Arizona Aquascape by James Findley (1600 Litre) The Making Of In this video you will see James Findley, professional aquascaper and founder of The Green Machine, planting one of the large display tanks that are in The Green Machine's showroom. During this video you will see how James chose and positioned the hardscape, the planting techniques he used, and the sources of his inspiration. Timecode Events: 06:30 Hardscape begins - TGM Fossilised Wood 20:29 TGM Substrate Supports added to gain height in substrate 24:25 Aquarium filled with water 25:10 Hardscape finished, 360° Shot 26:19 Plantin begins 38:47 Planting Finished 38:53 3 months after planting, fish have been added, plants have grown in 46:52 6 months after planting, plants have fully grown in Aquarium - 1600 Litre - 228.6cm x 91.44cm x 76.2cm high (approx.) TGM all acrylic aquarium Buy the 'Arizona Plant Package' (for 60-P size aquarium) here: For more information on any of the techniques, tools and materials used, please visit the aquascape journal here...

Arizona Aquascape by James Findley (1600 Litre) The Making Of sentiment_very_dissatisfied 102

Howto 10 years ago 600,397 views In this video you will see James Findley, professional aquascaper and founder of The Green Machine, planting one of the large display tanks that are in The Green Machine's showroom. During this video you will see how James chose and positioned the hardscape, the planting techniques he used, and the sources of his inspiration. Timecode Events: 06:30 Hardscape begins - TGM Fossilised Wood 20:29 TGM Substrate Supports added to gain height in substrate 24:25 Aquarium filled with water 25:10 Hardscape finished, 360° Shot 26:19 Plantin begins 38:47 Planting Finished 38:53 3 months after planting, fish have been added, plants have grown in 46:52 6 months after planting, plants have fully grown in Aquarium - 1600 Litre - 228.6cm x 91.44cm x 76.2cm high (approx.) TGM all acrylic aquarium Buy the 'Arizona Plant Package' (for 60-P size aquarium) here: For more information on any of the techniques, tools and materials used, please visit the aquascape journal here...

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Most popular comments
for Arizona Aquascape by James Findley (1600 Litre) The Making Of

Michel Carrasquel
Michel Carrasquel - 7 years ago
newnew - 7 years ago
Normally i love your scapes but in this case the arrangement of the hardscape just doesnt seem natural to me.
Lydia Love
Lydia Love - 7 years ago
I've watched 5 of James' aquascaping videos in a row... totally going on a green machine bender tonight! You guys are amazing!! This has inspired me so much :)
appe abbe
appe abbe - 7 years ago
this is not a nature aquarium more like a garden or something like that btw that is not a bad thing
Jenson - 7 years ago
The glass used is very thin?
NIGHT2PWN - 7 years ago
not enough cocoa powder!!
davideca96 - 7 years ago
sorry but i must answer where did you manage to find these fossil woods... I've checked everywhere online and i can not find where i could purchase them :(
I think that's the best aquascape online at the moment
Leslie Heine
Leslie Heine - 7 years ago
Using ADA Power Sand myself and knowing it's high price, I can't imagine how much money these layouts cost? It looks like a few thousand dollars of substrate and additives used alone.
Thierry Sauveur
Thierry Sauveur - 7 years ago
It's a good job and is the end the result is spectacular . Thank's James F.

10. comment for Arizona Aquascape by James Findley (1600 Litre) The Making Of

appe abbe
appe abbe - 7 years ago
he likes black
Yannik Handle
Yannik Handle - 7 years ago
How do you dose?
Nick M
Nick M - 7 years ago
Can someone tell me where the hardware is at? I'm only an amateur and thought there had to be some in the tank to heat and give the water some flow
Nick Johnson
Nick Johnson - 7 years ago
What are the small algae eating gish added in the later part of the videos sucking on the tank walls? I've seen them in other scapes by James but wonder what they are that they don't destroy small plants
Babar Hussain
Babar Hussain - 7 years ago
i like it.
Babar Hussain
Babar Hussain - 7 years ago
i want such kind of aquarium
Babar Hussain
Babar Hussain - 7 years ago
great work
Babar Hussain
Babar Hussain - 7 years ago
Dear great aqua aquarium designer i want your other social contact sick as fb.
Babar Hussain
Babar Hussain - 7 years ago
i like your work, and your channel about such aqua plant design aquarium is more good other channels.
TeAroha McGregor
TeAroha McGregor - 7 years ago
Awesome and beautiful work its totally amazing.. love all off what use do...

20. comment for Arizona Aquascape by James Findley (1600 Litre) The Making Of

D4rkC1own187v2 - 7 years ago
How long do the plants live?
scritchproductions - 7 years ago
How are these tanks moved into their final location (out of the studio/aquarium) once they are completed? or do they always have to be created on site?
Domonkos Horváth
Domonkos Horváth - 7 years ago
The 6 month update is a big improvement, especially with the additional plant growth, but I'm not a fan of that thick high red rim around that island. It just doesn't fit in. It's like an unsightly artificial barrier around a beautiful, completely natural looking scape.
Crystal Dawn
Crystal Dawn - 7 years ago
It must be difficult to have to depend on others to help complete your artistic vision. It must also be a comfort to have a team with which you can easily communicate.
Edit: I'm aware this is a three year old video.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 7 years ago
At TGM we are a small close team so yes- communication is easy between James and the team. And we all manage to have a laugh whilst working, which is nice :)
Yolanda Romero
Yolanda Romero - 7 years ago
I've never seen this type of aquarium landscape before until I found this channel. These are exceptionally incredible. This particular one is by far my favorite so far. It reminds me of being in environments like that, it looks so realistic. Looking forward to watching more, thank you for showing me something incredibly beautiful and yet so artistic!!!
中国好创意 - 7 years ago
Mintaka viatori patuit
Mintaka viatori patuit - 7 years ago
Do you use Plecostomus?
Mintaka viatori patuit
Mintaka viatori patuit - 7 years ago
I really enjoy these videos, thank you.
Sleestak - 7 years ago
to dark... bump up that iso man!~
Fastback SeventySeven
Fastback SeventySeven - 7 years ago
I like your aquascapes but you guys are a bunch of wankers!!!! Golden ratio?!? PLEASE!!!!!

30. comment for Arizona Aquascape by James Findley (1600 Litre) The Making Of

That Guy
That Guy - 7 years ago
Well I know what my new hobby is now
Anna Laitinen
Anna Laitinen - 7 years ago
My aquascape is a hot mess compared to this!
Ivan Quin
Ivan Quin - 7 years ago
Artistic Genius . Excellent ideas, and work. Thanks, Respect.
Steve Jones
Steve Jones - 7 years ago
Ok maybe this is a ridiculous question but are the fish fed by hand or do they survive off of the environment alone??
Richard Probst
Richard Probst - 7 years ago
what is the soil substrate called?
Noah Seslar
Noah Seslar - 7 years ago
Richard Probst Aquasoil Amazonia I believe.
Doragon - 7 years ago
How much did this cost?
Mar tin
Mar tin - 7 years ago
How long did it take to create this astonishing tank?
dront - 7 years ago
work of my dream
poorya poorhoseini
poorya poorhoseini - 7 years ago
awesome art, perfect video, excellent everything. thanks for sharing. i also have one question. may i ask how much does this particular aquarium costs ?
TheGreenMachineLtd - 7 years ago
+poorya poorhoseini Hi, if you visit the article about this aquascape on our website (link in video description) you can see each of the items used to create it.
killzrus1 - 7 years ago
In America
killzrus1 - 7 years ago
Where can i find the substrate additive at
D Drover
D Drover - 7 years ago
Truly amazing...
Shoulders of Giants
Shoulders of Giants - 7 years ago
he he he he he
S - 7 years ago
@James make little Worlds within our World, little Worlds that are alive and very healthy............beautiful stuff!
Saigon Bonsai
Saigon Bonsai - 8 years ago
Hồ thủy sinh đẹp quá. Amazing work.
Saigon Bonsai
Saigon Bonsai - 8 years ago
It's a great aquascape.
DeeEl - 8 years ago
Mute this and it'll be better.
Chicken Nugget
Chicken Nugget - 7 years ago
DeeEl The narrators voice is what makes these videos relaxing to watch and gives key info.
Nick Tovey
Nick Tovey - 8 years ago
Bradley Vaughn
Bradley Vaughn - 8 years ago
awesome awesome awesome Videos M8
Richie Anker
Richie Anker - 8 years ago
theres are amazing , so good to sit and watch for hrs n hrs , i wanna make one
Yayoi Kawahara
Yayoi Kawahara - 8 years ago
camera work made me sick. zoom in and out too much to see the details
Nick Tovey
Nick Tovey - 8 years ago
Yayoi Kawahara u cannot play CS game. U will vomit straight away.
Steve Wilson
Steve Wilson - 8 years ago
Yayoi Kawahara
In your opinion, I think it is ok

50. comment for Arizona Aquascape by James Findley (1600 Litre) The Making Of

David Perrin
David Perrin - 8 years ago
Looks like stonehenge
David Perrin
David Perrin - 8 years ago
How do you filter a tank of that size and heat it
Imperial Girl
Imperial Girl - 8 years ago
I particularly like this composition. It captures the feel of Arizona completely with the Grand Canyon, deserts, petrified forest, and the subtle rainbow of colors you can find in the rock and sand. Terrific piece!
The Book of White Walkers
The Book of White Walkers - 8 years ago
Simply amazing ! This is heavenly. Gongrats James !
fannymanson - 8 years ago
The hardscape was gorgeous, but the plants really brought it to life. So much pretty!
Jordan M
Jordan M - 8 years ago
Wish I had small forest of petrified wood to pick from on my aquascapes... The results are impressive for sure.
Murat Torun
Murat Torun - 8 years ago
Hello there
What are the things you shed when you set up an aquarium?
Dylan Miller
Dylan Miller - 8 years ago
What are the small red fish in the middle that are largely still?
Ruben van der Zee
Ruben van der Zee - 8 years ago
14:28 the dead face on the wood
Julius Julius
Julius Julius - 8 years ago
President Evil
President Evil - 8 years ago
once these are built, can you transport these? I imagine not
Simo Savustaja
Simo Savustaja - 8 years ago
Only the empty aquarium weights atleast 1000 pounds.. maybe even 2000 pounds. Depends how thick the glass is. 1600 litres = 1600 kg = 3527 pounds. So 5000 pounds atleast. Yeah.. you dont transport it very easily :D And remember i didn't even count the rocks.
Feril1 - 8 years ago
You'd have to drain most of the water, and from the look of the stand I believe this tank is unmovable.
FunkyWeezy - 8 years ago
It must weigh a thousand pounds.
Huracán - 8 years ago
Just started a small nano-aquarium. I love to look at these videos, such an inspiration. Good job with the aquariums and the narration of these videos!
VOID - 8 years ago
who else was jacking there dick to this?!
FunkyWeezy - 8 years ago
*their dick
VOID - 8 years ago
Truck Driver 101
Truck Driver 101 - 8 years ago
this is amazing
DarkSagan - 8 years ago
47:20 the left rock looks like Einstein's face is on it.
Maria Silversken
Maria Silversken - 8 years ago
I saw the face too.
DarkSagan - 8 years ago
Fuckimg sick
jack winter
jack winter - 8 years ago
my back hurts just by watching this
Monkey .D. ED
Monkey .D. ED - 7 years ago
Hello weeaboo
영현임 - 7 years ago
jack winter hello gintoki♥♥
acrogymmer - 8 years ago
that voice, I keep seeing Onslo from keeping up appearances in my head, is that just me ?
ophello - 8 years ago
2/3rds is NOT the golden ratio. The golden ratio is about 0.618.
Noah Seslar
Noah Seslar - 7 years ago
The Awperator thus why breaking the golden rule often leads to better results.
The Awperator
The Awperator - 8 years ago
ophello almost 2/3
The Lalilulelo
The Lalilulelo - 8 years ago
nice aquarium but boring fish!
C B - 8 years ago
+TheGreenMachineLtd can you explain the filtration system used in these aquascapes, please?
Mark Sarabia
Mark Sarabia - 8 years ago
does the tank still need to be cleaned every now and then?
Indra Shafiei Rahim
Indra Shafiei Rahim - 8 years ago
Loves every work you have done,James Findley. I might starts a new hobby.
holleysdotcom - 8 years ago
Lovely! i actually preferred the original green plant ratio, because it reminded me of the cacti growing in Arizona, but to each his own. :)
Antilleotheclown - 8 years ago
beautiful beautiful beautiful fantastic job guys
J MG - 8 years ago
James is a farking magician!
Jerry Mccarthy
Jerry Mccarthy - 8 years ago
"Almost Godly", well, James doesn't think too much of himself now does he
Black Hole Universe
Black Hole Universe - 8 years ago
what fishes are there?
JSinComplex - 8 years ago
I would love to have a place like this nearby, instead of 4 thousand miles away. I would quit my job, and beg James to take me in. xD Such beauty and knowledge. I am just beginning to understand more of the smaller defining factors on stabilizing a beautiful planted aquarium, but James (and I'm sure his crew at TGM too), well simply put they have it mastered. I hope one day that i too, can be as successful as this, not just sticking stems in the substrate and have a pretty jungle. i want a beautiful masterpeice such as this and others! Thank you TGM, You always give me a source for inspiration, and pick me up when I've felt like throwing in the towel. I have been watching a a couple years here and there, and you always know a way to humble me.
Bil Shaw
Bil Shaw - 8 years ago
i dont say this often but James is a genius in this art.. bravo!!
Dan Johnson
Dan Johnson - 8 years ago
I'm sure you don't need me to say how beautiful your tanks are. Absolutely stunning. With the red plants, what special care is required to keep them red? CO2, special ferts, lights? I love the color. green gets old and boring.
Noah Seslar
Noah Seslar - 7 years ago
Dan Johnson iron rich ferts help. I use Seachem Flourish
Muhammed Husain Ahmed Kapery
Muhammed Husain Ahmed Kapery - 7 years ago
Dan Johnson increase your iron in your aquarium
Fabulous - 8 years ago
usually adobe photoshop or final cut pro usually does the job :P
Stan Smith
Stan Smith - 8 years ago
Magnifique. J'aime beaucoup le résultat.
pusc1f3r - 8 years ago
Any tips on getting your red plant to "pop with colour" like that? It looks awesome.
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
Iron is the key..and a decent light
Eric j
Eric j - 7 years ago
A good light will help a lot.
pusc1f3r - 8 years ago
LOL, I work in broadcast graphics I understand colour grading well. AE or not the colour from the reineckii is awesome.
Kristof McKenna
Kristof McKenna - 8 years ago
pusc1f3r Adobe Photoshop works well, just like they used in this video.
Gustavo Schneiders
Gustavo Schneiders - 8 years ago
what rocks are those?
The Awperator
The Awperator - 8 years ago
Gustavo Schneiders TGM fossilised wood
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 8 years ago
Amateurs, don't they know you must first rinse off your sand or gravel substrates before ever placing them into a new tanks.
The Awperator
The Awperator - 8 years ago
Michael Piccirillo i hope this is a troll
Sanjog Rai
Sanjog Rai - 8 years ago
wow you are questioning the great master?? hahah dont teach your father how to fuck !!
roup - 8 years ago
its sand lmao
Ramza - 8 years ago
This would be my dream.
I asked in another video but how much time and money would be required to do accomplish this? I'm talking about maintenance cost, time and the learning I have to do.
Bob Sus
Bob Sus - 8 years ago
this would probably require a pretty complex answer! I'm looking into the same, to be honest. Difficult to know just what is realistic for a typical hobbyist.
Tanya Creedon
Tanya Creedon - 8 years ago
ApplesPapples - 8 years ago
Jesus christ. A thousand Chili Rasboras?
Big Joe's Fish Room
Big Joe's Fish Room - 8 years ago
glad you did a goldfish not a stupid turtle tank
The Awperator
The Awperator - 8 years ago
Big Joe's Fish Room ... this is not a goldfish tank...
Big Joe's Fish Room
Big Joe's Fish Room - 8 years ago
where's the link to his site Rich's fishes
Rahul singh
Rahul singh - 8 years ago
it is looking so beautiful now you should make aquarium with under waterfall
TechMantra - 8 years ago
I only have room for a medium sized aquarium. These video's have inspired me to start aquascaping in the future.
K Reed
K Reed - 7 years ago
how has it gone?
prashanth raju
prashanth raju - 8 years ago
i think the stones are too heavy to be placed by James himself. he would have been happier placing them himself i guess.
Jordan Post
Jordan Post - 8 years ago
Especially Angels
Especially Angels - 8 years ago
I agree. It would be beautiful if done well.
Kevin neil Ramos
Kevin neil Ramos - 8 years ago
what kind of soil in first layer ??
The Awperator
The Awperator - 8 years ago
Kevin neil Ramos ada power sand
Shaden0040 - 8 years ago
I'd love to see these tanks from the inside with an aquatic gopro camera. that way you wouldn't have the reflections in the glass.
akram skaikar
akram skaikar - 9 years ago
amazing.. how much is it cost?
Sir Lancelot
Sir Lancelot - 9 years ago
James Findley needs to take his cheap watch off and position the rocks himself!
The Awperator
The Awperator - 8 years ago
Sir Lancelot he cant. Not only can he not see what he is doing but he cant reach down to the bottom of that tank with the heavy stone. i believe he isnt that tall so he needs an assistant for those types of deeds
Michael Gumm
Michael Gumm - 9 years ago
Mediocre scape IMO... I would have liked to see more height and volume achieved with such a big tank.

100. comment for Arizona Aquascape by James Findley (1600 Litre) The Making Of

SpiritBear12 - 9 years ago
That's the biggest pair of tweezers I've ever seen! Obviously quite handy though.
Juan cho
Juan cho - 9 years ago
the planting tip around 28:00 is brilliant, I wish it could be applied to other things likes relationships, or children... hm.
Jordan Post
Jordan Post - 9 years ago
A pop filter would be nice.
Lucas Nunes
Lucas Nunes - 9 years ago
You have no idea how much I loved it!
Seb 4
Seb 4 - 9 years ago
reinecki mini NEVERRRRRR red like that in real life very sad :(
Shaden0040 - 8 years ago
+Seb 4 you've never been to New England in the fall have you? never seen a Japanese Red Maple either.
Mike Ben
Mike Ben - 9 years ago
his poor back :(
bagus hr
bagus hr - 9 years ago
Najkstory FishFever
Najkstory FishFever - 9 years ago
most beautiful aquarium tank i have ever seen in my life! thats a BEAST!
AdamOrnelles - 9 years ago
Classy choice of fish. I love having large schools of small fish to make the aquarium seem larger.
Ben Dover
Ben Dover - 9 years ago
Beautiful tank, but what happens when one of those small fish die? How do you find it in such a large tank?
David Perrin
David Perrin - 8 years ago
Ben Dover you dont
Shaden0040 - 8 years ago
+Ben Dover most dead fish float to the top.
Also the flying foxes are not adverse to scavenging on dead fish, the bones, mostly calcium, will dissolve in the acidic water, and be absorbed by the plants. Just like in nature.
Seb 4
Seb 4 - 9 years ago
+Ben Dover you dont lol the other fish will take care of em believe me 2-3 days and he's gone
jun kit low
jun kit low - 9 years ago
no filter needed?
Shaden0040 - 8 years ago
+Gideon Heydemann in a tank that size with so little fish per liter you won't need filtration and if you feel you need a clean up crew, like Gideon said there are complimentary fish and other animals that will do the job. Shrimps are good for that as are fresh water mussels and clams. I'd really like to see him add some to his creations. I'd like to see him use some larger fish like Pearl Gouramis, Discus, Chocolate Gouramis, Festivius Fish, Badis Badis which are fairly smaller but lively as the dart and stop around a tank's bottom (related to Cichlids and gouramis but calm like the more placid gouramis. smaller than a ram cichlid by half). Some of the larger loaches would be nice too, Chocolate Ghosts are beautiful, Glass Catfish, a Plecostemus would really give that dino look to the Arizona tank. I'd also like to see him use some floating plants like duckweed for smaller tanks and there is one fern like plant I can't remember the name of (Wisteria like plant) that has long trailing roots and spawns baby plants in the crook of each elongated oak leaf shaped leaf. This plant is pale green and would be also good planted, though the baby plants will eventuall break off and float to the surface good plants for hiding baby fish , such as guppies or other live bearers. Water lettuce would also be nice.
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
if you have a low bioload of fish (which this tank has since majority of them are nano fish in a massive amount of water), a large mass of healthy plants (provide oxygen and more surface than filter media for bacteria) and good water flow I'm pretty sure there will be enough bacteria in the tank to handle the load
Seb 4
Seb 4 - 9 years ago
+jun kit low with no fish could have no filtration but water might be not that nice without flow
Gideon Heydemann
Gideon Heydemann - 9 years ago
+jun kit low yup...i read that the real aquascape will almost no need on maintenance...they're specific fish that do the job for filtering...
Aqua'Nico - 9 years ago
Great job ... Well done !
Danushka Heenkenda
Danushka Heenkenda - 9 years ago
wow!this is fantastic
2coolcats1 - 9 years ago
Glass or acrylic?
ThePaul1307 - 9 years ago
Where do they get the petrified wood? It's illegal to gather it in any US National Parks. Is there fossilized wood available elsewhere in the world that is legal to collect?
Savage Nacho
Savage Nacho - 9 years ago
+ThePaul1307 Something called buying it bud
Lhin Doh
Lhin Doh - 9 years ago
Absolutely sensational! I cant stop looking and its an instant sell.
Natа_☼ - 9 years ago
Well done! A real masterpiece
colo5093 - 9 years ago
Hola que tal. Quería compartirte este mensaje. Jesucristo es lo que todo ser humano necesita para ser libre de pecado y para ser salvo. Dice la biblia en Juan 3:16 Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, más tenga vida eterna. Te invito a que creas en Él solo él puede dar libertad, salvación y vida eterna. Acepta a Jesús hoy en tu vida él te puede cambiar dar libertad y hacer que te alejes del pecado. Si gustas puedes aceptarlo con esta oración. Señor Jesús yo t acepto como mi único y suficiente salvador de mi vida y de mi alma. Jesús perdoname con todo pecado que te e ofendido sea palabra, pensamiento o obra, lavame y limpiame con tu preciosa sangre, escribe mi nombre en el libro de la vida y sellame con tu Espíritu Santo. Gracias Amén. Si tomas hoy la decisión tienes que buscarle orando y leyendo la biblia. Sabes no desperdicies esta oportunidad buscale y viviras.
Arizona Vivariums
Arizona Vivariums - 9 years ago
That's more like Utah than Arizona...
Tiny Effort
Tiny Effort - 9 years ago
+andone01red He's British.
Michael Spatz
Michael Spatz - 9 years ago
If this Aqua Scape is supposed to have any looks whatsoever like Arizona, it doesn't. At all. Lived here for 15 years. Doesn't look a thing like it.
Fishkeeper59 - 9 years ago
+Michael Spatz   It's not supposed to.  If anything it looks more like Stonehenge.  It's just a name given to the Aquascape, that in reality has nothing to do with Arizona or any where else.   If it had to do with Arizona,  given its tepid climate,   this would be a  terrarium; not an aquarium.  lol
luis german romero chavez
luis german romero chavez - 9 years ago
I didn't see any filter and thermostate here,so i can say it is The greatest red and Green school fish tank in The world!!!!!!!
Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor - 9 years ago
What do you use for the support and where could I buy them?
Stuff n things
Stuff n things - 9 years ago
All of these Aquariums are done beautifully! The narration is great, it's both easy to listen to and also very informative. Thanks for this refreshing art form!
addy adams
addy adams - 8 years ago
i hope the guy speaking to us is not James :D
Fishkeeper59 - 9 years ago
+Stuff n things     Findley does a good job of marketing his ADA product line, while  carefully following the aquascaping protocols of the father of this hobby,Japanese nature photographer, Takashi Amano.   The Green Machine is one of the better Amano retailers, since James Findley has taken the time to develop his talent as an aquascaper.  He's turned out some beautiful aquascapes over the past few years.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 9 years ago
Thanks for your kind words :)
Seb 4
Seb 4 - 9 years ago
This tank looks sick !! love James style mixing Dutch/Iwagumi hybride very inspiring for next aquascape
Jennifer McCall
Jennifer McCall - 9 years ago
How are you cleaning the petrified wood before putting it in the aquarium? Boiling it?
ThePaul1307 - 9 years ago
+Johanna 'Kaida' Lietz In another video he notes that it's not necessary to boil fossilized wood - it's not wood, it's rock. However, boiling is never a bad idea, but following that reasoning, shouldn't we also be boiling gravel?
Johanna 'Raekalia' Lietz
Johanna 'Raekalia' Lietz - 9 years ago
+hilos20 Websites recommend boiling for at least 1 hour at a time and done once a day for 4 days. Soaking for a week is still recommended even after the boil though.
Carlos M.
Carlos M. - 9 years ago
+TheGreenMachineLtd How long should the Petrified wood be boiled for?
TheGreenMachineLtd - 9 years ago
Boiling is quickest, or you can submerge it in another tank or a water butt for several weeks.
alientech - 9 years ago
its good when you don't have to pay for anything. Is't it baldy?
shibidi - 9 years ago
James Findley is the Aquascaper and the narrator? 
T Tan
T Tan - 9 years ago
+shibidi hes not the narrator
JB Broos
JB Broos - 9 years ago
Nice, is there a list of fish?
Perfect Perfects
Perfect Perfects - 9 years ago
Hello Dear TheGreenMachineLtd team, i want to know, if i want make fish tank as you show, will needs Water filter, heater and other things?  because i didnt see water filter in this video,, And when needs change water, how to clean glass,which powders you put there , Please Tell me if you can,, Thanks/ 
Perfect Perfects
Perfect Perfects - 9 years ago
Thank For Your answer. I am from Azerbaijan, Have you shipping to our country? if i will want purchase anything.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 9 years ago
+Perfect Perfects Hi, yes filtration is very important... it's an area we haven't covered much in our videos yet. We have limited time to advise people so must reserve our time for our customers. If you want to make a purchase you can contact us at our shop via telephone or contact form on our website. If you don't want to purchase anything you can read the articles on our website. Thanks for your interest! TGM
AquaWorkz - 9 years ago
what is the aesthetic sand on the sides made of?
Kyle Tibor
Kyle Tibor - 8 years ago
cool cool, thanks amigo.
Shaden0040 - 8 years ago
+Kyle Tibor most likely it is fresh water beach sand made up of quartz and other light colored nonreactive minerals.
Kyle Tibor
Kyle Tibor - 9 years ago
+TheGreenMachineLtd  different regions of the world have different make ups which account for colors and textures. Is it granite? Sand stone? Dune Sand?  
TheGreenMachineLtd - 9 years ago
+AquaWorkz It's sand- so it's tiny pieces of rocks.
Beatrice Taylor
Beatrice Taylor - 10 years ago
this is the most relaxing video I've ever watched on YouTube 
elvisaquarium - 10 years ago
Amazing!! Love the colours and size of this aquarium. Great job!
Ajie Wp
Ajie Wp - 10 years ago
what is the material wood or stones
Shaden0040 - 8 years ago
+Corrina- Leigh Forster fossilized wood aka petrified wood. what happens is the wood is covered in sediments and water, possibly at the bottom of a lake, and as the trunks and branches are buried, the wood is slowly exchanged for minerals by the water. it can take millions of years for this to happen. The trees that were killed when Mt. St. Helen blew in 1980, are expected over hundreds of years to sink to the bottom of the reshaped Spirit lake and become buried in the sediment and become petrified wood in millions of years. As of 2000 the trees were still partially floating on the lake's surface and were pushed around on the surface by the wind.
T Tan
T Tan - 9 years ago
+Ajie Wp fossilised ancient wood from hundreds of thousands or even millions of years ago
Corrina- Leigh Forster
Corrina- Leigh Forster - 9 years ago
It is fortified wood so originally wood but now stone!
Ashish Kumar
Ashish Kumar - 10 years ago
james put three types of powder  one before putting power sand ( white powder ) then on the power sand ( light brown or black powder) what are these things
Mark Villaluna
Mark Villaluna - 10 years ago
I like this one together with Crimson Sky and Nature's Chaos.
Sarah Songalia
Sarah Songalia - 10 years ago
Its so cool i watched one of the videos on the website this is better hope you make some more.
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
The video could be improved, you can hear the narrator breathing and the music is overused, otherwise, it's a great aquascape.
Lydia Love
Lydia Love - 7 years ago
I think it's great narration and decent music, but the camera work makes me dizzy!
LeadFaun - 9 years ago
The long gaps are good, there's not really a need for tha narrator at those points.
Hamadawana - 9 years ago
+LeadFaun I think music is ok, except for the long gaps where the narrator stops narrating
TheGreenMachineLtd - 9 years ago
Thanks for the feedback :)
drgnfrc13 - 10 years ago
These aquascapes are beautiful, but I don't think we really need you to tell us how beautiful they are, in every video...
Harendra Patwa
Harendra Patwa - 10 years ago
muje aur meri poti ko dekhane me achaa lagta hai youtube.par
chabka34 - 10 years ago
I'm srry but that tank needs a few Oscars and some other intense Predators. it's way to mean and cold for herbivores it's like red lol. better question to ask is why don't you ever have any predators in your Tanks
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
that's a really stupid question
LeadFaun - 9 years ago
Nope, you sure can, but The Green Machine doesn't.
chabka34 - 9 years ago
not even once?
LeadFaun - 9 years ago
It would be the centrepiece of the aquarium, which is bad.
chabka34 - 9 years ago
Corrina- Leigh Forster
Corrina- Leigh Forster - 9 years ago
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
What, +Sarah Songalia?
Sarah Songalia
Sarah Songalia - 10 years ago
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Your kidding, right?
trandai nghia
trandai nghia - 10 years ago
trandai nghia
trandai nghia - 10 years ago
Chloe Banks
Chloe Banks - 10 years ago
What are all the types of fish and plants in it? x
donato russo
donato russo - 10 years ago
Is there any limit as to the depth of the aquarium where lighting is concerned? I have been told by people that light cannot penetrate to the bottom of a deep aquarium. What would be the deepest aquarium to use that would not hinder the success of plant growth?
drgnfrc13 - 10 years ago
Is there a limit? --> In other words, is there any depth at which no significant amount of light will penetrate? The answer is yes. But is this "maximum depth," as it were, within a scale that is relevant to aquarists? No. Sunlight easily penetrates some 200 meters deep into the ocean. If light literally could not penetrate to the bottom of a deep aquarium, then you literally would not be able to see the bottom of the aquarium at all; it would just fade to black.

That being said, you just need to keep in mind that the deeper the aquarium, the more wattage you're going to need for plants with high light requirements. 
N. Imansu
N. Imansu - 10 years ago
mp allagnat
mp allagnat - 10 years ago
I thank you for your help ,I will follow the advice.
Andy Brandt
Andy Brandt - 10 years ago
What music is used in the background? (I really like the James' aquascapes - and the great videos showing how they were made)
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 10 years ago
Does he pull out the plastic pieces eventually? 
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 10 years ago
SleightofHand - 10 years ago
No the plastics dont give off any chemicals or anything that will cause danger to the fish or plants. After the plants and everything have grown in, going out of your way to remove the plastics will ruin the aquascape and probably will liken the chances of hardscape and soil collapsing and falling out of place. They are there to stay.
mp allagnat
mp allagnat - 10 years ago
What type of different soil do you use in order for the plants to grow?
Xenure Calipsuaor
Xenure Calipsuaor - 10 years ago
I believe they used ADA aqua soil Arizona
SleightofHand - 10 years ago
Many types of soil can be used for planted aquariums. I think they used ADA soil or theyre own brand of some sort. However you need not go out of your way to purchase these expensive soils ( which are good but costly ). Miracle gro ORGANIC potting mix or any other kind of organic potting mix capped over with an inch of fine gravel will give the same effect and is actually a very good method for the planted aquariums, many aquarium enthusiasts like Dustinsfishtanks and cloud9aquariums use this method because it is cheaper and just as much effective.
ToastedWalnut - 10 years ago
You guys will be my first stop if I am ever in the country. Amazing work.
john R. Gaines
john R. Gaines - 10 years ago
I love the difference shades of Reds
patoche105 - 10 years ago

J Rhodes
J Rhodes - 10 years ago
Im trying to figure out why someone would dislike these videos... They are amazing!! Please post more!!!!!!!!!!
duckduckbin - 10 years ago
Well, first of all, arrangement and color combination, this design imitates the flourish circles at a traffic roundabout, or captain america's shield, or the flower rings people present at a funeral (my culture). Not to say this is bad, but my liking lean towards a more natural, more detail, more 3-D oriented build. (please search "aquascape contest" for some great builds that i considered fabulous, some use a lot less resource that this one). I'm sure this scape is appealing for most, but any form of art is subjective, one could find the Statue of Liberty boring while others find it gorgeous.  
SleightofHand - 10 years ago
+duckduckbin This is what I call a boring scape.
SleightofHand - 10 years ago
Can you give me an example of a good scape thats not boring then +duckduckbin, I'd love to see it! ( no sarcasm btw )
duckduckbin - 10 years ago
Actually i don't like this aquascape design. All those efforts, yielded a boring scape.
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Most likely because of the narrator, in my opinion he's a good narrator, but many think otherwise.
drgnfrc13 - 10 years ago
+SleightofHand I think it's more likely that they disliked the aquascape, or the way it was presented. 
SleightofHand - 10 years ago
+LeadFaun Cheers.
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Excellent explanation, SleightofHand, couldn't have said it better.
SleightofHand - 10 years ago
There are people out there who dislike the thought of fish keeping overall. "Keeping fish in a glass box for all theyre lives is sad". The thing they dont realise is that these fish are better of being kept by keepers because they are provided with food, kept in a safe environment from predators and the lifespan of most tropical fish in maintained and balanced fish tanks are longer than they are in the wild. Planted tank enthusiasts like James and myself ( well im a nobody lol ) go out of our way to recreate a balanced ecosystem in these tanks for the fish, if the keeper knows what he/she is doing its basically a permanent stop at a 5 star hotel for the fish.
Vasily Rusanov
Vasily Rusanov - 10 years ago
nice job !
Sergio Sinay
Sergio Sinay - 10 years ago
beautiful ! greetings from Guatemala 
yazhier alfaro
yazhier alfaro - 10 years ago
beautiful..nice job
Uniqu3 - 10 years ago
Is he wearing a gold Rolex?
Logan Fox
Logan Fox - 10 years ago
Out of interest, what Gh and Kh values do you have/aim for with your planted tanks? :o)
Chaouki Elsayed
Chaouki Elsayed - 10 years ago
Amazing ... Thanks for James and The Green Machine web.
MrBRL - 10 years ago
How are the fish getting oxygen, just from the plants?
SleightofHand - 10 years ago
Gas exchange ( including oxygen ) come in and out through the surface of the water, that is the main source of oxygen for the fish, usually in fish tanks people use airstones to create surface agitation making this process of gas exchange work a lot faster than usual. When bubbles come out of the plants it is oxygen, the plants take in carbon dioxide that the fish create after using oxygen like we humans do and convert it to oxygen, the plants make sure high levels of co2 dont exist in the water.
J Rhodes
J Rhodes - 10 years ago
That's how it works in the wild..... Why wouldn't it here?? They are real plants
Boywithafishtank - 10 years ago
This is truly the most impressive aquascape James Findley has created. Beautiful! Very unusual, in its own way of beautiful artwork.
Smo King Pas
Smo King Pas - 10 years ago
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
How is this funny?
TACLAC KRIvoGlavac - 10 years ago
What light use it...on this Scape?
TheGreenMachineLtd - 10 years ago
The details of lighting and everything else are listed in the Aquascape Journal on our website...
Alexandre Augusto
Alexandre Augusto - 10 years ago
O vídeo é maravilhoso!!! Sem nenhuma dúvida .... mas a narração é tão ... tão .... tão bucólica que chega da sono nos 3 primeiros minutos!!! 

Falta emoção, amor, paixão e alegria na parada heeheheheh 
J Spalding
J Spalding - 10 years ago
Incredible. Wow!
Jamie Holloway
Jamie Holloway - 10 years ago
U guys should do a shallow tank with a half land side with some t of amphibian it would ok early cool
Blake Pringle
Blake Pringle - 10 years ago
Do you Co2? Because I'm gonna create an 500 litre Aquascape
TheGreenMachineLtd - 10 years ago Here is the Aquascape Journal for 'Arizona' aquascape! Featuring almost 100 never before seen photographs that document the creation of this huge display aquarium. it also includes a full setup specification so you can discover everything that went into the making of this giant!
callum kellard
callum kellard - 10 years ago
To be perfectly honest i prefered it at three months than at six,the swapping of the plants made it look bad.
zahntechnica - 10 years ago
Please, stop the pretentious, sycophantic,  narrations with all your presentations they really do detract from wonderful pieces of aquascaping demonstration.
Jhon Estrella
Jhon Estrella - 10 years ago
Where is the filtration system or aireation?
TheGreenMachineLtd - 10 years ago
Please help us improve our videos by answering this short (less than 2 minute) survey!
Ahmad Ashaab
Ahmad Ashaab - 10 years ago
pair of discus would be amazing in there like kings in their kingdom 
Ahmad Ashaab
Ahmad Ashaab - 8 years ago
Discuss fish r territorial fish and pairs can spawn. i like all of that
The Awperator
The Awperator - 8 years ago
Ahmad Ashaab pair? Why would you want to keep discus in a pair tho.
Ahmad Ashaab
Ahmad Ashaab - 10 years ago
pack of neons 
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Not with the other fish, also, smaller fish would be better.
Willy Bijker
Willy Bijker - 10 years ago
Fantastic scape of course. But i would have put the largest and longest stone a little bit in the direction of the other stones, as they are pointing in one direction, it would have given it a more flowing picture.  And the stone with the big hole in it, was good at its very first position, letting the soil comIing out of it, and giving the chance to put some plants in it, and growing out of it like a waterfall, just an idea. I always wonder how it looks by daylight, as there is no background in this type of tanks. Personally, the scape has nothing to do with an american desert type enviroment, but more like a tropical island, as the white sand on the edges give that illusion. I wish i would live near you and i could share more of my type of scaping!
Chunk'o What
Chunk'o What - 10 years ago
Pfft cool it Yoko.
FoxGamer - 10 years ago
how about a new tour of the shop?
koushinproductions - 10 years ago
So there's not one bit of filtration in this system? I can't see no pipelines or overflow outlets.
Patryk Zawadzki
Patryk Zawadzki - 10 years ago
Could You say something about the lighting?
SONNY y - 10 years ago
YOU ROCKKKKKKKK!!!!!! mr. findley
Enrico Golias
Enrico Golias - 10 years ago
each new video is an inspiration :)
NYREPS - 10 years ago
It would be nice if you put the names of plants you used on the tank in every videos
Narelle Wolf
Narelle Wolf - 10 years ago
A little disappointed in the end result here. The hardscape was beautiful, but got totally lost in the plants. I feel it would have been much more striking with plants that drew the eye to the hardscape, rather than the ones chosen that hid all but the two tall stones. I would have chosen a few mosses tucked into nooks and crannies in the rocks and sparse use of a few grassy plants, perhaps DHG and some species of vallisneria or crypt in addition to the blyxa originally used. Not to mention the perfect circle of sand, which completely detracts from the wild, time-worn look that the commentary says he was going for. And I'm really tired of the same old nanofish used in everyone's aquascapes (not just James Findley's). I feel this one would have benefited from some more irregularly shaped fish to push the surrealism aspect, perhaps some silver hatchetfish. But that's all just my personal opinion. I've been quite fond of plenty of Mr. Findley's other works posted here.
Cycnoches2012 - 10 years ago
I hope Mr. Findley feels he hit his mark 'cause I love it and think he did what he set out to do.  Very cool !
CaptainBooze - 10 years ago
What additives does he use before adding the substrate? 
Arthur Leung
Arthur Leung - 10 years ago
not to be a total meanie but i wish i could mute the voice over.   i like watching the video and listening to the music and sound effects.  
rareu4532 - 10 years ago
This channel something i search for long time =))) Brilliant work!!!
Imtiyaz Ahmed Ansari
Imtiyaz Ahmed Ansari - 10 years ago
low light?
Jaap Lubberts
Jaap Lubberts - 10 years ago
This is the best scape I've ever seen for such a large tank. Beautiful
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 10 years ago
I Love this Video! I want to make a Smaller Version of this! 
Not exactly the same, but very similar!! 

ProtagonistNonTheist - 10 years ago
Darren Cordina
Darren Cordina - 10 years ago
What is the name of that beautiful red plant?
Hackyourlife - 10 years ago
Awesome, Pick of your soul james. 
Michael - 10 years ago
Thoughts on amazonia 2 that's all we seem to be able to get now.
HappynessSunshines - 10 years ago
How much does a tank like that cost? Or do you build it yourselves?
kkkallavere - 10 years ago
What a plant 44.47?
rupertkingsley - 10 years ago
Nice vid with some new editing skilz

If you use the phrase 'pushing boundaries' etc too often James will have to do his next scape blindfolded in zero gravity! There are no end of 'boundary pushers' in the international comps for example. Just search ADA 2014 Aquascape competition.....

I say this with admiration for the niche you guys have plugged in the UK market. Maybe some more basic skills videos would be good. Some of these more immense scapes can leave the 60cm tank guys bemused.

Overall a great scape! Less back slapping, more tech info please.

MrHoney2U - 10 years ago
Def one of my top picks
LordPine - 10 years ago
would have liked to have seen more lower growing plants used to show off more of the rocks that have been covered... still an awesome scape
eXa1979 - 10 years ago
many fertilizers????? O_o
Gary Whaley
Gary Whaley - 10 years ago
Nice to see so much red, goes with the landscape of that stuff.
Lukasz Siarka
Lukasz Siarka - 10 years ago
In all respect, but I don't like this scape. I've seen it in real and I think it's got nothing to do with nature aquascaping. It's only my opinion, but if you are experimenting with new ideas you should focus a bit more on nature aquascaping recreating nature environment.
J Rhodes
J Rhodes - 10 years ago
+Cristian-Gabriel Stan He is just a troll. Anyone who dislikes these videos is.
Cristian-Gabriel Stan
Cristian-Gabriel Stan - 10 years ago
With all due respect for your opinion, I think you are missing the point. He did recreate nature. The piece is called Arizona for a reason, as you know, red and orange really are predominant there. Is it aquascaping? You bet it is, I think he managed to capture the desert quite beautifully. Is it still nature aquarium? In my opinion, it still is.
It is true that the red hues play tricks on the eyes and the effect is unusual to say the least. But the sheer idea / audacity of creating a desert scape under water and the effort of seeing it through deserves real credit :)
As for recreating true nature, I think you should look into the biotope camp. It doesn't get more natural than that.
cmetzel - 10 years ago
Wow! What a stunning masterpiece. I just found your channel the other day. I'm looking to get into aquascaping myself, and I find your videos truly inspiring. 
ShellysAshes - 10 years ago
Unlike your previous scapes, I wasn't instantly bowled over by Arizona. It took me a few minutes to start realising the beauty. I suspect that it may turn out to be like some great albums in that they are so different from the norm that there has to be a natural evolution in our minds before we are able to realise the genius of it all.
I am very much looking forward to seeing how this scape develops further and I'm confident in predicting that, with time, Arizona will show itself to be a slow-revealing masterpiece too. 
Angel Castaneda
Angel Castaneda - 10 years ago
when I win the powerball. I'm gonna get James and his crew to make an aquascape for me. 
Mkas M
Mkas M - 10 years ago
I love these videos, this guy is genius
Craig Magee
Craig Magee - 10 years ago
I would call this... "Spicy Sausage Pizza" at least, thats what this looks like to me. (and no, Im not just hungry hehe) This didn't seem to really work for me. Nice try though. :)
David Bock
David Bock - 10 years ago
I'd really love to see him using those supports to make something that looks like rolling hills of carpet, maybe with a single "tree" made of driftwood and moss. 
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 10 years ago
So, was the face carved into the stone or was that just coincidence?
Javier Alejandro Feito
Javier Alejandro Feito - 10 years ago
Haha the face. I saw it during the video
fUjiMaNia - 10 years ago
+Mike Kollin thanks I'll take a look at it 
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 10 years ago
+leefuji  For a Beginner I would recommend Dustinsfishtanks to get going, right here on youtube and from any of his video's you can find his website… he does not do those super high tech tanks like in this video, but does some great work and great trainings for planted tanks… these tanks are unbelievably expensive and take some serious experience… 
fUjiMaNia - 10 years ago
hey there, I'd like get into this stuff. what's a good website to do some research of the different tanks, material, plants etc?
LISA MCNAY - 10 years ago
lol no i saw it to x :)
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 10 years ago
Thank God! I'm not the only one who saw it!! hehe.,. :)
LISA MCNAY - 10 years ago
it looks amazing doesnt it i dont think it was meant to be , just think the way the light ect hits the stone and it appears, but def adds to it x
dajc1990 - 10 years ago
not my favourite but I think I just prefer the more generic HC plants etc. But still beautiful :)
big_OL - 10 years ago
Gonna watch this through later when I have a spare hour. I know it's gonna be EPIC.
luv ur work
petlover997 - 10 years ago
This is so hardcore!!
jeviam - 10 years ago
6 months!!!!!!
Nicolás Cortés
Nicolás Cortés - 10 years ago
Very good job, the color of plants and their distribution on the aquarium are excellent, the fish are right for an assembly like this, Congratulations, Greetings from Medellin, Colombia, South America.
Wildfire - 10 years ago
1:45 plastic bag under the brown stuff...
Xenure Calipsuaor
Xenure Calipsuaor - 10 years ago
Ethan Flory
Ethan Flory - 10 years ago
amazing aquascape! without the plants it would make an amazing SA cichlid tank though. I would love to see some Oscars in there without the plants. I really do wish I  could make an aquascape like this
Arnold - 10 years ago
Beautifull... Would love to see a video where the maintenance on one of the display tanks is shown, like trimming the plants and specially cleaning the substrate underneath the plants. Would be very helpfull!
gtoo12 - 10 years ago
ghost deini
ghost deini - 10 years ago
these videos are such a treat -- thank you for sharing! I look forward to the next one :]
Phil Grady
Phil Grady - 10 years ago
Oscar Man
Oscar Man - 10 years ago
Beautiful aquascaping, you guys got me into the art and are a huge insiration to me. Watching james aquascape a tank is better than any tv show. I have a challenge for james though, a planted aquascape fit for cichlids. If possible.
ty eres
ty eres - 10 years ago
I'm not a huge fan of red plants, but even I have to admit this is stunning
callum kellard
callum kellard - 10 years ago
Sean Williams
Sean Williams - 10 years ago
Finally, this whole one video every 6 months isnt cutting it. please upload more video more often...
aye_påpi. - 9 years ago
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Every 4 months, and the updates are becoming more regular, although I agree, there should be more plant profiles and tutorials.
ToastedWalnut - 10 years ago
Very true, I should have thought about that.
I would love some more Plant profile/tutorial videos myself.
Sean Williams
Sean Williams - 10 years ago
+T2ak It doesn't have to be a setup video, it could be update videos, how to videos, plant videos, reviews and unboxings. They have the potential to release a lot more content, with little to no cost involved.
ToastedWalnut - 10 years ago
Any idea of the cost and space required to setup tanks of this size and complexity? You are asking for a bit much.
J Rhodes
J Rhodes - 10 years ago
I agree too, but I also understand they want the plants to grow and fill in so you can see it in it's full beauty. 
Thom Klinkhamer
Thom Klinkhamer - 10 years ago
I agree!
Shubham Mondal
Shubham Mondal - 10 years ago
Jame Sir's way of working is so MESMERIZING ! ! ! ! and his final output as well. I wish to be one of those fish in there :D
Shubham Mondal
Shubham Mondal - 10 years ago
Nice One. I think you people should upload 1 guide every week. and then post its conditions later on :)
noel christopher
noel christopher - 10 years ago
juste magnifique
Patrick Seidl
Patrick Seidl - 10 years ago
Very experimental, cool looking aquascape!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Pushing the limits!
Voll Blau
Voll Blau - 10 years ago
TheBravo101 - 10 years ago
Wow. Now that is majestic.
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
This aquascape is amazing!  It's really cool to see a scape that is predominately red
Anuq - 10 years ago
Great work ! Have been waiting for another video very long -> worth!
Zet Aquarium
Zet Aquarium - 10 years ago
Thank you for uploading this. Help heaps
jeremiemcd - 10 years ago
Great artistic points, not my favorite but beautiful, great job TGM=)
Nausiicraaft - 10 years ago
Amazing tank! 
Søren Reinke
Søren Reinke - 10 years ago
Let him do the talking himself, watching the videos are weird, always hearing 'james did this' james did that'
TheGreenMachineLtd - 10 years ago
Hi, thanks for the comments. This is not James narrating but you can find him speaking on the 'Crimson Sky' interview here-
Søren Reinke
Søren Reinke - 10 years ago
+waylonsmithers68 Hi there

It might be, but why is he then not saying 'i did this' or 'i did that'. Would sound a lot more trustworthy and be a lot better for the viewer i think.
waylonsmithers68 - 10 years ago
I think it IS james thats talking 
MsDaftgirl - 10 years ago
Brilliant a truly inspiring video, makes me want another tank, I have used africana in mine and have had fantastic results my crystal red shrimp have bred and my tank and plants are thriving. These guys really know there stuff just wish I lived closer to the shop.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 10 years ago
Thanks for the kind comments, we are happy that you enjoyed our video :)
Billy Banks
Billy Banks - 10 years ago
Watching from Australia
Darksideoftheaquarium T
Darksideoftheaquarium T - 10 years ago
yes a video finally 
Ma Bo
Ma Bo - 10 years ago
kamilcan kestem
kamilcan kestem - 10 years ago
finaly ...

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