HOW TO: Underwater Waterfall TUTORIAL

Get the ultimate DIY book ► Im also on facebook ► See this in proper action ► Learn how to build the background ► Learn how to build the water fall ► This is a how to video on building an underwater waterfall. It is a waterfall for your aquarium created using PVC and sand. HOW TO build aquariums ► HOW TO build aquarium filters ► HOW TO build aquarium stands ►

HOW TO: Underwater Waterfall TUTORIAL sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1686

Howto 12 years ago 3,222,376 views

Get the ultimate DIY book ► Im also on facebook ► See this in proper action ► Learn how to build the background ► Learn how to build the water fall ► This is a how to video on building an underwater waterfall. It is a waterfall for your aquarium created using PVC and sand. HOW TO build aquariums ► HOW TO build aquarium filters ► HOW TO build aquarium stands ►

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Most popular comments
for HOW TO: Underwater Waterfall TUTORIAL

Thaleya1 - 7 years ago
can you do this using a pump?
live life 621
live life 621 - 7 years ago
Very easy thanks can u make a video on how to attach pvc pipe to aquarium
sissy murphy
sissy murphy - 7 years ago
could this be used in a pond without the sand to keep water on the bottom of a pond moved around so it stays oxygenated
MysteriusBhoice - 7 years ago
this will harden your water!!
All in ONE
All in ONE - 7 years ago
What you used the items or products that name please
Dean Pattison
Dean Pattison - 7 years ago
same principle as an undergravel filter..whatever happened to those?? I love mine...makes my tank VERY healthy...
apopense - 7 years ago
Hi I am a subscriber to your channel and love the hobby it's been years since I had fish and like to get a tank once again, I live in Guelph ontario and not sure where to start, my one question is what filtration system should I get for a 90g tank? Thank you and sorry for the loss of your sting rays.
vo thanh tu
vo thanh tu - 7 years ago
06wthompson - 7 years ago
Followed your videos for building my own background and underwater waterfall. Filled it up and it floats every time. Have to empty it. Clean it out. Resilicone it in and fill it back up. Lasts about 10 min then floats again. Help!!

10. comment for HOW TO: Underwater Waterfall TUTORIAL

deutschstämmiger - 7 years ago
PVC ist ein gifftiges Material !
Cabbage_Bill - 7 years ago
Anyone watching in 2017
Bogdan K
Bogdan K - 7 years ago
Thx Man:-)
Ti Guay Zhou
Ti Guay Zhou - 7 years ago
where are your gains on 2012 joey??? lol
yannie1012 - 7 years ago
Ashmita Parajuli
Ashmita Parajuli - 7 years ago
vijayaratnam purushowththaman
vijayaratnam purushowththaman - 7 years ago
woow! your genius bro
Man2Nature xnature
Man2Nature xnature - 7 years ago
This is the first vid i watched on youtube
New Wen
New Wen - 7 years ago
Oh god this is from 2012
Precision Seal
Precision Seal - 7 years ago
good way to sandblast your glass .... i'm sure it won't make any blurry glass  marks lol

20. comment for HOW TO: Underwater Waterfall TUTORIAL

The Ender
The Ender - 7 years ago
I like checking out these old videos and seeing just how far Joey has come in his production quality and presentation skills. It's like night and day. Dude has made a ton of progress in every aspect. That's why he's the king.
Creative Rocket Studios
Creative Rocket Studios - 7 years ago
Sorry for your accident , hope it recovers :)
Thomas Bradfield
Thomas Bradfield - 7 years ago
This video gave me an idea for making a filter! Keep the PVC elevated off of the substrait, and put a sponge at the elbow opening.
Erdisa Reiyaldi
Erdisa Reiyaldi - 7 years ago
26 july 2017!!
Heng David
Heng David - 7 years ago
Merci pour la video , c'est genial comme tu fabrique des materiel pour aquarium. :)
Laura Moody
Laura Moody - 7 years ago
Has anyone have any luck doing the sand fall? I'm having major issues
Jordan Hix
Jordan Hix - 7 years ago
How powerful does the air pump have to be?
Joshua Wheeler
Joshua Wheeler - 7 years ago
It's not too late to fix the aspect ratio of this video. You can fix it and creator studio. :)
Spoopy Skeleton
Spoopy Skeleton - 7 years ago
You can really see the transformation from then and now!
Hector Murillo,Jr
Hector Murillo,Jr - 7 years ago
So . . . . .

30. comment for HOW TO: Underwater Waterfall TUTORIAL

oscar garcia
oscar garcia - 7 years ago
very good man.
Grace Cutie
Grace Cutie - 7 years ago
could i do this for a 10 gal tank
Benedict Escanlar
Benedict Escanlar - 7 years ago
tnx to this video
Taylor Tatton
Taylor Tatton - 7 years ago
Awe he's so cute....
Daniel Larry
Daniel Larry - 7 years ago
great work bro bravo,may thy Lord bless you and your family.
Dan Sat
Dan Sat - 7 years ago
inta muk taban! inta kalam mafi turab
Donald D
Donald D - 7 years ago
Cool vid if n when I get to try it how I want I'll try n let u see if n when I'm able
Pdp  Toni Dip Th
Pdp Toni Dip Th - 7 years ago
is that idea can be use for pvc over flow? thnks
Setiono Grup
Setiono Grup - 7 years ago
thx its very helpful
papa MIRQ lbs
papa MIRQ lbs - 7 years ago
soo how would i go about making it just pour kinda out ya know? with out getting all over the tank or is that the need for thicker sand?
Happy fishguy
Happy fishguy - 7 years ago
Great video . Really enjoy listening to your explanations ,very informative, Watching your videos has helped me make better videos . Thank you again .
Shyamsunder K
Shyamsunder K - 7 years ago
Al your diy make life simple... Giving a thumps up is insulting I say....if you are a sun..trying to use a torch is idiots do not just quake...(earth quake) that's the nearest I can get complementing you
Jimmy Nguyen
Jimmy Nguyen - 7 years ago
can I use glow in the dark sand for this waterfall?
Melvin Wong
Melvin Wong - 7 years ago
You were so skinny and white dudeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee D=
Marlena Zawadzka
Marlena Zawadzka - 7 years ago
would it not cill the fish
domsau2 - 7 years ago
Attention aux fautes dans les sous-titres, svp !
Ryan Ho
Ryan Ho - 7 years ago
why dont you use beach sand
super man
super man - 7 years ago
merci for the french !
The Analyser
The Analyser - 8 years ago
my question may be immature, but wont the pump push air outside, instead of sucking it up?
Abdelrahman Mamdouh
Abdelrahman Mamdouh - 8 years ago
I love you so much

50. comment for HOW TO: Underwater Waterfall TUTORIAL

Deeanne Knight
Deeanne Knight - 8 years ago
Could you use colored sand? I think blue sand would look cool.
ziedrict - 8 years ago
In time, the sand will run out of that area?
thích ngắm trăng youngest church
thích ngắm trăng youngest church - 8 years ago
Hay quá hờ ^.~
tropische aquariums
tropische aquariums - 8 years ago
I would realy like it if somebody can tell me how long before my fish is going to have Fry (Thx!)
TheTerminator1919 - 8 years ago
Thx for posting but why can't you use the elbow at the bottom as well?
Egan Eheart
Egan Eheart - 8 years ago
An underwaterfall
mhd shahbaz
mhd shahbaz - 8 years ago
How many volts of O2 pump r u using....Bcs my pump is not working like yours .... In your video on 5:09 Min Water is flowing ..but mine is not working like yours ....Im also using a two side pump like yours.... Pls give me some idea.....
Eds Orchids
Eds Orchids - 8 years ago
I used to use this exact system in 1970 but placed underneath a sheet of plastic which formed a bottom with a 1" gap underneath. This naturally used the sand/gravel as a filter bed. But I realise ideas have changed over time. Love your videos although I don't breed Discus anymore.
Eds Orchids
Eds Orchids - 8 years ago
Info yes but the Discus these days are fabulous compared to the browns,greens and heckles I used to get.
Many thanks for the reply and keep showing your magnificent fish.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Eds Orchids Hey Ed!! I wish I had been able to watch the hobby evolve as much as you have gotten to. You must be a wealth of information.
bubba jay
bubba jay - 8 years ago
cutting 3/8 off of a pvc end cap would work perfect to keep the sand from going everywhere in the tank
thirupathi.a munnar
thirupathi.a munnar - 8 years ago
Very nice
James Erikson
James Erikson - 8 years ago
that would be cool to have in a fish tank (without the sand of course), and just have it above the water line with some suction cups or something... lol
calia vang
calia vang - 8 years ago
I have two questions... how can you build a smaller version for 5 to 10 gallon tanks? Can the beach sand use it as well than the regular mud sand?
Ehuatl - 8 years ago
Hey, I was just watching your video about the fluid sand filter ad was now thinking: Doesn't a sand waterfall serve a similar function in addition to looking neat?
SEMPER PROGRATIS - 8 years ago
Could you tell me the other names the sand has and where I can purchase ut. Good video.
SUBIE4estr XT - 8 years ago
What happens if it sucks up all the sand around it, and burries all your plants and decorations?
Faes Salem
Faes Salem - 8 years ago
Love your vedios! May i know will the underwater waterfall still work if my air line hose is 1.5cm as my water pump is different because it requires a bigger hose
June Superio
June Superio - 8 years ago
how could i clean a sand from the beach so i could put it in my fresh water aquarium?
Mack Edinger
Mack Edinger - 8 years ago
June Superio thoroughly rinse it to wash out the salinity, then cook or boil it
bugs181 - 8 years ago
Oh my goodness! I'm so glad I stumbled upon this video. I've been looking at all of the solutions to move water from a fish tank into a sump tank. So far, the options are pretty limited. 1: Extra pump, 2: Aqua bridge (of a sort), 3: Drill hole in side of tank. None of these solutions particularly excite me and each has it's drawbacks. But seeing as how you essentially made a PVC air lift and it has decent water flow... THIS is the solution; I'm sure of it. Liked + Subbed
Ashley - 8 years ago
I have play sand in my axolotl tank and he loves it but it gets everywhere when I put water in
BirdMan29 - 8 years ago
Where did you get an air stone for 25 cents?
Sónia Figueira
Sónia Figueira - 8 years ago
¥ -*
manofpower30 - 8 years ago
nice video I would use that for just a powerful water flow. with out the sand. I like powerful moving water in my aquarium.and pond
Mr. Wallace
Mr. Wallace - 8 years ago
it's works by something called the venturi effect
che350z - 8 years ago
Under water water fall that sucks up sand? Haha stupid. No thanks. Looks messy.
angho 24
angho 24 - 8 years ago
talk too much
joseph nicolan
joseph nicolan - 8 years ago
btw diy...i need to ask u something realy i have high phosphate so i obught a phosphatestop askoll one...coz i got askoll pure xl says i put it on 1 on the filter? so do i need to put it one of the 3 filter? or where the carbon is?'.....if i put it on 1 on the filter i need to remove the carbon or what? tnx a lot
Maria Devic
Maria Devic - 8 years ago
loved ur video I'm thinking of replacing the sand with glitter on a super thin tank. Thanks for the inspiration xxx
Maria Devic
Maria Devic - 8 years ago
loved ur video I'm thinking of replacing the sand with glitter on a super thin tank. Thanks for the inspiration xxx
Young Bridge B.
Young Bridge B. - 8 years ago
Awwww,... your so little and skinny
DarkSoul7 7
DarkSoul7 7 - 8 years ago
Young Bridge B. dafuq?
Byron Morgan
Byron Morgan - 8 years ago
.....odd version of fluidized bed sand filter/reactor?
RaVen Sequoia
RaVen Sequoia - 8 years ago
Thank you for adding English subtitles in this video. Much appreciated. :)
ali ihsan Budur
ali ihsan Budur - 8 years ago
Hi, I want to do my DIY sand waterfall, but I think my air pump (Tetra APS400) is not enough to pump water to 50-60 cm height. Could you give me a detail about your pump or another to achieve that. Thank you.
KidOmniMan Page
KidOmniMan Page - 8 years ago
you have become a lot better at making videos. I've been binge watching your show while trying to set up an old 200 gallon tank and have learned a lot. the stand I have is not perfectly flat. it is level but there are slight imperfections that leave small gaps. the tank hasn't been filled because I had another tank I had had a warped stand and spilled 210 gallons in my living room. what are your thoughts on foam between the tank and the stand? have you made a video?
Maria Kudriavtsev
Maria Kudriavtsev - 8 years ago
can you do a vid on a tank under 40 bucks?
David Perrin
David Perrin - 8 years ago
Have you tried to keep Tigard barbs biotop with clown loach
Ken Page
Ken Page - 8 years ago
What is the size of that aquarium?
Oniel P
Oniel P - 8 years ago
Yo I thought it was Adam Sandler for a sec lol.
ตูดไม่ล่าง สกปรก
ตูดไม่ล่าง สกปรก - 8 years ago
XERO DAV - 8 years ago
im usng pool filter sand
First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 8 years ago
I have that same couch. and the one in my living rooms gone! oh wait I just got robbed nvm.
Al B
Al B - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure I saw this guy in DBZ videos too, or some music video of sorts lol
DoperSawBush - 8 years ago
YOUR IN ALL the freaking prank videos how did you get to fish video's?
eiwan joe
eiwan joe - 8 years ago
can you make external filter?
Shirley Van rooyen
Shirley Van rooyen - 8 years ago
not working for me
Azym Ahmad
Azym Ahmad - 8 years ago
i like ur videos bro giving alot of idea thank you!!:)
Naxin Arts Things
Naxin Arts Things - 8 years ago
Can this hurt a fish
Link From hyrule
Link From hyrule - 8 years ago
Tivon Toons no
Amit Bendale
Amit Bendale - 8 years ago
how much Watt air pump is being used ?
imperijasd - 8 years ago
Waterfall with sand? Seriously? Doesn't it make it SANDFALL?
Людмила - 8 years ago
Крышка не сидит потому, что собрали неправильно. Регулятор напора должен смотреть не вверх, а параллельно воде... вот на фото видно
j.r.d.l - 8 years ago
so technically theres no point to having a sandfall
Elias Barazorda
Elias Barazorda - 8 years ago
Please you can make a video from a rainbow trout aquariun
Caleb Williams
Caleb Williams - 8 years ago
will that air-rate the sand?
Link From hyrule
Link From hyrule - 8 years ago
Caleb Williams aerate*

100. comment for HOW TO: Underwater Waterfall TUTORIAL

Tanik Sambo
Tanik Sambo - 8 years ago
how strong of an air pump do you need? I have a 3w pump and I dont think its working or not enough air power to push the water up??
Creeperguy555 - 8 years ago
Use a 5 watt one
Colored Cyborg
Colored Cyborg - 8 years ago
this should be in wtf news
Squirles G
Squirles G - 8 years ago
Wouldn't this be a sand fall under water
Farhan Rayhan
Farhan Rayhan - 8 years ago
oke thanks
Chelsea McMurdo
Chelsea McMurdo - 8 years ago
Mine won't work. :( The airstone must matter. I trimmed down one of those blue strip ones
razorXblueXeyes - 8 years ago
wouldn't the sand get into the fish gills ???
MagyarPanda - 8 years ago
No! think about it:The water is moving, BUT they put sand cause u cant see the waterfall under the water... so its a waterfall tevealing with sand
Joe Lerman
Joe Lerman - 8 years ago
Use beach wood for next one. thanks
Hidr Ross
Hidr Ross - 8 years ago
hi how to make waterfall with filter and with biomedia
Joe Dempsey
Joe Dempsey - 8 years ago
great vid man going to make 3D background to hide the pipe when painting/covering your background what type of cement can you use Thank
Fiel Francisco
Fiel Francisco - 8 years ago
thanks bro. very ingenious
hunter hulsey
hunter hulsey - 8 years ago
um did you get your name from the king of random?
Koneko Kawaii
Koneko Kawaii - 8 years ago
i want to know if we must show the power of an pump air by the liter from the tank, or the Power of the pump air don't influence the sand to go up ( sorry for my bad english X/ )
ORBANsim first
ORBANsim first - 8 years ago
(.) (.)
Aquário Marinho
Aquário Marinho - 8 years ago
Algum brasileiro aqui?
Sergio Valverde
Sergio Valverde - 8 years ago
can i use outside sand for my tank????
robert salyers
robert salyers - 8 years ago
what African cichlids and be good to use for this waterfall
Pawan Sharma
Pawan Sharma - 8 years ago
i used chloroform for bonding 12 mm acrylic sheet ... bond are superb but now i want to dis-mental bonding .. how can i do ... with help of any chemical or tech ????
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Pawan Sharma you can't. It is permanent.
MarkJune Ferniz
MarkJune Ferniz - 8 years ago
Hi Joey, I know this is pretty old vid, can you tell me the ratings for the pump? TIA
Andre Andino
Andre Andino - 8 years ago
Hi Joey, first off i'd like to say thank you for all your videos. It's been a great help especially since I recently moved to Colombia and its a lot harder to come across a good aquarium items here. I'm currently building a sandfall using your pvc method, using Styrofoam to build my mountain that will in return support the pvc. This will be my 2nd attempt since the spray paint melted the stryofoam I used . Needless to say my 2nd one is coming out a lot nicer. What can I use to paint that wont melt the foam? Will acrylic paint hurt my fish?
Yuda GAS
Yuda GAS - 8 years ago
Since aquascape is not going well with aerator to minimize the co2 there any other way if i want to make this sand fall ??
DJS S - 8 years ago
so were can i get that kind of sand?
avinash yerramsetty
avinash yerramsetty - 8 years ago
can i use this thechnique of lifting water for over head filter
Safiya Muradova
Safiya Muradova - 8 years ago
Olivia McDonald
Olivia McDonald - 8 years ago
what pump are you using?
mike goss
mike goss - 8 years ago
Awesome! I can see this technique used in a sculptural way. I can see wall sized versions that are 5 in thick with an unlimited way of creating backgrounds. My initial idea: Grand canyon walls with multi waterfalls complete with brush. Focused lighting would be a challenge. One question: how to get say 8 or ten waterfalls working together with one pump? Also, I wonder if you can disperse the sand evenly to create the effect of snow.
احمد كبر صدام
احمد كبر صدام - 8 years ago
Josh Davis-Writer
Josh Davis-Writer - 8 years ago
Could you do this to create a flow through an aquarium? Like, instead of putting it in the sand, just have a water pickup on one end, slightly lower than the other end, and create almost a stream flow?
boogiemanspud - 8 years ago
Acetone will remove the writing from PVC pipe. Be sure to rinse well.
Ikeman - 8 years ago
scrap with a razor perpendicular to pipe.
vatos montana
vatos montana - 9 years ago
i did exactly the same as you only a 50cm long pipe but nothing happened can you maybe explain?
Deploying Noob
Deploying Noob - 8 years ago
1:airstone may be too small in correlation to the pipe.
2: not enough air flow(air pump is too weak)
3:airstone set at the wrong height.
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 9 years ago
won't that sand get in my fish gills
Shay Mcclure
Shay Mcclure - 9 years ago
can you put one in a freshwater tank?
Ikeman - 9 years ago
why go thru all that and not have the right sand
Sophia MCcomb
Sophia MCcomb - 7 years ago
The king of DIY jkk
WesternBlue Personal Account
WesternBlue Personal Account - 8 years ago
He even said to not use the sand dude.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Ikeman Richter I was just explaining how it works, not what it looks like. I filmed this 4 years ago though and was not expecting any interest in this. i used what i had on hand... i have made 2 videos on it since, showing the correct sand and even building it into backgrounds.

Here is the the sand fall:
Here it is built into a background:
Sarpa salpa
Sarpa salpa - 9 years ago
what if you need to replace the stone after silicone?
Angel P Soto
Angel P Soto - 9 years ago
Deowashni Patel
Deowashni Patel - 9 years ago
Beginner here. Thanks for great video and info
Forest Exotics
Forest Exotics - 9 years ago
Nice sand waterfall
Eddie Puah
Eddie Puah - 9 years ago
subscribed immediately
maimee - 9 years ago
is it okay for the fish? with so many sands on the water
zZjomastaZ z
zZjomastaZ z - 9 years ago
Use less fine and keep it a little above the sand so it's not just throwing it all over but also adjust the flow
andrew nguyen
andrew nguyen - 9 years ago
my pipe has bubbles coming out from the top piece where the sand comes out. how can i prevent the bubble from doing so?
Colonel Klink
Colonel Klink - 9 years ago
Great job, thank you.
Btw, if you're not an instructor or teacher... you should be.
Aussie Bloke
Aussie Bloke - 9 years ago
I'm guessing you need a very high airflow for your stones
Natsu Kun
Natsu Kun - 9 years ago
could this be a sand collector if u need to clean your tank?
Acuario HOME
Acuario HOME - 9 years ago
Great !!!
Vincent Bouchard
Vincent Bouchard - 9 years ago
the water seems trouble, is this normal in the begining?
OokTiaopi - 9 years ago
Dude, u should get a microphone.... Ur video's voice is not good...
jeremy blair
jeremy blair - 9 years ago
I just got Caribbean sand do you think that's too fine of sand?
Unguidedone - 9 years ago
so your using a pulser pump to move sand
Robert Chlebowski
Robert Chlebowski - 9 years ago
Hey, I have Three questions:
1) Do these 'sand falls' exist in nature?
2) if so - What species have a habitat that include sand falls?
3) Do you think this would work as some elaborate fluidized filter?
Cait Ellis
Cait Ellis - 9 years ago
Are you canadian?
My fish is lonely
My fish is lonely - 7 years ago
Cait Ellis He is.
baychevy - 9 years ago
+cait smith From Nova Scotia I believe, grew up right next to Julian, Ricky, and Bubbles... Eh.
farm life
farm life - 9 years ago
why do you need the air stone
Paul Davies
Paul Davies - 8 years ago
+farm life the air stone will probably create a bigger surface area of bubbles creating a better vacuum behind them
farm life
farm life - 8 years ago
air will still go up the pipe and create lift without the air stone
Paul Davies
Paul Davies - 8 years ago
to create the lift for the sand
Ginger Bread
Ginger Bread - 9 years ago
awesomeness! thank you!
Vinfish F
Vinfish F - 9 years ago
could we use this diy for the on top aquarium aquaponic idea !? anybody thx
Pras Banyu
Pras Banyu - 9 years ago
wowww...KEREN!!! GOOD!! TERIMAKASIH (From Indonesian)
DakkTribal - 9 years ago
so freakin simple! I will do this!
LPhoenix - 9 years ago
I have a 100l/h air pump. Is it strong enough for this?
LPhoenix - 9 years ago
+baychevy yeah, but I was asking if my pump was strong enough, because I think that it's a bit weak
baychevy - 9 years ago
+Lightsaber Phoenix Too strong? Never... you can adjust the flow anyways.
HELGA HORAK - 9 years ago
Toll und so einfach auch wenn ich die Sprache nicht Verstehe habe ich es trotzdem Kapiert.... Und jetzt weis ich wie und was ich machen kann wenn ich einen Neuen Aquarium Einrichte... Es wäre nicht schlecht in Deutsche sprache übersetzen.... danke....
YCFazihail31 - 9 years ago
Hey guys can this work as a waterfall as well?
derpfrog - 9 years ago
I have a 2 part question, does this promote good bacteria since it is mixing  sand air water.?  second   could someone theoretically sink/burry a airstone in some fine sand at the bottom of a tank and let it loose, making the bubbles have to fight their way through fine sand? (possibly a sand reservoir)  would this make some cool effects in the sand (aka think bubbling Florida everglades) while also producing beneficial bacteria?  I mean people have those diy bublers in plastic bottles filled with media... why not just ahave a bubling sand resivoir at the bottom of your tank?
JacksBeast - 9 years ago
I tried it but there was no where near enough suction to lift the sand waste of time:(
PoppingPepsi - 9 years ago
+Jack Birtch You're either using a pump that too weak or sand that too big,
netmatrix75 - 9 years ago
You can regulate the sand volume by adding a valve to the air supply. Once the water slows down, the sand will not be blown too far away.
PoetaDe Hyrule
PoetaDe Hyrule - 9 years ago
BRO THANKS TO YOU :D i use the same idea to move the water of my tank to my filter :D and at the same time the water is full of oxygen :D LIKE BRO
Mingkay Kitty
Mingkay Kitty - 9 years ago
good idea dude
Gius Angel
Gius Angel - 9 years ago
simple to see, but is impossible to make it..... i have a powerfull air pump, a very small sand, but dont work, Iwant to know only why?....
Levi Groppo
Levi Groppo - 9 years ago
Michel Carrasquel
Michel Carrasquel - 9 years ago
I can do a volcano , Thank you
Én Én
Én Én - 9 years ago
Thank you for it, it is great! I tried to make it today. I bought a PVC, and elbov. It has 3 cm diameter, but it don't works :(
Is it too thick?
Lisa Jourdan
Lisa Jourdan - 9 years ago
this video showed nothing about what the effect would be, especially with the wrong sand. Want'd to see the end effect. Water too cloudy....
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Lisa Jourdan The point of the video was to explain how it works... nothing more. I did revisit this idea in a recent video where I built a 3D background and ran one of these sands falls in it. I show everything step by step including what it looks like.
Faizal Mohammad
Faizal Mohammad - 9 years ago
what size of pipe??
Faizal Mohammad
Faizal Mohammad - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY thanks king.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+faizal mohammad (zzalsboy) 3/4" - 1" seems to work best. (I prefer 1")
Dannielle Stahl
Dannielle Stahl - 9 years ago
Hey did exactly this but it is only sucking up water no sand.. I have a 20 gal long with a pump by Aqua culture for 20-60 gallons double outlet
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Dannielle Stahl I would assume the sand it too heavy or the pump too weak.
Dungeons Heroes
Dungeons Heroes - 9 years ago
why dislike this awesome video? its very easy and you understand a lot of things!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Dungeons Heroes Well, this is simply a tutorial on how it works. I used the wrong sand and it looked horrible so some don't understand what im trying to show. I did revisit this project recently though and it shows the end result.
Obey One Shinobi
Obey One Shinobi - 9 years ago
could'nt you just use a detached under gravel filter stem if you remove the small carbon container????
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Obey One Shinobi Not really. the suction wouldnt be strong enough, unless you detach the pipe and plant it directly into the sand. Same idea though. :)
Hans Apos
Hans Apos - 9 years ago
Bro, is it necessary to put a sand ?
is it okay that i am gonna be use a pebble ?
please reply.
baychevy - 9 years ago
+Hans Apos The finer the sand the better, until it becomes too fine, and clouds the water.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Hans Apos Pebbles would never lift up. They are far to heavy,.
nemov yoh
nemov yoh - 9 years ago
Very good idea.
Aquarium Hobbyist
Aquarium Hobbyist - 9 years ago
hey joey what is that thing u used to combine both the outlets into one pipe line?
Stephen Aniceto
Stephen Aniceto - 9 years ago
What air pump is that? At what flow rate would you recommend any air pump trying to do this? Thank you!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Stephen Aniceto Im not positive on the pump, but it was a very common size. Nothing entirely special about it.
Jullinna Kinder
Jullinna Kinder - 9 years ago
great ideas king but i have a question about your 3d backgrounds .have u ever used tiles for a kitchen and if so how could you grout it and keep it fish friendly?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Jullinna Kinder Yup! I actually have. Ceramic rinsed off works fine.
Ivan Cortés
Ivan Cortés - 9 years ago
thank u my friend!!! am gonna try to do my waterfall yeahh!
David Rudyanto
David Rudyanto - 9 years ago
Ok ok
Mick Wilczynski
Mick Wilczynski - 9 years ago
Hi there, I am a beginner. I was wondering what was the best kind of sand to use, and where to buy it on a low budget. love your work very interested in watching your videos please let me know PM me if you would like.
ThatPigeonOnYouTube - 9 years ago
well idrk but i think 2 biggish bags should do it but idk ur tank size either i dont think it would be that big for a begginers but i reckon 2 biggish bags should do it. remember to wash it out first though :)
Mick Wilczynski
Mick Wilczynski - 9 years ago
+ThatRandomGuyOnYt $1 is not bad. how big was the tank, and how many pounds he need
ThatPigeonOnYouTube - 9 years ago
+Mick Wilczynski well if you mean just for general not to make this waterfall then the best to get is playsand ive seen it in shops for like a dollar/pound all u need to do is wash it out until the water runs clean. my friends dad has done this and it looks really nice.
KingDededeYT - 9 years ago
budget... Beach sand
Mick Wilczynski
Mick Wilczynski - 9 years ago
+harlem boyo sounds good. Thank you
harlem boyo
harlem boyo - 9 years ago
+Mick Wilczynski the best size is 1mm sand, probably the silica one, bat the most important thing here is the power of the pump , i think you have to get one that is no less than 400 lph.. hope that will help
Phil Boswell
Phil Boswell - 9 years ago
Hi just a quick one what size air pump should I use
Mihael M
Mihael M - 9 years ago
holy cow dude now you just gave me an idea to make effortless "suction/insta overflow filter etch2. i did not expect this. i just clicked your video
Kadence.basically - 9 years ago
♡RowdanAnimations♡/AJ - 9 years ago
omg XD
Kadence.basically - 9 years ago
♡RowdanAnimations♡/AJ - 9 years ago
HAI star XD
Jackie Fraga
Jackie Fraga - 9 years ago
you are soo hot( your brain) your brain is hot...Lol...thanks for all this diy stuff you rock
Demon K
Demon K - 9 years ago
Recommend me th gravel plz
Silly Learner
Silly Learner - 9 years ago
nice video. Try using an inclined super smooth surface around the suction part to collect the sand. Easier as gravity does its part. ;)
ElainePhil Dang
ElainePhil Dang - 9 years ago
Would 2-3mm sand work with this setup?
Lerzy girl
Lerzy girl - 10 years ago
I need help. I followed everything you did but I can't get any sand. I am using pool filter sand. I get bubbles but no sand. What do I do?
pick a card
pick a card - 10 years ago
hi, heres 1 see if you can figure this out lol. done a sand w`fall with air pump, but bubble noise little annoying. Seen many using a water pump instead 1s but no descriptions on setting up, no matter how or where place the sand intake, waterflow also takes the same exit blowing sand all over. Any help appreciated..
thefishman84 - 10 years ago
Nice demo of the principles of a sand fall. I use moon sand for mine. Also, you can use a power head if you don't like the hum of an air pump. the setup is a little different but the venturi effect action is the same.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
See this in action here:
Jan Pierre Luckmann
Jan Pierre Luckmann - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY Das ist ein Luft hebe Filter oder so was in der Art!
Professional Fish and Herps
Professional Fish and Herps - 10 years ago
Very cool idea.
electricdick - 10 years ago
great job   finally some one explains it
Charles Juhn
Charles Juhn - 10 years ago
is this safe for dwarf shrimp?
Shetasen - 10 years ago
I'm just going to make as a room feature. I used to have an aquarium but haven't gotten any for years.  The sound  of water is great.
Luculencia - 10 years ago
Your air pump is too strong I think... what is it's wattage and litres / hour ?
G Mac
G Mac - 10 years ago
I can't get water to come up and flow out the top.  Do you suppose it's just an air pump that is too weak?
Simon Moore
Simon Moore - 10 years ago
How about a T junction piece on the end allowing air to rise out and sand to fall vertically?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Sand will come out the top too.
cepuras - 10 years ago
korle521 - 10 years ago
I have and african cichlid tank. Do you recommend sand or gravel?
paul taurone
paul taurone - 10 years ago
they prefer sand.. they like digging...
arif mafazan simohartono
arif mafazan simohartono - 10 years ago
is taht an aerator or water pump? sry i didnt understand
arif mafazan simohartono
arif mafazan simohartono - 10 years ago
oh airator. :S
G Mac
G Mac - 10 years ago
Would this be safe in a turtle tank?
Joe Scrivens
Joe Scrivens - 10 years ago
what about a clear tube on the outlet pipe sending it back down towards the inlet suction side?
J Renèe ツ
J Renèe ツ - 10 years ago
I'm pretty sure I just saw one like that or similar to it here on YouTube, it looks nothing like a waterfall; but it does look cool.
paul taurone
paul taurone - 10 years ago
would lose the look.. if done properly, with rocks and such in front it would actually look like a water fall.
LoudMouthStudioNC - 10 years ago
I'm going to use this idea and enclose it all up inside a 4 inch PVC tube.  It'll contain all the sand and make a cool DIY fluidized bed filter.  Thanks for the idea.
Scott Machuga
Scott Machuga - 10 years ago
very neat trick
MA FishGuy
MA FishGuy - 10 years ago
Good video as always im surprised i havent seen it til now. Awesome!
Fu Yu
Fu Yu - 10 years ago
Could you describe which airstream you used? (m³/h)
kristine Morgana
kristine Morgana - 10 years ago
I love your channel so much
Beautygoldfishswimmer - 10 years ago
Is this safe for all types of fish?
LPhoenix - 9 years ago
+ThatRandomGuyOnYt well that's quote obvious, since bettas live in still water. But I don't thino that this generates some sort of a current outside the pipe
ThatPigeonOnYouTube - 9 years ago
well I have a betta and they don't like strong currents
LPhoenix - 9 years ago
+ThatRandomGuyOnYt why?
ThatPigeonOnYouTube - 9 years ago
+Beautygoldfishswimmer but one thing DONT USE THIS WITH BETTAS.
Matt H
Matt H - 10 years ago
Your welcome , glad i could help :)
Beautygoldfishswimmer - 10 years ago
+matt64658 Thanks - really helpful.
Fu Yu
Fu Yu - 10 years ago
+matt64658 They wont because they avoid the sandfall. Their sensor organ works pretty good...
Matt H
Matt H - 10 years ago
yes it would be fine as long as the sand isn't to fine ( as mentioned in the video) and as long as the fish are not under about 1 - 2 inch as they could be damaged and hurt if caught under the sand stream :D
Beautygoldfishswimmer - 10 years ago
Please help! I need to know the answer real soon.
Jose Omar Santana
Jose Omar Santana - 10 years ago
Great Channel! I am from Puerto Rico and I am new in this, but I love it.  I am making a small aquarium now what kind of glue can I  use for the acrilic?
Agustus Agustusmunthe
Agustus Agustusmunthe - 10 years ago
Terimakasih teman
rainer simira
rainer simira - 10 years ago
what is the reason if the underwater waterfall is not punctioning???
i need answer pls.. help
nochee1000 - 10 years ago
can u tell me how to make sand watefall without the bubbles....?
can u showing the video...?
I need U'r help.
answer my question please...
thank you...
victor nnaemeka
victor nnaemeka - 10 years ago
Well done for your inspirations. Quite thought provoking!
Mason Maj
Mason Maj - 10 years ago
where can you buy 1 mm sand?
Adrian Vogt
Adrian Vogt - 10 years ago
I would think this would dirty the tank, since fish excrement sinks into the sand.  
haynerbass - 10 years ago
An acrylic tube large enough to surround that setup would keep all the sand in place.  A cheap alternative would be cutting the top and/or the bottom off of a 2 litre pop bottle.
Cuda FX
Cuda FX - 10 years ago
cutting a notch into the bottom of the outlet, and sealing the rest off with a little disk, should make the sand flow straight down nicely. make some small holes at the top of the elbow for the air to escape.
the "sansibar black" "sand" (..its to coarse to be called sand, but VERY fine for gravel) i use in one of my tanks should work very well for a waterfall like this, it is heavy enough, that i can use a gravel cleaner with low flow, and hardly suck out any of the sand, but its fine enough to be moved around by stronger current. (i love its look, even though its a major bitch to rinse initially) i might try that out one boring sunday afternoon, and report back.
PS: can anybody tell me, if it would be harmfull for fish to swim through falling sand and inhale it?
justin Dhiraviam
justin Dhiraviam - 10 years ago
MrRookie714 - 10 years ago
Hello Joey

I'm having hard time looking for the 1mm sand.. I live in Southern California, is there a name/brand which will help me out?
leigh pogi
leigh pogi - 10 years ago
Cool! Just got my 10gal tank. Imma try this. Thanks a lot
civilrights paulus
civilrights paulus - 10 years ago
sand eels will probably enjoy this, i can't think of any other fish that will
Saharsh Sinha
Saharsh Sinha - 10 years ago
+The King of DIY™ (Aquariums) amazing!
civilrights paulus
civilrights paulus - 10 years ago
ok i see. nice effect
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
This is a video on how to build an underwater waterfall, NOT WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE.
It will end up looking something like this:

DIY Sand Fountain Assembly
or this
Aquarium Sand Waterfall
bassist1924 - 10 years ago
Apologies for my ignorance but what is this used for? Or do?
bassist1924 - 10 years ago
Apologies for my ignorance but what is this used for? Or do?
SovsBorg - 10 years ago
May god bless you with many women. Thank you
NOWORRYS08 - 10 years ago
thanks man! i was wondering how to do this and you got the answer! its two-thumbs up!
foysal ahmed Foysal
foysal ahmed Foysal - 10 years ago
unbelievable !!!!!!
Love4animals - 10 years ago
I don't like this. Its cool in all but if there is fish in there it will be irritating them blowing in their eyes, gills etc.
ROBERT CAMMARATA - 10 years ago
As always!!!! Nicely done... I see you got the idea from an under gravel filter design.
It can also be used as a top filter...If kept off the bottum and with a PVC T-or-+ fitting. One can either run it with a cap on the bottum or just use a T set about 4 - 5  or 6" off the sand..
robert vartazarov
robert vartazarov - 10 years ago
Joey how many tanks do you have in your home?
fris shin
fris shin - 10 years ago
thx... :)
niel benedicto
niel benedicto - 10 years ago
all the sand will eventually be sucked up and thrown away where the air pump cant suck it no more
aniket nikam
aniket nikam - 10 years ago
nice brother
Ayrton12444 - 10 years ago
thanks alot 
toohyped - 10 years ago
What kind of box / container are you using and what is it made of ?  Is it just an aquarium?  I need one of those.
sj sj
sj sj - 10 years ago
thanks for ur much usefull...:-)
Paks Kyo
Paks Kyo - 10 years ago
so i can use my air pump with this set-up into a filter, no need to buy filter anymore. Thanks for this video :D
Sarai Lockett
Sarai Lockett - 10 years ago
But the filter has a lot of beneficial bacteria to keep your water okay for fish to survive.
roge715 - 10 years ago
good idea for a cleaning the gravel like gravel pump, by the way, the air pump is for how many gallons?, thank you 
Zone07 - 10 years ago
This looks great; I have a bunch of ideas. Can you make an underwater bubble river?
Renai Anthony
Renai Anthony - 10 years ago
Will it effect the fish
daniel murphy
daniel murphy - 10 years ago
Mark delos santos
Mark delos santos - 10 years ago
what is air stone?
Aarón Arteaga
Aarón Arteaga - 10 years ago
Can be a rock or a sponge, this rock permit that the bubbles produced for the air pump be very small, light and also reduce the noise in the acuarium.
Jawziller Aizad
Jawziller Aizad - 10 years ago
hi, that pump air is blow or suck air??
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
It blows air
auqa cooltura
auqa cooltura - 10 years ago
Do a movie how to make such a Nano bend acril akwarium...
sitdad - 11 years ago
Will this work with that small rocks that I have in my tank or do I need to switch to sand?
The Glitch
The Glitch - 11 years ago
That's the basis for the H.Mattenfilter loads of german shimp breeders use, just whack a wall of foam in front of it and leave the chamber empty. Best filter out there.
Rabbani Borhan
Rabbani Borhan - 11 years ago
thanks bro
Elliot Tranfield
Elliot Tranfield - 11 years ago
You could use it as a filter if you insert foam.
Michael Earle
Michael Earle - 11 years ago
i like the book thanks
Ramesh kumar Ram
Ramesh kumar Ram - 11 years ago
Glad you think so. I was a lot of work creating it.
Robert Reed
Robert Reed - 11 years ago
Thank you very much for a very clear instructional video, it allowed me to create my sand fall although I took it a step further and did a multi-level fall. Thanks again, I enjoy my tank so much more thanks to your video.

African Cichlid tank with 3D background and multi level sand fall.
Angela Wright
Angela Wright - 11 years ago
akam ali
akam ali - 11 years ago
thanks a lot for you this video is very benefit to me .i hope you successful for all field in life.
bakersfieldmusicnow - 11 years ago
good job.
Tommy Rabun
Tommy Rabun - 11 years ago
you can use that set up for a gravel cleaner! just attach a fine mesh bag at the end and start cleaning! it should work :) havent tested it yet but seems logical 
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
I actually have a video on exactly what you are describing. :)

HOW TO: Keep your aquarium clean
Zach Gilbert
Zach Gilbert - 11 years ago
I did this using 2mm sand, seems to be larger than his.  I used a pump that I would consider to be "higher quality" than the one shown here, but I can't say whether or not it's stronger.  Using sand this big keeps from causing the sand storm effect, but it might be heavier to lift using a pump rated for less than 20 gallons.  To keep from losing my sand, I essentially made a bowl out of a terra cotta pot that acts as a reservoir for the sand, it catches the falling sand at the base of the pipe.  At the top of the pipe at the elbow, I have an acrylic piece at about 45 degrees with holes drilled in it.  The air escapes, the sand hits the acrylic and falls into the reservoir.
George W
George W - 7 years ago
Sounds beautiful.
Martin Traubendorf
Martin Traubendorf - 11 years ago
great idea, but we try to rebuild it and find out that it don't work. Because a simple air pump isn't strong enough to lift as much water as the video shows. So while discussing this video in forum we suspected it's a fake? Maybe there is a airpressurebuttle under the table? Isn't it?
Zach Gilbert
Zach Gilbert - 11 years ago
+Martin Traubendorf It works man.  The air pump he is using is the supermarket equivalent of a dual output 20-60 gallon aquarium air pump.  Notice that it looks like he is using both air lines that lead into the air tube.  He's probably getting 800cc of air per minute.  I would imagine that you are using a smaller single output air pump, maybe not even rated to be pumping air a foot below water surface.  You're probably getting half the output he is.
Martin Traubendorf
Martin Traubendorf - 11 years ago
Someone of us tried to rebuild this but he don't succeeded because the air of an normal air pump lived not enough water and sand.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
This is a simple airlift technique. Nothing fake about it. Im using a very average air pump to do it. 
lionel messi
lionel messi - 11 years ago
that's awesome, best DIY channel :D keep it up man
words4eternity - 11 years ago
second video of DIY
hulusi Gonen
hulusi Gonen - 11 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
For more videos, pictures and updates:
heron augustus s. flores
heron augustus s. flores - 9 years ago
Inoku Yaniki
Inoku Yaniki - 9 years ago
+heron augustus s. flores or a bubbler
heron augustus s. flores
heron augustus s. flores - 10 years ago
you could use this to make a filter 
devin selleck
devin selleck - 11 years ago
so i tried using your under water waterfall idea with your co2 diffuser , by attaching a section off clear tubing off my gravel vacuum to the top of the difuser and ran the tube from the breather up through i cant get enough pressure to move water and mix the co2/air/water mix around enough to say so. my question is how did you get the pressure you have in the video? bigger pump? 
Beyonce Navarro
Beyonce Navarro - 11 years ago
What book??
David Dang
David Dang - 11 years ago
I used a sand in petsMart  but  it flow every where in the tank
jimishmong - 11 years ago
Like he said
the sand is tooooo fine?
David Dang
David Dang - 11 years ago
what kind of sand  for waterfall effect?
PlantzNThings - 11 years ago
Very cool!
Dennis Medalla
Dennis Medalla - 11 years ago
Clever idea
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
If you liked this video, you will LOVE my book:
How To Aquarium
How To Aquarium - 7 years ago
I really mis this kind of videos. Your latest uploads are only about your new fishroom. Some episodes, okay, but really everything you upload is about the fishroom. When will you do DIY videos again?
Aquarium Sunshine's Valley
Aquarium Sunshine's Valley - 7 years ago
Maybe i should FINALLY buy your book, it has been years i was thinking about it, but i should finally DO IT
Lisette KLunder
Lisette KLunder - 8 years ago
poll om
Fu Yu
Fu Yu - 10 years ago
+justin davies
Of course. It is underwater so O2 will diffuse into the water like any other source of air underwater... And yes, of course you will have a constant stream of bubbles emerging on top of your submerged waterfall.
MUNDO ACUARIA - 10 years ago
+Long Lê silica sand
Long Lê
Long Lê - 10 years ago
plz help me !
do you know what kind of sand could use to make the waterfall look real
sorry my english is so bad
justin davies
justin davies - 10 years ago
Love this, one question, If i make an underwater waterfall, will it give off air like a normal pump does? I only have 1 air pump and my fish need those bubbles lol, so does this waterfall give off any air into the water?
Steven Bogusz
Steven Bogusz - 11 years ago
OMG This is the only good channel for DIY aquariums on YT!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Glad you think so. I was a lot of work creating it. :)
Bryant Pribadi
Bryant Pribadi - 11 years ago
This is the same method as undergravel filter
Freddy Walter
Freddy Walter - 11 years ago
Can I have this as a filter? Like can I put filtering materials inside the tube and then have it as a filter and have the exit point just above the water so water comes out? Since it wouldnt be too strong I would disguise them and have like 3 or 4 in the tank. Could I do this?
Tom Tran
Tom Tran - 11 years ago
Very smart
Another cool idea, thank you Joey! I have a question- and value your opinon: with DIY projects- I want to paint things- to either hide (flat black) or purposely make stand out (red, yellow, green, etc). I have "Indoor/Outdoor" Krylon on hand, like DUAL (primer + paint) and Krylon FUSION (formulated for painting plastic) and was thinking of getting Plastidip paint- if that would hold up better? Are paints harmful to fish or Biofilter? What do you recommend? Fresh water, Tropical fish.
Trevor Camden
Trevor Camden - 11 years ago
Very cool
Manuel Fuzzy
Manuel Fuzzy - 11 years ago
Hy! Would need your help and ideas for my project! mfg fuzzy (
Wooden Tool Man
Wooden Tool Man - 11 years ago
Pretty cool idea Joey.
Buda Boco
Buda Boco - 11 years ago
ive always ran into the same problem i lose sand
Buda Boco
Buda Boco - 11 years ago
hey i've been off an on with this projects for about a year an still stuck lol please help if you can
FunSizedFox - 11 years ago
So I have crushed coral as my "sand" in my brackish water tank, is there any way to do an underwater waterfall with that without it getting too cloudy? The crushed coral is super fine.
shyamal007 - 11 years ago
hi this is Shyamal From Mysore , South India what can be used to make the camouflage designs for the waterfalls, is this setup actually stressfull for the fish as a lot of people claim
alilxmas - 11 years ago
nice vid, shame u didnt test it with the right sand before filming...
Kovillen marday
Kovillen marday - 11 years ago
exactly i want
kamarul arifin
kamarul arifin - 11 years ago
Which episode make a water filter?
Mike Young
Mike Young - 11 years ago
Nice info. Thanks!
Jimmy Christian
Jimmy Christian - 11 years ago
get off steroids my friend!
IzaMar Verax Veracidad
IzaMar Verax Veracidad - 11 years ago
What size is ur tank
a rees
a rees - 11 years ago
would love to see you do that with crushed coral what do you think ?
bad influence26
bad influence26 - 11 years ago
Have you tried gravel? If so how does it look?
luckyhunter4ever - 11 years ago
joe i love your videos ur spending much time in creating these videos i really like them alot keep it going joe
Sameh Marzouki ELT
Sameh Marzouki ELT - 11 years ago
Good job! I like your videos they are very helpful :)
paul n
paul n - 11 years ago
awesome idea,, i plan on doing this with my next rimless i am currently building. one thing is i do not understand is why does part of the pipe(elbow)need to be out of the water? extra air release? would it be possible to drill a second hole in the elbow and just have a piece of airline hose above the surface or would that be risking water coming out and just not excess air?
Josh McCullough
Josh McCullough - 11 years ago
Because this:/watch?v=8jMqNg_k9Io
mmaire8 - 11 years ago
i am sure that sand falling is not any different in a salt water tank than in a freshwater PVC is also aquarium safe air line and air stone are of course aquarium safe.
khoi dang
khoi dang - 11 years ago
Ohh,this can be used to DIY a sponge filter tks
tarantulady - 11 years ago
Watch the video with the sound on before you comment on it.
Jeff Blake
Jeff Blake - 11 years ago
Was this in saltwater? I would like to try it in my salt tank but I am not finding a lot of videos of sw tanks just fresh.
Hadleigh Townsend
Hadleigh Townsend - 11 years ago
my pump with 2x 2 litre/hour wasn't quite cutting it. I've since upgraded to one with 2x 3.5 litre/hour outlets and it works well. I have plumbed both outlets together with a T-intersection, so ultimately pushing 7 litres/hour through and this is more than enough. Hope that helps.
stephen k
stephen k - 11 years ago
I like physics.
spoyledbratt - 11 years ago
I love his Canadian accent.
Natsu Dragneel
Natsu Dragneel - 11 years ago
Your the most amazing aquarium expert!
Sidney Dominguez
Sidney Dominguez - 11 years ago
You can also make a waterfall with a regular filter and not filling up the tank completely
Noodles37UK - 11 years ago
I had a remote control submarine once. Used to take it up the local pond. It was the most boring thing I ever had.
Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar - 11 years ago
Amazing !!!...
Karaeng Caddiya
Karaeng Caddiya - 11 years ago
It's genius....I will be my next project next weekend... Thanks a lot...
jon moore
jon moore - 11 years ago
how powerful is your air pump?
Cobus Lim
Cobus Lim - 11 years ago
Hey! Will it be okay if I just stick the underwater waterfall stuff inside my aquarium with gravel instead of sand?
Linda Mathers
Linda Mathers - 11 years ago
would be good to see a 'finished product' and operating to see exactly what it looks like.
gilbert gumela
gilbert gumela - 11 years ago
nice one thanks
Randy Garcia
Randy Garcia - 11 years ago
I just wanna thank you for sharing this idea,. I now have under water waterfalls:) sorry my bad English Joey, I just really wanna thank you for this and I'm learning from you,.
Foxy The Pirate
Foxy The Pirate - 11 years ago
I don't see any fish in that tank.
Salty_d0g - 11 years ago
I racked my brain figuring out how to build my own water propulsion.. I cannot believe this method never occurred to me. Thank Joey, I'm off to my workshop to better refine the plumbing of my first saltwater tank.
Hadleigh Townsend
Hadleigh Townsend - 11 years ago
Hi Joey, Just wondering if you need a minimum rate air pump for this setup? I've tried making this but cant get the water flowing out the top, even on full speed, and with 2x air stones. Any suggestions???
snake172 - 11 years ago
This just causes the fish unnecessary stress...... I thought the video was for a self contained waterfall (like an illusion or something)
Joseph Puerto
Joseph Puerto - 11 years ago
what about gravel
aayush man
aayush man - 11 years ago
thanks i used it as my air pump filter
Sunny Skyez
Sunny Skyez - 11 years ago
Thanks Joey, Loved your vid.
Sunny Skyez
Sunny Skyez - 11 years ago
Excellent how too. But I dont get the sand part, wouldnt your tank be cloudy all the time making your filters work overtime? I also agree with combiz9, wouldnt this irritate the fish's gills? I would still do this process but without the sand, it is still a neat thing to have. Excellent job. Thanks.
aayush man
aayush man - 11 years ago
hey what do you meant by airstone
Tommy He
Tommy He - 11 years ago
i heard someone designed this under waterfall in some aquascape competition and won.
IntelDrone - 11 years ago
Why would you want this...
combiz9 - 11 years ago
Neat idea, but doesn't the sand irritate the fish and their gills?
BarmyJoker - 11 years ago
Joey, can I make a suggestion? you bought some tools to cut and shape from the 3d background, perhaps revisit this and see if you can make a workable area for the waterfall? should be easier with your tools?
Justin Hwang
Justin Hwang - 11 years ago
i made an awsome filter out of this and it works amazing
K- Sa
K- Sa - 11 years ago
isn't it bad for whatevers gona be put in there,im talkin bout the sand.Just asking not sure
paul lee
paul lee - 11 years ago
Cool idea could I use this to in my deep tank to get water movement to add circulation ?? Plz reply ??? Thanks dude
John Carl Arcenas
John Carl Arcenas - 11 years ago
Can this be a filter or just a sandfall??
Vord Loldemordt
Vord Loldemordt - 11 years ago
lol 399999 viewer
Knight Angel
Knight Angel - 11 years ago
can i do this with sponge filter?
Igor Nik
Igor Nik - 11 years ago
good joob
James Mayfield
James Mayfield - 11 years ago
its an underwater waterfall, now you might not know this but its a waterfall, underwater. :o no way!
AghashQ - 11 years ago
Hey there! Really nice and manageable idea. Thanks for that! But I also MUST add that you are one hell of a hot dude that makes my imagination run wild as to how pulling down your sweat pants might be a whole lots of fun... Cheers! :-)
Renjith pai
Renjith pai - 11 years ago
hello dude......... need some help from u to build a playwood aquarium. size 72inch*34inch*30inch hight i want to knw wat thickness should i opt while choosing play? we hav to nail that or to screw how many coat of liquid rubber should i use in order to make that strong do i need to use silicon in every corner? what all i hav to do to make the tank strong and long lasting. and also plz send me ur demo video link step by step illustration. tanking u... hope u will reply soon. Reni
SoapSuds - 11 years ago
sand isn't a good idea, it gets into their gills much easier if it is constantly all up in their swimming space.
Catalin Sava
Catalin Sava - 11 years ago
is this sand good for the fishes ?!
Fedde .k
Fedde .k - 11 years ago
Yes it may be recommended but won't the sand waterfall blast sand on them.. they could easily get eye injury. Or sand could get jammed in there gills.
TheKongus - 11 years ago
Dafuqs the purpose of this?
Fedde .k
Fedde .k - 11 years ago
how can you keep fish in the tank. the sand can kill them
dark$rainbow - 11 years ago
Can u use this for a fish tank?
Alejandro Placereano
Alejandro Placereano - 11 years ago
i need translation thanks
mrFishball1992 - 11 years ago
yep it will work too...
Jett Pav
Jett Pav - 11 years ago
as he mentioned in the video
Jett Pav
Jett Pav - 11 years ago
PEOPLE! If you notice, the water gets cloudy, so you don't need to comment that. you need to put a check valve and dial it down for your needs. thank you, that is all.
pecktec - 11 years ago
Ha I was wondering how to do that Thanks!
wrmaldonado - 11 years ago
Thanks! I used this video to make a normal waterfall!
Cheerios11992 - 11 years ago
You should make instructional videos. You have a very straight forward presentation process
amani agata siltor
amani agata siltor - 11 years ago
Thank you friend for the work you've helped me
Jhefferson Mancera
Jhefferson Mancera - 11 years ago
mattkuklavlogs - 11 years ago
Vincent Rodriguez
Vincent Rodriguez - 11 years ago
soo strait and forward hahaha u say it always
amackey313 - 11 years ago
did you make a filter similar to this waterfall concept??
David Turner
David Turner - 11 years ago
I seen one of these at the store over 10 years ago and I always wished I would have got it cus I never seen one since.. I remember that it had sand in with it and I have asked even the people at the pet store they looked at me like I was making it up ... glad I found this video
Lou Q
Lou Q - 11 years ago
Are these suitable for freshwater tanks? I can't imagine my goldfish enjoying sand. Perhaps I could swap out the sand for a fine gravel? I believe it would be heavy enough to just drop down again rather than float around their tank, but lightweight enough to be sucked up. I already have a filter in their 60litre tank though, and i'm worried perhaps it would cause too much water disturbance for their liking?
JavierMuyCrazy - 11 years ago
should of gotten the right sand for the video man lol.
Ahmed Fawzy
Ahmed Fawzy - 11 years ago
MrMonocleGaming - 11 years ago
either you're really small or that couch is freaking huge! :P
HardcoreGamerAus - 11 years ago
no the entire bottom on my tank is sand , in the wild fish do no have crystal clear water they can deal with sand dirt and shit in there water.
Crisanto Dilla
Crisanto Dilla - 11 years ago
lillian c.
lillian c. - 11 years ago
Will the sand hurt the fish?
lillian c.
lillian c. - 11 years ago
what if you use gravel? will it still suck up the gravel and the poo as well?
Simone Morra
Simone Morra - 11 years ago
Good video, great explanation,but I would know about the pump spec, power and minimum pressure needed to achieve a better result, but wich sand to use as well.
Josh R Ryker
Josh R Ryker - 11 years ago
still baffled cant get steady stream like this guy
Josh R Ryker
Josh R Ryker - 11 years ago
Man I can't get the water to flow like ur showing I've increased and decreased air flow it just bubbles out no constant flow
Timothy Balkaran
Timothy Balkaran - 11 years ago
hes from canada
Minnie Renier
Minnie Renier - 11 years ago
i like waterfalls plz check out my latest DIY tank i built
dennis rice
dennis rice - 11 years ago
what i'm i doing wrong can not get the sand to come out.
l clarisse
l clarisse - 11 years ago
dude ur explanation is too long..sum it up!
luzino daguil
luzino daguil - 11 years ago
very, very nice, Good job.
mtimbreza16 - 11 years ago
Hi joey.. I tried to do this with a 3/4 inch pipe with the 3/4 to 1/2 elbow.. it sucks water up but bubles also come out of it . The one in the video doesnt look like theres bubles in it. Is it maybe I used a wrong elbow? Oh and one thing that I didnt do is putting the notch to the bottom of the pipe. Is the notch necessary? Pls need answers to this... thanks...
tty23 - 11 years ago
if you make a filter out of it, wouldn't the sand get caught in the filter?
ben Pimental
ben Pimental - 11 years ago
Louscannon Magoo
Louscannon Magoo - 11 years ago
I used this along with a small paint roller tray with 1mm holes drilled in it to make an under gravel filter for my nano tank. Good work Joey.
zach a
zach a - 11 years ago
does it get sand on the rest of my tank if i a=have a fresh water tank
William Huang
William Huang - 11 years ago
Thank's for Teaching .
Ryan Green
Ryan Green - 12 years ago
Can this work with gravel
XXXAnonymousUserXXX - 12 years ago
It looks just like a water pump to me :S
Pikubird Ok
Pikubird Ok - 12 years ago
man your simply AWESOME. Not only people but even fish should thank you for your work. Thank you again and GOD BLESS YOU
Janssen Garcia Santos
Janssen Garcia Santos - 12 years ago
can you do a vid of how make a filter using this waterfall
jcmtz0814 - 12 years ago
Hey I just subscribed to your channel! Anyway would it still work the same as if you put it under the water not at water level.... I think it would look cooler if it was like in the middle of the tank not al the way on top! Btw I just started this week my 55 g tank all I need are my fish ! Ppl from petsmart told to wait about a week !! So I can start adding fish to my tank! Please respond about the waterfall
Tiger Barb
Tiger Barb - 12 years ago
Good job man
Wade Turner
Wade Turner - 12 years ago
Dude im so excited to make my own in my next tank i have so many ideas this is a great idea!
nalaka perera
nalaka perera - 12 years ago
why did you take around 10 min to say this. you can finish it 2 or 3 min
Abhiram R
Abhiram R - 12 years ago
Can we eliminate the need for an external biological filter by using the sand fall ?
James Robson
James Robson - 12 years ago
Based on the high surface volume of the sand turning over like this i would wonder if a tank like that, with several uplifts would work well as biological filtration
Brandon Wilson
Brandon Wilson - 12 years ago
if i want to add a sand fall to my pre-established tank, would it be alright to use the bubbler i already have? my bubbler also has 2 outlets on the pump itself i could use the second one if i needed to. what would you recommend?
DanielOnGuitar - 12 years ago
taiken5968 - 12 years ago
Almost looks like the casting couch.
MrRodrigo169 - 12 years ago
you're a genius sir.
Trey Mixon
Trey Mixon - 12 years ago
interesting to watch but thats it
Shawnie Says
Shawnie Says - 12 years ago
Would sticking a sponge or 2 on the inside turn it into a filter? I love your videos by the way, very useful.
Emma Schenck
Emma Schenck - 12 years ago
Do you think Black Flourite and Onyx sand will work with this? I am building a planted cichlid aquarium, I want to build this into my backdrop. I have this contraption all put together. (which was very easy, thank you!) But, I do not have any way to test it out :-( I am in the middle of building my backdrop so I can't fill the tank right now.
shoyo4ever15 - 12 years ago
this is awesome!! i can't wait to try this. thanx
NightBot - 12 years ago
do google sell underwater sandfall?
ZakarooNetwork - 12 years ago
That is Hella cool. I just built my first custom acrylic tank. No water or fish yet, But now Im working on a bad ass water fall. Thanks :)
Sabuj Jana
Sabuj Jana - 12 years ago
very nice
Blue Macaw
Blue Macaw - 12 years ago
subbed, nice tutorial
HaYQarl Sting
HaYQarl Sting - 12 years ago
Kecoh lah lu mamat!saleh!lempang karang!!
Alxyandell - 12 years ago
hey DIY guy i had an idea but i cant figgure out how to work it out and was wondering if you could help me out. i wanted to do a series of tanks for freshwater tropical fish but i wanted to have a water fall that falls from one level to another and then one from the 2nd level to the third. if you could help me out i would really appretiate it. Thanks so much your vids are awesome!!!
ParaChromis Arshad
ParaChromis Arshad - 12 years ago
THat sofa reminds me of porn
gtariman03 - 12 years ago
Bamboo will rot and some might release some harmful chemicals. Not a very good idea.
Christopher4317 - 12 years ago
can you make video on making a filter out of this
Dave Fischer
Dave Fischer - 12 years ago
yes but a lot of work is involed. you cant have the same fish, sand, rocks, filter, or water quality. you need to add salt, live rocks and live sand, and increase the filtration a ton. also the fish must be saltwater fish. do a lot of research if you want to switch. its a lot of money but a ton of fun!
Christopher4317 - 12 years ago
i just realized it kind of be a pain to get every thing in it like filter pad in it and other stuff like that in it
ethan debauche
ethan debauche - 12 years ago
i have a freshwater fish tank , can i turn it into a saltwater tank ?
Joshua Sunderland
Joshua Sunderland - 12 years ago
If you were to use this method to oxygenate your tank, would it be enough to oxygenate a 125 gallon?
Poodleinacan - 12 years ago
It's not a waterfall... It's a sandfall.
Janncenn Serrano
Janncenn Serrano - 12 years ago
Is the stone part really necessary for it to work or can you just leave it without?
Jay789520 - 12 years ago
Will this still work if you put the whole thing under water? Like past the elbow.
Christopher4317 - 12 years ago
that be really cool
Christopher4317 - 12 years ago
cant you make a filter out of this
Andrew Rockingham
Andrew Rockingham - 12 years ago
I think it's good way to show children how air can displace heavy particles with water and a little air in a form of a venturian pump. like it,but no hunmbs up for the fish community,but the fish may not be happy.
donna clough
donna clough - 12 years ago
I'm trying to do this but with just water, no sand, for a underwater waterfall effect and it's working UNTIL I submerge the pipe (Including 90 degree angle pipping) Then it's just making bubbles and not the waterfall effect :( It I keep the pipping about the water then no waterfall effect being seen under the water surface .. What am I doing wrong?
christy sanchez
christy sanchez - 12 years ago
COOL!!!!!!!!!! :-]
Faheem Mustafa
Faheem Mustafa - 12 years ago
what capacity airpump should we use for a nice throw of sand fall
Simply Bionic
Simply Bionic - 12 years ago
Was looking for some new DIY ideas for my aquarium and after seeing this and how easy u made it subscribed one time.Great job
Schatamara Brooks
Schatamara Brooks - 12 years ago
what about the water flow in the tank
Luke Storey
Luke Storey - 12 years ago
Sebastian Stormborn
Sebastian Stormborn - 12 years ago
Sebastian Stormborn
Sebastian Stormborn - 12 years ago
HALLELUJAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! IGETITIGETITIGETITIGETITIGETITIGETITIGETITIGETITIGETIT!!! finally someone made that simple enough to understand! thaaaaaaaaaanxxxxxx
Syed Md Azrul
Syed Md Azrul - 12 years ago
Hey, i was just wondering, can this work as a filter?
Marc Wilds
Marc Wilds - 12 years ago
I don't understand what the point is to throwing sand around your tank? You should make the proper one so we can see what it actually looks like instead of posting a meh video. I just can't imagine any sand not being cloudy while being thrown around.
jemma lee
jemma lee - 12 years ago
joey rockz
Trent Butzlaff
Trent Butzlaff - 12 years ago
do you have a tutorial of the foam procces on how to cement and silicone the foam
TheGuitarmanrh - 12 years ago
Odge it and bodge
BunchofButt - 12 years ago
Wouldn't this hurt the fish?
x3babyjokerx31 - 12 years ago
I try doing this but it didn't work water didn't come up:/ would the hole on top be the reason? I got it in the middle just like you did but it came out just a lil bigger than the hose. Would anything else be the reason why water is not coming out like in your video?
James Zawacki
James Zawacki - 12 years ago
Cool video and great information. But. wouldn't that be an underwater sandfall?
Justin Laureano
Justin Laureano - 12 years ago
could you make videos on fish sickness, i have an outbreak if ick and velvet. i would be happy if you make the video
daleolaverde - 12 years ago
Eyyy friend it's great... im just wondering... what if i use a thiner pipe??? would it work?? i hope u can help me!!! grettins from Colombia!!!!!
Vignesh J
Vignesh J - 12 years ago
i have one doubt the mortar stones sucks the water....that stone only emit the air...not sucking the air.....otherwise u use any special mortar......pls reply id s
Adarsh Sarvesh
Adarsh Sarvesh - 12 years ago
what if i dont pu the sand stone?i dont have one...:P
Ryan Wandro
Ryan Wandro - 12 years ago
homedepot lows or menards
Florian van Hooijdonk
Florian van Hooijdonk - 12 years ago
SORRY i had to listen excactly 2 more seconds :P
Florian van Hooijdonk
Florian van Hooijdonk - 12 years ago
I DONT HAVE SAND!!!! i have tiny balls with about a diameter of 1/2 mm it falls really fast CAN I USE THIS????
Tim Kepler
Tim Kepler - 12 years ago
ACE hardware carry's 90* elbows out here for 58 cents and sell's pvc by the foot
AweSomo84 - 12 years ago
i imaging a big pipe with loads of airpump , like 10 of5 watt and compare the amount of water movement vs normal powerhead of 50 watt = around 2400 liters
AweSomo84 - 12 years ago
great idea!
bdiddy350 - 12 years ago
Would be good for reef tank with internal overflows, of course minus all the sand. Use it in the same way but have it an inch or so above the sandbed. You could position it next to the overflow and it would help to bring fish waste and other debris to the top. From there it would be pulled right into the overflow. On the other hand i don't understand why you would want to cloud your aquarium with sand. Plus can't be pleasant for the pets we keep, breathing sand. Good vid, sparked lots of ideas.
Jonny Vravo
Jonny Vravo - 12 years ago
Awesome vid..thanks works & looks great on my salt water & fresh water tank...
Alex Kleinert
Alex Kleinert - 12 years ago
ok i got a question. if i make this underwater waterfall, an the sand goes thru it, does that effect the fish at all? like breathing it in or not? swimming thru it?
Brandie Keeling
Brandie Keeling - 12 years ago
I could use this same concept in my terrarium right?? Decorate the pvc with rock and plants??
GETREAL! - 12 years ago
2 Thumbs up for you Joe. You are a very smart kid! please create more video. I wish you can make a video for making a small canister filter for smaller tanks. Overall great video and very clear description. It is create to have you here on YouTube. Thanks a Bunch!
KaoTic Virrus
KaoTic Virrus - 12 years ago
I will make ten lol
PetrKyd - 12 years ago
So that's what you discovered America
213Caz - 12 years ago
pretty cool
buda854 - 12 years ago
i just made one for 6 bucks
ICEAL - 12 years ago
My substrate are pebbles so can it suck pebbles? Or about how big (in mm) of a substrate can it suck?
احمد طه
احمد طه - 12 years ago
Mindy Smith
Mindy Smith - 12 years ago
What is the best sand to use for the sandfall?
TheMeltedBiscuit - 12 years ago
If I was to put a few bio balls or bio sponge inside the tube would this work as a filter for a small tank? It seems like a cool idea :D I know this idea wouldn't work well in a large tank but hey. I like that idea :D
Scott Wilson
Scott Wilson - 12 years ago
surely its just going to throw all the fish excrement everywhere??
Eelear - 12 years ago
This is so cool! What a great idea, and thanks for the easy instructions =)
AlexTubed - 12 years ago
"Unique, focal and easy"-end of video
AlexTubed - 12 years ago
Great way to cloud your tank!
saltburnsurfer - 12 years ago
I might sound silly.... but whats the point of this???
Emma Schenck
Emma Schenck - 12 years ago
You have to put a few coats of clear aquarium safe epoxy resin over it. You can make almost anything aquarium safe by doing this.
Emma Schenck
Emma Schenck - 12 years ago
This is sooo cool! I was hoping for just a little more though. Like, would you build a styrofoam "rock" (like the one that covers the pvc pipe) with a stair effect for the sand to flow down? I'd love to see how that concept would work, instead of having the sand just fall straight down. Or do you think that may make a huge mess?
voceval1 - 12 years ago
You didn't show it functioning...why?
Manoj pawar
Manoj pawar - 12 years ago
That was a great idea bro ... cost effective and easy to build .. Thanks a ton :)
hari dika
hari dika - 12 years ago
great....It makes your tank looks dirty
KaoTic Virrus
KaoTic Virrus - 12 years ago
Yea I know how to make that thing into a filter
Andy Curtis
Andy Curtis - 12 years ago
U should put another elbow so it falls straight down
Srenosh TV
Srenosh TV - 12 years ago
Could u use that for a filter
14_07_22 - 12 years ago
What sorcery is this
Anthony Deacon
Anthony Deacon - 12 years ago
This looks pretty cruel to me dudes. the bacteria that forms in the substrate to break up ammonia could be destroyed or just wont form, and it would be like trying to live in a sandstorm. It does looks pretty cool when there are no fish in there tho,
PowerSpliff B
PowerSpliff B - 12 years ago
you could put a plexiglass plate diagonaly inside the tank then sand will allways slide down to the bottom?:D
lee adams
lee adams - 12 years ago
messy? wont you kill the fish like that?
Shaheryar Khan
Shaheryar Khan - 12 years ago
what's the diffrence between air pum or airlift??? for this fall can we use airpump??
matt merritt
matt merritt - 12 years ago
Have a? I'm thinking I wanna do something like this for my saltwater tank. Gonna be setting up a 33gl bow. I'm thinking 2 of these one each back corner. Not into the sand but sticking outta th water a little just to hlp circulate the water. They should work right? Bigger pump is gonna make the water flow faster to?
‍1marcelfilms - 12 years ago
İ swear i am gonna make a filter out of this. A simple one just for the poo and the dead pice of plants
Skyler Licence
Skyler Licence - 12 years ago
i know in my tank i wait for sand to clear and not stir it up....
‍1marcelfilms - 12 years ago
Place sponge = filter
Mike OD
Mike OD - 12 years ago
now this is a cheap excellent DIY waterfall aquarium project, thumbs up great video
Relemdeen - 12 years ago
im going to try getting a 1 inch pipe instead of a 1 1/4 pipe like she got me. if that doesnt work, i guess im just out of luck, because i dont want to buy a new pump haha. and yes she watches your video's i have a 70 gallon oscar tank, she has a 30 gallon bowfront community tank. (and a 55G tank thats not being used right now, parents wont let me have 3 set up tanks) my dad watches you now as well. all of us but my mom and sister are into fish tanks haha.
Coasterintheyard - 12 years ago
If you don't like it, don't watch it, let people do what they want in their aquariums.
Relemdeen - 12 years ago
haha nice to see my fiance on my computer again. anyways, yes she was right. when i came home and found out how much she spent i was kind of dissapointed haha. PVC shouldnt cost that much. i dont know where u are in Canada, but im in Ontario. we got black PVC if that matters at all. but we got 1 1/4 inch PVC piping instead of 1 inch, and there is very little to no water flow. were going out today to get a smaller air stone, and PVC piping. is my airpump just not strong enough or was it the tube?
Relemdeen - 12 years ago
joey, i just got to say the pvc piping was way moer expensive XP The elbow tube was 4.50 before tax and one piece of tubing was 5.48 before tax.
matteopitts - 12 years ago
remake the video, i want to see a waterfall! it would be cool to see it.
Jamel Hamdan
Jamel Hamdan - 12 years ago
???? Are you sure ?????
matteopitts - 12 years ago
Nice airlift we use them at the aquarium where i work, but 4 to 6 inch pipe. never heard it called a underwater waterfall! L.S.S.
Marin Bandalo
Marin Bandalo - 12 years ago
thank you so much
Relemdeen - 12 years ago
alot of places that work with glass (like window places) can buffer out the scratches. i heard as long as you cant feel the scratch with your finger nails it can be buffed out. but i may be wrong.
Relemdeen - 12 years ago
i dont plan on making the sand waterfall, but i might use this with my 70 gallon oscar tank to at least give some more water movement at the top. leave it above the water level so that it shoots into the tank causing as much disturbance as possible. thanks for the video, really simple but very effective.
Saurabh Sarang
Saurabh Sarang - 12 years ago
thnx mate very clean and simple ............ one may advanced it but once basic is through one can do marvels
Marin Bandalo
Marin Bandalo - 12 years ago
how to i fix the scratches in my tank please reply soon
zharif zain
zharif zain - 12 years ago
anyone know how to get rid of the bubble that comes out with the sand?
Kevin Reyes
Kevin Reyes - 12 years ago
Oh and i forgot to mention its on the inside
Kevin Reyes
Kevin Reyes - 12 years ago
Hey Joey i noticed a crack in my tank today, i have already put water and its not leaking. what should i do if it does leak and how do i fix it
john higgins
john higgins - 12 years ago
MattSy17 - 12 years ago
is black diamond sand too fine to do the underwater waterfall?
LitlrichAnimals - 12 years ago
Wow, I can use this to siphon out my water too :D
MrRubensfish - 12 years ago
What if instead of pvc tube i use an undergravel tube
Ian Gruff
Ian Gruff - 12 years ago
I have a 75 gallon tank with 2-110 Aqua Clear filters,Rena Filstar Xp2,and a Aqua Clear 70 Power Head.Is this something that I need to do for my water flow? I forgot to mention that I have 2-12 inch oscars.I'm afraid if I do add the underwater waterfall,that the oscars would rip it out.
Sai Vang
Sai Vang - 12 years ago
your stupid, he say dont use fine sand.
jvandal77 - 12 years ago
I don't think this is just for looks. Good bacteria grows on the sand, rocks etc. So your mixing oxygen with flow (moving filter). You will get looks and good bacteria progression. Great video man.
Ken Jay
Ken Jay - 12 years ago
Hey Joey! Great DIY vids. I am working on the sandfall myself, i just had a quick question before i move fwd. I was planning on cutting and using part of this Rubbermaid basket as a backing for the sandfall, I was just curious if this would be OK to put in the tank without effecting the fish. here is the item:Rubbermaid Commercial Products 28 qt. Black Waste Basket (home depot)
George - 12 years ago
Joey, sorry but I don't know where else to ask this. What do you know about setting up a tank for Discus? I have a 80g tank that I want to do something with and Discus would be nice. I don't want to drill the tank for bulkheads. Yes there are prob other vids on youtube for this but I like the way you operate. Thanks, George
Turbzrisk - 12 years ago
Use the clear undergravel filter uptake tube. its clean looking, since its clear. and the clear 90 degree that comes with the uptake tube has a grille c end closing thingy and makes the sand flow smoother
My Van Has Candy
My Van Has Candy - 12 years ago
Hi joey, I was going to make this but put this in my 3D background. I just have a couple questions about the background for you to please answer for me if you can. 1. when i put the cement on there can you put that in your aquarium right away or do you have to do mulultiple cycles? 2. also does it depend on the cement that you use? Thank you so much!
ifUdidwoodU - 12 years ago
underwater water fall woah!! tounge twister
Jared T
Jared T - 12 years ago
I spent 3 hours looking on YouTube and google and I was just about to give up but I found this video! Thanks alot
MrCornetto1 - 12 years ago
subscribed. nice channel
Michael Petty
Michael Petty - 12 years ago
Could you as well use this method for filtration? Love your videos and I plan on building my own very soon based on your methods and instructions.

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About HOW TO: Underwater Waterfall TUTORIAL

The "HOW TO: Underwater Waterfall TUTORIAL" video is part of the category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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