How to Create a Patio Pond by Aquascape
Howto 14 years ago 1,199,316 views - Now everyone can enjoy a water garden, even if you only have a balcony to enjoy outdoor living. Scott Rhodes, director of product marketing for Aquascape, highlights how easy it is to create a container water garden with the Aquascape Aquatic Patio Pond.
10. comment for How to Create a Patio Pond by Aquascape
20. comment for How to Create a Patio Pond by Aquascape
30. comment for How to Create a Patio Pond by Aquascape
Sometime I oversea for two week the water almost fish suffer lol .I can't outstation more then two week.
Also I have a patio pond every yr w/ feeder fish that grow just fine, come to eat but then a raccoon eats them and destroys my pond. I like the bowl you use and would like to introduce a new patio pond, but any suggestions about raccoons? thanks
yes they 100% do, common goldfish get 12 inches and have a huge bioload.
Can you please tell me what are the plants used in this video? Thank you very much for your help :)
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100. comment for How to Create a Patio Pond by Aquascape