How To Create an Easy Container Water Feature with Aquascape's Patio Pond - Join Scott Rhodes, The Product Guy, as he shows you how easy it is to install an Aquascape Patio Pond.

How To Create an Easy Container Water Feature with Aquascape's Patio Pond sentiment_very_dissatisfied 103

Howto 12 years ago 794,572 views - Join Scott Rhodes, The Product Guy, as he shows you how easy it is to install an Aquascape Patio Pond.

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Most popular comments
for How To Create an Easy Container Water Feature with Aquascape's Patio Pond

Tommy Rock
Tommy Rock - 7 years ago
Have fun with all of the mosquitos
AquascapePonds - 7 years ago
As long as you have moving water this will not attract mosquitoes.
HOBBY MOE - 7 years ago
Fantastic idea ! I'm thinking to buy one do you ship to UK ? Or do you have a dealer in the Uk
AquascapePonds - 7 years ago
Thank you for contacting us! We certainly appreciate your interest in Aquascape! In order to properly direct new potential customers to the proper channels we have developed a web form. Go ahead and fill out the form for submission. We will then take a look at the details to determine the next steps.

*Here is the link to the application:
Kaavya Kaavya Patel
Kaavya Kaavya Patel - 7 years ago
thanks very nice
MoreMike - 7 years ago
Where do you get these
AquascapePonds - 7 years ago
These can be purchased on our online store.
M mangla
M mangla - 7 years ago
Good information
Dan Price
Dan Price - 7 years ago
Vandana Mishra
Vandana Mishra - 7 years ago
very beautiful
Skye Douglas
Skye Douglas - 8 years ago
wouldn't that be alot of weight resting on the boards? i cant help but think it'd eventually warp the boards on patio made of wood
roland sequeira
roland sequeira - 8 years ago
Won't the water with mud damage the pump?
roland sequeira
roland sequeira - 8 years ago
Thanks for the quick reply and awesome patio ponds by you guys. I am inspired to make something similar.
AquascapePonds - 8 years ago
The plant media is in a special bag to prevent the water from getting muddy. However if there were any mud with the correct water treatments, such as Beneficial Bacteria and SAB it will help prevent and remove sludge and mud.

10. comment for How To Create an Easy Container Water Feature with Aquascape's Patio Pond

tiger lily
tiger lily - 8 years ago
would the water freeze in the winter
Carlos Amaral
Carlos Amaral - 8 years ago
It would. But heaters are pretty cheap.
Claudia Penaranda
Claudia Penaranda - 8 years ago
what happens when it rains?
Dylan Yap
Dylan Yap - 8 years ago
May I know what is the size of the pond u used for this video? 40" or 32"?
Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemubwem Ossas
Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemubwem Ossas - 8 years ago
can i create one without the filter? i also wish to keep al least 1 or 2 gold fish
AquascapePonds - 8 years ago
+Ineovan Norbert Yes you can, however it is highly recommended to add a filter. This will give oxygen to your Patio Bowl, which is great for goldfish, and will keep the mosquito's away.
s6nk11 - 8 years ago
this size perfect for my home patio. can i get the whole setup list or link to buy?
rosa rentas
rosa rentas - 9 years ago
Gracias por compartir...
claudineijose mixtotal
claudineijose mixtotal - 9 years ago
muito maneiro, bonito e bacana. I like- brasil
Eve Parkin
Eve Parkin - 9 years ago
Why can't I put koi in the little pond is it because they get too big? I have a pond also so if I kept koi in this whilst they were small I could move them to the big pond when they are bigger :) x
Darrin Scheer
Darrin Scheer - 9 years ago
Can you put frogs or turtles in this small pond and can you have this pond indoors?
AquascapePonds - 9 years ago
+AquascapePonds Yes I can be indoors as well.
AquascapePonds - 9 years ago
+Darrin Scheer Yes, you can have frogs and turtles, however you would need to add items from them to rest on. Due to the size of the patio pond, I would recommend sticking with just fish.
Joyce Kumar
Joyce Kumar - 9 years ago
great... amazing..... wowww......

20. comment for How To Create an Easy Container Water Feature with Aquascape's Patio Pond

Molly A
Molly A - 9 years ago
♥️ for whoever is starting a project like this, or a pond...
I suggest not using water lettuce--new heads grow so often, in my pond I have to pick a couple out everyday so they don't overcrowd!!!
GUPPYKIWI - 9 years ago
Very cool, Scott! I've never seen one of these, before. Looks like a real solution to having only a patio or balcony to work with. Thanks very much!!!
Daniel28021991 - 9 years ago
Very nice
Imthatgrl - 9 years ago
How does the pond survive the winter? Will the fish and plant survive, do I need a heater for the winter? I have a roof over where I want to place the patio pond. Does it need to placed where rain can touch it? Please let me know.
Paraiso De Flores
Paraiso De Flores - 9 years ago
Use one or two heaters. It will probably work.
AquascapePonds - 9 years ago
+ic We recommend emptying the Patio Pond out and storing in doors during the winter months. It is a great pond to be used in doors if you do not have another living environment for your fish. This Patio Pond can be placed in spots where it rains, that is perfectly fine.
Behdad Z
Behdad Z - 9 years ago
I realized there are 3 different sizes of this Patio Pond available (24, 32 and 40 inches). Can you tell me what size is the patio pond that is shown in this video?
AquascapePonds - 9 years ago
shoryuken75 - 9 years ago
very well done.
LoveLaKalan - 9 years ago
I can't wait to create this for our patio. It's beautiful. Great Vid!
Julie Silvester
Julie Silvester - 9 years ago
Great idea luv it!
Michael M
Michael M - 9 years ago
great looking pond...where can I buy that bamboo spout feature? I didn't see it listed on your website?
Michael M
Michael M - 9 years ago
+Michael M never mind...found it on Amazon...:-)
bhagyashree pathak
bhagyashree pathak - 10 years ago
can u plz help me with the cleaning process and if u have any video which explain how to clean this fish and plant pond container plz do share with us thank u  

30. comment for How To Create an Easy Container Water Feature with Aquascape's Patio Pond

Abah Ukat
Abah Ukat - 10 years ago
no water filter???
Juanita Ivey Wright
Juanita Ivey Wright - 9 years ago
Thnks hun
AquascapePonds - 9 years ago
+Juanita Ivey Wright Here you go:
Juanita Ivey Wright
Juanita Ivey Wright - 9 years ago
+AquascapePonds how can I order from u?
AquascapePonds - 10 years ago
+Abah Ukat It varies due to how much water evaporates based on season and location. Generally, weekly you'll need to top it off.
Abah Ukat
Abah Ukat - 10 years ago
so, how often water should be replaced?
AquascapePonds - 10 years ago
+Abah Ukat There is! This is what was used:
Colaris - 10 years ago
Could you list the plants you used?
dj - 10 years ago
I would love to have this!!!
tabouk100 - 10 years ago
deborah smith meehan
deborah smith meehan - 10 years ago
Looks lovely i would love it
Artem Klimov
Artem Klimov - 10 years ago
And why no koi?
Diane M
Diane M - 10 years ago
Koi will get too large.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
also there's no such thing as a wild gold fish.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
it's to small for even gold fish which require 20 gallons which this pound doesn't hold(goldfish aren't a small fish when full grown).shoving a fish in an environment to small will stunt and kill it.this pound is only good for minnows.
Melissa peterson
Melissa peterson - 10 years ago
What so you do in the winter?
Melissa peterson
Melissa peterson - 10 years ago
Thanks for responding! May I ask what you would do with the plants? I love in pa and our cold winter months are about 4-5 months long
AquascapePonds - 10 years ago
+Melissa peterson If you live in a climate where the water will freeze over winter then you should drain the water out and just cover the bowl with a tarp of some type. Leaving water in it when it freezes increases the risk of the bowl cracking.
Julie Tran
Julie Tran - 10 years ago
Please post it the whole thing cost.  I love it too. Thanks.
magpieeye - 10 years ago
Would'nt the plant fertilizer be poisonous to the fish?
AquascapePonds - 10 years ago
Completely fish-safe.
oldstone2002 - 10 years ago
what's the size of the pond in this video?
AquascapePonds - 10 years ago
benjamin massie
benjamin massie - 10 years ago
it makes me GIDDIE
Mactac90 - 10 years ago
Very lovely :)
drtek - 10 years ago
I love this idea!!
TheVictorTF2 - 10 years ago
how much will this weigh when full?
AquascapePonds - 10 years ago
The weight of a patio pond depends on which model and size you're interested in along with the desired amount of water and materials you plan to add. You can find out the actual weight of the Patio Pond and the amount of water that it holds on page 75 of our catalog: Then you would take the weight of the Patio Pond you're interested in and add the weight of the amount of water you plan on adding (approx. 8.33lb/gal).
baljeet ahluwalia
baljeet ahluwalia - 10 years ago
very nice
Carolynn Mazzei
Carolynn Mazzei - 11 years ago
am I allowed to build this pond indoors?
AquascapePonds - 11 years ago
The Aquascape Patio Pond can be enjoyed inside or outside.
Alex Garza
Alex Garza - 11 years ago
That's my next project thanks
kelinci sahid
kelinci sahid - 11 years ago
Thanks Scott you have a good idea to re-decorate my balcony
いち - 11 years ago
Thanks ..I will make at my home.
Tori Stellar the Storyteller
Tori Stellar the Storyteller - 11 years ago
do you have the option to power this with solar panels?

50. comment for How To Create an Easy Container Water Feature with Aquascape's Patio Pond

Loobeedo - 11 years ago
Mosquitoes tend to avoid moving water...
Lynn Bechard-Hulley
Lynn Bechard-Hulley - 11 years ago
I'd be afraid that mosquitoes would lay their eggs in that pond. Opinion?
AquascapePonds - 11 years ago
The plants in the video are: Dwarf Umbrella Palm Iris (unknown variety) Water Forget Me Not Horsetail Hyacinth Lily (unknown variety) Varigated Sweetflag
AllYouHearIsSwoosh - 11 years ago
can someone tell me what plants are in the video?
Caleb Poulson
Caleb Poulson - 11 years ago
How many gallons is it and whats the price
David McClelland
David McClelland - 11 years ago
Not bad. Finally someone selling a product that talks a little about responsible fish keeping.
AquascapePonds - 11 years ago
Your best bet with the Patio Pond is to use the Container Water Garden Maintenance Tabs.
2006kcl - 11 years ago
hello, do the air tablets help with water filtration?
Kate Ellis
Kate Ellis - 11 years ago
I already have a fountain on my terrace. But I'm always looking for fresh ideas. I really like the terra Cotta one except for the plants. Simple & Zen is best.
Don Helvin O'danill Frias
Don Helvin O'danill Frias - 11 years ago
thanks again
Jacqueline Llewellyn
Jacqueline Llewellyn - 11 years ago
I wanted to put a nice water pond on my deck and your video was the best. Thank you :)
chat noir
chat noir - 11 years ago
I would have one indoors on the floor by a large window all year around
ATW6 WONDERS - 11 years ago
what happen in the winter time?
MALCOMBO - 11 years ago
Wow the price for just the bowl is ridiculous
Kailani Fox
Kailani Fox - 12 years ago
That looked easy enough.
Joseph Ko
Joseph Ko - 12 years ago
What's the size of the patio pond shown here?
The Barefooted Gardener
The Barefooted Gardener - 12 years ago
This video is so much better then the first patio pond "how to " video! Nice job.
Olivia Hernandez Arriaga
Olivia Hernandez Arriaga - 12 years ago
Precisamente hoy iba a hacer esto...

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