How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 3
Howto 10 years ago 148,962 views
PLANT LIST: Hygrophila corymbosa Compact Hygrophila Pinnatifida Cryptocoryne Wendtii Cryptocoryne Lutea Dwarf Sagittaria Anubias Nana Needle Leaf Java Fern Java Moss Staurogyne Repens Blyxa Japonica Amazon Sword Equipment: The light fixture is a "Current Satellite Plus LED". I think the 15-18" model. Tank is a standard 10 gallon. "Seachem Flourish Excel" is not needed, but you can buy it from Amazon. It can help increase carbon by a little bit and can inhibit algae growth. Heater is a simple "Plenn-Plax heater". Substrate is "ADA Aquasoil Amazonia". The rocks I am using are actually a type of Basalt lava rock that I sell. I call it ADU Dragon Stone. Make sure to subscribe so you can function from day to day. Click the link below. Check out my “Secrets To Amazing Planted Aquariums” Playlist. Click the link below. To see more aquarium aquascaping videos check out my channel! Click the link below. Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by
10. comment for How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 3
When ordering type "ADU15" into the code section and you will get 15% off of your first PLANT order, so make it count!
To get to their website click on the BucePlant link that I have provided below!
20. comment for How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 3
(I hope he's okay)
30. comment for How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 3
I will have a look at your website, great aquascape by the way!
50. comment for How To Aquascape A Low Tech Planted Aquarium part 3
haha, another blackout. That used to be my method for tanks and for after dinner dates.
What is your substrate? what are the fixtures?
Not saying you need to stop doing this, but when you say, "Keep your sleeves wet" I have to chuckle. I normally don't wear a shirt around the house. ---- Now you'll think about that and maybe it'll drive you nuts. ROFBL
Tank of Yours looks great xx
I have taken rims off of 10 gallons before with no issues.
You probably didnt put this video up to read this, but the welfare of the fish is just as important as the beauty of the tank :) I think some nano fish would also add a special flair to a small tank, a school of boraras merah for example.
Thanks for the reply. I don't plan on having two many fish in the tank. As for plants, I am thinking of Amazonian Sword, java moss and something else to add some color. In terms of substrate and a Co2 system, what would you recommend? I have seen numerous suggestions on using miracle gro, caribsea and other substrates but I am not sure which would best suit a small tank and I would like a substrate that has some longevity. As for Co2 systems, there is the pressurized system, DIY, Flourish Excel, and Co2 tablets which I hardly see anyone talking about.
Gonna do an update soon and gotta start my new project 20 long.
Also, I'm really liking the Jupiter stone that you are now offering.
Your tanks probably explode from awesomeness. :)
Low-tech, but with a high-tech look.
Video was really peaceful and relaxing with the background music.
P.s I can't reply to the comments you left on my videos.
It does not let me.
I want to go for a new scape, but at the same time i feel the current one still has something to offer.
My last video was about my algae problem, something i have been going trough for quite some time now.
So until i can solve that one i will stay with this scape, after all if i can't learn how to solve it, it just comes back to haunt me later.
I am now doing water changes daily, to clean up the tank.
Upgrading my plant husbandry skills, and reading every thing i can about EI dosing, nutrient defficiencies, and algae.
I also added fish and i hope this time nothing bad happens.
i also set up 2 more shrimp tanks that i was gonna keep simple but ended up using ada soil and giving them a fancy scape too.
check out my page to see the latest projects.
wait... are you on instagram????? if not you gotta get on it man! lots of inspiration on there check it out!