HOW TO: Making a Nano Red Cherry Shrimp Planted Aquarium | TonyTanks
Howto 12 years ago 1,726,223 views
This is a video of me making my first shrimp only aquarium. Its a nano tank, 9 gallons (about 35 liters - 30*30*35cm). The filter I used: Breeding Box I used to fill the tank: Music: 1. Danse Morialta Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 2. Gymnopedia No.3 Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 3. Windswept Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 4. Cattails Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 (Taken from
10. comment for HOW TO: Making a Nano Red Cherry Shrimp Planted Aquarium | TonyTanks
20. comment for HOW TO: Making a Nano Red Cherry Shrimp Planted Aquarium | TonyTanks
30. comment for HOW TO: Making a Nano Red Cherry Shrimp Planted Aquarium | TonyTanks
50. comment for HOW TO: Making a Nano Red Cherry Shrimp Planted Aquarium | TonyTanks
Always let an aquarium + plants run for at least a week without animals, never mix the water your animals came in with your own, in case of disease, you didn't use any kind of substrate or soil for your plants. Just some tips in case anyone is following along with this.
Here's the filter he used, it wont work unless you prime it first though (add water in the back of the filter like he did on the video)
100. comment for HOW TO: Making a Nano Red Cherry Shrimp Planted Aquarium | TonyTanks
But is really plants
Great job, cherries will love it!
the breeding box is a genius idea mate, always used plastic bags or dishes.
Thanks for the vid
lol xD
this video help me
amazon/Ebay will better site for me...
please anyone help...
It's neat
It's clean
A quest pleasing aquarium to the eye in which it has perfect balance of things
I am :)
I'm pretty sure you can. They're all about the same size. I've seen a few videos about shrimp and guppies were in the same tank with them.
but I do say if you do just put in water then just let it sit a week or 2 and wait for the bacteria to attach to everything and during this time let the plants melt and prune them a little so that way you don't have animals getting away.
1) unless that water was taken from an established tank then those cherry got tossed into an uncycled tank.
2) there is no net or sponge on that intake, those shrimp are inevitably going to get sucked into the filter
The tank is quite heavily planted and not sure if 6 cherry shrimps would aqequately supply the CO2
1. Water from an established tank will do almost nothing. The beneficial bacteria tends to grow on surfaces such as the substrate, plants, or decorations.
2. It was clearly stated he/she modified the intake to make sure shrimp don't get sucked up.
I felt sorry for the shrimp, the tank did not go through cycle period.
Therefore every dangerous, did not test ph, gh, kh, tds, NO3 testing and so on.
I hope water was aged b/c i didnt C any Primer been mention.
It was acclimated every quickly by use of syringe.
Drop acclimatising would of been heaps better.
Im also a newbie, thinking of getting some even i know this is wrong and not best for shrimps R very sensitive &will died very quickly.
I know this is old, but without reading all comments i would of guessed a lot of fellow ÜtubeRs had few things to say-just based on your likes.
im done here.
And why you think its dangerous change more than 50% of the water of a tank if that water have no bacteria? All the water have beneficial bacteria, just the main community of bacteria are in the filter. Just search a method and make it work, the results are the important thing, no? :)
just stating facts.
just stating facts.
You think I have only shrimps? I start with shrimps 5 months ago. I have amazonic aquariums, 260L with discus and a 100L community one.
Take a look to my 100L
I can use water without filter modifications and I have same results... water have bacterial colonies, end of story >.< I used same method since 6 years ago in all my aquariums newby
Now the tank that im talking about it haves like 4 generations of shrimps and growing realy well. Take a look at the tank I talk.
Awesome !!!!!!
0.174 Euro. :D
I want to create a self sufficient eco system
Let's me add them.
Then start with food-sufficiency, diet your shrimps, cut off some food. Do not stop feeding them too soon. Even-though they would survive the food shortage anyway, you don't want them to grow unrest. After a few months of intensive diet, you can stop feeding them. Like the others said, they will have less off-spring and less colorful. Should you find this degradation unpleasant, just stop the diet, otherwise continue to the water-sufficiency trail.
do you think neone tetra can accompany shrimps in a self sufficient tank? (No water change, no feeding and stuff. Only algae feeding)
One of my fish nipped the fins off of and killed a smaller fish than it, but won't touch any smaller or larger fish. Just that one.
but I love the colours of the snails my blue snails are almost a purple colour on the body, and the shell is a light blue they are so neat. and I do have caves and a piece of drift wood for the shrimps to hide under, as well as grasses and plants so the shrimps are pretty safe.
So you live in the middle east, yes I can understand why you would want to talk about other things, then just wars that are happening and the warmongers that are always trying to start another one. its sickening. I live in Canada, and I love my country, I would never want to live anywhere else, exept perhaps in a tropical country like Tahiti, LOl thats supposed to be like Paradise on Earth.
So as to the things that are happening in the world, well, I just put my trust in God, and I committed my life to Jesus a long time ago, so I'm concentrating on strengthening my relationship to Him. because things are getting darker in this world, and we Bible believing christians are coming under more discrimination even here in this country. so I'm just living my faith each day as God gives my light to do so.
Well you have a good day and may God bless you. :)
So because I only have them in a 33 gal. tank i only have the 1 larger fish spiecies, and the rest are neons and 3 zebra danios I found that if I had too many zebra danios, they become bullies, so I got rid of all but 3, and they are quieter,
and I put in a couple of female bettas as well they were the only ones the red tail had any problems with.
I have some blue snails they are of the apple snail spiecies & I have one yellow apple snail, , and they are almost my favourite creatures in there, i love snails isn't that wierd,? but i like to watch them trucking along, waving their antennas gracefully, and they are, so cool, they fill up their shells with air and float on the surface of the water, then when they get where they want to be, they let out bubbles and sink down, like a submarine, they can get the size of golf balls, i used to have some big ones and, i could just own a couple of those and nothing else they are so entertaining, anyways i won't take up anymore of your time have a good day. thanks for getting back .
I have a red tipped albino shark that is fine with shrimp.
The Albino type have very poor vision so if you've got lots of caves and plants your shrimp will be fine.
I really like your video to set up this red fire tank. You are obviously like me a fan of these fantastic little creatures. I would be very pleased if you could leave a comment in my recent red fire shrimps feeding video. Like your music choice also. Kevin Macleod has fantastic music!
Thx a lot and all the best!
Tanks should be cycled in the dark to prevent photosynthetic organisms (algae) from becoming a key player in nutrient removal - we give the bacteria time to "pick up the slack" as it were..
These are methods are time tested - they're practically ancient as they have been practiced, in the area that is now known as China, for thousands of years.
Its a nice looking tank but he could have mentioned something about the need to cycle in a video dubbed "Making a Nano Red Cherry Shrimp Planted Aquarium"
I've seen too many "aquarists" that know nothing of the nitrogen cycle.
It just seems somewhat irresponsible..
I'm searching all over the internet for such video's!! I think I found an idea for my next tank ;) Thanks!