment gets close to ruining it.
naattik - 12 years ago
I am just looking to setup a 10 gallon tank and stumbled across this one :) I don't think TGM has a branch in NYC. I am researching on how to build a planted tank and turns out it's gonna be an expensive hobby. Nevertheless, the video, tank and his style is a great inspiration and fun to watch. I wonder how many years of practice and patience ..learning it took for James Findley. WOW !!!
ziggy511 - 12 years ago
cool tank, but the narration and music are awful.
Amelia Morris
Amelia Morris - 12 years ago
This tank is absolutely stunning and an inspiration. Aquascaping is not common in New Zealand and most aquatics shops don't even sell fertilizers. I wish Natures Aquarium and the Green Machine was here.
andy o'sullivan
andy o'sullivan - 12 years ago
how easy it the upkeep of this?? i.e algae growth.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
It depends on the size and setting. Glass is usually preferable because it doesn't warp light unevenly such as in the case of acrylic - this can distract from viewing the aquascape. Acrylic has the advantage of higher clarity and therefore better colour representation. Acrylic won't shatter like glass. Our largest display tanks are acrylic whereas all our smaller aquariums are glass. We advise that glass is the best choice for most circumstances.
SilentDreamcast - 12 years ago
do you guys use glass or acrylic aquariums?
Gus Stav
Gus Stav - 12 years ago
oh man, all that ADA soil, must be expensive :o
Devy - 12 years ago
Those little bubbles make a huge difference, but that seems like it would be so hard / expensive to do :(
leandro amodeo
leandro amodeo - 12 years ago
could put Spanish subtitles to your videos please?
leandro amodeo
leandro amodeo - 12 years ago
Very good all his videos! A query, which is the white powder spread on the glass base with which the process begins? Thank you very much for sharing and teaching. Blessings from Argentina
ZHT1988 - 12 years ago
Lol wow, I started off keeping freshwater tanks and have always wanted to do a saltwater tank. Just now I started working on one because of its beauty, but after watching this video and seeing that he's taking his time to seperate the roots and place them one by one in very detailed spots, is brilliant. I usually just place the whole plant in the gravel. Then when the water and fishes were added seeing how they swam was mind blowing.I regret not giving freshwater a serious try, Thankyou :)
jason bourne
jason bourne - 12 years ago
shrimptail - 12 years ago
lol and i think i'm all that with my root tabs
Cichlidking1 - 12 years ago
Awesome video.
chrissy shadows
chrissy shadows - 12 years ago
amazing video.... a lot off skills on show, thanks for the upload..
René Pedersen
René Pedersen - 12 years ago
Det er bare flot lavet, men kræver også store akvarier.
FINEM1000 - 12 years ago
OMG! beautiful
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
ADA Manten Stone... a truly beautiful hardscape material and one of James' favourites.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Staurogyne repens
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
The best way is to visit our shop and let one of our team talk you through it. That way you can learn the basics and decide what is best for your budget. It is possible to have a basic setup but compromises in light and other things limit choice of plants etc. It takes someone with hands on experience to guide you correctly. Most shops out there won't be able to offer sufficiently good advice in this case.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Good luck!
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
On our website... search 'TGM Substrate Supports'
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
True- there is greater creative scope.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
ADA Aqua Soil does not need to be cleaned. Liquid fertilization is also used in the water for the plants.
Nechemia Barkai
Nechemia Barkai - 12 years ago
nice! music is super annoying though
ziko88 - 12 years ago
Great video, but the "music" gave me a terrible head-ache...
Joshie Gastelum
Joshie Gastelum - 12 years ago
Nice tank!! Those little fish realy suck tho buddy.
ForeverMango - 12 years ago
Just wondering, how much co2 you are pumping to this tank? I used to pump 3-4bps but have reduced to 1bps because of the shrimps.
patrick vandun
patrick vandun - 12 years ago
Nice men you are the best
ac3b1s - 12 years ago
So what says the electric bill allone for this massiv tank and super lights? Its power level must be over 9000 :D
deadeye4047 - 12 years ago
Is it dangerous to put crystals in saltwter or freshwater tanks?
Kiwiana - 12 years ago
WOW...What an amazing tranquil serene scape
jrob9inson - 12 years ago
Love the marble stand as well. Nice!
HamzaaAbu - 12 years ago
Wow! James....James... James.
Ian - 12 years ago
Staurogyne repens
Kristopher Mallernee
Kristopher Mallernee - 12 years ago
WOW AMAZING u just entertaind me and my son for the whole langth of the video keep in mind he's 3 and hyper....
The0Burger0King - 12 years ago
I really like the idea of aquariums as art work. This is an absolutely beautiful tank, my dream is to have a nature aquarium like this some day.
Maria Fernanda
Maria Fernanda - 12 years ago
Stones is little rock is ok some fish like big rock and many grass and some air
NYC420OZONE - 12 years ago
wow thats so awesome i been wondering about the soundtrack as well where can i purchase your substrates ? i have just aquired a large power headed tank i want to do this so bad and do it right !
mrgoodstuff1990 - 12 years ago
James your a true pimp
GeneralGiggleMuffin - 12 years ago
Is it okay to smoke any left over substrate or is it better to inject it?
TheTheladrillo23 - 12 years ago
the 360 view is awesome....
lastofthewildes - 12 years ago
What a stunning composition. I'm also very pleased at how detailed each step was both explained and demonstrated. A great video for new and aspiring aquascapers.
LudwigVaanArthans - 12 years ago
This is the perfect video to make one feel bad for the horrible conditions in which some might keep their little fishies ._. Breathtaking work nonetheless :D Thank you for sharing!
TheEPICworldofJAMES - 12 years ago
this tank is actually 1134.91 liters, or 249.73 UK gallons, or 299.92 US gallons
TheEPICworldofJAMES - 12 years ago
that would be fun, considering my name is James :)
Maschinenkanone - 12 years ago
Hello! Can anyone tell me the name of the plant at 21:52? I'm german and understand the speech not so good. Many thanks!
Patrick Darcy
Patrick Darcy - 12 years ago
Fun drinking game. Drink each time you hear "James".
Paul Baker
Paul Baker - 12 years ago
Do you grow all of your own plants if yes pls post a few videos
Royal CHI
Royal CHI - 12 years ago
i wish if we had some like services in Dubai
levihorse84 - 12 years ago
Is there a really simple, inexpensive way to start aquascaping? I mean what would you recommend? Or is it just one of those things that you have to kind of learn by doing?
lolita Qilin
lolita Qilin - 12 years ago
Amazing aquascape :)
Jared T
Jared T - 12 years ago
Can i buy those dividers anywhere?
大狐 - 12 years ago I know where are the ADA soil go...there they are!!!
lefteris gk
lefteris gk - 12 years ago
This is why I love tropical tanks! You have more choices than just rocks and some fake corrals.
legoman407 - 12 years ago
woooowww..... so cool
João Maia
João Maia - 12 years ago
first of all, congratulations for this aquarium aquascape. i have a question ('n im starting in this world of aquascaping) how do you clean the substrate, or you don´t? and do you need any kind of 'medical' care with the plants or the substrate is enough for the next few years ?
Determined ZenFocus
Determined ZenFocus - 12 years ago
No, they don't... They make oxygen
wjeon5000 - 12 years ago
the plants make co2
firash25 - 12 years ago
From where are all the tiny bubbles coming?
troetti71 - 12 years ago
Beautiful Layout. Well, an Update - Video would be very nice. ;-) Best Regards from Germany
Adolfo Fullo
Adolfo Fullo - 12 years ago
AMG Performance Driver
AMG Performance Driver - 12 years ago
Bobby Shotz
Bobby Shotz - 12 years ago
Absolutely gorgeous tank... A true work of art and testament to the builders patience and attention to detai. Outstanding!!
luistorres1rad - 12 years ago
excellent aquarium, sorry to many millimeters is the thickness of the fish tank. thanks
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee - 12 years ago
tell him to give me his big giant tank. cause my large goldfishes: ryukins, orandas, black moors, common goldfishes, and algea eaters need that tank. i have 14 fish all together. 20 glalon so far, they;re all babies atm. gonna get a 55 gallon in future. if hmong tv, or hmong usa tv pays me, when they have a good budget to pay me. i work in the shadows for them for the time being. i work for both companies, i am not a traitor, i just like helping out my own kind. the other races have no respect.
PanoramicFaith - 12 years ago
They explain in the video that he uses small fish in his nature aquariums to increase the sense of scale. It's supposed to feel like you're looking at a vast landscape. Without these small fish, this would be just another fish tank, instead of the artistic beauty that James typically creates.
tanguy desvosges
tanguy desvosges - 12 years ago
Hello, I was wondering if you could give me the parameters of the water? Thank you.
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee - 12 years ago
those fishes are too small for that tank. all i am saying.
PanoramicFaith - 12 years ago
I don't think goldfish would compliment this tank at all.
PanoramicFaith - 12 years ago
Don't question the master.
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee - 12 years ago
you should've put goldfish in that tank instead of those small fish.
Ubiquitous1 - 12 years ago
could yo make a video showing the type of filtration you use in these tanks?
roshan pk
roshan pk - 12 years ago
Amazing video.cant ask more.videos like this are the videos that bring people to the hobby.
Hollsten Holl
Hollsten Holl - 12 years ago
what was his name again :D?
Skibadee - 12 years ago
what is the price of this setup excluding the tank, filter, fish ?
1234567890nam - 12 years ago
Help when I make aquariums. What can of dirt should I use?
alessandro  irazú chavez quiroz
alessandro irazú chavez quiroz - 12 years ago
que hermoso acuario,quisiera tener uno igual
fishlaw1 - 12 years ago
Outstanding job James, keep-up the extraordinary work. Skip
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Please note we do not ship ADA goods overseas.
rexlinkfish - 12 years ago
Amazing setup! But right now I'm glad I don't have a massive planted tank. This looks like hours and hours and hours of maintenance a week and then hours upon hours to set up.
ShellysAshes - 12 years ago
I wish I was a Premiership Footballer so I could pay James Findley and his team to build a scape for me.
Dylan Such
Dylan Such - 12 years ago
Also is there any way that at some point the GreenMachine can make an hour long vid of just the completed tanks that I can play on my tv in HD? its nice to have stuff like tha playingt while I work through my university assignments! Cheers!
Dylan Such
Dylan Such - 12 years ago
Thanks for the response and the suggestion. Is there any chance that your music will become available to the public at some point? Also thanks for making such great vids! I hope to see more build videos like "Reciprocity" and "Natures Chaos". I have seen both countless times and have been able to pull some inspiration from them that shows in my own tanks. It would be great if you could do more like that!
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
We've had a lot of interest in our music... this soundtrack is made by our in house team so it's not available to the public at the moment. One of James' personal favourites for aquascaping is Vangelis - have a listen to the Blade Runner soundtrack amongst others :)
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Correct, it can last a very long time depending on the plants used and the skills of the maintenance team. This aquarium is still going strong.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
We can ship anywhere... even if its not yet on our web system. Folow the 'Worldwide Shipping' instructions on our website. If that fails use the contact form and include the products you want... then we can find the best possible shipping price for your location or let you know if it is not possible for those products.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Of course :) we supply everything for the planted tank- including all the advice you will need. Call our shop on 01978 265 090 (UK) or contact us using the form on our website.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
The CO2 is diffused inline with the filter (outside of the tank) using a TGM Custom Kit. We've updated the description of the video to link to the Reciprocity Aquascape Journal on our website which details what was used in the setup and features many photographs that can't be seen in this video!
Ribit ODST
Ribit ODST - 12 years ago
Can I order substrate from you guys?
Vaping VetTech
Vaping VetTech - 12 years ago
could you imagine - 21:33 nah, it's not right, break it down and lets start again.
Wisam Akily
Wisam Akily - 12 years ago
Wonderful! Amazing work and I loved how the video was created, i wished it was even longer :) I live in the UAE and we don't get tropica plants here, only some cheap low quality plants... Also ADA large tanks are not available, I was looking for ADA 120X60X45 and I only found Do!Aqua with max size of 90X45X45. I wish you could deliver to outside of the UK
saad ali
saad ali - 12 years ago
a beautiful peice of art.... really amazing. good work guys.
MrGridStrom - 12 years ago
What an amazing environment for the fish and shrimps to live in It looks like they are in heaven.
Dylan Such
Dylan Such - 12 years ago
Would you be able to tell me the Name and artist of the background music that plays in this video? or send me to a site where I can get it? it would be very relaxing while I do school work and stair at my own aquariums! Cheers eh!
brics macs
brics macs - 12 years ago
how long will it last sir? will it last years when it is maintain well?
Laurent Clus
Laurent Clus - 12 years ago
MAGNIFIQUE ce qu'il manque c'est le volume 2 tout ce qui concerne la technique et surtout le voir évoluer au fil du temps encore BRAVO
Chad Tweedie
Chad Tweedie - 12 years ago
You are wrong, fish is plural for one species of fish. Fishes is plural for multiple fish of multiple species.
Chelsea Knaack
Chelsea Knaack - 12 years ago
I want a setup like this for wild imbillis betta. They would flourish in a tank like that. Even my hm betta would flourish in a tank that nice. I can dream.
Moonlit Tanks
Moonlit Tanks - 12 years ago
What is the name of the song in the video?? I love it.
igor schena
igor schena - 12 years ago
Brandon Pek
Brandon Pek - 12 years ago
Sounds cool, i'd love to see that amazing picture! Sadly they're not in this video..
QuantumMecha - 12 years ago
there is no such word as fishes. fish is singular and plural
Mark Penhall
Mark Penhall - 12 years ago
Amazing great work
Tri Nguyen
Tri Nguyen - 12 years ago
That's the good thing with planted aquarium, naturally the plant act as a natural filter so all you need to do is siphon the water and add new water into the tank to replenish the mineral and of course clean the algae off the glass if there is any.
poisonedslo - 12 years ago
sleepytyme1 - 12 years ago
will AI vega light work for this type of setup?
marijn oostland
marijn oostland - 12 years ago
@ fenix to dive in it I think ;)
marijn oostland
marijn oostland - 12 years ago
Nice to see this :) so I can soon try me own 60-30 aquarium ;)
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
There are 750 Green Neon Tetras in this tank that shoal beautifully. There are also over 500 Crystal Red Shrimp which James finds to be more beautiful than the Cherries. :)
Zach Beck
Zach Beck - 12 years ago
Desmond chia
Desmond chia - 12 years ago
they should have added discus into the tank!! it will be more amazing!!1
Jordi Gimenez calvo
Jordi Gimenez calvo - 12 years ago
it´s incredible!! congratulations
fenix Baalzephon Leom
fenix Baalzephon Leom - 12 years ago
really amazing¡¡ i have a question how will you clean the water?
Kevin watt
Kevin watt - 12 years ago
simply beautiful , its like a cross section of a river, superb job
Pleroma believer
Pleroma believer - 12 years ago
I want to learn how to do this. Are there classes that one could be instructed on how to Aquascape? or are their CD's one could watch to learn?
kel - 12 years ago
he wont put thoses in a planted tank. there just eat the pants.
kel - 12 years ago
did you guys use Co2 or no.
Bdoggz - 12 years ago
Needs an Oscar
1992pattrow - 12 years ago
I have a 125 gallon planted aquarium
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Practice makes perfect. Good luck!
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
If you want to purchase products, related questions should be directed to us directly at our shop. Visit our website to get our contact details.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Correct. Tropical fresh warm water.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
This is oxygen produced by the plants during photosynthesis. This oxygen is what the fish breathe.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Yes that is correct. We add CO2 to the water for the plants and they in turn generate the oxygen for the fish. You cannot use airstones in a planted tank because they will kill the plants.
Brandon Pek
Brandon Pek - 12 years ago
Poor choice of fishes. Should include cherry shrimps and schooling fishes like neon tetras instead of the messy and un-appealing combination of small fishes.
bi_yorumda_benden - 12 years ago
after all his hands must be like baloon as i stay long at shower
YouAreASillyGoose - 12 years ago
I could JO to this video
Deepak BSingh
Deepak BSingh - 12 years ago
just amazing...
sea xse
sea xse - 12 years ago
12 morons also watched this video.
zegfred petalcorin
zegfred petalcorin - 12 years ago
UnderwaterTreasurez - 12 years ago
Just breath taking, beautiful work!
Furyu1959 - 12 years ago
It is a wonderfull movie, I have wached it over and over for a few times already. Together with mr. Amano`s it is great to learn for beginers as well as for advanced aquascapers. Thanks and best wishes from Poland
118bus - 12 years ago
How was the water added to the aquarium without disturbing the substrate??
118bus - 12 years ago
Kamina Bubbles
Kamina Bubbles - 12 years ago
Great logic bro.
Clark Bingham
Clark Bingham - 12 years ago
mines better
Clark Bingham
Clark Bingham - 12 years ago
why would you get goldfish? They are extremly dirty, quite boring, and there isnt a great selection to choose from. Out of interest why dont you go tropical.
kingwithabrokencrown - 12 years ago
WOW! thats just freakin beautiful,awesome looking tank,good job
sLyone777 - 12 years ago
nice tank whats the name of the foreground plant
Yantax - 12 years ago
Que autentica maravilla... lastima que no entienda lo que dice el locutor....
Adycab30 - 12 years ago
would a planted tank be nice for goldfish? i mean, if they eat the plants, what are the most recomende plants for these kind of fish?
xelA ppaR
xelA ppaR - 12 years ago
Yes those bubbles are from the plants themselves. dont you have a planted tank? all plants do this if they are healthy
Juan Garcia
Juan Garcia - 12 years ago
LOVE the video.
Flying Fish Guy
Flying Fish Guy - 12 years ago
Nice layout. Hard work. What I dont understand is why in an layout like this that has so much attention to detail that I have to look at intake/output tubes on the ends. Its a common thing. Why can't these tanks be drilled and and have all the plumbing go through the bottom and have those tubes hidden within the layout? Your opinion?
Ten Four Rubber Ducky
Ten Four Rubber Ducky - 12 years ago
joney junaid
joney junaid - 12 years ago
why don't I buy A BMW car if I expend my money on it
beto zepeda
beto zepeda - 12 years ago
y gual eso amigo
Arturo Qrz
Arturo Qrz - 12 years ago
penes de colores
MrSniperRifle - 12 years ago
Add up the surface area of your aquarium stand, add the weight of water (8.3 lbs per gallon) plus and rock, plants or other items you're going to use and then divide by the surface area. That will give you a rough figure of the pressure per square foot.
haza bazza
haza bazza - 12 years ago
what type or style is the rock called?
theberengersniper - 12 years ago
I've no idea how I managed to stumble across this video (the wonders of YouTube), but I'm glad I did. Fantastic!
fishforme2 - 12 years ago
Fantastic work!
Deborah Armstrong
Deborah Armstrong - 12 years ago
Where can I see a current view of this tank? Also, you list about what? 550 fish? but when I'm watching the video, I see maybe 40? I know they're small, but this seems a bit um...odd.
giloz2k - 12 years ago
Great video, could you please list the substrate materials and order of use? I noticed he added additives first and so on. Thank you for your help and inspiration. Please forgive my poor English.
I'dRatherBe AtTheZoo
I'dRatherBe AtTheZoo - 12 years ago
@a7xtn the plants create oxygen, which is air
Prakaz - 12 years ago
Awesome videos! One question - how thick (mm) is the glass/acrylic used in the aquarium in the video? Thanks!
pokemontoxicrpg - 12 years ago
Im in love .....
Willem Van Oranje
Willem Van Oranje - 12 years ago
hello,for as long as i can remember i want a nice aquarium but my landlord,has put a stop to that because i could not tell what the exact pressure of the whole set-up would be and i could not give him the exact weight of it aswell so he said: aint gonna happen :(
ursamagick - 12 years ago
Lovely, fascinating! Could someone tell me the name of the first tiny plants that James put into the scape?
nissanfang35 - 12 years ago
So what's the website again?
solou1 - 12 years ago
people actually disliked this vid??? you didnt a fantastic job very inspirational
Bruno Felêja
Bruno Felêja - 12 years ago
MAGNIFICO...5*****...!!! AÇORES...(AZORES)...
BeastSavage100 - 12 years ago
how much would this cost say in a smaller version 55 gallon ?
sounduser - 12 years ago
I think that guys name is James... :)
ifUdidwoodU - 12 years ago
my aquascape is better lol
Ikutlesswitaskillet - 12 years ago
Mr. Findley, I just want to say, that your creative genius is inspiring, and it has inspired me to create a 2 gallon planted Betta bowl, this is just the beginning, so please check it out on my channel, it would mean the world to me. Once again, as always, excellent job on the 'Reciprocity"'
Ian Cook
Ian Cook - 12 years ago
I admire your patience James.... inspirational to say the least!!
dnsuper - 12 years ago
8:25 where'd you go?
llMastermindll - 12 years ago
Great video, especially for any one just starting out and learning the ropes of aquascaping techniques... I've been doing a bit of aquascaping for a while, but still found this video inspirational... keep up the good work...
Tony Griffitts
Tony Griffitts - 12 years ago
Nice video James!
Mark O' Callaghan
Mark O' Callaghan - 12 years ago
A lot of work, looks epic, very nice tank!
Iofmine - 12 years ago
The Layout table is absolutely genius!
mroshfosh - 12 years ago
Dam. This makes me wanna stop my reef tank and get into fresh water! Great video
Boardskate89 - 12 years ago
WingsOfHorus - 12 years ago
I take it this is a tropical fish tank?
Prefex f
Prefex f - 12 years ago
I really enjoyed this video I couldn't help but be inspired. I wish I could give it 10,000 likes. Greatest film ever! It should have more then 15,000 views :/
Toan Pham
Toan Pham - 12 years ago
Hi all! After watching several iwagumi setup including this one. I've decided to make my own but I need feedback and opinion. Please check out my channel and see for yourself! =D
Dan Jesper Larsen
Dan Jesper Larsen - 12 years ago
truly beautifull..very inspiring for my upcoming 290 litre aquascape project :-)
silibermoh - 12 years ago
hello, I have a qeustion How do you call that divider in the movie I need to now how it is called in material words what material and where i can buy it or order it thank you greetings siliber
1Filmproducer - 12 years ago
very nice video :) cant wait to start mine :)
1Filmproducer - 12 years ago
roughly, how much would it cost to aquascape a 3.5ft aquarium, with medium cover? Thanks
Tom McCormack
Tom McCormack - 12 years ago
amazing as always
Achilles Reef
Achilles Reef - 12 years ago
about 313 gallons
Fabulous - 12 years ago
Is HC comes up so much the the best solution is to give it a dry start
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Thank you to everyone for the feedback, it is appreciated by everyone in the TGM team! :-) Sign up to our monthly newsletter for all the latest articles, videos and updates.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Thanks for the feedback - glad you liked them.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
James used a bowl that the water pipe went into and then filled it very carefully, to prevent it disturbing the scape.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
You can do a small aquascape on a budget with our Exceptional Value Range - have a look at our website for more details. One of the brilliant things about Nature Aquariums is that even small aquascapes can be breathtaking.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
You can find them, and lots more information, on our website. Thanks for the feedback!
TheHypercasual - 12 years ago
James Findley really follows a sense of wabi-sabi
Pure4Kicks - 12 years ago
those fish are so lucky
Pure4Kicks - 12 years ago
What a great video to watch while my planted tanks background is drying :) time for a second coat.
acrovis - 12 years ago
You are great ! Thank you.
FishAntsPlantsAndDave - 12 years ago
beautiful. keep up the good work. love the videos!
Sookun Niraj
Sookun Niraj - 12 years ago
like like like....
Krubarax - 12 years ago
Please explain how he filled up the first water, just before beginning to plant, without stirring up the scape? I can see no plastic foil or anything in the tank. Did he use plastic foil which was removed for the sake of filming?
Kilavin - 12 years ago
I can't decide if it is a work of art, a little piece of nature, or both. Regardless, this tank is beautiful.
Jonnywhooop - 12 years ago
what are the substrate supports made out of that seperate the sand and the soil? thank you
QuickQuips - 12 years ago
Beautiful work...though now I will feel inadequate if I get anything less than 200 gallons. I wish you had subtitles, since the Transcribe Audio's output is unintentionally hilarious: 1:11 - stolen weapons commandos to malice hijack our future posture two-pound and some battalion commander foley and national attention for the world. 3:32 - all specialist retailers should have mexico in displays
Prince Kehy
Prince Kehy - 12 years ago
Well I know what I want for my birthday...hahaha
Tiago Marques
Tiago Marques - 12 years ago
dude these videos are awesomely done! well done!
Harry Druid
Harry Druid - 12 years ago
Do these types of substrates need to be replaced after a year? can they last as long as you have the tank up?
Antoneeo Lasamahu
Antoneeo Lasamahu - 12 years ago
james d'sylva
james d'sylva - 12 years ago
excellent, i can't wait for them :)
reigels - 12 years ago
Amazing - This is so relaxing to watch. Thank you.
SDK - 12 years ago
honestly, this should be made into a real TV show. I know i'd watch it!
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Oh! :) Yes, this is a mammoth Nature Aquarium - James Findley originally had this tank made for his home...but the plans soon grew into a shop so it went into The Green Machine's showroom instead! It is possible to achieve results that are stunning in smaller aquariums too though - we've got some videos of James Findley doing some smaller Nature Aquariums coming out next.
james d'sylva
james d'sylva - 12 years ago
i was talking more the money and space side of it :)
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Hi CoolRay001 Thanks for the comment - there are even more videos on the way! Sign up to our newsletter on our website for all the latest news and information.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Hi Filo011, Really glad you like it, and thanks for the feedback, it is really appreciated by everyone in the TGM Team.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Thanks for the feedback - keep watching our channel because there are even more videos on the way.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Thank you! Glad you liked it:)
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Hi James, with specialist advice and a bit of practice, you'll get there! :) Have a look at some of the articles on our website under the 'tips and tricks' section, or call in store for one-to-one advice from a member of our team.
matubula - 12 years ago
I didn't think you could keep my attention for over 40 minutes, but you did! Great video and commentary, Mark.
james d'sylva
james d'sylva - 12 years ago
it depresses me to know that i wil never own a tank as gorgeous as this :'(
Bob Nugget
Bob Nugget - 12 years ago
:') I love you guys.
Crawrla - 12 years ago
Filo011 - 12 years ago
i really enjoy these videos thank you
FoxGamer - 12 years ago
NEW VIDEO!!! ^_^

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