How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 1

Truthfully doing organic soil and capping it is harder and more work than Aquasoil with Osmocote+. Yes one costs less, but what is actually easier and more plug and play. No mess-which saves new impatient hobbyists a headache. No cap-which saves money you can put towards Aquasoil. My plants are pearling and I haven't added any Excel or dosed anything to the water column. Have the tank set at 7.2 pH 80ppm KH 150ppm GH. Already has new growth on the anubias and they are super slow growers. To see more Aquarium videos SUBSCRIBE to my channel! Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by PLANT LIST: Hygrophila corymbosa Compact Hygrophila Pinnatifida Cryptocoryne Wendtii Cryptocoryne Lutea Dwarf Sagittaria Anubias Nana Needle Leaf Java Fern Java Moss Staurogyne Repens Blyxa Japonica Amazon Sword How+To+Aquascape+A+Low+Tech+Planted+Aquarium+part+1 Aquascape,ADA+Aquasoil,aquascaping,freshwater+aquariums,Takashi+Amano+nature+Aquarium,Dustinsfishtanks+Dirted+dirt,Finnex+LED+lighting,Fertilizers+EI+method,Seachem+Excel,Aquavitro+Seachem,Fluval+filters,Eheim+filters,Tropica,HC+baby+tears,Co2+pressurized,aquarium+Cichlids+African,hardscape+Iwagumi+Amano,Driftwood+hardscape,substrate+Eco+complete,DIY+Aquarium,aquascape,aquascaping,Marineland+filter,water+changes+aquarium,fish+tanks,tropical+freshwater+fish,plants+planted+tanks,killing+algae,How+to+grow+plants,drop+checker+water+chemistry,cycling+a+fish+tank,Tropica+plants,pumps+filters,dosing+fertilizers,T5HO+lighting,Halide+lighting,Baby+tears,Java+moss,stem+plants,Dutch+planted+aquarium,root+tabs,substrate+sand,soil+substrate,glass+aquarium,acrylic+aquarium,hardscape+dragonstone,ADU+Aquascaping,Aquarium+design+of+utah,Utah+dragonstone,cichlids+tanganyika,cichlids+malawi,cichlids+south+american,new+world+cichlids,hard+water,soft+water,Tropheus+cichlids,calvus+cichlids,mbuna+cichlids,peacock+cichlids,cockatoo+cichlids,geophagus+tapajos+cichlid,amazon+sword,ludwigia+cuba,hygrophila+corymbosa,hygrophila+compact,hair+grass,pogostemon+helferi,dwarf+sag,glosso+carpet,photoperiod+aquarium,Co2+tubing,hydrogen+peroxide+H2O2+kills+algae,bacopa+plant,limnophila+aromatica,fissidens+moss,IAPLC+aquqscaping,AGA+aquascaping,bushy+plant+growth,compact+plant+growth,+the+secret+to+bushy+plants, Make sure to subscribe so you can function from day to day. Click the link below. Check out my “Secrets To Amazing Planted Aquariums” Playlist. Click the link below. To see more aquarium aquascaping videos check out my channel! Click the link below. Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by

How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 94

Howto 10 years ago 517,172 views

Truthfully doing organic soil and capping it is harder and more work than Aquasoil with Osmocote+. Yes one costs less, but what is actually easier and more plug and play. No mess-which saves new impatient hobbyists a headache. No cap-which saves money you can put towards Aquasoil. My plants are pearling and I haven't added any Excel or dosed anything to the water column. Have the tank set at 7.2 pH 80ppm KH 150ppm GH. Already has new growth on the anubias and they are super slow growers. To see more Aquarium videos SUBSCRIBE to my channel! Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by PLANT LIST: Hygrophila corymbosa Compact Hygrophila Pinnatifida Cryptocoryne Wendtii Cryptocoryne Lutea Dwarf Sagittaria Anubias Nana Needle Leaf Java Fern Java Moss Staurogyne Repens Blyxa Japonica Amazon Sword How+To+Aquascape+A+Low+Tech+Planted+Aquarium+part+1 Aquascape,ADA+Aquasoil,aquascaping,freshwater+aquariums,Takashi+Amano+nature+Aquarium,Dustinsfishtanks+Dirted+dirt,Finnex+LED+lighting,Fertilizers+EI+method,Seachem+Excel,Aquavitro+Seachem,Fluval+filters,Eheim+filters,Tropica,HC+baby+tears,Co2+pressurized,aquarium+Cichlids+African,hardscape+Iwagumi+Amano,Driftwood+hardscape,substrate+Eco+complete,DIY+Aquarium,aquascape,aquascaping,Marineland+filter,water+changes+aquarium,fish+tanks,tropical+freshwater+fish,plants+planted+tanks,killing+algae,How+to+grow+plants,drop+checker+water+chemistry,cycling+a+fish+tank,Tropica+plants,pumps+filters,dosing+fertilizers,T5HO+lighting,Halide+lighting,Baby+tears,Java+moss,stem+plants,Dutch+planted+aquarium,root+tabs,substrate+sand,soil+substrate,glass+aquarium,acrylic+aquarium,hardscape+dragonstone,ADU+Aquascaping,Aquarium+design+of+utah,Utah+dragonstone,cichlids+tanganyika,cichlids+malawi,cichlids+south+american,new+world+cichlids,hard+water,soft+water,Tropheus+cichlids,calvus+cichlids,mbuna+cichlids,peacock+cichlids,cockatoo+cichlids,geophagus+tapajos+cichlid,amazon+sword,ludwigia+cuba,hygrophila+corymbosa,hygrophila+compact,hair+grass,pogostemon+helferi,dwarf+sag,glosso+carpet,photoperiod+aquarium,Co2+tubing,hydrogen+peroxide+H2O2+kills+algae,bacopa+plant,limnophila+aromatica,fissidens+moss,IAPLC+aquqscaping,AGA+aquascaping,bushy+plant+growth,compact+plant+growth,+the+secret+to+bushy+plants, Make sure to subscribe so you can function from day to day. Click the link below. Check out my “Secrets To Amazing Planted Aquariums” Playlist. Click the link below. To see more aquarium aquascaping videos check out my channel! Click the link below. Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by

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Most popular comments
for How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 1

ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
ADU Aquascaping is excited to announce their partnership with BucePlant!
When ordering type "ADU15" into the code section and you will get 15% off of your first PLANT order, so make it count!
When ordering shrimp from BucePlant use code ADU10 to get 10% off of your first shrimp order
To get to their website click on the BucePlant link that I have provided below!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Hey sorry guys. I don't get notified if you comment to my comments for some reason. It has to be an original comment to get notified. I may need to check my settings.
Anindya Nandy
Anindya Nandy - 7 years ago
ADU Aquascaping
irishhiphophead - 7 years ago
do you need fertailiser for plants
shawn stephens
shawn stephens - 7 years ago
Going there Saturday to look at their plants...think they would still give me the discount in store??? =)
surabhi singh
surabhi singh - 7 years ago
Hi Dave....I just purchased an Eheim classic 250 canister filter for an 88Litre tank ( I had miscalculated my tank size and had been quoting the wrong size all along
George Jenkins
George Jenkins - 7 years ago
Hey! Thanks for all your videos, they are incredibly useful. Do you need to cycle your ADA Aquasoil prior to planting in it?
George Jenkins
George Jenkins - 7 years ago
Thank you Dave, you're a gentleman and a scholar. Good luck with school, hope to see more videos soon!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
George Jenkins watch my video, Achieving good water quality. Some concepts may be over your head, but it will start you out going in the right direction.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
George Jenkins Just to be safe don't add them for 21 days. That is how long it takes for bacteria to fully seed the biomedia.
George Jenkins
George Jenkins - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for the quick response! This 3 part series on your low-tech tank has really been an inspiration and I'm trying to follow along with you as close as possible. What is your cycling schedule like for this tank? I plan on planting very heavy just as you did. This is my first tank, so I think I'm going to take things slow and won't be adding fish for probably a week or 2.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
George Jenkins You can, but it isn't necessary. Just cycle the tank as usual. Do more frequent water changes as well to reduce the initial ammonia levels. Planting heavy in the beginning also really helps. More of an advanced method, but the plants will take up the residual ammonia. I added my fish the very same day I scaped my latest aquarium and not a single fish or shrimp died. And I am using ADA Aquasoil in my current scape. The plants took care of the residual ammonia. Thanks for watching. I am busy with school, but will keep uploading 1-2 times a month.
surabhi singh
surabhi singh - 7 years ago
in your video what is that initial step of adding those fertilisers? and are these essential when i am using ADA Amazonia aquasoil? do i need Excel and any other fertiliser when i start a new tank with this soil? i am not using any CO2
surabhi singh
surabhi singh - 7 years ago
ADU Aquascaping thanks
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
surabhi singh No, Excel really does not add much carbon. It can be used to reduce algae growth to some degree, but is unnecessary. Not a practical product. Those are Osmocote Plus pellets. If you are using Aquasoil you don't need to use them. The Aquasoil will add plenty of nutrients. I just used them because my Aquasoil was old and we'll used. They are similar to adding root tabs. Over a long period of time, say a few years of heavy plant growth you may want to use root tabs. But really if you are dosing all macro and micro nutrients as either dry or liquid fertilizer, and using soil, that is plenty of nutrients.
you2angel1 - 7 years ago
Lol, keep your sleeves wet
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 7 years ago
have you ever used API co2 booster? is it the same as using a co2 system? love your channel, I subbed!
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 7 years ago
so to make it short, I'm wasting my money and time on the co2 booster?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
The Fishy Life ! The liquid co2 products are not the same thing as gaseous pressurized CO2. They are just a glutaraldehyde compound and do not add very much additional CO2. What they do is limit algae growth to some extent, acting as an algicide, but are not necessary or very effective add supplementing co2.
Akron Euro Car
Akron Euro Car - 7 years ago
In the days of kings in queens I was a jester
Trying to find a balance -atmosphere
Psychotube Creations
Psychotube Creations - 7 years ago
How to transfer my plants from 1 tank to another.
The thing is i have a 25gallon tank which is fully lush green with montecarlo carpet and java moss pelia moss and few more background plants..All are in excellant condition and my tank is almost 2 years old now .Its like a complete nature wilderness.I want to transfer all that in the tank to a big 40 gallon tank...How would i do that?????And is there any chance i may damage everythng if i disturb their 2 year old habitat????..Please help brother
Psychotube Creations
Psychotube Creations - 7 years ago
ADU Aquascaping Okay....
That sounds good.....I also heard that if u replant from a old set up to a new tank plants do start to decay....It will be a complete new process like what i faced at the start...So basically its a new start, i cannot get this same effect in the new tank
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Psychotube Creations you basically just have to rip up all the plants and separate them into small portions and then replant. Just like you did in the beginning of a new setup. Essentially starting over. If you don't the plants will rot, or potentially rot. This really isn't a big deal with stem plants or rosettes, but I can see how it is annoying to do with Monte Carlo or another carpeting plant, but there is no shortcut or secret. Just have to replant the same way you would with a new setup and wait for it to grow out again.
Psychotube Creations
Psychotube Creations - 7 years ago

10. comment for How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 1

El Dal-Cl
El Dal-Cl - 7 years ago
You are the first person I have seen besides me that uses black zipties.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
El Dal-Cl that does sound nice. A lot easier shape to deal with too. Definitely worth it especially when you do a massive trimming or take your tank down. Thanks for the tip. Hey, well that is the coolest aquarium castle around. I wish my aquarium castle looked like that when I was their age.
El Dal-Cl
El Dal-Cl - 7 years ago
Ya I'll tell Tom Barr! Brilliant idea.
I have been using zips in gardening - water and land- so long I don't even know when I started. 30 yrs or so maybe. Also, you know what makes a great net?? You can net anything to rocks or wood with nylon bath poofs. When you cut the little tie that holds them together they open up to about a 5 foot tube of stretchy pliable nylon netting. And you can get them in black/brown. Good for holding bio filter material too- cheap!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
haha, I have seen one other person do it, but they just copied us more than likely. I also popularized using super glue in the planted aquarium. You should remind everyone including Tom Barr. hahaha. Thanks for watching, peace!
espressock - 7 years ago
What brand water filter u used
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
In this setup I used the SunSun 603 Nano canister filter. Works great for 5-10 gallon aquariums. I have used 2 and they both work well in my experience, and are dirt cheap too!
Sophia Sartorio
Sophia Sartorio - 7 years ago
Awesome video thank you! I've had an ugly 10 gallon fish tank with some guppies and gourami's for so long and I really want to start aquascaping and make it pretty!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching. Glad I could help.
Original Artworkks
Original Artworkks - 7 years ago
I have an interest in breeding two Angelfish. A Koi and a Silver. Is a twenty gallon sufficient for breeding? What would you recommend for breeding? There are zero Koi Angels where I live. What type of aquaculture would you suggest for a tank of this type? What kind of water to begin with? Is gallon distilled water preferable or do you recommend spring water to start a tank? How often do you vacuum the water and how much of the bottom do you vacuum each time and how often? What kind of algea eater not counting plecos is recommended? Are ghost shrimp an acceptable addition? I want the best outcome for what I want to accomplish.
Original Artworkks
Original Artworkks - 7 years ago
ADU Aquascaping OK thanks
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Sorry, but I don't know anything about breeding those fish. You can check out some fish breeding pages on Facebook for more help.
Carla Oliveira
Carla Oliveira - 7 years ago
Legal! veja tbm esse
Mr. acuario
Mr. acuario - 7 years ago
Is fluorite black de ceachem??
freshlyunreal - 7 years ago
What type of rocks are those? Lava rock? Love the tank
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
freshlyunreal yeah they are basalt lava. Just a really unique formation even for lava. Dragon Stone.
Fin Elliott
Fin Elliott - 7 years ago
How do you not have algae? I have the same light on my 20L and I have problems with algae
Jayden Cool
Jayden Cool - 7 years ago
I bought this dwarf hair grass. It is mostly brown with some green grass too. Will this survive?
Victoria R
Victoria R - 7 years ago
this is awesome! definitely want to do a similar scape for a shrimp and guppy tank I want to have coming up. so it's def safe to take the rim off a 10 gal? at what point does that get questionable?

20. comment for How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 1

sidharth v
sidharth v - 7 years ago
how much will it cost?? in 10gallon?
The Immersion
The Immersion - 7 years ago
Wow looks something similar to mine!
check out my channel
Patricia Lopez
Patricia Lopez - 7 years ago
Awesome video and information!

I'm I able to do a low tech planted tank with soft, acidic water?
Aquascaping LTech Argentina
Aquascaping LTech Argentina - 7 years ago
Hi everyone, this is my tank, its low tech and i follow the recomendatios from ADU
Kyle Parker
Kyle Parker - 7 years ago
What brand of aquasoil did you use?
Duncan Ward
Duncan Ward - 7 years ago
"Keep you sleeves wet" love it
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Thanks yo! and thanks for watching and supporting my channel.
shawn stephens
shawn stephens - 7 years ago
You said you do a 50% water change every 2 weeks...if you did a 50% water change every week, would that increase your chance of algae??? I'm asking because I have a similar set up and algae is a big problem, I'm doing weekly 6 gallon water chances and I'm thinking maybe that's what I'm doing wrong.
shawn stephens
shawn stephens - 7 years ago
I got big problems with this thinking of doing daily water changes till conditions improve. Is that acceptable? Will it kill my fish?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
no, the water change causing algae is a myth. Algae is caused by slow plant growth with a higher abundance of organics in the water column. Clean detritus and filter and increase plant growth through more light and nutrients.
Avi's Fishtanks
Avi's Fishtanks - 7 years ago
I used this video to get a idea of what I wanted to do in a 10 gallon. U wanna see how it turned how check out my channel
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Yes I will check it out again. I think I already did, but I will check in!
suwesayd skuwad
suwesayd skuwad - 7 years ago
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Nirbendra KC
Nirbendra KC - 7 years ago
Is that a finnex stingray?
Nirbendra KC
Nirbendra KC - 7 years ago
Thanks for the reply. Ended up getting the Current Satellite! :)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
It can be. The Current Satellites seem to work great for 10 gallons. If you use the planted+ you may have to use LED risers. found on ebay and other places.
Nirbendra KC
Nirbendra KC - 7 years ago
Thank you for the reply. Great tank, BTW. I cant remember the number of times I've hit the replay button on the updated video. I was thinking of re-doing my 10g similarly and was trying to decide on a light fixture. I've been using two 13w cfls but I'm getting tired of uneven lighting in the corners. Kinda leaning towards planted+ but afraid it might be overkill for this type of set up.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
It is a Current Satellite Plus LED. Stingrays will also work for a low tech 10 gallon.

30. comment for How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 1

aidriane pallarco
aidriane pallarco - 8 years ago
kuya pansinin niyo po comment ko. nananawagan po ako sa may extrang bigas diyan penge po
aidriane pallarco
aidriane pallarco - 8 years ago
Aldub Forever
xisotopex - 8 years ago
great video. what are some good low tech carpeting plants?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
dwarf sagittaria works well, Amazon micro sword, and Monte Carlo. I should do a video on this! Simple and to the point.
DirtyNaan54 - 8 years ago
Is it ok that I have. No soil no co2 and just fertilizer my plants are doing really well does it matter?? Btw awesome vid man
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Tanner Merwin technically if you are dosing fertilizers and keeping up on being consistent etc... it isn't always necessary to have soil, so it is good to hear your plants are doing well.. Usually just easier for people to use soil. I also do a lot of scapes using just inert sand as the substrate too.. Good question. Thanks for watching.
shawn stephens
shawn stephens - 8 years ago
You mention a koralia 425 wavemaker...I got the koralia 425 powerhead and its way to strong for a 10 gallon tank. In the videos of the tank the plants are barely moving at all and I don't see the powerhead. Did you remove it?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
you are right, it was too much for the ten gallon. The less powerful nano is a better option. They used to make a 225 gph, am not sure if they still do. That would be a better fit, or maybe a nano Rio 10 powerhead. I ended up only needing the flow created from the Sun Sun 603 canister filter. That was enough flow for the 10 gallon.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Plant list and more information in the video description!
shawn stephens
shawn stephens - 8 years ago
Do you have a glass cover on that tank between the light and the water or is it open with just a light???
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
shawn stephens just open top aquarium. It works really well with planted tanks and fish used in planted tanks. More evaporation is the main issue.
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
I could probably pour that in first then add the caribsea floramax and caribsea eco complete.
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
ok well i do have some laterite at home from a failed project.
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
got a question for you...i just purchased a bag of caribsea floramax today and found out that it doesn't have the same amount of nutrients and beneficial bacteria,etc so I was wondering that if I ordered a bag of thrones eco complete, that I can mix the two together...the floramax reduces the need for laterite.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Kathleen Monsegue they are essentially the same thing- lava rubble. Neither one replaces laterite clay, as laterite clay has a way higher cation exchange capacity and other adsorbed minerals. I recommend getting the book, Encyclopedia of Aquarium plants" some information is outdated, but most is still solid advice and relevant. Great beginner book.
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
im new to planted tanks i cant afford a co2 will be using api liquid co2 booster. and eco complete aquarium plants substrate. can you tell me what I can plant that is low maintenance...and what other nutrients and lighting i may need to keep my plants healthy an growing. I have a 10 gallon tank that isn't as tall as yours. I will be stocking it with cherry shrimp, ender tetras, and 2 pygmy corydoras. and how much should I use to keep the shrimp alive and safe? I know chelated iron can be tricky or deadly for these lil crustaceans.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Kathleen Monsegue the chelated iron isn't an issue for shrimp as much as the copper, but usually the copper has to be in high amounts. It is more or less a hobby myth because tons of hobbyists including myself dose regular fertilizers with copper for years and our shrimp don't die. Their shrimp are dying from unknown illnesses and or ammonia spikes if anything. There are many unknown diseases in the hobby. Very little reaserach has been done on shrimp diseases. It is a myth that hobbyists use as a scapegoat and have no actual evidence to back it up. True science Vs anecdotal conclusions.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Kathleen Monsegue you will want to dose liquid fertilizers. Thrive by Nilocg is a good one to use. It is an all in one formula. I have a plant list in the video description. Those are some good plants to use for beginners. Try using a Finnex stingray LED for a tank of that height. Eco complete can hold detritus, which will break down into nutrients, but the Eco itself doesn't have many nutrients, so dose liquid fertilizers and or use Osmocote Plus. With Osmocote Plus you only want to use 5 ml - one teaspoon full per ten gallons. If you use 00 capsules they are about 1ml each, so five 00 capsules full of Osmocote Plus per 10 gallons is all you need. Can easily sprinkle it on the bottom of the tank like I did in the video when first setting up a tank. Don't do more than one teaspoon per 10 gallons.
joshua powers
joshua powers - 8 years ago
Here are some more underwater gardens Great Tutorial!!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Matt S
Matt S - 8 years ago
Hi, Dave. do you think it is suitable to use a Koralia Wave Maker for a low tech 50G planted tank. I have 2 Blue Rams, 4 Rosy Barbs, 1 Bristlenose Catfish, and 2 Red Finned danios. Plant species include thus far Anubias Nana, and Amazon Sword. Thankyou.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Matt S near the top would be better, but that angle is probably good.
Matt S
Matt S - 8 years ago
Im new to this. but I'm going to place it in the bottom left hand corner or near the very far back and angle it towards my EHEIM 2217.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
yeah that will work great. Maybe one of the 425 GPH nano ones will do.
Mireya LaRiviere
Mireya LaRiviere - 8 years ago
did you use controsoil?
Mireya LaRiviere
Mireya LaRiviere - 8 years ago
thank you this made me think of starting a small 10 gallon planted shrimp tank
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Mireya LaRiviere in this tank I used old ADA Aquasoil.
Jean-Michel Gervais
Jean-Michel Gervais - 8 years ago
i have some goldfish and I was wondering... what are good plantes for them?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Jean-Michel Gervais Java fern and Anubias planted on driftwood or rocks.
Jimmy Gomez
Jimmy Gomez - 8 years ago
can you please tell me what tape of stone you used? ????
Jimmy Gomez
Jimmy Gomez - 8 years ago
great thank you for the information and I would like to buy the Stone from you
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
I am using a Basalt lava rock that I sell. I call it ADU Dragon Stone.
newtguy - 8 years ago
I have some dumb questions. I've read you need co2 pumping in the tank? Is that something I would need to look into if I wanna start a tank? I didn't see you using co2 in this tank. Also, don't you need a filter?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
newtguy a filter is a must, but yeah with low tech setups you don't dose CO2. Just like the tank in the video. Just use soil substrate and dose fertilizers. Filter, decent light, and easy hardy plants, like in the video. check the video description too. I think I put information in there.
Yvonne Spanks
Yvonne Spanks - 8 years ago
Where does one buy those tongs and then trimming scissors pls?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
I purchased mine from Green Leaf Aquariums
tomon - 8 years ago
would you recommend black earth substrate. i dont want to use ada aquasoil because of the fact that it breaks down after a while
tomon - 8 years ago
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Tomon oh, right. Yeah that will work great!
tomon - 8 years ago
this is the stuff im talking about im how long does it take for the ada aqua soil to break down guys at my lfs say if breaks down after a year
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
well it takes a very long time to do that. What is black earth substrate. humic acid pellets?
CAppleTV - 8 years ago
Hi Dave
I'm relatively a newbie (had a tank when I was a kid, but that does not count), so I don't know any of the acronyms you're using. and sorry for a really newbie questions.

What is that stuff you add ~1:57?
Aquasoil. Do you mean ADA aquasoil? Googling aquasoil returns various brands. Or will any do? (I guess not).

Thanks also for the channel, very informative, even if at this stage I understand a fraction of what you talk about.
Can you do a real newbie video? where you don't use acronyms everyone but me seems to understand :), or explain in few more words what it is you are using.
(I'm into what you'd call low-tech stuff. no fertilizers/co2/etc, just nature magic)

Thanks again
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Yes, ADA Aquasoil, or any other brand will work just the same. I am actually planning on starting a terminology series for beginners. That way you can watch the terminology videos and then go from there. Thanks for watching.

50. comment for How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 1

Stephanie Rozelle
Stephanie Rozelle - 8 years ago
Just want to impress you....I have Diandra and Golden Nesaea growing in my low tech 55g. Also have two pregnant Otto cats!
Stephanie Rozelle
Stephanie Rozelle - 8 years ago
Thanks! I'm us using Echo and excell at lights on in AM. I have two 65k color max Hot5 54 watt lights. I do lights 5hrs on 3 HR siesta and 4 hours on.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Stephanie Rozelle oh wow, that is impressive! you should be proud. those are demanding plants. what substrate are you using? and are you dosing fertilizers to the water column?
Mateus Souza
Mateus Souza - 8 years ago
qual é a litragem do seu aquário?
Mateus Souza
Mateus Souza - 8 years ago
se você tivesse colocado plantas mais altas como por exemplo a cabomba caroliniana teria dado uma impressão de profundidade melhor e seu layout teria ficado melhor
Mike M
Mike M - 8 years ago
What is aqua soil? Is it just like gravel ?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Mike M it is an engineered high nutrient soil made specifically for planted aquariums. Thanks for watching. Check out ADA Aquasoil.
Anthony M
Anthony M - 8 years ago
does the Osmocote have to be put back in the soil in 6 months?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Anthony Mauro it can be used. So yes every 4-6 months. Really you can just rely on the soil for the first year or so... depending on plant mass and growth. with soil you don't really need root tabs in the beginning.
Yeşil Anadolu
Yeşil Anadolu - 8 years ago
What're your opinions to my this tank?
Rojo1044 - 8 years ago
What material are you using as rubble?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Rojo1044 rocks are basalt lava rock. Substrate is soil- ADA Aquasoil.
Tom Tank Nature
Tom Tank Nature - 8 years ago
muito top! parabéns! !!
Justin - 8 years ago
Nice tank, I just setup a 10 gallon planted tank. After watching this video making me want to redo my tank. What kind of rocks are those and where did you get them ?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Justin oh, no I just sell them through my email. I usually just get a package together and send a picture. After I gather details of what kind of scape you are wanting to build and size of Aquarium. Please email me at,
Justin - 8 years ago
not sure if you saw that post above ^^
Justin - 8 years ago
Oh, do you have a website you sell them on ?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Justin thanks for watching. They are a Basalt lava rocks that I sell called ADU Dragon Stone.
Pablo Velasco
Pablo Velasco - 8 years ago
What light did you use for this build ?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Pablo Velasco Current Satellite Plus LED. 13 watt. Worked really well on a standard 10 gallon. I think they have 24/7 models now.
herpson derps
herpson derps - 8 years ago
how come your water was clear? my tank is on its 2nd day and its still a bit cloudy even with a filter running
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
herpson derps no problem. thanks for the support. Just keep it up and keep studying and in no time you will have a healthy tank. It is such a rewarding hobby. Welcome to the club! check out my latest video. It may be too in depth, but will get you thinking and on the right track.
herpson derps
herpson derps - 8 years ago
ADU Aquascaping it was only about a week ago that i decided to try this hobby. your videos really helps alot especially for newbies like me. i subscribed and i hope you make more informative videos. thank you for inputs. have a nice day.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
herpson derps yeah let it cycle for 3-4 weeks first and do your water changes. Take out any decaying leaves you might see. At the beginning of an aquarium there tends to be high organics in the water from plants melting, and microbes colonizing. So in the beginning it is a good idea to clean all detritus out at water changes, clean the filter if it is dirty, and remove decaying matter. You should always do this, but at the beginning there is a transition period where the BOD biochemical oxygen demand goes up from organics decaying. The bacteria use a lot of oxygen to break these organics down, usually plant and soil organics. So you will also want to have high Oxygen levels. This is achieved by having good ripples on the surface of the water by way of a wavemaker or powerhead. Hope this helps
herpson derps
herpson derps - 8 years ago
ADU Aquascaping i am not putting any sort of chemicals yet and im planning to make 10-20% water changes daily. my tank has no fish yet. am i on the right track?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
herpson derps I probably shot the tank a week later, and also having Aquasoil helps trap colloidal particles in the water column and hold them in the substrate.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
herpson derps you will have to let it cycle for about a month before it will become balanced and totally clear. And in the meantime keep being consistent with your weekly maintenance. Your tank is new and cloudiness should be expected.
John Kiunke
John Kiunke - 8 years ago
what kind of rocks are those?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
John Kiunke they are Basalt lava. It is a rock that I sell called Dragon Stone. check my channel I have a video showing the rocks
Melleefrase - 8 years ago
Sounds Greek to me.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Melleefrase yes, some of the plant names are Greek
yogosans14 - 8 years ago
Where did you get the light at?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
From my local fish shop. Current Satellite Plus LED
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
What camera did you use to fiom the video?
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
Great thanks, yeah I'm probably going to get a nice macro and then a flexible lens like the one you said. Thanks!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Franklin Michael you may want a lens that is adjustable from 20mm-80mm for example.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Franklin Michael for this I believe a 40mm pancake lens that came with the camera
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
Cool thanks, what type of lens did you use, macro, wideangles, telephoto...? I want to get the sony a6500 and I want it to film my reef aquarium but I still don't know which lenses to get.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Franklin Michael at the time I was using a Pentax k-01. decent, but I prefer my Lumix GH3.
Jbay2608 - 8 years ago
Are there plants you can use with just a regular sand bottom, like pool filter sand? I'm going to be setting up a 75 gallon tank and it'll mostly be about fish but I would like live plants in it because they look so much better than fake ones.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Jbay2608 yeah you could do Amazon swords and cryptocoryne plants. They are easy to grow. You will just want to get API root sticks, or Seachem root tabs and put those in the substrate next to the plants.
DON DOT - 8 years ago
is it bad i always change my aquarium i cant leave it alone im never happy with it :/
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
DON DOT it can cause algae from organics being in the water. I always messed with mine when I first started out. It is okay to make changes to your aquascape.
paparker21 - 8 years ago
I'm a newbie to planted - when you say 'always trim the roots' could you expound on what exactly your trimming / how much / target lenght, etc?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
paparker21 just trim most the roots off of new plants. leave an inch or so of root mass on the plant.
KurtLawrence M.
KurtLawrence M. - 8 years ago
do you still doze?
KurtLawrence M.
KurtLawrence M. - 8 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping thanks
sumanth s
sumanth s - 8 years ago
Iam sumanth very new to planted aquarium , I bought ADA AQUASOIL subtract 9L bag, I tryed to set up with some foreground, background plants , by the next day I lost a fish , is the substrat good for fishes will it kill them

Pls help be before I loose one more fish
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
ADA has a fair amount of organics that release ammonia as they decompose
You have to cycle the soil before adding fish. Controsoil you don't have to cycle, but ADA you do.
sumanth s
sumanth s - 8 years ago
Will u help me, IAM a BEGINNER MY FIRST TANK ( 36 L, 13 B, 15H )IAM planning for a planted aquarium, with HC & MONTECARLO , I bought ADA Amazonia 9l soil, and flourish Excell instead of co2 diffusers, a filter too, my aquarium will stay next to my window which can give sun light shade all day, is that enough or need any more, I do want gold fishes in my planted aquarium is that a good idea,
Help me with your suggestions
sumanth s
sumanth s - 8 years ago
Iam sumanth very new to planted aquarium , I bought ADA AQUASOIL subtract 9L bag, I tryed to set up with some foreground, background plants , by the next day I lost a fish , is the substrat good for fishes will it kill them

Pls help be before I loose one more fish
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
I wouldn't do gold fish with delicate plants, but Anuibas and java fern work well with gold fish. The sunlight will more than likely be enough for Monte Carlo, but sunlight can also cause you to have more algae in your aquarium.
Robbie Clipperton
Robbie Clipperton - 8 years ago
What was the first plant you were cleaning?
Robbie Clipperton
Robbie Clipperton - 8 years ago
ADU Aquascaping thanks man I'm starting up a 3 foot 140L aquarium.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Oh, it was Hygrophila corymbosa compact.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Cryptocoryne and Anubias.
Tony Lenci
Tony Lenci - 8 years ago
Where do you get your tools for aquascaping? Notice everyone using clippers, and tweezers. Seem like a great thing to have down the road on my aqua scrapping adventure. Thanks for the help and love the videos.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
local fish store LFS
Tony Lenci
Tony Lenci - 8 years ago
LFS? just looking for tools for general live plant care. I'll check out Amazon though. thanks for the reply though!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
from my LFS or green leaf aquarium. Amazon has some good cheap ones you can get.
David Rodriguez
David Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Just starting to get into the hobby. Been doing a ton of reading on forums and online. I think I'd like my first tank to be a 12 gallon long, low tech, with plants and fish. any recommendations with a 12 gallon long? Should I start with something else? Also, been reading about using peat moss under the substrate, is that still a thing? Lol
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
I wouldn't worry about the peat moss. Just use Aquasoil and you will be fine. A 12 gallon will work great. Probably would want to get a Finnex Planted Plus or Current Satellite Plus LED fixture for that size tank.
Johnny Utah
Johnny Utah - 8 years ago
Cool set up. Love the rocks. They add tons of surface area for the bacteria. Any chance this tanks still going and we could see it now?!?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
it has been taken down, but I have one on the way and currently a 4 gallon nano set up
Mattias - 8 years ago
Weird "how to" video.. this is just a timelapse of a tank being set up, + a bunch of comments - "ofcourse I do this, of course its like that" etc and bam, tank done ^^ Its more like a "setting up a tank while stating what Im doing, using as many fancy words as I can" kind of video. Turned out nice though.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
well talking about how to do it and showing how to do it. What else is there? most people just do time lapse videos and don't explain anything and just film them scaping the tank. Basics like setting up a tank will not be found on my channel. Just showing how I set up a low Tech tank. thanks for watching.
Ann Renaud
Ann Renaud - 8 years ago
Very nice video :)
Long Woo
Long Woo - 8 years ago
Is Osmocote+ safe for dwarf shrimps?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
yes, if you use too many at once it can cause an ammonia spike. That is the main risk.
Hogo69 - 8 years ago
Why do some people say ADA aquasoil makes their tanks cloudy / murky ? This is my first tank and a little worried about that. Do you just do water changes until it clears ?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
they go too fast when filling. Just use a plate or valve. It can get a little cloudy, but nothing insane
India4America - 8 years ago
Is it OK to use 100% RO water?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
yeah. just reconstitute with GH, KH, and other fertilizers
David Wentland
David Wentland - 8 years ago
Why do you trim the roots
FishWhisperer - 8 years ago
hi i loved it, i just started a tank myself please check it out i got 0 subscribers so far lol...
Virat Baweja
Virat Baweja - 8 years ago
Dave can you please help me know why do plant leaves turn brown and it's not algae....
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
message me
ss ss
ss ss - 8 years ago
Dosing carbon technically makes it high tech.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
I planned on not dosing Excel with this tank.
ss ss
ss ss - 8 years ago
real nice tank by the way though
G Unit
G Unit - 8 years ago
Love this series pls do another
Luke P.
Luke P. - 8 years ago
Very helpful video, I'm looking into making a simple low tech tank for some shrimp or maybes gourami and this video is just what I'm looking for
VillagerSparky - 8 years ago
This may sound like a stupid question, but why trim the roots?
VillagerSparky - 8 years ago
Food for thought!
El Gringo
El Gringo - 8 years ago
removing dead roots and trimming slightly in general encourages the plants to send new roots out faster and therefore increase growth, not something you have to do, in my opinion unless you are super into it then don't bother
Sumit Dutta
Sumit Dutta - 8 years ago
Please put some videos that how to decorate aquarium with artificial plants
Pavan Kumar
Pavan Kumar - 8 years ago
I am using ADA substrate. do I need to add micro and macro nutrients to water
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
not necessarily. but is a good idea. depends on plant type. most of the time you do want to dose fertilizers
roggerfrogger2 - 8 years ago
Half the time it was like you were speaking another language! I think aquariums with natural plants in look really nice.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
+roggerfrogger2 haha, yeah if you are new to the hobby it will sound weird. Give it a try and you will love the hobby.
Corey Eagles
Corey Eagles - 8 years ago
would all natural potting mix have the almost same results
Corey Eagles
Corey Eagles - 8 years ago
Sweet yeah I'm using river sand
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
+Eagles In Da House Yes it will work really well, just harder to deal with and have to cap with sand.
Lenny Clifton
Lenny Clifton - 8 years ago
Where are the plants bought?
yudontsay - 9 years ago
May I ask what is a heavy root feeder? I am not english so didnt understand what that is, and when googling it showed me something with outside lawns :P
yudontsay - 8 years ago
ah thanks :) yes that helped :)
Jack smith
Jack smith - 8 years ago
A plant that absorbes the majority of its nutrients through its roots. (Instead of from its leaves).

Hope that helped you :)
William L
William L - 9 years ago
if I sprinkle my tank with marijuana leaves will the fish get high?
Tracy Lee
Tracy Lee - 7 years ago
grant Diggs
grant Diggs - 8 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping also whatever oils are in the mushrooms make a pretty sweet looking pattern on top of the water
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
haha, good to know
grant Diggs
grant Diggs - 8 years ago
no but if you throw some psychedelic mushrooms in the tank they will get high
Meg Ryan
Meg Ryan - 9 years ago
Only if they 'juana.
SirenSea_Reviews_Aquariums - 9 years ago
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
aguilasandy - 9 years ago
Where do you get your plants from?
aguilasandy - 9 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping wow nice!!
Thanks man! I'll look at that forum.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+aguilasandy I get most of my plants from my LFS. But you can get plants from fellow hobbyists off of forum, such as the You can usually find really good deals that way.
Rachel La
Rachel La - 9 years ago
damnit i already set up my tank but didnt trim the roots. am i fucked?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Rachel La You will be fine, it just helps to jump start the growth.
goneyakin - 9 years ago
Great video. I'm planning on setting up an identical tank for my wife's 3rd grade classroom. I'll be using a similar LED (Beamswork) light and most likely Aquasoil. How often did you replace the homemade root tabs? I am not sure if I missed but how long of a time elapsed between the beginning and part 3 of the series? Thanks and again, great tank.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+goneyakin It took around 6 months to fully mature and I would add root tabs every 3 months or so. Just a few here and there. Not too many as to not get a spike in ammonia levels. But if you use store bought root tabs you won't have to worry as much as you do when using Osmocote Plus.
My Name Here
My Name Here - 9 years ago
what kind of rock is that and where do I get it I'm coming from 10 years of reef tanks want to learn planted just loving it also what kind of substrate Thanks ma
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+My Name Here ADU Dragon Stone a type of rock that I sell. Basalt lava rock. In this tank I was using ADA Aquasoil mixed with Eco Complete. THanks for watching.
anthony pope
anthony pope - 9 years ago
hi mate I need some tips of you I have just got my self an interpet insight 40L tank with led lights I am going to be using tetra complete for the bottom of the tank then on top of that going to be using tetra active plant sub strate I have done three scapes on my other tanks I have but look rather crap I like to use bog wood in my tanks has I like to use java fern on them they do quite well, what kind of rocks would you recommend me use it live in the uk and I have been told to use rocks that are inert I have to becareful what ferts I use as I keep shrimps as well in my tanks and copper kills the shrimps out right the one I use on my tanks is called easy life profito professional plant fertiliser and co2 my co2 comes in a can and you just put in the co2 you need for that day but my lugwigia all the leaves are falling off but I don't know why do you know I do my water changes every fortnight test my water and the nitrates are at 40 ppm is that bad or should I try get it down to about 10 ppm I have been doing fish tanks now for over 20 years I only had the one tank but now have 5 running will have six when I set up my new tank and want to go pro so any help would do cheers
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
any aquarium website or fish shop that sells fertilizers. You can usually buy dry fertilizers to save on money.
anthony pope
anthony pope - 9 years ago
OK where do I get mpk from i live in the United Kingdom
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+anthony pope If you are seeing high levels of nitrates it means they are not being taken up by the plants, which means there is another nutrient deficiency elsewhere. Potassium, magnesium etc... may be at low levels. The substrate mix and the driftwood idea seems good, as you already know if you have been in the hobby that long you already know java fern on driftwood is a great combo!

I have heard the copper does kill shrimp, but from others have heard that the levels of copper are not high enough to kill them, but I could be wrong. I use an organic trace additive made from Chlorella algae and I don't use synthetic fertilizers, so it may be true. When I used synthetic trace additives in my one tank it did kill all of my cherry shrimp.

If the ludwigia leaves are falling off you probably have a nutrient deficiency or toxicity. Maybe try toning down the nitrates and adding more bio media to your filter. If that doesn't work try dosing a more balanced mix of nutrients to the tank. NPK and all of the micro elements.

100. comment for How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 1

anthony pope
anthony pope - 9 years ago
hi mate I need some tips of you I have just got my self an interpet insight 40L tank with led lights I am going to be using tetra complete for the bottom of the tank then on top of that going to be using tetra active plant sub strate I have done three scapes on my other tanks I have but look rather crap I like to use bog wood in my tanks has I like to use java fern on them they do quite well, what kind of rocks would you recommend me use it live in the uk and I have been told to use rocks that are inert I have to becareful what ferts I use as I keep shrimps as well in my tanks and copper kills the shrimps out right the one I use on my tanks is called easy life profito professional plant fertiliser and co2 my co2 comes in a can and you just put in the co2 you need for that day but my lugwigia all the leaves are falling off but I don't know why do you know I do my water changes every fortnight test my water and the nitrates are at 40 ppm is that bad or should I try get it down to about 10 ppm I have been doing fish tanks now for over 20 years I only had the one tank but now have 5 running will have six when I set up my new tank and want to go pro so any help would do cheers
kelvin M.
kelvin M. - 9 years ago
check out my tank and tell me what you think
Channel Not Found
Channel Not Found - 9 years ago
Is that ada amazonia soil?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Channel Not Found yes it was 50% Amazonia and 50% Eco Complete- and both were very old and well used as well.
JClaude Moran
JClaude Moran - 9 years ago
Do you use tap water with this setup? If so, what are your parameters?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+JClaude Moran I was actually doing 80/20 RO water to tap water. My parameters were 7.3 pH 8-10 GH and 5-6 KH. Dosing the water column only if I saw deficiencies in the moss or Anubias, other than that I totally neglected this tank and it worked out. You can see a more mature version of this tank at the beginning of my pH GH and KH video, if you'd like... Thanks for watching.
krnhaechan30 - 9 years ago
Does the aqua soil need to be pre-cycled? I've been reading that it needs to be before adding fish and plants. Also read that it lowers pH dramatically. I'm so confused, I see that your pH is pretty steady above 7. I wanna change my gravel substrate to soil but don't know what to go with.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+krnhaechan30 It does release a lot of ammonia at the beginning so you have to do a few water changes per week for the first couple of weeks while testing your water. It will lower your pH into the higher 6 pH range, but it may be drastic for some people depending on their water KH levels, so that is all relative. My water is slightly above 7 pH because I was diluting my tap water with RO/DI water, which will lower the KH levels of the tank. My tap water is very hard and very alkaline, so I have to dilute it with RO/DI water, and in my high tech tanks I use 100% RO/DI water and reconstitute it with a potassium bicarbonate buffer.
Trevor Waterman
Trevor Waterman - 9 years ago
Whats the brand of aquasoil you use?
Trevor Waterman
Trevor Waterman - 9 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping thanks for the reply. setting up a 75 gallon.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Trevor Waterman In this tank I was using ADA Amazonia.
FrontendTips - 9 years ago
Michael Wells
Michael Wells - 9 years ago
Are the rocks store bought or were they found some place outdoors?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Michael Wells They are ADU Dragon Rock, which is a type of Scoria lava rock. I sell the rocks through my YT channel and accept payment via PayPal.
Jason Stroman
Jason Stroman - 9 years ago
Are Eheim classic canisters impellers swap able?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Jason Stroman I know the 2211 can handle the 2213 impeller for some more power. I did that once with my little Eheim.
The Cichlid Nut - Tim Howard
The Cichlid Nut - Tim Howard - 9 years ago
This is exactly what I want to do for my first planted, low tech tank. I'm going to use this as a model.! Thanks for this info!!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Tim Howard thanks man, yes try it out and it will work great. I totally neglected this tank and it grew really well.
Russell NKD
Russell NKD - 9 years ago
Honestly substrate fertilization is the way to go! Fertilizing your water column is just asking for algae.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Russell NKD It's true, you can do a lot with more ferts in the substrate and not dosing the water column, or in a high tech tank only minimally dosing to the water column. That is how ADA runs their tanks, and Tom Barr really never intended for everyone to keep doing 50% water changes, so really you should tailor your dosing to each specific tank. I always do minimal dosing in my high tech tanks, and it seems people still won't try it, or don't believe me. Check out my latest videos to see a high tech tank, which is minimally dosed and somewhat neglected. It isn't a "balancing act" like some hobbyists believe.
Hugo Mondragon G
Hugo Mondragon G - 9 years ago
nice tank bro! am new to this plz check my channel.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Hugo Mondragon G Checkin' it out man.
10pmgotosleep - 9 years ago
Hey nice vid!, I am new at this and I am building a low tech 10 gal, my question is what kind of plants do well on aquariums with the natural standard gravel (the brownish little stones) I bought it and I don't know if is it really necessary to add substrate to all kind of plants so I want to know which ones to use.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+10pmgotosleep Hardy plants can tolerate lower nutrient levels, but you may want to add root tabs to the substrate, and or dose a little bit of liquid fertilizers here and there- maybe once a week. Hardy plants: Amazon swords, anubias, java fern, java moss, Hygorphila corymbosa varieties- Hygro compact, vallisneria- Jungle Val Anacharis, broad leaf ludwigia, cryptocoryne wendtii, cryptocoryne lutea, other crypt varieties etc... Bacopa may survive, hair grass might, and Blyxa japonica is pretty easy to grow and attractive. Potamogeton gayi, Dwarf sagittaria, pygmy chain sword. I think I put a plant list in most of my low tech videos if you want to check the description of my low tech videos there should be a plant list. Thanks for watching.
Vinh Trinh
Vinh Trinh - 9 years ago
How much did this set-up cost (including heater, filter, substrate, plants, hardscape items, etc.)? And if I'm buying a 10-gallon tank, should I buy 9 Liters of Aquasoil?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Vinh Trinh I would get 9 liters. Tank was $12.00 US. I am using a SunSun 603 mini canister, which was around $30.00. Simple Penplax heater, which was $10-$12.00. ADA Aquasoil Amazonia, rocks are free- they are rocks that I sell. Plants were probably around $25-$30.00 - all pretty cheap hardy plant species. fish are just neon tetras and cherry shrimp, not too expensive really. And the light is a Current Satellite Plus, which at the time was $70.00, it may be cheaper nowadays.
Christian Maldonado
Christian Maldonado - 9 years ago
Why do you always trim the roots before putting the plants in?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Christian Maldonado It just helps to promote new growth. and trimming larger leaves helps to sustain the health of the plant when transferring or panting into your tank.
Makenna youngdale
Makenna youngdale - 9 years ago
What kind of aqua soil? Ada?
DMAN D - 9 years ago
+Betta.lover yes ada aquasoil amazonia
PaceStudios - 9 years ago
Also how do you keep the plants healthy? Anyone?
PaceStudios - 9 years ago
Thank you very much!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+PaceStudios I would advice buying the book, "Encyclopedia of aquarium plants" off of or Ebay. There is a lot that goes into a healthy planted aquarium.
PaceStudios - 9 years ago
Also does anyone know where he got his tools and rocks for the tank?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+PaceStudios I got the tools off of The rocks are called ADU Dragon Stone, they are a Scoria lava rock that I sell.
PaceStudios - 9 years ago
Hi! How do you clean and do mantinence aqau tank? And where did you get all your plants and soil?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+PaceStudios I get Marfied Controsoil from I get the plants locally at my LFS. I just do water changes in this small tank. Never clean the substrate or the filter.
Al H
Al H - 9 years ago
What happens when the Osmocote is used up? How do you continue to fertilize after that?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
yes, it will.
Al H
Al H - 9 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping Also, would this method work for a high tech / high light tank?
Al H
Al H - 9 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping Thanks for the info. Do you add any other ferts in the water column at all or will the osmocote be sufficient? I'm guessing you still need to add some trace/micro ferts?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Al H You can add more capsules every 3-4 months. I usually do one half of the tank one week, and then wait a week to add more capsules to the other half of the tank, just so I don't get an ammonia spike. And only do one triple zero capsule (000) every 5"x5" area.
justin94block - 9 years ago
how many pounds of soil was that?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+justin94block Around 10lbs.
Crazy Frog
Crazy Frog - 9 years ago
There is an easy way to fill water in a tank with DIY soil - cover it with news paper, then drip the water onto the newspaper, be patient, could take a little while, but eventually you'll have the tank filled, crystal clear tank, no muddy water! note the newspaper will rise with the water level, do not feed in too much water.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Crazy Frog That is a good idea. Thanks for the tip and for watching. I may be using some Bio-Grow organic substrate in a future tank, so I can use that method.
Danielle lee
Danielle lee - 9 years ago
I'm doing my first planted aquarium and I'm having a hard time with the substrate. If anyone has done this or has experience with it, how do you avoid your water becoming cloudy? I have substrate that looks exactly like what was used in this video, I was told from the aquarium store I purchased it from to rinse it (the instructions also suggest this) however my water is still cloudy. Is this typical? I notice in all the planted aquarium tutorial videos I watch this doesn't seem to be an issue.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
I wouldn't rinse it. And maybe you are messing around with the substrate too much as a beginner? Sifting around even in aquasoil will make the tank cloudy. Possibly your filter and flow is too small for how much dirt gets swept up into the water column and it cannot handle it. You don't need to cap the aquasoil and it is relatively clean compared to regular dirt, which is a real mess. How hard are the pellets? Maybe it was sitting around for a long time and it degraded.
Danielle lee
Danielle lee - 9 years ago
The instructions on the bag do say to rinse the soil, though. The store that sold it to me also recommended the water changes, but even after a couple of days the water was still really cloudy and I noticed any time I sifted the soil (even lightly), the tank became a dark brown again. When I rinsed my filter out, the motor was actually broken. I had to replace the entire filter. Frustrated, I ended up just taking the soil out, draining the tank, and starting over with new water and just rocks. I still have the soil, though, and I still would like to do this, I just am not sure if how I am doing it is the best method or if I'm missing some crucial step in setting this all up?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
You DO NOT rinse Aquasoil. Whoever said that does not know what they are talking about. You do not have to rinse it at all. You will never be able to rinse dirt of itself, which is dirt. You should ask for a refund and or a new bag for free. It also does not need a cap. That is why it is baked into pellet form so it doesn't become cloudy. Initially there will be some cloudiness, but it will disappear within a day or two. Then you just rinse the filter pads and everything will be fine. As well, ADA Aquasoil releases a lot of Ammonia at first so you have to watch your ammonia levels and do frequent water changes. Maybe that is what they meant by rinsing. They probably were mistaken and meant to say you have to do several water changes the first couple of weeks after set up.
Danielle lee
Danielle lee - 9 years ago
It's ADA nature aquarium aqua soil. I swear no amount of rinsing it has helped. As soon as water touches it, it turns black/brown. I've had to replace my filter already because of it. I ended up just taking it out if my aquarium.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Danielle lee Is it Seachem Flourite?
Acuarios Gaming
Acuarios Gaming - 9 years ago
Nice video! Thanks for the info! Here my low tech aquarium planted:
Hope you like and suscribed too in my channel. I already suscribed in yours and like this nice video, I will see the others. Have a nice day! :)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Rey Velez Thanks for watching!
Andre Quiles
Andre Quiles - 9 years ago
Is aquasoil+osmotec for fishes? Im planing have a Discus planted tank. Tks!!! Nice work I liked it a lot
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Andre Quiles Yeah, it is a great combination to use. You can get Marfied Controsoil Aquasoil off of Amazon or try and get some ADA Aquasoil. You can also use dirt, but it is messy.
Jharyl Bohulano
Jharyl Bohulano - 9 years ago
Thank you for your advice
Jharyl Bohulano
Jharyl Bohulano - 9 years ago
Do you think a walmart kit tank with led can do the job?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Jharyl Bohulano I doubt it. A Current Satellite Plus or Plus Pro will do the job for sure.
Jharyl Bohulano
Jharyl Bohulano - 9 years ago
Do u really need to use a wave maker?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Jharyl Bohulano No you don't, I no longer have one in this tank. No need really in smaller tanks, and it all depends on the type of tank you are running and the design of the tank, to help push CO2 around, but in a small low tech like this there is no need.
Jharyl Bohulano
Jharyl Bohulano - 9 years ago
My next project! So just use aquasoil and dont layer it with sand or gravel on top of aquasoil?
Jharyl Bohulano
Jharyl Bohulano - 9 years ago
What is the good brand of aqua soil should i use?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Jharyl Bohulano Yeah, with Aquasoils you don't need to use anything else. It has everything you need, and it helps trap particles in the substrate so it makes your water crystal clear. Not as cheap, but it is all about what is easiest in my opinion.
TrueKnightRider - 9 years ago
Wow, You are really good. We Enjoyed this, Great work.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+trueknightrider Thanks for the kind words and for watching. I am glad you liked the video, peace!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
Watch my latest video of this tank! No dosing or Excel. Total neglect and super old substrate, 50/50 Eco/ Aquasoil. Never clean the filter and rarely do water changes- Once a month. Almost fully mature. Just trying to show how you can be successful with different methods.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
sparaaaa Sun Sun 603 nano canister filter.
Gary Bishop
Gary Bishop - 8 years ago
ADU Aquascaping
sparaaaa - 8 years ago
What filter do you use? or did
Joshua estabrook
Joshua estabrook - 9 years ago
I'd like to buy some of the dragon rock. How much for a similar setup that you use in this ten gallon?
Donovan Maxwell
Donovan Maxwell - 9 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping Just came across this video and comment. I have a 10 gallon lightly planted, low-med light tank that I'm learning on while I save $$ for the lights/co2 for a 45 gallon tank I acquired. I've been going back and forth over the whole Eco-Complete vs Aquasoil debate. Both have pros/cons. I like the Aquasoil for the initial set up ease with regard to cycling, but the eco-complete seems to be preferable for holding onto the nutrients in the long term. It never occurred to me to blend them! Many thanks!
Toby Lang
Toby Lang - 9 years ago
what size is this tank?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Toby Lang This is a US 10 gallon. Just a really cheap tank.
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 9 years ago
sloppy silicone job.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
You get what you pay for. 10 gallon tank for $10 bucks.
Desert Rat Aquaria
Desert Rat Aquaria - 10 years ago
Great video! I'm learning to aquascape and cannot seem to find a supplier for aqua soil in the US. If you have any references they would be greatly appreciated.
Desert Rat Aquaria
Desert Rat Aquaria - 10 years ago
Thanks for the response. I will definitely give it a shot.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Desert Rat Aquaria You can get it from:

But I would just buy Marfied Controsoil and save some cash. the 1mm size works great for all plants, especially carpeting plants. It is also higher quality and holds its form better, here is a link:
bizzy511 - 10 years ago
Thanks, subscribed.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Thanks for the support. Always nice to hear some positive feedback. Peace
Christopher Botsford
Christopher Botsford - 10 years ago
I am curious to know how to take off the rim off of the aquarium?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Christopher Botsford I just used a box cutter and went around the inside of the rim. Then to get all the silicone off of the glass I used Acetone. Not too hard on a smaller tank. And don't try it on bigger tanks unless they aren't tall. Bigger tanks usually need their support rim. But 10 gallon tanks aren't affected by taking the rim off.
fishbasscollectglass - 10 years ago
Awesome video! You know so much more about this than I do! 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Thanks, but you can learn. Boasting about my knowledge is not the point of any of my videos. LOL. What one man can do another can do. Thanks for watching. Peace
Niklas Sandgren
Niklas Sandgren - 10 years ago
After how long time can i add my fish with that soil?
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 10 years ago
Will osmocote plus raise the nitrate levels or give a false reading? 

ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Right, if you have high nitrates it is because of an imbalance of nutrients. If you had a balance of nutrients the nitrate would be low. Because the plants are using it. Higher nitrates in a planted tank show the plants are not utilizing that nutrient because they are deficient from lacing other needed nutrients. That is why people do the EI method. So they have all their bases covered. Cheers!
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 10 years ago
Thanks again...

Well, the last time I put in 6 or 8 DIY Root tabs with Oscmocote was well over 5 months ago, so shouldn't it be running a bit low or almost gone now? 

So in other words, it really shouldn't be releasing any or very little nitrates right?

ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Mike Kollin It will slowly release nitrates, but it won't give false readings. If you read nitrates then you have that amount of nitrate.
David rodriguez
David rodriguez - 10 years ago
What kind of rocks are does?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+David rodriguez They are Scoria lava. Dragon Stone. I sell the rock if you are interested in buying some.
Chris Bickford
Chris Bickford - 10 years ago
Dave, your videos are amazing, and I am going to get a 10 gallon and plant it up this week.  A quick question, I heard that Aquasoil needs to be 'cycled' before it goes in the tank.  Is there anything I need to do before I use the AS and prep a tank for fish?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Chris Bickford Thanks for the kind words, well it can be cycled as an option. Which does help and it save time and money. What you do is get the soil wet, then let it dry, then get it wet, then let it dry, then fill up the tank. This way the bacteria metabolize all the excess nutrients in the soil. Making so you don't have huge ammonia spikes when you first set up your tank.
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 10 years ago
Is this the right one? What about maintenance wise? Will this last a few years Or do i have to get new soil and redo everything after a year or two.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Kent Nguyen Yeah that is it. The pellets last about 4-5 months. You just push the root tabs into the substrate after several months. Tanks can go for years with the same substrate.
Steven Davis
Steven Davis - 10 years ago
Can you listed the full names of the plants you used? I'm not sure what "S. Repens" is :P
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Steven Davis I will put a plant list in the description of the video. Thanks for the heads up and for watching.
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 10 years ago
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Kent Nguyen You could just get Controsoil. It is the main manufacturer of all brand name Aquasoils and is from Japan. They just launched a distribution center in California and the soil is fresh from Japan. Here is a link. You can get black soil at 1mm size at no extra charge. Making it way cheaper than ADA Aquasoil. And shipping is free! It is only $10 more than the Eco Complete and way better.
Steven Davis
Steven Davis - 10 years ago
Nice vid. I'm using liquid ferts and flourish excel. Too lazy to do root tabs. What kinda rocks did you use here?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Steven Davis I am using Dragonstone. It is a scoria lava that I sell. Completely inert and does not affect water chemistry and has killer character!
VERDUCHI MAN - 10 years ago
Hey Dave, will the osmocote or root tab fertilizers cause a ph crash with water of ph 7.8?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+VERDUCHI MAN No it won't. They are slow release and wouldn't alter your tank parameters unless you went way overboard.
skidplate123 - 10 years ago
What kind of rock's are you using? Thank you.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+skidplate123 A rock that I sell, it is called Dragonstone. It is a kind of Scoria lava and is completely inert and will not affect water chemistry and it has killer character!
Aimane Chouhaibi
Aimane Chouhaibi - 10 years ago
i like your videos before i watch XD
parula321 - 10 years ago
Thanks for answering my question! You make everything so easy lol!! Is this kinda a jungle tank? Would love to see it now.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+parula321 Haha, I don't know what kind of style it is. it's such a small tank. There is some form to it with the hardscape and following the golden ratio, so I would consider it a nature aquarium Jungles usually have less form. I am going to do an update of this tank later today.
parula321 - 10 years ago
Stupid question. What do you do in 6 months when the osmocoat wears out? Just manually plant some more in the substrate?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Yeah just buy some gelatin capsules from Good Earth or from Amazon and put the pellets in the capsules then push them into the substrate. DIY root tabs. Watch this video.
The Primary Fertilizer I Use In All Of My Aquascapes
Jake Tracy
Jake Tracy - 10 years ago
What lights are you using and are you using ada aquasoil or that stuff MAfishguy just reviewed?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Jake Tracy On this tank I am using a Current Satellite Plus fixture and on my other tank I have an Ecoxotic E-series LED. And yes I am using Aquasoil as stated in the video. Thanks for watching, I will go and watch his video.
Dante Nahuel Ciai
Dante Nahuel Ciai - 10 years ago
Hey man. Can you do an update on the Dragon tank? I want to see the background all grown up
Dante Nahuel Ciai
Dante Nahuel Ciai - 10 years ago
Ohhh, too bad, i liked that tank. Thanks for the reply!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Oh.. I remember I was going to wait for it to grow up before rescaping. I ended up rescaping the tank before it grew tall. It was mainly just dwarf hair grass along the back. Currently I am running the 40 breeder Nature Aquarium scape in that tank. I have that scape and the new low tech 10 gallon. Those are my only tanks at the moment. Thanks for watching. Or are you referring to this 10 gallon?? I will have an update soon!
GreenLifeAquariums - 10 years ago
Very nice job! :) I love it!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+GreenLifeAquariums Thanks! Glad you like it and thanks for the support.
NickMach007 - 10 years ago
Fun tank. This is what people should do for a first planted tank. Too complicated and people quit before they even get started
NickMach007 - 10 years ago
Interesting. I was definitely going to add some Dynamite to the bottom of the tank. Peat might be worth considering as well. I hear so many different things about eco-- mostly I think it will work fine, but since everyone has different conditions results (growth, algae, etc) will vary. 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
For sure you could do O+ or Dynamite with Eco and maybe some peat. Something to hold the nutrients. I swear it really does work better than people think. with aquasoil you never get dust algae or much algae on the glass and in the new 10 gallon I am getting no diatoms. Because most of the nutrients are staying in the substrate. It really does make a difference. People say the exchange rate of ion sites takes a while to happen, but I think it happens fast enough to notice the difference throughout the life of the scape. Just my two cents.
NickMach007 - 10 years ago
That about wraps it up. I couldn't agree more. Dirt is both easy and hard at the same time. I did a stupid amount of reading, watching videos, asking questions, etc. But I think most people just want to stick plants in the substrate and then toss some fish in and have things take off. And I think for those folks Aquasoil (or something similar) is the best way to go. I would use it, but it would cost me $65 per cost me a little more than $20 per bag, so I'll just mix in my own ferts and I'll wait and see if I can ever catch a better deal on the Aquasoil
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+NickMach007 Thanks man. I think this is as easy as it can get. Truthfully doing organic soil and capping it is harder and more work than Aquasoil with Osmocote+. Yes one costs less, but what is actually easier and more plug and play. No mess-which saves new impatient hobbyists a headache. No cap-which saves money you can put towards Aquasoil. My plants are pearling and I haven't added any Excel or dosed anything to the water column. Have the tank set at 7.2 pH 80ppm KH 150ppm GH. Already has new growth on the anubias and they are super slow growers. I still need some S. repens, it is a plant that will carpet in lower light.
FishLI Yorker
FishLI Yorker - 10 years ago
Man brother your videos are great super professional keep them coming.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+FishLI Yorker Thanks man. I see you are going nuts with your uploads! Haha, I can't watch them all, but I understand you have an aquarium addiction, lol. Thanks for watching man.
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
That's awesome man! Can't wait to see this tank fill in and the S Repens carpet.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Dahlyvh - Brian's Fish Tanks Yeah if the store gets some in stock. They haven't had any new plants for weeks. The main manager it out of town getting married and everyone else can't handle the store.
almcloud - 10 years ago
Good info, thanks for sharing!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+almcloud Thanks man. 
Glen Hawkins
Glen Hawkins - 10 years ago
Looking Great. I really like the layout and being a fan of small planted tanks I know what is its like trying to find the balance and create that sense of depth. Great Job !!!
Glen Hawkins
Glen Hawkins - 10 years ago
The ways of nano are gained thought experience for sure. You will get there. That is awesome news the tank is doing so well with dosing nothing. Very awesome actually. Keep up the good work. 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Glen Hawkins Thanks man, you know the ways of the nano that is for sure. I am just a beginner. It is doing great and I am dosing nothing, not even Excel. Relying on O+ only and the plants are pearling.
Boywithafishtank - 10 years ago
Great video! 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Boywithafishtank Thanks man, tank is doing great and am dosing nothing!! I need to check out your channel!
Fish Tank Girl
Fish Tank Girl - 10 years ago
You are soooo good at this!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Fish Tank Girl Haha, thanks, I still have years of practice ahead. Thanks for watching. Tank is doing great and am dosing nothing, not even Excel. Relying on Osmocote+ only.
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 10 years ago
Nice video!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+j03yYunG Thanks man.
My Planted Tank
My Planted Tank - 10 years ago
Really enjoyed your video! Great explanations on tank scaping. I like how you create depth. You should trademark the "keep your sleaves wet" closing. I may steal it!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+My Planted Tank Thanks for the kind words. I am dosing nothing and the plants are doing great. Easy little tank. Easier and more plug and play than doing organic soil with a gravel cap that is for sure.
MrHoney2U - 10 years ago
Learned something today. Curious to see how this tank does with just tabs and excel. Should be fine with the plant choice. Great video.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+MrHoney2U Thanks man, I am actually dosing nothing, just using O+. And the plants are doing great.
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 10 years ago
Great info and scape. Can't wait for the update. Any info on my recent inquiry with the algae. It's actually not as bad since I'm on my second week of increased ferts and excel
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 10 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping Thanks, and thanks for the sub.  Appreciate the support.  My dosing regiment has been consistent for 2+ weeks now and the tank is looking 100 times better.  My Mbuna tank and low tech planted are so easy to care for, this 75 heavily planted has been a bit of a challenge.  Thanks for the advice
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+MASS Aquariums Thanks man, tank is doing great and I am dosing nothing! Only using Osmocote+ in the substrate. Just keep a routine and watch the tank. After a while they usually balance if you keep your routine. I should do a video on consistency because you could have all the best equipment and doing everything right except consistency and you will never achieve balance. Thanks for watching. Just subbed, even though I thought I already was...
Dennis Wong
Dennis Wong - 10 years ago
Great video, good tips with the cable tie. Have you found dirt/soil effective in a low tech setup ? I think its much cheaper compared to aquasoil in a low tech setup, though it does have its drawbacks. I think aquasoil is very useful in setups where you may replant a lot or do heavy changes to aquascaping; in low tech setups where there is not much movement, soil's drawbacks (cloudy water etc) are reduced because not much replanting is done. Also soil decomposes to give some carbon.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Xiaozhuang Wong Yeah I like that you don't have to cap it and it doesn't make a mess. Really it is the same amount as Eco-complete, if you can find it locally. So might as well buy it. A low tech setup with a scaper at the helm will of course result in replanting until I get it just right, or good enough. It is better than most regular soils considering its high CEC and AEC capabilities. I think it will work well with Osmocote+, it is a real winner combo. Slow release ferts and the soil will hold the nutrients and adsorb them from the high humates making for a very slow, sustained release and constant availability of nutrients.
 I am sure people will use organic topsoil to save money and that is fine. I just love Aquasoil!
TWK Aquascaping
TWK Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Cool little scape, Dave. Great job.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+TWK Aquascaping Thanks man, it is doing good. Having great growth already and dosing nothing.
Luis Q.
Luis Q. - 10 years ago
Very nice Dave you think that the light you have could possibly be used on a more shallow tank as a high light co2 setup?
Sorry if i don't make any sense but been one of those days.....
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Luis Q. That makes sense. If you have it on a very shallow tank it would be giving off  a lot of radiation that is for sure. But a tank that shallow would feel squished and probably not attractive, but if you can pull it off than go for it.
Pure4Kicks - 10 years ago
That looks great... Kudos I like to see more 10 gallon planted tanks out there. 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Pure4Kicks Thanks man, it is working out. I am dosing nothing and the plants are doing great. Only using Osmocote+ in the substrate.
KALZONE850 - 10 years ago
nice build man. keep us updated on this  one
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+KALZONE850 Thanks man, so far so good. Tank is easy to maintain. I am dosing nothing.
Pedro Madeira
Pedro Madeira - 10 years ago
I really REALLY enjoyed this video Dave!! So what fauna is this going to have?! This is going to be amazing at it fills up! :D
Liquid rock? WOW! High kH and gH? Can you please tell me what are the water parameters in the states? :|
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Hugo Luis Thanks for the kind words. Tank is working out and very easy to maintain. I am not dosing anything not even Excel. Using only Osmocote+ in the substrate.
Hugo Luis
Hugo Luis - 10 years ago
Very good combination, and simply;-)
Pedro Madeira
Pedro Madeira - 10 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping do you know this website dave? I bet you do :|
Pedro Madeira
Pedro Madeira - 10 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping still, the low kH doesn't buffer the pH like I wanted to, but there are easy solutions to this Looking forward for that review bro.

Well, the Ninja bee shrimp or Shinobi shrimp, they appeared in Japan under the Tokugawa shogunate, a specially trained group of species, at the Sengoku or "warring states" period... Oh wait, that's not it! :D

I don't know many shrimp keepers in the states but, I bet my man +LupDiesel will most definitely get you some ninjas bro! ;D
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Pedro Madeira That is what you want. You better be grateful. haha. No big deal. I am going to do a review on the BRS RO/DI system here shortly... Do you know where I can get some Ninja Bee shrimp?
Pedro Madeira
Pedro Madeira - 10 years ago
Dang! Blended rock indeed! Here where I live, in Portugal, it's PH 6.7; kh 18ppm gh 60ppm
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Pedro Madeira Dang! Thanks man. I am going to do some classic fish. Tiger barbs and a red-tail shark. This tank is for my dad and those are his favorite fish! haha. He is old school. My local water is about 8.6pH 300+ppm GH 300+ppm KH with super high phosphates. Great for Tanganyika Cichlids. We have canyon water, but we also get water from an aquifer which is found in pure limestone. Utah was under the ocean multiple times throughout history. The majority of the US is significantly lower than that. I have to have a RO/DI system otherwise I couldn't be in the planted hobby.
Hindsight Aquatics
Hindsight Aquatics - 10 years ago
Nice low tech setup! 450gph circ pump seems like a lot for a 10g, have had any issues with it?
Hindsight Aquatics
Hindsight Aquatics - 10 years ago
Ya i think we've all done that. I put a 1250GPH circ pump in my 75G tank and it blew sand all over. Now I have a 550GPH in there and it works great!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
I did take it out. The fish hated it. Total newb mistake.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+chinds78 Haha, it probably is, but it doesn't seem that bad. I may have a 225GPH nano pump I could use. Thanks for watching.
J Spalding
J Spalding - 10 years ago
Great info
AQUAPROS - 10 years ago
Killed it! great video Dave, so do you prefer Aqua Soil to Eco--Complete???
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+DIY AQUAPROS When available yes. I am sure it will perform better with the Osmocote + and all of its natural nutrients and properties. High Humate/Clay soil that you don't have to cap with sand or gravel, no worry of a giant mess. Who doesn't like that. Thanks for watching man.
Cheddar323 - 10 years ago
Great video to help us beginners out thanks man!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Cheddar323 Thanks man, I hope it saves people a lot of time and money. Should work out great.
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
....Nice Vid......Bro.... It's not that I disagree with ANYTHING that you've stated in the video....But in regards to the Aquascaping,  I, myself  do not " follow rules" or directions....nor does Nature... A set of guidelines or standards, as helpful as they can be, often "keeps your hands tied" and inhibits growth and evolution.
......These are All GREAT Tips for a fine looking design.....
..But my Aquascaping "style" is a little more unorganized/unmethodical....  The aesthetic appeal (for me) is not as important as the naturally functioning habitat.....and usually following a set of instructions leaves you with exactly what you've been "instructed" to build... the same type/style of scape --- over and over and over.........In my opinion you lose the creative aspect of the artistry....  I freestyle my aquatic habitat constructs, as I "freestyle life" ...... Thanks for sharing..Tank On ! 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+DylanTommy Natural Aquatics Thanks for the kind words man. Motivates me to keep going. 
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping .... I love what you do!...your scapes speak for themselves..
Your videos are always interesting and informative and this one has lots of useful information... You have to start somewhere, so, like you said, it's perfect for beginners..Your a valuable guide and mentor to many hobbyists (including me). Gratitude and respect.....I find it difficult to make "How to" videos and instruct.. I just try to create and share and hopefully inspire..... Tank On ! Bro....gotta go, "my sleeves are wet!"
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+DylanTommy Natural Aquatics That's exactly how I do my scapes. Just look at them. I agree 100%. Just some ideas for beginners. I have people complain that I need more in depth videos. I have people complain I need more cinematic videos and I should stop talking. LOL I have people complain that I don't have enough beginner videos. Or beginners want to see how I would do it personally because they are sick of all the crap videos on the Tube. LOL Thought I would help them out for once with a beginner video. Thanks for watching man.
Great video!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+dwsdarius Thanks man. Hope it helps out some people. Save them time and money.
chemicalgabe - 10 years ago
Way to go explaining showing how to properly setup a tank unlike that one YouTube personality...
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+chemicalgabe Haha, I wonder who.... Thanks for the support. I hope this helps some people save time and money. I think Aquasoil with Osmocote+ is a real winner combo. Should perform great with each other.
jeremiemcd - 10 years ago
Great vid bud, wish I had time for another tank:]
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+jeremiemcd Thanks man, yeah it is a nice little tank. And it maintains itself.
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 10 years ago
I got those same sissors but they rust for some reason
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Rico Suave Haha, mine probably will now.
LVcichlids - 10 years ago
Nice tank Dave. My planted is a 10 gallon. I have co2 and my s repens still has a hard time. Just started dosing flourish so hopefully it comes around. Can't wait to see this tank fill in. Good stuff.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+donetoperfection2000 Thanks, it can be hard to get estabished, but once it does you won't have to worry about it. I am not dosing Excel, I have decided to make it even more low teach and only rely on Osmocote+ DIY root tabs. Seems to be working out.
Phil Grady
Phil Grady - 10 years ago
It is refreshing to see a tank where you don't have to spend a couple of hundred dollars on CO2 equipment prior to even buying fish!  Thanks for sharing Dave.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Phil Grady I agree, this is really the easiest way to do it. Yes organic soil and a gravel cap are cheaper, but what is actually easier and more plug and play. Plus you save some money by not buying a cap and putting it towards aquasoil. I am not dosing Excel. I have decided to make it even more low tech. The only thing I have added or will add is Osmocote+. Have it at 7.2pH 80ppm KH and 120ppm GH. My plants are pearling and doing great. We decided to go with Neons, cory cats and Amano shrimp. What Killi would go good with those fish? Now I want one that isn't too aggressive. Or will they push the Neons around in a ten gallon? I have good energy right now and don't want to mess it up.
Stevie T
Stevie T - 10 years ago
Hey Dave, really looking forward to see some updates on this tank. :)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Stevie T I agree, this is a tank I will definitely have up for a while. Will not be taking it down. We need to see what happens. I think Aquasoil mixed with Osmocote + is a real winner combo. They will perform really well together. Thanks for watching.
Sean Williams
Sean Williams - 10 years ago
Gosh dangit Dave.... Now I'm thinking about setting up one of my 10 gallons... Good stuff! I look forward to it filling in
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Sean Williams You better man. Small tanks are easy to take care of. You know this! LOL I think it will work out great. Aquasoil with Osm+ are a winning combo. Should grow some nice plants.
Pauls Planted Aquariums
Pauls Planted Aquariums - 10 years ago
Way to go, for a low tech. I've got some Pennywort, I found it to be a great floater to cut down on the direct light over certain plants (ie, Anubias, crypts)..  Love the rock work hardscape.
Pauls Planted Aquariums
Pauls Planted Aquariums - 10 years ago
That would be Fine, been thinking about scaping a tank soon and that would look great in it..
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Yeah that sounds good. I'll take both. Do you by chance want to make a trade? I could send some dragonstone if ya want.
Pauls Planted Aquariums
Pauls Planted Aquariums - 10 years ago
Well if you need some, I have Pennywort and Red root floaters.. Let me know.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Pauls Planted Aquariums Thanks man, I probably should get some floaters. I could run the Satellite at half power. But what's a low tech with out some kind of floating plant. Thanks for the heads up and for watching.
Jackson Bolt
Jackson Bolt - 10 years ago
Nice tank
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Make sure to check out the BucePlant website: Click the link below! You must order within 30 days from the time you click the link. Thank you.

Use ADU15 at checkout to receive 15% off of your first plant order!
Use ADU10 at checkout to receive 10% off of your first shrimp order
Use 'THISISMYSECOND' at checkout to receive 10% off of your second plant order!
Lori Green
Lori Green - 7 years ago
I've really been enjoying watching your videos. Very informative, although I don't understand some of the science of keeping the water parameters safe :-/ I was wondering what you do when the osmocote plus no longer benefits the plants?. Do you submerge more of it?, or just start using liquid ferts?. Will liquid ferts benefit the stem plants?. Thank you again!. I"ve subscribed.
Rojo1044 - 7 years ago
I setup the same tank loaded with crypts and lower light plants. Only difference was I used Amazonia LIGHT. Added a light sprinkling of Osmocote+ as shown. After 2 1/2 months with NO FISH fish I have not been able to get the nitrates below 20 to 30 ppm (tapwater is less than 5 ppm). 70% water changes bring nitrates down for only a few hours. Osmocote+ must the the problem here. (tank is cycled with no ammonia or nitrites).
Shiv M
Shiv M - 7 years ago
Hi, you mention that you trim the roots at the beginning of the video, why do you do this and would you do this to the plants again later down the line?
nature of science
nature of science - 7 years ago
Anonymous Anonymous
Anonymous Anonymous - 7 years ago
Funny. I have a thriving coral reef tank, but i suck with freshwater plants. after moving to saltwater, ill never own a fresh tank again.
John Ferro
John Ferro - 7 years ago
Great vids!! Thanks. Could you tell me what the anchor stones are made of?? is that just lava rock? Thanks
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
John Ferro thanks, yes it is just basic basalt lava rock.
liquid-nature - 7 years ago
What light is on that aquarium?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
TankOn A Current Satellite Plus LED fixture
Kevin Lin
Kevin Lin - 7 years ago
Do I have to rinse the aquasoil first or do I just pour it into the tank?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Kevin Lin no you don't have to
Inrigandum Paradisum
Inrigandum Paradisum - 7 years ago
Beauty tank LT. Good work. Left a like
Utilities 21
Utilities 21 - 7 years ago
Hi Dave....I just purchased an Eheim classic 250 canister filter for an 88Litre tank ( I had miscalculated my tank size and had been quoting the wrong size all along
Utilities 21
Utilities 21 - 7 years ago
yeah tin foil barbs ...they are small ....must b babies then...
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Yeah that is way too small for tinfoil barbs. Those get huge!! The filter is good for that size aquarium, but the barbs are too big. The gouramis are okay. Do you mean tinfoil barbs or something else by chance because those get massive.
George Jenkins
George Jenkins - 7 years ago
Hey! Thanks for all your videos, they are incredibly useful. Do you need to cycle your ADA Aquasoil prior to planting in it?
George Jenkins
George Jenkins - 7 years ago
Thank you Dave, you're a gentleman and a scholar. Good luck with school, hope to see more videos soon!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
George Jenkins watch my video, Achieving good water quality. Some concepts may be over your head, but it will start you out going in the right direction.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
George Jenkins Just to be safe don't add them for 21 days. That is how long it takes for bacteria to fully seed the biomedia.
George Jenkins
George Jenkins - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for the quick response! This 3 part series on your low-tech tank has really been an inspiration and I'm trying to follow along with you as close as possible. What is your cycling schedule like for this tank? I plan on planting very heavy just as you did. This is my first tank, so I think I'm going to take things slow and won't be adding fish for probably a week or 2.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
George Jenkins You can, but it isn't necessary. Just cycle the tank as usual. Do more frequent water changes as well to reduce the initial ammonia levels. Planting heavy in the beginning also really helps. More of an advanced method, but the plants will take up the residual ammonia. I added my fish the very same day I scaped my latest aquarium and not a single fish or shrimp died. And I am using ADA Aquasoil in my current scape. The plants took care of the residual ammonia. Thanks for watching. I am busy with school, but will keep uploading 1-2 times a month.
Utilities 21
Utilities 21 - 7 years ago
in your video what is that initial step of adding those fertilisers? and are these essential when i am using ADA Amazonia aquasoil? do i need Excel and any other fertiliser when i start a new tank with this soil? i am not using any CO2
Utilities 21
Utilities 21 - 7 years ago
ADU Aquascaping thanks
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
surabhi singh No, Excel really does not add much carbon. It can be used to reduce algae growth to some degree, but is unnecessary. Not a practical product. Those are Osmocote Plus pellets. If you are using Aquasoil you don't need to use them. The Aquasoil will add plenty of nutrients. I just used them because my Aquasoil was old and we'll used. They are similar to adding root tabs. Over a long period of time, say a few years of heavy plant growth you may want to use root tabs. But really if you are dosing all macro and micro nutrients as either dry or liquid fertilizer, and using soil, that is plenty of nutrients.
you2angel1 - 7 years ago
Lol, keep your sleeves wet
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 7 years ago
have you ever used API co2 booster? is it the same as using a co2 system? love your channel, I subbed!
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 7 years ago
so to make it short, I'm wasting my money and time on the co2 booster?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
The Fishy Life ! The liquid co2 products are not the same thing as gaseous pressurized CO2. They are just a glutaraldehyde compound and do not add very much additional CO2. What they do is limit algae growth to some extent, acting as an algicide, but are not necessary or very effective add supplementing co2.
Akron Euro Car
Akron Euro Car - 7 years ago
In the days of kings in queens I was a jester
Trying to find a balance -atmosphere
Psychotube Creations
Psychotube Creations - 7 years ago
How to transfer my plants from 1 tank to another.
The thing is i have a 25gallon tank which is fully lush green with montecarlo carpet and java moss pelia moss and few more background plants..All are in excellant condition and my tank is almost 2 years old now .Its like a complete nature wilderness.I want to transfer all that in the tank to a big 40 gallon tank...How would i do that?????And is there any chance i may damage everythng if i disturb their 2 year old habitat????..Please help brother
Psychotube Creations
Psychotube Creations - 7 years ago
ADU Aquascaping Okay....
That sounds good.....I also heard that if u replant from a old set up to a new tank plants do start to decay....It will be a complete new process like what i faced at the start...So basically its a new start, i cannot get this same effect in the new tank
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Psychotube Creations you basically just have to rip up all the plants and separate them into small portions and then replant. Just like you did in the beginning of a new setup. Essentially starting over. If you don't the plants will rot, or potentially rot. This really isn't a big deal with stem plants or rosettes, but I can see how it is annoying to do with Monte Carlo or another carpeting plant, but there is no shortcut or secret. Just have to replant the same way you would with a new setup and wait for it to grow out again.
Psychotube Creations
Psychotube Creations - 7 years ago
El Dal-Cl
El Dal-Cl - 7 years ago
You are the first person I have seen besides me that uses black zipties.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
El Dal-Cl that does sound nice. A lot easier shape to deal with too. Definitely worth it especially when you do a massive trimming or take your tank down. Thanks for the tip. Hey, well that is the coolest aquarium castle around. I wish my aquarium castle looked like that when I was their age.
El Dal-Cl
El Dal-Cl - 7 years ago
Ya I'll tell Tom Barr! Brilliant idea.
I have been using zips in gardening - water and land- so long I don't even know when I started. 30 yrs or so maybe. Also, you know what makes a great net?? You can net anything to rocks or wood with nylon bath poofs. When you cut the little tie that holds them together they open up to about a 5 foot tube of stretchy pliable nylon netting. And you can get them in black/brown. Good for holding bio filter material too- cheap!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
haha, I have seen one other person do it, but they just copied us more than likely. I also popularized using super glue in the planted aquarium. You should remind everyone including Tom Barr. hahaha. Thanks for watching, peace!
espressock - 7 years ago
What brand water filter u used
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
In this setup I used the SunSun 603 Nano canister filter. Works great for 5-10 gallon aquariums. I have used 2 and they both work well in my experience, and are dirt cheap too!
Sophia Sartorio
Sophia Sartorio - 7 years ago
Awesome video thank you! I've had an ugly 10 gallon fish tank with some guppies and gourami's for so long and I really want to start aquascaping and make it pretty!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching. Glad I could help.
Original Artworkks
Original Artworkks - 7 years ago
I have an interest in breeding two Angelfish. A Koi and a Silver. Is a twenty gallon sufficient for breeding? What would you recommend for breeding? There are zero Koi Angels where I live. What type of aquaculture would you suggest for a tank of this type? What kind of water to begin with? Is gallon distilled water preferable or do you recommend spring water to start a tank? How often do you vacuum the water and how much of the bottom do you vacuum each time and how often? What kind of algea eater not counting plecos is recommended? Are ghost shrimp an acceptable addition? I want the best outcome for what I want to accomplish.
Original Artworkks
Original Artworkks - 7 years ago
ADU Aquascaping OK thanks
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Sorry, but I don't know anything about breeding those fish. You can check out some fish breeding pages on Facebook for more help.
Carla Oliveira
Carla Oliveira - 7 years ago
Legal! veja tbm esse
Mr. acuario
Mr. acuario - 7 years ago
Is fluorite black de ceachem??
freshlyunreal - 7 years ago
What type of rocks are those? Lava rock? Love the tank
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
freshlyunreal yeah they are basalt lava. Just a really unique formation even for lava. Dragon Stone.
Fin Elliott
Fin Elliott - 7 years ago
How do you not have algae? I have the same light on my 20L and I have problems with algae
Jayden Cool
Jayden Cool - 7 years ago
I bought this dwarf hair grass. It is mostly brown with some green grass too. Will this survive?
Victoria R
Victoria R - 7 years ago
this is awesome! definitely want to do a similar scape for a shrimp and guppy tank I want to have coming up. so it's def safe to take the rim off a 10 gal? at what point does that get questionable?
sidharth v
sidharth v - 7 years ago
how much will it cost?? in 10gallon?
The Immersion
The Immersion - 7 years ago
Wow looks something similar to mine!
check out my channel
Patricia Lopez
Patricia Lopez - 7 years ago
Awesome video and information!

I'm I able to do a low tech planted tank with soft, acidic water?
Aquascaping LTech Argentina
Aquascaping LTech Argentina - 7 years ago
Hi everyone, this is my tank, its low tech and i follow the recomendatios from ADU
Kyle Parker
Kyle Parker - 7 years ago
What brand of aquasoil did you use?
Duncan Ward
Duncan Ward - 7 years ago
"Keep you sleeves wet" love it
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Thanks yo! and thanks for watching and supporting my channel.
shawn stephens
shawn stephens - 7 years ago
You said you do a 50% water change every 2 weeks...if you did a 50% water change every week, would that increase your chance of algae??? I'm asking because I have a similar set up and algae is a big problem, I'm doing weekly 6 gallon water chances and I'm thinking maybe that's what I'm doing wrong.
shawn stephens
shawn stephens - 7 years ago
I got big problems with this thinking of doing daily water changes till conditions improve. Is that acceptable? Will it kill my fish?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
no, the water change causing algae is a myth. Algae is caused by slow plant growth with a higher abundance of organics in the water column. Clean detritus and filter and increase plant growth through more light and nutrients.
Avi's Fishtanks
Avi's Fishtanks - 7 years ago
I used this video to get a idea of what I wanted to do in a 10 gallon. U wanna see how it turned how check out my channel
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Yes I will check it out again. I think I already did, but I will check in!
suwesayd skuwad
suwesayd skuwad - 7 years ago
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Nirbendra KC
Nirbendra KC - 7 years ago
Is that a finnex stingray?
Nirbendra KC
Nirbendra KC - 7 years ago
Thanks for the reply. Ended up getting the Current Satellite! :)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
It can be. The Current Satellites seem to work great for 10 gallons. If you use the planted+ you may have to use LED risers. found on ebay and other places.
Nirbendra KC
Nirbendra KC - 7 years ago
Thank you for the reply. Great tank, BTW. I cant remember the number of times I've hit the replay button on the updated video. I was thinking of re-doing my 10g similarly and was trying to decide on a light fixture. I've been using two 13w cfls but I'm getting tired of uneven lighting in the corners. Kinda leaning towards planted+ but afraid it might be overkill for this type of set up.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
It is a Current Satellite Plus LED. Stingrays will also work for a low tech 10 gallon.
aidriane pallarco
aidriane pallarco - 8 years ago
kuya pansinin niyo po comment ko. nananawagan po ako sa may extrang bigas diyan penge po
aidriane pallarco
aidriane pallarco - 8 years ago
Aldub Forever
xisotopex - 8 years ago
great video. what are some good low tech carpeting plants?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
dwarf sagittaria works well, Amazon micro sword, and Monte Carlo. I should do a video on this! Simple and to the point.
DirtyNaan54 - 8 years ago
Is it ok that I have. No soil no co2 and just fertilizer my plants are doing really well does it matter?? Btw awesome vid man
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Tanner Merwin technically if you are dosing fertilizers and keeping up on being consistent etc... it isn't always necessary to have soil, so it is good to hear your plants are doing well.. Usually just easier for people to use soil. I also do a lot of scapes using just inert sand as the substrate too.. Good question. Thanks for watching.
shawn stephens
shawn stephens - 8 years ago
You mention a koralia 425 wavemaker...I got the koralia 425 powerhead and its way to strong for a 10 gallon tank. In the videos of the tank the plants are barely moving at all and I don't see the powerhead. Did you remove it?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
you are right, it was too much for the ten gallon. The less powerful nano is a better option. They used to make a 225 gph, am not sure if they still do. That would be a better fit, or maybe a nano Rio 10 powerhead. I ended up only needing the flow created from the Sun Sun 603 canister filter. That was enough flow for the 10 gallon.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Plant list and more information in the video description!
shawn stephens
shawn stephens - 8 years ago
Do you have a glass cover on that tank between the light and the water or is it open with just a light???
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
shawn stephens just open top aquarium. It works really well with planted tanks and fish used in planted tanks. More evaporation is the main issue.
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
I could probably pour that in first then add the caribsea floramax and caribsea eco complete.
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
ok well i do have some laterite at home from a failed project.
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
got a question for you...i just purchased a bag of caribsea floramax today and found out that it doesn't have the same amount of nutrients and beneficial bacteria,etc so I was wondering that if I ordered a bag of thrones eco complete, that I can mix the two together...the floramax reduces the need for laterite.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Kathleen Monsegue they are essentially the same thing- lava rubble. Neither one replaces laterite clay, as laterite clay has a way higher cation exchange capacity and other adsorbed minerals. I recommend getting the book, Encyclopedia of Aquarium plants" some information is outdated, but most is still solid advice and relevant. Great beginner book.
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
im new to planted tanks i cant afford a co2 will be using api liquid co2 booster. and eco complete aquarium plants substrate. can you tell me what I can plant that is low maintenance...and what other nutrients and lighting i may need to keep my plants healthy an growing. I have a 10 gallon tank that isn't as tall as yours. I will be stocking it with cherry shrimp, ender tetras, and 2 pygmy corydoras. and how much should I use to keep the shrimp alive and safe? I know chelated iron can be tricky or deadly for these lil crustaceans.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Kathleen Monsegue the chelated iron isn't an issue for shrimp as much as the copper, but usually the copper has to be in high amounts. It is more or less a hobby myth because tons of hobbyists including myself dose regular fertilizers with copper for years and our shrimp don't die. Their shrimp are dying from unknown illnesses and or ammonia spikes if anything. There are many unknown diseases in the hobby. Very little reaserach has been done on shrimp diseases. It is a myth that hobbyists use as a scapegoat and have no actual evidence to back it up. True science Vs anecdotal conclusions.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Kathleen Monsegue you will want to dose liquid fertilizers. Thrive by Nilocg is a good one to use. It is an all in one formula. I have a plant list in the video description. Those are some good plants to use for beginners. Try using a Finnex stingray LED for a tank of that height. Eco complete can hold detritus, which will break down into nutrients, but the Eco itself doesn't have many nutrients, so dose liquid fertilizers and or use Osmocote Plus. With Osmocote Plus you only want to use 5 ml - one teaspoon full per ten gallons. If you use 00 capsules they are about 1ml each, so five 00 capsules full of Osmocote Plus per 10 gallons is all you need. Can easily sprinkle it on the bottom of the tank like I did in the video when first setting up a tank. Don't do more than one teaspoon per 10 gallons.
joshua powers
joshua powers - 8 years ago
Here are some more underwater gardens Great Tutorial!!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Matt S
Matt S - 8 years ago
Hi, Dave. do you think it is suitable to use a Koralia Wave Maker for a low tech 50G planted tank. I have 2 Blue Rams, 4 Rosy Barbs, 1 Bristlenose Catfish, and 2 Red Finned danios. Plant species include thus far Anubias Nana, and Amazon Sword. Thankyou.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Matt S near the top would be better, but that angle is probably good.
Matt S
Matt S - 8 years ago
Im new to this. but I'm going to place it in the bottom left hand corner or near the very far back and angle it towards my EHEIM 2217.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
yeah that will work great. Maybe one of the 425 GPH nano ones will do.
Mireya LaRiviere
Mireya LaRiviere - 8 years ago
did you use controsoil?
Mireya LaRiviere
Mireya LaRiviere - 8 years ago
thank you this made me think of starting a small 10 gallon planted shrimp tank
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Mireya LaRiviere in this tank I used old ADA Aquasoil.
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 8 years ago
i have some goldfish and I was wondering... what are good plantes for them?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Jean-Michel Gervais Java fern and Anubias planted on driftwood or rocks.
Jimmy Gomez
Jimmy Gomez - 8 years ago
can you please tell me what tape of stone you used? ????
Jimmy Gomez
Jimmy Gomez - 8 years ago
great thank you for the information and I would like to buy the Stone from you
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
I am using a Basalt lava rock that I sell. I call it ADU Dragon Stone.
newtguy - 8 years ago
I have some dumb questions. I've read you need co2 pumping in the tank? Is that something I would need to look into if I wanna start a tank? I didn't see you using co2 in this tank. Also, don't you need a filter?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
newtguy a filter is a must, but yeah with low tech setups you don't dose CO2. Just like the tank in the video. Just use soil substrate and dose fertilizers. Filter, decent light, and easy hardy plants, like in the video. check the video description too. I think I put information in there.
Yvonne Spanks
Yvonne Spanks - 8 years ago
Where does one buy those tongs and then trimming scissors pls?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
I purchased mine from Green Leaf Aquariums
tomon - 8 years ago
would you recommend black earth substrate. i dont want to use ada aquasoil because of the fact that it breaks down after a while
tomon - 8 years ago
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Tomon oh, right. Yeah that will work great!
tomon - 8 years ago
this is the stuff im talking about im how long does it take for the ada aqua soil to break down guys at my lfs say if breaks down after a year
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
well it takes a very long time to do that. What is black earth substrate. humic acid pellets?
CAppleTV - 8 years ago
Hi Dave
I'm relatively a newbie (had a tank when I was a kid, but that does not count), so I don't know any of the acronyms you're using. and sorry for a really newbie questions.

What is that stuff you add ~1:57?
Aquasoil. Do you mean ADA aquasoil? Googling aquasoil returns various brands. Or will any do? (I guess not).

Thanks also for the channel, very informative, even if at this stage I understand a fraction of what you talk about.
Can you do a real newbie video? where you don't use acronyms everyone but me seems to understand :), or explain in few more words what it is you are using.
(I'm into what you'd call low-tech stuff. no fertilizers/co2/etc, just nature magic)

Thanks again
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Yes, ADA Aquasoil, or any other brand will work just the same. I am actually planning on starting a terminology series for beginners. That way you can watch the terminology videos and then go from there. Thanks for watching.
Stephanie Rozelle
Stephanie Rozelle - 8 years ago
Just want to impress you....I have Diandra and Golden Nesaea growing in my low tech 55g. Also have two pregnant Otto cats!
Stephanie Rozelle
Stephanie Rozelle - 8 years ago
Thanks! I'm us using Echo and excell at lights on in AM. I have two 65k color max Hot5 54 watt lights. I do lights 5hrs on 3 HR siesta and 4 hours on.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Stephanie Rozelle oh wow, that is impressive! you should be proud. those are demanding plants. what substrate are you using? and are you dosing fertilizers to the water column?
Mateus Souza
Mateus Souza - 8 years ago
qual é a litragem do seu aquário?
Mateus Souza
Mateus Souza - 8 years ago
se você tivesse colocado plantas mais altas como por exemplo a cabomba caroliniana teria dado uma impressão de profundidade melhor e seu layout teria ficado melhor
Mike M
Mike M - 8 years ago
What is aqua soil? Is it just like gravel ?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Mike M it is an engineered high nutrient soil made specifically for planted aquariums. Thanks for watching. Check out ADA Aquasoil.
Anthony M
Anthony M - 8 years ago
does the Osmocote have to be put back in the soil in 6 months?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Anthony Mauro it can be used. So yes every 4-6 months. Really you can just rely on the soil for the first year or so... depending on plant mass and growth. with soil you don't really need root tabs in the beginning.
Yeşil Anadolu
Yeşil Anadolu - 8 years ago
What're your opinions to my this tank?
Rojo1044 - 8 years ago
What material are you using as rubble?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Rojo1044 rocks are basalt lava rock. Substrate is soil- ADA Aquasoil.
Tom Tank Nature
Tom Tank Nature - 8 years ago
muito top! parabéns! !!
Justin - 8 years ago
Nice tank, I just setup a 10 gallon planted tank. After watching this video making me want to redo my tank. What kind of rocks are those and where did you get them ?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Justin oh, no I just sell them through my email. I usually just get a package together and send a picture. After I gather details of what kind of scape you are wanting to build and size of Aquarium. Please email me at,
Justin - 8 years ago
not sure if you saw that post above ^^
Justin - 8 years ago
Oh, do you have a website you sell them on ?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Justin thanks for watching. They are a Basalt lava rocks that I sell called ADU Dragon Stone.
Pablo Velasco
Pablo Velasco - 8 years ago
What light did you use for this build ?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Pablo Velasco Current Satellite Plus LED. 13 watt. Worked really well on a standard 10 gallon. I think they have 24/7 models now.
herpson derps
herpson derps - 8 years ago
how come your water was clear? my tank is on its 2nd day and its still a bit cloudy even with a filter running
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
herpson derps no problem. thanks for the support. Just keep it up and keep studying and in no time you will have a healthy tank. It is such a rewarding hobby. Welcome to the club! check out my latest video. It may be too in depth, but will get you thinking and on the right track.
herpson derps
herpson derps - 8 years ago
ADU Aquascaping it was only about a week ago that i decided to try this hobby. your videos really helps alot especially for newbies like me. i subscribed and i hope you make more informative videos. thank you for inputs. have a nice day.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
herpson derps yeah let it cycle for 3-4 weeks first and do your water changes. Take out any decaying leaves you might see. At the beginning of an aquarium there tends to be high organics in the water from plants melting, and microbes colonizing. So in the beginning it is a good idea to clean all detritus out at water changes, clean the filter if it is dirty, and remove decaying matter. You should always do this, but at the beginning there is a transition period where the BOD biochemical oxygen demand goes up from organics decaying. The bacteria use a lot of oxygen to break these organics down, usually plant and soil organics. So you will also want to have high Oxygen levels. This is achieved by having good ripples on the surface of the water by way of a wavemaker or powerhead. Hope this helps
herpson derps
herpson derps - 8 years ago
ADU Aquascaping i am not putting any sort of chemicals yet and im planning to make 10-20% water changes daily. my tank has no fish yet. am i on the right track?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
herpson derps I probably shot the tank a week later, and also having Aquasoil helps trap colloidal particles in the water column and hold them in the substrate.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
herpson derps you will have to let it cycle for about a month before it will become balanced and totally clear. And in the meantime keep being consistent with your weekly maintenance. Your tank is new and cloudiness should be expected.
John Kiunke
John Kiunke - 8 years ago
what kind of rocks are those?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
John Kiunke they are Basalt lava. It is a rock that I sell called Dragon Stone. check my channel I have a video showing the rocks
Melleefrase - 8 years ago
Sounds Greek to me.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Melleefrase yes, some of the plant names are Greek
yogosans14 - 8 years ago
Where did you get the light at?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
From my local fish shop. Current Satellite Plus LED
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
What camera did you use to fiom the video?
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
Great thanks, yeah I'm probably going to get a nice macro and then a flexible lens like the one you said. Thanks!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Franklin Michael you may want a lens that is adjustable from 20mm-80mm for example.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Franklin Michael for this I believe a 40mm pancake lens that came with the camera
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
Cool thanks, what type of lens did you use, macro, wideangles, telephoto...? I want to get the sony a6500 and I want it to film my reef aquarium but I still don't know which lenses to get.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Franklin Michael at the time I was using a Pentax k-01. decent, but I prefer my Lumix GH3.
Jbay2608 - 8 years ago
Are there plants you can use with just a regular sand bottom, like pool filter sand? I'm going to be setting up a 75 gallon tank and it'll mostly be about fish but I would like live plants in it because they look so much better than fake ones.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Jbay2608 yeah you could do Amazon swords and cryptocoryne plants. They are easy to grow. You will just want to get API root sticks, or Seachem root tabs and put those in the substrate next to the plants.
DON DOT - 8 years ago
is it bad i always change my aquarium i cant leave it alone im never happy with it :/
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
DON DOT it can cause algae from organics being in the water. I always messed with mine when I first started out. It is okay to make changes to your aquascape.
paparker21 - 8 years ago
I'm a newbie to planted - when you say 'always trim the roots' could you expound on what exactly your trimming / how much / target lenght, etc?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
paparker21 just trim most the roots off of new plants. leave an inch or so of root mass on the plant.
KurtLawrence M.
KurtLawrence M. - 8 years ago
do you still doze?
KurtLawrence M.
KurtLawrence M. - 8 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping thanks
sumanth s
sumanth s - 8 years ago
Iam sumanth very new to planted aquarium , I bought ADA AQUASOIL subtract 9L bag, I tryed to set up with some foreground, background plants , by the next day I lost a fish , is the substrat good for fishes will it kill them

Pls help be before I loose one more fish
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
ADA has a fair amount of organics that release ammonia as they decompose
You have to cycle the soil before adding fish. Controsoil you don't have to cycle, but ADA you do.
sumanth s
sumanth s - 8 years ago
Will u help me, IAM a BEGINNER MY FIRST TANK ( 36 L, 13 B, 15H )IAM planning for a planted aquarium, with HC & MONTECARLO , I bought ADA Amazonia 9l soil, and flourish Excell instead of co2 diffusers, a filter too, my aquarium will stay next to my window which can give sun light shade all day, is that enough or need any more, I do want gold fishes in my planted aquarium is that a good idea,
Help me with your suggestions
sumanth s
sumanth s - 8 years ago
Iam sumanth very new to planted aquarium , I bought ADA AQUASOIL subtract 9L bag, I tryed to set up with some foreground, background plants , by the next day I lost a fish , is the substrat good for fishes will it kill them

Pls help be before I loose one more fish
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
I wouldn't do gold fish with delicate plants, but Anuibas and java fern work well with gold fish. The sunlight will more than likely be enough for Monte Carlo, but sunlight can also cause you to have more algae in your aquarium.
Robbie Clipperton
Robbie Clipperton - 8 years ago
What was the first plant you were cleaning?
Robbie Clipperton
Robbie Clipperton - 8 years ago
ADU Aquascaping thanks man I'm starting up a 3 foot 140L aquarium.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Oh, it was Hygrophila corymbosa compact.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Cryptocoryne and Anubias.
Tony Lenci
Tony Lenci - 8 years ago
Where do you get your tools for aquascaping? Notice everyone using clippers, and tweezers. Seem like a great thing to have down the road on my aqua scrapping adventure. Thanks for the help and love the videos.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
local fish store LFS
Tony Lenci
Tony Lenci - 8 years ago
LFS? just looking for tools for general live plant care. I'll check out Amazon though. thanks for the reply though!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
from my LFS or green leaf aquarium. Amazon has some good cheap ones you can get.
David Rodriguez
David Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Just starting to get into the hobby. Been doing a ton of reading on forums and online. I think I'd like my first tank to be a 12 gallon long, low tech, with plants and fish. any recommendations with a 12 gallon long? Should I start with something else? Also, been reading about using peat moss under the substrate, is that still a thing? Lol
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
I wouldn't worry about the peat moss. Just use Aquasoil and you will be fine. A 12 gallon will work great. Probably would want to get a Finnex Planted Plus or Current Satellite Plus LED fixture for that size tank.
Johnny Utah
Johnny Utah - 8 years ago
Cool set up. Love the rocks. They add tons of surface area for the bacteria. Any chance this tanks still going and we could see it now?!?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
it has been taken down, but I have one on the way and currently a 4 gallon nano set up
Mattias - 8 years ago
Weird "how to" video.. this is just a timelapse of a tank being set up, + a bunch of comments - "ofcourse I do this, of course its like that" etc and bam, tank done ^^ Its more like a "setting up a tank while stating what Im doing, using as many fancy words as I can" kind of video. Turned out nice though.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
well talking about how to do it and showing how to do it. What else is there? most people just do time lapse videos and don't explain anything and just film them scaping the tank. Basics like setting up a tank will not be found on my channel. Just showing how I set up a low Tech tank. thanks for watching.
Ann Renaud
Ann Renaud - 8 years ago
Very nice video :)
Long Woo
Long Woo - 8 years ago
Is Osmocote+ safe for dwarf shrimps?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
yes, if you use too many at once it can cause an ammonia spike. That is the main risk.
Hogo69 - 8 years ago
Why do some people say ADA aquasoil makes their tanks cloudy / murky ? This is my first tank and a little worried about that. Do you just do water changes until it clears ?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
they go too fast when filling. Just use a plate or valve. It can get a little cloudy, but nothing insane
India4America - 8 years ago
Is it OK to use 100% RO water?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
yeah. just reconstitute with GH, KH, and other fertilizers
David Wentland
David Wentland - 8 years ago
Why do you trim the roots
FishWhisperer - 8 years ago
hi i loved it, i just started a tank myself please check it out i got 0 subscribers so far lol...
Virat Baweja
Virat Baweja - 8 years ago
Dave can you please help me know why do plant leaves turn brown and it's not algae....
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
message me
ss ss
ss ss - 8 years ago
Dosing carbon technically makes it high tech.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
I planned on not dosing Excel with this tank.
ss ss
ss ss - 8 years ago
real nice tank by the way though
G Unit
G Unit - 8 years ago
Love this series pls do another
Luke P.
Luke P. - 8 years ago
Very helpful video, I'm looking into making a simple low tech tank for some shrimp or maybes gourami and this video is just what I'm looking for
VillagerSparky - 8 years ago
This may sound like a stupid question, but why trim the roots?
VillagerSparky - 8 years ago
Food for thought!
El Gringo
El Gringo - 8 years ago
removing dead roots and trimming slightly in general encourages the plants to send new roots out faster and therefore increase growth, not something you have to do, in my opinion unless you are super into it then don't bother
Sumit Dutta
Sumit Dutta - 8 years ago
Please put some videos that how to decorate aquarium with artificial plants
Pavan Kumar
Pavan Kumar - 8 years ago
I am using ADA substrate. do I need to add micro and macro nutrients to water
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
not necessarily. but is a good idea. depends on plant type. most of the time you do want to dose fertilizers
roggerfrogger2 - 8 years ago
Half the time it was like you were speaking another language! I think aquariums with natural plants in look really nice.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
+roggerfrogger2 haha, yeah if you are new to the hobby it will sound weird. Give it a try and you will love the hobby.
Corey Eagles
Corey Eagles - 8 years ago
would all natural potting mix have the almost same results
Corey Eagles
Corey Eagles - 8 years ago
Sweet yeah I'm using river sand
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
+Eagles In Da House Yes it will work really well, just harder to deal with and have to cap with sand.
Lenny Clifton
Lenny Clifton - 8 years ago
Where are the plants bought?
yudontsay - 9 years ago
May I ask what is a heavy root feeder? I am not english so didnt understand what that is, and when googling it showed me something with outside lawns :P
yudontsay - 8 years ago
ah thanks :) yes that helped :)
Jack smith
Jack smith - 8 years ago
A plant that absorbes the majority of its nutrients through its roots. (Instead of from its leaves).

Hope that helped you :)
William L
William L - 9 years ago
if I sprinkle my tank with marijuana leaves will the fish get high?
Tracy Lee
Tracy Lee - 7 years ago
grant Diggs
grant Diggs - 8 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping also whatever oils are in the mushrooms make a pretty sweet looking pattern on top of the water
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
haha, good to know
grant Diggs
grant Diggs - 8 years ago
no but if you throw some psychedelic mushrooms in the tank they will get high
Meg Ryan
Meg Ryan - 9 years ago
Only if they 'juana.
SirenSea_Reviews_Aquariums - 9 years ago
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
aguilasandy - 9 years ago
Where do you get your plants from?
aguilasandy - 9 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping wow nice!!
Thanks man! I'll look at that forum.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+aguilasandy I get most of my plants from my LFS. But you can get plants from fellow hobbyists off of forum, such as the You can usually find really good deals that way.
Rachel La
Rachel La - 9 years ago
damnit i already set up my tank but didnt trim the roots. am i fucked?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Rachel La You will be fine, it just helps to jump start the growth.
goneyakin - 9 years ago
Great video. I'm planning on setting up an identical tank for my wife's 3rd grade classroom. I'll be using a similar LED (Beamswork) light and most likely Aquasoil. How often did you replace the homemade root tabs? I am not sure if I missed but how long of a time elapsed between the beginning and part 3 of the series? Thanks and again, great tank.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+goneyakin It took around 6 months to fully mature and I would add root tabs every 3 months or so. Just a few here and there. Not too many as to not get a spike in ammonia levels. But if you use store bought root tabs you won't have to worry as much as you do when using Osmocote Plus.
My Name Here
My Name Here - 9 years ago
what kind of rock is that and where do I get it I'm coming from 10 years of reef tanks want to learn planted just loving it also what kind of substrate Thanks ma
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+My Name Here ADU Dragon Stone a type of rock that I sell. Basalt lava rock. In this tank I was using ADA Aquasoil mixed with Eco Complete. THanks for watching.
anthony pope
anthony pope - 9 years ago
hi mate I need some tips of you I have just got my self an interpet insight 40L tank with led lights I am going to be using tetra complete for the bottom of the tank then on top of that going to be using tetra active plant sub strate I have done three scapes on my other tanks I have but look rather crap I like to use bog wood in my tanks has I like to use java fern on them they do quite well, what kind of rocks would you recommend me use it live in the uk and I have been told to use rocks that are inert I have to becareful what ferts I use as I keep shrimps as well in my tanks and copper kills the shrimps out right the one I use on my tanks is called easy life profito professional plant fertiliser and co2 my co2 comes in a can and you just put in the co2 you need for that day but my lugwigia all the leaves are falling off but I don't know why do you know I do my water changes every fortnight test my water and the nitrates are at 40 ppm is that bad or should I try get it down to about 10 ppm I have been doing fish tanks now for over 20 years I only had the one tank but now have 5 running will have six when I set up my new tank and want to go pro so any help would do cheers
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
any aquarium website or fish shop that sells fertilizers. You can usually buy dry fertilizers to save on money.
anthony pope
anthony pope - 9 years ago
OK where do I get mpk from i live in the United Kingdom
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+anthony pope If you are seeing high levels of nitrates it means they are not being taken up by the plants, which means there is another nutrient deficiency elsewhere. Potassium, magnesium etc... may be at low levels. The substrate mix and the driftwood idea seems good, as you already know if you have been in the hobby that long you already know java fern on driftwood is a great combo!

I have heard the copper does kill shrimp, but from others have heard that the levels of copper are not high enough to kill them, but I could be wrong. I use an organic trace additive made from Chlorella algae and I don't use synthetic fertilizers, so it may be true. When I used synthetic trace additives in my one tank it did kill all of my cherry shrimp.

If the ludwigia leaves are falling off you probably have a nutrient deficiency or toxicity. Maybe try toning down the nitrates and adding more bio media to your filter. If that doesn't work try dosing a more balanced mix of nutrients to the tank. NPK and all of the micro elements.
anthony pope
anthony pope - 9 years ago
hi mate I need some tips of you I have just got my self an interpet insight 40L tank with led lights I am going to be using tetra complete for the bottom of the tank then on top of that going to be using tetra active plant sub strate I have done three scapes on my other tanks I have but look rather crap I like to use bog wood in my tanks has I like to use java fern on them they do quite well, what kind of rocks would you recommend me use it live in the uk and I have been told to use rocks that are inert I have to becareful what ferts I use as I keep shrimps as well in my tanks and copper kills the shrimps out right the one I use on my tanks is called easy life profito professional plant fertiliser and co2 my co2 comes in a can and you just put in the co2 you need for that day but my lugwigia all the leaves are falling off but I don't know why do you know I do my water changes every fortnight test my water and the nitrates are at 40 ppm is that bad or should I try get it down to about 10 ppm I have been doing fish tanks now for over 20 years I only had the one tank but now have 5 running will have six when I set up my new tank and want to go pro so any help would do cheers
kelvin M.
kelvin M. - 9 years ago
check out my tank and tell me what you think
Channel Not Found
Channel Not Found - 9 years ago
Is that ada amazonia soil?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Channel Not Found yes it was 50% Amazonia and 50% Eco Complete- and both were very old and well used as well.
JClaude Moran
JClaude Moran - 9 years ago
Do you use tap water with this setup? If so, what are your parameters?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+JClaude Moran I was actually doing 80/20 RO water to tap water. My parameters were 7.3 pH 8-10 GH and 5-6 KH. Dosing the water column only if I saw deficiencies in the moss or Anubias, other than that I totally neglected this tank and it worked out. You can see a more mature version of this tank at the beginning of my pH GH and KH video, if you'd like... Thanks for watching.
krnhaechan30 - 9 years ago
Does the aqua soil need to be pre-cycled? I've been reading that it needs to be before adding fish and plants. Also read that it lowers pH dramatically. I'm so confused, I see that your pH is pretty steady above 7. I wanna change my gravel substrate to soil but don't know what to go with.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+krnhaechan30 It does release a lot of ammonia at the beginning so you have to do a few water changes per week for the first couple of weeks while testing your water. It will lower your pH into the higher 6 pH range, but it may be drastic for some people depending on their water KH levels, so that is all relative. My water is slightly above 7 pH because I was diluting my tap water with RO/DI water, which will lower the KH levels of the tank. My tap water is very hard and very alkaline, so I have to dilute it with RO/DI water, and in my high tech tanks I use 100% RO/DI water and reconstitute it with a potassium bicarbonate buffer.
Trevor Waterman
Trevor Waterman - 9 years ago
Whats the brand of aquasoil you use?
Trevor Waterman
Trevor Waterman - 9 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping thanks for the reply. setting up a 75 gallon.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Trevor Waterman In this tank I was using ADA Amazonia.
FrontendTips - 9 years ago
Michael Wells
Michael Wells - 9 years ago
Are the rocks store bought or were they found some place outdoors?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Michael Wells They are ADU Dragon Rock, which is a type of Scoria lava rock. I sell the rocks through my YT channel and accept payment via PayPal.
Jason Stroman
Jason Stroman - 9 years ago
Are Eheim classic canisters impellers swap able?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Jason Stroman I know the 2211 can handle the 2213 impeller for some more power. I did that once with my little Eheim.
The Cichlid Nut - Tim Howard
The Cichlid Nut - Tim Howard - 9 years ago
This is exactly what I want to do for my first planted, low tech tank. I'm going to use this as a model.! Thanks for this info!!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Tim Howard thanks man, yes try it out and it will work great. I totally neglected this tank and it grew really well.
Russell NKD
Russell NKD - 9 years ago
Honestly substrate fertilization is the way to go! Fertilizing your water column is just asking for algae.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Russell NKD It's true, you can do a lot with more ferts in the substrate and not dosing the water column, or in a high tech tank only minimally dosing to the water column. That is how ADA runs their tanks, and Tom Barr really never intended for everyone to keep doing 50% water changes, so really you should tailor your dosing to each specific tank. I always do minimal dosing in my high tech tanks, and it seems people still won't try it, or don't believe me. Check out my latest videos to see a high tech tank, which is minimally dosed and somewhat neglected. It isn't a "balancing act" like some hobbyists believe.
Hugo Mondragon G
Hugo Mondragon G - 9 years ago
nice tank bro! am new to this plz check my channel.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Hugo Mondragon G Checkin' it out man.
10pmgotosleep - 9 years ago
Hey nice vid!, I am new at this and I am building a low tech 10 gal, my question is what kind of plants do well on aquariums with the natural standard gravel (the brownish little stones) I bought it and I don't know if is it really necessary to add substrate to all kind of plants so I want to know which ones to use.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+10pmgotosleep Hardy plants can tolerate lower nutrient levels, but you may want to add root tabs to the substrate, and or dose a little bit of liquid fertilizers here and there- maybe once a week. Hardy plants: Amazon swords, anubias, java fern, java moss, Hygorphila corymbosa varieties- Hygro compact, vallisneria- Jungle Val Anacharis, broad leaf ludwigia, cryptocoryne wendtii, cryptocoryne lutea, other crypt varieties etc... Bacopa may survive, hair grass might, and Blyxa japonica is pretty easy to grow and attractive. Potamogeton gayi, Dwarf sagittaria, pygmy chain sword. I think I put a plant list in most of my low tech videos if you want to check the description of my low tech videos there should be a plant list. Thanks for watching.
Vinh Trinh
Vinh Trinh - 9 years ago
How much did this set-up cost (including heater, filter, substrate, plants, hardscape items, etc.)? And if I'm buying a 10-gallon tank, should I buy 9 Liters of Aquasoil?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Vinh Trinh I would get 9 liters. Tank was $12.00 US. I am using a SunSun 603 mini canister, which was around $30.00. Simple Penplax heater, which was $10-$12.00. ADA Aquasoil Amazonia, rocks are free- they are rocks that I sell. Plants were probably around $25-$30.00 - all pretty cheap hardy plant species. fish are just neon tetras and cherry shrimp, not too expensive really. And the light is a Current Satellite Plus, which at the time was $70.00, it may be cheaper nowadays.
Christian Maldonado
Christian Maldonado - 9 years ago
Why do you always trim the roots before putting the plants in?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Christian Maldonado It just helps to promote new growth. and trimming larger leaves helps to sustain the health of the plant when transferring or panting into your tank.
M. Youngdale
M. Youngdale - 9 years ago
What kind of aqua soil? Ada?
DMAN D - 9 years ago
+Betta.lover yes ada aquasoil amazonia
PaceStudios - 9 years ago
Also how do you keep the plants healthy? Anyone?
PaceStudios - 9 years ago
Thank you very much!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+PaceStudios I would advice buying the book, "Encyclopedia of aquarium plants" off of or Ebay. There is a lot that goes into a healthy planted aquarium.
PaceStudios - 9 years ago
Also does anyone know where he got his tools and rocks for the tank?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+PaceStudios I got the tools off of The rocks are called ADU Dragon Stone, they are a Scoria lava rock that I sell.
PaceStudios - 9 years ago
Hi! How do you clean and do mantinence aqau tank? And where did you get all your plants and soil?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+PaceStudios I get Marfied Controsoil from I get the plants locally at my LFS. I just do water changes in this small tank. Never clean the substrate or the filter.
Al H
Al H - 9 years ago
What happens when the Osmocote is used up? How do you continue to fertilize after that?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
yes, it will.
Al H
Al H - 9 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping Also, would this method work for a high tech / high light tank?
Al H
Al H - 9 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping Thanks for the info. Do you add any other ferts in the water column at all or will the osmocote be sufficient? I'm guessing you still need to add some trace/micro ferts?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Al H You can add more capsules every 3-4 months. I usually do one half of the tank one week, and then wait a week to add more capsules to the other half of the tank, just so I don't get an ammonia spike. And only do one triple zero capsule (000) every 5"x5" area.
justin94block - 9 years ago
how many pounds of soil was that?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+justin94block Around 10lbs.
Crazy Frog
Crazy Frog - 9 years ago
There is an easy way to fill water in a tank with DIY soil - cover it with news paper, then drip the water onto the newspaper, be patient, could take a little while, but eventually you'll have the tank filled, crystal clear tank, no muddy water! note the newspaper will rise with the water level, do not feed in too much water.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Crazy Frog That is a good idea. Thanks for the tip and for watching. I may be using some Bio-Grow organic substrate in a future tank, so I can use that method.
Danielle lee
Danielle lee - 9 years ago
I'm doing my first planted aquarium and I'm having a hard time with the substrate. If anyone has done this or has experience with it, how do you avoid your water becoming cloudy? I have substrate that looks exactly like what was used in this video, I was told from the aquarium store I purchased it from to rinse it (the instructions also suggest this) however my water is still cloudy. Is this typical? I notice in all the planted aquarium tutorial videos I watch this doesn't seem to be an issue.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
I wouldn't rinse it. And maybe you are messing around with the substrate too much as a beginner? Sifting around even in aquasoil will make the tank cloudy. Possibly your filter and flow is too small for how much dirt gets swept up into the water column and it cannot handle it. You don't need to cap the aquasoil and it is relatively clean compared to regular dirt, which is a real mess. How hard are the pellets? Maybe it was sitting around for a long time and it degraded.
Danielle lee
Danielle lee - 9 years ago
The instructions on the bag do say to rinse the soil, though. The store that sold it to me also recommended the water changes, but even after a couple of days the water was still really cloudy and I noticed any time I sifted the soil (even lightly), the tank became a dark brown again. When I rinsed my filter out, the motor was actually broken. I had to replace the entire filter. Frustrated, I ended up just taking the soil out, draining the tank, and starting over with new water and just rocks. I still have the soil, though, and I still would like to do this, I just am not sure if how I am doing it is the best method or if I'm missing some crucial step in setting this all up?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
You DO NOT rinse Aquasoil. Whoever said that does not know what they are talking about. You do not have to rinse it at all. You will never be able to rinse dirt of itself, which is dirt. You should ask for a refund and or a new bag for free. It also does not need a cap. That is why it is baked into pellet form so it doesn't become cloudy. Initially there will be some cloudiness, but it will disappear within a day or two. Then you just rinse the filter pads and everything will be fine. As well, ADA Aquasoil releases a lot of Ammonia at first so you have to watch your ammonia levels and do frequent water changes. Maybe that is what they meant by rinsing. They probably were mistaken and meant to say you have to do several water changes the first couple of weeks after set up.
Danielle lee
Danielle lee - 9 years ago
It's ADA nature aquarium aqua soil. I swear no amount of rinsing it has helped. As soon as water touches it, it turns black/brown. I've had to replace my filter already because of it. I ended up just taking it out if my aquarium.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Danielle lee Is it Seachem Flourite?
Acuarios Gaming
Acuarios Gaming - 9 years ago
Nice video! Thanks for the info! Here my low tech aquarium planted:
Hope you like and suscribed too in my channel. I already suscribed in yours and like this nice video, I will see the others. Have a nice day! :)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Rey Velez Thanks for watching!
Andre Quiles
Andre Quiles - 9 years ago
Is aquasoil+osmotec for fishes? Im planing have a Discus planted tank. Tks!!! Nice work I liked it a lot
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Andre Quiles Yeah, it is a great combination to use. You can get Marfied Controsoil Aquasoil off of Amazon or try and get some ADA Aquasoil. You can also use dirt, but it is messy.
Jharyl Bohulano
Jharyl Bohulano - 9 years ago
Thank you for your advice
Jharyl Bohulano
Jharyl Bohulano - 9 years ago
Do you think a walmart kit tank with led can do the job?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Jharyl Bohulano I doubt it. A Current Satellite Plus or Plus Pro will do the job for sure.
Jharyl Bohulano
Jharyl Bohulano - 9 years ago
Do u really need to use a wave maker?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Jharyl Bohulano No you don't, I no longer have one in this tank. No need really in smaller tanks, and it all depends on the type of tank you are running and the design of the tank, to help push CO2 around, but in a small low tech like this there is no need.
Jharyl Bohulano
Jharyl Bohulano - 9 years ago
My next project! So just use aquasoil and dont layer it with sand or gravel on top of aquasoil?
Jharyl Bohulano
Jharyl Bohulano - 9 years ago
What is the good brand of aqua soil should i use?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Jharyl Bohulano Yeah, with Aquasoils you don't need to use anything else. It has everything you need, and it helps trap particles in the substrate so it makes your water crystal clear. Not as cheap, but it is all about what is easiest in my opinion.
TrueKnightRider - 9 years ago
Wow, You are really good. We Enjoyed this, Great work.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+trueknightrider Thanks for the kind words and for watching. I am glad you liked the video, peace!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
Watch my latest video of this tank! No dosing or Excel. Total neglect and super old substrate, 50/50 Eco/ Aquasoil. Never clean the filter and rarely do water changes- Once a month. Almost fully mature. Just trying to show how you can be successful with different methods.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
sparaaaa Sun Sun 603 nano canister filter.
Gary Bishop
Gary Bishop - 8 years ago
ADU Aquascaping
sparaaaa - 8 years ago
What filter do you use? or did
Joshua estabrook
Joshua estabrook - 9 years ago
I'd like to buy some of the dragon rock. How much for a similar setup that you use in this ten gallon?
Donovan Maxwell
Donovan Maxwell - 9 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping Just came across this video and comment. I have a 10 gallon lightly planted, low-med light tank that I'm learning on while I save $$ for the lights/co2 for a 45 gallon tank I acquired. I've been going back and forth over the whole Eco-Complete vs Aquasoil debate. Both have pros/cons. I like the Aquasoil for the initial set up ease with regard to cycling, but the eco-complete seems to be preferable for holding onto the nutrients in the long term. It never occurred to me to blend them! Many thanks!
Toby Lang
Toby Lang - 9 years ago
what size is this tank?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Toby Lang This is a US 10 gallon. Just a really cheap tank.
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 9 years ago
sloppy silicone job.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
You get what you pay for. 10 gallon tank for $10 bucks.
Desert Rat Aquaria
Desert Rat Aquaria - 10 years ago
Great video! I'm learning to aquascape and cannot seem to find a supplier for aqua soil in the US. If you have any references they would be greatly appreciated.
Desert Rat Aquaria
Desert Rat Aquaria - 10 years ago
Thanks for the response. I will definitely give it a shot.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Desert Rat Aquaria You can get it from:

But I would just buy Marfied Controsoil and save some cash. the 1mm size works great for all plants, especially carpeting plants. It is also higher quality and holds its form better, here is a link:
bizzy511 - 10 years ago
Thanks, subscribed.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Thanks for the support. Always nice to hear some positive feedback. Peace
Christopher Botsford
Christopher Botsford - 10 years ago
I am curious to know how to take off the rim off of the aquarium?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Christopher Botsford I just used a box cutter and went around the inside of the rim. Then to get all the silicone off of the glass I used Acetone. Not too hard on a smaller tank. And don't try it on bigger tanks unless they aren't tall. Bigger tanks usually need their support rim. But 10 gallon tanks aren't affected by taking the rim off.
fishbasscollectglass - 10 years ago
Awesome video! You know so much more about this than I do! 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Thanks, but you can learn. Boasting about my knowledge is not the point of any of my videos. LOL. What one man can do another can do. Thanks for watching. Peace
Niklas Sandgren
Niklas Sandgren - 10 years ago
After how long time can i add my fish with that soil?
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 10 years ago
Will osmocote plus raise the nitrate levels or give a false reading? 

ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Right, if you have high nitrates it is because of an imbalance of nutrients. If you had a balance of nutrients the nitrate would be low. Because the plants are using it. Higher nitrates in a planted tank show the plants are not utilizing that nutrient because they are deficient from lacing other needed nutrients. That is why people do the EI method. So they have all their bases covered. Cheers!
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 10 years ago
Thanks again...

Well, the last time I put in 6 or 8 DIY Root tabs with Oscmocote was well over 5 months ago, so shouldn't it be running a bit low or almost gone now? 

So in other words, it really shouldn't be releasing any or very little nitrates right?

ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Mike Kollin It will slowly release nitrates, but it won't give false readings. If you read nitrates then you have that amount of nitrate.
David rodriguez
David rodriguez - 10 years ago
What kind of rocks are does?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+David rodriguez They are Scoria lava. Dragon Stone. I sell the rock if you are interested in buying some.
Chris Bickford
Chris Bickford - 10 years ago
Dave, your videos are amazing, and I am going to get a 10 gallon and plant it up this week.  A quick question, I heard that Aquasoil needs to be 'cycled' before it goes in the tank.  Is there anything I need to do before I use the AS and prep a tank for fish?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Chris Bickford Thanks for the kind words, well it can be cycled as an option. Which does help and it save time and money. What you do is get the soil wet, then let it dry, then get it wet, then let it dry, then fill up the tank. This way the bacteria metabolize all the excess nutrients in the soil. Making so you don't have huge ammonia spikes when you first set up your tank.
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 10 years ago
Is this the right one? What about maintenance wise? Will this last a few years Or do i have to get new soil and redo everything after a year or two.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Kent Nguyen Yeah that is it. The pellets last about 4-5 months. You just push the root tabs into the substrate after several months. Tanks can go for years with the same substrate.
Steven Davis
Steven Davis - 10 years ago
Can you listed the full names of the plants you used? I'm not sure what "S. Repens" is :P
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Steven Davis I will put a plant list in the description of the video. Thanks for the heads up and for watching.
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 10 years ago
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Kent Nguyen You could just get Controsoil. It is the main manufacturer of all brand name Aquasoils and is from Japan. They just launched a distribution center in California and the soil is fresh from Japan. Here is a link. You can get black soil at 1mm size at no extra charge. Making it way cheaper than ADA Aquasoil. And shipping is free! It is only $10 more than the Eco Complete and way better.
Steven Davis
Steven Davis - 10 years ago
Nice vid. I'm using liquid ferts and flourish excel. Too lazy to do root tabs. What kinda rocks did you use here?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Steven Davis I am using Dragonstone. It is a scoria lava that I sell. Completely inert and does not affect water chemistry and has killer character!
VERDUCHI MAN - 10 years ago
Hey Dave, will the osmocote or root tab fertilizers cause a ph crash with water of ph 7.8?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+VERDUCHI MAN No it won't. They are slow release and wouldn't alter your tank parameters unless you went way overboard.
skidplate123 - 10 years ago
What kind of rock's are you using? Thank you.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+skidplate123 A rock that I sell, it is called Dragonstone. It is a kind of Scoria lava and is completely inert and will not affect water chemistry and it has killer character!
Aimane Chouhaibi
Aimane Chouhaibi - 10 years ago
i like your videos before i watch XD
parula321 - 10 years ago
Thanks for answering my question! You make everything so easy lol!! Is this kinda a jungle tank? Would love to see it now.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+parula321 Haha, I don't know what kind of style it is. it's such a small tank. There is some form to it with the hardscape and following the golden ratio, so I would consider it a nature aquarium Jungles usually have less form. I am going to do an update of this tank later today.
parula321 - 10 years ago
Stupid question. What do you do in 6 months when the osmocoat wears out? Just manually plant some more in the substrate?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Yeah just buy some gelatin capsules from Good Earth or from Amazon and put the pellets in the capsules then push them into the substrate. DIY root tabs. Watch this video.
The Primary Fertilizer I Use In All Of My Aquascapes
Jake Tracy
Jake Tracy - 10 years ago
What lights are you using and are you using ada aquasoil or that stuff MAfishguy just reviewed?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Jake Tracy On this tank I am using a Current Satellite Plus fixture and on my other tank I have an Ecoxotic E-series LED. And yes I am using Aquasoil as stated in the video. Thanks for watching, I will go and watch his video.
Dante Nahuel Ciai
Dante Nahuel Ciai - 10 years ago
Hey man. Can you do an update on the Dragon tank? I want to see the background all grown up
Dante Nahuel Ciai
Dante Nahuel Ciai - 10 years ago
Ohhh, too bad, i liked that tank. Thanks for the reply!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Oh.. I remember I was going to wait for it to grow up before rescaping. I ended up rescaping the tank before it grew tall. It was mainly just dwarf hair grass along the back. Currently I am running the 40 breeder Nature Aquarium scape in that tank. I have that scape and the new low tech 10 gallon. Those are my only tanks at the moment. Thanks for watching. Or are you referring to this 10 gallon?? I will have an update soon!
GreenLifeAquariums - 10 years ago
Very nice job! :) I love it!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+GreenLifeAquariums Thanks! Glad you like it and thanks for the support.
NickMach007 - 10 years ago
Fun tank. This is what people should do for a first planted tank. Too complicated and people quit before they even get started
NickMach007 - 10 years ago
Interesting. I was definitely going to add some Dynamite to the bottom of the tank. Peat might be worth considering as well. I hear so many different things about eco-- mostly I think it will work fine, but since everyone has different conditions results (growth, algae, etc) will vary. 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
For sure you could do O+ or Dynamite with Eco and maybe some peat. Something to hold the nutrients. I swear it really does work better than people think. with aquasoil you never get dust algae or much algae on the glass and in the new 10 gallon I am getting no diatoms. Because most of the nutrients are staying in the substrate. It really does make a difference. People say the exchange rate of ion sites takes a while to happen, but I think it happens fast enough to notice the difference throughout the life of the scape. Just my two cents.
NickMach007 - 10 years ago
That about wraps it up. I couldn't agree more. Dirt is both easy and hard at the same time. I did a stupid amount of reading, watching videos, asking questions, etc. But I think most people just want to stick plants in the substrate and then toss some fish in and have things take off. And I think for those folks Aquasoil (or something similar) is the best way to go. I would use it, but it would cost me $65 per cost me a little more than $20 per bag, so I'll just mix in my own ferts and I'll wait and see if I can ever catch a better deal on the Aquasoil
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+NickMach007 Thanks man. I think this is as easy as it can get. Truthfully doing organic soil and capping it is harder and more work than Aquasoil with Osmocote+. Yes one costs less, but what is actually easier and more plug and play. No mess-which saves new impatient hobbyists a headache. No cap-which saves money you can put towards Aquasoil. My plants are pearling and I haven't added any Excel or dosed anything to the water column. Have the tank set at 7.2 pH 80ppm KH 150ppm GH. Already has new growth on the anubias and they are super slow growers. I still need some S. repens, it is a plant that will carpet in lower light.
FishLI Yorker
FishLI Yorker - 10 years ago
Man brother your videos are great super professional keep them coming.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+FishLI Yorker Thanks man. I see you are going nuts with your uploads! Haha, I can't watch them all, but I understand you have an aquarium addiction, lol. Thanks for watching man.
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
That's awesome man! Can't wait to see this tank fill in and the S Repens carpet.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Dahlyvh - Brian's Fish Tanks Yeah if the store gets some in stock. They haven't had any new plants for weeks. The main manager it out of town getting married and everyone else can't handle the store.
almcloud - 10 years ago
Good info, thanks for sharing!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+almcloud Thanks man. 
Glen Hawkins
Glen Hawkins - 10 years ago
Looking Great. I really like the layout and being a fan of small planted tanks I know what is its like trying to find the balance and create that sense of depth. Great Job !!!
Glen Hawkins
Glen Hawkins - 10 years ago
The ways of nano are gained thought experience for sure. You will get there. That is awesome news the tank is doing so well with dosing nothing. Very awesome actually. Keep up the good work. 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Glen Hawkins Thanks man, you know the ways of the nano that is for sure. I am just a beginner. It is doing great and I am dosing nothing, not even Excel. Relying on O+ only and the plants are pearling.
Boywithafishtank - 10 years ago
Great video! 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Boywithafishtank Thanks man, tank is doing great and am dosing nothing!! I need to check out your channel!
Fish Tank Girl
Fish Tank Girl - 10 years ago
You are soooo good at this!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Fish Tank Girl Haha, thanks, I still have years of practice ahead. Thanks for watching. Tank is doing great and am dosing nothing, not even Excel. Relying on Osmocote+ only.
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 10 years ago
Nice video!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+j03yYunG Thanks man.
My Planted Tank
My Planted Tank - 10 years ago
Really enjoyed your video! Great explanations on tank scaping. I like how you create depth. You should trademark the "keep your sleaves wet" closing. I may steal it!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+My Planted Tank Thanks for the kind words. I am dosing nothing and the plants are doing great. Easy little tank. Easier and more plug and play than doing organic soil with a gravel cap that is for sure.
MrHoney2U - 10 years ago
Learned something today. Curious to see how this tank does with just tabs and excel. Should be fine with the plant choice. Great video.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+MrHoney2U Thanks man, I am actually dosing nothing, just using O+. And the plants are doing great.
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 10 years ago
Great info and scape. Can't wait for the update. Any info on my recent inquiry with the algae. It's actually not as bad since I'm on my second week of increased ferts and excel
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 10 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping Thanks, and thanks for the sub.  Appreciate the support.  My dosing regiment has been consistent for 2+ weeks now and the tank is looking 100 times better.  My Mbuna tank and low tech planted are so easy to care for, this 75 heavily planted has been a bit of a challenge.  Thanks for the advice
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+MASS Aquariums Thanks man, tank is doing great and I am dosing nothing! Only using Osmocote+ in the substrate. Just keep a routine and watch the tank. After a while they usually balance if you keep your routine. I should do a video on consistency because you could have all the best equipment and doing everything right except consistency and you will never achieve balance. Thanks for watching. Just subbed, even though I thought I already was...
Dennis Wong
Dennis Wong - 10 years ago
Great video, good tips with the cable tie. Have you found dirt/soil effective in a low tech setup ? I think its much cheaper compared to aquasoil in a low tech setup, though it does have its drawbacks. I think aquasoil is very useful in setups where you may replant a lot or do heavy changes to aquascaping; in low tech setups where there is not much movement, soil's drawbacks (cloudy water etc) are reduced because not much replanting is done. Also soil decomposes to give some carbon.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Xiaozhuang Wong Yeah I like that you don't have to cap it and it doesn't make a mess. Really it is the same amount as Eco-complete, if you can find it locally. So might as well buy it. A low tech setup with a scaper at the helm will of course result in replanting until I get it just right, or good enough. It is better than most regular soils considering its high CEC and AEC capabilities. I think it will work well with Osmocote+, it is a real winner combo. Slow release ferts and the soil will hold the nutrients and adsorb them from the high humates making for a very slow, sustained release and constant availability of nutrients.
 I am sure people will use organic topsoil to save money and that is fine. I just love Aquasoil!
TWK Aquascaping
TWK Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Cool little scape, Dave. Great job.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+TWK Aquascaping Thanks man, it is doing good. Having great growth already and dosing nothing.
Luis Q.
Luis Q. - 10 years ago
Very nice Dave you think that the light you have could possibly be used on a more shallow tank as a high light co2 setup?
Sorry if i don't make any sense but been one of those days.....
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Luis Q. That makes sense. If you have it on a very shallow tank it would be giving off  a lot of radiation that is for sure. But a tank that shallow would feel squished and probably not attractive, but if you can pull it off than go for it.
Pure4Kicks - 10 years ago
That looks great... Kudos I like to see more 10 gallon planted tanks out there. 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Pure4Kicks Thanks man, it is working out. I am dosing nothing and the plants are doing great. Only using Osmocote+ in the substrate.
KALZONE850 - 10 years ago
nice build man. keep us updated on this  one
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+KALZONE850 Thanks man, so far so good. Tank is easy to maintain. I am dosing nothing.
Pedro Madeira
Pedro Madeira - 10 years ago
I really REALLY enjoyed this video Dave!! So what fauna is this going to have?! This is going to be amazing at it fills up! :D
Liquid rock? WOW! High kH and gH? Can you please tell me what are the water parameters in the states? :|
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Hugo Luis Thanks for the kind words. Tank is working out and very easy to maintain. I am not dosing anything not even Excel. Using only Osmocote+ in the substrate.
Hugo Luis
Hugo Luis - 10 years ago
Very good combination, and simply;-)
Pedro Madeira
Pedro Madeira - 10 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping do you know this website dave? I bet you do :|
Pedro Madeira
Pedro Madeira - 10 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping still, the low kH doesn't buffer the pH like I wanted to, but there are easy solutions to this Looking forward for that review bro.

Well, the Ninja bee shrimp or Shinobi shrimp, they appeared in Japan under the Tokugawa shogunate, a specially trained group of species, at the Sengoku or "warring states" period... Oh wait, that's not it! :D

I don't know many shrimp keepers in the states but, I bet my man +LupDiesel will most definitely get you some ninjas bro! ;D
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Pedro Madeira That is what you want. You better be grateful. haha. No big deal. I am going to do a review on the BRS RO/DI system here shortly... Do you know where I can get some Ninja Bee shrimp?
Pedro Madeira
Pedro Madeira - 10 years ago
Dang! Blended rock indeed! Here where I live, in Portugal, it's PH 6.7; kh 18ppm gh 60ppm
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Pedro Madeira Dang! Thanks man. I am going to do some classic fish. Tiger barbs and a red-tail shark. This tank is for my dad and those are his favorite fish! haha. He is old school. My local water is about 8.6pH 300+ppm GH 300+ppm KH with super high phosphates. Great for Tanganyika Cichlids. We have canyon water, but we also get water from an aquifer which is found in pure limestone. Utah was under the ocean multiple times throughout history. The majority of the US is significantly lower than that. I have to have a RO/DI system otherwise I couldn't be in the planted hobby.
Hindsight Aquatics
Hindsight Aquatics - 10 years ago
Nice low tech setup! 450gph circ pump seems like a lot for a 10g, have had any issues with it?
Hindsight Aquatics
Hindsight Aquatics - 10 years ago
Ya i think we've all done that. I put a 1250GPH circ pump in my 75G tank and it blew sand all over. Now I have a 550GPH in there and it works great!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
I did take it out. The fish hated it. Total newb mistake.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+chinds78 Haha, it probably is, but it doesn't seem that bad. I may have a 225GPH nano pump I could use. Thanks for watching.
J Spalding
J Spalding - 10 years ago
Great info
AQUAPROS - 10 years ago
Killed it! great video Dave, so do you prefer Aqua Soil to Eco--Complete???
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+DIY AQUAPROS When available yes. I am sure it will perform better with the Osmocote + and all of its natural nutrients and properties. High Humate/Clay soil that you don't have to cap with sand or gravel, no worry of a giant mess. Who doesn't like that. Thanks for watching man.
Cheddar323 - 10 years ago
Great video to help us beginners out thanks man!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Cheddar323 Thanks man, I hope it saves people a lot of time and money. Should work out great.
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
....Nice Vid......Bro.... It's not that I disagree with ANYTHING that you've stated in the video....But in regards to the Aquascaping,  I, myself  do not " follow rules" or directions....nor does Nature... A set of guidelines or standards, as helpful as they can be, often "keeps your hands tied" and inhibits growth and evolution.
......These are All GREAT Tips for a fine looking design.....
..But my Aquascaping "style" is a little more unorganized/unmethodical....  The aesthetic appeal (for me) is not as important as the naturally functioning habitat.....and usually following a set of instructions leaves you with exactly what you've been "instructed" to build... the same type/style of scape --- over and over and over.........In my opinion you lose the creative aspect of the artistry....  I freestyle my aquatic habitat constructs, as I "freestyle life" ...... Thanks for sharing..Tank On ! 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+DylanTommy Natural Aquatics Thanks for the kind words man. Motivates me to keep going. 
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping .... I love what you do!...your scapes speak for themselves..
Your videos are always interesting and informative and this one has lots of useful information... You have to start somewhere, so, like you said, it's perfect for beginners..Your a valuable guide and mentor to many hobbyists (including me). Gratitude and respect.....I find it difficult to make "How to" videos and instruct.. I just try to create and share and hopefully inspire..... Tank On ! Bro....gotta go, "my sleeves are wet!"
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+DylanTommy Natural Aquatics That's exactly how I do my scapes. Just look at them. I agree 100%. Just some ideas for beginners. I have people complain that I need more in depth videos. I have people complain I need more cinematic videos and I should stop talking. LOL I have people complain that I don't have enough beginner videos. Or beginners want to see how I would do it personally because they are sick of all the crap videos on the Tube. LOL Thought I would help them out for once with a beginner video. Thanks for watching man.
Great video!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+dwsdarius Thanks man. Hope it helps out some people. Save them time and money.
chemicalgabe - 10 years ago
Way to go explaining showing how to properly setup a tank unlike that one YouTube personality...
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+chemicalgabe Haha, I wonder who.... Thanks for the support. I hope this helps some people save time and money. I think Aquasoil with Osmocote+ is a real winner combo. Should perform great with each other.
jeremiemcd - 10 years ago
Great vid bud, wish I had time for another tank:]
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+jeremiemcd Thanks man, yeah it is a nice little tank. And it maintains itself.
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 10 years ago
I got those same sissors but they rust for some reason
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Rico Suave Haha, mine probably will now.
LVcichlids - 10 years ago
Nice tank Dave. My planted is a 10 gallon. I have co2 and my s repens still has a hard time. Just started dosing flourish so hopefully it comes around. Can't wait to see this tank fill in. Good stuff.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+donetoperfection2000 Thanks, it can be hard to get estabished, but once it does you won't have to worry about it. I am not dosing Excel, I have decided to make it even more low teach and only rely on Osmocote+ DIY root tabs. Seems to be working out.
Phil Grady
Phil Grady - 10 years ago
It is refreshing to see a tank where you don't have to spend a couple of hundred dollars on CO2 equipment prior to even buying fish!  Thanks for sharing Dave.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Phil Grady I agree, this is really the easiest way to do it. Yes organic soil and a gravel cap are cheaper, but what is actually easier and more plug and play. Plus you save some money by not buying a cap and putting it towards aquasoil. I am not dosing Excel. I have decided to make it even more low tech. The only thing I have added or will add is Osmocote+. Have it at 7.2pH 80ppm KH and 120ppm GH. My plants are pearling and doing great. We decided to go with Neons, cory cats and Amano shrimp. What Killi would go good with those fish? Now I want one that isn't too aggressive. Or will they push the Neons around in a ten gallon? I have good energy right now and don't want to mess it up.
Stevie T
Stevie T - 10 years ago
Hey Dave, really looking forward to see some updates on this tank. :)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Stevie T I agree, this is a tank I will definitely have up for a while. Will not be taking it down. We need to see what happens. I think Aquasoil mixed with Osmocote + is a real winner combo. They will perform really well together. Thanks for watching.
Sean Williams
Sean Williams - 10 years ago
Gosh dangit Dave.... Now I'm thinking about setting up one of my 10 gallons... Good stuff! I look forward to it filling in
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Sean Williams You better man. Small tanks are easy to take care of. You know this! LOL I think it will work out great. Aquasoil with Osm+ are a winning combo. Should grow some nice plants.
Pauls Planted Aquariums
Pauls Planted Aquariums - 10 years ago
Way to go, for a low tech. I've got some Pennywort, I found it to be a great floater to cut down on the direct light over certain plants (ie, Anubias, crypts)..  Love the rock work hardscape.
Pauls Planted Aquariums
Pauls Planted Aquariums - 10 years ago
That would be Fine, been thinking about scaping a tank soon and that would look great in it..
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Yeah that sounds good. I'll take both. Do you by chance want to make a trade? I could send some dragonstone if ya want.
Pauls Planted Aquariums
Pauls Planted Aquariums - 10 years ago
Well if you need some, I have Pennywort and Red root floaters.. Let me know.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Pauls Planted Aquariums Thanks man, I probably should get some floaters. I could run the Satellite at half power. But what's a low tech with out some kind of floating plant. Thanks for the heads up and for watching.
Jackson Bolt
Jackson Bolt - 10 years ago
Nice tank

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