How to aquascape a nano tank with Dennerle plants

Here's a nano aquascape tutorial using Dennerle plants. Plants species used - Micranthemum spec. 'Montecarlo' (in vitro) Eleocharis pusilla (in vitro) Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Compact' (in vitro) Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini' (in vitro) Helianthum tenellum 'Broad Leaf' (in vitro) Pogostemon erectus Anubias nano 'Pangolino' Bucephalendra spec. 'Mini Needle Leaf'

How to aquascape a nano tank with Dennerle plants sentiment_very_dissatisfied 15

Howto 8 years ago 40,811 views

Here's a nano aquascape tutorial using Dennerle plants. Plants species used - Micranthemum spec. 'Montecarlo' (in vitro) Eleocharis pusilla (in vitro) Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Compact' (in vitro) Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini' (in vitro) Helianthum tenellum 'Broad Leaf' (in vitro) Pogostemon erectus Anubias nano 'Pangolino' Bucephalendra spec. 'Mini Needle Leaf'

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Most popular comments
for How to aquascape a nano tank with Dennerle plants

bebebutterfield1 - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank George TY for sharing.
Adwait Bhosale
Adwait Bhosale - 7 years ago
Please Let me know it's dimensions
colinbarsby - 7 years ago
Everyone can enjoy a Nano Tank. Thx for the inspiration George. :)
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
+colinbarsby Thanks Colin. You're very welcome!
Raymond Santos
Raymond Santos - 7 years ago
update pls...
Sisco Man
Sisco Man - 7 years ago
Hi, can u please tell what glue you are using ?
Joe Imorttan
Joe Imorttan - 7 years ago
amazing!is there a reason why you dont use sand?
Joe Imorttan
Joe Imorttan - 7 years ago
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
+Joe Imorttan It is a complete soil designed to be used alone.
Joe Imorttan
Joe Imorttan - 7 years ago
oh sorry.i ment why you dont use sand over the soil.thanks for the quick reply!
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
+Joe Imorttan I prefer soil to grow plants better than sand. Thanks !
Biest - 7 years ago
Cute guy
fjeppesen - 7 years ago
Hey George, great work as always!
Can you tell me what tank you are using? Got my friend hooked on aquascaping and he wants me to set up a nano for him.
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
+fjeppesen Thanks! This was a Flexi-M
BettaFish 2017
BettaFish 2017 - 7 years ago
how is superglue aquarium safe? It's high in VOC's - that isnt safe for fish! Why are you giving wrong information to people?
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
+BettaFish 2017 Hi. I understand the tiny quantities used make it safe. There are several aquatic manufacturers that supply their own versions (cyanoacrylate based), and I'm sure they wouldn't be able to do so if they presented any risks to our livestock. It's also used extensively in human surgery. Thanks for your concern but I feel it's misguided.

10. comment for How to aquascape a nano tank with Dennerle plants

Matthew Wheeler
Matthew Wheeler - 7 years ago
Hey George, what kind of co2 kit do you use?
Matthew Wheeler
Matthew Wheeler - 7 years ago
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
+Matthew Wheeler For nano I use Colombo disposable 800g cyclinder with Aquario Neo Diffuser
sdq sdq
sdq sdq - 8 years ago
question is.... without co2 ,will algae kick in ?
George Farmer
George Farmer - 8 years ago
+sdq sdq Depends on lighting levels and how mature tank is
Aldo Fernandes Azevedo
Aldo Fernandes Azevedo - 8 years ago
bubble plastic, better..
knockOUT Aquatics
knockOUT Aquatics - 8 years ago
how to filter this tank water? I tried to make a this type of tank but didn't understand what filter i used this is very tiny for any sponge filter plz sujjest
George Farmer
George Farmer - 8 years ago
+knockOUT Aquatics I used a small external filter with glass inlet and outlet
fifa pop
fifa pop - 8 years ago
buy a piece of nature in a bag, bring it home and then put it in a box. humans are strange no?
Roger Nevez
Roger Nevez - 8 years ago
Is it possible to maintain a nano aquascape without the soil?
Roger Nevez
Roger Nevez - 7 years ago
+Melissa Hoyle > "If you just don't like soil aesthetically [...]"
No, I'm just trying to set a low maintenance nano aquascape.
However, I'm having some trouble to make plants survive without soil and fertilizers.
Melissa Hoyle
Melissa Hoyle - 7 years ago
Roger Nevez I'd always recommend adding soil, but it all depends on the plants you plan on using. Some plants need nutrients from the soil to grow (you can sometimes get away by adding a liquid fertilizer instead) and others need it to plant and grow their roots. A few aquarium plants that don't require soil are Java moss, Java fern, and water wisteria. If you just don't like soil aesthetically but still want specific plants that require soil you can add an 3/4-1 inch of soil, then cover with another substrate such as fine gravel. Just make sure you place the roots under both the top substrate and soil.
özgür çatal
özgür çatal - 8 years ago
Very nice betta
chris jones
chris jones - 8 years ago
liked and subbed wd buddy nice vid
RodRWarlick - 8 years ago
Don't mean to be a bitch but I would rotate the mangrove hardscape further the leg on the right is almost horizontal. I realize there's no "right" answer, but c'mon, dude. That tank + light is supersexy. SuperGlue, really?
Joy Scout
Joy Scout - 8 years ago
wow, I'm so thrilled by this !

20. comment for How to aquascape a nano tank with Dennerle plants

Daniel K
Daniel K - 8 years ago
Why is your right arm so much bigger than your left arm?
Greg Allen
Greg Allen - 7 years ago
You should have said that you play tennis... :)
George Farmer
George Farmer - 8 years ago
Daniel K Wide angle lens distorts perspective
Madeleine White
Madeleine White - 8 years ago
can we have an update as to how this looks now?
Loyd Jackie
Loyd Jackie - 8 years ago
no hang on filter?
neil  andres becker certuchi
neil andres becker certuchi - 8 years ago
me gusta mucho tu canal y me encantan tus acuarios
Mr.Ruffy - 8 years ago
these plants are al emerse grown why u use them
George Farmer
George Farmer - 8 years ago
Not for most healthy plants. They adapt gradually, especially if you have appropriate conditions.
Mr.Ruffy - 8 years ago
yes but before there are going to melt away :p
George Farmer
George Farmer - 8 years ago
They adapt to submerged form.
Woodster - 8 years ago
Hi George, I have sent you a pm on ukaps regarding your discus tank, any chance you can do a video for youtube and a journal for ukaps, I have read the PFK article which is good but the pics aren't great, looking forward to them both if you do, keep up the good work, cheers Mark
Quicky107 - 8 years ago
Hi ! First of all, i like your channel. Will you add fish in this tank ? Is there no danger to use super glue in a tank that will receive some fishes ? Sorry if you explain something about this in the video, and sorry if i do some mistakes. I'm french and don't speak english very well. Thanks
o0o74 - 8 years ago
not all super glue is tank safe most will leach into water over time to 0.5ppm killing sensitive fish and shrimp, go with Gorilla super glue available in almost anywhere or any cyanoacrylate based glue.
Quicky107 - 8 years ago
Thx for those answers.
George Farmer
George Farmer - 8 years ago
+Quicky107 the glue dries in seconds
George Farmer
George Farmer - 8 years ago
+Quicky107 super glue is safe for fish and shrimp :)
Quicky107 - 8 years ago
Oh, and you don't have to wait some time that the glue dry before filling the tank ?
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
nice Video
keep up the work :-)
Connor Scanlon
Connor Scanlon - 8 years ago
what is the substrate called?
George Farmer
George Farmer - 8 years ago
+Connor Scanlon Tropica Soil
Eralp Akgul
Eralp Akgul - 8 years ago
I like your Channel and your setups.Monte csrlo is easier than
Eralp Akgul
Eralp Akgul - 8 years ago
Thank you :)
George Farmer
George Farmer - 8 years ago
+Eralp Akgul Thank you. They are both easy but Monte Carlo is faster

30. comment for How to aquascape a nano tank with Dennerle plants

gooner1matt - 8 years ago
Hi George, lovely tank again. could I ask what filter you are using as you mentioned it has a built in heater. Thanks.
George Farmer
George Farmer - 8 years ago
+gooner1matt you're welcome!
gooner1matt - 8 years ago
+George Farmer haha thanks!
George Farmer
George Farmer - 8 years ago
+George Farmer sorry. It is!
gooner1matt - 8 years ago
+George Farmer its not?
George Farmer
George Farmer - 8 years ago
+gooner1matt Thanks v much. It's not Eheim 250T thermofilter
Phong Phu
Phong Phu - 8 years ago
what light are u use for the plants bro ? and do u have use co2
George Farmer
George Farmer - 8 years ago
+Phong Phu 2x 54w T5 and CO2. I could use lower lighting and no CO2 injection but I like faster growth and better crypt colours
PsychedelicBabe - 8 years ago
You make everything look so simple you definitely have a good eye for detail
George Farmer
George Farmer - 8 years ago
+PsychedelicBabe Thank you. Sorry to hear about your recent robbery.
Karim Swift
Karim Swift - 8 years ago
anubias 'pangolino' is very nice indeed
WoundrousMindTrick - 8 years ago
In vitro is the future.
Dylan Hodges
Dylan Hodges - 8 years ago
What light is that?
Dylan Hodges
Dylan Hodges - 8 years ago
Beautiful! Nice work as always
George Farmer
George Farmer - 8 years ago
+Dylan Hodges ADA Mini Solar
sowaxl - 8 years ago
next greate video
Niick Nicholas
Niick Nicholas - 8 years ago
May I know how many hours per day do you keep the lights on for such nano tanks ?
Karim Swift
Karim Swift - 8 years ago
also if you've just started the tank start with 5-6 hours then go up once the tank has matured. blasting light before the tank's bacteria has matured can lead to bad algal blooms. you can actually grow hc with moderate lighting, it doesn't need very high lighting. using a drop checker and fine tuning co2 based on plant and livestock response is a better measure than bps btw.
edit: checked your channel out, are you from malaysia? i'm from kL hahaha, small world
Karim Swift
Karim Swift - 8 years ago
gh and kh tend to be a bit more important for livestock than plants. a lot of plants can adapt to these, whereas stuff like shrimp need to be in the correct parameters. only a few more picky plants you have to be careful with those values.
i agree with evan, i frequent the plantedtank a lot and have learnt a lot from engaging in conversation. the ukaps forum is pretty good as well.
Evan Stepowany
Evan Stepowany - 8 years ago
I tend to like talking on , and the planted tank subreddit (which i take with a grain of salt).

that being said here are the 'on paper' ideals ... but EVERYONE will deviate from it:

I really hesitate to give these because you can deviate a lot from these and still have success, but here's what the consensus would probably be.

GH 2-8 dGH
KH 3-6 dKH
pH 6.5-7.0
NO3 5-10ppm
K+ 20-30ppm
PO4 0.2-0.5ppm
Fe 0-2-0.7ppm

Since Traces can't be tested most are along with Fe rate.
CO2 15-30ppm
Niick Nicholas
Niick Nicholas - 8 years ago
Thanks Evan, is there any recommended hardness , buffering that you mentioned that I could maybe take note on for a planted tank ?
Having a shrimp tank has many informations on what ph, gh, kh etc.. but I couldn't seem to find any that is specifically for planted tank and I wonder if there is any
Evan Stepowany
Evan Stepowany - 8 years ago
You will need to figure out the balance of light/co2/ferts to prevent algae... you might need less light, more co2 or more ferts... each tank will actually vary according to water (hardness, buffering, ph), ambient light, plant load (and types of plants), amount of ferts dissolved, substrate and other items in the water. It might take a while to dial everything in
Niick Nicholas
Niick Nicholas - 8 years ago
Oh alright. I had one 75L / 2.5ft tank growing just HC with very high lighting and 2/3 bps co2 10hours of lighting but I am still getting slimy green algae and some hair algae =/
Ramona Osche
Ramona Osche - 8 years ago
It's allways 10 to 12 hours, no matter how much light you have or how big the tank is ;-)

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