Icelandic Aquascape & Full Tank Tear Down Step By Step
Howto 9 years ago 44,586 views
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BTW, where do you get the black dragon rock from?
10. comment for Icelandic Aquascape & Full Tank Tear Down Step By Step
How are called the plants (moss), which you are stuck on the rocks
Sorry for my English, I write through Google transliteration
Another question
1.Only one species?
The video shows light and dark moss
2.We have for sale there is only glue Loctite 454
Tell me, is the same glue?
3.You put the glue on the wet stone or dry?
Thank you
greetz BD
Yes of course, in the next days i start a new Project.
Stay tuned.
greetz BD
20. comment for Icelandic Aquascape & Full Tank Tear Down Step By Step
Again, great job. This is on another level.
30. comment for Icelandic Aquascape & Full Tank Tear Down Step By Step
It isn't going to kill the fish, but you don't have to have it look like shit water if you go slow. I was just going fast.
I just meant it is easiest to remove them when the water level is 2-3 inches deep. If you take your time and go really slow the water won't look so bad. That was mainly from when I removed the rocks. Thanks for watching.
Where did you get that???
I want to make one like that for my youtube channel...
Cool music in the video to... we got to talk.... :)
You are getting really good...
Question sir!!
Ok, so I am starting my 4th real planted tank, I had 2 smaller ones before, so technically my 6th tank, 4 planted... and 2 of them miracle grow...
So, I have a miracle grow tank 7 days old right now.
I used filter floss with tons of bacteria from my 29 gallon tank that was in that filter at least for 6 to 8 weeks... I used some water from that tank to put into the new tank and put a few handfuls of gravel from that tank into my new tank...
I'm making this tank for my German Blue Rams. They are trying to breed but the other fish keep eating the eggs... So this new tank is for them...
Although I have read a lot, watched a lot of videos and have had some real life experience with the Nitrogen Cycle, I still hear conflicting advice on how to start the tank for the fish... I just read some more on it tonight...
Most people say to set up the tank and wait 4 weeks to 6 weeks before putting any fish in so the cycle can complete... Now a guy I really respect because he is a planted fish tank FREAK!!! Been in the hobby for over 15 years, has 4 Awesome 55 gallon planted tanks at home and is the manager at our local fish store and he has helped me a ton with great advice...
So my tank is 7 days with water in it, water and filter floss loaded with bacteria and gravel from my 2 year old 29 gallon tank... And I am adding in Microbe Lift special Blend every night. He told me to put in 2 or 3 fish to kick start the Nitrogen cycle... He said he would do it after 3 or 4 days... So I did it today or technically yesterday the 7th day and left them in their for 20 hours. But the ammonia was 1.5 to 2.0. So I did a small water change and it came down to 0.75. And I added some Ammonia stuff to help the fish... but it stayed at 0.75 for 6 hours.
So I took them out because they were hiding and darting around in an unusual way.
So my question is, how do you start the Nitrogen cycle? Just leave the tank alone for 30 days then add fish? Or Do you put fish in there that fast to kick start it faster? Is 7 days too early or will it help with the Nitrogen Cycle? In other words, am I sacrificing my Cherry Barbs?
Remember, I did add filter floss that was loaded with Bacteria and some gravel with bacteria, water, microbe lift ever night now, etc...
P.H. is 6.7 or 6.8
I did take the Cherry Barbs out about an hour ago, and I am thinking of waiting a few more days and putting the fish, Cherry Barbs Back in there...
Any advice?
And it is also evident that your head didn't explode from all of the school work...does your enlarged brain still fit into your skull? lol
Hurry, you only have a few remaining days to party before the next term begins.
Party on dude.
50. comment for Icelandic Aquascape & Full Tank Tear Down Step By Step
Also, Why not keep the other tank? I would have put it next to it and have two good scapes side by side
Great job
the wood a lot more subtle, and guess what!? The energy is way better!
We both knew it was off, thanks for the feedback.
Well, that takes a lot of money and more time. With full time school and everything one main tank is enough.
Thanks for watching.
Rock formations are so well done they look like a natural formation.
The layering adds loads of depth to the scape.
And i am afraid i just lost that tittle of trail master you gave me.
the paths you made in this scape look flawless.
And the planting is just perfect, you just planted this thing i am assuming and it looks like its been grown in for ages.
Well done i always love your aquascapes as they are all impressive.
But i really like this one.
I actually just replaced the wood with brown aged wood and made the placement more subtle. And guess what!? The energy is way better now. The wood was kind of bugging me, and some subscribers commented on it too. So, I went ahead and changed it up, and it worked out a lot better. The scape is overall better now. Just wait for it to fill in some more. The top of the scape will get taller and the canyon will become more narrow. Thanks man.
What are the small yellow and black striped fish called?
I have a dumb question - what were you using to glue the moss to the rocks? Did I miss something and these are not live plants? Can we use a glue for live plants? Sorry that is 3 questions... o.O
Awesome ,awesome SKAPE!
the wood a lot more subtle, and guess what!? The energy is way better! Glad you like it man. Once it fills in it will get taller and the canyon will get more narrow.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Dave!
Beautiful Dave...thanks for sharing.
Love the great tips in the video too!!
well that tank was torn down well at least the scape was I ran out of room for it in my place and had to make a decision get a bigger tank or keep the 30 cube.
the tank is at my lfs set up and running it's still my tank it's just setup as a display tank I'll have to get some videos up of that tank it looks pretty good imo.
100. comment for Icelandic Aquascape & Full Tank Tear Down Step By Step
Your very helpful man Thx for the vids!!!