Feeding my fish, aquarium build and aquascaping!

Today, i take you along for what happened at the big fish deal. I cover feeding my fish and what i do before i leave my aquariums for several days, including water changes and feedings. SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ Seans channel: https://www.youtube.com/pecktec The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS

Feeding my fish, aquarium build and aquascaping! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 125

Howto 8 years ago 173,463 views

Today, i take you along for what happened at the big fish deal. I cover feeding my fish and what i do before i leave my aquariums for several days, including water changes and feedings. SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ Seans channel: https://www.youtube.com/pecktec The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS

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Most popular comments
for Feeding my fish, aquarium build and aquascaping!

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
I'll post up some photos later today showing you guys what im up to. Follow me on FB and instagram to see them:

calagra mortpeort
calagra mortpeort - 7 years ago
Hey you may have answered this before +The king of DIY but do you build aquariums as business how do you provide for your hobby?
Swanky Boi
Swanky Boi - 8 years ago
Fishroom tour pls and by the whey love your vids can't wait till you start making more videos every week and seeing the fishroom gallery
Sujeet Jagtap
Sujeet Jagtap - 8 years ago
definitely public aquariums
Brian A
Brian A - 8 years ago
if you ever do an Workshop in the greater Chicago area that be something to go to after the next video I wouldn't mind seeing the fish houses you visited
captain 3654
captain 3654 - 8 years ago
The king of DIY will you be at keystone clash this year?
Fenu S
Fenu S - 8 years ago
The king of DIY hope you had fun seeing creative pet keeping in Chicago
captain 3654
captain 3654 - 8 years ago
Will you be at the keystone clash?
Hunter Gamer
Hunter Gamer - 8 years ago
The king of DIY name the flower horn jester
Brick Wall Vlogs
Brick Wall Vlogs - 8 years ago
Please do a fishroom tour
Zarek Goeken
Zarek Goeken - 8 years ago
The king of DIY Do the florda thing that your at
JcSH2o - 8 years ago
The king of DIY Looks like a ton of fun! Very cool stuff. Hopefully I can go to something like this one day
Tomas Marquez
Tomas Marquez - 8 years ago
The king of DIY public aquarium
Justasimple dude
Justasimple dude - 8 years ago
hey joey why don´t you have any catfish?
Rhythm F.
Rhythm F. - 8 years ago
The king of DIY thank you! I love these types of video
Fish Almanac ,
Fish Almanac , - 8 years ago
plz reply!
Fish Almanac ,
Fish Almanac , - 8 years ago
hello i am getting an acer monitor and 2 20 inch monitors what video editing software do you use
lol im in the middle of school .......but i'm homeschooled sooo lololo
Shaibal Chakraborty
Shaibal Chakraborty - 8 years ago
Dark fire
Dark fire - 8 years ago
The king of DIY what do you suggest when feeding arowana fry
Trish - 7 years ago
Rays are beautiful but they're also so weird! The way their bodies move. The way they have two faces... Still cute though
Mason Jones
Mason Jones - 7 years ago
Please somebody count how many times joey said my man
swagato sid banerjee
swagato sid banerjee - 7 years ago
I wana keep 2 silver arowana and parrot fishes will it work and im making my 8*3*3 custom aquarium but confused with filter and table increasing cost
Waxy Parsnips
Waxy Parsnips - 7 years ago
Just wondering why there are no or hardly any fish conventions here in Canada? Specifically - Eastern/Maritimes -
chirag yadav
chirag yadav - 7 years ago
you speak a lot
Thegamer OfBelfast
Thegamer OfBelfast - 7 years ago
Hi Jeff
Liezl James
Liezl James - 7 years ago
Hi im just wondering why i didnt see you having any african cichlids ? I really would like to see how you deal with african cichlids in the future,i hope you would also have one tank for this kind of monster cichlids.
Jennifer Zhang
Jennifer Zhang - 7 years ago
hey man

10. comment for Feeding my fish, aquarium build and aquascaping!

Carissa Barnes
Carissa Barnes - 7 years ago
Hi too all, I am new too DIY, I would love too see aquarium tours plz. love the talks, love yr tanks and i am ware u are making the big tank. can't wait too see that. keep up the awesome work. thanks Crissy
Kirkwin Films
Kirkwin Films - 7 years ago
Sting rays: bumper cars of the sea
amutha dious
amutha dious - 7 years ago
Lisa Ramirez
Lisa Ramirez - 7 years ago
I love how your not super akward when your vlogging like most people
Rex Ferguson
Rex Ferguson - 7 years ago
hi Joey love your videos. I have a question, I've been feeding my yellow perch feeder minnows (not goldfish) since I got him but we moved 3 months ago and I got him minnows but it's like he can't chase them he attempted to eat them but he can't seem to get any he just got through fin rot HELP PLEASE!!!!
The gamer boy
The gamer boy - 7 years ago
What was he feeding to his fishs?
Can any one tell me that?
Gail cartmell
Gail cartmell - 7 years ago
The Opalop
The Opalop - 7 years ago
I can't put into words how grateful I am that you and your channel exists your vids are the most inspirational and informative fish keeping videos on YouTube Thank you
Roberto Luongo
Roberto Luongo - 7 years ago
MY-Louhan - 7 years ago
nice!! i like your video^^

20. comment for Feeding my fish, aquarium build and aquascaping!

Nicolás Moreira
Nicolás Moreira - 7 years ago
why is flower horn's fish bowl so empty?
suraj daundkar
suraj daundkar - 7 years ago
what do you feed to the flowerhorn and arowana ? what is that white thing u feed?
Geckos 'N Stuff
Geckos 'N Stuff - 7 years ago
I finally got the shirt that I ordered! :)
Kamilla Kristoffersen
Kamilla Kristoffersen - 7 years ago
I found you from Jenny.
Lester Jones
Lester Jones - 7 years ago
i think you should do a tour of Baltimore Harbor Aquarium
HammyLux - 7 years ago
Your fish are beautiful ❤ I really enjoyed this video :)
moussaemad - 7 years ago
I thought the rays perished...or those are different ones?
bpuodt - 7 years ago
hey joey. I was wondering if you ever had or considered owning a fire eel? by the way love your channel.
Ray Lee
Ray Lee - 7 years ago
# The king of DIY what happen to your Discus?
Recked Hail
Recked Hail - 7 years ago
Are you going to do a video about daphnia or other live food besides brine shrimp. I know you make your own food by it would be awesome if you could maybe show us a few steups

30. comment for Feeding my fish, aquarium build and aquascaping!

Ozzie Tube
Ozzie Tube - 7 years ago
13:17 WHOA what are they???
Marco Chacon
Marco Chacon - 7 years ago
Joey walking around gets people like students would get with the board of education going to see their projects at the science fair haha.
patratelpatratel - 7 years ago
Public aquarium!
ChoiTro Choi
ChoiTro Choi - 7 years ago
Would love it if you have some of those axolotl..
Remus Cirlan
Remus Cirlan - 7 years ago
Hi Joey!
I've meaning to suggest this to you: I think you should invest in a Lavalier Microphone.
Hamad Muslat
Hamad Muslat - 7 years ago
Hi there, why you didn't use automatic feeder
The1withlogic - 7 years ago
Please do in-depth tutorials on your Fish Room Tank builds.
lucas priester
lucas priester - 7 years ago
I watch all your videos I have 9 tanks your what keeps me in the hobby I'm a diy person my self and your ideas are a great place to start to modify to fit your needs
BR RA - 7 years ago
Hello.. just setup a new nano marine tank.. its been a long time since I've had a fish tank. Before, I used to do 20 % every 2 weeks but you seem to do a lot more. Should I do it the way you do? The tank is too small.. i was thinking of doing 20% water change per week should I do more?
Seth Daniels
Seth Daniels - 8 years ago
Fish room tour! ✌️
super man
super man - 8 years ago
bonjour man !
Heidi Beck
Heidi Beck - 8 years ago
you have inspired me to get a tank!! unfortunately it is only 20 gal with a few tetras, but its a START
anime18lover AJ
anime18lover AJ - 8 years ago
I have a 10 gallon tank and I'm going up to a 50 gallon for my 3 Goldfish does anyone have any tips for me this is my first time having a big tank
Psycho Squirrel
Psycho Squirrel - 7 years ago
anime18lover AJ Is there anything you're most concerned about? 'Tis a broad question & just want to give you answers to what you want to know instead of rambling about what you already may know
Gorilla Boy
Gorilla Boy - 8 years ago
I would like more flower horn videos
Davit King
Davit King - 8 years ago
can you do the same thing for slider turtles
Parker McCreary
Parker McCreary - 8 years ago
With all your new tanks, you should do a tutorial on cycling.
Ricardo DLT
Ricardo DLT - 8 years ago
i have a question.. on these events, are the tanks set up and tore down in a few days? the fact that theyre still doing it means it works, but i would think it stresses out the fish. Or are these fish sold? how does this work? (im talking about the Displays)
Mclain Miller
Mclain Miller - 8 years ago
Is it ok to have a Texas Cichlid at is about 4 inches in a 10 gallon tank all by itself?
Jake Nelson
Jake Nelson - 8 years ago
Any advice on where to get my acrylic to build a tank? Trying to save some money.
Leroy Sinclair
Leroy Sinclair - 8 years ago
Where are you from in NS?

50. comment for Feeding my fish, aquarium build and aquascaping!

Charline Nuez
Charline Nuez - 8 years ago
Andrew Hockenhull
Andrew Hockenhull - 8 years ago
public aquarium plz my man :)
Callum Hughes
Callum Hughes - 8 years ago
Hi Joey, big fan, basically my dad and grandad are really into bird keeping, growing up I've kept almost every pet bird you can thing of at some point or another, I've recently got a 64 litre tank with 7 tiger barbs in it, I'm really struggling with water changes because I've been told to only do about 20% at a time, but 20% of the water seems to be drained long before all the sh*t has been removed and it seems to disturb it all and make it float around the tank for a while. Can you please give me some tips on how to do this properly? I was thinking about getting a sieve?
Elizabeth Stein
Elizabeth Stein - 8 years ago
what happened to the reef tank?
Sally's pet Care
Sally's pet Care - 8 years ago
A while back u did a video on a Betta and I was wondering how it is going
Aquatic Life
Aquatic Life - 8 years ago
Hey can you announce when your going to another fish show I really wanna go to one. I never been thanks
Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn - 8 years ago
Really sad there's totally no fish conventions or expos in Australia
Jimi182 - 8 years ago
Hey Jeoy Jenny from Solid Gold just got Discus from Uncle Sam's Dicus
nick fikar
nick fikar - 8 years ago
Just drop two videos lol
Just YouTubing
Just YouTubing - 8 years ago
Hello Joey, You have to watch solidgoldaquatics lastest video. :)
Nikki G
Nikki G - 8 years ago
Whats happening my man!
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 8 years ago
public aquariums
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 8 years ago
Was that the world famous Rachel, great video
pawkster - 8 years ago
Not sure if you'll get time to reply. I just got a 46 gallon bowfront aquarium for a good price. Trying to decide on doing angelfish or discus, leaning toward angels. Also any recommendations on fish to go with them. I currently have a community planted tank. Thanks.
She Wants the Discus
She Wants the Discus - 8 years ago
Fish room tour :)
Chad Mowery
Chad Mowery - 8 years ago
are you going to aca this year?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Chad Mowery nope
Ubaid Shakir
Ubaid Shakir - 8 years ago
1st piriorty tour 2nd orlando 3rd public aquarium
fish lover
fish lover - 8 years ago
can I feed my Flowerhorn dried shrimps
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 8 years ago
I would like to see an updated filter build. For a sump, inside tank filter, that sort. I'm sure there are some new things that haven't been covered yet. How about that Joey??
Gabriel Ramirez
Gabriel Ramirez - 8 years ago
I would love to see the public aquarium tour that sounds enticing!
Pettyfavors - 8 years ago
My wife and I watch all of your videos we absolutely love them. We ordered tee shirts for both of us we were very excited for that.
JCLJN - 8 years ago
I'm always interested in what other peoples fish rooms look like so one of those on Sunday would be cool.
Vishnu P
Vishnu P - 8 years ago
Public aquarium
Ravindran Arumugam
Ravindran Arumugam - 8 years ago
i had headphones on when i watched this video and at 7:45 when joey ask about the substrate all i heard was Fluval scrotum....i split all over laughing!!!!
Fish Lovers
Fish Lovers - 8 years ago
I love your videos. I would like to see the public aquarium videos. You are the most inspirational guy I have ever seen.
joel joel
joel joel - 8 years ago
can you breed flower horns
Lauren - 8 years ago
Public aquarium tour or a fish room tour :)
Gummy Wormz
Gummy Wormz - 8 years ago
Whats the best place to buy aquarium fish online? Thanks!
James Houghton
James Houghton - 8 years ago
a zoo
The Truth
The Truth - 8 years ago
I wish I was as cool as joey when I walk in a room.
Mark Swessinger
Mark Swessinger - 8 years ago
I would find the public aquarium tours interesting. Thanks for the videos. They are a must watch for me every week!
Axel Jönsson
Axel Jönsson - 8 years ago
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 8 years ago
Hey great stuff. I want to have a UV setup for my 75 gal, can you either reccomend a diy setup, or a unit I can purchase with a built in pump that would be really effective to get rid of any possible parasites, I dont have any algae issues.
Thanks Bro
Dewald Fourie
Dewald Fourie - 8 years ago
Fish rooms please!
FAG098 - 8 years ago
if you're home the first day, and you get back on the fourth day, aren't you technically only gone for two days?
VincentTH -
VincentTH - - 8 years ago
you should get a shark
Nuclearbeagle - 8 years ago
Love when you talk aboot things
Captain Van
Captain Van - 8 years ago
"What's happening my man!"...Seriously?!!! I've been waiting to hear "How you Doin'?" instead for quite a while now....
Hans Thegerman
Hans Thegerman - 8 years ago
i love your videos joeyyyy
desert arowana
desert arowana - 8 years ago
public aquarium joey
abhi aquatic
abhi aquatic - 8 years ago
fish room toor
sheldon jessup
sheldon jessup - 8 years ago
i want the well thought out fish room that you mentioned
David Prince Red
David Prince Red - 8 years ago
I came here for the flowerhorn
Danny A
Danny A - 8 years ago
I'd like to see a Tuesday video of your fish room progress, even if it's just a 5 or 10 minute progress update where you show progress and keep us along your journey as it happends that would be really cool
Robin Sundin
Robin Sundin - 8 years ago
public aquarium tour for Sundays vid :)
Vishal Mhetre
Vishal Mhetre - 8 years ago
Joey... how are you? ... i want to set up new discuss tank... saw your videos on why we should quarantine fish before adding them in main tank... can you show us how to deworm discuss and process of quarantine. ..
Deepa Gupta
Deepa Gupta - 8 years ago
you look so happy in the thumbnail!!
jackske11ington - 8 years ago
Public aquarium
Cameron Clow
Cameron Clow - 8 years ago
I want to see your perspective of Jennifer's Solid Gold fish room! Or any BTS footage of that! I saw that you were meeting/collaborating and y'all are both my favorite fishtubers!
Cajun Floridian Fishing
Cajun Floridian Fishing - 8 years ago
Where are you at in Orlando? I live in Tampa, I'd love to swing by and say hey

100. comment for Feeding my fish, aquarium build and aquascaping!

Amit Sharma
Amit Sharma - 8 years ago
Thanks Sir For Good Info Sir Can you give some diy idea for floating basking dock for turtle as very little good idea available on .net
Disruptive Productions
Disruptive Productions - 8 years ago
Do a public aquarium tour
B2 Fishy
B2 Fishy - 8 years ago
Absolutely amazing aquascaping, I wish I could have her setup my tank lol great job. I can't wait to see the 125 gallon tanks setup in your new fishy paradise.
neal cordeiro
neal cordeiro - 8 years ago
Thank You Joey for your lovely video. As usual very informative. Wish you all the best with your fish room and yes hope to see some more videos . Thanks.
Akshay Poreddy
Akshay Poreddy - 8 years ago
Joey can u show your new fish gallery I am very exited to see it and I am building a new fish house
AquaStudent - 8 years ago
ahh those Geophagus looked spectacular! Glad the BFD went down well. The speakers looked to be a great lineup this year. Hope you had a great time!
Josh Goldstein
Josh Goldstein - 8 years ago
It's Rachel O'Leary? I knew you two were connected at the hip.
Josh Goldstein
Josh Goldstein - 8 years ago
What kind of rock is at 17:20?
Joe Smith
Joe Smith - 8 years ago
awesome love watching man
Devin Orvis
Devin Orvis - 8 years ago
Just got my shirt. would love to see a fish room on Sunday!
Art with Kat
Art with Kat - 8 years ago
can you do a giveaway on your tanks that arent going to the fish house?
mandar kadam
mandar kadam - 8 years ago
Another great video, would like to see public fishrooms you talked about,
PS : your videos are always very inspirational...started out two tanks after watching your videos !!!
Ty Jessome
Ty Jessome - 8 years ago
what about a DIY trangular aquarium? that would be cool.
Shoibyrd - 8 years ago
Maybe a put it together yourself tank kit would be awesome.
NYC Bettas
NYC Bettas - 8 years ago
fish room tour
Paleo Dieting
Paleo Dieting - 8 years ago
I'm soooo bummed I miss you in MD made big plans to come see you again, but my grandfather passed and had to fly to Atlanta to take care of things
Kyle Carter
Kyle Carter - 8 years ago
hey hey lol. I made the video twice. lol. in the background of course. Joey snuck by and I didn't even notice while we were looking and deciding on fish to buy before everyone showed up. lol. great presentation joey as always. was very entertaining and knowledgeable.
Ron Johnson
Ron Johnson - 8 years ago
You seem to do a LOT of water changes, especially for tanks that have so few fish. I know you tend to avoid decorations, so perhaps you can just fill the sumps with moss balls and plants and put grow lights above in conjunction with a drip water change in order to go longer without water changes. I still don't quite understand why you do so many water changes though. I test water and change about 30% monthly on my main tank, and the nitrates never reach a noticeable level. The tank I speak of is fully stocked, but also is inundated in live plants. I've gone on two month trips before with just a food timer running and the test kit still shows negligible amounts of nitrates when I get back. Could you perhaps explain why your maintenance is so often?
Cole Stiefbold
Cole Stiefbold - 8 years ago
What's happening my man
Chad Carpenter
Chad Carpenter - 8 years ago
my water pumps like to go out when I'm not home....or the heaters!
FishBros - 8 years ago
Fish room tour sounds cool
Alex Clinton
Alex Clinton - 8 years ago
Awesome. Maybe you will come to Vegas soon. Fish houses and aquariums are always cool to see. Would like to go to one of these conventions one day
Badandy538 - 8 years ago
Show us Orlando please!
Edward Coffey
Edward Coffey - 8 years ago
fish room
Lucas Schuster
Lucas Schuster - 8 years ago
I wanna see the fish room tours on Sunday
FOR YAH - 8 years ago
your flowerhorn is kinda turning dull or black in coloration. i think you feed him too much of unprocessed food. or maybe hes too exposed on lights. give him more pellets please. and feed him using your diy foods for 2-4x a week. i love flowerhorns. its my fave fish. i got one that i fed too much of unprocessed food but eventually he get sick and die. from then i just only feed unprocessed food to my flowerhorns 2-4x a week as a treat.and they dont turn dull and blacky in color. that just my exp. pls dont get angry at me for this. thats my fave guy in ur channel. so i cant resist myself from commenting. cant wait to see him in a bigget tank. anyway my flowerhorn that died was named yolo. maybe named yours after my late yolo. :)
Auxilio - 8 years ago
love you
V Lino
V Lino - 8 years ago
at 12:28 what is the orange chichlid?
Fish Keeper CLE 1
Fish Keeper CLE 1 - 8 years ago
Dude, your arms looked huge in this video!
pecktec - 8 years ago
It's always so nice to see you Joey! Have fun building that awesome gallery!
Damion Markham
Damion Markham - 8 years ago
awesome chief
Holly Willetts
Holly Willetts - 8 years ago
I got my signature shirt today after paying for it to be rushed, totally worth it! I don't usually buy shirts from vloggers and youtubers but I had to show support for the new fish-house!
ClarySaysHi - 8 years ago
I would love to see the fish room tour you did with SolidGoldAquariums
j d
j d - 8 years ago
Fish room tour please.
Miguel Diaz
Miguel Diaz - 8 years ago
Have you done any videos on oscars, Joey? Do you like oscars? Great vid btw.
Doragon - 8 years ago
Orlando please.
Aquatic Haus
Aquatic Haus - 8 years ago
Wish we have these type of events over here in malaysia. The game isn't strong here
vijiaylaksmi V
vijiaylaksmi V - 8 years ago
please do fish room tour
Cruzerman 38
Cruzerman 38 - 8 years ago
What are you feeding your fish? Sorry if it was already asked.
Chris Schamahorn
Chris Schamahorn - 8 years ago
Fish room tour
Eric gut
Eric gut - 8 years ago
You should get malawi cichlids next
Caleb Newsome
Caleb Newsome - 8 years ago
Fish room
william wulffleff
william wulffleff - 8 years ago
how was Global Pet Expo?
Skylar durrant
Skylar durrant - 8 years ago
When did you get the new rays
bgcalvin - 8 years ago
Public aquarium!
alex edwards
alex edwards - 8 years ago
that guy at 7:40 seemed nervous to be in the presence of a fish tank legend lol.
jaftism - 8 years ago
Small fish room tour would be interesting. There's heaps of big tours. I'm interested how others maximize their space.
Frosted Tsunami Gaming
Frosted Tsunami Gaming - 8 years ago
The King Of DIY, or anyone here, could you tell me what i've been doing wrong with my simple freshwater tank? I have constant issues with hardness never loosening up. I have had many fish die; however, I will not let any more fish die until i know how to take care of them properly. I put the correct measurement of chemicals into the water to clear it, but hardness is always a high issue. My fish always seem to pass, I don't know what is going on. Thanks
Manish Borah
Manish Borah - 8 years ago
Show the public aquarium
Raashid Khan
Raashid Khan - 8 years ago
I would love to see the public aquarium tour on your upcoming video.
payne alday
payne alday - 8 years ago
hey Joey I have a 15 gallon vertical tank with only one fish in it a Betta to be exact with gravel and was wondering how often do I need to clean the gravel and do water changes and what percentage at a time if you don't mind me asking thanks
Young Aquarist
Young Aquarist - 8 years ago
Great video. The fish room tours sound really cool
Taras Semenyuk
Taras Semenyuk - 8 years ago
U should make a catfish tank or pleco tank
djditto47 - 8 years ago
Chicago fish room tour, please.
mummaV2 - 8 years ago
Fish room tour please.
Random DIY
Random DIY - 8 years ago
I would like to see more updates of the new fish room and the saltwater tank
Robby Berry
Robby Berry - 8 years ago
Wish he would come to Houston
Andres Pilquil
Andres Pilquil - 8 years ago
name the flowerhorn "juglar" (pronunciation in english is "huglar"), means jester in spanish
Brennan Bates
Brennan Bates - 8 years ago
Have you ever thought of doing a workshop locally? I'm from Stewiacke and have been getting into builds little by little and would love to learn from the best!
anzerax - 8 years ago
show us the fish rooms!
Sohan Patel
Sohan Patel - 8 years ago
I suck at hardscape, so my aquascaping style is very much a Dutch-ish theme. all plants, little hardscape.
ツMANG - 8 years ago
the 60 people that disliked this video have no hearts
i love you the king of diy
Tikimohn - 8 years ago
Fish room tours
joielle santos
joielle santos - 8 years ago
Those all sound really interesting but I want to see the public aquarium most
Spencer Gilbert
Spencer Gilbert - 8 years ago
Thank you so much for this channel. Because of it I have been able to donate two aquariums to treatment centers for therapeutic purposes. It relaxes people and they really love having it there. Very rewarding for me as well. I always love to see new and exotic fish. Freshwater is usually what I focus on because it is more affordable. So I would love to see that. Can't wait to see what the fish room turns out like! Again thank you so much for what you do.
Tim Abell
Tim Abell - 8 years ago
Did you go to the national aquarium while you were in Maryland? If so I'd love to see video from there
Bob George
Bob George - 8 years ago
Devon Kirk
Devon Kirk - 8 years ago
hey joey that work shop with building the aquariums with acrylic and the building filters both sounded like a really good ideas
faiz Ahmed
faiz Ahmed - 8 years ago
your the best ... I learned a lot from you... I'm from India...
陈东乐 - 8 years ago
pabic aquruim
mike ze
mike ze - 8 years ago
DIY Fish shed should be fun Joey.

my girl calls you happy face. because you are always smiling. keep up the good work. and cheers from the Netherlands
SiddyProductions - 8 years ago
I wish i could do the aquascaping competition, it looks like a lot of fun
BunniesAndBubbles - 8 years ago
Hey, Joey, What's happening my man? XD
B Crow
B Crow - 8 years ago
Hey, have you ever done a video on how to take apart a tank and/or reseal a tank? Just an idea if you've never done it and might be nice for your wife to see you disassemble a tank :p
Ecartts - 8 years ago
OMG.. Joey is at Jennie according to his instagram

My 2 favorite Aquarium people on YT (That I watched the most till this day) are going to make a video!

Ed 87
Ed 87 - 8 years ago
Trip to the UK?!
Chiyoiche - 8 years ago
Fish Pimp!
Kormier - 8 years ago
You ahould put some peacock bass in your 2000 gallon tank
Scott Kenyon
Scott Kenyon - 8 years ago
i dont care what it is any video is brilliant i love watching them.
y2kiwijn - 8 years ago
Fish room tour please Joey
EDGY PAPIx - 8 years ago
I admire how passionate you are for your hobby.
Filipe Azevedo
Filipe Azevedo - 8 years ago
Can u pls set up a website where we can donate to you. U deserve the litle money some of us have to spare. Ur content is just amazing keep up the good work.
Dustin Sheets
Dustin Sheets - 8 years ago
Fish room tour please.
whysoserious54 - 8 years ago
public aquarium please
Mario Sola
Mario Sola - 8 years ago
anyone else click like before they even watch?
ShadoE - 8 years ago
Only new here, not sure if you have heard of them or not but you can use a glazing silicon spatula to remove the excess and it is pretty much silicon free then, some soapy water in a spray bottle and the spatula
Lee Dowsett
Lee Dowsett - 8 years ago
how much diy are you doing on the fish house yourself
Thats Bullshit
Thats Bullshit - 8 years ago
So Joe travels alot to earn money for his Fish house.
Big Jay
Big Jay - 8 years ago
First off love your channel! Not to sound like a total Debbie Downer but I find it not at all impressive to see these fancy tanks set up that have been in use for 4 hours. It's 's the tanks that are mature in say a year that are impressive. 98% of these tanks will obtain alage and such and will look terrible in a couple months. Humm, ever try to clean some of those fancy tanks, it ain't fun. Ofcourse I understand the whole point of these type of shows but it really does give the wrong impression to a newbe! The saltwater stuff is even worse. It's a full time job basicly taking care of some of the stuff you see at shows that happened to be set up the prior day. One dead fish getting stuck behind a rock and not found early and bang, the whole tank DIES! It's just not reality but again love what you do and continued success!
Leslie Carman
Leslie Carman - 8 years ago
love watching what you do love the channel to see some Oscars on your channel would be amazing
william amely
william amely - 8 years ago
You are amazing! I truly enjoy the dedication you show, and the complete effort you put forth, into your hobby. I've been a fishkeeeper for almost 44 years and I have never, ever completely accomplished in mine as you have in yours. I am a member of the Brooklyn Aquarium Society (Founded in 1911, making it one of the oldest clubs in the US.) since 1993 and it is dedicated to educating Aquarists. We would love to have you come to New York in 2018 to talk about your Stingrays, your new fish building or a hands on discussion on building your own aquarium. Just let me know if you could make it to our neck of the woods next year. Our membership would most definitely benefit from your experiences in the hobby.
Kenny Ortiz
Kenny Ortiz - 8 years ago
fish room tour pls
Green Dutch Maffia Nl
Green Dutch Maffia Nl - 8 years ago
And I love your video's I cant wait to watch again
Green Dutch Maffia Nl
Green Dutch Maffia Nl - 8 years ago
public aquarium
wolffriendinus - 8 years ago
I'd like to see one of the aquarium/zoo videos. Have you ever been to the Seattle Aquarium?
Pinki2019 - 8 years ago
I'd like to see one of the fish room tours next.
yigit ogut
yigit ogut - 8 years ago
This cannel is so underrated it deserves more followers more views I've been watching joe since day one and still can't get sick of it can't wait till he starts making more videos.
G'day from down under to all my Canadian friends
Hello There
Hello There - 8 years ago
we need a better diy canopy video showing more detail on different hinge/door styles. the first was more about the frame.

a diy on a power strip with individual power buttons for each plug would be quite usefull
m jan
m jan - 8 years ago
do you do aquascaping
Lil Uzi Vert
Lil Uzi Vert - 8 years ago
Best fish channel my man!!! Keep up the work, never give up
Joseph Ruopoli
Joseph Ruopoli - 8 years ago
hey joey. can you do that feeding routine with angel fish.
HershGaming - 8 years ago
Fish room tour for sure! :D
Discus For Me Yay
Discus For Me Yay - 8 years ago
what would you do if youre gone for 2 months?
SDD525 - 8 years ago
perry de gouveia
perry de gouveia - 8 years ago
Hey Joey, I know it's not what you asked for but would it be possible to show us how you would build a fluidized bed reactor or a very powerful and efficient mechanical filter. I would be very interested to see how you would do it.
DestrxyedLove - 8 years ago
change your name to DIY Fisherkeeper
precog - 8 years ago
I knew it!! I see Rachel oleary ! 4:27, my 2 favorite YouTubers in one vid lezzzgo :D
FW_Muncheez - 8 years ago
Fish room tour!
John Peckham
John Peckham - 8 years ago
Do one of the fish rooms Joey
ShOwMeUrTdS757 - 8 years ago
aquarium tour
ROSIE & HOPI'S DREAM - 8 years ago
best way 4 ppl to learn, I'd hands on. sometimes even simplest things can still be intimidating. do exactly what you did with the fish tank having someone from the audience or many people from the audience actually do it can definitely prove how simple and easy the task can really be. I'm setting up my first tank in many many years period it's a brackish tank on the third week of cycling. hope next month I can go ahead and add my Opae ula.
ROSIE & HOPI'S DREAM - 8 years ago
also, l love seeing some of the other UTuber channels in the aquarium hobby on vids. shows how tight the community really is.
BrendanOriginal - 8 years ago
Fish room tour would be awesome! I love watching those.
Jack Bargert
Jack Bargert - 8 years ago
fishroom tour , or actually whatever you put out will be worth watching I'm sure .
Alexir ope
Alexir ope - 8 years ago
hey guys pls subscribe to me and help me grow
Marie-Christine - 8 years ago
I want to see everything and anything you post!
Jessica Rose
Jessica Rose - 8 years ago
I have the same tank those angels were in it's called a fluval chi.
Gialexis Llanos
Gialexis Llanos - 8 years ago
What Are Those Snake Fishes Called?
Hockey BOSS
Hockey BOSS - 8 years ago
Gialexis Llanos it is called a snake head your welcome
hotrodvdub - 8 years ago
Joey, didn't you say a few weeks back that you had a new filter design that you wanted to make a video about? I love those types of videos.
Jane Abel
Jane Abel - 8 years ago
I was wondering is crafting clay safe to use for decorations in a fish tank? If not how can I make safe decorations for my fish tank?
carlos russell
carlos russell - 8 years ago
I want to see what happened in Chicago
Jacob Stang
Jacob Stang - 8 years ago
I've always wanted a flowerhorn but only a teenager and can't afford an expensive one. I've waited one whole peckin year for a nice but cheap one. I finnaly got one a week ago for $13. Best purchase ever, so colorful and already getting a kok
Cole Camilleri
Cole Camilleri - 8 years ago
what's happenin my man.
David B
David B - 8 years ago
Joey, I'd like to see an interview with your wife and how she feels about your hobby and why she hasn't divorced you so far! I'm not kidding.
Jesse Fletcher
Jesse Fletcher - 8 years ago
fish room tour would be cool, cheers joey
Matarese28 - 8 years ago
Love aquarium builds can't wait to see the fish room chock full of tanks
waktherockMVP - 8 years ago
WOAH! The office is packed.
Harvey Bowes
Harvey Bowes - 8 years ago
I really enjoy watching you. Glad your gonna post more soon
Stuart Brewer
Stuart Brewer - 8 years ago
Can't wait to see you working on the tanks in your fish house. I'd like to see a public aquarium tour for the Sunday upload please.
Mike thompson
Mike thompson - 8 years ago
aquarium tour pls!! Second tank shown had juruparri, I have one named Igor and he is my favorite fish..
jackie glenshire
jackie glenshire - 8 years ago
What are those catfish around the 13 min mark? And the cool looking fish in the same tank in the back corner that you zoom in on?
Spukky - 8 years ago
fish room tour please.
Jacob Noble
Jacob Noble - 8 years ago
Haven't had a fish since I was five. Found your channel and am full of envy. Plus being a fellow Canadian its nice to hear a legitimate Canadian "accent" on the YouTube. Cheers mang
Pesto EXOTICS - 8 years ago
The king of DIY i love your videos ; they help me get distracted by my school, family... problems. Thanks so much for making me happy every week!
pacifico1688 - 8 years ago
Stop these sorts of videos until the gallery is done. start a vlog of the building work so we can see the day by day until completion
Charlie Fortson
Charlie Fortson - 8 years ago
Id love to see some fish rooms!
Giraffey Jackie
Giraffey Jackie - 8 years ago
When are you coming too Britain
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
that was cool :)
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 8 years ago
I actually just realized this yesterday but a female betta for some reason looks like a small arowana.
Tim Johansson
Tim Johansson - 8 years ago
What i would like to see more of in the future would be uncut videos of your speeches, doesnt feel as it would be a to big of a hussle and very intressting for us that doesnt live close by ( Sweden ) :)
Jimmie Burnett
Jimmie Burnett - 8 years ago
hello Joey Jimmie Burnett here the blind guy Ellenwood Georgia, I am just curious on if you have ever thought about building a 3 foot diameter and 5 foot tall cylinder tank! if so could you please give me some ideas on how to bend the acrylic in a cylinder matter?
Ramon Chavez
Ramon Chavez - 8 years ago
ryan rogers
ryan rogers - 8 years ago
Would love to see some more public aquariums with your commentary. Great videos!
Peter Hviid
Peter Hviid - 8 years ago
Expert Aquatic
Expert Aquatic - 8 years ago
Be careful because flower horns spread diseases
Campbellstyle - 8 years ago
Are those the new adidas iniki runners that you're wearing?
MrRubencito313 - 8 years ago
fish room tour
martins rifts Uk
martins rifts Uk - 8 years ago
Fish room tour please
Noah's Ark
Noah's Ark - 8 years ago
Hey it's that nerdy kid from your Chicago presentation. Don't forget to name the flower horn!
Evoscar 159
Evoscar 159 - 8 years ago
Fish Room Tour please for this sunday
Tyler - 8 years ago
My vote is fish room tour
Mitchell Lubline
Mitchell Lubline - 8 years ago
I don't have any tanks left other for a land frog but still find your videos helpful for some of the insane future tanks I want and how to adapt interesting videos for even my frog tank like using a reactor as his drainage layer filter making life simpler
Santo Ortiz
Santo Ortiz - 8 years ago
how many water changes you do a month?
Brendan Campbell
Brendan Campbell - 8 years ago
Public Aquarium!!
JTB Reptiles
JTB Reptiles - 8 years ago
Awesome, looks like a fun event! Nice vid Joey!
ranveer sikrewal
ranveer sikrewal - 8 years ago
Would love to see your new fish room..i am from india and seriously you have helped with diy acrylic aquarium built.. i never thought i will do it on my own.
Gary Barritt
Gary Barritt - 8 years ago
fishroom tour
Bentley Pascoe
Bentley Pascoe - 8 years ago
I've been out of the fish keeping hobby for about a decade now and with a new home, I've been slowly getting ideas from you and a few other places on what I want to do - so first let me say thanks for all your content. It really helps someone like me slowly dip back in and rebuild the knowledge base. Second, what is the stone that was used to aquascape the glass tank you built - I love the look of it and would like something like that for the tank I'm working toward.
George Hennon
George Hennon - 8 years ago
Some sort of tour
Barry r
Barry r - 8 years ago
What's happening my man
sem hakseng
sem hakseng - 8 years ago
Where is his goldfish???
Justasimple dude
Justasimple dude - 8 years ago
hey joey why don´t you have any catfish?
The DutchGamingNoob
The DutchGamingNoob - 8 years ago
I want to see it all!!
Michael Thomas
Michael Thomas - 8 years ago
I want to see the zoo you referred to.
Michael Thomas
Michael Thomas - 8 years ago
Hey what did you decide to call you flower horn. I still think Mr. Dubbs sounds good.
Purple_Kowawa - 8 years ago
Are arawana (I don't know how to spell it) freshwater and how big do they get
Tom MacRae
Tom MacRae - 8 years ago
Love the plecos and catfish
Turtles Tanks
Turtles Tanks - 8 years ago
"Whats happening my man?" Joey is awesome!
Aline Greeley
Aline Greeley - 8 years ago
you should visit Canada, I would Love to go and see you somwhere
Aline Greeley
Aline Greeley - 8 years ago
sorry i meant B.C
Logan Heilman
Logan Heilman - 8 years ago
Gaming & Bettas he lives in Canada
luminal Aztec
luminal Aztec - 8 years ago
will we ever get to meet your family?
ill have Uh, uhhh
ill have Uh, uhhh - 8 years ago
Joey, if there is alot of snow and the door is blocked and your kids cant get to school, how will you get to your fish house?
Lisa Misslisa
Lisa Misslisa - 8 years ago
Orlando vlog please
Ken Nowak
Ken Nowak - 8 years ago
I'd like to see all of the places you been thanks Joey
Manzo Azul
Manzo Azul - 8 years ago
I'm the kid in the orange and gray sweater with orange shoes
EngineeringAquariums - 8 years ago
"Whats Happening My Man"
Brandy Hiller
Brandy Hiller - 8 years ago
MarineAquariumNovice that's hilarious I was thinking the same thing. get a new catch phrase
The Donut Crew
The Donut Crew - 8 years ago
Fish room tour
Reaper Spirit
Reaper Spirit - 8 years ago
good luck
Dr Rohit Raj
Dr Rohit Raj - 8 years ago
Joey i m very sad today,
My tiger oscar ate betta
Michael Klaus
Michael Klaus - 8 years ago
thanks for sharing this aquatic journey with us Joey!
Brandon Fully
Brandon Fully - 8 years ago
hey Joey. just a random thought. now we all know you are a busy man. but I'm sure everyone would enjoy just a quick vlog style video once a day. just a little two minute clip in addition to your longer videos. I find myself looking every day for a new video from you. I'm sure all of us would stop in to watch something like feeding your​ fish. you bring great content. it would be cool to see just a natural un edited clip of something just random going on in your day. just a thought. good video today!!
Andrew Burke
Andrew Burke - 8 years ago
I would like to see the Chicago fish rooms.
Wayne Milne
Wayne Milne - 8 years ago
hiya joey, just wondering will you be building the concrete tank in the new fish room or will you be getting someone in the help & will there be a video about it ?.
omegawolf81 - 8 years ago
One of the fish room tours would be cool to see. I always like seeing how others use the space they have and might give me ideas on how best to use the space I have to use.
tankofsalt - 8 years ago
How do you get so much water up to tempter when doing a water change? It's easy in smaller tanks you can just use a bucket and heater but you have monster tanks??
cpfcfazzino - 8 years ago
do a zoo video
Goldiebubbles - 8 years ago
I went to the big fish deal and saw you!
BlueDragon344 - 8 years ago
this might be a random request but I would like to see a video on how to start an aquarium, how to prepare water,how to cycle it, which brand you like to use and a lot of information in general. keep up the great videos :D
D L - 8 years ago
I want to have an children aquascapingcontest too ind germany
Fat Tire
Fat Tire - 8 years ago
Come to Alaska!
Danielle Rigby
Danielle Rigby - 8 years ago
I just love you Joey! It's because of you that I have developed a interest in keeping fish. I have just set up my first ever tank, a 60litre (I'm in the UK) planted tank. I so far have 5 Sakura Red Shrimp in the tank, just until I'm 100% sure that my tank has cycled properly. And with you showing us you and your daughter have done a tank for herself I have decided that my son will be having a small 20litre tank for his birthday in September.
Just wanted to say thank you, for helping me find something that I am truly interested in doing as a hobby, and in return it is helping me with my anxiety PTSD and also depression. So thankyou so much for helping me in more ways than you could imagine.
Abdullah Younas
Abdullah Younas - 8 years ago
fish room tour
Abdullah Younas
Abdullah Younas - 8 years ago
by the way I love ur videos and enjoy learning new things from u
Racoon Owner
Racoon Owner - 8 years ago
more puplic aquarium tours please
Sean Frederickson
Sean Frederickson - 8 years ago
ever coming to washington state?
SLIMESLAYER10 - 8 years ago
joey you should come to Vancouver BC and check out our aquarium and some of our many fish stores
Nick G
Nick G - 8 years ago
Tough decision between fish rooms and public aquarium! I'd have to go with the fish rooms though! Always love getting an inside look of peoples fish rooms and how they set things up. Thanks for the videos Joey!
Sean Frederickson
Sean Frederickson - 8 years ago
how often do you feed your fish if your doing a 50% water change after feeding them?
Brandon Fully
Brandon Fully - 8 years ago
Sean Frederickson he only does this when he leaves for trip. he doesn't to 50% every time he feeds
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
That flowerhorn is going to become a YouTube pet celebrity.. first popular fish :P
Geckos 'N Stuff
Geckos 'N Stuff - 7 years ago
Jyllian Grace yay cheese! :3
Haylee Hernandez
Haylee Hernandez - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping I was going to say that. I love cheese
Jyllian Grace
Jyllian Grace - 7 years ago
Cheese is the king
artie - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping noo way taylor deans cowfish is the MVP
Vinny Furtado
Vinny Furtado - 8 years ago
BunniesAndBubbles yes I know but she recorded it
The Mad Hatter
The Mad Hatter - 8 years ago
Vinny Furtado I think her pet cow fish named Cheese is the next pet celebrity.
BunniesAndBubbles - 8 years ago
But wheelchair fish was her friend's fish.
Vinny Furtado
Vinny Furtado - 8 years ago
Actually wheelchair fish is more popular he was all over the news but that was uploaded by Taylor Nichole dean
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I hope that oneday..Banana could be as popular as cheese. They are both named after food.. yellow food... is it meant to be?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Cheese is on a whole other level. :P
Michael Hesford
Michael Hesford - 8 years ago
StevenGamet Cheese is the only reason I'm subscribed to her... just kidding but Cheese is still pretty awesome.
StevenGamet - 8 years ago
I didn't choose the cheese life, the cheese life choose me!
Goldiebubbles - 8 years ago
StevenGamet OMG I love cheese!
StevenGamet - 8 years ago
uhm not the first popular fish... Taylor Nicole Dean's fish Cheese is a bit more of a celebrity :P
RaleyWeGrind - 8 years ago
what is the name of the video where you had the guest who was a saltwater guy? He had massive tanks and it was diy as well
Rich's Creations
Rich's Creations - 8 years ago
I'd love to see the fish rooms on Sunday!
alex frabizio
alex frabizio - 8 years ago
What about an update on your saltwater tank?
convict 242
convict 242 - 8 years ago
Walter Goldsmith
Walter Goldsmith - 8 years ago
Finish building your fish house so you can have a fish house warming, I drink Budweiser
elkech _
elkech _ - 8 years ago
fish room tour
Raymond Xie
Raymond Xie - 8 years ago
When you said the tank didn't have enough time to cure and cut to the video of Jen aquascaping I was 90% sure it was going to fall apart
CVI Gamer
CVI Gamer - 8 years ago
FISH ROOM TOUR!!!!!!!!!!
Judge POng
Judge POng - 8 years ago
public aquarium.
Dana S
Dana S - 8 years ago
Public aquarium/zoo!
Peyton Sharp
Peyton Sharp - 8 years ago
Hey joey I would love to see an update on your drop off tank!
ElDeano09 - 8 years ago
spencemp3 - 8 years ago
Fish room tour is my vote :)
Isabella Modin
Isabella Modin - 8 years ago
do that "aquascaping girl " ha e a youtube chanel?
Venky Venkatesh
Venky Venkatesh - 8 years ago
joey wt r u feeding to ur flower horn
Vino Bfa
Vino Bfa - 8 years ago
superb bro
Ray Giannamore
Ray Giannamore - 8 years ago
Suggestion for Sunday - none. Your videos are always interesting.
Big Paydrow
Big Paydrow - 8 years ago
Fish room tour
Ray Giannamore
Ray Giannamore - 8 years ago
When you paint the fish room, will you use a special paint or just plain latex?
dylans little hobies on youtube
dylans little hobies on youtube - 8 years ago
aqarium tour sounds cool with a speak over like you did a few years back
sdq sdq
sdq sdq - 8 years ago
you should ask her to scape one of your tank in the fish garage
Chuck Davis
Chuck Davis - 8 years ago
I'd like to see the "small" fishroom that you mentioned.
Saahil Khan
Saahil Khan - 8 years ago
Me being a young hobbyist would love to see some fishroom tours...... especially looking forward to the which has been set up in a small confined area...... Thanks Joey.IndiA
Justin Rasmussen
Justin Rasmussen - 8 years ago
Just taking a guess. Was the large fish room you toured while in Chicago Alex G's 1600g Plywood Tank System? I know on his Reef2Reef thread he mentions your plywood build videos a few times as his starting reference point. If my guess is wrong you should check it out because I think it will put a smile on your face to see what you've inspired him to build.
carlmelo - 8 years ago
Neat convention. I'd love to see a fishroom tour!
Sam Roger
Sam Roger - 8 years ago
Carl Shayne Castillo
Carl Shayne Castillo - 8 years ago
I would want to watch a review on Jen's aquascape. So cool!
Fernando Luna
Fernando Luna - 8 years ago
$200 for an Azul Peacock Bass! I just sold my juvenile for $80! I guess markets vary per area... Oh well
fish lover
fish lover - 8 years ago
thank you so much
NM Aquatics
NM Aquatics - 8 years ago
a cool aquarium tour of one of those fish rooms you mentioned would be wonderful.
Fitzi - 8 years ago
Hey Joey why do you do such big water changes so often? I think you said in a previous video you do a 30% every two to three days; I do 20% once a week!
Kawser Latif
Kawser Latif - 8 years ago
public aquariums !!
Bilaal Adam
Bilaal Adam - 8 years ago
When you get the massive tanks are you going to get the silver dollar fish
Richard Shackelford
Richard Shackelford - 8 years ago
post anything it will be watched lol
Moonlight Man
Moonlight Man - 8 years ago
fish room Sunday...
Levi Wessels
Levi Wessels - 8 years ago
flowerhorn name and aquascaping the aquarium of the flowerhorn
JorlyWashMunch-alot - 8 years ago
Omg I live in Orlando!!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+JorlyWashMunch-alot it's been awesome here! I leave tomorrow though. :(
Artoo - 8 years ago
Thank you for another NICE video!! Love your videos and fish!!!
Turbocharged Evo
Turbocharged Evo - 8 years ago
Can't wait to see the new aquascape
Smannsaker - 8 years ago
Am I crazy if I prefer the silver arowana?
ルリ - 8 years ago
Come to Scotland!
C O - 8 years ago
I notice you use mostly empty aquariums ( just 1-2 fish inside, no plants etc). Isn't it dull and unnatural for the fish?
Jordan Allred
Jordan Allred - 8 years ago
I would like to see the public aquarium tour
Johnny Phive
Johnny Phive - 8 years ago
Wassup joey
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
BFD was so fun! Thanks again for speaking and participating in the round table! you are a star!
box of fish
box of fish - 8 years ago
saw you in 4:28 . still with that colorful mohawk
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
yea, quite a few times actually.
Enter Name Here
Enter Name Here - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary you were in the video btw, 428
Mumbai Glimpses
Mumbai Glimpses - 8 years ago
Definitely would love a video on the fishroom build
MJ Savage
MJ Savage - 8 years ago
Hey great vid
Don Mathew
Don Mathew - 8 years ago
public aquarium tours on Sunday slot please
Boss Man
Boss Man - 8 years ago
What type of rocks did you use when you aquascaped the tank
traysd1234 - 8 years ago
Are you and Rachel related? I was listening to you one day and said, who does he sound like?? You and Rachel speak the same, its hard to explain but i was just curious..
MasterAquatics - 8 years ago
feeding videos are the best! thanks for the upload joey!
Tyler Walker
Tyler Walker - 8 years ago
i vote to see the aquarium
burque bassin
burque bassin - 8 years ago
Can you run a salt water tank with no substrate just live rock?
burque bassin
burque bassin - 8 years ago
Norsey428 cool thanks
Norsey428 - 8 years ago
hope it goes well...if you got any other questions let me know. Never mind helping a fellow reefer
burque bassin
burque bassin - 8 years ago
Norsey428 that sucks hopefully mine will stay peaceful his only tank mates are a pair of clowns and a peppermint
Norsey428 - 8 years ago
six lines do get pretty mean...the fairy wrasses get along better...but i wouldnt risk another wrasse with the 6line and he can become aggressive over time with other tank mates. I had to find my old 6line a new home because he was stressing my other fish
burque bassin
burque bassin - 8 years ago
Norsey428 have a 6 line now and was under the impression not to add similar species once one has established themselves in the tank
Norsey428 - 8 years ago
not all wrasses rely on it...Flasher wrasses domt and are really nice and colorful
burque bassin
burque bassin - 8 years ago
Norsey428 dang will have both.. sounds like I'm stuck but would've been nice to make the clean up a little easier. Thanks for the information I appreciate it
Norsey428 - 8 years ago
not too sure if it would have any effect on corals...but from what ive read on certain forums, it would be an issue if you wanted to keep certain wrasses or inverts
burque bassin
burque bassin - 8 years ago
Awesome thanks. Also any idea if that has an effect on corals?
Norsey428 - 8 years ago
burque bassin there are some people who run bare bottom salt water tanks
Tyler Smith
Tyler Smith - 8 years ago
I've been watching for a while now and I really love your videos ☺️ I watch religiously every Thursday & Sunday!
AquaLife&More - 8 years ago
Name the Flowerhorn Viper
Vasilis Skliros
Vasilis Skliros - 8 years ago
awesome video man! keep going
fish lover
fish lover - 8 years ago
can I feed my flower horn a chicken liver
Akasha Maraldi
Akasha Maraldi - 8 years ago
Selfie Comedy With A.S no I don't think that is a good idea because it not a thing that there body is supposed to consume it will probably cause problems they don't eat birds I would stick to their natural diet ☺
Kamdon Day
Kamdon Day - 8 years ago
The guy who helped you build the tank is Corey Barton. He's a member of my local club North Florida Fish Keepers he's representing with the shirts i had made for us, woop woop! This is Kamdon btw Joey. Another great video brother! Keep it up!
Sayujya Satyal
Sayujya Satyal - 8 years ago
Is that a new Grow-out tank, or your stingrays got lot bigger. That tank looks way too small now
mert burak ata
mert burak ata - 8 years ago
my fovorite
Tyson Musgrave
Tyson Musgrave - 8 years ago
Would love to see a video of The Fish Room Tours!
wichid cichlid
wichid cichlid - 8 years ago
fishy famous! cool and humble......✌
Ritankar Das
Ritankar Das - 8 years ago
This Sunday, plz do a video on what happened in Orlando.
Kate Madsen
Kate Madsen - 8 years ago
lol I just saw Rachel oleary walk past in the back
Arik Rahman
Arik Rahman - 8 years ago
what type of fish was that? silver gulies?
Kyle's Aquatics
Kyle's Aquatics - 8 years ago
fish room tour
Humble Fish Haven
Humble Fish Haven - 8 years ago
Jacob Chrem
Jacob Chrem - 8 years ago
haha Joey your the best "I think this is the worst aquarium I've ever built" lmao!! I wanna c what your up to in Orlando on Sunday. thank you Joey!!
The PARADOX PARADISE - 8 years ago
public aquarium is a nice change
Richard Stock
Richard Stock - 8 years ago
Fishroom tour please!
Arman - 8 years ago
I'd love to finally see you name the flowerhorn Jester, as it should be
Lynn O
Lynn O - 8 years ago
Love the vids, would love to see fish rooms tour
billy ginson
billy ginson - 8 years ago
Hey sir! Oh i really love your videos. And im hoping that youll upload the videos on your ZOO AQUARIUM thing.All the way to the Philippines ☘
Popkedex 914
Popkedex 914 - 8 years ago
I love your smile man...you got a nice pair of cheeks....love your videos
reelthing4u - 8 years ago
all of the above
Alex Gonzalez
Alex Gonzalez - 8 years ago
please do an aqurium tour
FracturedSage 38
FracturedSage 38 - 8 years ago
He would have told us and you can see most of the aquariums in this video...
Alex Gonzalez
Alex Gonzalez - 8 years ago
how do you know have you been there?!!!!!!!
FracturedSage 38
FracturedSage 38 - 8 years ago
It's only been 2 weeks
FracturedSage 38
FracturedSage 38 - 8 years ago
Nothing has really changed tho
Alex Gonzalez
Alex Gonzalez - 8 years ago
no but a new one please understand!!!
FracturedSage 38
FracturedSage 38 - 8 years ago
He just did
Alex Gonzalez
Alex Gonzalez - 8 years ago
no but an update
zandrello - 8 years ago
Alex Gonzalez he just did about a week ago, check out his recent videos
sirkenn - 8 years ago
A fish room tour on sunday would be great!
Kristófer Leó Ómarsson
Kristófer Leó Ómarsson - 8 years ago
Yet another great video. Love watching everything you put out there and really nice to see how much you interact with other fish keepers and especially the kids like the ones at the convention. Looking forward to watching you in the future and can´t wait for an update on the new fish house :)
best wishes from your freezing friends in Iceland
How to care for koi fry By Sean hart
How to care for koi fry By Sean hart - 8 years ago
You are by far the best YouTuber love your fish and your videos
Shreyas Acharya
Shreyas Acharya - 8 years ago
what plants would you suggest to someone who has kinda decejt lighting and no co2?
SUMIT RAJ - 8 years ago
flowerhorn <3
Justin - 8 years ago
Can we get some actual DIY content?
Rasti - 8 years ago
3:30 - 3:39

Did you even watch the video? lol...
TheLeroy1981 - 8 years ago
The rays are looking amazing buddy! A huge difference in them from the start.
Ranjith Joe
Ranjith Joe - 8 years ago
I would like to see the fish room tour :)
Fish Freak
Fish Freak - 8 years ago
Public aquariums, please!
Jaco De Bruyn
Jaco De Bruyn - 8 years ago
Shees Joey is swol as hell!
COSMIC BOX GAMING 11 - 8 years ago
what up
Tanuja Mondkar
Tanuja Mondkar - 8 years ago
Joey, Rachael Oleary Spotted!!!!
Tanuja Mondkar
Tanuja Mondkar - 8 years ago
Joey, Rachael Oleary Spotted!!!!
richie1317 - 8 years ago
That's me at the Chicago talk with Joey
richie1317 - 8 years ago
I shook the man's hand!
KillYourHero92 - 8 years ago
I received my DIY shirt last night and theres a new video this morning! Its a good thursday! Keep on fish keeping!
Left Right
Left Right - 8 years ago
joey is like an alpha male in there!
dchaffin5000 - 8 years ago
Please get a Green Terror for your new fish house!!
Indrayudh Datta
Indrayudh Datta - 8 years ago
This sunday can you do a how to: keep asian arowanas or how to: keep freshwater stingrays
Indrayudh Datta
Indrayudh Datta - 7 years ago
No he has species profile on similus discus. Thats it
Peter Oliver
Peter Oliver - 8 years ago
Indrayudh Datta he already has a how to keep stingray doesn't he
John Warren
John Warren - 8 years ago
Fishroom tour for me please.
Jarmstr3 - 8 years ago
So exited for the new fish room!!!!!!
Aidan Petty
Aidan Petty - 8 years ago
Can you make a video on how to raise fry, preferably convict cichlids!
BaX - 8 years ago
Finally I am waiting for next video
DragonSlayer - 8 years ago
nice vid.
Job Vandenderen
Job Vandenderen - 8 years ago
please make a complete diy saltwater tank
SpeedFreak Np
SpeedFreak Np - 8 years ago
hello joeyy.....
lorenzo junsay
lorenzo junsay - 8 years ago
dude I'm a big fan of yours... I love all the fish you have and diy aquarium... especially I love your stingrays...
Jus a pupper
Jus a pupper - 8 years ago
Call the flowerhorn jester
Jus a pupper
Jus a pupper - 8 years ago
Just an idea
CrazyCraig - 8 years ago
Does anyone have any tips for breeding guppies?
Sayan Misra
Sayan Misra - 8 years ago
CrazyCraig just have good water quality, have ur heater to about 76 to 78 and feed them. They are like rabbits of the water world always horny haha
Peter Oliver
Peter Oliver - 8 years ago
CrazyCraig with guppies it's mostly about your water if it's good they will just breed they are super easy just clean water is all they need really
Proteus - 8 years ago
hey joey doesn't silicone take at least 7 day to cure depending on the thickness of beads?
Proteus - 8 years ago
The king of DIY Well i learnt something new. Thank you!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Proteus it depends on thickness of course. 6mm tanks and under, wait 24hrs. 8mm-12 mm, wait 4-5 days. Anything more, wait the 7 days.
iT'S Morphin Time Power Rangers
iT'S Morphin Time Power Rangers - 8 years ago
Can you feed a feeder fish to your arowanA
Gavin Rosenvall
Gavin Rosenvall - 8 years ago
PhantomGamer Could also introduce any illnesses/parasites that the feeders may have been exposed to. They're just a risky meal that isn't as beneficial as prepared foods and high quality pellets.
Fabio B
Fabio B - 8 years ago
PhantomGamer from what i know, its actually not a good idea as it is not a healthy meal and I would guess it can be stressful for the fish, i'm not sure abouth the latter though
iGaroux - 8 years ago
does anybody see him upload a video and have to watch before anything else?
Lyle Chipperson
Lyle Chipperson - 8 years ago
O Leary sighting @4:28
Lyle Chipperson
Lyle Chipperson - 8 years ago
Sayan Misra Ya jumped the gun on that.
Sayan Misra
Sayan Misra - 8 years ago
Lyle Chipperson Rachel is there for the convention. More sightings are there.
Shaibal Chakraborty
Shaibal Chakraborty - 8 years ago
LIKE AN UPDATE ON YOUR DAUGHTERS AQUARIUM AND definitely the public aquariam tour and personally I would like to see you fish gallery complete soon
l2-Hitman-24 - 7 years ago
wolffriendinus nbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.
Vinny Furtado
Vinny Furtado - 8 years ago
It's gone they took it down
wolffriendinus - 8 years ago
I have been wondering about this too
Funny Fish
Funny Fish - 8 years ago
Enter Name Here yeah
Enter Name Here
Enter Name Here - 8 years ago
Shaibal Chakraborty I pretty sure they took it doen
Shaibal Chakraborty
Shaibal Chakraborty - 8 years ago
+Taco Pizza I didn't know that last I know it hade some shrimps I think
Taco Pizza
Taco Pizza - 8 years ago
She did. But she asked Joey to take it apart and he did.
Trash Bin
Trash Bin - 8 years ago
Taco Pizza I though she had some cherry shrimp?
Taco Pizza
Taco Pizza - 8 years ago
Shaibal Chakraborty The daughters aquarium is no longer a thing.
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 8 years ago
I'm planning a 3wk vacation & going to South East Asia. Anyone have any advice for leaving a 20 gal planted tank with a school of corycat pandas? I have a neighbor caring for my dog who I can give instructions to care for my fish. i'm not a fan of asking anyone to do water changes. So any advice would be good & much appreciated. I want to give him premeasured food & I want to add polyfilter to my hob, just not sure on exact details yet.
Mike thompson
Mike thompson - 8 years ago
try to feed a little less than usual with the autofeeder so there's less waste.
xxTorchemAll - 8 years ago
You're welcome! And good luck!
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 8 years ago
Thanks for the advice! Yeah I have a timer for lights & that's really smart to do a water change right before. I'll definitely be getting an auto-feeder before I leave. :)
xxTorchemAll - 8 years ago
I had to leave my 30G planted tank alone for about 3 and a half weeks as well over Christmas, and honestly I just did massive water changes several days before leaving, as well as cleaning out my canister filter and adding new of the white sponges. Also get a cheap fish feeder and set it to feed every other day, as well as a timer (commonly used for Christmas lights) to turn the tank light on and off each day. When you get back the tank won't look pretty, but everything will still be alive.
Mohammed Al Hadher
Mohammed Al Hadher - 8 years ago
Allison ur screwed, that's it
JordanPcsd - 8 years ago
could you ever make a ¨living fossils¨ tank, such as polypterus.
Thushar Jithesh
Thushar Jithesh - 8 years ago
u still havent decided a name for the flowerhorn
Ted Scott
Ted Scott - 8 years ago
I thought it would be Horn Mc.. Oh wait.
Kevin Spackman
Kevin Spackman - 8 years ago
Cichlid Boy.... it's Flower Mcflower Face.
Subash Shrestha
Subash Shrestha - 8 years ago
I just love your flower horn
James Martin
James Martin - 8 years ago
I love your vids
Kaiden Fay
Kaiden Fay - 8 years ago
when will you upload a vid on reef aquarium
Porcupik - 8 years ago
You should do a talk in Ontario!
Shaibal Chakraborty
Shaibal Chakraborty - 8 years ago
what about holiday food Joye and I would like to know why you don't use processed food like pellets for you fish and pls let us know how you prepare food for you fish
Fabio B
Fabio B - 8 years ago
Shaibal Chakraborty he already has videos on how he makes his food and such ;)
oTWINKLEoTOESo - 8 years ago
"these are the fish?"
"...yep" lol 10/10
George Winter
George Winter - 8 years ago
M xmm
M xmm - 8 years ago
Ohhh i love these longer videos
Gary Sosa
Gary Sosa - 8 years ago
hi joey im think about building a fish tank in the wall. any tips?
turtlegaming - 8 years ago
Hey cool vids when I'm older I want to have as many fish as you do good luck
Becca Louise
Becca Louise - 8 years ago
I'm honestly so excited to see Joey's aquascaping in the new fish room! I don't have any fish but I still look forward to seeing the tanks :)
James Collects
James Collects - 8 years ago
When you're that early its in 360p :(
Prasanna Gupta
Prasanna Gupta - 8 years ago
Joey please visit India!
NunchuckDuck - 7 years ago
uhh... I don't think he has that kind of money... And why?
Genral LE
Genral LE - 8 years ago
Finally!!I am waiting for the big fish house hope done it with out any problems!love to my favorite youtuber
amorembalming - 8 years ago
Planning on visiting England any time in the future?
PS4 Genius
PS4 Genius - 8 years ago
lol, new something like this would happen
FINN t - 8 years ago
PS4 Genius no Scotland is part of the UK with Wales, Northern Ireland anddd England -_-
PS4 Genius
PS4 Genius - 8 years ago
OhDearInPubs Scotland is part of England -_-
OhDearInPubs - 8 years ago
mike ze that's not England
mike ze
mike ze - 8 years ago
no but they got Loch Ness
Left Right
Left Right - 8 years ago
do you'll keep fishes in tea?
Shaibal Chakraborty
Shaibal Chakraborty - 8 years ago
thanks man
Hilal Ariq
Hilal Ariq - 8 years ago
Early. Awesome Video!!!!
Durgesh Nagpure
Durgesh Nagpure - 8 years ago
Hey i love your videos....subscribed and turned the notification on✌
WolfSP - 8 years ago
I always wondered what you did while you were away, since I too have to leave my fish for 3-4 days at a time
faizan shaikh
faizan shaikh - 8 years ago
love your videos
Austin Adams
Austin Adams - 8 years ago
chris johnson
chris johnson - 8 years ago
joey your the man i can't wait until you post 5 days a week
jedicrab1 1000
jedicrab1 1000 - 8 years ago
top quality video quality
Alok Pradhan
Alok Pradhan - 8 years ago
I learn alot from you man! Thanks alot...
chris johnson
chris johnson - 8 years ago
joey your the man i can't wait until you post 5 days a week
SCISLoCked - 8 years ago
Hey Joey
Thushar Jithesh
Thushar Jithesh - 8 years ago
notification squad
la main desmiracles33
la main desmiracles33 - 8 years ago
bonjour! from paris
CichlidGuy915 - 8 years ago
I really like when your videos are long... lots of fun stuff! another great video joey! waiting eagerly for that fish gallery to open!:)
Becca Louise
Becca Louise - 8 years ago
You know you're early when the highest quality is 360p...
Emile Boustany
Emile Boustany - 8 years ago
Channel Of Charlotte
Channel Of Charlotte - 8 years ago
Cant Wait to see
Sam Evans
Sam Evans - 8 years ago
Hello I would like to say I love watching your videos when I get back from school. Thanks for being on YouTube
Gail cartmell
Gail cartmell - 7 years ago
Sam Evans
I do the same , I at least watch one a day at least , I have just started on fish we have got 3 fish so far ( goldfish) names are Blacky Black nickname big one the next one is Goldy Gold and nickname is goldfish yellow and the last one is seasider01 and nickname is goldfish spots .

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