How You Want To Set Up A Pressurized CO2 System | Aquascaping

In this video I show you how to set up a pressurized CO2 system for planted aquarium or Aquascape. This video is very in-depth detailed video for beginners who know absolutely nothing about pressurized CO2 within the planted Aquarium. It goes over all the needed materials and procedures needed to be successful in setting up your pressurized CO2 system. How you want to set up a pressurized CO2 system. Make sure to subscribe so you can function from day to day. Click the link below. Check out my “Secrets To Amazing Planted Aquariums” Playlist. Click the link below. To see more aquarium aquascaping videos check out my channel! Click the link below. Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by using pressurized CO2 within your planted aquarium will always improve growth. Simple. We all know this. You want to do competitive aquascaping than you will want to get a CO2 setup! In this video I show you how to set up a pressurized co2 system! Thanks for watching!

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Howto 7 years ago 16,004 views

In this video I show you how to set up a pressurized CO2 system for planted aquarium or Aquascape. This video is very in-depth detailed video for beginners who know absolutely nothing about pressurized CO2 within the planted Aquarium. It goes over all the needed materials and procedures needed to be successful in setting up your pressurized CO2 system. How you want to set up a pressurized CO2 system. Make sure to subscribe so you can function from day to day. Click the link below. Check out my “Secrets To Amazing Planted Aquariums” Playlist. Click the link below. To see more aquarium aquascaping videos check out my channel! Click the link below. Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by using pressurized CO2 within your planted aquarium will always improve growth. Simple. We all know this. You want to do competitive aquascaping than you will want to get a CO2 setup! In this video I show you how to set up a pressurized co2 system! Thanks for watching!

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Most popular comments
for How You Want To Set Up A Pressurized CO2 System | Aquascaping

Robert Abila
Robert Abila - 7 years ago
hey whats the brand on the Co2 regulator been looking up a bunch planning on getting my first co2 system im over here looking at the vid trying to figure out what it says LOL no soom dammit :P
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Robert Abila I want to say it is the 1/8" thickness for ID and 1/16" for wall thickness and 1/4" for OD
Robert Abila
Robert Abila - 7 years ago
and for the co2 tubing was its 3/16 ID x what LOL so many sizes only know the inner diameter is 3/16 lol i found some adapters i need so figure i order the other from this site too
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Robert Abila it is a NilocG regulator. Can get at
jean claude douaumont
jean claude douaumont - 7 years ago
Great Vid !
Thanks from France !
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 7 years ago
Are you alright Dave?
i hope you are!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Danny's Aquariums yeah I am doing well. Just taking a needed break. Have been breathing and living Aquariums 24/7 for over 10yrs Straight! Have had some setbacks with the UNS scape and my 60P. But good news, all tanks are doing well right now. I am going to do a part 2 to the "Ultimate beginner's guide to aquascaping". And it will be from a beginner's perspective- my bro Travis. We will talk about the successes and failures with the UNS scape and how to solve issues when they arise. Have a good day man
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 7 years ago
u dead?
spk210 - 7 years ago
Can you add a link to where you got the bubble counter? I looked and didn't find it in the description. I don't think you said it in the video either.Thanks
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
spk210 it comes with the NilocG regulator. You can get bubble counters from as well
Menachem Steinberg
Menachem Steinberg - 7 years ago
Thanks for making a video that's easy for beginners! when is part 2 coming out?
hard cheese
hard cheese - 7 years ago
no vids lately hope everything is ok
Abraham Barkhordar
Abraham Barkhordar - 7 years ago
Hi Dave, I watched your cleanup crew video and loved it! you're very informative and knowledgeable. If i can suggest one thing, try to make your videos a bit shorter and concise to keep the viewers attention. Goodluck with your channel!
Drew Meier
Drew Meier - 7 years ago
Also in regards to your comment. If I am dosing liquid ferts could I just stick with the normal sand I already have or would switching to Eco-Complete serve any kind of benefit to the plants?

10. comment for How You Want To Set Up A Pressurized CO2 System | Aquascaping

Drew Meier
Drew Meier - 7 years ago
Same Tank...... I got a new light and filter and fertilizer. I am now wondering what the cheapest substrate for plants will be, on Buce-Plant the Controsoil is out of stock in regular so they only have the small grain expensive kind. What substrate should I get now, maximum budget for substrate is $40, enough to cover a 20 gallon tank (24 inch long) in however much substrate needed. What substrate should i purchase, and how many pounds/bags.
Drew Meier
Drew Meier - 7 years ago
ok so i have a 20 gallon tank housing a bristlenose pleco. i am wondering if switching my sand to a soil would be good, although i have no where to move fish so i cannot add aquasoil due to ammonia spike (unless thats a myth). so i was thinking eco complete and planting amazon swords and ludwigia then having java fern tropica fern java moss and assorted anubias attached to driftwood. i am planning on using the all in one fertilizer by aquarium co op, or would you recommend something else. also i have a tank quit from aqueon sadly so the lights are 5 tiny patches of LEDS will that be ok since the plants are lowlight? or should i upgrade to a finnex stingray or something else? i dont plan on using co2 or root tabs. i just want to know the best light substrate and fertilizer that isn't too spendy
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
If you go low-light you will want soil. Go cheap on the light and buy Marfied Controsoil from BucePlant. It won't cause a spike like ADA will. Or use pool filter sand and dose more liquid ferts and up the lighting a bit. StingRay does alright on 10 gallon tanks. I am not sure about 20. I like the Current Satellite Plus for smaller low-tech. had good results using it. Usually light is where people go wrong with plant growth. It won't be as lush as it would be with CO2, but with higher light values and a lower KH this will give the plants the most optimum environment, and of course even better if used in conjunction with soil. So you could do the Eco-Complete to get the look you are going for. Neither inert sand or Eco really add anything. I would look into using Eco, only if it is cheaper. I have a code to BucePlant that will get you 15% off at checkout! Follow my affiliate link and use the code ADU15 at checkout. If it is cheaper this way to get the Marfied than I would. If you use Eco than try dosing the ferts like you mentioned and getting a stronger light.
Monty Chandra
Monty Chandra - 7 years ago
Thanks for this tutorial. It really helps :)
I would like to ask if there is a set working pressure average range for small tanks? I have a 29 gallon tank with an aquaclear 70 HOB filter. So this rules out any inline diffusers or reactors. Should i adjust to under 20 psi or stick within 30-40 psi range? The green leaf aquariums atomic in tank co2 diffuser needs a psi of over 30 from what i read. Any issues going for smaller working pressure? I will probably get those cheap ceramic co2 diffusers from ebay. Keep some as spare from when they get clogged up.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Monty Chandra 30-40 should work. Sorry for the late reply
Wichita Falls Fishkeeper
Wichita Falls Fishkeeper - 7 years ago
Great video
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Thank you!! cheers!
Tim Pulford
Tim Pulford - 7 years ago
I can't wait to see more from you man. I have watched all your stuff at least twice through. I am currently setting up a 46 gallon bow front using a lot of your tips
Jennifish G
Jennifish G - 7 years ago
Thanks for the great video Dave! I was always afraid of trying CO2, but with the help of your step by step video I finally went ahead and set it up on my 46gallon planted tank. Thanks so much for including the details of which things to turn on and when....the instructions that come with the regulator were not that detailed...I referred to your video! Looking forward to part 2!
Rommel R
Rommel R - 7 years ago
Hi Dave, what's the size of the USplastics co2 tubing you have? They have different sizes.
cicco - 7 years ago
plant bro i wanted to tel you that inline diffuser suck really bad ive try it for 6 months on 2 tank's it kills everything all ho2 gone and its growing cyanobacteria
Ash Kasto
Ash Kasto - 7 years ago
also, will a 5lb tank provide 30-45 psi? if so, do I need a regulator to get that. my current regulator has only one meter that reads 10psi when full.
Dave Kent
Dave Kent - 7 years ago
Great video and very cool system,Your tanks are excellent also,
but I've never needed one to have my plants grow right out the top of the tank.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Thanks! Yeah the goal isn't necessarily to get them to the top of the tank, but just to produce more lush dense growth as well as brighter colors. Co2 plays a big role in many different aspects of plant growth and photosynthesis.

20. comment for How You Want To Set Up A Pressurized CO2 System | Aquascaping

Ash Kasto
Ash Kasto - 7 years ago
what do you think of in line heater with the co2 diffuser? which order should they be attached to canister filter.
Also, what is more important if i can only afford one, bubble counter or drop checker?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Ash Kasto It may make a slight difference, but with your circulation the temperature would be relatively the same throughout the system, right? You could test it and run your own experiment. 25 C and 8 mg/L of DO is about 100% saturation O2. So, basically you will also already have a higher exchange rate and higher O2 and will be supplying more CO2 as well. This is an optimum situation it seems. Also creates more stable exchange rate at water surface. I have found a few studies that show 25 C as a proportional average for common aquatic plants. My Clado algae disappeared pretty rapidly after implementing this method of higher O2 and CO2. Reduce organics through maintenance, and bump that O2 and CO2 both super high at 25 C.
Ash Kasto
Ash Kasto - 7 years ago
I found this info online..."The solubility of gases decreases with increasing temperature, so the air space when cold water was used will be less compared to warm water. The cold water will take up more CO2 and less will be escaping to the air."
So that is why I don't know if its better with heater before or after inline diffuser.
Ash Kasto
Ash Kasto - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for the advice, also do you have any videos on the substrate options to start with for planted tanks?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
The inline heater will not impact the co2 or visa versa. No issue there. for a beginner I would say using a drop checker may be safer for you, or both if you can afford it. Some diffusers come with a bubble counter and drop checker built in so you can get all three. I think Fluval makes a diffuser like this.
Oslohiker - 7 years ago
Hi, I would like to know what exact CO2 hose you are using. Is it the 3/16" ID x 5/16" OD x 1/16" of this ?
E Martin
E Martin - 7 years ago
What is the correct size? This? 56280
1/8" ID x 1/4" OD x 1/16" Wall Bev-A-Line IV Tubing or the size above?
Oslohiker - 7 years ago
Did you forget?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
I am pretty sure that is the correct size considering the nipple on the diffusers are usually 1/4". I will make sure and measure the tubing and will get back to you!!
AquaLady 420
AquaLady 420 - 7 years ago
What's a permaseal for?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Just if you want to use that for multiple fills instead of a new nylon seal at each fill. It lasts a long time. A year or more usually.
AquaLady 420
AquaLady 420 - 7 years ago
Thank you. I ordered a co2art setup and can't wait for it!
McMerwe Farms
McMerwe Farms - 7 years ago
I just love that scape!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Thanks! It is supposed to be a desert after a flash flood, Spring desert, or desert dry creek. now with the co2 it is looking really nice! Can't wait to show an update.
N.O.A.H. - Northern Ontario Aquarium Hobby
N.O.A.H. - Northern Ontario Aquarium Hobby - 7 years ago
great video man. really looking forward to the part two science stuff!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Thanks man. yeah I just got a really in depth read from a buddy of mine, so I need to look into it first.
Erik J
Erik J - 7 years ago
Sooooo where can I get that nifty regulator?
ADU Aquascaping
AquaLady 420
AquaLady 420 - 7 years ago
Erik J
David Stephen
David Stephen - 7 years ago
Good information. Can I email you? Have a quick question about my plants and hardscape.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
David Stephen hey I saw your email. I responded. Hit me up with your concern.
Rommel R
Rommel R - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing this video Dave. Very informative and I can't wait for part 2.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Thanks yo! I just got a really in depth informative read from my buddy that may apply to this video.
AquaLars FishNShrimps
AquaLars FishNShrimps - 7 years ago
Great vid mate. Very instructive and easy.
I have co2 in a 30 liter shrimp tank. It's a soda stream setup. In the future I will get me a bigger system so I can connect to more tanks.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Thanks man. Yeah it definitely is worth it. My buddy has DIY right now and it is a total joke. haha.

30. comment for How You Want To Set Up A Pressurized CO2 System | Aquascaping

eddiekytia - 7 years ago
You said that this particular regulator is not out yet but who makes it and where will it be available for purchase also since this is two Stage you shouldn't have to worry about end of tank dump correct I want to get into pressurized CO2 all my plants look great but they don't grow like they should, and I'm going through flourish Excel to the point where I can purchase pressurized CO2 with the amount of money I spent in the last few months thanks for any help I really appreciate it
Shawky hineidi
Shawky hineidi - 7 years ago
Hi Dave, how is this CO2 regulator working so far? any issues? does the company provide any warranty? I have a 5 gallon fluval spec V, do you think this would work for my tank or will it be too much? Thanks bro!
ADU Aquascaping
Mike Tobin
Mike Tobin - 7 years ago
Thank you for all your videos! I honestly think you have the best channel on YouTube for the freshwater aquarium hobby. I couldn't have done this hobby without all your guidance! Looking forward to your part 2 video.

I tried the DIY and it worked and went well, but didn't seem to cause plants to take off like I wanted. Pressurized CO2 has made a HUGE difference and now I'm trying to learn to fine tune and get my tank balanced. Thanks again!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Thanks for the compliments man. Yeah my buddy has DIY right now and it is such a joke. Says it will last 60 days but not even close. BucePlant wants and an honest review and that co2 bottle of theirs has got to go! haha
Ruben - 7 years ago
Great video Dave. I don't like that Atomizer you showed because it broke down to fast. I love the UP Aqua Atomizer. Love the fine mist I get from it. I use a drop checker.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
yeah it seems very cheap. Thanks for the link. We don't want beginners using pieces of shit. haha. Thanks for the input man this is a way better option.
colinbarsby - 7 years ago
Always better to be happy with the video
BTW Pearling plants are something that is unforgettable once you've seen it.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Thanks dude. But now I forgot international fittings, like in Australia, so I have to remake the video because of my OCD.

Aquascaping TV
Aquascaping TV - 7 years ago
Very interesting video
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
thanks! Hey thanks for watching man. I haven't forgotten!
Oleg Reshetov
Oleg Reshetov - 7 years ago
How much electricity does solenoid consume?
Oleg Reshetov
Oleg Reshetov - 7 years ago
yep Ive googled, could be from 1 to 8 watt, differend manufacturers etc. Aquamedic have just 1 watt, which is cool! usually 3-5 watt for Camozzi seems to be OK
Ive just asked that coz whole year expenses for electricity for filter, lights, heater
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
I am betting around 6.5 watts when engaged. Does that sound about right? 110V AC.
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
looking forward for the second part mate! there seems to be a lot of talk about Co2, or not Co2 so i'm curios :)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Adrian's Aquatics did you see my video on CO2 and how fish thrive in our CO2 injected Aquariums? Basically explains it, and freshwater fish are different than Marine. I put a really in-depth study in the video description as well
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
I have no idea...but just the fact it's talked about means something..
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
yeah I read up on that and it seems pretty interesting. Do we know if it impacts freshwater fish the same? I wonder if it does or doesn't. I know some freshwater streams have naturally higher CO2 levels than found in a Reef. 15-20ppm in some areas. Maybe the fish around those areas could also behave strangely or not.
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
yeah, apparently it alters brain a bit or something like that in some fish (there was a study, someone here has made a video, there's article as well) and also lot of people say shrimp don't like Co2 much either, I sometimes thought that too, when I had Co2 some of my livestock wasn't as active (only way I can describe it, btw i used drop checker, never went yellow so i wasn't overdosing or anything) but, could have been something yeah, I don't have Co2 now but got flourish excel yesterday to help with my plants are not doing that great but my shrimp seems happy and breeding like crazy so, go figure! :)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Adrian's Aquatics thanks man. Could you explain what you mean by CO2 or not CO2? Just so I can possibly incorporate that into the video. Are you relating it to fish respiration and health by chance?
Weenie Hut Jr's
Weenie Hut Jr's - 7 years ago
FINALLY TONIGHT I will have enough dicks to complete the dickship and return to DICK PLANET.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Dennis Wong by chance! hahaha.
Weenie Hut Jr's
Weenie Hut Jr's - 7 years ago
ADU Aquascaping I'll ask Mr. Wong Burger about that. That's an extremely excellent question and raises a red flag.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Weenie Hut Jr's alright dude, well will the dick planet fall into the black void and create a new universe?
Chizzlewicket - 7 years ago
very informative! also australian regulator threads are a different size to us in Australia :) Just saying. I will use this video when I setup my new tunze reg and solenoid in a few weeks time
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Thanks now I am saying Tunze with an Aussie accent. ha. Yeah I better curb my OCD and not remake the video because of that... hahaha
CO-MTB - Lukes Fish Vids
CO-MTB - Lukes Fish Vids - 7 years ago
i dont even have enough money to afford even a paintball co2 system lol
CO-MTB - Lukes Fish Vids
CO-MTB - Lukes Fish Vids - 7 years ago
thank you but i may have found a good deal on a used system
Nick John
Nick John - 7 years ago
Luke's Aquatics Try DIY. Is cheaper but you will need hands on a lot.
Oleg Reshetov
Oleg Reshetov - 7 years ago
just try, that is worth. I installed the output of CO2 to the intake lattice of my internal filter, so it works as dissolving device also. You can use ceramic atomizer etc.
CO-MTB - Lukes Fish Vids
CO-MTB - Lukes Fish Vids - 7 years ago
thank you
Oleg Reshetov
Oleg Reshetov - 7 years ago
DIY co2 system is very cheap! U need some tubings, 2 bottles and two caps for DIY system, citric acid and baking soda. You can also buy cheap ready to use system on aliexpress or eBay for 13$
CO-MTB - Lukes Fish Vids
CO-MTB - Lukes Fish Vids - 7 years ago
ive never been able to do that right either! :( i keep trying though
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
haha, you can always do DIY citric acid! better than yeast IMO. But I feel ya man. I am just lucky and get sponsored.
Sean Williams
Sean Williams - 7 years ago
I respect the re-upload. Good move.
Sean Williams
Sean Williams - 7 years ago
Nope, but I filmed the unboxing! planting all the plants took a lot longer than i had thought. The lights and Co2 had turned off for the day, So I will film the rest of the video tomorrow edit it and get it uploaded early next week. Are you on facebook?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
I agree. I had to do it for the benefit of the beginner hobbyists. And ended up adding more relevant information as well. Thanks! Did you upload your video today?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
*This video is better than the first upload as far as advice and accurate information. Enjoy!

ADU Aquascaping is proud to announce their partnership with BucePlant! Check out
When ordering, if you type "ADU15" into the code section you will get 15% off of your first PLANT order, so make it count!
To get to their website click on the BucePlant icon link that I have listed below!
chemicalgabe - 7 years ago
Another one!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
better advice and more accurate information. I didn't want to have beginner's blowing out their valves. I was rusty and needed to remake the video!

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