HOW TO: Making a Nano Red Cherry Shrimp Planted Aquarium | TonyTanks

This is a video of me making my first shrimp only aquarium. Its a nano tank, 9 gallons (about 35 liters - 30*30*35cm). The filter I used: Breeding Box I used to fill the tank: Music: 1. Danse Morialta Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 2. Gymnopedia No.3 Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 3. Windswept Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 4. Cattails Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 (Taken from

HOW TO: Making a Nano Red Cherry Shrimp Planted Aquarium | TonyTanks sentiment_very_dissatisfied 645

Howto 12 years ago 1,726,223 views

This is a video of me making my first shrimp only aquarium. Its a nano tank, 9 gallons (about 35 liters - 30*30*35cm). The filter I used: Breeding Box I used to fill the tank: Music: 1. Danse Morialta Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 2. Gymnopedia No.3 Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 3. Windswept Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 4. Cattails Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 (Taken from

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Most popular comments
for HOW TO: Making a Nano Red Cherry Shrimp Planted Aquarium | TonyTanks

Teu Bahiano
Teu Bahiano - 7 years ago
Muito lindo
smooth clay
smooth clay - 7 years ago
What fish did you use?
Jolyn Ong
Jolyn Ong - 7 years ago
Where do I buy Last Minute Stones?
CLARK WAHLBERG - 7 years ago
Very well done! Such attention to small details that really make this tank cohesive.
cheyennepug - 7 years ago
that filter looks sick but I feel like it's gonna look like shit when it gets dirty
MAHADIMASAO - 7 years ago
what kind of filter is that? may i know?
youssif alshaibei
youssif alshaibei - 7 years ago
hey toni tanks, do you use normal sand or pool filter sand.
Simply Shrimps
Simply Shrimps - 7 years ago
Awesome tank! So inspiring =)
Supepy Gaming
Supepy Gaming - 7 years ago
What's up with the Minecraft ass music

10. comment for HOW TO: Making a Nano Red Cherry Shrimp Planted Aquarium | TonyTanks

刘飞 - 7 years ago
水草就真真儿的刨个坑埋进去了。 。 。 。
B's Aquatics
B's Aquatics - 7 years ago
Those are not red cherry shrimp, they are actually a very high grade crystal red shrimp
JNBaquatics - 7 years ago
what filter are you using? does it only come clear?
huybui207 - 7 years ago
u are so inspiring thank you so much for the videos it taught me a lot
Dario Garcia
Dario Garcia - 7 years ago
I unliked cuz of the music you chose
FamilyRodeo - 7 years ago
what is that white plastic box called?
Tingles AJ
Tingles AJ - 7 years ago
Define nano tank
Agah Celebi
Agah Celebi - 7 years ago
Normal tab water?
Willy The Warper
Willy The Warper - 7 years ago
for some reason i find this satisfying and relaxing
nicki leverington
nicki leverington - 7 years ago
What filter are you using?

20. comment for HOW TO: Making a Nano Red Cherry Shrimp Planted Aquarium | TonyTanks

Anthony Ortiz
Anthony Ortiz - 7 years ago
Great substrate but that's a lot of sand and gravel
ghostmoon94 - 7 years ago
You might enjoy Chopin's work.
Cam'sJungleAquaria - 7 years ago
great video
Ulisses Castro
Ulisses Castro - 7 years ago
tyler elkins
tyler elkins - 7 years ago
11:32 like little paratroopers :)
Marlene Suarez
Marlene Suarez - 7 years ago
About 5 years ago I had a 10 gallon tank and we had 2 big goldfish and a heater and decorations and then 1 of the goldfish died so we bought tiny fish it was a bad idea bc the other goldfish ate them
88 Spider
88 Spider - 7 years ago
I have 1 Aqarium so small so long OMG!!!!!!
88 Spider
88 Spider - 7 years ago
I have 1 Aqarium so small so long OMG!!!!!!
xxXodxx - 7 years ago
MegaLuisrafael - 7 years ago
Ese filtro absorberá esos pequeños crustáceos

30. comment for HOW TO: Making a Nano Red Cherry Shrimp Planted Aquarium | TonyTanks

Tomboy : P
Tomboy : P - 7 years ago
The stones looking bad in this tank
Andris Fejős
Andris Fejős - 7 years ago
Can you give us a link to the filter please? This is the one I'm looking for. :)
musicalmarion - 7 years ago
I loved watching that, but I was worried about the new water too. I just love that Satie Gymnopedie you chose as middle music, it's so beautiful and those sweet shrimp jumping out the cup was so cute. The tank looked great, many thanks for sharing it. : )
Vince Vengeance
Vince Vengeance - 7 years ago
i thought that were all ghost shrimps.
Chris Bullock
Chris Bullock - 7 years ago
who died?
Requiem Solari
Requiem Solari - 7 years ago
11:35 Drop soldiers!!
Echo the Noivern
Echo the Noivern - 7 years ago
the shrimp arnt red
Denny Akasya
Denny Akasya - 7 years ago
Daniel Garlick
Daniel Garlick - 7 years ago
it was like they were all taking a leap of fate, can imagine the nerves in the guy going first.
恵美子 H
恵美子 H - 7 years ago
And you do this all for.....shrimp?
Selton Lima
Selton Lima - 7 years ago
bad song bro
Mitch Connor
Mitch Connor - 7 years ago
how do you clean it? don't you have to vacuum the gravel?
Eric Bishop
Eric Bishop - 7 years ago
Those filters were always so difficult to get the right water flow. Biggest pain in my ass. Nice tank!
bin diddy sans
bin diddy sans - 7 years ago
What is some good planted tank substrate?
Mir Jubair Rahman Razin
Mir Jubair Rahman Razin - 7 years ago
Man,those are not red cheery shrimps.Those are ghost shrimps.
Tracy Lee
Tracy Lee - 7 years ago
it's cool as shyt
Emily-Jayne - 7 years ago
Never had I ever thought a nano tank could be so beautiful! You've truly inspired me to start up my own little shrimp colony now :) Thank you so much for this gorgeous video!
Golden /CS:GO
Golden /CS:GO - 7 years ago
this Minecraft music
Sean Li
Sean Li - 7 years ago
what a lovely tank
Prøphecy - 7 years ago
java moss spreads like wild fire, be sure not to place too much

50. comment for HOW TO: Making a Nano Red Cherry Shrimp Planted Aquarium | TonyTanks

Jan Fűrst
Jan Fűrst - 8 years ago
What filter are you using?
Dion - 8 years ago
Anyone watching this, make sure you cycle your tank first before you introduce any fish, shrimps. Use materials that are free from chemicals (be careful with stones, etc.). Gravel and sand tend to mix after a while. Nano tanks tend to lose their chemical balance quite easily. I am sure those shrimps (not even sure if they are RCS) left this world quite quickly after this video. Even the plants didn't last long either the way they have been used. Please read first A LOT and then start your first fish tank.
RALOKO TV - 8 years ago
Tiller - 8 years ago
music is depressing. I had to blast some happy stuff
Mayank Arora
Mayank Arora - 8 years ago
dont u need a co2 system for the planted tank ??
C.reature U.niverse
C.reature U.niverse - 8 years ago
What a relaxing, but amazing, setup.
Brandy Morrison
Brandy Morrison - 8 years ago
Where do you get your drift wood and plants?
Jalisa Corporal
Jalisa Corporal - 8 years ago
what kind of sand was used? watch those air pockets it can become very harmful even deadly
XxKing_IsaacxX - 8 years ago
I subscribed!!!!!
XxKing_IsaacxX - 8 years ago
This seems like it'll be boring to watch but it's not its soothing and calm especially with that music
Alessandro Buffa
Alessandro Buffa - 8 years ago
My only question is, when you clean the tank, how?
Naw2day Shawny
Naw2day Shawny - 8 years ago
you make me feel like i give my shrimp the worst things ever. :(
Newmaster Gaming
Newmaster Gaming - 8 years ago
i would love to see the shrimps when they're full grown
Pauline NS
Pauline NS - 8 years ago
Can anyone please tell me the tracks? Thankyou
TonyTanks - 8 years ago
+Pauline NS in description :)
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
how come the shrimps don't look red?
CinnaManBun - 8 years ago
there is an aquarium game i used to have on the wii that had this song :)
FAG098 - 8 years ago
looks like a black ass with a yellow thong
Christopher O'Brien
Christopher O'Brien - 8 years ago
Such a beautiful tank wasted on only cherry shrimp, and not even the really bright ones... smh
Mauro D.
Mauro D. - 8 years ago
Beautiful and relaxing. good job mate
Nerd Herd
Nerd Herd - 8 years ago
This is to COOL!!!!!!!!
ADAM ERIC - 8 years ago
ces nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul
MarsNeed AMARS
MarsNeed AMARS - 8 years ago
do you use co2?
TheGrind Guy
TheGrind Guy - 8 years ago
Dark Exile
Dark Exile - 8 years ago
What type of filter is that? Nice tank i really like it :)
Loll gat
Loll gat - 8 years ago
Perfect song to go with the perfect video!!!
Jason Galasso
Jason Galasso - 8 years ago
hey Tony I'm new to ur channel it's pretty cool. I just subbed I have a cichlid tank. I was wondering what the set up cost is for this tank with the shrimp
Chess Knight
Chess Knight - 8 years ago
the wather cleaner is very pretty!
Mr. Fish Boy
Mr. Fish Boy - 8 years ago
awesome video! ! which app do u think is the best for editing videos may I know? (Mobile devises)
Big Smoke
Big Smoke - 8 years ago
sad song
uncle_magic_123 - 8 years ago
Jawwad - 8 years ago
this may sound like a stupid question, but does having live plants make it so you don't have to clean your substrate as they like eat the poop? even if your substrate is just gravel?
AquariaBenelux - 7 years ago
Jawwad Only a little. But not enough so you dont have to clean
Agam Gamvoy
Agam Gamvoy - 8 years ago
Aravindsk Aravindsk
Aravindsk Aravindsk - 8 years ago
really awesome.I Ivu it
MsTrix23 - 8 years ago
I'm starting my own shrimp set up. I just have brown soil do i need to be adding anything else to that. or can I just add fertiliser etc once completed
chelsea poirier
chelsea poirier - 8 years ago
Love the look of your tank... simple, clean and beautiful! ❤
Jessica Soan
Jessica Soan - 8 years ago
What kind of filter did you use
Danielle P
Danielle P - 8 years ago
The shrimp were so cute! They had big eyes!!! Nice tank!
ML- Aquaristik
ML- Aquaristik - 8 years ago
Looks good.
Anay - 8 years ago
please tell me which sand did you used for this aquarium
1bigjohn11 - 8 years ago
awesome...very cool video
ziaolol - 8 years ago
Three things you messed up:
Always let an aquarium + plants run for at least a week without animals, never mix the water your animals came in with your own, in case of disease, you didn't use any kind of substrate or soil for your plants. Just some tips in case anyone is following along with this.
Grizzly Gamer
Grizzly Gamer - 8 years ago
Your tank is beautiful!
Qasim Ansari
Qasim Ansari - 7 years ago
TonyTanks pls tell us how to setup a shark aquarium.
TonyTanks - 8 years ago
Thanks a lot!
Devendra roy
Devendra roy - 8 years ago
nice work
TonyTanks - 8 years ago
kamikazeboy91 - 8 years ago
It´s nice that you tell us wich music you used but it would be better if you tell me the name of the filter and where you get it ?! ^^ Nice Tank ;)
Blenderhead02 - 8 years ago
cool what does the shrimp eat
Christopher - 8 years ago
Blenderhead02 algae.
Adeline Dering
Adeline Dering - 8 years ago
This song brings back memories of my 6th grade piano recital.
Arthur Liao
Arthur Liao - 8 years ago
Question what type of a filter are you using, also since you have a planted tank how come you chose not to use a co2 diffuser? I want to make my own tank and a lot of articles i read said a co2 diffuser was required to help the plants grow.
justin devico
justin devico - 8 years ago
some plants need co2 some do not, look for plants that are good in low tech tanks. low tech is the keyword your looking for
Taurino Méndez Díaz
Taurino Méndez Díaz - 8 years ago
what's the name of the first plant??? thanks.....nice video
Green Sheep
Green Sheep - 8 years ago
Taurino Méndez Díaz idk but maybe it is a cactus
Ammar Y. Mahmood
Ammar Y. Mahmood - 8 years ago
one of the most beautiful videos I ever saw! excellent
TonyTanks - 8 years ago

100. comment for HOW TO: Making a Nano Red Cherry Shrimp Planted Aquarium | TonyTanks

NIGHT DOOMED - 8 years ago
do u need CO2 for the set up?
gecko guy
gecko guy - 8 years ago
Make more vids
Maurice Ccow
Maurice Ccow - 8 years ago
nice video good job
Daniel Rupert
Daniel Rupert - 8 years ago
how much money did it cost to make total
P.s. Khasiya
P.s. Khasiya - 8 years ago
To Good sir
But is really plants
Tyler Gutto
Tyler Gutto - 8 years ago
there was water on the tank and i thought that it was on my screen and i tried to wipe it of
Deformeddwight - 8 years ago
What's that filter
Deformeddwight - 8 years ago
What water are u using tap
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 8 years ago
You make a very good tank my friend :)
Rosemarie Alicia Picson
Rosemarie Alicia Picson - 8 years ago
Tijn Games
Tijn Games
Tijn Games - 8 years ago
Marks Shrimp Tanks qqqqqqqq
TonyTanks - 8 years ago
andrew sanchez
andrew sanchez - 8 years ago
its 315 in the morning why the fuck am I watching tank videos
Agate Auzāne
Agate Auzāne - 8 years ago
weed? :D
KARI TORRES - 8 years ago
Can I ask how much this setup costed you? I want to start up a planted aquarium but I'm still trying to rule out a budget.
Krank Shrimps
Krank Shrimps - 8 years ago
Invite you to watch my film
Waldpulver Backshop
Waldpulver Backshop - 8 years ago
What is the name of the filter?
Supreme JB
Supreme JB - 8 years ago
What kind of filter and do an update
Victor Maurits
Victor Maurits - 8 years ago
why would you use such a thick layer of substrate in such a small tank. you are loosing a lot of space.
R34 - 8 years ago
nice video
angryson - 8 years ago
size of the aquarium?
Unpwnable - 8 years ago
What is the name of that filter? It looks cute <3
Ricardo Ichon
Ricardo Ichon - 8 years ago
Karen Murphy
Karen Murphy - 8 years ago
too many species of plants.........
Soumyodeep Karmakar
Soumyodeep Karmakar - 8 years ago
very nice
keng yang
keng yang - 8 years ago
awesome shrimp tank would ghost shrimp live for a long time like red shrimps as well
Link From hyrule
Link From hyrule - 8 years ago
How do you siphon up poop and extra food, I would be scared to mix the two substrates up
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
Tyler's Schnozz Yeah just do a water change
Link From hyrule
Link From hyrule - 8 years ago
Abraham Félix López so u DONT siphon up the water? Just do wc? Wow now that you say this it makes sense.... thanks
Abraham Félix López
Abraham Félix López - 8 years ago
Skull Gamer314 with small creatures like shrimps and plants completing the trophic chain all the little waste becomes substrate for the plants themselves, which prevents you for using fertilizer often I guess
DandolfiGames - 8 years ago
dont even want to make this, love watching it xd
fermin martinez
fermin martinez - 8 years ago
this was a masterpiece just perfect and relaxing!
Jerameel Corporan
Jerameel Corporan - 8 years ago
Can you make updates on them?
TPHVICTIMS - 8 years ago
what in gods name is the heater for ? I thought shrimp preferred cool water.(plant food might kill them).
TonyTanks - 8 years ago
Red Cherry Shrimp prefer water with a temperature of 22°C (14-29°C)! So they have to be kept with a heater
CloudyDays - 8 years ago
I love the filter on your tank! did it come with the tank? if not, what kind of filter is that? I've never seen one!
Supermoto Skippy
Supermoto Skippy - 8 years ago
so beautiful
bryant mayes
bryant mayes - 8 years ago
when's the best time to catch crayfish
Erratic Fish
Erratic Fish - 8 years ago
The filter is a Aquaclear, size varies.
Cahyyam Bergkotte
Cahyyam Bergkotte - 8 years ago
Where can I get that filter!?
Per Shop
Per Shop - 8 years ago
Are the shrimp as susceptible to a non-cycled tank as fish are? Or is it that the abundance of plants helps the tank reach good conditions more quickly? Thanks!
Lily Sharpe
Lily Sharpe - 8 years ago
If you don't mind me asking, why use such a big aquarium for only a few shrimp?
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
also, cherry shrimp are big on breeding, and he's sure to get quite a few
Lily Sharpe
Lily Sharpe - 8 years ago
Krishna Patel
Krishna Patel - 8 years ago
yup, thats true i have 50 gallon tank for my 5 tetras XD
Samantha Mendoza
Samantha Mendoza - 8 years ago
Lily Sharpe because shrimp need room to swim around. They can't be kept in an extremely tiny tank, that'd be like us living in a closet
nick xavier
nick xavier - 8 years ago
i know im very late but just a quick fyi you should always have some water in the tank before putting your sand in because as you can see from this video all those little air pockets you see in the sand become toxic gas later on and if released into the water can kill all your fish very quickly i know cause it has happened to me before.
ritul rp35
ritul rp35 - 8 years ago
u add too much of plant
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
nope! They love plants. I'd actually squeeze in a few more plants!
Jposaur - 8 years ago
really nice tank, should have cycled the tank for 2-4 weeks first though
Darryl Wolfe
Darryl Wolfe - 8 years ago
what type of filter is that?
Jakub Grzywa
Jakub Grzywa - 8 years ago
Hi great tank i have a questions which is your W/L ? Do u using to this tank Co2 ? Which water u used ? (i mean clear ro, ro + normal , ro + minerals, normal water )?
장세복 - 8 years ago
I have exactly same question, please answer this one
Mauricio Lopez
Mauricio Lopez - 8 years ago
You sir! Won a like and a new subscriber! :) Thank you so much for this! after 30+ vids this is the best.
shenny costa
shenny costa - 8 years ago
very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very beautiiiiiiiiiiiiful
عمر - 8 years ago
very very nice
BOOMS GUNS yo - 8 years ago
tu indian hay na
Sonny DeBiaso
Sonny DeBiaso - 8 years ago
your red shrimp are not red
Nishadhi Hoyt
Nishadhi Hoyt - 8 years ago
What filter did you use?
jshockey34 - 8 years ago
What type of brown gravel is that? Just rocks or something more for the plants? Great video!!
Menachem Procel
Menachem Procel - 8 years ago
VyX Braelia
VyX Braelia - 8 years ago
Very very pretty! Love how you did the sand and gravel, the plants are a good choice tho! I would have had a bit more moss to my taste :p
Ashik Doha
Ashik Doha - 8 years ago
337 dislikes!!! the world is full of morons. Amazing video, thanks a lot, keep making such videos.
Janeyanna - 8 years ago
Omg, how cute it looks when the shrimps jump off the rim of the glass! :)))
VyX Braelia
VyX Braelia - 8 years ago
Haha yeah they were like: "Oh dude Im not sure...Oh Im not ready man no! No!!...Ah it wasnt that bad!" :p
DesignsByFlame - 8 years ago
Hey can you do an update video! Thx!
CharlestonFreeLazer - 8 years ago
Rosemarie Alicia Picson
Rosemarie Alicia Picson - 8 years ago
X-Zone - 8 years ago
yeah waiting for the update..
joana toledo
joana toledo - 8 years ago
What type of filter do you use? And where may I get one?
Axil Gaming
Axil Gaming - 8 years ago
Wow love you're clear filter!! Anyone know where I can find one?
Link From hyrule
Link From hyrule - 8 years ago
Axil Gaming usually eBay or lfs
ussardor - 8 years ago
thats it? no fish? Beautiful aquarium
jeevan raj
jeevan raj - 8 years ago
What is that you are puting in middle of fertilisers
NABIN MAJUMDER - 8 years ago
what's name of the filter
Voeris - 8 years ago
How do you keep the plants alive? What kind of substrate did you use?
Gametime - 8 years ago
What kind of filter
Claudia Penaranda
Claudia Penaranda - 8 years ago
great vid overall the best I have seen! One question...what type of heater is that and what is the set temperature?
Yohan David
Yohan David - 8 years ago
Was anyone else craving peanut butter cups during the beginning of the video? lol
Samuel Penugonda
Samuel Penugonda - 8 years ago
jesus rodriguez
jesus rodriguez - 8 years ago
hah did u kno shrimpz are actually a gay
Joshua Liang
Joshua Liang - 8 years ago
do we need to put bacteria at the bottom of the tank cuz some videos they have put it and they put so many power things LOL
Barabasi Istvan
Barabasi Istvan - 8 years ago
To many types of plants from all continents.But until then its fine
meepguy5000 - 8 years ago
Thats not a bad thing really
WENI Clan - 8 years ago
Can you add fish?
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
if it was 5gal, id add a few sparkling rasbora. 9gal+, and I'd add a few endlers, or stick with sparkling rasbora, or possibly 6+ ember tetras
Suraz Libro
Suraz Libro - 8 years ago
Nice video. Can you please let me know which filter is that ?
Brady Jones
Brady Jones - 8 years ago
This video is totally badass! I am always envious of people whose tanks look better than mine!
Spiridoula_ Stam
Spiridoula_ Stam - 8 years ago
τελειο βιντεο
Rassty - 8 years ago
In step 2 is better if you get the sand wet or get a glass of water ;)
Wernbread - 8 years ago
Wow the music is so soothing
Aditya Joshi
Aditya Joshi - 8 years ago
quietpianist - 8 years ago
0:55 dat lightsaber spoon.
kevin Ireland
kevin Ireland - 8 years ago
could you tell me what type of filter you used? i would love to set up a tank like this for cardinal shrimp
The Shrimp Cave TV
The Shrimp Cave TV - 8 years ago
So hard to decently scape nano tanks.
Great job, cherries will love it!
the breeding box is a genius idea mate, always used plastic bags or dishes.
Thanks for the vid
Elliott - 8 years ago
any idea what the filter was you used? looking for a similar one!
Shavenhamster - 8 years ago
Cheap hang on the back filters found on eBay and amazon.
MST Gaming
MST Gaming - 8 years ago
I'm always curious what are filter for
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
it cleans the water. Any creatures poo or leftover, rotting food becomes ammonia. It turns that into nitrites, then turns that into nitrates, which are less poisonous than both (keep in mind, I may have gotten mixed up on the two last ones) and you have to get rid of those with water changes
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
well if you don't use a filter your fish or shrimp will probably die
Spirit Reaper
Spirit Reaper - 8 years ago
really beautifull
Em H
Em H - 8 years ago
where did you get the tank?
Carlos Cabello
Carlos Cabello - 8 years ago
excelent work!!! more professional
nidhin chandran2121
nidhin chandran2121 - 8 years ago
sir,nice video... what is that shrimp called ?
Lizmadrid Madrid
Lizmadrid Madrid - 8 years ago
nidhin chandran2121 j
TonyTanks - 8 years ago
Red Cherry Shrimp!
Animalia - 8 years ago
Animalia - 8 years ago
+TonyTVTanks thx
TonyTanks - 8 years ago
In the description :)
Dean Sellar
Dean Sellar - 8 years ago
Hey please do an update video, I love this setup
PRATIK KAMBLE - 8 years ago
setting up a ver beautifull aquarium only for those useless shrimps]
lol xD
TonyTanks - 8 years ago
+PRATIK KAMBLE useless but beautiful shrimp :D
Enar Josef Isnani
Enar Josef Isnani - 8 years ago
TonyTanks - 8 years ago
+Enar Josef Isnani thanks!
Michael P.
Michael P. - 8 years ago
Hi..what kind of media is in ur filter?..
Dhruv Kumar
Dhruv Kumar - 8 years ago
Very nice decoration
Sisters12⃣34 - 8 years ago
What was that bucket in the tank for?
TonyTanks - 8 years ago
So that the substrate wouldn't get agitated!
An͋gȅlos͍ - 8 years ago
nice video thanks man!
An͋gȅlos͍ - 8 years ago
thnx! man subscribe!
this video help me
TonyTanks - 8 years ago
craig leventhal
craig leventhal - 8 years ago
How could anyone possibly dislike this video? Informative and relaxing! Thank you.
brandon Sobremisana
brandon Sobremisana - 7 years ago
Tingles AJ cycling
Tingles AJ
Tingles AJ - 7 years ago
What step
brandon Sobremisana
brandon Sobremisana - 7 years ago
He missed an important step
1975 damn
1975 damn - 8 years ago
Guess some people really hate red cherry shrimp
Mr Smc
Mr Smc - 8 years ago
Well said ...It seems there are 340 people out there with zero taste :)
Andrea Tyree
Andrea Tyree - 8 years ago
I totally agree :)
TonyTanks - 8 years ago
Kimmia Wild
Kimmia Wild - 8 years ago
where can I get the same water container you up in your tank to help carefully fill up your tank?
TonyTanks - 8 years ago
The container I use is actually an aquarium breeder box!
Man on Earth
Man on Earth - 8 years ago
come on I want to see more :(
TonyTanks - 8 years ago
New video uploaded :)
ManmadeSmiith - 8 years ago
What type of filter is that?
J Squared
J Squared - 8 years ago
Nice video, I assume the tank was cycle and, I enjoyed the background music, can you tell me who it was?
Lelani Dixon
Lelani Dixon - 8 years ago
Beautiful aquascape, nicely done!
Farhan ahmed Herok
Farhan ahmed Herok - 8 years ago
Want to know this acclimating plastic cup where i can buy?
amazon/Ebay will better site for me...
please anyone help...
Carmina Isabel
Carmina Isabel - 8 years ago
I think you can just use any cups but make sure that it is clean, wasn't use for food and doesn't have any soap marks.
Matthew Ford
Matthew Ford - 8 years ago
so relaxing haha look at those little dudes at the end :3
Luke Elias
Luke Elias - 8 years ago
What type of sand is that and where did you get it from?
PetPaws - 8 years ago
That music is kind of scary wtf idkw
Jan Henry Jr. Choa
Jan Henry Jr. Choa - 8 years ago
MissyMyStuff - 9 years ago
Nice video :) Every video I´ve seen so far have been overly complicated, this one seems pretty simple :)
US Citizen
US Citizen - 9 years ago
You must wait at least 5 to 6 weeks with a new aquarium, then put your shrimps in it.
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
there's a cycle that needs to be established. you can't just wait 6 weeks and add shrimp. unless you have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, less than 20 nitrates, your shrimp may die no matter how long the tank has been waiting.
Spencer Douglas
Spencer Douglas - 9 years ago
It's simple
It's neat
It's clean
A quest pleasing aquarium to the eye in which it has perfect balance of things
Sidney garay
Sidney garay - 9 years ago
Very Entertaining
Nolan Q
Nolan Q - 9 years ago
He should have saved substrate to put on the plants that arent going in easy.
mrAlex - 9 years ago
Yakatani - 9 years ago
Please people, wait a few weeks before putting shrimp in a new tank, unless you can use water from a well running tank.
Shavenhamster - 8 years ago
You can tell that tank never cycled buy the way the plants hang like freshly planted plants. After 2 or more weeks of being in the tank they would be up right facing the light.
Cmacc 100
Cmacc 100 - 8 years ago
Who said he didn't let it run for a while it never says how long he lets it run for before putting in the shrimp.
Shavenhamster - 8 years ago
Its the bio-media yoou need to cycle a tank so that the bacteria's that feed on ammonia and convert it to nitrates grow a large enough colony so your shrimp aren't poisoned by ammonia.
Gene Code
Gene Code - 8 years ago
+electric water yeah ok. oughtta change ur id to "electric biomedia" then. lmao
Yakatani - 8 years ago
I am :)
electric water
electric water - 8 years ago
+emir Bytes disagree big time
Gene Code
Gene Code - 8 years ago
+electric water even with cycled biomedia u still need to let water to run through it for a few hours. Fish breathe the water, not the bio media. Not sure why u say "its not the water". IT IS ALL ABOUT THE WATER!!
Lars Damen
Lars Damen - 8 years ago
+Boemboem33 nee
Gametime - 8 years ago
Pientje2007 are u dutch
Gene Code
Gene Code - 8 years ago
+pientje2007 Agreed. Any aquarium needs "cycled water".
electric water
electric water - 8 years ago
it's not the water it's the bio media that u get from mature tank
Ivan Eduardo Veloz Guerrero
Ivan Eduardo Veloz Guerrero - 9 years ago
Can you give us more details on the sock you put into the filter? I have the same model and I too want shrimp.
DMAN D - 9 years ago
It took me about 1 hour to find this video again!
Mehmet Göksel Işıklı
Mehmet Göksel Işıklı - 9 years ago
filter can be vacuum for did you prevent?(also super design)
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
i used nylon stocking over the intake tube with zip tie. or you can buy pre- filter, its a sponge that slips over the intake tube.
IronNautilus - 9 years ago
I basically used this technique to set up my 10 gallon. Thanks for the vid!
kelvin M.
kelvin M. - 9 years ago
hey check out my tank. need suggestions on what would be my best step to take next
protopigeon - 9 years ago
did you cycle the tank before adding the shrimp?
protopigeon - 9 years ago
+Vince Lee 'Act pro' lol
Vince Lee
Vince Lee - 9 years ago
+protopigeon are you trying to act pro?
Allyson Marie
Allyson Marie - 9 years ago
Can I have 1 cherry shrimp or ghost shrimp in a 15 gallon tank with 8 male guppies?
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
guppies can have problems with RCS, so that's probably not the best idea. And you shouldn't just have 1-2 RCS. They like groups
Austin Branin
Austin Branin - 9 years ago
I don't know why some of these people don't understand that fish and shrimp have personalities, and so if you know your fish, and they're not aggressive, then you should be able to put shrimp in the tank. I have a adult Viele Tale Betta, with 2 cherries and 2 ghost shrimp in a 6 1/2 gallon tank, and they get along just fine. I did see someone comment that you should give them enough, and I completely agree whith that. But if you've had the fish for a while and they have their own hiding/resting spots, make sure to add something new for the shrimp. A flat rock with possibly a little bit of a concave facing downward would do great.
Lo .Sconosciuto
Lo .Sconosciuto - 9 years ago
+Allyson Marie You can do it only if you add more shrimps and the the tank is full of hiding for shrimps and is big enough. Because the guppy will eat the smaller shrimps and the newborns, but shrimps mate a lot quickly so you will have only fewer shrimps.
Yakatani - 9 years ago
+Marat Issa There is always a chance they get eaten. The young ones especially. You don't keep them in a nano tank I hope?
MaratZR1 - 9 years ago
+Meredith Brewster sorry to ask I have 5 extra huge guppies almost the size of a Betta fish and also my betta wild caught will the red cherry shrimp live with them??
Hannes Mann
Hannes Mann - 9 years ago
I have to lyre tail guppies and 2 ghost shrimp and they get along fine.
Meredith Brewster
Meredith Brewster - 9 years ago
+jsn btc I have 2x large mixed guppy/shrimp tanks and the shrimp do great with the guppies.  If you provide plenty of hiding areas they should breed and be fine.
Michael Wells
Michael Wells - 9 years ago
+Allyson Marie
I'm pretty sure you can. They're all about the same size. I've seen a few videos about shrimp and guppies were in the same tank with them.
Joseph S
Joseph S - 9 years ago
+Allyson Marie The guppies will surely eat the shrimp. I wouldn't recommend it unless the shrimp are huge adults, and the guppies are super tiny babies. Even then, the guppies will quickly grow to a size where they can eat the shrimp. If you are just going for algae cleaning, get some snails.
Evita v
Evita v - 9 years ago
Very nice video, I subbed!
Vismund - 9 years ago
I've seen some where they put, some sort of nutrients below the this nesscessary? or does it depends on the type of shrimp?
Mr. FishPlants
Mr. FishPlants - 8 years ago
+little tin goddess the guy is asking about fertilizers and biological media goes in the filter
Mr. FishPlants
Mr. FishPlants - 8 years ago
+little tin goddess wrong
Mr. FishPlants
Mr. FishPlants - 8 years ago
it is called dry fertilizers or root tabs seachem makes some good ones
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
not gravel, sorry. it was a form of biological additives to help start your cycle. not necessary but will boost your bacteria to make it cycle quicker. establishing a cycle is important.
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
they probably used gravel, and it was to help cycle the tank mostly.
Alen AxP
Alen AxP - 9 years ago
Beautiful, I love my shrimps :)
Pathology Zcmc
Pathology Zcmc - 9 years ago
do you use additional CO2 to keep the plants alive. my moss is dying..
Gaina - 9 years ago
I never knew watching someone set up a tank could be so relaxing.
Ice cream Sandwich
Ice cream Sandwich - 7 years ago
Gaina actually
Jonath Misir
Jonath Misir - 8 years ago
Welcome to the club, relax pull up a chair as the tank proudly presents.....itself
Neo Liu
Neo Liu - 8 years ago
Gaina i
Nerd Herd
Nerd Herd - 8 years ago
me three
khadija amrani
khadija amrani - 8 years ago
shenny costa
shenny costa - 8 years ago
me too...
Chanathip Naphanaruemit
Chanathip Naphanaruemit - 9 years ago
Marianne Toftdal
Marianne Toftdal - 9 years ago
+TheMouthonWheels cool
Marianne Toftdal
Marianne Toftdal - 9 years ago
+Michael Levesley thanks for the replay
Gaina - 9 years ago
+Marianne Toftdal probably
Michael Levesley
Michael Levesley - 9 years ago
+Marianne Toftdal steven universe
Marianne Toftdal
Marianne Toftdal - 9 years ago
+TheMouthonWheels may be the music
cody49701 - 9 years ago
Did you did the cyclying process?
Max2k -
Max2k - - 9 years ago
I have watched your set-up video so many times to help me when I am setting up my aquariums, I am currently going to get some driftwood and java moss when I can to create my small tropical shrimp and small fish tank. The way it looks is what always makes me jealous, I am kind of trying to recreate a similar natural look for my 45 litre tank
Max2k -
Max2k - - 9 years ago
+UnboundScythe Thanks! I hope so too
UberAlex - 9 years ago
I hope it is successful
muhisya - 9 years ago
need co2 for plant?
Haitham Mohamed
Haitham Mohamed - 9 years ago
Looks great . Thx for sharing . Between you need new scissors , lol
wonderlen - 9 years ago
cool...give me idea for my shrimp tank. Question! How do you keep enought CO2 for the plants? do you have to set up co2 injector for the tank?
nenaj1 - 9 years ago
those shrimps are so freakin cute
Sean Sheedy
Sean Sheedy - 9 years ago
How much sand and gravel is being used there? I have a similar size tank but cant judge how much to buy? 1kg of sand and 2.5kg gravel? Also is that silica sand?
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
use 1 lb of substrate per gallon. a 10 gallon tank needs 10 lbs substrate.
Gpod Joe
Gpod Joe - 9 years ago
i recommend floating plants with fibrous roots. I put some on my fish tank and the shrimp gang loved to hang out around and inside the roots.
Gpod Joe
Gpod Joe - 8 years ago
Well I got some water spangles for my aquarium
Voeris - 8 years ago
Any names? I want some too for my lil guys.
DreamWarrior - 9 years ago
how do you supply the plants with c02?
kierankay100 - 9 years ago
great video i like that little filter .. or skimmer dont think it would be a good skimmer too small but nice nice setup here that water looked great plenty of air in too should have a Siamese fighter in there
lostinmusic73 - 9 years ago
what filter is this? brand/model?
Frankie FuZZ
Frankie FuZZ - 9 years ago
+lostinmusic73 its called a hang on filter ;)
muhisya - 9 years ago
+lostinmusic73 waterfall type filter. you can buy eheim brand or boyu
Meister.JPEG - 9 years ago
Its so nice ! I might redo my planned blue fairy tank while its "dry running", I had no good ideas so it looks a little sad.
Maude B
Maude B - 9 years ago
Wow so beautiful !
Danielle .J
Danielle .J - 9 years ago
Pablo Sanchez
Pablo Sanchez - 9 years ago
what filter is that? Que filtro es?
MrFuriousFrog - 9 years ago
+Pablo Sanchez It seems to be a "Niagara 190 (or 250)" made by Wave.
Ian Cole
Ian Cole - 9 years ago
anyone know where to get the filter?
Amie Afrianti
Amie Afrianti - 9 years ago
Hope Sohn
Hope Sohn - 9 years ago
Shrimp are so cute
Matthew Dang
Matthew Dang - 9 years ago
What filter are you using ?
Loulou Bourouail
Loulou Bourouail - 9 years ago
Rikkie Mulder
Rikkie Mulder - 9 years ago
Lovely setup
Nick Kamer
Nick Kamer - 9 years ago
You should ALWAYS let a new aquarium sit for one to two weeks, even if the water comes from an established aquarium. Take that into account the next time, this is hurting the animals (if they are still alive)
Not Telling
Not Telling - 9 years ago
+Nick Kamer Since the plants consume ammonia and nitrate as nitrogen source, there is no preliminary need to build up nitrifying bacteria as long as there are enough plants growing well from the start. Cycling is all about building up “something” that can prevent deadly levels of ammonia and nitrites in the why not plants? They don't just perform that function well, they look much better than an empty tank! They allow the addition of fish much sooner at little to no risk, and with time, there will always be a natural build-up of bacteria in the filter with or without our help. Preparing a new tank for silent cycling is very similar to following standard procedures for any tank intended to have live plants in it, with just a few extra precautions.
star and fox
star and fox - 9 years ago
yes you do.the water doesn't contain that much bacteria if any.the bacteria is actually mainly found on the surface of every thing and adding established water just helps kick start it a lot quicker then could however add substrate or old filter media form a different tank and then it would be good to go since your putting in well established colonies and not just a few stray bacteria.

but I do say if you do just put in water then just let it sit a week or 2 and wait for the bacteria to attach to everything and during this time let the plants melt and prune them a little so that way you don't have animals getting away.
Sonny Kitney
Sonny Kitney - 9 years ago
+Spartiatai300​ no you don't
Piekenier - 9 years ago
+Sonny Kitney You do actually, unless the water is from an already established Aquarium.
Sonny Kitney
Sonny Kitney - 9 years ago
Shut up you goon. You don't have to do that so stop trying to act smart.
Rob Kamer
Rob Kamer - 9 years ago
Mooi bakkie
lmaginaryfriend3199 - 9 years ago
2 issues here.
1) unless that water was taken from an established tank then those cherry got tossed into an uncycled tank.
2) there is no net or sponge on that intake, those shrimp are inevitably going to get sucked into the filter
Ugurcan Aydogdu
Ugurcan Aydogdu - 7 years ago
Brody Penn fak
taxol2 - 7 years ago
lmaginaryfriend3199 it is a nano tank, he could have just use partial cycled warer. I am more curious what light is he using and if he is using mini CO2 injector or not.
The tank is quite heavily planted and not sure if 6 cherry shrimps would aqequately supply the CO2
Brody Penn
Brody Penn - 8 years ago
lmaginaryfriend3199 9:14 it says he has some sort of sock so the shrink won't get sucked in.
carmium - 9 years ago
+lmaginaryfriend3199 Since you seem experienced in this area (and it's been decades since I set up a tank), can I ask what you think of instant cycling products that purport to put essential bacteria into the system and have your tank fish-ready in a few days?
The Camo'd Korean
The Camo'd Korean - 9 years ago
+vlg1728 Actually plants take up ammonia better than nitrates.
vlg1728 - 9 years ago
+lmaginaryfriend3199 for not telling : plants do not consume ammonia, just nitrate. Bacterias need to develop before introducing life in a tank. And that takes 2 to 4 weeks. Plants do not change that time... This is the chapter 1 page 1 of the fundamentals.
Not Telling
Not Telling - 9 years ago
+lmaginaryfriend3199 Ok then. I will just address your 2 points. 

1. Water from an established tank will do almost nothing. The beneficial bacteria tends to grow on surfaces such as the substrate, plants, or decorations.

2. It was clearly stated he/she modified the intake to make sure shrimp don't get sucked up.
lmaginaryfriend3199 - 9 years ago
+Not Telling ok first off that's bullshit, nobody that knows better throws fish or especially fragile shrimp in an uncycled tank just because you put a few plants in there, if you think thats "enough plants growing well" then you've obviously never done a real aquascape. Second, this is a video people are obviously going to use as a 'how to' which doesn't provide a critical piece of info that will more than likely get someone to unknowingly kill their shrimp.
Not Telling
Not Telling - 9 years ago
+lmaginaryfriend3199 Since the plants consume ammonia and nitrate as nitrogen source, there is no preliminary need to build up nitrifying bacteria as long as there are enough plants growing well from the start. Cycling is all about building up “something” that can prevent deadly levels of ammonia and nitrites in the why not plants? They don't just perform that function well, they look much better than an empty tank! They allow the addition of fish much sooner at little to no risk, and with time, there will always be a natural build-up of bacteria in the filter with or without our help. Preparing a new tank for silent cycling is very similar to following standard procedures for any tank intended to have live plants in it, with just a few extra precautions.
Raging Robin
Raging Robin - 9 years ago
+lmaginaryfriend3199 i see the problems but it says that he got a sock on the intake ;) i had to check twice what he wrote ^^
Dennis Nakashima
Dennis Nakashima - 9 years ago
Awesome video!
John Cuz
John Cuz - 9 years ago
Nice bro. Nice chillaxing music good for the mind.
Bishesh Pradhan
Bishesh Pradhan - 9 years ago
Dimension of tank?
WolfEatsCakes - 9 years ago
Read description.
Crayfish Aquarium
Crayfish Aquarium - 9 years ago
Great vid , gave me the motivation to start a nano shrimp tank
Totally Tanked !!
Totally Tanked !! - 9 years ago
Watch my lobsters
Marcos Frias
Marcos Frias - 9 years ago
What filter is that someone help!!
Mark Messa
Mark Messa - 9 years ago
Very nice! Do they breed?
Sahadi420 - 9 years ago
+Mark Messa like roaches. LOL
AQUAPASS - 9 years ago
Very nice Nano :)
Uwant?iGot_RL - 9 years ago
Yes, i sure did teared up..
I felt sorry for the shrimp, the tank did not go through cycle period.
Therefore every dangerous, did not test ph, gh, kh, tds, NO3 testing and so on.
I hope water was aged b/c i didnt C any Primer been mention.
It was acclimated every quickly by use of syringe.
Drop acclimatising would of been heaps better.
Im also a newbie, thinking of getting some even i know this is wrong and not best for shrimps R very sensitive &will died very quickly.
I know this is old, but without reading all comments i would of guessed a lot of fellow ÜtubeRs had few things to say-just based on your likes.
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
I've heard somewhere that they used cycled water
star and fox
star and fox - 9 years ago
plants actually don't use nitrates directly.the bacteria turn into nitrites which the plants then can use.
Not Telling
Not Telling - 9 years ago
star and fox
star and fox - 9 years ago
the plants won't be able to handle the waste yet cause when plants first get put into a tank they go trough melt and with out the bacteria established the waste isn't useable to them either.also shrimp have to be put into a fully precycled tank cause of how fragile they are.putting them in an uncycled tank like this is a death sentence to them.
mh - 9 years ago
Nice so far you are the only one I have seen use dividers and didn't just pour the water right in. Well done thanks for showing us how its done nice and neat.
kronenburg Jeronimo
kronenburg Jeronimo - 9 years ago
nice work..
Travelbycam - 9 years ago
nice tank ! i use hexagon 60l aquael ,anubias red cherry :-)
Tina Smith
Tina Smith - 9 years ago
Very nice. I like how you did the substrate. How do you keep them neat and separated with the tank running?
onildo como a tua mae
onildo como a tua mae - 9 years ago can get guppys with red cherry?
Cheezay Ballz
Cheezay Ballz - 9 years ago
+onildo como a tua mae Yes :) They do well with each other
DMAN D - 9 years ago
what filter is that?
DMAN D - 9 years ago
+Ahmad Nurzaeni Fauzi thanks
Ahmad Nurzaeni Fauzi
Ahmad Nurzaeni Fauzi - 9 years ago
Bishesh Pradhan
Bishesh Pradhan - 9 years ago
HOB i guess
Michael Vuong
Michael Vuong - 9 years ago
If you guys are interested in getting a tank like this, search up Fluval Chi. You can remove the filter on top, and then follow the instructions in this video.
sawadikin - 10 years ago
Shrimp is so tiny.
perry blackson
perry blackson - 10 years ago
What a waste of a fish tank pretty fish tank I thought they would be more exotic red shrimp or something but playing freshwater lake shrimp come on in a beautiful fish tank
perry blackson
perry blackson - 9 years ago
+hamneggwich ok thanks I like fidh tanks I, ll have more to say. In a few
perry blackson
perry blackson - 9 years ago
+hamneggwich oh ok I was color blind, sorry,
hamneggwich - 9 years ago
+perry blackson Shrimp do get pale when being transferred to new tanks, much like fish do, but they colour up after they've settled in - these will be red. They're very satisfying to keep without fish once you have a nice big breeding colony in a pretty aquascape c:
Freshwater Shrimp
Freshwater Shrimp - 9 years ago
Check my tanks and change your mind!
perry blackson
perry blackson - 9 years ago
Totally awesome I love fish tanks to death
Edwin .C
Edwin .C - 10 years ago
Luke Baldwin
Luke Baldwin - 10 years ago
Beautiful aquarium.
Lenny Velez
Lenny Velez - 10 years ago
oomg  this was sooo  much fun to watch ...luv when you put the cup of shrimp and they were alll YAY YAY  WOOO HOOOO!!!      i wonder what they were thinking when they saw their new home??   
Chris Studios
Chris Studios - 10 years ago
true. XD
Chris Studios
Chris Studios - 10 years ago
I love the layout and how u told what everything was
PETER1069 - 10 years ago
I have a do you nano planted guys, with these manicured tanks, do when it comes time for the monthly cleaning. Do you siphon the tank or only do water changes?
Freshwater Shrimp
Freshwater Shrimp - 9 years ago
Good question! I do small water changes weekly and my bubble filter offers enough current generally. Also my shrimp do the work too ;) if there is a significant mass somewhere i will siphon with an air tube.
Chris Studios
Chris Studios - 10 years ago
if he has a pump he shouldn't have to clean the water that often.
PFS Alypse
PFS Alypse - 10 years ago
Awesome video .... Cool little tank ....
Chris K
Chris K - 10 years ago
what filter is that?
richardthered - 10 years ago
Beautiful video.
nkaneti - 10 years ago
this was the loveliest video i have watched all week, thats what i love about aquariums, you literally create a mini little world that you can escape to an observe whenever you feel like it
Darren Cordina
Darren Cordina - 10 years ago
Didn't the filter suck them?
Arib H
Arib H - 10 years ago
Spray your plants every 5-10 mins so they don't dry out :)
Josh Latham
Josh Latham - 10 years ago
You should have used red cherry shrimp
WolfEatsCakes - 9 years ago
Bruh u stupid read da title.
famous grief
famous grief - 9 years ago
He did
Jeethendra kumar
Jeethendra kumar - 10 years ago
wont the filter suck those tiny shrimps ???
Ek Seng Ng
Ek Seng Ng - 10 years ago
No nitrogen cycling? even with all the new stuff?
Aqua23 - 10 years ago
nice great video
Alin Reef
Alin Reef - 10 years ago
You dont need cycling if you have more aquariums and you use that water, for mine I used a 4 years old water from my main aquarium, now i have 4 generations of baby shrimps.
shizdank - 10 years ago
i was just stating facts... 

im done here.
Alin Reef
Alin Reef - 10 years ago
Im not talking about the video method, sure thats a fake and wrong builded. I just use my main tank water for the new tanks, and that made the cycling take 1 week and not 1 month.
And why you think its dangerous change more than 50% of the water of a tank if that water have no bacteria? All the water have beneficial bacteria, just the main community of bacteria are in the filter. Just search a method and make it work, the results are the important thing, no? :)
shizdank - 10 years ago
im not questioning your years of experience just the method. your method is wrong and may not work in most situations.

just stating facts.
Alin Reef
Alin Reef - 10 years ago
Im doing it since years with my tanks and no problem. Use the method you want, the thing is doing it work.
shizdank - 10 years ago
+Alin S aquarium water does not contain beneficial bacteria needed to help cycle a tank, that is false. i always have extra hang on back and sponge filters running at all times to help establish new tanks.

just stating facts. 
Alin Reef
Alin Reef - 10 years ago
You think I have only shrimps? I start with shrimps 5 months ago. I have amazonic aquariums, 260L with discus and a 100L community one.
Take a look to my 100L

I can use water without filter modifications and I have same results... water have bacterial colonies, end of story >.< I used same method since 6 years ago in all my aquariums newby
LetsPlayCodx - 10 years ago
Instead of acting all correct, notice that u didn't mention filter media in your original comment anyway. Besides, before u doubt my experience, I bet that my 3 foot long epaulette beats ur shrimp bowls
Alin Reef
Alin Reef - 10 years ago
+LetsPlayCodx You will teach me about aquariums? xD. Water have bacterias, but the main bacterial colonies are in the filter. I made this with all my 6 aquariums, so dont talk about you dont know...
 Now the tank that im talking about it haves like 4 generations of shrimps and growing realy well. Take a look at the tank I talk.
LetsPlayCodx - 10 years ago
Aquarium water doesn't have bacteria, the surfaces in the tank do, like decor and the filter media. U haven't been cycling ur tanks at all
shannon harris
shannon harris - 10 years ago
your tank is outstanding and you have a real talent
SickKnowledge82 - 10 years ago
U know those cherries went off and humped after leaving the cup.
LiveTilWeLaugh - 10 years ago
You were doing great in the video until you put the shrimp into an un-cycled tank. seriously?
Jay P
Jay P - 10 years ago
With their minuscule bioload? Yeah. You can cycle that tank easily and safely with the shrimp if you know what you're doing. 
JazzyFaReal - 10 years ago
can you give the water chemistry setup you have, dh, Ph., lighting, substrait etc.?
Jonathan Bondad
Jonathan Bondad - 10 years ago
You gotta admit. If you're hungry that sand looks pretty good
Marcin - 10 years ago
Hygrophila, ehinodorus, valisneria these are too big plants as to such a small aquarium.
MrBooboonator - 10 years ago
Looks like i cant do it, i lost my dairy queen spoon! :P Awesome vid 
Elvisr29 - 10 years ago
What brand is the filter?
Sammy P.
Sammy P. - 9 years ago
+channelwhywhywhy atman i think
channelwhywhywhy - 10 years ago
I'd also like to know :)
Juan Picu
Juan Picu - 10 years ago
what is the brown eath or substract what you use?
Russell Vallot
Russell Vallot - 10 years ago
I just want to say like this
Awesome !!!!!!
shaun thomas
shaun thomas - 10 years ago
it looks like that pump is going to suck up the shrimp
Wilson - 10 years ago
What filter is that and what gallon'd tank is it suitable for? Looks amazing.
David S
David S - 10 years ago
what kind of filter is that and where can i buy it???
erben der welt
erben der welt - 10 years ago
he insert the shrimps at same say oO look at the bubbles on the tank. omg i think all 6 are dead :(
erben der welt
erben der welt - 10 years ago
u have to cut the roots to 2 cm. so then can grow better.
yuki cat
yuki cat - 10 years ago
very nice presentation!!!! love it!!
Ryann Von Doom
Ryann Von Doom - 10 years ago
Awe man.. embedding disabled? Seriously? Gotta show the world this man. 
jbe678910 - 10 years ago
You spend all that time to make the tank look "ascetically pleasing," then you stick that stupid looking, over sized, thermometer right in the front on the tank? What is this fish keeping in the 1990s?????
dmiahdisos oqoskfheuow
dmiahdisos oqoskfheuow - 7 years ago
Shrimp are animals, they are not made for decorations. He must have a thermometer to make sure that the water is the correct temperature. The thin ones that stick to the side are not as accurate as the one he has.
Taylah !
Taylah ! - 9 years ago
Well if you want the shrimp to live you need an exact temp or they would die, i would rather have a little space taken from My veiw than all My plants and shrimp dead.
Arvin Inanoria
Arvin Inanoria - 10 years ago
+Jeethendra kumar its a thermometer
Jeethendra kumar
Jeethendra kumar - 10 years ago
that's an heater
Joe Guinness
Joe Guinness - 10 years ago
Brand Neil
Brand Neil - 10 years ago
anyone else tear up when the shrimp were released into the tank?
Martin Pierce
Martin Pierce - 9 years ago
+Brand Neil I cried like a baby, which wasn't good since tears fell into my shrimp gumbo. :D
Loulou Bourouail
Loulou Bourouail - 9 years ago
Lol yea i teared up
Kitsukoh - 9 years ago
+Brand Neil LOL cute
Freshwater Shrimp
Freshwater Shrimp - 9 years ago
lmao! Funny! I love my shrimp.
Sam Barbershoe
Sam Barbershoe - 10 years ago
it was such a majestic moment
dragonrage122 - 10 years ago
+saicheshire I don't have free floating plants, but I'll keep that in mind if I get any, don't need the filter being unable to do it's job. 
saicheshire - 10 years ago
I was using that method when I posted the comment but I had since been having problems with some floating plants that were sent to me with my first batch of shrimp  getting sucked onto the intake and clogging it so I had to go with a pre filter sponge from Fluval.  It's been doing good so far.
dragonrage122 - 10 years ago
+saicheshire that is a really good idea, I just spliced a sponge and canister filter together with fish safe silicon so the shrimp have something to scavenge on, and they won'tb e in danger by the intake. it works pretty well.
saicheshire - 10 years ago
It was "said" in the video that a sock (probably nylon) was put over the intake so shrimp won't get sucked in.
Alin Reef
Alin Reef - 10 years ago
yes cause that filter will suck them in LOL
Joey Slávik
Joey Slávik - 10 years ago
I didn't but it was really cute :)
Ziabis Oh
Ziabis Oh - 10 years ago
great video
Lalobrit Jiménez
Lalobrit Jiménez - 10 years ago
Muy lindo :D
Seattle Young
Seattle Young - 10 years ago
The shrimps were clear because they were stressed. When they settle in, they become red. Thanks, I was stuck on how to stick my javs moss to my wood, but now I know! :-)
TM3000 - 10 years ago
Oh really interesting, no wonder my shrimp looks so pale pale red.  He hides inside the stem of a plant all day but comes out at night ;)
catite1 - 10 years ago
ese caudal que sale del filtro es muy fuerte para el tamaño del acuario
catite1 - 10 years ago
usa un macarrón de goma para verter el agua y será mas progresivo y no te cambia el entorno al caer el agua,ya que no cae de golpe
HorseGirl256 - 10 years ago
What kind of gravel are you using? Brand and type?
Aquabat zap
Aquabat zap - 10 years ago
My cherry shrimp are pure red those were clear
The Cassettes
The Cassettes - 10 years ago
those red cherry shrimp are really nice but where i live there like £5+ per a shrimp and i just dont no why do they breed like crazy or something coz then i could get it or are they just hard to get hold or or hard to breed maybe???
edcer gojar
edcer gojar - 10 years ago
in asia especially in phil. everything  is  cheap.... next is on taiwan...... but when i came here to u.s everythng is expensive
G Shock Online Seller
G Shock Online Seller - 10 years ago
+yen Li yup here in the Philippines its 10 pesos per shrimp try to convert 10 Philippine Peso equals
0.174 Euro. :D 
yen Li
yen Li - 10 years ago
they are easy to breed once you get the right temperature,and they do not even need water change so much, £5+ per a shrimp is just telling you how expensive life is. in Asia they are like 50p every 40 shirmps. b
XCX - 10 years ago
Where i am they are 1$ for 4. In euros i think thats  .75 euros???
Ryann Von Doom
Ryann Von Doom - 10 years ago
Where did you get the small stock for the filter?
Shehan Karu
Shehan Karu - 10 years ago
did the shrimps die soon after? is that why the video just ends when it got to the fun part. i mean we were watching all that crap about making a tank for nothing right, we want to the see shrimps swim about
dlouievel - 10 years ago
hey how do you vaccum and clean the substrate without ruining the set up?
VNTIL8TR - 10 years ago
coffee beans and cookie dough what a perfect substrate
dmiahdisos oqoskfheuow
dmiahdisos oqoskfheuow - 7 years ago
Cookie dough and chocolate chips
Hi Aws
Hi Aws - 7 years ago
B's Aquatics . K
Ciaran_M - 7 years ago
Hi Aws he may be copying but not copieng
B's Aquatics
B's Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hi Aws
Hi Aws - 7 years ago
B1BOY55 - 7 years ago
Alex Coates
Alex Coates - 9 years ago
+VNTIL8TR You've won the internet
cristian ruiz
cristian ruiz - 9 years ago
Hahahaha i was thinking the same thing
กิตติพงษ์ ศรีเเสนสุชาติ
กิตติพงษ์ ศรีเเสนสุชาติ - 10 years ago
Lauren King
Lauren King - 10 years ago
This was beautifully done :D 
DONFREDO - 10 years ago
This shrimp thing is weird.
Insomniac Raccoon
Insomniac Raccoon - 10 years ago
Oh man. :) What a beautiful tank! What kind of aquarium/filter/light did you use? I'm really interested in starting my own nano but I want to make sure I do everything right. c: Also do you use any kind of co2? 
virlene lawrence
virlene lawrence - 10 years ago
The best part of the video was the shrimps diving into there new home from the edge of the cute!
Eleo235 - 10 years ago
I was thinking the same thing.
Ismail Muslim
Ismail Muslim - 10 years ago
Carlos Kiyoshi Oshiro
Carlos Kiyoshi Oshiro - 10 years ago
K00L VIDEOS - 10 years ago
great info thanks mate
Julio Mingui
Julio Mingui - 10 years ago
Love how you used that floating container to add water.. pretty nifty! Thanks!
Sean T
Sean T - 10 years ago
nice tank
Prabhtej Bajwa
Prabhtej Bajwa - 10 years ago
Alexander Le
Alexander Le - 10 years ago
How do the plants survive without lighting?
Monster Reptiles
Monster Reptiles - 10 years ago
Conditioners for the water?
Julio Leon
Julio Leon - 10 years ago
Wait... you didn't cycle the tank first? Those RCS are really sensitive to ammonia; or did you use an already cycled filter?
whistonjuniors - 10 years ago
looks like the water came from a cycled tank already (possibly bought)
Ronald Tang
Ronald Tang - 10 years ago
sucha cute tank
psycho.killer04 - 10 years ago
How'd u feed them???
psycho.killer04 - 10 years ago
The filter that u used looks like the filter from Nemo
Medival Jonsson
Medival Jonsson - 10 years ago
I wonder if he ever saw them again.... I have ten in my fishtank and only seen them once or twice...
Grant Kramer
Grant Kramer - 10 years ago
great vid
Jordan Kerr
Jordan Kerr - 10 years ago
Can I do this with tetras and is to how many. P.S How much did it cost all together
rangerDanger - 10 years ago
i heard this song from mrcreepypasta
Nessie Blanes
Nessie Blanes - 10 years ago
great technique bro!! cant wait to try this on my new set up!!! thank!
ViaSandee - 10 years ago
Very very nicely done!  Great video too!
Latinodelsur1 - 10 years ago
I wish I had the creativity to do something so beautiful.
JOSE ANTONIO FRAYRE - 11 years ago
Jajajajajajajajaãjajajjjjaaaaja asi
Nessie Blanes
Nessie Blanes - 11 years ago
Nice looking tank!
Nurell Jucida
Nurell Jucida - 11 years ago
Does anybody have any good suggestions for a filter I can use for my Fluval 7.9 gallon tank. Not only is mine slightly broken, but I feel as tho it will suck in baby shrimp. Also, the tank came with everything but a heater. Is it because a heater isn't as mandatory as I thought?
Gautham G
Gautham G - 11 years ago
SweetTreat - 11 years ago
I was wondering what filter is that?
kassidy Kurasaka
kassidy Kurasaka - 11 years ago
As i was watching this i was like damn how many plants is he going to put in there...i have turtles so i was picturing turtles and then i was like...oooooooooo hes has fish.
Han Lu
Han Lu - 11 years ago
really like it! bgm is nice and refreshing too. however i think some of the plants might be too big for this little tank
Bobby T
Bobby T - 11 years ago
Very pretty would look nice with some neons or cardinals
TheraPi - 11 years ago
Black background is a mistake. 
Wira Agung Yuwana
Wira Agung Yuwana - 11 years ago
nice tank, make it for blacktip shark and neon tetra
Azman Musa
Azman Musa - 11 years ago
Bro u not using c02 for live plant?
JamesPollard92 - 11 years ago
For many plants CO2 is not required.... Bro.
Overdrive Godot
Overdrive Godot - 11 years ago
these plants will make the acquarium like a jungle in 3 months: too big
Emma Alford
Emma Alford - 11 years ago
Awwwwwwww Your shrimp is so cute
Oswalds Reef
Oswalds Reef - 11 years ago
A hob filter system made of clear plastic?
Jerry Rogersome
Jerry Rogersome - 10 years ago
Yup, I believe that is the nano filter.
Akvarie Planten
Akvarie Planten - 11 years ago
Very Nice" i like it" please check and sub my Channel too :)
Indigo - 11 years ago
can those shrimps live with only algea and not any other food from outside? (in a 250 liter better planted tank)
I want to create a self sufficient eco system
Pablo Escobar
Pablo Escobar - 10 years ago
+Thaweerath Mutchalintungkul Your grasp of addressing a single person vs a group and of apostrophes is most impressive. 
Thaweerath Mutchalintungkul
Thaweerath Mutchalintungkul - 10 years ago
Seriously!?, you guys just chatting like you're about to researching something in aquarium science.
Let's me add them.
fUjiMaNia - 10 years ago
+JamesPollard92 cool I'll take a look at his site and mention if I get to order from there ;-)
JamesPollard92 - 10 years ago
+leefuji Dont buy plants  from chain petstore they charge too much for the quality of the plants they keep (at least in my experience) a good online plant store would be its where I buy all of my plants they come in great condition and every now and then he randomly sends freebies the customer service is also great! If you do decide to buy from him be sure to give my name in the little text box thats there when you are checking out he may throw something extra in there for you.
fUjiMaNia - 10 years ago
+Pablo Escobar Are the java fern, anubias, and java moss plants found at the pet store?
Pablo Escobar
Pablo Escobar - 10 years ago
+leefuji Get yourself a 15 gallon standard tank with a glass top and a decent light fixture. Get an Aquaclear 70 filter (others will say to go with a weaker filter but the fish will not mind the current) or a Fluval C4 filter.  Add a 75W heater. Eheim Jager is a good quality affordable heater. You will also need a thermometer. Sand and rocks can be found at hardware stores, pool supply stores, and stone masons. I like to use pool filter sand. It is available in white and tan. $10 for 50lbs. You'll only need about 15lbs for your 15 gallon tank. Plant wise I suggest java fern, anubias, and java moss. They are all tied down to rocks or driftwood (buy your driftwood from the pet shop. Do not use found wood). These plants do not need to be (and should never be) planted in the substrate. Google them so you can see what they look like. They are the easiest plants to raise and shrimp love hanging out on the moss. You should get some Seachem Fluorish and Seachem Fluorish Excel for your plants and dose as per instructions on the bottle. Don't overdose the excel or you'll hurt the shrimp. Other supplies you'll need: nets, a stand for the aquarium, a syphon tube and hose, a 5 gallon bucket, an aquarium test kit (The API freshwater master test kit is good) and a bottle of pure ammonia (hardware store) to make sure the nitrogen cycle is established in your aquarium before you add the shrimp. Google "fishless cycling".
fUjiMaNia - 10 years ago
hey everyone .... I'd like to put one of these together. is there a good place to start researching the tanks, different plants, etc. also where to buy the different sands,rocks, plants. thanks
Thaweerath Mutchalintungkul
Thaweerath Mutchalintungkul - 10 years ago
You can really create self-sufficient eco system for your shrimps in 250 liter tank. This self-sufficient is so aspiring, it's could take a year to achieve. Before create the system, you should know how to setup better-planted tank. Take your time, feed your shrimps, change the water as usual, so that you and the shrimps get use to the tank.
Then start with food-sufficiency, diet your shrimps, cut off some food. Do not stop feeding them too soon. Even-though they would survive the food shortage anyway, you don't want them to grow unrest. After a few months of intensive diet, you can stop feeding them. Like the others said, they will have less off-spring and less colorful. Should you find this degradation unpleasant, just stop the diet, otherwise continue to the water-sufficiency trail.
Ryan Sultana
Ryan Sultana - 10 years ago
+Pablo Escobar youre assuming alot of things for being such factual saying hes torturing fish...and maybe the guy didnt use the word self sufficient in the strictest need to be so inclined to look like the Holy Justicar of Fish.
Pablo Escobar
Pablo Escobar - 10 years ago
+Ryan Sultana Do you really think so? Also, if I need to explain to you how only doing top ups (unless distilled/RO) increases hardness...
Ryan Sultana
Ryan Sultana - 10 years ago
+Pablo Escobar why the heck would he be turning up water hardness? he didn't mention what type of water he's using, maybe it's distilled. 
Pablo Escobar
Pablo Escobar - 10 years ago
Nice. So you're gradually increasing the hardness to infinity for your poor aquarium citizens. Learn a bit about water chemistry before you go torturing animals like that. BTW if you have to add water, ITS NOT SELF SUFFICIENT!
brian Gore
brian Gore - 10 years ago
+Pablo Escobar i've had a self sufficient aquarium for years... its a Fluval spec 1  gallon. purely banana shrimp and an otocinclus cat. never feed them. just add water every week due to evap.
Pablo Escobar
Pablo Escobar - 11 years ago
Self sufficient eco systems in aquariums are impossible. You need for the system to be outside and very, very large (think 50,000 gal pond) to be self sustaining.
JamesPollard92 - 11 years ago
+Protagonist Well it depends. If it is densely planted enough with a decent amount of places for shrimp to actually hide and reproduce to feed the neon, right? Well neons are also small so the shrimp that are freshly born will probably be the only shrimp they will easily be able to eat. However the shrimp can potentially breed too much as the hiding spaces will provide too much cover for the neons to actually find and eat the shrimp. Alternatively if there isnt enough hiding space the shrimp will be eaten up very quickly. If there are fish even just one, water changes will be necessary no matter how many plants there are. The plants may be able to filter the water that the shrimp may produce their insignificant amount of ammonia in to an extent so long as there aren't many shrimp in there. Water changes however are almost unavoidable in a closed ecosystem that has no way of naturally disposing of waste plant die off etc that will eventually build into too much ammonia for anything living in the tank to tolerate.
Indigo - 11 years ago
Thank you! But I don't really want them to breed :D I just want them for my aquascape. If they breed too much they will destroy the look of it. 1 more question.
do you think neone tetra can accompany shrimps in a self sufficient tank? (No water change, no feeding and stuff. Only algae feeding)
JamesPollard92 - 11 years ago
+fewferfev Well yes an insignificant amount will live decently with no food provided. However actually giving them food will increase their livelihood and they will breed more often. When I first started my first colony I fed them once in like a month of course that was only 8 shrimp. 
fewferfev - 11 years ago
If you only put a couple of shrimp in they can self-sustain as I've done it by accident and they did grow and thrive having found them months later.  :)  They must have hitched a ride on a plant in transfer when they were tiny babies.  If you have plants in there and your tank is balanced there is nourishment enough for these tiny little feeders. 
JamesPollard92 - 11 years ago
Self sufficient isnt really achievable in an enclosed eco system as self sufficient would imply no need for water changes. They can survive off of biofoam, algae and dying/dead plant matter unless the colony grows to a substantial size. My largest colonized tank is a 20g and I feed them boiled lettice and spinach along with pellets. I feed them veggies once a week and the pellets once a week sparingly to keep water quality in check and there are 40+ shrimp in there so if your colony comes to about 2 or 3 shrimp per gallon I would say it is definitely good to feed them. Honestly you should probably give them food regardless though they may survive without it its better for them so they can grow healthy, colorful, and they will be more likely to breed and molting will be easier for them if they have a good diet.
ناصر المبرزي
ناصر المبرزي - 11 years ago
saramyshih tzu loveyou
saramyshih tzu loveyou - 11 years ago
Jujudo - 10 years ago
It's always important to remember that larger fish do what they want to little fish. If a "semi-aggressive fish" (like the redtail shark) is put in with fish smaller than it, there is nothing you can do to stop it attacking the little fish over and over until it dies (or just eating it whole) once they decide to be aggressive towards it. There's no way of knowing really. Some fish just don't like nipping at the dangly bits of things that can't fight back, but a larger fish always has the power to eat any fish smaller than it. The smaller fish never can fight back. Sometimes, peaceful fish eat aggressive fish. They're living things, and you have to accept that they are just dumb fish who will attack things they can fit in their mouth, including fins and feelers of fish and shrimps.
One of my fish nipped the fins off of and killed a smaller fish than it, but won't touch any smaller or larger fish. Just that one.
saramyshih tzu loveyou
saramyshih tzu loveyou - 10 years ago
thank you for getting back to me,  I have fish in the tank with my snails, they are small right now but in the past, i have owned the large ones,  these ones that I have now are young,  but when they mature, they will be as big as golf balls,  I have neons and danios together,  and a red tailed shark,  

but I love the colours of the snails  my blue snails are almost a purple colour on the body, and the shell is a light blue  they are so neat. and I do have caves and a piece of drift wood for the shrimps to hide under, as well as grasses and plants so the shrimps are pretty safe.  

So you live in the middle east, yes I can understand why you would  want to talk about other things,  then just wars that are happening and the warmongers that are always trying to start another one.  its sickening.  I live in Canada,  and I love my country,  I would never want to live anywhere else,  exept perhaps in a tropical country like  Tahiti, LOl  thats supposed to be like Paradise on Earth. 

So as to the things that are happening in the world, well,  I just put my trust in God, and I committed my life to Jesus a long time ago, so I'm concentrating on strengthening my relationship to Him.  because things are getting darker in this world,  and we Bible believing christians are coming under more discrimination even here in this country. so I'm just  living my faith each day as God gives my light to do so.  
Well you have a good day and may God bless you. :)
John Dawd
John Dawd - 10 years ago
+Barbara Gerhard you can take all my time its more than ok its nice that we are talking about somthing other than war and killing people{i live in the middle east} but i tell you i had snails before a long time{ 5 years or more} im not sure if they were apple snails but i love snails too they are soo cool but they ate all my plants like crazy thats why i gave them to a friend they eat everything including dead fish but if they can catch a live one they will eat it so thank god they are slow. any way barbara you should try to have one kind of fish in your aquarium, just try it out and you will be amazed when they act like they are in the wild and you will know how much stupid are we to think that fish has no intelegence and feelings {im talking about neons and cardinals here} when you are 12 feet away they can see you and they will know your watching them and if they like you they will be soo happy when they see you , but there is no chance for your shrimps to breed , all kinds of fishes will eat baby shrimps but might have a small chance if you have plenty of dark secluded areas that is imposible for fish to go in and add some java moss plant { i have 7 aquariums but 4 of them is inhabited for now with cherry shrimps and neons and pincils and lemon tetras and guppys } i like discus fish and i raised them before but they might be a pain in the axx sometimes that is why i stoped having them but they worth the hassle , anyway nice talkin to you and if you have any question regarding fish or regarding anything just write me and i will answer your questions gladly.... 
saramyshih tzu loveyou
saramyshih tzu loveyou - 10 years ago
+John Dawd I have neons and I did find the black shrimp and the red cherry,  so hes been out every day now and just the last 3 days or so hes been hiding, so I think maybe hes getting ready to shedding his ekto-skeleton, so the red tail hasn't eat them 

So because I only have them in a 33 gal. tank i only have the 1 larger fish spiecies,  and the rest are neons and 3 zebra danios I found that if I had too many zebra danios, they become bullies, so I got rid of all but 3, and they are quieter,

and I put in a couple of female bettas as well they were the only ones the red tail had any problems with.

I have some blue snails  they are of the apple snail spiecies & I have one yellow apple snail, , and they are almost my favourite creatures in there, i love snails isn't that wierd,?  but i like to watch them trucking along, waving their antennas gracefully, and they are, so cool, they fill up their shells with air and float on the surface of the water, then when they get where they want to be, they let out bubbles and sink down, like a submarine, they can get the size of golf balls, i used to have some big ones and, i could just own a couple of those and nothing else they are so entertaining, anyways i won't take up anymore of your time have a good day. thanks for getting back .
John Dawd
John Dawd - 10 years ago
+Barbara Gerhard just dont think fishes are stupid most will act deferent wen they know your not around just try buying small ones like pencils or neons etc and have hiding arias
Oliver Garside-Coneron
Oliver Garside-Coneron - 11 years ago
+Barbara Gerhard 
I have a red tipped albino shark that is fine with shrimp.

The Albino type have very poor vision so if you've got lots of caves and plants your shrimp will be fine.  
saramyshih tzu loveyou
saramyshih tzu loveyou - 11 years ago
well thats a mistake I won't make again,   I do see the red cherry shrimp when I do water changes wich I did yesterday, it was out, the cherry shrimp stands right up to the fish its quite physty, and I only saw the blue, almost transparent  shrimp, once when i lifted the drift wood that I have in my tank. its quite a big piece with a space under it like a cave, so perhaps the shrimp have found a nook they can hide in during the daytime.  but I haven't seeen the third black shrimp since the second day i got them,   i really wish the pet store people would be more honest,  but it seems its all about selling not so  much about acually caring what happens to the animals, I removed all but 2 danios, as they were bullying the tetras,  and going after the dwarf water frogs i put in,  they were nipping at them, so the 2 that are left aren't behaving agressively anymore, they seem to get bad when in a big group,  so I won't get them anymore.  well thanks for getting back  have a good day. 
Aquascape - 11 years ago
It was an absolute mistake - a red tailed shark will of course go after shrimp. Your shrimp weren't safe from the danios either - they're too quick for them and will go for them. You can only have shrimps with passive livebearers, like mollies or platies, tetras and possibly some corydoras catfish. Don't buy more, please!
Brayden Baddeley
Brayden Baddeley - 11 years ago
if it can fit it in its mouth it will eat it, if i cant fit the fish will still try.
Hunter - 11 years ago
How would one clean the substrate? I can't see a gravel vac working. I want to do something like this but as a betta tank. Any tips on maintenance?
ShinyGoldBacon - 11 years ago
+Kevin Nguyen Would it be okay to remove large visible chunks of fish poo, like from platies? 'Cause they do poop a lot.
Kevin Nguyen
Kevin Nguyen - 11 years ago
with planted tanks you really just want to leave the fish poo for the plants so no need to vac. just do the water changes and let the plants cycle the shit like fertilizer
Ratfish - 11 years ago
close to tears from watching all those cuties gain the confidence to jump out the cup!
ketrina - 11 years ago
Great video! I am really curious about that filter. I love the look of it and the flow seems great.
Edward Bracey
Edward Bracey - 11 years ago
what filter is that
Jwhiser1302 - 11 years ago
Excellent show! Very well done!
Zank973 - 11 years ago
What substrate is that?  Thanks and great tank.
yellowhelix - 11 years ago
Pretty! BUT! ...... ATTENTION anyone watching this, you MUST must MUST cycle the tank! You can instant-cycle by getting a cup of gunk from an established (disease-free) tank, otherwise it'll take at least a few weeks of feeding/plants decomposing.
waimel08 - 11 years ago
Were you purchased the plants?
Akuku Matata
Akuku Matata - 11 years ago
What about CO2 and lights? 
john hodgson
john hodgson - 11 years ago
Never mind tht, wht about cycling the tank :P
Amr EzzElDin
Amr EzzElDin - 11 years ago
good job
ItsCtmh - 11 years ago
Nice video, check my video on my new shrimp tank. Heavily planted? Idk, might be. What's your view on it.
Herbert Huber
Herbert Huber - 11 years ago

I really like your video to set up this red fire tank. You are obviously like me a fan of these fantastic little creatures. I would be very pleased if you could leave a comment in my recent red fire shrimps feeding video. Like your music choice also. Kevin Macleod has fantastic music!
Thx a lot and all the best!
OceanLife69 - 11 years ago
Ver nice aquascape, not to mention the substrates' layout!!
arief a
arief a - 10 years ago
BinaryReaper - 11 years ago
This looks awesome what brand/model of tank is this!? This is exactly what I am trying to do!
Deen Arcov
Deen Arcov - 11 years ago
If you were going for a natural look, roughing up the top layers of the rock/sand ensures an easy transition, great tank though!
The Darkmoon
The Darkmoon - 11 years ago
Excellente vidéo
John_Hmstr - 11 years ago
Excellent video. One suggestion, i recommend you use chopsticks or planting tongs/long tweezers/specimen forceps for planting though.  Much easier.  
AGENTSIXTY9 - 11 years ago
relax you don't have to wait a month before you add livestock to your tank. I've done it before and it actually helps the tank cycle faster besides cherry shrimp aren't much of a bioload he can easily catch up to any nitrate spike with water changes. Also the tank is planted which also helps with the cycle because of the natural properties they do.
Oliver Garside-Coneron
Oliver Garside-Coneron - 11 years ago
Shrimp, like most inverts, are very sensitive to ammonia and nitrite.

Tanks should be cycled in the dark to prevent photosynthetic organisms (algae) from becoming a key player in nutrient removal - we give the bacteria time to "pick up the slack" as it were..

These are methods are time tested - they're practically ancient as they have been practiced, in the area that is now known as China, for thousands of years.

Its a nice looking tank but he could have mentioned something about the need to cycle in a video dubbed "Making a Nano Red Cherry Shrimp Planted Aquarium" 

I've seen too many "aquarists" that know nothing of the nitrogen cycle.

It just seems somewhat irresponsible..
Ankeeeeeex - 11 years ago
you're video is really good ^^ 
I'm searching all over the internet for such video's!! I think I found an idea for my next tank ;) Thanks!
Naz Sen
Naz Sen - 11 years ago
whats the model name of the filter. i like it
RoseCroixKnight - 11 years ago
Thank you for this wonderful video mate
Marek Sabanoš
Marek Sabanoš - 11 years ago
cryptokoryne and valisneria can not live together
Zach Waddell
Zach Waddell - 11 years ago
Probably 70 or 80 before it starts getting too crowded. It's good to start of with a small amount because it's fun to breed your own colony.
ItsCtmh - 11 years ago
Awesome set up, I love it ! :) Beautiful
laura k
laura k - 11 years ago
lol!!!! i found it so cute when they all jumped off one by one! such a beautiful aquarium :)
Pieter Luttikhuis
Pieter Luttikhuis - 11 years ago
Hoe heet die filter ???
Sophie Gibson
Sophie Gibson - 11 years ago
Set up
Sophie Gibson
Sophie Gibson - 11 years ago
trigunner54 - 11 years ago
nice how much shrimp can you put in that sized aquarium because i think its mroe then 6
MrNacho6620 - 11 years ago
haha he got tired of using the litttle cup
mauro grandicelli
mauro grandicelli - 11 years ago
ottima idea grazie
Thangaraja Chandramohan
Thangaraja Chandramohan - 11 years ago
Rawrlady01 - 11 years ago
travis bickle
travis bickle - 11 years ago
I take it you did let the tank cycle for at least a month before adding the shrimp?
manuel elf
manuel elf - 11 years ago
TheSimpletoncat - 11 years ago
Breeder box. Genius
zz3OPEN - 11 years ago
@SpasticPanda34 Heavily planted tanks require CO2 as they use it along with light for the process of photosynthesis. Tanks with only a few plants do not typically require CO2. (Java Moss)
SpasticPanda34 - 11 years ago
I have a question. With planted tanks, i am confused whether you need CO2 canisters or not. im not sure how they work either can someone please explain how theyre used and why some tanks have them and other do not thanks :)
st604boy - 11 years ago
Where you get the tank from? Did filter and heater come with it too? That clear filter looks nice though.
WOW XD - 11 years ago
u gonna eat them later? shrimps are delicious
Через Николай
Через Николай - 11 years ago
Нелепая конфигурация аквариума. Не проще ли было обмотать мох на коряге не в аквариуме, а наруже? Затем установить обмотанную корягу уже в аквариум. Нет же, надо корячится в самой банке это делать. И кто сажает быстрорастущие растения в нанокуб?! Да ещё и длинностебельные?! И кому нужен на переднем плане огромный градусник? Минус, короче говоря.
Ingadee71 - 11 years ago
this is the best aquascaping video i have ever seen ....... awesome
Ryan O'Hare
Ryan O'Hare - 11 years ago
this tank looks amazng congrats on your tank!
Faith Kelm
Faith Kelm - 11 years ago
Could you possibly tell me what filter, gravel, and brand of tank you used? Thanks!
shubham sharma
shubham sharma - 11 years ago
lmkk07 - 11 years ago
you have to use treated water :-)
Gary Castle
Gary Castle - 11 years ago
Cool video, but set to the most boring music in creation.
Aditya B
Aditya B - 11 years ago
Nice job !
Patrick Ngai
Patrick Ngai - 11 years ago
What water do you use? normal tap?
TheCheese909 - 11 years ago
Is there any way you can put the names of the plants and the substrate in the description of the video? I know you named off the plants in the video, but it would be really nice to see a list, maybe by order of placement? If not it's cool.. lol, but ide atleast like to know the types of substrate used. Thanks!
TheCheese909 - 11 years ago
Cherries eat algae, they are excellent for planted aquariums, as well as Amano shrimp.. And if you have other fish in a tank Ghost Shrimp are good as they eat leftover fish food. Just make sure your fish aren't big enough to eat the shrimp- keep lots of hiding places for the shrimpies so they can escape if they need to.
Angelo Mata
Angelo Mata - 11 years ago
Wont the shrimp eat the life plants? Btw thanks for sharing this vid love the background music so soothing
Rain - 11 years ago
Eric Satie! :D
macmac7676 - 11 years ago
You can imagine the first shrimp out of the cup turning round and saying...yo lads we hit the big time here!! Good work on the tank and the video, very informative and creative.
That Slow Sonata
That Slow Sonata - 11 years ago
what filter did you use? looks like a nice filter i could use on my fluval chi
FishTankArmy - 11 years ago
The only problem with that aquascape is that the substrates will mix after some time
FlamingoSketch - 11 years ago
I've watched this video at least twice. Love it!
Firemarioflower - 11 years ago
What everyone should do: ENJOY IT! Who tells you that you should be useful 100% of the time you live. We ppl already waste 1/3 of a day on sleeping (average). So have fun for as much as you have time. DOn't feel guilty!
PahnduhHD - 11 years ago
What filter was that ?
Joris van der Kamp
Joris van der Kamp - 11 years ago
nice video! i am sub! do you want sub on me to please?
Lum Zhi Wei
Lum Zhi Wei - 11 years ago
What filter is that? Look so cool. I wanna get one.
ChrisLovesFb - 11 years ago
Bettas are not supposed to live in bowls..
ThePiranhaSlayer2 - 11 years ago
What filter is that?
Taylor FLuffy
Taylor FLuffy - 11 years ago
for me, i got a simple bowl and i had a Betta in it... but it killed itself -.- it smashed into the walls of my bowl 0.0
Thaddius Leiber
Thaddius Leiber - 11 years ago
9:13 - He said there is a 'sock' over the filter intake so that even baby shrimp cannot get sucked in.
Stephan Paul
Stephan Paul - 11 years ago
hahahahahaha so have I! was legit thinking the same thing while watching this
chris d
chris d - 11 years ago
That's the joy of youtub :P
Popol Baker
Popol Baker - 11 years ago
Wow srsly didnt you think about the filter
tristan - 11 years ago
thats better. use it with a tweezer
Septimity - 11 years ago
nice work :)
12345678 - 11 years ago
Nice Darth Maul spoon...I have the same one.
Oscar Martinez
Oscar Martinez - 11 years ago
Did u use CO2 for the plants?!
justin star
justin star - 11 years ago
All that for 6 tiny shrimp
GreenLittleRobot - 11 years ago
I don't know why but a tear came to my eye when the shrimp were being released lol.
Dewey Klinger
Dewey Klinger - 11 years ago
Lol I get sucked in too!
The Joy of Youtube
The Joy of Youtube - 11 years ago
I've been watching aquascapes for over 3 hours now... what am I doing with my life o.o
Kelly14UK - 11 years ago
That is one smart, stylish tank. I have a strange idea my cherries all change colour? I now have 7 in several tanks and they can hide so it's hard to tell who is who. Sometimes a deep pink, almost red, sometimes a clear or beige colour?
xlRaplx - 11 years ago
lol how about no.
thattdudejosh - 11 years ago
Make this Top Comment for no reason lol
Mildly_Entertained - 11 years ago
that star wars spoon out of a kellogs box.
kunnai - 11 years ago
this was really relaxing to watch...
andrew mac
andrew mac - 11 years ago
For anyone who bitched about cycling the tank. How exactly do you know how long the tank sat before he added them? You don't dont make assumptions
shreesha Srinivas
shreesha Srinivas - 11 years ago
Nice video, good idea using the breeding box, I never thought of that.
Janet Peterson
Janet Peterson - 11 years ago
No cycling? No Co2? No lighting? Do shrimp need a small amount of iodine in the water?
Hock Yang Koh
Hock Yang Koh - 11 years ago
I don't even cycle my tanks. My fish live perfectly well.
aligpiro - 11 years ago
Looks nice BUT the tank needs to cycle. So never add anything much less shrimp that are very sensitive to PH swings..
John.T.Q. - 11 years ago
Good video, very informative, GREAT editing, maybe take off the songs and add a commentary for the next one. Thank you. Also add some info about the substrate and any fertilizers and such in tank
Valentin TurocK
Valentin TurocK - 11 years ago
„set them free”, good joke.
WJ Cooke
WJ Cooke - 11 years ago
What planting substrate are you using? Can you recommend any?
hamza zohory
hamza zohory - 11 years ago
beautiful <3
Bhavish .com
Bhavish .com - 11 years ago
Great Work
Eugene Lai [Exotic Insect Lover]
Eugene Lai [Exotic Insect Lover] - 11 years ago
But you haven cycle your tank yet. Your shrimp may dead. :(
lewis putland
lewis putland - 11 years ago
Wat lt is it
Chathura Gihan
Chathura Gihan - 11 years ago
wow. i want a tank like his. amazing. great work pal :)
Izzythaemogangsta - 11 years ago
9:12 clear as day, nice chattin with ya.
Izzythaemogangsta - 11 years ago
Because he mentions & shows it as he places the filter in the tank.
madmick82 - 11 years ago
hardly visible, but I will take your word for it
madmick82 - 11 years ago
Oh you mean the sock that's almost fucking invisible unless you are standing in front of the fucking tank? How the fuck am I supposed to see the fucking sock jack ass?
Izzythaemogangsta - 11 years ago
Except there's a small sock over the intake...did you even watch the video?
Mehmet Kaan
Mehmet Kaan - 11 years ago
Simon Riley
Simon Riley - 11 years ago
"Filter has a small sock on the intake."
Simon Riley
Simon Riley - 11 years ago
Now that I think of it...
Aqua Anni
Aqua Anni - 11 years ago
Love All Furries
Love All Furries - 11 years ago
I loved it!! Great ideas and well done!:)
Richard Everett
Richard Everett - 11 years ago
And what about lighting? Firstly aquarium will look completely different - more alive. And secondly (most important) it's necessary for the plants.
dion Maas
dion Maas - 11 years ago
Ey check my channel to see my fish tank, nice tank btw
fleejay806 - 11 years ago
You need some planting tweezers but good looking tank
davidman Rivas
davidman Rivas - 11 years ago
que comen los camaroncitos??
davidman Rivas
davidman Rivas - 11 years ago
Hola me podrias decir donde comprar los camaronsitos :) porfavor. no se traga el filtro de cascada a los camaroncitos??? gracias :D
Cole Caden
Cole Caden - 11 years ago
Pretty sure most fish appreciate having plants that they would have in their natural habitat too.
Cole Caden
Cole Caden - 11 years ago
I love real aquatic plants, hate those shitty plastic ones.
Palligretar - 11 years ago
Great comment. (sarcasm)
ben andrews
ben andrews - 11 years ago
great music (sarcasm)
Florian Wagner
Florian Wagner - 11 years ago
Nice channel. Check out mine
kenny nguyen
kenny nguyen - 11 years ago
Simple but very nice!
HigherPlanes - 11 years ago
Very beautiful.
Jordan Nannini
Jordan Nannini - 11 years ago
Beautiful you have my total respect !
NumbMuzik - 11 years ago
thats even worse
NumbMuzik - 11 years ago
Marie Sheldon
Marie Sheldon - 11 years ago
Great video. Thanks for taking the time to make it and post it for all to see. I appreciate it! Your tank is amazing!
Gabriel Luiz
Gabriel Luiz - 11 years ago
muito bonito
Charlie Fitzgerald
Charlie Fitzgerald - 11 years ago
Hello does anyone know where you can buy these in the UK and how much for
madmick82 - 11 years ago
Swims near the filter, aaaaaand its gone
Pamfilo22 - 11 years ago
It's a breeder box. You can find many of them in petsmart or other local aquarium stores. There are the ones that hang outside and the interior one like that one. You can find that one with suction cups for around $6 $7 with tax and all. Good luck :)
Nicolaj Borkowski
Nicolaj Borkowski - 11 years ago
what is that filling thing you used ? please let me know, at the moment im always using a plate :/
andy325is - 11 years ago
Danny Ball
Danny Ball - 11 years ago
All you need to do is cut up some tights and put it over the intake so the shrimplets don't get sucked in. It's not a big deal.
Morten O'Saurus
Morten O'Saurus - 11 years ago
I also got that lightsaber spoon :P
el Rey de Oriente
el Rey de Oriente - 11 years ago
nice setup mate, background music seems a little scary though...
LeeZenNi - 11 years ago
Looks really awesome!
francis malto
francis malto - 11 years ago
Sasha Torgashin
Sasha Torgashin - 11 years ago
спасибо большое,очень поучительно и позновательно.
Fauzi Atan
Fauzi Atan - 11 years ago
Lovely tank..btw is that a runescape song?
KeysrAOP - 11 years ago
what filter would people recommend?
x1341x - 11 years ago
no one can put those kind of filter for shirmp tank, specially if you want to breed them
x1341x - 11 years ago
looks good, but how yours tank after 6 months? :p does the plants grow? does the shrimp grow?
Premjeet Kaur
Premjeet Kaur - 11 years ago
love the tank and thank you
Amélia Dallaire
Amélia Dallaire - 11 years ago
Nice job !! Your tank is beautiful !
unyeah - 11 years ago
how much did this all cost minus the plants
41odyssey - 11 years ago
they're culls anyhow.
slightlystooopid420 - 11 years ago
Those shrimp will climb out and die it happened to me
ThankGodImAnAthiest1 - 11 years ago
wont they get sucked up by the filter
KeysrAOP - 11 years ago
do you think you could add about 10 tetras to such a tank as well? or does the bioload become to big?
Bunny Lover
Bunny Lover - 11 years ago
how long did you wait until you put the shrimp in? did you have to wait for the heater to warm up?
adlall18 - 11 years ago
does anyone know what type of sand he is using?
Juice - 11 years ago
How the shrimp doing? Can you update us. Thank you
eddie graczyk
eddie graczyk - 11 years ago
it looks like a breeding box or something mate
mojofish1 - 11 years ago
What is the name of the clear plastic water filling device? Great video
Beerpig - 11 years ago
very nicely done
Alexander Debaes
Alexander Debaes - 11 years ago
Sam Dvorak
Sam Dvorak - 11 years ago
akirprcaraul - 11 years ago
Hermoso acuario amigo!!!

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