How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 1
Howto 10 years ago 517,172 views
Truthfully doing organic soil and capping it is harder and more work than Aquasoil with Osmocote+. Yes one costs less, but what is actually easier and more plug and play. No mess-which saves new impatient hobbyists a headache. No cap-which saves money you can put towards Aquasoil. My plants are pearling and I haven't added any Excel or dosed anything to the water column. Have the tank set at 7.2 pH 80ppm KH 150ppm GH. Already has new growth on the anubias and they are super slow growers. To see more Aquarium videos SUBSCRIBE to my channel! Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by PLANT LIST: Hygrophila corymbosa Compact Hygrophila Pinnatifida Cryptocoryne Wendtii Cryptocoryne Lutea Dwarf Sagittaria Anubias Nana Needle Leaf Java Fern Java Moss Staurogyne Repens Blyxa Japonica Amazon Sword How+To+Aquascape+A+Low+Tech+Planted+Aquarium+part+1 Aquascape,ADA+Aquasoil,aquascaping,freshwater+aquariums,Takashi+Amano+nature+Aquarium,Dustinsfishtanks+Dirted+dirt,Finnex+LED+lighting,Fertilizers+EI+method,Seachem+Excel,Aquavitro+Seachem,Fluval+filters,Eheim+filters,Tropica,HC+baby+tears,Co2+pressurized,aquarium+Cichlids+African,hardscape+Iwagumi+Amano,Driftwood+hardscape,substrate+Eco+complete,DIY+Aquarium,aquascape,aquascaping,Marineland+filter,water+changes+aquarium,fish+tanks,tropical+freshwater+fish,plants+planted+tanks,killing+algae,How+to+grow+plants,drop+checker+water+chemistry,cycling+a+fish+tank,Tropica+plants,pumps+filters,dosing+fertilizers,T5HO+lighting,Halide+lighting,Baby+tears,Java+moss,stem+plants,Dutch+planted+aquarium,root+tabs,substrate+sand,soil+substrate,glass+aquarium,acrylic+aquarium,hardscape+dragonstone,ADU+Aquascaping,Aquarium+design+of+utah,Utah+dragonstone,cichlids+tanganyika,cichlids+malawi,cichlids+south+american,new+world+cichlids,hard+water,soft+water,Tropheus+cichlids,calvus+cichlids,mbuna+cichlids,peacock+cichlids,cockatoo+cichlids,geophagus+tapajos+cichlid,amazon+sword,ludwigia+cuba,hygrophila+corymbosa,hygrophila+compact,hair+grass,pogostemon+helferi,dwarf+sag,glosso+carpet,photoperiod+aquarium,Co2+tubing,hydrogen+peroxide+H2O2+kills+algae,bacopa+plant,limnophila+aromatica,fissidens+moss,IAPLC+aquqscaping,AGA+aquascaping,bushy+plant+growth,compact+plant+growth,+the+secret+to+bushy+plants, Make sure to subscribe so you can function from day to day. Click the link below. Check out my “Secrets To Amazing Planted Aquariums” Playlist. Click the link below. To see more aquarium aquascaping videos check out my channel! Click the link below. Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by
When ordering type "ADU15" into the code section and you will get 15% off of your first PLANT order, so make it count!
When ordering shrimp from BucePlant use code ADU10 to get 10% off of your first shrimp order
To get to their website click on the BucePlant link that I have provided below!
Trying to find a balance -atmosphere
The thing is i have a 25gallon tank which is fully lush green with montecarlo carpet and java moss pelia moss and few more background plants..All are in excellant condition and my tank is almost 2 years old now .Its like a complete nature wilderness.I want to transfer all that in the tank to a big 40 gallon tank...How would i do that?????And is there any chance i may damage everythng if i disturb their 2 year old habitat????..Please help brother
That sounds good.....I also heard that if u replant from a old set up to a new tank plants do start to decay....It will be a complete new process like what i faced at the start...So basically its a new start, i cannot get this same effect in the new tank
10. comment for How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 1
I have been using zips in gardening - water and land- so long I don't even know when I started. 30 yrs or so maybe. Also, you know what makes a great net?? You can net anything to rocks or wood with nylon bath poofs. When you cut the little tie that holds them together they open up to about a 5 foot tube of stretchy pliable nylon netting. And you can get them in black/brown. Good for holding bio filter material too- cheap!
20. comment for How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 1
check out my channel
I'm I able to do a low tech planted tank with soft, acidic water?
30. comment for How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 1
I'm relatively a newbie (had a tank when I was a kid, but that does not count), so I don't know any of the acronyms you're using. and sorry for a really newbie questions.
What is that stuff you add ~1:57?
Aquasoil. Do you mean ADA aquasoil? Googling aquasoil returns various brands. Or will any do? (I guess not).
Thanks also for the channel, very informative, even if at this stage I understand a fraction of what you talk about.
Can you do a real newbie video? where you don't use acronyms everyone but me seems to understand :), or explain in few more words what it is you are using.
(I'm into what you'd call low-tech stuff. no fertilizers/co2/etc, just nature magic)
Thanks again
50. comment for How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 1
Pls help be before I loose one more fish
You have to cycle the soil before adding fish. Controsoil you don't have to cycle, but ADA you do.
Help me with your suggestions
Pls help be before I loose one more fish
Hope that helped you :)
Thanks man! I'll look at that forum.
I have heard the copper does kill shrimp, but from others have heard that the levels of copper are not high enough to kill them, but I could be wrong. I use an organic trace additive made from Chlorella algae and I don't use synthetic fertilizers, so it may be true. When I used synthetic trace additives in my one tank it did kill all of my cherry shrimp.
If the ludwigia leaves are falling off you probably have a nutrient deficiency or toxicity. Maybe try toning down the nitrates and adding more bio media to your filter. If that doesn't work try dosing a more balanced mix of nutrients to the tank. NPK and all of the micro elements.
100. comment for How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 1
Hope you like and suscribed too in my channel. I already suscribed in yours and like this nice video, I will see the others. Have a nice day! :)
But I would just buy Marfied Controsoil and save some cash. the 1mm size works great for all plants, especially carpeting plants. It is also higher quality and holds its form better, here is a link:
Well, the last time I put in 6 or 8 DIY Root tabs with Oscmocote was well over 5 months ago, so shouldn't it be running a bit low or almost gone now?
So in other words, it really shouldn't be releasing any or very little nitrates right?
The Primary Fertilizer I Use In All Of My Aquascapes
I am sure people will use organic topsoil to save money and that is fine. I just love Aquasoil!
Sorry if i don't make any sense but been one of those days.....
Liquid rock? WOW! High kH and gH? Can you please tell me what are the water parameters in the states? :|
Well, the Ninja bee shrimp or Shinobi shrimp, they appeared in Japan under the Tokugawa shogunate, a specially trained group of species, at the Sengoku or "warring states" period... Oh wait, that's not it! :D
I don't know many shrimp keepers in the states but, I bet my man +LupDiesel will most definitely get you some ninjas bro! ;D
......These are All GREAT Tips for a fine looking design.....
..But my Aquascaping "style" is a little more unorganized/unmethodical.... The aesthetic appeal (for me) is not as important as the naturally functioning habitat.....and usually following a set of instructions leaves you with exactly what you've been "instructed" to build... the same type/style of scape --- over and over and over.........In my opinion you lose the creative aspect of the artistry.... I freestyle my aquatic habitat constructs, as I "freestyle life" ...... Thanks for sharing..Tank On !
Your videos are always interesting and informative and this one has lots of useful information... You have to start somewhere, so, like you said, it's perfect for beginners..Your a valuable guide and mentor to many hobbyists (including me). Gratitude and respect.....I find it difficult to make "How to" videos and instruct.. I just try to create and share and hopefully inspire..... Tank On ! Bro....gotta go, "my sleeves are wet!"
Use ADU15 at checkout to receive 15% off of your first plant order!
Use ADU10 at checkout to receive 10% off of your first shrimp order
Use 'THISISMYSECOND' at checkout to receive 10% off of your second plant order!
Trying to find a balance -atmosphere
The thing is i have a 25gallon tank which is fully lush green with montecarlo carpet and java moss pelia moss and few more background plants..All are in excellant condition and my tank is almost 2 years old now .Its like a complete nature wilderness.I want to transfer all that in the tank to a big 40 gallon tank...How would i do that?????And is there any chance i may damage everythng if i disturb their 2 year old habitat????..Please help brother
That sounds good.....I also heard that if u replant from a old set up to a new tank plants do start to decay....It will be a complete new process like what i faced at the start...So basically its a new start, i cannot get this same effect in the new tank
I have been using zips in gardening - water and land- so long I don't even know when I started. 30 yrs or so maybe. Also, you know what makes a great net?? You can net anything to rocks or wood with nylon bath poofs. When you cut the little tie that holds them together they open up to about a 5 foot tube of stretchy pliable nylon netting. And you can get them in black/brown. Good for holding bio filter material too- cheap!
check out my channel
I'm I able to do a low tech planted tank with soft, acidic water?
I'm relatively a newbie (had a tank when I was a kid, but that does not count), so I don't know any of the acronyms you're using. and sorry for a really newbie questions.
What is that stuff you add ~1:57?
Aquasoil. Do you mean ADA aquasoil? Googling aquasoil returns various brands. Or will any do? (I guess not).
Thanks also for the channel, very informative, even if at this stage I understand a fraction of what you talk about.
Can you do a real newbie video? where you don't use acronyms everyone but me seems to understand :), or explain in few more words what it is you are using.
(I'm into what you'd call low-tech stuff. no fertilizers/co2/etc, just nature magic)
Thanks again
Pls help be before I loose one more fish
You have to cycle the soil before adding fish. Controsoil you don't have to cycle, but ADA you do.
Help me with your suggestions
Pls help be before I loose one more fish
Hope that helped you :)
Thanks man! I'll look at that forum.
I have heard the copper does kill shrimp, but from others have heard that the levels of copper are not high enough to kill them, but I could be wrong. I use an organic trace additive made from Chlorella algae and I don't use synthetic fertilizers, so it may be true. When I used synthetic trace additives in my one tank it did kill all of my cherry shrimp.
If the ludwigia leaves are falling off you probably have a nutrient deficiency or toxicity. Maybe try toning down the nitrates and adding more bio media to your filter. If that doesn't work try dosing a more balanced mix of nutrients to the tank. NPK and all of the micro elements.
Hope you like and suscribed too in my channel. I already suscribed in yours and like this nice video, I will see the others. Have a nice day! :)
But I would just buy Marfied Controsoil and save some cash. the 1mm size works great for all plants, especially carpeting plants. It is also higher quality and holds its form better, here is a link:
Well, the last time I put in 6 or 8 DIY Root tabs with Oscmocote was well over 5 months ago, so shouldn't it be running a bit low or almost gone now?
So in other words, it really shouldn't be releasing any or very little nitrates right?
The Primary Fertilizer I Use In All Of My Aquascapes
I am sure people will use organic topsoil to save money and that is fine. I just love Aquasoil!
Sorry if i don't make any sense but been one of those days.....
Liquid rock? WOW! High kH and gH? Can you please tell me what are the water parameters in the states? :|
Well, the Ninja bee shrimp or Shinobi shrimp, they appeared in Japan under the Tokugawa shogunate, a specially trained group of species, at the Sengoku or "warring states" period... Oh wait, that's not it! :D
I don't know many shrimp keepers in the states but, I bet my man +LupDiesel will most definitely get you some ninjas bro! ;D
......These are All GREAT Tips for a fine looking design.....
..But my Aquascaping "style" is a little more unorganized/unmethodical.... The aesthetic appeal (for me) is not as important as the naturally functioning habitat.....and usually following a set of instructions leaves you with exactly what you've been "instructed" to build... the same type/style of scape --- over and over and over.........In my opinion you lose the creative aspect of the artistry.... I freestyle my aquatic habitat constructs, as I "freestyle life" ...... Thanks for sharing..Tank On !
Your videos are always interesting and informative and this one has lots of useful information... You have to start somewhere, so, like you said, it's perfect for beginners..Your a valuable guide and mentor to many hobbyists (including me). Gratitude and respect.....I find it difficult to make "How to" videos and instruct.. I just try to create and share and hopefully inspire..... Tank On ! Bro....gotta go, "my sleeves are wet!"