How to Create a Patio Pond by Aquascape - Now everyone can enjoy a water garden, even if you only have a balcony to enjoy outdoor living. Scott Rhodes, director of product marketing for Aquascape, highlights how easy it is to create a container water garden with the Aquascape Aquatic Patio Pond.

How to Create a Patio Pond by Aquascape sentiment_very_dissatisfied 178

Howto 14 years ago 1,199,316 views - Now everyone can enjoy a water garden, even if you only have a balcony to enjoy outdoor living. Scott Rhodes, director of product marketing for Aquascape, highlights how easy it is to create a container water garden with the Aquascape Aquatic Patio Pond.

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Most popular comments
for How to Create a Patio Pond by Aquascape

ikhsan saputra
ikhsan saputra - 7 years ago
nice aquascape
iggy the iguana
iggy the iguana - 7 years ago
that is too small for goldfish....but its perfect for bettas
IllegalAlien51 - 7 years ago
Can you give us a list of the plants in the pots?
Sandun Kodithuwakku
Sandun Kodithuwakku - 7 years ago
Dan Price
Dan Price - 7 years ago
Fara Kasimovo
Fara Kasimovo - 7 years ago
Too small for many poor fish. Put at most 2 in such amount
Diego Olán
Diego Olán - 8 years ago
Few liters for so many fish and which filter uses
bbllyy - 8 years ago
what size is this one in Video ? 32" or 40" ??
Me-Dee-Vee - 8 years ago
I read that as "Potato Pond".

10. comment for How to Create a Patio Pond by Aquascape

FishHead Sweets
FishHead Sweets - 8 years ago
i jusg want to know how to care fir the patio pond in winter like can i just add a heater and leave it outside!
AquascapePonds - 8 years ago
It depends on where you live, If you have cold winters that will be below 32 degrees, you want to drain the water. You also want to flip the bowl over and cover it with a tarp or bring the bowl inside.
tiger lily
tiger lily - 8 years ago
what would I have to do in winter to stop it freezing over
Linda Bushover
Linda Bushover - 8 years ago
How much?
AquascapePonds - 8 years ago
A Patio Pond can be anywhere from $179.98 to $500
El la
El la - 8 years ago
Do the plants come with the kit?
AquascapePonds - 8 years ago
No. they do not.
Karisma7788 - 8 years ago
I just got this pond in the mail. I'm so excited to put it together! I hope it's easy
Rachel La
Rachel La - 8 years ago
how much
AquascapePonds - 8 years ago
+Rachel La You can get a complete kit for $149.98. We also sell everything separately. We have four types of Patio Ponds that come in three different sizes. They range from $179.98 to $399.98. The filter is $27.98.
battered bronco
battered bronco - 9 years ago
would butterfly telescopes or panda orandas fit in the 40
megan løves animals
megan løves animals - 9 years ago
+battered bronco Yes
Haridoss R
Haridoss R - 9 years ago
how to control mosquitoes?
can trường nguyễn
can trường nguyễn - 8 years ago
+Haridoss R the fish love mosquitoes, yeahhh really love.
AquascapePonds - 9 years ago
+Haridoss R As long as you have moving water mosquitoes will not be attracted to the pond. Mosquito only go by still water.
Bessen Kuruvilla Philip
Bessen Kuruvilla Philip - 9 years ago
can you pls specify the plants in that pond?
aguyandhiscomputer - 8 years ago
the floaters are water lettuce
Monica Rojas
Monica Rojas - 9 years ago
from Argentina: Your work is spectacular! I like a lot.

20. comment for How to Create a Patio Pond by Aquascape

MagickalGoodies - 9 years ago
Would reptile lights work for growing dwarf waterlilies indoors? What breeds of amphibian,small fish,scavengers, or reptile could live happily in a water bowl? I was considering an african pygmy frog, a blue ramshorn snail, yellow apple snail in addition to the waterlilies and marginal plants but am trying to figure out the most compatible animals (if there are any). Thanks!
Teo Cazan
Teo Cazan - 9 years ago
maybe it's a better idea to put guppies in the pond, as they are easier to maintain than the goldfish. They are not as messy, so you won't have to do water changes as often
aguyandhiscomputer - 8 years ago
you shouldn't have to do any water changes. the plants will soak up the excess nutrients.
can anyone tell me what is the coldest weather these fish can with San
suppe rrl
suppe rrl - 9 years ago
where can you get them
AquascapePonds - 9 years ago
+Veronica Cornejo You can get a Patio Pond on our website Or search for a local retailer who sells our products near you!
mavi mor
mavi mor - 9 years ago
it is so beautifull
Everything Not Known
Everything Not Known - 9 years ago
Are there sizes smaller
AquascapePonds - 9 years ago
+Roman De Leon III We have 24" that holds 10 gallons of water, 32" that holds 20 gallons of water, and this is the 40" that holds 30 gallons of water.
Betta Fish
Betta Fish - 9 years ago
great idea
Leah Hernandez
Leah Hernandez - 9 years ago
Can you have a turtle live in there?? +AquascapePonds
Ronald Allen
Ronald Allen - 9 years ago
+Leah Hernandez Turtles are dirty. You might have to wind up changing the water.
Chad M
Chad M - 9 years ago
If I'm going to keep it outside, what precautions do I need to do when it rains?
Chad M
Chad M - 9 years ago
+AquascapePonds Will I need to cover it when it rains to keep it from over flowing?
AquascapePonds - 9 years ago
+Chad M You shouldn't need to do anything special! You only have to take extra steps if you live in an area where the water will freeze over winter.
Nathaniel Peter
Nathaniel Peter - 9 years ago

30. comment for How to Create a Patio Pond by Aquascape

bel ca
bel ca - 9 years ago
My pond will dry out need to refill water every have any product can auto refill?
Sometime I oversea for two week the water almost fish suffer lol .I can't outstation more then two week.
AquascapePonds - 9 years ago
+bel ca Yes we do, but you should look into talking with a Certified Aquascape Contractor about finding the source of the leak since that's what it sounds like is happening. Link to auto fill valve: and link to find a CAC:
Jamarion Lofton
Jamarion Lofton - 9 years ago
What happens in the Winter
AquascapePonds - 9 years ago
+Jamarion Lofton You simply drain it and cover with either a tarp, or bring it in to a frost-free location like a garage or basement.
BlackOut88JH - 9 years ago
Jesus Loves You!!!
Horserider98 - 10 years ago
You still have to do water changes i dont care if there is a filter or not the fishes waste will build up aspeshally with goldfish
aguyandhiscomputer - 8 years ago
the plants will soak up the excess nutrients.
Jake williams
Jake williams - 9 years ago
Really tried to sound that out huh. ESPECIALLY
Petrodvoretz - 10 years ago
I hope I can make one this year! love it! 
999mouser - 10 years ago
Any reason why this couldn't be indoors? Besides the obvious fact of the mess if it breaks :)
999mouser - 10 years ago
AquascapePonds - 10 years ago
+999mouser indoor water features will actually lose more water through evaporation than if they were outside, so you will have to fill it more frequently. Otherwise, no problem at all!
Faizal Aizat
Faizal Aizat - 10 years ago
nirav dinmali
nirav dinmali - 10 years ago
How often do I change the water? And how? Do I remove all plants and dump the water and put good water?
aguyandhiscomputer - 8 years ago
you don't change the water. the plants will soak up the excess nutrients and keep it clean.
MadelineFaith harris
MadelineFaith harris - 10 years ago
I think it"s cool
Dr.Rockstar - 10 years ago
Don't you need a filter for this when inside a house instead of outside
AquascapePonds - 10 years ago
+Dr.Rockstar We do recommend a filter for indoor use as well. Also, expect more evaporation with indoor water features than outdoors. It's reverse of what you think, but it's true. You will have to top the patio pond off with fresh water more frequently.
RealityIsFantacy - 10 years ago
How do you keep mosquitoes out of it?
eZ Nubs
eZ Nubs - 9 years ago
Fish will eat misquote larvae
Delaney Kluender
Delaney Kluender - 10 years ago
Not big enough for that amount of fish Comets get about 12 inches and I see there may be some koi in there.
Sheila B
Sheila B - 10 years ago
Where would I find a similar bowl?
Also I have a patio pond every yr w/ feeder fish that grow just fine, come to eat but then a raccoon eats them and destroys my pond. I like the bowl you use and would like to introduce a new patio pond, but any suggestions about raccoons? thanks
star and fox
star and fox - 9 years ago
I don't know if you still want to know this but you could make fish caves with rocks so the fish can hide or add a net over it when not being's how I keep my fish from being coon snacks.
little timmy
little timmy - 10 years ago
i know it for the video but its kinda misleading to put goldfish in there, a goldfish needs at-least 100gallons and another 40 per additional goldfish. betta/ gourami would make perfect fish for this setup though, with a small species of pleco for algae control.
little timmy
little timmy - 8 years ago
yes they 100% do, common goldfish get 12 inches and have a huge bioload.
aguyandhiscomputer - 8 years ago
one goldfish does not need 100 gallons.
Oren Moodley
Oren Moodley - 10 years ago
Hi, forgive me if this is a silly question, my patio is not covered, will rain destroy the pond feature as well as harm the fish? The pond does not seem deep enough for fish to not suffer from heavy rainfall.
Pannita Kongsuk
Pannita Kongsuk - 9 years ago
AquascapePonds - 10 years ago
As far as a heavy downpour the fish will not be affected by the rainfall. If you are concerned about overflow it will overflow out of the back notch where the cord is (there is a possibility that very small fish can flow over the top through this notch).
VENUS HALO - 11 years ago
Espresso Emperor
Espresso Emperor - 11 years ago
what type of fish are in the patio pond?
AquascapePonds - 11 years ago
Two or three small goldfish or Rosy Reds are recommended for the Aquascape Patio Pond. We do NOT recommend adding Koi to the Aquascape Patio Pond.
Will Hammond
Will Hammond - 11 years ago
You never mention a water pump...which one do you recommend?
AquascapePonds - 11 years ago
We would recommend a Container Water Garden Filter such as the following:
iCon-e5 - 11 years ago
Hi, Thanks for the great video and products :)

Can you please tell me what are the plants used in this video? Thank you very much for your help :)
AquascapePonds - 11 years ago
From the left to right looks to be Thalia (Hardy Water Canna), Dwarf Sweet Flag (Ogon), Society Garlic, Horsetail Rush, Red Ludwigia, Water Forget Me Not and Water Lettuce. There are 2 of Thalia and Dwarf Sweet Flag.
AquascapePonds - 11 years ago
Aquascape Aquatic Patio Ponds come in 24" MSRP $179.98, 32" MSRP $279.98 & 40" MSRP $379.98. The round Patio Ponds are available in the following colors: Desert Granite, European Terra Cotta & Green Slate. The square Patio Ponds are available in Textured Gray Slate. Feel free to call us at (866)877-6637 for more information on all of our products. Thank you.

50. comment for How to Create a Patio Pond by Aquascape

Dee Boutte
Dee Boutte - 11 years ago
I checked the site, and were unabl to find the Patio Ponds.. any help with this product or pricing?
AquascapePonds - 11 years ago
The Patio Pond pictured is 32" in diameter. Aquascape Aquatic Patio Ponds come in 24",32" & 40". You can access our store by going to our website and clicking on the "VISIT THE AQUASCAPE ONLINE STORE" button at the top of the page. Once in the store click on Decorative Water Features and then Patio Ponds. This will show all the Patio Ponds we have available along with pricing and information. You can also call us at (866)877-6637 for more information on all of our products. Thank you.
BritishGurl2 - 11 years ago
how many inches in diameter is this particular aquascape pond shown in this video? Also I've gone to the website and do not see the container being sold there =(
AquascapePonds - 11 years ago
The Patio Pond is double walled providing some insulation. However on a hot deck in full sun the water will heat up. We would normally advise small fish like mosquito fish or feeder sized goldfish just a few if water is really warm. Having the plants will help shade the water as well. The major concern with warm water is less dissolved oxygen (which the fish need to breathe). Having an aerator along with just a few small fish should work. Fish are usually quite fine in warm water 80-90 F
Vivian Rocha
Vivian Rocha - 11 years ago
Does it solve the problem with the heat? I am from Brazil and I was wondering if I could install it in my terrace. But the sun lights it directly all day long, I am worried I would boil the fishes...
Nancy Arreola
Nancy Arreola - 11 years ago
This is breath taking for its scale. Thanks.
danturbo316 - 11 years ago
you can place this anywhere,have one by the window in my place. the plants to suck up nutrients,water movement and or aeration is the key. also goldfish are quite messy,you could consider guppies,mollies,etc.
Sacha Amrouche
Sacha Amrouche - 11 years ago
"patio pond" screw that i'm having this in my room!
FlintSparked - 11 years ago
This video gave me a creative inspiration, then I looked through the comment section and I think some of my brain cells detonated. Really people? Harassing each other over your fish to gallon ratios?
ww2dynamite - 11 years ago
Interesting and informative video Scott, Thanks. Regards Rob. I made my own which I have put on my channel if you want a look.
Robert Polite
Robert Polite - 11 years ago
Gold fish grow to be 10" long in 2 years and you need a gallon of water for every inch of! fish
HalfAnUrbex - 11 years ago
But will it blend?
sky4va - 11 years ago
Chelsea, I have been also trying to give advice here and have been attacked by petrodvoretz. We can't win with people like this, so there's no use trying to get through to them. They have made up their minds and will become agitated and verbally abusive if someone says something contrary to their beliefs. I'm not posting anything else on here. It's sad when dissenters come into discussions and ruin it for everyone. Good luck.
sky4va - 11 years ago
You just keep on harassing me! Don't try to analyze me, you overbearing bully! Don't you have anything better to do? You're the only one here attacking me! My life is taking care of my beautiful 2 year old granddaughter, not fish, but I don't owe you an explanation. You're obviously the type of person who's always right and God help the person who doesn't agree with you! I'm not mad at anyone and my posts didn't convey anger, but the fact that I didn't agree with you sure riled you up!
sky4va - 11 years ago
I used a treatment that was for the whole pond when one of my koi had dropsy last year. I had to turn off my uv sterilizer for 3 days while the pond was being treated. This koi had dropsy really bad and my husband caught it and euthanized it because it was in such bad shape. It had come from another pond, so I took a website's advice and treated the entire pond so there wouldn't be the worry more fish would turn up with dropsy.
sky4va - 11 years ago
petrodvoretz: Buddy? Control issues, really? Sounds like you're the one with control issues, "buddy." Apparently intelligent women intimidate you. I don't see where I TOLD anyone what to think; I just gave advice from my own experience. It looks like you're one of those guys who is never wrong and will cuss out and verbally beat up anyone who tells you otherwise. Why don't YOU go take one of those little pink pills you were "advising" me to take. Good Lord!
sky4va - 11 years ago
How is it that I have an aggression problem, but none of the others giving the same type of advice does? It looks like you're just targeting me personally for some reason. YOU are the one with a problem. Calling me shitty and telling me to see a shrink is not friendly advice; it is VERY aggressive behavior on your part and is uncalled for. Nasty, name-calling individuals like you is what keeps a lot of people from posting comments and/or advice for fear of having someone like you attack them.
Ashiq Cherikkakattil
Ashiq Cherikkakattil - 11 years ago
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Euelle Nivrno
Euelle Nivrno - 11 years ago
The plants clean the water
Angelly Cabrera
Angelly Cabrera - 11 years ago
I always wanted this but my koi seems too big for it.
richardyoli - 11 years ago
too small for those fishes.....and how about maduration?? Please when you do videos like this try to teach people how to do things correctly,...
jstorly - 11 years ago
Haha! Now you're trying to diagnose a problem in my 3.5-year-old shub? You're hilarious! I'm not sure if she "swims laps" since I'm not sure what you mean by this. She does go through periods of rest and activity just like any healthy goldfish. We recently hatched some of her eggs. And yes, I maintain that tail length on a singletail should be taken into account for tank size. This is just common sense. Looks like you just think you know what you're talking about. Typical know-it-all.
jstorly - 11 years ago
Go ask your friends on Kokos how large a tank should be used for a singletail. They are too polite on that forum sometimes, but even they should admit that nothing less than a 75 is appropriate for a singletail. In fact, I've seen others post on Kokos that nothing less than 100 is recommended for a singletail. Go ask your "experts", and see what happens. Haha.
jstorly - 11 years ago
Haha. All goldfish create massive amounts of waste, fancies or singletails. Tank width should account for tail length, or the fish will become ingrown or develop spinal problems over time. There are 2 singletails in my 75. I don't understand how doing laps is relevant, but they do swim until it gets dark and they sleep.
jstorly - 11 years ago
The "per fish" guideline is flawed. Perhaps you could start with 30 for one fancy, then add 15-20 additional gallons per fish as a rule, but DEFINITELY not for a singletail. Just the size of a singletail alone necessitates a minimum of a 75-gallon tank. I don't need to go to a forum to know this; I can look across the room at my 13-inch shub. Less than 75 gallons wouldn't even be wide enough to house her. I'm not being ridiculous; just realistic. 2 FANCIES in a 40, okay. NOT singletail.
jstorly - 11 years ago
No, no, no! A singletail goldfish will grow 12-16 inches in length. There is no possible way such a fish can thrive in a 40, and certainly not in a 15-20! A fancy goldfish may do okay in a 30 (provided you only have one fish), but the absolute minimum for a singletail is 75.
jstorly - 11 years ago
For a singletail goldfish, you had better plan on 75-100 gallons.
jstorly - 11 years ago
A goldfish is not magical; it is genetically programmed to grow to a certain size. If it does not, or it is kept in a small environment that inhibits growth, its internal organs will continue to grow causing the fish great pain and distress until it ultimately dies. This is not what we call good fishkeeping for a fish that should live for 20+ years.
jstorly - 11 years ago
Look at any crucian carp in the wild, and you will realize you are mistaken. The only difference between a domestic goldfish and its ancestor the crucian carp is in color. Behavior, size, etc. ... biologically it is the exact same fish. You may ride an asian carp (ancestor of koi) as a dolphin, but never a crucian carp (ancestor of goldfish).
Petrodvoretz - 11 years ago
and yeah watching the video again from my computer and not my phone... these are def not shubunkins... but that still does not make sky4va's shitty behavior ok. this is a real friendly advice... go see a shrink, you have an aggression problem and you need treatment.
Petrodvoretz - 11 years ago
no not enough said buddy! You might have some control issue and everybody gives up with you, but I'm not like that. So go ahead, keep being mad if you like to, you don't get to tell people what they do, or think. Get it ;) ?
Petrodvoretz - 11 years ago
sky4va how about some little pink tablets! ;) You don't need to get all mad at everybody for the only reason that: - they don't agree with you - they don't think like you - they possibly made a mistake you obviously have no life outside your little fishy and it's fine but please be respectful. you don't need to aggress everybody the way you do.
mistresspav - 11 years ago
awesome. what about in the uk with -8 temperatures?
promontorium - 11 years ago
koi are not gold fish. Put a gold fish in a lake, and in a few years you could probably ride it like a dolphin. Put a gold fish in a small pond, with infinite food, it will still be a small gold fish. Gold fish are not a wild animal any more than dogs and cats are. They have been bred for captivity.
sky4va - 11 years ago
Many years ago I had a 90 gal stock tank pond that heated up very quickly in the mid-day summer sun, even with plants in it and shade cover for the goldfish. It was nearly 2 feet deep and much larger than this patio pond. I used a pond thermometer and was horrified to see the water getting to over 80 degrees. The ideal temp for Koi/goldfish is 74 degrees year round in a perfect world. The next spring I dug my first real pond. Patio ponds, in my opinion, should be kept in partial shade.
sky4va - 11 years ago
I agree!!!
sky4va - 11 years ago
They're Koi. Enough said.
sky4va - 11 years ago
Yes! If someone insists on keeping Koi inside, and they have the room, Rubbermaid makes up to 300 gallon stock tanks. I have the 300 gallon one as a biological filter at the top of my waterfall. You still wouldn't want to keep more than a few Koi in one, though, and have excellent filtration and maybe a UV filter to keep the algae and pathogens under control. The 150 gallon one is oval-shaped and tall, whereas the 300 gallon one is a round shape and shallower so you can see the fish more easily.
sky4va - 11 years ago
Not only that, when Koi are in a dirty, bacteria-ridden environment, they are prone to dropsy, which is usually fatal unless you can treat it in time, and is difficult and expensive to do so.
sky4va - 11 years ago
The bowl is a stone-look plastic. I've seen them in specialty garden centers before and they look pretty durable. Tricker's Water Gardens still sells them, I think, but I don't know how high their shipping costs are.
sky4va - 11 years ago
You're so right, StoriaCrissosa, but some people are know-it-alls and refuse to read or do research on fish-keeping. Goldfish may not grow as large as Koi, but they can get pretty big. I have a couple of Shubunkins in a 600 gallon pond where there are 3 Koi also, and they look a lot like the Koi, except for the flowing fins. I call them my miniature Koi, lol.
sky4va - 11 years ago
I hope you're just "trying" to be funny because in nature that would not be considered a pond, it would be a puddle. And yes, Koi and goldfish will grow to their full potential if they have been taken care of properly. That's anywhere from 18" to 36" for Koi and over a foot for some Shubunkin goldfish. If not in the right sized pond, they will suffer terribly and die before their time. Koi can live 50 yrs or more and some goldfish for 15 yrs. I have a fat fantail goldfish that's 8 yrs old.
sky4va - 11 years ago
And in nature, fish live in flowing water that's constantly moving, not in a stagnant little hole in the ground! Think about it!
sky4va - 11 years ago
If you keep fish in a small, confined space like that, you have to have filtration or the fish will die. Unless you want to do 50% water changes EVERY day, you will have nasty, green water in just a few days. The plants help somewhat, but where does all the fish poop go? It contaminates the water, that's what happens! Besides, by the end of the season, those fish will be completely crowded in that little bowl. Only mosquito fish are suitable for a container that size.
sky4va - 11 years ago
No-You CANNOT keep Koi in a setup like this! Koi can grow to 18" long in just 3 yrs from hatching. I've had Koi ponds for nearly 7 yrs now and it's been a learn as you go process. Koi need an area in a pond at least 3' deep so they can go dormant in the winter, and at least 2' deep elsewhere. They really need 100 gallons per fish to exist healthily. They can thrive in less, but won't reach their full potential. This patio pond gives people the wrong idea about fish. Goldfish can get large, too.
sky4va - 11 years ago
Really, are you a Koi expert? What are they then, genius? By just looking at the torpedo shape of the bodies, anyone who knows anything about Koi would know those are NOT goldfish. Considering I usually have hundreds of baby Koi that look just like those hatch in my pond each year, I think I can identify a fish! YOUR post is totally useless. BTW, Shubunkins have longer flowing fins and their bodies are not quite as streamlined as Koi, except for Butterfly Koi and they have even longer fins.
sky4va - 11 years ago
But shouldn't it be at least in partial shade? I had a patio pond a little larger than this one several years ago and had 5 goldfish in it. I had to constantly add cool water because the water temp got so hot in the summer that I thought the fish would die. And I had shelter for the fish and water plants, too. I live in SW Virginia and know it doesn't get as hot as Arizona. Just asking.
sky4va - 11 years ago
I don't access my Gmail account too often, so I just read your pathetic and nasty reply. I didn't diss the POND. It would be perfect for growing water plants in. But those ARE baby Koi and unless you know anything about Koi, you need to keep YOUR mouth shut. I like the patio POND just fine, but ANY type of fish in something that size will boil in the sun unless it's shaded. And goldfish can get pretty large, too. YES, it is also about the fish if the video is showing fish in it. YOU get a life!
gigapak28 - 11 years ago
Fish secrete a hormone so their body knows the volume where they live. Water changes dilute this hormone allowing the fish to grow.So no they do not grow to tank size.
Senoe Luna
Senoe Luna - 11 years ago
hi scott can u tell me where I can buy one of those thanks messege me on facebook @ senoe luna im the one holding the green phone

100. comment for How to Create a Patio Pond by Aquascape

Dream Big Now 4U
Dream Big Now 4U - 11 years ago
"someone's got a frowny face"-so what. I could give a shit about the size of his arms and what the material is of what he's lifting. I just want one similar to it. Now, work out your issues in a childish rant...I will allow you to have the last word.
Samuel Mason
Samuel Mason - 11 years ago
It's a fake bowl. the guy has small arms, watch him set it down. Do you think he's lifting solid stone?
AquascapePonds - 11 years ago
A patio pond can be installed anywhere. In Arizona heat I would recommend a small statuary pump to aerate the water
promontorium - 11 years ago
What size tank are you looking for for $300+ ? Buy used, you can find a 100 gallon for under $200.
kdc43 - 11 years ago
The rock Monica could pound on is your head.
promontorium - 11 years ago
Goldfish will grow to their space. If confined, they will stay small. Goldfish have been bred for centuries to be kept in confined spaces. The real challenge is keeping it clean, the more goldfish, the more plants/filtration needed, or more cleanouts.
Ker Chang
Ker Chang - 11 years ago
how much does this cost?
TikiTak321 - 11 years ago
Plants are the filter, just like nature
Bulbophile - 11 years ago
great how-to
payyon393 - 11 years ago
its just for show, he's not going to keep that bowl and the fish in there for ever!! :P
disserdedisser - 11 years ago
not true, koi carp and sharks are huge fish and keep growing, even in small tanks.
Bart Aquarium
Bart Aquarium - 11 years ago
Fish in small tanks do not reach such proportions. They just adapt and don't grow. It is natural for a fish. Do Not Cite untruth from the internet.
HakunaMatata - 11 years ago
well, you should have waited until the water cleared up and quality improved before you bought the fish and put it in.
MrBastardly - 11 years ago
not in that
Karen Sakai
Karen Sakai - 11 years ago
So how do I clean/change the water? & is there a type of net that I can use so my pets don't drink from the bowl?
Goof Nooser
Goof Nooser - 11 years ago
You better shut up, pal. Everyone knows that goldfish are not personally aware of their potential to reach 30 cm. Therfore they will happily live in a pond that size.
occupynewparadigm - 11 years ago
the plants filter the water.
Gabriel Perez
Gabriel Perez - 11 years ago
If I get that I'm gonna have neon tetras and other species, if there's a heater available for out for ponds
funnygit100 - 11 years ago
wtf has no long are they meant to survive
Sam White
Sam White - 11 years ago
Thats not the right wat to add the fish to the water!!!
kedahmarley - 11 years ago
good hand job, lol
Hamad Muslat
Hamad Muslat - 11 years ago
It is very small to keep fish on it
Shani n_n
Shani n_n - 11 years ago
muy pequeño para ese tipo de peces y lo peor es que son muchos
Omegasbillys M.
Omegasbillys M. - 11 years ago
Way too small for goldfish! Don't tell people to abuse animals this way!
TheTajdza - 11 years ago
more mars, ti ce me naucis :)
Dawn Salyers - Sullivan
Dawn Salyers - Sullivan - 11 years ago
You can create this by using other items instead of rushing out and buying their product!
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 11 years ago
Far cheaper ( and to me, more fun) to use a plugged bowl or a half barrel with liner and actually create something IMO.
2019freddie - 11 years ago
and they taste like crap!
Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris - 12 years ago
no use my fist, its faster
craftyapplepie - 12 years ago
how deep is this container? if it is less than 30cm then the fish will not survive if the water freezes over.
july concord
july concord - 12 years ago
I would suggest Mosquito eating fish,as an extra bonus for your Water Garden or Mini Pond. Most Fish supply places have these small fish. Because,larvae of a Mosquito comes from water sources. Especially water in places that are not fresh water fed.
Marshianqn - 12 years ago
quiero uno de esos para enfengshuisar el living
Jazzy Mwichabu
Jazzy Mwichabu - 12 years ago
its bueatiful
julie - 12 years ago
rlly want tht, but if u liv somewhere where its cold, i feel bad for u wen u put it outside
MrBuHuskyBlue - 12 years ago
koi are too large to fit in this setup. Some grow over 2 ft long.
Taria Lorehand
Taria Lorehand - 12 years ago
this isn't a bad idea, but I don't think my koi can live in it. I mean he's 6 inches now in a 20 gal tank and doing good. if I put him in here and that sun hits him won't he get overheated? (I have the sun from 3p till sundown everyday) how would I keep him from dying in this bowl thing? he's my last one left since petco killed the other 5 I had with the alga treatment they suggested, I don't want to loose him. Been with me for 3 years now. (he was an inch when I got him)
Joaquin Obispo
Joaquin Obispo - 12 years ago
y el dengue?
Jazmin Pickering
Jazmin Pickering - 12 years ago
How do I know when to start keeping my turtles inside for the winter from an outdoor pond (If I were to build one)?
imasupernova - 12 years ago
size is not the point. Though, you should check that fact. Koi can be upwards of 2-3 feet with the right care whereas A massive shebunkin is over a foot or so. People are up in arms about them being Koi but Koi are a different fish altogether--They are a finnicky, delicate fish that REALLY needs to be in a pond whereas a shebunkin can thrive in many different conditions. Though, now that I have a better look at the pond, it looks less than 30 gallons and seems a bit small for anything o.O
Dream Big Now 4U
Dream Big Now 4U - 12 years ago
I want a bowl similar to that....where can you get them?
RogerTHEalien ooi
RogerTHEalien ooi - 12 years ago
it's funny how people think you gotta climate acclimate fish .. Cause i just watched a video of a guy dumping a gold fish in liquid nitrogen then putting in back in water and it unfroze and swam away
James Tempero
James Tempero - 12 years ago
Either way there gonna die in the sea they will get eaten or captured and in a bowl they will die
Angelly Cabrera
Angelly Cabrera - 12 years ago
yeha i know but they are still fish they are small got them small about as tall as the tallest finger in your hand and l skinny but not that skinny i feed them everyday
Angelly Cabrera
Angelly Cabrera - 12 years ago
nah no tkank already got one
imasupernova - 12 years ago
Jesus, they aren't koi. they're shebunkins. that tank could hold fish with some changes. it would need more plants and I'd only imagine it holding 1-2 space wise. not 10. goldfish like cold water but are completely OK with slow temperature fluctuations in ponds. many people keep theirs outside in dead winter and on,y bring them in when water begins to freeze.
Chris Hogan
Chris Hogan - 12 years ago
would be frozen to death here if the UK.
Vodoc Xeno
Vodoc Xeno - 12 years ago
I can't believe that someone (or company) that's specialized in aquascaping would put koï in that little thing and only a few minutes after setup!
imperial3232 - 12 years ago
wait what if it rains? i live in south florida and it rains alot. If it overflows won't the fish flop out possibly? Also it gets cold for about 2 months down here. Can the fish survive on really cold nights in a shallow pond like this? Sorry if I seem ignorant.
Angelly Cabrera
Angelly Cabrera - 12 years ago
i really want a fish pond but i can't get one is there a store that i can go to? i want to get a indoor fish pond like a bowl like that but a little bigger
Cole Butler
Cole Butler - 12 years ago
No bro the plants filter the water!
RichyJam2011 - 12 years ago
Is there any type of filtration system? or do regular water changes? If not your fish will eventually die. The plants can do some of the work, but eventually the nitrate and ammonia levels will rise and your fish will start dying. Maybe build a small diy bio filter
Cheyenne Bassett
Cheyenne Bassett - 12 years ago
their is a filter if done right the plants would filter some wastes. but koi or any fish that get big ill suited here plus the amount of wastes. i would def goguppie or would kill as a killifish pond but that just me.
James Tempero
James Tempero - 12 years ago
Or you could just get a fish bowl and put them in saves much more money
jstorly - 12 years ago
Would you travel to North Korea to learn about its culture? Evil Empires tend to keep their secrets covered up. Why don't you travel to India and visit with a few random people to see what they think about China?
jstorly - 12 years ago
Wow! I'm surprised! According to your description, China treats its koi better than all of its other animals or humans! Even if I had been to China, I would be of the same opinion stated above, based on information from sources including NPR, the Toronto Star, Huffington Post, PETA, CNN, and BBC News. Even a simple search on Youtube will reveal undeniable evidence of China's animal rights violations. As far as human rights are concerned, let me just say: Google, Tiananmen, and Tibet:(
G Katz
G Katz - 12 years ago
yet they live for years. they treat their fish in nicer condition than you think. unless you have actually been to china or asia please dont go ahead and assume. yes they eat every and anything but i will tell you one thing i have never seen nicer koi ponds and nicer setups. all healthy well fed. fish are kept in nicer living conditions than any other pet i have seen in asia. are you basing this off of what you hear from ppl and tv?
jstorly - 12 years ago
LOL! China is not exactly a paragon of welfare for their animals or humans.
G Katz
G Katz - 12 years ago
i must disagree. in asia many koi are kept in an unfiltered environment and they still live long and looked very healthy. in fact i was just in china where a hotel had two kois in a simple large stone bowl out in a garden no filter at all. swimming happily. it really depends on the fish.
twisto - 12 years ago
no i am not.
jstorly - 12 years ago
I do not intend this as an attack, but are you sponsored in any way by any particular business or organization?
twisto - 12 years ago
I feel like this is another personal attack coming up... but anyways. i'm not sure what you mean by qualification. in terms of what you said, i have 4 years of experience with marine fish, tropical fish, and goldfish. I've also done extensive reading and research in ecology and the biochemistry of aquatic life.
jstorly - 12 years ago
Just out of curiosity, what are your qualifications?
jstorly - 12 years ago
Thanks for the recommendation, but I am quite confident that I am correct. If you are willing to provide links to these articles in a message, I would be happy to reconsider my position. I strongly believe that anyone keeping any kind of pet should ensure above all that they are providing the best suitable home for their pet and if anything err on the side of caution.
twisto - 12 years ago
While I'm sure your 2.5 years of experience raising tropical fish and goldfish are extensive, and your information from forums are helpful, i recommend reading the articles in JSTOR or google scholar regarding specifics of an ecological system
twisto - 12 years ago
Although you speak in proper form and manners, i sense passive aggressiveness within them... As you've requested, i have done the google search and many posts regarding pond fluctuation of temperature over 3 degrees a day without detrimental effects to the life in the water. Also, I have tested this before in wildlife ponds in which i have found over 3 degrees fluctuation within a 24 hour period. Depending on surface and deep water, temperature also varies. At which depth did you mean?
jstorly - 12 years ago
2.5 years experience raising tropical fish and goldfish, including extensive reading and research. There are many books and reliable online forums (such as Koko's) that provide information and data, but few live fish stores or pet stores that are reliable. The only store I trust is World of Fish in Minneapolis. Petsmart, Petco, Walmart, etc. are profit-motivated and therefore unreliable.
jstorly - 12 years ago
It is a well-known fact that one day under the Gregorian calendar is equal to twenty-four hours. The temperature in a fish tank should not fluctuate more than three degrees Fahrenheit during this time period. A simple Google search should clear this up. If you have any other questions, feel free to post a response or contact me directly. Thank you.
twisto - 12 years ago
Please specify what you consider as rapid heating or cooling of water in the environment of 10-30 gallons of water. With respects to over 3 degrees of fluctuation, if you can give me the duration of time and speed in which it changes, then i can better understand. as of now, what you said seems to be pure speculation
jstorly - 12 years ago
Esto es malo para los peces.
jstorly - 12 years ago
Please, please, please do NOT put a fish in this pond. It is an inappropriate environment for any fish. Research this, please, and you will learn that no fish belongs in this pond!
jstorly - 12 years ago
You are wrong, sir. The 3 degree fluctuation is daily. I believe a quick Google search will support this. Unlike you, fish are cold-blooded and much less adaptable to temperature changes than warm-blooded creatures like yourself. In my experience, even a 55-gallon tank will experience rapid, detrimental temperature fluctuations if not properly heated or cooled. I have personally measured and observed this fluctuation with 100% accuracy. You are wrong. 10 to 30 gallons is a very small environment
ElGladiateur - 12 years ago
What happens then? Kids are sent to Goulag or crucified. Fair and square: let them learn the right way, the hard way if needed. :D:D:D Joke apart, parents must teach their child to respect their environnement. A pond is not a toy.
miris chapa
miris chapa - 12 years ago
que bien esta me encanta el mini estanque
twisto - 12 years ago
The 3*F fluctuation is the recommended "immediate" change in temperature. Meaning slow change in temperature would be fine. Guppies can live between 69-86F though 'prefe'r 82-84*F, just like how i prefer 73-75*F, i can live outside that range. The patio pond is not that small. with a quick google search, i found their patio pond ranges from 10 gallons to 30 gallons, meaning slow fluctuation in temperature to acclimate fish to new parameters.
jstorly - 12 years ago
Just to clarify, the reason I referred to an air stone was to illustrate the most basic system of filtration that would be required for a small aquarium or pond. Also, you can't ignore the problem of heating the pond. Even if it is warm outside, I would suspect the pond is small enough that it would fluctuate more than the recommended 3 degrees F daily.
jstorly - 12 years ago
It may be an attack, but I believe it is well-deserved, and I stand by my comments. The foundation of my argument is one that is universally recognized by experts in the field (i.e., those not trying to sell a product). I can't post sources on Youtube, but I believe that any rudimentary research will reveal this to be true. An unfiltered enclosed environment is not appropriate for keeping fish. Not only is this expert opinion; it is practically common knowledge.
twisto - 12 years ago
woah! that's quite an attack. What i have said is also based on science and expert opinion. I didn't want to argue anymore but that attack makes me feel i must. I argue there is enough bb, and with water changes we can keep it balanced for hormones, or you can put in beta blockers. but it seems like your argument is regarding the surface area for bb to live. so how much surface area is "required" for balance? Also why airstone and not a powerhead connected to the sponge filter?
jstorly - 12 years ago
If I didn't know better, I'd say you're working for the company;) Since you seem to be more interested in defending this patio pond with unfounded speculation rather than expert opinion and science, I believe we will, in fact, have to disagree.
twisto - 12 years ago
I assume he was in a place where it was sufficiently hot for it to function without a heater. I doubt that we will be able to agree regarding the area for bb to live, so i'll agree to disagree
jstorly - 12 years ago
I respectfully disagree. Again, even with plants, this is not a large enough body of water to provide adequate surface area for the beneficial bacteria to live. I will, however, acknowledge that guppies could live here if: 1. You added a heater, 2. You added a Hydro Pro Sponge filter powered by an air stone. This would be a simple way to provide filtration for guppies, but properly heating an outdoor pond might be problematic.
twisto - 12 years ago
Consider this is a nature setup in which the plants and surface agitation from the statue flowing water back in will allow oxygen exchange. Although bb will thrive in massive amount of o2, they also require nitrate to survive. Plants serve to remove NH4, then NO3 then NO4, reducing the amount needed to be processed by bb, which means less bb could suffice. Guppies do not produce as much waste as koi, and could thrive in this environment.
jstorly - 12 years ago
While it is true that beneficial bacteria will exist on surface areas in this pond, it is my strong opinion that not enough surface area exists to properly establish a healthy environment for any kind of fish. Just establishing an aquarium requires massive amounts of well-oxygenated surface area, usually in the form of sponges, filter floss, bio-balls, etc. Unless you are using an undergravel filter, most of the substrate is useless for filtration as it does not receive enough oxygen. Not good.
twisto - 12 years ago
beneficial bacteria do exist in the water column but are housed on the surface of materials, including the substrate, plant and i suppose some are in the frog statue, though i doubt the person meant it as so. I agree koi fish shouldn't be in this set up, but you can put other types of fish, depending on the temperature of the water. Guppies and endlers are examples of some fish
Petrodvoretz - 12 years ago
seriously these are not koi fish. If you can't even identify the fish, just don't feel like you have to post ;)
jstorly - 12 years ago
I'm not sure I understand your comment, but the beneficial bacteria that develop during a proper cycle attach themselves to surfaces. They do not exist in the water column. A sponge filter, such as the Hydro Pro series, can provide adequate biological filtration, but does not provide for mechanical or chemical filtration. Furthermore, a koi requires probably at least 500 gallons to thrive. The idea of putting any fish in this ridiculous pond is asinine. They are just trying to sell products
disposablefreedom - 12 years ago
Doesn't the live plants help filtration? Not too mention the water transfer from the cycle of water in the exchange through the frog statue on the piece?
DankJerry - 12 years ago
Didn't even cycle the water lolol
Prince Kehy
Prince Kehy - 12 years ago
Guppies and White cloud minnows would be ok in that. In fact, a lot of small fish might do ok (assuming it's cycled). However, I would NEVER put anything larger than a swordtail in something like that, including goldfish!
Ez E
Ez E - 12 years ago
Where is the pump..?
sky4va - 12 years ago
And would you recommend to anyone that it's ok to put koi in a small environment like that? Koi need a very large pond and excellent filtration. I found out by trial and error with my first pond, which was about 500 gallons, that it was very difficult to keep clean when my original koi grew to over 1 foot long. My pond was enlarged until it's now almost 3000 gallons before we ran out of room to enlarge further. Please don't recommend a pond smaller than 2000 gallons for koi!
sky4va - 12 years ago
You can't keep koi in a little bowl like that! I have been keeping koi for nearly 6 years now, and believe me, my 3000 gallon, 3 feet deep, 8' x 24' pond, with mechanical and biological filtration is still not large enough. And I have pumps totaling 6000 gph going to three different filters. I have several koi well over 18" long and more babies than I can count. In a couple of years those koi in that little bowl will be LONGER than the bowl!
jstorly - 12 years ago
I think the first few fish shown might be comets, but there are definitely some koi in there. You can tell by the sloped forehead.
Morgan Hill
Morgan Hill - 12 years ago
They look like saras comets to me? Although the bowl still lookis to small for them.
theredletterdays - 12 years ago
no filter or anything like that?
Marcus Cain
Marcus Cain - 12 years ago
That looks good what kind of plants are those?
Christian Clark
Christian Clark - 12 years ago
If you don't want to purchase this patio pond you can do what I did by using A large tub or pot Water Water conditioner Snails Koi and gold fish (optional) Rocks Plants And a little bit of soil. Please check out vides and leave a comment On the search bar type in create525 and enjoy my videos!!!!!!!
Emmii D'Anastasi
Emmii D'Anastasi - 12 years ago
the Water Looks Dirty O-o
Facesachy - 12 years ago
from where can I buy a big waterbowl like that one?
jstorly - 12 years ago
Koi are pictured in the video, and the speaker mentions adding fish, calling it a "perfect environment for fish." No fish should be in an unfiltered, improperly cycled pond. This is not simply my opinion; it is the opinion of any expert on fish-keeping.
jstorly - 12 years ago
Cycling takes a minimum of four weeks to complete. Rocks and plants are not an adequate form of filtration for any fish, especially a koi, which produces massive amounts of waste that can easily convert to toxic ammonia and nitrites in an uncycled, inadequately filtered pond. Google "how to cycle a pond" (can't post links on Youtube)
haffiti2000 - 12 years ago
how much does it cost
jstorly - 12 years ago
1. It is a very bad idea to put koi or goldfish in such a small enclosed environment 2. What about filtration? 3. What about cycling the pond? Boo! I'm looking for some GOOD information about starting a patio pond. This video gives very bad advice and barely scratches the surface. I'll look elsewhere for my kit.
ValTrysIt - 12 years ago
OMG I want one!!!
Marconi Allotment Channel
Marconi Allotment Channel - 12 years ago
where can i order one please
MrCuddlesWorth - 12 years ago
i just got my patio pond from home depot for like 30$
Christian Clark
Christian Clark - 12 years ago
Can I make one with a large tub or bucket?!?
Harvey Maldonado
Harvey Maldonado - 12 years ago
@chakra25king Then you would stun the growth of the goldfish if placed in a small area
chakra25king - 12 years ago
@MUERTOLOCO the right comet gold fish look like mini koi in a pond, they would do good in that and be far more visible than gupps.
Next Things Next
Next Things Next - 12 years ago
what i need to know is can i get these bowls in newzealand and if so were?? i have not seen stuff like this at hardware etc type stores so id just like to know
MagickalGoodies - 12 years ago
@iluffyou2 The water-filled pond would be way too heavy for it to be knocked over by the average if it did ever tip over it's simply because gravity obeys the law of Chuck Norris lol
MagickalGoodies - 12 years ago
Would reptile lights work for growing dwarf waterlilies indoors? What breeds of amphibian,small fish,scavengers, or reptile could live happily in a water bowl? I was considering an african pygmy frog, a blue ramshorn snail, yellow apple snail in addition to the waterlilies and marginal plants but am trying to figure out the most compatible animals (if there are any). Thanks!
JoeLee Thompson
JoeLee Thompson - 13 years ago
I was just wondering if salmon are "happy" when they are swimming upstream dying at the last stages of their life and trying to breed, while being mauled and eaten by bears and birds. I don't think they like to think about it too much cause it might make them "unhappy". Talk about retards.....
JERKapati - 13 years ago
dwight schrute?
milla frost
milla frost - 13 years ago
Very nice idea to have a small pond on your porch. I would like to know a bit more on how to maintain it also climate change.
Prince Kehy
Prince Kehy - 13 years ago
@MUERTOLOCO yes, guppies for warm areas or white cloud minnows for cooler areas. That bowl's too small for koi. A single fancy goldfish might do alright though.
Noah Akozbek
Noah Akozbek - 13 years ago
you have a pretty legit house
Dawna W
Dawna W - 13 years ago
I was debating whether to get that or not til I thought about what happens when kids jump in there or boot the bowl over and spill everything x.x
Harvey Maldonado
Harvey Maldonado - 13 years ago
@Bird50ify You could just buy some more plants
Aquatic Mastery
Aquatic Mastery - 13 years ago
he said "Alquamation"
Arrowinthed - 13 years ago
I keep mine in 24/7 all year, but I have a converted garage, which has transformed into an indoor/outdoor sitting room.
Angrycodplayer - 13 years ago
i was going to rant about this video but now i am relaxed.
biggurs - 13 years ago
@zzzooozzzify dont forget you are also "people"
Brenda Hodgins
Brenda Hodgins - 13 years ago
@zzzooozzzify I like fish too. Seems to me they have feeder goldfish in there. In that case this is a wonderful place for them - as long as the water is protected from full sun in the summer.
vito4355 - 13 years ago
molto bello
Candace Gilbreath
Candace Gilbreath - 13 years ago
Can we bring this inside when winter comes around? Or are they ok?
4GreenEarth2 - 13 years ago
Andre Koala
Andre Koala - 13 years ago
Of course that's not appropriate for koi nor goldfish... Domesticated Animals are STILL Animals, not toys!!!........... people are stupid!!!... i would raise some white cloud mountain minnows or whatever...... people are stupid!!!
musketerr12 - 13 years ago
@Aquascape4 are the good for cray fish?
C Kelly
C Kelly - 13 years ago
o.o can i use it as a duck pond?
Harvey Maldonado
Harvey Maldonado - 13 years ago
Put some guppies in there instead of them koi fish
MagickalGoodies - 13 years ago
How much does that patio pond weigh? Does it some in smaller sizes?
BlackFish - 13 years ago
wow, i can just buy a kiddy pool for 5 bucks and put nice free rocks around it. and spray paint it with a fish friendly black paint let it try go by a 1000 gph canister filter for 55 dollars and put fish in there and enjoy. just under maybe 100 dollars. not this crap.
Valentino Sanvito
Valentino Sanvito - 13 years ago
Sein Win
Sein Win - 13 years ago
@fhrdn3 That means they're living a stunted life and their organs are slowing growing while their body stopped growing. They will die to organ failure in a year or two.
SHAKILL - 13 years ago
were do you by it from???
Reece Hodges
Reece Hodges - 13 years ago
makes it look so easy, took me fucking hours!
visualkeirockstar - 13 years ago
Looks cool
AquascapePonds - 13 years ago
Please remember, our largest bowl holds about 30 gallons of water and has very large water surface making it a good home for smaller fish. Although we recommend the use of aquatic plants to help filter the water, the use of an internal filter is recommended. I like to use the filter output to run water over a small stack of rocks or run a spitting ornament. Scott Rhodes, the Product Guy
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 14 years ago
you gotta be kidding me i mean its nice but goldfish/koi can't live in that
I wont tell you my name
I wont tell you my name - 14 years ago
the pond thing is nice but you dont add goldfish in such a small pond.they require at least 5-6 feet such small pond guppies,mollies or tetras are suitable.
picatsoforfma - 14 years ago
Don't bother with fish in here since there is no filter. And those single tailed goldfish will need 200+ gallons. 1-3 fancy goldfish would have been a much better choice for that size but will still need filtration.

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