Feeding my fish, aquarium build and aquascaping!
Howto 8 years ago 173,463 views
Today, i take you along for what happened at the big fish deal. I cover feeding my fish and what i do before i leave my aquariums for several days, including water changes and feedings. SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ Seans channel: https://www.youtube.com/pecktec The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS
lol im in the middle of school .......but i'm homeschooled sooo lololo
10. comment for Feeding my fish, aquarium build and aquascaping!
Can any one tell me that?
20. comment for Feeding my fish, aquarium build and aquascaping!
30. comment for Feeding my fish, aquarium build and aquascaping!
I've meaning to suggest this to you: I think you should invest in a Lavalier Microphone.
50. comment for Feeding my fish, aquarium build and aquascaping!
Thanks Bro
100. comment for Feeding my fish, aquarium build and aquascaping!
PS : your videos are always very inspirational...started out two tanks after watching your videos !!!
i love you the king of diy
my girl calls you happy face. because you are always smiling. keep up the good work. and cheers from the Netherlands
My 2 favorite Aquarium people on YT (That I watched the most till this day) are going to make a video!
G'day from down under to all my Canadian friends
a diy on a power strip with individual power buttons for each plug would be quite usefull
My tiger oscar ate betta
Just wanted to say thank you, for helping me find something that I am truly interested in doing as a hobby, and in return it is helping me with my anxiety PTSD and also depression. So thankyou so much for helping me in more ways than you could imagine.
best wishes from your freezing friends in Iceland
Did you even watch the video? lol...
"...yep" lol 10/10
I do the same , I at least watch one a day at least , I have just started on fish we have got 3 fish so far ( goldfish) names are Blacky Black nickname big one the next one is Goldy Gold and nickname is goldfish yellow and the last one is seasider01 and nickname is goldfish spots .