HOW TO: Aquascape a Small Aquarium (ft. Fluval Spec)

The experts at Fluval offer several tips and tricks on how to build a beautiful aquascape for your nano aquarium. For more aquascaping tips, please visit

HOW TO: Aquascape a Small Aquarium (ft. Fluval Spec) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

Howto 8 years ago 41,694 views

The experts at Fluval offer several tips and tricks on how to build a beautiful aquascape for your nano aquarium. For more aquascaping tips, please visit

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Most popular comments
for HOW TO: Aquascape a Small Aquarium (ft. Fluval Spec)

Gourab Ghosh
Gourab Ghosh - 7 years ago
I have a 13 gallon tank, i just want to send a picture of it and need to know how i can make it better looking. Please share your email id if possible.
Victor Alanis
Victor Alanis - 7 years ago
When are you guys planning to lunch spec 4 any time soon
Guitar T
Guitar T - 7 years ago
picked another one up the shape of the tank, not so crazyaout the light.....will it grow anacharis? need help, blue lite
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Cultured anacharis has evolved to become quite adaptable, it is worth a try, we think so.
Guitar T
Guitar T - 7 years ago
please, is the light dependable, i want the spec v, need a dwarf snapping turtle, where can I get a piece of driftwood presoaked.....
i cant be bothered soaking, boiling etc....can you help me? are those tweezers? really do love these aquariums...there is something retro and yet contemporary about them....bery good, not gimmicky
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
You can always visit your local fish store who may sell you a piece of water logged driftwood from a display aquarium.
Guitar T
Guitar T - 7 years ago
interesting, got the 2.6 spec iii, - can you help me with a small plant or plants that do not require a lot of light and are sturdy, hearty, not too expensive, any help would be appreciated....gave up on snapping turtle
Guitar T
Guitar T - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics thanks so much for the info...will try petco, they seem to have some this small aquarium.....really do
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Absolutely. Try Cryptocoryne wendtii, works well in that size of tank and is a low light, perhaps add a select small piece of driftwood with java moss and trim to your liking as it grows.
Guitar T
Guitar T - 7 years ago
went and got the black spec iii back today......will try to make it work....why do not they make a small tank water turtle that looks cool...
Guitar T
Guitar T - 7 years ago
what is old fashioned seaweed called, dont see it anywhere in petco.....
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Likely its Caulerpa you are looking for, marine specialty shops should have it or can obtain it.
Guitar T
Guitar T - 7 years ago
someone please answer my nagging question, the people at petco dont know, does the led light change colors from white to blue, I cant stand bright light
Guitar T
Guitar T - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics thx fluval, got one, but now I may want the v instead, the iii is nice, but the shape of the v is more appealing, you mentioned about the snapping turtle, not really sure if it was one, long time ago, when my buddy georgie had one (1956), but it was a smaller turtlem pointed head, and it swam up and down the tank like crazu.....but your help is appreciated, and I love your videos and systems..
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
The light unit does have blue LEDs, at .37 in the video you will see it in operation, yes there is a blue LED only option.
Guitar T
Guitar T - 7 years ago
does it light up blue, i need to know
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago

10. comment for HOW TO: Aquascape a Small Aquarium (ft. Fluval Spec)

G LENG - 7 years ago
Instructions unclear, tank in bumb
Areal Person
Areal Person - 7 years ago
More time showing the final result would be nice, I wanted to see the fish and to better understand the result of your work.
Some people can't just jump right in. I like the products. Thanks
Vasiliy K
Vasiliy K - 8 years ago
Fluval, by all my heart please answer me and help me, I REALLY WANT IT, I MEAN I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT TO BUY IT! I've been looking all over the internet, where can i buy one, all i can find is the older versions. PLEASE
Guitar T
Guitar T - 7 years ago
petco, i had one, took it back....did not fit where I wanted it, good luck
Guitar T
Guitar T - 7 years ago
Vasiliy K petco
Hannah Renee
Hannah Renee - 8 years ago
+hibiscusfreak If you overpaid then so did I because I paid 110 for mine. And yeah, the only noticeable differences are pretty minor. Like the light fixtures.
hibiscusfreak - 8 years ago
I found out I grossly overpaid at Petco. I think I paid $90 or $100. But mine is definitely the new version. The only difference I can tell is that the old version has a more substantial light fixture. It's has a black plastic encasement. Mine (the new version) is just a bare metal strip.
Vasiliy K
Vasiliy K - 8 years ago
for how much?
Hannah Renee
Hannah Renee - 8 years ago
+Vasiliy K I found the new version. :) Just got it a week ago. You just have to look around and look at all of the sellers on Amazon.
Vasiliy K
Vasiliy K - 8 years ago
thats only the old version, i looked it up
Hannah Renee
Hannah Renee - 8 years ago
I baught the 5 gallon on Amazon.
hibiscusfreak - 8 years ago
I bought the 5 gallon at Petco 2 months ago.
The Midas Cat
The Midas Cat - 8 years ago
Vasiliy K
Vasiliy K - 8 years ago
Yeah, Ebay isn't trusted and can't be, well it's sad to learn we can't get this aquarium.
The Midas Cat
The Midas Cat - 8 years ago
I just went to Pet smart, they said that they will ONLY have the old models, they never knew anything about the newer version, although i did find it on ebay, but i dont trust it
Vasiliy K
Vasiliy K - 8 years ago
i did, I did a while ago, I called my local pet store that showed up at your range, later I went in to the store and they said they don't have it. After i went to three other stores, they said the same thing. I give up on the aquarium, i might as well get some used topfin aquarium
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Vasiliy, please visit , select your country and then contact us directly on the contact page, we will help you out no worries.
Dorito Fish
Dorito Fish - 8 years ago
The Midas Cat it should come out soon near your nearest pet retailer.
The Midas Cat
The Midas Cat - 8 years ago
no its not, i checked, if so please put a link here
Jose Garcia
Jose Garcia - 8 years ago
Vasiliy K its on sale at petsmart right now
B Funky
B Funky - 8 years ago
can i get a rough quote with making a aquascape the size of this
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Please visit a local retailer, they can easily provide you with that, where are you located?
Captain Savage Aquatics
Captain Savage Aquatics - 8 years ago
Very informative video! Goes into Great detail on aquascaping nano tanks!! Thanks guys!!
Algabs Abquina
Algabs Abquina - 8 years ago
do you guys have ready tanks like this?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
We do not offer decorated aquariums but as reviewed in the video we certainly do provide you with all the necessary hardware and offer some advice on creating an aquascape. Enjoying aquascaping offers you the chance to be creative, look for inspiration and create your own underwater scape, it is a lot of fun, best of luck...we would appreciate some images if you can share them with us!
TheHmongol - 8 years ago
hi there I'm searching online to purchase one of your fluval nano tank there. i want to get the black box one (new ones with the 7000k led shown in this video) but online only shows the older model. since the name didn't change how can I differentiate between the old and new one within my search ?
TheHmongol - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics I know, but even if I put new fluval spec 3 in Google search it will still show the older model.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
You can look at the upper right hand of the packaging, there you will see a red triangle with the word NEW in white font, that is the new version.
Shane Donaldson
Shane Donaldson - 8 years ago
Is it possible to use a 19L Spec Aquarium Kit as a saltwater set-up? If so, are there any changes that need to be made and what would they be?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
It could be if you stock it properly, one maximum two inch (5cm) fish and a shrimp perhaps with some mushroom coral. Weekly water changes of approximately a gallon (3.78L), the use of a mini skimmer is always better but would be difficult to fit in the filter compartment and would mean modifying the rather nice cover that comes with the kit.
11panos04 - 8 years ago
2,5 gallons.isn t it small for 4-6 neons and two corys to live in???
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
While the general rule states 1 inch of fish per gallon, in this case it would be ok if the corydoras you select are a small to dwarf species. Also remember that these fish do inhabit totally different areas of the aquarium.
carollol - 8 years ago
That push pin sounds like a nice way to fix that plant to the wood. But wont it rust and kill your fish/shrimp???
Lindsay White
Lindsay White - 7 years ago
What kind of push pin is this? Is this from like a craft store ??
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
This is one of a number of options you could adopt, and it is perfectly safe one for your fish.

20. comment for HOW TO: Aquascape a Small Aquarium (ft. Fluval Spec)

laura sutton
laura sutton - 8 years ago
never mind i see you guys fixed that problem
laura sutton
laura sutton - 8 years ago
only problem with these tanks of yours is the lids doint come off i wish you would change that makes them hard to clean
I'm WWinning
I'm WWinning - 8 years ago
Hi there, I have 1 Betta fish in a new 3 gallon tank, with a low flow carbon filtration system. In the tank is also an air stone set on low pressure, as well as a heater & thermometer. I bought this tank two Fridays ago (May 20), cycled the tank for 3 days using the specs on Fluval Biological enhancer for 3 days. I added my fish on the third day (May 23) she seems happy, moving around a lot in her bigger space. I however got my water tested yesterday (May 28) at Petsmart, to find out that my Nitrites are high at 3, which can cause stress to my fish.. pH, Ammonia, Nitrates, Chlorine/chloramines, hardness are all fine, which is so bizarre . I have done one 30% partial water change (May 26), 3 days after introducing our little fish to the tank, and haven't done a water change since (today is May 29). I use stress coat with all water changes. Yesterday (May 28) I added another 3mL dose of Fluval Biological Enhancer, in hopes that the bacteria would get rid of those nitrites? Am I doing the right thing? When should I see an improvement in Nitrite levels? Also, I think our little fish is splitting her Super Delta tail because of stress? I have a Marimo moss ball cave, river rocks (small and large) on a bare bottom tank, I will introduce a soft tall wispy silk plant and a smooth cave that I purchased at Petsmart, and MAJORLY sanded down all of the bumps and rough edges. Please help, I want to make sure her and her tank are balanced and healthy... Also, how many times do you suggest partial water changes for a 3 gallon tank with a small carbon filtration system, that runs on low speed/current? Sorry for all the questions, but I understand that I should be changing my carbon filter monthly, how do I ensure that it wont mess up the good bacteria from Fluval Biological enhancer? And how often and how much do I add the fluval Biological Enhancer to keep my tank's Nitrogen Cycle in balance? How do I know when the Nitrogen Cycle is working well and all is good? Sorry for all the questions but I'm worried about why I only have an issue with Nitrites? Thank you so much! :) Also, she sleeps most of the night lying down on the floor of her Marimo Moss ball cave, coming up for air occasionally. But she is very active during the day. Is this a good indicator of good health? Thank you in advance :D
rhys young
rhys young - 8 years ago
Try a 5 or 10 gallon and let it cycle for a week or 2
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi there, it sounds like you've taken all of the right steps to get your aquarium in tip top shape! In order to bring your Nitrites down, we would suggest avoiding feeding your fish over the next day or two (you can give her a flake here and there so she's not hungry) and performing a couple more water changes over this period. Make sure that the tank is properly aerated and is bubbling well. After a couple days of this, get your water tested again. Hopefully this will do the trick!
Motiejus Selenis
Motiejus Selenis - 8 years ago
where could i find the original photo from the thumbnail?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi Motiejus. We unfortunately do not have the high resolution version of this photo as it was used strictly as a reference from the web.
dun madun
dun madun - 8 years ago
Why is your studio so dark? If youre gonna film something have proper lighting at least. :/
juscallmej - 8 years ago
good video guys. I really like the look of those new fluval nano tanks.
Danna Cavell
Danna Cavell - 8 years ago
I really want to buy the fluval flora but I can't find it any where. Could you help me?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Danna Cavell Hi Danna, thanks for your interest. The Fluval Flora was discontinued a couple of years ago. We do, however, offer our CO2 kit which can be used to turn any of our Nano tanks into planted aquariums.
Evan Stepowany
Evan Stepowany - 8 years ago
Love the tanks, own 3 spec iii and a spec v... question, is there a way to repair/replace the white base plastic on a spec iii? there was a hairline fracture when we purchased at a big box retailer (that has since gotten worse), and they refused to accept a return/exchange.
Evan Stepowany
Evan Stepowany - 8 years ago
thank you so much
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Evan Stepowany Hi Evan, we suggest contacting Customer Service and inquiring with our support staff. They will be more than happy to look into the issue. Contact information is on our Website.
Dustin Sylvanas
Dustin Sylvanas - 8 years ago
Tom, I want to buy one of these new nano tanks! I can't even find them on amazon, help me out!
Eli's Aquascape
Eli's Aquascape - 8 years ago
+Dustin Cibak i found the 2.6 on ebay. the 5 gallon is on amazon just scroll down a bit.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Dustin Cibak Thank you for your interest in the Spec series. At this time, the newer SPEC models are available in the US, with plans are to expand distribution across North America and Europe later this summer. Some retailers may need to clear out the previous model before bringing the new ones in, which is why you may not see them everywhere just yet. Consult the Dealer Locator feature on to find a retailer near you, and we recommend always calling ahead to inquire if they have the item in stock or can special order it for you.
stephen james
stephen james - 8 years ago
When are the new gen tanks available?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+stephen james Thank you for your interest in the Spec series. At this time, the newer SPEC models are available in the US, with plans are to expand distribution across North America and Europe later this summer. Some retailers may need to clear out the previous model before bringing the new ones in, which is why you may not see them everywhere just yet. Consult the Dealer Locator feature on to find a retailer near you, and we recommend always calling ahead to inquire if they have the item in stock or can special order it for you.

30. comment for HOW TO: Aquascape a Small Aquarium (ft. Fluval Spec)

Alex Ivanov
Alex Ivanov - 8 years ago
I love Fluval, but your tanks are so hard to find. I am talking about the new fishtanks that you guys offer. The local aquarium store actually told me, that you guys were not working really well with small businesses.
Eli's Aquascape
Eli's Aquascape - 8 years ago
+Alex Ivanov i found the 2.6 on ebay. the 5 gallon is on amazon just scroll down a bit.
Alex Ivanov
Alex Ivanov - 8 years ago
I've used this feature, but in most places there's the older models and pumps and lighting. I've called plenty of stores asking for Vista and no one has it. Marineland and Aqueon has variety of tanks and products in any store.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Alex Ivanov We appreciate your interest in our aquariums, which are sold at thousands of locations around the country in both large and small retail stores. To find a list of Fluval dealers located near you, we encourage you to visit the Dealer Locator feature on
acuarios marinos y tropicales
acuarios marinos y tropicales - 8 years ago
Yea first
I love you videos
: )

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