Aquascaping Tutorial Guide- The Making Of 'Reciprocity' by James Findley
Howto 12 years ago 1,050,562 views James Findley's latest Aquascape 'Reciprocity' which measures a huge 305cm x 61cm x 61cm (approx. 1200 Litres)- come and see it progress in The Green Machine, Wrexham, UK! Livestock includes: 125 x Rasbora Merah, 80 x Black/Purple Harlequin Rasbora, 100 x Blue Line Rasbora, 20 x Botia sidthimunki, 50 x Rasbora kubotai, 60 x Rasbora espei, 45 x Emerald Eye Rasbora (Rasbora dorsiocellata), 70 x Amano Shrimp (Caridina Japonica). Mainly small species were chosen to make the aquascape seem even bigger! Many thanks to professional aquascaper James Findley, creator of Reciprocity and Nature's Chaos (among many others) and founder of The Green Machine. You can see more of James' iconic work throughout our website- as well as browse and shop for all his favourite aquascaping materials, tools and equipment. You can meet James in The Green Machine where he provides friendly consultations, help and advice to aquascapers of all levels. Looking for a professional partner to create and maintain stunning Nature Aquariums? Contact us via our website and a member of our specialist team will get back to you to discuss. We provide many levels of service suited to your needs and tailor packages for you.
10. comment for Aquascaping Tutorial Guide- The Making Of 'Reciprocity' by James Findley
20. comment for Aquascaping Tutorial Guide- The Making Of 'Reciprocity' by James Findley
turned out pretty unique but my plant choices were horrible
30. comment for Aquascaping Tutorial Guide- The Making Of 'Reciprocity' by James Findley
ikr their tanks are amazing
50. comment for Aquascaping Tutorial Guide- The Making Of 'Reciprocity' by James Findley
That said, my latest aquarium is sand and plants, with only bog wood as hardscape. I think it will be easier to manage any algae I get.
Blended art of nature. Amazing
I would like to know the name of the small plants, the carpet plants.
I can`t undestand the name, if some one know how to spell it.
can I Put 2 female betta fish in 20 gallon tank Please resPon
100. comment for Aquascaping Tutorial Guide- The Making Of 'Reciprocity' by James Findley
It's obvious for someone with even basic aquascaping knowledge that these bubbles are oxygen produced by the plants. Also 'unknown chemicals'? Sure, but just for someone who doesn't recognise oxygen when he sees it.
I've created a couple of months ago an aquascape valley (see link below)
keep up posting these vids.
greetings from holland.