Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Realistic Natural setting tank tree forest (size 80 x 40 x 40h 130 L)

SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Realistic Natural setting tank tree forest wood and rocks (size 80 x 40 x 40h 130 L) Curved front glass. Tutorial Takashi Aamano ADA style Aquascaping fish tank by Aquascaping Lab, Tommaso Perini feat Serena Sacchi. Come costruire un acquario per pesci, di design in poche ore in stile ada mimimale ma ricco di piante e natura. In questa rappresentazione un albero che si erge in mezzo al paesaggio ricco di vegetazione. DECORATION OBJECT: fetilizaed soil, Sensuij stone ada, porous gravel, Java wood, PLANT LIST: Riccardia Moss, Pogostemon Helferi, Glossostigma Elatinoides, Eleocharis Acicularis. Si ringrazia per la sponsorizzazione dei materiali e delle piante: TROPLANT Piante Acquatiche AQUA STUDIO HOBBYACQUARIO AQUARIA ENGLISH: Aquascaping Lab is a channel dedicated to the world of aquariums, where you can find tutorials, reviews, info, tips and experiences shared by experts in the field of aquascaping. The topics covered are: - Aquascaping in oriental design (Takashi Amano style), various habitats and fitting procedure illustrated by means of tutorials. - Productions of marine aquariums, tropical and Mediterranean. - Description and sheets of fish crustaceans molluscs invertebrates and corals in saltwater and freshwater. - Description and data sheets of plants and mosses. - Review of technical material and products as Askoll Sera, Ehiem, Tetra, JBL, Friskies and others. - Tips and tricks for starting, cleaning and maintenance of an aquarium: sheets of the materials used. ITALIANO: Aquascaping Lab è un canale dedicato al mondo degli acquari dove potrete trovare tutorials, recensioni, informazioni, consigli ed esperienze condivise da esperti nel campo dell'acquaristica. Gli argomenti trattati sono: - Aquascaping in design orientale (Takashi Amano style), vari biotopi e procedura di allestimenti illustrati per mezzo di tutorial. - Allestimenti di acquari marini, tropicali e mediterranei. - Descrizione e schede tecniche di pesci crostacei molluschi invertebrati e coralli di acqua salata e dolce. - Descrizione e schede tecniche di piante e muschi. - Recensione su materiale tecnico e prodotti come askoll, sera, ehiem, tetra, Jbl, friskies e altri. - Trucchi e accorgimenti per l'avvio, la pulizia e la manutenzione di un acquario: schede tecniche sui materiali più usati.

Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Realistic Natural setting tank tree forest (size 80 x 40 x 40h 130 L) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 121

Howto 9 years ago 557,593 views

SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Realistic Natural setting tank tree forest wood and rocks (size 80 x 40 x 40h 130 L) Curved front glass. Tutorial Takashi Aamano ADA style Aquascaping fish tank by Aquascaping Lab, Tommaso Perini feat Serena Sacchi. Come costruire un acquario per pesci, di design in poche ore in stile ada mimimale ma ricco di piante e natura. In questa rappresentazione un albero che si erge in mezzo al paesaggio ricco di vegetazione. DECORATION OBJECT: fetilizaed soil, Sensuij stone ada, porous gravel, Java wood, PLANT LIST: Riccardia Moss, Pogostemon Helferi, Glossostigma Elatinoides, Eleocharis Acicularis. Si ringrazia per la sponsorizzazione dei materiali e delle piante: TROPLANT Piante Acquatiche AQUA STUDIO HOBBYACQUARIO AQUARIA ENGLISH: Aquascaping Lab is a channel dedicated to the world of aquariums, where you can find tutorials, reviews, info, tips and experiences shared by experts in the field of aquascaping. The topics covered are: - Aquascaping in oriental design (Takashi Amano style), various habitats and fitting procedure illustrated by means of tutorials. - Productions of marine aquariums, tropical and Mediterranean. - Description and sheets of fish crustaceans molluscs invertebrates and corals in saltwater and freshwater. - Description and data sheets of plants and mosses. - Review of technical material and products as Askoll Sera, Ehiem, Tetra, JBL, Friskies and others. - Tips and tricks for starting, cleaning and maintenance of an aquarium: sheets of the materials used. ITALIANO: Aquascaping Lab è un canale dedicato al mondo degli acquari dove potrete trovare tutorials, recensioni, informazioni, consigli ed esperienze condivise da esperti nel campo dell'acquaristica. Gli argomenti trattati sono: - Aquascaping in design orientale (Takashi Amano style), vari biotopi e procedura di allestimenti illustrati per mezzo di tutorial. - Allestimenti di acquari marini, tropicali e mediterranei. - Descrizione e schede tecniche di pesci crostacei molluschi invertebrati e coralli di acqua salata e dolce. - Descrizione e schede tecniche di piante e muschi. - Recensione su materiale tecnico e prodotti come askoll, sera, ehiem, tetra, Jbl, friskies e altri. - Trucchi e accorgimenti per l'avvio, la pulizia e la manutenzione di un acquario: schede tecniche sui materiali più usati.

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Most popular comments
for Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Realistic Natural setting tank tree forest (size 80 x 40 x 40h 130 L)

bigo live - Tube
bigo live - Tube - 7 years ago
bigo live - Tube
bigo live - Tube - 7 years ago
Wilson Law
Wilson Law - 7 years ago
hello, what type of filter do you use? what output does the filter provide? i have a similar size tank 120L and im not sure i should get 1000L/h or 800L/h output, thanks
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
for this kind of question you must to search the review articles on product on our website
JohanzhouHD - 7 years ago
It was hilarious when i saw people that eat behind the aquarium
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
Lorenzo Corna
Lorenzo Corna - 7 years ago
ciao vorrei un acquario completo di filtro per iniziare sui 40 30 litri con un ingombro massimo di 50cm di lunghezza che mi consigliate aiutatemi sono molto incasinato !!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
per consigliare marche ecc ecc devi aspettare le recensioni che piano piano facciamo sul nostro sito uscirà a breve
BlueLightPost 82
BlueLightPost 82 - 7 years ago
And do I need more decrection
BlueLightPost 82
BlueLightPost 82 - 7 years ago
How big does the tank need to be
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
size 80 x 40 x 40h 130 L
BlueLightPost 82
BlueLightPost 82 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the commet
Baron Teddy Von Forsthoffer
Baron Teddy Von Forsthoffer - 7 years ago
Very nice. How often do you have to change the water?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
depends by the plants and the fishes..... usually a partial change every month

10. comment for Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Realistic Natural setting tank tree forest (size 80 x 40 x 40h 130 L)

Sonia Aiale
Sonia Aiale - 7 years ago
ma avete un negozio? se si dove?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
no nessuno negozio ma a breve apriamo il sito ufficiale
Pietro - 7 years ago
ovviamente questa é una vera opera d'arte... mi immagino però un acquario con 2 fondi diversi (ghiaia bianca e ghiaia nera) dopo qualche anno completamente mescolate, per opera di movimento d'acqua, spostamenti effettuati dai pesci e dalle sifonature ai cambi d'acqua
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
grazie mille!!! si questa era una dimostrazione, solitamente si usa ghiaia porosa e poi fondo fertile, che cmq rimangono separati
Tracy Lee
Tracy Lee - 7 years ago
squall leonhart
squall leonhart - 7 years ago
in 230 l ho messo solo 2 piante, l'ultima volta era diventata impossibile la pulizia della vasca con tutte le piante che avevo messo, una decina in 180l, nonostante la potatura la pulizia della ghiaia era davvero difficoltosa
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 7 years ago
sembra un po poca la piantumazione :-)
wedge890 - 7 years ago
where can i buy this curved front tank?
Shrimp Paradise
Shrimp Paradise - 7 years ago
thanks for information
come and visit my channel thanks
Matteo Passante
Matteo Passante - 7 years ago
dello mi vuoi scrivere
Michael Michaelides
Michael Michaelides - 8 years ago
haqqamaruh - 8 years ago
where to find that rock? any link to buy?
AceBangerTheGuru - 8 years ago

20. comment for Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Realistic Natural setting tank tree forest (size 80 x 40 x 40h 130 L)

Folkan89 - 8 years ago
Not even half true the vid and im already starting to go crazy cuz of the music lol Its starting to look cool tho =)
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Jimmy Cothran
Jimmy Cothran - 8 years ago
What brand aquarium is that?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
for this question you must to wait review playlist
Roger Nevez
Roger Nevez - 8 years ago
Isn't styrofoam toxic?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
not toxic, but better perlon
CHANGES MENSWEAR - 8 years ago
Yes styrofoam is harmful , i use sandbags 0r drainage crate for height
ML- Aquaristik
ML- Aquaristik - 8 years ago
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you!
nurhabibi46 - 8 years ago
The woman is disturbing!
Richard Fuentes
Richard Fuentes - 8 years ago
Very theraputic, do you need Co2 for every aquascape? And I agree with the other comments you guys do beautiful work!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you very much!!! is is better co2 system
Aquarismo - 8 years ago
Very good aquarium, I like, I'm have my first aquarium, visit and give me your opinion, thanks
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Thank you very much
WhiteAslaN YT
WhiteAslaN YT - 8 years ago
chi dorme non piglia pesci... io vedo i video sul allestimento degli acquari...
WhiteAslaN YT
WhiteAslaN YT - 8 years ago
il polistirolo non è dannoso per l'ambiente acquatico , e si sono le 3:54 di nottr
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
haahahhaha!! no no non è pericoloso tranquillo!

30. comment for Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Realistic Natural setting tank tree forest (size 80 x 40 x 40h 130 L)

Michael D. Baker
Michael D. Baker - 8 years ago
I like the bow front to this tank.
Eric C
Eric C - 8 years ago
Natureza - 8 years ago
vonvarghaus - 8 years ago
pretty nice but the question from a newbie how can you maintain what type of filters or system needs?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you!!!! those are all the video that you need
Vicky Chettri
Vicky Chettri - 8 years ago
which light good for plant aquarium
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
QUIMICA MODERNA - 8 years ago
espectacular me gusta
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you!!!!
Tomas Ye
Tomas Ye - 8 years ago
Would you say this nano tank is good for beginners? I'm interested in setting up my first tank.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Sciddly Boogly
Sciddly Boogly - 8 years ago
Tomas Ye better off with a larger tank, as water parameters wouldn't sway too much
Federico Lago
Federico Lago - 8 years ago
I really love the natural aspect that the tank has.
What do you think about using superglue in wood to keep moss attached? What kind of superglue is safe? Thanks :)
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you!! we think that is good idea, you can use "attack" and wait a few minute before insert in water
Storytime - 8 years ago
foam is toxic
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
you can use Perlon fo the same utility
Yasen Kalchev
Yasen Kalchev - 8 years ago
its for toxic fish
moreno caspani
moreno caspani - 8 years ago
fantastico molto bello
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Grazie mille!
tombraider3586 - 8 years ago
I scrolled down to see the comments because I didn't like it.... lol.... It looks half finished, lol
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
cobydrei - 8 years ago
anyone knows how much the cost of this kind of set up?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
aboute 200 300 euro
David Stephen
David Stephen - 8 years ago
You're looking at hundreds of dollars.
redmudpei - 8 years ago
Watched a couple of these aquascapes, the amount of time put into them, do they require... cleaning? Can you make one, and leave it be? What's the upkeep on them, is the questions.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
you mean cleaning? this a video on how ou can clean your aquarium!!!! but usually they need trimming this kind of aquarium.....
Jade Schell
Jade Schell - 8 years ago
So pretty, I definitely want one of these for my home someday
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you!!!
Nick Mallouda
Nick Mallouda - 8 years ago
This is amazing. what kind of stones and woods can i use in my aquarium? such as in this video the wood is very beautiful, what kind is this ?
96Eclipsed - 8 years ago
Nick Mallouda I use yamaya stones....they are inert, meaning they won't change the pH...try bought mine from there.
gianni pulpito
gianni pulpito - 8 years ago
salve ma quello e un tronco ???vorrei metterlo anche io ma non trovo il nome giusto per comprarlo
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
ti rispondo linkandoti questo video che descrive tutti i tipi di legno che puoi inserire in acquario
fei Hong
fei Hong - 8 years ago
the materials that you used would it kill the fish?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you very much!! we start to speack english soon
fei Hong
fei Hong - 8 years ago
Thank you so much i already sub seens june really like watching your videos i hope you get more subs and views
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
ok!!! you must to wait for this video, in future we will make this tutorial, subscribe on our channel and see soon
fei Hong
fei Hong - 8 years ago
Okie i might ask my bf to try making one btw could you do a tutorial how to make a sand waterfall on your fish tank
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
no no dont warry!!!
M.R. Hawks
M.R. Hawks - 8 years ago
I wouldn't put styrofoam into my tank. The rest looks great though.
Jimmy Cothran
Jimmy Cothran - 7 years ago
Tracy Lee not during our lifetime
Tracy Lee
Tracy Lee - 7 years ago
I'm curious about that too. How long would it take before the styrofoam starts breaking down into a goopy mess?
M.R. Hawks
M.R. Hawks - 8 years ago
 Yes? lol
Ramendra Kumar
Ramendra Kumar - 8 years ago
M.R. Hawks
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
purous graver, or perlon
96Eclipsed - 8 years ago
I've been looking for drainage grates that will work, but can't find anything that really works in lifting or aiding in making a rise in the substrate, any ideas?
Adin Badarudin
Adin Badarudin - 8 years ago
beautifull and inspiring.. can we use toys with a plastic or steel material insert there?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
for this question, pay patient and take a look here, is a very interesting new playlist, with new kind of aquascaping
Sector 001
Sector 001 - 8 years ago
Beautiful works of art you create!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you very much!!!

50. comment for Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Realistic Natural setting tank tree forest (size 80 x 40 x 40h 130 L)

Av_cali - 8 years ago
but where r the fish
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
you must to wait that water values are good for fishes, you cant insert the first day
Carly Lizards
Carly Lizards - 8 years ago
all I am wondering is that I have researched plenty about how styrofoam has chemicals that can harm the plants and animals
Carly Lizards
Carly Lizards - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
you can use filter foam!!
Rikke Doornbos
Rikke Doornbos - 8 years ago
Great tank! Do you guys got an update of this tank of how it is looking now?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you!!!!! no sorry.... it was a rappresentation in a event!!!!
roup - 8 years ago
I was wondering. I didnt watch the full vid but does the styrofoam hyrt the tank?
roup - 8 years ago
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
no no is all ok!!!
Adam Shed
Adam Shed - 8 years ago
why do people put down thumbs for even the most beautiful thing like this. trolls. :^( Beautiful aquarium, great work editing, thanks for helping me relax tonight. trolls, maybe you need some serious help if you give this a thumbs down, it's hard work what they did and very beautiful
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you!!!
Adam Shed
Adam Shed - 8 years ago
+Aquascaping Lab right on thanks, you obviously work hard and know your stuff!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
dont warry!!! down thumbs is not a damange.... all channel need likers and eaters!!!! all need for grow!!! :-) but 400 like and 20 down thumbs is a very good %
thank you for your comment
Jonniethai - 8 years ago
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thanks to you!!!
Malcolm Vladisclav
Malcolm Vladisclav - 8 years ago
These guys are really good. . .
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
thank you very much!
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
130 l is what? In gallon. Ty
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
+Aquascaping Lab thank you I am getting 32 g and I like you design and will copy it and putting styro I think is saving some sand and serve as divider too. I love it.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
130 liters are about 35 gallons
Dick Head
Dick Head - 8 years ago
Amazing design. How do you clean it?
Joseph Borges
Joseph Borges - 8 years ago
Gag* that tank looked like there was actually a good tank the a Hurricane came through and reiterated every thing
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
Alice and Mulan
Alice and Mulan - 8 years ago
so amaising
Mandy Brown
Mandy Brown - 8 years ago
Styrofoam is safe to use?
Mandy Brown
Mandy Brown - 8 years ago
+Aquascaping Lab sweet ty always wondered
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Mandy Brown YES IT IS!!!
Capone Arkimede Stefano
Capone Arkimede Stefano - 8 years ago
Vorrei farmi i complimenti, una cosa che non ho capito è quella se usate co2! E se esiste una specie di pratino che non necessiti di co2!! Grazie mille e complimentoni
thabs - 7 years ago
Capone Arkimede Stefano am
Capone Arkimede Stefano
Capone Arkimede Stefano - 8 years ago
+Aquascaping Lab grazie mille per la disponibilità.. Ancora complimenti
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Capone Arkimede Stefano in genere in questi tipi di allestimento si usa la Co2.... generlamente le piante tappezzanti hanno tutte bisogno di integrare anidride carbonica si!
jonathan penman
jonathan penman - 8 years ago
What tank is this and where can it be seen or purchased?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+jonathan penman is a very particular tank, but is not very good by frontal visual..... you can try to find online... if you want to wait our web site for more info
ASSASINIE - 8 years ago
How can i get this Tank? Great work!!!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+ASSASINIE try on web!!!!
Samuele Mariotti
Samuele Mariotti - 8 years ago
scusami quanto può costare un acquario di 150 litri??
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Samuele Mariotti dipende dalla marca e dal tipo di vetro, presupponendo che parli della vasca e basta, dai 150 ai 300 euro
Emmanuel Soniega
Emmanuel Soniega - 8 years ago
isnt the styrofoam gonna affect the water overtime?.thanks.
Emmanuel Soniega
Emmanuel Soniega - 8 years ago
ok.thanks :)
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Emmanuel Soniega no!!! if you want you can use aquarium filter floss
Ebay Guru
Ebay Guru - 8 years ago
beautiful and what a different shape tank too thank you
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Ebay Guru Thank you tooooo!!!
Michael M
Michael M - 8 years ago
che pietre sono quelle? come si chiamano? sono molto belle
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Michael M Sono sensui stones!! guardati il video sullle pietre!!
Mauro Giglio
Mauro Giglio - 8 years ago
bellissimo bravi
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Mauro Giglio Grazie!!
Mario Martinez
Mario Martinez - 8 years ago
Muy buen diseño,desde Argentina.
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Mario Martinez muchas gracias!!!!
Paola Zanini
Paola Zanini - 8 years ago
bellissimo.....sembra l'arte e' arte......
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Paola Zanini grazie
민 latex
민 latex - 8 years ago
this Type D FISH TANK   amazing
Roberta Fichera
Roberta Fichera - 8 years ago
Bellissimo allestimento :) Siete grandi, grazie a voi scopro sempre nuove cose :)
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 8 years ago
+Roberta Fichera Grazie mille!!!! guarda questa playlist dove ci sono tutti i nostri allestimenti
Gerard Ausió i Prat
Gerard Ausió i Prat - 9 years ago
bravo!!! bellissimo, grazie
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Gerard Ausió i Prat grazie a te!
Roberto Balint
Roberto Balint - 9 years ago
Very good job!! Congratulations!!! you are the best!
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Roberto Balint thank you so much
Alexander Buratti
Alexander Buratti - 9 years ago
Un altra creazione Bellissima bravissimi <3
Alexander Buratti
Alexander Buratti - 8 years ago
Prego i vostri video sono meravigliosi e aiutano molto, per capire a fondo l'acquariofilia :) 
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Alexander Buratti (Merman Alexander) Grazie mille!!!!!
Juan Castillo
Juan Castillo - 9 years ago
che spettacolare acquario, amo questo tipo di video, saluti e baci sereno. ;-)
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Juan Castillo Grazie mille!!
Juan Castillo
Juan Castillo - 9 years ago
serena jejejeje
Tamara Alves
Tamara Alves - 9 years ago
parabéns ficou muito lindo
tbm uso essa técnica de utilizar areia rochas pequenas para dar um relevo no fundo e cobrir com substrato
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+Tamara Alves muito obrigado !!! usa para fazer os gradientes você pode usar fio filtro, poliestireno, ou a areia porosa
xxcrow xx
xxcrow xx - 9 years ago
Ma avete un negozio?
Aquascaping Lab
Aquascaping Lab - 9 years ago
+davidulivi no nessun negozio, ma a breve sarà disponibile il sito con l' e-commerce

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874 likes 338,022 views 8 years ago

Tutorial Pembuatan Aquascape Untuk Pemula. Berikut kami lampirkan barang-barang yang harus dipersiapkan sebelum...

About Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Realistic Natural setting tank tree forest (size 80 x 40 x 40h 130 L)

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