How to aquascape a nano tank with Dennerle plants
Howto 8 years ago 40,811 views
Here's a nano aquascape tutorial using Dennerle plants. Plants species used - Micranthemum spec. 'Montecarlo' (in vitro) Eleocharis pusilla (in vitro) Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Compact' (in vitro) Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini' (in vitro) Helianthum tenellum 'Broad Leaf' (in vitro) Pogostemon erectus Anubias nano 'Pangolino' Bucephalendra spec. 'Mini Needle Leaf'
Can you tell me what tank you are using? Got my friend hooked on aquascaping and he wants me to set up a nano for him.
10. comment for How to aquascape a nano tank with Dennerle plants
No, I'm just trying to set a low maintenance nano aquascape.
However, I'm having some trouble to make plants survive without soil and fertilizers.
20. comment for How to aquascape a nano tank with Dennerle plants
keep up the work :-)
30. comment for How to aquascape a nano tank with Dennerle plants
edit: checked your channel out, are you from malaysia? i'm from kL hahaha, small world
i agree with evan, i frequent the plantedtank a lot and have learnt a lot from engaging in conversation. the ukaps forum is pretty good as well.
that being said here are the 'on paper' ideals ... but EVERYONE will deviate from it:
I really hesitate to give these because you can deviate a lot from these and still have success, but here's what the consensus would probably be.
GH 2-8 dGH
KH 3-6 dKH
pH 6.5-7.0
NO3 5-10ppm
K+ 20-30ppm
PO4 0.2-0.5ppm
Fe 0-2-0.7ppm
Since Traces can't be tested most are along with Fe rate.
CO2 15-30ppm
Having a shrimp tank has many informations on what ph, gh, kh etc.. but I couldn't seem to find any that is specifically for planted tank and I wonder if there is any