How You Want To Set Up A Pressurized CO2 System | Aquascaping
Howto 7 years ago 16,004 views
In this video I show you how to set up a pressurized CO2 system for planted aquarium or Aquascape. This video is very in-depth detailed video for beginners who know absolutely nothing about pressurized CO2 within the planted Aquarium. It goes over all the needed materials and procedures needed to be successful in setting up your pressurized CO2 system. How you want to set up a pressurized CO2 system. Make sure to subscribe so you can function from day to day. Click the link below. Check out my “Secrets To Amazing Planted Aquariums” Playlist. Click the link below. To see more aquarium aquascaping videos check out my channel! Click the link below. Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by using pressurized CO2 within your planted aquarium will always improve growth. Simple. We all know this. You want to do competitive aquascaping than you will want to get a CO2 setup! In this video I show you how to set up a pressurized co2 system! Thanks for watching!
Thanks from France !
i hope you are!
10. comment for How You Want To Set Up A Pressurized CO2 System | Aquascaping
I would like to ask if there is a set working pressure average range for small tanks? I have a 29 gallon tank with an aquaclear 70 HOB filter. So this rules out any inline diffusers or reactors. Should i adjust to under 20 psi or stick within 30-40 psi range? The green leaf aquariums atomic in tank co2 diffuser needs a psi of over 30 from what i read. Any issues going for smaller working pressure? I will probably get those cheap ceramic co2 diffusers from ebay. Keep some as spare from when they get clogged up.
but I've never needed one to have my plants grow right out the top of the tank.
20. comment for How You Want To Set Up A Pressurized CO2 System | Aquascaping
Also, what is more important if i can only afford one, bubble counter or drop checker?
So that is why I don't know if its better with heater before or after inline diffuser.
1/8" ID x 1/4" OD x 1/16" Wall Bev-A-Line IV Tubing or the size above?
I have co2 in a 30 liter shrimp tank. It's a soda stream setup. In the future I will get me a bigger system so I can connect to more tanks.
30. comment for How You Want To Set Up A Pressurized CO2 System | Aquascaping
I tried the DIY and it worked and went well, but didn't seem to cause plants to take off like I wanted. Pressurized CO2 has made a HUGE difference and now I'm trying to learn to fine tune and get my tank balanced. Thanks again!
BTW Pearling plants are something that is unforgettable once you've seen it.
Ive just asked that coz whole year expenses for electricity for filter, lights, heater
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