How to aquascape an aquarium
Howto 8 years ago 98,721 views
Think you have what it takes to win an aquarium aquascaping contest? Today I got Jen, (who has won every contact i have seen her enter), divulge a few tips and tricks of the trade! She had me so inspired that I needed one of my own!! YES this is the tank I have been talking about in my LIVE videos on Facebook - Send Jen some love! ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► Check out artfully acrylic ► Find them on facebook ► The frankenstein fish room tour! ► HOW TO: Build a FISH ROOM in a SMALL SPACE ► The big fish deal ►
Now I have to have a drop off tank too.
10. comment for How to aquascape an aquarium
I think Jen is a great aquascaper and she may start a new trend in aquascaping.
The drop off style.
20. comment for How to aquascape an aquarium
I have a 10 Gallon Tank With Cory Cat fish, Octacinclues, Pleco, Plati,Tetras,Danios, and guppies (I know it's a lot of different fish) and I'm thinking of getting 1 dwarf gourami fish and 1 beta will all of them get along? And Can You Please Make another video about your daughters beta and shrimp tank? Did the shrimp get to big and then did beta eat them? Sorry if this was a waste of your time but i was just wondering (like any other beginner would do) hope you can help!
Sincerely TheChosenWolf,
30. comment for How to aquascape an aquarium
50. comment for How to aquascape an aquarium
Another great video. Jen is awesome.
Love this tank, love Jen (she's awesome!) and love the video (as usual)!
I'm so imaginative but not very creative.
She had me so inspired that I needed one of my own!!
YES this is the tank I have been talking about in my LIVE videos on Facebook -